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VASILIKOV, G.V.; SPIROV, G.A.; DZHANOV, A.; SENNIKOV, M.I.; q~LYUCHENKO, A.; DEKANOV., I.; RAKHMATULLIN, M.G.; EYSMONT, V.V.; KOS6E'f,'-~*.'r.---TSUnTMOV, D.A.; LESHKOV, B.G. I Information and brief news. Veterinariia, 38 no.9:90-96 S 161. (MIRA 16:8) .1 "SELYUC~~TK9,-:L; DUDARETV, K.f*,.; BEDERITI, I.M. Information and news. Ifeterinariia 38 no.3:93-96 Kr 161 (M MI i8:i) -er. ori -Lie asti-i -ei e'- . -biia dlia le`- v 0.00t, rancrestve -rs. tsko F ~osKva, c sle s,, n 190. 53- 1)., PO,t., dia~l t e'~'.n n . 0-~ TS 37 37 194~ -ation in the Soviet Union, Library of SO: Aeronailtical Sciences and Av CnnE-ress, lqr~.r'. SELYUGINI V.S., kand.takhn.nauk Induction method of measuring radial clearances in turbines. Bnergomashinostroenie 7 no.9.*37-40 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Turbines-Testing) SELYUGINA. R.A., inzh. , .5 - Cablq-ican be made to lafit twice as long. Put' i out. khoz. no. 7:41 J1 159. (MIRA 11:7) (Cables) SELYUGII[k, R.L., inzh. Using excavator buckets of a new designs Transp,stroi, 9 no.7:36-37 JI '59. (141BA 12:12) (Excavating machinery) KOGMT, D. I.;_ SELYUGIITA,--B-,L Repairing excavators by replacing units. Transp.stroi. 9 no.12:22-24 D 159. 04IRk 11:5) 1. Nachallnik TSentrallnoy mashino-rokatno7 bazy (for Kogan). 2. Zamestitell na0allaika otdela eks-mluatataii mel-hanizma GlavstroymekhanizAtsii (for Solyugina). (],?xcavating mndhinery-Maintonance and repair) t~ - SELTUGINA, R., inzh. . ..... .__.e_ Unit method for the maintenance of excavators and bulldozers. Avt.dor. 22 no.11:21 N '59. (MI&. 13:2) (Excavating machiner7--14ainteiiance and repair) (Bulldozers--Maintenance and repair) nory. Mekh. ~;troi. nc. 1:15-17 j', 0 -11. LtLt5' ziti-citel I n,;k mashin 1:~- C._j I r La o- truLL :-ncc an(: rel.-Lir) ACC NR: '0*U-ji(CE CODE: UR/ol,',Ii/66/oo~l/ol~-,/--*'-Cfj/3505 ,AUTHO.Ti: Selyi;:, B. V. O-iG: Smolensk Stalue Pedagogical Institute im. K. Marx (Smolenskiy gosudar_-t-;c=yy Peda,--'giches1--',Y ins'itut) TITLE: Chnr.~e 'localization-in a ferroelectric capacitor SOURC2: tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. i2, 1966, 3500-3505 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric crystal, space charge density, electric capacitor, elec-. erode, bar"um titanate ABSTR-kCT: In view of the fact that the space charge produced near the surface of a ferroelectric crystal is usually disregarded i-; the analysis of ferroelectric mate- rials used in s-i,,_itching devices, and in view of the fact that the existence of a space charge in the transition layer between the crystal and the electrode in such a device! is unavoidable, the author attemDts to estimate the rate of penetration of charge t~xou.ah the transition layer and its influence on the behavior of the capacitor and cn the rate of motion of the domain boundaries. The analysis, based on calculations - r an in-ini~e paral-lel-plate capacitor, shows that a considerable part of the -Lo I charge in a ferroelectric capacitor is localized not on the electrode but in the transition region, and this localization remains in force up to fast switching fre- au,~nc~es. These switching cycles may reach 1 - 10 microseconds in duration. Con- sec"icitly, in the case of ferroelectric materials such as BaTi031 the charge moves 1/2 Ccrd ACC NR: Ap7oO5834 from the electrodes to the surface of the crystal so rapidly, tha, i~ becomes toca ized not only in the electrodes but also -;~o a considerable degree on thle surface of the crystal. This localization can be either of the surface type, in a layer on the order of the lattice constant, or of the volume type, in a much thicker layer. In the latter case, there exists a ferroelectric layer whose properties differ from the rest of the ferroelectric, having anomalous properties which can greatly influence the behavior of the ferroclectric capacitor. The author thanks L. P. Kholodenko for a discussion of the work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 00 Sum un-: o4Apr66/ oRiG RFF: oo4/ OTH REF: 010 Card 2/2 FRIDMAN, S.Ye.; SICLYUK. I.A. Raw materials supply of the sugar industry on the fortieth anni- voreary of the Soviet regime. Sakh. prom. 31 no-10:10-13 0 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Gooplan RSFSR (for Pridman). 