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FILONEM, Serafim Ilikonovich; XOSTYUMV, Viktor Aleksandroyfch;-RODIN, Petr RodionoTich; GUSIKOV, Boris Sergeravich; XLWCH9=, A.G., inzhaner. redaktor; SMWK, V.K., inthbiier; Y6dakter. Ruiwspy, U.V.; [concise manual for tool operators at machine-tractor statiowl KratkiA spravochnik stanochnika M . Kiev, Goe.xauchxo-tekbz~'_izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ryl, 1955. ~19 pe (nn 9--P (Kachine-tractor stations) (Matfdwork) 1-~- R J) ~ U KJ IVI < KIRAKOVSKIY, N.F., dotsent; GLAGOLEV, N.M., professor; SHELUDIKO, I.M. dotsent, redaktor; SET07M V.T., inzhener, redaktor; HJD-]UiSKff, Ye. V., tekbnicheski~ ~re or., [Stationary Internal combustion engines; operation. adjustment, testing. A reference mannall StatsionariWe dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniia; kontroll, naladka, isputanie. Spravochnoe rakovodstvo. Kip-7, Gos.nanchno-tekhn.izd-vo masbinostroitallnoi lit-ry, Ukrain- skoe ntd-nie, 1955. 402 p. (MLBA 8:11) (Gas and oil eDgines) KIRAKOVSKIY, Nikolay Feliksovich; SERDYUK, Y.K., inzhener, radaktor; RUDAITSKIT, Ya.V., tekhnicbeski.'r-redbXtqi,~. - (Repair and assenblY of stationary internal combustion engines] Remont 1 montazh siatsionarnykh dvigatelei vrintrannego agoraniia. 12d.3-~, dop. Kiev, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo maBhinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 511 p. (MT.RA 8,11) (Gas and oil enginas-Haintenance and repair) ~t'r MESTOMO, Semen Leontlyevich; GLAZKOV, P.G., inzh., retsenzent; S3RDYU,.KV K.Inzh-, red.; LYKHOTA, N.A., (Instructions on safety techniques for faundrymen pouring metal into molds] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia zalivshchikov form metallom. Kiev, Gas. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1936. 33 P. (KIRA 12:9) (Founding--Safety measures) LOPATA, A.Ya., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; MANIKO, H.S., inzhexer; MOSEMS, M.G., iazhenar; KOSTENW, G.F., redaktor; TRYASUNOVA, P.G., redaktor; SERUYUK,,V.K., inzhaner, redaktori [The 1336M and 1336R turret lathes; directions for maintaining and adjusting] Tokarne-revollverays stanki 1336M i 1336R; ruke- vedstvo po obaluzhivanilu i naladke. Izd.2-sa. Pod red. GJ. Kostenke I P.G.Triasunova. Kiev, Goa.nauchn9-tekhn.izd-v9 mashi- nestroit. lit-ry, 1956. 64 p. (MLRA 9:6) l.Kiyovskiy zavod stankov-avtomatov. (Lathes) TARASOV, Viktor Savvich; ZIMMKO, P.M.,. inzhener. retsenzent; SXRDYUK, V.X., . inzhenor, redaktor; LYKHMA, M.A., tekhaicheakiy redakto-r;*~-~'---- [Safety engineering manual for conveying machinery operators] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia takelazhnikov. Kiev, Gos. nauchao-tekhu. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-r7, 1956. 70 P. (MIRA 9:8) (Conveying machinery-Safety measures) RABINDVICH, Avraam HokhimoTich, professor, doktor takhmLicheakikh Hauk; SMU)YUK V K., -ijLzhoner, radaktor; GATRIWT#-,A.T.,'doktol-'.t6khjLi~hs- PEM. 6ftWBot,-ret8ekteat4'RUIEISXIY"-Yi*-V", tekbAiebaskiy redaktor;,. [Automatization and mechaniza*tion of selected processen ill machine and instrument construction] ATtomatizatsiia i mek-banizataiia sborochnykh protseSSOT T mashinostroanii i priborostroanii. KieT, Goo.naucho-takh.izd-To mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1956-171 P. (MLRA 9:4) (Automation) (Machiner7 industry) GRIN', Ieonid Petrovich; DZRUVAGO, V.P.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; KONDAK, M.K., kandidat tekhnicheskikh natLk, redaktor; BJCRDYU&--LK inzhener, redaktor izdatelistva; RUDENSKIY, Ya.V., 40 temnichesicly redalctor [Gas generators for power in agriculture] Silovye gazogeneratornve ustanovki dlia sellskogo khoziaistva. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 195 P- (MMA 9:12) (Gas producers) KOSYAGRENKO, Aleksay Petrovich; MOWHAH, Ivan Andreyevich; YAREKZNKO, M.T., inzhener, retsenzent; SERDYUK, VA.. inzhener, redaktor izdatell- stva; RUDENSKIY, Ya.V.,,-.9--t'd=s ly redaktor [MmLehine-Bhop practice] Slasarnoe delo. Kiev. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 226 p. (MLRA 9:10) (Kachina-shop practice) LSVITSKIY, GoorgiV Sergeyerich; SEMENM, I.H.; SIRDYUK. V.K., inzhener, redaktor; RUDNNSrrY, Ta.V., takhnicheakiy;-r~6(d~kt'oi'.--~,-~ [Chrome plating of machine parts and tools] Khromirovanie detalei mashin i instrumenta. Kiev, Goo. izd-vo machinostroitelinoi lit-ry, 1956. 265 P. (Chromium plating) (MM 9:5) 1 ROSOV, Serafim, Vasillyevich. kandidat tekhnicheskikh naul-, doteent; .,MYUK, V.I., Insbener, redaktar; RUDMISOY, Ys.7., tekhni- 7 re or. [Course in meehanical drawing) Kure chercheniia. lzd.4-oe, isp. Kiev, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.Isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-r7, 1956. 3o6 p. (Neefianical drawing) (MLRA 9:5) KIRAKOVSKIY. Mikolay Feliksovich; CHUDHOVSKIY, S.Y., inzhener, retsenzent; SHELUDIKO, I.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor ~-~VU~K V.K &nzhener, redaktor izdatellstva; RUDENSKIY, Ta.Y., tekhniche- skiy redaktor [Internal combustion engines; a manual for mechanics) Dvigsteli vautrennego egorantia; rukovodetvo dlia mashinistov. Uev, Goa. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinastrolts lit-ry, 1956- 307 P- (Gas and oil engines) (MIRA 10-1) .XYCHIS' Andrey Petrovich; SERDYUK, Y.K.,inzheneri redaktor; LAVORKO, P.K., inshener, retsenzent; TiMOTA-,'W".A. tekhnicheakiy redaktor, [Safety manual for workers in painting shopsj Famiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia rabochikh okrasochza~kh tsekhov. Kiev, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izcl-vo mashiAostroit.lit-ry, 1957, 72 pe (MLRA 10:6) (Painting, Iskustrial-6afety measures) P,&'TROSYAN, Petr Pavlovich; P9WAKOV, T.G.,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; SMYUK, V.K.,inzhener, radaktor; [Heat treatment of steel by chilling] Termicheskaia obrabotka stali kholodom; teoriia i praktika. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 121 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Steel--Heat treatment) (Metals at low temperature) PATON, B.Ye., doktor tekhaicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TROCHUN, I.P., ,inzhe me r, kandidst takhnicheakikh nauk, reteenzent; redaktor izdatel'stra; RUDZIMMY, YAJ., f-evbirn'"c e-s-k-IT-radaktor LManual for electric are welding under flux] Rukovodstvo po elektrodugovoi svarke pod flimoom. Pod red. B.A.Patona. Kiev, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 235 p- (XLRA 10:6) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Institat elektrosvsr~uvannya. 