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. ROGINSKIY, V.-Yu. ~ ....., Professor I.G.Kliatskin. Zhur.tekh.fiz.26 n003:706-708 Kr 156. (Kliatskin, Isai Gertsevich, 1895-) (KlaA 9-17) 0 SOV/120-58-4-21/30 AUTHORS: Golldreyer, I.G., Roginskiy, V.Yu. TITLE: A Stabilized Power Surply (S-ta-bi-MR-rovannyy istochnik pitaniya) PERIODICAL-. Pribory I tekhnika ekspprimenta, 1958, Nr 4. pp 96-97 (USSR) ABSTRACT:A detailed circuit diagram of the shown in --Fig. 2 (p- 96). The system consists of a 3-phase trans- former.. a 6-phase rectifier based on 3 double triodes, an amplifying and stabilizing element and c~n output-' voltage divider. The device gives an output current of 400 mA and an output voltage of 295 V. The operating principle-.of tkie-system Is as follows: If the output voltage-chang1kis.,-the control grid-potential of tube 6Zh4 changes causing a change in-the grid potential of tube 6P3, which causes the current across the 180Kr to change and with it the control grid potentials of the rectifier tubes. Thqu&', the device does not employ a smoothing filter, its ripple rAtib Card 1/2 SOV/120-58-4-21/30 A 3tabilized Supply Souxce is of the order of .15 to .08501b (depending on the load), Some performance data of the device are given in Tables I and 2 on p 97. The authors thank I. I. Pasikhnovskiy and 0. A. Losichev for their help in -the design and the inves- tigation of the system.po~ier-~supply ~cfrdtdts de~6 riib~mrc,.-i There 0 are 2 tables and 2 figures. SUBMITTED: August 12, 1956. Card 2/2 dotsent., kand.tekhn.Aauk . ......... M.A. Boncb--B=evich; on his 75A birthday. Izve vyse ucheb. save; radiotekh. 6 no.l.-109-212 JT&-F 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Bonch-Bruevich,, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 188&) I ROC A - -111s"ry, V.Yu... dotsont Sergei Illarionovich Zi-14tinkevich, 18'94-; on his 70th birthday. vys, ucheb. zav,'- radiotek-h. 7 no, )-.400-401 14y-Je 164. t (MIRA 17:9) ,-. ROGINSKIT"N Conference on dielectric and semiconductor techniques.,Izm.tekh. no.5:96 6-0 156. (KM 10:2) - . (Dielectrics) (Semiconductors) GOWDREYER, I.G.:(~ROGINSMY, V.Yu. Stabilized feed sources. PrIbA tekh.eksp. no.4:96-97 Jl-Ag 158. (14IRk 11:9) (Electric current rectifiers) 0 ROGINSKIY,._ Vlqdtqirjur.yeviph; KRAYZMER, L.P., red.; SBITNEV, V.S., red.; ZABRODINA, A.A., [Electric power for radio Installations] Zlektricheskoe pitanie radlotekhnichaskikh ustroistv. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1957. 516 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Radio) (Blectric engineering) sm - p -loss. , dotowt I In memory.of Professor V.P. Vologdin. Elektrichestvo no.7: 93 J1 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Vologdin, Valentin Petrovichp 1881-) N Category USSR/&ctronics Semiconductor devices and photoelements H-8 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 1.7.44 Author Ostroumov, B.A., Roginskiy, V-Yu- Title Semiconductor De~%~. Orig Pub 60 let radio. M., Svyazlizdat, 1955, 82-108 Abstract Survey article on the tAeory and technology of manufacture of semiconduc- --ors-and semiconductor devices. The latest types of semiconductor devices iuch as the laminated transistor with electric-field control and the semi- conductor tetrode are brierly desLribedand mention is made of.fL-4ermanium triode with photoelectric control. The accomplishments of Soviet scientists in the development and applicatio4 of photocells and photoresistors to radio engineering and automation are mentioned. The advantages of the use of semiconductors in certain circuits are briefty examined. Card 1/1 .2~~.~hmingrad) ~ Birthday centennial of Nikols, Teal&. Fiz.v shkole 16 so.4: 87-88 Jl-A,9 156. (KaA 9:9) (Tesla, Hikels., 1856-1943) GOLIDREY'AR, Iona Gutelevich; S.A.. redaktor; VORONIN, K.P., tekhnicheskiy .1. re"kiol'i [Nonlinear resistance*] Nelinsivqe soprativleniia. Koskvaq Goseenerge izd-vo, 1956. 86 p. (Mossovais radiobiblictska. no.255) (MIRA 10:1) Oilectric resistance) SHMAKOV, P.