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I q 11 1. ~ I ~ . . - -, . I I I , I I I I I . 1. 1 1 1. . 1. ., I Card 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 ..., ~ I ''I 1 11 1 1 .1 .111~ I - I e-r Kpen rreasin&,~-.t 3 06 n~: a:.-. a YA~z e M i-r a-c.t-d,r-ist rpposed Mnt ew a! e Wb we d6teet 1frequency menta anda ditieu t s comWn ii,formulas 00 .."I 6id , isama"' should 'ta oil essp the electric field. int -at hi~ ' field intens itialoTs -resistdnce e., tide ALb6ift 10 ev; ose:f 0 I.:'electrons is ex i q" ehe -1 rgy- is-- An 'nTz trum of he-~-,c drac e r. ments were also c'ondii6te _to 6s ablish- .... ........ gn hamer'v- wave si al with radials a ance-,:from hd~ disc4arge;1C intensfty, was. *dritd Ifit5OV, ' t mum ~h - :L expon6tial ZUBMITTEM- ~'2 E(ov.- 00 p~T A-z' 11 is Is It tol 11 nn"All,"ININ I u Is U Is 2 L. I JL L st P P 9 It I.L., Y -L _L_ I JA U i _t 't, c.t.f.) 1.40 00 r A 7elb -so qmUtift of ki, CnSM. D. G Ryut.v and 00 is-Ili A,' A lCh.4w -Vis. XhoWmayu 0 C.*k&..e &itodustrio 411. 211ok.-A brid discus" t It 4cf~t. whWh are fiallIC to Apivar in kv crelont on pr44'"lic"I Suradc. milli 14 ittirmitiu's I Ile a. A. hiplucau-Coullstr ago 10, roe ire :;so so 10 tes ties CTALLUP;Kat LifElfalijAl CLASSIFICATIC0. A I . I L 'Use f, 11ree _7 -IM Im .3 fl, it it ft af air $(w Kgtzt U*mw Is 1 14 aftlk 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 90 so so 00 00 * a * UA ZOPE'--h ~J SuNia -g -d Aj 14.5 a E AN s E 'o J1 LIN .3 sm PIA a i lag, 1! 1 Chi X a;, i 0 4 Ut I IS$ a A He Via -ii at 91 Sir 93 vel I IT 1RJJAT0- U j ------ it. Ott. a Hill 0 CH H Mir to 09 ju~ o Wv-1 j q -b 5.5. a C: A; .441 UO UO Vs 2-3 To jV RADYLIKICS, I.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; 13UKHTBR, Ye.Z., inzh.; VIMIBARG, B.S.,;kand.tekhn.nauk.- VOLISCAYA L.S., Inzh.; GERSH, S.Ya '7Drof.', doktor tekhn.nauk [deceased]:, GUREVICH, U.S. I- inzh.; DAITILOVA G.N. kand.tekhn nauk; ISPIMOVI, Ye J., inzh.; ICm. .D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; KAN, K.D.. kand.tokhn.nauk; LAVROVA,,,V.V.v inzh.; HOOVAR, L.Ye..,inzh.; ROZWMID, L.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk;.TKACHEY, A.G.V prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; TSYRUN.B.L.; SMrALISHSKIYP M.G., inzh,; SHCHMUMOV, V.S.,~inzh.; TAKOBSMI,,V.B99 kand.tekhn.nauk; GOGOLIN, A.A.. retsenzent; GUKIWN, A.A.9 reteen2ent.- KARPOV, A.Y., retsenzent; XURYLEW,'Ye.S..' retsenzent; LIVSHITS - A.B., retsenzent; CHIM!TAKOVI P.M., retsenzent; SHMIELIK, A.Ye.0 ,retsen- 'R.V.p spetore zent-, SOMSIMINOV, G.A.:, retsenzent;~ PAVLOVp d UBULASHVILI, Sh.N."* glevnvy red.; RYUTOVLD.G.. zam.glavnogo,red.; GOLOWIN, N.A.', red.; CHIZHOV, G.B.,,.red.; NAZAROV. B.A.9. glsvnyy red.izd-V8;,~IKCLAYXVA N G. red.~ EYDIHOVA Z.G., mladshiy red.; MEMISH, D.M. [Refrigeration engineering;.encyclopedie.reference book, in:three~ volumes] Kholodilinain tekhnika; entalklopedicheakii. spravochnik, v trekh knigal-th. Sh.N.Kobulashvili-i dr..~ Leni ngrad,., Gostorgizdat.~ Vol.l. [Techniques of the production.of artificial cold] Tekhnika proizvodstva',iskusstvennogo kholoda. ~196o ~ 544 0 pe~ (MIRA 1j:12) (Refrigeration and refri i ry) gerating mach ne L 0850-67 MIT (1) JK ACC NM AP6032117 CAI N). SOURCE.CODEi UR10346/66/000/010/0019/002L AUTHOR: Ryutova, V. P.; Demidova, S. A.; Blyumkin, V. N.; Fadayeva. L. L@ OR_G: [Ryutova) Scientific Reaearch-Institute of Fur,Farming and Ra It Farming;(Nauchno-ionladovatel'skiy.inatitult pushnogo zverovodstva-L krolikovodstva); -.Virology Institute In.' D,116~lvanovskix AHN SSSR (Institut viru.sologit AHN SSSR TITLE: Cytopathic-action of &.plaguelviru~~of carnivores in tisaue culture SOURCE: Veterinariyap no. 10, 1966, 19-21 TOPIC TAGSt virus plague, ~vlrus disease ABSTRACT: The cyt1opathic_eff,ecto,f.a plague virus of carnivores(dogst foxes, 'and minka') on transp lapteid cultures-of human a mnion js.trrains FL_ and A,), Ner-2 tells, and~.Res (fetal pig_kidney)~cells.was studied usin vaccinal and wi.1d.