2. Chleh-korrespondent Akademli nauk USSR (for Paton) (Electric welding) KOZLOV, Ivan Stepanovich; SOLOGTJB, Nikolay Avramovich, KOMAROV, M.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; DUMPE, Y.E., kandidat tekhnicheBkikh nauk, retsenzent; BERDYUK. V.K. redaktor; RUDENSKIY, Ya.V., tekhnicheskiy i4draktor [Machine-shop practical Praktika slesarnogo dela. Kiev, Goa. neuchno-tekha.izd-vo mashiaostroit, lit-ry, 1957. 235 P. (Machine-shop practice) (HLRA 10:9) VASHCHENKO, Konstantin Illich: SOFROHI. Iaurentsio; IVANOV. D.F.,kandidat tekhnichalikikh naWk, retsenzentl~_1SOAKRIWDY~UUK, VVIKI,,lnzhUensr, redaktor to lzdatellstva; RUDENSKIY, Ya.v., 0 [M,a-gn*e'sium- c'a's't-jr,o-n,l Magniev*y.i.chugux~. Kiev, Gos. nauchilo-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 44 P. (MLRA 10:5) (Cast iron) DMITRITRY, Anatoliy Vesil'yevich; SHPARAGA, I.I., inzh., reteenzent; SKRDYUK, V.K., inzh., red. [Safety rules for operators of sand preparation machinery casting shops] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnGsti dlia. rabochikh zemleprigotovitelInykh mashin liteinykh teekhov. Kiev, Gos.nsuchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1958. 57 P.-- (MIRA 12:4) (Founding-Safety measures) (Sahd, Foundry) VASHCHETTKO, K.I.,; ART-AM)MV, A.Ya.,red.; ZASLAVSKIT, B.Sh.,red.; POLYAK, B.V., red.;. SE-TIDTUK. V.K.. inzh., red.; RTJDKNSKIY, Ya.V., [Progressive founding tecbnology] Peredovala takhnologiia litainogo proizvodstva. Kiev, Goa. nauchno-takhn.iz&-vo mashinnstroll lit-ry, 1958. 152 p. (WRA 12:1) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheokoys obahchestvo mashinostroitelinoy promychlennosti. (Founding) REBROV, Sergey 41eksayevich,; BORODAVKA, A.S., iazh., retsenzent,; DENISENKO, L.P., inzh., reteenzent.; OLISHAIISKIY, M.A., inzb., retsenzent,; SHPOLYANSKIY, M.N., iazb., retsenzent,; ALMOROV, 7.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SERDVYUK V.K -inzh., red. "-- -- [Trolley buses] Trolletbusy, Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo meebinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 278 0. (MIRA 11:11) (Trolley buses) RABKIN, Daniil Markovich; GURIVICH, Samail Markovich; BUGRIT,. Filipp Semenovich; PATON, B.Te.,; ASNIS. kand.takhn.nauk, red.vypuska; KAZIMIROV, A.A., red.; KEDOVAR, B.I .. rej.; PODGAYRTSKIT, V.V., red.; SERDYUK. V.K., inzh., red.-, [Nonferrous metal welding] Svarka tsyatnykh metallov. Moskvae Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo maahinostroit.lit-ry. 1959. 69 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Nonferrous metals--Welding) KAMH M SKIY, Aleksey Tagil'YOTich; SHYSTSOV, P.D., prof., retsenzent; inzho, red. (Operation and repair of reciprocating valve steam engines] Skspluatataiia i remont klapannykh paroyykh mashin, rabo.- taiushchikh na prott-WOdSTleniG. KieT. Gos.uauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostrolt.lit-ri, 1959. 108 P. (MIRA 12:7) (Steam angines-Kaintenance and repair) KIRIYKMO, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich; LUTSYK, Vladimir Iosifovich; FISKORSKIY, Georgiy Avgustinovich; LETITSKIY, M.Ya., kand.teldm.nauk, retsenzent; SIVAY, A.V., dotsent, red.; SMYU, V.K., inzh., red. t~; ~ . CCold stamping] Kholodnaia shtampovka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-teklm. izd-vo mashinostr.lit-ry, 1959. 165 P. (MIRA 12:10) (Sheet-metal work) (Drawing (Metalwork)) KAKENICBNYY, losif Solomonovich. Prinimal uchastiye: SKRYPNIGUNKO, D.P., kand.tekhn.nau . PBEXYAKOV, V.G.' kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SMYUK, V.K., inzh., red.- [Practices in the heat treatment of tools] Praktika termi- cheskoi obrabotki instrumenta. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Koskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 223 P. (KrRA 12:8) (Tool steel--Heat treatment) ROZOV, Serafin Vasillyevich, dotsent, kand.teldin.nauk; VASSERHAN, Yaje., inzh., retsanzent; KISLOV, I.A., inzh., retsenzent; LOPATA, -A.Ta., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SMETYUK, T.K., red. [Teaching mechnnical drawing in technical schools; a brief manual for teachers] Prepodavanie chercheniia v tekhnilcilmnkh; kratkoe rukovodstvo dlin propodavatelei. Mockva, Gos.nauchno- tokhn.1zd-vo machinontroit.lit-ry, 1959. 245 p. (MIRA 1):1) (Machnnical drawing--Study and teaching) RVZOV, Serafim Vasillyeviih, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; SMYUp V.K-* .1 inz4j, rod. (Exercises in mechanical drawing] Sbornik zadanii po cherchaniin. Izd-3., dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960. 298 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Mechanical drawing) EIJMINOY, Boris Vlvdimirozich, inzh.; KUZIMIN,Yladi%ir Grigorlyevich, inzh.; ORMHOT, Pavel Aleksondrovich, inzh'A.; PROP4N. 9~orgiy AI-1--.qndrovich, kand.tokhn.nauk; LEONCY,1.3., inzh.ratsenzefit; SOROKIIT,A.A., inzh.ret5enzent; D.MXIT--K., i-bzh*,, MAIMTSKIY.T.T., inzh.-r-ed.; S2A7PCL!SKATA,S.M., tekhn. red. [Repairing motor vehicles and tractors] %mont avtomobilei i traktorov. M05kva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinO5trOit. lit-ry. Pt.l. 1961. 335 P. (MIRA 14:5) (Motor vehiCle5-Maintenance and repair) (Tractirm- Maintenance and repair) YEGOROVA, Valentina Ivanovna; USWOVA, T.V., red.; BRATHIffA, M.I.,; VLADIMIROV, O.G.,, [Method for the Preparation of ton-day weather forecasts] Metod komplekanogo prognoza pogody na 10-dnevnye periody. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960. 78 P. (miRA 14:2) (Russia, Northern--Meteorolog7, Maritime) S-E,RDYUK, V. P. SERDYUK, V. P.: "Investigation of a crane bank brake -with double drive". Khar1kov, 1~55- Min Higher Education USSR. Dneprope- trovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Metallurgical Inst imeni 1. V. Stalin. (Dissertations for the Degree Of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopist, No. 52., 24 December., 1955. Moscow- SERDYUK, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Vibrations of the brake belting tension daring the operations of the belt brake. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.3:142-146 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhaologicheakiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy detaley mashin. (Shoe machinery) (Brakes--Vibration) . SERDTU,, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk I Determining the rated braking moment for displacement mechanisms of hoisting machines. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.4: 142-148 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomend6vana kaf-edroy detaley mashin. (Hoisting machinery) SERDYUK, V.P., k&nd.tekhn,nauk; BOROVSKIY, B.P., inzh. Experimental study of the changes in the transmission ratio of the chain speed variator. Report No.l: Experimental unit. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.6-.126-130 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy detaley mashin. (Gearing) SERDIUK, V.P., kand. tekhn..nauk, dotsent; BOROVSKIY, B.N., inzh. InvestigatIng the losses in the chain "ed variator. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh, leg, prom. no,3:143-151 163. (MMA 16--7) 1. Ydyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlannosti. R--komendovana kafedroy detaley mashin. (Gearing) BOROVSKIY, B.N., inzh.; SERDYUK, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Theory of the losses in a chain speed variator. Iz-T. v7s. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no-5:106-115 163. (MM 16:12) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. RekomeAdovana kafedroy detaley mashin. 21520 7 7(i4cl, 300 r; arl9o #3 9, IIYV S/139/61/000/002/015/ol8 4_;~ / E032/E414 AUTHORSi iaixa~~ and Sera, T.Ya. TITLE: Optical Absorption of Some Metal Impurities in the Crystal Lattice of Cadmium Sulphide PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, PP-132-137 TEXT: Changes in the absorption spectrum of cadmium sulphide films which are due to heat treatment and the introduction of some metal impurities have been investigated. Yellow non-luminescing cadmium sulphide powder obtained by chemical methods was evaporAted7 in a vacuum on to quartz plates. The films obtained in this way had a thickness of the or-der 5 x 10-4 mm which ensured that they were sufficiently transparent in the region 400 to 700 mil. The absorption spectra were measured with the COO-4 (SF-4) quartz spectrophotometer. A thinner layer of cadmium sulphide was used as the standard specimen. In this way possible errors due to unequal reflection of light from the semiconducting film and from quartz-were excluded. Changes in the absorption spectra of cadmium sulphide were determined after it was heated in a vacuum for 20 minutes at 300*C. In addition, the effect of cadmium9 Card 1/6 21520 S/139/61/000/002/015/018 Optical Absorption of ... E032/E414 silver and copper impurities on the absorption spectra Was investigated. The metal impurities were introduced by vacuum evaporation and subsequent heating at 300 to 4009C. This operation facilitated the diffusion of the metal into the semiconducting material. The standard specimen was subjected to the same thermal treatment as the specimen under investigation after the introduction of the impurity. This ensured that only effects due to the introduction of the metal impurity were observed, while other possible effects due to heating were excluded. The absorption spectrum of cadmium sulph1de measured relative to the thin standard before (curve 1) and after (curve 2) heating is shown in Fig.l. As can be seen, the heating of the specimen in a vacuum for 20 minutes at 3000C gives rise to the appearance of a new band with a maximum at 490 mp. This band also appears if the heating is carried out in air. It is suggested that the new band is associated with the appearance of surplus cadmium atoms in the cadmium sulphur lattice. This is confirmed by the fact that the band does not appear when the specimen is heated in a sulphur atmosphere. Fig.2 shows the absorption of cadmium sulphide after Card 2/6 21520 S/139/61/000/002/015/018 Optical Absorption of E032/E414 the introduction of the following metal impuritiess Cd (curve 1), Ag (curve 2) and Cu (curve 3). A's was to be expected, the introduction of cadmium gives rise to the appearance of a band in the same region as in the case of heating. However, the two methods of introducing cadmium atoms Into the lattice are not entirely equivalent since the position of the band in the second case is 515 mil as compared with 490 mi~ in the previous case. The addition of silver gives rise to an absorption band with a maximum at 550 mIL while the band associated with the copper impurity has a maximum at 600 m,,L. In these experimen a the average impurity concentration was of the ord7er of 10-i g/g~ Fig-3 shows the dependence of the absorpt on band due to silver on the impurity concentration (curve 1 - 10-t g/g, curve 2 - 10-3 g/g, curve 3 - 10-2 g/g). X slight displacement of the maximum towards longer wavelengths is observed'at the higher concentrations, Fig.4 shows the effect of cobalt (curve 1), nickel (curve 2) and iron (curve 3) on the absorption spectrum. Definite absorption minima are clearly present in these curves. The optical absorption effects are closely related to photoconductivity and Card-3/6 21520 S/139/61/000/002/015/018 Optical Absorption of ... E032/E414 luminescence effects. Thus, for example, the absorption bands associated with the introduction of copper and silver into the cadmium sulphide lattice coincide in position with the corresponding photo-conductivity maxima. This indicates that the impurity centres are responsible both for absorption and photo- conductivity. On the other hand, the introduction of cobalt, nickel and iron does not give rise to selective absorption but, on the contrary, leads to the appearance of characteristic absorption minima. This is in agreement with the quenching action of these impurities on the photoconductivity of cadmium sulphide. The entire situation can be represented by the energy level diagram shown in Fig.5 which is used to interpret the photoconductivity and luminescence effects in activated cadmium sulphide crystals. There are 5 figures and 11 referencest 7 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy gosuniversitet imeni I.I.Mechnikova (Odessa State University imeni I.I.Mechnikov) SUBMITTED: March 23, 1960 (initially) Novramber 10, 1960 (after revision) Card 4/6 39315 7 5i &R1621000100 4/0 45/16 0 AQ58/A1Ol J.UTHORS: SUra, T. Ya.,'Serdyuk, V. V. TITLE: Effect of preheating and extra irradiation on the absorption spectra of cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 33, abstract 4V242 ("Nauchn. yezhegodnik Odessk. un-t. Fiz.