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81148 Manufacture of Glass Foils S/072/60/000/07/06/020 B015/B008 curves for the dependence of the thickness of the glass foils on the drawing rate, temperature, height of the level of the glass mass above the slot and on the width of the slot are shown in Figs. 2-5. The simultaneous drawing of several strips of glass foil of up to 40 mm width is shown in Fig. 6. Strips of glass foil with a width of 500 am and a thickness of up, to 10,v, are drawn at an installation of the MKhTI. Such an installation has a daily output of 1,500 kg of glass foil. There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 S/02o/62/143/002/014/022 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Tolkachnik, S. V., and Rostokinskiy, V. V. TIT TE: Deforcation of thin fitted glass plates (films) under the action of uniform stress PE'RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 2, 1962, 327 - 330 TEXT: In an effort to derive formulas for the strength of thin glass plates, the authors studied the conditions of fitting and deforming such plates under uniform stress. Proceeding from Karman's equations D VVw = L (w, (D) h VV(D ~ L (w, w), E L (D) a' iD+ I aw+ I d2 64D (7 T- -ir W1 R w- -iF jj,-?W.) jif 2'~j / i O(D ) ~- (-L a.N (2) at Or r Tqj Card 1/:~- S/020/62/143/002/014/022 Deformation of thin fitted glass ... B104/B102 (S. P. Timoshenko, Theory of Plates and Shells, M.-Y., 1959), the two ways of fitting thin glass plates, as shown in Fig. 1, were investigated. The resulto obtained vith boundary conditions allowing for the sliding of fixed glass plates (Fig. 1b) are in good agreement with experimental data. Under these boundary conditions, maximum stress is reached in the center of the plate, which is consistent with the kind of plate destruction. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: I'doskovskiy khiriko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Hendeleyeva (Mloscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) PRESE'ITTED: MaY 3, 1961, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician 'UB,','ITTED: April 25, 1961 Pig. 1. Stress diagram of thin glass plates. Legend: (a) fixed; (b) sliding. 4~ Card 2/3 83T48 S/0-12// 1/0-0 '00310011loo", 0 ' 'j / 1 15 .212 0 B1 05/B2o6 AUTHORS: Kitaygorodskiy, I. I., Professor,-Rostokinskiy, V. V., Yelinek, V. I. TITLE- Method of determining tear and elasticity of glass foils PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, no. 3, 1961, B-11 TEXT: A method of continuous drawing of glass floils,to a thickness of 1 g and less was elaborated and introduced at the kafedra tekhnologii stekla (Department of Glass Technology) of the hloskovskiy khimiko- tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D. I. hlendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev). In this paper, the authors mention the first results of studies on elaborating the determination method of some physical properties of glass foils, i.e., tear and elasticity. Glass foils were tested for bending by.means of compressed air, the diameters of the inserted foils being 10, 15, 20, ar-d 30 mm. The pressure was measured with an accuracy of �0.02 atm, the bending with an accuracy of t2g. The spread of values of rupture Card 1/7 89748 S/072/61/000/003/001/003 Method of determining tear and elasticity... B105/B206 pressures P and bendings f for foils of window glass of 25V thickness and 20 mm diameter is characterized by the distribution curves Q(P) and Q(f) (Figs. 2.3). The values for drawing up these diagrams were determined 1 AN by the following formulas: Q(P) = T (-E-) , Q(P) being the distribution I P function; N the number of tests (in t i case 75); 6N the number of tests with results within the interval of pressures from p up to p+ Ap; AP the select-ed interval of pressures (in this case 0.4 atm). The tests with glass foils were made with glass of two different compositions (aluminum- magnesium glass (1) and aluminum-calcium glass (2)). The dependence of bending on pressure was compared with similar values for foils of mica, cellophane and insulation paper of the same thickness (Fig. 4). The dependence of the reduced rupture pressure on, the thickness of foils is shown in Fig. 5 for glasses No-1 and No. 2. The tear resistance Oo max of the thin elastic plates which are rigidly clamped-can be calculated -a) by means of formula 2: 0 0.423 ~E~((P E being Young's modulus o max h Card 2/7 89748 S/072/61/000/003/001/003 I.1c t hod of determining tear andlelasticity... B105/B2o6 in atm; h the thickness.of the plate (foil) in cm; a'the clamping radius of the plate in cm; P the pressure in atm;'ao max.the maximum stress in the center in atm. Observations showed that glass foils broke :*Ln'*the center. Youn.-Is modulus is determined.according to the.formula by Ye. P.Pichugin: E Eimiy E being Young,ts,m6dulus for every oxide present in the-glass;.. i mi the.mole fraction of each component: 'The congruence of the calculated values of the ruDture stresses arupt,,-.7hich were determined for various diameters of the clamped.round samples, is described as being satisfactory (Table 2). The.calculated dependence of the tear resistance of glass boils on their thickness is shown in Fig. 7 for glasses no. 1 and no. 2. Tile authors finally state that they have elaborated.a method O-P determining the rupture pressure and rupture flexure of rigidly clamped glass foils',.vihich allows to make a comDarative estimation of their .. . mechanical PrODerties; comparative determinations of rupture pressure and ruptuure flexure of foils of various thicknesses were made for two glass compositions; the applicability of formula 2 was shown for an approximate estimation of the strength of glassfoils, was stated that the strength of glass.fjoils increased rapidly at a reduction of their C=d 3/7 89748 S/07 61/000/003/001/003 Y Mlethod of determining tear and elasticity... B2o6 B105 thickness, starting from about 100g. