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(Ethers) (Glycerol) s/l9yr2/000/008/011/013 B1 24 B180 AUT:HORS Rudkovskiy, D. Ketslakh, M. M., Brunshteyn, B. A., I Eizl_~ - - i Menk 6 , It - L K r2 I ri L New polyatomic alcohols -~~-,70DICAL: Plast,'Pheakiye massy, no. 8, 1962, 52-54 T _0'-',-2 On the example of production and application of trimethylol ethane and trimethylo! propane in the USA, corresponding actual results and .)Ianned ~,roduction in the USSR are discussed. Far-reaching possibilities of ) application in many branches of industry,-and improved and more economic nracedures are mentioned. In many cases, the use of trimethylol ethane and trimethylol propane instead of glycerin and ,.)entaerythrite is of econornic interest because of the reduced consumption off expensive raw materials. Basic investigations in this direction were ... ade in the USSR by TNII1,111eftekhim in 1950. There are 2 tables. The three Lnglish-language reference are: Ind. Eng. 6em.-50, No. 8 (1958); ^Chemistry in Canada, 12, No. 11, 38-42 (1961); Chem. Eng., No. 9, 41 (1961~ Card 1/1 PMKOVSKIY, G. [Rullcjvsl~7j, H-1, Icancl-biolog.nauk Bectarines on blackthorn tree. Znan.ta pratsia no.7:18 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Peach) (Blackthorn) 77 T77-75 k M j k C j C J, -AILL--NKt --- 11"ue-uYu AUTHOR: Rudkovskaya, G. D., on, M. M..(Corresponding member Sokolova, T. A.; Kot AN SSSR)- '0 RG: Institute of Macro'molecular Comp ounds, Academy of SciencesSSSR-(Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSRJ TITLE: The structure of polydimethacrylimides lot SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 5,-1965, lo69-1072 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, plastic acrylic polymer, polyacryl-imide,'structural analysis% infrared spectroscopy ABSTRACT. From a comparison of infrared-spectra with those of model compounds it was demonstrated that while deamination of N-alkylated polyacrylamides leads to formation of six-membered imide rings in the polymer chain, polymerization of N-al- kylated dimethacrylimides yield a polymer whose 'chain contains five-membered imide rings. This suggests head-to.:.head polymerization of di,methacrylimides; Unsubsti- tuted dimethacrylimide, bearing no substituent at the nitrogen stank constitutes an exception to the above. Orig. art. hast 2 tables and 1 figure. (VS] SUBM DATE: 19Apr65/ ORIG REF:, 003/ oTH REF: oo6/ SUB CODE: Mr &V ATI) PRESS: Card UDC: '541.6 YFFIMENKO, G.G., inzh.; VOYTANIK, S.T., inzh.; YEFIMOV, S.P.., inzh.; MACHKOVSKIY, A.I., inzh.; RUDKOV, A.K-, inzh.; RUD I.,_,inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: KCVAL-rV, D.A.; GOT'OvT--T EV, A.A.; VASILIYEV, G.S., 2EMLYANOT.9 A.A.; KUKUSHKIN, S.N.-, MATYNA, M.G.; LOVCVANOVSKIY, V.A.; KIRAMNIK, T.A.; NFCHFSOVA, N.I.; MARTYNENKO, V.A.; KURAKSIN, D.I.; LETYAGIN, N.L. Intensifying the sintering process by the use of a special charge wetting device. Stall 23 no.12:1061-1064 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut, zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo i Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinat. 2. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgi- cheskiy institut (for Kovalev, Gotovtsev, Vasillyev, Zemly.~noy, Kukushkin). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Matyna, Lovchanskiy, Kramnik, Nechesova). 4. Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitallnyy kombinat (for Martynenko, Kuraksin, Let- yagin). UQC- U1.11/Cultivated Plants. Fruit Trees. Small Fruit Plants. m Abs Juar: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77813. Author Rudkovskiyl, G.P. Inst Title Cultivation of Fruit Trees by the Non--Lransplanting Method as a Way to Increase their Drought Resistance and Resistance to Cold. Crig Pub: Visnik AN URSR, 1957, No 9, 53-56. .I,bst2:--ct: No abstract. Card 1/1 129 26-50--5-31/57 A U.P., (Viyev, TITLE. Kiyev Peaclies (Xiyevskiye L;ersiki) i~LaICL !C-'L: Friroda, 19 58, Nr 5, rp 101 - 102 (USSR) LBS'PakCT: Peaches in the northern part of the Ukraine, the seedlings of which had been imported from southern areas, soon perished, usually after the first