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USSR UDC: 551-510-535 BEY1-,-'I)IKTOV, Ye. A., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Madiof ivjka, vol 15, No 4P 1972, pp 504-509 of the data consisted in obtaining the amplitude distribution function o:e the signals for various fimed altitndes, and in de- termining the autocorrelation amplitude f-unctions. The authors express their gratitude to V. V. Tamoykin for his advice and to T. N. Fedoseyeva for her asaistance 'with the t=putations. They are associated with the Scientific. Research IL4idio Physics Insti- tute. ............ 1/2 035 UNCLASSLFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ~_14TLE--MEASUREMENT OF THE E"ECTRON CONCENTRATION Of: THE ICINUSPHERE BY THE HIGH- FREQUENCY IMPEDANCE PROBE METHOD .-U- G*P.q IVANOVI V.P., PUPKOV, 1,V., 1-YUKIN,-Y.N. -,.--COUNTRY OF INFO--USSF% ISSLEDOVANTIA, VOL. 81 MAR-APR 1970 P* 278-283 _DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJ ECT AREAS--ATAOSPHE-RIC SCIENCES TAGS-ELECTRON DENSITY, IONOSPHEREv HIGH FREQUENCYr ANTENNAt VERTICAL SOUNDING ~CCNTROL MAR.KiNG--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRA14E--1994/1751 STEP NO--UR/02931701006/000/0278/0283 JR-C-- -ACCES & I Ofl-- NO--- AP 0 115 580-- UJIL'r "~ I.. 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-16OCT70 C.-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115580 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BRIGF OESCRtf)TION OF THE EQUIPMENT USED FOR MEASURING THE ELECTRON CONCENTRATION IN THE IONOSPHERE BY THE HIGH FREQUENCY IMPEDANCE PROBE METHOD* USING THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBEDt JHE ELECTRON CONCENTRATION IN THE IONOSPHERE IS DETERMI"ED BY MEASURING CHANGES IN ANTENNA CAPACITANCE AS A FUNCTION OF CHANGES IN THE :DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF THE IONOSPHERE;AT TWO FIXED FREQUENCIES. THE ELEC-TRON CONCENTRATION PROFILE AT ALTITUDES FROM 80 TO 170 KM, OBTAINED -WITH THE AID OF THIS EQUIPMENT9 IS PRESENTEO USSR UDC 535.322.4.08 AYOLLO, E. S., D'117RIYEV, A. V., KAPABEGOV, M. A., KOH111-KOV G. 11. * SIM011YAN, G. A. IfNew Vide-Range Automatic Refractotaecer for bfonitorinB Lhe Course of Techoologi- cal. Processes" Dokl. Vses. soves"icb. OntlcJi. i titroretrich. ~MaIiZZ)t(WV ZIILCI'!~. 'ZILA, B71. -U.14 OIL Confere-ace mt OP'Aca" min iitrmmetric Ch. 2 ~Rcports of th e 1,1]L of Liquid llt,-dia, 1971, -Part 2), Tbilisi, 1971, pp 39-40 (frum Tekhnika, No 3, liar 72, AbsLract No 3.32.1044) Translation: At the present time, amona, autot;mtic refractometers., the systems wi.Li-h Optieil compensation ~or the devintions cf 11ke lim-ht: bi~arli, dis- im Placement of the lisift t3flar.'Ow iriterface and under varinbler kohich ire a i-unc- tion of the index- cf refraction have become most wridcsj~read, The schematic and description of an automatic refractometer devaloijed by Spe-cial llesirn Office for Analytical fvr~trwa-ent Making are jimsetited. Tfiit~ i7(.!fractoccAur I)Cr-- . - - O(WOM11 tirles 1"hil - - - 'ts an increase in the dvnartic mcasuremp-mt mige by M(t I V m staining the given insLrum--at error. It 4-0,s-o T)er=it:s a:fivo-fald incrcase 1[n the accuracy of measurin?, the concent, ration of the, T11E!rc aria /Z illustrations and I-entry bibliography. S S TJL'C 543. 