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I I , ~ . ;,, '~ -~7 la A F,-T 9K.14.I ~~* '~ Y I. -.1-1c~---- - ANDREM, B.I.O. I~and. -akono~aicheskikh nauk, dote.; L)rALIKCY, kan(b. geograXii;heokikh naik. dots.; HI14TIM. J.?.. prof.; MIKOLISKIT. I.V~i kand. geo ViOeaktkh nauk, dots.;..RAKITYIKOV, */11., kafyl. geograficheelkikhMuk, dote.-, STEPANOV. P.N.. doktorp g"eograficheskikh naukj~ prof.-, TLTMIN. B.A.,kand. geograficheskikh nauk. dots.; CHIRDANTSEV. G.N.j; RODIONOVA. P.A., red.-, TTUTTUNIIIK. S.G., red. kart.: MAKHOVA, N.N., Czconomic geograolW of the U.S.A.R.; a-pieral characteristics aid tl7e geography of branches of 'he Suvitol national economy) Skonomicheakaia geografiia SSSR; obs!-icliala kh-grakteriatika i geografiis traslet nerodnogo khoziaistva SSSR. Aoskva, Goa. ichebno-pedagog. 0 tzd-vo H-va proav. RSFSR. 1958. 275 P. (kRA M-12) (Gaogra:)IW. Economic) AKRAMOV$ Z.M., kand. geogr. nauk; ?AXITNIKCV A.S., kand. geogrAf. nauk; ZAMKOV 0. kand. ge-ogral". nauk; SHEFj.FJY%WxEDOV, A.M. de eased); SAUSHKIN, Yu.G., doktor geogrnf. nauk, prof, otv. red.; DEGTYARI, V.I., red.; KHISA14OV, A.V., kand. geograt. nauk, red.; ArITAKHOV, A,, red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Agricultural geography of Samarkand and Bukhara Provinces] Geograftia sel'skogo khaziai3tva Samarkandskoi i Bukharskoi oblasti. [By)Z.M.Akramov i dr. Tashkent, Izd-vo.Akad. nauk UzSSR. Pt.2. 1961. 323 P. (Materialy Zeravshanskoi ekspedi- tsil SOPS AN Uz"SR, no.1) (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekakoy SSR. Tashkent. Otdel g eografli 2. Nach<nik Otdela sel'skogo khozyaystva oosplana Uzt*k- skoy SSR (for Degtyar'). (Bukhara Province--Agricultural geography) (Samarkand Province-Agricultral geography) . '42T- -., - ... J~ - , i RAKITIJKOV) A.N [kathod for studying the economic land utilization for compos- ing large scale maps; seminar on agricultural geograplql Meto- dika izucheniia khoziaistvennogo ispollzovaniia zemell dlia -.ostavInniiI:i krupnorasshtabnykh kart; seminar po.geografii ltskogo khozinistva. Moskvaj 1962. 22 p. (MIRA 17:5) Gosudarstvennyy universite+ ir,. I-I.V.Loorconasova. Geot--raficheskiy fakulltet. 2. Seminar po geograf-ii --a-l'o-1-ogri khozyaystva Geograficbeskogo fal-ullteta Mookovskogo gonudar- stverinogo universiteta,imeni M.V.Lcmonosova. IVANOVY K.T., red.; BELOTSERKOVSKIY, M.Yu.- red,; BOLTYSIEV, N.N., red.; GEDYMIN, A.V., red.o GLAZCVSKAYA, M.A., red.- GOLOMNXO, S.V. red.; ZVORYKIN,,K.V., red.; IGNATIYEV, G.M., red.; KUZNETSOV, G.A.Y red.; LEBEDEV, N.P., red.; LEBEDEV, P.N *Vred.; WITPIKO.V,..A.N., red.; SIMYNIN, L.B., red.; GREBTSOV, P.P., red.; YEWAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red. (Accounting for and the evaluation of agricultural land] Uchet i otsenka sel'skokhoziaistvennykh zemell. Pod red. K.I. Ivanova. Voskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ.,,1963. 385 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Fam--Valuation) (Soils--Classification) (Cadasters) RTAZANTSIV, B.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh mauir; redaktoj;; POGODIN, A.M., LUPAL, Nikolay Youll'yovich, professor; PIMOROT, Alakeandr Sergoyevi(:h. dotaent: RATNIKOV. Vladimir Dmitriyevich. inthener: ZIDGY, Yiktor Ilikolayevich. dotment; GAKBM, Ts*Tus, redaktor; RAKITO, 2.1., redaktor; XHITROV,P.A., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Automatic control and telesechanice at railroad stations; remote control of switches and signals] Avtomatika i telemkhanika na stantaiiakh;.telouprovlenia stralkami i signalami. Pod obahchel red. N.V.Lupala. Moskva. Gos.transp.zhel-dor. Izd-vo. 1956. 395 P. (N&Uroads--Signaling) (KLPA 9:12) (Railroads--Switches) (Remote control) v ;~;.?;r.'