fruiting. There were no local varie- ties, and the southern varieties could not be adopted to con- ditions beyond their northernmost area of occurence. Between 1914 and 1935, N.F. Kashchenko grew several generations of peaches from seeds obtained from North Ukrainian gardening amateurs. The seedlings were left without protection against frost, insect and other pest, nor did Kashchenko interfer with the top growth, except the removal of withering and dead branches. The 2 varieties.August Kashchenko 163 and'August Kashchenko 1111/from seedlings of Kashchenkols 3rd generation were introduced into the standard assortment of.fruit and berries of the Ukrainian SSR by the Ukrainian Ministry of Card 1/2 A6riculture in 1935. Since then the Akklimatizatsionnyy sad Kiyev i;eaches 26-50-5-31/57 imeni N.F. Kashchenko Botanicheskogo, sada Ar, U3SR (The Accli- matization Garden imeni N.F. Kashchenko of the Botanical Garden of the AS Ukr SSR) has further developed new and better peach varieties from later generations of Kashchenko's strains. 6pecial hybrids from Kashchenko varieties and nectarines yiel- ded peaches of up to 250 g in weight. Since then, more va- rieties have been included in the standard assortment. Peaches have been cultivated since 1948 in the Kiyev, KharIkov, Vin- nitsa, Khmellnitzkiy, Zaporozhlye and other oblast's. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Peaches USSR Go il;-.1 t ry CATEGORY M-8 A3,9'. 7' AUTHOR INST. TITLE jjC:_'jCt.j r, !jy Toj; Incr OFIG. PUB. 0,d Ej t v c. "I vlnogradarsl-vo vil-idejjye ,1 B3Tt o 1 d av i i 3 1 S- 57 ~ 11o 2 ~ 2 Lt- 2- )- WiCT To en~--,--Lce resistance to wir.,ter iniur", 0 . (frost --r-Ick-S Scclds ::-,r-.d me -Mage to '~he I'l-runk) -7 -c-1--nical d a r- d t t a b -1 i s, ong 1 - s t ing p larit ir-,~, 1 t I -L U "t 'r, of fruit trees, - s recomr~-(--- nnai ed 4-- -*,'do;7-t the proced-Lire , wide ly Ut ilized irl a ne 5 0 f bu -L raftim- Of Cultivated Var'et;es into 'op c;f a wild stack plant, durif-- o r. tl " F- Or out3ide of a br.anch, at least 30-35 c-m flro:~ the F'. Kh. KlskirL. GARD:// merry of f ruit bud f on-ntion and fruit bearing take ks. place consJdcribly earlier than on other stoc Also they produced larger fruit. I.K. Fortunatov Card Vi RUDKOVaYIY, G.P., kcand.biol.nauk Cornolian chorr7 in the Ukraine. Priroda 49 no-5:101-102 My l6o. (14IRIL 13 :5 1. Botanichaskiy sad AN USSR,,Kiyov. (Ul-crains-Dogwood) Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bri,:)I., N, 71 Author Rudkovskiy, G.P. Inst Title Local Varieties, the Keystone in Fruit Raisong. Orig Pub Priroda, 1957, No 8, 105-1o6 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 YUGOSIAVIA/Cultivaterl Plants Fruits. Berries. m-6 RUDKOVSKIY, G.P., kand. biol. nauk. Local varieties as a basis for the fruit growing industry. Pr1roda 46 no.8-105-106 Ag 157. (mmm 10:9) 1. Botanichaskiy sad Akademii nauk USSR, Kiyev. (Ulcraine-Fruit culture) RUDKOVSKIY G P kand.biolog.nauk "PGrnolo&' by L.P. Simirenko. Reviewed by G.P. Rudkovskii. Friroda 51 no.7:121-122 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy irstitut salovodstva,, Kiyev. (Fruit culture) (Simirenko., L.P.) HUDKOVISKlY. S.S. Stand ralz~a'tion In the machine-tool industry oromotes the over-all 1mvrovement of industrial production, Trudy LP1 no.186:28-36 156. (miRA in: 7) (Sivmlification in industry) (Efficiency. Industrial) ment from open hparTh x1ags V P I I ijr~y .."[a It, l4iY 2 C A -If Rechnoe stuiostroen-ie, ego sovremennoe sostolanie, zadachi i perspektivy. LRIver ship- building, its present state, problems aad prosrects-7. (Transport i It-hoz vo, 1930,. no. 6-7, P-23-35). DLC: -HE7.T68 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communicatlau, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952. Unclassified. RUDKOVSKII, VLADIMIR IGNATIEVICH Narodnoe khoziaistvo S.S.R. i zheleznodorozhnye perevozki. Z-The national economy of the U.S.S.R. and the railroad 9h1pments_,/..'