-matem, fak. i N.-i. in-t fiz." no. 2, Odessa, 1961, i87-19o) TEXT: The change in the absorption spectra of polycrystalline CdS and CdSe films under the action of heat treatment and short-wave irradiation was investi- gated. Thin films of CdS and CdSe of different thicknesses (from jo-5 to 10-3 min) were used, which were applied by thermal evaporation in a vacuum onto quartz and glass backings. Heat treatment of the films was effected by preheating them in a: vacuum at 3000C for 10 - 30 minutes. After such treatment of the CdS film itsspectrum evinces an extra wide band with a maximum at 4,8oo - 4,900 A, wh1ch is associated with an excess of Cd atoms in the crystal lattice. A similar effect is also observed in CdSe, in which a band appears at 6,900 A. Short-wave light with a wavelength in the range from 3,500 to 6,000 A causes "excitation" of Card 112 S/058/62/boo/c-o4/045/.I6O Effect of preheating and extra irradiation ... A058/AIOI both CdS and CdSe thin films, which is manifested in the appearance of extra absorption bands in the red and infrared regions of the spectrum: CdS has conspicuous bands at 6,700, 8,300 and 12,000 - 1~,000 A, and CdSe has bands at 8,000, 12,000 and 15,000 A. E. Nagayev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 22057 S/181/61/003/004/023/030 17-!~-M 00P/j/411) B102/B209 AUTHOR: Serdyuk, V. V. - --------- TITLE: Infrared quenching of photoconductivity in CdS single crys- tals PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 4, 1961, 1229-1231 TEXT: CdS crystals which are frequently used in photoelectric cells, photo- resistors, gamma counters, and other devices show a peculiar sensitivity to infrared radiation; CdS has its highest sensitivity in the range of 480-540 m4, and light of X> 800 m1i causes practically no photoeffect. When CdS is illuminated by light that releases a photocurrent, an additional infrared irradiation will lead to a reduction (quenching) of this effect. The author reports on studies concerning this quenching in CdS single crys- tals which were grown from the gaseous phase and were placed at his disposal by the Institut fiziki All USSR (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR). Aqua-dag was used for the electrodes. The contac~-s-were ohmic, and the field strengths applied were between 500 and 1000 v/cm. An intense incandescent lamp equipped with a mirror monochromator with a glass prism served as light Card 1/5 Thfrared quenching 22057 S/18 61/003/004/0231/030 B1 02XB209 source for the range 0.4-2.0 p. All the measurements were performed at room temperature. First, the spectral positions of the principal bands of photoconductivity in CdS were studied. The author found that,. besides in the range of 490-540 mA, photosensitivity appears in the range about 700 mg, too. Fig. 1 shows the spectral distribution of the photosensitivity of an untreated crystal (a), of a crystal heated in vacuo at 3000C for 10 min (b), and of a crystal heated for 20 min under the same conditions (6). The principal band of CdS photoconductivity is asymme-iric.about its maximum. However, a considerable infrared quenching of the photocurrent is observed only in such crystals whose spectral photoconduction distribution shows a sharp decrease on the long-wave side. Fig. 2 illustrates the infrared quenching of the photocurrent in a CdS single crystal at kexc - 520 mp (a), 4exc = 700 mg (b), and the photoconduction spectrum (8). The photocurrent is an electron current, i.e., right after the absorption of a quantum in the crystal and the formation of an electron-hole pair, the hole is trapped and only the electron plays an active part in the conduction mechanism. Infrared light liberates the hole, recombination is accelerated, and the Photocurrent decreases. The positions of the maxima of infrared quenching Card 2/5 infrared quenching ... 22057 S/181,/61/003/004/023/030 B102/B209 in CdS (1.3 and 0.9 ev) permit's to draw conclusions as to the distance of the hole trans from the upper edge of the valency band. The author thanks Docent T. Ya. S~7r for supervision and discussion of this study. A. D. Shneyder is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet- bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The two most recent references to English- language publications read as follovis: R. 11. Bube, Proc. IRE, 43 (12), 1836, 1955; D. C. Reynolds et al. JOSA, 45, 2, 136, 1955. ASSOCIATIO.-L'.: Odesskiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I. I. Mechnikova (Odessa State University imeni I. I. lAechnikov) SUBMITTED: September 15, 1960 (initially) and November 23, 1960 (after O~, rev qard 3/5 4- SERDYUK, V.V.; SERA, T.Ya. Some problems of the photoconductivity of polycrystalline samples of cadmium selenide. Fiz.tver.tela 3 no.7:2166--2169 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni I.I.Mechnikova. (Photoconductivity) (fadmium selenide crystals) L/ 30801 s/181/61-/003/011/048/056 B104/B138 AUTHORS: S*e*ra, T. Ya., Serdyuk, V. V., and-.Shevchenko, I. M. TITLE: The effect of 1-irradiation on spectral distribution of photo-sensitivity in CdS single crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telay v- 31 no. Ill 19611 3537-3539 TEXT: The experiments were carried out on single crystals of CdS witha photo-sensitivity spectrum with two maxima'(Fig.). 'The crystals were- exposed to a cobalt 60 milliroentgens radiation. Photbconductivity decreased and the maxima vanished, but in most cases a very 104,16vel, of sensitivity remained through.the visible range of.the spectrum (Fig., curves 2 and 3). The variations in photo-sensitivity in GdS~s'ingle crystals due to T-irradiation were sttLble. In es.senc.e,: the, interaction of a y-radiation with the atoms of singlecrystals is a Compton effe*~c't.which~.. means there is bombardment of the substance with electrons, and multiple ionization of the atoms. First the sulfur atoms-,are Loniied.