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SER,GEYEV, V. More about the quality control of pastry goods. Obshche3tv. pit. no.7:29 JI 161. (KCRAL L-/.: 8) 1. Direktor TSentrallnoy laboratorii Lennarpita, g. Leningrad. (Pastry) SERGEYEV, V., polkovnik, kand.filosofskikh nauk Formation of communist social relations. Komm. Vooruzh. Si~' 2. no.4:43-48.F 162. (MIRA 15s2) (Commmist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) SERGEYEV, V. foreign no.7:139-1417 JI :62. (Go-m-nist trade in socialist countries. countries--Commerce) Vopjakon. *IWA 15:7) SKACHKOV, Semen Andreyevich; SERGLYEN, V2,; SIM'YAKOV, G.; INOUVITSE1, N.N., red.; KORIONOV, V.G., red.; UARLAI-W, M.A., red.; KOLOI.:IYTSEV, V., red.; KOIJOVALOVA, L., tekhn. red. [Aid and cooperation in the name of pence; Soviet econoric co- operation with the countries of Asia, Africa., and Latin America]Pomoshchl i sotrudnichestvo vo imia mira; ekonomic'.ae- skoe sotrudnichestvo SSSR so stranami Azii, Afriki i Latin.- skoi Araeriki. Moskva, Gospolitizdat, 1962. 54 P. (MIPA 15:11) (Econor.dc assistance) GONCHARENKO, V., tekhnicheskiy inspektor; SOLOVIYEV, L.; LEKONT, G.; SERM., I.; GOIAJBI, T.; MEDVEDEV, L.; PE-KISIMV, V.; AMSIMOV, P.; ASTASHEVA, V.; DOSHCHATOV, V.; UAgYEV,_V_; YUOZAPAVICMS, L. (Juozapavicius, L.].; MISHURIS, If.; VORONTSOV, N.; BOCHKAMI.V, G. Readers' conference by correspondence. Okhr. truda i soti3. strakh. 5 no.5:31-32 NY 162. (MIRA :-5:5) 1. Tekhnicheskiye inspektora Omskogo, oblastnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Solov1yev, L'Sicont, Serova, Golub', Medvedev). 2. Tekhnicheskiy inspekctorxespub~ikanskogo soveta profscyuzov, Turkmenskaya SSR (for Pekishev). 3. Zaveduyushchiy otde:-= sotsiallnogo sirakhovaniya Tyumenskogo oblastnogo soveta I.xofess- ionallnykh ~oyuzov (for Doshchatov). 5. Zaveduyushchiy yuridicheskoy konsulltatsiyey Arkhangelldkogo soveta profc:ssionall- ny1ch soyuzov (for Serg'eyev). 6. 'Zaveduyushchiy otdelom akhrany truda Litovskago respublikanskogo soveta professionalinykli soyuzov (for Yuozapavichyus). 7. Zaveduyushchiy yuridicheskoy konsull- t.~Ltsiyey Luganskogo oblastnogo soveta professionallnykh sci3ruzov (for 1-fishuris). 8. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom sotsiallnogo strakhovaniya Smolenskogo oblastnogo soveta professional'Lykh soyuzov (for Vorontsov). 9. Predsedatell komissii okhrary truda Barnaullskogo motornogo zavoda (for Bochkarev). (Industrial hygiene-Periodicals) SERGEYEV, V. Dismissal of employees for a systematic failure to fulfill their work duties. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 5 no-10:44 0 162. (141 RA 15:11 ) 1. Zaveduvushchiy yuridicheskoy konsulltatsiyey Arkhangellskogo oblastnogo soveta professionallnykh soyuzov. (Employees, Dismissal of) SMPA)~~V.,_V. (Moskva) Paying bonuses to the engineers and technician of industr-;.a-l enterprises. Sots.trud 7 no.7.-61-64 Jl 162. OtEr-A 15:8) (Technicians in industry) (Bonus system) (Costs, Industrial) SERGEYEV, V. - The country could have flourished ... Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.18:43- 4/+ S 162, (MIRA 25:9) 1. Zamestitell zaveduyushchego mezhdunarodnyzh otdelom VsesoyLlznogo tsentrallnogo soVeta professionalin-ykh soyazov. . (Bolivia-Social conditions) FEDOROV, A.A.; SEhGEYEV, V. "Some methods of analysis used in ferroalloy plants" by M.V.Babaev. Reviewed by A.A.Fedorov and V.Sergeev. Zav.lab. 28 no.11:14-03- 1404 162. (IERA 15.11) 1. Nachallnik TSentraltnoy khimicheskoy laboratorii. Zaporozhskogo zavoda ferrosplavov (for Sergeyev). (Iron alloys) (Metallurgical analysis) (Babaev, M.V.) SERGEYEV, V., polkovnik, kand.filosotskikh nauk Party ideology in military science. Kamm. Vooruzh. Sil 3 no.1i 20-27 Ja 163. (M].RA 16 -- 1) (Military art and science) (Russia Armed forces-Political activity) S ERGEYEV 17,- - _, kand.ekono ' nauk Definition of thevorld market category. Vnesh.tor 43 no.4gl7-24 063. fMoRk 16t24) (Commerce) LI'KHACifFV, M, inzh.-,- SERGEYFX, V., inzh. f Miniature receivers. Radio no.5y49 Yor 165. MIRA ]W) SERO-YEV, V1. .- ffAerial" fisherman. Grazhd. av. 19 no.llt2l N '62. (MIRA 16:1) (Aeronautics in fishing) SERGEYEV, V.; SMIRNOVA, K.; MOLODYAKOVA, A. Fluorescence method for determining meat freshness. Obshchestv. pit. no.6:24-25 Je 163, (MMA 16:12) 1. TSentralInaya sanitarno-pishchevaya laboratoriya Lenanntirpita, Leningrad. SERGErEV, V.A. Role of the bacterial factor in the etiology of pulmonary diseases in sheep. Trudy VIEV 22:185-lM '59. (MM-k 13: 10) (Sheep--Diseases and pests) (Pneumonia) KOGAN, A. M.; SERGEYEV, V. A*; SHLIFMAN, R. B.; GUREVICH, L. B. - I Capron for molding. Hashinostroiteli n0-10:31-32 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Nylon) SERGEYB V.A. 'I--- - . -!V~_ - , __ Organize *he rmnu cture of standard checkir-, devices. Izm.tekh. no. 11 - 51t- m ,6o. (MIRA. 13: 11) (96aBuring instruments--Testing) 1. SERGEYEV, V. A. 2, SSSR (600) 4. Microorganisms, Pathogentic 7. Filterable forms of the causative organism of pasteurellosis in fam animals (short communication). Trudy Vses. inst. sksp. vet. 19 No. 1, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FObru"Y -1953. Unclassified. USSR/TJ-icrobiolo,-,;j - Medical and Veterinary F-S Microbiology Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 101,57, 647 Author V. A. Ser-eyev Inst Title Effect of Bile on tlie Vintlent Properties of Microbes Ori- Pub Sb. nauch. rabot stud. Uosk. vet. akad., 1955, vyp. 2, 130-132 Abstract The first Tsenkovskiy vaccine against anthrax, and its changeability under the action of bile of an ox were inveEti- gated. In large concentrations bile has a bacteriostatic effect on Bacilli:-s anthracis. In small concentrations a dissocation into R-and S forms has beE:n Card 1/2 SERGEY-EV, V. A. Cand VPt Sci -- (diss) "Study of ttm filtrable forms of bruoellae (rtrain No 19)," Mos, 1957. 11 pp (All-Union Inst of Experimental -0 Vet Medicine VASKHNIIL fAll-Union Acad Agr Sci im. Lenin 7), 140 coFies (KL, 43-57, 90) -46- USSR/Virology Humn and Aninal Viruses E-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -, Biol.., No 8, 1953, 33556 Author : Ratner, L.S., Sergeev, V..A6 Inst : - ------------ Title : A Biological Diagnostic Method for Types of Foot-anl- Mouth Disease Viruses by Sera of Convalescents. (Biologicheskiy metoo- diaGnostiki tipov vIrusa yash- chura po syvorotkam rekonvalestsentov.) Orig, Pub : Voterinariya, 1957, No 2, 73-76. Abstract : Each serum of the convalescent animl, diluted I vas :2) administered to 7-8 day old mice. In 18-2 hours the inoculated mice were clividmi into 3 groups of 3 mice each and were infected respectively by three types of foot-and-mouth disease virus, adapted to suckling nice. The presence of antibodies in the sera and their t;,,pe was Judged by the survival of mice by comparison with Card 1/2 USSR/Virology - Human and Animal Viruses. