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;ACCESSION NR: AP4028452 S/0181/64/606)U/ 203/12 'Ec -0.13 ev and an FVI+0#22, :a.-num al SUB CODEs _df i d .4 ABSiR, 1---ei be Ween v to F#O-. e eX.-,, Ff 6 r a 1: -thrae--~,- a one of--~th6_.7._d -s .of:dlectrons'n,ction. --. .. - ---- 11 ~~he"Atl GMP"- raitut6-,,~~idfi i0, ead activat n--.6 -aingle', and -.-doiible:*.~Vadindida~-,-.,i'-"- Included ~ 1 1. - . 't - , - I -- , ~v . ; - asal ..., 108i, .1 1 - .1*~~ Y.1 - *iwr I . ft eif, I Ar: a ~i pile, rl - ~.. , ~ ~ : r , :.- " " - * -. , '. -.;,, ~ ". * . ~! - .. -*. c i~ - -, .. - -3 : ~- - ` i !~ -' : . - d~ " ; , 0 .. ACCESSTO'.\1'NR: AP4029700 'AUTHOR: Matveyev, 3. A. Ry*vkin., S.._m TI LE: S1 'Econ spectrometric detectors with a wide sensitivity range SOURCE: Ato, naya energiya, v- 16,, no. 4, 1964, 356-359 TOPTC Ir .-AGS: spectrom-etric counter, monocrystal silicon, hole type conduct!VI*- Y, 'ithium diffusion, lithium. ion, 'on-, rar-;-o z)ar ticle, signal to noise ratio electron ~ho_le pair, beta spectrum, --amma spectrurn, spec-Lrornetr-, RA'T: T- of the ABST "I he~desirrn,and production techno-og L xperimental n-i-pl y counters with a 2-m rn wide senstive layerL by the Fhys~co~.ecT-T- dieveioped L L -cle. Institute the SSSR Academy of Sciences, are described in th.-s ar z:; eyam_ a These counters can me aSure the energy beta- U i s energy 7-irotons deuter -id a' quanza,,and heavy particles (such as high- ons, z., 1-5~a ,h degree of accurac -,)a rticles) a, hig Y.~ s- _-,~ cca Dlate consisting off three layers with dissirnilar conductivity: the n- /2 ,~Cc-:Ssiov NR- -,:AP40297.00 a n d; 1 ave r i have a lot,7 snecific resistance; the is a region .0 Z int-riasic conduct i*vitt y. The best snectrometric performance is !a at 50 1 to. 11-00 volts and a1bout 190 to 210K.- These detector Is were used to datermine t he beta ind p, a -, wr i aspectra of CS137. The o-,)ti! is~ obtained at about 200K; the ampli- fier's iinharent aolse am ounts to about 6 Kev. Detectors with an A ef-fecti;vc o-.-,aration area of.0.5, cm2 have been developed for the -tud Y o f: h -- possi-ble reductio n of the noise effect on the resolving power., -he auzhors are greatly indebted to 1. A. Lebadeva for her assis- t ance -;r, the production of the samples and to N- B. Strok- an for his assiszance in making ~ ::he --easuren, en.ts Orig. art. has. 7 _9 u r A S S 0 C I AT 10 N none S U MI TT E D 06Sep63 DATE ACQ: OlMay64 EN. CL 00 SU3 CO DC-: N P i NO -RE F SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 2/2. ", fi I e-i7 7 , t.-.- -, ~ -. 7~. . e; ? , I ; ~ - t at~- e--- 0d,i,,,-gpn;;eh e~vdiaQ.'a-z cepd- i~,-~th ii~ t an- on th o)~~ L to-. f 6 0 g i-on-s.;. 01 --ASSOCIATION: .qau - , - - -., ~ - it ~C.L- -.- .~ 7 1 . . - . i alict-I'v ... - * - .- . II-"! -, -.. '-., . ~: 4".--:-, ~ ~, I -,-f. !,-- 6 1 414 ermanium. "InJe6tion in~-a-~'p-t'-n'~"diodi6.:.,4ai�'~iised f6r`prod~~i~ triatioli "a --h Ig concen _d met- h A` in:: prepaiat on.~o bf non-equilibrium -Parriers,.-.:Th*e_' 6 t-use ffie es with :a:. -duratic --.'2 psec an a- pr c hescribed,.~. Square puls d 00-'cps ..were used, g a high'-injection le; e;l.,'7-*.:_.Th~e_ shape~,of tfie emiss'16fi- kor producin v ~spectra~xemains:,tl w in a prf range ~ of: 200-306 cps.:, this'd indicates ~that,Ahe niection curren -64 -tic es:'n'ot heat the speckens;.tq~'any' great degree., --'The _entire-.~spectr'm_:~ 'is sb iiii ~'6rd_tfie~low-energy 'side ~, when- -,_the--:c u-rT-en;t-,!.- d0n s-it~,-~ is%-Increase'd. lt~` Tb~e_- magnitu'Ae,,~,`6 shift depends on ~the _e_ffb'c'tiv'e-- r-e duct 6h in"the wi th of the_~ ur d to Coulomb interaction., An: increase in '.the,:c ~'-in,.th6'- ng7,wave,,,regioz rent ens t3 ttum generates.:a,new.:~:.Lorig-wavec,radiat on,- n!,,, ihe.emission,spec ~Mditioh~_to..'. shift x _u -spectrum toward the low-4nergy:si Ais 6eases with -currefit'i -The .-aut -lilors i .,,SGVInber&-,an 0 stahtifi6v,,f( seful con ,i,sult aiion j_~ and iii'.'.b6nducting xthe exper Ai -4 hasf:~ .:art v 7n, I I, I ~ M, G/ SUBM ~,`DATE - E--~ 40V UB CODE: Si 5A Ab 6 g $5- "77 AMYat M k, 2/ 2, Ir IF AY N.B. ;iiW'i i 000 -me I-- v ra ons -4fthEi density and -4: fre(pi (approximately Iso Koji if, 0 ea. or. t 0 mm' ~9ng,13pec.-] riod ~ A- theory, of m --' . A: -'. - i': ~ - ~. . --.' _i. '- -I-_ In c ACC NRt AP50289121 ~SOURCE- 'UR/002-0/65/ ev.- AUTHOR: Ryvkin, - S.' M. -,-Matwi~ -6 .~::~Stro an'., N.-'~ B.-:~ usalnov diskus''s-'eid.." doped 'dep~p thi efieirgi b I 2~ke'~'_I.and 1---.Ji~~ tion -1 .1 of. -- ytquant f the 'o t.1 Mii be rs witfi-.a; ~w )btain '-a L.ine-i'-64 04800-67 FWT(-!) /F.WT(n-',/FWP(L,) ~FTF T jP (g'j___jTL_ -AZT__NR, AP6024477, SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/007/2124/2129 AUTHOR: Dobrego, V. P.; Ryvkin, S..M.;,Shlim c' I_S. ORG: Physicotechnical.Institute im. A. F.' Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (F,Iziko-teknicheskir 0.1 EM11-M-R~- ns 1. U i TITLE: Radiative inter-impurity recombination ingarmanium SOURCE: FiZika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 19669 2124-2129 TOPIC TAGS:. germanium, photoconductivity, impurity center, recombination radiation, low temperature research, pbonon. ABSTRACT: This is a continue:tion of earlier investigations of the photoconductivity~ of germanium at helium temperatures and at sufficiently large concentration.of shallow impurities (jump photoconductivity) (FTT V. 6,,1203, :L964), where itwas shown that the main recombination process under these conditions is inter-impurity recombin tion., The present.