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RUTKOVSKIY, F.K.; GRIBK5V,SKIY, V*P. Density distrIlluation of intense radiaticn I n an a!Lzrrb-;ng speci- Men. Zhin'. prikil . spek-L. 3 no. 1:32-37 i1 165. 18 RUTKOVSK F.K.; GURIYARCRIA T.K. Yj, Density distritrution of pimping radiation in a. trigonal rod. Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no.6:364-366 ja 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Instill,ut f-Lziki All BSSR. 5~--Wk(lk m fktc~k~ 2/VkEr.-O~)-~2 i h G AP510 .0037 ACCESSION NR: M/00-1190 53 K-~TSGR.' Rutkoviktrij. Kof-Grib are= TITLE: Distribution of density of intense ta&ation in an absoibing sampl SOURCE: Zhurn&l prikladnoy spektroskapiij Yo 3# no* 1p 105P 32-37 25 on intensity distribution;,. TOPIC TAGS: laser MW, laser UaViati light energy density ABSORPTION: The authors derive an integral equation for the density of 11 ght emn gy in a laser rod of arbitrary geometrical form vith an absorption coefficient depends on the irtennity of the exciting light., and give numerical results for a cy1-'ndri,&,l roe. The calculations are carried out for tvo extreme casen, when the exciting lig1r, outside the diffuse,, or- when, al-I the rays. opagatc perptni"LexClar-1- -th e.s'- w-kice': r 9 e-~sid s.-~--..The bleaching of 1 6 substa66 p the ac'-f i .-(sn- of Wenwi,~ i4diAt Ault p e-d e tak- - ----- _U tioLs cf the liert penetrating, into. t e r -~Lre en ntoacco=. -Zie--'rez its- are used -:;o feymaate a simple method for determining the parameters of such aL a ensure uniform excitation of the meftum with ininirnm therma,! stresses and rv,!r-:-unn temperature gradients. "The authors thank S. T. lqsak T,?r performing the computer CLIMAIStlions# Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 11 formiUas. j02] rd a T 7 F71 I W-F. t" "L 62252-6 ACCESSIMF nonig: &SOCIATIOM.- -Ounc= Lf I= 00 'REP "Sov:i moi 0o6 40 ATD _3 -'A itrn i-card 2 PC P P(e 1 E. YOMM-1/9W, 818 rr (m ACCESSION NR: AP5037694 6 0061036 AUTHOR* Rtrtkovskiyv F.,,~ K. Gury6Kdvjji - ----- 7 TITLE: Distribution of: ump r ation dens-Y n a trihe'dral r-od'.-.--. p SOURCE AN BS-SR. ~Daklacl1y, ser*- serlr6d- TOPIC- 1aseri---ve6dymium 1i I' er-model aser- q I _,oi N , ---* - ,- ti--- -can f.arbit the-~ r a ABSTRACT: Although laser -rods bA. 47! tribution was hitherto investigated only in iism int-41indiic -"'r a The present study is devoted to a tribedral prism, a shape proposed occasionall~y to A. --;M- 4:1k ~A--- 4-u,.a- c its faces and intlitmirif; the corre di ~~--In e. cal computations were with the d of an electronic computer. P17ots are presented of the distribution of the relative pump rad&atlon density In one-sixth Iof the normal cross nection through a neocbmiium glaps*riw& The results show that in the absence of absorption the radiation denalf-y-To evenly distributedp and in the presence of absorption it decreanes towards the center of the rod. Mkximum density is observed tit the corner of the prismj, owing to the decrease in the op- -COAL ~ - , - --- -, ., . . . , ., - -THO- mr.sov:~!, -,,W2.-, Ri-11KOVSKEY, P.K. D.L.3trIlbution of dlffu~e drm~it.y j.n a homogei-eous isotropic absorbine medium.. Zhlxr.rrl~kl. SP;~3k,. 2 no.~',:30',7314 Al) 165-~ . . . . . . . . . .1, L -iL I -a t"LLE IM, .6�0-6 5 ACCESSICK Nit. APS020801-1 111VO048/66/029/0W/13G9/ 373 --9ribkc tz AUMOR:' Am~~skl~ vskIyjVaiW;-1Mrsv Trm.- Density distribution of diffuse exciting light in a luminescing specimen IRep2rt, Thirteenthl'.oaference'on Luminescence held at Khar'kov, 25 Jim to I July, 196Y SOUHM:-: AN 8SSR.