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Invest igati otis iri the F-Ield of Conjugatpd Syst-:,xs, SOV/79-28-;2-12/41 XCV. Reactions of Piper~ 1 rar,e Wi th I ~ q ilydi'-)-hloridz~ and the 1,4-11ydrocnloride of Isopren-3 the transition formation o-f the oompound C 5H 9" C 5H 8 01, whereas in the reantion of the same diene with the isomeric r;hloride, T. I I e '. ; 4 - h, Y d rr, !.o r i d e o f J, p r 9 L e (' ! r~hloro-2-methyi burene-21 c-nnsidexably more h.'gher telomers axe formed under equal - I- an - c) ndi I -* o n s., In both rases the ratio between 1,11 adducts d hlghe-~ ierends on the depth of telomerization. Thus, it was found that with primaxy halogen derivatives of the allyl type a deeper talomerization takes place than in the secondary or~esl The result of the affiliation of 2--chloro pentene-3 to piperrylene at te.-Lomerization depths of 35-70% is mainly 0a produ,'~-r which Jn -.ra-.uum dist~-13 over w1thiin limits of 1 The itent highex ra.-)xers amoutits to :5-45%. The empirical formula of this product corresponds to the formula CIOR 17cl and -!onta-jLns about 90',/o diene compound. Further investigations pointed to a comparative-17 uniform pr,~)duct. The infrared spectrum points to The presence of a binding group-CH=CH- as well as to the absence of a vin~il group, The structure of the Card 2/5 initlial produ~7ts in the aFfiliation (at a ratio of 1:1) was investigations in the Field o-i Conjugated Systems. L-OV17 9--28-12-12/141 XCV. Reactions of Piperyiene With Its Hydrochloride, and the :,4.-Hydrochloride of Isoprene pro,red by their ozonization, hydrogenation and with Urotropin according to Sommle, and finally by the infrared spectra. All data obtained permit to assume that the main product of affiliation (more than 80) of 2-chloro pentene-3 to piperylene is the 2--chloro-6-methyl nonadiene-3,7: CH CH=CH-~H-CH "CH=CH-CHC1-CH M. 2 3 There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSO~;IATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) SUBMITTED: December 31., 1957 Card 3/3 50) SOV/156-59-1-31/54 AUTHORS: Petrov, A. ~., Razumova, If. A., Genusov, M. L. TITLE: The Telomerization of a-Chlorobutadiene-193 With Piperylene Hydrochloride (2-Cbloropentene-3) (Telomerizatsiya a-khlorbuta- diyena--1,3 s gidrokhloridom piperilena (2-khlorpentenom-3)) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysehey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Nr 1: pp 123-126 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present article shows that the 3,4 addition takes place, above all, between 2-chloropentene-3 and a-chlorobutadiene. The six compounds possible are listed. In view of the hydro- genation (4-methyloctane), the low yield of Sommle's reaction, the bromination according to Kaufman (only one double bond reacts), the ozonization (above all acetic acid and some a.-methylsuceinic acid, almost no chlorine-substituted acids), and cn the basis of the (illustrated) infrared spectrum it is stated that the compound CH 3"CH=CH-CH-CH 2- CECl-CH=CHC1 CH3 is formed with a small admixture of CH CH=CH.-CH--CH-CH=CH-CHC1 1 2 2 Card 1/2 CH3 SOV/156-59-1-31/54 The Telomerization of a--Chlorcbutadiene--1,3 With Piperylene Hydrochloride (2 -Chl or opent ene - - 3 ) Thus, a-chlorobutadiene reactts mainly wit-h its unsubstitu't-led Irinyl 7-o-Ap. the hydrelysis of the tvo isomers C if Cl C11 '" ril=cll-.Cll..Cll,--Ccl-.Cll-.Cflcl 9 i4 2 3 1 1 2 CH and 2) CH3 -.,-,H=CH--CH-.-UH 2- CCI=ci'T--CH2C-1 was investigated. Sub- I CH stan--!~ ' galre the aleohol with 30~6 aldehyde where- as subs,~~e 2 forztld al-.vhc-_'s with only few carbonyl com- pounds. Thus, the hydrolysis if the telomers is accompanied by a parLial a-11y" rearrangemert particularly in the terminal grou.p --CHC_'-rH=C11C_1_. The laborato;y-technologioal data for the ope-rations are stated. There are 1 figxre and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedr-a organichesk-'-Y khim'.i irsiituta Lena,,~v3ta Chair of Orgar-i:~ Ohemistrj -ner -! Lens ove LeningradskoEo tekhnelogicheskogo of Leningrad Technological Institute SUBMITTED: 7 17, ;9:153 Card 2/2 S/079/60/030/04/221/080 BOO0016 AUTHORS: Petrov, A. A., Razi2mova, N. A., Genusov, It. L.,Yakovl-, T.' TITLE. Exchange Reactions of Telomerslof Diene Hydrocarbons Containing Chlorine. I. Re ions Between Some Low Telomers of DienelHydrocarbons and A~mines PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol, 30, No. 4, PP~ 1160-lIA" TEXT: In continuation of the papers by the authors of the present -caper (Ref. 1) and the papers of Ref. 2, it was of interest to allow the edduc,'-~ of 2-chloro pentene-3 to dienes which may also be regarded as ally]. halogen derivatives to react with nucleophilic reagents, especially Y;-~ 'th the primary and secondary amines. Two types of compounds with different position of the double bonds (A and B) may be expected to be formsd ir this connection: R CH 3 - CH = CH - CH - CH 2 - C - CH - CH2 I I CH'~ NR 52 and Card 1/3 Exchange Reactions of Telomers of Diene Hydro- S/079/60/030/04/22/080 carbons Containing Chlorine. I. Reactions Between BOOI/'BO16 Some Low Telomers of Diene Hydrocarbons and Amines R I CH 3 -CH = CH - CH - CH 2 -C = CH - CH 2 -NRI2 CH3 (B) In order to investigate the character of multiple bonds in the molecules of telomers, the infrared spectra were usedas previously. Thus, the vinyl group (isomer A) and the double bond in the compounds of the second type - CH - CH - (isomer B) were detected by the spectrometric method. Diethyl amine, dibutyl amine, butyl amine, and 4 telomers of 2-chloro pentene-3 with divinyl, isoprene,-piperylene, and chloroprene were used. On telomeri- zation of 2-chloro pentene-3 with divinyl, two possible isomers (I and II) resulted in nearly equal yield. The investigations showed that these ally'A isomers form the same reaction products of the B type with secondary amines. It could be seen from the infrared spectra that the reaction wi'h the isomer M takes place with rearrangement, that with isomer (II) without. The addition of 2-chloro pentene-3 to isoprene, piperylene, and chloroprene takes place mainly in the 1.4-position under formation of geranyl chloride analogs (Formula III). All these telomers gave, with secondary amines, only products of the B type (constants and formulas are Card 2/3 - CI(C"2)--C"-O-p < I C"2)--o CH-CII It, It, 0 P-CII-CII-C/ 0 PC C12P-C"-C"-C \0- CI 0 11 a, R (IX-XI) fi) n=,, R=R'=If. R'=Cll,, (11) n=1, R = TV = It, R'= Gil,: JVII) n=2, R=R'=CH ' R- H' (VIIII n=?