-straine (the latter'inalat-ed.from foxes).jNo Icyto-, pathic affect was obearved-in Ner-2-and Res-cells.after three consccu--,. tive pa asages. Hum an amnion gene were most se nsitive to-the plague virus: degenerative changes occurred.9-11 days after the~sscond pas sage-and.immuno serum1romdogs was neutralized. Experiments showed .9ard 1 2, UDC: 619:6164988*27-093.35 (Ammonium chloride): (Crystallization) ID AA 00 -00 90 .00 XOO 00 Cormouting rubbQr,=pr*p&tjj3 IMUM I* 1&WK It" at =00 manand7 1). 00 400 2'11*c-;.~ Ruk-. M.513,Atilt'.3 it ~: AQVIT-OT111, Ill ~;. ~,O .3 C. A. 33, 164,51. The ba%ic patmi Ij mf%jifint" 11141 thr -0011111g ill the ruh1wr fifitt I,( the jtjjg~l fal"k. I, WIT".Ir,t Isv i1skint-l'isis III)- rmlffi-~ 1.). .1..kt OA it, 3,0mi", i's I)- ..Ivew. 004 goo 4:00 SOO o;*0 11100 oloo tT.LLUftGK.L uVIESIATUME CLASSIFICAllow 8 12 _ rt v AnIS It Ito a 0010 0,000 0 0 000 00 00, 0,0 0,010 000 0000 6 0S0 OA -701'a9 0 *0 0, SOOSSfOO06640 ,06000000 0 0 6- 0- 0 00- 0 0 0 .00000, 86056 S/193/60/000/010/002/015 AOO4/AOO1 AUTHOR- Ryvkin, A. L. TITLE. 'The BCCr-70 .(VSSG-70) Selenium Rectifier for -the Welding of Thin-' Gage Materials PERIODICAL: Byulleten' 4rmiko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 10, pp. 11-19 TEXT In 1959 the Vsesoyuznyy Y< svarochnogo.oborudovaniya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment) VNIIIESO developed the specialized,lenium.rectifier for manual and automatic none6iisumable-electrode gas-shielded are welding of thin-gage material Is. The welding I rectifieIr is compb.sed of a TC(TS).,step-down,, transformer a AH (DN) saturation throttle,. an - 93K (UZK) device for f iIlling L-i the~crater and welding current control, an (X(OS) oscillator for starting the arc, a start-control device .and a power-rectifying unit, consisting of two ABC-4007-. 126C,-(AVS-400-126S) rectiffying-columns connected in series. The step-down trans- former is devised for a network voltage of 220/380 v, the connection of the primary winding if,of the star-delta type. Apart from the,a-c winding the throttle has an OY (0U) control winding and a positive current feedbackwinding. The Card 1/2 D,IYACITEOV, B.A., kandtekhn.nauk;,ZAKS, M.I., inzh,;.; RVIEDI, A.L., inzb. 89716 3/125/60/oop/612/01~/014-~ Al6l/A03O -kin, AUTHOR: Pesenson, A.Ye; Ryj A. L., ------------------------------- TITLE: 'Rectifier fcr Gas-Shielded Welding of 1-h"n-Wall Work PERIODICAL: Avtomatlieheskaya zvarka. 1960,, No,. 12, pp. 79 83' TEXT- The described BCCf--70 (%VSSG-70", welding rectifier.,(photo, Fig. 4)*. with asaturable choke permits-.adjustment of the welding: current over a-wide range the weld crater The gradual' anda gradual drop of current during the filling of current drop Is produced by variation of the choke induct-ance through variation -ed -h of current in the control windIng. The design ilz ill1istrat in -,,.circuit:dia- r (Fig. 1). The rectlf-ler consists of a three-phase stsp-down transformer3C am g TS); saturation ahoke,,Q~ (DW with an a IrrangemIe nt for a:,atev fill inIg and weldin ( I I . . I 1 9 ava exodtation contact between the current control; an oscllla~,or for ,electrode and the workpiece; .