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PA 169T47. (BIA)OD--TRANSIFUS ION) (MKS IMOV, P.M. 52o 66. En(I)IT-- JK L 24, 'ACC NR, AP6009527--. (~V) SOURCE, CODE c~'.UIR~'0-413/66/ooQ/965/904�/6649., ...INVENTC)R.--'.;-B AhA S~ ina T 7,D PamwnA.~ La~y~d starshiy nau.chnyy sotrudnik; VOLKOVA, Z.I.., starshyy ". iip, d7*-st --l.;,-.--l- -t~,7 11,- "-- . *ms: , 6,- - -, pnv_-i-,A - -- - h) 'L 333P6-:-66 ACC NR: AP6021489 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0140/0140 -_~q ~V. G.; Bolbot, A. V.; Yeroshin,~V. F.;'Ryshik, INVENTOR: Antonov, 0. K.; Anisen _Ya,-I.,;.-.,Tolmachev, V. ORG: none TITLE: Method of~compensating for the aerodynamic asymmetry of propeller aircraft. Class 62, No. 182528 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966,'1401 TOPIC TAGS; aerodynamic control, gas turbine engine, aircraf t auxiliary engine , asymmetric body AJJSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method,of compensating for thle aerodynamic asymmetry of propeller aircraft. For the purpose of:increasing flight safety and.simplifying flying technique,. aerodynamic asymmetry is decreased the. thrust of an auxiliary, gas-turbine engine (1). This creates a moment oppIos,.it,e. Card 1/2 UDC: 629.135/138 I -;. Rl"IfKA _ F.Yt ; K'HOULOV., A.S L 3?742-66 t -AC -(f -N'- R-'t-A-P-6-0 2 8 2 3 6 SOURCE CODE: UR 6 61-0 0-0-/ &3 0 12 90 13 4 AUTHOR: Ryshka, F. Yu.; Kh ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Naturally Occurring Compounds, AN SSSRP Moscow Ins -lUi . titut khimii prirodny soyedineniy AN SSSR). TITLE: Gel filtration of hormones of the-typ2p-hysis, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologichaskaya, no. 1, 1966p 129-134. TOPIC TAGS: hormone,, gel, rabbit, filtration, ACTH, vasopressin, biochemistry ABSTRACT: Separation and isolation of hormonas of the hypophysis by the r~ethod.of gel filtration, which is described in the literature, was studied. Gel filtration, -25 -50, and.G-100 sephddex gels. Solutions was carried out in1columns containing G G in-10.1-0.2 N.acetic acid were filtered and..the same solvent was us.ed~ in elution.. The Rf values and elutionvolumes for oxytocin, vasopressin, alpha-melanostimulating hormone, beta-imlanostimulating hormone, ACTH, prolactin, thyreostimulating hormone., folli-cle-stimulating hormone, the hormone stimulating interstitial cells, somatotrOP3'C' vasopressin, and lipotropin on the three types of sephadex were determined. The,_. lipolytic activity of hormones was tested in vitro and in biological,.te.sts on rabbits. It -was confirmed that in addition to the preViOusly known hypophyseol hormoLlis a hormone-that had been isolated by the authae cf..Biokhimiya, vol-~30,- 1--1,277) wasalso pr.eserits 'The.polypeptide lipotropin, which had a, molecular Card 1/2 UDC: 577-17 -T 77-5 7' ~,e-) k 7 S/080/61/034/008/016/018 D204/iI30_5 AUT HCJv";,: ~,N_ 'LyutsedarMciv, V A, and kyshkina.. Ti Tavosr4i',raL ing semiconductor therauoresistances with a 41, 1"r13NI Wise A ilu rri at prikLadnoy khitnii. v. 34. 1 o,., S; 1961 1880-1833 7-Phe Durpose of. this investi-fation was to establish tile 131la-le compositioul of the roa,,;ted cu.Dro-manganese mixture:used in thermo- ro s s L anc es I'he aumors prepared Mn304 by.prolonged heating or~ r,,u,613 at 950 - 10000 ' the-corresoondence of the obtained croouncl to I"he forl-RU , I.a. -ind the absence o~ other oxide pi-iases being y a tqc t, Lio, of mna' ysis: R nt ~ ~-j 1. t h an i`,','~-55. equipme I KO celli, U 117oi-t antic~-,t ho(lo and a 6 hour cmosure at, 27:kV and- 15 mA-__ty-pe fihn, ~S-Fjec-:[[I 7 mm. Tne interplane distances d are c al en cli.~.,,r7ietev 0. - . * cul-if-ed ' v c D_ on.-ectivif 4-or i c tliameter ot: the s the in pecimen and t on F, ty I is estimilted L, v eye 'a C c o i. -d i. ng to, the 5-mark scale- .~om_ 3; ./080/61/034/0 8 08/016/01 I've S t i ;corducror.- P~_Iri,~;on o J. them ii1ter and line intensities of t tie ,plane distan6es ~~-d icd mr w- "a the statdartl values given by J~ji s, k - v (ReE ,~e PtL ralov ('-,,-ray Detector o~ frnone ."ric heshiv oprede .1itel'mine i n e .i Is ("to sge o L tekh zd A t: No s c ow 1957) and I -57gorodskiy ~-ita _~cf~ 6 kezit.,enostrukturnyy analiz melkokristaLlicheskikh i an, o rt nylch tel :tWcnt,4eno--.tructural A~nalysis_of ~'inely Crystalline )nd eningrad, M) 2' ~Vn0r..')IIou,i 13odios , Gostekhlzdat, Moscow and i , and., o(Jiers t:hat tne. prepared compound completely. corresponds to Mn304, . ~`he value of, -the magnetic, susceptibility of the studied specimen also c1oseLy agrees with that cited in published, handbooks..~ da (Ref., 9..~ Tr_ Tomskoao Gos- Univ*. tis res4ards cuprous o-ide, B Guli -he -_'uO. ini uvbysheva, L48 1937-i notes the instability of equiLibrimi-, on iieatin-. i-~ccordingf to Ormont, cuprous ions occur: in !--etraliedraL pos_lti,--5n,~, the coordination of the cupric ions being almost tetrag,onal*. in order to ascertain the changes in the phase, CoMposition of a cu,,)ro~tnanganesc. mixture with variation in tempe Ira- turc, ~K- ray analyse,_: were made oE specimens with the composition 6 6 CU20 - 34"*'. Mn304 rtxat were, heated to a constant v.7eight: at. t6m- and 9000~ The expprime-Itz peratures ot 400, 500, 600. 