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SEha KLIV V. M. Surgical treatment of chrordc supiDurations oV the pleura. Vest.. Ayd'i SjSR 16 no.8:46-56 161, (I'jiLk 14:12) 1. Institut grudnoy khirurgii AM SSoR. (PLEUIIA--SURGI~AY) KOUESNIKOVI, S.A.; SERGE-MuN, V.1-1. Achievements in contemporary chest surgery and the prospects for its further development. Vest. AIII SS~IR 16 no.12:92-98 f6l. (I'IlLtA 15:2) 1. Problemnaya komissiya po probleme No.30 "Khirurgiya serdtsa, magistraliny'kh sosudovq legsk-ikh i p-ishchevoda" (predsedate-11 - prof, S.A.Kolesnikov) pri rezidiume ANUN SSSR. MEST-SURGLHY) KOVANEV, V.A.,; AERGEYEVV V.M., "- ~o;l, 1957, and na*2, 1959. "Current problems in anesthesiology9 a Reviewed by V.A.Kavanev, V.M.Sergeev. 25 no.2:154-,US F '161. (MIR& 1423) (AMTMZIOLOGY) ALEKSANDROV, N.I.; GEFE4, N.Ye.; YEROGOVA, N.B.j SERGEY--,,V, V.M.; MATYLYK, F.D.; SMIRNOV, M.S. Aerosol immunization by means of dry pulverized vaccines and anatoxins. Report No.2: Study oh the effectivexiess of the aerosol method of immuni"tion and reimmunization by means of dry pulverized diphtherial anatoxiiU. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 31 no.7:92-97 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:9) (DIPHTHERIA) (TOXINS AND ANTIT6xiNs) ALFKSAIID.I,OV, N.I.; GEFF-11, N.Ye.; GAPOCIIIKO, K~Cf.; GARIN, TI.S.;L_~---`IGrPI-j-V- LAZAff-,VA, Ye.S.; V.V.; S"IYAMOV, E.N. Aerosol immunization with No.6: Study of the reactogenic aerosol imunization with anthrax and plague) in man. no.7:56-62 Je 161. (VACCINATION) (CO1,24MICABLE dry live vaccines and anatoxin3. ?.-port and innunological effectiveness of spray vaccines (brucellosis, tulareLda, Zhur. nik--obiol, ep-l". i ir-.atui. '122 (1 aim 15;5) (ALROSOIS) DISEASES---PR:,T:-'I'I'ION) ALLIKSANDAM., N.I.; GEFLN, N.Ye.; GAPOCIIKO, K.G.; GAIUN, N.S.; SERGEYEV., V.H.; aLlxiov I X. S. . . Aerosol imminization with dry live v9ccines and anatoxins. Report H6.7: Organization, methods, and technic of mass aerosol immunization of human subj'ects with atomized vaccines. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 32 no.9a.3-7 S 161. (KHIA 15:2) 1 (VAGGIUTION) (AEROSOLS) f SERGEYEV., V.M.,; IGUMOVA, K.B.,; KLIONERj L.I. Diagnostic significance of angiobronchographic emparisons in chronic empywas of the pleura,, Kbirurgiia 37 no.1:67-71+ Ja t61, (MA 3j+t2) 1. Iz legoohnogo (zav. - doktor med.nauk N.I. Gerasimemko) i rentgenovskogo (zav. - dotsent MaAe Ivanitskaya) otdeleniy Instituta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Koleanikov; nauchnyy rukovoditell - akad. A04. Bakulev) AMN SSSR. (&TYEMA) (LUNG$--BWOD SUPPLY) (ANGIOGRAPHY) (BRONCHI-RADIOGRAPHY) KMIOVk, K. B. -; SERGMV, V-11- Bronchography in chronic pleural empyemas. Grud.khir. 3 no.6: 77-85 F-D 161. (MMA 15:3) 1. Iz Instituta serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov; nauenyy rukovoditell - akad. A.R. Bak-ulev) 11,91 SSSR. (EMPYEMA) (BMCHI-RUIOMWHY) SERGEYFIY VJI. kand,med,nauk; KAZIMI, V.P.; GOIDEMO, R-R.; ISHCMIXO, 1:.!Z~ - ----T. N. Treatment of complications following prosthetic filling of the reeiduall pleural cavity with polyurethane sponge. Xhirurgiia no~10743 762. (14MA 15:11) 1. R Instituta sex-dechno-sosudistoy ki-drurgii (dire, - prof. S.A. Kolesnikor; nauclLnyy rt-,ko-,roditell - akad. A.F. Bakulev) AMN SSSR. (IMM-SURGERY) (URETHAI.M.-THMAPEUTIC USE) SERGEYEV, V.M... starshly nauabnyy sotrudnik; KLIONER, L.I. (Moskva) Diagnostic significance of catheterization of the vessels in the collapsed lung in pleural surgery. no-4-'104-110 t62. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Instituta serdechno-soaudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov,, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akad. A.N. Bakulev) AMN SSSR. (PLEURA--SURGERY) (LUNGS-COLLAPSE) (CATHETERS) B-VKC'IA, V.I., dotsert;. SMGB~V ILM., otar5hiy vauchr,yy sotrudnik; KR-'rv.'O7xI. K.B., starslfy nauelh-P.-yy sotrudnik Sbunp aand a-l-veol&r 'brorr-hopleural fistulae following partial resection of the lung. Vest.khir. no.5:10-22 162. (MRA 15:11) 1. 1,-~ InstillalLa E, erde chn*-sooudir, toy khirurgii (dir. - prof. 1 S,A~ Kole gn J-i:ov, ratiolm. mlcovoditall - alcad. A.E. Bakulev) 'T-T SSSR. Adres avtorov., Ibskva, ,L knirlskiy pr., d.81 Institut ser(Ic, --hmo-sosudistoy khirargii. (MY-GS-SIURGERY) (FISTUM., BRCUCIIIAL) (PIZURA-DISEASES) KUPRIYANOV, P.A., prof., zasl. deyntell nauki, red.; Gt~j,~OIIANCV, V.D., prof., red.; ZAYTSEV, G.P., prof., zasl deyatell nauki IRSFSR, red.; P?JOROV, N.N., prof., red.fdeceased]; 54ffig~~_,'EV_ .V-M,-, kand. ned. nauk, red., KRYADIN, V.T., kand. med. nauk, red.; GOLIDGAWEIR, K.K., rod.; ROMANOVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the 27th All-Union Congress of Surgeons]Trudy XXVII Vsesoiuznogo s'lezda khtrurgov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 633 P. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd khirurgov. 27th, Moscow, 1960. 2. Dey- stvitellnyy ch-len Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kupriyanov, Priorov). (STIRGERY--CONGRESSES) 31,;i"c'i,~uv, V.14. Diamcsis of dict-~~,ce:3 in a ~;urgleal clInIc. 9uv. Mod. 26 ~A I'/: L 1. Iz Instituta serde 023L-sosud is toy kh-irurgi-A (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolasnikuv, nau,,--~aiyy rukovolitel akademik A.N. Ba-kulev) A',ql 333H. SERGLY11N.? V.14.1 PISAiUVSKIY, A.A. (-Mosl.-va) Therapy for termin&l states. Felld. i akush. 27 no.8:41-48 AC,62. (11IRA 16:8) (DEATHI APPARENT) (PYSUSCITATION) XHURAMOVICH, N.I.; SERGEYEV, V.M.; RYZHKOV, Ye.V. Angiomorphological comparisons in purulent lung diseases. Eksper. khir. i anest. 7 no.5:50-56 S-0 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz rentgenologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. M.A. Ivanitskaya) i iz patomorfologicheskoy laboratorii (zav.