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Country : USSR Category : Forestry. BiolOgy and Typology of the Forest. K Abs Jour so RZhBiol,, No 6, 1959, No 24700 Zabello, K. Lo Author : Roo Inst : -"e 'Ousslan Forest -Eng Inearing Institute, Title : Nitrogen Nutrition of Pine Stands Growing on Light, in Mechanical Composition, Peaty- Podzol Soils. Orig Pub : Sb. nauch. rabot Belorussk. lesotekhn. in-tq 1958, vyp, 9, 59-73- Abstract Investigations on the clarification of total and hydrolizable N reserve contents in the soil, its mobility and dynamics in the soil horizons according to the seasons of the yearl were conducted on eight experimental areas in 4-year-old pJ+e forests of the Negores-49 Card 1/3 10 Cnuntry : USSR Category : Forestry. Biology and Typology of the Forest. K Abs Jour : RZhBiol,? No 6, 1959,j No 24700 Author Inst Title Orig Pub we Abstract of total N (absorbed by the plants) Is noteds and towards September N is replenished. The mobility of" soil N is higher in summer than in the spring and autumng mineralization of the nitrogen compounds prioceeds to the forma- tion of ammonia, and in clearings partial nitri- fication takes place, In the soilsq undar Inve- stigation, the mineral forms of N are very insig- nificant. Card 3/3 pakse I ll~OK MrArrAr:0v S07/3450 Terrilcheskay% obrabotka i ~~ymtva k=myk!: p3k.~.k (Zem Tmat=-.nt and Prorrti,s Of Largd Forging,), Mdew, KaAbglZ, 19'9. 165 p, 4,1M corl-. Rarl~r- K.11. Sokolov, CuuUd&ta of T-ktl-l VA.: F.Y. 5Xlyy-, CaAidAto of T~ch,4cnl S~lenc~.; T~a.. rd.-. N-AALCIna. V.-. El.(Uml-Slt~lk~ Vli.ion, gaahZLz): A.V. K.Iti.., PURP=; This boolL to lnt~W~d for t&chnle&l jerva-el wrk.4tg lm th~ hops, laboratories, an4 dtoogn office$ or p~arts mArAfa4t-4r!r4 h--avy r=h~-ncry wd elcctrical eTzlp-nt. It ray .1.0 t. or .-- irl~--. to ;--l. COM.AM: This col.lectlen of a,-ticlea deAcetv& wthods enployed by Ur.LT~hzm-,! (Ural Ecary W-hl-y Plant, Sverdl-Ak) for k-t-%matiug h~mvy forgii,.&n. r4zc----h ccnj_-tjj at tK- :0~t in alio D~ts. far co=putlng ewlirz rstas in tho q, anl ef hrkry farEln6a &- JL co... aidrable portion or the I-wk is dc~t~4 to Inforo&tion on tbl~ wchaniml 4 l - *-Vtec. 8~--t=b properties of rutors for hnury t-boL-m"ri -. rotor$ at varimi. 1~lpts along tl~ tOly -1 nock of thest 1,arts. TLe main defects cc~rrlng in mtcrs of th~- tr~- sz~ &-scrltol, tlxtr cmuies ars, aid act-d. of L-zlg v, F-bl- a- R1.6.2" Or a stuay cr " furgir-0 mA44 Of va-o-tr~%tld 11-1 &M el-m. So r. ;. Analit I.. Plf-- -t of %!~ CdJCUlAttF4 Lhe COO14r., Pat, Of F.."y st-1 F0.014'. ()'.V. Mlyye,) 5 244t Tm&twnt Of Rctzr Forzirga (P.V. S~lrjy-, L.I. K~awr, N-M-) 13 nf R~SlJaftl Stm-s in N-Y For,~r,~c by the Y.Y. .3 Or at- S,r,.t- c~-,ie&l c-q-~altieu Of St-i (r.v. sL~yv,-, Kirva,,Om) 'An ZZ. "--eAYICAL ZFxr:f7= C? nor= M9 STI:AX -XQM= ASO if-t Tl-t-nt -14 Gf 21~,VQ-il C.P-ltl (P.V. D.C. f!t., 51 r'~'% Troaurtnt ~j 0!. p,_ ., tv.- t., . of C.J,- t %, (1'.V. Sxly~,~ "%!J, 65 lvvOlt!Flti~n nr Y,:"-icm! -f c_p!_, y_t,,d hotn.. of st- (1'.V. V.N, ),-, 110 H-t-1 Q'Aal!ty .,I Y-h-j-1 r-j,Ajt- ~r RV. I St-1 O~.V. Y.?;. Y-r%lkh, "tor= 95 ' .f (P.V. D.A. p_j-, t.V, 0.1 L.T. ?.,- . ...... 101 .: rrr!,~ , 1-1. k to-7, Ef.,-t ~.;* r--j, P.V. S~jy, L.I. L.A. nt. y ir. P~n iv. w%v,, i",,, -.-i r-f- t- in J! .. N,Wr. f~,- f.y~, V.S. r- st-n-, V.N. 151 C~~-.lty i~l., up FOA~,~, W."r. a - --- ----- - !---, -- ~ - - -- - ----- SKLYUY-EV, P.T., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; ROGOVZAYA, A.I., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. Mechanical properties of a large dive nodo of 34Kh13M stool for steam turbines. 11norgonashisontroonle 3 ne.3.-25-27 Nr 157. (Steas turbines) (au io:4) A U111-10 R Nlyue V, P. anA Rog'ovskaya, A. I. , Candidate of Techn0cal _ - , Sciences and TITM': Mechanical properties of a large disc made of steel 34XH3M (3L~Ydjj,13jjj) intended for a sueara uuj:~birie. (M-ekhanicheskie svoystva krupno~,o disdia- iz stali 3411f3lil dlya parovoy tburbiny-) 0 PERIODICAL: "Energomashinastroenie", (Power r~,Iachinery Construction), 1957, No. 3, pp. 25 - 27, (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The mechanical properties were studied on specimens cut from a large blank which was originally manufactuied from an ingot weighing 5 150 kg of a steel containing: 0.34,66 C9 3.231,~ Ni, 0.980/". Cr, 0.31~~ Mo, O.0241;j- P and 0.01?1/~., S. The dimensions of -the blank and the distribution of the origin of the specimens are given in Fig. ;, P.25. The disc was hard- ened in oil and temoered at 590 C with subsequent slow coolin- in the furnace. The mechanical properties of the blank in the -various individual spots, marked in Fig. 1, are entered in Table 1. Fig. 2 shows diagrammatically the loca- tions chosen-for cuttinE; the specimens. Fig. 3 shows the change of the mechanical properties with the length of the blank. Fig. 4 shows the change of mechanical properties along the cross-section of the blank. Fig. 5 shows the influence of the original location of the specimen in the blank on its tendency to develop temper brittleness. Figs. 6 and 7 are photos of the macro-structure of the steel at the narrow end of the blank and at the step. It was found that the metal at the rim face had the best mechanical Drocerties; it was free lidluclianical propertios o.r a large disc made of steel. 3zrWx (341WI13M) in-tended for a steam -turbine. (Cont.) from liquation products and had a fine dendritic structure which was formed during forging and which cooled down during the hardening process at a higher speed than the other parts of the rim. With increasing distance from the face of the rim, Uhe hardness and impact stren6th properties drop as a result of decreasing cooling speed during hardening and due to the presence of larga, liquation products, the plasticity indices (elongation and transverse compression) also drop; due to extensive development of another dendritic liquation in the insidle zones of the casting the tendency to develop temper brit-uleness also increases and this brings about an additional reduction of the impact strength of the specimens from the stepped section in the case of slow cooling after tempering. 0 The obtained results and also the fact that there was no discontinuity between the mechanical properties of specimens taken from the rim during many years of practical manufacturing expe-rience show 'that kb would be possible to dispense with investi-ation of specimens from the rim and such practice would enable the speeding up, and thus reducing the cost of manu- facture. figures, including 3 grap]M, and 2 tables. 