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh, nauk, zasluzhennyy doyatell naiflci i tekhniki, redaktor; LUROYPb, O.B., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; QQ?JSWTV_V_yII kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, doteent, redaktor; BOGDA , A.V., inzhe- nor, redaktor; CHMYSIM, V.M., inffhener;redaktor. [Collection of articles on television broadcasting] Sbornik- materialov'po te1evizibnnomu-*eshchaniiu. Leningrad, 1956. 211 p. WRA lo:6) 1. Hauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elektra- ov.ftsi imeni A.S.Pop'ova. J'sningradskorg, Urkainskoye i Latvi$skoye pravleniye. (Television--Transmitters and transmission) HOGIN~A'IY *Tledlitir Yurlyevich; MAUL', K.B.. redaktor; MDUDSV. L-Ta., t;khnichesicly redaktor [bemiconductor contact rectifier@] PoluproyodnikoM vyoriamiteli. lzd. 2-oe, parer. Moskva, Gos.suarg.Isd-yo, 1957. 94 p. (Knesovgig radlobibliotela, no.273) (MLRA 10:10c) (Semiconductors) (Pblectric cu"eat rectifiers) ~J-C=I IOS.Kly V.,fo. USSR/Electron~cs - Literature kja r 5 3 "New Books (IMass Radio Library, Series Published by Gosenergoizdat)" Radio, No 3, pp 63-64 Among the new books published were "Semi-Conducting Rectifiers" (Poluprovodnikovyye Vypryamiteli) by V. Yu. Roginskiy which discusses selenium, copper oxide, and other rectifiers, and "Radio Engineering Equipment in the National Economy" ( Radio- tekhnicheskaya Apparatura v Narodnom Khozyaystve). The latter discusses current and voltage integrators, ionization manometers, electronic pulse defectoscope5, balanced photocolorimeterl automatic exposure meterl~ etc. ':ii "11:2. 1Y, 7. Yll. Toe hno Lol,,y Semiconductor rectifiers, Meskvtt, Gesenergolzdat, 1952 . : I Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953, Uncl. :;~_-;J.conduc'~-&L- Rectit'i-r,; ('-olv~.rovondn4.1-ovrre v~.] -ya,-,d~ eli), "o;3ener roi2;& t, 1 52, Pa TI-Lis boo", is No 16t_- in the Massovaya Radiobiblio,~eha (MMS-s. Radi.D Library) Series. it 11cocribes scloniui and copper o'xide semiconductor rectifiers, the principels of -their operation and const-ruction, and their electrical ch~_racte~istics, as well as giving a co:riparison of seleniirii and copper oxide recLifiers. The book cites variou-s s~rstems for rectification of s--*.ngle-phase ac (_includizn~, half-wave, full-wave, and tyi, bri&-e crcuit CS), proportional data for these systems, losses, and design of rect- ifierti arid r1liq'le filtt~,,rs are ~ivcn. The appendix contains tables for 'U',;e selection of power tr~,. cores .und"fil Wr chokes. The book is intended for experienced radi4o amateurs, hut can azo ba, of help to bejnners. So: ';1-30262 --- ROGINSKIY, V. YU. Safniconducting contact rectifiers Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1952; 6 7 1 2 p. Massovaia radiobiblioteka, vyp, 160 (54-24813) TK9956.R56 1-- : . :11 , "'. !", 1 1. ",M~ 19 Poi-aprovofind'e-ovye vy:,~ri~:rdt~,Ili (S-eiait~ond-ctor r;~-tifiers). ~!-,!;kva. 61.- p. Su: Monthly list of R,,jr-,iE!n Ac,--:essions, Vol j~,, ~io- 3, June lc?53 2172e RCGIITSNTY, V. YU. Zati khanic r(-)-,iaCnil.nb,':h voin v j-,olb;ch metallicheskikh trubak~. Izvevtiya Leningr. Zleldrotechn. C, IN-Ta IN. Ullynnova (Lenima), VYF. 23, 1949, C. 49-54 '!"Latey, Nlo. 29, I~Cslkva, 1940 8(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATICR SOV/3060 Roginskly, Vadim Nikolayevich Slementy strukturnogo sinteza releynykh skhem upravleniya (Elements of Structural Synthesis of Relay Control Circuits) Moscow, AN SSSR, 1959. 167 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya sistem peredachl informatsii. Reap. Ed.: A.A. Kharkevich, Corresponding Member, UkrSSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye.N. Grigorlyev; Tech. Ed.: Ye.V. Zelenkova. PUMWE: The book Is intended for scientific research workers and engineers working In the field of relay circuit technique. COVERAGE: The book presents theoretical principles of relay circuits and describes engineering methods for eVz-ftmizing them. Particular emphasis is, given to the davelopment of simpler and more economical circuits. The author states that in the last 10-20 years the theory of relay-contact circuits has been developed and widely applied in' the Sovjet Union. The author thanks the following Card 1/8 Zlements of (Cont.) SOV/3060 persons for their technical assistance: M.A. Gavrilov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, S.A. Yanovskaya, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, A.D. Kharkevich, V.G. Lasarev, G.N. Povarov, T.L. Maystrovaya, A.A. Arkhangellskaya, and Yu.L. Sagalovich, Candidates of Technical Sciences. There are 136 references: 92 Soviet, 44 English, 9 Czech, 7 German, 3 French and 3 Rumanian. TABiE OF CONTEKTS: Forevo:!