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L 05620-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JDAT ACC NR: AJI o24491 SOURCE CODE: uR/031~Bl/166 OOV2218) 2221 AUTHOR: Badalov., F. 1~zayev, 1j. A. (2157 ORG: Institute of Physics, AN AzSSR, Baku,.(Institut fiziki AN AZSSR) TITIE: Phenomenon of secondary tunneling in GaSb SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo, tela, v. 8, no. 7 9667,, 2218-21221 TOPIC TAGS: gallium compound, antimonide volt ampere characteristic, tunnel diode pn junction, temperature dependence, semiconductor research ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the volt-ampere characteristics.of tunnel junctions produced with p-GaSb asthe basis, at diff renthtemperatures, for the purpose of ex- plaining the nature of the secondaxy po 0. t . volt-ampere characteristic.,,.Inverted diodes were produced from single-crysta3wlGaSb doped with zinc.. The p-n junctions were produced by fusing analloy.of 98% Sn plus 2% Te in vacuum.. The volt-ampere char- acteristics were plotted at the different temperatures using direct.current and a null method. The secondary peaks were observedin thevoltage range 0.28 - 0.32 v at room tenlperature and are attributed to the presence of deep levels in the semiconductorp caused by uncontrolled impurities and defects and allowing the carriers to tunnel through the P-n junction. The observed temperature dependence of the position of the .secondary peaks is attributed to the temperature dependence of the injection currentp and'not to a possible influence of the residual resistance of the diode. 7he author Ithanks fL-_B. Abdullayev for interest in the work and.valuable remarks. Orig! art. has: ,3 figures and 2 formulas, SUB CODE:,,2O/ SUBM DATE: 2lDec65/ oRiG REF: obi/ oni RzF: 005 Card tkifi6&: b7,Aixeqt. cu=ent'for-Ah6---speq iz t'-bdW, at -." .78K':- -'s'h'6w -t'h'a, `r~ever-so _- cur j~currs jidtiftea J61,'. is__ Absoa j~ejow ~6- -12 13 -..I:s-oxp aine-,,~b M, Ef t,'ie, u-se of cpecifi,~ cama-globul'Mr, in burn -9r, -,rt Pr.-)b'L. gea* ne re krov-' 9 3;1 pirr e.,-. apre Im'! Ila-y1 nc) ~4 42- J mydz,,!3 oe- na-ch. ss I~dovate sk- y iristitut gemato- rio L7, e r L og pe re (d,,-. dolsera G.A, Gu~e, ovi Baku. V a Il yEt ~~.TOIV MUMMY USSR CATWORY Cultiv8ted Plants. Cereals.. M ABS. jOUIR. M_hEi o1. No. 23, 195 '~B 146 101.617 _ . AUTHOR IIr5T. T'n';tItute of A&iculture, AS A%erbaydzhan SSR, TITLE ance'to Cold the laf luence of Ylicroelement.9 on ~the Resist end~o.n the occurrence of Lodging in Different Wheat Varieties. ORIG. PUB& T.". 5-y Nauchn.- konferentati.aspirantov AN AzerbSSR. Baku, AN AzerbE,499 1957, 8-15 Experiment8 at the 'Institute of Agriculture, Academy of~ Sciences, AzerbaydzhLqn SW. The influence of B, M D, Gu; I and Z,- with:,and-without the background of nitrogen and- phoaphorus fertilizers was studied. Imicroelements, e8pe- cially Mn and Cu, considerably increase7,the resistance to cold in wheat, . improve the water cycle, in Ahe, plants , and , appreciably.-check the lodging of.wheat., With,the applica-I tion of Cu','no lodging at all was observed. Kieroelements, especialb, Cu and Mn, appraciablyincrease. the, abBolute weight and the character of the grain. Card: VI --, -1- IV, 4VE, V, I A -;, ----- ----- 'USSR Human and Animal Rhysiology. Blood. Blood TransT fusions and Blood Substitutes. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22,1958,101800. Author Rzayev,,._N._A,; Inst '~-Ki-erbaJdzhan Scientific Research Institute of Blood Transfusion. Title The Influence of Isohemotransfusion on the Fitrous Components of the Arterial and Venous Blood. Orig Pub; Sb. nauchn. tr. Azerb. n.-i. in-ta perelivaniya krovi, 1957, vYP. 3, 125-133. Abstract: On 13 dogs,anematized through bleeding, the changes, of dry residue and water, total protein and resi- dual N, polypeptide and amino N were studied in theArterial and venous blood of the hind extrem- ity after isohemotransfusion (I). The activity-of proteolytic ferments (PF) was.determined,in venous Card 1/3 24 RUM, N.A., kandidat biologicheskikh,nauk Change in the distribution of amino nitrogen between plasma and the USSR/Cuitivatwx! Plauts Grtdns. Abs Jour 21hur Biol., No 9, 1958, 39185 Author rizaYov, NX Inst AS I'Lzar'SSR Title Uie Influence of Some Trace Elements.on Winter Resistance of MiQat Under Conditions !?~ocvailing in Azerbadzhmi. Origr Pub, N'ruseler. DokI. AJI ILzcr-L,,, SM, 195, 13, 110 7, 775-779 Abstract TILie influence of trace. clanei'r'ks on the,decrease of water content in plant tissues, or. tLo increase in.coll f 1 L _i C., and k n frost t a ta- co-cantratior x -esistance of plants w 5 Cst blishod in the Karaba]"U z-jaal experiment stdtion. The quantity of plalits which. failed diminished by. 33-41") under the influence of Cu. the influence of 11t, t D caused a decre ase -~~'bf 20 Gr~ aud 'aecreaoca by 6.7,p. Card.1/2 ~ ~ ;-4-, R7.4TAV.--P.B,;- ROYTEa, V.A..; KOIUWCffU, G.P. Kinetice of sOluria'acid catalyeis on barium-aluminwo-vanadium ~~W~ 50) SOV/76-32-11- 10/32, AUTHORS: . Poyter, V. A.,Korneychuk, G. P., St"ukanovskaya, N. A., Rzayev, P. B. TITLE: -them the T ~__E sect ~of Transport Phenomena on the Kinetics of v Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide Gases on the Barium-Aluminu.