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 19, 1958, 85802 Author Sergeyev, V.A. Inst Title The Cultivation of Viruses in Tissue Cultures. A Review of the Foreign Literature. Orig Pub Veterinariya, 1958, No 4, 83-88 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 E. ,SERGEUV, V.A. -fiu~ Antibodies in animals vaccinated against foot-and-hoof diiiease. Dokl.Akad.sel'khoz. 23 no.11:38-41 '58. (MIRA 1:.:12) 1. Veesoyaznyy Institut eksperimentallnoy veterinarii. Predstavlena akademikom S-N-Muromtsevym. (Foot-and-hoof disease) (Antigens and antibodies) SZr,BYF.V, V.A. t-: -- - - -Cultivation of virLisOB in tissue cultures; a survey of foreign literature. Teterinariia 35 no.4:83-88 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:3) (viruses) (Bacteriology-Cultures and culture media) SERGEYEV, V.A., kand. veterinarnykh nauk; YASHENKINA, M.I. Multiplication dynamics of the foot-and mouth disease virus in single-layer cultures and suspensions of calf kidne7 tissue treated with trypsin. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 24 no.4:16-18 '59. (MIRA 12:6) l.Vsesoy-uzny7 nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut eksperimen-talino7 veterinarii. Predstavlena akademikom S.N. Muromtsevym. (Foot-and-mouth disease) SERGEYEV, V.A. Study ofimmunizing and interference properties of the virmi of foot-and-mouth diaeaie grown in a calf"kiPey tissue culture. Vop. virus 5 n0-49479-484 Je,-Ag-160. (MIRA 1+1:1) (FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE) SERGEYEV, V. A. and FEDOROVA, T. L. (All-Union Institute of Veterinary Virology and -MtrrOTr-5-E5-gY of the Ministry of Agriculture USSR). "Comparative evaluation of the titration methods used for the foot and motth virus" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 8, August 1962, p. 67 NIKITIN, Ye.Ye.; VLA-DIMIROV, A.G.,_~~EYE~VV A~ Resistance of the foot-and-mouth disease and influenza viruses to desiccation by the pulverization method. Vop.virus. 7 no.6:719-723 N-D 162. (MIRA 16-4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'E;kiy institut veterinarnoy virusologii i mikrobiolo~ii. (FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE (INFLUENZA) (VACCINES) 1~:'-~- y L I.T V, A, -c7 oaluation of ME, r,-,j3 or ~he ,-anJ-mout.h ditieas.e. Vf--erjr-,Firl~ J~' nr,.S,, 1, V:~e-zooyuznyy in-ati,.ut veterinarnoy viruuolcg~--' seilskogo khazyaystva SS-cR- SERGEYEV V.A. Establisbment of two lines of transplm table kidney and he!art cells from cattle. TSitologiia no.1:104-107 Ja--Flo. (MIR-A 16:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterimxmy virusologii i .-iikrobiologii Ministerstva sellskogo khozya3,stv,-. SSSR, 1111oskva. (TISSUE CULTURE) (TRAMPLAETTATIOF OF ORGANS, TISSUES, ETC.) METIERLKIN, O.A.; SORVACHEV, Ye.V.; ~ERG&M,--VA.; REZVYAKOVA, L.G. Cultivation of hog cholera virus in a tissue culture of swine and rabbit. Vaterinariia 40 no.2:74-78 F 163- (KRA 17:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, veterinarnoy vi- rusologii i m1krobiologii. %he nutrient VeLerinari-fa 1-') 0-1 i C~ (MIRA 18,~!-l tis va --~.--'y ~.n Ut t vseao5ruz. na, ~IiAc at~311 s I a ,,,&I-erinarnoy m.-'~krobiologgi!. TRUBITSYN, D.I.; LAVROVA. T.S.; SERGEYEV, V.,k. Effect of the matnod fo," cultivating the virus -,r frot-ard- mouth disease on the fo-m-iation of negative colonies in tls5iae cul tures . Veterinariis 41 no.11.11-1~1 N '6;.. (m] 1. Vsesoy-Lizrvy, Iskiv im3t,,tut veterlnarnoy g~- V, rusolr'i L - .. --- . of Sst L c7obg. uil763i~6/'6/ooc/,,~,)-,,/*O~'~ '00120 ACC NR: A Trubitsyn, B. I.; Khizhinskaia, V. P. C.,:,-.: -;-~--Ircli Institute of VeterLnary Virology and Xicrobiology: II sidy institut veterinarnoy virusoU;E:T-3. 1i I x 0 -L)o 'f,rA-an,1-riouth disease virus in a tissue cultlx:-e of pig -RCE: 'v'(Aerrr '-i IM SOL 1-900~ 18-20 viinis, virology, vaccine of rertain condiLionG on rqvoduction of the foot- and-,-;Oilth /Type 0) ill a culture of pi" elrbrjo kidney co:-Js W,OL5 t~rLizi ised was obtaincd from cattle and adapted in 7-8 JQOF,-i~7cs "C' t_c Emi-i- culture. It was found that reproduction of in r;ultiwc did not dcr)cn(I on previous adsorption of the vinl~ id not depend on previous adsorption of the Virus to t he ccl j- s . In culLivatii-4; the fooLand-mouth disease virus in this culture in one-1--ter f] it iz; good to inoculate the culture simultaneously- x-rith f r-2~_ a chanZe of the (pH 7.6), introducing the virus in a dose o 1C 10, -TCD 5CAmi. The 3nfected cultures are incubated at 370 C for 18-20 hours. .Culti,,ration of f oot-and-mouth disease virus in this way was found promising .for yac2ALiel,,- Orig. art. has: 3 tables DPA-S7 SUB oo' / SURM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: OC6 Card Ill ." WCC NRs-- AP60'21-5-jul-- SOURCE - c-ODE:-ui/o4O2/66/000/003/0375/0375 AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V. A. Lavrova, T. S. ORG: All-Union Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology, Ministry of Hea.lth SSSR (Vsesoyuznyy institut veterinarnoy virusologii i mikrobiologii 11 03 we Ministerstvp sel skogo khozyaystva SSSR) TITLE: Growth cycle and heterogeneity of virus particles SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 1966, 375 TOPIC TAGS: animal disease, foot and mouth disease, virology, virus, veterinary medicine ABSTRACT: Growth of type 0 strain Op foot-and-mouth virus in pig kidney tissue culiure is characterized by a latent phase lasting about 2 hr, followed by.a maximum quantity of virus appearing within 4 hours in the cultured cells and within 8 hours in the culture fluid, The virus population is :~heterogeneoua as determined by standard tests. [W,A.- 50;-()13Z- 0 No i SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ SERGEYEV, V. A., Cand Chem Sol - (diss) "Concerning the Synthesis of Polymers from Aliphatic Diazo-Compounds." Mos Cpub House of Acad Sol USS19, 1957. 7 pp.(Aced Set USSR, Inat of Elemontoor6anic Compounds), 110 copies. (KL, 7-58, 108) - 6 - CO' '0U' 0., 0 C-,, ,D- V, AUTHCRS: Yonhak, V.V. Sercrkeye%r, V. A. 6 2 6/ TITLE: On the Additional Coriinconents of Dinzomethanc -;dtl-. Unsatu-rated CoriTcunds rC prcluktakh diaacmctana k nenredcllrlyn PERIODICAL: Izvestiya All SSSR OtOleleniyeKhimicheskikh Nauk, 1957, N:.- 12, pp. 1495-14917 (USSRN) ~-93T.