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o5289 24(8) SOV/170-59-7-20/20 AUTHORS: Kavaderov, A.V., Samoylovich, Yu TITLE: The Simultaneous Heating of "Thin" Bodies by Radiation and Convection PERIODICAL: Inzhenemo-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 7, PP 110 - 113 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. In calculations of heating of bodies-whose internal thermal resistance is insignificant, temperature drop along-their cross.section can be neglected and these bodies can be considered as "thin" bodies in the thermal sense. Analytical solutions on heating "thin" bodies by convection or by radia- tion at a constant temperature of the heat carrier are presented in Refe- rences 1 and 2 .. The authors. analyze the case.of simultaneous heating a "thin" body by radlation-and.cornreciioin during the heat transfer with a surrounding medium of constant temperature, The differential equation of heat equilibrium for thl~3 case, Formula 1, is transformed into an equation with dimensionless quantities, Formula 21.and integrated. The solution is given by Formula 8., The authors show that the.formula obtained by Card 1/2 B.V. Stark aef Z7 for the case of heating by radiation and the well-known 05289 SOV/170-59-7-20/20 The Simultaneous Heating of "Thin" Bodies by Radiation and Convection formula for heating a "thin" body by convection rRef 17 are particular cases of the result obtained,by,the authors'in the present paper. There are.- 1 graph and 2 Soviet,references~. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy,nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgicheskoy teplo- tekhniki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical Thermal Power Engineering), Sverdlovsk. 69970 S/17o/60/003/01/13/023 ,Z 4,52-0 0 B022/BO07 AUTHORS: -Kavaderov, A. V Samoylovich, Yu. A. TITLE: The Influence of the Dependence,; The mal Diffusivity d~th r Coefficient and the Heat Capacil f ;teel on the Results.of the Calculation of Heat ',tion PERIODICAL: Inzhen6rno-fizicheskiy zhurnalg 1960, Vol. 39 No- 19 pp. 82 86 TEXT: With the major part of the steels used in practice a considerable change of the thermal diffusivity coefficient A and the heat capacity coefficient c with temperature in heating up to 8000 and more is found (Refs. 1-4). In.the present,paper the method of finite differences is used for the purpose of de-' termining the temperature field in the plate in consideration of the dependence of the characteristics X and c on temperature during heat exchange with the surroundings; this method has already-previously been used (Ref- 5) for the pur- pose of solving a similar task under different boundary conditions. The change of the relative surface temperature 49 and the average plate surface 19 0, -C 5 Yr with the time Fo for a radiation criterion of Sk I for carbonaceous steel ,Card 1/2 69970 The Influence of the Depende4og of the Thermal 8/170 /13/023 ./60/003/01 Diffusivity Coefficient and th*,Heat'.Capacity of B022/BOO7 Steel on the Results of the Calculation of-Heating by Radiation (Fig. 1) and high-alloy stgel (Fig. 2) is shown in diagrams. From the results it follows that the heating of artiales made from high-alloy (austenite) steel may be determined with an accuracy that is satisfactory for technical purposes if mean values of thermal diffusivity-and heat-capacity coefficients are used according to equation (11). In oarbonaceous steel considerable errors occur with this method, especially at the beginning of the heating period. There are 2 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki, g.Sverdlovsk (All-Union Scientific Research In- stitute for Metallurgical Heat Technology City of Sverdlovsk) Card 2/2 277 5/170 60/003/02/10/026 B008 B005 AUTHORS- Kavaderov, Ao-VP9 Samoylovicho.Yu. A.~ TITLE: A Precise,\Formulation of the Laws Governing Heati .ng by~ Radiatio0of an Infinite Plate-61'D PERIODICAL; Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy.zhurnal, 1960, Vol~ 3, 0, pp. 57-60 TEXT-.-'The results of hydrostatic simulation of the heating of a plate by radiation were checked by means of high-speed electronic computers of the types "Strelal, and "11-2". The task was solved by the method of finite dif- ferences. The heat balance equation for the outer layer (Pig. 1) was used for determining the surface temperature of the plate. A tomparison of the results obtained (Table 1) with Russel's quite reliable data checked by -Do V. Budrin (Ref. 4) showed good agreement, The heating of an infinite plate by radiation was computed for a wide range of variation of the relative initial temperatures 0,5) and of the radiation criterion. init. = 0-15 (RC 0-5--1-10). The temperature values were recorded in 21 points along the Card 1/2 80277 A Precise Formulation of the Laws Governing. S117016010031021101026 Heating by Radiation of an Infinite Plate