0 ROGOVYY, F.F. [Rohovyi, F.F.], nauchnyy sotrudnik Increasing the sawing speed for grain crops. Mekh, Bill@ ho 14 no.3:20 Mr '63. (MERA 17:118 1. Kharikovskaya iasledovatellskaya stantsiya makhanizataii sellskogo khozyaystva. YU111 I YLV, G.S.; PRILLPKO,.M.Ye.; Prinimali uchasti.!c: KRASMLAYA, H.I., studentka; LUCHKOVSIMAJ, I.V., studentka; A.F. studentka; RESHETITIKOVA, I.L., starshiy laborant Age-related dynamics of cardiac activity in laboratory mar=.als according to electrocardiographic data. Report No.l: Atrioventricular conduction interval and the heart rhythm. Vop. fiziol. chel. i zhiv. no.1:31- 46 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra fiziologii cheloveka i zhivotnykh Belorusskogo gosudar- stvennogo universitata imeni Lenina. (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (ANDIAIS, INFANCY OF) ROGOVSKAYAI T;..V.; MOROZOV9 A.T.9 nauclivyy red.; LANGE, O.K.9 retsenzent; WDEMAN, n.K., retsenzent; DUVIN-BARKOVSKjy# L.Vag retsenzent; FILIPPOVA9 B.S., red. izd-va; BYKOVAg V.V.9 tekhn. red. (The technique of establiehirg bydrogeological regions for land reclamation purpoBOB; hydrogeological land reclamation regional Metodika gidrogeologicheskogo raionirovaniia dlia obosnovaniia melioratsii; gidrogeologo-meliorativnoe raionirovanie. Moskyap Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1959. 174 p. (Murgab Valleys-Irrigation research) (MnIA 14:6) (Kura-Aras Va-lley~Irrigation research) ROGOVSKAYA, No V., Doc GEOL-MIN SC:Iq "HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR SUBSTANTIATING IRRIGATING AIMILA-GINA'".".11 Moscowq 1960. (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED RSFSR9 Moscow GEOL-&i"&WW"- INST IN So ORDZHONIKIDZE), (KL9 3-619,206)o 86 SOV/124-57-4-4498 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 91 (USSR) AUTHOR: Rogovskaya, N. V. TITLE: Seepage Investigations Performed on Large Irrigation Areas (Opyt filltratsionnykh issledovaniy na massivakh orosheniya) PERIODICAL: Sov. geologiya, 1955, Nr 44, pp 34-46 ABSTRACT: Investigations were carried out on an area of 2.5 million hectares [I hectare= 2.471044 acres] and provided data for plotting of maps (1:100,000 scale) of the water permeability of the air-containing layer as welt as maps of the aquifers; to determine the see.-.,age coefficient K more than 1200 drill holes were filled with water, 800 samples were pumped out of wells, and 600 monolith tests were carried out under laboratory conditions. The area investigated was characterized by a variegated lithological composition of soils and different degrees of salinity. The determination of the value of K in the air-containing layer by the method of filling of drill holes with water and investiga- tions of monoliths revealed the following: a) The absence of any con- nection between the granulometric composition of beds (characterized Card 1/3 by argillaceous particles with a d< 0.005 mm) and their water SOV/124-57-4-4498 Seepage Investigations Performed on Large Irrigation Areas permeability; b) a sharp deviation (usually by a factor of up to 100 times) of the values of K obtained under field conditions from those that are commonly accepted for soils of analogous mechanical composition; c) under natural conditions, the per- meability of soils differs significantly from and, as a rule, is greater than the per- meability of monoliths; consequently, laboratory investigations may not be used for correction of field tests; d) the seepage coefficient of monoliths varied consid- erably with time (by a factor of up to 10 times over a period of 7- 10 days), becoming greater for some types of soils and smaller for others. This condition may be attributed to coagulation and dispersion produced by changes in the salinity of a soil and conditions of seepage. Determination of the value of the seepage coefficient of an aquifer by the method of water withdrawal revealed the following: a) The values obtained in computing the K by the Dupuy-Tirn formulas (in the case of per- fect wells) and by the Girinskiy formula (for imperfect wells) are fairly close to each other if the length of the well strainer immersed in the aquifer is almostequal to the clistance between the central well and the observation well; b) the mean value of K as determined from individual -pumping withdrawal is ZO-400/o greater than the value determined from a withdrawal by means of "rootstock" pumping-from multiply interconnected wells; 0 the index of -the mechanical composition of the soil, the._*-,,,,,- average content of particles with a d< 0.01 mm, or the "soil index" per S. F. Card 2/3 I SOV/124-57-4-4498 Seepage Investigations Performed on Large Irrigation Areas Korobkin [Gidroteklinika i melioratsiya (Hydraulic Engineering and Reclamation), 1949, Nr 8) is not related to the value of K S. F. Averlyanov Card 3/3 n I 'Ic no A aH4 tlirul---!~l-.,T.~zt"-_z_lv~~~,~l?.Irlbtrll~-15N:I"I-%,-~-it Rf cnmMiA Wag- Murgab Delta. (MIU 3-1:9) ROGOVSKAYA, III.V. Field study of underground water conditions in irrigated regions. Razved. i okh. nedr 2-7 no.3-46-48 Mr '61. (MIRA 14:5) l,.Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. (Water, Underground) (Irrigation) ROGOVSKAYA,N.V. -- .......... .- - Filtration research in large scale irrigation sites. Sov.geol. no.44:34-46 '55. (MLRA 8:11) (Irrigation) (Soil percolation) ROGOVSKAYA, Nina Vasillyevna; BINDAUN, N.N.. redaktor,- KRASNOVA, N.I.. KRYNOCHKINA, K.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Methods of hydrogeological and geological engineering studies in irrigation systems] Metodika gidrogeologicheskikh t inzhenerno- geologicheskikh issledovanii na massivakh orosheniia. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. 1956. 135 P. (water supply) (MIRA 9:9) (Irrigation) (Water. Underground) ROGOYSKA-A, N.Y. Ground waters In the northern Tarim Depression and its Improvement for agricultural purposes [with eummary In Inglish]. Sov. Pol. 3 no.10:112-117 0160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut g1drogeologii i inzhenernoy geologli. (Tarim Valley--Water, Underground) (Reclamation of land) I LEBEDLIV) A.V.; ROGOVSKAYA, N.V.;, BABUSHMN, V.D. "Methodology of bydrogeological investi-ationsO by F.F.Klimentov. a Reviewed by A.V.Lebedev, N.V.Rogovskaia, V.D.Babushkin.---Abv.geol. 6 no.2:157-159 F 163. (MIRA 16.4) (Water, Underground) (Klimentov, P.P.) 0 ROGOVSKAYA, l,.V.; HOROZOV, lk,", Ldu-ceased] [Statistical and hydrodynamical analysis of the effect of irrigation on ground waters; characteristics of th3 formation of g-rourd waters in the LIIurgab Delta.] Statisticheskii i gidrodinamicheskii analiz vliianiia orosheniia na grunLovye vody; zakonormrnosti formirovaniia L-runtovjkli vod dellty r. 11-lurgab. Mook-va,, Nedrap 1964. 234 p. (11-10scow. Vsesoluznyi nauchno-Issladovatelskii institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoi goolo-ii. Trudy, no.7). (MIRA 17:9) 0 I t 0 G 0 V6 K AYA N 'V.,- FIALKO YP.Gz. Hydrogeolog-Ical basis for land imDrovement work in the Kura-Aras Lmtland. Sov. geol. ? no.l.li121-123 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut gidrogeologii j inzhenernoy geologli, Analysis of sevtral yearo of observations on reg-Lmne of 1 unar -round waters accc:--*Ing to the data of the Turillnerdan 11 Je 16L ily(Logeological Station. So7. geol. 7 no.6:93-115 0-IIA 18:1) 1. Vs,3soyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inst."Aut gidrogeologili -1,,zhenernoy geologli. RCGOVQKt,YAP R;.I.; LAZAIUN-A, M.F. Microbiological characteristics of the biologica! film used for the purification of sewage of the plastic :7aterials industry. Mikrobiologiia 33 no.1:148-151 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut obshchey i komunallnoy gigiyeny imani Sysina PJ4N SSSR. bWdbomkw I d Ow-rais"don W Waters. to. K ,Xvpk4Tt,(A1l-Ruu1sn VOWAO Rewarrh lost.. Uos- ). A j idpialo6ya 20. 