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KAPUSTU., Ye.l,.,, kand.el-on.nauk; LAVROV,V.V.;,AjMAIN, S.M.; KONSTANTINOV., (Construction industry-Finance) USATOV, I.A., kand.okonomenauk, Btarahiy.nauchnyy sotrudnik, obahchiy ARTWOV, Yu.M.9 kand.,ekonom. nauk) GALIPERINp N.S.v kand. ekon, nauk; GUBIN, B.V.9 kand. ekon. nauk; ZHUKOV# V.N. kand, ekon. i2auk; OCHKOVO M.S. nauk; OSKORDOV, V-P. ste~rsbiy ekonomist; BARNGOLISTS, S.B.,, kand. ekon. dotsent, kand. ekon. nauk; SIBIRYAKOV,,:L.Ye.; IVANOV9 N.N.; RABINOVICHP M.A., ekspert; LIPSITS -V.B kand. ekon-. mauk; VOLKOVj S.I., kand. ekon. na#; KOROLEVA, Yb.P.'O'aspir antka,; RMIIN, S.M., red'; SUBBOTINA, K.g red.; TELEGINA, To$ tekhn. red. [nanning and calculatingthe c6st of'-industrial,production) Voprosy.p nirovaniis, i kalIkulirotmiia s6be~Wi~~ati'prou7shlennoi.produktsii. Mo-. skva, Gosfinizdat, 183 p. (MIRA 14:8) -fimuasovyy instit t. 21.Sotrudniki 1. Moscow. Nauchno-'issl6d6vaNWi3kiy. a Nauchno-issledovatellskogo*:Ciiiiwovdgo in6tituta.. (for Artemov', Galtperint Gubin,.Zhukov, Ocbko-~q1'Osk6rdov)-.-'3. V6esoyuznyy zaocbmy,y firlarlsovo-ekonom, institut (for Barng6l1ts)-4.Glavnyy pukhgalter Vloskovskogo,elektrozavoda (for Sibiryakov).-5. Starshiy kondulltant Upravleniya bukhgalterskago,. ucheta Ministerstva finansov SSSR (for. Ivanov, Rabinovigh)..6, Nachallnik podotdel~i obshchikh ekonomicheskikh voprosov'tsenoobrapovaniya Byuro tsen pri Gosplane SSSR (Lipsits). 7..Moskovskiy ekonomiko-ptatisticheskiy in- stitut (for Koroleva) (Costs, Industrial) hitt -Abi -~Jiii6ii irift-i.iblii- metal"Ve k -spar oys.'~Iq T.9 '-~.t~e, =s 5- 61 er' ' b I~P1"P of.: S mitable' for-'~ X] ~-Iffleatt of ib~,~ixi on the motor QcdVitl at the gj6~: V. P. Rivmin Sbom ra.. A Ratut.A.'-dosap med. Ind., 195S.SZ46i Riferat. Vs. Biol., 19613, At!htr- No. B297G.--Cdntmctf*m taoi gotpach wera recordW by a lever Pttached nm lt~ tjjd;O*t fil 'qr bulbar Aad.- bulboVinal froKs with opened t to (0 ~-2 MW:,-'xM 7 1pavigim"An expusura to an efccwo vibm' r V19P PD --musctdar aCtMty was-,-o= Ia- !tfia -tfiae a- utflbii of vibAmi" I rmtihi~ USSR/Cultiva-ted Plants - Commercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar-Bearing. M-5 ---------- 0 -,~j t4 4 W m! 14 ~ia - --------- USSR/Humn, an'd, Animal Phy siology Digestion. Salivary Glands. T-7 AUTHORS: _mina, K. P.. 5-1 Granovskiy, V. L. _Z;oa SOV/56 3 Savoskin, V. I., Timofejeva, G. TITLE: Observations of the Pinch Effect During a Decrease of-, Amperage (Nablyudeniy-n pinch-effckta pri umen'shayushcheysya,,,., sile toka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallroy iteoreticheskoy fizziki, i958,: ~Vol. 35, Nr 1, PP-~ 45 49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the plasma's own magnetic field.upon the plasma column has already been investigated by various, authors (Refs 1-5); in sonme cases this was done in the case of increasing amperage (e.g.Ref 4). Inthe.present paper the authors describe investiGations of plasma deforma tions in the case of decrcasing amperage in dischargetubes of 10 and 32 mm diameter in hydrogen- or mercury vapor 2 at from 110-3 to 10- torr, at current pulses of 1 300 500jiF, microseconds andamplitudes of from 1,3 to 5,5kA 1-3 kV). For nhotdrecordinG an electron-optical trans.- former (-type PI14-3, developed by M_,.Buttlerov) was used.. Card 1,J2 Photographs are given of a number of contrac ted, bent, or Observations of.the Pinch Effect During a.Decrease of SOV/56-35-1-5/59-1 Amperage . It was found that for di/dt (~O kinked plasma filaments . , such electrodynamic deformations occur, which vanish :again at points of 'high -as density (i.e.acaording to exnerimental conditions near the cathode. or near the anode). Exposure in each case lasLed 1,5 microseconds. There are 3 figures, table, and 6 references, 2 of- wb4ch are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuzryy elektrot11_khniichezk_iy institut (All-TIrnicn. Institute of Electrica! Engineering) SUBMITTED: February 12, 191-8 Card 2/2 _i~cq -urf) hid" lit A H N3 a R I I I HI IL 5a hIP N'.3.41 1 ". j" -. Iif ~ a Air .41141P .