~M,~-.Irl.yl,~ -~ -1 I KAZAWY, Androy TrLfonovich; GOWAN', Pavel Fedotovich; GONCHAROV, Pavel I (NInctric relays) KRIVOBOKOV, Ivan Andreyevich, ;-R-AX=O,-WU4r4.,1Q,%ifavich, aauchnyy red.; IVANOVA, K.H.. red.; ROGACH3Y, F.T., red.; SUSHOWICH, V.I., tekhn. red. [Practical training of electricians In signaling. centralized control and; manual for instructors of railroad and technical) Protsvodstvennoe obuchenie slaktromonterov Po signalizatsii, teentralizatsii I blokirovke (STO); v pomoshch' mestersm proizvodetvannogo obacheniis ZhU I TU. Moskva. Vaes. uchebno-pedagog.izd-yo Trudrezervizdat..1958. 103 p. (MIRA 11:11) (Electric engineering-Study and to-9ching) (Railroads--Blectric equipment) a m BZLYAZO. Ivnn Afanselyevich, 1411TRIYFV. Voleriy Rnzumnikovich. NIKITIMA. AUTHORe Rakitov, A.I.) Candidate of 1,hilosophical sciences TITLEs The Most Important and the Most.Difficult (Samoye vuzhnoye i samoye trudnoye) On the Methods Applied in Seminars on Philosophy (K metodike seminarov.po filosofil) .PERIODICALs Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1956, Nr 3, I;p 45 51 (USSP) A,BSTRACTs Since the 1957/58 school year,,dialectical and historical materialism are being taught at all USSR vuzes as an inde- pendent subject. In the majority of technical vuzes the study of philosophy is based on a'70-hour program, of which 30 hours are intended for seminars. Taking into consideration the great responsibility of the instructors, the author sets forth his views on the organization and methods to te applied in conducting seminars on these subjects. There are 2 Soviet referenceso ASSOCIATION3 Moskovskiy institut narodnogo khjzyaystva imeni G.V. Plekha- nova (Moscow Institute of National Economy imeni G.V. I'le- khanov) AVA:LABLEs Library of Congress Card PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/4848 Viduyev, Nikolay Grigorlyevich, Vladislay Pavlovich Grzhibovskiy, and Danill Ivanovich Pakitov. Radiolokatelys v inzhenernykh izyskaniyWLh (Radar in Engineering Explorations) Kiyev, Goostroyizdat'LGosudantvennoye izdatel'styo literatury po stroitelt- stvu i arkhitekture USSR, 1960. 93 P. ErraU slip inserte(l. .1,500 Copies printed. Ed. K. Komendant; Tech. Ed. S.Jpstlye". PURPOSE: This booklet in intended for technical personnel concerned with en- gineering explorationE and geodetic and topographic surveys. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the problesw of applying electronics in geodetic measuremente'L Special attention in paid to the pulse and phase methods of, radlogeodetic wasurawnts. No personallties are mentioned. There are 59 references, all Soviet. V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4925 Viduyev, ffikolay Grigorlyevich,, Daniil Ivanovich Rakitov, Vladislav Pavlovich Grzhibovskly, Vsevi-l~AnTriiy--ev-icR-Fr-u-me-ITs- and Vladimir Viktorovich Podrezan ~Osnovy geodezicheskikh razbivochnykh rabot (Principles.or Suxvey Layout Work) 2nd ed. rev. and enl. Kiyev Gosstroyizdat UKrSSR, 1960,469 p. Y 3,000 copies printed. Ed.! 0. Kullchitskaya; Tech. Ed.: V. Lyamkin. PURPOSE., The book is intended for engineers and technicans working in the field of civil engineering. COVERAGE: This book deals with theoretical and practical problems of survey layout work necessary in the construction of industrial plants and public buildingsI hydrotechnical structures, roads~and bridges. No personalities are given. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS- Foreword 3 - NVIONOW;i~- ACC NRi AY5028776 90URC% CODS: W100 V6 PltS100z16153Y0l11;b ALITITOR: Androev, Ke; Lazarov, H.; Rakitska V" R :.ORG.