-Isivestlyao'S,firly'a fizichaskaya-i -'ve' 29 rpti6h TOPIC TAGS I laser light::-.absp iub~ WF ABSTRACT t=-The-authc rs -have- d -a ou ated~-t e-.--'lntens ty'p- a rom the ixid- of. an", Ti~~ R i:. wit distance r-. f nf "Itely &r-. cy. "er, -'iefracti.v6 on-coeffi , c nt. -~k~j.,. ated' n- A:-, ield diii e' have -dhecked-~.thed jL-resu ta7b ex erlmentd nds M-H-ri-P 4! ;- ---amouiRtiv- b' different sizes contaird ng d f erient L ofi-a sorbent-dye* e investigatiowL-~`4 was undertaken because of its technical interest In connection with laser do Calculatioms were performed numerically for several values of n and kk both for cylinders with polished walls and with diff usirk-, walls , and the results are ,Pre- sented. graphically. For cylinders with polished walls the intensity is almAst Independent of r- fox, it certdi:~ -94r-4a ued-,. 7-7 7 `7 n; 0~~' 4:4 1- 7~-LZ.71~ =77L v- - Nlio W. MR -7, ARS020801, L3ai~ ka -the i~~ Idcwaal Ott h i-it i~ For cylinders with diffusing walls t i ecrqases..wi~th ecreas UU CalCUILtiOng were also performed In which the variation Of k and n with frequency was taKen Into account. Resiults are presented for a material with a single :Lorenttian bbsorption line in a radiation field Of which the Intett9ity is Inde- 3~; !pendent of frequency.- and for a ruby cylinder in 8000K black-body radiation. The experiments were performed on cylind r9 with radii from 0.75 to 1.25 ca and absor P tion coefficients from 0.02 to 3 cm-,, using monochromatic light from a mercury arc* The means used for measuring the luminous intensity within the.cylinders are,,not an ;-ylt described. r/R les's th The experimental results agreed with the calculations for 0.6. For larger vaLues of r/R the measured Intensities were up to 25% higher than the calculated. This in ascribed to total reflection from the wall of the cylindere, Or1g. art. has: 8 formulas and 3 figures. 15 ASSOCIAMM instii;.ut ffAki-_. AkAdemii nauk BSSR Sciences, BSSR) SUMUTTED 1 00 SHM: 00 aNO REP SOVt 003 Rot 006 Cord 2/2 (Institute of Physics AcrxdeW-l 7, P( 6-39554-5 M/ ~X? 2ML /65/920/008/1~69/13173"4 2 ACCMSICK MR: AP500,10801 VE00 AUTHORS QrIbk0vskIg#V#PoQ[tsVtsovj .4,~ T ITLE Density distribution of diffuse-e iting'.light In a juminescigg sjj4etmsjj:~~ xc /Report, Thirteenth Conference-on-Luminescence hold at KharOkov, 25 June to- 1. Juily-~-. T96g F, 7- 7 4-,7-1 7,-j M IL __965 1369- 373-ra~f SOUWEt AN SSSRa I:rvestiya*'. Seriyst- fix ~c eskays i'~v 29 no*' 6' ffus -TAOS* -laser '1i ght 6b s or TOPIC V., - 1 9: , ~7- -T -h e cula`"~~_l THICT: he-'authOrs cid~' :t 6-- ntens ty-of-th adiAi at~Lth -ABS on. 0-T distance r from'the axis-_of-.'&W infinitiily.-Iong7.-bijrcular.Icylinder,,.'Of.,-rtidius,:R,-, with- t q; n-' diff r4f'ractfve.4ndwe~n, am abs-orption-coeffic but k,. ocated I' of esu 8~ o and av -~ehecked-thelr,-r_ A th~p -radi i -.h e t I i ciiinde Jast c- -dye*' The-inve different sizes containing different-am- I absorbent was undertaken because of its technical interest-in connection with laser designe, L Calculations were performed numerically for several values of n and kR both for cylinders with polished walls end with diffusing walls, and the results are pro" _1?~ - sented graphically. For cylinders with polished.walls the intensity-is almost depend ng on-n.;-.foro all-i --vilues independent of r for a cortaiii.-vilue '02,k]WI I- --~~77F-7777-. j 67 -xit1liLde i bec iu ai_:i _kR-the Antensity.