-Arm-M I J_ si- 131,4."o , .94 H. VII -9 ~ - . 1 -9 PETROVP V. I. GOELEVSKAYA,.M.V.;.Sn=MVA, A.V.;,.RAYKf6HTAT, G.N.; SHAPIRO, A.A.; HERLOVICH E.A.; KARASEVA, M.F -~RYVMIHA M.G. LEYKINA, R.S.; BROKER T N - GITARIN, D.Yu.; ~OSkd 6 STASILEVICH, Z.K.; REUT, A.L~ ALIYEVA, S.G. Annotations. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i 40 no.2:109-112 F 163. (MIRA- .17:2) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskloy gorodskoy sanitarnc~-epid,emiologicheskoy, stantsii (for Petrov). 2. Iz Saratovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. i Saratovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno epidemiologicheskoy'stantsii, (for Godlevskaya, Syrkasheva). 3. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Sverdlovskogo rayona Moskovy (for Raykhshtat.,,:Shapiro, Berlovicg, Karaseva? Ryuminag,Leykina, Broker). 4. Iz Instituta eksperimentallInoy. patologil i terapi-i AMN SWR (for Stasilevich). 5. Iz Belorusskogo sanutarni-gigiyenicheskogo instituta (for Reui). 6. Iz,Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo instituta (for Aliyeva). SHNAYMIAN, L.O.; KUSIICIIINSKAYA, I.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: SILING, M.I.; (Sorbose) (Gulonic acid) USSR/Medicine Neurophysiology, tuberculosis FD-2375 Card.1/1 Pub. 154-6/18 Author Ryumina, T. F. Title Changes in unconditioned and naturally conditioned reflexes in dogs experimentally infected with tuberculosis. Periodical Zhur. vys. nerv. deyat., 5, 45-54,~Jan/Feb 1955 Abstract, Experiments were conducted on dogs to find out how unconditioned re fle x. activity and conditioned, reflex activity ~I)ecome modif ied after "ie dogs become infected with tuberculosis. Abatement ofnatural.conditioned and: unconditioned reflexes, recession in motor reaction and alimentary secre- tion, and a decrease in the.time required for natural conditioned reflex I to become extinct was noted in the majority of dogs experimentally in- fected with tuberculosis. A decrease in.time.required for. natural con-- ditioned reflex to become extinct must be looked.upon as the outcome.of the cumulative action of the inhibition which is becoming extinct-and protective inhibition occuring in the cerebralcortex in response to.. effects of tuberculosis. Six.tables. Twenty Soviet:references. ~Institution:, Chairman of Pathologic Physiology, Molotov Medical Institute. Submitted December 15, 1952 ..EXCUIPTA XMICA See.2 vol.9/n aysiolognete. Nov% 5192. RYUMINA T. F. Med. Inst., Molotoff. *Some changes in higher nerv-o-u-s--a-dTivity during acute experimental tuberculosis in dogs Z.VY9C.NERV.DEJATEL. 1955, 5/4 (529-536) (Russian text) Whereas the effects of toxic substances (acetone. petrolfumes, carbonmonoxide, bromide., caffeine, strychnine etc.) on higher nervous activity are well known, only a few investigators (Tvanov-Smolensky, Corschleva. Kotliarevsky and Kar- penko and Khozak) have studied the effects of infections in this respect. The pre- sent author used the salivary secretion method of Pavlov to study conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in 4 dogs infected with Myco. tubcrculosis cultures (1 mg./ kg. i.v.). This produced acute disease in 3 dogs and acute passing to chronic in the 4th. The first day after the inoculation the intensity of conditioned reflexes was reduced, especially the response to weak stimuli ('narcodc' stage) *On the 5th to 8th day thehypnotic' stage was established. in which the effects of weak and moderate stimuli were equal. From the 9th to 14th day the conditioned reflex- es disappeared cornpletely..,-In some cases an ultraparadoxical stage appeared later, A finding common to all cases was the appearance of irradiating cortical inhibition, in addition to the above-mentioned 'hypnotic' stages, demonstrating the existence of