3WUOMD-Certain rnk4v),. iwWanis"m can utill;e T14T (#miter *3 a sourcr of X than its a mmue of C). and mime we onesitive to TaNT as a growth inkilAtur. 1*or#kt11b wkrW~ ie tome tva%tant to TNT than w4jitAw flamwend or (;I~mw~ grn. brut. .-If I.ovifieathws -f gxJhM4 streAto, iq InhINIM i( the 11111-11I.-C is TIN r 1- 1.111 111 -,% - ,.Itr thr I'det.41"W 111'ay 1w ,,, high it, 1. 1 1-~ S. of, waste waters from coke4hentleal plantC by the application of pate Cultwes of phenot-destroylng~ bacteria. V. 11. glytinkov, Ts.'L-Rogovs kava, and L. I , SlIneerson. Gilirya i Sunit. snit Ivas found that a culture of the PhOlf-destroying bacterhk could. not be maintained in yure state under cidnditinus of plant use. Furthermore. since the chern. compo. of -phenolic waste liquors varic-s considerably. the use of a single-bace 1~ inI culturedoes not uppear to be practical. Theuseafa.' r Md. niethod does not appea to be wamanted scientificall) and vconoujically.- G. It. Kosninpolf ROGOVSKAYA, TS.I.; LAZAREVA, X.F. ., Speeding up the startijig period for sewage aeration stations. Vod. i D '56. (MLRA 10:3) (Sewage-Purification) :4 SrAYA 102 1., kandidat biolOgichOokikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; KMGiYT. I.L.0 kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redektor; SMIRNOVA. A.?., redaktor izdatelletva; ILIKINA, A.M., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Purification of industrial waste water; proceedings of a conference on purification of industrial and waste water] Ochistkm promyshlennykh stochnykh vod; materialy soveshchaniia po voprosam ochistki promyshlen- nykh I stochnykh vod. Moskva. GosAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhtt.. 1957. 275 P. OKLRA 10:8) 1. Moscow. Teesoyuxn" nouchno-isoledoystallskiy institut Yodoenobshe- niya, konalixateit, gidrotakhaichookikh sooratheniy i inzhenernoy gidrogeologii (Water-Purification) ROGOVS13KAYA, Tc! I LAZAIRJEV~,., M.F. ~= 10- Microbiologir;al ch-arac ter--',. s tics of the artive purifying sewage in the plastics industry. 14-11,--obiolorriia 32 no.6., 101,7-1051 N-D '63 (MIRA 181l) 1. Vse:io2,ruznyj naue I'mo-iss led o-ra tel I skiy institut 'Tsesoyuznogo nauchnc-issledovatel7skocro insLi-tuta vedo,,Tnabzhenlya. kanall- zntsil, gidroluekhnichpskikh sooruzheriy I inzhenernoy gidro- geoloali. ROGOVSKAYA, TS. I.; LAZAREVA, M. F. Intensification of the processes of biochemical purification of industrial sewage. Report No. 2: Microbiological characteristics of active silts purifying sewage containing hydrogen sulfide. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.3:525-529 t*Je 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut vodosnab- zheniya, kanalizatsii, gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy i inzhenernqy gidrogeologii, Moskva. (WATER-FURIFICATIO11) (SILT-MICROBIOLOGY) (INDUSTRIAL WASTES) SIDOIDV, A.A., otv. red.; ZHUKOV, A.I., red., KALABINA, M.M., red.; Yu.yu., red.; MONGAYT, I.L., red.; ROGOVSKAYA LURIYEf red.; RYBNIKOIIA, A.I., red.; SKVORTSOVA, 1. ., red.izd-va; SMIRNOVA, A.P., red.izd-va; 143CHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. [Purification of industrial sewage]Ochistka promyshlennykh stoctinykh vod; trudy sovmestnoi konferentsii Instituta Vodgeo ASiA SSSR i Instituta vodrogo khoziaistva Ministerstva zemle- delila, lesnogo i vodnogo khoziaistva ChSSR. Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1962. 448 p. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Konferentsiya po ochistke fenollnykh stochnykh vod, Moscow, 1960. (Phenols) (Sewage--Pur-ification) 9 ROGGVSI~~4k,-T.I. Coordination of studies on plant ir-xmnity. Zashch. r-ast. ot vred, i bol. 5 no.9:51 S 160. (PEIRA 15:6) (Plants-Diecase and pest resistance) ROGOVSKAYA, TS.I.; UZAREVA, M.F. Intensifying biochemical purification of induBtrial sewage. Report Yo.l: Microbiological characteristics of active sludges purifying various types of industrial sewage. Mikrobiologiia 28 no.4:565-573 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut vodoanabzhenlya, kanalizataii, gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy i inzhenernoy gidrogeo- logii (VODGEO). (SEWAGE) 117 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimlya, No 1, 1958, 1762 Author Rogovskaya Ts I.J, Lazareva M.F. Title Accelerated Starting of Aeration Stations for the Purification of Sewage Water Orig Pub: Vodosnabzhenlye i san. tekhnika, 1956,-No 12, 1-4 Abstract: To speed-up the putting in operation of new stations it is recommended to use dry activated sludge (AS) adapted to the processing of specific admixtures. Study of resumption of life activity of dry AS was carried out, after its storage for up to one year, on the basis of the microbiolog- ical, microscopic and chemical indices. For Card 1/2 USSR /t;hemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their ApplLcation Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1762 several hours after the mixing of AS with sew- age water the concentration of dissolved organic admixtures increased, and thereafter it underwent a gradual decrease. The amount of individual cells dropped to a few within the field of vision, after 2-3 days. Concentration of AS becomes stabilized after 5-6 days and thereafter its nor- mal increase begins. For drying, excess AS from secondary settling tanks should be used. Drying is carried out to a moisture content of lO-:L1%.P In 2 stages: on sludge areas and in driers (60"). Dry AS is added amounts of 4-5 9/,*iiter. Card 2/2 ZHUKOV. A.I., professor; KAIABINA, M.M., professor; ROGOVSKAYA, TS.I., starshly nauchnkv sotrudnik. Purification of phenol polluted sewage. Gig. i san. 22 no-5:69-72 MY '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz Ysesoyuznc)go nauchno-issledoystellakogo instituts vodoonab- zheniya, kanalizatsit, gidrotekhnichaskikh sooruzhenly t Inzhenernoy gidrogeologil (SEWAGE, purification from phenols (Rus)) (PRENOLS, purification of sewage (Rus)) PUZHINSKIY, S.1 ROGOVSKAYA, Ya. Forrest's test as a means of control of the use of psycho- tropic drugs and the results of this control on the basis of our a= observations. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.32437- 440 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Psikhiatricheskaya klinika (zaveduyushchiy - prof. L. Korzhenevskiy)p Belostok. PARIYaAYA, L.Y.; KOGAN, F.N.; KALACHEYA, A.P.; CHEREDNICHENKO, G.S Prinimall uchas"'Iye: PASIHNINA, V.I.; KOROBKOTA, T.N.; BURYA- KWiA, G.'I.; AGASiEINA, NPS.; AWOMITA, G.H.; ANUROVA, Y.Ya.; BOBINA, H.L.; YAFNAKOYA, Z.P.; YEFREMOV, Tu.A.; POLUTSKATA, L.G.; SHIWMINA, V.G.a LAPTIYAV, P.P.,; !WGOY3KAYA, Ye.G., red.; SXRG79UT, A.N.. (Agroclimatic reference book on Chita Province] Agroklimati- cheakii sprevochnik po Chitinskoi oblasti. Leningrad. Gidro- meteor.izd-vo, 3.959. 