- norea, cress rwzr__ se-of-r6 ract heS rs with diff using--viAll I ecreases with decreasikn s_tbe.Jnten9ity~La,_vays For-cylinde ' _ . it: with frequency - Lso w ch-t calculations were v~ hi he variation- of-k and as taken into accolint. RAults are pre'sentied for - a- materi al wlth:.a single-_ w Lorentiian -hbsorption line. in a radiation field of which the intensity to Inde- pendent of frequencir,* ahd for a-ruby cylinder in 8000K black-body radiation. on cylind rs with radii from 0.75 to 1.25 cm and abs experiments were performed tion coefficients from 0.02 to 3 ci using monochromatic. light -from a mercury -,ar6 The means used for imeasuring-the luminous-. intensity within *the cylinders am, not. described. The exlxirimental results, agreed with the calculations for r/a less than O.G. For larger valLues of r/A the measured intensities were up to 25% higher than the calculated. Thl.s is ascribed to total, reflection from the wall of the cylinderi. - [15 1 Orig, art. has: 8 J~Ormulaa andi-figur Be-- Jnstittlt-f nauk--BSSR-(Institui~_._ oiiii .ca -ASSOCIArION: Sciences, BSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDH.::CC_ .,ATD NO REP SOV 1 003 OrH$Rs 000 PRE38:49W 6rd A/2 ACC NRi 06024337 SOURCE COM"; UR/0428/66/000/001/0131/0133, A.UTHOR.: Stepanov, B. I.; Cribkovskiy, V. P.; Rutkovskiy, P. K. 01~iG: none TITLE: The effect of the Q factor of a resonator on the power of the radiation generated SOIPC-7: AN BSSR. Vestai. Serjya fizika-matematychnykh navuk,.no. 1, 1966, 131-133 TOPTC TAGS: resonator q factor, resonator, generator, stimillated emission, excited particle ABSTFaCT: The dependence of the power generated by a resonator u'pon the reflection coefficient of the mirrors r is examined. The effect of r upon the pumping efficiency is taken into account. The radiation flux through an element of the end surface ds is determined by the expression In -dS. IV gen g ea r P + In where W is the power of the stimulated emission per unit volume of the working gen material; e the length of the rod; and r and r' the reflection coefficients of the ends; the denominator is equal to the loss factor. it is found that, when the rod is short, an increase in the reflection coefficient from 0 to 1 can lead to great change Card 1/2 L 09976-67 A&_ AP6024337 0 in the absorption coefficient of the pumping radiation under generation conditions and, therefore, to a change in the pumping-radiation density in the specimen. The considerations are valid for three-level generators and those four-level generators in which there is appreciable depletion of ground-state partiolea. Orig. art. has: 3-formulas and I graph. SUB CODE. 09/ SUBM DAM 3WuI65/ ORIG REFt 004 WH ;ACCMSIQN NRs AM,,013856 MMOM Rutkovskii TITIXj Distribution of density of diffuse;_rimation in a ho~wgineoux inotl4mi(j. Absorbing sample _k -SOURCEr - -Zhurnal -1yrikladnoy- iqa;oB opi & Aistilbutio rAdiati i-cil TOPIC TAGS i radi tici density isdiatiow. hJ'Airfuse,' neodymium glassiro4, density di-stribution, i s:ot r-, 6 p-. A- a-, m-La- tr! absorption, V f IIABSTRAM A general 'equation Is dwived for the calculation of -the. intensity- a light in a sample of arbitrary shape, and the distrib Van of -e-light-is fixwest,4_ gated in a rod vith a rectangular cross section. It is assumed in the caleWation that the excitation is produced by fully diffuse,, monachromatiep and incoherent radiationg and thst the absorption coefficient in constant over the entire-volume and is independent. of the intensity of the light, This makes it possible to employ the lavs of photastetric optioso The expressiong derived for a bwTy of arbitrary shape, gives the relative spatial density of the light evergy In the body with &1- lowance for smItiple interml refleations. The remilt In in series form and car.AIi- L .0148 -the' A-er- Uftb6l~-*d: terms- corrts Ini-under-which lai-eWil sqp'r ted-bya,-Un te~-. --pondivg~to a finite, mumber'of 'i6flictiont) -ar4- discussed. i47 V ie_ e _r__MAda an ele trgnio'Com-; Retval -nead7niva-glamo--ro&vi&:a'--i~-iL--raU- puter. 