- Plant-Structure,Departzment, Agricultural Institute 110. DirritrovI Sofia (Lebrstihl ..fur Pflanzenbau der Lindwirtschaftlichan Hochschule 11G, Dimitrov") TITLE: Contribution to the study- of the resistance Iof the sunflower (11olianthus Annuils Le) to the sunflovier.broomrape (Orobanche Ouruna Wallroth) SOMICE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite, v. 18, no. 2,1965, 10-156, TOPIC TAGS:. plant disease, plant parasite, plant cherdstry' ABSTRACT: Z~arman articlal In spite of numerous studios of cultivated plint AMMUnity the sunflower resistance to, the Orobanche parasite. is still .',far from bein-T understood.: Two facts prompted the authors to undertake the of the subject. Firstly, th ore exists in Bulgaria a large numberof i~,Well-balmnced oolf-pollinsted sunflower lines 6xhibiting varying degrees of "broomrspe resistance - (A. Popov, M..Lazarov, Izv. in-to rosteniyev*dstvo, 1963p book XVI). Secondly,, recent investigations of potato lm~un'ity to certain :fungus deaeasos link the i=mnity,with the chlorogenio acid content in the ituber periderm cells. Conae4uently,. the authors began to,, study .. the contsnt~ ~-of this acid in the resistant and nonresistant sunfloweil -trainsa' The results'' show that, generally# the raoistent strains,h ~p,~~wer void content than c6rd l A L 4352-66 Card L 1970-66 GS ACCESSION NR: ATS017382 UR/0006/64/000/000/0042/0047 _X,_A,,._(Novosibirsk).- 1AUTHOR: Kasperovich, A. N. (Novosibirsk); I&Wdt ATsapenko, M. P. (Doctor of technical sciences) (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Digital. transistorized millivoltmete r With a luminescent reading device SOURCE: Konferentsiya po avtomaticheskomu kontrolyu, i metodam elektr'lcheskikh izmereniy, 3d., Novosibirsk, 1961. Avtomaticheskiy kontroll I metody elektricheskikh lzmerenly; trudy konferentaii, t. 2: Tsifrovy-ye izmeritellnyye pribory. Elektrichesklye izmerenlya neelektricheskikh velichin. i Ustroystva avtomaticheskogo kontrolya i upravleniya v promyshlennosti (Automatic control and electrical measuring techniques; transactions of the coiiference, v. 2'. Digital measuring instruments. Electrical measurements of no ,nelectrical quantities. Devices for automatic control and regulation In industry). Novosibirsk, Redizdat Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1964, 42-47 TOPIC TAGS: millivoltmeter, digital instrument ABSTRACT: Connected with the works of R. L. Gilbert (J. of British IRE, Y. 20,A no. 7, 1960) and A. C. Blay et al. (Trans. Soc. of Instr. Technology, Y. 113, no. ZIP, cmd 1/2 L 1970-66 'ACCESSION NR: ATS017382 nt of a new digital transistorized millivoltmeter, based I June 196 1), the developme on a digit-by-digit balancing method, is reported. Principal circuits are explained. Supplied by a 50-cps power, the millivaltmeter can make 50 measure-. mentB per sec, each taking 3 mocc. The 1u mines cent -display afterglow time Is 8 msec. Number of transistors used, 115; of diodes, 340. Basic error, 0.21%. An ~additional error of 0.2% appears when the resistance of the source of voltage to be measured increases from 0 to 200 ohms. No zero-point drift was observeit after a 30-min warm-up period. "In conclusion. the authors wish to thank Ve, 1. Rabinovich for his considerable help In developing the 'control circuit of the luminescent elements& Orig. art, has*- 4 figures. t ASSOCIATION: non* SUBMITTED: I I NoY64 ~ZNCL: 00 0C SUB CODE: ER No REF SOY: OW QTHER.6 002 ~Cwd 2/2 L 1137o-67 lt~;T(l) SCTB DD/GD SOURCE CODE: UR 0600/6 /0058/0058 ACC NRt AT6036493 6/boo/ow. AUTHOR: &arutkina, I S.; ZaKu~ayloL T. T.; Mityushov anov A. N...' Rak-itskaya, V V.; Sokolov,-.I,_ -Yo. Vo ORG: none i'TITLE., Charicteristics of the activity of the adrenal cortex, the thyroid, and high !z;Lq J~aper or nervous activity under conditions of prolonged exposure