131 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Chita. Gidrometaorologloliask:aya Ob'serva, toriya. 2. Starshiy inzhoner.-agrometeorolog, Chitinskoy gidrometeorologichoskoy observatorili (fo-L- Pariyakaya). 3. Chltinskaya .-idrometeorolo,-.i- cheskay-a observatoriya (for Kogan, Kalacheva, Cherednichanko). (Chita Province--Crops and climate) I , ~ i I, S'! ~. .1i , '.. 1; i 1~ o L,L:ft., v I A I; :v I, G"". ,,, , ~', , J A ,Y u . G . , I-PJ . I" -, :! I :, :' -:,I- t Du cat iort of ra-i ns on L lie. ter r., ton, of U. -~ , L", . R . ] I rodolzhi te I 'iio-st I do ~Jndei na tervi tcr a i S6:S R. -n - I Ifz i ri 0,,el, 11-idnemetenizdat, 19f JI.. 5709 p. (NIPA 17 .9i . I 0 USFENSKIY, E.D.,doktor fiz--mat, nauk, prof.; -BELOUSOV, S,L.,;Jmnd. fiz.-mat. nauk; PYATYGIIIA., K.V.; YUDIE, VERTISALOV, AJI., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; DAVYDOVA, O.A.; KUFYANSKAY4`o~ A.F.; PETRICHENKO, I.A.; 1-11ORSK(W, G.I.; TOI-IASHEVICH, L.V.; SAMOYLOV, A.I.; ORLOVA, Ye.I.; DZHORDZH10, V.A.; PETRENKO, N.V.z DUi3'OVYYY, A.S.; ROMOV, A.I.; PETROSYANTS, I~I.A.; GIAzbv&y*. &~~,,,OATYAYEVA, T.F.; BELISKAYA, N.N.; CHISTYAKOV, A.D.; * GAI-IDIN, L.S.; BURTSEV, A.I.; MMTSALOV, A.E.; bAGROVYY, N!.A.; BELOVP P.N.; ZVIWj,,A~6,.i.,v.retsenzent; SIDENEOp red.; DUBENT3OV, V.H.... kand. i*iz.-mat. nauk, nauchn. rea.; SAGATOVSKIY, ll,,V.,, red.; BUGAM,'V.A.,, doktor geogr, nauk, prof., red.; ROGOVSKAYA, Ye.G., red. [Vanual on short-range weather forecasts] Rul-ovodstvo po kratkosrochn~m prognozam pogody. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat. Pt.l. Izd.2., perer. i dop. 1964. 519 P. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnvy institut prognozov. SWAYEVA, Ye.S., otv.rea.; LRBXM, I.A.,; ROGOY-WAYA, Ye.G., red.; VCLKOV, II.V., [Agroclimatic handbook for the Karelian A.S.S.R.] A--roklimaticheskil spravochnijc po Karel'skoi ASSR. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 183 P- (MIRA 13:11) 1. Russia (1923- U-S-5-R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologi- cheskoy sluzhby. Vevero-Zopadnoye upravleniye. (Karelia--Crops and climate) - H'IiLYUD, T.G., doktor aeogr. nauk; IiOGIOVS)K~,5A, Ye.G., red. [A,~*Iincmetric reference bool: foreigm. countries; anmal d ata tinorne-triche ski i spravochd ; za.,-ubezhnye I Ak ezhegodnye dannye. Leningra , Gidrometeoizdat 1964. (MIRY 261 p. A 17:6) BABCIfElIKO, V.N.,; SMUM. red.; MARTYNOV, S.I.,.red.; Ye.G.. red.; 310 9 A.N., L.G., starshiy inzh.-agromotoorolog, PKRKTAKOV.A, A.I.. red.; ROGOVSKATA, Elgroclimatic handbook for Perm Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po Permskol, oblasti. Leningrad. Gidromteor.izd-vo. 1959. 131 P. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolo- gicheskoy sluzhby. Urallekoye fipravleniye, 2. Nachallnlk Urallskogo upravleniya gidrometaluzhby (for Bobchanko). 3. Direktor Sverdlovskoy gidrometeorologicheskoy observatoril (for Kartynov). Bachallnik otdo- la klimata Sverdlovskoy gidrometeorologicheekoy observatoril. (for Permyakova). (Perm Province--Crops and C*li=te) PYATNITSLAYA, Ye.H.,; ROGOVSLAYA, Ye.G.. red.; VLADIMIRO'r '-,G.. (Agroclimatic bandbook for Irkutsk Province] Agroklimaticheakii spravocimik po Irkutskoi oblesti. Leningrad, Gidrowtoor.izd-vo, 1959. 157 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolo- gicheskoy sluzhby. Irinitskoye upravlaniye. I (Irkutsk Province--Crops and climate) IVANOVA, A.S.; SWALN, S.D.1 MICHURINA, I.A.; SELMTDIK, T.Te.; PECHEN, M.G.; TATMX0, V.A.; USOVA, A.P.; FROLOVA. P.A..; ROGOVWAjA.._Ta.G_.. red.; VMKOV, N.V., EAgroclimatic reference book on Amur Province] Agroklimaticheskii Bpravochnik po Amurskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 196o. 134 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Khabarovsk. Gidrometeorologicbeekaya observatoriya. 2. Kbaba- rovskaya gidrometeorologgicheskays observatoriya (for Ivanova. ;5habalin, Kichurina, Shlendiks Pechen'. Tatsenko, Usovs). 3. Na- challnik Otdala agrometeorologii Khabarovskoy gidrometeorologichaskoy observatorii (for Ivanova), (Amur Province--Crops and climate) GOVORtrIUHN, A.P.; PEEMUCHNATA. A.M.; SKKUYA, T.Y.; ZATTSEVA, M.B.; Prinimali uchastiye: KALASHNIKOV, N.V.; PLAKSINA, A.I.; DOLGOSHOV, V.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. PORTNTAGIN, I.I.,; ROGOVSLATA, Te.G., red.; BRATNINA, M.I., [Agroclimatic reference book on Orel Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po Orlovskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 196o. 91 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kursk. Gidrometeorologicheak8ya observatoriya. 2. Upravleniye gidrometsluzhby tsentrallno-chernozemnykh oblastey (for Govorukhin. Pshenichnaya. Skelaya). 3. Inatitut geografii AN SWR (for Dolgoshov). (Orel Province--Crops and climate) GOROKHOV, D.I.; GOVORMIN, A.P.; SMILATA. T.T.; PSHENICHNATA, A.M.; ZATTSffA, M.B.i Prinizall uchastlye: KALASHNIKOV. N.T.j PLAKSINA. I.I.. PORTNTAGIN, I.I.. oty.rad.; ROGOTSEATA, Te.G., red.; VOIKOV, Y.T.. [Agroellmatle reference book on Tambov Province] Agroklimati- chaskil spravochnik po Tambovskol, oblasti. Leningrad. Gidro- meteor.izd-vo. 1959. 123 P. (NEU 13:2) 1. Kursk. Gidrometeorologichaskays observatorlya. 2. Upravle- niye gidrometslushby TSontrallno-Chernozemnykh oblastey (for Gorokhov, Govorukhin, Smelaya, Pshenichnaya, Zayts'eva). (Tambov Province--Crops and climate) SIMONOY, Ta.P.; SALEPOYA, A.I.; SHIRNOVA, A.I.; SYRTSOVA, Te.M.; MIKHATLOYA, A.D.; TUIHOYA, K.A.; MOROZ, Y.F.; GUK, Yu.I.; RIKOLAYDEYA, Z.A.; ATZEENBERG, M.N.; KIKFIATLOYA, K.-T.; ROGOV~ATA, Te.G., red.; YOLKOY, N.Y., (A.-roclimatic reference book on Nikolayev Province] Agroklima- tichaskii spravochnik po Hikolaevskoi oblasti. Leningrad, GIdro- meteor.lzd-vo, 1959. 103 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kiyev. Gidromtoorologicheskaya observatorl-ya. 2. Nachallnik otdola agrometeorologii Kiyevskoy gidrometeorologichaskoy obaerva- torii (for Salepova). (Nikolayev Province--Crops an& climate) POPOV, ]&or' Vladimirovich; DOMANITSKIY. A.P., otv. red.; ROGOVSKAYA. Ye. G.,red.; VLADIMIROV. O.G., tekbn. red. : [Nile RiIverl Raka Ilil. Leningrad. Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1958. 112 p. (14IRA 11 -.12) (Ifile, River) SRAPAYEVA, Ye.S.; RUSKA, T.H.; DEVYATKOVA, A.Y.; DOLGASHOY,Y.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ANTIPINA, V.I.; ROGOYSKAYA, Te.G., red.; SERGET-W, A.H.. t---' , ':'f-__-____'_ (Agroolimatic reference book on Pskov Province] Agroklimati- cheskii spravochnik po Pskovskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1959. 1)8 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Leningrad. Gidromtoorologicheakaya observatorlya. 2. Nachallnik sektora agrometprognozov Severo-Zapadnogo upravleniya gidromet- sluzhby (for Devyatkova). 