7he fraction of the light absorbed is given fordifferent rod parameters, "The author thanks -Ve P. GrIbkovskly ford-& disensviom of the nauttgraript and for figv&es -and 28 foroulas ce*" ORge art. had useful afti 7r ABBOGIA=QN:,. none On, C=:: SUMTMv. ATIK MW sovt~" PIMM 8 arii . J1 RUTKOVSKIY, F.K. Use of a point diagram for computing the frequency contrast characi cristics of,an objective. Doki. All BSSR 5 no. 2:61-64 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR B.I. Stepanovym. (Lenses) SALIM, N.I., muter gazovogo khozMstva,--WTKOY_4IYq G.G., gazovshchik Improving the hot blasting valve in. air preheaters. Metallurg 5 no-9:9-10 S 160. (KIRL 13:8) 1. Nizhna-Tagil'mk:ijv metallurgichaskiy kombinat. (Air preheaters) (Valves) RUTKOVSKIY, G,,Ya, increas=g the blast furrace process 4n the Ukrainian S.S.R. Met. i gornor-ad. prom, -s.1-.10-12 TS_F 164. (M:RA 17 10' DUBOVIK, V,.Nl.,, St.. Prepodav.; MAIMIN, A.U.- kand. geol.-rdner. NTSEVA, A.Ya., kand.-geogr. nauk. d.-ts.; OTTO, P,I.;RUMYX nauk. ispolMayushchiy obya~bawiuou-L uu,,u.; Shtt&GIN) I*A*.q St. inzh.; MOSKALEV, A.F.; KOLESNIKOV, B.P., prof., doktor biol. nau~p rektor; OKOROKOV, V,I.:,kand. biol. nank, dots.; KLIMENKC, h.A.~ STARIKOVA, L.A., assistent! SHUHILOVA, V.Ya., assistlent~, MAKSD-!0VA, Ye.A., dots.; KIRIN, F.vp-,. kand. geogr. rvAak, dots., KUWETSOVA~ A.V.9 red.;MATVSM, rad,.; 1-11W,0ZOV, V.K., red.~ RUTKOVSKIY, I.M.,, red.; TYAZIMPLINIKOVI ye.V., red. Illature of Uel~~%binsk'Province] Prirodl Cheliabin'skai ob- lasti. Chellabinrkr T~jzllnc--Urallskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 19 64 ?J+1 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra geografli Che-lyabinskogo pedagogichaskogo in- stituta (for Daba-iik, Mamin, Runyantse-va, Kirin). 2. Nachall- nik geologicheskogo ot-dela Chelyabinskogo geologorazvedoch- nogo tresta (for Ot-.-~). 3. Chelyabiwkaya gidrologicheskaya star , tsiya (for SeregLn), 4. Nachallnik pochvennoy partii Chelyabinsk(rj zen-LIeuotroitallnoy elkspeditsii (for Yoskalev). 5. Institut bi-ol,^ Urallskogo fillala AN SSSR (for Kolesnikov). t. Kafe6ra zooa-)gii Chel.yabinskogo pedagogicheskoga J-stituta (for Okorokov, Starikova, Shumilova). 7. Chelyabinskiy rybW trest (for Klimenkc,,'. RUTKOVSKIYP L.A. (Ordzhonikidze) Influenza and acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract as a cause of a temporary disability. Sov. zdrav. 19 no.11:40-44 160. (MIRA 13--11) 1. Iz dorozhnoy bollnitsy No 2 Severokavkazskoy zheleznoy dorogi. ~-(INFLUENZA) iCATAFMI) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) RUTKOVSKIY,.M.L.,.kandidat khimicheakikh naiik. Corrosion of ch"ical apparatus by an aqueous volution of monoethanolamina. Khim. prom. no-3:153-156 Ap-My 156. 04LRA 9:10) 1. Gosudar9tvennyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Corroalon and anticorrosives) (Chemical apparatus) (Ethanol) RUTKOVSKIY, M.L.; MESHCHERYAKOVA, I.D. Search for the material of a reactor for the preparation of a polyorgranosiloxane liquid. Zaj3hch. me'.. 