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S/033/61/038/002/009/011 1XI, E032/E414 AUTHORS; Kuz'mim, A.D., Salomonovich, A.Ye. and Udalltsov, V.A.@ TITLE, On the Radio Emission of the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6853 and-NGC 7293.1 PERIODICAL: Astronamteheskiy zhurnal, 1961, Vol-38, No.2, 373-375.' p. p TEXT: The present.authors,have made an attempt to detect the ..'.radio emission of NGc 6853 and NGC 7293 on 9.6 cm. -The-NGC 6853 nebula was examined at the end of 1958 with the 31 m radio- telescope of the Krymskaya- stantsiya (Crimean Statlon) of FIAN, The above radiotelescope has been described by V.V.Vttkevich and V;A.Udalltsov (Ref.2) and the radiometer has been described by A.D.Kuzlmin and V.A.Udalltsov (Ref-3). The radiometer had a 'J.'sensitivity of 00.5 at a time constant of 20 see. It is :-!_estimated that the flux density of radio emission dug to the' NGC 6853 nebula on 9.*6 cm must be less-than 4 x'10-2bW M-2 cps-1. The NGC 7293 nebulA was examined-with the 22 m radiotelescope of FIAN at. the begin@aiiig of 196G. This.radiotelescope has been described by Aje.@Salomonovich (Ref.4). It is estimated that the Card @-A - --------- S/033/61/038/002/009/01 On the Radio Emission E032/F,414. flux density for,the above two nebulae on 9.6 cm turns out to be at 1@-least by an order of magnitude lower than that reported by F.D.Drake and H.T.Ewen (Ref.1) on 3.75 cm. Since.the accuracy t!,,- of the present results is said to be higher by an order of magnitude than the results reported by Drake and Ewen, it is i suggested that the latter are incorrect. Using the upper limits for the flux density, the present authors estimated the-emission measure ME the electron density n and the mass M of the above two planetary nebulae. These three quantities are estimated from the following formulae As /-P. tv (2) (P.V -W-P, M 4.8 10 (PR3 VtpRp-1016 is the angular diameter of the source In frectio a bf- where @p n degree and R is the distance in parsecs. These' formulae are Card.2/4 iA S/033/61/038/002/009/011 On the Radio Emission E032/E4i4 .1 .7 angular dimensions 2 distance, PC 3 -6 m E, Cm PC Table a 6'ji U'A a isiamepu Fz!6cTofrHii ne n cx- U AIR. cm Inc. NGC 7293. 2'xt5' 180.16 io