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% WAS*MUMEo4@0MGM ham W=rA ft. %A3Mj%M fth bn Mbtor fUhCtlojj' e Effjjt of *aist procalaii b ock 0 - '&RomanoVa, 'Prokopinko V@ digestiv& sparat--' -V. G. -A - N :-V Vjslmev;hziF@@ A and Bogachiia ( Z@.@ . . , %) ' Asep- r. S.S.S.R. 42, IM-5( 1% Moscow). Fisiol. Zfw in:& dog's th, inflammation -used bj turpentine inj@ctwjj ' -digtsdvr apparatus' hip d6turbs the function of the total I JSt'in SUCh`jXLCa-_'rWtorW the" 7L block atthd:Vfi bmrvab bed functions wore fdl@ldly Ah- is o li with distur A OC @@:-,G M K, )W IT Out such bf k 7- e 3-9 165. A i% gichask oy `iziolcz zav. prcf'. 1-1- Shik I Ins ti t-.; "a khimir-11. ime-ni k. *v. VlshnevsKogo lxekl@or f ey--- 1,1,ri te I I vyy ch-len AvM @-SR prof A,A. Vintmevskiy' .,IN "CSP., IN ed skva. SU hNI i t t. 14hy 20 19@;@. ACCESSION NR: AT4oI2722 S/2981/63/OOU/002/0119/0129 AUTHOR: Onop riyenko, V. A.; Khromov, V. G.; Romanova, L. S.; Tikhonov, G. F. TITLE: Directrolling of aluminum powder sheets SOURCF: Alyuminiyevy*ye splavy*. Sbornik statey, no. 2. @Sp ch e enny*ye splavy*. Moscow 196'j,_119-129 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy@, aluminum.' aluminum powder, sheetrrolling,'aluminum sheet ABSTRACT: In both Russian and Western publications, the problem of rolling ferrous and non-ferrous powders has often been investigated,,but no papers have dealt with the rolling of aluminum powder. An the present paper, the authors- demonstrate the possibility of manufacturing sheets of foil made of SAP sinter- ed aluminum powder) by directly rolling the powder. Under these conditions, ro I I i ng of h i gh-'qua I i ty sheets requires a certain grain size of-the grade APS powder. -Rolling may be both cold orho@t (at 300-320C), but the.strips@madeof heated powder are stronger.- A flow process has been designed.for manufacturing,,- foil made of SAP by simple rolling. @Samples have been:made with a thickness* of; I to 0.05 mm. The influence.of the degree of,deformation and of annealing on,' @@e yitimate strength as well as on the density and hardness, was determined. C3 CHURILOVSKIY,Vladimir Nikolayevich; SKVORTSOV, G.Te.. inzh., retsenzent; 68267 SOY/31-59@40-34623 0 '@r@nslation from: Referatiynri zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 10, n. 116 (USSR) AUT-TH 0 F-S Maslennikov, B M., Romariuva, L.V. Portnova, V.N. @!:"r rLE Determination of.2elni.,@Yby the.Spectral Method PERiODICAL-. Ir. Gos. n.-i. in-ta go rn o-khim. syriya, 1958, Nr 4, -pp 239-241 ABSIRAC1, A method has been described for the-semi-q7uantitative-detemination of e an _a-.c a.rc a a and with in, ores with the excitation of the spectrum In t 8 evaporation of the substances from the opening of the Cu-electrode.. On, the butt of the Cu-electrode of 5 mm in diameter an opening 3 mm deep and 4mM in diameter is drilled, into which the sample is placed. The are gap.-,@,.-:- of 3 mm is plaiced at the slit of the medium-sized ISP-22.spectrograph. At_ a slit.width of 0.07 mm and an exposure of 2 min the sensitivity of Se de- termination is 0.01% from the line 2039.89 A. The line Te 2039.79 A-does not impede the@analysis, but the presence'of Sb in the concentration of 0.5% causes considerable.obstruct';ons. The spectra'are photographed on spectraV1 plates of type 2, sensibilized by immersion for 2 min in a.fresh.1, ly-prepared 5%' thanol-solution of Na salicylate. The dried plates are Card 1/2 kept up to 4 -5 months without:change, Plates of type lare not suitable ITT 1 "71", Yoddler Puo* Ompa. ft'nw.81 Lupine for Speis Ur-@der thc G:zaditions of r G UT-, 1-67, 140, PSO-170 LIP V, ;n trte on, tha airricL11;Ural PICt of I'msk 1@@ a du C. g@laalj Inst-v^-te wid a" Tomsk Zonsl St,,ttior, in 1@; 54 twita Late, .)old w,,-' :,.4st coal 'gummie the iiar- i mw-l ew: .--d lup-Lns@; 44.Q. 6A'j'.5 t't&nn-;y Rozovjrj rzatureci at, , ucef. ad,cf Au,;".t after Lin sarly scw 4 ng wd prod e 2-3.@) aentmerctan, 3@ aeads of gCod que, Lty, Imd Be":-. yakc-7,Iky lapine No. 335, aml 495 prcd-ice.d 22.5-2-1.2 r-f-r-t- nr. e later 4v TnA VeMlalizatixi of tte smis in th sowin;-z@ of Impinte duz@ the -vagretAtIors: pertod by, 11-17 dIay a. @Pie pro-amfing r e a tmer vt of t ia seeds @Iith nilitra-! :a D - 1/2 AUTHORS: Man lennikov, B.M. , Romnova, L. V. 32-11-23160 ------------------------ TITLE: Spectral Half-Volume Determination of the Boron Content in Ores and Minerals (Spektrallnoye polukolichestvennoye opredeleniye born v rudakh i mineralakh) PMIODICAL: Zavodskaya. Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 11, pP- 1327-1328 (MR), ABSTRACTi Thea lioation,of spectral analysis for the determination of:the boron pp content in carbonate- mW silicate' rocks as also in touxmalim hai hitheiio been iWossible, and therefore1he endeavor is made in-thin work to elaborate4'suitable method. The graerator alternating our"ut and the Acn- -lens . ccIndenser.syn- aro -39'" , speotrograph 22" with 3 tem and an.intermediate diaphragm of 3-2 MR were US ed I as also the films special" 0: type! II. For the visual amparison of the,bladkenings.@, of the boron lines. the speotroprojeotor "ACO -1 H was used. The oleo- trodem were made of electrolytic copper (with openings through which the powder of the samples can be introduood). For the production of standard samples(Iletalons") the,pure minerals of the aforementioned rooks, vis."atiharitell and "pandermite" were used. In the,asoond :00.20. quartz tourmaline rock in f orm of. quartz sand :and datolite "were timed. The, boron content, in as charite, pande=ite I and datolite@wam determined Card 1/2 by calculation acoordin to the formilae of these minerals. The bo'r= Speot 'ral Half-Volume Determination of. the B oron Content in 32-11-2V60 Ores and Minemls content in quartz-,tourmaline rook.was determined by. chemical In order to increase-the spectral sensibility when determining' ron content.eleotrolyte:oopper electrodes of 6 maiameter were used, which were ground off 5 mm on.their ends. Also the 1Yaporiz&tion;1 vessel was extended to a diameter of 1+ mm. Determinatim of the boron content was maa.e.easier also by projecting the lower electrodes on !the aperture of the intermediate diaphragm (3.2 mm) and by the fieleotion of the arc span (2.5 mm). Time of exposuret 60 sec.; ampemge: 5 A. it,'', was found that, the presence of potassium and.lithium. in the sample to @%) diminishes the intensity of the boron line. An iron oonte@nt U P of more tban %/ renders the determination of boron more dif cause thespeotral lines of both are too near each other. Further re- search work is.necessary in this respect-The absolute sensibility of the method described is near about 0.001% boron oontent. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: State Scientific Researel. Institute f or Mining -Chemical Raw Materials (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovaLtel'skiy institut gomo-khimiches,_ kogo syr1ya) AVAILABLE: - Libmry of Congress Card,2/2 AUTHOI tes of Vali tov, A. 'al. and Routanova, L.V., Candida Technical Sciences TITLh: An:Optical Apparatus for Measuring Liameters. when Prccessing ?roaucts on Existing Vertical Turret.Lathes. L ;Optichesko e ustroystvo dlyz.@ Jzmereniya diamet yush- nykh* razmerov pri obrabotke -izdeliy na sushchen tvir chikh tokarno-karuselInykh stankakh) PERIOLICAL: Izvestiya, vysshikh uchebnykh zaveaenly ilribor.ostroyeniye, lj58, Nr- ij -p 1L8-1325 (US S R) ABSTRACT: The Lepartrilent. of the Te-chnolog-, of' Instrument Co n - struction and the bepartment of' the.Theory of Optica-i Equipment, have designed an optical instrument, consisting of a fix ng range fincer. The i i,,c, 1 device and a ing device -consists of a collimator, its sight tube a vertically placed setting tube, a condenser and illuMinator. The fi):ing device can-be shifted on the crosspiece of the lathe at.various diist@inccs from Card 1 the range find er. The latter serves to determine the Apparatus for Measuring Diameters when ProcessinE An 01)ticai Proo tic t san 1-,-Xisting Vertical Turret Lathes distance from the base Lo its mark and eunsistz@ of LJ body IG00 mm long and 100 in cdameter, a measuring rule and an observation c@,evice. The range f inuer magnifies r'Ox. The'l mm intervals on the'ltOu mm f ine measuring rule, are imprinted 1with an accuracy of �3,,L,-k . The ciscussed. functioning principle of the apparatus is The thi-oretical errors for diameter measurements of 4-8 m lie in the limits of 1-nd class accuracy errors@ For measurements up to 4 ml errors can reach O.,