-u*ntil they become positively charged and are displaced to intersticial.dites under the action of the field of surrounding ions. A considerable number of Card 1/2 30801 61 '/003/011/048/056 S11811 The effect of y-irradiation . B104/B138 negative ion. vacancies are thereby-,created, and impurity levels are formed in the forbidden band of the crystal, which play the role of recombination levels for photo-electrons. T here are I figure and 7 refer- ences: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. _A~ ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy unive rs1tet im. I. I. Mechnikoval ' W 4 (Odessa state University imeni I. I. Mechnikov) SUBMITTED: May 15, 1961 (initially) July 14, 1961 (after revision) a4 - Fig. The spectral distriVution of the photo-current of a CdS sing? e crystal. Legend: (1) before irradiation; 2) after a 24-hour irradiation; ~ 02 - 3) after a 48-hour irradiation. 0.1 2 d 2 2 C 0 AWN ar / f[ /62/004/004/0 310/04 2 B102/BI04 '2- R'UTTIORS: Serdyuk, Y. V and Sera, T. Ya. TITLE: The lone--%-ave i)hoto-sensitivity and the infrared photo- current extinctIon in cadmium sulfide single cr~rstals :,)T AL 1-` zika tv~;rOo6o t e1 11, v. no, 1 Q162, 1032-1037 T~M: The paper -ives additional information (cf. FTT, ~, 1229, 1961; -LT, 1961) on the lo' 1152, 0 ng-wave band of photosensitivity of heat- treated CdS single crystals; the photoconductivity in the 520 m~t band is com-pared with that in the 650 m~L band w.iich arises in heat treatment - The OdS crystals studied were grown by CdS powder sublimation in nitrogen current. The initial samples had a photocurrent maximum at ~, = 510-~20 m~t, a weak band at 6C0-620 nqt, and a dark conductivity of about 10 10 ohmi-cm, which was reduced by heat treatment (5000C, 15-20 min), by 2-3 orders of magnitude. The spectrum of the annealed crystals showed a band with X max = 650-700 mp- whose intensity increased with the annealing period. The heating, which was carried out with focused solar lightp did Card 1/3 S/181 /62/004/'004/030/042 The lonL--;.ave p1loto-sensitivity,... ~102/B104 not only cause this !on.--wave band but also raised the total photo- sensitivit3! of the crystals. in some cases, the intersity of the band 40 with X = 520 mji was after heating higher than before by more than one max order of magnitude. This fact is attributed to the hole "raps arising in the forbidden band. The spectral distribution of the photocurrent'i~-- not, only red-shifted but also broadened and distorted' .,then the CdS crystal is Ground and pressed (5 tons/cm2) to tablets. These changes are 45 due to the efect of the highly increased defect concentration. If the cr3estals .,.-ere heated and subsequently cooled, the photocurrent peak was split into two components. The relaxation time (TO) of the photocurrent increased Y,-ith ?,. The coefficient Q of infrared extinction was determined as dependent on the wavelength of excitinT light in t-he range 500-800 MIL- The curves To(,k) and are similar in shape: They both show a minor maximum betwe~en 5CO and 600 m~t, and then rise monotonically. If ^~ EU) then the "quenching" illumination raises a; E is the i o h o t illumInation intensity. 'It'ith A, exc m 520 m)A. and Xquench = 820 m1l, the luk-ampere characteristics were studied. 'Nhile log I ) is h = f(log E exc p Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/004/030/042 The long-wave photo-sensitivity... B102/B104 a straiEht line ~xituhout infrared illumination, the latter cauDen a distinct sublinearity. This in explttined by a tihift of the "quenching" W,Ilvolttnt~th toward bhorter wavou when Ex ciu raised. This effect ia conoidered as a shift of the boundary between "stimulation" and "quenching". There are 6 figures.- ASSOCIATION: Odesakiy Losudarstvennyy universitet im. I. I. Mechnikova (Odessa State University imeni 1. 1. Mechnikov) 0 (initially) e-1v SUB11TTED: October 3, 1961 December 28, 1961 (after revision) 20 25 Card 1~/3 SERDYUK, V.V. Infrared damping and the photoactivation of the photocorductivity of cadmium. selehide single crystals. Izv.vys.uch.zav.; fiz. no.4:140- 145 162. (MM 15:9) 1. Odesskiy gosudaxstvennyy universitet imeni I. I. Mechnikova. (Cadmium oblenide crystals) (Photoconductivity) (Infrared rap ) 4L137 S/181/62/004/010/024/064 B108AB104 AIMHOR: Serdkuk, V. V. TITLEs The long-wave photosensitivity and the infrared luminescence of cadmium sulfide single crystals PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 4, no. 10, 1962, 2802 - 2805 TEXT: The long-wave sensibilization of CdS crystals through heat treatment is accompanied by an infrared luminescence. The peculiar negative and positive flashes of photocurrent that appear when the wavelength of the exciting light is slightly varied around 520 m/t or near the long-wave maxima of 580 and 670 mIL indicate that heat treatment produces a system of T levels of thermal defects in the forbidden band of the CdS crystal. Any change in wavelength redistributes electrons between the conduction band and the local levels. Measurements with an ~XC-Y-10 (FES3-U-10) sulfur- silver photoelement and an q-2~OY-18 (FEGU-18) photoelectrooptical amplifier showed a luminescence maximum at 1 . 1 p4 - Another maximum at 0-85 Ik (B A. Kulp. T. Appl. Phys., 32, lo, 1966, 1961) was filtered out. The excitation spectra of the photocurren~ and of the infrared luminescence of CdS showed Card 1/2 S/181/62/004/010/024/064 The long-wave ... B108/B104 a similar dependence on the wavelength of the eixciting light. This result indicates that the same centers'produced by hea:t'treatment are responsible ''"t and luminescence". "They.may be due to for the long-wave photocurren indium. impurities in the CdS71attice. There ar6 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Odesskiy go addarstvennyy universliet im. I. I. Mechnikova (Odessa State' Oniver.sity imeni I. I.' Mechnikov) STJBMITTLD t May 23, 1962 7, 3718 V17 S/185/62/007/004/011/018 (,0 )" ~ ;!, o D407/D301 T, -1-7 0 R Serdyuk, V. V. TITLE: ~hotovoltaic effect in Poiycrystaliine layers of cadmium selenide P :ER ! 