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet-bloc references. S F_ F 4 2 6 50 ~o 90 10 30 0 2,0 3, 4, - . Fig..2 Fig. 3 Card 4/7 89748 S/072/61/000/003/O'OI/CO3 .1. 411od of dete rmining tear and elasticity... B105/B2o6 "M I SO Z- Nk x - 1 9 0 5 3 50 . 2 N L-P '(r1CM2 I NI 0 0,5 1,0 1,5 ZO Z,S ~O Legend to Fig. 4 1) glass No. 1, 0 - - h, p thickness :251L; 2) glass No. 2, , 40 60 80 00 IZO .0 Z5 thickness 25g; 3) mica muscovite, Legend to Fig. 5: thickness 251L; 4) insulation paper, NI glass No. 1, N2 glass thickness 30g; 5) cellophane, thickness 304. No. 2. .Card.5/7 89748 S/072j6l/OOO/OO3/001/0()3 Method of determining tear.and elasticity... B105/B2o6 Legend to Fig. 7: NI,- glass No. 1, N2 glass No. 2. .6, Krl~mz 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20 40 60 6 0 100 120 140 160 -h 3z Card 6/7 S/0,~217(l~ll,~(000/603/001/003 ,,:Cthod of determini-n,-, tear and elasticity- B105/3206 Legend to Table 2: a~ diameter of the clamped sample, mm; b rupturepreasure (mean value from 15 measurements), atm; c) value of 6,,,t calculated'according UO Ea. (2), atm; d) deviation of a upt Irom the arithmetical mean. Ta6jjjjtXa 2 PA3PbbMOC a OTKJ1OHeuAe At P AnDile"He opffsp 83 INUCT (Qp1Aj11C H3 P3CC411T5HH3$9 OT CPeAUCAPH( 3J1AVJ1x1t a xx 15 113.eprnnn no (~opuync bei"Millb'* 8 D X11CM, (2). a 1C:jCx' 30 L2 3.100 9.35 20 2:56 3,780 10.5 15 3,0 3.500 2,5 10 4,1 3,300 3.5 Card 7/7 TOLKACHNIK, S.V.; ROSTOKINSKIY, V.V. Deformation of a squeezed,thin glass plate (film) under a uniformly distributed load. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.2:327-- 330 Rr '62. (III&A, 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy khimo-tekhnicheskiy institut im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. Predstavleno akademj-'k,-m P.A.Rebinderom. (Deformations(Mechanics)) (Elastic plates and shells) ROSTOKINSKIY, V. V. Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Study of conditions of the formation of film glass and study of several of its properties." Minsk, 1961. 14 pp; (Ministry of higher and Secondary Specialist and Profes- sional Education Belorussian SSR, Belo Polytechnic Inst imeni I. V. Stalin); 220 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 244) USSR/Diseases in Farm Aninals. Diseases Caused by Arachno- Entoms. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958., 54953. Author RostomashyJ11,A. Inst 7ecrb,~ian Scien'tific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences. Title Botfly Control in Sheep Husbandry of the Georgian SSE. Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-telrdin. inform. Gruz. n.-i. in-ta zhivotno- vodstva i vet., 1957, No 1, 31-33. Abstract: Methods treating sheep and.koshars with hexachloran are described. Card . . - 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 * - V - - - - :~ . . . . a & ' ' - *-*- - 1 0 a * I A A c a V It 11 1] W is 4 11 1 19 10 i .4 - Is zr 13 Al it It 21 a 31 Ij 13 )a a it v III jo do 41 0 0 a ~i - A 1, r 4-x A-1-U-1. N I- I cc ~ M- m -1. L- 11 a k- 1- k--%. 41- A.-IL- J- ae 4 "MMIS A40 PSOVIVIKI I-bit lee a* 00 pedmants of Wddj=-Ou Had Alloys by Alw=tius CwML L'b' mtory p *a I (oil Knmlmy of S,flicamw KAo: - ,.rltu4. 14. it)). lit Humian.1 Inerratingthecumlistin i*;,-mTrrx ream"v dw n~lotatu~, to illAd 6t i d t l l 1h ev o r r utn A y)ojs ng ilk, "O-lingof WAsirt uo-ar. The mfit-- of rt-s6Luitv and luniuqetwity of %%I-ldingohtAinM with dx. I., th,"- with am. are: mviatAmm to %var. 1: 1. 0-75: 1: houtogencity. F 00 4110 I L A A -ITALLUPGKAL LITERATURE CLAISIFICA710M 10.0y 00 S.'O.n S.1134i wit (34. (34C S 1 u u A, .3 1, 1 19 Pt 19 it It K v n I All I 1 3 e W 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a a 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 0 0 0 0 -- MMMEM - OSTI-PIENKO, K.A.; KOPC)POV, V.,'.'.; POUUMIN F.S.; SIMBITil., ~I.G.; KATil" El " c t, I i.-'I "'K.C 1". 1-05 J'01-',A~ Ll Y A GOG, I ",'I Li , V. ; KUP.A.SlInti Li S. I- ~l 7 1 Ir-forn-vition and brief news. Veterinariia 41 no.2:119-126 F 165. (mirA 18-3) 35th Ma- L) eny 0- fF USSR / lViierobiology. Sanitary '.Iicrobiolo&Nr. F Sanitary Microbiology of Soil. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19526 Author : Rostombekova, N. V. Inst lot glVen Title Haptene'Reaction in Hygienic Investigations of the Soil OrIS Pub : GigiyenaIi sanitariya, 1957, No 6, 74-76 Abstract : The author did not discover a strict specific reaction with haptene in soil investigation for the presence of bacteria of the-intestinal group; as a consequence, he recommends It as a method supplementing the classical bacteriological method, S. N. Nikitin Card 1/1 ROSTOMBAKOVA, N.V., aspirant Haptans reaction in hygienic evaluation of soil. Gig. i san. 22 no.6:74-76 Je 157. (KIRA 10;10) 1. Iz kafedr7 gigiyany Tbilisakogo inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (SOIL, microbiolag7, determ., haptene reaction (Rue)) (MICROORGANISMS, in soil, aterm., haptane reaction (Rus)) 7 r. T T F T n p ROST01ONKOVA, If.V.t nauchn3rf so'rudnik Physical and hygienic characteristics of the occupational and acaderaic activity of students in trade schools for turners. GigA san. 24 no.8:75-77 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz Instituta gigiyeny trnda i prolensionallnykh zabolevaniy Ministerstva zdravoolthraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (VOCATIOILkL EDUCATION) RUM Name: ROSTOMBEKOVA, N. V. Dissertation: Role of environmental sanitation in the spread of certain enteric,infections; from material Kaspi District Degree: Cand Med Sci Aj4&jjatt-= Tiflis State Med Inst se ate, Place: 1956, Tiflis Source: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 48, 1956 HOSTOHBAKOVA If. Yo., Physicians study the history of medicine. Bov.zdrav. 