!Moskva, 19241 300 P. DW: IE333.R82 Slav SO: g2viet Transportation and Cow-unication A Biblioaraph Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington 1952, Unclassified ,T'DKG'V3KLT, VLADIMIR 1GINAT"EVIGH ed. N CP of railroad law7- 5-bornik Osnovpfe vopro-Tj zheleznodorozhncgo prava. statei ZaiLseva, A-F. ti_!Ir~. po r . Z':- a- sic estions 7 d ed V.I. Hudkovskego j I.V. R,tballskogo-Butevicha; prod. 11-1. Mentilauka. Ovsk Jzd. BiL;ro pravlenii zhel. dor. i Transpechati, 196- 376 p. DLC: IL31337F. SO:: Soviet rransportation and Co=mnications A Bibliograph, ment, Washim ,ed. y'j, Library of Congress, ference Depart, gton, 1~47,' MMP-~Ssfrl S, KCQDRYA.NSK,IY,M.L.; RUDK(NSKIT,Ya.l. Gaging machine for *Spivak* duplex presses. Ogneupory 20 no.3: 139-140 155. (MIRA 8:8) 1. Konstantinovskiy zavod ogneupornykh izdeliy- (Pover presses) BLOKUH, P.N., arkhitektor; HARCHRNKO, V.T., inzh.; IUDKOVSKIT, Te.N., inzh. Housing construction and management In Belgium and the.Metberlands. 31 no-5:30-35 My '57. '(MIRA. 12:3) (Bolgium--j1partmont houses) (Netherlands--Apartment houses) g as RUDKOVSKIY YP,,11., inzh... red.; MEYMSOL, D.S., kand. arkhit., red.; LITSFMIGH, V.K., kand. arkhit.,, red.; 0'rSEP, Ye.F., inzh., red. [Provisional instructions on fire prevPntion requirements for' designing 10 story and higher apartment houses; for use in experimental design and construction] Vremennye uka- zanila po protivopozharnym trebovaniiar, dlia proektirovaniia zhilykh zdanji vysotoi 10 etazhei i bolee; dlia primeneniia, V eksperimentallnom p--oekUrovanii i stroitellstve (SM 2915-64). Moskva) Stroiizdat., 1965.. 8 p. (FJRA 18:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po grazhdanskornu stroitel'st-vu i arkhitekture. 2. Gosudarstven- nyy komitet po grazhdanskoma strottellstvu i arkhitekture pri Gosstroye SSSR (for Rudkovskiy). 3. TSentrallnyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut tipovogo i eksperi- mentaltnogo proyektirovani-ya zhilishcha Gosudarstvennogo ko- miteta po grazhdanskomu stroitellstva i arkhitekture pri Gosstroye SSSR (for Mleyerson, Litskevich, Otsep). LAR10NO11, A.I.; DEGERMENDZHI, G.A.; ODKOVSKIY. Yu.N.; KONDRATIYEV, V.I. Automated line of the Siberia'n Technolorrical Institute for primary P.,ce landings of limnbering ssing of imtopped trunks at the enterprises. Trudy STI ho.32:27-33 162. (AURA 16.-12) GAJ, Jerzy; RUDEMWSKA, Anna The so-cnlled dyestasia areflexica hereditaria. Neur. &c. nolaka 8 no-3: 119-3103 7-by-June 58. 1. '," Kliniki Chorob Herwowych we Wroclnwiu Klerownik: prof. dr. R. Arend Adren: Klinika Chorob Nerwowych, Wroclaw, Kroazewskiego 25. (ATAXIA, case reports Romqsy-lievy dis, (Pol)) BRZZCKI.An(Irzej; RUDKOWSKA,Anna On certain mechanisms of visual perception. Postepy hig. mod. dosw 14 no.1:81-84 160. 1. 2 Kliniki Chorob Norwowych A.M. we Wroclawiu, Kisrownik: prof. dr R. Arend. (VIgUAL FnCEPTION) S! T t~ RUDKOWSKA, Anna. Role of the cerebral cortex in pathogenesis of progressive muscular dystrophy, Neur. & c. Polska 5 no-5:553-563 Sept~-()ct 9 - 1. Z Kliniki Neurologiesnej A.M. v Wroclaviu. Kierownik: prof. dr. R.Arend. Wroclaw, u1. Abramovskiego 2. (FROGRISSIVA MUSCULAR DYSTRCEHY, physiology, cerebral cortex, pathogen. aspects) (GERNBRAL COFCU,' in various diseases, progr. muse. dystrophy, pathogen. aspects) NOWAKOWSKA, Alina; RUDKOWSKA, Anna 'Two cases of neurological complications in stomatitis aphthosa. Neurologia etc. polska 4 no.1;61-66 Ja-F 154. 1. Z KlInIki Chorob Nervowych Akademil Medycznej we Wroclawiu. K4'erownik:prof. dr R.Arend. (STOMATITIS, APHTHOUS, complications, *CNS dis.) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, diseas 0: *caused by stomatitie, aphthou KAPUSGOISKI, TdIL01d prof. dr. med.; 0(',IEI.BX'A, Eugenia; _UZEWSKA,," KFjJDYSZ, jan; HER, 1-111reslavi SZYMAUNSKI, Jan Further research on the action of Ipronal in simple glaucoma, r. relation to electroencephalography. Klin. oczna 35 no.2s 21-3- 217 165. 1. 