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S/124/62/000/00-1/051/052 D237/D302 AUTHORLS: Velikanova, T.A., and Sergeyev, S.I._ Proble:---s o4" low-teraDerature tensometry "'ITLD: EERIO DICAL: -Heferativnyy zhurnal, !-."ekhanikav no. 3, 1962, 77, abstract 3V591 (Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta kf_slorodn. inashinostr., 1961, no. 3, 117 - 133) T--;'XT: The possibility is verified of the utilization of x-.,-Lre ex- tension indicators in measurin- the deformations of netallic -Darts, performing in low temperature regions up to 1900C. Tested were pa- per and film extension recorders based on the -lue 1()2-T, fillar re- corders based on carbinol S;lue, AK-20, 5,7 -2 (BF-2) 1,,-lues and on vinifflex resin. Thermal properties of annealed and non-annealed contantan wire and tenso-i-dica-tors utilizing it, i-tere in-;estiga- u u X. tued in the low-temperature region. It .--ias found that most suitable 4 tnstruments for tensometric recording were those constructed from the non-annealed constantan wire on the viniflex res: I_n, with pol-r- merization at 1800C following the -lueing on the tes%ed part.-["by- stractor's note: Complete translationj. Card 1/1 SERGEYEV, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Self-excited vibrations of light rotors vith sleeve IX!arings. Trudy VNIIKIMASH no.4:141-161 161. (MIIA 15:1) (Impellers) (Bearings (Machinery)) - SERGEYEV, S.I. (Moskva) Damping vibrations of unloaded rotors with sliding Learings. izv.- AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh. i mashinostr. no-4:118--119 J1-A9 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Damping (Machanics)) (Rotors-Vibrati-on) 0 SF S.I., kand. tc-khr.. nxmk -,RGFYEV 9 Principles of the decign cf hydraulic damping dev'sos, Truidy VIIIIKITIASH no.5384-99 162. (MIRA. 18,,31" MAK, S.L.; TVLENKOV, F.K.; SHTEYNBERG, L.B.; BERSHAK, V.I.; SERGEYEV, S. I.; GUDIMDTKO, A.I.; DAVYDOV, A.M. Exchange of experience. Zav.lab. 28 no.1:134-3-15 162. 1 (MIRA i5:2) 1. Odeaskly politekhnicheskiy institut i Odesskiy zavod stallifth kanatav (for Mal:, Tuler*ov.. Shteynberg). 2. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Berohak,, Gudimenko., Davydov). (Testing-machinea) L'2h680-65 EvjT (d)/ajT (m) /Ml(w)/FPR/T/EWP(k)/EWA (h) Pf~h/i -r-4/Ps-4/Pe'b EMIN KCCESSI NR: AR5001019 6/0v4/64/000/01Q/A-018/A018 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Meldianika. Abs. 10A138 AUTHOR: Sergeyev, S. 1. TITLE: Damping of forced and self-excited oscillations CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n. -1. in-ta kislorodn. maphinosty., vyp, 7j 1963, 57-72 forced oscillation damping, TOP~C TAGS: motolinotion. stability, damping sjj42 earin auto6scillation damping 17 TRANSILATION: The author calculates the optimal da.mping of oscilli-dions In elasto- Inertial systems and the stabilization of motion of a rotor With slide bimringsfiv.As an example, he presents the calculation of optimal.viwous resist-a-n-ce-Milin an analysis of the Q-factor expression. A summary amplitude, as a function of fxic;-Ion and frequent at an assigned or most critical excitation, is. assumed as the Q-7factor of a system. ne infinitely elastic rotor model used in calculating the damping of self-oicillations of a rotor with slide bearings has a shaft of constant cross section, a conwant axial mass density and Identical elastically-damping slide bearings. 