- R=R,=CI13, IV=H" (111) n=), R = C113, R, = a, = 11; (IX) R, R'= 11; (IV) n = 1. R = R'= Gff,, R'= H-. (X) It= CH~ R'=11; (V) n=1, R R'= GH~, R'= 11; (XI) R=H, R'=CH, CYI) n = 7, R Gllu W = R'= H; Card Z'r J ~'ACC MR: 6031385 C*.-aoridos (E('), (X) and (XI) of dichlorop'llo:;-;:~-io-,noca.-'oox-fL,Lc --c--4dz -..-are c6tainod 'by ~raatin- tho oligo-mers with P015. Dicilorophosphono-a-.-.o'%,hy'-,p,-iopio,-jyI chlori&3 (Z) and dichloropho5uhono-a-mo".hylpropioryl cUlorido (XI) woro obtainod for tho first Orig. art. has,' 2 figures and 2 tablos. SUB CODE:: 071 SUM DATE! lOJun65/ OUG RET'- 001/ OTIR RL--F-- 003 card 3/3 P~ J~ 56065~465 A ACCESSION NR: P5018557 SUBBITTEDs OBApr(4 -OODE:: SUB NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER.. 004 JPR - - . Card 2. chloride w4tm olena rlydrocarlbons. /har . ob. 188&..1891 Je '61 K 3 L tekhnologicheskly institut, irneni 1;ensoveta, RAZIR,IOVA, H.A.; PLMOV, A.A. Phosp'.riorus-containing heterocycles. Paxt 2: Interaction of ~"-rc- catecholphosphorous acid chloride with diene hydrocarbons. Zhur. ob.khif.q. 33 no.12:3858-3860 D 163. 17:3) 1. Leningradskiy te khnologic hes kiy institut imeni Lensoveta. RAZIMOVA, N.A.; PETROV, A.A. Addition of the chlorides of mono- and dithioethylene glycolphos- soprene. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:356 Ja 16 phorous acids to i 4. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologichesk3'y institut imeni Lensoveta. BOGOLYTJBOV, G.M.; RAZUMOVA, N.A.; PETROV, A.A. Synthesis oil phospholine and phospholidine, phosphorus-containing heterocycles. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7:2419-2420 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Phosphol-ine) 0 .13/079/63/033/003/00 2/9 A0661A126 J;,WUTHORS i Razumova)' N*Ae) Petrovp A.A- Investigations in the field of conjugate systems. CUM TITLEt Addition of dialkyl phosphorous acid and chlorides to diene hydrocarbons .~PERIODICALs Zhu.~nal obahahey khimiig.v-; 33P no 1963, 7 3 7 9 3,. TEXT i The authors investigated the addition of chlorides' of ethilene glycol p1hosphorous acid and propylene glyeolphosphoroue acid to divinyl isoprene,lpiperylehe and chloroprene. The reactions were carried out by- heating in sealed tubes. The resultan-t-,'addition compounds could be subli_.~ Z mated at 1 _ 20C. A w kind o ouping~was obtained by the formation ne f regr of five-membered phosphorous oontaining,heterocycles with- a structure simi- ar to that.of the..heteiocycles formed",~ .~the reaction of diene hydrocarbon Vith alkyl dichlox~ophospbines. A number-.6fderivatives of phospholine-1. X3'de is described'for"the first-timei. :There are 2 fi o a and 2 tabl a i gure t V' C ard :, 1/2 --man. ~1- RAZU-MOVA, N.A.; PETROV, A.A. Conjugated systems, Part 169. Addition of dialkyl phosphoryl chlorides to diene hydrocarbons. Zh, m.ob.kbim. 33 no.3:783-789 ~~ 63. NIRA li6; 3) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Phosphoryl chloride) (HydrocarbozW) GENUSOV, M.L.; ~AZUMOVA, VA.; PETROV, A.A. Reactions of chlorine-containing telomers of dienic hydrocarbons. Part 9: Synthesis of homologs and analogs of geraniol and their ethers and esters. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3265-3277 o 62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Geraniol) (Terpenes) MOSHKINY P.A.; LUTKOVA, V.I.,; -- RAZU140VA, N.N.; PERTSOV, L.D.; KALINKIN, S.F. Production of the disodium 3,6-endoxohexahydrophtalate.(endothal). Khim.prom. no-4:237-238 Ap 161. (,?~MRA- -14 :4) (Oocabicycloheptanedicarboxylic acid) ZLC. D., -',KI! -iAH3a~ , I. I, I- .--AZ~ ',OVA P IMA1i'M-"vY li.v.; L I HE E. -1 ~ -4d -S.S, --:~d-va!,' ~-"EMURG, ii...Ya., tekhn. red. [Frincii--Ies of safety engineering; laboratory work] Oszio-vy te1dLr:-J',:i bezopasnosti; laboratornye raboty, Izd.2., pe-rer. i C;01- 1,'03kV~7., J,fetnllurgizdat, 1963. 92 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Industrial safety) ZLOBINSKIY, B.M., BARBER, POZDNYSHEV, V.M., KMORSKAYA, Ye.s., red.izd-va.. ISLENTIYEVA. P.G., [Iabomtor7 work for the courae "Fundamentals of snfety eng-gineering."I Laboratornye raboty po kurau "Osnov7 tekhniki bezopasnosti." Yzsk7a, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetuoi metpllurgii, 1958, 57 P. (MIRA 11:9) Undustrial onfety) RAZUMOVA, T.I. Practice in specialization in the metalworking in*Btry in East Germany. Mashinostroitell no*8:39 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Germany,,'Sast-Metalworking) , - i , 14 - IN: " F1, . I,,,_ Y2 MAY~;AKOV, B.I.; RAMIUVA, *i-,K. ZLtic sulf ide s ingle ci-ys -,.als a c tiv a -,, ~'- , .-. 7al-af* -L~M. Lpt. i oi,ektr. 15 no,4:555-558 0 163. O-MU 16:1-1) F C if 'ACC--NR-t"-*--AP60l8444 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/006/1040/1044 ALITHOR: Bonch-Bruyevich, A. M. Razumova, T. K. ; Imas, Ya. A. ORG; none TITLE: Spectrum of excited absorption in rubyl SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 6, i966, 1040-104LI f TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser, absorption band, xenon lamp, laser pumping .7 qc)t3 y 1~ ,ABSTRACT: In connection with a study of certain features of the decay kinetics of ex-1-- .cited absorption bands~in ruby, the transverse absorption cross section a V was measurm! i ~.ed as the ratio of the variation in the absorption coefficient Ak to the opulation V p n2 of the metastable level. Samples tested were polished cylinders 6 mm in diameter ~Lnd 50 mm long, cut from ruby single crystals containing 0.02 and 0 .04% Cr+3 by weight -i The ro'd ends were masked leaving rectangular 1 x 3 mm windows. The 400 ji pumping I Jaght was provided by a pulsed xenon lamp excited by a 500 mf bank of condensers. The ust radiation was generated by a lamp that has a continuous spectrum in the near UV, li~sible, and near IR regions. The dispersion element was a double monochromater, and tpe light modulator was an ultrasonic device operating at 10 Mc with standing waves in orthoxylene. The recording portion of the test instrumentation consisted of a pho- tomul-tiplier and a two-gun oscilloscope which showed the time dependence of the inten- UDC: 535.343:553.824 -~Card 1/2 L 191-87-63 !