--UOT: The reaction of div7mi;il~thane -,-rlth olefines leads to the fonmtion of various -p~-rnzolipez 1,2 . As a result of' the reaction after the addition of diazoatetl,,me to stirol metVlcrylate, diacrylate of ethylene glucol p~razt)line -aas obtained. It -ra-- 'Mand that .-.-Ith the setting in of interaction betmen the dia7crmthane and stirol, 3 -phenylpyraz o line is formed. Furthemore, products of the linkage between di-c,,zomethane end the gluccl esters of acrylic- and rietamji- ic acids -iere obtained. Finally, the kilnetics of the decay of the glu.- cc! esters of pyrnzoline-3-carbo.Vlic acid and 5-metilv1pYra 01ire- 5-carboxylic acid ~ms investigated. There are 2 figures, 2 tablez-, and 5 references, 2 ~:ihich are Slavic. Card 1/2 On the Additional Ca=-oneata of D.*f!:,,,,,:,.ct:i~~:ne- vtith Unsaturated Compounds 62-i2-16/2-t ASSOCIATICTI: Institute fL~.. Elevent--1-033mic(,cT:rr)ou~id2 *~T *.'F:SR (Institut elei-.entoo,-Z,~-niches',~-i'-r-h sqyedinerdy Alra---7ewii na-uk SSSR) - MKITTED: May 28, 19 5 7 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Diazomethane-Olefines-Re~-ctions 2. Diazomethene-Components J_ ~;.TJTI'f OR K,0FSHAK.:V.V. , Corresponding AN USSR 20-2-31/62 SERGEYEVV.A. TITLE '* ~ori.-.-_-t Fiah o~fPolyneric Hydrocarbons at the Decomposition of Aliphatic Diazocompounds. (Ob obrazovanil polimernykh uglevodorodov pri raspade alifatiches- kikh diuzcsoyedineriy - Russian) P_-HIODICAL Doklady Akad.'Nauk SSSR,1957,vol 115,11r 2, PP 303-311 (U.S.S.R.) 03TRIC' This decomposition leading to the formation of polyhydrocarbons was studied by a number of inventigators in the presence of various ca- talysts. The authors studied a comparative investigation of the decom- position reactions of diazomethane, diazoethane,diazotolc:ul and dia- zopheny1methane as well as of their mixtures in the presence of cop- per metal and boron compounds (trimethylborate and boron fluoride). The decorinositioA of diazomethane by trimethylborate is characteri- zid by an induction period. A further difference between the influ- ence of these catalysts is that trim-ethylborate leads to a faster decom-oosition and a quantitative yield of polymethylene With copper a lo-15/a yield of polymers is obtained; ethylene is pre- sent in the escaping nitrogen. Besides that va3�ous nitrol-,enous pro- ducts develop. It may well be stated that this process if; an ionic process. It has some common features with the polimerization process of olefinic hydrocarbons under the influence of !on catalysts. Dia- zoethane decomposes also with copper and forms corresponding polym- Card 1/3 eric hydrocarbons. Diazotoloul in the presence of fluorberonethyra- -~~'or:.-iat ion of I-olimeric Hydrocarbons b.; 2C -2-31/052 Diazoeompounds. rene, and of polymethylene vchich was produced ir. the prest.nce of fluorboronethyrate. The for.-,iation of -a non-branched re.~ulr-r poly- styrene under the conditions of the authors cannot be explained by ih~~ orient-itin,3 inflacnee of the crystalline surface of the catalyst, (--~s 1-,'a-tta an(. others think). The ccnception ap-parently is more correct tliat the cause for the re,~Lilar position of subst-ituents ia the mole- Cale 0': thik: uolystyrenc- in L)I-- controlling acticn o~' side groups 4 ttta for::iation of This sc-lf-reb-alationdepen&s abc- .r e a 11 or., tile s-na-tial irfluence of thE .-rou7os which oil tha whole is '111-`loLous to that ob-qc-rve6 in tile pol~merization.of vinyl type mo- nc-',.rs. The authors propose for this influence the na-me "steroche- -Acal factors". They :rive further explanations for it. (4 illastrat ion!-,, 3 Slavic referer--ces). I!--ititut elemento-organicheskikh soyedineniy Akademij nauk SSSR ibrary of Cairl-ress. /7, a r 3/, 5M AUTHORS: Tsetlin, B. L , Sergeyev, V.--,A.. SOV120-126-33162 Rafikov, S. R:, ;(orshak, V. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR7 Glazunova, P. Ya., Bubis, L. D. TITLE: The After-effect in the Irradiation of flethylmethacrylate in the Presence of Oxygen (Effekt posiedeystviya pri obluchenii metilmetakrilata v prisutstvii kisloroda) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, 11r 1, pp 123-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is a known fact that oxygen inhibits the radical polymeriza- tion of many vinyl monomers. This is the case also with radiation polymerization (Ref 1). However, the irradiated monomer is able to polymerize later, as soon as the supply of oxygen is interrupted (Ref 2). This manner cf utilizing ionization energy is of practical interest. The authors investigated the basic rules of this process. rhe monomer was irradiated with fast electrons (900 kev) in an acceler- ator of the second Institute mentioned under Lssociation. Figure 1 shows the kinetic polymerization cur-ie in dependence on the radiation dose R. The initial velocity VO of polymer- ization is, as figure 2 shows, proportional - 1/2 Card 1/3 4-0 R The After-effect in the Irradiation of Methylmetha- SOV120-126--i-33162 crylate in the Presence of Oxygen Figure 3 shows the influence exercised by temperature upon Vo. Polymerization was introduced by evacuation. T."ie activation energy was calculated as amounting to 11.2 keal./Mol. It is thus considerably lower than the activation anergy in the polymerization of methyl methacrylate with benzoyl per- oxide, which amounts to 19.7 kcal/mol. The high activity of the peroxide groups formed by irradiation facilitates poly- merization at low temperatures. Figure 4 shows the development of polymerization by irradiation, and, as a comparison, the effect of 0.01 ~c' benzoyl peroxide. Apart from the low reac- tion temperatnreq irradiation offers the further advantage that, after irradiation, polymerization may be beg-un at any desired point of time. There are 4 figures and 9 rEferences, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 The After-effect in the Irradiation of Methyl- SOV/20-126-1-33/62 methacrylate in the Presence of Oxygen ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of -the Academy of Sciences, USSR). In8titut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the jl%cademy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1959 Card 3/3 KORSIIAKI V.V.; GOWVA, O.P.; SERGEYEV, V.A.-. MERLIS, N.M.; SHNSYFIR, R.Ya. Polyethers of levoglucosan. Part 1: Polymrization of leveglucosan and its others. Vyaokomosoed. 3 no.3z477-485 Mr 161. (M-IRA 14:6) 1. Institut alementoorganichaskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Glueopyranose) (Polymerization) Kolis.9;K, V.V.; S-~ERPEYEV,-V-A-s.; XLEYZER, N.B. Polyesters of levoplucosan. Part 2: Alkyd resins based :)n levo- plucosan anj dicarboxylic acids. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.8:1YI-11.96 Ag I (-I. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut Plementoorpanicheskikh Foyedineniy A14 SSSR. (Alkyd resins) (Levoplucosan) (Acids, Organic) S/00-2/62/000/006/011/016 B117/3180 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Kudryavtsev, R. V.,--Sergeyev,.V. 4L.., and Itsikson, L. B. TITLE: Investigation of hydrolytic polymerization mechanism, of E-caprolactam in the presence of-water cont&ining i heavy oxygen isotope PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 8, 1962, 1468-1470 TEXT: In this investigation the water contained 6%o 0 18. E-caprolactam and the labeled water, in a 1:1-5 ratio, were heated'for 6 hrs F-t 2000C. The molecular weight of the resulting pOly-E-caproamide was relE.tively low, and its 016 content the same as with an exchange reaction. From this it is concluded that the monomer links on to the end groups of the growing polymer chain during the reaction. When the polymer waij heated for 3 hrs at 2500C in argon, the viscosity of the S'oldtion was found to be higher than that of the initial polymer, (from [qt] - 0.38 to 1.76.)f Card 1/2 Investigation of hydrolytic ... S/06 62/000/038/011/016 B117YB180 as also the molecular weight. In the final stage of the reaction, if all the water can be removed, polycondensation of the macromolecule will occur due to the reaction between amino and carboxyl end-groupe. The course of the hydrolytic polymerization of F--caprolactam described above confirms earlier predictions (V. V. Korshak and T. M. Frunze, I.zv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. n. 1955, 376). There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nau? SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR).. SUB'MITTED; January 31, 1962 Card 2/2 PESIN, V.G.; KHALETSKIY, A.M.; SERGEYEV, V.A 2.1,3-Thio- and selendiazoles. Part 13: Nitration of 4- and 5- aminobenz-2,1,3-thiodiazoles. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.1.181-186 Ja ,62. (MIRA .15:2) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevtichesk:i~ institut. (Thiadiazole) (Nitrati ACCESSION NR: AT4033981 6/0000/63/000/600/0024/0028 AUTHOR: Korshak, V. V.; Kogan, A. M.; Bar&* V. A.; Shleyfusn, R. a.; Gurevich, L. B.; Andion, G. B. TITLE: The rapid lew-temperature alkaline polymerization of Epsilon-caprolactam SOURCE: Geteroteepny*ye vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya (Heterochain macromo- lecular compounds); abornik statey. Moscow, Ixd-vo "Nauka," X963, 24-23 TOPIC TAGS: polymerizationt caprolite, capron, low temperature polymerization, V alkaline polymerization, caprolectam ABSTRACT: Influenced by the recent work of Wichterle on a method for the produc- tion of high-quality poly-C-caproamide (Capron), the authors studied the peculia- rities of rapid low-temperature polymerization and the properties of the polymeric products with the aim of producing pure and adaitted compositions suitable as raw material for large pieces. The polymerization of C-caprolactam was carried out with equimolar ratios of the sodium salt of caprolactan and N-&cetylcapl.-olactam as a catalytic system. Samples measuring 55 x 6 z 4imm were used 1n tests for static Card 1/3 _j, 1P72)!_62 /FWP(j)/RWW/An.S AFFTr/ASD Pr-4/Pe-h RWWW ACCESSION NR: AP3002292 S10062163100010061liOO11103* AIDTHOR: Korshak, V. V.; Se.?geyev, V. A.; Pokrikyan, V. G. TITLE: Polymerization f s; ~renereviously~i=rradiate in the presence of atnos- pheric oxygen SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Otdalenive khimichesklkh nauk, no. 6, 1963, 2100-1105 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, styrene, irradiation, atnospheric oxygen, peroxide, polymer, molecular weight ABSTRAM Styrene was irradiated With x-rays while air was b ubbled through. . The treated monomer was then polymerized. The effect of radiation dosage and tempera- ture on peroxide content of monomer and of the same variables and time on the rate of formation and molecular weight of the polymer was studied. During the poly- merization, the molecular weight of the product increases continuously reaching higher values than In polymerizations using benzoyl peroxide as initiator. This iE attributed to the breakdown of polyperoxide sequences derived from the polyperoxide initiator produced by irradiation in the presence of oxygen and incorporated in th-, main polystyrene chain. Orig. art. has: 5 tables and 7 figures. Association.- Inst. of Organoelemental Compounds, Academy of Sciences SSSR Card 1/~/ 12721-61 EPR'/PEFF(c)'/a1P(J)./EWT(m)/BDS ASD Ps-4/Pr-h/Pc-4 RMAW ACCESSION NR- AP3002293 S10062163100010061110611109 AUTHOR: Pokrikyan, V. G.; Sergeyev, V. A.; Korshak, V. V. TITLE: Preparation of block c2ppi f pol ymerlo . ystyrene Ind metbyl methacrylate SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1963, 11,06-n09 TOPIC TAGS: block copolymer, polystyrene, methyl methacrylate, polymeric peroxides ABSTRACT: Polystyrenes, obtained by polymerization of styren eviously irradi- ated in the air and containing fragments of polymeric peroxid:Z were used for the synthesis of block copolymers. The fomation of a block.copolyZ~r contAining 76p of polystyrene and 24% polymethyl methacrylate by heating a 20% solution of poly- styrene in methyl methacrylate for 5 hours at 95 degrees was confimed by frac- tionation and turbidimetric analysis. Polystyrene obtained with benzoyl peroxide did not give any copolymer. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institat elementoorganichesk-ikh soyedineniy, Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organoelemental Compounds, Academy of Sciences SSSR) Card KORSHAK, V.V.;.SEPGEYE'V, V.A.; SURNA, Ya.A.; FERNIKIS, R.Ya. Polyethers of levoglucosan. Part 3: Polymers of trimethyllevo.-lucosan. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.11:1593-1596 N 163. (YJRA 17:1) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSIR i Institut lesokhozyaystvennykh problem i khimii drevesiny AN Latviyskoy SSR. ACCESSION NRi AP3012237 S10190163100510111159711602 AUTHORSi Korshak, V.' V.; Sergeyev, V. A.j Shitikov, V. K.; Burenko) P. Sh. TITLE: Isomeric polymerization of aliphatic diazo compounds SOURCEi Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 5. no. 11, 1597-1602 TOPIC TAGSt polymerization, polymerization mechanism isomeric polymerization, isomer polymerization, isomerizational polymerization, diazo compound, aliphatic diazo compound, absorption spectrum, infrared absorption spectrum, infrared spectroscopy, infrared spectrum, polymer, copolymer, polybenzyl-idene, methane,4:.