75' Kliniki Ovznej (KieroAiiks prof. dr med. W.J. Kapus oinski) i z KlAniki lNeurologiczne' hkadimii Medyozne' we Wroclawila J (Kisrowilik., prof. dr. med. ft. Axend). MEM SRT, Z'biF.Tlle-,r IW DKOWE MU a~- -)ns 11 t, F kr- A Ch Z; - c d, CZYMISKA, Janina, doe. dr. med.; KANI K, Jozef, prof. dr. med.;j~MKOWSKII,_ Z-bigniew; WITECKI, Jerzy 2 fatal cases of post-vaccination encephalitis from the same environment. Fediat. Pol. 1+0 no.2:179-184 F 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Wieku Dzieciecego Akademii Mfedyez- nej we Wroclawiu (Kierounik: doe. dr. med. J. Czyzewska) i z Klinlki Chorob Zakaznych d1a doroslych Alkademli Medycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierownilc: prof. dr. med. J. Kaniek RUDKOWSKA, Anna; KRAUSE, Kryatyna; HOLYST, Jerzy Zlectroencephaloaraphic.chPngea during the course of tofranil therapy of depressive statea. Neurologiaetc. polsks. 11 no.2: 241-250 Mr-Ap 161. 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik; prof. dr R. Arend i z Kliniki Psychiatryemaj AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: doc, dr M. Demianowska. (DEPRF-9SION ther) (ISYCHOPHAWACOLOGY) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) STARMUSKI, Wojaiech; RUDY,014KA9 Jadwiga Studies on the clarification of the relationship between diabetes and cancer of the corpus uteri. Gin. polska 32 no.3t365-370 161.,, 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecyoh Sl. AM w Zabrzu Kie- rownik: prof. dr W. Starzewski (UTERLU NEOPIASMS compl) (DIABETES MELLITUS compl) GULAB, lialina; HUDKVSKIL, Jadwiga; SZACHOWSKA. Maria Treatment of eroelons of the viginal part of the uterus with kyaluronid,ase and antibiotics. Gin-polsku 30 no.6:663-669 11-D 159. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Kobiecych i Poloznict-da Slaskiej A.M. w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof, dr W.Starzewski, (ANTIBIOTICS ther.) (HYAUJRONIDASE ther.) (CYRVrX UTERI dia.) 4, JDWISKA, Jadwigs, (Zabrze,,Plac 24 stycznia 4 m. 3.) Importance of cytological & colposcopic tests in the diagnosis of precancerous stntes & early stages of cervical cancer. Gin. polska 29 no.2:185-194 Mar-Apr 58. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Koblecych Slankiej A. M. w Zabrzu Kierownik: doc. dr mad. W. Starzewoki. (CIRVIX NEOPIASKi, diag. cytol. & colposcopy in precancero= atatea & early stages (Pol)) GIAMISKI, Mieczyslnw; RUDMISKA, Jadviga; SZACHOWSKA, Maria, Evaluation of the results of mass examination of women employed In mining nnd steel industry with special reference to gynecological and neoplastic diseases. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-38:1701-17o6 21 Sept 59- 1. (Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa I Chorob Kohiecych w Zabrzu; kierovinik: prof. dr med. Vlojciech Starzewaki) (GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES, stntiat.) (0111TALIA TWALE, neo-nlasms) BORON, Plotr~ RUDFOWSKI, Alfons One second biopsy perfomed with Mee's rn-jimothorax needle supplied with a mandrin. Wiad. lek. 18 nc,,,241-45-149 15 Ja 165 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Akademii Myemej w Bialymstoku (kierownik; doc. dr. med. P. Boron). BORON, Hotr; LEGEHIIILTI, S-Lnnislaw; HUDY01ISFA", Alfuntl/ Complement fixation reaction with liver antigens JL-i p,- "I en 'L e! with viral hepatitis. Pal.. arch. med. we-4-ne-L. 34 no. !C: 1.297-1303 164 1, Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarsklej Akademli Vedyc3ne4 w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: prof. dr. no med. So Tegezynskij 1, z niniki Chorob Zalsaznych AVIE (Klero~mika. doe. dr. med. P. Baran). MMW M., L 01919-0 T RO/JK ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: Po/oo8lA5/019/002/0233/0235 PP6035i62 (A) nogm Plot C and RUDKqWS6r. Alfons; clinic of Infectious Diseases of the - "arlmny of Hedicine (KI inika Chorob Zakaznych AH), Bialystok. "Liver Function in Bacterial Food Poisoning Warsaw, PEzeala4l Ep!,de*1ooic.Px, Vol 19, No 2, 1965; pp 233-235. Abstract: Data on 547 patients seen 1961-1963, Including 279 males, ages 4-86.Clrnical and laboratory findings pertaining to liver disease are tabulated showing the number of tests and the number and percentage of pathological values as to heratomegaly, urinary urobilinogen, serum bilirubin, cadmium, thymol flocculation and a number of primarily enzymatic tests. Tables" Presented at the 3rd Scientific Assembly of Polish Epidemiologists and -- -Infectologists, Krakow, 5-6 Oct 64- Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JFRS] TOPIC TAGS: I-iver, patholoU, bacterial disease, food sanitation SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE., none Card BLG X JANKOWSKI, Tadeusz; GCRCZYNSKA, Zofia; RUDKOWSKI. Alfons Surgical treatment of a case of post-viral hepatitis by means of denervation of the hepatic artery. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.32: 1196-1199 5 Ag 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych AM w Bialymstoku; kierownik: doe. dr med. P. Boron i z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Bialymstoku; kierownikz prof. dr med. T. Jankowski. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (HEPATIC ARTERY) (VASCULAR SURGERY) (NEUROSURGERY) P GLIM BORONJ P. and 1JgDKO'dSKI A., of Infectious Ddeeases Clinic, School of Medicine ~--- J, (10-inika Chorob Zakazii-y-ch-Adli), Bialystok. Prof. Dr. Med. P. Boron, Read. "An Attemp at EvPJuation of the "Enzymologic Serohepatic Index" for Differential Diagnosis of Epidemic Hepatatis" Warsaw, Prz~lad EpidemiwlogicEM Vol 20, No 2. 1966, pp 138-141. Abstract: Determinations of GOT and GPT trans&minase activities were made simultaneously in material obtained by liver puncture and in the ser= in 36 patients with epidemic hepatitis, 16 patients with obstructive jaundice of various etiology, and in a control group of 8 persons in whom liver pun- cture did not show any significant histopathologic changes. The "serohepatic index" of the enzymes, obtained by computing the value of GOT/GPT in tissues was compared. Contains a swrrary in English, 1 Table, 1 Figure and 9 references (3 Polish, 1 %lestern., 1 Russian and 4 German-language). yn a D 1-6 1, 1 , Z b i gn i e,,r --.n. --hi--kanpox. Pediat. 1-cl. 40 ri 8,,97, cl 21 Ng 7, Klinik' Chornb Z--kaznych !dieku Czlec If ecego Akademil Medycznej we Vraclawl-u (Kierowni-k-. doc. dr. .1. Czyzewska). PIID':C!-ISI,I, Zbi-gniew; HAWLEG, Lucyna Central ner-,rcus system complications in c*-ildrer, durin.- mass smallpox vacciration. Pediat. Pol. 40 n0-12:1351-141 F 165. 1. Z Klinil-i Charob Zakazziych Wieku Dzipciecego Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawriii (Ki-erownik* doc. dr. J. Czyzewska). MIANIDOWSKA, Janina; MATHEISEL, Krystyna; PDKOWSKI, Zbigniew Finger-sweat test and examination of chlorides in the Baliva in children * bronchial asthma. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.43: 1640-1643 26 0 164 1. Z'I Kliniki Pediatrycznej fficadem.ii Med7czne~ we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Hanna Hirszfeldowa Ldeceased]). CZYZEWSKA, Janina, doc. dr. med.; CHAEUD7.TIISYA, Stefania; DADEJOWA, Janina; MICHALAK-BELDA, Janina; RABRIDA, Celina; ]~ID~OWSKI, Zb,i&rniev Clinical forms of skin complications of smallpox vaccination. Pediat. Pol- 40 no.2:121-128 F 165 l. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Wieku Dzieciecego Akademii Redycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. J. Czyzewska). ;_g ~!T- HU SKI, Zbigniew The fate of a pair of bi-ovular twins with different serological incoamatibility. Pediat.polska 34 no-12:1558-1560 D 1590: 1. Z I Kliniki Pedintrycznej we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof.dr med. H. Hirszfeldowa. (TWIM blood) (ERYTHROBIASTOSIS, FETAL case reports) ZbIgnif)w Electro- and 41mmuncelentrophoret.1c Btudies on ne*nirr "rotelr-q in acno.Lo laukamia in children. Pediat, Fols 39 r-.c;.!Ct 11501-1166 0 164 1. Z I Kllnlki Fedia-Lrycznej Akadaml.i MedycznLbj we 'WraclwwW (Ki.crownik: prof* dre ff. filrozfeldowa (deceaserfl. N -E`04141 ST-4RZEWSKI, Wojciech; RUDKOWSKAI Jadwiga Pregnancy complicated by cancer of the cervix uteri, Gin.polska 31 no.2:239-248 Mr-Ap 16o. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Kobiecych i Poloznictwa Slaskiej A.M. w Zabrzu. Kierownik: prof.dr mad W. S tarzewski. (PRWHAWT compl.) (CERVIX NSCPLASMS in pregn.) KAWLCKA, Maria (deceased]; NILTOLONSKA, Wanda; STARZEWSKI, Wojciech; RUDKO1,431U, Jadwiga Pre-invasive cancer of the cervix uteri in prFrgnant women. Gin. polskA 32 no.5:591-602 161. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologli Oddzial w Gliwicach Dyrektor: dr med. J.Swiecki Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Slaskiej AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr med. W.Starzewski Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Ins#ytutu Onkologii Kierownik: dr med. J.Morozowa Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologimej Slaskiej AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr med. W.Niepolonski. (PREGROGY compl) (CERVIX NEOPIASI-23 in pregn) RUDKOWSIa,_, Jad% i -,(Zabrze. Plac 21; Stycznia 4. m. 3. ggk he activities oil the Paraclinical Cytological Outuatient Clinic in Zabrze from 1952 to 1957. Gin. polska 29 no.5:565-569 Sept-Oct 58. 1. Z I Vliniki Po-Loznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Slanklej A. M. w Zabrzu Kierownik: doc. dr med. W. Starzewski. (GM-(;OIOGICAL DISFAS3S, statist. clin. statist. (Pol)) PO LANT D JjINKOWSKI, Tadousz, 00,RCZYNSKA, Zofia, and BUDKOWSKI, Alfons; 0- TDi- Clinic of Infectious Diseases (Klinika Chor b Za1=Wy"c1T)- rector: Docent, Dr. med. P. BOROX) and Second Surgical Clinic (II Klinilca Chirurgiczna) (Director: Prof. Dr. med. T. JXf- KOWSKI) , both of the AML [Akademia \Iedyczna, Medical Academy] in Bialystok f(Chronic Viral Hepatitis Treated Surgically by Denervation of Hepatic Artery. Case Report." %'arsaw, Polski Tygrodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 32, 5 Aug 63, pp 119G-1199 Abstract: [Authors' English summary] Authors report a case of a 641-year old uroman suffering from severe viral hepatitis., followed by chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Patient was treated by denervation of hepatic artery, and her clinical condition four months after the operation is good. Authors discuss the value of this kind of treatment There are 11 references: 3 Polish, 2 Geniian, and 6 French. RUDKOWSKI. Zbigniew Case of calciferol poisoning in infant. Pediat.polska 30 no-8: 689-694 Aug '55. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr med.H. Hlraziefeldowa Wroclaw, ul. Libelta 34 m-3- (VITAMIN B, injurious effects, in inf.) RUDKOWSKI, ZbIgniew Subdural exudates as a complication of supparative meningitis. Pediat. polska 31 no.4:413-422 Apr 56. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kier.: prof. dr. mod. H. Hirszfeldowa, Zwowsk S1. woj. Wroclaw, Sspit. Pow. (=ATES AND TRANSUDATES, subdural, in suppurative meningitis in child. (Pol)) (MENINGITIS in Infant and child, with subdural exudates (Pol)) (DURA MHER, cC.-eases exudates, ~,:.Jdural, in suppurative meningitis in child. (Pol_) r G to o, I u Uz e,,~ c; ad Wo, ARONSKI, Antoni; MASLANKA, Pawel, KOWSKI Zbi niew Respiratory resuscitation in a case of ascending myelitis in measles. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.8j857-859 Ag t65- 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Wieku Dzieciecago AM we 'Wroclawiu (Kierownik., doe. dr. J. Czyzewska) i z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej (Kierowniki prtf. dr. W. Bross). FUDL, F. 18th Research and Tecbnica"L. Con'Lerence of. Field GeodesistE, January 2h-26, 1957. P. 14. (GEODETSKI LIST, Vol.11, no. 1/2,Jan./Feb. 1957, Yugoslavia.) SO: Montbly LiEt of East Eurorean Accessions (E:-,,Al) LC, V61. 6, no, 7., July 1957. Uplel. PD!, F. Triangulation and traversing Of the city Of Ljubljana. Tr. from the Serbo- Croatian. P. 3~,5 (STowarzys7enie NaWcowe-Techniczne Geodetow Ploskich) lv,`araza-~a. Vol. 15, no. 10, October 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (T,,EAI) LC, Vol. 9, ro. 2, Feb. 1960 'acl. I= Of 'je"C=-~Aicrz of hi57h d--x,.s by mmat's o~ &~c.ctic rnethcds." p. 3. 1--ist, 7, no IA, jan/APr 53, ZaEreb) Yenth1v List of East E Vol. 2 No 9 Library of CcrEress Sept 53, Und urc In their article, "Flcctrod~nardc Seismo~;rqph Recording MJor Move- D. A. Kharin anO B. G. Rulev of Ithe Institute of Physics of the Parth, Academy of Sciences USSR, describe an clectrody=-lic seismograph a-aveloped for the registration of seismic movements with an amplitude, of from one up to 100 nn in.a freq,:Lency range of from 1-5 to 50 cycles. A di,-Crani of the transmitting elemeiyt of the instrument and a photograph of thc- instr=ent are included. The instrument can be used to --- horizontal oscillations, and by rotation of the body around the horizontal axis-vertical oscillations. (Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofi- zicheskaya, No 1, Jan 5T, PP 113-115) (U) CHMIZLEWSJfA-SZj3WCZYKOWA, D.; TULCZYKSKA, H.; HUDLICKL, W. Certain considerations on constrictive pericarditis. Pediat. polska 35 no.2:199-204 7 160. 