700, 800 Card 2/4 S/08O./61/034/008/016/018 Tnvestigating semiconductor,'.. D204/jD,305 results suggest trie,existence of two phases. Cu"In204 and CuO. The relative content of these phases varies with temperature CuO~shows a minimum at 5000. and then smoothly in creases to reach a,maximum at,,, 9000, The appearance of i.;uO may be connected with them I oxidation, of,.,... Cu20, The increase in the weight of samples on heating, which pro-, ceeds at the expense-of the Cu20 oxidation reaction, would seem. to confirm this phenomenon,. This increa, the re,lative.concentra- tion of CuO mav be due to the greater rate of diffusion of oxygen ions into er ions into Mn3 .'U20 in comparison with that of Copp k~ The most probable form.for thereaction taking place during sinter-, ing is - 12 f.;u2o - 4 ~ln.30' 18 CuO 7 0 2 r. 6 CuMn.204 - 'Fnus, CuO and a solid solution of Mn304 in AdAn 04 will be present as a result 2 of interaction in the specimens br6ught to constant. weight. The authors assert.that this.last conclusion agrees -w- th the observa- i tions of Rode regarding the formation by manganese.. of a number of oxygen compounds with a variable comp also osit,ion, a phenomenon, noted by B. Kolomiyets (Ref, 11'. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki' ~~ 27~' Nauk- lf 51, .1957) and Ye. V, Kurlina et al (Ref.-12; Uokl. Akad. C; ard 3/4 7'z,; ............ 16 (1) PKASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3ov/2660 Vn*soyuznyy matemAticheakly n*yezd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956 Trudy. t. 4; Kratkoye soderzhantye sektaionnykh dokladov. DokLady LnostrarLnykh uchenykh (Trannaction3 of the 3rd All-Union Mathema. t 0 Summary of Sectional Reports. ,!QaltConf*rence in M scow. vol. 4; por a of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, Izd-vo AN 533R, 1959. 247 p. 2,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency; Akademlyn nauk SSSR. Mat*matlCheskly institut. ?sdh. 9d.s O.N. Shavchanko; Iditorial Boardi A.A. Abramov, V.O. Boltyanakly A M VW I tyevo B.V. Medvedevs A.D. Myshkia, S.M. Mikol-skly JR.;p: &d.),- A.0. Postnikov, YU. V. Prokhorov, K.A. Rybnlkov, P. L. Ul-yanov, V.A. Unpenakly, N.G. Chetayev, 0. Yo. Shilovp and,A.I. Shirshov. FURPOW- - This book In Intonded for mathematicians and physicists. COVIOtAGg: ?he book Is Volume IV of the Transactions of the Th" All- Union Mathematical Conrorence, held in Juno and July 1956. The book In dIvIdiFd into-two mai' n Parts. The first part contains sum., maries or the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- faremce that were not Included In the first two volumes. . The , s9cond L Part contains the text or reports the editor by non-3ovist scientists. In those cases when the non-Soviet sci- entist did not submit a copy of him paper to the editor, the title Of the paper to cited~and, If the paper was printed in a previous 1.1unsr, rererenc* Is made to the appropriate volume. , The papers, :both 50V1*t and non-Soviet, cover various topics In number theory, algebra# differential and.integral equations~ function theory, functional analysis, probability theory, topology, mathematical probLome or machanics and physics# computational mathematics, mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics, andth* history of' mathematics. 0 0 __~_~'JOW). The invariancerof infinite dimen T3 I.&Y Groups section on Geometry Buyssola, 0.I,. (L-vov). On certain problems of 900010trOgrAPhY _06hrovatIFT-WTUT-accuracy of graphic computations oo~~~Zv.m irtkov), Incidence axioms of multidimen., -,,at a 41 75 oml project ve goom try ancfamn~&,8~46talingrad). '*rtaln problems of local do- formability of &Urf"C" T6 L g&z&p&tXAa,_jLj&._CT*rsv&n). Linear comploxes of developing surfaces or a congmence T6 x. (Momciow).-, randamentals theorem of the theory __h2Rsh1t6j A.M. face In dimensionless Ruclide= Space of anypsersur T7 Card 15/ 34 P, edl-wAc Aim'. of.'a ,I ~*x ;*Iv~ . i9l -, ~ t ~t affini";vpres-sih titio'll',"ot'. a--- - "' - ~I!o i . -', - 0-~001apprNm . ll,~q ~ ,?: .:- gigu;604~-, formaai M-PW -thd- USSR . . ....... niti -7-~ 77 P ie p f er oxmiance:o a cal- 6k 1- AN Ed 5 Abstract E ons 'use in--*: d~ nee n tire- th j~ quasi pg:-~ r#q - IS W' ki -t b nera oi- ~dtW'assumei PrOs6nted; .- l' :.06fi4~i6riq,;' f 'i~ or 4 ~,ge~i n9 a hai~acteristibi~--are~' Th- ube 6 'stridt y"th6bri fduit- and~ cis a.~Pr66f~~6~fA~~ a 3nces;;.. re ero nstituition ':The: It V.:'- L6m6no~ov-,'State. ~Moscm -Bresented,by -illeksan r A6&6~iaiiinjj'~ P.-.;Z d dV-" l6firch,12 19 54 ......... 2O_llf~ 3-12160 AUTHORt Ryshkov, S. S. TITLE: On the Combinatorial Topology of the Hilbertian '.Space (K, kombinatoinoy,i6pologii' Gil!,bertova pro'stranstva) PERIODICALs ..Doklady Akademii Nau'k SSSR,19579volpl.14,~Nr,3,PP~494-497(U,~SR') ABSTRACT: The present report shortly treats the-proof.of thelinviri&nce (at different _"cell-divisions!~) of the groUp,ofLco-homologies of the infin IiItelpdimensiional siets_~,The external homolog_~Dus groups of any-clbsed set'F which-lie, in the Gillbertian (reate:,Hilbertian) space are also determined. Theorems A cer- - hefo rm 0 f tain bet P'C.H may to be repre'sented' in t conclusions of the bodies of the.closed subcomplexes K and-. ~ ' l lbettian) of any "cell-divisions" of the Gillbertian (rectetH K 2 space. Then at any r the relation iH(K H K applies, 2 where H(K):signifies the in an earlierpaper r-defective r group of the homologies of~the complex (which was taken over any group of coefficients). Different conceptions are then de- fined for the proof of~this.theoremt cell-like representation, -Card 1/2 cell-like with regard to a pair of cells, degree, of the7 cell- 21 ~AUTHOR ')-5-12//60--,. RYS 0!, 3. S. 2L TITLE .