16 no.6:61-62 Ja '57. (MLR.A 10:8) (MIGINK-HISTORY) -titit 47 140 AND *1" PROM - - r 4 O Yll 11 Y A C111'regit. P. li'manamax (Aber Nelt. Chos., 1934, '!10 x t No. 9. 47~-M~-A to. of cubes wok bramad' with ** J " Tab" " allpy (0 9-46 08 0-73 No 0.17. 6i 0-10" W W-3S. F. 0-87%). ~'fi- W-Lme of tbA bnLmd pleas to wmr was lowered,4if excess cumat WES used. Bnmd" with a.c. wM am oadflator gave the but mWis. Cu. ABs. (al 1v 'r_ 41211A 2 OK dWv Stl U I x IN lb-Als I 's i 1 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 . n 0. ROSTOMOV, G.D. Calculzition methods of.the modulus of flow in drainage systems of the Kolkhida Lowland. Trudy Thil. NICMI no.10: 182-193 62. (KIRA 16-.11) RW-TC?I.OVY G. D. RCSTOMOV, G. D. "A Method of Calculating the-Cloildburst Hunoff from Snall Reservoirs in the Caucasus." Yoscow inst of Water Economy Engineers imeni V. R.,Villyams. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) ROSTOMOVA, L. T. Hemopoiesis In diabetes mellitup, in connection with its.treat- ment with sulfanilamide preparations. Temp. arkh 34 no.5: 66-70 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry gospital,noy terapii lechebn6go fakul'tets, (zav. prof. K. S. Virsaladze) Thilisskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (DIABETES) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM) (SULFANII&fIDES) ap --.1, T, IN n Flu r TF-1 I t ALiq I Li A. P. I"-' trlmentr, x in Lhe co.,it.,raii, Litin of 6eor-itin M. rz!"e ; T s s 1 e,-4 vet. o~.vt- ' w,o Re s=e Gc-o-, an ~11- 0 , , T). X, 1 Vol. 'T _'I ~L-to-is U SO ryk~ S--rtey, : T- I Jisser'~-Aion.- Fight ~"gairtst Ornithodorous Lahorensis Newmann in Hange SheeD Laisin~r in the jeor-,ian .33H." Cand Vet -3ci, Yerevan Zooveterinary Inst., 9 Jun 5 4. Koi-munist-, ferevan, 15 MaY 54. 60- -ATM 284, 26 'Nlov 1954 A CC NR: AR6ol6149 SOURCE CODE: UR/o65_876-576~66/UVA6 i~rA 6 i9 AUTHOR: Rostomyanj A. G.; Bezirganyan., P. A. "reflecting part of a crystal analyzer and the width of a TITIZ : Dependence of e spectral line on "the shape and dimensions of the x-ray source. Communication I. ,SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. lIA219 REP SOURCE: Yerevani amalsaran. Gitakan tegekagir, Uch. zap. Yerevansk. un-j~ v- 93, 1964, 9-19 TOPIC TAGS: x ray spectrumt spectral line, spectrum analyzer, spectrometer, crystal detector, x ray diffraction e geometricE ABSTRACT: Th LI)s ape of the sections of the first and'sec6nd crystals of a two-crystal spectrometer participating in the formation of a monochromatic diffrac- tion image of the spectr=ne, ans also the width and shape of this line were in- vestigated, on the basis of the kinematic theory of x rays, as functions of the dimensions of the source, the equality or inequality of the reflection orders nj or n2, and the sign of n2. It is shown in particular, that in the case of a point-like source the effective part of the first crystal, and also of the stationary second crystal in the position (n, - n2) is for nj - % a circle whose radius depends on the diffraction angle and on the distance of the first crystal from the source; the ef- fective part of the stationary second crystal in the position (n, - 112) is a point for n, / n2 and for all the positions (nj, n2). In position (n3.,,-n2) with n, / n2, Card 1/2 L 32064-66 ACC N,R: IU16016149 the second crystal does not improve the quality of the spectral line. The angular width of the line, obtained by the formula Ap = (6p)1,1 - (6p),.J-3. is larger than its natural width. M. Blokhin. (TTanslation of abstract], GUB CODE: 20 C rd 13623-6z, -Z'UT(m)/BDS. -AFVTC/ASD ACCESSION DIR: AP3003101 S/00-56/63/0,-!-,--/006/1806/!810 A-UMOR: Grigorov, N. f.; Yerofeyeva, I. N., ,M=zin, V. S.; ~Ushchenko L.-G.: Rapoport, I. D.; Rosto an, B. 0.; Sob-inyakov, V. A.; Titenkov, A. P. Iq TITLE: Energy ipectrum 0~ nuclear-activ*e particidd 'at 3260.m above sea.level SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiziki, v. 4-4, no. 6, 1963, 18o6-i8lo TOPIC TAGS: nuclear-active particle spectrum, high energy atomic interactions A7-,S'-rW.CT: , The energy spectrum of nuclear-active particles at 3260 m above sea level was studied with an ionization calorimeter. The possible distortion of the spectrum by instrumental effects was reduced by adding the ionization in the ten unDer rows of.chambers. The effect of -incidence of groups of nuclearactive particles on the array was avoided by selecting only .those events in which one particle strikes the array. Simultaneous passage of several particles tkrough the ap cl, ar a- paratus was excluded by considering only the events due to nu e p -ticles. without accompaniment in air. A total of 351 events was found in which a sharply delimited core of an electron-nuclear shower was visible in the calorimeter, anc! the integral energy spectrum of -die nuclear-active particles was plotted. I-, ' Uie Card L 13623 63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003101 energy range between 2W end 2000 GeV the integral energy spectrum cwn be a'o-Droximated by a -oower law with exponent 1.92, with a statistical error of and with a methodological uncertainty of 0.05. It is c6ncluded that in this energy,reLnge the exponents of the nuclear-active particle spectrum, the spectrum of bursts from single nuclear-active particles in ionization chambers, and of the energy spectrum of electron-photon cascades produced in nuclear interactions coincide, meaning that the man inelasticity factor in nuclear interactions remains constant in the energy range under consideration. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and one formula. ASSOCITATIOADT: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovsklogo gosudarstvdnnogo universite' (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Statte University) SLJBYJTTED: o8jan63 DATE,'ACQ: 23Ju.163 ENTCL: 02 SUB CODE: 60 NO REF SOV:. 003 OMW: 002 Card 2/k AKOPYAN, A.N.; MLAMAZYAN, V.S.-, ROSTOWAN, 1.14~ Chemistry -f divinylacetylene and Its halo derivatives. Part 16: Structure of polytetrachlorohexatriene and some of its reactions. Izv.AN Arm,SSR.KhIm.nauk1 17 n0-1:55-61 164. (MJRA 17:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. N I . ..... AKOFYAN, A.N.; ASIAMAZZAIT, V.S.; ROSTCMM, I.M. Chemistry of divinyl.acetylene and its halo or-JUITIM"Las. Part 14: Isomerization of trans-2,,3.,4,5-tetrachloro-l,' hexatr' ene to a c is-modi-f ication wilth sUbsequent @Off n. diene synthesis, and sulfone formntion. Zhur.ob.khIm. 33 LPI.10:31-43- 31" 0 163. URZ, 16:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. GYULIBTJDAGYAN, L.V.; AR.SHAKM, R.Sh.; ROSTMM, I.M.; 14ANUKYAN, M.P. New derivatives of 4-quinaldinol. Report No.7: 6-alkoxyl derivatives of 3-(p-methaxybenzyl)- and 3(p-ethoxybenzyl)-4-quinaldinole Report No,7: 6-Alkoxy derivatilves of 3--(p-metho)q~benzyl)- and 3-kp-ethoxybenzyl)-4-quinAldinols. Izv-.AlT ~Nrm.SSR.Khim.nauki 15 no.5:489-492 .162. (MIRA:16:2) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra organicheskoy Ichimij. (Quinolinol) ROST(X,IYAII, K. Ye. "P-roblems of the Parallel Operation of a Rural Hydroelectric Poirer Station With a Large Scale Ew rgy System on Conditions as Present in the Armenian SSR." 27 Apr '54. Dissertation for the degree of Cand. Tech. Sci. at the All-Union Inst. for the. Mechanization and Electrification ofAgriculture. Official opponents imre: Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. D. A. Gorodskiy and Cand. of Tech. Sci. Ye. L. Shats. vestock farms. (14IRA 11:11) ivotnovodstva i I lturf~) POSTOKIAN, Y,.Ye., kand.tekhn.naul- Over-all mechanizationand automation of heavy.wor~ in stock- breeding by using automatir devices. Trudy Arm.:nauch.-issl. inst.zhiv. i vet. 4:131-148 10"0. (NIRA 15:5) (Farm mechanization) (Stock and stockbreeding) Ott 03, e ti-le I~Iaod dur4r--F, a ccr;.,htir~na -.,a in &i - - a , and internal inhibition. izv. All Arm. SS'. Diol. na'.13d 16 nc.3.-45-44 !~r 163. (1-TiA 17, 10) WHO AMHORS: Babayan, Kh. P., MarixLyan, A. , Matevosyan, 56-1-36/56~ K. A., Rostomyan, M. G. TITLE; Two Cases of the Disin'Llegration of a Hyperfragmont (Dva sluchaya raspada giperfragmenta) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperi-nentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, 11r 1, pp. 231-232 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a pile of Ilford (Illford)-G-5 - emulsion-layers irradiated in the stratosphere the authors discovered the disinte.--ration of a heavy hyperfragment with the flying off of an energy-rich proton; this hyperfragment was interpreted as FA or II& . Furthermore a mesonic disintegration of a hyperfragment was discovered in this pile. Case 1: A multiple-charged hyperfragment (R = 127 p) flies out of a star 15 + 2n. The absence of ~-electrons at the end of the range and the narrowing of the trace show that the hyper- fragment came to a standstill. From the length of the narrowin,: the ch,-~rge was estimated to Z = 8 ' 2. The hyperft-ag- ment disintegrates at the end of its range into threeebarged particles. The behavior of these three particles is also Card 1/12 Civen here. The following disintegration schemata of the Two Cases of the DisinteL-ration of a Hyperfraj~ment 56-1-36/56 hyperfra.-..,ient with positive bond energy of theAoparticles are possible: A p18,19,2o d~t) + p(d,t) + p + C, y,lre2o,21 p(d,") + p(d,t,He He4) + p + II(C). In the dis- integration wit" participation of a neutral particle the possibility of a li.-,hter hyperfragment is not out of the question. Case II: A light hyperfra-ment which disintegrates after 2706 g into 2 particles flied off a star of the type 21 + 8p. The scatterinc- of the hyperfragment indicates a disintegration in tleposition of rest and the charge was esti:aated with Z = 2 to 3. The trace is produced by a pion with the energy (32 + 5,0) MeV. The kinematic analysis of the case furnishes the schemata He2 -, p + n- + 11e4 + 01; . MeV LjA7,3 - p + n- + Li 6,7 + Q21 where Ql=Q2=(39,0 -+ 5,0) applies. There are 2 figures and 6 references. ASSOCIATIOIN: Physical Institute All Armenian SSR (Fizicheakiy institut Akade,aii nauk Armyanskoy SSR) SUBMITTED: September 19, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0: L set ~4'1111164141 0004000*00 4 *0000' A if .11 n :# 5 h 'P A IV I. P j) U 1% 1. 