- prof. Ya.L. Rapoprot) Instituts. rukovoditell - akademik A.N. Bakulev) AMU SSSR. SERGEYEV) V.14.,,; ICLINIK, I.Z. Postoperative pneumonia following pneumonectomy. Vest.khir. 90. no.2:144,1-48 F'63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Tz Instittita grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N.Bakulev) ANN SSSR. Adres avtorov.- ~bskvaqLeninskly pr., d.8. Institut grudnoy kh-4rur- gii. (LUNGS--SUhGiRY) (PIMUMONIA) SERGEYEV, V.M. Clinical 8ignificance of the study of the functions of ez- ternal respiration in surgery on the pleura. Zdravookhrane- nie 6 nP.3:24-Z7 MY~063 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Iz Instituta serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii AMN SSSR (dir. prof. S.A.Kolesnikov). *1 BUYANOV,, Valentin Ilikhaylovich; KLIONER, Lev lsaakovich; SERGEYEVI Vik-tor Mikhaylovich; KAZNIN, V.P... red. (Textbook of surgery] Uchebnik khirargii. Moskva, Fle- ditsina, 1964. 423 P. (141RA 17:6) i~AK1UIVI 11.1'... akademik; i3UNYA'PYA1-., A.A., kanci. med. rauk; L;o;t,*-.KOVJ)F1Y, V. 1. , doktor med. m-uk; i~UYAI'MT, VJ" , dots. GUI,UYEN, A.V., prof.; ZA!',E'r3K1Y, V.V., dokto,- med. muk; 17;,NOV, V.A., prof.; KOLESNIKOV, S.A., prof., WiJAGIEV, S.V. , prof.; LOPUK11111, Yu.'N., prof.; 1-TRATOVA, Kh.11., doktor 11~fjd. nauk; PETqOVSKTY, za:3.1. deyntell nauk! RSFS~i, prof.; SAVELIYEV, V.f-, prof-'.; ~-'O'.GEFYEV, V.X., doktor med. nauk; 'VA, 1.1 .; BBAKOVSKEY, V.I., G.M., prof.; SOLOVIYE re6 (:-!I,-Iti volume mznual on surgery] Mino.gotwmoe rukovodotvo po khd- rurgii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.6. Ft.l. 1965- 5717 p. (MMR.-' 18:10) 1. DeystvitelllrWy chlen ,'21 SSSR (for Petrovskiy). YAROSHINSKIY, Ye.V.; SERGEYEV, V.N. Xenoliths in magnetites from dikes in the Tellbes deposit. Geol.rud. mestorozh. no.3.-98-102 W-Je 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut S.M.Kirova. (Tellbes region-Xenoliths) SERGE ~v Review of foreign literature on the marine transportation of Sweden. Vest. IGU 17 no.18:129-133 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Sweden-Shipping) 6: SOUACE -CODE:_ V.; Kuptsova, it'. I.; Kondrashova, Yu. P.; Fridly4rd, A. S.; Sergeyev, V. N.i Kokaslhinrkaya, S. Z. for fatigue testing parts or material specimens. Claza 42, No. lj~:,)U 1,;.-.rounced by Lhe Central Scientific Research institute of Technolozy and (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isisledovatellskiy infititut tekhnologii i, Z Lobrct..--niyu, promychlennTle obraztry, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, i966, 98 I-c)Lor bitide, fatigue test, bend test, tensile test, T~-,iG Author's Certificate introduces a machine for fatigue te3tink; parts h i Z. jr specirions under the simultaneous effect of bending and tension at in special media. Blades to be tested are mounted on a rotating disc loca~cd in a test c4aimber cnd subjected to oscillatory motion generated by an exciter.; .T~,e ~s desiFned to produce axial flexural oscillations of tile disc, azeL also over a broad frequency range from a few dozen to several thousand cycles Per second. Design of the machine is simplified by using an electrodynamic ;~.ade vith a short-circuited rotating coil, a stationary pickup (e. g. a ca- -Card - 1/2 ux: 620.178.325.2.002 ACC 7,cl-z;~nce plcl-up) and a microscope. The blades are mounted in socketa along the rim -,)t,(it;.n6 disc at an angle to the pliwe of the disc. When the disc rotates, ~'e Z' aacs are ;.nclined -through an additional angle corresponding to the amplitude of zre oscillatiors, generated in the disc. S~7j C.-DZ; !3, !1/ SbMM DATE: 13Jun64 C-6 !-rotating disc; 2- clectrodynamic exciter; 3-microscope; 4-blades SERGEYEV, V.N. Sea cargo passing through the major ports of 6weden. Vest.LGU 18 no.6-.83-92 163. Off RA 16:4) (Sweden) ~, I I ~ .,.; 11, i '- ~ . .1 . . - " zdp. I !,"I ~:, , ,- -,:~ --,~ !-~- - '-fin-,3 ~:~ ;:- :--' ;i* !..ITtj', 1-7,0% , 0 ;-- :~ . -11 7, ~ ~ '; ~l ,, i -, 5 - -,; 6 S'r?. 1, ~ - ". SLhUr,YzVy V.N. ------ - --- Structural etching with hydrofluoric acid of some minerals of the oxide and silicate classes. 4aLp.Vses.min.-ob-va 92 no.1:66-73 163. OMIRA 16-4) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy kristallografii. (Etching) institut, kafedra mineralogii i (Hydrofluoric acid) XONSTOTINOV, G.N.; XONSTANTINOVA, L.S.; SERGEYLY, V.1,1- Methods for the cop-arnion of a magnetic fiel.d in the upper disoontinuity as revealed by a study made in the western part of the Siberian Platform. Trudy SNUGGIMS no. 30.127-139 1 64. (MIRA 19:1) AUTHORSs Grigorlyev. Ye. P., Sakharov, TITLE: The g-Spectra of the Isotopes PERIODICAL-, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Vol. 24, No. 7, PP. 839-840 5/048/60/024/007/017/032/XX B019/BO56 S. L. and Sergeyev, V. 0. of the Lanthanum Fraction Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, TEXT: This paper was read at the 10-th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, which took place from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. The measurements were carried out by means of a scintillation spectrometer. The lanthanum fraction of rare earths obtained by irradiation of tantalum wi-c-h protons was investigated~ The authors were able to find a very intensive 470-kev t-line with a halflife of 18 hours. This line may be ascribed to the La135. By using the decay scheme set up by Mitchell et al. (Ref. 2) ` it was possible to determine the relative yield of La135 in the nuclear reaction. From the discussion of their own results and =ho I ob- tained by other authors, the authors draw the conclusion that, if La133 (halflife 4 hours) exists at all, it does not exceed 10%, of La'32. This Card 1/2 85584 The I-Spectra of the Isotopes of the S/048/60/024/007/017/032/XX Lanthanum Fraction B019/BO56 opinion is confirmed by results obtained by Riddel (Ref. 6) and Cameron (Ref. 7), which are given in Table 1. Therefore, the lar eat fraction of . The yield ratio of a13 I X-emission is ascribed to La132 L 5 to La'35 is given- as 100 1 80, There are 1 figure, I table, and 8 referencest. 