-,- Vanadate Catalyst Miyaniye yavleniy perenosa na kinetiku okisleniya sernistogo gaza na bariyevo-alyumo-vanadiyevom katalizatore) I. Investigations According to the Diaphragm Method Issledovaniye metodom diafragm) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 11, pp 252572531 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The kinetics mentioned in the title has already.been.inves't-i- gated by some authors (Refs 1,2,3). in the-present case the diaphragm method is employed and the equatkon 'by G. K.~ Boreskov (Ref 3) is modified,for the conditi Ions of this method (Ref 4). The operation mechanism-of this method,has.already been described (Refs 4-6)-', A,,.schematic representation of the test plant.(Fig 1).as well as a diagra .mof the vessel f or sample taking of the gases.(Fig 3) are.given..A reactor ap- Card 1/3 paratus of quartz (Ref,10) was used. The diaphragms (from a, a SOV/76-32-11-10/32 'The Effect of the Trans7cort Phenomena on the Kinetics of the Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide the Bar-Lum-Allai--,irium-VA-r~-ada-e Ca~alys'. i. Inve Gases on U s 4 gations According to the DiaphragmMethad barium-aluminum-ovanadate contact mass) were 0.064 cm thick, had a diameter of 1.78 cmand a weight of 1.499 g.:The ex-, perimental data were obtained for-t-hree initial concentrations of the SO gas in air (2.43; 4 .78; 6.42%) at temperatures.of 2 430-5300C (Table 2). The activation energy of the oxidation, process of SO or. bariunz-aJUM4 num-vanadate catalysts amounts 2 to from 36 to 39 kcal/Mol, and t hus is considerably higher than the value (23 k _al /mol) given by G. K. Boresk.ov. This is regarded as a proof of the assumption of the important effect of the transport factor also in of fine-grained catalysts. There are 8 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR Institut fizicheskoy I~himii im. L. V. Pisarzhevskogo Kiyev, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SSR,'Institut.e of Physico-Ohemidtry,.imeni~L. V. Pisarzhevskiy, Kiyev) Card 2/3 L 36509-66 EVIT(1) IJP(c) AT ACC NR:' Ar-6013463 SOURCE CODE: .UP,10139166100010021011.110118 I. M.. AUTHOR: Ternov Bagroy, V. G.; Rzayev, R. A. ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lamonosov /Moskovskiy gosudarstveWW univer- sitet~ TITLE: -Scattering of Zectrons a short-range force center in a constant and,homo.- geneous magnetic field SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika,~ 'no. 2, l966,',lli_li8 TOPIC TAGS: I electron scattering, potentia.L~ scattering, electron spin, wave function constant magnetic field, homogeneous magnetic field. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to examine the spin flip of an elec- ,tron moving in a magnetic field and scatteredby short-range centers such as a Yukaws potential. The authors write out the wave function of such an electron with account taken of the fact that this wave function must also satisfy the equation of the eigenvalues of one of the electron-spin polarization operators. The resultant equaw tion is used to obtain the change in the electron spin orientation in the Born ap- 'proximation. An expression is obtained for:the total scattering probabilityp summed and integrated aver all the quantities except the eigenvalues of the spin.operators. Only the scattering probability of transversely polarized electrons is of practical. interest, since the probability of longitudinal electrons does not differ from that of free electrons., Particular attention is therefore paid to the behavior of the Spil. projection on the direction of the magnetic field ApproximsteL expressiow are ob- ard 1/2 ACCESSION I~M: AP4043800 810188/64/000/004/0062/0070 AUTHOR: Ternov, 1. M., Bagrov, V. G., Rzayev, R. A TITLE: Influenco of synchrotron radiation of electrons on their spin orientation SOURCE: Moscow. Univcrsitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 4, 1964, G2-7 0 TOPIC TAGS: electron, magnetic. field, synchrotron radiation,- electron spin, electro" n spin polarization, electron spin orientation ABSTRACT: The influence of an electromagnetic field on the movement of a polarized beam of electrons generally leads to a change iii both the momentum vector of the particles and their spin orientation. In. the case of a magnetic field which is uniform in space and constant in time this change occurs in such A way that the state of polarization of the electron spin, determined relative to the direction of motion of tile electron and relative to the direction of the external magnetic field, does not change with time. During motion in a magnetic field an electron becomes a source of extremely, stron- electromag- netic radiation which can lead th a change in the orientationof electron spin. In this article the author considers the problem of the behavior of electron spin during synchrot- ror~~adiation. 'I'wo states of polarization are investigated: relative to the direction of. card .5 ACCESSION NR: A24043800 spin flipping is expressed in terms proportional to the square of the Planck constant S2. The state of polarization along a magnetic, field is (x)) dx + (y) (2 + ~y) (5) F-, t:!y2 (Y)+ (y)). where the arrows indicate retention of polarization and change of polariz ation (spin flipping). The, results differ. appreciably from the,preceding case: dependence on. initial spin state enters into both.expressions. Limiting the problem to the region of energies E