-Ou a Class of Continuous Mappings of some ct3-. dimensional Sets. pyer .yynykh otobrazheniy n- 0torykh bes:~;Q- (Ob odnom klasse ne nea, kh mnozhec t,-)V. 11-a s s i an) PERIODICAL Doklady ;~kademll Nauk-SSSR-1957~ Vol 11A, Nr 5, P~p 961 -r963 (USSR) ABSISACT The pr~eisent paper defines a A-cl.ass of the images.,of stin.quantfties in Hilb-ext's space H. This~class 3. a, apart o -of the,.: from other 3Feasonqp in'terestingbecause in the a3e: homeomorphous H-pollyhbdra Contained in this c-laas the oo diman34onal~sets of homolosias are Any image M H. which has the,shape S + a, here... belongs taclass Here A denotes a, parallel number, a a oontin-aoua image of the quantilty M 4 H on a compact , , 1 e tq-- Identical image. First, definitions for the classea JA -301jr14 I J.0- ;PI~and-/I~~a~giveu, the .18.bplonging to these definitious.are enamerated. Thefolloxing theorem arge cp: M H belongs -~o 01a.3 eppliea: If the ir 8 suah a base Ar i o f olifid for 'every tase th-at a-upliea. CARD 1/2 Sevaral lemmata and.examples are givan.. In ~-,ouolusiou the'.'. A Y-Y-A-A-l A-A to (X W Et -4-9 -1 -4 00 00 - 00 virus of tobacco mosaic reatedlbir Its power of ferment&- 0 A ive activity. V, I" vand K. S. ;;4okh,,v - le"'I.acad. lei. t Ill;tsl(ill P41i'lil- ' 4 0 ( I Aq fill (lie vit-114 I)f 1114".04. 411 ... AtA Ili, iqfi~'t 00 Ilreltw, Uillylaw, 0114)(41111101.1%. fir jilimph.l. 00 tMay, 00 j 00 -00 Is 00 0 IWO z0 0 00 0& F A I is I A .1 1 ALL~VCtChl. LITTW^Tk-t CI-A$S1F11:AI`fCk 00 S 00 i r " 1 1 1 I C a I 0 1 , IV V, ." 'I of 91 It IT " 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 , . 4 1 WO 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0, 0 0 00 0 0 00- 0 * 0 0 0 0'0 6~0~6 f Oe 0.0 0 ere 0 9 0 GO 0 0 IS 9 0 0 00 1111-6:6 0 a'. 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 000-00-0-009 05 1 . I I 1 4 ? . - , 1, Q I) W is :6 It Is it it zi a 14 z A z7 4 if - Ai . it M tj M 15 1, M 1, 4'. .1 1. (1 41 j,-- 0 A L -L-L--f -L so r 1 1, - - - V -IL I k " . r C a .1. -1, V-Y~ -J-1-11-%z I . - o Is 00 - - ----- ~00 00 A now mISM tw So purillicatim of the tob"co mossic - 0& rins. W.L.AtIsMov and H.-P. Gromyko. Camp. -.00 tend. 2M-5(1938) (in Fnglish).- 00 The leaves mad WAHm of diseased tobacco or Imnato plants 00 were frosrw~ 328 g. was eitd- twice with 26A) cc. portiens 7 of 0.1 M NotHPO.. The ext. was filtered through pAper 00 11! and a win. of btsizoic acid dLv"vvd in NalICO, (0.11 19 00 per S. o( littrizuk acid) was added at the ratrof :,.: acid prr IW tc. of exi. ~ After mixing, N IICI wa-% milikId 00 it tit crystals of benzoic acid appeLAred. Thew were Ise Idtcrrd off acid trilissolved in a tnin. quantity of 0.1 .11, SAMPO. anti the pigments were removed by 2 treatments 00 j with activat"I chArvoid. For exts. rich i~ pijvttcnt. 4~j. 7 2 ~/ h l w 0 1 d f I I d 2 O 00 umm Or C uw III 4tu c ere UW S. VUM% ; o 0 V, , 0 and .1% wi~rrsuflieient. , The virus ww~ then cryid. by ' 5613"1 I-Ntit of tht, I~tt t ethod 30 St l 1C A 00 - Att s n . . . . , . ey . zoic acid and pignients from the aq solo. with ethcr were 'Igoe not wisfActury, owing to lIm of virus. Salicylie acid 1114111 for 11sell instead of lwnznic acid. 'N. NICK.. Jr. 00 -00 00 0 00 go 0. 00 -100 00 00 4:300 to go koo 001. - r r- jog 00 0 0 P 1 it ft 0 1) (1 R n, a 91 91 tt t( rt a CTWL3 1 a 0 0 01 1111, 0 0 0 90 0 Is 0 61 0 0 o: 0 0 0 0 0e90 0 a 0.0 a 00 it 0 o 0004 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , a 0 0 0 We C 00 94 0 0 We 0 0: 0 6 0 0 00 0 0 C 0 a 0.0,9 e 0 0, of 11 " It it is to If 4 0 A, At Is "is Ist) Sagpli, of Aj &I Is L a It F 9 A .1 1 _4 v W-1 I L-,AA N 09 9A i I I t k 0 0 J a A a a 4 - .", ' . lit ..R 4'.0f.1 14 vA.0 t. CQDIO% is "POCItOl Operl"t fig. A - .4 A new metbod for the on of the tobacco mossic ,:nd k C of ompt. P. Grtmiy a~ vim. V. L. Rylibliciv l6hI i L .- n nx ( The leaves and stalks of diseased tobacco or tomato plAnt% 0 wrre frozen, 329 a. wivs exist. t"-c with 2.A) Lv. 1,orcions of 0.1, Af NasillUs. The ett. was filtrfel stalm-t- GO li!-, and a ",III. of bensuk vivid di-4%vA ist NAICC Is (io.d it, ' 00 e , I~g 5. sit Iss,118A.- surld) wa. W.11"I .1 Ills, rals, .4 L. Acid Surf RX) tv. of cgit. After mixisig, X IlCl wl" aild'.1 lititil crystals of lxcnLoic acid appeared. "c'C WrC fiftefed off anti frdkk)lvrd in a itin. quantity of 11.1 Af Nalli 110' anti 01T 111strickilil writ removed by 2 trevittlicill'q A zoo a wilh Activated Charosigil. F.W tills. tk-ll lit pijltiirnt. 4r 1:0 0 f 2" 44chgoeogil were UW41. f..f grits. low ill pigill tell I. 2~~ :og The virus w6vs their cry,ild. by lit I e were 4Ufficietit. l coo ~ St.sgky'. mirch-I (C. A. 30. ENt's. of ths, h-- soic acid anti pismenti fruits the with Iht-r vs~v- owing lit virtl!'. Salivylie will mitht 1-gr igglil itistrallof livitiroic arvid. N. McK.. Jr. zoo p i AS.-%LA SI ~4 TALLUROCAL LITIR.TLOlf CLA111"CATIC. 00 It I 4.3~1 tree L 4 An L I 1 64 0 4aI so 5 4 f a a .3 1 to it It x It I 11110 000 0 4 0-00 0, 0 0 0 0 00 1 000 0 . 