1 Soviet, 6 US, ASSOCIATION3 Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 85505 3/04 0/60/024/001/018/0 3 211Z it-.1A 0 Grixortyev, Tt. P loig/3056 IV... 01 1 S. L,., ..d TITLX, Th. %teral-tion or I h 1 160. end 1-2; life of PUIODICA.L. 1-1-stlY- Ak-4:-Ll.---k SSSR. 3.riy. 1~60, Vol . 24 . I-- 7 pp G41-844 1, p,p*r.,,.o m.d,:,t.tb iOth o.". to ok p f%= J-,.ry 19 to hl - -7 J7. t o..". T. inveatlgated w9re obtalnol by th* of 7a- Urg.t. vith 660t Pee ~&.v proton. In tbo yachroeyolatron of thi ln.tit.t yad.mykh IW.d.,.nly (J-2jLL_L-jjjnjL- _~, "d hro-togr.Fhl-1 h.,f,,f. aommt.r -. -..d. -hich ... pr.t..t.l ~y Zb- As a control I.ot.p.. DY159 .0. rho authore datQML-lt ~ h~lf- IIf. 1. .139 t 10 day.. vhIch .9r... ~Lth the 4.t. bt.,z.J by m.r C.rd 7/2 The betzelma-ion of the H.1flif. of 916o4 .,g SO 6 15 by , . . T.166, izd La'73 antharl. For 30'60# . T - 4-76 - 0.10 ho-, D.h.l.po~ t .1. obtainsd T . 5.5 :t 0.2 h..r.. -diO. M. C.mlinklj t I. .l.t.Anod 5 bt- ( i) , he reaa VIUln. _d R lk . obtal-~*,l A.E~O.l bo.rm. I 2 the .In- of T - 7.74 1 0.08 hours d.t.=L..l 1- ;1- n for To 166. obti..d T - 8, -1 VIIkI" t .1. T - 7.7 1 0-1 b.-re. Tb. hlfl If. of Lu73 we. 4*tqmlnad by zaaaaaments, I-Mc3 01- tended over 9 mouth- ft.r spzetl.. of the jutatj~ fra.tiln. Th- ..t or obtju.d T - 480 1 30 dje. Th. bt.i-l by .-h,r, Itib. lot. 510 d.7.; Wilkl-- 00 4.1.1 al.h.rd , AGO 4.71; G-iit~llly. 200 dyel a.._X_ -t .1., 150-200 d t .1., 1 0 daq. yh& three value. b-t.g ~-idermble tb. -t.k"l- It dirryy I titut (adi_ ..I t the Fl~ik. , t L..L.grod. .h.akly I.. n.r.. . 5tirL,lg-l , 3 t en" oviet end 12 US. JSSOCr.ATIOV, L--Icgred.k.go i_tifi, h =I, t.t 1. 1. h4en qL Inatitutl of Phy.tas of Lntngmd Stat C.rd 2/2 8/04Y60/024/007/019/032/X1 11 24- ih~.O 3019 3056 AUTIC", rionov 0. T.. NoLki-L., m. x., 1. U. AK21__D, L., Ad Tb- r~SP--t- -f th- I.Ot-P-0 of th. T-t.l.. r-.-J.. PKIIQZ.CAL. Is-ttya Lk~,Iemlt *auk SSaB. Bar-lys fisicbe.kaya, In6o, Val. 24, No. 7. PP- 045-846 mr; --Tb4 aj-pr - -ad at th. =--s, hl*h --ry 15 to J--7 27, 1-?.io y I ".. of U 011- T-t,~,,-t - tor., hi -di-ctil. th. Igt.d I ..~=Itlc I ~*Imt!!lAtLcn -sp;cbtr-tar. Aocordlmg to th. balfilf. of .o o;,;, T.-i t .on . aub3ilid.d Lot. t.0 gr..P.. h.- a- I'z' IfIlfo T of roughly 6 hours, and oth-3 wt-h T - 53 ho- 7hs nn.; had tb:."l ti,- of' th. of th... I - a " 1, h. - i. b t 8 o gi... to 1, Cart 112 by *Ib:t'ItII-. h d%t. bt.4 .to '. ~:d '="OLVI. t t'.. it, P.6 ."i7e(a hourdIj t t T "at '5 (11 hour.) ar- P---nt- 1. 2. th. aod tb. relativo lalmmitt.. of th. htr"t C-ltft.4 or th. T--i.-t-P- -f - "lflif- or 0 hour. ." ct'... 3 2.7 1.7 2.2 - 2. 2 8 76 Yro. th. data b- Th..: hrd lit -Y ylb*log . d t:: P' it at 4Ifr. t& I h.-' "t hr:*.o.. d. th 1. 17, and Ir'76 1. or, th- 3 M-1- 'b-r- 2 figura., 2, ..d 7 1 Ult.t aod 6 as L33*-I&TIOI, I ... h.-.j.d-i.l-.kIy ft,ti-h-W7 im.,itut L.oLgI-d-kzIV t' I- A. A. Zhda' A* Ae Zhlam~) C--I 2/2 GRIGORIYEVY Ye. P.; PEREGUD, B. P.; SERGEM, -V. 0.; SKOPINA, V. I. On TU166 decay. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 16 no.12:1488-1491 D 162. (MIM 16:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut laningradskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta Fiziko-tekhnicheskogo instituta AN SSSR im. A. A. Zhdanova. (Thulium--Decay) GRIGORIYEV, Ye. P.; NOVIKOV, G. S.; SERGEYEV, V. 0. On the genetic relation between the isomer states of H01600 Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz. 16 no.1291523-1524 D 162, (MIRA 16: 1) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy fizicheskly institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova. (Isomerism) (Holmium-Isotopes) S/048/62/026/012/007/016 B117/B186 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. P., Peregud, B. P.v Sergeyev, V. 0., and- Skopinal V. 1. TITLEt Decay of Tu 166 PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSR. . Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1488 - 1491 166 TEXT: A check was carried out on the divergent statements on Tu decay in papers by Harmatz (B. Harmatz, T. H. Handley, J. W. Mihelich, Phys. Rev., 123, 1756 (1961)) and Grigorlyev (Ye. P. Grigorlyev, K. Ya. Gromov, B. S. Dzhelepov, Zh. T. Zhelev, V. Zvol'ska, I. Zvol'skiy, Izv- AN SSSR. Ser. Fiz., 25, 1217 (1961)). The quantum.char'acteristics of the upper 166 levels of Tu were determined more accurately. Experiments using a double focusing 51-prism spectrometer and a f-scintillation spectrometer confirmed as correct the results obtained by Grigorlyev et al. for the energies of the transitions and for the relative intensities of the conversion lines. The two high levels with energies of 2134 and 2161 kev are heavily occupied when Tu 16 6captures electrons; their f-trans it ions, both take place to the Card 1/2 166 Decay of Tu S/048/62/026/012/007//016 B117/B186 166 same lower-lying level of Er To determine their exact characteristics, the multipole orders of the -transitions with energies of 2054 and 2081 kev were calculated from the conversion coefficients aK' It was shown that agreement between theoretical and experimental values is possible only if both transitions, or at least the one with an energy of 2054 key, have a multipole order of 11,112. Transitions with an energy of 2054 key take place from the 2134 kev energy level to the 2+ level of the first rotational band. The 2134 kev energy level was assumed to have odd parity and, most probably, a spin of 3. This paper was read to the 12th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held in Leningrad from January 26 to February 2, 1962. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta (Physics institute of the Leningrad State University);-Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR im. A. A. Zhdanova (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 S/048/62/026/012/015/016 B117/B1W AUTHORS: Crigorlyev, Ye. P., Novikov, G. S., and Sergeyev, V.0. TITLE: Genetic relation between the isomeric states of Ho 160 PLRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1525 -'1524 16o TEXT: In order to determine the genetic relation between the 28-min Ho and the 4.7-hr 1io160_ i.e. to prove that the decay of the long-lived 16o isomer occurs via a state with the half-life 2.8 min -~--spectra of Ho in the range of 500 - 900 kev were investigated,gsing a ~-scintillation spectn).. 