-,ontrols; a rer-tlifyins power-~.unlt consisring 'of tw4-1-1 -allel connected ABC-400-125 C -400-12549) columnf; joined into a',I,,hree-' par (AVS -phase.rectifying bridge circult (,six Arms, with two plates in Eerier. on each). The columns. &re from 100 -x 4-00 rrm selenlum -plater. on alumIm-Im bare, producedby "thallium, process" (talllyevaya tekhnolox1yaL: witL- ~6- vofts: permissible reverse Card 1/7 972 -6 8 S/i2~./6o/ooo/m/012/014 Rectifier for Gas.-Shielded Welding of T'hin-Wall Work A161/m,13o voltage per one plate. The stlep--down transf ormer heas 5JO kva. ca-uacity and.50 volts secondary.line:vol-tage, which ensures 65.volts no-load volt"age on the dirqat n ih -e7 current side. The th-ree-phase seuratio, oke haf, al" rnating currenz. windings, i~ a control winding, and a positive feedback winding that, Is connec-ted in series into the D,C. cir-_Uit~. ' The choke, two eurrem', adjust-t.'en', Mngf_:~Z, I COT,respondirg' to the series and parallel -cionnection of -.he A~r'. colls. Weidi_ng curlrent s controlled smoothly within eachrange by Chwiging the magnetizing current in -the Phoke control winding. The current in the control windingia regulated by'the 'Crater filling arrangement (Y3K in Fig, 1) consisting of. two.germanium junction triodes of n-4 (P--.4) type used-as adju an aux-iliar y t. r ansformer; C~ ~Or blo-k (C 1 a potentiometer (n)..; two selenium valves (6 1 a capa it- C5 and four active resistors (R 2,000 ohm, R =R 20~ ohm, and 0.85 ohm). Two parallel-connected triodes joihed ;&0' one common emitt6r. The voltage U -lome-ter and received from the auxiliary transformer is regulated by the potent- V rectified by the seleniim valves (B.2) and fed as input vol-tage between the ~rioces I is removed from theicollector- ml ,L bas&.and the emltter. The outplatsigna e tt -r -the ion c, -1 s connec Ited in to the stretch. The con' trol windIng (0Y), of U s W"D r~a hoke output, signal circuit. The shift, current value the triode base at closed con- tacts 7 and 8 ) iz.ohanged by the potentiome, ter, this causea stronger changeSL: in the:collector circuir,,- and an amplified input signal comes to the; I oad (0Y Card 2/7 '89716 3/125/60/000/012/012/0 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-Wall Work A16l/AO30 winding). The current in the control winding-of the saturation choke is control- this way,:and with itthe,yelding current. A drop in. the welding current, _with'pres,et rate Is produced by reducing,current In the con_rol.winding.~ The circuit must be Interrupted in the, points, (7) -.(8), in the triodes base,to start the crater filling system; the.capacitors block will begin discharging through the triodes base circuit, and,the current drop time will depehd.,On the timeiaon-. stant.of the RC circuit.: The discharging time is regulated by adjusting:the.- capacity,of the capacitors range~b~rltumblers (Bxl-BK4). The' are excit6d,by means~ of.,the oscillator i1r transformer T-B) of the oscillator, and the output circuit: .(a is connected in the.welding.circuit. 'This eliminates the*'necessity of-a. special protection choke to protect the other,system elements from high fre-~ quency current. The selenium block and.the Eatunation choke are,prot4ated by the' capacitor C and the resistor R The oscillator if switched on by closing 'the i contacts (9~ and.(10) in the pr&ry winding cf-rcuit of t-he oscillator transformer Normal arc,excitation and stable obtained with about, 2 amps current, and the oscillator is switched off during the welding procesg. Anarc -osciilo- gram is shown (Fig. 3).'