cross-section of the plate in the range of variation of the Fo briterion starting from zero up to 1 4 after each 0.1. The results are shown by FiUs. 1 and 2. A comparison of the values co mputed by themethod of finite diffelences with the results of hydrostatic simulation showed that the (livergence did not exceed 1..0 * 1,5%. Though t1i&:_ latter area sli,,Jitly under- rated, they give, on the whole, a proper characteristic ofthe heatinG pro- cess of the plate. The programming and computations were carried out by Yu. A. Samoylovich. There are 3 figu'res, 1 table, and TSoviet keferences, ASSOCIATIONt Vsesoy-qznyy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki, g. Sverdrbvsk (All-Union Institute of Metallurgical-Heat Engineering, City-of Sverdlovsk) Card 2/2 JL n :1: Kin k, UaSR, 5-110 FIM-2S52 54 25). a-X--44~_pv, T* L. r.:cL--a, Difrnioa of Cl-rred Pnmicles tze P-rzenaq 0., 254 T., L. Fm 2=.n, C= He-,t 7m" fer in la='=Ix F-low - in -the nalet P"t .2f e !N,*,o 255. 1. G. ?=r-navp Solution of SC= PrOble= With rhase r~nverslonfi r~l~alus 256. L. M. :k:=Prical Soliatioi of Sow I~oblcms of Motion of a VarImble Vlacoultx 257. S. T~ De-kovi On Comfornal Tr~msformtlon of RadiAtiow Fielda in ~25 S. Swn,~~-dch. Cal---C-U--la..tlO-,l: 11 Fect=VL~- lbdies A=" to TCCIIW 259. 260. V. 2. ==Icav V. IN Xjllim, F. A. Shklm, T?*.eory of 26L. r. Cn W-uIaI-a ithod of Etat Trans ter TTLcu., h the ot t--e Ltttt-or Cme Dr Both Heat 262. *'A.. T. 74~!crov, Yu. A. :~=oilovlch, V. 3. F~lugim, P~.Talzxitxao N UatiCn Md ConVeCtion N~ 263. c. -Z. bt:Whl, es at-I Satze ;~emlts of Th~rml T-eat=t 264. L S. and MIns3 T.-an3rer rt ..*oint Free nod rorced 265. Yu. T. 'npln, Ilett an! Nt~ft, I=n:er nt Twb.leat Flo- of C~- z 266. A.. 3. B. Z. So~,tkta, 7,al-lutazo af Carvot~e m Hilt Tmmnf;.F i~..te or !Vdles 267. cla the ~,,.t ~.d Masn ;-~nar~r Theo" at r~weecti" % o,' Lt'q~-d 268. V. Subbotia, H. M. Ibragl=v, B. . .1cmDfLlov, of T=bulen- Nimmioz- I-- a Uquid Fl v 269. A. A. ?=cr&n'aeT 02 t"4 7r4eary of F%sian nza D---=Lv of a rb , SA140YLOVICH Y Yu.A Calculation of the heating of rectangular solids proceeding from certain technological conditions. Inzh.-fiz.zhur., 4 noll :7,1-90 N 161. (MA .14:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelf.skiy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki, g. Sverdlovsk. (Thermodynamics) S/ 133/6 P~/OCO/003/007/00c' "' 54VA127 to AtMDRS Biokhin, Ye. P., Samoylovich, Yu. A., Gulunov, V. S., Sakharova, N. M., Liberman, Zolotuyeva, S. M. TITLE: Accelerated heating of stainless steel ingots in heating pits with central burner F=ODICAT,: Stall, no, 3, 1962, 2765 279 TDC: At the Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod fCh elyabindcMetallur- gical Plant) the cold !-Y18 H9 T (lKhl8N9T) stainless steel.ingots are reheated for 15 - 19-hours prior to rolling ~n recuperating heating pits with central bur- ner; in the first 10 - 11 hours a temperature of 1,280 - 1,3000C is attained, , on the ferrite depending U -content Wpha-phase) of the steel. The holding time is 5 hours; the ingot surface temperature is kept belo,..t 1,240-1,2000C. Tests were made to increase the reheating rate. Ingots of 530 x 530 - 0520 x 620 M- (widening upward), weighing 4.5 tons urere tested in the heatirig pit, with liquid slag skimming and fired with blast-furnace coke-gas (calorific value: 2,200 cal/ standard m3). 13 ingots were heated at the maximLur, rate with a holding time of not longer than 1 1/2 2 hours; the entire heating period lasted 7 1/2 hours. Card 1/~ S/133/62/000/00-3/007/008 Accelerated heating of... A054/A127 The test ingot surface temperature was 1,280 - 1,3000G. At the same time check 'ests with the conventional 19-hours heating period and at a pit-temperature of U ID 1,260 - 1,2700C ,..,ere carried out. In the accelerated method a temperature of .,2800C of 'he inrot surface was attained in 6 hours. The temperature differen tial in the middle section was SOOC and could be reduced to 300C during 'he next I - 1 1/2 hours holding time. Over the height of the ingot, the ma:dmum tempera- u ture differential was 100 - 1500C at the beginning of heating,*but,it was reduced after 3 4 hours in the accelerated process (in the conventional process this re-, quired 7 hours). The ingots reheated by the accelerated process had good rolling properties. There were no rejects in blooms due to surface defects and microstructure. the quick reheating process (at raised temperatures) did not in- .crease the alpha-phase content of the finished product. The rejects.of rolled products due to dross and haircracks were also reduced. As during accelerated heating the maximum temperature differential in the cross section between the in- got surface and the coldest point of the ingot may attain 550 - 6500C, the effect of heat stresses arising in the first period of heating had to be determined. Calculations (partly carried out by Yu. A. Samoylovich on a Strela computer), ., into account the high ductility of 1Khl8N9T grade steel, showed that at taking I-tmax ~ 6500C the stresses are reduced from 118 to 66 kg/mm2. As the tensile Card-P-/3 S/133/62/000/003/007/008 Accelerated heating of... AO54/A127 strength of 1Xh18N9T steel specimens is rather high (above 150 ko,,/mm2), the pos- sibility of rupture due to heat stresses is remote. The accelerated reheating tests supported the accuraCir of these calculations. There are 4 'igu-;,es, 1 table and 7 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metal2urgicheskoy teplotek-liniki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metallur- gical Heat Technique) and_Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyp-bins'Ic, MetaUurgical Plant) Card 3/3 ,.SAMOYLOVICH, YU.AI Thermal stresses in a plate and a cylinder heated by irradiation and convection. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.8:59-65 Ag 163. '(MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metal-lurgicheskoy teplotekhniki, Sverdlovsk. SAMOYLOVICH., YuA_,_ Stresses in a long rectangular.prism. Inzh.-fiz. zhur- 7 no. 3:86-91 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:;) 1. VsesoyuzTrfy natichno-isiledovatellskiy inatitut metallurgicheskoy. teplotakhniki, Sverdlovsk. YlovT~ "I to' g Yt- thermal diffugivit-T C,' StPC", LnUh. 7- 12" 2?- u 164. mc- ,Icznyy nauninc,.~ioAl.edovxtte,:L'.skiy inst-itut'. SAMOYIDVICH, Z.Ya. Forest survey by laboratory interpretation of aerial photographs based on reduced forest mensuration. '55- .(MM 9t6) (Aeronautics in forestry) (Forests and forestry-Mansuration) SAMOYIOVS I KIY, I. M, _ ~ Wooden water pipes and pavements in Kiev. Bar. z ist.takh. ne.2: 99-106 '55- (MLRL 9:4) (Kiev-Pipe, Wooden) (Kiav-Pavements, Wooden) SAROYLOVSKIT, I.M. Zverinstel historical and topogriLphical sketch of the territory of the Botanical Garden of the AcaAerq of Sciences of the Ukraini- an S.S.R. Trudy Bot. sada AN MtSR 4:148-1~4 157. ~(Mk 1018). (Kiev-History) MIRDINSKIYI 1.8,1 ORLOVAI L.D.; SA~o LOVOW Substituted hydroxyearboxylic acid h7drazides. Part 24: Diaryl and dialkylglycolic acid 3,4.--dimtbylphenylhydrazides. Zhur, org. khim. 1 no.7:1222-1225 JI. '(55, (MIRA 18m) 1. Fermskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.N.Gorlkogo, SAMOYLOVSKIY, M. B. 25542 Iz Opyta Bureniya Skipovogo Stvola Sh. No. 45 "Kamyshinskoy". Ugol', 1948, No. 6, S- 32-33 1 . I I SO: LETOPIS NO. 30, 1948 S,104GYLC~VSKTY, 141. 3. "Investigation of Sinking Su~;ports in the Drilling of Deep Pline Shafts." Cand Tech Sci, Dnepropetrovsk !~dning Inst, K-harikov, 195h. MOLNO 1111, Feb 55) ,;-a: Sum. I'lo. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertati:)n Defended at USSR Higher Educational institutions (14) SAMOYLOVSKIY M,B,, otvetstvennyy redaktor; KITAYSKIY. Ye.V., redaktor -'--'--7fi~"'t6l:fst*h; ALADOVA, Ye.I., tekhnichaskiy redaktor; RADICINSKAYA, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor [Organization diagrams for working horizontal and inclined shafts) Skhemy organizateii provedeniia garizontallnykh i naklonnykh gorpykh vyrabotok. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 195~. 11+3 1. (MLIA 9:9) [Microfilm] 1. Kharikov. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organizataii i mekhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva. (Coal mines and mining) SAMOYLOVSKIY, M.B.,.radaktor; KITATSKIY, re.V., redaktor';.XMINSKAT4, A.A. redaktor; xoRovxNjWA, Z.A., takhniabeekly redaktor. [Studies in the construction of shafts] lasledovanlia, po shakhtnomu stroitelletvu. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1955.274 p. (MLRA 9:4) 1. Xharlkov. Vaeseyumiyy nauchne-issledevatellskiy institut erg~Lui- zatsli I.mekhanimateii,~ehakhtuego streltellatTa. (Shaft sinking) N15 664 .F28 SA140YLOVSKIY, M. B. Vyacheslav Anisimovich Fedyukin. Krepleniye shakhtnkh stvolov i skvazhin, prokhodinykh bureniyem (Kongtruktsii, pravizvodstvo rabot.. raschety) (Streng- thening mine shafts and pits by passage drillin (construction, production operations, estimates) by V. A. Feydukin i M. 13, SMoy joys Moskva, Ugletelchizdatp 1955 303 p. illus., diagrs., tables. Bibliographyi P. 301. il T. SAMOTLOVSKIT, M.B., redaktor; SAVIN, M.M., redaktor; ALLD)TA, Te.I., redaktor. [Control of water in vertical shaft sinkiugJ Todoulavlivanis pri - prokhodke vartikallnyid- stvolov shakht. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat 1956 74 p. 9-.61 l.Kharlkov, Veez*yuznyr nauchne-Imeledevatel'skiy inatitut organiza- teii i makhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitelistya. (Mine drainage) (Shaft-sinking) 39- �rlurAL LWD4 L sille-m- m-il~ 1 .j. -3E6--- -, ot Imacb. arduou; is z,-;- -f 15-57-io-14,985 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, -Nl'r 10, p 256 (USSR) AUTHORS: Samoylovskiy, M. B., I-vanov, P. S., Khmellnitskiy, L. Ya. TITLE: Composite Mine Supports From Centrif"urzally-Cast Elements (Sbornaya krep' iz tsentrIfugirovannykh elemen tov) PERIODICAL: Shakhtnoye str-vo, 1957, Nr 1, pp 24-26 ABSTRAC": For reinforcing the principal mine workings (horizontal and inclined), supports of reinforced concrete are used, made of general-purpose fluted slabs by the VINTIMBhS (?). Such supports, having industrialized the reinforcing process, have shortened the working time and dispersal time of materials and have increased the productive labor of gallery and stope operations. The use of the centrifuge in producing support plates Card 1/2 called for a change in the construction of supports 15-57-10-1468.5 Composite Mine Supports From Centrifugally-Cast (Cont.) from the general-purpose fluted slabs to shells. The casting-forms of the shells are made from general-purpose elements of the shell I s4pports, being part of a thin.cylinder with walls 40 mm tnick ha.ving a round attached insert and a basal bearing plate (shoe). The attached insert of the elements of the support secures favorable conditions for working. The technology of manufacturing the thin- shell supports is described briefly. For the manufacture of these supports and the attached inserts, brand 400 concrete -is us ed; brand 200 is used for the basal plate. Typical sections for the reinforced concrete supports made of t4e, elements of the thin-shell. members were designed by the VNIIIAShS '. iin cooperation with the Yuzhgiproshakht (The Southern State' Institute for the Design and Planning of Uine Construction in the Coal Industry). Card 2/2 V. V. Zhukov SAMOYIDVSKIY, Mikhail Borisovichp prof.; MAUIROV, I.N., kand. tekhn. T- rnyy inzh... retsenzent; e senzent- LAMET, Yu.N.J, go KRASOVSKIY, I.P., gornyy inzb., retsewent; CHMIMOVA, E.N., red. izd-va; MKSMOVA, V.V.., tekbn, red, [supporting vertical mine shafts]Kreplenie vertilalinykh stvolov shakht. Moskval Gosgortekhizdat, 1962..,251 P. (MIRA 15:11) ( timbering) SAMOYLOVSKIY, M,B,, Prof. "Ways of controlling water in potassium and salt.mines during shaft sinkin" by N.G.Trupak. Reviewed by M.B.Sampilovskii. Por. zhur. no.5180. MY 1162. -(KIRA 16A) 1. Kemerovs gornyy instituto (MineTater) (Shaft sinking) (Trupak., N.G.) S,DIOYLOVSKIY, M.B., ~rof.; SIGAYEV, Ye,A., inzh. ........................ Lining mine shafts sunk by drilling.,Izv.vys.uchel).zav.;gor.zhur. 7 no.7:32-36 164. (MIRA 17zlO) 1. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy Shakhtos- troyeniya Kemerovskogo gornogo instituta. SAY,OYLYUK -A~P-, Ways of improving seismic prcspecting in the Folded Carpathians. Geofiz. i astron. no.8.-68-74 165. (14IRA 19ti) 1. Zapadnoukrainskaya geofizicheskaya razvedochnaya ekspeditsiya. SAMOTLYUK, AoPe --0~~pbI6~mathods for solving certain direct seismic prospecting problems for the methodologr of sounding. Geofiz. sbor. no.7:39- 44 164. (KIRA 17:11) DVORETSKIY, A.I., inah.; GORBANENKO, A.D., inzh.j_SAMO 1!~ inzh.; IVANOVY B.V.,, inzh. Use of a liquid admixture YNIINP-102 in fuel oil with high sulfur content. Elek. sta. 33 no.8:16-20 Ag 162. (MIRA 15;8) (Boilers) (Petroleum as fuel) SAMOTLY11Y, N. D. SAMM-YLYUK, N. D. Vachinery Convey-or SKT-6 for procurLng coal in the rcuts of thin strata. Yfakh. trud. rab. 6 no. 4, 1952. Monthly Liali of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952. Unclassified. SPIVAKOVSKIY. A.O.: TOPCHIYIV, A.Y.; YEVITAVIGH, A.Y.; SAMOILYUK, N.D.; FILATOV, N.V., clotsent (reviewer] Valuable textbook (*Mining transportation equipment.* A.O.Spivakovskii, A.V.Topchiev. Reviewed by N.V.Tilatov). Mekh.trud.rab. 7mo.7:45-46 J1 '53. MR& 6:7) 1. Sibirskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy inatitut (for Filatov). .(Mine haulage) SAMOYLYUK, Hikolay Deomidovich; FAYBISO VICH,I.L., redaktor; IPROZCROVSKAYA,V.L. f e-I ~ 1-1-ch-e"s 9 f YF-eda k t o r [Movable scraping conveyers, models SIM-2 and IS-l.j Peredvyzhnye skrebkovye konvelery SKM-2 i KS-1. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1955-15P- (Conveying machinery*) (MIU 9:3) SAMOYL Nk INOV, Arkadiy Andreyerich; YUK ~~D~jWdovich; XONSTAN S 010, redaktor; PROZOROVSKATA,V.1., takhnicheekiy rodaktor; SABITCV,A., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Twelve-ton storage battery electric locomotive type 12 ARVI] Dvenadtoatitonnyi akkumuliatornyi selelctrovoz 12 ARVI. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1955. 18 p. (MLILA 9:2) (Ilectric locomotives) SAMOYLYUK, N.D.. inzhener. =------- ~~*Aow~ The 12ARV1 batter7-powered mine locomotive, Mekh.trud.rab. 9 no;2:35 F '55. (Mine railroads) (Electric locomotives) ~ .