transliminal inhibition in the cerebral cortex. this resulting from the infection which acted as an abnormal stimulus exceeding the limits of function- al capacity of the cortical cells. The hypnotic stages are regarded as the result of a protective. inhibition. The Intensification of the subsequent inhibition in all cases after the application of differentiations is interpreted as a sign of diffusion of the active inhibition. With the development of transliminal cortical inhibition there was a modification of the intensity and character of the unconditioned re- flexes; this dif in the individual dogs and was evidenced by. a shortening of bj,its wem- JCd 6-Mbiby to d. In5t., tyst, licifire? tile nf,.rv&. wail ~ut and th"iVilracil (fl,, nills mutc:jo;~,xmti~ined 1 Ilumcniar 1troPhY WO I(L" 'he ga9trocl - -ablitt, til.,hypottlyr-aid anilhatq t" tn tnc riarival contrul . mrie. tile in Of Wortine intl, wti redEwed ures lit. rate of oxylpen cll. r" ~t 1cd mnlals red Dcacmtio' upalms by muwIcs but tho J(;Jtvity of protoolytit; procesws inc mwcs- ?Yruphoophataso OV-113vity. 'Um j4 aiijo a afght Increage In W3 I I of waijil lisLA)ItA leads to 1wrpajed rate uf 1m:40priva- don of mctbwrjiw matoins xn Incmue in refflATiltion and (Ln inirc'as~ in O~rdpln~p~Xsi FQ* 27" 0. the al wt" mmd ta thevA with 0 d AC tv:d) ,j rcdu- oemd in Lug! Wlaus a nteat , , - solaus. .kf,cr decel", aud uacbLng~ in the _...i in thc in Doth lrl"~l % i0v lwwalwu~ ~ 0. MN IRU W1 I I Is U it It 11 M 21 V a 24 n b v is to SO 11 vH A P, I OC I i It S..0 00 -4119 00 Ww"fludim of Chlarerge" I& the P""Oft of buts -00 of dime sal dOw vabafteen. P. V. Zhavagonkov and A. -A RY.Um1W , kkhlft. -- J. Robber 144. (U. S. S. R-) 1936. 00 8i7 No. 8-9. 912-17.-Pure chloroprtne was polymerized at 41 0 18-20' in the absence of air Into an elastic polymer after -400 in the pitmuce (if air after 7 14 days; with (fir f! : 6d,,! ,Pwtcr after 5 ddy% (while polymer was farnied) pro* 00 i1with thv addn. of 25% of vinylacrty1ruc after 2.5 days-. ' = with the addn. of We at aniline after 19 months a red-: c 00 brown liquid was famed; with the addn. of 23% phenol 4409 00 j i after 19 months a black mvk~ w&4 formed. Thepoly-merl- =00 zation of chloreprent together with butisdiene produced a ,uft dwtic polymer. but it was powbic to d6til the ItutA- divic completely from the polymer. After thi, .1i,tn. of 4110 butadiene, the polymer became dark and hard. A . Pestoff Ices if -00 zoo !ngps to AS-St- 7 7,~ -EfALLORGICAL UtER&TWE CL-SUPICAMN S N. S~ I - U SS ., 43 L An A S, 0 Od 0 0 9 1 is 0 5 a a 3 0 W D it It is bt K 0 Q K ff it it at am n i Is I 0 0 a 0 T44 0 0o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 4p go 0 00 00 0 0 09 !o 0 6 0 0 0 0 0: . : 0 0 0 9 h4912 S/870/62/000/000/001/001 D243/D307 Ryumina, Ye.N. TITLC: -gig %*V 0 4404 14MA, The influence. of additional irritants of a non- radioactive nature on the effects of:small dose6l of internal radiation SOUP'CE: Reaktsii organizma na deystviya malykh doz ion- iziruyushchey radiatsii. Ed. by M.G.'Durmish.Yan.,'....' and A. V. Lebedinskiy. lvloscotr, Medgiz, 19621:177-186, TM.' The object of the present -work was to,stud tI e'* effect on per ipheral blood morphology.of small doses of,Na2l' ln'asso-;L~ - ciation with additional non-radioactive*irritants. 2.5-3 kcr male rabbits recei 9 ved Na2kperorally in 0.25 mcuries/3kg body wei&t.doses peripheral bl ood being ex-amined several times before and: af ter, the e:meririezit. After --iving Na24, the animal i-ras bled to an extent of-, 0.~% orA% of body weight, or was given orally a phosphorus-contAin-.'"; ing substance CD in amounts calculated at-, 150, .50 and 25 g/ka weight. 0 a animal. The effects of:iqa2Z;. administration agreed with.reported re-- Card 1/2, - T F oc~ r 7 7 z7 r WU lo: Is 16 1? Is :1 . - - 4 i 0 - 1 140 AN# fit flOol I powtolif A-mo wee I CA woo -00 2m.