3. Institut geografii AN SSSR (for Dolga- shov). (Pskov Province--Crops and climate) YjIKOVI.NV, Boris Yovgenlyevich; Z7YAGEL'aIY,-M.H., red.; AKKMEWN, D.A., red.; #QqqV:~~YA, Ye,,__H., red.; JMYUCIM07A, V.N., (Czech-Ruesian radlo englneerlng dlotionaz7l Cheshako-ruaskil rediotekhnictieskil slovarl. Pod red. K.X.Zviagpl'sVogO 0 Moskva, Glav. red. iuostr.nauchno-tekhn. slovaral lizzat'giza, ig6o. 364 p. (UTRA 14-41 (Radio--Dictionaries) Ozech langwge--Dictionaries--Ihissian langpiage) FET'MI, Gvido (Fraga); ROCOVSjL&YA, Ye.R. [translator] Short survey of the develoDment of mathematics in the Czech areas before the White-Mountain Battle. Ist.-mat.isel. no.11: 461-514 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Czechoslovakia--Mathematics) I FETTER, Gvido [Vetter, Q.]; KG0VSKA.YA,_,Xq..4, [translatozI Brief review of the development of iikthematics in the Czech regions during the period from the Battle at Biela Gora to the end of the 17th century. Ist. mat. issl. no.14:491-516 161. (MIRA 16:10) (Mathematics-Early works to 1800) ROGOVSKAYA, Z.Ya. Stellar ci:~ir_t. Fiz. v shkole 20 no-5:102 5-0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. 1-ya krolevetakaya srednyaya shkola Sumskoy oblasti. (Stars--Atlases) ROGOVSKIIH, G.; IUSOVSK&YA. A. The coal market [with summary in Bnglish. P.311. Vneah.torg.26 no.12: 15-19 D '56. (MLBA 10:2) (Coal trade) ROWVSKIY, A.A., inzh. Reamer for rough drilling. Sbor. at. IIIITIAZHMASHa Uralmashzavoda no.0-110-116 164. (ILTRA 17.-12) M --M I;I,." " '. - I ~Lsya* I- E -D, w L- C-Airllalizirg indicator. -',~riborostroenie no.11:5-7 11 161, , -, (MITU 14:10 (Z!Qctronic control) %.., 29335 S/119/61/000/011/001/005 D2 09 /123 01 AUTHORS., Imas, A.A., and Ro.S~vski-y-, A-Ya., Engineers TITILE., Extremum indicator PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye; no. 11, 1961, 5-7 TEXT., The authors developed a simple transmitter suitable for determining the extremum of a function converted into the angular velocity of the transmitter. As shown in Fig 1 the transmitter consists of% 1 - shaft; 2 - non-ma6netic very ligit disc fixed on the shaft; 3 - heavy disc, free to rotate, moun- ted on ball.bearings; 4 - arm; 5 - spring ( 4 and 5 join both discs together); 6 and 7 - permanent magnets fixed to the discs; 8 and 9 -W-shaped cores mounted in the vicinity of the discs; 10 and 11 - coils; 12 - lever. When tiie discs rotate, electric signals are induced in the coils. When both angular Card 1/4 29335P S/119/61/000/011/001/005 Extremum. indicator D209/1501 velocities are. equal the induced signals are in phase. In pre- sence of acceleration, disc 3 lags behind. When the extremum, value of tile function is reached tile signals in t fie coils coi-n-- cide in phase. Neglecting friction in the bearing and spring assembly, the acceleration of the shaf t F, is - ) F = 2 k (,F Rq.(1 MR a +,PO whereY3 =. phase shift between signals;~Po - angle of initial spring tension; k - rigidity coefficient of spring; 1A - mass of disc; R -,radius of disc 3. Thus the phase shift between the si6nals in the coils is the measure of the magnitude of the derivative. The quality of the transmitter depends on its sen- sitivity (mini-mum value of derivative which produces the minimum observable phase shift between the signals) and the delay between the instant of coincidence of signals and the one, at which t1e extremum. value of the function is reached. The minimum acce- leration is 6iven by Eq. (3) 2k ~-' min =MR (%0u_+ wherelfu.- signal Card 2/4 29335 3/11,9Z61/000/011/001/005 Extremum indicator D209/301 width. The delay is given by Eq. (4) I MR 3an=-V _~_k IPd Prom Lqs. (3) and (4) the transmitter parameters can be found. An experimental model of the transmitter was developed by the "Giproniselektroshakht" institute. The transmitter was driven by a d.c. motor, whose speed varied according to a given law. The sl6nal coincidence was measured by a simple solid state coincidence circuit. This transmitter was designed for the use in an automatic device for selecting the optimum operation range of certain extracting machines in the coal industry. The control circuit which received the si&nals from this transmitter consisted of several transistorized logical and tri&ger cir- cuits which enabled determination of the maximum of a function of two independent variables. The transmitter was so construc- ted that it reacted to the positive accelerations only. With a small modification it can be used in the systems of continuous Card 3/4 29335 8/119/61/000/011/0()1/005 !~xtremum indicator D209/D301 search of the extrermirn. It can also be used in conjunction with logical elements in the systems of automatic control of constant speed and for control and limiting of shaft accele- rations. The application of this transmitter can simplify many automatic control devices. The instrument was patented 5.5. 1959 (No. 126633). There are 6 figures. Card 4/4 !- ROGOVSKIY, F., _"~irant Unification of correction tables for the altitude of celestial bodies. Mor.flot 20 no.10:14-16 w6o. (KIRA 13:10) 1. Kafedra morekhodnoy astronomii Leningradskogo vysshego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha. (Nautical astronomy) ROGOVSKIY, F.A., aspirant Declination of the tabular astronomical rowaction from its true value at lov altitudes of celestial bodies.- Sudovozhdanie no.2t 3r~-39 162. (MM 17:4) 1. Kafedra morekhodnoy astrononii Leningradskogo vysshego inahenernogo morskogo uchilishcha im. admirals. Makarova. - BAZYLLV, Timofey Andreyevich (Bazyleu, TS.1;.ROGQVSXIY-,-.Ivan-. -[Rahou5ki, I.]; GOLUMOVA ,qyj.qb. Y Pjflolubtsova, P.). ~rifpr red.; STSYAPAI,'OGVA, N., tekhn. red. [The cormnupal economy of collective farms is the main source of the material prosperity of collective farmers] Hramad- skaia haspadarka kalhasau - asnova rostu dabrabytu kalbasnaha sialianstva. Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-va BS&II. Red. satsyialIna ekanamicbnai lit~ry, 1961. 60 p. NIRA 15:2) (Collective farms) 0 .r- TUMAStLVICH.. V~A~~, red.; BAZYL'I'V, T-.A., red.; GRISHANOVICH. P.U., red., R-01CMISKIY, 1.T., red.; BEREMIN, Yu.I., red.; red.; MLEENIKAYA, I.Ye., tekhn. red. [ColLected a-rticles on economic oroblems]Sbornik po ekonomi- cheskim voprosam. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysshego, srednego spe- tsiallnogo i professib-n-allnogo obrazovaniia BSSR. 1961. 163 P, (.14IRA 16:2) (White Russia--Econondes) ,ga.Trifonovich; SAVITEKIY, F.I., red.; IIISHKO, A.I., ROGOVSKIT.,,,I..y'. [Land rent; development of capitalism in agriculture. Textbook] Zomolinaia renta; razvitie kapitalizma v sellskom khoziaistve. Uchebnoe -Dosoble. Minsk. Izd-vo Belgosuniv. in. V.I.Lenina, 1959. 36 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Rent (Economic theory)) 4D - ROGOVSKIY, L.A. Solf-rocording instrument for checking kinematic precision of dividing pairs, Stan.i instr. 30 n0-3:27-28 Mr 159 (KRA 120) Gear-cutting-, machines--Attachments) LEVASHOV, A.V.; ROGOVSKIY. L.A. Simplifying the selection of change gear wheels for differential Brackets of gear milling machines. Stan. i instr. 29 no.4:15-17 Ap 1581, (MIRA 11:5) (Gear-cutting machines). AUTIJORS: Levashov, A. V. a!~,(: Ro- 1. A. TIME Sinnnli'Lied: Selectic-, o" CbonLe G,,arc ~'or "-e SeE.-:cnt of the 'T Dif~erential Gea-r in Cwoar Iobbin- Yac_hines (U-._os_'-_C_,.eniye -)odl-lora Zubchat-vid-3 !