2. Gosplan SSSR (for Selyuk). (Sugar beetB) FRIDKAN, Semen Yefimovich; LIME 0, V.M.; MYUK. I.A. (Manual on the procurement, receiving, and storage of sugar beats] Spravochnik po zagotovka, priemke i khrennaiiu sakhBrnoi evekly. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat. 1959. 39) P. (sugar beets) (MIRA 13:8) SELYUY, S. 26380 Na starom promysle. (0 znatrxo::, neftyanike A. G. Kafarove. Dinagady. Azerbaydzli. SSR. Ocherk. 3,mena 10,4~), No. 15, s. 8-9 SO: LETOFISI NO. 35, 1949 AZIZYAN, A.X., otv. za vypusk; REM, V.P., otv. za vypusk; QR~=VMSSL' otv. za vypusk: SKMOV, Y.Y., otv. za vypusk; HOVIKOTA, L., [The first flight of man into space; materials published in qlravda."] Pervyi polet cheloveka v kosmos; materialy. opubliko- vannye v *Pravda." Moskva, Izd-vo wPravda." 1961, 343 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Astronautics) CHEREENKC, M.B.; LUKIN, Yu.B.; G-tjSV-V', K.M.; KUDREVATYhT, L.A.; 14uUMIKO, Ya.I.; SATYIJKOV, P.A., red.; STEPAI--OV, V.P., red.; E~IL I Tt YUKI S,1-1, red.; SUTOTOOKIY, S.B., red.; ABALKIU, N.A., red.;KOZEII, N.A., red.; AVER- CMKOI B,Ye., red.; SOBOLEV, L.S., red.; SU-101XV, K.M., red.; POLE- VGY, B.N., red.; GALD, B.A,, red. [Heroes of our times] Geroi nashikh dnei. Mosk-ia, Izd. gazety "Pravda," .1961. 619 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Labor and laboring classes) SFT,"Tr, Ye. 14. USSR/Meteorology - Wind Wave Oct 52 "IXiformation on Procedure for the Observations of Height of Wind Waves," Ye. M. Selyuk, Lenin- grad State Hydrol Inst "I,L-teorol i Gidrol" No 10, PP 51, 52 Selyuk suggests that, in order to get the av height of wind waves on the surface of re- claimed or natural lakes, 100 waves be proc- essed, measuring their height and time of pas- sage and then averaging. 231T88 231T88 SELYUK, YE. M. PA 245TE7 USSR/GeophysicB - ffydrolog,.- Nov 52 "Some Works Data on the Volga-Don Canal imeni Lenin and the Tsimlyansk Reservoir." K. P. Voskresenskiy, Cand Geog Sci, and Ye. M, Selyuk, Cand of Tech Sci, Leningrad Stat3 Inst of Hydrology "Meteorol i Gldrol" No 11, pp 22-26 Presents an account of projects and contributions by individuals, groups, institutions, etc., which have aided in the "great" constructions of Communism. 245T57 SOV/124-57-9-10384 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 71 (USSR) AUTHORS: Andreyanov, V. G. , Labzovskiy, N. A. ,,Selyuk, Ye. M. TITLE: On the Application of Probability Curves to the Study of Wind-created Surface Waves (0 primenenii krivykh obespetheanosti k izucheniyu vetrovogo volneniya) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. gidrolog. in-ta, 1956, Nr 56 (110), pp 118-122 ABSTRACT: The paper consists of a criticism of the results obtained by B. Kh. Glukhovskiy and Ya. G. Vilinskiy (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1953, Nr 9) during an investigation of the laws of the distribution of the elements of wind-created sea waves. The results of the analysis of 119 wave recordings are adduced, which contradict the conclusion by those authors regarding the existence of a single generalized dimensionless distribution function of the heights of wind-created waves. Yu. M. Krylov Card 1/1 SOV/124-58--8-8840 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 73 (USSR) AUTHOR: Selyuk, Ye-.-.M. TITLE: Concerning the Methods Used to Analyze Wave-recorder Graphs (Nekotoryye voprosy metodiki obrabotki volnogramm) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. gidrolog. in-ta, 1957, Nr 66, pp 51-74 ABSTRACT: A description is given of the methods used to measure the height, length, and period of waves. It is pointed out that the lack of stan- dard procedures in the analysis of wave-recorder graphs makes it difficult to obtain results on which valid comparisons can be based. It is proposed that the wave graphs be analyzed to find the compon- ent sine curves having different amplitudes and periods. Doing this makes it possible to accomplish the harmonic analysis in the firs' approximation. For the purpose of standardizing the analysis it ii~ proposed that the main wave system in a wave graph be seg- regated and then be used to determine the mean period and height of the waves (correct to within 30-400/6). The mean-period and mean-height values thus obtained can be taken as nominal values. Card 1/1 A.S. Ofitserov ROW-NIOV, A.V.; SELYUK, Ya.M. ------ Analytico-experinental method of calculating spatial percolation tc 6, drain. Vop.filltr.rasch.gidr.soor. n0-3:155-176 1159. 