to-p2i presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold In Moscow from 24 to 27 14viy 1966) SOURCE: Kcnferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy moditsinyi 1966. Problenly koumicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space wdicine); materialy konferentsiL. Moscow, 1966, 58 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic biologic effoct,,biologic gocretion,,endocrinology,:thyroid' gland, blood~chemistry ABSTRACT:- The adaptive reaction of the human organism to spaceflight stimul-i in- .cludes change in the function of the ituita ry -adrenal system, change in the pi ,thyroid gland, and in other endocrine glands. Study of spaceflight stress factors'will enable explanation of the nature of the neuroendocrine -changes .which determine the organisn0s adaptation to unfavorable conditions. Ex- :periments were conducted to determine the effect of constant noise (one of ,'the above -mentioned stress factors) on the animal organism. White rats L 11370-67_ CC - NR,---i~6036493 were exposed to noise with a frequency of 650 cps and- intensity of 70 db for periods ranging from I hr to 14 days. The sound was turned on 17 sec in every 30 sec. The functional activity of the adrenal cortex, determined by the de- crease in ascorbic acid and cholesterol concentrations, increased depend- ing on the, time of the noise effect, reaching a maximum after 6-12 hr. After eight days of noise the condition of the adrenal cortex in experimental animals was the same as its initial condition. Introduction of ACTH pro--~ t yoked a normal adrenal reaction, indicating adaptation of the organism to ;_.the effect of the stimulus. The functional condition of the thyroid gland was estimated using the protein-bound iodine blood test (PBI) and histological study. Increase in thyroid activity was observed only after one day of noise. Deviations from., -the norm were not observed in the remaining periods. Higher nervous activity ~vas studied using the motor electric defense method [Fedorov,and Glebovskiy -- 1954]. Under the influence of noise (lasting seven days) the latent pe'riod of the'reaction increased and a tendency to lengthening of the time of the animal's gait was observed. On the first dayarter cessation of noise,. the number of errors increased for some of. the animals, which can be conAidered adaptation to the noise effecQ [W.A. No. 22; ATD.Report 66-1163 SUB COM 06 SUBM DATE: OOMay66 Card 2/2,-1,J--,,1 -'--7-47 -)1:,1,4 r,QF it) ~J" AT H IACC NRi AT6022713 SOURCE CODE: UR/28/.8/66/000/041/024/./0253 AUTHORS: Meyerson, 'G. A.; Rakits a )~ROJI* ORGs Moscow Institute of Steel and Alleyes. DoWtUMt for NOWITAVY Of BMS X*t&U and Ketal Corsidon (floaDveldy Itut 0&l1 I splayovs Kafodm wtallwol rodkUb Motaloy I motallokersaw) TITIJ-,': Physico-chomical conditions for low-temperature carbonitration of Oxides metals of high molting SOURCE: Moscow. Institut stali i aplavov. Sbornik, no. 41, 1966. Fizichoslmyn khimiya metallurgichoskikh protsessov i sistem,(Physical chemistry of metallurgical processes and systems), 244-253 TOPIC TAGS: titanium dioxide, niobium compound, nitrogen, ammonia, nitridation,, carburization ABSTRACT: The conditions for obtaining titanium and niobiun nitride and carboni- trides from the corresponding metal o~ddos were investigated. Prior to the ex- perimental investigation, thermodynamic feasibility calculations based on recorded literature data were carried out. The results of those calculations are shown Graphically. The carbonitration and nitration were carried out in alundum and graphite tube furnaces in prosonce of carbon blackj in an atmo3phore of N21 "H31 and a mixture of 112 + M3. The gas flow rate of 112 