~ investigation is'an attempt to confirm the presence of..inter- impurity transitions in germanium by direct observation of the radiation connected with.such transitions. The particular transitions considered were arsenic ga.1lium,' arid antimony - gallium in germanium at 2K The arsenic and gallium impurities vere pIroduced by irradiating the original germanium in a reactor. The',original.germanium, contained v arious amounts of antimony. The sample was excited with continuous vh-ite Card 1/2 n4ano-67 ACC NR. AP602h477 light andthe investigated recombination:,radiat.ion was registered at instants,between the excitation pulses. A monochromator.and a photoresistor were.used to,analyze the radiation. The gallium-arsenicliecombination spectrum contains two lines correspond- ing to phononless transitions and to transmi a single longitu- ,~ion with emissionlof dinal acoustic phonon. The antimo --gallium, transition spectrum correBponds to-tran- sition spectrum spectrum corresponds to transitions:with emissio.nof,'a longitudinal. acoustic phonon. It is concluded that the I preIsenc,e er-impuriIty recombination. in germanium is confirmed by the present experiments both as.a,whole, and in its de- tails which involve the none ilibrium distribution of impurities and the dependence qui of the recombination probability on the distances,between them. Orig. art-has: A* figures, I formula, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:, 18Dec651 ORIG REF: 001/ oTH m7: oo6,, 212 a Es Car L-04144-67, EWPCeVaT AC~~026683 A UT HOR: Veynger, A.J. Ryvkin, S. 14. I ORG: Physics Engineering Institute Im. A. F., loffe, AN SSSRj: Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhni- cheskiy.. institut N SSSR) TITLE: A study 6~ optical, charge transfer In silicon carbide by the EPR method SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8, 1966 2355-2359 TOPIC TAGS: EPR spectrumi' silicon carbide, optic property om P&.e i ry v Fu r elc ABSTRACT: This article studies optical. charge transfer of the 6H variant of silicon carbide. alloyed with nitrogen and compensated aluminum.. EPR was used to obiperve carrier concen- f charges in. the centers. Change In EPR signal strength in relation to illurnin 'atio n o the speciment permitted the number of Impurii~-center parameters in siliconcarbide to be measured. Long-wave optical probing is sometimes used to trace very important concentra- 1 tion of inhomogeneous carriers in the permitted, zones and the charge concentrated on impuri-- "ties when studying nonequillbrium, processes., particularly those involving o ptical charge tr fer of impurities in semiconductors.: on the other hand, in some cases the charge concentrate on impurity centers determines EPR signal strength associated. with these centers. Change in this concentration may also be traced by means of EPR to give unambiguous identification of ze of g-factor. Obvious drawbacks of EPR probing are this level for superfine structure and si Card 1/2 L 01826-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP( t)./E'FI IJP(0 JD/JG/AT NRt AP6030951 SOURCE CODE, IJR/0181/66/008/009/2~~6[2~o57 q AUTHOR: Zibuts, Yu. A. Paritskiy, L. G. Ryvkin, S. M.; Dokholyan, Zh.' G~_/5 :ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. lo ff e SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-teMniche skiy institut AN SSSR) an MTLE: Photoelectric properties of silicon with copper, molybdenuffi, d.: platinum impurities. 4_1 SOURCE:' Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 80 no. 9, 19663 2549-2557 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, silicon semiconductor, photoelectric pro t per Y, silicon semico'nductor,impurity, semiconductor impurity.,~ photoconductivity, relaxation,.~ carrier capture, electron capture, photon capture, iriipurity center;,-,b excitation d ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the spectra an kineticsofjmpurity:..-.,. hotoconductivit of silicondoped with copper,. molybdenum, and platinum.::The _y Ikeffective cross-sections of electron and photon capture at the copper. and molybdenurr levels were determined.- The characteristics of photoconductivity relaxation in Si(W) sampleswe're analyz ed'and. explained. Samples of Si(Pt) were used to studythe laws :1/Z .rd C -'t A519-'L AIS TT IR(c) -WG/M?iiar- ALL NK: AP603o966 souRcE CODE: uR/ol6l/66/oo8/009/2668/2671- Likhachev, V. A.; Rrrkin S. M.; Salmanov 'V. M.', AUTHOR: Volkova,'N. V. Yaroshetskiy, I. D.:: ORG: ~Physicotechnical1nstitute'im. A. F. Ioffe'AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN.SSSR) :TITLE: Destructionlor LiF !single crystals by laser radiation.- :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogoltela, v. 8 no. 9, 1966:0 2668-2671 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride,:1aser radiation, laser effect crystal defect, Crystal, dislocation phenomenon, laser r and a ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier studies of damage to transparent die- lectrics by laser.radiation:(ZhETF v. 50 1187 i966), where principal~,attention was -paid to amorphous substances.. The present~article deal.s,with.the effect,of the ener- .gy,.Contained in the laser-pulselon the general evolution of1damage to. - sinil6_crystal .LiF and describes the disloc "a tion.stru,ctuIre 11 in the cleavage,,s.urface.s. `TheIexperi-, mental procedure is similar to that described:in~the.earlierpaper. A' Pulsed neodymium glass laserwas used h the .:light beam directed-always along the (001) crystal axis. Damage occurred at density.exceeding 100 J/CM2. corresponding to N 0.2 x 106._W/cm2~ At this.thresli6ld value,~:damage.ii5ually~stairted 1/2 L 115779-~A FEC (k) -2/ZQ (j) 1) 4=( MO TJ 4) RM 4TH A-n /I-- Opgo -16616661 Wolft 660ffS5/2717 AUTHOR: Ashkinadze, Be M.; Likhachev, V. A.; Ryvkinj S. M.; Salmanov V. M.