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ABRAMIOV,. S.K.1, nauchnyy sotr.; NEDRIGA, V.P., nauchrqy sotr.; ROMAROV, A.V.. nauchn5ry sotr.; SELYUK, Ye.M.,, nauchnyy r. ucbastI"r,FOEWk IPJ.p aiwJsW "tir.; SHIRNOV,D,V., nauch.sotr.; SHERSIIUKOVAI-i.A.,red.izd-va;GOLIEERG, T.I-,., [Protection of land against inudation amd the rise of the ground water level) Zashchita territorii ot zatopleniia i podtopleniia [By] S.K.Abramov i,dr. I-loskva,, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 423 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vodosnab- zheniya kanalizatsii, gidrotekhnicheskikhacermahenlY i in- zhonernoy gidrogeologii (for all except Shersbukovaq Gollberg). (Hydraulic engineering) I j TREYNIS, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich;_j "IML,-A.V.,.retsen~eut; TOLKAGHEV, A.K.y retsenzent; FMIDV, V.V., red.;-`lILIMOXOVA, A.I., red. 4 -A--. . PAP AVtMJA 11 T- +-1'l- -A 1~ TOREZ, Morls [Thorez, NBurice]; 40HANOV, A.V., red.; RuHnNTS37, A.M., red.; TROPKDI, N.Y., red.; YU6_SjM_9_P.N._, red.; PCLYAKOV, A.P., red.; 'MBIN, Ye.K.. [Now data on the pauperization of French workers] Novye dannys ob obnishchanii trudiashchikhsis Franteii. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1959. 84 p. (KERAI 14:1) 1. GeneralInyy sekretarl FrantSU2skoy kommunisticheskoy partii (for Tor62). (France--Labor and laboring classes) (France--Cost and standard of living) NOVOTNYY, Antonin; POLYAKOY. A.P., red.;..R%W[OT, A.I., red.; RUNYANTSIV, A.K., red.; TROPKIN, N.V., red.; FXDOSX M , P.N., red.; S M IN, Ye.W.. (Yor the victory of peace and socialiss. Report to the llth Congress of the Coamnist Party of Czechoslovakia on the activities of the Central Committee and the main tasks of the present. Arwd with the results of the Zlst Congress of the CM, forward, to the completion of the socialist construction of our country) Za pobedu mira i sotsializmao Otchetnyi doklad X1 9"azdu Kommunistichaskoi partii Chakhoslovakii o delatellnosti TS~ntrallnogo Xomiteta I glavnys zadschi tokushchago momenta. Vooruzhennye itog3ml III s"ezda KPSS, vpered, k zavershaniiu stroitel'sta sotsializza vas- Bhel strane. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 141 p. Translated from the Czech. (KIRA 13:12) (ftachoslovakia-1conomic policy) a wiDt'iR' - .a and --chysiolca - Physiology of Labor and v -10 Z-orts. I's Joux Ref Zhur Biol., No It, 1958. "8112 uthor 1"Cmarlov ------------- Ta s t I 'Me Insr-it-ate of 1'hyz: ica-I Cultw-e. t 1 e --lementary '.110tor Reactions of 21-lowntain-Climbers. :,rig Pub Latv. fiz. kulturas inst. raksti, lr957, 1, 145-152 .-.bT ~-rac-z; N3 abstract. Card L/-" r 1, SIDOROV, A.A.; ROMANOV, A.V. Conference on problems of designing underground contours for hydraulic structures. Gidr.stroi. 26 no.10:18-19 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) I.Predsedatell soveshehaniya po voprosam proyektirovaniya podzemnogo, kointura gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhonly (for Sidorov), Z.Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut vodoonabzheniya, kaiializateii, godrotekhnichookikh sooruzheniy i inzhenernoy gidrogeologii (Romanov) (Hydraulic engineering) _x~ed.;.RUMY Ta~r_ENBAL, Yu.; BARULINA, L.G., red.; _RqtQNOT _AT~. ANT=. A.M.. red.; TROPKIN, N.T., red.,., FXMOSEnT, P.N., red.; BARULINA, L.G., red.; SHHBIN, Ye.M., (Socialist transformation in the Mongolian Peopless Republic2 Sotulalisticho~kie proobrazov niis v Mongolls'kol Narodnoi a Rospubliko. Moskva, Oos.lzd-4o polit.lit-ry. 1960. 