1? 10 0 11 01 ilf:o 00 I t L of (C M It 777 -00 99 C, -00 00 00 -00 so 00 Laboratory ex"riments with britzing hard alla" by -00 00 MOGMI of allsimating curmt. 11. M. Rt"loolvan. Avr- 7-00 #0 t A itlujiller it( ridwe wiriv hinstil ilifil; the "Volinr" sillily j-00 so &TAIM11 (1.17, 1110.11). WC."12. INI'l n(int atilt 11-P IWIng IoAdr #4 (1) it, r., M a. v, iind .(3) a. C. with *it (Willator. The re-Waisro 4 the bralrd piece towafil went i4 lowered f,w all 3 types of brazing 00 o ra when an tuvils of current to wed. 11 Ant with (3) leadi to the hiltheat revittance it, wrar. The tchiance to 06 wear obtained with (1), 12) and (3) iq. re.%p., I A(17:1 zoo 00 for 100 amps. and 0.75:1:1 for 2M Amp%.. while the zoo humosencity to I -. 1.67: 1.97 and 1! 1.45:210. The Rook- s C well hardneu at a load of 00 kir. 1.,i not a criterion for the i zx '0 o quality of the brathriff with 'I'likar" at various Cur"itt j COO A. A. NvIttlingli goo zoo 40 j 'T It -1 1 a - _1 "it n IF 4) is -.7 i 1 v I "K Ni-1--v-71 vt -L s '2 Od _0 1 W 'j tj Joe a 3 ;W 0, 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 6 41 a 0 a * 0 a a a a o e 0 0 0 0 041110 0 0 0,4111 0 a 0 0 0 a 4 00 0 f 0 US 0 0 0 0 000 00 00 00 9 0 0 i Rosto~ian, F. Lopukh'-n E. B., 2nd Irairkhanov, n,. I., "On the Possi'r--,ility of kppllyin,~ the Thermal !'etullcnd tUC the Corin.-, of Oil Boreholes.11 Trudy Azer:,-,aidzh.-nslcogo, Filial2,Akad. Hauk S.S.S.R., Baku, Kzi-ko-KIiiaich. Sariia, vol. 31 No. 38, 1938, PP. 19-36. ~ Roa Lomj~an, P . Yl. - "The relationsh ip a:rorq; the speed of c.u tting , t he power used in chisc-i curtirw, and the -Jisoersion of the particles formed", Izvestiya Akad, nauk ltzerbaydsh. SSR, 190, No. 2, P. 59-56, (Resume in Azerbaijani), - bibliog; 8 it~,,ms. 50: L-4110, 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal 'nykh Stuatey, No. 19, 190). 1. ROSTMYkT, P. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Condensation 7. Condensation of water vapors in a well. Trudy Inst.fiz. i mat. AN Azerb.SSR no. 5, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. f 1. Z -7, OWME (Oil well drilling) ,-SW i RVAM lam ROSTOMYAN.P.M. Physical factors in the choice of rock breaking methods by plane- tary gear machinery. Ugol , 30 no 8:34-37 Ac;155. (MLRP 8:10) (Boring; J7 F T___. US6R./Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Electrochemical Manufacturing. Electrodeposition. Chemical Sources of Electrical Current, 1-8 Abot Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62lb-'O Author: Beler,kiy, M. S., Rostomyan, P,_M_ Institution: None Title: Development of a ~Ieathod for Rapid Evaluation of the Quality of Ac-r,ivated Pyrolusite Original Periodical: Tr. Azerb. industr. in-te, 1956, No 12, 118-122; Azerbaijani resume" Abstract: There is proposed a rapid method for evaluating the quality of acti- vated pyrolusite (GAP) based on the dependence of the thermal ef- fect (TE) of 'he reaction taking place in a galvanic cell upon the quality of GAP. To determine TE the cell is immersed up to the neck of the jar int,-, a cal-_%_r-_4Tueter filled with water and after the thermal f_:QufLibri1xm has be_~n -reacir)ed the circuit'. is closed over an 0.5 ohm reiistan.:e Iz,cated ol the calorimeter. Evaluation of aual_~t, of 2;"L- i~, by the amouxnt of heat generated within Card 1/1 10- io` Mi-n U t ec, . ",5 93-57-7--3/22 AUTHOR. Rostomyan, P.M. T-,rTL,I7-- The Rock Breakup Process in oil Well Drilling (0 protsesse razrusheniya porod pri burenii) PERIODICAL" Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1957, Nr 7, pp 9-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT, A better knowledge of the rock breakup process taking place in oil well drilling is very important for the further development of drilling techniques. The problem of how to determine the mechanical properties of rocks and evalu- ate the process of their breakup has not yet been resolved. Some Soviet scientists fRefs. 3,4,51 state that hardness is the mechanical property of rocks which best fulfills drilling requirements. V.S. Fedorov IRef. 71 states that rock hardness should be determined by a method which evokes the same rock resistance as encountered by bits in the formations they are designated for. Here V.S. Fedorov repeats the conclusions arrived at by N.S. Uspenskiy fRef.81 in 1924., A.F. Sukhanov and B.M. Skoryy [Ref, 91 Card 1/4 C- Trb Rock Breakup Process in Oil -M-I (Cont.) 93-57-7-3/22 in 1933.. and by Fedraidgm LT-WAUMf [Ref. 101 in 1937. A.F. Sukhanov [Ref. 111 .-vF.TMfied r~ock hardness on the basis of resistance to drMIWtit. and blasting, but his values need correcting since AcMM SMOILng conditions differ from scandard conditions., A.P. 'IMPRanin's method for determining rock hardness is baMM on -VqqiLlar principles and V.S. Fedorov finds ;4 FT-MMMcable. The author concludes that the method of 1".A. -Mel MiTer and N.A. Kalinovskiy [Ref. 61 for the determinatirot Of j-7trGf',FA hardness is best since this method evaluates haMfu-~~s by the amount of energy it takes to break the rock into new units and is applicable to rock breakup under any conditionk ivgwL-il M-s of hit type or drilling method. The author suggests Men. the ztze of cuttings, i.e., the dispersion if cuttii~W:~ 079MIMIcharacterize the rock breakup process and the cruMslnit- pi-WILty of bits. This view is not r Ca 2/4 The Rock Breakup Process in Oil Well (Cont.) 93-57-7-3/22 entirely shared by Soviet scientists. I.A. Ter-Grigor'yan [Ref. 41 and I.A. Ostroushko.