and Ifff gasos was 35 litersA" 3 I - I,F 3 .LCard l/ ACC NRs AT6M2713 The experimental results are shown graphically (see Fig..,l)..,, Fig. 1. Carbonitration of the mixture TiO2 + C in a current of nitrogen 43 W A) - ammonia3 solid line - nitrogen; and dashed line ammonia. pyv M.V hours It was,found that the standard free energy for the formation of solid solution of metal oxidei-in the metal for an oxygen concentration of 0%*0 O.Uvt 'M was given b7 Card 2/3 (b)/T/bWA(d)/EWP(W)/EW*) Pi-4/Ps-4 Ew (c) /EWDA (C)/EVT(M)/W ACCESSION 14R., ~AP5007611 S/0363/65/001/001/0080/0067 0 AtITHOR: MeXerson,' G., A.; Rakitokaya, Ye.:M. TITLE: Research on the r nditions for the~productlon of the nitride and carbonitride of'titan Tomlits dioxide' SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, 80-87: TOPIC TAGS- titanium dioxide, titanium nitride, titanium carbonitride :The production ride and-carbonitride of ABSTRACT: f the nit tani~m in demand because of their-hardness inid heat-, abrasion-, and corrosion-resistant properties,4, was studied from its.dioxide. In particular, the authors studied 'the action of a i stream of nitrogen and ammonia as on titanium dioxide ( roduction of nitride) and 9 p the reactions of a mixture of titanium' dioxide:and carbon in an atmosphere of ammonia and nitrogen (production of carbonitride) over various temperatures and periods of -time. TiO2, in an atmosphere of ammonia at 1500C for 4 hours produced a n e early maximal amount of thenitrid A mixture of T102 + C produced a maximal amount of the carbonitride after 4 hours in nitrogen at 1700C, but after only 0.5-1~ hour in ammonia at 1350G, and with a strofiger.N -C bond in the latter case. De- Card 1/2 'T t ) 'n IJ I (c) AT/,NH/JD/Jt7, P 6 0 2 9 8 16 - -- (A) SOURCE- -CODE:- - UR-/0--3-6-3-?6-6fi0 0-2-"/0 ... 0-8'F/1-4-'--9- 1-4 '3 AUTHOR: Nle~erson, G. A. Rakitskaya, Ye. M Bulgakov, V. N.*) Ladygo, A. S. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE: Investigation of the conditions for the preparation of niobium carbide and Iniobium carbonitride from niobium pentoxide SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya.,Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 8, 1966, 1429-1433 ITOPIC TAGS: niobium compound, carbide, nitride, nitrogen, ammonia ABSTRACT: Preparation of NbC from 14b and NH3 was studied at 12000-17000C for 1-8 hrs and the preparation of NbNo 3CO.7 from UbO5,C, and N2 and from NbO5 and C in an "3 atmosphere.was studied at 16000-17000C for 1-2 hrs. In general it was found that 1higher temperatures and longer reaction durations led to higher nitrogen content in th nibbium carbide product. The experimental data as well*as the thermodynamic calcula- tions sh 'ow.that above 16200C 'the NbC with less than 0.1% oxygen can be prepared from niobium oxide in an NH3 atmosphere. The experimental data and the thermodynamic calcu- lations also show that niobium carbonitride with as little as 0.01% oxygen content can ibe prepared from niobium oxide, carbon, and ammonia. In general, the formiation of Initrides and carbonitrides in NH3 atmosphere was faster than in the N2 atmosphere. This is explained in terms of the high reactivity of nitrogen atoms readily generated Card UDCi 546.8821171.1t546.882#171.11 201 , . , " , f.i I-, "jE9v.7d= L 005715-67 ACC NR: APf;n,?qRiF; , . . ", - 3, , - .- . I ---, .-- f-"~-...- . MITSUI# B. V. Rakitskiy, B. V. -- "Investigation of the PossitAlities of SimplifyIng the Deaeration of the Feed Water in Hlgb Pressure Ship Steam I leningrad, 1955 (Dissert&tion for the Degree oj SO: Mizhnnya Letopis', No 24, 11 June 1955p K L 2482-M EWT(m /EPA(w)-2 EWA(m)-2 LJP(C) ACCESSICK NR: AP5007040 S/0120/65/000/001/0120/0123 ' . 