-C . -41 -JD 305 !t 6291 --NR: AT3002238 S/2941/63/001/000/02~9/01 AUTHORS 1 Arkhangellskaya, V. Lt.; Ra2umova To. TI TLE: Quantum yield of thermel lurdnescence of CaSO'-Iln phosphor 4 Optika i spektroskopiya; sbornik statey. v. 1: Lyiindnestsentsiyaw- Yo s c ow ~Tzd-vo Z SSSR, 1963, 299-305 mi ~TOPIOTAGS: quintum yield, gamma radiation,.photomultiplier, lu nescence 6STRACT: The photometric method has been used to determine the absolute quantum Ivield of thermal luminescence of the phosphor CaS04-111n, in the region 113 to O.CD48fV lunder the% excitation radiation of x-rays and gamma-rays. The relative yield was *terrdned in three steps; soft and ultra-soft x-rays (113-1.54A), hard x-rays ~(0.473 to 0.085A), and gamma radiation (0-045-0-0048'Ao).~ The absolute values YTer-9 Ahen obtained by comparing the relstive results to excitation radiation with known Wave lengths and given qunntum yield and with.n standnrd screen. It is shorm thst !CaSO,-Vn in conjuncti6n vith a photomultiplier can serve as an effective radiation i ;criterion in the soft, x-ray spectra. Some 'datagLre also presented on the thermal Iluminescence spectra 6f CaS Mho "The authors are grateful to 1.. A. Pumshi and 04- Card 1/2 L 19487-63 1ACCESSIM NR: AT300!2 'A. P. Lu)drski for'-their evaluation of the ~wdrk. Orig. art. has s 6formulas, 4 figures, and Itable.': ASSOCIATICN; none fSUBPUTTED: ogjan62 Q' DATE. AM .'1911ay63 EXCL; 00 NO R17 SOV~' 007 OTFZR: 003 ,SUB CODE: P.H t-- Card 212 2/EDS- 1M L 1559h-62 - - !C/AS. )/Esi~-~/SSD.__. ACCESSION NR: , M006861 812560163 015 AVMOR : Kazachevskaya, T. Arkhangel'skaya, V, A.; lysnov-Kholqft�y~ Q. S~j Medvedev, V. So Razumova - T. K.; Chuaaykin, A. V. TITLE% -.Moasurement of x- and Ultraviolet radiatiori with thermobndneseent a- phorw CaSO4 (Mn) SOURCE: AN SSSR, -Iskusst.' sputniki Zemli., no. 15., 1963,, T1-W TOPIC TAGS: rocRet investigationj solar ultraviolet radiation,. s-Plaio;radistionip - thermoluminescent phosphorus., solar eclipse irvestigat:bn lowspberic' PeWtr&tiM-: racUation A&%?~NCT: A device based on the'principle of recording shott-wave' radiation with CaSO4 (Mn) thermolumineseent phosphorus has been dzvelo b- 'the ~pe y~, Institt* MpLdnoy geofiziki (Irstitute of Applied Geophysics) to Ultra- ri p violet and x-radiation. The phosphorus stores up energy during irridiation'_ and then reemits it in the Visible region of the spectran vhen heated. . The briglitmes as well a A of the emission the total energy (3ight-total) is proportional'. with i broad limits to the energy ofwirradiation It has been established that CMA- (lin I phosphorus is sensitive only to emission with wavelengths from 1 to 1.30) 1 ana' Card 1/2 L15594a-63 PNION HR: A CCE n3oo6661 does not become saturated during irradiation intensity changes of even five"., orders. The phosphorus was used ou'a rocket 'to measure the intensity of penetrit-', ing radiation in the lower part of the ionosphere during t&6 solar eclipse of 15 February 1961. Unlike the use-of thermolumines-eent-phosphorus in r .ocket, measurements in the U. S. A.,, where the phosphorus is reemitted in the labor&-,-. tory after retrieval of the container,, the phosphorus used in the tentof 15 February 1961 was reemitted during the flight.. thus reducing the error. Calibra.,- tion measurement was performedInIflight with the use of a constant-action etalon sample. The measurement error,in determining the energy of.U7 radiation was 555-P; for x-radiation it was 30%. The intensity of radi4tion at a height of 95 km-.~,~_ was about 7 x107 quanta CM-2 see-,', while at a heigi2t of 67 kn it vas 5oo times lower. This radiation exceeds the theoretically oomputedmaximal solar x-radia- tion by 50 to 100 times. "The authors thank S. V. Revolovskiv for help in A. Krasnovay for pre- developing the device and carrying out tests and also T paring calibrated luminescent substances." 0: taw 3ZOMS~wddamill da. ACC NR~ AP7000035 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/0'"',1/005/0647/06~9~, AUITfOR: Razumova, T. K. ORG: none --'TITM: Concerning the measurement of the duration of the excited at high n levels- -excitatio SOURCE: Optika i spel-,troskopiya, v. 2-1, no. 5, 1966, 647-649 TOPIC TAGS: excited state, light eycitation, laser emission, light polt-Lrization, s.lectral line, absorption edge, absorption coefficient ABST-RACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Opt. i spektr. v. !c), 643, 1965) where the rate of attenuation of radiation was found to depend on -the wavelength within the lLmits of the line contours and emission bands, and on the polarization in the case of emission from the butt, surface of a cylindrica-I sample, such as a laser rod. It is shown here 'that in -the case of high excitation leve17-, for investi- gations of 'he duration of the excited state by measuring 'the emission kinetics, it is necessary, to avoid errors, to choose an observation direc 4- ion, a wC~velength, and a polarization such that the density of the stimulating radiation is low. In 'the case when the emission comes from the butt, end of an extended object (rod), the estimate of the duration of the excited state can be carried out onaz,.f in a narrow spectral interfal on the edge of the emission line or band. The errors can be parti-" cularly large in study of resonant emission, if a large sample is excited rion- L Card 1/2 UDC: 535-373.3 ACC NR: AP7000035 uniforrr-ly in volume. The effect of the presence of re3ions with uneven excitation n such a volume are discussed. A table is presented showing the elfl"ect off errors that result if the duration of the excited state is estimated over the entire line as a whole. In the case of lateral emission from prolonged samples, tlne emission intensity denends relatively little on the wavelength and on the polarization, but to estimate correctly the duration of the excited state from the emission kinetics it in also necessary to have uniform excitation or to record the emission from the entire lateral surface, something difficult to do in practice. An exact estimate of the excited state can be obtained in this case by Investigating the dependence of the absorption coefficient in the presence of transitions with absorption from the in- i vestigated excited state, on the time, using a procedure described elsewhere (Op~. i spektr. v. 20, 1040, 1966). In the case of ruby, it is possible to use high pressure: mercury lamps with wavelength 365 and 334 rim. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 4 formulas and I table. SUB CODE: 201 Sum DATE: 2oian66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 i-Card 2/2 KAZACHEVSKAYA', I.V.; ARKHANGELISKAYA, V.A.j IVANOV-KHOLODNYY, G.S.; MEDVEDEV. V.S.,- RAZUMOVA, T.K.; CHUDAYKIN, A.V. Measurements of X-ray and ultraviolet radiations by means of thermoluminescent phosphorCaSO/ ,(Mn). Isk.sput.Zem. no.152 71-80 163. (NIRA 16:4) (Atmosphere, Upper-Rocket observations) (Radiation--Measurement) ARKHAGELISKAYA, V.A.; VAYNEERG. B.I.; RAZTJIIOVA,.T.K. Thermoluminescent CaS04-1-fn single crystals. O-Dt. i spektr. 4 no-5: 681-687 MY '58. (MM 11:6) l.Gosudarstvenny7 opticheski7 institat im. S.I. Vavilova. (Phosphors) ARKHANGALISICLYA. V.A.; VAYMM, B.I.; RAMMOVA, T.K. , Determination of the permeability of the Schumnn spectram region by optical materials. Fiz. sbor. nn.3:363 157. (MIRA lit8) 1. Gomidarstvenn3rj ordena lienina opticheskily institut im. S.I Vavllava. 0 (Phosphors-Optical propertias) (Spectrum, Ultra-violet) AIMHARGEL'SKAYA, V.A.; VATNBOG, B.I.; KODMOV, V.K.; RkZUMOVj, 1,.K. Laminescance dosimeters for ~_radiation' A-particles, and neutrons, based on the phosphor CaS04.9n. Atom.energ. 8 no.6:559-561 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Radiation--Dosage) (Calcium sulfate) (Phosphors) L 14627-66 w(j) ACC NR: AP5025309 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/65/019/004/0643/0645 AUTHOR: Bonch-Bruyevich, A.M.;jlazumova, T.K. ORG: none TITLE: Dependence of duration of radiation on wavelength within the contour of the luminescence line at a ~gh excitation level SOURCE: Optika i spektroakopiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 643-645 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence quenching, ruby, chromium, neodymium, glass ABSTRACT: Luminescence kinetics associated with a considerable population of the upper excited metastable states, when the role of induced radiation is substantial, were studied on ruby single crystals with Cr3+ ion concentrations of 0. 02 and 0. 04 wt. % and on ailica- barium oxide glasses containing Nd3+ ions in the amount of 6 mole %. The results are interpreted by taking into consideration the change in the ratio of spontaneous to induced radiation as the excitation level is varied, and also during luminescence quenching. The change in the number of excited states at the end of the excitation is described in a general form by the expression dn 9F M =-AMFnM+BFMF(nF- nM), Card 1/2 dt KM- UDC: 535.373.3 L 14627-66 ACC NR: AP5025309 where nM and 9F are the population and statistical weight of the final level, and n and 9m; M are those of the metastable level; e is the radiation density in the spectral region studied in the volume of the sample; AMF and BFM are the Einstein coefficients. In the case of Nd3+ for the line with Am* 1. 06p, this expression Is simplified- ax dnM -AMFnM - BMF f nM- dt When the value of nM and hence P is large, induced radiation plays an important part. From this it is shown that during quenching, owing to the change in the contour of the I line, its central part should quench faster than the lateral parts, I. e. , the rate of luminescence quenching within the bounds of the radiation line should depend on ?k this is confirmed by the experiment. Authors thank B.A. Kf selev, who kindly supplied i the monochromator. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and i ~formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 18Feb65 ORIG REF: 005/OTH REF: 006 Card 2/2 7 R 24(T) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 507/1365 LITOT. Universytet Materialy X Vnesryuz,.zzo swie3henani & po apektro5kopll t. 1: Molakulyarnaya spekt:*ak-,p1yA (Pa7*r3 Of the 10th Ali-Unlon Conference on Sp*ctr,3nccp7. Voll. p1; Yolecular Spectroscopy) IL-vov] Izd-vo, L-voyakogo %mjv-tA, 195T. 499 p. 4 OW copies printed. (Seriess itas Fiz7chnn --biz-Vk, V7p. W) Additional Sponsoring Agenajj Ak4damiya nauk 333H. Komlcai7A p0 apektroakopil. r~i.i Ouar, S.L.1 Tech, FAI,s Saranyuk, T.V.; FAItorInI Doardi La:rlaterg, 0.3., Acade.1clan (Re SZd., Deceased). . r OU Haporont, D.S.. Dontor r hy4loal wyl MAthematl . clancea. Faballnokly, I.L. Doctor of Ph7atcal and Mathematical Sciences, ftbrikwtt, V.A., bootor or rhyalcal and Mathematical Solenooev Koralt'sle1z. V.fl.. Candidato of Tao.~=ioal Sclencea, Halskiy. S.M., Cdndldat* of PhZolcal- and Mathe=atlcal Sciences, Falmovskly, L.K Candidate or Phra-acal ard mati-.ematical scienota, Kiliyanchuk, v.;:' Candidate or "ioai and Y-atheratical Sciences, and Glaubarman, A. Ye.. Candldat* of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Card 1/30 Babushkin, A.A., B.A. avoc-dev, and P. Y&. Glazunov. Spectrophotozattria Equip-meat for the Continuous Absorption Analysis a.0 Registration or Gas Concentration 360 ArldmnavllakAya, V.A., B.X. Vayabarg, atd T.K. R&rum*vm Sizzpla Method of Dojter=tnlng the PasaL%~ar-36-= Optical Xaterials in 54huzum's Spectrum Region 363 Grudinki". N.P. Spootrophatotmtria NCurmlnstion of Water Purity 36b 0 ve Condensol Dt chkin . 0.V. '@charge Th.-,,u,,h a C4;=wT as a Powerful 5~,Arcw or Co--Un4oua im Spectral Studies 365 Yakovl-jv. S. Ys. A Black Body " a Source or SadiAtim for 5p*otrOphOtO=*tr1* NO&Wurements 368 Card 23/30 ARKIIANOId, I SKAYA, V.A.; VAYNBUG, B. I.; MUMOVA, T. K. Reflesometer based on the CaSO4,Mn phosphor for use in the vacuum ultraviolet regions Opt. I spektr. 