-, .methylphenyldiazo-, methane.L-methylbenzenediazo-, heat resistant polymer) thermo- stable polymer, methane.phenyldiazo-, benzened-iazomethane, thermomechanical prop- erty, compressive strength, compression cur ve, thermomechanical compression curve, methane.diazo-, polyethylidene ABSTRACT: The aim of the present investigation consisted in elucidating the structure of polymers and copolymers obtained via cleavage of certain diazo com- pounds by means of boron fluoride ethyl ether and tributylboron catalysts. The issuing materials included d-Jazo-methane, pheny1diazomethane and 4-methylphenyl- Cc rd 113 ACCESSION NR: AP3012237 'diazomethane (WD), which were prepared by standard procedures, as was the* phenyldiazomethane-diazomethane (PD) copolymer. The obtained polymers and copoly-, mers were subjected to infrared spectroscopy arid proton resonance spectroscopy from solutions in carbon totrachlorido. The spectrum of the PD copolym r showed an increased intensity of the ab6orption bands in the 2930 and 2855 cm- region, as_~ompared with those of polybenzylidene, which correspond to the 2926 and 2853 Cal valency oscillation frequencies of methylene groups. A similar intensifica-.,~, tion of bands corresponding to the methylene groups was observed in the spectrum of the 4~TD polymer, besides showing the characteristic absorption bands for the methyl group. A peak corr6zponding to methylene groups appeared also.on the proton resonance spectrum. The authors assume that the formation of methylene groups is due to partial isomerization of the benzy~idene group during the polymerization process, the methylene and phenylene groups appearing in the main chain. Thermal stability studies within a 50-300C range revealed the 4MPD polymer to be the most resistant, almost equaling polybenzylidene, while the PD copolymer's compression modulus was most affected by temperature, which was attributed to a higher content in methylene groups. Thanks are given to G. A. Sidorov for the taking of infrared spectra, and to B. I. Fedin and A. F. Petrovskiy for the proton resonance spectra.. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 3 charts. Card 213 ACCESSION NRt AP3012237 ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheskikh soedineniy All SSSR (Institute of ~lemantoorganic Compounds, AN SSSR) SUBMITTEN 15Feb62 WE ACQi 22Nov63 ENCLi 00i SUB CODEi Cli) MA NP-OUF SOVt 003 OTHERt M. Card 313 PESIN, V. G.; KHALETSKIY, A. M.;.~ERGEYEV_,. V. A. Chemistry of 2,1.,3-thiodiazole. Part 16: Chlorination, bromination and thiocyanation of 5-aminobenzo-2,1,3- thiodiazole. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.1:230-233 163, (MIRA 16-1) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. (Thiadiazole) PESIN, V.G.; KHAIETSKIY, A.M.;-,_MRG~YEV, TA. Chemistry of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole. Part 17: Halogenation of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole and its halo derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.3:949-952 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Leningradskiy kllimiko-farmatuav-Licheskiy institut. (Denzothiadiazole) (112ogenation) PESIN, V.G.; KHATLETSHY, A.M.; SERGEYEll, V.A. 2,1,3-Thiodiazole. Part 22: Nitration of derivatives of benzo-2,1,3-thiodiazole. Zhtw.ob.khim. 33 no.6il759-1766 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. lBenzothiadiazole) (Nitration) KORSHAK, V.V.; SFRGEYEV, V.A.; SHLEYFMAN, R.B. "Kaprolit.ff Pri-roda 52 no.10:98-10() 16.3. (MI-Rfi 16:12) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Moskva. 2. Chlerkoi-respondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). PESIN, V.G.; KHALETSKIY, A.M.; SERGEYn', V.A. 2pl,3-Thiadiazoles and i,:elenadiazoles. Part 25: Direct amination of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:261-272 Ja 164. (KRA 17:3) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. PESIN, V. G.; SERGEYE'll, V. A.; KHALIETSKlY, k. '14. 2,1,3-TkLia-and selenadlazoles. Part 30: Nitration of mono- and dimethyl deriva.-ives of benzo-2,1,3-thiadiazole. Zhur. ob. Khi-T.. 34 no.6:1986-1992 Je 164. (1,111HA 17.7) I.. teiiingi-aa-skiy khi-ii~cc~-f.,arir~,-Ltsevticheskiy Institut. s - gin 3 :;n c: 3- -;-I der 4 , e s mc ad i az o le and halo- rc- d-, 34 r,0.0/:3028-3034 S 164. 17: ACCESSION HR: AP503-1028 UR/0079/64/034/01-1/3753)3756 AUTMR: Pesin, V. G.; Ser&Uev V. A.; Mxaletskiy, A. M., A TITLE; Investigations in the-field of 21 1, 3-thia- and -selenadiazole. 2X)=.~ Behavior of benz-2, 1, 3-thiadiazole, and.its derivatives toward chromic ac':id SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchey khimlis ve-349 nooll, 1964, 3753-3756 TOPIC TAGS: chromic acid, organic nitrogen compound, organic azo compound, organic sulfur compound ,-Abs"tia--c-ii: "-biide'r ihe a'cti'on of c"fir-omic anhydride in sulfuric acid on benz-2,1~, 3-thiadiazole, its 4- and 5-methyl- and 5,6-dimethyl derivatives, 2,1,3-thia- diazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid was formed in satisfactory yield. In thecase. of 5-bromobenz-2,1,3-thiadiazole, in addition to the latter, 4,5-dibromoberiz-, s2,1,3-thiadiazolevas formed. 5-Chloro-, 4,,7-dichloro-*, 4,7-dib romi-, 4-nitro-, and 5-nitrobenz-2,1,3-thiadiazo.les manifeatedhigh stability toward., this oxidizing agent. In the reaction of,2,1,3-thiadiazole-4,5-aicarbo3CY1~c ,acids with organic bases (aniline, isomeric toluidines, pyridine','p-anisidinee j!P-phenetidine, and piperazine, the corresponding acid salts were produced; with jbeta-phenyl-isopropylam-ine, dimethylaminotithylamine# and piperidine, neutral I salts were formed.-,. Orig. art. has 7 foiinuias and 3 tables- C.,d ;~12 ai -In -65 41251 L jiWA(Ln)~!;! EWT(;p)/T/ . ~ . -~ ACCESSION NRt AP5004531 8/0048/65/029/001/0105AI12~~: AUMOR: Sergeyevp V.A. TITLE: Contribution to the theory of deuteron scattering alpha particles port, ~4th Annual Conference on Nuclear Physics hold in Tbilisi 14-22 Feb 1964 SOURCE- AN SSSR.,Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.39, no.1, 1965, 105-112 TOPIC TAGS: alpha particle, deuteron scattering, phase analysis, mathematical-phy- ABSTRACT: The p-wave scattering phases for deuterons on 09-partiales were calcula- j ted for deuteron energies up to 4.6 MeV by A variational method with distortion of ' the deuteron wave function taken into account. The interaction between a nucleon and the (X-particle was described by a Gaussian potential, and calculations were rformed both with the parameter,values employed by S.Sack' L.C.Biedenharn and G. e p Breit (Phys.Rev.93,321,1954) and with those of E.van der Spuy (Nual.Phys.1,381,. 