7he stabiH4 of rotor mot*n is 1/2 Card SERGEYEV, S.I. (mos;cva) I- L layer of g a or a caTitating flu:d. ,,,3x-ry--Ing capar-1-by of a a I-,Lv. AN SSSR Mekh. _i -P=-h:Lnostr. no.4,.172-17? -T1-4- 'U4 ~O (MIRA -11-7-.8) I . - i~-, . . - - ;,- . -- 1~1! -1 - - ; . -I.. - - 1 11 su!~~Fyp,'V, s,-,.; karid, tekhn. ziauk; KHOTINA, in-zh~ Mration of liquids Ln p1p8a and .1mnnsification of Yea"; exchange. Trudy VNJIKIMASH no.10,74.-79 165, (MATR", m-g~ S J I.-YEV; rIETC(If 5.1.~ leand. leklin, nauk; MOTINA, G.A.) Inzh. Intensificat-4c:1 of heat exchange by means of vibrations, Trudy Vl,'IIKIMJiSH no,~M-91 165. (I-ffRA a-3-6) SFRC- -_ ", , , : , , 'e I:- nd. tekhr" nauk- flamping of natural vibrations in rotors vith gas-lubricated hearings. Trudy VNIIKIYASH no.lWO-86 065. (MIRA, 18s9) Ll vat if n -f r - cjn;7! s- by r:~-an7, 0-' C~r nc c-, 'AUTHOR ,ORG: ! iTITLE: AP6010862 Sergeyev, S.J. (Moscow) none Oscillations of liquid in pipes at moderate Reynolds numbers SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 1, 1966, 168-170 :T;PIC TAGS: laminar flow, turbulent flow, W=V=Cjjj=4 6-yn-, liquid flow P/P-,V -rzo "Ji 'ABSTRACT: The transition regime in liquids during the change from oscillating flow to i ;turbulent flow is studied. Tests have been performed on liquids in pipes with initial -~laminar flows. The flow in the pipes is formulated mathematically to elicit the ef- Ifects of various constants on the stability and form of the solution. These effects :are then related to the experimental observations. The transition regime was studied iusing water as a workir!S.liqui ith addition of aluminum powder for visualization. Th, !observations were made with both free and forced oscillations superimposed on the li- ;quid flow. It was found that the critical Reynolds number is linear with inertia co- !efficient in a wide range of Reynolds numbers. The friction and inertia were derived ;from the damping and the frequency of free oscillations. The experiment has shown tha- iflow stability increases and its characteristics depend on the parameters of the oscil. ilations. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 9 formulas. SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/001/0168/0170 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Jun65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003 Card 1/1 t_!rarzt~-, parqW - ----- ---- L 00753-67. (k -2 T DJ -W WC ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: 4 6/C6 002/0189 01 0 AP6024197 AUTHORt SeEMev, S. I. (Moscow) ORG t n~~e fY TITLE: Vibration damping in gyroscopic rotors with a slide bearIM SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Hekhanika tverdogo tela, no. 2, 1966, i89-19o TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope, vibration, vibration damping, journal bearing ABSTRACT: The stability of the motion of a gyroscopic rotor under the gyroscopic moment-of-inertia loads of the rotor is considered. The analysis is limited to canonical precessions with amplitudes substantially less than the thickness of the lubricant layer H in the journal. Equations are given describing the lydxodynamic forces in the journal and the inertial forces in the rotor--in two dimensions. The analysis shows that, for 0. > 4q, the rotor procession is asymptotically stable only when 6j> &jo, and for Q 4q, the motion is always stable. In the above analysis*Q,, q, and bi are given by k Q ht i n'F= r%+ To' and Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and i figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1400t65/ dRIG REF: 004 I ACC NR, ATTOOT355 (A SOURCE CODE: Woooo/661ooo/000/020410207 'AUTHOR: Sergeyev, S. M.; Rozen, G. M. 