~ The technical data of the V33G-70 welding rectifier~arex primary voltage - 220 or 380 volts; no-load voltage 61,i -iolts; , nominal ~second- nominal'welding current 70 W~Pz; rrent'ad- voltage 12 volts; welding cu card 3/7 89716 3/12 -/60/000/912/012/014 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-Wall Work - A16i/AO30 Justment ranges., low current -:2-22 amp, strong~ourrent 7785~amps;~, crater filling time - 1.5 16 see; outer dimensions 9, 30X 764x mm; to tal. tie 200 kg. The first~trial lo-t- of tthese rectifiers is under test in,practical work conditions.. There are 5 figures and 2.referencer, of. which I is Soviet andIEng-,, ASSOCIATION. SUBMITTED: May 23, 196.0 Card 4/7 )12/014--J~ 12/( S1125160106010 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-, 0 A161/AO3 -Wall Work Figure I i- TC _'Power,transformer; IT-satura-. '/-control tion choke; OC-feedbac*k winding; 0 winding; Y3V,-crater filling system;f3C-power rectifier; OC-oscillator; P -oscillator dis-, cc charges;TPI,.TPII,~,TPIII-auxiliary transfon- - l ies Mer windings; 7blocking. Connections for the J A.C. chake'viindings: for the low-current range to connect., on Oy. the KI-K2 terminals; .,for high current range al 17P connect the K to, . and KI-'j2. ter7 7-7 minals.- A 171 .1 12 Card 5/7 I I I 1 T] A 88220 S/110/60/000/010/PO7/014 E194/E455, 'A Universal Welding Rectifier With-a Wide Range, of Control of~ Voltage and Current dismissed in.turn because of various defects, :A universal supply having either level or.drooping volt-ampere characteristics can be:: obtained from a static supply source consisting of a step-down three-phase transf ormer, a variable,inductance and a rectift erI unI ~Thelinductance is in series with thehigh-'or low-voltage side of~ ''the.transformer and the load is suppliedAhrough the rectifier- 'This gives of'naturally drooping,external characteristics each -curve aorres Iponding to a certain value.of inductance, Flat ''volt-ampere characteristics are obtained by automatically altering of the,power.circuit., the load. The principle s- underlying this Idea. I are,,explained. The most,:suitable form of variable ~ i;ductan,ce is a. saturating choke whIch can be used to provide.flat ext4rnal:characteristics,by-alteration-:in.the inductance of the:ch6ke. A schematic circuit diagram of the -equipment is given -and -explained. If-it is' necessary- to improve the dynamic characteristics~of:Ahe equipmentS.,a.power magnetic ,amplifier of suitable design may,.be used. as a,, variable inductance.. Card 2/4 S/125/61/000/006/009/010 D04O/DIl2_ AUTHORS: D'yachkov, B. A., Zaks, M I. Ry kin, L. TITLE: Welding rectifier.with elastive and failing characteristics PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no..6, 1961t 63-72. TEXT: VNIIESO has,developeda new, E~ CJ (VSU),type weldingrectifiersuit-, able. for automatic gas-shielded as viell as,for.manual arc welding,. .The first and VSU-500 units1have been completed, and production is planned-to. start during 1961. The circuit diagram (Fig. .1) and. pho~'ograph:,(Pig. 10) (With removed casing) of the VSU-300 'are givens and its operation isl"describ- ed. The VSU represents an improvement, forthe existing Soviet rectifiers do not adjust the work voltage smoothly under load and work with,other than elastive characteristics. The VSU includes special saturation.chokes. Its i.e. both elastive and steep falling characteristics,are,'obtained SiS4- from P. feed source con bing of a step--down transformer, saturation choke and~scraiconductor rectifier.uni-L110%The outpiit,voltage of the rectifier:re- mains stable within 1 v at 5 to voltage variations'in,the network.~:Two, -r-aphs show the elastive and the stee I a p falling,characteri,sti,s, (Fig.2,and 3). ,The technical data are (Table 3)i Card l/ 5 I q 11 1. ~ I ~ . . - -, . I I I , I I I I I . 