117 P. (RUA 14:3) 1. Pervyy sakretarl TSentralln6go lomiteta Mongol'skoy narodno- revolyutHionnoy partii (for TSedenbal). (Mongolia--Economic policy) ROMMOV, Aleksey Vladimirovich, zhurnalist; V.-'X=, 0.9 red.; TYUI&-MA, A., L~Aluj. l'od.- , - - , '-- :1 faim - ---- , - 202M.32M ~ ANCHEV, Tr., inzh.; ROM&NOV B. inzh-. - - I a -"~. - - ~ -." - t- ~~- --- --- - - - -- - - -- - -- - ~T " I .- .411ir lm7.;a ~Wl 1-0 01 XII.R,44ft,*-l .7g~ e M- --- M -a-2tS9 0 EP M. I 3MMOV, B. ROMANOV, B.; TVARDOVSKIY, M., shofar Friendship between the highway workers of China and the U.S.S.R. is growing. Avt. transp. 37 no-10:7-10 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1.Presedatell TSentrallnogo Icomiteta profsoyma rabotnikov avya2i, rabochikh avtomobillnogo transporta. i shosseynykh dorog (for Romanov). 2.1-1 gruzovojr avtopark loningradekogo upravleniya avtomobillnogo transporta (for Tvardovskly). (China--Transportation, Automotive) (Russia-Relations (General) with China)) ROMANOV, B. Under the control of trade unions. Za bezop.dvizh. no.2:1-2 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo Komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov svyazi, rabochikh avtotransDorta i shosse7nykh dorog. (Traffic safet7) KALABUKHOV. F.; ROM-NOV, B. Valuable initiative of driver A.V. Zhulin. Avt. transp. 37 no.9:3 3 159. (MIRA L-2-:12) I.Ministr avtomobil'nogo transporta I shosseyny1ch dorog RSFSR (for Kalabukhov). 2.Prodsodatel' TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov svyazi, rabochikh avtomobillnogo transporta i shosseyrkvkh dorog (for Romanov). (Transportation.-Automotive) 4&-,Mfiv t5t2 11 -wm,-.,I"TOVP B. Visiting Hungarian friends. Avt.transp. 39 no.3:8--10 W 161, (MI RA 24.3) 1, Predsedatell TSentrallnogo komiteta.profooyuza rabotnikov svyazip rabochikh avtotransporta i shosseynykh dorog. (Highway transport workers) (Russia-Relations (General) with Hungary) (Hungary-Relations (General) with Russia) ROMANIOV B. We like the idea. Obshches,tv. pit* no* 5:15 My 161* (MIRA 14: 5) 1. Predsedate.11 komimaii obahchastvannogo kontrolya za rabotoy tresta stolovykh, g. Taganrog, (Taganrog--School lunchroomsp cafeterias# etc.) NOSOVITSKAYA, S.A., MUSIYKO, B.P., KOROTENKO. T.A.. ROKANOV. B.A. Phynicnl strenght of tablets; on the articre";n "Tablets' in the Ninth Phnrmncopoeia. Apt.delo 7 no.4:63-65 Jl-Ag'58 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Ix 11har1kovskogo nauchno-iseledovntellskogo khimiko-farmatewrticheeko- go Instituta Ministerstva sdravookhranentya SSSR. (TABLETS (MEDICINZ)) ,-~ -V~Wz 1-~- o 1,-~-~ f) r-q, '-- ,, BOZOVOLOKOV 17 Eduard Pavlovich; VEYPILMIS, Avgrust Yakubovich;. RQMIOVj_ Boris Alcksandrovich; SHUR, Anatoliy Abelevich; SOBOLEVSKIY, A.5-.-) red tekhn. red. (Loudspeaker sysLemsl Perogovornyo untroistva. Moskva Go-onorgo- lzdat, 1962. 38 p. (1-lassovaia radiobibliotoka, no.431~ WIRA 15:7) (Intercommnication systems) my's ------- --T 1WIUNOV, B.A.- GALMN M.A., Otv. red.; GALICHINSMA, V.V., --t-e-1~n, red. (Low-frequency electron tubo amplifiers] Lampovye usiliteli nizkoi chastoty. Leningrad, MI-vo 5viazi SSSR, 1961. 159 P. MMA 15: 10) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) ,MiLAIT , I EM I H lqVV L 0 n 1- Q EU7 RUMMIOVp WRIS ALERSANDROVICH. Ocherki diplomaticheskoi istorii Russko-iAponskoi voiny, 1895-1907- Leningrad, 1947. 