1956). The nucleon-aucleoh interaction was represented by a 50.89 KeV deep, Gaussi- an well with radius 1.82 torsi. Calculations were also per~ormodwith a stepped rectangular potential well. The calculations were performed by the variational me- Cardl/; 7 ----------- thod-of W.Kohn (Phys.Rev.74,1763,1948) andalso by that of S.I.Rubinow (Phys.Rev.:; 98,183,1955). Both methods gave nearly the same results. The effect of deuteron distortion was to increase the effective interaction and the scattering phases.The- P-wave scattering phases were positive, increased with increasing -deuteron energy-j_.!J and showed considerable dependence on the total angular-momentum quantum number.- This is not in good aZreement withthe phase analysis. of the experimental data per 1 formed by A.Galonsky and M.T.McEllistrem,-(Phys.Rev.98,590,195,5) which.showed the p-wave phase to be negative for deuteron energies between 3'and 4.6 MeV. The ex- perimental phase, however, is positive at energies near I MeV, in agreement wit"a the present calculations. Calculations with the rectangular potential well of J.L. Gammel, B.J.Hill and,R.M.Thaler (Phys.Rev.119,267,1960) lead to negative phases, over the full-range of energies considered here, and this potential is a--cordingly regarded as unsatisfactory. In order to obtain better understanding it would desirable to calculate other properties of the it + p, + a system and to improve the phase analysis of d-a scattering. "In conclusion,.the authorexpresses his deep gratitude to M.V,.Kazarnovskiy for valuable discussions and to Z.P.Mukhinova for performing the extensive calculations.' 20 form~l_as and 2 figures#:' Card 2/3 EWT-(m)/EPF(c)/EPR/M4P(J)/T- -Pc-4/Pr~4/ps-4 RPL WW/RM AccESSION NR: AP5010915 UR/0286/65/000/007/0102/0102 AUTHOR: Kbrshak, Vo V.; Kogan, A M.; Frunze, T. M. ; SeLAAA;g;a.4LJ,., Karashev,-V. V.; Shleyfman, R. B.; Danile--v-sV-ay&, L.--B. r s t TITLE: A method of obpining yEene~-V4caprolactamleopolymer Class 39, No. 169782 SOURCE: Byulletenl- izobreteniy itovarnykh znakov, no. 7, 1965, 102-,~ TOPIC TAGS: copolymer, styrene caprolactam copolymer, polymerizatLoft-1 catalystpcaprolactam ABSTRACT: This method of forming copolymers of c-caprolactam and, styrene by copolymerization of thecorresponding monomers in the- presence of N-acryloylcaprolac'tams is characierized by.the use of c-caprolactam as 'solvent, and the use of anionic catalysts or a mixture of anionic and free radical,catalysts. Th.e.two types of catalysts are added either simultaneously.or eequentially. This procedure enhances formation of graft copolymers with desirable properties. A mixture.of the sodium deri4-ative of.capr.olactam and 1. N-acylamide co-catalyst,cont'ining,uns'aturated substituents, can be used as the anionic catalyst'a EVS] rd 'Ca. /2. L m) /F (c A 'ACCESSION NR: AP5019564 t)R/0191/65/000/008/0009/001.1 678,632'32'21 ,.AUTHOR: Doroshenko, Yu. Ye.; Korshak, V. V.; Sergeyev, V. A. 'TITLE: Phenolformaldehvde 1DODMers.~~The effect of the structure of bis-phenol on the properties of i~sii ,Ymns 1SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 8, 1965, 9-11 .TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polymerization, phenolformaldehyde, thermosetting material ~ABSTRACT: The physical and mechanical properties of polymers were investigated as ;a function of the length of cross linkage. Polymers were synthesized from 1,6-bis- An-hydroxyphenyl)-hexane, 1,8-bis-(n-hydroxyphenyl)-octane and 1,10-bis-(n-hydroxy- :phenyl)-decane by condensation with formaldehyde in n-propanol in the presence,of 'I ammonia. The distance between polymer chains can be changed by changing the length! ~of R in -the following structure Card. 1 17 'ACCESSION HR: APS019564 OH Cli OH R R \,CH,." OH 4- ,The obtained resols were softened at 1301C and pressed at 1800C into 4 mm thick ;specimens, These latter were tested for., impact and flexure strength. When the run, ber of methylene groups in tile spaco lattice of thermosetting phenolformaldehyde i polymers is increased, not only are,-tho- mechanical properties improved but the poly-, .mers become more thennally stable,jV It was found that thermal treat-ment abo,,re 4OCOC1 ,,causes significant' -loss'i--nw~71`gfil. At 5000C the yield of the secondary polymer '(coke) decreases with an increase in tile polymethylene chain. OrIg. art. has: 2 ;tables and 2 figures. :ASSOCIATION, none !SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE.- OC, 1.7 NO R-F SOV: , 002 OTHERi 001 iCard2/2 AP50281485 SOURCE CODE: UR/O, qqj e< qq! qL115f INVENTOR: Korshak, V. V.; Sergeyev, V.-A.; Shitikov, V. K. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for phosphorus-containing polyesters. Class 39, No. 1T56 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965, 65 heat resistant plastic, fire resistant material TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic ABSTRACT:(.An Author Cbrtificate has been issued for a preparative method for heat- resistan phosphorus-containing polyesters. The method involves condensation of phosphorus acid chlorides or esters with phenolphthalein. (SM] SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 07Dec65/ ATD PRESS: '_;0DC:~:_6T8-6T3'-.'678-85 t -9689-66 ACC -RR~tAP6000995 V,0URCE CODE: UR/0286/657000/022100b2/066 INVENTOR: Korshak, V. V*; Sergeyev, V. A.; Shitikov, V. K. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for thermosetting organometallic polymers~~,Clws 399 No. 1764221-5 SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965; 62 TOPIC TAGS.' thermosetting material, organometallic compound, polymer ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has bien insuod for a preparative method for ther- M setting organometallAc polymers involving qondensation of fur vith zirconium o L acetylacetonate.1 The method provides for beating of the reactan a 6ver an inorganic alkali catalyst. [B01 SUB CODE: OT, ll/ SUBM DATE: .19Feb63/ ATD PRE158 A L 13-607-66 EWT(m)/W(J)/T RM FA-CE NRj AP6001663- SOURCE CODE.- UR/0190/65/6-07/012/2067/2072 1 6- AUTHORS: Mukhamed Abdellmon eyev, Ve.As eym Ell Azmirli; Korshx,!" V. V Serg ORG.s Moscow Chemical-Te chnological Institute im. K'I. Mendel2y v (Moskovskiy khimik_0_-_Ea_Fff0_Iogicheskiy institut)T institute for Heteroorganic Compounds, AN SSSR (lnstitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR) q di 11 / 6Z;' TITLB: On the autocatalytic natur3 of the anionic polymerizaty~if process of F.