1. Z Kliniki, Terapii Chorob Dzieci A.M. w Warsznwie. Kierownfk: H. Brokman. Z Kliniki Diagnostyki, Chorob Dzieci A.M. w -11arszawie. Kierownik: Z. Lejmbach. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej A.M. w Warszawie. Kierownik: J. X-ossakowski i z Instytutu Doskonalenia i Specijalizacj.*L Kadr Ioekarskich. Kierownik: W. Hartwig. (RERIGAIR ITIS in inf child.) RUDLICKA, Wanda Congenital fistulas of the neck in children. Pediat. polska 31 no-7:771-774 July 56. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej A.M. w Warszswie Kierownik: prof. dr. med J. Koseakowski, Warszawa, u1. Litewska 16. (NECK, fistula, congen. (Poi)) 'M7, rc ZEI C I I'O3LOVJ i'r',' IA -1 _.i`i_A&PYA,_ B , and DIAI.IMTT 9 J. , of the Psychiatric Clinic (T~syc',-_-Iatricka klinika), Paculty of General Medicine (Palcul- ta vseobecneho lekarstvi), Charles University, Prague. "T'Pal1r:1ent of Neurotic Symptoms in Cerebral Arteriosclerosis" Ceskoslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol LIX, No 2, April 63, pp. ".."'s-t.ract [I,-uthors' '~;'nglish sunmary, modified]: Changes in the experiencing and mental performance in 10 (9) pa- t-'4cnts Suf-Lering from cerebral arteriosclerosis following a,v-,-,lic-tion of placebo and 90 Vasolastin injections were s"e'udied by means of a special questionaire and 5 substitu- 14V_~~ variants comprising five psychological methods. Results owed a marked iml:rovement in sleep and headaches, recession consolidation of mood, and improvement in psycho- -ec' of treatment was essential 1y. Bvaluation of the ef.L U '!~_-r(-ment ,-iith clinical observation and assessment. Con- feren- __on- Application of Vasolastin is Justified. Nine ref ces, includ 4ng 2 Czech. _J CZECHOSLOVAKIA RjU_D&QYAA B.; Psychiatric Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles' university (~sychiatricka Klinika Fak. Vseob. Lek. KU)J# Prague. "Acute Intoxication with Theadryl Clinical Picture of Delirium Tremens. Prarue Ceskoslovenska Psycftirttrie, Vol 62, No 6, Dee 66, pp 408 4.10 Abstract /A-uthorts English summary modified 7: A case of a 58, year old man is described; the man ingested7t~000 mg of Theadryl in an attempted suicide. Alcoholism was not detected in the anamnesis of the patienti The clinical picture corresponded to that of delirium tremens. The patient recovered- 4 Czech ref- erences. (Manuscript received 16 May 66). J, CHERNIN, Abram Borisovich; DROZDOV, A.D., retsenzent; RUBINCHIK, V.A., red.;_4UDMAN,-A-A, red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. [Calculation of electrical magnitudes and behavior of relay protection of electrical systems with partial phase operation] Vychislen-ie elektricheskikh velichin i povedenie releinoi za- shchity pri nepolnofaznykh reihiiAkh v elektricheskikh siste- makh. Moskva, Gosenergo12dat, 1963. 415 p. (MIRA 16-5) (Electric power.distribution) (Electric protection) RUDIMAN, A.I., inzh. Methods of gas removal in mining gaseous rocks. Ugoll M:r. no.7:18-19 J1 '59. (Mine gases) (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) ~W-fFTTUT!A: : ~. . ~, ~'- I . - ,.I. .. ~ - -- zi~ I -t - , ~, ., - ;., --4--.- - - -- - . I- .: ~.. .. S1182160100010WIOOV012 A161/Ao2g AUTHORS: Rmenik, V.S.v Rudman, L.I. TITLE: Edging'Rectangular Holes -PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 9, pp. 5 8 TM: A new method of edging reAangular holes in, sheet steel parts is described. It has been suggested by Engineer V.S. Remenik of Kiyevskoye opytno- konstruktorskoye byuro torgovogo mashinostroye;i~iyaK~iyev Experiment Design Bu- reau of Commercial Machine-Building) and eliminates the necessity of using multL-.