3r,. I "T: V. ashk -I.; Raki AVI!HOR- Karshavin, Yu. A.; Kulikov, YU.- evich. N. tokiz. m: V. Mal Rmzhin N. TITLE: Stabilized High-voltage power source of V50 kv SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta,'no. 1, 1965,'120-123 TOPIC V~GS: high voltage generator, separator, k meson beam, antiproton beam, proton synchrotron ABSTRACT: A �250-kv'power source is described for use in conjunction with a -e k separator to produce pur -meson and antiproton beams on the Joint Nuclear Re- ueavnh -Inatitutel s proj9p s nchrotron.1"The stability of the source is 10.1%; it y power output 13 6 kw. High voltage is produced in tuo stages. The first stage is a standard ultrasonic generator wi th a slightly modified circuit, which', to- gether with a series resonant circuit, assures an effective output voltage of ~A TO kv. The second stage coniiists of two cascade-connected generators which produce -espect vely. The source is relatively simple in construct o +250 kV and -250 kv, respect i I and usgs itandaird components. With a slightly modified ultrasonic generator ' voltages 5-13 times higher can be obtained with a load power oi several kv. Orig. art. has:_ _rk.,j~kgures.- (JR] V2 RAKITSKIY, G.A. . ZINOVIYEV, V-ye. -, - 'I-,, PEMYGIN, L.M.; MOS"VA, V.Ye., otvetstvenny7 rodaktor; RAXITSKfr, N.F. ...- - M- , I I I-li", f `~ ~~ I 3-IG5S/208/61/001/006/001 '0 13 B I 12/B138 Od ~R~ Rak -itskiy, Yu, V. (Leningrad) TITLE~ Some properties of solutions of sys t ems of ordinary differential equations, obtained by one-step methods of numerical integration PERIODICAL-- Zhurnal vychialitellnoy matematiki imatematicheskoy fiziki, V 11, no -65. 1961, 947-962 TEXT, For purnoses of simulation b Y d i gi ta 1compu ters,. the author reduces the system cf differential equations z z t z z 0) "0'.0 to the fcllowing system of difference equations r a! 0 'X (t z ) . Y Zn+I zn + h b n- -Xh)y 'X= 0 n T=1 Thev-th approximation of z is represented in the form 40 znv Z(t r,,+hBq F,.,tn Card 112 S/208/61/001/006/001/013 Some properties of solutions of... B112/B138 where t t nh, and t U(4- )U-,(., dT n n The matrix U consists,of.the fundamental solutions of the system U"id d 6 '1/ Jz , UThe solution zn. depends es sen t ially., on the numbers B,, A D Gorbunov and Yu A, Shakhov are me ntionel. There are 6 references: Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.- The reference to the English-lang _uage Publication reads as follows-. M. Lotkin. The propagation of error in numerical inteprations, Proc, Amer Matti, So~c, 11954, No. 6, 669-687. SUBMITTED: A:)ril 6, 1961 Card 212 31532~ S/194/62/000 /001'/001/096 D201/D305 AUTHM, Rakitski ZL-X-U -.V - TITLE: Investigating single-step methods of numerical in*.e- gration, aslused in digital.computera, in orde- to obtain means of checking and evaluating the a~-oura-.~-' of the solutions PERIODICAL-- Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika no. 1, 1962, abstract 1-1- 8-kh (Nauchno-tekhn. ln- form byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1960, no. 73-8i) TEM, Pormulas of the type xn+1 X n + h b.x n-x are us ed '~c X=O investigate the numerical methods of integration of.a system cf differential equations 4&n canonical form. The operator form of writing the integration formula and its resolution in the Tayler .Car d I/- sligy'2100010011001106' Investigat.4ng single-step ... D201 J)305 aeries in powers of h is used. The order of convergence of the- nu- merical integration method is assumed to be equal to the Index of order h, present in the series. The notion.of polar con. vergence is Introduced. The two methods of numerio~a_' integratior, of the same order of convergence are called methods of polar Cor- vergen~-e