2 no.1:104- 106 Ja-F 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted April 8, 1965. _L 01286-67 _Z1 ~,.,VEWPCWT DWP(t),~ETIZN~PJKI ACC NR. AP6003328 SOURCE CODE: JAUTHOR; RutkovBkiy~ M, L.; Meshcheryakovaj I* Do iORG: none- UR/0365A6/002/001/0104/0106 TITLE: Search for material for a reactor used in the production of polyorganosilOxanO liquid SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. lo 1966p 104-106 TOPIC =S: corrosion resistance, monomer.,: siloxane, molYbdenUM containinQg alloy, titanium base alloy oz~mA6LO-' a~uzj) OA-tl ICY, ABSTRACT: 1yorganosiloxane liquiAv,1322 30C0 is prepared now in an enameled reactor by the reaction at 95C of a mixture of organic silicon monomer with 25% solu- tion of NaOH. A number of corrosion-resistant alloys was tested for-behavior under reactor conditions because Soviet industry does not now produce apparatuses that are protected by acid-resistant enamel& Samples 40 X 15 x 2 mm large) after the required treatment, were suspended on teflon ribbons in the working reactor into gas and into liquid phases. The.suspension was devised so that the samples neither touched each other nob the walls of the reactor. For the alloys investigated, the corrosion ra s at 95C in the gas and liquid phases were determined (in mm/yr) to be as follows:1 Card 1/2 UDC: 620.193.4 L 01286-67 ACC NRs AP6003328 Gas phase, Li Uld phase, mz/yr lryr lKhl8N95 44 51,8 El 4.25 5,28 -T--l 78 88 T I 4~' 58.8 89-5 I 'Ti-; 0.2% ]~!_jj 21 50.3 O-H + 30% YD 0111 005 F-P-495 (Ni 4 11% ~b 1*05 0.54 P M-YF5 ANi t 16% ~b 4,5 not tested The alloys Ti + 30% ~b and EP-495 were the most resistant to i n. However, the technology for producing Ti-Yb alloys is not yet developed arp 5 can be used only , s9o if the production of the apparatuses does not require welding because its welding seam has a tendency to intergranular corrosion. TIhere7Ts-,-E=-ver, the alloy EP-496, th-31 welded seams of which have no tendency toward intergranular corrosion, Alloy EP-496 (.Ni t 28% ~b f 2% V) was thus recommended as the material for the reactor..Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 1 fig. SUB CODE:11,lYIjSUBM DATE; 08Apr65/ ORIG RU: 0031.. 0TH RM: 001 Card 2/2 Mjs (ChemiczJ equipment cogusiun with xque;;i-zVmetfuw~l-- In 50"Utions M k4 drg~rwncv in tne ian and pl3nt tests i4 cwtied by the motion 4 tht liqt4d--jteam emulsion anJ the 13 14" steaM superheating. The addn. of () 1% K,CrA lcgwt:fed the 5?M corrosion R-60 tinics, but the dichromate is quickJy uged up by the HS, A periodic vacuum dista. of the antine is recommended to rrmove the corrosion-active components in the soln. W~.M. S 'x RUTKDVSK7j M,,L.-;-.ANTJFRIYZVA) N.A.; KOPIYEVA, O.M.; POTAPOVA, N.V.1 ---7--kkii-kv, i.v. Kinetics of the gaseous boron saturation of nickel. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 1-2 ub.2 17-222 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:9) d (Nickel-Hardening) (Case hardening) RUTKOVSKIY, M.L.; ANUFRIYEVA, N.A.; KOPIrr.VA, O.M.; POTAPOVA, N.V. Causes of the linear relation between the thickness of a layer and the length of time In the boron saturation of nickel. Fiz. met. I metallovad. 