8 no-2:279-280 F 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Spectrum, Ultraviolet) 51-4-5-19/29 ilr~changells~maya, V.A., Vaynbarg, B.I. and Pan-lova, T.K. _PLF TherLaolumineseent Monocrystals of CaSO4-Mn (Termoiyuminestsiruyushchiye monoicris tally CaSOI-Mn) ~':'-iRIODICAL: Opti~m i Spe'Kzrosicopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 5, pp. 681-683 (USSR) ABSTIUICT., The authors prepared large crystals kl x 10 x 10 mm plates) of CaSo,j-idn by slow cooling of a malt consisting of 45Y.NaCi, 5~0' 4 ' CaS04 and 10~o YmSO4:. The malt was cooled from 100000 to room temperature. The amount of Mn varied from about 0.01~. to 0.10". These crystals exhibited bright green thermoluminescence when excited by short-wavelength ultraviolet, X-rays, p-rays -r x-rays. Thermoluminescent intensity of powders prepared from monocrystals ,rown as described in the present paper war, 2-3 times higher than 0 the emission of powders prepared from monocrystals grown from a solution in H2304 kRef 6). The main maximum of the thermal stimulation curves (830C) was the same for monocrystals prepared by growing from malt and those grown from solution kFig la, 1b). Thermo luminescence curves of monocrystals and po-Wers differ considerably In *6 half-riddth of the maln maxinin and the position zhe maximum is slightly displaced towards low temperatures in ,ard 1.1/~ of Thermoi-xiines cant Lonocrystals of CaSO,141n 51-1-5-19/29 the case of monocrystals tcompare Fig la, lb with Fig 1v). It is fou.,A that CaS0,1-Din may be used as a sensitive dosimeter for y-rays, A-rays and X-rays (Fig 2 shovis thermoluminescent intensity as a function of -1-ray dose). The use of monocrystalline samples, instead of powders, of CaS 04-lAn -mia Ices it possible to incraase the dosimeter sensitivity. There are 2 figures and 7 refarencesi 3 of which are American, 2 German and 2 Soviet. ASSOCIA.TION; Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy Jnstitut imeni S.I. Vavilova (State Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov) 6UBiu_IT:!ED Owgust 12, 1957 .1 , t- ' , - The r iie. 1 urit n e s c en c e2. Cr,Tstals - v F ,xcit~ Cr73t,91S - Growth ird 2/2 qticn 3. S/089/60/008/06/13/021 2 10 0 B006/BO63 82314 AUTHORS: Arkhangellskaya, V. A., Vaynberg, B. I , Kodyukov, V. Razumova, T. K. TITLE: Dosimetry of y-Radiation, p-Particles, and Neutrons by Means of the Luminescence of the Phosphor Ca Mn S04' ~'l PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 196o, vol. 8, No. 6, pp- 559-561 TEXT: In the present article, the authors report on their investi- gations of the luminescence of the phosphor CaS04.Mn. The energy, L, stored by this phosphor during its irradiation (called light sum) can be regained as light when heating this phosphor. The maximum in the spectrum of this thermoluminescence is near 500 mg, as may be seen from Fig. J. The brightness of this luminescence is a function of the temperature to which the phosphor was heated (Fig. 2). This curve has a peak within the range 80-1000C, which does not depend on the kind of excitation of the phosphor. The phosphor is much more sensitive to X-rays and soft gamma radiation than to harder gamma rays (curve 1 in Carc: ~ /3 X Dosimetry of y-Radiation, P-Particles, S/089/60/008/06/13/021 and Neutrons by Means of the Luminescence B006/BO63 82334 of the Phosphor CaS04.Mn Fig. 3). When using a lead filter possible to extend the sensitivity of a CaS04.Mn dosimeter to the range 0.1-2.6 Mev (curve 2 in Fig. 3). With a luminescent area of 2 cm2, the lower limit is 0.001 r! and the upper limit is about 400 r. Above this dose the L(D) curve is no longer straight (Fig. 4a). At D =1000 r, this deviation is only 30% approximately. A dose of beta rays (e.g., of Sr90, Y90) can be recorded by this apparatus within a range of 1.1o5 - 1.108 particles/cM2 without the occurrence of non-linearity in the L(D) curve (Fig. 4b). The sensitivity of this phosphor at ~ 15-kev X-radiation amounts to some microroentgens. The L(D) curve for this range is shown in Fig- 4v. When the phosphor is stored at room or higher temperatures, its light sum decreases the quicker the higher is the temperature. Fig. 5 shows L(t) for a phosphor stored at 220C, 370C, and 570C. L drops exponentially with t; at 570C (Curve 3) it drops so rapidly that L drops to one-tenth of its initial value within 40 hours. This phosphor has some advantages over SrSEu.Sm, such as its insensitiveness to moisture, light, and ultraviolet radiation up to 1500 A. High-density Care 2/3 1.1~ Dosimetry of y-Radiation, P-Particles, S/089/60/008/006/13/021 and Neutrons by ~Jeans of the Luminescence Boo6/'BOO'3 82314 of the Phosphor CaSO 4' Mn irradiation of 2600-1800.A for some time leads to a partial loss of the light sum without radiation (which, however, cannot be brought about with a lamp or direct sunlight). CaS04.Mn may also be used to record thermal and fast neutrons. In the first case, the.lead filter is replaced by a thin cadmium layer, and in the second case, polymethyl methacrylate is introduced into the phosphor after its preparation. There are 5 figures and 3 references: 1 German and 1 US. SUBMITTED: September 11, 1959 k1r Card 3/3 - E ~1. Y 4p VAilmp we 04 Ahd'.. In lei v W" oi -9 sw f LIP-atid'CaN of o Apt was M4 by usfi:g the-C aS( Jan OVAMM With:aimiliuT f ' al kii ia P LIP and LIP nst sS of LI W +CaPso t " =tw ut ed in the reil ma 121~ 128, and 147 n*knd C&P"fAS - tit fif 147 Mo. -The. thod sed was foand t6 givil p i me WM - tfdi d4 it W t1te banspareacy 'a a Wary a" tio TOM kRKWGELISKAYA, IT.A.; VAYMBERG, B.I.; RA.ZUM3VA, T.K. A simple method for the determination of the transm .ission of a few optical materials in the Schuman spectral range. Opt. i spektr. I no.8:1018-1020 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Spectrum. Ultraviolet) RAZUMOVA, Tatlyana Zotovna BACHILO.I.,red.,-7,AKHAIIOVA,G.,;ULANOVA,L., [Supplying man with material goods; growth of the prosperity of the Soviet people] Zemnye blaga - cheloveku; rost blagosostoianiia savetskogo naroda. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsial0no-ekon.lit-ry, 1961. 185 P. (MIRA 14:12) (Cost and standard of living) RAZUMOVA, Tatlyana Zotovna; POTDMIN. V., red.; PAVLOV, A., I [Growth of the pros-perity'of workers in the Kuznetsk Basin] Rost blagosostoianiia tradiashchikhaia luzbaasa. Kemerovo. 