~ Tomashevskiy, E. Ye.; Yaroshetskiy, I. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSH, Leningkad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR): TITLE: Occurrence of paramagnetic centers in polymers under the effect of laser radiation :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9ji-1966, 2T3572737 TOPIC TAGS; laser radiation, laser effect, laser rand d, polymethylmethacrylate,~-.... polystyrene, electron paramagnetic.resonance ABSTRACT: The authors report observation of paramagnetic~.centers in polymethyl~.':.-"~..,~ ethacrylate(I (FMKA) and po~ZstXrenej(PS),under the influence of radiationefrom puls7d ruby.: and ae6dymium lasers (0,69 and.1.08 p, resp ctively) and ~ also:.:.: e under the . influence of a giant-pulse neodymium laser. The.sampleG (201mm long, 7 mm dia) were investigated in 6 standard radiospectrome,ter, using a procedure aced described earlier (ZhETF V. 50, 11-87 (1966). In both materials, clearly pronoun ~7 . d ced electron parampgnetic resonance (EPR) was observed above a certain threshold radi- 1 ~PR spec "-;SCa ation. The,1 fra AtIff C(Ird 1/2 L 45779-66 ACC NR: AP6030971 lines characterized by g factors close to 2.002 and small-vidth-,~I-and 3 Oe-between--- maximum-slope points for PMMA and.PS, respectively). The Curie lawAs satisfied.for the E~R signals from PMRA, but not PS. Theabserved paramagnetic ceniemhave a,con- centratioii estimated at- It, 4,-x ;P15,cm-_.1_and are. Aifference was:seen between the he rubyPand neodymium laser, or_.7pqtXeejk..,o I~di. ""ry airqai -t'-. effect of t an pulses. The paramagnetic centers appeared only--in the.pre-Senee-of cracXs produced-iq--~ the material by.the laser radiation. In view of some unusual--features of the ob-. served paramagnetic centers (absence of macroradicals and absence of hyperfine struc-. ture),it is difficult to draw definite conclusions concerning,their nature,:but it -is suggested that they may be the results of,the.decomposition of the polymers,.under the influence of the laser beam. The differences between the centers of PMKA and PS may be caused either by differences in the centers themselves,.or by differences in (021 their local concentration. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: .28Feb66/ ORIG REF: oo4/ ATD PRESS: 5085 ~ca 2/2 rd L 29621-66 EWT(m)Zj/EV1P(t)/ET1 IJP(c) JQ ACC NR, AP6018748 SOURCE CODE: :uR/0057/66/036/PO6/1146/1148 AUTHOR: Arkad'yeva, Ye. Matveyev, 0. A.; Rud" Yu. V.- ~Mkin,' S. M. 4 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute.4m. A., F. Ioffe, AN:SSSR, Leningrad-.(Fizlko tekhnicheskiy institut AN~SSSR) -TITLE: The possibility,of using,cadmium telluride for making n-j? gamma-quanta'. detectorstf, SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1146-1140 TOPIC TAGS: gamma detector, beta detector radiation counter, particle counter~-:~ ABS TRACT: Tests were made to investi gate th e possibility of recording gamma-quanta with the aid of n-p transitions basedon cadmium telluride., To co*nsitruct4 highly efficientsemiconductor n-p counter for operation'in a suitable temperature.range, a material with a high atomic number and a sufficiently wide, forbidden band should be used. The specimens were therefore prepared from CdTe.crystals with n-type.cou-. by means of lithium diffusion. A sensitive layer approximately 200 p thick was obtained as a result of,the drift of Li-ions in the n-p transition field. The 'mobility of the Li- ions in CdTe was determined to be ap IprIoIximately, X~10-10 CM2/v. 'The reverse,curre see, i.e., it.,was suffi6iently,high. nt of such a -structure was.approximately 10-78-amp. The,relatively weak de .. endence~of Capacity on,~ .-voltage at high voltages shows that the transition is.structurally similar,to the Card 1/2 Mr!' 539,107,45; L 32634-66 FBD/E-NT (I)JEWP(a) IMI (m) EBC~(k)_ 1P,(X_)_ 1JP(0__WG WH T . ' 1 7 1201 ACC NR, AP6018797 SOURCE?/CrDE. `b~/00%%6/050/ "I AU-,tiOR: Ashkinadze, B. M.,;Nladimirov, V. I. Likhachev, V. A. Be 14 almanov, V.:M.; Yaroshetskiyy -I. D. ORG: Fkysicotechnical Institute im. A. F. I ~tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) 'TITLE: Breakdown of transparent dielectrics-by intenselaser radiation SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, l966, 1187 1, TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, laser effect, laser radiationY.phonon interaction, ABSTRACT: The transparent dielectrics investigated.,were alkali-halide, single crYs- polymers (polymethyl methacrylate and- (LiF, NaCl, CsI, KBr KI iand oth rs), polystyrene), and glasses'fa~ilicate glasq~and fu sed.quartzi?.,. by neo uml _ML 15and neo -lasers generating 1.79 and 1. 17- ~`e`v phot. o ni-i~_,"-r! espectively, were: used at f irst, but.y.hen it was found that the breakdown was qualitatively.the same' for.polarized (ruby) and unpolarized (neodymium) radiation, only the latter was used, since it could operate ~in both the ordinary (29-j).and giant-pulse (2.j) modes. The,diagram of., the experi- Ment is given in-Fig..I. were parallelepipeds.with polished faces of: varying lengths and cross.sections. Thecharacter.of the breakdown was examined under a microscope and its size'measwed with a ftorizontal,,coaqwator., laser-- induced breakdown begins in loc ations, expo 11 sedto high 11ight-flux intensity and spreadi to. lower- intensity regions. In the case of focused beams,' no destruction "occurs be ~hind the focal point. The breakdo wn occ Iu.ra-in very.short timeintervals shorter tbaq- Card 11-2- L 32634-66 ACC NR, AP6018797 77/p 8 8 -1. Diagram of expe iment. 