0 -meter. It was shown that in the decay of Er puriiied from Ho160 the intensity of the 728-kev line increases in a different way from the inten- sity of the isomeric 60-kev transition and the transitions that occur in the Ho 16o* isomer decay. Because of a comparative longevity of the Ho 160 ground state the intensity of the 728-kev line increases after the separ tion of Er from Ho at first slowly and then rapidly. If the isomers Ho195 and Ho 16o* are in equilibrium, the 728 kev-line can easily be distinguished Card 1/3 5/048/62/020'/012/015/016 Genetic relation between ... B117/B102 from harder transitions of the Compton background. The half-life of the Ho 160 ground state was difficult to estimate from the data obtained. In that the 720-kev transition does not spite of this it could be concluded, occur immediately after them'_ decay of the 4.7-hr isomer but after the de- cay of the 28-min isomer. it-L's paper was presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy in Leningrad from January 26 to February 2, 1962. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION; Nauchno issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningrads- kogo gos, univerSiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Re- search Institute of Physics of the Leningrad State Universi- ty imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/3 DZHELEPCV, Boris Sergeyevich; PETER, Leon Knuhmnovich; SERGEYEV, Viktor Ciegovich; KIK-L'NOV, Yu.V., otv. red.; Bn'PYC,,;SKIY, I I.V., red.izd-va; SVIRNUA, A.V., tekhn~red. [Dociiy schemes of radionctAve nuclei at A,> 1C0] Skhemy ras- pada radicaktivnykii inder A >,;.-100, Moskvn, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 190,- 1958.p. (MIFIA 16.11) (11,adio!ictive substances-Decay) Sa-?GEYTI) V.0. Convergence of Galerkin's method for ordinary differential equations. Yetod. v,,rch. no.2:39-44 t63. (MIRA 18-11) Yfl~F~~ YEGORCV, Yu.S.; ZOLOTAVIN, A,V~; SERGEE'fr;-V~__" 0~; SGVTSOV, GRIGC)R?YEV,i I M, on M090 decay, Izv. AN SSSR.Ser. fiz. 29 no,51z72-11-72S ~~ 165. ('%~Jj' l8s. 5 ) RA L 31404-66 F'VT (m ACC NR, jW6022576 SOURCE COD'E: UR/0048/66/030/003/0530/0553 AUTHOR- AvoLina, Ye. P.-_Dzhelepov; B. S.; ZoLotayIn Ser e ev 0. ORG: Scientific ReDearch Physics Institute_t_ Leningrad State University (Naucbno- issledovatel'skiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvenno-g-o-bniversiteta) TITLE: Decay of Ho sup 160 his paper was presented at the 16th Annual Conferqnce on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure held in Moscow 26 jan-3 Feb 19662 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 3, 1966, 530-553 TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, radioactive decay, nuclear physics conference, conversion electron spectrum, beta spectroscopy,*particle accelerator target, synchrocyclotronp rare earth element, chromatography, ,ABSTR,ICT-. This Is partly a review and partly an experime Y981 pap r report ng a continuation of work on the decay of Er + Ho'190* + Hol~O under Improved conditions for studying the conver- 1 sion electron speutrum. The study was carried out with two modernized, high-resolution, double focussing beta spectrometerst one witgop equilitrium, orbit of 140 mm; and the other, 500 mm. ,The Ho and Hol 0 samples were obtained from the Isotope Er1606, A tantalum target was Irradiated by 660 mev protons for 1.5 to .8 hrs. In a synchrocyclotron, and the rare earth group was sepa- rated chemically and then fraotioned In a chromatographic column. .ard _1A ACC NR~ 1~6_02~95 Extensive Information was gathered on the conversion electron spectrum of Eri6o + H0160 and is presented In a 3-page table which ~shows transition energies, conversion linest Ie, multipolarity of .the gamma transition$ conversion coefficient, gamma ray intensity, ~total Intensity of the transition, and position of the trAnsitin Jn the decay scheme. Detailed data is also given on many Dy levels and transitions, and three rotational bands are established. Experimental results are compared with theory and the results of .other authors. The multipolarity and Intensity of the Isomeric trans Ition of Ho160 Is discussed, as well as the quantum charaoteristiesi of its levels, positron decay, and electron capture..' The-authors _t~hank X. Ya-.'Gromov and Zh. Y. jhe;=__for thier- int:®t aiff _aif~i_stance, L. K. _E2kqr- and V. G. Soloviev for discussing the results, N. A. Lebedey for the chemical isolation of Er sup 160, and G. A. Mironov and M. 1. QOVt8oV for help with the-'--., measurements. Orig. art. has. figures and 10 tables. &PRY SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 018/ OTH REF: OU C, 24 (T) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1365 L-vov. Univeraytet Materisa7 X Vaeacyuzr.-go noveshchanlyR. PO spektroskopii. t- It Xolekulyartiay. a,,e!c_trcsV.,piya (Papers of the 10th All-Union Conference an Spa-atr3sccpy. Vo'-. 1: Molecular Spectroscopy) EL-vov) Izd-vo Llvcvskogo univ-ta, 195-1. 