1958. 18 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Kuznetsk Basin--Economic conditions) UIZUMOVA, V.F. Effect of~ injinxies Produced by the f lat bug Araduss cinnamomeus Panz. on the pine. Zool.zhur. 39 no.6:8418-857 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Moscow Wood Processing Institute. (Flat bugs) (-.Piha--Dis eases and pests) eetic ani ror "on'tro-1.1i nr It in the ~~calthe~ stern -'..r-r -~'ci, !-'oscow 71.orestr~- EnrineerinF- Inot, 2r~ "ay 54. "Ov NAZA.RMO, M.F.; RAZUMOVA, V.L. SIN Interaction between icaolin and feldspar melts in the presence of quartz. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gor. dela, met., stroi. i stroimat. no.3:78-85 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Diffusion) (Kaolin) (Yeldspar) USSR/Soiid State Physics Phase Transformation in Solid Bodies E-5 -kb--z jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 993 Author : Nazarenko, M.F.., Razumova, V.L. Inst Title- Influence of Certain Additives on the Modification Changes of Quartz in th,,! Temperature Range from 1400 to 16000 C. Orig Pub Ogneupory, 1957, No 7, 318-324 AbstracL No abstract. Car d 1/1. USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Appi-I caT,--;OTI. Glass. Ceramics. Ba..nders, 1-9 Abst journal: Referat, Zhur - Ehimiya,, No 19'. 1956, 62295 Author: Nazarenko,, M. F., Razloolra, V. L. Institution: None T1 Lle: Canting ClMracteristicti of Porcr-.1-a-ij) B(),ly ()r Akmolinsk Hiant. Original Periodical; Vestn. AN Kaz. SSR,-t5-96, No 3~ 71-74 Abstract: Ayzintomar clay vhich is a component of the porcelain body of Ak- molinsk plant contains a considerable amount of soiuble Ca and Mg salts as a result of which casting bodies with conventional elec- trolytes (liquid glass and soda) are readily coagulated while on combined use of electrolyte and oak extract thinning occurs normally since tannides prevent sticking together of elemental particles. In connection therewith there is noted increased strength of articles in air-dry condition. Use of combined elec- trolytes has made it possible to undertake at the plant the manu- facture of various articles by casting methods which were not pre- Care 11-L viously practiced. 14-Mil,mao, M.F. ; IRAMOVA, V.L. Kinetics of a quartz solution in a feldspar fusion. Trudy Inst. stroi. I stroimat. AN Kazakh. SSR 1:91-95 '58. (MI-TU- 11:6) (Quartz) (Feldspar) (Porcelain) HAZARENKO, M.F.; RAZU140VA V L - ---- .1 Diffusion processes in the body of porcelain. Trudy Inst. stroi. i stroimat. AN Xazakh SSR 2:183-186 '59. (MIRA 12:10) (Diffusion) (Porcelain) IWARENKO. M.F.; RkZUMDVA, V.L. Effect of additiveB on-Rdifications in quartz in the temperature range of 1200-16500 C. Trudy Inst. stroi. i stroimat. Alq Kazakh. SSR 2:192-202 '59. (14IRA 12:10) (Quartz) IMAREITKO. M.F.;_TU%ZUIX)VA V.L. Effect of thd composition of glass on fromation processes of porcelain. Trudy Inst. stroi. i stroimat. AH Xazakh SSR 2-220-224 159. OCRA 12:10) (Porcelain) NAZAREITKO, M.F.; RAZWOVA, T.L. Effect of centain additives on modified changes in quartz in the temperature interval 1400-16000 C. Trudy Inst. stroi. i stroimat. AN Kazakh SSR 1:96-102 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Qkiartz) (Solutirn (Chemistry)) AA Z_U I r I 5 i. . . ... .... . 0 V A*st A Nag& i,~~ A R R ' 34 m) 7 M k % u _72 0- 31 1- _ ,: 56", No; I 'Alan O:m . him e 0 th , the erpt. tied.--: Gronhd IbW I * stue rinefirbli*- d u - If t-1400%joll6wedb, 4 hrC fit 15W efuelted for a wer bld _, placed: In g trnti junil alter,zooling ind) C l - e was ~m core The Crucib ' d m cy aroun O ln!s.~., -the formation i and 'ciiid 40W To6 . .- , heated 1 colre VaS ny, 4-.~; , lite C th-C rate 4t IN bd ht b , a t lm d . eo a d , pyrophylite-nn mm ' . -arfa ma e v h Or t l~-C . was leached blit IrOln e4 h. ir, liqUid re e v IF l a wimbbier%' w ex mulliteniedld- Tltme tO r 6il~ - - al-e it th an AhOs 5utdi; did teino.ofreutibu It n r e mi iatu, de6eoded on the co ub6mirs - cor wt. ratiao~JOW glass to 77 L) oil 7. ~ N .-i-oin e: Tdrit --ail E- ts and Tfie ffiRuenEe of a D Met dd l T d li es on the a terations of quar the ter ' I- I b i -, .- :L- etwedft 140G idI6O(r vsI a OjInhPar 2- 'I).--with- s0 -T,-T 22i MT724(19E o * Of rtz from 1400 to IBM etacristo m it is bal e (-rated in'amts vur5,ing"from 40%,in OWO nt- Subsequ d: rise to NOW effccts a 50% Change of this ph t rtI. ase o c is oba Itcao Ivltll5,~A?eO%oftridymite. A u. +++ dd of I laid Cu++ h, : ti i fl fi M!! ~ s a n ca- , s uence o t ong mo i n L gf 0-truartz. At Ow* in 1116 presence. of, Fe... 'M ++ +4 tI , Ni , and Cu A~ stable phase is pripall~ trid III-G+! and -Cu-+-6ris I InIte With W to ite At all .. - . . - tculps. of heating the addu, of Cr-i~?Adcrs rather ilia n--pro- mutes modification to dthir.1tt ilve6MIlble or the:stable fonr Is. According tothe ueed for produchij one or the other-, Illodificatioll at a given, temp. tile proper, ac](Ins,; must be made to promote its formation. rderg.produce lllxll~ z ' - ~ o - l i di f i i f L terea rom a m x o - JA . quartz shoulil 2 SiO, y - E be in tile form of meta"kTorAlite. 'I'Mor trallsition gilaw tile more stable phases* of tridyinite wid cristolx4lite slows 1 clown the ititerdetion of (he SiO. and Al,,Ch t1wrehy reduciiig tilt vielfj of tile reql1ired product, mullitc., Imp, RAZUMOVv V.N. Mechanical counteraction of shrinkage in castings produced by metal molds. Lit. proizv. no. 8:36-40 Ag i60. (MBU 14:1) (SheU molding (Founding)) (Metal castings-Defects) - * - ~- - - ~4~1 --, t,;2~,74 6 a.' RAZTJMOVA, V,N.; CHFRNAKHOVSKIY, A.G. Mesozoic and Tertiary sediiments of the Karatau in southern Kazakhstan. Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 3'~ no.1:88-108 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18~!Q RAZUMOVA, V.N.; KHERASKOV, N.P. Geological types of crusts of weathering. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no,6:1378-1381 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1-, Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Weathering) .. RAZUMOVAJ,---V. _; CHERNYAICHOVSKIY, A.G. Ancient weathering surface of the Or'-Ilek interfluve and the history of its development. Trudy GIN no.77:81-102 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Or' Valley-Weathering) (Ilek Valley-Weathering) RAZUMOVA V.N. 1A "Beidellite' Upper Oligocene weathering surface on the ancient eluvium of serpentinites in the Kempirsay ultrabasic massif (Southern Urals). Trudy GIN no.77:62-80 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Ilek Valley-Weatherini) (Or' Valley-Weathering RAZUMOVA, V.N.; KHERASKOV, N.P. Geological types of weathering surfaces and characteristics of their distribution. Trudy GIN no.77:4-34 '63. (MIRA 16:6) (Weathering) "Uj~~ ; RENGARTRI, N.V.,; MISHINA, R.L., RAZTJMOVA,_ Vajen~Un ev~na red.izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D.,; LAUT, V.G., al'v L'Oretaceous and Terti- formations in the vestern part of emtral and southern Kazakhstanj Melovye i tretichnye formataii mapadnoi chasti TSentrallnogo i 19zhnogo Kazakhstana. Mosk7ap Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961 226 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii insti- tut, Trudy, no*46). (MIm 14:12) (Kazakhstan--Geology) ANDRETEV, A.S., dots.; DENISOV, Te.I., dots.; GRINZATD, Te.L., dots.; NADEZHINA, L.S., assist.; RAZUMOVA,'V.F., assist. (Annlytical chemistry; principles of quantitative analysis] Analiticheakain khimlia; osnovy metodov kolichestvennogo analiza, Posobie k laboratornym zaniatiam dlia studentov vsekh spetsiallnostei fiziko-metallurgicheskogo fakullteta. (By] A.S.Atpdreev i dr. Leningrad, Leningr. politekhnich. in-t, 1962. 173 p. (MIRA 16:10) i. Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Leningradskogo politekh- nicheskogo instituta im. M.I.Kalinina (for all except (Chemistry, Analytical--Quantitative) R A Z4nt, .0 omplexes. QE~dnlum &nd n the I- r:a o4' iodide -- '65- cri 8 no.2a192-195 4, khim. te KII RA 8: Z-; Y's uc n- ir 'nstILUt iMeni Kal'n'naY kafedra RAZUMOVA,-M.S. Saturat-ion with organic binders of the cores made by the C02 process. Lit. proizv. no. 8:45 Ag 160. (KCRA 14:2) (Coremeddng) (Binding materials) -W14 NR: AP6007019 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Razumova: T. K. 3 ne ORG: no TIT-LE: Variation in the degree of polarization and lvmines---t_g2qa X rate of the R lines of rubpunder strong excitation SOURCE: optika J spektroskopiyap va 20., no* 21 1966, *-362 TOpIC TAGS: ruby, single crystal, light excitation, polarized luminescence, stimu- lated emission ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (with A. M. Bonch-Brtiyevich, Opt. i spektr. v. 19, 643, 1965), where it was shown that when a long single crystal of ruby is intensely excited, the rate of decay of the radiation emitted through its end surfaces shows a wa~velength dependence within the'profiles of the R, and R2 lines. It is proposed on the basis-;4f~'the earlier results that the luminescence coming from the end of a long sample, which is strongly excited, should show a dependence of the decay rate on the polarization., and also a dependence of the degree of polarization on the intensity of the exciting light and on its variation within the profiles of the R lines. To check on these assumptions, the author measured the degree of po-lari- zation and the decay of luminescence within the RI, and R2 lines using a cylindrical sample 5 mm in diameter and 50 mm long cut from a single crystal of ruby containing 0.04% of Cr-"". A22 measurements were made at room temperature. The sample was ex- 2 UDC: 621-375-9.- 535 ACC NRt AF6007019 cited by a helical strobe lamp filled with xenon. The excitation pulse was 200 psec. A double monochronator was used to analyze the radiation leaving the end surface of the specimen. The apparatus made it possible to'estimate the relative intensities of the radiation with different vector directions as a function of the wavelength Of '.j- the emitted light and the excitation intensity and to observe the difference In the. decay rates as a function of polarization and wavelength. The remats confirm thle. assumptions stated above, apart from a slight. tendency towards such saturation.,. resulting from inaccuracy in the mutual orientation of the' optical axes of the saivle~ ~~Yariation of the decay rate and degrOeof:p6laiization can _be'_*,,-! A-~ It is concluded that -:,used as' occurrence 'Of stiiiuiite'_d:emission~~d ~;stz,6rg. 4 PUMD39- Bonch~-Bru vic and P.- P The, authok;'thafiki- w~- 1~e6filo~ for 4i.-discussion'bf ibe results' aiA X Advice.- or 001 SUB CMZ....~2p[ OBITM, ,0C -,DAM: Cc, Tatl.-ar.3 'I.ofo-ma Zemn3-ye blaga-cheloveku; rost bla-osostoyaniya lovetskogo Naroda. Moskva, Scotsekggiz, 1961. 185 P. illus., charts, tables. Riblio-gfaphical footnotes, NIRIFOROVA, K.V.: RAHMOVA, V.14. Cretaceous and Tertiary continental formatibns of the southern U.,-aI'-S--'b,F1r-ian evi'hercynian platform and regularities of the mlneral locations in it. Zakonom. razm. polezn. iskop. 2:166-182 159. (MIRA 15:4) " Geoloiricheskiy institut AN SSSR. (,'~iberja, We5tern--Ore deposits) (Geology, Stratigrapbic) RAZUIVVA, V,P.; TIADEZHINA, L.S. Datprmination of cadriun in cbrnmiu.*-nickal alloys. Trudy LPI no.201:158-162 '59. (MIRi. 13:3) (Cadmium--Analysis) (Chromium-nickel alloys) RAZUMOVA, V-.P-,. Determination of small quantities of cadmium. Report NO-3: Possibility of determining cadmium quantitatively by means of cadion in the presence of other ions. Trudy LPI no.201: 150-157 '59- (MIRk 13:3) (Cadmium--Analy-sia) 14P M 7 T U. va, V. P. 123 i UTIHORS Nadezbina, S., Raz Irj 75-6-1-1 - TT TT T~j. The DeterM4 nation t4--F-s cf Lead in -pi-re eta-Is and Ferrc-Moys (Opredeleniye -maly'kh kcillchestv svintsa lakh i ferrosplavakh). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analitic:heskcy 10i4,rf~, 1957, Vcl- 12, N.'r 6, pp. 7,41-71' /USSR)~ ABSTRACT: The rapile, method for the isclati--in of small auantities cf lead frcm ferro allcys and pure metals JJS based on the coprecipitation of R;50 4 with Srso 4 as cclIector and on the dissol-ution of the suipbate del_,Csit in hot alkaline ~-OMpleXo,-.