-_oleo r2itary d"''el entsiala na 7ubofrezcrn,7'~-.h PERIODICAL: Sta--a'zi i 15 1', (USSR). A-IISTRArT: A i, selacti:,2- -Ccars in the shop For cutbing helical S,)Ul' [.,ears o:-- I~obbin.- ;rachines -,;ithoiit the lo,~,ritti_-..ic or s--~ecial nwrierical tables use if tri--onoi.:etric, ca--.l be achieved b,;, tl- c stand~:,..rdisatioa of the ratio of the axial nitcL luo -U-----.e norrzl i:~,:;dule. A scries of Iroposed ol-7c--dard values is ;_ivn-n. 1. to tLose v--lues, if acco-I.otod 1,~ Z--sigia w-eld _,roduction, an exact set O.L Simpi,r by L-Is-ection, as i_n a All to ~'-!.Iis _tan- &~rd on -!.111. :ave cont-c": t'Le lenr: ith of t'!.c to.)-UL. T:_~i,Io 2t co.. L:.res tLe and o ,ro_.",i0scd for.,-iolae fol- -.51'e ~:,v;,r&11 rz:~tio o.-~- ~.Ie set .-,f c.h.,~xre in. a w de r"IRLe of SOVI-ct" P"'L- oI,-her -r;ar .Oob'bin, machines. Anart froi. 2'. S-:, i, 3. _,, 1ic-.- inst--~,,ctioms to 'he U dozerl furt~= c'~-n-- :bears d c s -iLn of -_ icf~, anCl. t_..c sL:)-,) r~-zcuii.ed for achine. talles. eac!-_ J-i -.,- 1-: -,~-./32 GE-crs for 3 C t c D _7 f 'L e r e n- tial "'i --:ar 1!-1. uc-~'-r 'obl- -L-- "Pc': i:xS -1v 11 R LE C,-). 1. Gear cutting machines-Standards ROGOVaIY,_L.V-.; MIROPOLISKAYA, N.K.; KRIVONOSOV, V.A.; LESHCHILOVaIY, Y.F.; GADZEVICH, V.I.. red.; KLIMOVA, G.D., red.izd-va; SURSTN11VA, N.Y., (Instructions for conducting and Inspecting earthwork carried out by one-bucket excavators 1 01-601 Instruktsiia po proiz- vodstvu i priemko zemlianykh robot. vyT)olniaemykh odnokovshovymi ekskavatorami 1 01-60. Mo.-;kva, Go3.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 68 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Akodemiya etroitellstva I orkhitektury SSSR. Institut orgeni- zataii. mokhanizataii i tekhnicheskoi pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Nauchno-issledovatel 'skiy institut or~~anizatsii. mekhanizatsii i tekhnichaskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu kfor Rogovskiy, Miropollskaya). ,3. Gosuderstvennvy proyektnyy institut, SpetBstroyproyek Kinstroya RSM (for Krivonosov, Lashchilovskiy). (Barthwork) (Excavating machinery) RITOV, M.N., kpnd.tekhn.naul-,; Prininial uchastiye AFOYIN, P.T., Geroy Sotsia- listicheskogg.Truda, ekskavatorshchik. ROGOVSXIT. L.T._.-inzh.. uauch- AMILTANT, Ta.K., red.izd-va. WKINA, R.N..; OwmO, X, t (Earthwork] Zemlianp raboty. Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo lit-ry po atroit.. arkhit. i atroit.materialam, 1959. 175 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitoktury SM. Institut orga- nizateii. makhanizataii i tekW cheekoy pomoshchl stroitellstvu. (Barthwork) PARANOV,L.,A.; ROGOVSKIY, L.V., -' redaktor; IMSILISHCHIK, S.I., redaktor; TOKM, A;Ni(T-tekhiifdIi-9Nkiy redaktor [Booklet on safety measures for the excavation vorker] Pami&tka po tekhnike bezopasnosti d19s, sealskopa. 4 izd. Kbekwa. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po straitelletyu i arkbitakture, 1954. 38 p. (KLRA 7--8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstwo stroitelletya. Otdol tekhniki bazovannosti I promyshleuncy saultaril. (Excavation-wety measures) -'- - ~ - - - - T - -1 -1 - -. - I I I .- - I ~ AVERIN. Nikolay Dmitrj~,evich; ROGOVSKIY, L-V., redaktor; PHEBYE03U, Ye.A., takhnichoaxiy redaktor. [Raising the productivity of eaxthmoving machine&] Pbvyahenie proizvo- ditellnosti zealeroinyth mashin. Moskva, Vlashatroiisdat. 1950. 179 p. (larthmoving machinery) (MLFA 7:8) SOKOLOV, K.M.; YEVSTAYWYEV, S.V.; ROSTOTSKlY. V.K.; GBXCHIN, N.K.; STANKOVSKIY. A.P.; BAUMAN, V.A.; BXRDUJI, I.L.; BORODACHNV. I.P.; BOYKO, A.G.; VALUTSKIYO I.I.; VATSSLAVSKAYA, L,Ya.; VOLIFSOH, A.T.; DOMBROVSKIY, N.G.; YNGNUS, M.Ya.; Y-BYRIMENKO, V.P.; ZIMIN. P.A.;. ITANOV, V.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, A.A.; KOSTIN, M.I.; KRIMERIWT, M.N.; LINETA, M.S.; HAMIKOTO A.S.; MIROPOLISKAYA. N.K.; PETROV, G.D.; RJOROV, A.S.; SMIRNOV, G.Ya.; SHATiLUISKIY. Y.N.; SHIMANOVICH. S.T.; SHNNYDER, V.A. Wgenii Riabardovich Peters; obittutry; Hekh. strol. 15 no.1:3 of cover Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Peters, lvgenii Richardovich, 1892-1957) SOV/100-59-10-11/12 Rogovskiy, L.V., Engineer ------------- Percussion-Grab Type Boring Machine Mekhanizatsiya stroitel'stva, 1959, Nr 10, pp 29-32 (USSR) The article describes a new type of boring machine developed by the French firm Benoto (Soviet spelling) which specializes in the pro-' duction of grab-bucket5 for cranes and excavators. The boring opera- tion of this new machine follows the principle of the-grab-buck-et, in as much as the working tool cuts into the ground by impact, grabs-the loosened soil and lifts it through the bore hole, which it forms, to the surface. A description of the design of the machineof the different -types of grab-cutters and of its operation are given. There are 4 diagrams, 2 tables and 1 photo. Card 1/1 SOVAT,OV, I.G., kandidat tekhziicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TIE=, B.A., redaktor; GALKIN, Ta. G., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; ROGOVSKIT, L.1r., 1nzhener, redaktor;UDOD. T.Ta., redaktor; VOLEDV, V.S., tek-balchoskiy redaktor; SMOLITAKOVA, X.Y., takhai- chaskiy redaktor. [Technical specification for producing and inspecting construction and assembly work] Takhnichaskis aulovita na prolsvodstvo i prienku stroitellnykh i montazhrvkh rabot. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroitelistvu i arkhitakture,Section 1(larth work and work with boring and blasting] Zemlianys i buro-v.vyvzWe raboty. 1955. 36 p. section 3[Concrete and reinforced conerete work] Betomwe i zheleso- betonnyp raboty. 1955. 102 p. Section 8CIFinisbiW operational Otdolachnye raboty.1955. 46 P. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstvenqff komitst po delam stroitel'- stva. (Construction industry) SOFINSKIY, I.D.; BLOKHIN, P.N.; GELIBERa, L.A.; ZHDAITOV, P.M.; IVASHCHXNKO, I.P.: LEVINA, G.P.; NAUMOVA. B.A.; SHIHNOV, N.S.; ARONOYA, R.I.; NIKOLATEV, N.A.; SHERENTSIS. A.I.; KOVALEVSKIT, I.I.; LOBACEW, P.V.; SLADKOV, S.P.; DZIGAN, A.V.; FORMNOV, N.K. Prialmali uchastiye: ARGANSKIT, A.S.: ASKUS. Te.N.; BICHALOVA. Te.M.; BOGATYKH, Ta.D.; BUHENIN,'V.A.;- GOLIDING, N.P.; MONSHLAK. I.P.; MOSKALZT, S.I.; RABINOVICH. S.G.; ROGOVSKIT L V.; KHOKFILOVA, L.P.; SHESTOPAL, N.M.. RUB ANENKO, B. R. . gTa--vr re ALKIN, Te,G% zameet.glavnogo red.-, SAPRYKIN, V.A., red.; SHCHEPLPTOV, V.M., red:; NOVITCMKO, 'K*M., nauchnyy red.; VIILKOV, G.N.,inzh., red.izd-va; TTAPKI3, B.G., red. izd-va; ZLIKINA, S.M., (Building your own hom] Spravochnik individualinogo zantroishchike. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.materialam, 1958. 442 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Building) K01'07' Y..M.. f'gvshFKTYV, S.V.; ROSTOTSKIT, V-K.; STANKOVSKIT, A.P. VARENIK, Ye.l.; ONUFRITEV, 1.A.; SVRSHNIKOV, I.P.; UKHOY, B.S.; BAUMAN, V.A.; BARSOV, I.P.; BASHINSKIY, S.V.; BOYED, A.G.; VALUTSKIT, I.I.; ZAPOLISKIT, V.P.; ZOTOV, V.P.; IVAMV, V.A.; YAZARINOV, V.M.; LEVI, S.S.; KAWIJCTKOV, Te.K.; 14RUNEDV, A.S.; MIROPOL'SlATA, N.K.; OSIPOV, L.G.; PIMIMAN, L.M.; PMOV, G.D.; PWROV, N.M.; POLYAKDV. V.I.; VATSSLAVSKAYA, L.Ya.