45 (04' 7) YU. I., AYOLLO* Z. S., DEAMARIA111, It. V., KARABE'GOVP it. "General Industrial Automatic Refractomers of the State Instruriont System" Dokl. Vscs. soveshch. On~tich. i titrcmctric'o. anall7aton, zhirlk. Ch. 2 (ReporLS of the Ail-Union Co-ifereitce oil Optical i~iid TD-1%%7(1Lric of Liquid Hedia, 1971, Part 2), Tbilisi, 1971, pp 9-20 (fro:7i lzmeritelinaya. T~Akhnika, 'No 31 Mar, 72, Abstract No 3.32.1043) Translation: The results of in-terrogating 3.78 --,cienLi11--1c reSe--rCh A and degi,gn organizations and procluccion entcrprises ~he Vic of 427 technological Tno,iia are clao;Gified. interri%--itic-i a, itr, T'.ur- pose the discovery of the rviluirement.,; ivapixiod oil aliton. jo. for liquid naterials. It was found that the iato-mitic rc10,actafjr-(.-cru wtst havc-, technical characterist-Ics insuriiig their operat:ion undi~r thin (;f variatioii Ot Use of refracLion fro-m L.3 to 1.7, a differenc- of thu index of refraction f-on 5-10 to no vorl;L -4 to 5-10-" at tatiperatures, of the nediwF1 +20 to il"u"C than 1.10 L with fluctuations, w1th reipect to a giveri, ipoiiit :tran 42 to 1-5' C, Thr- aralysi--; of the technical chiracteristics of the exibting autnvat.:ic. 1/2 USSR AYOLLO Z. S., et al., Dokl. Irses. soveshch. Optich. i LiLrometrich. nvallzat=- 7-hidk. sred, 1971. Ch. 2,, Tbilisit 1971, PP 9-20 permits establishment of the Lact that the majority of ch----n corrcspond to th"! requirements of specific technologizal processes, and only a fr;v have th.c possibility of adjustment of tbe uneasuremeat ran,ges. A !;urvi:-v of r.:c":hc(:s -of varying the neasurement ranges of various types of- auLomatir presented, and their relative advantages and disoilvantal-,2f; are not(~d, incli-lint. modular construction developed by the spacial Of actor Thc, c ~rr~~ p. i)-- r. reters for the DIWI-1) and D211P-D aiitL C f ence of these automatic rtifrncromcitern to the of COST V!041-i)i is established. The USSR State Standards Coviviluee. gave per-mLiaion to ranufacturu the instrunnents for delivery to the CENA cosinLries. TI-Ai~ instrum(.~j!L5; arc. manufactured by the Kiev tuialytical Instrumeat Pliuit. '.Chere are 2 illustratio.1s and 2 tables. 2 /2 130 USSR UDC 543.5A14.45:535, 322. 4,05 AYOLLO, Z. S. , DEITI.A?UANI, 1. V. , DTLYUSTO, V. V. , YU. 11~ I 4'~CRLDLI Sill! ILI , K. A. "Pzfractc-.-;~:!Lric Detector for Liquid ChrointogrInplis" 1971. Dolkl. -.1ch. O.nHch. i rnAlz~innr; Ch. 2 G~cl~orz.-s of tha Ccmfervncc_- on Upti-cz:L ;i!icl Ann'P:zcr,; e - 1971, Part 2), Tbilis-L, -71,',71, rp 6-3--65 Uro:r of Liqui~ iia, i Izrar_1tc1'n~?va No 3, H~Lr 72. A!j!;LracL ;0 3_32.112:') Translation: A no2el of a rcfractc,,_~trjc 6Ltector ~:t the S.pecl'zi "or desi,ned -for oT~araticn with a ~,,el filtration c St.:. thresholcl of the gel chrovzatv~!r;-T)h is -10_-i-lu-4 of differential -.-,!c_n i,a.~suring the Tile sensi,,:ivity of One recordi-ar index of ref raczim be no won-e. than 1- 10 1- 1- 1.,)--- Tiie cliccl. of CtQ sensitivitv of tile le-Tractometer pc-rforri-_~d with rc_t:.itvct to tinz hei-`kc of the Peak on Cc thu reliz:!AULy of' Lkc a-.1zAV_1iS aC -~-10 trg/rL~. Tiie &m[c- w.Lr. &_!