if the characteristics of the solutA'cn are contained tcl- tween the characteristics of approximate solutione. The method2 of checking and of evaluating the accuracy of approximaticrjfz cf solutions are given, using the methods of polar convergence wh 'ich are C'L inte rest in so1v ing equations on digital computers~. An e7- amplei illustrating.the methods of polar convergence the i.n.te- t4 gra ion of equation y y cost is given. The ooproximaTe for this.example, as obtained by two methods of polar convergence, difrer from -the exact sol.uticn in the 2nd and 'rd significant f4' gure,:/'Abstra,?t-,9r's.note: Complete translation, 7 C a 7-_. 2 1? a L "39-66- AMLASD(dP)/ASDIf-)-2/ASD(d)/ASD(a-;)L-6~i ~ff 'ACCESSION NR:' AT4047141 A#ETR/SSD MM, S/0000/64/000/poo/0110/0122 AUTHOR: Valeyev. K. G. (Lenjugrad);-, RqJdt*skiy, Yu. V. (Leningrad) TITLE: Use of difference methods ns of Instabll In determining reglo Ity of SON tlons of systems of.linear dIfferentlil-eguations SOURCE#, Chislenny*ye'metody* reshenlya differentsiallny*kh I Integraliny*kh uravnenly I kvadraturny*ye formuly* (Numerical methods of solving differential and Integral equations and quadrature formulas), sbornik statey. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka,' 1964, 110-122 n tability TOPIC TAGSI: differential equation ordinary differential equatto difference equatlon,'~O*ntlnued fractio'n,, matrix,' d~teir'mka-ni ABSTRACT: The''articl~~dealis~i;w'it~"ihe' stabi Ilq of's"o ilons, ~~i "S"YS CM3 Inea 1u of I r differential.equations and their corresponding systems of difference,equations.. Condiltions are studied for the appjlcablllt~ Win6m'84c"al 'Jlfeeiren:ce'~ethu'ds fo~ determining ire'~Ions' ~Vlns't~6114 few of'the main ~haracteristlcs Of systems y. A of difference;equations, with peripdic.coefficients a e notpdl thosr.,:49ing d "st~nt'~66frf 114' 1 1 t6 A quafl?nsiw th,'con c So 4fihlques -in ol 6~h W ~'Iiq, r ?-q- v r v vj90j~jtrlxj~jct oh~ 4,1PO ', 5, con Inued. qi, _T ~a i I It 11" it I I)(I,, t; I' E-ffk,, r Iit va r it dl li,~, I a % 1611 4) fob ieir x Is 0 i V~if-t 11f. Qw-, I di II V r Ili; :11jillI st,IIii l1 :i1oulol, FA% I f (I .:- ~~ ACCEiSION NR; Af 464j) 4 1 1 lift; 111.1111 ';' 'I 1"k ' 4' I IS V If If ons, and'op~rhtoQechhIqyes are ;p fra~flon expqnsl i I e examp ar :t ei a J'r,:Yo W t I o6l fit' f S I fei'of fl equat ons s or YO IT6 'k0 "ad'fflor'614enle"rlal I y'; 'apJ01 J bi I~Ith'dli~ 16 riieht, ifii"' e"i~" fd' 'ro e p e . S S cou p a ma ca e* PrIg.leirt. has: 93 formulasif ASSOCIATION: none 3 ,ENCL. SUBMITTED: 1214ar6 6 ~00 I SU9 CODE: -HA 0 :oo6 OTHERIf 0 NTREF SOV 11 fill 111. 04 'U, Jilt I e J-.a L i itI!oil ~y. Pilt i'l I Oil"; dilt o1 id jh I k iiiiH 1: -.1' 1 j 111t1 f elli? FclyZIP11 L ~-b I(!. ilk. -h iii f Post-trawfuslone I ~0111 mplexes In the brighlaid"Cl, rescliols. 7 XAAO. A.Rallityanskaya. Pritblemy Gematol. i Ptrelipan. rcceived single Intm- venous Injections of isoluted specific polysacchatides and of Ir with beterogenous proteins. Obsenrutions he complexes t were made of changes in the cardiovascular system, resplM. Slon, and peripheral blood regeneration. Isolated specific polysacchuides extd. from the blood plasina or from the erythrocytes were Injected Ina.1% soln. In 2 exills., studies were made of the effects of Isolated isogenic specific poly- saccharides of the blood when injectedat the rate of 0.32-1.1 ml.lkg. In 16. tests 'studies were made of tile effects of ficterogenic human specific polysacciliwides when injected Into dogs at the rate of 0.24-1.1 tnl./kg. Rxpts. were to made with the soIns. of specific isopolysacchakrides in com. Elex with licterogenous protehis.and extits. with specific etcrogrnotuot polyzacch4rides