1. 1 1 1. . 1. ., I Card 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 ..., ~ I ''I 1 11 1 1 .1 .111~ I - I e-r Kpen rreasin&,~-.t 3 06 n~: a:.-. a YA~z e M i-r a-c.t-d,r-ist rpposed Mnt ew a! e Wb we d6teet 1frequency menta anda ditieu t s comWn ii,formulas 00 .."I 6id , isama"' should 'ta oil essp the electric field. int -at hi~ ' field intens itialoTs -resistdnce e., tide ALb6ift 10 ev; ose:f 0 I.:'electrons is ex i q" ehe -1 rgy- is-- An 'nTz trum of he-~-,c drac e r. ments were also c'ondii6te _to 6s ablish- .... ........ gn hamer'v- wave si al with radials a ance-,:from hd~ disc4arge;1C intensfty, was. *dritd Ifit5OV, ' t mum ~h - :L expon6tial ZUBMITTEM- ~'2 E(ov.- 00 p~T A-z' 11 is Is It tol 11 nn"All,"ININ I u Is U Is 2 L. I JL L st P P 9 It I.L., Y -L _L_ I JA U i _t 't, c.t.f.) 1.40 00 r A 7elb -so qmUtift of ki, CnSM. D. G Ryut.v and 00 is-Ili A,' A lCh.4w -Vis. XhoWmayu 0 C.*k&..e &itodustrio 411. 211ok.-A brid discus" t It 4cf~t. whWh are fiallIC to Apivar in kv crelont on pr44'"lic"I Suradc. milli 14 ittirmitiu's I Ile a. A. hiplucau-Coullstr ago 10, roe ire :;so so 10 tes ties CTALLUP;Kat LifElfalijAl CLASSIFICATIC0. A I . I L 'Use f, 11ree _7 -IM Im .3 fl, it it ft af air $(w Kgtzt U*mw Is 1 14 aftlk 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 90 so so 00 00 * a * UA ZOPE'--h ~J SuNia -g -d Aj 14.5 a E AN s E 'o J1 LIN .3 sm PIA a i lag, 1! 1 Chi X a;, i 0 4 Ut I IS$ a A He Via -ii at 91 Sir 93 vel I IT 1RJJAT0- U j ------ it. Ott. a Hill 0 CH H Mir to 09 ju~ o Wv-1 j q -b 5.5. a C: A; .441 UO UO Vs 2-3 To jV RADYLIKICS, I.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; 13UKHTBR, Ye.Z., inzh.; VIMIBARG, B.S.,;kand.tekhn.nauk.- VOLISCAYA L.S., Inzh.; GERSH, S.Ya '7Drof.', doktor tekhn.nauk [deceased]:, GUREVICH, U.S. I- inzh.; DAITILOVA G.N. kand.tekhn nauk; ISPIMOVI, Ye J., inzh.; ICm. .D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; KAN, K.D.. kand.tokhn.nauk; LAVROVA,,,V.V.v inzh.; HOOVAR, L.Ye..,inzh.; ROZWMID, L.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk;.TKACHEY, A.G.V prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; TSYRUN.B.L.; SMrALISHSKIYP M.G., inzh,; SHCHMUMOV, V.S.,~inzh.; TAKOBSMI,,V.B99 kand.tekhn.nauk; GOGOLIN, A.A.. retsenzent; GUKIWN, A.A.9 reteen2ent.- KARPOV, A.Y., retsenzent; XURYLEW,'Ye.S..' retsenzent; LIVSHITS - A.B., retsenzent; CHIM!TAKOVI P.M., retsenzent; SHMIELIK, A.Ye.0 ,retsen- 'R.V.p spetore zent-, SOMSIMINOV, G.A.:, retsenzent;~ PAVLOVp d UBULASHVILI, Sh.N."* glevnvy red.; RYUTOVLD.G.. zam.glavnogo,red.; GOLOWIN, N.A.', red.; CHIZHOV, G.B.,,.red.; NAZAROV. B.A.9. glsvnyy red.izd-V8;,~IKCLAYXVA N G. red.~ EYDIHOVA Z.G., mladshiy red.; MEMISH, D.M. [Refrigeration engineering;.encyclopedie.reference book, in:three~ volumes] Kholodilinain tekhnika; entalklopedicheakii. spravochnik, v trekh knigal-th. Sh.N.Kobulashvili-i dr..~ Leni ngrad,., Gostorgizdat.~ Vol.l. [Techniques of the production.of artificial cold] Tekhnika proizvodstva',iskusstvennogo kholoda. ~196o ~ 544 0 pe~ (MIRA 1j:12) (Refrigeration and refri i ry) gerating mach ne L 0850-67 MIT (1) JK ACC NM AP6032117 CAI N). SOURCE.CODEi UR10346/66/000/010/0019/002L AUTHOR: Ryutova, V. P.; Demidova, S. A.; Blyumkin, V. N.; Fadayeva. L. L@ OR_G: [Ryutova) Scientific Reaearch-Institute of Fur,Farming and Ra It Farming;(Nauchno-ionladovatel'skiy.inatitult pushnogo zverovodstva-L krolikovodstva); -.Virology Institute In.' D,116~lvanovskix AHN SSSR (Institut viru.sologit AHN SSSR TITLE: Cytopathic-action of &.plaguelviru~~of carnivores in tisaue culture SOURCE: Veterinariyap no. 10, 1966, 19-21 TOPIC TAGSt virus plague, ~vlrus disease ABSTRACT: The cyt1opathic_eff,ecto,f.a plague virus of carnivores(dogst foxes, 'and minka') on transp lapteid cultures-of human a mnion js.trrains FL_ and A,), Ner-2 tells, and~.Res (fetal pig_kidney)~cells.was studied usin vaccinal and wi.1d.