-veloped to thc tTo_1,?cv1;ir riqs of of P.')]YrC:.n3, .,nit t0i! a 4iffercritinI Wlilfiw,t. a for ~w, litfr.,coll.ictric It 1 3_2 xv 1 -12. SOM LAUS Cr ToPMATUM of UEFLCTS AA;) =A~,sroizx or AumwupLs DvitiNG C"AM1 Of SILIM4 LAY1.114 BY 51131.111ATICH IN A VACUUM tArtlets bv V. f. Kurnto-", V. V. T'=tAiX=T. T-a- V-X4.11 ft, r-r'~'Iy, Novo,i- I birsk, p~.Agf' W~.W'Oa_ * t - -TiO Ijjy-rx tacre rtawn at tevroturva. or T o 510-1.utma t; OtILLM -itt, (lo) orientation. vislocritirms of tw'~ t-i4 w4ra round In the leyars. , Sorm ortRe in the voUstrates nurtns~ the ex~_xfmmt wi.S P;,~ into & laytr. Their eArtaLty d"s mot ilopend on tit* temperature 7. lite latttv aylg't more froquent1v nn tha file-autidtrate hotatefary and are dtr#4trd acrarcitnot to Illul. -.1tair dansitT ticctedars with an incteast In tompoluture soil linearly with a dvereamt In xrowth rate of the I"eva V. The p4cktt%it defect density 4*t& not dApdnd on the texperstuvit, end in the first 2x-)x at- trans *1 th* layer., arvratiOly lower. The dependence of the coticantration 4 of* the alluixtures T. As, At and Sir in'the 1*"r* on the cantan"Attiunt it in the saurras is described ~y IL& formula n - A wxp 6K/kT witere AL to 31 kmalljo~j. 35 AL kcaltjwia~ ait! 75, kcaLlwols. In that-case of phowphocas A,M 11he depa dence, of m, on V was investizateCim this saw way all admia.Varos. 137 Acc. NI Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: WA0034072- CHEMICAL ABST. 7-0 -0 71278u ~Z pe cl-Joride-gallium trichIcaide vapor-phaue system. OUL2w"." - 0. N.; Poly~(,-hegck, 0. G., Novikuw G. 1. S. Tekiluol [nst. jqI. Kirova, Mipw4Z. vapor pressute (P) of GaC13 was detd. and ~!its 4lue a~rrces with lha~ obtained by W. FEsher =id 0. jueberifiann ;1936). Tiie obtained equil. const. %K;,) of 'Ga:Cl,) ;;--' 26aCl., is: log KO (Jum) ~ 0.605 ~- 0.,)51 - 0370' zL- 34) 'IT(185-539'). :The Values of thernic- dynamic parametmi at -"98% are fcomr)4-, 4iff" in Ixal/molt, ASin c-n,): GaCI;, - )(W') � 77.3 J-, 1.6; A- 2.5, 122.h +- 1.5 Artulogouh study IVOL,; Inadc for "Varclo 2ZnCI, svst(..M. i09 J) of Z10, is S.M(S - 603-1!7' (500-7001) and log, k, of dinteri7-ation is 0.4-1 -- 56111111". Vajxju pre-.;sure of ZnCl:-GaC]s sysi.em iridi~.qtus absence of dicul. interaction between the eornporierm in the vapor phasc. HMJR REEL/FRAHE ml ESSING DATE--30OCT70 .~._.J_2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCI- T-ITLE-AZIMUTHAL FUNCTIONS OF THE EXTEWOF POLARIZATION -OF SEPARATE LINES AN THE LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA OF URANYL COMPOUND CRY$TALS -U- A'UTHOR-1031-VOLODKOP L.V.s, KOMYAKq A.1.9 POSLEDOVICH~ M.Ri. OF INFC-USSR .,-..S CE- IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 119 ~09 3413), .567-71 SEDATE PUBLISHED-70 S,UBj E Co TAREAS-PHYSICS TAGS-URANIUM COMPCUNDt POLARIZATIONt SINGLE CRYSTAL, LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM ~tCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME-200011534 STEP NO--UR/0048/70/0341003/0567/0571 CIRC ACCESSLCN NG--AP0125162 --UN C L AS_$lf 1 E 0 2/2 024 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -i:LR,C ACCESSION NG--AP0125162 ...'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POLARIZATION OF THE MORE INTENSE LINES IN THE SPECTRA OF CSUO SU82(NO SU63) SU53# Rd SUB2UO SUB2(N0 SUB31 SUB4, ANO INH SUB4) SUBZUO SUB21NO SUB33 SUD4 SINGLE ,,:-...CRYSTALS WERE STUDIED IN ALL DIRECTIONS'AROUND.THE cpysrAL AXIS 3Y A .