-Lk-- fdt A -d 6S, -56 m , 4!0 w too ~ j ~ASN-ILA 0 ITALLUMC.AL LITC04TURE CLAUMCATIM v %low livivitfe ''foiawi post eow 48.C, lalts"'mcf- IIIIAll am 0"M mm m m mw.m~ff v~ 'm a aIT a , ' ' 7 0 *4 es 0is- 0 -* i:0 0,41 s 4:04 0 We 0 Wo 0 0 1a 0, 0. io0 40 1644 j -0- -w-Wo 0 0 0 04 0 0 a 000 0 * 0 a 0 *4 0 0 4 I no ItAtultv of Inillic WIS. Milk blatiluch JIMIN at phonylbut"ic acid. , M. N'.,. Ki-aft md P, 1: R.11111411 it l . A P~,IRWY A Awd. Namit S..S~S.k 68,* '-'(19 leads to it r.Wi,fli I.t."en tile Sn"I. wt. 3f allot tile III con. to,at. %110- This formula was vollfitult-d I sy'c I V.."wopie det it, .. in but 11covvy yet vq"talent4lly sul'stant6tt4l M ith .11.16 M, I'm tile two(fal '11(' cry,me'.py 0 1 1 h. l 111 K 1 i I it air I 1C -to it, title 14 44'iv -It~ was tCAt"I On III "Its of 1. w is - l ) .. gives a nuil. wt~ nwirsloandolit it, " .46,11 ~ .1 It o - 6-h voa he Inel-1. with vary. 53_11~ Iligive lady I vvty -light [,.p, 'Iepresion; all% " 'Mr 11, t"I s"r in "fil tolvellts this Hi itiviz liquir ill Coll.. C'II'1It" mid 6!" . . , -nit. J'tkt~; ,I tile 111C VIWAwily 4 M it liti.1111. i~ 4"am'I"ll with if- , v~ I I hi-"ll-ting at a -t't No It 2t A .1 1 No 1.11 I drill , '4 ( I fin (I" At " ith M. 111), . . . !11. WI PhNIO, 1 9-11. 110. and '-V 30 Z itor 40 11 H" but I. floor 1A.111. ,Ut I't .4 tit, vi...'JIV lot Coll, * . . . pttl.. not dried), followed by distn. of the m2jor Urr,lify -In., whiel. is very sumlt.,ad -Ims not follow Statldtnjlrv ~ ( ld l f h i I.Art of IIC solvent. and finA trying in a vacuum dcskva- r o us. o e viscus . so ty o . Lim. The independence of t . tor yi-I&J u.4id basic halts in the form of powders, I I the tlispersity indicutc3 that the touts. are splitt"t, 11' A" . , NUI "'atic. 4 I S rc,p.. its compared with the Or WA j; Hi ~ threadlike. Analuirous Imsic iltv of At show a very high . . . , .W 0% Do coattent tit the inortual ~.alt HiAj. , Any Of these visoioity in 0.5% C4114 stAn-s- The abnocinAll), low vi- . , I..Alv -'lt. .fkUolv'A in Coll. (U, fill. locr K. nixtilt) Wiled "osity of tile highly lm'i' W -U4 is evidently linkril wilh ' . . il W - - W, McOll I I ), thro jivurvil into to 440,1 . Thou the high at. wt. of Hi. N v,.1 ..I ..lot M# I AL NIVFW 1 1.111 , "hu It ol% 0l I I K it I 1W I 1W 1 1 1 T. 41111 'Ailh a It Illis "I"t'lijilo Ij tdfir, 1 1 I "Or *,$It totitig o"I I... ti.." fill'- M. .,lot lot tile Itirse 11-3 ad. g -It. (tie Is .1 -still finite Iddlil -1111 06-117",, Ili. All Ils.-w Bits int ra,illy Ili L'.1 I.. HiNtc, El'O. C.1 I.Cj'. and Cot I'lirt. and instA I I,( 1,tnd Ili at". Salts % ith over kV,; Ili tire sol. in tr. PC (4 11'r ,Aa indi'-ati"n thr 1~4yincr nature Of the Tome highiv Wie salus (,over ;oi)% Ili) iv the formatiem of a Im- I'Wr-liliv, glasly, filin on titlict cv-.Ipn. Of a solo. Tile able to Nt Wontlati"11 _111131014A 1.01ILI,isapplic, sk salts ; conlit. fritot *LS~,'.% is - M.t.. W.87% Bi lot and M X~Z' T"AR6013851 At) SOURCE CODE, uR/6276/65/ooo/oll 19/ 016 AUTHMS: Lovtsovo. D. P.; Ryumahin, V. M.; Spasakiyl A. G. TITI-11: The influence of the purity of etals on the structure. of silumin. lm SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinoi3troyeniya, Abs. 11G132 REF SOURCE: Sb. Litlye i obrabotka, splavov chern. i tsvetn. met. Krasnoyarsk, 1965, 43-45 ,.:TOPIC TAGS: metal crystallization, metal heat treatment, silumini metal property, alloy. ABSTRACT: The theory stating that modified structure of silumin may b 4tained without,the introduction of modifying admixtures is reiterated. This eory proposes. Y thant such a modified structure will result from agberheati g the melt atabovo.900- 1000C and subjecting it to rapid crystallization.tbit'is noted that even small con- may --=y aitor the tur centrations of admixtures basica mic strue e of the alloy and, chanical ani Ixysical properties-,~o consequently, its me P 4 illustrations. :Bi:bliograph'Y,-' of 4 titles. granslation of abstracy 2-7 Si ',14 SUB CODE: 11 af Card .745.-669-71'51 -.