1 7. F ig., r 16 31- 7_ Totally reflecting mirror or rotating ruby or neodymium rod, 3 prism, 2, ~.partially reflecting mirror or plane- pars, e1 plat e, 4 - light filter, 5 2. 3 4 S /0 17 15 It 13 ,.,plane parallel-plate, 6,10,14 neutral ..filters, 12 - tested sample, 7,11,13, lenses, 8,15 -photodiodes, 9,16 oscilloscopes. the length of the light pulse) and develops independently at various points of the solid. Estimates of stresses.caused by the.-hypers.onic wave duetothe laser beam in- dicate that local effects play a substantial role in the breakdown process. In the .,case.of an ordinary laser pulse,,the breakdown mechanism is governed by the'peak 'power, whereas in the case:of a',giant.pulse the decisive, energyo; ..,The cause of the breakdown is shown tobeconne6ted with the action of coherent B acoustic phonons the course of a stimulated~. rillouin scattering~ thermal effects being secondary. Study of the breakdown.makes possible compari. son of volume and surface strengths.of the material and can-be used,to evaluate the- time of phon.on coherence loss,~*hich is found to be ofthe order Of 6 gsec for poly- P. methacrylate. The authors thank B. Konstafitinov,for continuous; interest and valuable disdussions, and A' M. aokhorov. P. P.:Pashinin ~A.:V. Prokhindeyev, -N. Filimonovai _G, V. Vladimirova,'. G. M. Malyshev F.. F. Ifitman, V. P. 1Pukh, and G. A. "t 'Malygin forhelp-vith theexperiments and for discussions. bil4g.. art. has-:- 10 fig- [021 ures and ll.formulas.1 P/ -30Nov56/ -Ward ~ '2'/2 ~ SUB'CODE-17 207 S MM' DA179: QRIG~'REP: 004/- OTH REF: 004 ATD ACC NR, AF003,1017 CA W)0-1, 'b~/olf3l/66/0(y.','/011/3432/-54' SOURCE CODE: A HOR: UTI Likhachev, V. A.; Ryvkin,, S., M.; S,almariov, V., M. iYaroshetskiy, ~I., D. 7-1 ORG: iPhysicotechnical InstiEuTe Im. P. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Denin ad (Fiziko~ gr institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Fatigue under optical d amage to transparent:dielectrics SOURCE: Fizika tverdo o tela, v.:8, no. 11, 1966, 3432-3434 -I'TOPIC TAGS: fatigue strength, dielectric material' polymethylmethacrylatei poly_, styrene, laser effect, irradiationidamage, crack,propagation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of (ZhETF v -, 50, 2735, 1966),, an.d.,con-Al- -tains more detailed information on the fatigue produced during opticaldestruction of transparent bodies in polymers (polymethylmethacrylate,and polystyrene).: the ex- perimental procedure,was the.,same as' in the earlier investigation. To e radiation was a neodymium laser operating in theordinary-pulse mode. Thettests co'n- sist,ed.of determining the influence of energy on the.-number ofirradiations necessary;:~ for the first visible crack in the material to appear or the change in the dimension; of.the damaged region,with,changing.number of pulses. Com arison of the results of P. the two tests has shown -that the true threshold of optical strength is approximately one-third as high as expected from an analysis of results of produced by single irradiation. An investigation was made of the nature of~the irreversible', changes dueto the fatigue occurring at pulse~energies lower than,critical (necessaryi, 1/2 Card SOURCE CODEI P/018,1/66/608/011/3226/3231 ACC AP6036962 Card 1/2 ~~ I --I- ABRAMOV, V.A.; AIXKS.NYXW, A.M.; ALITM. L.B.; ARAKELYAN. A.A.; BAKTANOT, G.I BASOVA, I.A.; BLYUM111, I.G.; BOGGHOLOV, O.T.; BOR, M.Z.; 13REGELI, E.,Ya.; VINYTSMAIT, IT.R.; VIKENTIYEV A I.; GALITSOV.,A.D.~ GERTSOVSKAYA,, B.R.; GIADKOV. LA.;:DVCRKlN, I.N. DRAGILEV. M.S.;~YEFIMOV, A.R.:, "HAMIN., V.A.; ZHUK, &I.N.; ZARYATKIN, V.11.; lGNATfYEVp: D.I.; ILUNIP M.A.; IL1111, S.S., 1OFFE, Ya.A.; KAYE, V.A.; KAMENITSER. S.Ye.; KATS, A..I.; KLIXOT, A.G.; KOZLOV, G.A.; KOWIANOV, M.Y.; KONTGROVICH, V.G.; IMAYEV, M.A.; KRONROD, Ya.A.; LAKHRAN, I.L.; LIVANSKAYA, F.V.-, IA)GOVIIISKAYA. R.L.; LYUBOSHITS, L.I.;,MALYSH, L; M, ZHINSKIY, FU Ye.A.; MIKKAYLOVil, P.Ya.; MOISEYEV. M.I.; MOSKVIN P.M NOTKIN, A.I.; PARTIGUL, S.P.; PFAVUSHIN, S.P.; PETROV. Al: ;i~Ri6HOV, A.M.,, PODGORITOVA, V.M.; RABINOVICH, M,A.; RYYKIN,.S.S _RY14DINA M.N.;. SAIKSAG-411SKIY, T.D.; SAMSONOT,.L.N.; SMMG[OV, B.M.;: SOKOLIkHIN. S.I.. SOLLMTIITSKAYA, Ye.l.; SUDARIKOV, A.A.; TATAR. S.K.; TRU24TtYhY, P.V.-,; TYAGAY.. Ye.Ya.,- FETGIN. Ya.G.; FIGURNOV, P.K..; FRUMK.IN,,,AiB. TSYUIN, L.M.; SHA.HBIRG. V.M.;, SHAPIRO, A. L; SHCHEIIKOV.. S.A:.; HYDBLIMAN. B.I.; 12HIN, P.E.. MITROFAITOVA, S.. red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N. [Concise dictionary of economics] Kratkii.ekonomicheakii slovar'.. -Moskva, Gos.izd-Vo Polit.lit-rY, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Economics-Dictionaries) 403 74, 8/17 62100)100910921010, Y BJOB B 1,04 2 AUTHOI'id: Yermakov, Y. G., Xondrashov, N. G. , Perellman, T. L., Romashko, Ye. A vkim, V. B. TITLE: Teml~erature field in a cylindrical reactor fU el element cooled b a turbulent flow of liquid.: PER I O'D Ill, G A It inzhenerno-I'Lizicheskiy zhurnal v -5, no. 9, 1962i 38-43 TEXT rilie teriperZtu:ve field- of a indrical.rod heated.from- inside and Cyl t he outside a S s+udied theoreticallyL in. order to gain insi,-h-U. into tne processes of he~at transfer within a reactor core.. Por' siTopli'C i ty the heat transfer between rod and coolantLis assumed to be convecLive, oolant flow to be turbulent (heatinS. of 'the entire i,u d.",...- fjoVj),1-iAnd 1-he~heat conductivity as well as all parameters of the prob em, t I I I I const jSL ants. The problem of stationary hea transfer Card 1 /4 "Tfirr-jr . idat tekhnichookikh nauk. ;ACCESSION NR: AP4028452 S/0181/64/606)U/ 203/12 'Ec -0.13 ev and an FVI+0#22, :a.