0 0 0 0 00 00;0 0.0 0 0 If , I to it 11 13 Is IF is JD 1 11 22 Z) :4 it 1: 13 1, 13 ~ jo 1: 1. 0 A: .-If. -A-.k L v 41 .1 J! oil 00 for water treat- Container for C0110WAII graphite CO be charged into stram boilers Iiiiort. Avril 14. 1101. . 00 so 0. Os 00 00 -00 J 0 00. I Ai I, 1 "101 -1 LITIN'li-t C t WIFIC I IC 40 a! F 31 t C% .'j 11 ff it 91 n ct rt 4v A tf'n I ; 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 w0 1 0 & 0 9 o 090 00 0 0': Ole 0 0 0 0.0 0 .00 Vil - BJRNICSH9 VICH. I.I., kandidat taklmicheakikh nalalk; BOG111, takhnichaskikh nauk; BYKOV. Ye.l.. inzhanar; VIASOV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GRITSBYSKIY, M.Te.,.inzhener; GRUBIR, L.O., inzhener - GURVICH; Y.G., inzhener,- DAVYDOV,,V.N..-'inzbenerl YER- SHOV, I.M., kandidat,tekhnichesklkh vauk;.ZASORIN, S.H., kandidat tekhnic'neskikh nauk; nauk;, KR-AtUNLIS, A.A.. Inzianner; IaIWOV. L.B.. lnzhener;~ LAPIN, V.B inzherer;, LASTOVSKIY, V.P.. dotaent-- LATUNIN, !T.l.,:inzhener; MARUAMO K.4., professor, d.oktor tekhnicheskikh.nauk; MAKRAYLOV9 sor doktorl tekhiiielleskikh nauk; NIFANOROY, V.A., inzhe- M.I., profes 9 ner; OSKOLKOV,.K.11., inzhener; 0KH0SHIlT,L.I.,::,inzhener; FAR"NOVI X.A., dotsen ndidat tekhnicheskikli'nauk; PERTSOVSKIY, L.M. t' R lnzhener; POPOV, I,P. inzhener PD- SMFAV, .13 G..~ in2hener; RATOR, M.P., inzhener,- RO3-Sf'fAVSXlY, G.1.~. dotBen,t, kandidat tekhnicheakikh Sr'y iauk; RYKOV I.L., kandidat teklmicheskikh nauk;-= 0 SE 1y Y a DrO?e-.' dotsent, kandidat teLanichaski~di nauk; i RYABKOV. A.Ya. pro ssor [deceased-1; TAG&R, S.A., ka,nd.idat tlekhnicheskikh nauk; KHAZEN, M.M., rofeascr,, doktor t'3khutaheskV,--h nauk,-.CRERNYSHHV H.A. "doktor. p 9 Wdinicheakikh nauk; R130P L.Ye., professor, - doktolr, nauk: ILU10TI, 3.11... dotsent, -1 AKS!;liGYa .1.71a., dotsent, kandidat, tekb-uichaskikh aauk,- i-'iHKHANGFA'&`-SKiY, A.S.. Irmhener- EARTENEV. P. V rofessor, dolictor tek*hr-lc-heBkl!di nauk; BAIWGARD, K..A~ kandidat P teldinio-heamikh rAel- BURDI/Or,? N.Ye., dotsent,,kaadidat tekhnicheskikh. nauk-, BOGDANOV, L&I, irnliener: BOGDANOV,: ILL-, ka~didat tekfiniqhe-..~ Skikh nauk- VINNIGIIKHKO.~N.G.~ doteerit, liandidat ekonomicheakikh.nauk: (Cont.inued.on next,card).: RENISHIVIO. 1. 1. ----(continued) Gard 2. VASILOYEY, V.P.; GOITCHARGVrl inzhener-, DICRIBAS, A.T.. inzhener; I)OBROSELISKI'f, K.K., dotsentl:kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-.-.PLUGAGff, B.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YAYI)40V*' G.P., kandidat takhni- cheskikh nalik; ZARBLINOV. S.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh 10, H.L.,'kandidat te)dmicheskikh nauk; ILOIK, K.P. nauk; ZABAIJ a 'IKOV kandidat teklinichoskikli n uk: KARWNi A.D., kandidat telrhniche- skikh nauk; XAPUh4_, 2.Sh.. Inzhenerr: -XANSHINg M.D.; NOCEW, Y LP.11 professor. doktor. tekhnichaskikh nauk; KOGAIJ, L.A., kandidat tekhni". chesk1kh.nauk; hTCHURIN, S.Y., inzhener; IXVASHOV. A.D.,:Inzhener;' MAKSINOVICHO B.M., dotsent,~.imrididat,tekhniche8kikh neuk; MARTYNOV, M.S., Inzhener: MAL".. O.M., inthener; NIKITIff,-V.D., professor, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PADNYA V,A., inzhener;*PANTlLIvt-xv, P.1 kandidat telichnicheskikli nauk; PWROV, A.P., professor, doktor teldmi_ nauk; FOVOR07MNKO, V.V., professor, doktor tekhni.cheskikh c nauk; PISKAREV, 1.1 dotsent, kardidat tekhni heskikh nauk; 3MBYZV Ye.;S., kandidat.takhInichaskikh nauk, SIMONOVI K.S..Aandidattekhni- ~chekikh nauk- SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., inzhener; SUYAZOV, I..G. inzhener;., TAIDAYEV, F.YA. lnzherLer; VIU1011W, K.K., kandidaIt tekhnicheSkikh nauk; USIIAKOVI II.Ya a, -inzhenr; USaNSKIYO V.K.. inzhener; FILIDMAN, H.D., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; INWONOV, G.V.. inzhener; KHOKULOV, L.P., inzhe"; CHICRNOMORDIK, G.I., professor,,doktor, takhnicheskikh nauk; 81104AYW, M.P., inzhener; SHAFIRKIN,, 1. inthener.- YAKUSHIM, S.I.,:Inzhener; GRANOVSKIY, P.G., .-eda,ktor; TISIHGaNKOO A.I., rodaktor; I5AYZV,,.I.P.q-do'Y'.sent.' kand.idat takhni- cheskikh nauk. redaktor-,.KLIV4.0V, Y.F., dotse'nt kandidat takhnicheskikh (Continued card) t",YbIk K- V_SKJ AID P 629 S,ubject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 33/35 Authors Volobrinskiy, S. D., Kand. of Tech. Scl.y Dotsent and Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng., Leningrad Title I. Ya. Ryshkovskiy and K. G. Kuchma:~i "Traction ' "g"Wif "_T"k8rPP-, 1953 (Biblibglraphy) Periodical, Elektrichestvo, 8, 94-95, Ag 1954 Abstract An extensive review of the book with some criticism is presented. Ins,titutio n Leningrad Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transportation Submitted No date AID P 2018 Subject USSR/Electricity, -Card 1/1 Pub 27 - 22/31~ Authors -RyshkovskiX :I Ya Kand...of, Tech. Sci. Dotsentl., ' ' : ~ 1r '.I. o r&ent ,~-and Miroshnichenk ,R. o, . Te h.:-Sci Kand. of c Title Book Traction S ubstations (Book Review by S. D..Volobrins kiy and M.'N. Zvezdkin,',.this-Journal, No.8, 1954)'~(Discussi.on) Ireriodical Elektrichest,vol .4, 81 82,' Ap 1955, Abstract The authors.6f the,book disagree:with several of.the criticisms made by~the reviewers.of their book..:, They'discuss-t-he main-criticisms and present.their' own point of View. , institution: Dnepropetrovsk Institute of-Engin6ers of~Raillqay Trans- port6tion and Central Scientific:Research Institute of the Ministry of.Transportation Submitted No date PA 169T47. (BIA)OD--TRANSIFUS ION) (MKS IMOV, P.M. 52o 66. En(I)IT-- JK L 24, 'ACC NR, AP6009527--. (~V) SOURCE, CODE c~'.UIR~'0-413/66/ooQ/965/904�/6649., ...INVENTC)R.