(MIRA 8:4) SAj!OnYUK, N.D. Cand Tech Sci (diss) low rational parameters and ~=Stlr4aat4vw types of Scret Pt."L j#wbMjaj,t conveyors for magmas 4ith mechanized extraction of coal." Mos, 1958, 18 Pp including cover, 3 sheets nig m4e-irs) A L granhs (Acad Sci USSF - Inst of Mi 120 cooies (KL, 29-58, 133) 68 (Conveying machinery) (Hine haulage) PWAKOV, Nikolay Sergeyevich, prof..; SHTOKKAN, Illya Grigorlyevich, prof.; KCHAROVA, Tevganiya Kuzlminichna, dotBent; SPIVAKOVSKIY' A.O., prof.. retsenzent; %NIRMV, A.Y., dotsent, retsenzent; VASIL'YET, N.V., doinent, retBenzent; YZVIMVICH, A.Y., dotsent, ratmenzent; LOPATIN, S.-I., doteent, retsenzent; SOIDD, G.I., doteent, retsenzent; SHAKHKEYSTZR, L.G., dotsent,.reteenzent; SHORIN, V.G., dotsent,,retsenzent; SAMOYLYUK, N.D., inzh., ret e~6~.D , otv.-r*e'r.--,"SR1MFtVS.Ta.,; ,Menze7j~hA~OIATT,l KO T' ML. (Problems and exercises on mine haulage] Sbornik zadach i uprazh- nenii po rudnichnomu transportu. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 256 p. (MM 13:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN'TSSR (for Polyakov), 2, Chlon-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Spivakovskiy). 3. Kafedra rudnichnogo transporta Moskovskogo gornogo ins'4ituta (for Spivakovskiy, Andreyev, Vasillyev, Yevn6vich; Lopatin, Solod. Shakhmeyster, Shorin).' (mine haulage) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOrZAMON S07/5431 Spivakovskiy, Aleksandr Ouisimovich,, Fikolay Deomidovich Sa y1yuk.. G. IV Solody and Lev G*igorlyevich Shakh yster PodzerLmyye konveyyernyye ustanovki (Underground Conveyer Installations) Moscow., Gosgortekhizdat., 1960. 478 p. Errata slip inserted. 5.,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: A.0. Spivakovskiy; Ed. of Publishing House: A.D. Ko lomeytsev; Tech. Eds.: V.L. Prozorovsklaya and Z.A. Boldyreva.' YURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel of-the mining industry engaged in designing and operating undergroundconveyers; it may also be useful to students of mining institutes and mining tekhnikums. COVERA,.GE* The book describes underground conveyers used. in the Taining industry the USSR and abroad and the construction of their most important individual subassemblies and elements; the fundamentals of theory and calculations of underground scraper conveyers', belt conveyers., slat conveyers,, and conbined. conveyers (new chain-belt and rope-belt conveyers) are discussed and basic reference material regarding USSR underground conveyers is presented. Card 1/8 The first part of the book was vritten by N.D. Samo~lyuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences; the second part Iby L. G. Shakbmeyster,, Candidate of Tech~ical Sciences; the third by G. I. Solod, Docent., Candidate of Technical Sciences; and the fourth by A.0. Spivakovskiy., Professor. Section 4 of Ch. VZE (Part II) vas vritten by O.G. Karbasoviy., Aspirant. There are 72 references: 53 Soviet, 10 English, 8 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTEWS: Preface 3 PART I. SCRAPER CONVEYERS Ch. I. General Concepts, Basic Types 5 1. General concepts 5 2. Single-chain conveyers with.console scrapers and two branches in one horizontal lane 3-1 3. Single-chain conveyers vith the worktng branch located above the idle one 2T 4. Double-chain dismountable portable conveyers 37 5. Double-chain mabi-le flexible conveyers, 46 Card 2/8 KLORIKIYP&J, S.Kh., mnd.tekhnnnk; SAMOYLYUK N.D,, kand.tekhn.nauk New equipment for mechanizing auxiliax-f operatiOns in longwalls. Ugoll 39 no-12:36-1,0 D 1:54. (MIRA 18:2) 1. GosudarstvennYY proyektno-konstruktorskiy i eksperimentallnyy institut ugollnogo mashinostroyeniya. PC.LIYAFICVI N.S., FRPIKFL', B.B., inzh.;.aMY kand. tekhn. nauk; .KROT, V.P.; SMIRNOV, V.K., kand. tekhn. naii~ Results of the experimental testing of the SP-6-4 scraper conveyor. Ugoll 40 no.4-53-56 Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. FIII AN UkrSSR (for Folyakov, Smdrnov). 2. Gc-sudaravvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy A eksnerimentallnyy Institut ugollnego -nashinostroyeniya (for Sampylyuk, Frenkell). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnoao Znameni gornyy institut imeni. Artema (for Krot). SSD/A8Ef( A )-5/M*t-':-_-'-_:l . ...... NR: AP4044079' 189/64/600/06 030/0632 AUTHORS: Popovich-1 M.P-.; -UakoydbVia~i B li a.; Fili-PIXII't)r W." TITLE: Rotator a in--.1he-' ozonlzer-.__~:_..-,, SOURCE: Moscow. Universit6t4' V&6tnik S e' f iy'- A--- 2'-.- Khi -32 1964, 30 arge-li, rot or-, e-m,, p- TOPIC TAGS: ozonizer, electr c-discl- at* arge.~ spectroscopic determination, ozone' sy4lithesis ow i. discharae CZ ure: i_discha' -6 ABSTRACT: The rotator temperat , ~upon rge f:the ozbn&'izbr;-- under various conditions was studied spectrosdopically to determirm- means of increasing the efficiency of ozone synthesis. The rotator temperature of the ozonizer (fig. 1) was determined under static conditions at 4-10 kv, 2000 hertz frequencies, 0.5-3 hours exposure, using (1) 95% He + 5% N mixtures at 750, 400, 100 and 2 mm Hg pressure, (2) N2 +0 2 mixLres containing 10, Zl and 50% 02, at 700 mm Card 1/4 7- L 17818-65 ACCESSION NR: AP404407 ':2 6 8, iifid ;'6 -0 Hg; (3) air, at 40 mm Hg' 3:-- - and`_.. 