-num al SUB CODEs _df i d .4 ABSiR, 1---ei be Ween v to F#O-. e eX.-,, Ff 6 r a 1: -thrae--~,- a one of--~th6_.7._d -s .of:dlectrons'n,ction. --. .. - ---- 11 ~~he"Atl GMP"- raitut6-,,~~idfi i0, ead activat n--.6 -aingle', and -.-doiible:*.~Vadindida~-,-.,i'-"- Included ~ 1 1. - . 't - , - I -- , ~v . ; - asal ..., 108i, .1 1 - .1*~~ Y.1 - *iwr I . ft eif, I Ar: a ~i pile, rl - ~.. , ~ ~ : r , :.- " " - * -. , '. -.;,, ~ ". * . ~! - .. -*. c i~ - -, .. - -3 : ~- - ` i !~ -' : . - d~ " ; , 0 .. ACCESSTO'.\1'NR: AP4029700 'AUTHOR: Matveyev, 3. A. Ry*vkin., S.._m TI LE: S1 'Econ spectrometric detectors with a wide sensitivity range SOURCE: Ato, naya energiya, v- 16,, no. 4, 1964, 356-359 TOPTC Ir .-AGS: spectrom-etric counter, monocrystal silicon, hole type conduct!VI*- Y, 'ithium diffusion, lithium. ion, 'on-, rar-;-o z)ar ticle, signal to noise ratio electron ~ho_le pair, beta spectrum, --amma spectrurn, spec-Lrornetr-, RA'T: T- of the ABST "I he~desirrn,and production techno-og L xperimental n-i-pl y counters with a 2-m rn wide senstive layerL by the Fhys~co~.ecT-T- dieveioped L L -cle. Institute the SSSR Academy of Sciences, are described in th.-s ar z:; eyam_ a These counters can me aSure the energy beta- U i s energy 7-irotons deuter -id a' quanza,,and heavy particles (such as high- ons, z., 1-5~a ,h degree of accurac -,)a rticles) a, hig Y.~ s- _-,~ cca Dlate consisting off three layers with dissirnilar conductivity: the n- /2 ,~Cc-:Ssiov NR- -,:AP40297.00 a n d; 1 ave r i have a lot,7 snecific resistance; the is a region .0 Z int-riasic conduct i*vitt y. The best snectrometric performance is !a at 50 1 to. 11-00 volts and a1bout 190 to 210K.- These detector Is were used to datermine t he beta ind p, a -, wr i aspectra of CS137. The o-,)ti! is~ obtained at about 200K; the ampli- fier's iinharent aolse am ounts to about 6 Kev. Detectors with an A ef-fecti;vc o-.-,aration area of.0.5, cm2 have been developed for the -tud Y o f: h -- possi-ble reductio n of the noise effect on the resolving power., -he auzhors are greatly indebted to 1. A. Lebadeva for her assis- t ance -;r, the production of the samples and to N- B. Strok- an for his assiszance in making ~ ::he --easuren, en.ts Orig. art. has. 7 _9 u r A S S 0 C I AT 10 N none S U MI TT E D 06Sep63 DATE ACQ: OlMay64 EN. CL 00 SU3 CO DC-: N P i NO -RE F SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 2/2. ", fi I e-i7 7 , t.-.- -, ~ -. 7~. . e; ? , I ; ~ - t at~- e--- 0d,i,,,-gpn;;eh e~vdiaQ.'a-z cepd- i~,-~th ii~ t an- on th o)~~ L to-. f 6 0 g i-on-s.;. 01 --ASSOCIATION: .qau - , - - -., ~ - it ~C.L- -.- .~ 7 1 . . - . i alict-I'v ... - * - .- . II-"! -, -.. '-., . ~: 4".--:-, ~ ~, I -,-f. !,-- 6 1 414 ermanium. "InJe6tion in~-a-~'p-t'-n'~"diodi6.:.,4ai�'~iised f6r`prod~~i~ triatioli "a --h Ig concen _d met- h A` in:: prepaiat on.~o bf non-equilibrium -Parriers,.-.:Th*e_' 6 t-use ffie es with :a:. -duratic --.'2 psec an a- pr c hescribed,.~. Square puls d 00-'cps ..were used, g a high'-injection le; e;l.,'7-*.:_.Th~e_ shape~,of tfie emiss'16fi- kor producin v ~spectra~xemains:,tl w in a prf range ~ of: 200-306 cps.:, this'd indicates ~that,Ahe niection curren -64 -tic es:'n'ot heat the speckens;.tq~'any' great degree., --'The _entire-.~spectr'm_:~ 'is sb iiii ~'6rd_tfie~low-energy 'side ~, when- -,_the--:c u-rT-en;t-,!.- d0n s-it~,-~ is%-Increase'd. lt~` Tb~e_- magnitu'Ae,,~,`6 shift depends on ~the _e_ffb'c'tiv'e-- r-e duct 6h in"the wi th of the_~ ur d to Coulomb interaction., An: increase in '.the,:c ~'-in,.th6'- ng7,wave,,,regioz rent ens t3 ttum generates.:a,new.:~:.Lorig-wavec,radiat on,- n!,,, ihe.emission,spec ~Mditioh~_to..'. shift x _u -spectrum toward the low-4nergy:si Ais 6eases with -currefit'i -The .-aut -lilors i .,,SGVInber&-,an 0 stahtifi6v,,f( seful con ,i,sult aiion j_~ and iii'.'.b6nducting xthe exper Ai -4 hasf:~ .:art v 7n, I I, I ~ M, G/ SUBM ~,`DATE - E--~ 40V UB CODE: Si 5A Ab 6 g $5- "77 AMYat M k, 2/ 2, Ir IF AY N.B. ;iiW'i i 000 -me I-- v ra ons -4fthEi density and -4: fre(pi (approximately Iso Koji if, 0 ea. or. t 0 mm' ~9ng,13pec.-] riod ~ A- theory, of m --' . A: -'. - i': ~ - ~. . --.' _i. '- -I-_ In c ACC NRt AP50289121 ~SOURCE- 'UR/002-0/65/ ev.- AUTHOR: Ryvkin, - S.' M. -,-Matwi~ -6 .~::~Stro an'., N.-'~ B.-:~ usalnov diskus''s-'eid.." doped 'dep~p thi efieirgi b I 2~ke'~'_I.and 1---.Ji~~ tion -1 .1 of. -- ytquant f the 'o t.1 Mii be rs witfi-.a; ~w )btain '-a L.ine-i'-64 04800-67 FWT(-!) /F.WT(n-',/FWP(L,) ~FTF T jP (g'j___jTL_ -AZT__NR, AP6024477, SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/007/2124/2129 AUTHOR: Dobrego, V. P.; Ryvkin, S..M.;,Shlim c' I_S. ORG: Physicotechnical.Institute im. A. F.' Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (F,Iziko-teknicheskir 0.1 EM11-M-R~- ns 1. U i TITLE: Radiative inter-impurity recombination ingarmanium SOURCE: FiZika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 19669 2124-2129 TOPIC TAGS:. germanium, photoconductivity, impurity center, recombination radiation, low temperature research, pbonon. ABSTRACT: This is a continue:tion of earlier investigations of the photoconductivity~ of germanium at helium temperatures and at sufficiently large concentration.of shallow impurities (jump photoconductivity) (FTT V. 6,,1203, :L964), where itwas shown that the main recombination process under these conditions is inter-impurity recombin tion., The present.