--'.;-B AhA S~ ina T 7,D PamwnA.~ La~y~d starshiy nau.chnyy sotrudnik; VOLKOVA, Z.I.., starshyy ". iip, d7*-st --l.;,-.--l- -t~,7 11,- "-- . *ms: , 6,- - -, pnv_-i-,A - -- - h) 'L 333P6-:-66 ACC NR: AP6021489 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0140/0140 -_~q ~V. G.; Bolbot, A. V.; Yeroshin,~V. F.;'Ryshik, INVENTOR: Antonov, 0. K.; Anisen _Ya,-I.,;.-.,Tolmachev, V. ORG: none TITLE: Method of~compensating for the aerodynamic asymmetry of propeller aircraft. Class 62, No. 182528 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966,'1401 TOPIC TAGS; aerodynamic control, gas turbine engine, aircraf t auxiliary engine , asymmetric body AJJSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method,of compensating for thle aerodynamic asymmetry of propeller aircraft. For the purpose of:increasing flight safety and.simplifying flying technique,. aerodynamic asymmetry is decreased the. thrust of an auxiliary, gas-turbine engine (1). This creates a moment oppIos,.it,e. Card 1/2 UDC: 629.135/138 I -;. Rl"IfKA _ F.Yt ; K'HOULOV., A.S L 3?742-66 t -AC -(f -N'- R-'t-A-P-6-0 2 8 2 3 6 SOURCE CODE: UR 6 61-0 0-0-/ &3 0 12 90 13 4 AUTHOR: Ryshka, F. Yu.; Kh ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Naturally Occurring Compounds, AN SSSRP Moscow Ins -lUi . titut khimii prirodny soyedineniy AN SSSR). TITLE: Gel filtration of hormones of the-typ2p-hysis, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologichaskaya, no. 1, 1966p 129-134. TOPIC TAGS: hormone,, gel, rabbit, filtration, ACTH, vasopressin, biochemistry ABSTRACT: Separation and isolation of hormonas of the hypophysis by the r~ethod.of gel filtration, which is described in the literature, was studied. Gel filtration, -25 -50, and.G-100 sephddex gels. Solutions was carried out in1columns containing G G in-10.1-0.2 N.acetic acid were filtered and..the same solvent was us.ed~ in elution.. The Rf values and elutionvolumes for oxytocin, vasopressin, alpha-melanostimulating hormone, beta-imlanostimulating hormone, ACTH, prolactin, thyreostimulating hormone., folli-cle-stimulating hormone, the hormone stimulating interstitial cells, somatotrOP3'C' vasopressin, and lipotropin on the three types of sephadex were determined. The,_. lipolytic activity of hormones was tested in vitro and in biological,.te.sts on rabbits. It -was confirmed that in addition to the preViOusly known hypophyseol hormoLlis a hormone-that had been isolated by the authae cf..Biokhimiya, vol-~30,- 1--1,277) wasalso pr.eserits 'The.polypeptide lipotropin, which had a, molecular Card 1/2 UDC: 577-17 -T 77-5 7' ~,e-) k 7 S/080/61/034/008/016/018 D204/iI30_5 AUT HCJv";,: ~,N_ 'LyutsedarMciv, V A, and kyshkina.. Ti Tavosr4i',raL ing semiconductor therauoresistances with a 41, 1"r13NI Wise A ilu rri at prikLadnoy khitnii. v. 34. 1 o,., S; 1961 1880-1833 7-Phe Durpose of. this investi-fation was to establish tile 131la-le compositioul of the roa,,;ted cu.Dro-manganese mixture:used in thermo- ro s s L anc es I'he aumors prepared Mn304 by.prolonged heating or~ r,,u,613 at 950 - 10000 ' the-corresoondence of the obtained croouncl to I"he forl-RU , I.a. -ind the absence o~ other oxide pi-iases being y a tqc t, Lio, of mna' ysis: R nt ~ ~-j 1. t h an i`,','~-55. equipme I KO celli, U 117oi-t antic~-,t ho(lo and a 6 hour cmosure at, 27:kV and- 15 mA-__ty-pe fihn, ~S-Fjec-:[[I 7 mm. Tne interplane distances d are c al en cli.~.,,r7ietev 0. - . * cul-if-ed ' v c D_ on.-ectivif 4-or i c tliameter ot: the s the in pecimen and t on F, ty I is estimilted L, v eye 'a C c o i. -d i. ng to, the 5-mark scale- .~om_ 3; ./080/61/034/0 8 08/016/01 I've S t i ;corducror.- P~_Iri,~;on o J. them ii1ter and line intensities of t tie ,plane distan6es ~~-d icd mr w- "a the statdartl values given by J~ji s, k - v (ReE ,~e PtL ralov ('-,,-ray Detector o~ frnone ."ric heshiv oprede .1itel'mine i n e .i Is ("to sge o L tekh zd A t: No s c ow 1957) and I -57gorodskiy ~-ita _~cf~ 6 kezit.,enostrukturnyy analiz melkokristaLlicheskikh i an, o rt nylch tel :tWcnt,4eno--.tructural A~nalysis_of ~'inely Crystalline )nd eningrad, M) 2' ~Vn0r..')IIou,i 13odios , Gostekhlzdat, Moscow and i , and., o(Jiers t:hat tne. prepared compound completely. corresponds to Mn304, . ~`he value of, -the magnetic, susceptibility of the studied specimen also c1oseLy agrees with that cited in published, handbooks..~ da (Ref., 9..~ Tr_ Tomskoao Gos- Univ*. tis res4ards cuprous o-ide, B Guli -he -_'uO. ini uvbysheva, L48 1937-i notes the instability of equiLibrimi-, on iieatin-. i-~ccordingf to Ormont, cuprous ions occur: in !--etraliedraL pos_lti,--5n,~, the coordination of the cupric ions being almost tetrag,onal*. in order to ascertain the changes in the phase, CoMposition of a cu,,)ro~tnanganesc. mixture with variation in tempe Ira- turc, ~K- ray analyse,_: were made oE specimens with the composition 6 6 CU20 - 34"*'. Mn304 rtxat were, heated to a constant v.7eight: at. t6m- and 9000~ The expprime-Itz peratures ot 400, 500, 600. 