-UDC. 62f 1. Instiltut v-pokomolekalyarn7lch soyedImsmy AN SSSR,, KAPUSTU., Ye.l,.,, kand.el-on.nauk; LAVROV,V.V.;,AjMAIN, S.M.; KONSTANTINOV., (Construction industry-Finance) USATOV, I.A., kand.okonomenauk, Btarahiy.nauchnyy sotrudnik, obahchiy ARTWOV, Yu.M.9 kand.,ekonom. nauk) GALIPERINp N.S.v kand. ekon, nauk; GUBIN, B.V.9 kand. ekon. nauk; ZHUKOV# V.N. kand, ekon. i2auk; OCHKOVO M.S. nauk; OSKORDOV, V-P. ste~rsbiy ekonomist; BARNGOLISTS, S.B.,, kand. ekon. dotsent, kand. ekon. nauk; SIBIRYAKOV,,:L.Ye.; IVANOV9 N.N.; RABINOVICHP M.A., ekspert; LIPSITS -V.B kand. ekon-. mauk; VOLKOVj S.I., kand. ekon. na#; KOROLEVA, Yb.P.'O'aspir antka,; RMIIN, S.M., red'; SUBBOTINA, K.g red.; TELEGINA, To$ tekhn. red. [nanning and calculatingthe c6st of'-industrial,production) Voprosy.p nirovaniis, i kalIkulirotmiia s6be~Wi~~ati'prou7shlennoi.produktsii. Mo-. skva, Gosfinizdat, 183 p. (MIRA 14:8) -fimuasovyy instit t. 21.Sotrudniki 1. Moscow. Nauchno-'issl6d6vaNWi3kiy. a Nauchno-issledovatellskogo*:Ciiiiwovdgo in6tituta.. (for Artemov', Galtperint Gubin,.Zhukov, Ocbko-~q1'Osk6rdov)-.-'3. V6esoyuznyy zaocbmy,y firlarlsovo-ekonom, institut (for Barng6l1ts)-4.Glavnyy pukhgalter Vloskovskogo,elektrozavoda (for Sibiryakov).-5. Starshiy kondulltant Upravleniya bukhgalterskago,. ucheta Ministerstva finansov SSSR (for. Ivanov, Rabinovigh)..6, Nachallnik podotdel~i obshchikh ekonomicheskikh voprosov'tsenoobrapovaniya Byuro tsen pri Gosplane SSSR (Lipsits). 7..Moskovskiy ekonomiko-ptatisticheskiy in- stitut (for Koroleva) (Costs, Industrial) hitt -Abi -~Jiii6ii irift-i.iblii- metal"Ve k -spar oys.'~Iq T.9 '-~.t~e, =s 5- 61 er' ' b I~P1"P of.: S mitable' for-'~ X] ~-Iffleatt of ib~,~ixi on the motor QcdVitl at the gj6~: V. P. Rivmin Sbom ra.. A Ratut.A.'-dosap med. Ind., 195S.SZ46i Riferat. Vs. Biol., 19613, At!htr- No. B297G.--Cdntmctf*m taoi gotpach wera recordW by a lever Pttached nm lt~ tjjd;O*t fil 'qr bulbar Aad.- bulboVinal froKs with opened t to (0 ~-2 MW:,-'xM 7 1pavigim"An expusura to an efccwo vibm' r V19P PD --musctdar aCtMty was-,-o= Ia- !tfia -tfiae a- utflbii of vibAmi" I rmtihi~ USSR/Cultiva-ted Plants - Commercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar-Bearing. M-5 ---------- 0 -,~j t4 4 W m! 14 ~ia - --------- USSR/Humn, an'd, Animal Phy siology Digestion. Salivary Glands. T-7 AUTHORS: _mina, K. P.. 5-1 Granovskiy, V. L. _Z;oa SOV/56 3 Savoskin, V. I., Timofejeva, G. TITLE: Observations of the Pinch Effect During a Decrease of-, Amperage (Nablyudeniy-n pinch-effckta pri umen'shayushcheysya,,,., sile toka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallroy iteoreticheskoy fizziki, i958,: ~Vol. 35, Nr 1, PP-~ 45 49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the plasma's own magnetic field.upon the plasma column has already been investigated by various, authors (Refs 1-5); in sonme cases this was done in the case of increasing amperage (e.g.Ref 4). Inthe.present paper the authors describe investiGations of plasma deforma tions in the case of decrcasing amperage in dischargetubes of 10 and 32 mm diameter in hydrogen- or mercury vapor 2 at from 110-3 to 10- torr, at current pulses of 1 300 500jiF, microseconds andamplitudes of from 1,3 to 5,5kA 1-3 kV). For nhotdrecordinG an electron-optical trans.- former (-type PI14-3, developed by M_,.Buttlerov) was used.. Card 1,J2 Photographs are given of a number of contrac ted, bent, or Observations of.the Pinch Effect During a.Decrease of SOV/56-35-1-5/59-1 Amperage . It was found that for di/dt (~O kinked plasma filaments . , such electrodynamic deformations occur, which vanish :again at points of 'high -as density (i.e.acaording to exnerimental conditions near the cathode. or near the anode). Exposure in each case lasLed 1,5 microseconds. There are 3 figures, table, and 6 references, 2 of- wb4ch are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuzryy elektrot11_khniichezk_iy institut (All-TIrnicn. Institute of Electrica! Engineering) SUBMITTED: February 12, 191-8 Card 2/2 _i~cq -urf) hid" lit A H N3 a R I I I HI IL 5a hIP N'.3.41 1 ". j" -. Iif ~ a Air .41141P .