499 p. 4 000 copies Printed. (Seriest Itat Fiz7ohnrf zbirx7kp v7p. 525~) Additional Sponsoring Agency- Akademiya nauk SSSH. Komls3iya po spektrookopii. Ed.: 'Jazer, S.L.; Tech. Ed.; Saranyuk, T ;V,;ceased), Editorial Board: Landaterg, O.S., Academician (Reap. Ed. De Haporent, B.S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Soleness, Fabelinskiy, I.L., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sclences, F-1-1 . V.A.. Doctor of Phy.1-1 and PlEathe-tical S.1-... KornltsUUt V.O., Candidate of Tac~tnical Sciences, Rayskiy, S.M-v Candidate of Physics:. and Matlhe=atical Sciences, Klimovakiy. L.K., Candidate or Phjalcal and Mathematical Sciences, Killyanchulc, V.S., Candidate of Phjai-jal and PAVUrAtical Sciences, and Glaubersan, A. Yo., Candidate or Physical and Mathematical Soleness. Card 1/3o Postavokiy, X. Ya., L.P. Trefilova, Yu. N. Sheynker, and S.O. BoSoctolov. Coplanar--ty of Phenol Nuclei in DlPh.nyl Derivatives 388 Y*5Qr0V, Yu- P., and YO. A. Cherr4shav. Spectra of Silicoorganio Compounds With an Aromatic Rin; 390 Goratilmov, F.M., I.A. Tal'ta7bk-'Y, S.V. Ne=al*V, a ey Rahelletas in the Range From ioa ~�roa* 394 Kiselev, B A. Doubl* )6=oohr=ator With Diffraction Grat1mg; 397 Yar0illavaldy, N.G., B.A. Zheludor, end A. Ye. Stansvich. Methods and Apparatus for Registration of Long-wave Infrared Spectra 399 card 25/30 ilk 15-57-10-15002 ~Translation from: Referativnyy z~urnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 281 (USSR) -AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V. P._ TITLE: The Use of Automatic Alternating-Current With Choke Coils for Mine Hoisting Installations in Inclined Workings (Primeneniye avtomatizirovannogo elektroprivoda peremennogo toka s drosselyami dlya shakhtykh pod"yem- nykh ustanovok po naklonnym vyrabotkam.) PERIODICAL: V sb,: Avtomatizatsiya v agollnoy promyshlennosti. Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 142-163 ABSTRACT: The author considers the problems of remotely controlled automation of endless cable haulage winches and terminal- haulage winches along inclined workings by using a saturation choke. He describes the.working of the electric drive under these conditions. The motor is started by means of a combination active and inductive Card 1/3 resistance in the rotor circuit. The design proposed 15-57-10-15002 (cant.) The Use of Automatic Alternating-Current Wit~, Choke Coils rated speed; a speed-indicating generator measured the actual speed. The difference in current, proportional to the difference in speed, is transmitted to the magnetic booster that activates the choke coil. The author also shows the results of tests made on the system with the choke coil in the starter. These results are similar to the results with the choke in the rotor. Also discussed is the sensitive element of the design of regulating with spark-proof parameters. The construction of the single-phase choke Used in the system is described. Card 3/3 V. K. Yasnyy Ml~'hn '7 J 1315 Dermatology May 59 EXURPTA MEDICA Sec 13 Vol 129.1. *1'111AL OF OXYGEN TIIERAPY AS A SUPPLEMENTARY METHOD OF TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES (Russian text) -. S_e r g e e v V. P. - "'A UCH. ZA P. GOItK. INST. DERM. I VENE H. KA F. KOZffN0_-VENLR.7B(ji_EZ. GGMI 1956. 7 (142-148) S. c dministration of oxygen was employed in addition to other general therapeut- ,c f;ea asure s in 65 patients with various skin disorders. A course consisted on the average of " Insufflation. of 200 to 500 ml. oxygen per doae. The patients tolerat- ed this t reatment well. The best results were obtained in cases of acute eczema, toxtcode~~a, neurodermatitis etc. , and less satisfactory results in chronic ec- zema ana 1u pus erythematosus. It is pointed out that s.c. oxygen therapy should be associated with other general therapeutic measures. (S) S.~Uwzpy--n;v, V.P. ; Pl~'#.'Tla'V, B.D. Methodoloig of the organization of health edneation in the skin and ventareologr dispensary. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 3 no.9:23-26 3 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz Clinvashakogo reopublikanskogo kozhno-venerologicheakogo dispaneera (glim.,ty vrach V.P.Sergeyev). (CHUVASHIA--PUBLIC HFALTH) SERGEYEV, V.P.; PLETNEV, B.D.; LAPTMOV, K.T. Individual packet for first aid in minor skin injuries. Vrach.delo no.11:1211 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Chebokearskiy respublikanskiy kozhno-venerologicheskly dispenser ginisteretvazdravookhraneniya Chuvash8koy ASSR. (FIRST AID IN ILLNICSS AND INJM) SERGEYEV V.P. Epidemiology of favus in the Chuvash A.S.S.R. Vestaderme i ven, 3/+ no-809-40 160. (MMA 13211) 1. Iz Chuvaahskogo respublikanskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo dispan!pera (glavnyy vrach V.P. Sergeyev; rukovoditell raboty - zav. mikologiebaskim otdelom. TISentrallnogo vauchno-issledovatell- skogo kozbno-venerolc icheskogo instituta prof. A.M. Ariyevich). MUVASHIA-FAVUS) SERGEYEV) V. P.; PLETNEV, B. D. Diagnostic problems in microsporosis caused by Microsporum ferrugineum. Vest. derm. i ven. 34 no.1:28-29 Ja 260. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Cheboksarskogo respubltkanBkogo kozhno-vanarologiel3eskogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach V. P. Sergeyev). (MICROSPORUM) OIEYI-TIK,, I.P1, kand. ekon. nauk, nauchn. sotr.; V01NOV, A.1-11.., naucim. sotr.; SE2,1ENOV, I.I., nauchn. sotr.; PIAKSIN, S.V., nauchn. sotr.'; KACHALOV, I.P., nauchn. sotr.; SEMENOVA, L.~., nauchn. sotr,; STOROZHEV, I.V.,. nauchn. sotr.; GERTSOVICH, G.B., nauchu. sotr.; nauchn. sotr.; ALIMODZHIICH, A., nauchn. sotr.; IJSGV, V.Ye., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PONOMAREVA,A.A., tekhn. red. (International socialist division of labor] Sotsialisticheskoe r.ezhdunarodnoe razdelenie truda. Pod red. I.P.Oleinika. Mo- skva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 350 P. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy Botsialisti- cheskoy sistemy. 2. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialisticheskoy sisterol AR SSSR (for all except Lisov, Nikolayev, Ponomareva). (Cormunist countries-Division of labor) SE RG_~~~.; TARNICVSKIY, 0.1.; MITROFANOVA, N.M.; SHMELEV, N.P.; SHABUNINA V.I.; SKVORTSOVA, A.I.; VASILITSOV, V.D.; KRASNOGLAZOV, B.P.; BELYAYEV, Yu.N.; KURAKIN, V.A.; YUMIN, M.N.; SERGEYEV, V.P.; ZOTOVA, N.A.; MATVIYEVSKAYA, E.D.; STUPOV, A.D., otv. red.; LISOV, V.Ye., red. izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. Veonomic cooperation and-mutual aid in socialist countriesiEko- nomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo i vzaimopomoshch' sotsialisticheskikh stran. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 272 p. (MIRA 16;2j,_ 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy aotsial:L5 cheskoy sistemy. (Communist countries-Foreign economic relations) (Communist countries-Industries) SOROKIN , G.M.; OLEYNIK, I.P., doktor ekon. nauk)z RYABUSHKIX) T.V., doktor ekon. nauk; DUDINSKIY, I.V., kand. ekon. nauk~ MTROSIRTICHENKO) B.P., kand.,*.; SERGEYEV, V,P,, kand. ekon. nauk; TARNOVSKIY, 0.1., kand. ekon. nauk; STOR)ZHEV, V,L, kand. ist. nauk; KONOVALOV, Ye.A., kand. ekon. nauk; GERTSOVICH, G.B., kand. skon. nauk; POPOV, K.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ZEVIN, L.Z., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PAK, G.V., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. rThe building of communism in the U.S.S.R. and cooperation among the socialist countries]Stroitelistvo kommunizma v SSSR i sotrud- nichestvo sotsialisticheskikh stran. Pod obshchei red. G.M.Soro- kina. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialistiche- skoy sistemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sorokin). (Communist countries--Foreign economic relations) L 5421-66 EdT(1) IJP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5o19762 UR/0051/65/019/002/02TO/0278 Y Y' 535.421:535.41T AUTHOR: Gerasimav, F. M.; Sergeyev. V. T.; Telltevaldy, 1. A.; Qergjaerv, Maricheve B. V.- pjr~r 0; TITLE: The use of moire interference fringes to control the ruling of diffraction--~- -grating-s SOURCE: Optika i spektroakopiyal v. 19, no. 2, 19650 2TO-2T8 TOPIC TAGS: diffraction grating, light interference., light diffraction ABSTRACT: A method is described for the control of a ruling enginep based on moire fringges which are formed by a system consisting of a transparent and a reflecting diffraction grating. The control method is claimed to be simpler that that of G. R. Harrison and co-workers (J. Opt. Soc. Am. v. 49) 205j 1959 and earlier papers; G. V. Stroke, ibid. v. 51, 1321, 1961), who used a Michelson interferometer. The equipment is described and the -properties and accuracy of the method are examined. The mechanical part of the equipment does not differ markedly from a standard ruling engine and the optical system is illustrated in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. About 100 gratings with 200,, 300, 800, 1200, and 2400 lines/mm were prepared with an experimental ruliikv engine, and their qualities were on the vhole superior to Card 1/3 L 542i-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019762 those of gratings prepared with mechanical ruling engines. Rowland ghosts were aj-" most completely eliminated. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SMUTTED: 21May64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: OP NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 005 Card 2/3 L 542-1-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019T62 ,b ENCLOSURE: 01 0 Fig. 1. Diagram of the optical part of the apparatus 1 - Incandescent lamp, 2 - condenser, 3 - collimator., 4 - swinging mirror, 5,6 - gratings, 7 -'.exit alit. 8 - ruling carriage, 9 - ruled grating (ty Z;/ - )~ Card . 3/3 -A., KUwwrsam, V. G. , and SERGEYEV., V. S. "',:-Uranium Self-Diffusion paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl.' Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 58. 0 of Bawl" Yftftvwyw RMUCho" 1 eato.W.- .tau,. SCUNLINts; Nuel., FW]. ~d X.Ot~ wtu) X_, '"S' 670 JP- (5=4w; R-69 Irma, val- 3. 6,000 -,I~ 3 of.a &voUm ..t r Oa~tl*" Ot the 5~wd lmte~tjomj C(Mre~g the "-dc U-M, b-14 U a--- fl. Sollbr I t. 15, 1958, T*1MV '"" *r "M 9--ts' ?M rl"t Vwt, *Utoi by A.I. Zubov. to emlw. WOONOCU-4, C.Ma"traum am Om"j, r j."r *-"L lb- --d P-. -Utd b7 G-L. Z.-. I-.- n , "stallaqw, =ftwj.Lwh" F~64144 tCCftwjCar,-U, erfftts M ~tau_ Th. t1ti" or th. - 1. -Ord wtth thwe I. th. = 0"~krlal Imalab 2AMQQV editica M tha Ccaferace xvveltza. ~ SERGEYEV, V.S., tekhnik I-- In tile repair column of communication workers. Avtom-telem. i aviaz' 4 no.5;)1-)2 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Tartuskaya distantsiya signal~natsii i avyazi Estonskoy dorogi. (Telecommunication--Bmployees) (Socialist competition) SERGEYEVY V.S. Preparation of samples for analysis by means of homogenization. Vop. pit. 20 no-4:82 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (HOMOGFITIZATION) RADCIENKO., M.G.; ZABELINA, Z.V.; SERGEYEV,-V.S. Bacteriological indices for cold horw 'oeuvres. Vop. Dit. 21 no.2:86-87 Hr-Ap 162. (MIRE 15:3) 1. 1z Nauchno-issledovateliskoy i TSentrallnoy sanitarno- pishchevoy Jaboratorii Upravleniya obshchestvennogo pitanlya, Leningrad. (FOOD-MICROBIOLOGY) SERGEYEVY V.S.; LIVSHITS, M.M.; KARNACIIEVA, Z.G. Quantitative determination of proteins in dinner foods. Vop. pit. 21 no.2:89 Mr-Ap 162. (MIW- 15:3) 1. Iz Nauctmo-issledovateliskoy i TSentrallnoy sanitarno- pishchevoy laboratorii Upravleniya obshchestvennogo pitaniya, Leningrad. (FOOD-AlLkLYSIS) (FROTEDW LAKEEEMONSKIY', A.V.; PROSYMIIK, G.V.; ANOPOVA, A.I.; SERGEYEV, V.S. Casting fluid converts parts. Ja 157- ~MMA 10:3) (Automobiles-Tra.nsmission devices) (Founding" LOZHICH-WSKIY, Aleksey Simonovicla; SXRGBYZV,., V.-S.,- -inzh., reteenzent; SIROTIN, A.I., inzh., red-.-T-zd-va; GIRASIM " Ye.S., tekhn. red.; UVAR07A, A.F., tekhn. red. [Metal patterns; design and construction] Metallicfieskis modeli; proaktirovanie i izgotovlenie. Izd.2., dop. Hosk7a, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 349 P. (MIRA 11:8) (Patternmaking.) ALEKSEYEV, S.A.; BALABIN, V.V.; BARBASHIN, N.N.; GORSHKOV, A.A.; ZHAROV, N.T.; MARIYENBAKH, L.M.; RUBTSOV, N.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.