041RA 13:5) (Soil pewcolation) (Drainage) ABRMOVY S.K.; SELYUK, Ye.M. Experimental methods for designing drainage structures. Trudy Lab. iuzh. gidrogeol. VODGEO no. 3:142-163 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Drainage) SELYUK, Yelena Mikhaylovna,,-kand. tekbn. nauk; KARAUSM, AN., kand. tekhn. nauk; VEYNERT, V.A.t inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: VESPEp V.Yu.p mladshiy nauchrqy sotr.,- GAVRILOVAj, V.P.2 starshiy tekhnJ FROSKURYAKOVO A.K.9 kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; 14IROIWKOp Z.I.p red.; SOLOVKYCHIK, A.A., tekhn. red. [Investigation, calculation, and prediction of wind waves in reservoirs; practical manual] Issledovaniiat raschety.i prognozy vetrovogo vo3jadniia na vodokhranilishchakh; prakticharskoe posobie. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo 1961. 220 p. Romograms. I(Waveb) (ReservoirsT- (MIRA 14:9) ABIRAMOV, S.K., nauchnyy sotr.; NEDRIGA, V.P., nauchnyy sotr.; R01-1XIOV, A.V., nauchnyy sotr.; SEIYUK, Ye.M., nauchnyy sotr..Frinimli uebastiyq: FQFWj-I;;N'G-V ftre ; SKIRNOVtD.U., nauch.sotr.; SHEaSHUOVA,l~.A.,red.izd-va;GOLIBEFG, T.M., [Protection of land against inudation and the rise of the ground water level) Zashchita territorii ot zatopleniia i podtopleniia [By) S.K.Abramov i dr. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo l--',t-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 423 p. (M~IRA 15:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodosnab- zheniya kanalizatsii, gidrotekhniobeskikh sooruzheniy i in- zhenernoy gidrogeologii (for all except Shershukova.. Gollberg). (Hydraulic engineering) YUK, Ye.14,, kand. tekhn. nauk- . P,coults of the scientilCic and methodological control ol' the study of 1--kes and reservoirs exercised by the Institute. ~l Trudy GGI no,85:17-36 162. (MAIFV, !5t6) (Hydrology"-R--search) SELYUK, Ye.M.; KOSHCUYLV, A.N.; VAYSBAND, V.B.; YAROSL.AVTSEV, P.A. Comparative evaluation of instrumental methods of observaticns on waves of reservoirs and lakes. Trudy GGI no.113:5-35 164. (MIRA 17:11) SERASHKO, L.S., inzh. Neglected possibility for improving the quality of lung films. Vest.rentg. I rAd. 33 no-1:78 Ja-F '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1% rentgonologicheekogo otdelenlyn knnch. A.B. 14alyarovn) T-')Pntrnl'noy polikliniki Minintoratvn 7drnvookhrnnenlyn SSSR (nach. M.D. Kormilitayn). (LUNGS, rndiography menns of Improvement o' qunlity of films (Rus) SEMASHKO, Lev Stanislavovich; VARNOVITSKIY, G.I., red.; KUZIMINA. N.S., [Clinical radiography] Klinicheakaia rentgenografiia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 190 P. (14IRA- 13:6) (RADIOIDGY, KEDICAL) I--, YUTSIDI, Aleksandra Veniaminovna; MIKHAYLOVp Nikolay Andreyevicb; -- SR.-ASHKO, Lev Stanislavovich; ALITSHUT.T.&I, L.I., red.; BEL'CHCMVA-,-Y-u.S-., -teldm. red.' (Handbook for the X-ray laboratory techniciwi] Spravochnik rentgenolaboranta. Yioskva., Miedgiz, 1962. 198 p. (MIRA 15:3) (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL) SEIMASHKO, V.A. DECEASED See ILC SEMASHNO, N,A, 6tandardization in public health. Standartizataiia 29 no.8:24-25 165. (MIRA 18:10) 111-23 jun,.