-caprolactj with alkali salts SOURCE; VysokomolekulyarrWye soyedineniya, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 2o67-2072 TOPIC TAGS: polymer., polymerizationj catalytic polymerization, polymerization catalyst, heat of polymerization, polymerization kinetics, C+%44-b-I-Rketez ABSTRACT: The catalytic anionic polymerization of e-caprolactam (KL) in the presence of the sodium salt-of KL or N,Nl-isophthaloyl-bis- -caprolactam was studied; to extend the.currently available information on the properties of poly- E - ~caprolactam. The change in temperature during polymerization., the yield of polymerj band the specific viscosity of the reaction mixture as a function of the initial temperature of reaction were determined. K"rimental results are shown in tables and graphs (see Fig. 1),, and a polymerization mechanism is proposed. It was found that the polymers obtained during the anionic polymerization of Z -caprolactam -L 1-Louf-00- ACC NRt AP6001863 do 144 Fig. 1. Change in the J temperature of the reaction mixture during polymerization. Initial temperatures: 1 - 164G; 2 - 134G. X time, catalyze the polymerization of i~--caprolaetamj so that the polymerization is autocatalytic. Origo art. hast 2 tablesi, 4 graphs., and 8 equationas SUB CODE.*Ojll/ SUBM DATE: 07Jan65/ ORIG REF: 008/ f OTH REF: 006 DOROSRENKO, Yu.Ye.; SFIRGEYEV, V.A. Synthesis of c/, ,/,-bia(P-h-YdroxYT)henyl) aLkanes. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.9:1602-1604 S 165- (MIRA 18:12) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tokhnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva i Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Submitted July 11, 1964. 2MOI.-66 EWP(J)/EWT(M)/ETC(M)-Vr IJP(c) RVM r L ACC NR: AP6005951 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/002/0033/'0035- iAUTHORS: Korshak, V. V.; Sergeyev, V. A.; Kozlov, L. V.; Kom ova, L. I. ORG: none TITLE: Thermal and thermooxidative destruction of phenolformaldehyde oligomers of :novolac type .SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 2, 1966, 33-35 TOPIC TAGS: phenolformaldehyde, oligomer, thermal decomposition , oxidation 1ABSTRACT: Chemical processes occurring in novolac phenolformaldehyde oligomers 1upon heating at 150--900C have been investigated by elementary analysis, titration ifor OH groups, and ESR and IR spectral analysis. Oligomers were prepared according!- to the method described by K. A. Artlrjanov and D. A. Kardashev (Prakticheskiye Iraboty po iskusstvennym smolam i rl-obnp-sant, ONIT1, 1936, str. 198), washed irepeatedly with distilled water, aTle, drlied at 150C/1--2 mm for 15 hours. The A !product, containing eo of free phenol, was sLbjected to tbermal and thermooxidative treatment for 3-4 hours. It was established that the primary act in thermoaxida- itive destruction was oxidation of methyl groups. Cross-linking during thermal lCard 1/2 UDC: 678.632-132121-01:536-45 L 20-6~`-4-i-6 ACC NR: AP6005951 i I Areatment of the novolac oligomern iwthily occurs due to formation of aroma-tic .etheral bonds. This process is fatiliirited by convet-sion of polymerj(, hydrogen to dimeric ones. Orig. art. 11.11: ~' table-i nud 2 flppixes. SUB CODE: Il/ MMM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 008.. 2/2 .......... L 31922-66 EWT(m)/EWPW/T IJP(0 ACC NRI AM007972 (A) SOURCE CODZ3 UR/0191/66/000/003/0()57/0059 AUT110itt Sergeyev, V. A.; ORG: TITIZ: none Kornhak, V. V.; KozIov, L. V. k7 Thermal destruction of thermoactive resins containing nitrogen SOURCEt Plasticheskiye massy, no. 3, 1966, 57-59 T A.OPIC TAGS: resin,, nitrogen compoun-1, thermal fiecomposition AESTRACT: Thermal 4estruction of the thermoreactive resins obtnine-I by a polyconien- sation of aniline, p-aminophenolp m-phenylenediaminap 2p6,iiaminopyriline, fuchsin, nolamine, Ucyan4lamiAo, or urea with fonnnIdehyrie was studied at 330 and 900C. At 330Cj tho highpst amount of NH3 was evolve" from the Alcyan4iamMephenol (4z6), dl ,yanalamlile, and 2,6 --liaminopyri4ine resins. No NH3 was evolved from mol-unina ani iniline resins. At 330C~ the lowest loss of weight was observerl in fuchsin, p-_qMtno- -)henol, -mrl m-phenylene4lamlne, and the hisq~isst in urea resins. Heating the rosins it 900C, a 19-65% yinlA of solia proAuct was obtaine4o The resins of p-,udnophsnol and u-phqnyleno,liamins proluced 2-2 1/2 times more solil than the aniline resin* Apparent- ly, thr- anilinefomallehyle resin is less cross-linkni anM, subsequentlvp thermally los3 stable. Even though m-phenylmnediamine and p-aminophanol rosins have the same structure anf] the same number of cross-links, their therinal behavior was not alike* 1/2 uDcs 678.652.019.35 Card rn I* Card :-t::= '7 Is I K [',I r" . !", . -, "--. Elp C, ly 7,v 11. A. 1 , - . th H3 and H~3 at 1o-., energie5. Izv. AN S~SR* - .L Nuclecn intlerac-~-icn 'W'~ Ser.f.-'7* 30 no.1:1-49-155 Ja 1660 (,,,-uH~ Y.- . - I bodeva ADI SSS-R. 1 . F: ,-, i .-, "--.e .; I ' v i r'-- 'I, ~ t u t. i " P o N.Ilf-, ACC NR. A',17003882 SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/66/004/004/0712/0719 AUTHOR: Barit, I. Ya.; Sergeyev, V. A.--Sergeev, V. A. ORG: Institute of Physics-im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut LN SSSR) '7 TITLE: Charge-invariant analysis of nucleon scattering experiments on A = 3 nuclei SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 712-719 IOPIC TAGS: scattering cross section,.nucleon, S matrix SUB CODE: 20 ABSTRACT: The charge-invariant phase shift analysis of a number of experiments .on the direct and charge exchange scattering of 0 - 1.7 MeV (c. m. E) nucleons on A = 3 nuclei has been performed, Spin-orbital interaction and the contribu- tion of I > 2 waves were neglected. The S-matrix elements for L - 0, 1 - 0 and I were determined, describing the experimental scattering cross sections at 0 0 cms - 90 with an accuracy - 107.. The analysis confirms the existence of a virtual level ir. He4 with P= 0+,T=' 0 , below th2 (p, n)-reaction threshold and indicates the importance of taking the spin-orbital interaction into account for ..energies >- 1.1 MeV. Orif. art. has: 1 figure, 11 formulas and 2 tables.* LBased on airthorst Eng. abst.] JPRS: 39,6581 SEMCZEV, 7. A. "Results of investigations into the Influence of Filtratiun of 6ea-4ater Across the Kapabogazsk Sand Bars Upm tne Level of the Bny,"' Scientific Bulletin of Lerd-n-rad I State University, 1. 0 3, 1940 (22-23). (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No C-. Nlov/Dec 1947) 30: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 SERGEYEV, V. A. USSR/Hydrology - Caspian Sea Earthquakes Sep/Oat 1+8 "Reason for the Present-Day drop in the Level of The Caspian Sea," S. Yu. Belinkov "Mateorol i Gidrol" No 5,, pp 104-108 Critically discusses argument advanced by Prof B. L. Lichkov and Docent V. A. Sergeyev in article Ln "Vestnik Lexingradskogo Universiteta," No 21 1948, that result of movements of earth's crust In the Caspian depression is a subsidence of the sea bottom which affects volume of basin enough to drop sea level. Sibmitted 16 Jul 48 166T42 SERGEYEV, V.A., dotsent. Use of cyclic observations of the level of underground waters in some viktor balance calculations. Nauch. biul. len. un. -no.22:31-34 149. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Geologo-Dochvennyy fakalftet. (water. Uhder&ound) SKRGEYgV, V.A. ~. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the western coastal region of Kara- Bogaz-Gol (Gulf). Trudy Len.ob-va est. 68 no.2:7-25 '51.(MLRA 9:3) (Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf) region--Geology) Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, P 33 (USSRT AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V. A. TITLE: Structural Peculia-rities (Nekotoryye osobennosti Daga) 14-57-7-14471 7 N Geografiya, 1957, 'r 7, of Eastern Kopet-Dag struktury Vostochnogo Kopet- PERIODICAL: Vestn. Leningr. un-ta, 1956, Nr 24, PP 14-23 ABSTRACT: Local faults are absent in Eastern Kopet-Dag. Its structure was formed by recent movements. Uplifting of Kopet-Dag apparently began in the Miocene period. It is possible that even today differential subsi- dences are taking )lace in different regions, par- ticularly in the piedmont section of Karakum. These subsidences are parallel--tD--other moveifients in Eastern Kopet-Dag. It is probable that this process Card 1/2 caused the Tedzhen and Murgab Rivers to shift to the SERGEYEV, V.A., Possible relation of interior cirainage basins and depressions of the Mangyahlak steppe region to the Caspian Sea level. Uch.zap. Len.un. no.209:58-72 '56. (MLRA 9:8) (Mangyshle-Ic Peninsula--Physical geography) ~--. ~,-- i", .- -~- - V v T" um~i-n~v, V.11. Geoiogy of the eastern shores of the Kara-Bogaz-Tol Milan-Gurlan -tre; (MIRA 11:2) -i). Trudy Len. ob-va est. 69 no.2:98-106 157. , (Kulan-Gurlan, Cape-Geology) SaG-mv, V.A. The concept "ground waters" in hydrogeolop,7 [with summary in English]. Vest.LGU 13 no.18:44-53 '58- (MIRA 12:1) (Water, Underground) Z UYE, If, A. V. ;-SERGID, YBY t-i.-A Holationship between the water discharge of springs and fractures in water-bearing rocks. Yest.LGU 14 no.18: 43-49 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Ro6ks--Permeability) (springs) SERG-EYEV 2- ~ VI.A-. - - Estimate of the water balance of undarground waters based on level fluctuAtions. Vest.IGU 16 no.1261-69 161. (KM 14:6) T.- (Water,, Underground) S/213/62/002/001/001/002 1068/1242 AUTHORS: Tsyplukhin, V. F. and Sergeyev, V. A. TITLE: Instrumental investiCa-don of the damping of waves with depth PERIODICAL: Okcanologiya, v. 2. no. 1, 1962, 134-138 TEXT: The article describes investigations on the tenth voyage of,the ship Lomonosov. Surface waves were measured by an electrical contact mcter built by one of the authors. Damping of the waves with depth was measured by a system of membrane transducers with compensating air chambers. Vertical displacement of the gage was measured by a FM-16 (GM-16) wave recorder: All readings were recorded simultaneously on the chartof thchigh-speed potentiometer 317111-09 (EPP-09). An error of 6% was found in the previous :value of wave height and an error of 15-20% in the previous value of the dynamic coefficient q. The measure- ments showed that q is a quadratic function of the period of surface waves, T Z' I YS T2 IF ~ ~~ jq . where Z(, - amplitude of forced oscillations of the gage, h-height of wave, S - surface area of the gage above the water, At - mass of the gage and its system. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut USSR (Hydro-Physical Sea Institute, UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: November 9, 1961 Card III TSYPLUKHIII, V.F.; SMLdN, V.G.; SERGEYEV) V.A. Gradi6t, measurements of pressure variations in the surface layer of the sea from a ship ky the use of a wave measuring pole. Okeanologiia 1 no.3:522-530 NIRA 16:9) i. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN SSSH. SERGF-YEV, V.A.; 'ISYPLUKRIII, V.F. Amplitude-periodic wave analyzer. Trudy Mor.gidrofiz.inst. AN URSR 28:54-58 163. (14IRA 17.3) S ',,*,Ili (; ill PIVfV-11. Ser~gfl-l Serg-~p,,,.-L::h HuznaL-qGY as organizer of the Department of Hydrogeology at Leningrad University. Trudy Geol. muz. AN SSSR na.14.7-9 163. (,,'JHA 17: 11) A!,'SB-E,7v-:, Ye,A,, ass'Lstent; i~OIWVITSKIY, V.P- dot,9.3 iM'S, Sh.F., uchastiy,-. i~GEYEV V~, A dots st, na7ichn. sotr.. SKOFENINA, N,,P. red. V,S,: D [Practi,~a in gensral hydrogeoloU) Praktikima po oloshchei i d Ul Leii~rigra:-",, lzd-vo Leninryr. I~iv-, 1965- (YERA 7-814) 1. Ka',Ara g4drogeo-logi-A. Leningradskogo Eosudarst-vennogo liniversiteta im. A,A.Zhdanova (for But,:~, Ansberg, Sergeyev). r I sillta-~ Zeim-wy kory,. Leningrad k n. 'fL,-' Samarina). -3. GoTmYy Leningi7ad (for Borovitskiy). (~J SOURCE CODE:- --U'R/0413/6i~~OGO/023/rl3Q/Ql3G 1-;;~ncv, V. 7.; Shcheglov, G. M.; Spasskiy, K. N.; Karakhan'yan, V. K.; 3. M.; Semenov, M. I.; Sergeyev, V. A.; Smirnov, 1. N.; Britvin, L. N.; Ghtel'r.akh, A. A. ORG: None TITLE: An impeller. Class 59, No. 189315 (announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Machine Building (Vresoy-uznyy nauchno-insledovatel'- skiy institut gidromashinostroyenlya)) ;SOUBCE: Izobrateniya, promyshlennyye cbraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 130 10PIC TAGS: centrifugal pump, blade profile / rJJ V-1-, lu~ c 1ABSTRACT- This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. An impeller for an open centri- ;fugal pump. P=p efficiency Is improved and the rigidity of the impeller blades is I .increased by making the blades in the cylindrical section with a channel shape. The IwallB of the blade channel are recurved toward the front e. a sharp sngle to the 4walls of the punp housing. 2. A modification of this impeller in which the blade !channel formed in the cylindrical section has a flat bottom. 3. A moiification of ,this impeller"with U-shaped grooves in the flat bottom of the channel on the working 'aide of the tlade. These grooves are adjacent to the end surfaces of the blades. Card 1/2 uDc: CaAT1.1-253-5 ACC NR, APTG02616 4. A modification of this impeller equipped with a flat Annular rim connected to .each blade at the middle of its end sections. 5. A modification of this impeller equipped vith flat ribs which connect the middle of the end section an the back side ,of each Itlade to the central section of the working side of the following blade. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 13Jul65 Ca,d 2/2