[deceased]; SERGEYEV, V.S.; SOSNENKO, M.N.; FROLOV, V.V.; KONSTANTINOV, L.S.,-Rin. CeihE. nauk, red.; CHERNYAK, O.V., red. izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhn. red.; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Fondryman's handbook; general information on founding]Spravoch- nik liteishchika; obshchie svedeniia po litliu. (By]S.A.Alekseyev i dr. Pod obshchei red. N.N.Rubtsova. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 52/+ p. (MIRA 16:1) (Founding-Handbooks, manuals,ate.) -,ev~ oz;- c, zar n!,, z; ht, I k'r,rzy,, -,,va q L-,nol~ )y 7S~, f-r Stri Z-h) 1 teta Sove 'a "in" s t ro- 1 v r,,jy k: M i5 s i. ziaL, ~hnc-- ss' e-j ovat J. I ski r bct -TP1 L 3466-66 E7eJ1T(m)/EPF (n) -2/T/E7WP(t)/0,-1_P(b/1/a1JA (c) _LV , C) ACCESSION NR: - AP-5016929'-- UR/0689/65/618/006/0601/0608,; 621.039-542-32 AUTHORS: Bocbvar, A. A.; Kuznetsova, V. G.; SerKeyev, V. S.; Butra, F. F.- TITLE: Self diffusion in the alpha and beta phases of uranium SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 18, no. 6, 1965) 601-608 ~TOPIC TAGS: metal diffusion uranium, metal phase system, activationi ABSTRACT: This is paper no. 333 presented by the SSSR at the Third :Geneva Conference in 1964. The authors investigated by an autoradi- jography thod the dependence of the rate of self-diffusion on the icrystallographic direction in the two low-temperature phases of .uranium. Earlier data on the self-diffusion in these phases are con- ,tradictory. Apparatus was developed in which the self-dIffusion :coefficient was calculated from tbe,rate of change of the a activity ,on the surface of the sample during the course of annealing, as well Card L3466-66 ;ACCESSION NR% AP5016929 ,as by autoradiograpby of the surface of the sample. The investiga- ':tions were made on single crystals, polycrystalline samples with large. fect grains, and polycrystalline samples with imperfect grains. .per ~The test procedure and the method of calculating the self-diffusion .coefficients from the change of a activity and from the autoradiograms :are d escribed. The results for a-uranium are listed in Table 1 of :the Enclosure. The results for 0-uranium are similar to those for :a-uranium, but the experimental conditions did not make it possible td.. establish the directions with the maximum and minimum self diffusion coefficients. The coefficient obtained for the temperature range 700 from the variation of the a activity lies in the range (2--6) 2 X 10 cm sec. The results demonstrate convincingly the presence of anisotropy of self-diffusion in the a and phases of.uranium. Orig. art. has:' 7 figures, 4 formulas, and 1 table. ~ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL% 01 SUB CODE: NP, MM NR REF SOV: 001 OTHERt 010 Card 2/3 L ACCESSION XR: AP5ol6929 Table 1* Values of the self-diffusion coefficients in different crystallgraphic directions in alpha-uranium. SERGEYEV, V.V. Frasb-viater pelecvpods in the Sa-ra coal basin. Trudy lab.geol. ugl. no.9:253-277 159. (MIR& 13-4) (Samara Basin-T.,amellibranchiata, Fossil) USSR/Pharmacclogy., Toxicology. Chemo.*nr---ra-De-.--.-~~---a1 Freparations V-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958, NO 23467 Author : Sergeyey,-Y.-V Inst : Institute for Tuber-culosio Academy of Yjadical Sciences USSR Title : On the Therapeutic Resistance of Tubercular Bacteria, Excre- 'vad with the Spirt-m and From Va::Ious Pulmonary Areas. of .tubercular Patients. Ori g Pub : Env. In-ta tuberkuleze. Almd. med. nauk SSSR, 1956, 8, 39-47 Abstract "be therapeutic resistance of 6,5 strains of tubercular bac- teria (TB), excreted from 72 pulmonary areas in 17 patients, (surgical and section material) was studied. Me resistance of TB to streptomycin, phthivazid and paraaminosalicylic acid was determined by a deep placing of the cultures obtained on a synthetic medium containing various concentrations of the antibacterial drug. In the study of resistance of TIB from various pulmonary sections, it ivas found that various degrees of resistance were shown more often to streptomycinj rarely - to phthivazid., very rarely to paraaminosalicylic acid. The u resistance of TB,, excreted from the inner wall of the cavern Card 1/2 USSR/Pbarmacology., Toxicology. Chemotherapeutical Preparations V -7 Abs JOur : Ref 221ur - BiOl-, 140 5, 1958, No 23467 and from the sputum, was in the majority of cases the same with reference ot all the three d~rugs. A higher degree of TB resistance was found in cases, where processes of necrosis and fibrosis were expressed and in incapsulated centers as compared to TB from an area of a fresh infection. The resis- tance of TB from the contents of a cavern with solid fibrous walls was considerably higher than the resistance of TB from the contents of a thin-iralled cavern. Some cul-b-,ire baeteria may as a result of the therapy acquire a different resistance to chemicotherapeutical preparations. Card 2/2 IV ATITHOR: Ser.-eyev, V. V. SOV/2o-12o-9-0/67 TITLE: On the Age of the Karaganda Series of the Karag-anda Basin U (0 vozraste karaoandinskoy svity Karagandinskogo basseyna) PERIODM.L: Doiclady Acadai.-iii nauk SSSR, Vol 12o, Nr 5, I)P. 1103 - 1105 (USSR) ABS"RACT: The opinions of scientists as to this problem diver5e; the mentioned series is classified as Visean of the Lower Carboni- ferous time (Refs 2,3,6,7)or as Namurian of the Middle Carboni- ferous (Refs 1,5 and others). There are only weak proofs for both assumptions. The Lariellibranchiata of fresh zater cited by the authors are represented only by a small number of known species. A short survey of facts known about fresh water Pele-- cypoda and Lamellibranchiata (Refs 1,3) is given, The fresh water Lamellibranchiata discussed in this article were collected from boreholes of the mentioned series during a systematic processing of the corec. The fauna is enumerated according to the individual zones of the series and 6 new species (Anthraco- nauta amotus sp,n., k.samarskiensis sp.n., A, dgilandensis sp.n~; A- Butovi sp.n., A, inaratus sp.n. and A, orbiculata sp,n-)are Card 1/3 found besides numerous already known species, The appearance A Un the ACe of the Karao~anda