-straine (the latter'inalat-ed.from foxes).jNo Icyto-, pathic affect was obearved-in Ner-2-and Res-cells.after three consccu--,. tive pa asages. Hum an amnion gene were most se nsitive to-the plague virus: degenerative changes occurred.9-11 days after the~sscond pas sage-and.immuno serum1romdogs was neutralized. Experiments showed .9ard 1 2, UDC: 619:6164988*27-093.35 (Ammonium chloride): (Crystallization) ID AA 00 -00 90 .00 XOO 00 Cormouting rubbQr,=pr*p&tjj3 IMUM I* 1&WK It" at =00 manand7 1). 00 400 2'11*c-;.~ Ruk-. M.513,Atilt'.3 it ~: AQVIT-OT111, Ill ~;. ~,O .3 C. A. 33, 164,51. The ba%ic patmi Ij mf%jifint" 11141 thr -0011111g ill the ruh1wr fifitt I,( the jtjjg~l fal"k. I, WIT".Ir,t Isv i1skint-l'isis III)- rmlffi-~ 1.). .1..kt OA it, 3,0mi", i's I)- ..Ivew. 004 goo 4:00 SOO o;*0 11100 oloo tT.LLUftGK.L uVIESIATUME CLASSIFICAllow 8 12 _ rt v AnIS It Ito a 0010 0,000 0 0 000 00 00, 0,0 0,010 000 0000 6 0S0 OA -701'a9 0 *0 0, SOOSSfOO06640 ,06000000 0 0 6- 0- 0 00- 0 0 0 .00000, 86056 S/193/60/000/010/002/015 AOO4/AOO1 AUTHOR- Ryvkin, A. L. TITLE. 'The BCCr-70 .(VSSG-70) Selenium Rectifier for -the Welding of Thin-' Gage Materials PERIODICAL: Byulleten' 4rmiko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 10, pp. 11-19 TEXT In 1959 the Vsesoyuznyy Y< svarochnogo.oborudovaniya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment) VNIIIESO developed the specialized,lenium.rectifier for manual and automatic none6iisumable-electrode gas-shielded are welding of thin-gage material Is. The welding I rectifieIr is compb.sed of a TC(TS).,step-down,, transformer a AH (DN) saturation throttle,. an - 93K (UZK) device for f iIlling L-i the~crater and welding current control, an (X(OS) oscillator for starting the arc, a start-control device .and a power-rectifying unit, consisting of two ABC-4007-. 126C,-(AVS-400-126S) rectiffying-columns connected in series. The step-down trans- former is devised for a network voltage of 220/380 v, the connection of the primary winding if,of the star-delta type. Apart from the,a-c winding the throttle has an OY (0U) control winding and a positive current feedbackwinding. The Card 1/2 D,IYACITEOV, B.A., kandtekhn.nauk;,ZAKS, M.I., inzh,;.; RVIEDI, A.L., inzb. 89716 3/125/60/oop/612/01~/014-~ Al6l/A03O -kin, AUTHOR: Pesenson, A.Ye; Ryj A. L., ------------------------------- TITLE: 'Rectifier fcr Gas-Shielded Welding of 1-h"n-Wall Work PERIODICAL: Avtomatlieheskaya zvarka. 1960,, No,. 12, pp. 79 83' TEXT- The described BCCf--70 (%VSSG-70", welding rectifier.,(photo, Fig. 4)*. with asaturable choke permits-.adjustment of the welding: current over a-wide range the weld crater The gradual' anda gradual drop of current during the filling of current drop Is produced by variation of the choke induct-ance through variation -ed -h of current in the control windIng. The design ilz ill1istrat in -,,.circuit:dia- r (Fig. 1). The rectlf-ler consists of a three-phase stsp-down transformer3C am g TS); saturation ahoke,,Q~ (DW with an a IrrangemIe nt for a:,atev fill inIg and weldin ( I I . . I 1 9 ava exodtation contact between the current control; an oscllla~,or for ,electrode and the workpiece; .