-, VAKBRAI&71V. S.A.; VZRZHITSKIT. A.M.; VLASOV, P.A.; VOLIPSON, A.V.; VOSHCHININ, A.J.; DZHUNKOVSKIT. N.N.; DOMBROVSKIT, N.G.; YRPIFANCV, S.P.; YEMM91110. V.P.; ZZLICHENOK, G.G.; ZIMIN, P.A.; FOPOVA. N.T.; ROGOVSKIY, L.V.; 'REBROV. A.S.; SAPRYKIN, V.A.; SOVAWV, I.G.; SOSHIN, A-V-_,C'STARMMIX~N`.M.; SURENTAN, G.S.; TOICRAYA, D.F.; TROITSKIT, Kh.L.; TUSHNlYAKOV, M.D.; FROLOV, P.T.; TSIRKUMOV. I.P. Andrei Vladimirovich Koncrov; obituary-. Mekh. stroi. 16 no.1:32 Ja '59. (MI]RA 12: 1) (Konorov, Andrei Vladimiravich, 1890-1958) AGALINA, M.S., inzh.; AKUTIN, T.Kz, inzh.-, APRESOV, A.M., inzh.-, ARISTOV, S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk,; B:410STOTSKIY, 0,B,, inzh.; BERLIN, A.Ys,,inzh.; BESSKIY, K.A~, inzh.; BLYLTY1, A.M., inzh.-, BRAUNI, I.Y., in-7h.; BRODSKIY, I.A., Inzh.; BURHAS, A.I.,inzh.; VA MIAN, I,Z., inzh., VARSHAVSKIY, I.N.,inzh.; VASIL'YEVA, A.A.,inzh.; VORONIN, S.A,,inzh., VOYTSEKHOVSKIY. L,K., inzh.: VRUBLEVSKIY, A,A,,inzh.; GERSHMAN, S.G., inzh.; GOLUB YATFIKOV. G.A.,inzh.; GORLIN, M.Yu., in7h.- GRAMMATTKOV, A.N., inzh.; DASHV-VSKIY. A.P.,Jnzh.;DIDK0VSKIY, I.L., inzh.-, DOBROVOLISKIY, N.L.,inzh.; DROZDOV, P.F..kand. tekhn, KOZLOVSKIY,A.A.,inzh.; KIRILEMO, V.G.,inzh.; KOPELYANSKIY, G~D.,kand. tekhn. r-auk,; KORETSKIY, M.M.,inzh.; KUKHARCHUK, I.N.,inzh.; KUCHFR, M.G.,inzh.; KEMLYAK. M.V.,inzh.; HIRONOV, V.V.,inzh.; NOVITSKIT, G.V.,inzh.: PADUN, N.M.,Inzh.; PANKRAVYEEV, N.B., inzh.. P.UIKHUMENKO, V.1.,kand. biol. usuk,; PINSKIY, Ye.A.,inzh.! POILUBNYY, S.A., inzh.- PORAZIUNKO, F.F.,inzh.; PUZANOV, I.G.,inzh.; REDIN, I.S.,kand. tekhn. nauk,; LOGOVSKIY. 1L inzh.-, RUDERMAN, A.G.,irzh.; RYBAWSKIY, V.I.,inzh.; SEVERIYANOV, N.N.,kand. tekhn. nauk,; SEME'SfffO. A.T.,inzh.; SIMKIN, A.Kh., iazh.- SURDUTOVICH, I.N.,inzh.; TROPIKOV, V.1.,inzh.; YllriFER. M.M.,inzh.; F.~ALKOVSKlY, A.M.,inzh.; YMS11MAU, M.S., inzh.; CHERESHNEY, V.A., inzh.; Siff-STOV, B.S., inzh.; SHIFKAN. M.I., inzh.; SHUMYATSKIY, A.F.,inzh.; SHCHR-R AKOV, V.1.,inzh--, STANCHENKO, I.K., otv. red.: LISHIN. G,L-inzh.,red.: KRAVTSOV,Ye.P., in-.h.,red.; GRIGORIYEV, C-.V.,red.: K-ANIESKlY, D.N.,red.: KRA-SOVSKIY, I.P., red.; LEVIRAN, L.Z., rtd.f dacea sed_i,! GUREVICH, M.S,,inzh.,red.; DA141LEVSKIY, A.S..inzh.,red.; D~41111, A.M., lnzh..rod.; KAGAIIOV. S.I.,inzh.,red.-, KAWf~Wi, B.N., kand. takhn. npuk, red.-.LISTOPADOV, N.P.,irizh.,red.; MMIWVICF,, I.At, inzh, fcontinued on Aext card) AGALINA, (continued) C8rd 2. PEIUTKOVSKIY. N.I.,inzh.,red.; ROZENBERG, B.M.,inzh.,red.; SLAVIN. D.S.. inzh.,red.; FEDOROV, M.P.,inzh.,red.; TSYKBAI. A.Y..inzh.,red.; SHMOV, L.Y., red. izd-va,; PROZOROVSKAYA. T.L., tekhn. red. LKining ; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; entaiklopedichaskii spravochnik. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry pe ugol'noi' promyshl. Vol. MOrganization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structureal Organizatsiia proaktirovaniia; Stroitel'stva, zdanii i eooruzhenii na poverkhnosti shakht. 1958. 497 P. (IIIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) MIROPOLISKAYA, U.K., inzh., mladahly nauchnyy motrudnikL_FQ2QjjXLTl.,T..---. rukovoditel'; ZAKHARMECO, V.I., rmdAzd-va; IOLINICH-MIKOP FSPOI [Transportation of excavated soil] Transport grunta ot ekskava- tornv. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. matmrialam, 1958. 49 p. 1. Laboratoriya zmmlyanykli rabot Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo Instituta. organizatati, makhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi .qtroiti-l'stvu (for Miropollskaya, Rogovskiy). (Urthmoving machinery) ROGOVSKLY..,~j,,jAzh., nauchnyy red.; BEGAK, B.A., red. izd-va; TOKER, A.M., red. [Plans for the over-all mechanization of construction operations] Skhemy komplekanoi mekhanizateii stroitellnykh rabot. No.2.. esc.2. [Marthmoving operations In the construction of railroad ribgrM*sl* Zemlianye raboty pri vozvedenii zheleznodorozhnogo polatna, Mbskm4 Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po strolt. i arkhit. 1957. 184 po (MIRA 11t7) 1. Akademlya stroitalletva i arkhitektury SSM Institut organizatsit i makhani2atail stroitel'stva. (Railroads--Ikrthwork) acl In, h. A. d-r Tekh P"auk, 1;91-11' V. - 2fl ln~-hener, i-Jl Tit "POL'SK-ATA, Inzhener Vs,2 s(-,yu7.r-,,yy niu(.-',-iiio-isclcd,-)vateilsiciy institut ol-anizats-ii i riel-Aianizatsii sLrolltellst,va Wrd,~)ms) Icn T VY E Pt. 1-'0, Page 142 SO: Cnllglrl g, a'Am.,,tAW= a S-IMA%JLJC FAsearch hg& IM c Dmw2Ajtjd-jA 193P. moscowt 1951 ROGOV:XIY, L.V.i in2h.; XIRW%1SXAT#, N.K., inzh.;.VE'&TZRSKIY.-1I.H.# inzh.; III, V.N.. kand.takhn.nouk; VLASOV. P.Ye., red.izd-va; YUDIIIA, L.A., red.izd-va; KJOVEM, L.Ya.,; 0011K0, L.M.. [Handbook on building; earthwork] Spravochnik no obshche- stroitellnym rabotam; zemlianye raboty. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 405 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Plarthwork) 0 ROGOV:ZIY, L.V., inzh.; CHEITLASHIN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy a-dtrudnlk; GORRAM, V.P.; TRUBIN, V.A., glavnyy red.; SOSHIN, A.T.. zam.g avnogo red.; GRINEVICH, G P., red.; MWIFANOV, S,P., red.; ,l ONUFRIYEV, I.A.. red.; KHCKBLOV, B.A., red.; ZIMIN, P.A., red.; YUDIXA, L.A., red.izd-va; RYAZANOV, P.Ye.,; GCLIBERG. T.M., [Barthwork operations under winter conditions] Prolzvodstvo zemlia- nykh robot v zimnikh usloviiakh; spravochnoe posobie. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1961. 149 p. (MUA 14:4) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i ar-khitektury SSSR. Institut organizatell, mskhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Rukovo- ditell laboratorii zemlyanykh robot Hauchno-iseledovatellskogo insti- tuto orgzinizntaii, makhanizataii i tokhnicheskoy poni6shchi stroi- tellstvu (for Rogovskly). 3. Laboratorlya zemlyanykh robot Nsuchno- issledovatellskogo institute o-vganizatsli, mokhanizatsii i tel--hni- cheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu (for Cherkaahirx). 4. Starshiy tekhnik laboratorii zemlyanykh robot Nouchno-Issledovatel'skogo institute org's- nizataii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu (for' Gorbanev). (Narthwork-Cold weather conditions) LIVUhM, lev Samoylovich; UDALITSOV, A.N., glavnyy red.; ROGOVSKIY, L.V., red. [Over-all mechanization of earthwork related to the construction of large one-story industrial buildings] Komplekenaia mekhanizatsiia zemlianykh rabot pri stroitalletye kruprqkh odnootazhuykh prov7sblen- uykh zdanil. Moskva. Yilial Vass. in-ta nauchnoi i tek-hn.inform., 1956. 36 p. (Informataiia o risuchno-isaledovatellskikh rabotakh. Tom& 32 no-I-56-77) WIRA 11-3) (Barthwork) ROGOV6KIY. Ition V184121av y4ch, inzh., FEYNBERG, Gri-oriy Mikhaylovich. inzh. CV cea-s-e-Tr-, ANTRUSHIN, B.D.. inzh.. naucbnyy red.; GORDEYBV. P.A.. red.izd-va; GUSEVA, S.S.. [Quarries and the processing of rock materials] kametinykh materialov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry 1957. 