- operation extrusion with wide flange and subsequent punching of the bottom,vUch takes many expensive dies and cannot be used for making decorative parts because' of traces left on the metal., The authors (including the inventor).have deve1q:ed calculation formulas for the possible edging depth, the shape and dimensions of the hole (before edging), fundamental relations showing if the method cante used in a given case, and the permissible correlation of the fundamental parameters. The method makes possible edging rectangular holes in a single pi-ess stroke and obtaining a relatively high edge with small transition radius on the corners. The essence of the method is formation of the edge by diplacement of metal from Card 1/2 RABINOVICH, I.F.; RUDW,_L.I.; KIMLAT, Z.A., inzh., retsenzent [Handbook for adjusting fitters of cold-forging presses) Spravochnoe poso~ie slesaria-naladchika pressov kholodnoi shtampovki. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 198 P. (MIRA 17:4) . _; I ~ . - % `,~ ~ ',~ -.- : , r .- L 9628-66 ACC NRt AP60039'/0 5OURCE COM: UR161 5/(X)0/()0-5 AUTHOR: Sarkisov, M. A..; Rokot-yan. .9. S.; Uopennkiy, B.- S.; Sharov, A. N!,- Zhulin, 1.-V,; Fedoseyev, A, M,; Koroley. M.-A.; Khey[itn. Mv B..; Yemolenko, V. M.1- Petrov, ';. Ya.; Azarlyev, D. I.: Krikimchik, A. B ; L'9jvqkyvj 1. P.; Sazonov. V. I:j KhvoshchLns~~ya,7Z. Q.,- KartsL V. "L; Smelyanskayn, B. la.; Kozhin. A, N.; Lo evLS. B.; Dorodnova, T. N.; 'Rubinchik,_V. A.; ShicnQv. N.2-.; Aqim-mnL-A-.,--A- 2- ORG: none So, TITLE: Abram Borisovich Chernin SOURCE: Elektricheskiye stantsii, no. 5, 1965, 93 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering, electric engineering personnel ABSTRACT: An engineer since 1929, A. B. Chernin h" worked for years in developing new techniques and equipment for relay protectio4i* electric power systems. In this 60th birthday tribute, he is credited with leading the group which produced the directives on relay protection, contributing to the development of a method for calculating transient processes in long distance 400-500 kv power transmission lines and with aiding in planning of the electric portions of power stations, substations and The results of his engineering and scientific work have been published 46 tizws, he is a doctor of technical sciences (since 1963), and has taught for 30 years at the Moscow Power Institut6. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. i SUB CODE: 09 SUEM DATEt none H UJ 1A t I A T TIFW P (k)/EW !!(h ) ZE N i f! iLIP AM NRs AP60.151 06~-W-B~V";HM SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/005/0037/0037 ,AUTHOR: Rudman, M. D. (Engineer); Rumanov, B. A. (Engineer); Ivashin, A. S. ngi- neer) ORG: Kuybyshev Aviation InstitutL(Kuybyshevskiy aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE: Automatic control device for spot welding.11 At SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 5, 1966, ~47 TOPIC TAGS:~ welding equipment, control circ uit, electronic signal ABSTRACT: .~e .device (model AKS-3)"'signals deviations from electrode pressureAcur- rent,value, duration qf the weld time within the ranges allowable for the MTIP and GUT welding_machinelnwithin the following limits: electrode pressure--fi-oT_,current value--1:5%, weld time--10.001 sec. Electrode pressure is measured by an electrocon- tact pick~-up. The contacts of the pickup are attached to the grid circuit of the elec- tronic relay which measures deviations from set limits for the electrode pressure. Deviations are indicated by signal lights onthe control panel. The welding current control unit signals deviations from the desired amplitude of the weld current. A mag- netic amplifier is used as a null indicator of the second harmonic. The measured.sig- nal is obtained from ihe terminals off a shunt in the main circuit of the welding transformer and goes to the control winding of the magnetic amplifier. A signal is al- UDC: 621.791.763.037 CaM 1/2 J S'/I 12/-;;9/WO/O 16/00-2/054 A052/AO02 Translal,~Ion from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 16, p. 5, A U191 K) R Rudma TITTE', investigation of the Current Field in Spot-Welded Par's With the Aid of Plane Models PERIOD7CALt Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, 1958, No. 7: PP. 159-167 TEXT-~ Bibli---graphic entry. Card 1/1