~ investigation is'an attempt to confirm the presence of..inter- impurity transitions in germanium by direct observation of the radiation connected with.such transitions. The particular transitions considered were arsenic ga.1lium,' arid antimony - gallium in germanium at 2K The arsenic and gallium impurities vere pIroduced by irradiating the original germanium in a reactor. The',original.germanium, contained v arious amounts of antimony. The sample was excited with continuous vh-ite Card 1/2 n4ano-67 ACC NR. AP602h477 light andthe investigated recombination:,radiat.ion was registered at instants,between the excitation pulses. A monochromator.and a photoresistor were.used to,analyze the radiation. The gallium-arsenicliecombination spectrum contains two lines correspond- ing to phononless transitions and to transmi a single longitu- ,~ion with emissionlof dinal acoustic phonon. The antimo --gallium, transition spectrum correBponds to-tran- sition spectrum spectrum corresponds to transitions:with emissio.nof,'a longitudinal. acoustic phonon. It is concluded that the I preIsenc,e er-impuriIty recombination. in germanium is confirmed by the present experiments both as.a,whole, and in its de- tails which involve the none ilibrium distribution of impurities and the dependence qui of the recombination probability on the distances,between them. Orig. art-has: A* figures, I formula, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:, 18Dec651 ORIG REF: 001/ oTH m7: oo6,, 212 a Es Car L-04144-67, EWPCeVaT AC~~026683 A UT HOR: Veynger, A.J. Ryvkin, S. 14. I ORG: Physics Engineering Institute Im. A. F., loffe, AN SSSRj: Leningrad (Fiziko-tekhni- cheskiy.. institut N SSSR) TITLE: A study 6~ optical, charge transfer In silicon carbide by the EPR method SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8, 1966 2355-2359 TOPIC TAGS: EPR spectrumi' silicon carbide, optic property om P&.e i ry v Fu r elc ABSTRACT: This article studies optical. charge transfer of the 6H variant of silicon carbide. alloyed with nitrogen and compensated aluminum.. EPR was used to obiperve carrier concen- f charges in. the centers. Change In EPR signal strength in relation to illurnin 'atio n o the speciment permitted the number of Impurii~-center parameters in siliconcarbide to be measured. Long-wave optical probing is sometimes used to trace very important concentra- 1 tion of inhomogeneous carriers in the permitted, zones and the charge concentrated on impuri-- "ties when studying nonequillbrium, processes., particularly those involving o ptical charge tr fer of impurities in semiconductors.: on the other hand, in some cases the charge concentrate on impurity centers determines EPR signal strength associated. with these centers. Change in this concentration may also be traced by means of EPR to give unambiguous identification of ze of g-factor. Obvious drawbacks of EPR probing are this level for superfine structure and si Card 1/2 L 01826-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP( t)./E'FI IJP(0 JD/JG/AT NRt AP6030951 SOURCE CODE, IJR/0181/66/008/009/2~~6[2~o57 q AUTHOR: Zibuts, Yu. A. Paritskiy, L. G. Ryvkin, S. M.; Dokholyan, Zh.' G~_/5 :ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. lo ff e SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-teMniche skiy institut AN SSSR) an MTLE: Photoelectric properties of silicon with copper, molybdenuffi, d.: platinum impurities. 4_1 SOURCE:' Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 80 no. 9, 19663 2549-2557 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, silicon semiconductor, photoelectric pro t per Y, silicon semico'nductor,impurity, semiconductor impurity.,~ photoconductivity, relaxation,.~ carrier capture, electron capture, photon capture, iriipurity center;,-,b excitation d ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the spectra an kineticsofjmpurity:..-.,. hotoconductivit of silicondoped with copper,. molybdenum, and platinum.::The _y Ikeffective cross-sections of electron and photon capture at the copper. and molybdenurr levels were determined.- The characteristics of photoconductivity relaxation in Si(W) sampleswe're analyz ed'and. explained. Samples of Si(Pt) were used to studythe laws :1/Z .rd C -'t A519-'L AIS TT IR(c) -WG/M?iiar- ALL NK: AP603o966 souRcE CODE: uR/ol6l/66/oo8/009/2668/2671- Likhachev, V. A.; Rrrkin S. M.; Salmanov 'V. M.', AUTHOR: Volkova,'N. V. Yaroshetskiy, I. D.:: ORG: ~Physicotechnical1nstitute'im. A. F. Ioffe'AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN.SSSR) :TITLE: Destructionlor LiF !single crystals by laser radiation.- :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogoltela, v. 8 no. 9, 1966:0 2668-2671 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride,:1aser radiation, laser effect crystal defect, Crystal, dislocation phenomenon, laser r and a ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier studies of damage to transparent die- lectrics by laser.radiation:(ZhETF v. 50 1187 i966), where principal~,attention was -paid to amorphous substances.. The present~article deal.s,with.the effect,of the ener- .gy,.Contained in the laser-pulselon the general evolution of1damage to. - sinil6_crystal .LiF and describes the disloc "a tion.stru,ctuIre 11 in the cleavage,,s.urface.s. `TheIexperi-, mental procedure is similar to that described:in~the.earlierpaper. A' Pulsed neodymium glass laserwas used h the .:light beam directed-always along the (001) crystal axis. Damage occurred at density.exceeding 100 J/CM2. corresponding to N 0.2 x 106._W/cm2~ At this.thresli6ld value,~:damage.ii5ually~stairted 1/2 L 115779-~A FEC (k) -2/ZQ (j) 1) 4=( MO TJ 4) RM 4TH A-n /I-- Opgo -16616661 Wolft 660ffS5/2717 AUTHOR: Ashkinadze, Be M.; Likhachev, V. A.; Ryvkinj S. M.; Salmanov V. M.