-Arm-M I J_ si- 131,4."o , .94 H. VII -9 ~ - . 1 -9 PETROVP V. I. GOELEVSKAYA,.M.V.;.Sn=MVA, A.V.;,.RAYKf6HTAT, G.N.; SHAPIRO, A.A.; HERLOVICH E.A.; KARASEVA, M.F -~RYVMIHA M.G. LEYKINA, R.S.; BROKER T N - GITARIN, D.Yu.; ~OSkd 6 STASILEVICH, Z.K.; REUT, A.L~ ALIYEVA, S.G. Annotations. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i 40 no.2:109-112 F 163. (MIRA- .17:2) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskloy gorodskoy sanitarnc~-epid,emiologicheskoy, stantsii (for Petrov). 2. Iz Saratovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. i Saratovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno epidemiologicheskoy'stantsii, (for Godlevskaya, Syrkasheva). 3. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Sverdlovskogo rayona Moskovy (for Raykhshtat.,,:Shapiro, Berlovicg, Karaseva? Ryuminag,Leykina, Broker). 4. Iz Instituta eksperimentallInoy. patologil i terapi-i AMN SWR (for Stasilevich). 5. Iz Belorusskogo sanutarni-gigiyenicheskogo instituta (for Reui). 6. Iz,Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo instituta (for Aliyeva). SHNAYMIAN, L.O.; KUSIICIIINSKAYA, I.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: SILING, M.I.; (Sorbose) (Gulonic acid) USSR/Medicine Neurophysiology, tuberculosis FD-2375 Card.1/1 Pub. 154-6/18 Author Ryumina, T. F. Title Changes in unconditioned and naturally conditioned reflexes in dogs experimentally infected with tuberculosis. Periodical Zhur. vys. nerv. deyat., 5, 45-54,~Jan/Feb 1955 Abstract, Experiments were conducted on dogs to find out how unconditioned re fle x. activity and conditioned, reflex activity ~I)ecome modif ied after "ie dogs become infected with tuberculosis. Abatement ofnatural.conditioned and: unconditioned reflexes, recession in motor reaction and alimentary secre- tion, and a decrease in the.time required for natural conditioned reflex I to become extinct was noted in the majority of dogs experimentally in- fected with tuberculosis. A decrease in.time.required for. natural con-- ditioned reflex to become extinct must be looked.upon as the outcome.of the cumulative action of the inhibition which is becoming extinct-and protective inhibition occuring in the cerebralcortex in response to.. effects of tuberculosis. Six.tables. Twenty Soviet:references. ~Institution:, Chairman of Pathologic Physiology, Molotov Medical Institute. Submitted December 15, 1952 ..EXCUIPTA XMICA See.2 vol.9/n aysiolognete. Nov% 5192. RYUMINA T. F. Med. Inst., Molotoff. *Some changes in higher nerv-o-u-s--a-dTivity during acute experimental tuberculosis in dogs Z.VY9C.NERV.DEJATEL. 1955, 5/4 (529-536) (Russian text) Whereas the effects of toxic substances (acetone. petrolfumes, carbonmonoxide, bromide., caffeine, strychnine etc.) on higher nervous activity are well known, only a few investigators (Tvanov-Smolensky, Corschleva. Kotliarevsky and Kar- penko and Khozak) have studied the effects of infections in this respect. The pre- sent author used the salivary secretion method of Pavlov to study conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in 4 dogs infected with Myco. tubcrculosis cultures (1 mg./ kg. i.v.). This produced acute disease in 3 dogs and acute passing to chronic in the 4th. The first day after the inoculation the intensity of conditioned reflexes was reduced, especially the response to weak stimuli ('narcodc' stage) *On the 5th to 8th day thehypnotic' stage was established. in which the effects of weak and moderate stimuli were equal. From the 9th to 14th day the conditioned reflex- es disappeared cornpletely..,-In some cases an ultraparadoxical stage appeared later, A finding common to all cases was the appearance of irradiating cortical inhibition, in addition to the above-mentioned 'hypnotic' stages, demonstrating the existence of transliminal inhibition in