---PREVIOUS METHOD (A. I. KOMYAK, ET AL., 19701. THE RESULTS ARE DISCUSSED POINT OF VIEW OF A 3 OlMENSIONAL OSCILLATOR MODEL. ....FACILITY: BELGRUSS. GOS. UNIV. Ul. LENINAt MINSKI :USSR4 I -A-c 5 a-F-TE V MA j0 A k, oza UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-301OCT70 .,TITLE-LUMthESCENCE AND ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF URANYL CHLORIDE CRYSTALS IN POLARIZED LIGHT -U- i~AUTH0R-(03J-KGNYAKs A.I., SEVCHENKOP A.N.t SIDORENKOt M.N. CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~.SPURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 19709 34(3)9 567-81 _~~'DATE PUSL ISHED----;--70 .~~SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TAGS-l'.HLCRIDE, CRYSTAL,, URANIUM C014POUNDI LUMINESCENSEt ABSORPTION ....~',SPECTRUN, LIGHT POLARIZATION MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS A)CCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED --PROXY REEL/FRAME--ZOOO/1533 STEP NO--UR/0048170/034/033/0576/0561 tIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125161 LIME J_~ r__n_ --212 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UArE--300CT7C .CIRC ACCESSICN NU--AP0125161 ,-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LUMINESCENCE AIND Ai3SJRPTL0N SPECTRA OF CS SUB2 UO SU82 CL SUB4 CRYSTALS WERE Dr7D. AT 77DEGPEESK AND THE EFFECT OF LIGHT POLARIZATION DISCUSSED. THE ELECTRON VfBRATION LEVELS OF (U0 SUB2 CL SU84) PRIME2 NEGATIVE WERE Of.,TD. AND THE RESULTS OF KHAkITONOV AND KNYAZEVA WERE USED FOR THE A-SSIG)"IMENT OF SPECTIAL TO INDIVIDUAL VIBRATIONS. FACILITY: BELORUSS, G05. UNIV. LENINA, MINSK, USSR. UINCL4SSIF If-0- "ll morm USSR uDc 62o.179.15 KWAK, N. I. and PELIM, YE. A. ammosecond Impulse X-Ray Unit Type RMA-lD for Non-Destructive Testing of Iftterials Under Unstable Conditions" Sverdlovski, Defektoskopiya, No 4, Jul-Aug 72, pp 127-131- Abstract: A portable nanosecond impulse x-ray unit is described and the basic recomwndations on selection of interelectrode gap in the x-ray tube and main paxameters of high voltage source are presented for proiiding short x-ray scin- tillations. Comparative tests vere conducted in 1971 for the PINA-lD and an Pj-~eerican unit--the Bend 1 X-RaY-105- Results of these tests art. as follows: RINA 1D Bend I Operating voltage in x-ray tube, kv ...... 26b 110 Imulse radiation time, nsec,,.se. 0 0 0 0 ~20 40 Thicl-mess of x-rayed steel 1"M**000000*66 20 4 Frequency of x-ray trace, 15 Focus point diameter, ru". . 3 Solid radlattion ang 150 3.5' ,le, deg... X-ray tube service life, irrip ses.o.s.,200,000 20,000 L ul Walml-it of x-ray unit., kg..... 5 5.2 F .7. USSR 'ya, No 4,~ Jul-Aug 72, PP 327-131 KONDMI N. I. and PELIKS, YE. A., Defektoskop The authors thanked V. A. TSMRMAN4and ri. V. RUKIN for assistance and valuable counseling in this project- 5 figures, I table, 5 bibliographic references. .... ..... . PR -Essltqc, DATE--0?0CT70 040 UNCLAS.SIFTED' bc -ITLE-MfASU~:"_~_-'-E-.'qT OF TtJL- SPATIAL TEMPORAL STRUCTOPE "IF THE HIGH i~k[_JJENZY 'ENTS --)F WIND SIWELL -U- COMP01%. AUTHf;R-(02)-K' Z Y.A Y -K.V.9 NAZAROVY A*A*, OUNTRY OF IN`F0--US SR S0UKCf_:-AKAbEY.I IA NAUK SSSRo IZVESTIlAt FIZIKA ATMOSPERY I 0.