0 D I C A L tllcrayinslkyy fizychnyy znurnal, v. 7, no. 4, 1962, 403-408 TE=: The Dhotovoi-Uaic effect in thin CdSe-iayers was studied. This im imr)ortant in view of the zPany applications of CdSe. The specimens ~,,rere prepared by evaporation in a vacuum of 10-4mm Hg. After preparation, the specimens were kept in an air at-mosuhere so as to ascertain the effect of the air on their optica-I properties (on their absorption spe8trum in particular). By heatin'-, (for 5 - 10 minutes at 650 - 700 C) the specimen be- comes photosensitive; thereby its resistivity decreases to 107 _ 108 ohm. cm, and the iayers achieve the property of chang- Card 1/4 S/185/62/GO7/004/011/018 Photovoltaic effect in... D407/D301 inc- their resistivity by 2 - 3 orders of magnitude on iilur:,ina- 0 tio.n. If the duration of the heat treatment is prolonged -for 15 - 20 minutes, the resis-Uivity decreases to 105 _ 108 ohm. cm; the Dhotosensitivity also decreases. The appearance of the -ohotovoltage, as a result of illumination ol the thin layers, is entirely due to the polycrystalline state of the semiconduc- tor. The author obtained a high photovoltage (up to 0.3 Vol-U/cm) on layers which underwent heat treatment for 15 - 20 minutes, at 650 - 700 0C, in an air atmosphere. After the heat Ureatment, contacts were applied (on one side) to the film (at 4n~-ervals of 10 mm). Tne observed changes in the properties of U the film can be explained by the interaction of atmospheric oxygen with the poiycrystalline layers. The author conducted numerous exDeriments with white light. It aas noted that the photovoltage reached its maximum value immediately'after the illumination was started; then, the photovoltage decreazed gradually and reached a constant value (of about half the initial Card 2/4 S/185/62/007/004/011/018 Photovoltaic el'fect in... D407/D301 value). The following relationships are shovm in figures: the of the photovoitage on time of illumination, the probe characteristic of the photovoltage, the dependence of the photilovoltage on the intensity of the exciting light, and the s-oec'ural distribution of the photoeffect. The probe charac- teristic -,bias measured by means of a light probe whose thickness did not exceed 0.5 mm. it vias noted that the photovoltage be- comes zero .,,,hen the central part of the specimen was illuminated. T'qe photovoltage varies sharply if 'he light probe does not illuminate the contacts. The author assumes that the photo- voltage, appearing as a result of ("he illumination of poly- crystalline layers, is due to 2 processes: the first process is related to the Dresence of a contact between the semiconductor and enductor (aquadag); the second process is related to in- homogeneous electrical properties of the specimen The snectral- distribution curves exhibit aisharp drop, beginning from 700 M~L it is noted that the photovoltage of the specimens does not change sharply towards the short-,;iave side (unlike the photo- Card 3/4 Photovoltaic effect in... S/185/62/007/004/011/018 D407/D301 current). The photovoltaic effect in CdSe polycrystalline -La.yers shows the feasibility of using CdSe as a photovoltaic element. The heat treatment in an air atmosphere is of parti- cular -Lmportance; a-o-parently, tile heat treatment leads to the -~or.--ra-u_ion of surface p-r. junctions in which the Dhotovol-uaic ~)roceoses take Diace. There are 5 figures and 9 references; 7 ~oviet-bloc and-2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the En,g-lish-l'anguage publications read as follows: B. Goldstein, L. Pensak, J. Appl. Phys., 30, 2, 155, 1959; E. Schwarz, Proc. Phys. Soc., B63, 368, 1950; B64, 381, 1951. A.SSOCIATIGN: Odeslkyy derzhuniversytet im. 1. 1. Idechnykova (Odessa State University im. I. I. Uechnykav) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1961 Card 4/4 ZUBRITSKIY., V.G.; SERDYUK, V.V. Short-wave quenching of the photoconductivi""y of cadmium sulfide. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.3:942-943 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-4) 1. Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Mechnikova. t 4693h-66 F'WT(m)/hVT(1)/T/ _WP(t)/ET1 TJP(c) JDIGG ACC N.R, AP6015496 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/005/162 AUTHOR: Ptashchenko, A. A.; Se~d~uk, V. V.; Kuzlmenko, I. A. ;ORG: Odessa State University im. I. I. MechnikQv,(Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universAeO ITITLE: Infrared quenching of extrinsic photoconductivity in CdS iSOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1623-1625 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, photoconductivity, IR photoconductor, capture cross sec-~ I tion, impurity center 'ABSTRACT: The kinetics of infrared (IR) quenching of the extrinsic photoconductivity !from the 1=600-900 mm range were ivestigated by analyzing the relationships between th4 lphotocurrent and the light intensity at different short IR exposures. The obtained i I icharacteristics indicate that the families of the lux-ampere relationships at various JIR exposures for intrinsic and extrinsic photocurrents coincide precisely, until there; ;is a shift along the axis of intensities. This shift is caused by the difference be- 1tween the CdS absorption coefficients in these two bands of the spectrum. The coinci- Idence indicates that electron concentrations in the conductivity zone and in the r-cen-- Iters and in the a-centers are not affected by the mode of the generation of the photo- I ,current, i. e., whether or not the photocurrent is generated by light which results in lband-band electron transitions, or whether the transitions take place from impurity Card L h6934-66 ACC~IR~_AP6015496 centers. This can happen only if the transitions take place from the z-centers. The photon-capture cross section Or was measured for the electron transition from an impu- rity center to the conductivity band using two different methods, i. e., with and with- out a consideration of the identities of the r-centers and of the centers of extrinsic photosensitivity. Since similar values of 0 were obtained, it follows that in US the centers of extrinsic photoconductivity coincide with the r-centers. The authors thank V. E. Lashkarev for direction of this project. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Jul65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REr: ool awm Card 2/2 GF!'ELEV A., IX,. 11P,RDYW,.F !i LY AS If CHI INSK!-'j' 5 B Improved magne*.1- 8tpri-,ert_ Energ* I elektrotekh. prr.m. no . 3,~ .69 Jl--'- 62. (WIR." lp:-,ii) Zaporozhskly mu;shJ,ncQtrc1 tell ryy- lnr-Uhlt Olubarya Or 1,yaahc-hdnskiy, -oriommirenko). save' narciinor kho-,yayt;fwa (for uzeselev.). 3. Dnep rcvt~iy mekhanl.cheekly zavod (f-),- ",erriyuk). NOVICHKOV, S. (Plovychkov, S.1; BUTOVICH, 0. [Butovych, 0.1;_g~ ~YUK, Ya. [Serdiuk, IA.] Efficiency experts suggest. Sill.bud. 13 no.10:17-18 0 163. (MIRA 17: 3) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Nikolayevokoy oblastnoy mezhkolkhoznoy stroitell- noy organizatsii (for Novichkov). 