~ 9WSVQ. N.O., MOU901, A.S., POPOVA, V.M., SYTTOV, E.V., TAW, Ye.l. KV77-7. I . , YAC I Tor-f"A , F.A. v "Photoproduction of Pions Complex Nuclei," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 21M AUTHORS: Popova, V. M. , Semashko, 147. SOV/56-306-5-5/76 Yag-udina, F. R. TITLE: The Photoproduction of Charged-W-Mesons of Low Energy on Composite Nuclei (Fotorozhdeniye zaryazhennykh ii -mezonov maloy energii na slozhnykh yadrakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 5, PP 1357-1359 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the yield of positive and negative photomesons with energies between 0 and 3 Mev at the angles 900+200(laboratory system) to the direction of the photons. Ylo~k was carried out on the synchrotron of the FILN with a maximum photon energy of 2065 Mev. Collimation of the f-beam was carried out by means of a lead block with a 3.21 mm 2 cleft; a ma--netic field of 7000 oe eliminated the charged particles. The following foils were used as targets: 2 2 2 Be - 0.0659 9/cm , C - 0.0446 g/cm , Al - 0.0377 9/cm Card 1/4 Cu - 0.141 g/'cm2. In the case of simple Coulomb scattering The Photoproduction of Charged -11-Mesons of Low SOV/56-36-5-5/76 Energy on Composite Nuclei the average angle in these thin foils was not greater than 0 5 , the energy losses amounted to 0.1 Mev for 3 Mev mesons; the targets were fastened to fine caprone fibers (0-0015 mm thick), which were located outside the beam. Mesons were recurded by meana of NIKK-K plates with an emulsion layer of 400/j, thickness. During irradiation the target and the plate were in a vacuum chamber which was surrounded by a lead- and graphite protective shield (cf. Fig 1). Evaluation of the plates with respect to pion stars (negative pions) ard IT - 1w decays (positive pions) was effected with a degree of efficiency of 96 - 98 %. Energy measurements were carried out aith an accuracy of + 3 Wher, calculating the meson production cross sections, charge exchange and inelastic meson nucleon scattering were not taken into account; for slow mesons these effects are,however, small. Results are shown by figure 2 in form of a diagram, which shows the pion yield in dependence of Z. Curve 1 corresponds to the meson production on the Card 2/4 surface nucleons of the nucleus, and curve 2 corresponds The Photoproduction of Charged -r -Mesons of Low SOV/56-36-5-5/76 Energy on Composite Nuclei SUBluITTED: November 21, I'A Card 4/4 ATb031143 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Balebanov,_Y. M.; Semashko,-N-. N. ORG: none TITLE: Lifetime of Individual charged particles with mirrors- 001/0060 in a magnetic trap SOURCE:_--Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady,'IAE-1078, 1966. Vremya zhizni otdellnykh zaryazhennykh chastits v magnitnoy lovushke s probkami, 1-60 TOPIC TAGS: charged particle, magnetic trap, magnetic moment varia- tion, particle lifetime, charged particle lifetime, magnetic field, stationary magnetic field, axially symmetric magnetic field, disturbed magnetic field ABSTRACT: Measurements are presented of the lifetime of individual charged particles in a stationary axially-symmetric magnetic field with mirrors. The experiments described confirm theoretical findings on the relatively small exponential variation of the magnetic moment in relation to the adiabaticity of the motion of a particle near the point of reflection. Assuming random or resonance accumulation Card 1/2 U41U4-01 ACC NR: AT6031143 processes, the authors obtain an exponential index and pre-exponential factor for an expression describing variation in the magnetic moment for a given magnetic field (Ogry-I fields). Measurements obtained on the lifetime of particles In an axially-symmetric disturbed magnetic field are in satisfactory agreement with expressions derived for varia- tions in the magnetic moment. The anomalous increase in the lifetime of electrons in a trap was observed experimentally under conditions corresponding to the absolute retention of particles In a limited space C'Stormer region"). The authors thank A. A. Roslov for his preparation of the equipment and instruments.and direct participation In this study, and I. N. Golovin, L. I. Artemenkov, and A. M. Dykhne for their helpful discussion of the results obtained. [Tu-thors, abstract] [SPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 024/ OTH REF: 013 kh F 1" z: a T -44 -1 71 A or a C R 0 TI, A 4 t Al c I, T y T, c. a, s ot- t 11 i an, n field i -,-, t'n S, a 3 ur s: o a I s c leadi3 t -r-, a i-,a-n 7- J -q de 2 e ~::I C~ 2 T T, T-' d JL: 2 !