~ Tomashevskiy, E. Ye.; Yaroshetskiy, I. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSH, Leningkad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR): TITLE: Occurrence of paramagnetic centers in polymers under the effect of laser radiation :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9ji-1966, 2T3572737 TOPIC TAGS; laser radiation, laser effect, laser rand d, polymethylmethacrylate,~-.... polystyrene, electron paramagnetic.resonance ABSTRACT: The authors report observation of paramagnetic~.centers in polymethyl~.':.-"~..,~ ethacrylate(I (FMKA) and po~ZstXrenej(PS),under the influence of radiationefrom puls7d ruby.: and ae6dymium lasers (0,69 and.1.08 p, resp ctively) and ~ also:.:.: e under the . influence of a giant-pulse neodymium laser. The.sampleG (201mm long, 7 mm dia) were investigated in 6 standard radiospectrome,ter, using a procedure aced described earlier (ZhETF V. 50, 11-87 (1966). In both materials, clearly pronoun ~7 . d ced electron parampgnetic resonance (EPR) was observed above a certain threshold radi- 1 ~PR spec "-;SCa ation. The,1 fra AtIff C(Ird 1/2 L 45779-66 ACC NR: AP6030971 lines characterized by g factors close to 2.002 and small-vidth-,~I-and 3 Oe-between--- maximum-slope points for PMMA and.PS, respectively). The Curie lawAs satisfied.for the E~R signals from PMRA, but not PS. Theabserved paramagnetic ceniemhave a,con- centratioii estimated at- It, 4,-x ;P15,cm-_.1_and are. Aifference was:seen between the he rubyPand neodymium laser, or_.7pqtXeejk..,o I~di. ""ry airqai -t'-. effect of t an pulses. The paramagnetic centers appeared only--in the.pre-Senee-of cracXs produced-iq--~ the material by.the laser radiation. In view of some unusual--features of the ob-. served paramagnetic centers (absence of macroradicals and absence of hyperfine struc-. ture),it is difficult to draw definite conclusions concerning,their nature,:but it -is suggested that they may be the results of,the.decomposition of the polymers,.under the influence of the laser beam. The differences between the centers of PMKA and PS may be caused either by differences in the centers themselves,.or by differences in (021 their local concentration. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: .28Feb66/ ORIG REF: oo4/ ATD PRESS: 5085 ~ca 2/2 rd L 29621-66 EWT(m)Zj/EV1P(t)/ET1 IJP(c) JQ ACC NR, AP6018748 SOURCE CODE: :uR/0057/66/036/PO6/1146/1148 AUTHOR: Arkad'yeva, Ye. Matveyev, 0. A.; Rud" Yu. V.- ~Mkin,' S. M. 4 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute.4m. A., F. Ioffe, AN:SSSR, Leningrad-.(Fizlko tekhnicheskiy institut AN~SSSR) -TITLE: The possibility,of using,cadmium telluride for making n-j? gamma-quanta'. detectorstf, SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1146-1140 TOPIC TAGS: gamma detector, beta detector radiation counter, particle counter~-:~ ABS TRACT: Tests were made to investi gate th e possibility of recording gamma-quanta with the aid of n-p transitions basedon cadmium telluride., To co*nsitruct4 highly efficientsemiconductor n-p counter for operation'in a suitable temperature.range, a material with a high atomic number and a sufficiently wide, forbidden band should be used. The specimens were therefore prepared from CdTe.crystals with n-type.cou-. by means of lithium diffusion. A sensitive layer approximately 200 p thick was obtained as a result of,the drift of Li-ions in the n-p transition field. The 'mobility of the Li- ions in CdTe was determined to be ap IprIoIximately, X~10-10 CM2/v. 'The reverse,curre see, i.e., it.,was suffi6iently,high. nt of such a -structure was.approximately 10-78-amp. The,relatively weak de .. endence~of Capacity on,~ .-voltage at high voltages shows that the transition is.structurally similar,to the Card 1/2 Mr!' 539,107,45; L 32634-66 FBD/E-NT (I)JEWP(a) IMI (m) EBC~(k)_ 1P,(X_)_ 1JP(0__WG WH T . ' 1 7 1201 ACC NR, AP6018797 SOURCE?/CrDE. `b~/00%%6/050/ "I AU-,tiOR: Ashkinadze, B. M.,;Nladimirov, V. I. Likhachev, V. A. Be 14 almanov, V.:M.; Yaroshetskiyy -I. D. ORG: Fkysicotechnical Institute im. A. F. I ~tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) 'TITLE: Breakdown of transparent dielectrics-by intenselaser radiation SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, l966, 1187 1, TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, laser effect, laser radiationY.phonon interaction, ABSTRACT: The transparent dielectrics investigated.,were alkali-halide, single crYs- polymers (polymethyl methacrylate and- (LiF, NaCl, CsI, KBr KI iand oth rs), polystyrene), and glasses'fa~ilicate glasq~and fu sed.quartzi?.,. by neo uml _ML 15and neo -lasers generating 1.79 and 1. 17- ~`e`v phot. o ni-i~_,"-r! espectively, were: used at f irst, but.y.hen it was found that the breakdown was qualitatively.the same' for.polarized (ruby) and unpolarized (neodymium) radiation, only the latter was used, since it could operate ~in both the ordinary (29-j).and giant-pulse (2.j) modes. The,diagram of., the experi- Ment is given in-Fig..I. were parallelepipeds.with polished faces of: varying lengths and cross.sections. Thecharacter.of the breakdown was examined under a microscope and its size'measwed with a ftorizontal,,coaqwator., laser-- induced breakdown begins in loc ations, expo 11 sedto high 11ight-flux intensity and spreadi to. lower- intensity regions. In the case of focused beams,' no destruction "occurs be ~hind the focal point. The breakdo wn occ Iu.ra-in very.short timeintervals shorter tbaq- Card 11-2- L 32634-66 ACC NR, AP6018797 77/p 8 8 -1. Diagram of expe iment. 