4 16 kv and 1 5 4.5 ma current, respectively, and (4) moist air at 400, 100, .20 a-nd--.!', 2 mm Hg. In the He-N2 mixture and in moist air 'the rotator temper-. ature was independent of pressure; the average temperature of the former was 780K, and of the moist air, 1260K. In N2_02 mixtures 'he the temperature increased slightly with increase in 02 content. I temperature increasud with increase in voltage ajad consequently with increase in current and ozonizer discharge. Thu;3 a relationship between the rotator temperature and ozonizer diszharge, and tempera- ture and dry and moist gases was established. Previously obtained values (Yemellyanov Yu. M, Fillipov, Yu. V., Zh. fiz. khimii, 36, 2263 (1962)) for the average temperature of the gas were lower than the values obtained spectroscopically. This was explained in that the latter measurements were of temperatures of the gas in the dis~..-- charge channel, and not of the averaged temperat'ares. Examination of spectra of the ozonizer discharge between glaas and iron elec- trodes (no iron lines detected) led to the conclusion that the indi- vidual locai discharges were glow discharges and not spark discharges. "In conciusion I thank Prof. v. m. Tatevsko for consultation and constant interest in the work." Orig. art. has: I equation, 2 figures- and A tat lel-, Card 414 _7 AID P 4381 Subject USSR/Power Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110 a - 7/17 Author : Samozvantsev, M. P., Eng. Title : Evaporation of liquids of a lengthwise flow from a plate surface. Periodical Teploenergetika, 5, 34-4o, MY 1956 Abstract The article discusses the rulings of the evaporation process of a lengthwise flow observed at high temperatures. A theoretical analysis with 5 diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date I_jAQL7_65 EP -XVIA/ E - --~4~ - P(i- 'Pr-4/P 4tP-'-_10/Pi_4' bb~ I ' __ - . WCESSiOSW ~R: XP4044731 07 1) Oii6'1612-9-1!~A 0 Or AUTHOR: Samozvantsev,,Ho P,. ON 0 waves by Me hg b1tt I I6'6~ A L d 'a TITLE: S t a b i I L z a t L o n o-e-Ide--ed-ift a 4 J SOURCE: Zhurnal prLkladnoy.mekhanLki L _tekhnLchaskoy fiziki n.0 1964, 126-129 ve superso'n"ic- h---bluf TOPIC TAGS: detonation va combda t io f b 0a fi ion t,, Ch p ous- ame_ a m4n-;vJ uet''." '~'~~Jqibusti . .... ..... d a suve son C~lt ow ABSTRACT: It has been ~at te --e- vin-d the a oc c-".-w combustion takes place immedia I b Wr h I no ignition delay occurs and the de toutation wave Lis infl. L te'si tm,a ly thin surface. It was therefore concluded that -the strong de ton A- tion wave in front of a bluff body should be transformed into a Chapman-Jouguat detonation wave which is stabilized by the body. How-~ ever, previous experiments revealed that although in the frontal part: of a 20-mm ophere a strong detonation wave is generated, it does not change into a Cbapman-Jouguet wave, but breaks down Lnto a shock wavei L 1403 7-65 ACCESSION NR.* AP4044-731 4u 8-*t to and a laminar flame front. -To - ex 'it Phenomencil 0 0 c-a y analy'si- :'the It Itt kinetics and f low structure were study. Analysis of the ca1culated results (see Fig. I of the E sure) shows that in case of a 20-mm sphere- the flow behind the f I ame front is subsonic (curves H and HU3* do not Intersect). This ax- n3 plains why the Chapman-jouguet deton-ation wave cannot be staistiLzed under these conditions. In order to obtain flow at sonic velocity behind the flame front, the diameter of the sphere must be Increased roughly 20 times, i.e., to 400 mm. This value is only approximate since the calculated ignition delay may differ from actual values by a factor of 2 to 3. The flow geometry'is shown In Fig. 2. The nec-A essary condition for the realization of' the Chapman-Jouguet deatona- tion is the formation of sonkc~flow.ifi an arbitrary pq~nt. behind the ::u t flame front, i.e. H must.', reaoi na he, otbarrhiind, It; g4 also necessary that be sufficiently Close to unity- n-3 i13 n cosy , where Y3' is the angle between the flow line and the normal to the Hame front and H 3 is the Mach number behind the shock wave). Orig. art. has: 17 formuLa and 4 figures. ~Card 2 /5 7.7t 7 J: e ASSOCIATION. non e- drog n-ox n YAe mixtur-i pro.paga. r, Card 4/5 L 14037 -65 ACCESSION iu,CLOSIJP.E NR: AP40447 1 7,1 ol ............ Fig P I 0y 8 ron Shock f I ame.~ t Card 5/5 BASHARIN, A.K.; SAMOZVANTSEV V.A. ~ Y -- -Stra-1,1graphy of the upper part of the late Pre-Cambriam of the Yudoma Valley. Geol. i geofiz. no.!