12 no.2:292-294 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Nickel) (Case hardening) 0 )LIJI" Mz jos S/126/61/012/002/ 006/019 ElI.l/E435 Anufriyeva, N.A., Koplyeva, O.M., Rutic:)vskiy. M.L.3 '-p-6~*~~,7~~a _,N.V~.and Kazakov, I.V. a Kineti--s of gas boriding of nickel kr,RIODICAL_~ Fiztka mc-allt-v i mealloveden 1961, Vol.12, iye, NO,2, PP-917-222 YEXI'; MaLer-ia15 su~:h as borides. silicides and carbides satisfy ~r-_ requirements of high chemical stability and resistance to ~:-si.on whic~h *e~' hni.:al der~ilopments are imposing. No on the rate of boriding has yet been is some dirergence of views on results --'~Ported and there ct,_-ainabla (e.g. Ref'.10; Zhigach A,F. and others, Metallovedeniye I~ermj,ch&_~kaya obrab.,.>tka. __959, No.4, 45; and Ref . 11: Weintraub R. ..-d, a. Eng, Chem., 19-11", 3., 2991, rhe authors have studied the P.,as boriding of ni_'-kt-I a-" 9()0'C uZing a 1.4-1-10 mixture of The zas mixture was stored in a. -on trichlrride and hydr.;gen, -linder and ~,,dmitted,.. al: ~~ weaslir,&d ra;e. to a 30 mm diameter ti_~r izontal quartz reaz;,.ion tube ~irL L' r,_Arnace) which could also be with n-tro I Gen. rhe fl.7,w of the gas,mixture was started- the temperature rea~:Iied 500 cr, 000'C, Specimens were in the 1/3 S/,126/61/012/002/Oo6/019 h1netics of Sat, bori-ding EIII/E435 foi-m of re,~_tansular 25 x 10 x 2 mm nickel plates, cleaned with and waihad uith a1,-_-ohrjAl~ Af*le: Ovickness measurement with a Ol I d The thickness -vitiater the spe-AlTle-n.3 WP I t, of r e 1v v ~Kc ~ I Lonsutried in the formation or the boride film was taken to be I,z;i( -ht, diffeyeii-.e between the and final thicknesses !-_,~-iured at the centre of the specimen), A linear relation 0; !Ween At, (mm) nnd boriding time Mours) (from attainment of the "~--rk-4ng temperature, 900'C) was found, At being 0.8 at the maximum '40 hours, Gas flows of 6, 24 an-i 96 litres/hour were used, e. weight,-gains in sp:)nd:ng g"m2 hour being 26.6, 54.1 and 99. ,iz. f',,,,~w rate-6 were in the laminar range. From the results the tri_rB -on-.lude that Lhe rate - ~ontrclling factor was boron -31C~11 IrOM th,~: gas phase to the metal surface. 'In the range the weigh~-galn rata (ie. boriding rate) was found to be .,f~-viically independent of the boton trichloride to hydrogen ratios. suggests that the tric-hloride does not participate directly in 1':i-_z A check on a-ing but forms an aztive intermediate -ompound. .'rt-ight of nickel losT during boridTng showed that it was under indicating that nizkel dichl6ride is not formed: this is 2/ 3 16557 S/126/61/012/002/006/019 1- .8 a f iz a i b c~ rd Ang Ein/r,435 to the v-4"Iws of Pcwell. The boride film was found to of thre,~ layers (prcbably N-,B outside, followed by Ni3B2 -Z~J Nf?B) sirith dlffcrent m;.-rohardness, The inner layer is -.t-nnest- ThL- boundarles be-~wean the layers are probably non- i.,a,-rided or weakly bcri,ded'components, -much as carbon, copper, sulphur or sil!-~;on, All the boundaries are serrated. K,Kryukova and Z.A.Borisava and-M.L.Mironenko participated in experiments. Therq are 5 figures and 17 references: Soviet and 5 The twc, references to English language --Abtngayer A.W_ Hurd D.T- Ne-wk-irk- A.E., Hoard'J.L., An., Chem, So 1943, Vo' . 63, 19"t, '.I.. t-ntrijub E, Ind, a. Eng,, ChE~m_ 191.1- 3, 299. S;U BINI rTTED,.0 b L 9 6 0 January 1.1, !96! ;'a I i-,-~ i an 3 / 3 E6565 S/126/61/012/002/ol6/ol9 IASGO E073/E335 AUTHORS: Rutkovskiy, M.L., Anufriyeva, N.A., Koplyeva, O.M. and-P-of a-p-o-va-,-N-. V. TITLE: On the Causes of a Linear Relation Between the Thickness of the Layer and Duration of the Process of Borating Nickel PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 292 - 294 TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. i Fmm, 1961, 12, 217) the authors and I.V. Kazakov have shown