2. Starshiy inzh. Nikolayevskoy oblastnoy mezhkolkhoznoy stroitellnoy organizatsil. (for Butovich). 3. Glavnyy mckhanik Nikolayevskoy oblastnoy mezhkolkhoznoy stro- itellnoy organizatsii (for Serdyuk). SERDY-UK, Ya.1a. Method for conducting river heat profiling in prospecting for underground waters. Ra~ved. i okh. nedr 29 no.6:50-53 Je 163. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Urallskaya gidrogeologicheskaya ekspeditsiya. :nd T--,- irry:-, e j c ~-- 1'r, 1 ;~. U-17' -SERDYUK. E.N. The influence of thiamine on the motor and interoceptive function of ths stomach, Vopropy Pitaniya 12, Mo.2, 16-20 '53. NLRA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22%12546 '53) 1. Lvov Stata Had. Inst. PEMOVSKI7., Yu.-A.; SERDYUK, Ye.g.; SKAMT, W.P.; TMO, I.P. Liver function in experimental vitarnin B, deficIency. Topr. fiziol. no.8al23-1Z7 154. (MIRA 14:1) 1. LIvove3d7 meditsimskiy, institut, (VITAMIN B, DEFICIENCY, experimental, liver funct, tests) (I.TVZR FUNCTION TESTS, in various diseaseo, exper. vitamin B, defic.) /0- 1Y. FETROVSKIY, Yu.A.; MAMIMOVICH, Ya.B. SERDYUK, Ye.N. lateroception of the liver and bile ducts. Part 3. Pbvsiological and pharmacological Analysis of interoceptive reflexes from the liver andfrom ',-he gallbladder. :Biul. eksp. biol. I mad. 38 no-70-7 '71 154. 1. Iz kafedr7 farmakologii (zaw. prof. Yu.A.Petrovskiy) Llvovskogo maditsinskogo instituta (dir. prof. L.N.Kuzmanko) (GALL BLADM, physiology, interoceptive conditioned reflexes in dogs) (LIVZR, physiology interoceptive conditioned reflexes in dogs) (RKPLZX. CORDITIONED, interoceptive reflexes of liver & gallbladder in dogs) SERDYUKO Ye.N. Modifications in cardiac reaction to atraphanthin In experimental vitamin Bi deficiency. Biul.ekap.biol. I med. 42 no.11:42-44 N '56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologli (zav. - prof. Yu.A.Petrovskiy) Llvovskogo meditoinakogo inatituta (dlr. - prof. L.H.Kuzmanko) Predstavleno deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR S.V.Anichkovym. (VITAMIN B, DEFICIENCY, experimental, eff. of strophanthin on EGG (Rua)) (STROPHANTHIN, affectD, on BCG in exper. vitamin Bi defic. (Rua)) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY. th various diseases, exper. vitamin Bl defic., eff. of strophanthin (Rua)) I T LYASHCHT-iSKIY, B.I.; PONOMIARENKO, Ye.P.; SERDYUK, V.YiL-.; SAVCBENKO, I.P. A-f-mafinn r)f' technological processeg in the production of electrodes. Mashinostroitell no.8:10-11 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) 3iochemistry, Ascorbic-Acid Jul 53-- "Ascorbic Acid Content in the Cerebrum during Various Functional Conditions of the Central Nervous System,- 1E.'JE. Serdyuk, Dept of Biochemistry ef--ttw Stalin Med Inst Ukrain Biokhim Zhur, Vol 25, No 3, pp, 271-277 Ascorbic acid content in the brain depends #,pon the functional state of the central nervous system. Expezi~i~ conducted on rabbits and white mice proved that no matter what method is used to stimulate the central nervous system, the-eeneentr--l- of ascorbic acid in the large hemispheres of the cerebrum increases. The greatest Genetfttratier* of ascorbic acid within the cerebrum has been observed in mice as a result of the conditioned-reflex method of stimulation. Development of a protective conditioned motor reflex contributes to the rise of the level of ascorbic acid in the cerebrum under all conditions, but this level is exceptionally high when the reflex has been released by the appropriate stimulus. XUMNIKO, V.I.; SERDYUK, Ye.Ye. I I Materials on the embryonic physiology of domestic fowl. Report NO.l: Correlation of growth rate and respiration intensity In duck embryos during incubation. Uch.zap..KHGU 53:153-170 '54. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra fiziologii cheloveka I zhivotnykh Khar1kovskogo gosudar-. stvamnogo universiteta, imeni A.M. Gorlko& . (EMBRYOWGY--BIRDS) ' (RISPIMION) '(DUCKS) SEMYUK, Ye.Z. - -------- Preparation of ammonium carbonate at the Pronsk Picohol Plant. Spirt. prom. 27 no.6:32-33 161. (KRA 14:9) (Pronsk--Ammonium carbonate) -vUl j.,., la -z-,r. -iy-,. ucheb. zav.; e c--itro' rec p ric-2:251-R4 PIT~41P ('-!-P,~ i3:7) J-Z.Ya.; KORSAK, O.G. _SZ.Rp)_U Now data on the geology of the Tars' region in the Kuznetsk Basin. Trudy Lab.geol.ugl. no.6:546-550 '56. (MTRA 10:,2) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskoye geologichaskoye upravleniye. (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal geology) KAZANSKIY, Yu.P., Av. red.; 4YO;LISFIDIA, Ye.7-,, red.; PMC"710, G.N.J. red.; SERDYUK, Z.Ya., red. [Clays and clay minerals of Siberial Gliny i glinistye mi- neraly Sibirl. Moskva, Nauka,. 1965. 131 p. (MIRA 28:5) 1. AkademJya nauk SSSP. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut geologii i geofiziki. SERDYUK(JV,A. Small chamber for the processing of waterfowl. Miaa. ind. SSSR 26 no.3:57-58 155. (M1RA 8:9) 1. Usmanskiy ptitsekombinat (Lipetsk Province--Poultry plants) SERDYU]COV, AO., Improving the operation of the hide Boraping machine. Was. ind. SSSR 28 no,5:58 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Kislovodskiy niyasokombinat. (Heat indusiry--Xquipment and supplies~ S&RDYUKOV, A. A. SERDYUMV, A. A. "The dynamics of rigor mortis in certain types of death" (Experimntal Investigation). Leningrad, 1955. Leningrad State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Tr ining of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate Of Medical Soianeds). SO. Kniz~Mu lotopis' No. 46, 12 November 1955. Moscow FOZDIIYAKOV, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZZELYUBOV, Yu.V., gornyy inzh.; SERDYUKOV, A.K,~ = Farnyy inzh.; ZIIUYKO, Yu.P.; SEDLOV, M.G. Effect of short;-delay blasting on the extent of the seismic effect of large-scale blasting. Gor. zhur. no.8:25-28 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1 Vsenoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy gorno-metallurgicheski in- stitut tsvetnykh metallov (for Pozdnyakov, Nelyubov, Sardyukov Zyryanovskiy svintsovyy kombinat (for Zhuyko, Sedlov.). (Blasting) SERDYWO11, A. R. "The First Large School of Pinysics in Russia," Nature, 2nd Printing House of the Publ. Co. of the AS USSR Moscow, No. 4, 1952. - :~o-t Dl Ltbtd~!v -nd L- -j -l in --th '-~oJcow Aal~ 4 -co of .