700, 800 Card 2/4 S/08O./61/034/008/016/018 Tnvestigating semiconductor,'.. D204/jD,305 results suggest trie,existence of two phases. Cu"In204 and CuO. The relative content of these phases varies with temperature CuO~shows a minimum at 5000. and then smoothly in creases to reach a,maximum at,,, 9000, The appearance of i.;uO may be connected with them I oxidation, of,.,... Cu20, The increase in the weight of samples on heating, which pro-, ceeds at the expense-of the Cu20 oxidation reaction, would seem. to confirm this phenomenon,. This increa, the re,lative.concentra- tion of CuO mav be due to the greater rate of diffusion of oxygen ions into er ions into Mn3 .'U20 in comparison with that of Copp k~ The most probable form.for thereaction taking place during sinter-, ing is - 12 f.;u2o - 4 ~ln.30' 18 CuO 7 0 2 r. 6 CuMn.204 - 'Fnus, CuO and a solid solution of Mn304 in AdAn 04 will be present as a result 2 of interaction in the specimens br6ught to constant. weight. The authors assert.that this.last conclusion agrees -w- th the observa- i tions of Rode regarding the formation by manganese.. of a number of oxygen compounds with a variable comp also osit,ion, a phenomenon, noted by B. Kolomiyets (Ref, 11'. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki' ~~ 27~' Nauk- lf 51, .1957) and Ye. V, Kurlina et al (Ref.-12; Uokl. Akad. C; ard 3/4 7'z,; ............ 16 (1) PKASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3ov/2660 Vn*soyuznyy matemAticheakly n*yezd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956 Trudy. t. 4; Kratkoye soderzhantye sektaionnykh dokladov. DokLady LnostrarLnykh uchenykh (Trannaction3 of the 3rd All-Union Mathema. t 0 Summary of Sectional Reports. ,!QaltConf*rence in M scow. vol. 4; por a of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, Izd-vo AN 533R, 1959. 247 p. 2,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency; Akademlyn nauk SSSR. Mat*matlCheskly institut. ?sdh. 9d.s O.N. Shavchanko; Iditorial Boardi A.A. Abramov, V.O. Boltyanakly A M VW I tyevo B.V. Medvedevs A.D. Myshkia, S.M. Mikol-skly JR.;p: &d.),- A.0. Postnikov, YU. V. Prokhorov, K.A. Rybnlkov, P. L. Ul-yanov, V.A. Unpenakly, N.G. Chetayev, 0. Yo. Shilovp and,A.I. Shirshov. FURPOW- - This book In Intonded for mathematicians and physicists. COVIOtAGg: ?he book Is Volume IV of the Transactions of the Th" All- Union Mathematical Conrorence, held in Juno and July 1956. The book In dIvIdiFd into-two mai' n Parts. The first part contains sum., maries or the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- faremce that were not Included In the first two volumes. . The , s9cond L Part contains the text or reports the editor by non-3ovist scientists. In those cases when the non-Soviet sci- entist did not submit a copy of him paper to the editor, the title Of the paper to cited~and, If the paper was printed in a previous 1.1unsr, rererenc* Is made to the appropriate volume. , The papers, :both 50V1*t and non-Soviet, cover various topics In number theory, algebra# differential and.integral equations~ function theory, functional analysis, probability theory, topology, mathematical probLome or machanics and physics# computational mathematics, mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics, andth* history of' mathematics. 0 0 __~_~'JOW). The invariancerof infinite dimen T3 I.&Y Groups section on Geometry Buyssola, 0.I,. (L-vov). On certain problems of 900010trOgrAPhY _06hrovatIFT-WTUT-accuracy of graphic computations oo~~~Zv.m irtkov), Incidence axioms of multidimen., -,,at a 41 75 oml project ve goom try ancfamn~&,8~46talingrad). '*rtaln problems of local do- formability of &Urf"C" T6 L g&z&p&tXAa,_jLj&._CT*rsv&n). Linear comploxes of developing surfaces or a congmence T6 x. (Momciow).-, randamentals theorem of the theory __h2Rsh1t6j A.M. face In dimensionless Ruclide= Space of anypsersur T7 Card 15/ 34 P, edl-wAc Aim'. of.'a ,I ~*x ;*Iv~ . i9l -, ~ t ~t affini";vpres-sih titio'll',"ot'. a--- - "' - ~I!o i . -', - 0-~001apprNm . ll,~q ~ ,?: .:- gigu;604~-, formaai M-PW -thd- USSR . . ....... niti -7-~ 77 P ie p f er oxmiance:o a cal- 6k 1- AN Ed 5 Abstract E ons 'use in--*: d~ nee n tire- th j~ quasi pg:-~ r#q - IS W' ki -t b nera oi- ~dtW'assumei PrOs6nted; .- l' :.06fi4~i6riq,;' f 'i~ or 4 ~,ge~i n9 a hai~acteristibi~--are~' Th- ube 6 'stridt y"th6bri fduit- and~ cis a.~Pr66f~~6~fA~~ a 3nces;;.. re ero nstituition ':The: It V.:'- L6m6no~ov-,'State. ~Moscm -Bresented,by -illeksan r A6&6~iaiiinjj'~ P.-.;Z d dV-" l6firch,12 19 54 ......... 2O_llf~ 3-12160 AUTHORt Ryshkov, S. S. TITLE: On the Combinatorial Topology of the Hilbertian '.Space (K, kombinatoinoy,i6pologii' Gil!,bertova pro'stranstva) PERIODICALs ..Doklady Akademii Nau'k SSSR,19579volpl.14,~Nr,3,PP~494-497(U,~SR') ABSTRACT: The present report shortly treats the-proof.of thelinviri&nce (at different _"cell-divisions!~) of the groUp,ofLco-homologies of the infin IiItelpdimensiional siets_~,The external homolog_~Dus groups of any-clbsed set'F which-lie, in the Gillbertian (reate:,Hilbertian) space are also determined. Theorems A cer- - hefo rm 0 f tain bet P'C.H may to be repre'sented' in t conclusions of the bodies of the.closed subcomplexes K and-. ~ ' l lbettian) of any "cell-divisions" of the Gillbertian (rectetH K 2 space. Then at any r the relation iH(K H K applies, 2 where H(K):signifies the in an earlierpaper r-defective r group of the homologies of~the complex (which was taken over any group of coefficients). Different conceptions are then de- fined for the proof of~this.theoremt cell-like representation, -Card 1/2 cell-like with regard to a pair of cells, degree, of the7 cell- 21 ~AUTHOR ')-5-12//60--,. RYS 0!, 3. S. 2L TITLE .