199 P. (quarries and quarrying) Karlery i obrabotka po stroit. i arkhit. (MEU 11:3) UTENKOV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk [deceased]; BOGATYREV, I.I., kermi.tekhn. nauk; DODIN, V.Z., inzh.; GORDITENKO, N.A.9 inzh.; MUKMq V.Mev inzh.- j BEREZOVSKIY, B.I.,, inzh.; KOVALEVSKIYp P.I., inzh.; ROWVSKUU4,-~~ inzh.; SHABALINA, V.I.; PMIDVA, M., red.izd-vp-; JJ3WOVAv V*Mej [Temporary instructions for carrying out building and assembly operations in the Far North and in permafrost regions] VremomWe ukazaniia po proizvodetvu stroitellno-montazhrWkh rabot, v usloviiakh Krainego Severs, i raionov rasprostranoniia onogoletnei, merzloty. VU 2-60. Maskyaq Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po, stroit.j, arkhit. i stroit, materialwo,1960o 59 Pe (MIU.14W 1. Akademlya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR...Institut organi- zataiiv mokhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitelletvu. (Russiap Forthern-Building-Cold, weather conditions) AGAPOV, D.S.; ARTIBILOY'. B.M.; VIKTOROV, A.M.; GINTS, A.M.; GORIKOV, A.Y.; GUSYATINSKIY, M.A.; KARPOV, A.S.; KOLOT, I.I.; KOKARHVSKIY, V.T.; KCRYAGIN,.A.I.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KRAYNOY, A.G.; NISTHROVA. I.N.; OBJIS, I.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; SOBHOVIKOY, K.S.; SUKHCT- SKIY, S.F.; CHLENOV, G.O.; YUSOV, S.K.; ZHUK, S.Ya., skademik, Slavnyy redaktor; KOSTROV, I.N., redaktor; BARONMOV, A.Y., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; KIRZHN]IR, D.K.. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHISHKO, Ye.Y,. professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; AYARIN, N.D., inzhener. redaktor [deceased]; GORIKOV. A.V.. inzhener. redaktor; KOKARSVSKIY, V.T.. inzhener, redaktor; R22JUXlY. L.V.. inzhener, redaktor; SHAPOVALOV, T.I., inzhener, redalctor; Hub=, G.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; YILIMONOV, N.A., inzhener, redaktor; VOLKOV, L.N.. inzhemer. radaktor; GRISHIN. M.M., professor. doktor-tekhnicheskikh nauk, redak- tor; ZHURIR, V.D., professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; LIKHACHEV. V.P., inzhoner. radaktor; MOVIDIV, V.M., kandidat tekhat- chaskikh nauk, redaktor; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., kandidat tel-chnicheskikb nauk, red.aktor; PATROV. G.D.. inzhaner, rodaktor; RAZIN, N.Y~. redaktor; . ., SOBOIAV, V.P., inzhener, redaktor; FIRINGER. B.P.. inrhoner. radaktor; TSYPIAKOV, V.D., inzhener, redaktor; ISAYJIV. N.Y., redaktor; TISTROTA, O.N., redaktor; SKVORTSOV, I.M., takhnichaskly redaktor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanskaya bydro development and irrigation works (1949-1952); in five volumes] V61go-Don; tekhnicheskit otchet (continued on next card) AGAPOV, D.S. ---- (continued) Card 2. o stroitellstve Volgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kanala imeni V.I.Ienins. TSimlianskogo gidrouzla i orositellnykh sooruzhenti (1949-1952) v piati tomakh. S.IA- Zhuk. Moskva. Gos.energ. izd-vo. Vol-5. [Quarry management) Karlernoe khoziaistvo. Red.toma I.N. Kostrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo alektrostantsit. Byuro tekhnichaskogo otcheta o stroitellstve Volgo-Dona. 2. Deystvitelfnyy cheln Akademii stroitellstva. i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Razin) (Quarries and quarrying) ROGOVSKIY --L.V. NOSOV V.A.; LESHCHILOVSKIY,V.F.; KLNOVA, ____j NI, V.N.; KRIVOTZ Y G.D., red. izd-va; RYAZANOV, P.Ye., tekhn. red. [Instructions 1 02-60 for carrying out and inspecting earthwork operations done with sertaps) Instruktsiia po proizvodstvu. i priemke zemliamjkh rabot, vypo-Iniaezykh skreperami 1 02-60. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1960. 51 (MIRA 14:46 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. InBtitut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnichealcoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Earthwork) (scrapers) BACHURIN, A.V.i MARGOLIN, N.S.; KONDRASHV, D.D.; GORICHEV, N.V.; YAMPOLISKIY, M.A.; TYUKOV, V.S.; ROTSHTEYN, L.A.; GERASHCHENKO, V.S.; KOTOV, V.F.; BAZAROVA, G.V., red.; PORTYANNIKOV, N.S., red.; GERASIMOVAO Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Commodity and monetary relations during the period of transition to communism) Tovarno-denezhnye otnoshceniia v period perekhoda k kommunizmu. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 386 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Economics) PEVZNER, L.M.; Prinizall uchastiye: IVANOVA, A.K.; P"DIYEVA, M.V.; RYNDINA, A.A.; N-. V otv. red.; LYSYY, A., otv. za vypusk; MALEK, ., tekhn. red. [Excursions around Moscow, its r-uburbs and museuml8kokuraii po Moskva, prigorodam I muzeian. Moskva, Proflzdat, 1947. 103 p.' (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy tsentrallnyy sovet professionallnykh soyuzov. Turistsko-ekskursionnoye upravieniye. (Moscow-Guidebooks) BLIIIOVIXIY, A.A.; BUSLOYA, N.A.; YLROKHOY, N.F.; IVANOV, K.A.; KITAYETA, GJ.; LRYBOSHITS. L.M.; RAMWAYEV, I.A.; PALLADIYEVA. N.V.; nVZNXR, L.M.; PMOVA, Ye,.D.; ROGOYMCIT, H.N.;_RUDM, M.N.; SMIRNOV, B.F.; DOISOVA, I.S.. (Through our land; tourist sites and itineraries of the Moscow Intsrprovince Tour Administration of the All-Union Central Council of.Trade Unions) Po roduol zemle; turistskie bazy i marshruty Moskovskogo mszhoblastnogo turistako-okskursionnogo iipravleniia VTsWS. Moskva, Izd-vo VTsWS Profizdat, 1959. 154 p. (MI" 13:4) 1. Moskovskoye mzhoblastnoye turistsko-ekskursionnoye upravleniye Vse soyuznogo teentrallftogo sovata profsoyuzov (for all, except Denisov,y'. Rakov). (Tourism) (Steamboat lines) ROGOVSKIL-Tudeush - Timofey RZHIMANOVSKAYA, G.V., red.; PROKOFID,VA, -evich; E L.N., (Practical work in the mechanization, organization. and execution of hydraulic engineering operational Prektikum po mekhanizataii. organizatsii i proizvodstvu gidrotekhnicheskikh rabot. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 282 p. (KIRA 13:9) (Hydraulic engineering--Study and teaching) USSR/Microb-iology - Microbes Rathogenic in I-Lin and Animcils. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 673o6 Author : Yanchenko, T.F., Smirnova, M.F., Nekrashevich, II.I., Rogovs1kiy, V.Ya, Inst Title Research Into the Etioloey of Scarlet Fever. Orig Pub Yjikrobiol. zh., 1957, 19, ljo 2, 49-56. Abstract Various laboratory animals were infected with patholoSical material from patients sick with scarlet fever (the mate- rial was first filtered through a No 2 rublev filter). In no case did an animal. become diseased* In some cases the animal's blood gave a positive HSK with serum from patients convalescing from scarlet fever. When the mate- rial was passed on chicken embryos (an average of 7-8 passages), no changes were observed in the embryo membra- nes, 11hen the allantois or the amnion membrane was used Card 1/2 as an antigene, after one or two passages the RSK was 'y YANCHANKO. T. F. SAi!~r;6AMi. M.P.: uskWSHEVICH. U.I.: RG~;O-Wz~.KIY. V.Yn. 3 t i )I i,-,v sll s,~nrlst fever, Hikrobiol.2'.Iiur. 19 no.7-119-56 157. (MILRA 10:9) 1. Z KlivsIk-~,%i 7oukovo-doslidnngo institutu eu'~.-niolcq~tl i mikrobiclot-11 (soiLRLKT KiMR, stiol. an& pathnpon. in oxner. antuals)