~-j a' at r J i. -ce-- T" - aily d c- - - .3 1 t On, f a n ~,'l n--, nr2 ~i- f i I A Sl t G. Y. Yt- D. P-1 M gueti c f -1 elds---Sta'c)4 I- zation 2, Stabilit--r-Con+rol, Cn.thcdo --ay tubes-Applications 66593 I 10 0 SOV/26-59-7-2/55 AUTHOR: Panov, D.A., and Semashko, N.N., Moscow TITLE: Thermonuclear Magnetic Traps PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 7, pp 13-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes how thermonuclear reactions are achieved and comments upon the principle of thermonu- clear magnetic traps. In the USSR, the idea to use a thermonuclear magnetic trap in the shape of a straight C3 cylinder with a longitudinal magnetic field with in- creased am-)lification toward its ends was first ex- pressed by G.I. Budker in 1953. Recently the Institut atomnoy energii AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Power of the AS USSR) has developed (under the guidance of I.N. Golovin) a large thermonuclear magnetic trap, the "Ogra" (diagram on p 17 and photo on p 18). It will serve for research into thermonuclear reac- tions. In the ionic supply chamber of the 110grals" Card 1/2 injector, deuterium ions of as much as 200 kiloelec- Lk/ 66593 SOV/26-59-7-2/55 Thermonuclear I-Aagnetic Traps 0 tron-volts are created. The trap's chamber made of non-magnetic steel is 1.4 m in diameter, and has se- veral diffusion and sorption pumps. The "Ogra" is supposed to pf2duce high-temperature plasma with a density of 10 ions per cu cm. It will thus help to solve the problem of accumulation and holding back of the plasma in thermonuclear magnetic traps. There are 4 diagrams, 1 photo, 1 graph and 2 Soviet refer- ences. Card 2/2 2229i osi ~1, N. ATtemenkov jano, Piatuno~lch, 7. Tork with 'he Uop.kht fizzicheakIlkh nauk, v. 73, -.a. TSXT.: Tne W.. O.nC~r,trg the L n, I '_ 1, n -re published in 1958 by ~. 7. Xurchmtov, 11C rt~'---y~:~ .,..=nay nni,aii 1!; S~Sa 7. Pzr-_v,.-ye:iyz. (Atomnaya enera!ya 5, 1 0 5 (1950)). Bot' tri, -rer (1~55) r,i '"0' t,Ln'z" let%tir. in Lo,.d.n t strength and c~nd_-Iona requireA for a d.~,it ;'U- t: Cgr~~. In -Iptnch'. operat.,__, -he dens!-.y of p'_-=i -.s equ-1 zr tho.. -.h. ity 0.1 byl-ocen. n.t in log-" in..111. na, t~ the d1iAIat ftotl.. s of a -clecu, (b) the croon oec~ion a* of %he dissoclat~'- of A. Z,Ilfc-.~_ ion "_2' by Card 1/6 -C04/CZ)5/C.1- W~rk with t!:o ... 312512z:T 76-OtOoff, Cc) the crone ueo%40.1 o.x of he chzr,;e oxc!tlz hyJrogen, St -f Pat...S I= (d) the c.-ag, section a ion of hy~rade--- by Th e .luda of a d Used by the -.'.hOT. in 19~3 h,~ b., V. Fedorenko at '.!"Z (Lenin6raJ c, by 1957. _: :qc!~-11 :'Or conditions in the lens And neutrons read nO.. 0, + n,. (2.2) The equation f0.7 'he ;inch curron% reaiz-, -,4F (2,3) for the density Of or hyit~, A, In- P,.n-n: (2.4) Card 2/6 22292 Z !/00 4100 511: AM the thermonuclear... 331053167/~ 125/32C! and P) P reap;ctl-cly. The in 6 a.3. .10 F 9. 1 nhowi the ;rincipal croon aec-ls h.rac-or. the accumulation : _ : in, f A PI-Qm- in the "Cgrwl. :t.fa-_4 _, to _&~, , Monte carried out by V. A. Simonov at the _r._ vokuumnyy inatitut Ith 'the (Vacuum 30IOntific Research Part 5 A . the -pact charge, and the cooll., of lens by W- 3 r0 -ad V. 0. T.I'kOvGkiy have studied the a.!1~21,mr (Peralanovochinaya n4ustoychivootl). According to 0. 3. p,, v, a Asymmetry of the YIA4M4 MAY, in cise Of A POsit'TQ a-I'Moa'-Zal drive, 14~4 to An ordered flux of I... tb..rd the chamber is'-!. ?4x- 4 do-In .--i!: results of ex-periment, made with the 110drn": At the ttm- while, present V:.Per a@ writtent curtain part* of the the th , -r- r-deaign.d 41to AARIltying the Induced flux of g~ jams. =d to improw-Ing Card 316 22292 5/053/61/073/00.4/005/037 Work with the thermonuclear...B125/B201 the vacuum condition G. Goncharov and Tu F. .1,ealrov,,~ dv, d...g -ry low In.r-Y Z ane~.ib.f _'urla.14an .II.aCr,. a ,'*ve VT, K r, I in a, lo el and buil'. an imtarf-!tt:t~. -Ir~tinl .I _mm 4clength r~ ;~.n'f ...Z --r-'n. of 3 ._z 71' ere ~rc always two pla-ma componento .1 .1 n~ one anI acol of the cold -.