493 P. ~Akademiia nauk SSSR. institut istorii. leningradskoe otdelenie) "Prilozheniia Zd-okumenty/ ": P. 409-475. CU ICU Wi W21 N-NU DLc: Jxl,-93.RBR6 SO: LC Soviet Ueography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. ROUANO , 80RIS ALEEKSAUDHOV1uh. Rossiia v Manch'zhurii k1892-1906). Ocherki po istorii vne.-hnei politiki samoderzhaviia v epokhu iimperializma. Leningrad, 1928. x, 605 P. incl., tableS. map. tTSIK S35H. Leningradskii vostochnyi institut imuni A. S. Enukidze, Zizdaniij v. 26) ICU~ ~10 NN DLC: Unclass. SO: LC, Soviet Ueorraphy, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. a - , " , - = - - - - - - . - ---- -- ~ .- --- - 0 V, TJOHOT, A.G.; MARCHEUKO, LK.; UDODOV, M.G.; KONONTSEV, P.I.; MINOV, T.D.; ROKM.OV.,.B,G.,; NAZARIUYAN, V.A.; PITROV, V.A. Introducing abundant radio facilities in villages. Vest. eviazi 14 n9-5:18-21 my '54. (K= 7:7) 1. Nachallnik Sverdlovskoy IRTS (for Yezhov); 2. NacM11n1k Ullya- novskoy INTS (for Karchenko); 3. Nachallnik Baly1dayokoy kontory svyasi (for Udodoy); 4. lachallnik Rovenskogo oblastnogoupravle- n1ya BVY&SI (for Konontsev); 5. GiavWy Inshener Alm-Atlnmkoy~ direktwii radioavyazi (for Aninov)-,.6. NaeMlInik,Stalingradmkoy IRTS (for Roveanov): 7. Zamstitel, nachallnika Talinskay reyonnoy kontory avyasi Armyanskoy,SM (for Nazaretyan); B. Nochallnik Stavropollskoy krayevoy' MTS (for Petr'ov). (Radio--Receivers and reception) (Radio in agriculture) VALIVACHEV. N. I..; ROMANOV, B.G. An outbreak of Boyd-Novgorodeksia III dysentery in a dormitorjr. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid. i immun. 28 no-5:53-58 97 '57. (MIRA 1 :7) 1. ifoyeano-meditsinskoy ordens lonium 9k9demil lmenl 3-M.llrOvaO.,-. (DYSIOTERYi BACILLARY. spidemiol. Boyd-Movgoroaskii III type) mi PODLEVSKIY1 AN.; KOGAN, V.Ya.; GORCHAKOVA, Yu.P.; YELIZAROVSKIY, G.I.; RYABOSHAPKA, A.P.; REZNIK, S.R.; GOLUBEV, T.I.; GINTSE, L.A.; RASKIU, M.M.; ZUYEIrKO, P.G.; KHOMIK, S.R.; KATSINELISON, I.A.; ZHILIN., S.I.; LYSENKOV, SAVENKOV, D,A.-, GILI, L.T.; LEVINA, Ye.S.; VOVKI, A.S.; MLEDOV, F.F. Annotations. Zhur.mikrobiol.,epid.i immun. 32 no.12:120-125 D 161. (KIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Leningradskogo ins.tituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni Kirova (for Podlevskiy) . 2. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta kommnallnoy gigiyeny (for Kogan). 3. Iz Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Gorchakova). 4. Iz Arkhangellskogo medit-sinskogo instituta (for Yelizarovskiy). 5. Iz Kiyevskogo, instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Ryaboshapka, Reznik). 6. Iz zavoda meditsinskikh preparatov Leningradskogo myasokombinata imeni S.M.Kirova (for Golubev). 7. Iz Gosudarstvenno'go kontrollnogo instituta meditsinskikh biologicheskikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicht-, (for Gintse). 8. Iz Chitinskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobio- logii i gigiyeny (for Raskin). 9. Iz Ternopol'skogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Zuyenko). 10. Iz Rostovskogo instituta epidemiologli, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (for Khomikj.. 11. Iz ChelyabinskoLro meditsinskogo institut,a (for Gill, Levina, Vovki, Posledov). (IM-MNOLOGY-ABSTRACTS) (EPIDEMIOLOGY-ABSTRACTS) D. 3. TV, Organized lina l'or prav3ntative servicing of automobiles. Gor. Khoz. Mosk- :i0- 5, 152. Library of Congress, JulY 1952. 