-,ontrols; a rer-tlifyins power-~.unlt consisring 'of tw4-1-1 -allel connected ABC-400-125 C -400-12549) columnf; joined into a',I,,hree-' par (AVS -phase.rectifying bridge circult (,six Arms, with two plates in Eerier. on each). The columns. &re from 100 -x 4-00 rrm selenlum -plater. on alumIm-Im bare, producedby "thallium, process" (talllyevaya tekhnolox1yaL: witL- ~6- vofts: permissible reverse Card 1/7 972 -6 8 S/i2~./6o/ooo/m/012/014 Rectifier for Gas.-Shielded Welding of T'hin-Wall Work A161/m,13o voltage per one plate. The stlep--down transf ormer heas 5JO kva. ca-uacity and.50 volts secondary.line:vol-tage, which ensures 65.volts no-load volt"age on the dirqat n ih -e7 current side. The th-ree-phase seuratio, oke haf, al" rnating currenz. windings, i~ a control winding, and a positive feedback winding that, Is connec-ted in series into the D,C. cir-_Uit~. ' The choke, two eurrem', adjust-t.'en', Mngf_:~Z, I COT,respondirg' to the series and parallel -cionnection of -.he A~r'. colls. Weidi_ng curlrent s controlled smoothly within eachrange by Chwiging the magnetizing current in -the Phoke control winding. The current in the control windingia regulated by'the 'Crater filling arrangement (Y3K in Fig, 1) consisting of. two.germanium junction triodes of n-4 (P--.4) type used-as adju an aux-iliar y t. r ansformer; C~ ~Or blo-k (C 1 a potentiometer (n)..; two selenium valves (6 1 a capa it- C5 and four active resistors (R 2,000 ohm, R =R 20~ ohm, and 0.85 ohm). Two parallel-connected triodes joihed ;&0' one common emitt6r. The voltage U -lome-ter and received from the auxiliary transformer is regulated by the potent- V rectified by the seleniim valves (B.2) and fed as input vol-tage between the ~rioces I is removed from theicollector- ml ,L bas&.and the emltter. The outplatsigna e tt -r -the ion c, -1 s connec Ited in to the stretch. The con' trol windIng (0Y), of U s W"D r~a hoke output, signal circuit. The shift, current value the triode base at closed con- tacts 7 and 8 ) iz.ohanged by the potentiome, ter, this causea stronger changeSL: in the:collector circuir,,- and an amplified input signal comes to the; I oad (0Y Card 2/7 '89716 3/125/60/000/012/012/0 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-Wall Work A16l/AO30 winding). The current in the control winding-of the saturation choke is control- this way,:and with itthe,yelding current. A drop in. the welding current, _with'pres,et rate Is produced by reducing,current In the con_rol.winding.~ The circuit must be Interrupted in the, points, (7) -.(8), in the triodes base,to start the crater filling system; the.capacitors block will begin discharging through the triodes base circuit, and,the current drop time will depehd.,On the timeiaon-. stant.of the RC circuit.: The discharging time is regulated by adjusting:the.- capacity,of the capacitors range~b~rltumblers (Bxl-BK4). The' are excit6d,by means~ of.,the oscillator i1r transformer T-B) of the oscillator, and the output circuit: .(a is connected in the.welding.circuit. 'This eliminates the*'necessity of-a. special protection choke to protect the other,system elements from high fre-~ quency current. The selenium block and.the Eatunation choke are,prot4ated by the' capacitor C and the resistor R The oscillator if switched on by closing 'the i contacts (9~ and.(10) in the pr&ry winding cf-rcuit of t-he oscillator transformer Normal arc,excitation and stable obtained with about, 2 amps current, and the oscillator is switched off during the welding procesg. Anarc -osciilo- gram is shown (Fig. 3).'