-d Introduction Ch. 1. Basic Definitions 1. Relay circuits and their parts 2. Operating states of a relay circuit 3. Seriesrparallel and bridge circuits 4. Contact circuits S. Regulated contact circuits 6. Conductivity of cireuits in relay systems 7. Single-cycle and multi-cycle circuits 3 4 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 Elements of (Cont,) SOV/3060 P,h, 2, Recording the Structure and-Operating Conditions of a Relay Circuit 25 1. Recording the structure of relay circuits 25 2* :Recording the structure of circuits with rectifiers 28 3, Recording the operating conditions of contact circuits 28 4. Recording the operating conditions of multi-cycle circuits 33 50 Transition from connection tables to conformity tables 35 Cho 3, Synthesis of Multi-cycle Circuits 36 1, Tnitial data. 36 2, Compiling the connection cables 36 3, Conditions under vhich the tables can be applied 38 4* Determining the number of intermediate relays 39 5o Selecting the connection sequence of intermediate relays 41 6, Change in the condition of several relays in one cycle 45 7, Selecting the operating sequence of Intermediate relays in order to obtain minimum number of contacts in control circuits 46 80 Ways of decreasing the number of intermediate relays 48 9, Use of time-delay relays in =,ilti-cycle circuits 169 10, Transition from connection table to the circuit 49 Card 3/8 Elements of (Cont,) SOV13060 Ch, 4. Algebraic Transformation 'of Contact Circuits 55 1, Basic mathematical tools . . 55 20 Basle laws and.correlations in contact circuit algebra 5T 3, The concept of constituents 58 4. The concept of connection and its circuital interpretation 59 5, Structural transformation of'contact circuits 61 6. Structural transformation of two-terminal IT-type contact networks 62 7, Transformation of bridge circuits 62 8e Inversion 63 Cho 5, General Solutions aad Their Transformation i, Concept of a general s6iution' 2, Determliation of particular solutions 3, FAltdvalences 40 Transformation of equivalences 5, Simplification of recording of. general solution 6., Simplification of expressions by means of tables of adjacent consti- tuents card 4/1 65 65 66 67 69 TO T2 Blaments of (Cont.) SOV/3060 7- Simplification of expressions by means of minimizing charts 75 8. Simplification of expressions by means of patterns 78 9. Additional equivalences.resulting from relay operating sequence 79 Cho 6, Mmber Sets and Their Transformation 82 1. Basic definitions 82 2, Basic operations vith sets 83 3* Coinciftnt sets and grouping 85 4* Transformation of sets by changing the base 87 Ch, 7* Graphical Method of Constructing Contact Circuits 92 1. Method of casceAse 92 29 Graphical method of conptructing symetrical circuits 914 3. Graphical method of constructing (l.,k)-terminal networkda 95 4, Utilizing direct leads 98 5, Detection of parasitic circuits 100 6. Elimination of parasitic circuits 103 7* Construction of separation circuits 103 8* Construction of a (p,k)-terminal contact network 104 Card 5/8 Elements of (Cont.) GOV/3o6o 9. Changing the order in circuit construction 106 10. Construction of inverte;- circuits 112 11. Application of the graphical method for the construction of contact circuits with multiplex switches M Ch, 8, Transformation of Relay Clr&aits 117 1. General concept of relay circuits n7 2. Conditions of relay operation in the circuit 117 3. Role of conductance In a relay circuit n9 4, Concept of the order of conduction 120 5. Interaction of relays in'the circuit 121. 