'U'l 1 C U~ S S'T F I FD . Morithlv. List c)f Russian .,ccessions, i ROMANN, B.G.; KA.SH?WDVj V.N. flaw repilations on highway-transportation worker. Za rul. 17 no.1:19-20 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov avyazi. rabochikh avtotransporta i shosseynykh dorog (for Romanov). 2* Instruktor otdela tnida i zarabotnoy platy TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov ~ivyazi, rabochikh avtotransporta i shosseynykh dorog (for Kashnanov). (Highway transport workers) ROMANOV, B.G. In tho countr7 of the 'great leap'. Za rul. no.10:2-4 0 459. (MIU, 13:2) I.Prodsedatell T'Sentrallnvgc ~-oniteta prol'scyl--a s-7-azi, ralbochlkh avto- mobillnogo transporta i shosse7nykh dorog. (China-Trarisportatlon, Automoti-;e., ROMANOV B.G. With all the energy and persistence.* lort.dor. 425 no.7:Z-5 .11 162 OUU 15:8) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallaogo komiteta profsoyuza nabotnikov Svyazi, rabochikh av-tomobillnogo, transporta i shosseyrVkh dorog, (Transporation Automotive) LAVROV, V.P,; LYAMIN, B.A.; PARAMONOV, A.N.; ~~PNAPIQV, B.M.; SHMATKO, B.A. Apparatus for sight-guided trawling within various depths. asanologiia 3 no.1:137-142 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kalinl---radskoye otdoleniye Morskcgo ridrofizicheskogo instlit-'Ota AIN SSSR. KURAYEV, A.A.,' R%tANOV., B.N.; SHEVCHIK, V.N. I(EYIIOVP Mikhail Nuumoviclij lfl(EGMAH, VJwUndr 1111cli; M08KAUNK0, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; NAHIMOVICH.1 Bduard Miklv7lovich; PETROV, Yevgeniy Yuvenallyevich; YOSBMISKIY, Mum blvovich; AKSENOV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; ROWIOV,"B.N., inzh., retsenzent; SUMNOVA, V.M., red.-;-TRVHMI--r.'S., (Shipbuilding calculations on electronic computers] Sudo- stroitelfriye raschety,na elektronnykh vychislitelInykh ma- shinakh. [By] M.N.Reinov i dr. Leningrad, "Sudostroenie," :L964. 169 P. (~IIUA 17:3) Colultry :USSR Catc.-ory: Cultivated Plants Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. Abs Jour: IMLiol., No 11, 1958, wo 48947 Ixthor : Romanov. D.O. Inst :Ku yb yaher TE-a-re ~.gricuitural Exper-imental Station Title : CultivaV on of Cabbage and Tomatoes Without TransplantinG, in the Kuybys71c-.shaya Oblast. Crig, Pub., Byul. nauchn.-tell~hn. inform. Kuybyshevsk. (Dezenchuksk.) Cos. a.-k-h opytn. st., 1957, 1. 22-24. Abstract: According to the three-year data of the Kuybyshev station in the Kuybyshevskaya Oblast, the culture of the mid-.season and late varieties of cabbage and of the early varieties of tomatoes, irithout transplantinG %_'s feasible. The Braunschweig variety cabbage was considerably increased in yield by the Card 1/2 m-64 Country : U3SR M Category: Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. Jour' Ito 11, 1958; No 48947 tiethod wit%Lou-*%-. transplanting. Experiments showed that the root bed for cabbage cultivated in the field must be the sane as the area for the seedbad cabbage Me sowing rate is 0.8-1 kg/ha. The yield of tomatoes in field cultivation is eitacr equal to that pr(Auced by the seedbed nethod, or depending on the per:,od of sow:Lng, exceeds it soiieViat. The nost productive varieties in the field cultivation of the twwd;ocs are: Bison 639, Aoros~?elyy Volzhshiy -v-yy Gribovskiy 118o. 111.11. Nerachinova 288 and Grunto j Card 2/2 CHVUM, M.Z., kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, dots.;ROMANOV, B.S.. dots.; VIR]ISINKO, K.I.. kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk "Aindamentals of animal husbandry4; textbook by N.B. Mirellson. Reviewed by M.Z. Ghernyi,.B.S. Romanov, K.I. Veresenko. Zhivotnovod- stvo 21 no.11:94-95 N 139 (MIRA 13:3 1. Dekan zootekhnicheskogo fakulltetaBelotserkovskogo, sellsko- khozyaystvenaogo instituta (for Chernvy). (Stock and stockbreeding) (Mirellson, N.B.) ROMANq~j,_B.V.,_jnzh.