[Ref. 121 do not even discuss this subject and at the All-Union Conference of Oil Workers only A.F. Afanas'yev [Ref. 131 mentions that the size of cuttings decreases when the crushing elements of the bits begins to show wear. V.A. Rogozinskiy [Ref. 14' and P.A. Rebinder and their co-workers [Ref. 151 turn their attention to this subject and L.A. Shreyner [Ref. 31 does not consider the size of cuttings a factor of rock breakup efficiency. Ye. F. Epshteyn [Ref. 51 attempts to identify drilling with dispersion of cuttings, but this is erroneous since drilling is only accompanied by dispersion of cuttings and is not dispersion. Nevertheless, rules which tie in drilling quality with size of cuttings have been'established (Refs. 16,17,18). The author concludes that the size of cuttings is a stable factor of the rock breakup process and as such can be used in determining the quality of bits and Card 3/4 Thc- Rock Breakup Process in Oil Well (Cont.) 93-57-7-3/22 consequent"Ly in selecting 'Che most suitable bits for any formation, Furthermore, the -.Aze of cuttings may also indi- cate the power consumption in the breakup process and enable more effective tt**SFM-ion of power. in view of the above data designers should -.0m to design bits which will dril.-I wi.Lh minimum power and itaximum efficiency. There are 2 9.ables and 27 Soviet -t4'~Lzwnces. AVAII.AB'..E- Library of Congress Card 4/_' Drilling-Techni-Tues f ROSTOMYAN,P.M., Cand Tech Sci (dISS) "Llement!i of the xxxgry theory of rock destruction in boring." Baku, 1958, 8 np (Min of Pigher -nucation XU US5R. AzIerbaydzhan Order of Labor Ited 8anner industrial Inst im Azizbekov) 150 co.pies (KL, 21,1-17.61 133) 66 ROSTOMYAN, P.M. Now classification of rocks and evaluation of factors deter- mining their dssintegra~ion In drilling. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' I gaz I no.11:43-48 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Azar1)ayd%hanskiy indii,3trial'nyy institut im. Azizbekova, (Rocks--Classification and nomenclature) ROSTOMYAN, P.M. -Determining the amount of energy required for the doetruction of rocks by means of logging. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz no.4: 19-26 $58. (MIRA 11:9) l.AzerbaydzhanskAy indiistriallnyy institut im, M. Azizbekova. (Loggibg (Geology)) ROSTOMY.KN, P. M. Theoretical data on the effect of weight and wear of the cutting parts of a bit on the mechanical drilling ,, speed. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.6:47-50 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Azarbaydzhanskiy Institut nefti i khimii im. X.Azizbekova. (Oil well drilling) ROSTOIKYAN', P.M. Energy producing aspect of the formation of sedimentary deposits., izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.1:114-116 10'5- - (MIRA 18: 2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M. Azizbekova. ROSTOVIYAN F."ll. "Realization" facVtl, of fissures in analyzirig the power aspec', of rock dlaint--~gra4Von in driAing, lz,.r.v7s.ueheb.zav.; r;,mlcl i gaz 6 no. 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Azerbayrdzha-nskiy institut nefti i khimii in- M.Azizbekova. RAMAZANZADE,, M.G.; ROSTOMN, P.M. Effect of a changein the energy of oil on local geothermal anomalies in oil fields. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.7,.15.20 161). (MIRA 15:5) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni, M. Azizbekova. (Oil reservoir engine &-ng) ROSTOMMj--P. M. Theoretical conclusion iomthe relationship M-tween the m6chanical drilling rate and the -.-b.*Val load on the bit. Izv.v-fs.ucheb.ZaVo; ne'LO i gaz 3 no.3..;C~13 ?60.' (MMA 14:10) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii 'Meni M.Azi,zbekova. (Oil vell drilling) ~-,& AWL "Ll ROSTOMYAN, ~.M.; WIAZANUM, M.G. A factor determining changes in the geothermic depth in oil fields, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 160. (mA,14:4): 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimJi ATWfu M.Azizbekova. (Apsheron Peninsula-Oil fie-faf-POROMMMM properties) L- '3 E RM&IJM W '6~6 UVIA--woo ACC NRt- AP 9 SOURCE COIDE: UR/OOT2/66/ooo/oo5/0017/0018 AUTHOR: Aslanova, H. S. (Doctor'of chemical sciences): Rost2g[an, R. M. .(Erigineery, ORG: (Aslanoval All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fiberglassand Fiberglass -Re"forced Plasticg-(Vae oyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut stekloplastik steklovolokna); (Rostowyan] Institute of Stone and Silicates, Yerevan (Institut Kamnya i silikatov) TITLE: Mechanical properties of new types of alkali.gless fibersiced on Am' enien perlites SOURCE: Steklo i keramika, no. 5, 1966, 17-18 TOPIC TAGS: glass fiber; qkali, perlite, mechanical property, chemicia stabiltty,_ synthetic fiber ABSTRACT: The authors study Armenian perlites. These'perlites contain very little iron oxide but do have both sodium and potassium oxides which contribute to the- ch.emical stability of. glass. A series of glass specimens was founded using vario~.r .ratioe of perlite sand and additivewto find optimum composit-ion.-,As a result of .these experiments new types of glass fibers are produced with an*alumincimseesium. calcium-sodium-silicate c2T2osition~ The mechanical properties and chemical Stability of these materials are-similar to those of fibers made of alkali-free aluminoboro- Card 1/2 uDe: "6.189.2im17 L 32963-66 ACC NR, AP6016~27 L% silicate'glasB. ITh.ese -new materials are highly reeistant to acid axid belonS to the first hydrolytici'cl"s with respect'io water resistance. The results shvv that glasi fibers containing, alkali metal'oxides may be produced with properties ass good tho' of.alkali-free-glass. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07, ll/. SUBM DATE; '00/ ORIG REF:* 000/ OTH 000 ROSTOHYAN) v mi~ xed -Plpf,oordru aril L II Zhur. ml.krabl.-,.I., opid. i A 9 165. 1 . instLtut. epidemiolo,gli gigiyeny MirL3t3rstira Ar-pyanslkoy SSR. th,~ jlool h-ting irimn. 1.2 nc;.8:111-117 (%,Ljr,,A 1-8:9) zdravcokhran.eniva mammon= Antagonistic correlations between R-Mtospira of -arious serologic t,,j-,-es..Zi-ur.mikrobiol., epid. i '11110OUL. 42 no.4:69-73 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut epider-dolog-ii i gigiyeny Ministerstva zdravookhraneriya A-=,yanskoy SSR. ROSTC14YAN, S.V. Human leptospirosis in-the Armenian S.S.R. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:10-13 Jl 262. (MIRA 17;1) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeny Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Armyangkoy SSR. ROSTGIYA1,11 S.V. Orientating rea.'ction of agglutination-lysis for large scale studies of Leptospirae. Lab.delo S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut epidemiologii i gigiyeny Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya Armyanskoy SSR. (LEPTOSPIRCISIS) PI-,TJL-V-KT-Y, G. V. ,RCSTCIL,7AN. Ye Y1 Ussiq (6 -o) Ricinoleic Acid Prsparation of oxide of ricinoleic acid. Zhur. ob. khi- 22 no 11, 19~2. Yonthly List of Russian-Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. ROSTOKYAN, V. nzh. Change of the flow direction of the Arps, River into Iake Sevan and some problems in theoperation of the Sevan-Razdan hydroelectric power plant cascade. Prom. Arm. 4 no.12:17- 22 D 161, (MIRA 15:2) (Armenia-Hydroelectric power stations) (Arpa-Chai, River-Rivers-Regulation) DuBlulil. lijkolay ?c t r., ~i i. 'r:a I ka tteklinichaskikh aauk. ZRALUITOV, Pelr Prokhorovich, tekk~niaheskikh nauk.; bTO!-Ozhz.V, i-likhail Usil'yevich, tek',al~-.huskikh nalik; ?OPOV, Yuvil,anty AlekBan-, Urovich, T.-clionovich, jiluk: 17AMIds-, nauk; kandidat ?AINCHAII0, ~icnnllant,.n _Petrcvi,,~~, takhmic-heski-rch masuk-; ?ULI, V.1knr fcl~hnlcheskilCh anukl, R0z.TURGUj'_~:V Ivan Seree-c-Ic', nauk: SHE141=-tt'.. L .4: ',-. redeVtor-. MODEL', B.I., telvtnicheskiy red,,kt,or me"allov. ?od 7oc~,, N.P.Dubinina. [Technolcgy ~ff IZ-1 , 3-8. Mozim lit-ry, 1957. 5&v P. 10: ic.) ROSTOROTSKIY 2 A.N.1 inzh. Remarks on the quality of rmnufactured equipm ent. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 5 no-5:39 MY 161. JMIRA 3-4:6) 1. Prokhladnenskaya, distantsiya signalizatsii i svyazi Severo- Kavkazskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Electric equipment) jr ha ng ri -a~ boii S',af. L-13 Je. F-& riz r-c.,.r ta 3c, ~Ta L, t. a,, r:: SARKHOSHIYAN, G.H,; BARANOV, M.S.; 16440--tANSKIY. M S ORWVSKIY. V.I.; MALIKOVA, N.V., -43-MMIMMM [Repair techniques and equipment f:)r repairing automobiles; practices of Moscow automobile 4i4siair shops) Tekhnologiia remonta i pris-oosobleniia dlia d4--nnta avtomobilei; iz opyta moskovskikh avtoremontnykh IfivUritatii. Izd.2-oe. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo nvtotranap.-11;-ry, 1957. 10 P. 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatell--t.';Ly institut avtomobil'nogo transporta. (Automobi-MORT-lin,T-noance and repair) ROSTOSHINSKIY M S., inzh. Possibility of'using the VSG-;-3A rectifier for welding in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide.. Svar.proizv. no.7:35-36 J'l 162. (MM 15212) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut avtomob~llnogo traniporta. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) (Electric current rectifiers) S/135/62/000/007/007/010 A006/A101 AUT.Iil,)Ro Rostoshinskiy, M. S, Engineer "T'LE On the possibility of using the (3Cr-3A (VSG-3A) rectifier for welding in C02 PERIODICAL- Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 7, 1962, 35 - 36 'TIFYT: The author with the participation of Candidate of Technical Sciences I - N~ lz Dotsenko, Engineer Z. A. Krichevskiy and Technician V. G.,Tobias, investi- gated at the NIIAT welding laboratory the possibility of using rectifier VSG-3A for welding in C02, The rectifier operates on A single-phase full wave circuit wlLh a central point.. The power source is a set of 3 rectifiers. The high sides of the stepdown transformer are "starl''or "triangle"-connected to the three-phase current network. The output sides of the rectifier are connected in -zerles and the bridges of the network sides of the transformer are positioned c,orrespondingly. Thus the required welding voltage is obtained. Depending on the position of the bridges on the panel 6.6; 6; 4.5 and 3,5 v rectified vol- tage can be produced at a full load. Welding was performed with 0.8 - 1.4 mm lard 1/2 - - ------------- S/135/62/000/00VO07/010 Or, 'the possibility of... A006/A101 diamett:r wire on semi-aLltomatic device A-547p (A-547r) and on the YAHep-5HWHAT (UANF-15 NIIAT) unit, It was found that rectifier VSG-3A can be used for welding and harafacing in C02 on 175 - 200 amps current. Experimental assimilation of the r-=ctifier at several plants yielded good results. There are 3 figures. ASSGCIA--uT,ON,! NTI avtotransporta (Scientific Research Institute of Automobile Transportation) ,Card?