the cerebral cortex. this resulting from the infection which acted as an abnormal stimulus exceeding the limits of function- al capacity of the cortical cells. The hypnotic stages are regarded as the result of a protective. inhibition. The Intensification of the subsequent inhibition in all cases after the application of differentiations is interpreted as a sign of diffusion of the active inhibition. With the development of transliminal cortical inhibition there was a modification of the intensity and character of the unconditioned re- flexes; this dif in the individual dogs and was evidenced by. a shortening of bj,its wem- JCd 6-Mbiby to d. In5t., tyst, licifire? tile nf,.rv&. wail ~ut and th"iVilracil (fl,, nills mutc:jo;~,xmti~ined 1 Ilumcniar 1troPhY WO I(L" 'he ga9trocl - -ablitt, til.,hypottlyr-aid anilhatq t" tn tnc riarival contrul . mrie. tile in Of Wortine intl, wti redEwed ures lit. rate of oxylpen cll. r" ~t 1cd mnlals red Dcacmtio' upalms by muwIcs but tho J(;Jtvity of protoolytit; procesws inc mwcs- ?Yruphoophataso OV-113vity. 'Um j4 aiijo a afght Increage In W3 I I of waijil lisLA)ItA leads to 1wrpajed rate uf 1m:40priva- don of mctbwrjiw matoins xn Incmue in refflATiltion and (Ln inirc'as~ in O~rdpln~p~Xsi FQ* 27" 0. the al wt" mmd ta thevA with 0 d AC tv:d) ,j rcdu- oemd in Lug! Wlaus a nteat , , - solaus. .kf,cr decel", aud uacbLng~ in the _...i in thc in Doth lrl"~l % i0v lwwalwu~ ~ 0. MN IRU W1 I I Is U it It 11 M 21 V a 24 n b v is to SO 11 vH A P, I OC I i It S..0 00 -4119 00 Ww"fludim of Chlarerge" I& the P""Oft of buts -00 of dime sal dOw vabafteen. P. V. Zhavagonkov and A. -A RY.Um1W , kkhlft. -- J. Robber 144. (U. S. S. R-) 1936. 00 8i7 No. 8-9. 912-17.-Pure chloroprtne was polymerized at 41 0 18-20' in the absence of air Into an elastic polymer after -400 in the pitmuce (if air after 7 14 days; with (fir f! : 6d,,! ,Pwtcr after 5 ddy% (while polymer was farnied) pro* 00 i1with thv addn. of 25% of vinylacrty1ruc after 2.5 days-. ' = with the addn. of We at aniline after 19 months a red-: c 00 brown liquid was famed; with the addn. of 23% phenol 4409 00 j i after 19 months a black mvk~ w&4 formed. Thepoly-merl- =00 zation of chloreprent together with butisdiene produced a ,uft dwtic polymer. but it was powbic to d6til the ItutA- divic completely from the polymer. After thi, .1i,tn. of 4110 butadiene, the polymer became dark and hard. A . Pestoff Ices if -00 zoo !ngps to AS-St- 7 7,~ -EfALLORGICAL UtER&TWE CL-SUPICAMN S N. S~ I - U SS ., 43 L An A S, 0 Od 0 0 9 1 is 0 5 a a 3 0 W D it It is bt K 0 Q K ff it it at am n i Is I 0 0 a 0 T44 0 0o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 4p go 0 00 00 0 0 09 !o 0 6 0 0 0 0 0: . : 0 0 0 9 h4912 S/870/62/000/000/001/001 D243/D307 Ryumina, Ye.N. TITLC: -gig %*V 0 4404 14MA, The influence. of additional irritants of a non- radioactive nature on the effects of:small dose6l of internal radiation SOUP'CE: Reaktsii organizma na deystviya malykh doz ion- iziruyushchey radiatsii. Ed. by M.G.'Durmish.Yan.,'....' and A. V. Lebedinskiy. lvloscotr, Medgiz, 19621:177-186, TM.' The object of the present -work was to,stud tI e'* effect on per ipheral blood morphology.of small doses of,Na2l' ln'asso-;L~ - ciation with additional non-radioactive*irritants. 2.5-3 kcr male rabbits recei 9 ved Na2kperorally in 0.25 mcuries/3kg body wei&t.doses peripheral bl ood being ex-amined several times before and: af ter, the e:meririezit. After --iving Na24, the animal i-ras bled to an extent of-, 0.~% orA% of body weight, or was given orally a phosphorus-contAin-.'"; ing substance CD in amounts calculated at-, 150, .50 and 25 g/ka weight. 0 a animal. The effects of:iqa2Z;. administration agreed with.reported re-- Card 1/2, - T F oc~ r 7 7 z7 r WU lo: Is 16 1? Is :1 . - - 4 i 0 - 1 140 AN# fit flOol I powtolif A-mo wee I CA woo -00 2m.