-1:40-48 164. WIRA 18:4) 1. InstLtut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR, Nc-vosibirsk. G~LIDENBERGY V.I.; SAMOZVANTSEVA,_Z.M. Mesozoic otratigraphy of the Toko through and some information about its coal potential. Trudy VAGT no.7:47-51 161. (MIRA 14-7) (Aldan Basin--Coal geology) RVA 4F';PJPPz- Sr. SOURCE CODE: RU/0003IM/017/001/0028/ 1 AUTHOR: Hodor, I. Peculea, Mo; f7M,-, M& L. ORG: 14ME-17 ~Tnstitutul do fizica atomica, Sectia Cluj w TIM: Influence of the operating rs on thr- functional characteristics Of a saturator SOUFCE: Revista de chimie, v- 17,, no. 1,, _L966, 28-31 TOPIC, TAGS: chemical laboratory Mw 9717r,7 MM,,, gas flaw ABSTRACT: The authors report the --~.qsi44 tal results obtained with a-direct-bubbling; multi-tube saturator. The functional -i'MMeteristice of the apparatus, i.e., variation of the vapor/gas ratio degree -)'~ saturation and thermic yield in terms of the liquid level, thermic charge and --W flow, were determined and a method for selecting the most economical operating U--ameters is outlined. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and 6 figures. (JPRS: -.36;0021 SUB CODE: 07p ;D SUBM DATE: none UDC: 66-CY74.4.001.2 Card 0 773? t: N MARCH., N,V.; SAMPA11THIR, S-- Electron correlations .in metals: densit7 matrix approacb, Acts, ph7s Hung 34 no,1:67-76 162. 1. Department of Physics., The.University., Sheffield 10, England. Presented by Albert Konya* SAMPARA, N.P., inzh. Modernization of the 736 transverse planing machine. Mashinostroenie no.5:56-57 S-0 165. (MIRA 180) MICU D., SAMEREU MAXIMILIAN, Stefania; MTHAILFZCU, Eugenia; DANCESCU, lleana Cyto-enzymatic anomalies in some acutte leukoses. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 5 no.4:419-421 164. T(,"I B. "Some Data on'the -Protein Ilet-abOliSn of Feifer During th, e Period of Its Pregnancy. Cand Agr Sci, Moscow Order of Lenir, A,-'ricultural Acad Lnicni K.A. Timiryazav, Moscow, 10/55. (KI., TT(j 9, Feb 55) SO: Stri. 776. 631, 20" Aug 55-Sur-..rey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Fdgber Educational Ingtitutions (14) . ~ . . . ~ ~ . . ~ . . . I . . . - ~ - . - . - - 1 9 Is if u u W t$ Is 1 0 4014T - 1 .1 k K A a I I iso A at at FridaA)taft reacum. m. ltaac~' 0 4 ties of viul others and "Im with'bumos. V. V. t~plavskaya, md A. 1. Otrahanovieb Korzhak,y; F 60: _ Memdal (Mveraw CS6ii.--Tetb;-Ixj1. 4m). A Gfw- 0 Cient. (US.S.R.), I 100-70~lwm(in Rualmn); Cf. l I" Were C.A. 40, 4W3 .--W, o (120 34 _F.A a w a t b U f d i LWObU h 40 ; J 3 9r trea w ' ll t tw ng e 1. . h h dil md h h d d i id . ac t bat e n xt. was treate w t a e mg., ..t 40 laytrili1w. with stem to 2 BvPA(I),b.l75-W% Ul" -- b~ s b i A d CJ4 W " *is - w tacte w u u a m, . r Jected todur dian.-.Pve SwOff.wetaidderdedi-1111 KvW Nee b. 179-M and a mang amt. of matmial; b. 216-W,01 ' irldeb was n ot favealipagd: so a" we wu famd In tk- 000 coadmute.., It wavapparmt, that theetherfailed to am- coo dean with CA, but am* famed a polymes; tbit latter *0 03 reacted with C.% 4* to a allsk eums With forematim dr COO I. C.He (73 S.) &W 200 W. AK3~ were treated with 43 OCH d4 lti d H& A Cff (d see c : ow a . s.); a orwa l twk phkv I amd the mixt. was bated to W70* moo his. to YkM,,aitw the uwal decounw.. unall amts. cd AcPb, wW 9.10-olimeA A .j'm41:W moo Hb. IM-4 A12.1LA "IALLUKKAL LITINATURE CLAMWICATION taiawa Mir GMW G&L vS.1&j1 as ONT Lis --- -- - --- Nj u a AT 10 AS Aft I I I 1~ 0 0 F I v it 9 a a .3 w D tp a Or 49 K A x a P9 a It it: It ON I za 0 I is o 0 0 see 0 e *,a 0 411~ is~ 0 a 06 a 600 0 0 is a. 111.0 0.0-160 :11 : 914-909 9-90004 0 of 0 0 0 0 Korsbak, V. V. and Samnlavsk 0, K. K., The mechanism of the Friedel-CrLifts reaction. VII. The reaction of vinylidene chloride with benzene. p. 11,50. The reaction of vinylidene chloride with benzene was studied in the presence of aluainL.m chloride. It has been found that the products formed are: 1.1-dirhenylethylene and its alimer 1,1,3-triphenyl-3-meihylkvdrindene- A scheme is proposed which explains the genetic connection Letween the three known dixiers of 1,1-diphenylethylene. The Moscow Mendeleev Chemico-Techno- logical Institute (Order of Lenin). March 7, 1947 SO: Journal of General Chemistry (USSR) LS, No. 8 (1948) ~-~ M.1 sea of 00 ood so's ood g0# set owd sea L As it SL All Ali 404M11149 own t4ls Vats" be*, 94 UU41 , I -00 .2 N I liff 111 i 1000 =00 91 goo nos A- CD to EX-2 ou 1:1 .9 A it IN 96 qu COO see Moo w0 0 ties moo AS&-SLA MET&LUNGWAL U~w IV" """Awn moo "it am M Mom 0 W, wo All 9 it a 9 a d 3 1 v -I 0-01,10,07:0 u a AV 10 a0 0006000 000 0-41~ We 460464604 0 0 0-0 0 0 0,61 0.46 0 -6:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0100 7-71 The corchanism of tho Ftiodel.Cratto ioaction tX The rr*cljon of brichloroothylono with b*nsvno, V. %* KwAwk K K *S%mj,Lt"kAyA. und N1. A. AmIrrevas (11. L thit. Chnn. T"hnol ). J Gen. Cho". 19. 4W-61(1919)(English trmt,6- tion). -S.-C C.A. 44,3470h F. Mechanism of the Friedel-Crafts reaction. IX. Re- action of hichlomethylene with benzene. V.V.Xorshak, K ~ ~4 ~S4%pl Ia. and 1M. A. Andt"va. Zhur. OgA he! nmn. Chem.) 19. MkI-15(11149): cf. C.A. 43. 