'ORG: Hone :'TITLE: Mechanization of large-scale sheet stamping SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po avtomatizatsii protsessov mashinostroyeniya. 4th, 1964. ;Av-tomatizatsiya protsessov svarki i obrabotki davleniyem (Automation of welding and 1pressure treatment processes); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscov, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 1 ;204-207 i !TOPIC TAGS: automotive industry, sheet metal; metal stamping, industrial automation ABSTRACT: The authors describe an automatic production line for stamping 17.ruck body 1parts. The line consists of one double-action and five single-action presses inter- ;connected by loading and unloading mechanisms and belt conveyors with a system for iscrap removal. A schematic diagram of the line is shown in the figure. The line is ;set up so that the individual sections may be operated independently since the various ;body panels require different pumbers of operations. For instance, the fi:r-st three :presses may be used for stamping t1he floor panel while the remaining units in the line iare used for making other components. The line produces up to 360 parts par hour. iThe workpiece is fed from sheet stacker 1 into the drawing die. 'A mecbari-:al arm in Card 1/2 SrRGFYEV, S.- Vi. USSTI~/Engineering Railroads Locomotives Jan 47 "Souti,ern Sakhalin Railroad," Col S. M. Sergeyev, Lt Col V. V. Denisov, Engr, 3 pp I'Tekh Zheleznykb Dorog" NO 1 Very interesting article which g4ves the route on a map of Southern Sakhalin, Also gives the rerouting of the system from the route used by the Japanese. Toca7as such points as main terminals, primary stations, check points, water towers, rouluthouses, etc. Mileage between different points and types of lowomotives in use of the ling. i4 18T37 LASHCHIVE.., S.M.: SERGEYEV.- S.M.; ROMIJ: S.M.; YASHUNSKIYr R.G. ..,A.utoniatis- line for manufact-arIng the air brake reservoir of the ZIL-1.10 automobile. AT,.prom. no*3.34,-38 I'D7 %61. (miRA 14.~3, 1. liauchno--issledovatellskiy eksperimentalinyy institut avtc,trak+,ornogo elektrooboradovar-iya i p--Iborov. (Automobiles-Brakes) (Assembly-line methods) " Wiqk,,EYF"v S114, Pcz;.;Z~4, C.14. 9 Mr-chan--*zation of large-sheat stamping. Avt. prom. 30 no,9938-42 3 164. (MIRA 17.1C) 1. Naucihro---~zsl-edova',e7-l--k-l-v institut tekhnollogil. avtomobillray pronyshlenncsti, SERGEYEV, S.M.; ROZENI G.M* Mechanization of large sheet stamping. Avt. prom. 30 no.10:38-i,2 o 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut tekhnologii avtomob-i'llnoy prowyahlennosti. SERGEYEV,--S.N. (Perm') Box casting of dental prosthesis parts. Stomatologiia 41 no.4:96-99 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) SLMG",Y--t:V, S.11.,mnyor med. sluzhby Effect of physical training on the development of com-Dengatory-adaptive reactions of the organism. Voen.-med.zhur. no.11:24-27 N 157. (EMCISE, effects, (MIRA 11:4) on heart in irradiated rabbits, adaptive comnensatory reactions (Rua) (RADIATIONS, effects, heart adaptive compensatory reactions to exercise in irradiated rabbits (Rua) (HRART, physiology, eff. of exercise. adaptive compensatory reactions in irradiated rabbits (Rua) 1 0 SERGEYEV 1. (moskva) Use of comparative plhotometiy in the s"-,dy of enzymne acti-;-Ityp Arkh.pat. 27 no.7:84-86 165,, 1. TSentrallnaya Chle-n-korrespondent AMN :)vr-f. M. rri TsVII-Ty M-Inisterstva oborony SSST. SERGEYEV, S. N. Functional morphology of the heart in radiation sickness. Arkh. pat. 22 no. 4:29-33 160. WIRA 