-Lk-- fdt A -d 6S, -56 m , 4!0 w too ~ j ~ASN-ILA 0 ITALLUMC.AL LITC04TURE CLAUMCATIM v %low livivitfe ''foiawi post eow 48.C, lalts"'mcf- IIIIAll am 0"M mm m m mw.m~ff v~ 'm a aIT a , ' ' 7 0 *4 es 0is- 0 -* i:0 0,41 s 4:04 0 We 0 Wo 0 0 1a 0, 0. io0 40 1644 j -0- -w-Wo 0 0 0 04 0 0 a 000 0 * 0 a 0 *4 0 0 4 I no ItAtultv of Inillic WIS. Milk blatiluch JIMIN at phonylbut"ic acid. , M. N'.,. Ki-aft md P, 1: R.11111411 it l . A P~,IRWY A Awd. Namit S..S~S.k 68,* '-'(19 leads to it r.Wi,fli I.t."en tile Sn"I. wt. 3f allot tile III con. to,at. %110- This formula was vollfitult-d I sy'c I V.."wopie det it, .. in but 11covvy yet vq"talent4lly sul'stant6tt4l M ith .11.16 M, I'm tile two(fal '11(' cry,me'.py 0 1 1 h. l 111 K 1 i I it air I 1C -to it, title 14 44'iv -It~ was tCAt"I On III "Its of 1. w is - l ) .. gives a nuil. wt~ nwirsloandolit it, " .46,11 ~ .1 It o - 6-h voa he Inel-1. with vary. 53_11~ Iligive lady I vvty -light [,.p, 'Iepresion; all% " 'Mr 11, t"I s"r in "fil tolvellts this Hi itiviz liquir ill Coll.. C'II'1It" mid 6!" . . , -nit. J'tkt~; ,I tile 111C VIWAwily 4 M it liti.1111. i~ 4"am'I"ll with if- , v~ I I hi-"ll-ting at a -t't No It 2t A .1 1 No 1.11 I drill , '4 ( I fin (I" At " ith M. 111), . . . !11. WI PhNIO, 1 9-11. 110. and '-V 30 Z itor 40 11 H" but I. floor 1A.111. ,Ut I't .4 tit, vi...'JIV lot Coll, * . . . pttl.. not dried), followed by distn. of the m2jor Urr,lify -In., whiel. is very sumlt.,ad -Ims not follow Statldtnjlrv ~ ( ld l f h i I.Art of IIC solvent. and finA trying in a vacuum dcskva- r o us. o e viscus . so ty o . Lim. The independence of t . tor yi-I&J u.4id basic halts in the form of powders, I I the tlispersity indicutc3 that the touts. are splitt"t, 11' A" . , NUI "'atic. 4 I S rc,p.. its compared with the Or WA j; Hi ~ threadlike. Analuirous Imsic iltv of At show a very high . . . , .W 0% Do coattent tit the inortual ~.alt HiAj. , Any Of these visoioity in 0.5% C4114 stAn-s- The abnocinAll), low vi- . , I..Alv -'lt. .fkUolv'A in Coll. (U, fill. locr K. nixtilt) Wiled "osity of tile highly lm'i' W -U4 is evidently linkril wilh ' . . il W - - W, McOll I I ), thro jivurvil into to 440,1 . Thou the high at. wt. of Hi. N v,.1 ..I ..lot M# I AL NIVFW 1 1.111 , "hu It ol% 0l I I K it I 1W I 1W 1 1 1 T. 41111 'Ailh a It Illis "I"t'lijilo Ij tdfir, 1 1 I "Or *,$It totitig o"I I... ti.." fill'- M. .,lot lot tile Itirse 11-3 ad. g -It. (tie Is .1 -still finite Iddlil -1111 06-117",, Ili. All Ils.-w Bits int ra,illy Ili L'.1 I.. HiNtc, El'O. C.1 I.Cj'. and Cot I'lirt. and instA I I,( 1,tnd Ili at". Salts % ith over kV,; Ili tire sol. in tr. PC (4 11'r ,Aa indi'-ati"n thr 1~4yincr nature Of the Tome highiv Wie salus (,over ;oi)% Ili) iv the formatiem of a Im- I'Wr-liliv, glasly, filin on titlict cv-.Ipn. Of a solo. Tile able to Nt Wontlati"11 _111131014A 1.01ILI,isapplic, sk salts ; conlit. fritot *LS~,'.% is - M.t.. W.87% Bi lot and M X~Z' T"AR6013851 At) SOURCE CODE, uR/6276/65/ooo/oll 19/ 016 AUTHMS: Lovtsovo. D. P.; Ryumahin, V. M.; Spasakiyl A. G. TITI-11: The influence of the purity of etals on the structure. of silumin. lm SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinoi3troyeniya, Abs. 11G132 REF SOURCE: Sb. Litlye i obrabotka, splavov chern. i tsvetn. met. Krasnoyarsk, 1965, 43-45 ,.:TOPIC TAGS: metal crystallization, metal heat treatment, silumini metal property, alloy. ABSTRACT: The theory stating that modified structure of silumin may b 4tained without,the introduction of modifying admixtures is reiterated. This eory proposes. Y thant such a modified structure will result from agberheati g the melt atabovo.900- 1000C and subjecting it to rapid crystallization.tbit'is noted that even small con- may --=y aitor the tur centrations of admixtures basica mic strue e of the alloy and, chanical ani Ixysical properties-,~o consequently, its me P 4 illustrations. :Bi:bliograph'Y,-' of 4 titles. granslation of abstracy 2-7 Si ',14 SUB CODE: 11 af Card .745.-669-71'51 -.-UDC. 62f 1. Instiltut v-pokomolekalyarn7lch soyedImsmy AN SSSR,,