-Ou a Class of Continuous Mappings of some ct3-. dimensional Sets. pyer .yynykh otobrazheniy n- 0torykh bes:~;Q- (Ob odnom klasse ne nea, kh mnozhec t,-)V. 11-a s s i an) PERIODICAL Doklady ;~kademll Nauk-SSSR-1957~ Vol 11A, Nr 5, P~p 961 -r963 (USSR) ABSISACT The pr~eisent paper defines a A-cl.ass of the images.,of stin.quantfties in Hilb-ext's space H. This~class 3. a, apart o -of the,.: from other 3Feasonqp in'terestingbecause in the a3e: homeomorphous H-pollyhbdra Contained in this c-laas the oo diman34onal~sets of homolosias are Any image M H. which has the,shape S + a, here... belongs taclass Here A denotes a, parallel number, a a oontin-aoua image of the quantilty M 4 H on a compact , , 1 e tq-- Identical image. First, definitions for the classea JA -301jr14 I J.0- ;PI~and-/I~~a~giveu, the .18.bplonging to these definitious.are enamerated. Thefolloxing theorem arge cp: M H belongs -~o 01a.3 eppliea: If the ir 8 suah a base Ar i o f olifid for 'every tase th-at a-upliea. CARD 1/2 Sevaral lemmata and.examples are givan.. In ~-,ouolusiou the'.'. A Y-Y-A-A-l A-A to (X W Et -4-9 -1 -4 00 00 - 00 virus of tobacco mosaic reatedlbir Its power of ferment&- 0 A ive activity. V, I" vand K. S. ;;4okh,,v - le"'I.acad. lei. t Ill;tsl(ill P41i'lil- ' 4 0 ( I Aq fill (lie vit-114 I)f 1114".04. 411 ... AtA Ili, iqfi~'t 00 Ilreltw, Uillylaw, 0114)(41111101.1%. fir jilimph.l. 00 tMay, 00 j 00 -00 Is 00 0 IWO z0 0 00 0& F A I is I A .1 1 ALL~VCtChl. LITTW^Tk-t CI-A$S1F11:AI`fCk 00 S 00 i r " 1 1 1 I C a I 0 1 , IV V, ." 'I of 91 It IT " 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 , . 4 1 WO 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0, 0 0 00 0 0 00- 0 * 0 0 0 0'0 6~0~6 f Oe 0.0 0 ere 0 9 0 GO 0 0 IS 9 0 0 00 1111-6:6 0 a'. 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 000-00-0-009 05 1 . I I 1 4 ? . - , 1, Q I) W is :6 It Is it it zi a 14 z A z7 4 if - Ai . it M tj M 15 1, M 1, 4'. .1 1. (1 41 j,-- 0 A L -L-L--f -L so r 1 1, - - - V -IL I k " . r C a .1. -1, V-Y~ -J-1-11-%z I . - o Is 00 - - ----- ~00 00 A now mISM tw So purillicatim of the tob"co mossic - 0& rins. W.L.AtIsMov and H.-P. Gromyko. Camp. -.00 tend. 2M-5(1938) (in Fnglish).- 00 The leaves mad WAHm of diseased tobacco or Imnato plants 00 were frosrw~ 328 g. was eitd- twice with 26A) cc. portiens 7 of 0.1 M NotHPO.. The ext. was filtered through pAper 00 11! and a win. of btsizoic acid dLv"vvd in NalICO, (0.11 19 00 per S. o( littrizuk acid) was added at the ratrof :,.: acid prr IW tc. of exi. ~ After mixing, N IICI wa-% milikId 00 it tit crystals of benzoic acid appeLAred. Thew were Ise Idtcrrd off acid trilissolved in a tnin. quantity of 0.1 .11, SAMPO. anti the pigments were removed by 2 treatments 00 j with activat"I chArvoid. For exts. rich i~ pijvttcnt. 4~j. 7 2 ~/ h l w 0 1 d f I I d 2 O 00 umm Or C uw III 4tu c ere UW S. VUM% ; o 0 V, , 0 and .1% wi~rrsuflieient. , The virus ww~ then cryid. by ' 5613"1 I-Ntit of tht, I~tt t ethod 30 St l 1C A 00 - Att s n . . . . , . ey . zoic acid and pignients from the aq solo. with ethcr were 'Igoe not wisfActury, owing to lIm of virus. Salicylie acid 1114111 for 11sell instead of lwnznic acid. 'N. NICK.. Jr. 00 -00 00 0 00 go 0. 00 -100 00 00 4:300 to go koo 001. - r r- jog 00 0 0 P 1 it ft 0 1) (1 R n, a 91 91 tt t( rt a CTWL3 1 a 0 0 01 1111, 0 0 0 90 0 Is 0 61 0 0 o: 0 0 0 0 0e90 0 a 0.0 a 00 it 0 o 0004 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , a 0 0 0 We C 00 94 0 0 We 0 0: 0 6 0 0 00 0 0 C 0 a 0.0,9 e 0 0, of 11 " It it is to If 4 0 A, At Is "is Ist) Sagpli, of Aj &I Is L a It F 9 A .1 1 _4 v W-1 I L-,AA N 09 9A i I I t k 0 0 J a A a a 4 - .", ' . lit ..R 4'.0f.1 14 vA.0 t. CQDIO% is "POCItOl Operl"t fig. A - .4 A new metbod for the on of the tobacco mossic ,:nd k C of ompt. P. Grtmiy a~ vim. V. L. Rylibliciv l6hI i L .- n nx ( The leaves and stalks of diseased tobacco or tomato plAnt% 0 wrre frozen, 329 a. wivs exist. t"-c with 2.A) Lv. 1,orcions of 0.1, Af NasillUs. The ett. was filtrfel stalm-t- GO li!-, and a ",III. of bensuk vivid di-4%vA ist NAICC Is (io.d it, ' 00 e , I~g 5. sit Iss,118A.- surld) wa. W.11"I .1 Ills, rals, .4 L. Acid Surf RX) tv. of cgit. After mixisig, X IlCl wl" aild'.1 lititil crystals of lxcnLoic acid appeared. "c'C WrC fiftefed off anti frdkk)lvrd in a itin. quantity of 11.1 Af Nalli 110' anti 01T 111strickilil writ removed by 2 trevittlicill'q A zoo a wilh Activated Charosigil. F.W tills. tk-ll lit pijltiirnt. 4r 1:0 0 f 2" 44chgoeogil were UW41. f..f grits. low ill pigill tell I. 2~~ :og The virus w6vs their cry,ild. by lit I e were 4Ufficietit. l coo ~ St.sgky'. mirch-I (C. A. 30. ENt's. of ths, h-- soic acid anti pismenti fruits the with Iht-r vs~v- owing lit virtl!'. Salivylie will mitht 1-gr igglil itistrallof livitiroic arvid. N. McK.. Jr. zoo p i AS.-%LA SI ~4 TALLUROCAL LITIR.TLOlf CLA111"CATIC. 00 It I 4.3~1 tree L 4 An L I 1 64 0 4aI so 5 4 f a a .3 1 to it It x It I 11110 000 0 4 0-00 0, 0 0 0 0 00 1 000 0 . 