1211MIL-61MCCI, (1) and C.Ift will% AICI, tichl INdranclear lifoduels, which arr Wrtilical It, fit,-- .,ht w-1 lit . nitllil.r traction if 1111X~Vllcl %.lih 0.11. Addis. ,( :lit a. I lit Ilk' list. C.11, to 30 a. AIVI, in;Uhl itil. C.It'. (ollowni by whithis t-1..5 fit.. on the N%th (tmal little 3-4 firs.). trraluirnt with till. JICI. ajid di%tit. of the oft. 14yer save 40-50 c. Cl-lice rr,iduc. C.H.. m. 4.5-M . mid. wt.. OW23. front which no in. dividuats mild crys(d. directly. Dry distti. of .741 It. Irrivt 10 g. C and 8.5 g. distillate, b. MY-37,111'. hich n fractionation gave Ph,Cll,. b. 246*2-40 (this (S g.) anti 6 g. AICI. after 5 hrs. on the steam biLth gave 50% crude -.tit- thr"cotiel, Ph.CII. in. Ir2* (from AcOlf). anti anthraerne. M. 212-14". Addn_ of 48.4 jr. CIl,: CC), in 1110 mi. C.H. o M K. AICI, in 200 ml. Coll* with cmAing over 2 It".. foll ... vtl hy stirring 0.5-1.0 hr., xtyr 15 It. I1h,CXII#,. thii (.10 g.1 treated with Cf unlif JICI evollifilpit et-j" Ove fill.11%q, PhiCX110, b? 176-44; this (2.5 a.) in 110 ml, C.Ils Adcd to 2200 mi. hot C.11, contc. 15.5 g. AICI, and artned 4 firs. gave a mist. of the "ine prixinct.4 a% wrre obtained by using I (5m- above). The rt-sclian of I is believed to proirril wi follows: I - (C.11., MCI.) - I'h,C:CIICI - (C.11.) - Ilh,C:Cllllh - te.11.1 - (PbSCH)l - (1, Calfu AlCls) - PhtCIfCIl(C#If.)r- CHUIPItt, or the last step may also yield Ph,CCI-I,CjI- ClItClIhs. The latter 2 products are cleaved an dry distri. into tilt final products. which were isolated, G. Xf. Koiulapoff 110-molecubir w#14ht,c9wp*%mds. XXVI. Polymerl- saidon of vinyl laidWeAkildsomat properties of 1.2-aillodoethmar. V. V. K4w%hAk. k~~Iupjakyskitya. and N. %I. Onvol'. Skaya (1). 1. Afenarlivir lmg., . I Zhaar. ObiAwAA Kkia". (I. Gen. Chtna.) 20. 121tN"(Ij1.Wi*. cf.Cal.44.72M. 45.1513c.-Ctl[4passr-trap~llythrimigla ;an absorption train cutag. 15M g. iodine with 150 nd. 80!,'~~ rtOll and irradiated with a IOW-w. bulb was gradually transformed into W1111h, yellow o",dies. which, after washing with sq. KI and dr)nng, in. 7V* (yield 2:0-50 g.). (CH,Ih (140 g.) and 40 11. Naoff in 350 ml. RtOlf heated on a steam bath pre IO.M1 1. Vas contg. V % Cilia. tar. and CHI,. Careful lot of 11.5 t. (CH,I), with 40 ml. 0.8% KI in hiftco gave 0.58 1. (63%) Cilia; it) 1310H.'41", i4 obtained; XII~C.NS in EtOll gave t9.7-441.2%. Slow Midn. of 17,14 tit]. :1 N F10,ja In UtOll tit 1.1,a) X. (CII,l 1, X!kVC 1-1.5 1. rAS Collis. 81.6% Call,. Und 1-1.5 M. (W.: Of 1. IS. "W. flesting the latter (0.7 E.) with IA fill. 0.1 N 1"atS,O. at 150* (unstated time) caused polynictiration toa d,irk crumbly solid, sol. in cresol and partly _~I. in (CUtCl 1, 1W (CH9130h. Heating 14) x- (CH.110, with 1:111 a. KOIL I Fill. Ilro, land A411) 1. litoll to 60-5* (tmallv to '04"') d:;2t7oCH,.ClIRrb.ld*. TIds011x.).Ic1%taud7--1(J h 0.032 11. Bz^, gave 2-2.5 g. solid polymer; after months a 100% yield isobtained- the polyiner is a cW.W_ less crumbly. solid, decomp. 1204, soly in (CH111r), 2, ). hot dioxanc ti.a. (C I i'CIh mr, 'PhCI 1. cold djos&ne O.fkl PhClI.C1 0.2. EtBr 0.1%. poorly sol. in CS, and Ph.X%. insul. in RtOH, 1360, or MetCO. Builing 3 r. polymer with 9 S. KOH in 5W ml. dioxane P; hita. pave 2 S. hy- drolysis product contg. 5.5% Rr. The causa- of the po,;r gmilyineriration of CH,:CHl is the liberatim of jorline, which acts as an inhibitor. and lirrventiv". such fine AX or 11111, wrfe ineffer tire. USSR/Chemical'Technology- Chemical Products and their Application. J-12 Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Eh., No 8, 1957, 27593 Author : A.F. IQ*ustinskiy, K.K. Samv1pv-q1ca;M- :Moscow Institute o emi~stry and Technology. Inst Title :Modification of Isothermal Diphenyloxide Calorimeter for Work in Region of Thermochemistry of Silicates. Determination of Heat of Formation of Fluosilicie Acid. Orig Pub: Tr. Mosk. khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, 1956, v-yp. PP, 47-52. Abstract: An isothermal calorimeter of the Hermann-Bunsen type making the study of protracted reactions possible vas.used for the determi- nation of the heat of dissolution of silicates in M?; diphenyl- oxide, the melting point of which is practically equal to the standard (26-50), was chosen as the operating liquid. The work of the calorimeter was checked with the beat of dissolution of chemically pure MgO in chemically pure HC1; A H1600 35.8 kcal Card 1/2 USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and their Application. J-12 Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh., No 8, 1957, 27593 was received at the dilution of 1600, which agreed with biblio- graphical data to 0.5%.TheImagnitude of the heat of formation of H ,2SUt, n EZ4 = -554.6 + o.4 (:t m7%) cal was found by the determinatioalof the heat-of dissolution of crystalline quartz (99-9% Of SiO,;L and 0.05% of adsorbed water) in BF solu- tion. SELIVANOVA, N.M.; MAYER A.I.1 SAMPLAVSKAYA,