-ne Ibe. on, .r nn higher than %%-'t "~' the pres.~~req of re=-.. t;-. s . 0.h.. one if ..ce- 10-7 -m E6. A' pressures b~'.w 10-7"- dn.1-1.u .1 the two --00.011-1, .The c~la 0 . c.n,!,ra' 1:, ,r.,7cr ."Oento 1~'Aa;'i- life "t- the hot an:. The - vus t ruA.N. '.rkho~ pe- t . .Pa. nj r-t, the MdMO'iC VIAN.At.-O.1 Of i-a in the h.le apst.,. k , Vka ale Yu. 1. .1, -a no, r .1 P -1. an the A.. l:o =-,1trav!o1,'. -adatlon ni energy ronL' from breoatra~lun- in .. - a n,- Of ICCO - I A. ?-.* 5. Onclu.-Iona: 0' P1 theeC From experimenta xit.1 t~-.e -0,7a":~n -he -~.c ~.' auk a..perasia in the trap (10-20 mill iam-pe re -) the i- mzltion fits well -he t%cory of -tior. of ~InCle psrticles, Lol thm -.-n frae path of molecular Lon. 1. '..'Cer ~haA one kilometer. By proptr cnoice of the form of the majnotic field C.rd 4/6 221~2 Work with -he thermonuclear . . .B1251B201 fl.1-a.pca a'alo &-a go entothe mean free pa-h.ever further, and to ..:'bl, am 0 ulaaapr on densities of Icc 3. Carrontj Of "C to 4vingamp:reacc:n be :ftncc-.ry'ci-.".. -o3s,- leY ZP 4111 . I..--- 0 .11, 1 ~ i0orm. %h va . a ad .1o ., he .. n. r~; or . a. dense plna=a to some dozen zillia=parea 11f !-a tnerey of "i lona iw to '50-260 kov. Thus ion "t x1th a -a -Ati density of 109 fast Iona Is byofr.'o a 'Os- ~:::archu:orkhaaao f roonly reached no limit of those ;_ .a I. h 'a d:ntlit bel an cton-intiractinj,particle an d I a .. r _11'.a she whi h hd a- -'; pro,%urveiaOsa 0. PIRO= And ... 00116C'~ve v@aa hj Interaction: of phrtice3,.Mdk* thems'elversono%imble*T a ki gI-h. so.o=PIat 1y fi. d b to nP no In 1.4 cl.r~ at .or l:'"O no, yet been ex,plained why the pl.c-. 2:1.nli.1 I. xa2p variants of the exper4=ants do:ena of kilov.1-s. Psome Various pon.iblaexplanations are offered. There are 12 figures and 15 references: 5 Soviet-bloc And 10 non-Soviet -bloc. The too =us- recent references to En4lish-longuag. publictlo.. ra~ .6 follows: ..A' I It Sh =ask I. =a af f C. F. 3ogdanav, 1. A. Panov, N.Iant Iona in Card 516 _22292 2/05 61/073/004/005/CO7 B125YI201 work with the thermonuclear...t 0(!T&, T. Nual. Eqorgy part C, 111, 106 (1961);.R f. E"'.. Stable Confin A- ';. adenbluth, :'h gper. Z. C. Pird, And U N aant urn plasma, Phys. Rev: L;:t166.(1960). Legend to Fig. 1: The moot important areas sections determining the P can.aor plasma sacumulation in the 0gra., t1, cro:* action. ~cm2)j 2, produ ti on of 92* In hydrogen'by protons, 41.. ation of H. n hydrogan i ,k Ijol 3. Y:ci d ran o A'.tma- R_b Inn'_Su "m a"15. Gerjoyl 46, capture of el..Ir.n. by .,rO to. sl 7, dionooiation Or U2 by protonal 8t energy of 'yd rages Iona 1. Card 6/6 SEWSHKO.,. N. N. GRCSHEV, A. L., 1,,TJZNE9BOV, V. V-, MALAKHOV, N- P-, "The Source of Hydrogen Ions for Mirror Machine Ogra," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 jul 63 NRUXBANOV, V. M., GLASKO, V. B., GRCSREV, A. L., =MgBOV, V. V., SVESHNIKOV, A. G., "Study of Individual Charged Particle Motion in "fluted" Magnetic Fields, " report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 jul 63 SEW KO, N- N-, RAT PA OV, V. M., VOLKOV, B. I., GUSKO, V. B., GRCSHEV, A. L., KUZNEM30~, V. V'., SVESF-NIKDV, A. G., "Motion of Individual Charged Particles in Felical-Symmetry Magnetic Field," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France) 8-13 jui- 63 L 1IL3-0-623 E*,,T(1)/9Wu(k)/M(m~, EDS 1q LFM /ASD/L-,SD -3 /AnoWSSM Pz-h/Pab-h/Pi-4 o- ON~ci ACCESSION NR: AP3001173 S/0089/63/014/005/0446/0432 AUTHOR: Bezbatchenko,__A,, L.; Kuznetsov, V. V.; Malakhov, N. P.; shko, N- -N- TITLE: Injections of ion beam into the magnetic trap 110g:rall SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no- 5, 1963, 446-452 TOPIC TAGS: ion injection, plamma, magnetic trap ABSTRACT: The paper describes experimental results on obtaining, focusing, and injection of a beam of molecular hydrogen ions of energy up to 180 kev into the magnetic field of the "Ogra.11 The ion current introduced into the trap was about 150 ma. The ions are introduced into the trap through a magnetic channel which consi,5ts of an iron screen with a compensating current winding for weakening the field the channel (see Enclosure). The distortion of the magnetic field of the"trap used by the iron injection channel is in the working part only a few percent. Details of the ion source, ion injector optics, and of the magnetic chan- nel are given. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: none Card BALEBANOV, V.M.; GLA'SKO, V.B.; GROSHEV, A.L.i KU&IETSOV, V.V.; SVESHNIKOV, A.G.; SEMASffKO, N.N. Motion of sinale charged particles in undulating magnetic fields. Atom. energ. a15 no.4:31&319 0 163. (MIRA 16:10) BALEBANOV, VJT,.; VOLKOV 2 B.l.; GLASKO, V.B.; GROSREV, A.L.; KUZNETSOV, V.V.; S"FES1E"UKOV, A.G.; SEMASHKO, N.N.- Motion of isolated charged patticles in a magpetic field with helical srimetry. Atom. energ. 15 no.5:409-4.10 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) ;'L 3613-66 ElIT(1)/ETC/'~r-Pr-~n-),.2/E~IG(m--)/EPA(u-)..2- 1JR(c)-AT. !ACCESSION NR.- AP5024034 vR/0o5?/65/b35/bo9A59oA593 W4C fr'< .533-9 AUTHORt Volkov.4 B. Is; Glasko, Ve B.; Sveshnikov.9 A. Go; Semashkot N..N TITLEt On "intermingling" of particles in a composite magnetic-field trap SOURCE,. Zhurnal teknicheskoy fisikij, v. 35, no. 9, 1965, 1590-1593 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic mirror, combined magnetic field,, plasma injection., particle trajectory, plasma confinement, plasma instability, mathematic physics ABSTRACT-t Trajectories of charged particles in a magnetic mirror syllam-sith an atuciliary transverse magnetic field were calculated with the aid of a computer, The auxiliary field was that produced by six current-carrying rods parallel to the axis of the system and symmetrically disposed aboA its The calculations were undertaken to determine whether the.complex magnetic field would cause sufficient intermingling of particles with different velocities significantly to reduce the anisotropy of the ion velocity distribution of a plasma injected into the system. This question is important because the anisotropic velocity distribution of plasmas-... in magnetic mirror systems gives rise to cyclotron'Anstability and greatly reduces the confinement time. The charged particles were assumed to be produced within the field by ionization of atom of a monoenergetic beam moving in the, median plane through the centef of the systeme The ions were accordingly Injected at different Card CON- Va(,)/ETC F - C --------- '446 -E vr. ijp(__ L 10673 AT ACC NR. AP5028325 SOURCE CODE: UR/005V65/035/011/20F,3/2091 4'' AUTHOR: Glapko, V.B.; Sveshnikov,A G I Semashko N N I Timofeyev, A V. 375- ORG: Physics Department, Moscow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet,Fizicheskiy fakulytet) TITLE: On the deceleration of ions in an are discharge in a magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy fizilti v. 35, no. 11, 1965l 2083-2091 TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, magnetic mirror machine, gas discharge plasma, plasma beam interaction, ion beam, ion energy, charge exchange :71 v cl 5- '~_ ABSTRACT: The authors calculate the rate of deceleration~ of high energy ions owing to their passage through, and interaction withan arc discharge plasma in a longi- tudinal magnetic field. The calculations were undertaken because of the practical use of an arc discharge to accelerate the dissociation of molecular ion beams employed for injecting plasma into adiabatic plasma-confining systems. The interaction of a high energy ion with the are plasma is described by an equivalent viscosity, and the rate of energy loss is calculated for an ion whose Larmor orbit intersects the arc column. With the aid of this result and the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation the energy distribution of the ions is calculated both for the steady state that is established during the injection pulse and for the nonsteady state between pulses. A numerical solution for ion energies between 15 and 62.5 keV is presented graphically. L 10673-66 ACC NRt AP5028325 For 'the conditions obtaining in the$ Ogra 0 installation (Soviet thermonuclear mirror machine), the relaxation time for deceleration