14:3) (HEART) (ROIATION SICKIESS) ACCESSION NR: AT4042714 AUTHOR: Sergeyev. S. N. S/0000/63/000/000/0434/0437 TITLE: Histochemical Investigations of changes in the distribution of succinic dchy- drogenase, carbonic anhydrase, allmline and acid phosphatase and adenosinetript.osphatase activity and su'lfhydryl groups of the proteins of the internal organs during acute oxygen starvation SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy I kosmicheskoy meditsine, 1963. Aviat-3110nnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy* konferentsE-i. Mr 'cow, 1963, 434-437 TOPIC TAGS: oxygen deficiency, oxygen deprivation, high altitude, anoxia, acute anoida, enzyme activity, protein sulfhydryl group, succinic dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, phosphatase, hypoxia. A13STRACT: The distribution of activity of various enzymes in the internal organs was studied in rats subjected to a rapid dccrease in barometric pressure to 145 mm lig and maintenance in a chamber at a pressure of 183 mm Hg. The results showed that the animals survived 3-5 minutes at a pressure of 145 mm Hg and about 10 minutes in EL chamber at 183 mm Hg. Mcroscopic examination of tissue slices revealed that Lhe G47-d-- 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042714 succinic dehydrogenase activity of the myocardium was slightly depressed. In the liver of these animals there was a considerable depression of the same enzyme, especially in the central parts of the lobe. The carbonic anhydrase activity was slightly decr4msed in the proximal parts of the renal tubules, and markedly decreased in the liver, but significantly increased in the myocardium.* There were no changes in alkaline aad acid phosphatase activity in the myocardium. Acid phosphatase activity in the liver was con- siderably decreased, while in the kidney the decrease in activity was slight. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the muscle fibers of the myocardium was weak, but the wajls of the small blood vessels and intramuscular capillaries showed high activity of the enzyme. .In the liver, the activity was sharply hicrensod, while in the kidneys the activity of the same enzyme was weak. In a small proportion of the Investigated tissues, the adenosinetriphosphatase activity in the sarcoplasm of the muscle fibers of the myocardium, ! was slightly decreased, but the activity in the nuclei and the walls of the small v(zsels remained high. In the liver, the activity of the same enzyme was considerably 6-3creased, while in the kidneys there were no changes as compared with controls. No changes were obsef-; ved In the concentrations of Bulfhydryl groups In the mybcardium, lIv6r_aiid_ kidfii~--.7Thd---. Lord':-" 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042,714 results indicate a rapid response to anoxia on the part of the enzyme systems, retiulting in changes which may be useful in the microscopic diagnosis of death due to acute oxygen deprivation. ASSOCIATION: none SUBAUTTED: 278ep63 ENCL: 00 CODE: 1A 13 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 3/3 SERGLEYIEV, S,PI., kand. med. nauk Histophysiology of the kidneys in hypoxia. Urologiia no.4:3-" 164. (141F-4 ---9:-, L. TSentrallnaya sudebnomeditsiriskaya laboratoriya (nachalln.l.k chien-korrespondent AMII SSSR prof. M.1. Avdeyev), Moskva. M_ G -Afflj -67 _ EWT'd)_/P~P 1) IJP(c) BB/GG N R: AR6032064 SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/66/000/007/BO21/* B021 AUTHOR: Sergeyev, S. N.; Shelkovnikov, B. N. 5-9- TITLE: Registers with phase-pulse multistable elements SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychisliteltnaya tekhnika, Abs. 713157 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poluprovodnik. elementy v vychisl. tekhn. M., 1965, 42-50 TOPIC TAGS: phase recording, phase diagram, pulse generator, multistable element, register, shift register ABSTRACT: A phase-pulse multistable element as a recorder with a dynamic programming system for information recording has been studied. A phase pulse is the dynamic indicator in this register. Information is recorded into the phase- pulse element with a forced single-cycle starting pulse of a blocking generator at ar~ appropriate moment of time. The description includes block diagrams of registers without a shift, 3 registers with delay lines between discharges, and shift registers with the phase-pulse elements. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and a bibliography of 3 reference items. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09/ Card I / 1 jj~ UDC: 681. 142.642.7 % AUTHOR: Sergeyev-, sov/68-59-8-14/32 TITLE: Prevention of the Precipitation of Gypsum in the Ammonia Liquor Stills (0 predotvz-ashchenii vypadeniya osadkov gipsa v prikolonkakh ammiachnykh kolonn) PERIODICAL:Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 8, PP 31-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to prevent the precipitation of gypEum in ammonia liquor stills the following scheme of processing of the liquor is proposed: ammonia liquor flowing from the top of the dephenolising scrubber (height - 20 m) with a temperature of about 3.OOOC is heated with direct steam in the lowest section of the pipeline (figure) to a temperature of 115-120*. At this temperature it is treated with lime in a mixer and passed into a settling tank where the Precipitation of gypsum take place (solubility of gypsum -,-a at a maximum at 85-;5 C and at 1150C amounts to about one half of its maximum value). From the settling tank .the clear liquid is passed to the evaporator etc. It is claimed that the application of the above method Card 1/2 of treatment will not require a large &mount of Sov/68-51)-8-i4/32 Prevention of the Precipitation of Gypsum in the Ammonia Liquor Stills reconstruction on the existing plants. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Stalinskiy sovnarkhoz (Stalinskiy- Sovnarkhoz) Card 2/2 ROSTOVTSEV, S.F., akademik, red.; KOVALFNKO, Ya.R.. prof., red.; MGEYEV, S.F., red.; MOISBYZV, I.A., red.; SAR ISOV, A.1h., --I:, 'T-.-,-'&oktor blolog.nauk, red.; MIMOFANOVA, V.P., p [Raising and housing.young farm anir-hla; materials of the Out-Sesnion of the Department of Aniral Husbandry of the Lenin All-Union Academ? of Agricultural Scf-ences, Kurgan, July 29t'll- August lot, 19601 Vyrashchivenie i sokhranenie molodniake sel'skokhozisiotvennykh zhivotnykh; sbornik materialov VY62daogo plenuma otdoleniia zhivotnovodetva VAaWTIL, sootoiavshogosin v g.Kurgane a 29 iiulia po 1 avgusta 1960 g. Kurgan, Izd-vo gazety "Sovetskoe Zaural'e," 1961. 2?3 po (mm 14:4) 1. Vsesoyuznsya skademiya eal'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina. 2. Otdelenlye zhivotnov,odstra Ysesoyuznoy skademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lsnina (for Rostovtoev). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaysi.vennykh nauk imeni Y.I.Lenina i Vaesovuznyy institut eksperimentali,oy veterinarii (for YLovalanko). 