/2 5k 37/6 1/ooo/o 12/og .1/ 149 A41061A 10 1 AUTHOI~q; Sarkhoshlyan,-G., Rostoshinskiy, M. TITILE: A seminar on the mechanization of..welding ei!g~tions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 12, VOL41, 1, abstract 12E5 ("Avtomob..Itransport"i.1961, no.,8, 54- 55) TEXT: At. the Ivanovo Automobile Repair Plant of the e-AR0 Trust a seminar ,was held pertaining to the state and outlooks of jitzi,#Mno M.;(on and automation of welding and building-up operations in automobile Yepait. VLe purpose of the seminar was to acquaint its participapts, with modern zt,M MM '%ic and semi -automatic welding methods, employed in the auto repair industry, and ;o demonstrate these methods on the equipment of the Plant. The necessity is gor-ed of centralizing 'the supply of the automobile repair plants with welding *U.Ipment and of improv- ing the labor organization at these plants. Ye Terpugov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Sc diun in Minp of Pall-I rA2_&.:Ld Solution by Hydrazine. Bar-, l(Y)h, 37, 2441-2461 J. Chema. Eoc,s V. 88, 594 flydrazinea- sulphate pr acipitates palladimm quantitatively from hot mineral acid solutions, partly in the form of raetal and partly as oxide. Palladium may thus be readily sep- arate,~ from the rare electro-positive netals. In other cases) precipita-:,ion of the se- cond met-al may t-,ke place ooing to tae catal.;tic action of -,he precipitated palladium producing hydrogen in the active foxm offalladium hydride. Palladium, is separated fr n, aluminum% chromium, urnaium, uiclybdenum, and tun.:sten L-j thL addition of a hot concentrated solution of by,;razine sulphate to the hot acid solution. '11he precipi~cate Is dried and reduced in hydrogen. The separa-,ion from Cal- cium, strontium, and barium is similar, except that in these cas s the use of hydrazine, hydrcchloride, prepared from benzylideneazine or by saturating hyaraz'ne hydraLe with hydrov-eri chloride, is advisable. 'Phe separation frort man,",anese, cadmitua, nickel, and cobalt by means of h-.,drazzine' sul- phate is alos coji;plete, in -pite of the existence of spfiringly soluble double Salts of 1hese -rBtals with hydrazine (CurtLus and Schrader, tustr-, 1895,ii, 10). In the case of nickel and cobalt, however, dilute solutions must be --m-ployed> and the precipitate nwast be thoroaghly washed. GrLR/'Hiu,-qn and :aiival Physiology (Nomal and 1-athological). T-9 Internal Secretion. The Pal',CrM3. Abs Jour : Ref Mur - Biol., 110 11, 1958, 51142 Ahthor : Rostoski, Otto Inst : --z-- Title : Diabetes Mellitus. OrIg Pub : Uis-- 1957, 6, No 3, 193-204. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 84 ALMRIM, I.F.; BXLYAVSKAYA, T.A.; ROSTOTSUTA, N.M. Qmntitative separation of zirconium from iron and nickel by ion xchange chromatography. Vest.Xosk.un. 11 n0-3:67-71 Nr 156. Kafedra analitichaskoy khimii. (KM 9:8) (Zirconium) (Chromatographic analysis) ip" ARENDT,A.A... prof.; ARTARYAN,A.A,.!('.nauk; 8ALtOV,G.A. prof.; VOLKOVII-z.V., prof.; VAIRSHAVSKAYA, D.Ya., kand. med. nauk; VOROKFOBOVY L.A.; GEMRALOV. A.I., kand. r-red. nauk,; DPI;IYEL'ijF,K, K.V.: kand. med. rauk; DEPMAVDII, V.M., kand. med. nauk; DOLETSKIY, S.Ya., prof.: YDRMOLIN, V.N.; ZATSEPBI, S.T., kand. med. nauk: ZIrYAGINTSE--V A.Ye.. dots.; ISAKOV,Yu.F., doktor red. naulk; KOZYREV, V.A., kand. med. nauk; KONOVALOV, A.N.; KORNYANSKIY, G.F., prof.; KLIMANSKIY V.A., kand..,med. nauk; MMKOVICH, I.G. dots.-. K01-11DRASHIP N.I.~ kand. med. nauk- ISVII-iA, O.Ya.:, kand. med. rauk; LENYLISHKE4, A.I., kand. med. nauk; LEYBZON, II.D., ciaktor med. nauk,. IrUILUIRTA, L.I., doktor med. nauk; MAIMEVA, T.G,, kandidai meditsinskikh nauk; NMSESYI'Q'"S, S.I,, kand. med. nauk; OVCHINNIKOV, A.A.; OGLEZHEV, K.Ya.. kand. med. nauh; ~iOSTOTSKAY-A,_V.I., kand, med. nauk; STEFANOV, E.A.. kand. mad. nauk; EPSHTM, P.V.; OSTRO','IT,KFOV, G.Ye., prof., glav. red.; DOMBROVSKAYA, Yu.F., prof., otv. red. [Multivolume manual on pediatrics]Yno ot mnoe rukovods-tvo po pediatrii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.9.fPedoiatric surgery] Khi- rurgiia detskogo vozrasta. Red.toma S.IA.Doletskii. 1964. 654 p. . (14IRA 17:9) 1. Deystvitellnryy chlen AIMM SSSR (for Dombrovsk-hya). 2. Chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Bairov, Vclkov). ROSTOTSKAYA. V.I., kandsmed.nauk Trentment of craniopharyn.giomas [with summary in English, p.631- Vop.neirokhir. 23 no.1:28-31 '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. lz Nauchno-isoledovatellakogo ordena Trudovogo Xrasnogo Znameni institute neyrokhlrurgit Imeni N.N. Burdenko AN21 SSSR. (CRANIOPHARYNGIORA, therapy (Rue)) ROSTOTSKAYA, V.L. (Moskva) Continuous drainage of the ventricular zhfstem in obstructive hydrocephalus of diverse etiology. AM-tirokhir. 25 no.l., 54-56 Ja 161. (KM 1432) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy ordena '9'AT-r*vogo Krasnogo:Zhameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni akad. N.N. Burdemko AMN SSSR. (HYDROCEPHAWS) URGMY) M All I-17YIEVA, T.G. ; ILL'; Some mod-Ificatiuns of CuWural Pl,--sti--' 01;,~,-Gu:, L defects in anterior cerebral hernia. 23 no.4:,,L-50 -fl-Ag 164. (mI-V. 18:3) orde-j,% '-Znameni kafeci-- Isav. 1,.rof. Mciitrallvc-,o ROSTOVSKAYA, V.I.. kand. med. nauk Perforation of the lamina terminalis hypothalami in children with obstructive hydrocephalus. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.1:53-56 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znaneni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N. Burdenko (direktor prof. B.G. Yegorov) AMN SSSR, 14oskva. IN M~_;63!:"-N~-.-,%~-'7 -A