of the ions by their Interaction with the arc plasma is 0.3 msec, and it is concluded that the density of high energy ions is determined mainly V7 this interaction and not by loss of high energy ions due to charge exchange collisions with neutral atoms. The authors thank L.I.Artemenkov for valuable discussions. Orig. art. has: 33 formulas and 4 figures. IN SUBCODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 12Mar65/ ORIG REP: 003 OTH REF: 002 GORA, V.Ye., in--h.; �~~WEKO,-T-Y.j inzh., nauchnyy rad.; ROZOVSKIY, R.S., inzh., red.; PONUSOV, 11., tekhn. red. [Bridge cranes] Krany mostovye. Moskva, Otdel tokhn. infor- r-atsii, 1961. 138 P. (1-aRIL 15:1-1) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuzn,,ry nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pod'Iemno-transportnogo rashinostroyeniya. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) ~,;. I'l. 1, T-'ASON, 0. P., Sz;;,TASFlCO, S. A., and 3% R. ;'. lIncreased sensi- t;-vl-ty to the K-herst reaction aud its -,)ra,:ti-cal signlflr~an,~e for cliagnos- ing enidemi,~~ ~rb)pel', Voorosy med. virusolo-ii, Issue 1, 1048, T). 181-80. SO: TJ-)O42, 11 "4arch 53, (Leto-)is Inykh Statey, Ilo. 10, 1`1419). SEMASHKOY S. A. Spshteyn, A. S., Levinson, S. A., Semashko, S. A. and others. "The clinical characteristics of grippe A", (Based on data gathered in 1943, 1944, 1940, Iroprosy med. virusologii, Issue 1, 1948, p. 198-208, - Bibliog: 7 items. SO: U-3042) 11 March 53, (letopis 1zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). ,-a, & 3 ') UU1-0 Z. A . EpshtL-jn, F. G., Levinson, A. S., Semashko, Z. A., and others, "Material on the serotherapy of Grippe", Vopro5y med. virusologii, Issue 2, 1949, p. 276-37, - Bibliog: 15 items, SO: U-3042, U March 53, (Letopis 1zhurnal Inykh St-ttey, No. 10. 1949). SM-JASHKO, 3. A. 1, EPSHTEUI, F. G. j SEYASHKO, Z. Z., and BIBIKOVA, T. I. "Use of Sulfonamide for the 'treatment of Acute Catarrh of the Respiratory, Passages," Sov.Med., No.8, 1949 A group of 490 patients with acute catarrh of the respiratory passages was treated with sul-fonamide preparations while a control group of 304 patients was treated with urotropine. Duration of Urbrile reactions, toxic and local catarrhal symptoms, and unfitness for work was approximately the same for both groups, but fewer complications occurred in the group receiving sulfonamice treatment. 152T6o SEMASHKO, S.A. r-,- ",- -, - , Virus influenza. Feldsher & akush. no.2:25-27 Feb 51. (CLML 20:8) 1. Author has title of professor. SEMASHKOY S. A., EPSHTEYN, F. G., FADEYEV) D. N. and others "Clinical Data on Diagnosis and Therapy of Influenza Caused by the Virus Type A-1,11 Moscow, 1952 .~ " 'I I - - - - /- 7 EPSETEYN, F.G. SOROKINA, Ye.Yu.; SEMASHKO, S.A.; DTJBNYAKOVA, A.M. Course of influenza in vaccinated persons [with silmmary in English]. Vop.virus. 2 ni.4:210-213 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Klinika Institute virusologii AMN SSSR, Mosicvs. (IRFLUENZA, immunology course in vaccinated & Aon-vaccinated subjects (Rus)) EPSHTEYN, P.G., SOROKINA, Ye.Yu., TITOVA, G.V., LBISHCHINSKA.YA, Ye.Y., WAZYWA, L.D., SMIA-SHKO, S.A., DUBNYAKOVfi, A.M., ZHUMIGINA, M.A., MARTYROVA, Clinical and laboratory data on influenza A, in adults according to finding during the 1953-1954 epidemic@- Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 29 no.9:29-33 S 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMN-SSSR. (INFLUENZA, epidemiolo Al, in Russia (RLUM L 21.106'65 FPA(c)-2/EWT(m)/EPF(c)/ZWP(v)/EPR/E;WP(J)/T Pc-4/Pr-4/Pa-VPt-j0 7W7 ACCESSION NIR: AP4049432 S/0316/64/000/003/0091/0097 AUTHOR: llameoillyev.-Yu,('~,~Deceased); I�rnaLlov,_P~.q. * Allycv, S.M.'Agayeva, M.A.;Scmaswco, V. Mame-dallygy, G.M. TITLE: Pol crizauon' f the styren.11fraction of gas pyrolysis tar with various Initiators SOURCE: AzerbaydzhansIdy khimicheskly zharnal, no. 3, 1964, 91-97 TOPIC TAGS: gas pyrolysis tar, styrene fraction, styrene polymerization, polymerization. Initiator ABSTRACT: A styrene fraction, obtained In 6-7% yield by vacuum distillation of gas pyrolysis tar at 60 mm Hg and containing 50% styrene, 5%C