4. Voesoyuznyy institut eksperi.mental'- noy vaterinerii (for Sarkisov). Mock and stockbre6ding) S El I r, Fl Iff, V )S. S. Expanded reproduction and wealth accurr&lation in the Kclkhcze:F of the Ch--% valiey Moskva. Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1950. 343 P. (Ekericheskie mono-cgrafLi) SEMOEYEV, S. Ar-riculture O-rari--'Acnal arid a~.77-nistmtive strenrthcn-nE7 or coiject4 e -arms and enlarpEment of ~j small af-ricilfiir-al nr~clr-,. inEn". i,-d. I'oskva, 'o :,onthly LiEt of Russian Acessions, Librar-T of Congress, June 19:52 M-ICLAfSIF= ~;. k,= - -iL LIL E.i.' .). 0. Vit-iculture Riformation. Vin. SSSR 12 no. .1, 1952. Monthl- List of Ftussian.Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclaesified. S. 01, Glavn.qia zadacha v sellskom khoziais-tve; r--incipal problem in agriculturg. Moskva, L.rr Sellkhozuiz, 1953. 304 p. - SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol 6 No 6 September 1953 C-)Z: IC, n lrc;~ uction, Ta'clus. SEHGI--'Y.-,'V, Serge2; Stepanovich -- awarded sci degree Of Doc &~on Sci for the 27 "!ay 57 defense of dissertation: "Problems of economico-statistical analysis of kolkhoz production as exemplified by certain regions of the USSR" at the Council, Mlos Agric Acad imeni Timiryazev; .trot No 16, 14 Jun 58. (B-MV01 12-58119) MGEYEV, S.S., doktor ekonom.-nauk; SINEVA, R.I., kand.ekonom.nauk; PYLA MEA. A.P., red.; DMVA, V.K., [Production costs on collective farms] Izderzhki proizvodetva v kolkhoza" Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sel'khoz.lit-ry, 1958. 167 p. (NIRA 12:7) (Collective farms) (Agriculture-Costa) aac-EYEV ekon.nauk; BOGATMNKO, Z.S., 2i~ red.; SAVCHMO, Ye.V., [Cost of agricultural 'production and ways of reducing it] Sabestoimost' sellskoklioziaistvennoi produktBii, i puti as si,izheniia. KosIcvs, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1959. 47 P- (Vae- soiunnoe obshchestvo po resprostraneniiu politicheskikh i naucYmykIi znanii. Ser.3, Fkonomika, no.35) (MIRA 12:11) (Agri cul ture --Costs) SERGEYEV, Sergey Stepanovich, prof.; IVANOVA, A.N., red.; DEYEVA, MI., feRrin. reb-L.-;-Ir tekhn. red. [Agricultural ntatistics] SellskokhoziaiBtvennaia statistJ- ka. Noskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1963. 463 p. (MIRA 17:~!:) SERGEYEV, S.S., pi-of., doktor akanom. nauk Economic problems of the intensification of agricultural production. Izv. TSKHA no-5:3-26 '64. (MIRA 18;5: 1. Kafedra eel tLikokhozyayi3t-vt.,nncy ,3tatist.1ki Moskovskoy ordf,na Lenina Bellskokhozyaystvennoy akademli imeni Timiryazeva. SERGE'YEV, S.S. "Land and sea beneath us" by [Garoy Sovetskogo Soyuza, letchik is-trebi-tA>11] S.G. Ku--zankov. Vest. protivovozd. obor.. no.c.: 79 S 1.61. (MIRA 14:8) (World War) 1939-lc,45--Aerial operations) (KurzerLkov,, S.G.) SEIRGEYE7, S. T. F. P. Ne3terov., 5. T. Ser,-eyev, Prokhodches Lye _kanaty_/�inI-_'nr CableV, i-le~,allurgizdat, 15 sheets Explains the oceratim- characteris tics of lining, guiding and su~j_orti-lz mine shaft cables; defines the fields of use of tile various designs of cables, *)egginning with their designatlLons. Gives ti-.e principles of designim- and tide operating e:,-perience witii nontwist, round, mine-shaft cables; and disciteses tne transverse Vibritions of t1he conductors of the cable guidelines. .