//Tjj/-.eolLIicr,. The excess of alkaii in the solution is neutralized with bydrochl-:~r_ic acid in the casze of ildica= tor methyl orange and the lead is. polarographically determined. Theae determinations were carried cul. on the polarograph I'Geoicgcrasa~_~dkall SC-M-Z., 7~!r 189529, The optimuLri conr.iticns for the deterrmiratic_n c" are PH' 3,5 and 0.71 0/0 conplexon/iII/--solution. The duraticn ~,f the analysi-, ano-Lints -to 3 te 5 hoiws. The sensitiveness amountz- to 0,0. /o L lead wit'n a lo g specimen. Lead in quantities from 0,01 to 0,002 0/0 az in steel- and -.hrom-e_n;ckeI alloys, metallic copper and 7! - determined by this metvhod. Card 1/2 Determination of Small C~uantities of Lead in FVre mleta!3 and 75-6-114/2-1 V(,-rrc, jilloy3. There are 5 fi6ure3, 2 table's, and 4 references, 2 of witicl-, ar- ASSOC IATION.' Polytechnical Ir-sti'lite irr.en- K. I. Kalinir.-Leningrad. (Lenlr~L;radzkLy L politekhnicheskiy in-stitut :jreni K.. I. Kalinina). SUBMITTED: A(,aY 3,:), !-956. ~VAIL,ik:RLE-. Library of Congress. Metals-Lead de'erri-riation 2. Ferro alloys-Lead determir-p-tion Card 2/2 Separation of cadmit exchanger. Izv. v7s. no.5:709-711 162. 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Kalinina, Irafedra analitUheskoy Ichimif. (Cadmium-Analysis) (Zinc-Analysis) (Ion exchange resins) RAZUMOVA V P RAZITMOVt~, V.P. Dqt"rmination cf small quantities of cadmium. Report No.2: New photocolorivetric method of determining cadmiun witb cadion. Trud, v LPI no.2.01:141-149 '59. (MrRA 13:3) (Cadmium--Analysis) RAZU140VA, V,P. Deternination of small ouantities of cadmium. Report No.l: Separation of cadmium from zinc with hydrogen slilfidn. Ti--idI7 LPI no.201:136-140 '59. (14IRA 13:3) (Cadmium-Analysis) (Hydrogen sulfide) ~'n the dio 13 i t a-nij t P~Irs 16(1) AUTROR: Razumova, Ye.F. SOV/20-125-5-6/6~- TITLE: The Set of Ramification Points for a One-Sided Non-Uniqueness (M~iozhestva tochek vetvleniya pri neyedinstvennosti v ocinu storonu) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959,V01 125,Nr 5,PP 976--961 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the doma-A*_n 1~ let the dynamic system dx M = X(X,Y), Y(X,Y) 7T dt determine a vector field. The point of the trajectory with the smallest t-value is called the initial point; that one with the greatest t-value is called the final point of the trajectory towards 1~7 and from 9 , respectively. Let the ramification of the integral curves in & appear only in the direction of the field (one-sided non-uniqueness). The set of trajectories rising from the point C in the direction of the field is called a funnel with the vertex in C. The integral curve ending in C with smaller t-values is called the initial curve of the funnel. A funnel is called maximal if it is contained in 6 and in no other funnel. Card 112 Theoremi In an arbitrary neighborhood of the maxi'mal funnel The Set of Ramificatinn Points for a One-.Sided SOY/20-125-5-6/6- Won Uniqueness bhere exists at least one trajectory without ramification L poi n ts. Theorem: In an arbitrary neighborhood of the maximal funnel there-exists a continuum of regular solutions. Theorems If on a smooth curve there lies a continuum of 'fication points, then the direction of the curve in every condensation point of the continuum is identical with the field direction in this point. Theoremx An arbitrary two-dimensional countable point set of can be identical with the set of ramification points of 00 (in the case of one-sided non-uniqueness). F'arther six similar theorems are formulated. The author mentions YI.A.Lavrentlyev. S!~e thanks Ye.M.Landis for assistance. ASSOC1ATION:.'!osko-;rskiy gosudarstvennyy un-iVersiteb imeni Y.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) PRESENTED: October 13, 1958, by I.G.Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: October 9. 1958 Card 212 RAZUMOTA. Ye.M., entomolog. --?T-'--...'..-'.... , w , .Con,rol of pests and diseases of young plants in the spring and summer. Gor.khoz.MDsk. 28 no.4:20-22 Ap '54. (MLRAL 7:6) (Plants, Protection of) R.AZUMOVA, Ye.M., entomolog. . Controlling pests of green plants in the early spring period. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 28 no.2:16-18 7 054. (KLU 7:5) (Nets) RAZUMOVA Ye M Protecting greenbelts and parks of Moscow. Zaahch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 5 no. 8:15-19 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Nachallaik Mookovekoy gorod9koy atantaii zashchity zelenykh naeazhdeaiy. (Moscow--Plants, Protection of) RAZUMOVA, Ys.P- Studies on the epidemiology of diphyllobothrinsis among wpter trans-Dort workers and their families [with summary in English]. Med.paraze i parnz.bol. 27 no.3:271-275 MY-Je '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz TSentrnllnoy nauclino-issledovntellskoy gigiyeny i sanitnrii nR vodnom transports. (TAPEWORMS INFIvICTIO11. epidemioloff, Dipphyllobothrium infect. in wnter transport workers & theit families (Ras)) AU4AMVA,, V.V.; RAZUMOVAI Ye.P.; LARINA, M.P. Methods of malaria eradication in Kazakhstan. Report No.l: Malarial incidence in Kokchetav Province and methods for its eradication* Med.paraz.i paraz.bol. 29 no,4:391-398 J1-Ag t6O. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Iz entomologicheskogo (zav. - prof. V.N. Beklemishev) I epi- demiologicheskogo (zav, - dotsent M.G. Rashina) otdelov Ilastituta, meditsinakoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.I. Martsinovskogo Ministerstva~zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - prof. P.G. Sergiyev) i Kokche-tavskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologi- cheskoy stantsii (glaTzyy vrach A.A. Mimkevich). (KOKGHETAV PROVIRCE-MALARIA) RAZUMOVA Ye.P. Some da ta on diphyllobothriasis among water transport workers [with silmmary in Xnglishl. Hed.paraz. i paraz.bol. 26 no.3:289- 293 My-Je 157. (MMA 10~11) 1. Iz TSentral'noy nauchno-issledovatel'skoy laboratorii gigijreny i sanitarii na vodnom transports. (TAPMORK INFECTION, epidemiology, diphyllobothriaBis in water transport workers in Russia (Rus)) RASTORGUYEV, P.V.; RAZUMOVA, Ye.P.; PLYATER, V.N. Results of controlling malaria and helminthiasis in water transportation in 1952. )(ed.paraz.i paraz.bol. no.4:30q-313 Jl-Ag '53. (HI-RA 6:9) (Malarial fever) (Worms, Intestinal and Darasitic)