1 7. F ig., r 16 31- 7_ Totally reflecting mirror or rotating ruby or neodymium rod, 3 prism, 2, ~.partially reflecting mirror or plane- pars, e1 plat e, 4 - light filter, 5 2. 3 4 S /0 17 15 It 13 ,.,plane parallel-plate, 6,10,14 neutral ..filters, 12 - tested sample, 7,11,13, lenses, 8,15 -photodiodes, 9,16 oscilloscopes. the length of the light pulse) and develops independently at various points of the solid. Estimates of stresses.caused by the.-hypers.onic wave duetothe laser beam in- dicate that local effects play a substantial role in the breakdown process. In the .,case.of an ordinary laser pulse,,the breakdown mechanism is governed by the'peak 'power, whereas in the case:of a',giant.pulse the decisive, energyo; ..,The cause of the breakdown is shown tobeconne6ted with the action of coherent B acoustic phonons the course of a stimulated~. rillouin scattering~ thermal effects being secondary. Study of the breakdown.makes possible compari. son of volume and surface strengths.of the material and can-be used,to evaluate the- time of phon.on coherence loss,~*hich is found to be ofthe order Of 6 gsec for poly- P. methacrylate. The authors thank B. Konstafitinov,for continuous; interest and valuable disdussions, and A' M. aokhorov. P. P.:Pashinin ~A.:V. Prokhindeyev, -N. Filimonovai _G, V. Vladimirova,'. G. M. Malyshev F.. F. Ifitman, V. P. 1Pukh, and G. A. "t 'Malygin forhelp-vith theexperiments and for discussions. bil4g.. art. has-:- 10 fig- [021 ures and ll.formulas.1 P/ -30Nov56/ -Ward ~ '2'/2 ~ SUB'CODE-17 207 S MM' DA179: QRIG~'REP: 004/- OTH REF: 004 ATD ACC NR, AF003,1017 CA W)0-1, 'b~/olf3l/66/0(y.','/011/3432/-54' SOURCE CODE: A HOR: UTI Likhachev, V. A.; Ryvkin,, S., M.; S,almariov, V., M. iYaroshetskiy, ~I., D. 7-1 ORG: iPhysicotechnical InstiEuTe Im. P. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Denin ad (Fiziko~ gr institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Fatigue under optical d amage to transparent:dielectrics SOURCE: Fizika tverdo o tela, v.:8, no. 11, 1966, 3432-3434 -I'TOPIC TAGS: fatigue strength, dielectric material' polymethylmethacrylatei poly_, styrene, laser effect, irradiationidamage, crack,propagation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of (ZhETF v -, 50, 2735, 1966),, an.d.,con-Al- -tains more detailed information on the fatigue produced during opticaldestruction of transparent bodies in polymers (polymethylmethacrylate,and polystyrene).: the ex- perimental procedure,was the.,same as' in the earlier investigation. To e radiation was a neodymium laser operating in theordinary-pulse mode. Thettests co'n- sist,ed.of determining the influence of energy on the.-number ofirradiations necessary;:~ for the first visible crack in the material to appear or the change in the dimension; of.the damaged region,with,changing.number of pulses. Com arison of the results of P. the two tests has shown -that the true threshold of optical strength is approximately one-third as high as expected from an analysis of results of produced by single irradiation. An investigation was made of the nature of~the irreversible', changes dueto the fatigue occurring at pulse~energies lower than,critical (necessaryi, 1/2 Card SOURCE CODEI P/018,1/66/608/011/3226/3231 ACC AP6036962 Card 1/2 ~~ I --I- ABRAMOV, V.A.; AIXKS.NYXW, A.M.; ALITM. L.B.; ARAKELYAN. A.A.; BAKTANOT, G.I BASOVA, I.A.; BLYUM111, I.G.; BOGGHOLOV, O.T.; BOR, M.Z.; 13REGELI, E.,Ya.; VINYTSMAIT, IT.R.; VIKENTIYEV A I.; GALITSOV.,A.D.~ GERTSOVSKAYA,, B.R.; GIADKOV. LA.;:DVCRKlN, I.N. DRAGILEV. M.S.;~YEFIMOV, A.R.:, "HAMIN., V.A.; ZHUK, &I.N.; ZARYATKIN, V.11.; lGNATfYEVp: D.I.; ILUNIP M.A.; IL1111, S.S., 1OFFE, Ya.A.; KAYE, V.A.; KAMENITSER. S.Ye.; KATS, A..I.; KLIXOT, A.G.; KOZLOV, G.A.; KOWIANOV, M.Y.; KONTGROVICH, V.G.; IMAYEV, M.A.; KRONROD, Ya.A.; LAKHRAN, I.L.; LIVANSKAYA, F.V.-, IA)GOVIIISKAYA. R.L.; LYUBOSHITS, L.I.;,MALYSH, L; M, ZHINSKIY, FU Ye.A.; MIKKAYLOVil, P.Ya.; MOISEYEV. M.I.; MOSKVIN P.M NOTKIN, A.I.; PARTIGUL, S.P.; PFAVUSHIN, S.P.; PETROV. Al: ;i~Ri6HOV, A.M.,, PODGORITOVA, V.M.; RABINOVICH, M,A.; RYYKIN,.S.S _RY14DINA M.N.;. SAIKSAG-411SKIY, T.D.; SAMSONOT,.L.N.; SMMG[OV, B.M.;: SOKOLIkHIN. S.I.. SOLLMTIITSKAYA, Ye.l.; SUDARIKOV, A.A.; TATAR. S.K.; TRU24TtYhY, P.V.-,; TYAGAY.. Ye.Ya.,- FETGIN. Ya.G.; FIGURNOV, P.K..; FRUMK.IN,,,AiB. TSYUIN, L.M.; SHA.HBIRG. V.M.;, SHAPIRO, A. L; SHCHEIIKOV.. S.A:.; HYDBLIMAN. B.I.; 12HIN, P.E.. MITROFAITOVA, S.. red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N. [Concise dictionary of economics] Kratkii.ekonomicheakii slovar'.. -Moskva, Gos.izd-Vo Polit.lit-rY, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Economics-Dictionaries) 403 74, 8/17 62100)100910921010, Y BJOB B 1,04 2 AUTHOI'id: Yermakov, Y. G., Xondrashov, N. G. , Perellman, T. L., Romashko, Ye. A vkim, V. B. TITLE: Teml~erature field in a cylindrical reactor fU el element cooled b a turbulent flow of liquid.: PER I O'D Ill, G A It inzhenerno-I'Lizicheskiy zhurnal v -5, no. 9, 1962i 38-43 TEXT rilie teriperZtu:ve field- of a indrical.rod heated.from- inside and Cyl t he outside a S s+udied theoreticallyL in. order to gain insi,-h-U. into tne processes of he~at transfer within a reactor core.. Por' siTopli'C i ty the heat transfer between rod and coolantLis assumed to be convecLive, oolant flow to be turbulent (heatinS. of 'the entire i,u d.",...- fjoVj),1-iAnd 1-he~heat conductivity as well as all parameters of the prob em, t I I I I const jSL ants. The problem of stationary hea transfer Card 1 /4 "Tfirr-jr . idat tekhnichookikh nauk.