*ook intended for ens-7ineerinp-technical pqrsonnel worlrdnr in rmLne-siraft c_)nstructions, a'~. cable Plants, in design and research or-anizati,ns connected with sn~tft constr,tction. S-,-: U-611~72, 12 I'lov 1954 1. S3:-RGEYDVY S. T. 2. USSR (500) 4. Gables 7. Basis for calculating rctmd-twisted steel cables for hoisting Work in mines. Ugoll 27 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. SERGEYEV, S.T., inzhener, FILONFINKO, A.S., inzhener. New devices for the manufacture of multi-layer wire ropes. Stall 16 no.6:56o-563 Je 156. OUA 9:8) 1. Vaesoyuznvy nanchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii i mekhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitellstva VNIIOMShS. (Wire rope) SERGEYEV, S.T., kand. tekhn. nauk Mechanization and automatization facilitate the miners' work and increase their labor productivity-. UgoV 34 no.8:46-47 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Pomoshchnik glavnogo inzhenera po novoy tekhnike shakhty- "Proletarskaya-Glubokaya" tresta. Makeyevugoll. (Coal mines and mining) (Automatic control) PASALISKIY, 6.5.; ILIIN, G.A.; SERGEYEV, S.T. Automatic recording of the number of men entering and lee7ing the mine. Ugol' 34 no.8-.4'17-48 Ag 159. (14IRA 12:12) I.Nachal'nik shakhty "Proletarskaya-Glubokayau tresta Makeyevugoll (for Pasallskiy). 2.Pomoshchnik glavnogo mekhanika shakb.ty "Proletarskaya-Glubokaya" tresta Makeyevugoll (for Illin). 3.Pomoshchnik glavnop inzheners, shakhty ffProletarskaya-G-lubokayall tresta Makeyevugoll (for Sergeyev). (Coal mines and mining) (Automatic control) MADANOV, Yu.S., gorny-y inzh.; SERGEYEV, S.T., gornyy inzh. Automatic water heating system for mine shower b,-;:ths. Ugoll Ukr. no.6'.31 Je- 160. OURA 13:7) (shower baths) (Automatic control) SMEYXV, S.T., kazid-tekhn.nauk; ZRADA OV, Yu-S., inzh. Testing the use of mobile electric substations in the "'Prolrztarskaya- Glubokaya" mine. Ugoll 35 no-7:54-55 J1 160. (MIRA 13-7) 1. Shakhta "Proletarskaya-Glubokayaw tresta Xakeyevugoll. (Donets Basin--Electricity in mining) (Electric Bubste.tions) PASALISKIY, S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; SERGEYEV, S.T. Machine for the whitewashing of main roads in mines. Ugoll 36 no.1-51-52 Ja 161. NUU :~4: 1) 1. Nachallnik shakhty "ProletarBka -Glubokaya." (Spray paintingf (Coal mines and mining--Equipment and supplies) 'Ing the prj.--js:, cf the a ce-ble on a pu!!L-,,. Pr'-k2. mckh. I Odussidy poll'%,ekhni,-,hesk-,.Y SFRGEYEV 9S.T~ (Odessa) Effect ot fastening conditions oh stresses in shape taking of a bent cable, Prikl. me-kh, 1 nr,.6~63-70 165, (MIRA 18-7) 1. Odesskiy politekhnicheskly institut. :,ere. ii-,vi !--ov . (Por,b" za eno- .-oldav. --i-tsiya 1 .0 r-49, C.. -)49 30 j PEKAREVICIIJ, Vladimir IAatveyev:icl,; 3EItGEYEV,-SQrM--XaBil!-yayi-ch; GETIJI,'G, Yu., red.; CMI,.IKO, D-., tekhn. red* [Developing the industries of Sverdlovsk Province during the years of the seven-year plan) Razvitie.prorWshlennosti Sverd- lovskoi oblasti v gody semiletki. Sverdlovsky Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 82 p. (~MU 15:3) 1. Nachaltnik- planovo-ekonomicheskogo*upravleniya Sverdlovskoilo .Lo sovnarkhoza , Sverdlovskoy oblasti (f r Pekarevich). 2. Zave- duyushchiy kafedroy politekonomii Urallskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta imeni S.M.Kirova (for Sergeyev). (Sverdlovsk Province--Industries) a c a a N JK L ru a s T IN lly --D M LCTTIM son AkIT.04 .1011 milam 00p, 0. : 02 0 00 a 00= Ilon vl.)Pulm!j--Pm U11-US-1 5w, 111 '0 -T 1 430119 A N 1 00- 90-; 90- I vt13 A 1 1 1 01 a It 9 11 at m of - . 0 04 . 49L 9 0110 X 31 R 33 Jd SA V X 39 42 41 0 U if? CPO AT u n -r-. . , 140 .