# red.; YEGORIKOV9 N.F., red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A.2 tek)i~. red. VASHENTSEVA, V.M.1 VOLKOV, M.I.; ZHM1INq V.A.; ZHUKOV, F.G.; CHUBUK, I.F.; KAPUSTIN, Ye.I.j KOZLOVA, N.G.; KOROCHKIN, V.V.; KUL'KCVq A.V.; VARINKO, I.L.; MOLCHALOVp B.M.; 42WOV~q B.V.; FEDOROV, V.I.; SHIRINSKIYp I.D.; GRINGAUZy A.9 red.; SWK-,-K.s tekba. red. [How to study the economics of socialism] Kak izuebat' politicbe- skniu. ekonomiiu sotsializma; posobie d3ia rukovoditelei seminarov sistemy partiinogo proaveshcheniia. Moskva, Mosk. raboeb.U p 1961, 239 P. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Dom politicheskogo rosveshcheniyag Moscow. fEconamics,-Study and t,~ackift) ~SUPBI'ROV, P-A.; SOKOLOVSKIT, T.Yn.; PIMMOV, A.P.: RONNOV, B.Y.; FEDOIWV, V.P.; KARINKO, 1,L.i dotsent; AGAIMGTAN, A.G.; YUZIRA, V.Yu., red.; TERMAKOV, M.S., (Increasing labor productivity is the main factor in expanding agricultural production under the seven-year plan] Povyshenle proizvoditellnosti truda - glavnoe uslovie rosta sellskokhozisist- vennogo proizvodstvs v semiletka. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 196o.. 134 p. (miRA i4a) 1. Moscow. Universitet. (Agriculture--Labor prod-activity) KUBEIR, Lyudvig; F)',TYOP. Ya.F.. inzh. [translator]; LOSEV. V.S., nauchnyy. red.; VA,-)13'i'Yj,,V, L.V., nauchnvy rod.; ROWITOV, B.V..-red.; RAKOV,IS.I., , [Practical training of masons] ProizvocIstvennoe obuchenie V ABUG6V. -Boris Grigorlievich; XOZAW, Vladimir Yakovlevich; PINKNOVICH, L.D.. nauchuyy red.; GAYRILOV. Y.P., red.; ROMANOV. B.V.. red.; RAKOV, S.I., [Collection of problems in mechanical drawing) Zadachnik po wshino-- atroitelonown cherchentim. ltd. 2-oe. ispr. i perer. Moskva. Teess uchabno-pedegog. izd-Yo, Trudrozervizdat, 1957. 366 fold. 1. (in portfolio) . . . [Practical manual for teachers to accompany the *Collection of problems in mechanical drawing.01 Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo dlia prepodavatelei k iedachniku po 6ashinostrottell- nomu cherchanitu.lzd. 2-oe, ispr. i perer. 1957- 39 P. (NOU 11:4) (Mechanical drawing-Study and teaching) YAKIIIII. Abrom BoriBovich, prof., dok-tor tekhn.nauk (decesned]; RAIAN, A.N., karid.toklin.twu1c. onuchnyy red.; HCHANOV, D.V.. red.; GOROKIIOV. Yu.V., [Automatization of machine toolo]Avtomatizatsiia stanochnyk-h operateii. Moskva. Vses. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat. 1957. 50 po (Machine tools') (MIRA 11:3) (Automatic control) KAKHOVSKIT,, Nikolay Ivanoviah, kaud.tekhn.nauk; GMALISKIT, Tusef Nikolayeviah, kand.tokhn.nauk; TRUSHCHIKKO, Anton Antonovich, Inzh.; ROXANOV, B.V., red.;.SORCKINA, S.L., red.; XOZLOVSKATA, M.D,, tekhn-.r6d-.-,--MSON,' X.N,,, [Automatic and semiautomatic welding] AWtonaticheakala I polu- &q+,omatIchszkaia svarica. Mask-ra, Tees. uchebuo-podagog, izd-vo, i9k. 422 p. (XM 14tl2) (Blectric welding) GANEVSKIY, Grigoriy Markovich; ZAKHAROV, S.W.,, nauchn. red.; 40',4ANOV,'.P.V., red-; NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Brief manual on the organization and conducting of labo- ratory work in the course "Allowances and technical measurements") Kratkoe rukovodstvo po organizatsii i pro- vedeniiu laboratornykh rabot po kursu "Dopuski i tekbniche- skie izmereniia." Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 55 P. (MIRA 17:4) VIDGOF# Saum Borisovich; ROMANOV, B,V., red.; PRE=, D.P.,, redeizd-va; GVIRTSO VA., tikhi~.-reZ-- - IMIN, Isaak Moiseyevicb, GORYAMOV, M.A~, nauchrwy red.; RQMANOV,-B..V-, red., BARJUTOVAY H.NG, tekhn, red. Y (Manual for a young lathe operator] Spravochnik molodogo.tokaria. 3.9 Ispr. Idop, J.zd. Moskva,, Proftakhlzdat, 1962. 479 P. (MIRA -15:6) (Lathes) (Turning) z L 11155-67 9-1T(m)/r4WT(.Q)_ ~Z~`_AI?6034217 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/005/004/0539/0541 AUTTIOR: Brekhovskikh, S. M. .~omanov, B. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Thermoluminescence of glasses of commercial compositions SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 5, no. 4, 1966, 539-541 TOPIC TAGS: thermoluminescence, gamma ray, cerium. optic glass, glass, commercial glass ABSTRACT: The optical absorption and thermoluminescence of irradiated optical glasse,s have been. investig~kted for the following commercial grades._K-8 K-1081 LK-7,PTF-1,~"and ZhS-17Sas well as some window-glass grades manufactured at the Sar~_t_ov Plant. All the glasses containing cerium except the X_ 10~~ are considerably less transparent to light under the effect of gamma rays 106-107p). All glasses, except the heat resistant LK-7 glass and the TF-1 flint, were foundto have an intensive high -temperature thermoluminescence. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. (Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 03.201SUBM DATE: 30Nlay65/ORIG REF: 003/OTH REF: 002/ L~'Qrd 1/1 UDC: 539.12.04 Aro ACCESSION NR: AR4015686 8/0081/631000/023/0161/0151 SOURCE: RZh. Khimiya, Abe. 23D68 AUTHOR: Demichev, S..A.; Romanov, B. Ye. TITLE: Temperature measurements In microfurnaces CITE D SOURCE: Steklo. Dyul. 'Gos. n. -1. in-ta stekla, no. N116), 1962, 42-46 TOPM TAGS: microfurnace. furnace temperature, temperature measurement, vacuum microfurnace, thermocouple TRANSLATION: A new modification of a vacuum microfurnace (Galakhov F. Ya. "Zavodsk. labor. ", 1951, 17, No. 2, 254) is proposed with spiral heaters made of tungsten wire having a thickness of 1. 5 mm (inside of the spirals) and 9mm (outside), which makes possible the investigation of refractory systems up to 2500-2700C under a vacuum of 10-4 mm, Hg. The sample in the form, of a bead or fragment is placed in the middle of the Inner spiral and heated in a tungsten loop or small cup. The sample Is observed through a rotating prism. The temperature of the working area of the,furnace Is measured by means of W-Re thermocouple with an accuracy of 15% It to enclosed in a ja9ket with avacu= r RCW.NCV, D.A, '"Triple Component Teleobjective of V.A, Belitsin's Design for a Telescope With Inner Focusing Tr. Monk. In-ta Inah, Good. Aeroslyemki I Kartogr., No 199 1954, 3-7 The focal distances oft the objective components are F;1-7 Of F; ~09~ F>. The telescopic system consists of the speond and third components. F6r focusing the second and third components are shifted vithout changing the distance between them while the image plane remains immobile. 'Xhe objective has an aperature ratio I : 6, the telemagnification Is 1.5 fold. Belitsin objective was used for modernizing the theodolite-tacheometer TT-30. (RZhFis, No no 1955).