6# Equivalency of relay circuits 122 7, Equivalent transformations of relay circuits 123 8, Inversion of relay circuits' 124 9. Expansion of relay circuits by introducing contact circuits 126 10. Expansion of relay circuits by introducing elements of end conduction 127 11. Operation of multi-winding relays 130 12. Relay with matched windings 130 13. Introduction of opposing windings 131 card 618 Elementa of (dont.) SOV/3o6o 14, General rules for transfarma+ion of relay circuits 133 Ch, 9. Construction of Multi-ralay Circuits 134 1. General remarks 134 2. Classification of relay circi~lts according to nature of conduction 135 3. Elementary relay circruits 135 4. Conditions for interconnecting relay circuits into a general circult 136 5, Sepmration of elementary relay circuits 137 6, MatchIng of relay circuits 138 Ch. 10. Multi-cycle Circuits With CApacitors 142 1. Capacitor as an active element of a relay circuit 142 2, Synthesis of multi-cycle circuits vith a capacitor acting on all relays 143 3- Circuit with separated espa~-itors 145 4, Additional possibIlities of circuits with capacitors 148 Ch. U. Mechanization of the Process of Structural Synthesis of Relay Circuits 150 Card 7/8 Elements of (Cont.) 10 General information on the automation of synthesis 2. Modell-Ing the opairations-of the graphical method 3, Substitution*of a direct lead for the contact 4, Obtaining the circuit 5,, Change of the base and selection of the alternate 6. Automation of setting of c6nditions 7, Block-diagram of the machine Legend Bibliography Alphabetical Index AVAIUME: Library of Congress (TK 2861 R63) Card 8/8 SOV /3060 150 151 155 155 156 156 157 158 159 164 JP/jb 2-4.6o GOLIDREYBR, Ions Gutelevich;-I.OHM J4 imir Yurlyevich; BBRG.A.I., !Y b"G., reda redfd-.tor; DZHIGIT,I.S., redaktor; YELIB,' . ktor; KULIKOV_ SKIY,A.A.. redaktor; MOZHZHNVFJLOV,B.B., redaktor; SKIRNOF,A.D., redaktor; TARASOV,Y.I., redaktor; TRA14M,B.F.. redaktor; CHXCHIK, P.O., redaktor; SHAKSHUR,V.I., redaktor; LEVITIN,Te.A.. redaktor; VORONINJ.P., tekhnicheakly, redaktor [Self-righting amplifier systems] Samovypriamliaiushchle usilitell- nye skhemy. Koskya, Goe.energ.izd-vo, 1955. 46 p. (NLRA 9:3) (Amplifiers, Blectron-tube) 0 ROGINSKIY. Vladimir Yurlyevich; FZYGILIS, Viktor Zinov'yevich; BERG.A.I.. ~i Tffrt'., redaktor; YBLIN,O.G., redaktor; KULIXOFSKIY. A.A., redaktor; KOZHZHZFXLOF,B.N., redaktor; SHUNOV,A.D., redaktdr; TARKSOV,F.I., redaktor; TRA)IM,B.F.. radaktor; MMHIZ,P.O.. redaktor; SHANSHUR,V.I., redaktor; KUBARKIN,L.V., redaktor; LARIONOV,G.Te., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [From microphone to loudspeaker] Ot zikrofona do gromkogovoritelia. Moskva, Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1955. 63 P. (Massovala radlobib'liotaka. no.233) (KWA 9:2) (Radio) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 422 Roginskiy, Vladimir Yur'yevich Poluprovodnikovyye vypryamiteli (Semiconductor Rectifiers) 2nd. ed., rev. Moscowl Gosenergoizdat, 1957. 94 p. (Series: Massovaya radiobiblioteka,, vyp. 273) 50,000 copies printed. Ed.: Mazel', K.B.; Tech. Ed.: Medvedev, L.Ya.; Editorial Board of Series: Berg, A.I., Dzhigit, I.S., Kulikovskiy, A.A., Smirnov'A.D., Tarasov, F.I., Chechik, P.O., Shamshur, V.I. PURPOSE: The booklet is intended for experienced*radio amateurs, and may be of use in the construction of rectifying devices. Card 1/4 Semiconductor Rectifiers 422 COVERAGE: Selenium, cuprous-oxide, germanium and silicon rectifiers are described. Physical processes occurring in semi- conductor diodes, their design and properties and also the basic data on industrially produced s 'emiconductor rectifiers are briefly reviewed. The more generally used rectifier and smoothing,filter circuits, as well as their design are set-forth. There are 9 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword- 3 Ch. I. Physical Properties of Semiconductors 8 1. Semiconductor electric conductance 8 2.-Principle of operation of semiconductor diodes 11 Card 2/4 se-miconductor Rectifiers 422 Ch. 2. Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers 3. Selenium diodes and rectifiers 4. Cuprous-oxide diodes and rectifiers 5. Germanium diodes 6. Silicon diodes 7. Comparative evaluation of semiconductor rectifiers Ch. 3. Rectifier Circuits and Their Design 8. Rectifier circuits with active load 9. Rectifier circuits with capacitive load 10. Smoothing filters Ch. 4. Design of Rectifiers 11. Losses in rectifiers 12. Design of rectifier 15 15 29 35 42 43 44 44 .51 65 72 72 74 Card 3/4 Semiconductor RectifieY.-s 422 13. Examples of palculation Ch. 5. Structural Design of Transf rs~,and Chokes 14. Structural design of a low-capa~ity power transformer 15. Structural design of a smoothing filter choke Conclusion Appendices: 1. Design relationships for inductively loaded rectifiers without losses 2. Elect#cal parameters of type VS and AVS selenium diodes Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 JjP/jMr 7-1-58 77 '83 87 91 92 94 95 ROGINSETY, VJU.9 dotsent B.A. Ostrcrumov; on -his 75th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his theoretical and educational work. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radlotekh. 6 no,2*212-213 Mr-Ap 363. (MMA 16:6) (Ostroumov, Boris Andreevich, 1887-) a r Roginskiy, Yakov Ser7eyevich RftnekAya profsoyuznaya periodichoskaya pechat' 1905-1917 gg; bibliograficheskiy ukazatell. Pod red. I so vstup. statley B. I. Kozlovskogo. Moskva, 1957. 68 p. illus. 23 cm. At head of title: Qosudarstvennaya Biblloteka SSSR imeni V. I. Lenina. RO, ('-~ I P-A ~-~ K k Y ~ 'e (L- , ~ a- _ -,D(':T-t --1,71 V -, V -. , . -~ .. I - . -', . "':. N. -Mil Ull',TD-'-fA~71"",~' ru~-~'iahed by "FIA1,71-," .':oscow, 1948. '4 PP - I RGGI,:SKY, Ya. Ya. 11.'~nthropolqr 110 ii I y Sh rt Course" (p. 121) by Bunak, V. V., Nestur-kh, 1-1. F., Ror-insV, -Ya. Ya., edited by Bunak, V. V. (Prof.), Loscovi, 194.1; and revievi~ed by Levin, L. G. SO: Advances ir- Contemporary Biology (Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii) Vol. 1't, 19414, I-To. 1 pOGIN3XTY, Ya. Ya. USSR/Anthropology 5100. 1947 Anthropologists 7425. "Soviet Anthropology During Thirty Years," M. G. Levin, Ya. Ya. Roginskiy, 18 pp "Sov Etnografiya" No 4 Reviews main trends in anthropology, eminent anthropologists, and their individual achievements. LC 17G82 J'11vo I uti on Principal -..uestions in the problem regarding the origin of modern !,Ian. Trudy Inst. etn. A,,. SS'q 16, 19,51. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ARril -1953r, Uncl. 2 BIGINSKIY, Takov Yakovlevicb; LBVIN, Maksim Grigor'yovich; ZARANKIN, V. ~1. -,-r-eT"aTVo"r","x SH%UMV, A, A, redakt or; TKREKMVA, D. F. , t ekh- nicheakly redaktor [Pandanentals of anthropology] Oanovy antropologit.[14oakwa] Isd- vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1955. 205 p. (MLRAB:10) (Anthropology) ROGINSKIY Ya. Tj~. Stability of the type of bodily proportions characteristic of the species; concerning the adaptive role of the *indefinite variability" Evith English summary in Inaert). Zool.zhur. 36 no.1:151-157 Ja '57. MRA 10:5) I.Biologo-pochvennyy falmlitet Moskovskogo goBudarstvannogo universiteta im. N.V. Lomonosova. (AnatomW, Comparative) (Adaptation (Biology)) (Evolution) .0 ROGIDISM, Ya. Ya. K problemye tselostnosti- organiz--P. (Morfologicheski-Y analliz nekotorykh sluchayev narusheniya tipichnykh korrelyatsiy)." I report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. ROGINSKIY, Ya.Ya. (Moskva, K-6, YqLlyayevskaya u1., d- 35, k7- 13) Some results of the application of a qaantitative method in the study of morphological variability. Arkh.anatgist. i embre 36 no.1:83-89 Ja 159- (MIRA 12:3) 1. Kafedra antropologii (zavo - prof. MeAe Grezyatekiy) HoakovabDgo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (KQMOLOGY, quantitative mathematical method of determ. of morphol. variability (BUS)) 4, Yll r? f " "" 't I ' 1"T' TY , 111. ) N. Y I Unit-d qu~--Aion racialtism. Trudy In3t. ntn. MIT 333R no. 12, 1951 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952 -M3, Uncl. BritA 3-S- G 1- ru-.t-, Manthlv List of Fuszsia-n Accesslons, -ilbrar- of Congress, !-'-~-rch 10,52. UTMLI~ S=D. ROGMSETY, Yu. V.. dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauch Leonolld Borisovich Slepian; obituary. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 2 no.6:158 &D 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Sleplan, Teomolld Borisovich, 1889-1959) ROGITSKIY, S.A. 6582 RCGITSKIY, 3. A. IZOSCIEET `~'ADDK- STP-,I,,'OK METODC11 KO'.'r-o-CHUNIKH RAZI'osrr,--v posolH-n.). SVEIMLOVSK, 1954. 52 S SCHERT. 22 Sill ( !---V0 VYSSr;. OBRAZOVAIiIYA SSR. URALI SIM POLITEX-1-121. LN-T D--'. S. M. KIROVA). 400 E-:'7'-Z . B. TS. -(55-1711)P 0'24.093 60: ICYIZT.~INYA, 6 lorr 9 -- RGGITSKIY, S.A., prof., doktor takhn. nauk Stabilit7 of frames with steplike supports. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.71:5-27 '59. 04M 12:8) (Structural frames) I M YEGOROV~ I.AI- ROGITSKIY S A. Stability of rod svatems with movable joints. Trudy Ural. pol.itekh. inst. no.1320-17 162. (MM 16:6) (Elastic rods Ind wires) 0 V I- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5657 Rogitskly, Stanislav Andreyevich Novyy metod rascheta na prochnost' i 'Ustoychivost' (New Method of Designing For Strength and Stability) Moscow, Mashgiz, 7 1960. 351 p. 7, 000 copies printed. Ed. R. L. Malkina, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. - Ed. : N. A. Dugina; Executive Ed. of Ural-Siberian Department (Mashgiz): T. M. Somova, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel engaged in machine and structural design. COVERAGE: The first part of the book discusses a revised and improved method of unbalanced moments, distribution. According to the author, it is much easier to design statically indeterminate structural frame- Card-1110F' New Method of Designing (Cont. ) SOV/5657 works under static and dynamic loads by this method than by any other..- In the second part methods are given for not only checking the stability of an indeterminate structural framework as a whole, but for designing it in such a way that equistability of all its members is ensured. Mastery of the methods is facilitated by a large number of examples which illus-- trate the simplicity of the analysis. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany each part of the book. There are 41 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editor 3 STRUCTURAL FRAME ANALYSIS BY THE METHOD OF UNBALANCED MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Ch. 1. The Analysis of Frameworks With Fixed Joints 7 Card 2 /10 ROGIMIY, S.A. I I%tability of zaltispan rods resting on elastic supports. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.162.-4-20 161. (MIRA 16: 11) I ROGITSKIY., S.A~, prof., dolAor tekhn.nauk Stability of rods of stepwise varying profile. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.99:5-22,160. (MIRA 14.5) (Structural frames) - MATVEYEV, Semen Grigorlyevich;RtOGIT J,,,-doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ANDREYEV, Yd--.T., kand.teiam.nauk, retsenzent; LEVITT, L.I., retsenzent; SPNEUX, A.I., red. izd-va; BOLDYaEVAY Z*.A., tekhn. red.3 PROZO-ROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. [Mine buildings] Rudnye sooruzheniia. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 579 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury (for ftogitskiy). (Mine buildings),- YEGOROV, I.A.; ROGITSKIY, S.A. (Sverdlovsk) Stability of fram a with stepped pi-Ilars. Stroi.i mekh.i rasch. soor. 4 no-4:23-29 162. OURA 15:8) (Structural frames) t -1 RUGITSKIY, S.A., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. z;-" - Rigidity of rod systemm having stationary joints. Trudy Ural. polltekh.inst-no-54:5-22 055. (KWA 9:5) (Structures, Theory of) ZHDANOV. I.M.; ROIMNOVSKIY. V.B.; DOLUKHANOV, M.P.; ZLOTNIKOV. S.A.; KONDRATIYEV, A.G.; ODNOL'KO, V.V.; ROGITSXIT. V-Yu.; YOKICHEV, I.N. ~~ . Professor P.V. Shmakov. 191ektrichestyo no.1:94 Ja 156. (KLHA 9:3) (6hmakov. Pavel VaBillevich. 1885-) LIVSHITS, R.M.; ALACHFV, V.P.; PROKOFIYEVA, M.V.; ROGIVIN, Z.A. Mechanism of the tetravalent cer-Jum salt initiation of the graft copolymerization of cellulose with vinyl monomers. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.4:655-658 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilInyy institut. Nauchno-isaledovatellskii institut sinteticheskikh smol. PASWOVP A.D.; ROGIMY, VF., aspirant Towards a thsor)r of the dperatidn of root bolting In vortioal prospect holes, lav. vys. uchab, zav,t geol I riev. 0 164i. (MIRA 1817) 1. Roskoviikiy geologorazverlochnyy inAtitut im, Mrdthosikidsaj PASHKOV, A.D.) kand.tekhn.naulcl ROGIZNYYP V.F., inzb. Tilvestigating the performance of rod bolting in vertical workings with the use of models made of loose materials. Shakht.stroi. 8 no.11&17-20 N 164. (MIRA 180.) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut. i3ELKIN, Vitaliy Hafailovich) nauchnyy sotr.; ROGKIN, Nikola~_ Semenovich, inzh.; PISAREVSKIY, A.A., iced.; PRONINA, N.D., telca~m.reL [Apparatus for suturing elements of the root of the lung (UKL-60 and UKL-40)]Apparaty dlia ushivaniia elementov kornia. legkogo (UKL-60 i UKL-400. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 49 p. (MIRA 16:1) ,(SUTURES) (LUNGS-SURGERY) 1w1bo Wslow. jow!~%J,Jml kolwt 11rhu. staili'd with A with hmeltva - that the .1u .. WSO.). ~"alfiscs in diarly-diporm.1 1, Wyll Oil Vinlins. Sktuill amts. of thenglituoirul p1mint *its. "my fir addled. The "i"If"ent It t1whil in the Irratoornt of eye diwalleg mill OIll-cro. D"tr ' ~ ' ' nMh"i6i of Iron ore in tite /Occurreaca ~l Waran I I .M. ear Ulke (Serbia) 11ranLslav-?,farkqAe and Cc . , : RogliE. Zbamik rad 0v Pub 1958)(German 3ummnry).-m4n the 6eighbov K sedimentary twu ore occurs In several pLuSei lnterstratifich~ with cryst. schists and limestones of P:M Carboniferous age. The best ore (76.52% F603) is r a in a locality called Catift Vis, forming a searn about-11 cl. -'In thickness. The Irow-content of the scams in, otbei, to- califies (Golo Brdo, Veselinovi6a Drdo, Afala bletal)w is much lower (11.41--41.8470 R20s). but theorecontainsAfn 27'~ .(0.47-14.88% 11n) and traces of N1. The proied riserves are small (1000 tons) atid the occurrence is main ' xeo-, y chem. Interest.: The Pre has proW)ly been forimed In la i t/pIllby biochem.,processes from Fe-rkh waters Issui n g f )veatherini sernpitives. 77~ ROGLIC, J~ 'A 6 Moscow; realization of the naticnal myth. Geogr hor 1.0 no.3cl-16 164, "Llurnover of merchandise in the main Eurouean harbors, 1962. Ibid.?43-45 Modern highway network in Yugoslavia, 1963. lbici.-.33 0 ROGLIC I J. Milan Senoa.. 1869-1961; obituary. Geogr glas 24 2(Y7-208 162, 1.1 ROGLIC , J. "Swiss atlas for secondary schools." 13th ed. Reviewed by J. Roglic. Geogr glas 2/+ 203-201+ 162. ROGLIC, J. The tenth anniverm of the Geographical Society of 10roatia. Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:26 F-Ap 162. 1. Geografski zavod Sveucilista, $6greb. Membre de la R6daction, tulletin scientifique.m. ROGLIC, Josip, dr. Terraces and erosional levels. Geogr.glas. no.20:153-155 158 (Ptiblished 1959). (BUI 9:5) 1. Geografsko drustvo Rrvatake i Swoualliste u Zagrebu. Uredulk Geografskog glasnika. (Terraces) (31rosion) ROGLIG, Josip, dr., red., prof. (Zagreb, Marulicev trg 19) Contribution to the knowledge of the glaciation and evolution of the relief of the mountains of.the middle Neretya. Geogr glas no.21:9-34 160, 1 1. Geografski odejek Prirodoolovno-mtematickog fakulteta Sveucilteta u Zagrebu i Urednik, "Geografski glasnik". (Yugoislavia-Glacial epoch) II ROGLICY Josip, dr., red., prof. (Zagreb, Marulicev trg 19) Annual convention of the Association of American Geographers, PittBburg, Pennsylvania,, March 29-April 2. 1959. Geogr glas no.21:112-114 160. 1. GeografBki odisjek Prirodoolovno-mtematickog fakultet~i Svoucilista. u Zagrebu i Urednik, "Geografski glasnik". (Association of American GeographerB) ROGLIC., Josip, dr., red., prof. (Zagreb, Marulicev trg 19) An important centennial. Geogr glas no.21:103-105 160. 1. Geografski odejek Pirodoolovno-mtematickog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu i Urednik, "GeografBki glannik". (H=boldtj, Alexander Freiherr von, 1769-1859) (Ritter, Karl, 1779-1859) (Geographers.. Germn) ROGLIC, Josip Some basic problems of geography. Geogr glas 22:9-20 160 (publ. 161) 1. Urednik, "Geografski glasnik". ROGLIC, Josip 19 International Congress of Geographers Stockholm, August 6-13, 1960. Geogr glas 22:57-65 160 (publ 1611. 