0 0 0 0 00 00;0 0.0 0 0 If , I to it 11 13 Is IF is JD 1 11 22 Z) :4 it 1: 13 1, 13 ~ jo 1: 1. 0 A: .-If. -A-.k L v 41 .1 J! oil 00 for water treat- Container for C0110WAII graphite CO be charged into stram boilers Iiiiort. Avril 14. 1101. . 00 so 0. Os 00 00 -00 J 0 00. I Ai I, 1 "101 -1 LITIN'li-t C t WIFIC I IC 40 a! F 31 t C% .'j 11 ff it 91 n ct rt 4v A tf'n I ; 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 w0 1 0 & 0 9 o 090 00 0 0': Ole 0 0 0 0.0 0 .00 Vil - BJRNICSH9 VICH. I.I., kandidat taklmicheakikh nalalk; BOG111, takhnichaskikh nauk; BYKOV. Ye.l.. inzhanar; VIASOV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GRITSBYSKIY, M.Te.,.inzhener; GRUBIR, L.O., inzhener - GURVICH; Y.G., inzhener,- DAVYDOV,,V.N..-'inzbenerl YER- SHOV, I.M., kandidat,tekhnichesklkh vauk;.ZASORIN, S.H., kandidat tekhnic'neskikh nauk; nauk;, KR-AtUNLIS, A.A.. Inzianner; IaIWOV. L.B.. lnzhener;~ LAPIN, V.B inzherer;, LASTOVSKIY, V.P.. dotaent-- LATUNIN, !T.l.,:inzhener; MARUAMO K.4., professor, d.oktor tekhnicheskikh.nauk; MAKRAYLOV9 sor doktorl tekhiiielleskikh nauk; NIFANOROY, V.A., inzhe- M.I., profes 9 ner; OSKOLKOV,.K.11., inzhener; 0KH0SHIlT,L.I.,::,inzhener; FAR"NOVI X.A., dotsen ndidat tekhnicheskikli'nauk; PERTSOVSKIY, L.M. t' R lnzhener; POPOV, I,P. inzhener PD- SMFAV, .13 G..~ in2hener; RATOR, M.P., inzhener,- RO3-Sf'fAVSXlY, G.1.~. dotBen,t, kandidat tekhnicheakikh Sr'y iauk; RYKOV I.L., kandidat teklmicheskikh nauk;-= 0 SE 1y Y a DrO?e-.' dotsent, kandidat teLanichaski~di nauk; i RYABKOV. A.Ya. pro ssor [deceased-1; TAG&R, S.A., ka,nd.idat tlekhnicheskikh nauk; KHAZEN, M.M., rofeascr,, doktor t'3khutaheskV,--h nauk,-.CRERNYSHHV H.A. "doktor. p 9 Wdinicheakikh nauk; R130P L.Ye., professor, - doktolr, nauk: ILU10TI, 3.11... dotsent, -1 AKS!;liGYa .1.71a., dotsent, kandidat, tekb-uichaskikh aauk,- i-'iHKHANGFA'&`-SKiY, A.S.. Irmhener- EARTENEV. P. V rofessor, dolictor tek*hr-lc-heBkl!di nauk; BAIWGARD, K..A~ kandidat P teldinio-heamikh rAel- BURDI/Or,? N.Ye., dotsent,,kaadidat tekhnicheskikh. nauk-, BOGDANOV, L&I, irnliener: BOGDANOV,: ILL-, ka~didat tekfiniqhe-..~ Skikh nauk- VINNIGIIKHKO.~N.G.~ doteerit, liandidat ekonomicheakikh.nauk: (Cont.inued.on next,card).: RENISHIVIO. 1. 1. ----(continued) Gard 2. VASILOYEY, V.P.; GOITCHARGVrl inzhener-, DICRIBAS, A.T.. inzhener; I)OBROSELISKI'f, K.K., dotsentl:kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-.-.PLUGAGff, B.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YAYI)40V*' G.P., kandidat takhni- cheskikh nalik; ZARBLINOV. S.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh 10, H.L.,'kandidat te)dmicheskikh nauk; ILOIK, K.P. nauk; ZABAIJ a 'IKOV kandidat teklinichoskikli n uk: KARWNi A.D., kandidat telrhniche- skikh nauk; XAPUh4_, 2.Sh.. Inzhenerr: -XANSHINg M.D.; NOCEW, Y LP.11 professor. doktor. tekhnichaskikh nauk; KOGAIJ, L.A., kandidat tekhni". chesk1kh.nauk; hTCHURIN, S.Y., inzhener; IXVASHOV. A.D.,:Inzhener;' MAKSINOVICHO B.M., dotsent,~.imrididat,tekhniche8kikh neuk; MARTYNOV, M.S., Inzhener: MAL".. O.M., inthener; NIKITIff,-V.D., professor, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PADNYA V,A., inzhener;*PANTlLIvt-xv, P.1 kandidat telichnicheskikli nauk; PWROV, A.P., professor, doktor teldmi_ nauk; FOVOR07MNKO, V.V., professor, doktor tekhni.cheskikh c nauk; PISKAREV, 1.1 dotsent, kardidat tekhni heskikh nauk; 3MBYZV Ye.;S., kandidat.takhInichaskikh nauk, SIMONOVI K.S..Aandidattekhni- ~chekikh nauk- SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., inzhener; SUYAZOV, I..G. inzhener;., TAIDAYEV, F.YA. lnzherLer; VIU1011W, K.K., kandidaIt tekhnicheSkikh nauk; USIIAKOVI II.Ya a, -inzhenr; USaNSKIYO V.K.. inzhener; FILIDMAN, H.D., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; INWONOV, G.V.. inzhener; KHOKULOV, L.P., inzhe"; CHICRNOMORDIK, G.I., professor,,doktor, takhnicheskikh nauk; 81104AYW, M.P., inzhener; SHAFIRKIN,, 1. inthener.- YAKUSHIM, S.I.,:Inzhener; GRANOVSKIY, P.G., .-eda,ktor; TISIHGaNKOO A.I., rodaktor; I5AYZV,,.I.P.q-do'Y'.sent.' kand.idat takhni- cheskikh nauk. redaktor-,.KLIV4.0V, Y.F., dotse'nt kandidat takhnicheskikh (Continued card) t",YbIk K- V_SKJ AID P 629 S,ubject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 33/35 Authors Volobrinskiy, S. D., Kand. of Tech. Scl.y Dotsent and Zvezdkin, M. N., Eng., Leningrad Title I. Ya. Ryshkovskiy and K. G. Kuchma:~i "Traction ' "g"Wif "_T"k8rPP-, 1953 (Biblibglraphy) Periodical, Elektrichestvo, 8, 94-95, Ag 1954 Abstract An extensive review of the book with some criticism is presented. Ins,titutio n Leningrad Institute of Engineers of Railroad Transportation Submitted No date AID P 2018 Subject USSR/Electricity, -Card 1/1 Pub 27 - 22/31~ Authors -RyshkovskiX :I Ya Kand...of, Tech. Sci. Dotsentl., ' ' : ~ 1r '.I. o r&ent ,~-and Miroshnichenk ,R. o, . Te h.:-Sci Kand. of c Title Book Traction S ubstations (Book Review by S. D..Volobrins kiy and M.'N. Zvezdkin,',.this-Journal, No.8, 1954)'~(Discussi.on) Ireriodical Elektrichest,vol .4, 81 82,' Ap 1955, Abstract The authors.6f the,book disagree:with several of.the criticisms made by~the reviewers.of their book..:, They'discuss-t-he main-criticisms and present.their' own point of View. , institution: Dnepropetrovsk Institute of-Engin6ers of~Raillqay Trans- port6tion and Central Scientific:Research Institute of the Ministry of.Transportation Submitted No date