that in borating nickel a linear dependeFice was observed between the thickness of the metal layers At expended on forming the boron film and the time of boron deposition /'I_- for /Ae 1~~ 0.8 mm. Usually, the curve reflecting the speed of t~ e diffusion process is a parabola, for which the equation y = f, ^r, is valid; linear dependence between the thickness of the layer and the time is possible only if the forming film has mechanical defects along -hich the diffusing substance migrates to the surface of the Card 1/4 2656,' s/126/61/012/002/oi6/oig On the Causes of .... 7 E073/E335 base material. A photograph of a polished microsection of a boride layer is reproduced, from which it is concluded that the linear dependence is not due to mechanical defects of the film since defects at a direction normal to the surface of the specimen were not detected in the film. Comparison of the structune of boride films on nickel and cobalt has shown that they are qualitatively equal in spite of the fact that the increase in thickness of the boride film obeys the parabolic law in the case of cobalt and the linear law in the case of nickel; Figs. 3 and 4 show the dependence of the thickness of the borated layer n~e, mm 0as a function of time, hrs, for a borating temperature of 900 C for nickel and cobalt, respectively. It was established that the temperature coefficient of the speed of borating nickel at temperatures above 900 0 was considerably higher than was anticipated on the basis of the exponential time dependence of the diffusion coefficient. If borating was at 1 000 0C the eutectic NiB + N:L3B2 with a fusion temperature of 990 0C formed and the specimens Card 2/4 26565 On the Causes of .... E073/E335 melted off. Formation of this eutectic led to thp idea that in the case of the formation of borides being eicotIfdrmaI:-the linear dependence between the thicXness or the borated layer and the time at temperatures not differing greatly from the tempera- ture of formation of the eutectic can be explained as follows. At the surface of the nickel specimens which is subjected toborafing there will be concentrational fluctuations; due to the exo- thermal nature of the process this will lead to a local increase in the temperature in the borated specimen and to the formation of a low melting-point eutectic at these points. The diffusion coefficient at these points will increase. . . instantaneously and this will lead to an overall increase in the diffusion coefficient and will result in a linear dependence between the thickness of the layer and the borating tim.p. Conservation of the parabolic dependence in the case of 'cobalt is obviously due to the fact that the temperature of formation of the low melting-point eutectic Co-B, which is 1 105 OC, exceeds the borating temperature by 205 OC, whilst in the case of nickel this temperature difference is only Card 3/4 S/126/61/012/002/Oi6/oig On the Causes of .... E073/E335 900C. Thus, the heat released during borating of cobalt is, apparently inadequate for producing a low melting-point eutectic at the spots.where concentration fluctuations occur and, as a result of this, the parabolic dependence Ae = f(*t) is maintained in the case of borating cobalt undw~ the given temperature conditions. There are It figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The English-language'reference. quoted is: Ref. 3 - Brewer, Dwight L. Sawyer et al J. Amez. Ceramic Soc., 19151, 34, 173. SUBMITTED: February 28, 1961 Card 4/4 (~67