~-ssi-Ln Cand Zli.,ir-ral-Fizika, Jan 1--4 16,6, 22' Jul~r 1'~54 SERDYUKOV..k.R. Toward the history of Soviet jet technology; plans by P.N.lobedev of engines for aerial flight. Usp.fiz.nauk 50 no.2:309-313 Je '53. Milk 6:7) (Lebedev, Petr Nikolaevich, 1866-1912) (Aeroplanes--Jet propulsion) 3-2-28/32 AUTHOR: Serdyukov, A.R., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences TITLE: Petr Nikolayevich Lebedev (Petr Nikolayevich Lebedev) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, Feb 1957, # 2, P 78-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains a suminary of the pedagogical principles of the prom4nent Russian physicist P.N. Lebedev, who worked as a professor at Moscow University for 18 years and died at the age of 46. The article states that while the scientific work of P.N. Lebedev has been thoroughly studied, his activity as an instructor and the methods of his scientific work within the conditions of a university have been but little elucidat- ed in the press. The article contains several examples of his method of teaching as related by his students. AVAIL4BLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SERDYLMOV, A.R. Lattor from P.H.Libodov to II.A.Umov. t(jkh. no.8:106-103 159. 04IRh 13:5) (Stoletov, Alsksandr Grigorlevich. 1819-1896) (Lobadev, Patr Ilikolaevich, i866-1912) W5JJDYUMV, A.R. Microradio waves in the works of P.W. Lebedev and his school. tekh. no.9:10-102-110.160. (MIRA 13:7) (Microwaves) SANIN, A.A. Prinimala uchastiye TITOVA, T.A., aspirantka; KOZODAYEV, M.S., red. red.; SHCHUICIN, Ye.D.,, red.; YURASHOVA, N.Ya... tekhn. red. [Radio engineering methods for studying radiation] Radiotekbni- cheskie metody issledovaniia izIuchenii. Pod red. M.S.Kozo- daeva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tekhniko-teoret.lit-ry, 1951. 388 P. NIM 15: 1) 1. Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Titova). (Amplifiers (Electronics)) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) SWR T OV, A. T. Increasing labor productivitv at oil refineries. Proizv. swz. mat. no.3.-3-8 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Per7yy Moskovski7 neftemaslozavod. (Materials handling) (Petroleum refineries) SERDYUKOV) A. V. SZERDYUKOV, A. V. --"Investigation of the Process of Fie-at Zmission in the Boiling of Aqueous Solutions of Hineral Salts in Evaporating Equipment." Moscow Inst of Flne Chemical Teelmology imeni N. V. Lomonosov. moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) SO Knizhanay letopis? No 2, 1956 03- USHCH-2HY.O. Ye. I.; SMU).,YiTr*~-V B.:-,. F T RD-311 I M 721 K 0 'JisAl"ISKO, N.V., YOBA-PX`v~ T. A,; SP I CHY IN, 1.14. WAP(NA, A,F., tnkhnl~chepkly fcdaktor, (3para parts for the 5=4 aelf-propellell comblnp! a referen::t a t 1 S] Zapamye chasti -samokhodnogo kombains S-4; .4;pravochnlk-k&talcg. Mogkvs, Gos.nauchnaa-tekhnicheskoe i2d-re machincstrelt.lit-ri, 179 p. ~RLRA 9.-5) (Combines (AgriculturAl manhinaxT)) SBRDYU1rOV V. "I, -... "Plant resources of the Caucasus** Chapter 16: ornamental plants and plants used in landscape gardening. Izv.AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i sell- khoz. nauki 2 no.2:205-209 149. (MIRA 5:8) (CAUCASUS--ORNAMNNTAL PIANTS) (GROSSGEIM. A.A.) sBiwNK-0-v, B.-V-. Girowing primrose (Primala abchasica Soon.). no.14: 99-101 '52. (Kok 6:5 ) 1. Thiliaskiy botanichaskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruxinokoy SSE. (Primroses) 'D 0 V, 13 MiRMTKOV, B.Y. Www"Mmmminwation of seeds and the shipping of seedlings of Victoria cruziana. sada no.17:114-115 154, (NIU 8: 1.- Botanicheskiy- sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. (Water lilies) I C,~urftry USSR Cat!'gory CULI-FIVATED PLA,-q-,S. tnrdof!-1 Garden, AS Georolan S~SR D1 in C-ultivating Perarmisil Phlox at Tiflis Bf:~anical Ga:~dayn. T~fh. :Vu3ti~. `L'bills3L. boturi- stada. .0 Gruz-SSR, 1957, 1-,-,,,).64, 45-54 A nnt.:7Ar.1y otinple-te ab~iencet of pe-rennial swumer phlc.x (Pblox Ts!aniculata L. ) has b--en obsarved in the crnwaeptRl pjantjn;~s of Trans-Caucasia. rn lile work of the Tiflis Botarical, Garden in devel- oping a new va2l,,etuy !~,f lpazenn'Lal phlox from si-,ed i~ d--acrlbed. "I'ith forced self-pollination of the Dhlox, the seeds diCi not set. Selection vms performed from a generation obtained by natuxal intervariatal pollination. Tbe conditions and methods are repoited which weTe uned in the 1 /2 C U LT I VkT E 0 P L A0 r n am -3 z-.'~ ul I~b..3. jour. ;REF Z HOR-BIOL.,21,1958,NO-9620 I i 1,1.1 s; r. 7 C., 6 -3 1 ei c i, of t1b s edlin gs b t i r, d . Various rietljf)~:3 of voget-ative reprodue tic'n flwlte elao been teste6. '-wnlv,~3 ponising lLjllbz-r~ of nblox which have bf.-E! rl dortAvped aze 1-10w, undt~vgo.-Lnp- wirlety Lebedava Card: 2/2 SERDMOV, B.V. . 'A"0 - -- _ , , , _ -, - Introduction of herbaceous ornamental plants from the wild flora of Georgia. Trudv Bot.inst.Sar.6 no.7.,459-461 159. (14IELk 13:10 1. Botanicheskiy sad AN GruzSBR, Tbilisi. (Georgia-Flapt introduction) (Plants, Ornamental) ~ r SERDYUKOV, F3,v. Ornmental endemic plants of the Caucasus. Vest.Bot.aada _'N' Gr~:z. SSR no.66:87-1-22 160. (14MA 14,10) (Caucasus-Plants, Ornamental) SERDMOV, B.V. Notes on raising wi1d p-lants from seeds. Vest.Bot.sada All Gruz. SSR no,67.*21-25 161, (I-MU 15-7) (Georgia-Flantas Crna n al) SERDYUKOV, F.S. Main characteristics of the complex ore formation in the upper Belay-a Valle7 (Northern Caucasus). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razy. I ne.10:88-94 0 '58. ' (MIRA 12:9) l.Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S. Ord-zhonikidze. Kafedra mineralogii. (Belaya Valle7 (Caucasus, Northern)--Ore deposits) SERDYUJ(OV, F. & Geological and mineralogical characteristics of complex ore occurrences ir. the upper part of the Shakha River in Northern Caucasin. Trudy NPI 103:27-40 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Shakhe Valley~-Ore deposits) (Mineralogy) UMYLIKOV, F - S. Mineralogy of complex ore occurrences in the upper Belorechenskiy ore delosit in Northern Caucasus. Trudy UPI 103:41-51 159. (MrRA 13:9) (Belorechenakiy region--Ore deposits) (Mineralogy) S E - ~DYT~t~, F . S .CPnd Geol-7.N-71 Sci --"'Besic ~zr--, ties of the geological conditions mmt of loGs)lization Pa-d historv of tile for-,I~ Of pol~-,.e -!," 11 of the reSion of' the upper resc'xes of the Shakhe and Belays. ri-vers in north(~rn Ctkiictiqi;s." Novochnrkarsk, 1960. (Rostov-o!i-Don Stpte Univ) (IM, 1-61, L-35)