~ The technical data of the V33G-70 welding rectifier~arex primary voltage - 220 or 380 volts; no-load voltage 61,i -iolts; , nominal ~second- nominal'welding current 70 W~Pz; rrent'ad- voltage 12 volts; welding cu card 3/7 89716 3/12 -/60/000/912/012/014 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-Wall Work - A16i/AO30 Justment ranges., low current -:2-22 amp, strong~ourrent 7785~amps;~, crater filling time - 1.5 16 see; outer dimensions 9, 30X 764x mm; to tal. tie 200 kg. The first~trial lo-t- of tthese rectifiers is under test in,practical work conditions.. There are 5 figures and 2.referencer, of. which I is Soviet andIEng-,, ASSOCIATION. SUBMITTED: May 23, 196.0 Card 4/7 )12/014--J~ 12/( S1125160106010 Rectifier for Gas-Shielded Welding of Thin-, 0 A161/AO3 -Wall Work Figure I i- TC _'Power,transformer; IT-satura-. '/-control tion choke; OC-feedbac*k winding; 0 winding; Y3V,-crater filling system;f3C-power rectifier; OC-oscillator; P -oscillator dis-, cc charges;TPI,.TPII,~,TPIII-auxiliary transfon- - l ies Mer windings; 7blocking. Connections for the J A.C. chake'viindings: for the low-current range to connect., on Oy. the KI-K2 terminals; .,for high current range al 17P connect the K to, . and KI-'j2. ter7 7-7 minals.- A 171 .1 12 Card 5/7 I I I 1 T] A 88220 S/110/60/000/010/PO7/014 E194/E455, 'A Universal Welding Rectifier With-a Wide Range, of Control of~ Voltage and Current dismissed in.turn because of various defects, :A universal supply having either level or.drooping volt-ampere characteristics can be:: obtained from a static supply source consisting of a step-down three-phase transf ormer, a variable,inductance and a rectift erI unI ~Thelinductance is in series with thehigh-'or low-voltage side of~ ''the.transformer and the load is suppliedAhrough the rectifier- 'This gives of'naturally drooping,external characteristics each -curve aorres Iponding to a certain value.of inductance, Flat ''volt-ampere characteristics are obtained by automatically altering of the,power.circuit., the load. The principle s- underlying this Idea. I are,,explained. The most,:suitable form of variable ~ i;ductan,ce is a. saturating choke whIch can be used to provide.flat ext4rnal:characteristics,by-alteration-:in.the inductance of the:ch6ke. A schematic circuit diagram of the -equipment is given -and -explained. If-it is' necessary- to improve the dynamic characteristics~of:Ahe equipmentS.,a.power magnetic ,amplifier of suitable design may,.be used. as a,, variable inductance.. Card 2/4 S/125/61/000/006/009/010 D04O/DIl2_ AUTHORS: D'yachkov, B. A., Zaks, M I. Ry kin, L. TITLE: Welding rectifier.with elastive and failing characteristics PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no..6, 1961t 63-72. TEXT: VNIIESO has,developeda new, E~ CJ (VSU),type weldingrectifiersuit-, able. for automatic gas-shielded as viell as,for.manual arc welding,. .The first and VSU-500 units1have been completed, and production is planned-to. start during 1961. The circuit diagram (Fig. .1) and. pho~'ograph:,(Pig. 10) (With removed casing) of the VSU-300 'are givens and its operation isl"describ- ed. The VSU represents an improvement, forthe existing Soviet rectifiers do not adjust the work voltage smoothly under load and work with,other than elastive characteristics. The VSU includes special saturation.chokes. Its i.e. both elastive and steep falling characteristics,are,'obtained SiS4- from P. feed source con bing of a step--down transformer, saturation choke and~scraiconductor rectifier.uni-L110%The outpiit,voltage of the rectifier:re- mains stable within 1 v at 5 to voltage variations'in,the network.~:Two, -r-aphs show the elastive and the stee I a p falling,characteri,sti,s, (Fig.2,and 3). ,The technical data are (Table 3)i Card l/ 5