In consplex with heterogenous proteins. The soltis. -were injected intravenously at the rate of 4.4-10 ml./kS. anti coutainedL0.1_1 .0 mg. of poly- saccharkk-4/rid. The intravenous Injection into.dohn of le lioly5licell:1ride. JUJLItCd speeir % Of i54)gellie Or helerogelJOUS origin occasioned no liathol. disturbances in the functions of the cardinvuscular or renpirut"ry SYS(C1114. Tile injec- :.d tion j)f st*.cific polysucelluritit- in dcxA~t of 0.5 rid.ft. of rull- Ilial txxly wt. Served as nil aid to tile phase chil"Ps In tile ilinuitity (it hemovlohin or nil. of crythrocytes. The fimt 14144F'o, willels JwAtAt up to q 41111YS, tvltq Clukructellmd by Jill 11crq3V 111.11n; 11oklir4of and "Y"utleytt's; ille COUJTRZ CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. i RZhBiol., No. .953, No- "1-7 AUTZHOR T ITLE ORIG. PUB. ii find c, o, r Irn' , auction ABSTFW~T . IT tj t y oil 0 L i C 5 -Anc'V A -%o c r In Lltlent:3 t.--,a Cu c; I S .1m nr, cr; em e ntile te,' In a ~,,ev Io ia f "ne to-"Ic provement in t ii ecp r. It t i o no,* t*,.'~ e ""'i r 0 trn thc tu ~,e I c r'-'i 91 T"p, r Cf f z t I TV "t 1, In :oma Tatientts ho a s , six months. It iri tts-, loll o T Cird: :f~'-412 2-6 EWT(1)/T/SEEC(b)-a--__Pi-4- ---IJP(c) ----GO JACCESSION.NR: AP5006694- 8/0076/65/039/0021442/0445 117 JAVIROR: Rakityanakayao 0. F. e kinetics of the general process of discoloration of NaCl crystals with adsorbed dyes SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 39, no. 2, 1965, 442-443 TbPIC T&GS: crystal diocoloratio center destruction, exciton. optical n, sensitization, erythrosin, phenosafranin desensitizer,,Iight absorption, dye adsorption, sodium chloride' crystal AWTRAjCT:, Asa,result of-experiments.described earlier,(Zh. fiz.-khimii,~37, 1008 nitig the action of-light.-on theldestruction-6f a in -alkali- i964)"~_concer F-centei -z,.halide crystals with an adsorbed layer of dye, the author gave preference to the exciton mechanism of optical sensitization. However, during further study of the, Troblem, the pure, X-rayed alkali-halide crystals seemed to become discolored due to destruction of F-centers resulting from 'the illumination of the substance Py light within the absorption range of the organic dye., In the given case, this region coincided with the portion of the spectrum related to the F-band. The F- band within the X-rayed NaCl crystal seemed to break-up during an exposure to light a 1/2 rd C IWO 41292- 5 ........ CCESSION NR: AP5006694 ~whose wave length was within the F-center absorption region (see, e.g., R., Hermang R 4Wallisil Phys.' Rev., '99, 29 1955) ~. To confirm the conclusions of the first- IV ",Mentioned article, the authorstudied the discoloration of crystals with adsorbed. dyes taking into:account the additional effectof fading after exposure to light absorbed by the dye (which is,.especially 'strong in the casecof erythrosin). Com- %,:,:Varative studies utilized the well known dye-desensitizer phenosafranin. The experimental procedures have been dascribed earlier (;h, fiz.-khimit, 37,*5, 1963). The'results showed that crystals with an adsorbed desensitizer exhibit a complet e absence of F-center destruction-effects when exposed to light, This agrees with the previous conclusions of theauthor about the mechanism of the observed effect. '_"In conclusion, the author thanks Prof. Ye.'A. Kirillo Prof. F. F. Vol'kenshteyn and Dr, Phye, -Math, Sci. V, 11, FrLjhjjLjqr their constant interest and evaluation 9 f the results." Orig. art. hast 5 figures. ~`:~AASSOC ON: Odesskiy gosud universiketim,.I. 1. Mechnikova (Odessa IATI arstvennyy -is tate university) 12Kar64' ENM: 00 SUB CODE. asil0 P A NO RIF SOV 1 003 OTHER: ~005 [Card 9/2_~ , ,I