1. Urednik, "Geografski glasnik". ROGLIC, Josip California, a countz7 of quick tmnsformation. Geogr hor 6 no.3-41-10 160. il'-A- .I ROGLIC, josip, prof., dr. ,,.Ton years of the Geographical Society of Croatia. Geogr.glas. n0.19: 1-6 157 (Fdblished 1958). (lux 9:5) 1. Pfetajedulk Geografskog drUstva J~rvatske. Urednik Geografskog glasnika. (Croatia-Geography) _- W--GLIC,-JosIp,-dr. Kraatic plateaus. Geogr.glas. no-19:103-134 '57 (Pablished 1958). (ICU 1 9 -.5) 1. Geografsko drustvo Ervatske I Swoucilisto u Zagrebu. Urednik Geografskog glasnikiL. (Croatia-Urat ) '44 ROGLIC, Josip, dr.; BAUCIG. Ivo- Marst In dolomites; between the Konavle plain and the coast. Geogr. glas. no.20:129-137 158 (Ptiblished 1959). (]MAI 9:5) 1. Geografsko drustvo Mmatske I Sveuciliste u Zagrebu. Urednik Geografskog glaentka (for Raglic). (Croatia-Urst) ROGLIC, Josip, dr. The Pleistocene lake in the Zeta River Valley. Geogr.glas. no.20: 149-151 158 (Plablished 1959). OMAI 90) 1. Geografsko drustvo Hrvatske i SVeuciliste u Zagrebu. Urednik Geograf skog glamika. (Mbntenegro-Gealog7) 17ty 1, nternaticnal Ccn:~,-ress on Gecgrarky, Wa5hin.gton D. C. Au"st 8-15, 2952. 1-- - 113. (L'G~i-I.-S, No. a4!lr, 11'-J;~;153 SO: Frnthly list of Easf European A-css-,5ors, (Elf'~;-,L, IC, Vol. 4, No. 6. June 1955, Uncl. Nortn lantic~ hor 10 no.3-~ nr~ 1~:-':,h ri ~-Lcn. -a D~pelina. lbid.~42,43 --iv -unnt! -ineath "alrit. Bernard Faigs, and the oC the . - I " k. .1-itonm)'Lilfy relfoluticm. 5-46 -7n. ROGLIC, Neda. - Petroleum in the life of Southwest Asia during 1958. Geogr hor 6 no.3: 43-45 160. 1 I I ~ I ROG ~119,--N~ea-- -- .-- - - The youngest federal state of the USA. Geogr hor 6 no.3:49-51 '60. ROGLIC Neda Construction of the now *European Harborme Geogr hor 7 no.1/2:39 161. ROGLIC Npciq . Economic successes and trends of Norway. Geogr hor 7 no.1/2:40-41 161. ROGLIC,,, ~e~da - ~ Changing_relationo of the Karii-Bogaz.-Gol and the Caspian Sea. Geogr hor 9 163. - -MM ROGLIC, Noda -v, Highway tunnel beaneath St. Bernard. Geogr hor 9 no.1/2:55 163. Z~ ROGLIG, INada cAng-lization of the Moselle River. Geogr hor 9 no.1/2:62-63 163. ROGLIC, - N-.~ -1- - Demographic problems of Canada. Geogr hor 8 no.1/2:46 162. ROGLIC, N. Changes in tho prpulAtion of England and Wales, 1951-1961. Geogr hor 8 no.1/2:47 162. ROGLIC, Neda Growth and change of Japanese cities. Geogr hor 8 no~4:31-32 162. Ror ~'ILIG Neda La Chaux-de-Fonds. Geog-- hor 8 no.4:38-39 162. ROGLIC, Neda Petroleum in the Sahara. d6ogr hor 8 no-4:39-40 162. im R'OGLIC , T'C~da The rice from the reelatnation area of CamrTue. Geogr hor 8 no.3:43 162. ROGLIG, Neda Harbor of Rotterdam expansion. Geogr hor 8 no.4:42-44 162. ... ROGLIC, Neda ---------- Petroleum and gaa in Western Germany. Geogr hor 7 no.1/2:42-43 '61. L 02248-67 - ARgJFSS__2/FBP/EL~JPU~/~Pffi) I ACC NR: AP6020080 SOURCE CODE: YU/0009/65/000/005/0461/0480 AUTHOR: Rooc/, Stevan (Colonel) 13, ORG: none TITLE: The joint action of rocket, fighter-interceptor, and anti-4dreraft units in an Is dafeas4 .,�ystem SOURCE: Vazduhoplovni glasnik, no. 5, 1965, 461-480 TOPIC TAGS: air defense system, armed force organization. military action ABSTRACT: The article stresses the importance of the joint coordinated action of various means of anti-aircraft defense (in the Soviet army. for example, territorial anti-aircraft de- fense Is one of the fundamental units of the armed forces) because the means of air warfare developing at an extremely rapid pace. Laser systems, for example, are capable of destroyin targets in the air and in the outer space at high altitudes and oblique distances. The organiza- tion of the anti-aircraft defense (AAD), the command within the AAD iystem, the grouping of AAD forces (local, linear, or zonal), the joint action of AAD forces, and various special fea- tures (aircraft identification, action under adverse weather conditions. and other circumstances)- are discussed. [ Publishing Editor's note: This article represents exclusively the views and L_gard oPinions of its author.) Orig. art. has: 411gures. SUB CODE: 15/ SUBM DATE: none -card .2&. ALe