%0 AT- co"tas I I lei 0 0 ~00 00 i p 00 -00 00 00 l-xm)tu=,IAaAqiiaLaqnlfiu.Xutu%MauV!mnjj Cal If. ru -(fjjl , 'I f) Lymf 00 IV FM1$ftW J06 SqSA Aft-1 AAWM-M Awl[ V - v 66 00 00 as vr T I w A If I V 0 j R h fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I r AR 0 ti a 0 0 0 0 0 02, TIT =b . . . =I - ~ =1. - is x is a I, a rv- Ya Imlialikulum A L &-JL- I NJ Odock Its aARD pavolafift Ml go A sea NeNt" atul Shrriber (,rorW. lob. (Works' Loth.). 1037. (2). 242 -2W. -tin Rtmian.1 A racuutu m6ca&" runtam In dewril"l, h4vhw x1ohniftw sea 'rmoly6lenuntubuling. The snetal impoumf bytuming the w6Aa (urvk%mars Coe hot t auxild is (reely awpen&A in the furnao&-D. N. S. Coe are* we* 1t00 I v 'Iff IT W W M 4 0 6 all 0*40440446 sits so, fill of) goes 0*0 41.00 44406646 see a 0 01 it ii Is 9 2 a 4 of a a a L I I AA NO a. M. 2, w0 A!D.o-P!-O4 no Tacna TM Im OwhW W Uw Go Owlsol of Alumittlum Alkil. V. FAigmv vA 1. N. Fridlyander lZavad. Loub. (Iforks* ".), Mo. So f. V". Zorn&.. 1942, M (1), 2667; C. Abe., 1943,37.36M).-fin tiim uf the g&4 Conwrit of 11101tril cLIulnittium alluvos. I'mualtv there ix uo definite relation txvtAiv-n the repults of the vxcuu~% test amf the 1xinmity n-lmti,PfLqhip curt be Phoun by the silAication of ifett-munittitai. althAmgh a statisti"Id nwtlp,41*. see 2 coo see see wee 'IEjAL!0U4GKAL LITIMATUR2 CLASUPKATICII It " ---I %#5547 -j A I-C W., **.Anv WOO 0 u ts AV 10 all; am -2 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i ; ; a pt a ti it K K'W- A, IN 9 0000 * 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 610 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 'p 40 0 0 0 0 0 * 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 1.:,,. . Y:%V , -1. V. 11 Det-~-rmdnation of the Iliscosity of 1-oltuen Aluruniturt and itus Alloys, 11 Dok. AN, '~O, 1i0. 2, l'-,141; Lab. for Physics of 1,.etals, Inst. of Aircraft -iat--~, ials. c1941, I *,~~*, 'i . -. - ~ - - 9 j . ~-he of A.Uovs," 33, Illc). 3, 1941. Ln . of Pl,ysics of -U.; - .."etals, inst. of Research in '.,'!at;? ipls for AL-molane JFlip-hts, 71.oscow. cY 41- a all * 4a all Or sas e 0 ats 0 0 41, 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 4 0 sa 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ais 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_-0 0-2! 1 . $ . . I .' I Z-0 ,,I -A-1 f. 4 j j L-L 00 Datefulination of the viscosity of molten alloys and its -0 0 applications. E'. V. flailyak. Zash4j- k4ya lAb. 13, 3;9~41(1947,i-Ale,. viscosities it were ^0 0 0: deltd. from the pholograllshically fccorded loicarittatilic detTroarlit,. of torsional owl 1,4641% of a satcel sphere (20-2S 0 -014-111. steel wire 0,20-0.25 mm. mm,) sollWIRIVII Oil 2 .511- 10 0 oe ill tliam., vablaii(ing the atilt. %ith Ift0and Ca,114and CRICII. by list formula, is[ Vrf~.-Iiaffclt (C.A - 10, WJ41). (1) In 00 00 Pur.C A). Iti, Sit, and in cutectic Silumin (At FA,'Si 12). V 0 itic-rew-ws sharply %%ith the failing temp. nearing the frerz- 1-00 0 ing tenip.; log q in terms of I/ T is linew over a witle temp. .00 interval but fleVi2tt% from linearity close to freezing: this 0 J indicates begintaiiig structure formiation in the liquid state VO 0 at the precry,til. stage. or sumlacated structure above 0 0 3. 10th hr. were: at 11111'. 211, 25, 10. awl till. lir.; at th melting ternit. (2) The binary systern At-Si (up to 1-10". 25. 27. 17. all,l s oll hr. The effe, t of trinp. ij CO 4111 0 le J 1.1 - si) lit -,I Is I * 'h~ -. l"id" t he min. of ; at t he eutectic More Prollount-c-I at hightr r.Alr' of tl(,W: Comilla. all illitial in'rease with increasing Si up to a sharp I.;Ilr. (time of .Onta,t I',j c,. Oill,. At =00 0e P'lYmcrizar'l the W few lim. at 1141 ' it, a"sa~ 411-.'op-, at 00 All-I J