Series of the Xara:~anda SOV/2o-12o-5-'-"3`7 Basin and disappearance of individual species is brought into connection with the series, Thus, the fresh water fauna of the Kar!i,;--nda series of th, Samarskaye deposit differs only little from the "Aiddle Carboniferous deposits of the Donets lb--,sin (Donbass) and of the Western Europe (Za;;adnaya Yevropa), At both places Pelecypoda start developin.o- in the liamurian and reach their full development at the end of this period, A-t- the end of the Middle Carboniferous tire the number of their species is Oradually reduced and becomes less varied, There are 11 references, 0 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATIOU; Tcentrallno-Kazakhstanskoye Geologicheskoye upravleniye Mini- sterstva geolor-ii. i okhrany nedr Kaz SSR (Geological Administra- u tion of Central Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Geoloj-y and Protection of Mineral Resources of the,h SSR) PRESENTED: March 1, 1958, by D.,V..Valivkin, Men,,ber, Acal~eTy of Sciences, USSR Card 2/3 b, On the AGe of the Karajan~'a Series of the Karag~nla SOV 22o-1 2o-5-48/1- 01 r, - I Basin .. I-.; F. *.... -. I ~., I 1. Geological time-Determination Card 3/3 S M-GEYXV, T. V - Using UZTM drilling rigs in hoisting operations. Razved.1 okh.nedr 25 no.11:34-36 N 159. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Glavgeologiya RSFM. (Boring machinery) (Hoisting machinery) t 1~'C:: t th in V i,: 23-2-1 Cc~ 5 (r~ij!,,-rt pn:nnntod by 1. 1. STEPAMAN, E.S., nauk; SERGEYEV, V.V., Drug resistance of Itrcobacterium tuberculosis in cycloserine treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no.8s84,-87162. (KU 16 -.9) 1. Is TSentrallnogo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniya (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen MIN SSSR prof. N.A.Shmelev). (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) (ISG=OLIDINONE) (BkCTERIA., EFFECT OF DRUGS ON) RCEYEV, V.V. PUGACIIEV A.N.; SE The SKVD-6 double-disk sowing apparatus for corn planters. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no-4:32-33 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. TSentralInaya mashinoispytatelfnaya stantsiya. (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) (corn (Maize)) CHUVIN, V.P.; KULIKOV, O.T., inzh.; LADIN, M.N., inzh.; LATSKIY, V.I., inzh.; ZIMINJI V.A.P inzh.; LEVCHENKO, K.P., inzh.; LEVIN, S.S., inzh.; SERGEYEV, V.V., inzh. "Ural-610 boring machine. Gor.zhur. no.2:53-55 F 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Glavnyy instruktor Magnitogorskogo zavo0a gornogo oborudovwdya (for Chuvin). 2. Nauchno-issledovatell *iy i proyektno- konstruktorskiy institut gornogo i obqga~titellnogo oborudovaniya, Sverdlovsk (for Latskiy, Zimin, Levchenko, Levin, Sergeyev). ~ OWE 4:19W`~MTo det. the con& tion'3'of formation of SIC!, and some of its propertks. C1 i -was passed over $1 In a quartz tube maintitined at different; temps. All of the.Cl re;aaed-4t the entrance end of the, tube so that only SiCh Passed on to the high-temp. zxkie of j the reactor; the quartz condensers placed at the exit end of the tube were clean at the lower. temps. and covered with elemental Si at the higher temps.; ,this Indicates that tho product formed (S!Clt) decompd;. 'ne mol. ratio CJX in the gas phase plotted as a function or the iemp, gave the following values for the ratio at the temps. .1173, J=.- 1273, 1373, 1473, 1573, and 1673'K.: 4. 4, 3.05, 3.7Si' 3.13,2.35,and2.105,resp. The caled. values of the equil.'-, const. for the reaction SiCit + SI ;:-- MCI* were 0.0257'. 1 0.1428, 0.695, 4.72, and 18 at 1273, 1373, 1473, 1573. and 1673*1C., resp. For the corresponding temps. the free energies of the reaction were calcd. as +18.7, +11.01.1 +3.52, 3.6, and -10.7; the free energies of formation from the cleatents of SICIa ivere then (by difference) -42.80, -44.71 -46.84,-48.8, and -50.7,.resp. The increase In stability with temp. corresponds to the same elleft with gWIar compds.: CO, SIO, and AICI. 1. Bencowitz SIKRGEYEV, V.V. Thermodynamics of the reaction of titanium tetrachloride with various metals. TSvet.met. 29 no.11:63-69 N 156. (KLRA 10:1) 1. Vsesoyuzny7 aly-uminiyevo-magniyevyy institut. (Thermodynamics) (Titanium chlorides) SOV/137-58-9-18798 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 92 (USSR) AUTHORS: Strelets, Kh.L., Voynitskiy, A.I., Ivanov, A.I., Petrov, V.I., Sergeyev, V.V,, Forsblom, GN. TITLE: Studies in the Metallurgy of Titanium (Raboty v oblasti metal- lurgii titana) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 114-120 ABSTRACT: A review of studies of titanium metallurgy in the USSR com- prising the production of anhydrous TiCl4, the development of processes and equipment for reduction of TiC14 by Mg and Na, the purification of Ti sponge, the electrolysis of Ti and Ti02 chlorides, the electrolytic refining of Ti, etc. The studies and investigations performed have made it possible to organize large-scale industrial extraction of Ti in the USSR. Y e. Z. 1. t4etallurgy--USSR 2. '1'itanium--Study and teaching Card 1/1 SIMIJITRY, V.V.; KAGHANOV-SKAYA, I.S. Treatment of the reaction pulp for production of spongy titanium. Biul. TSIIN tsvet. met. no.4:20-23 '58. (MIRA ll-*5) (Titanium) S,/5 9'61/000/006/006/0)4 D245YV303 AUTHORSt Sergeyev, V.V., Golovp A~G,, Kushkinj B.N., and Solcolong I.I. TITLE: Separation of drilled reaction mass SOURCEi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut metallurgii~ Titan i yego splavy. no. 6, 1961,, Meiallotermiya I elektro- khimiya titanag 38 - 40 TEXTt The authors studied the separation of Ti sponge film the reaction mass by drilling meth%de which they consider to have the following advantages; Equally good quality of Ti sponge, less con- tamination of the aponge with Fe, economy In labor and ease of me- chanization. The main draw)(ack of the drilling method is the need to carry out the operations in a room with a dry atmosphere and the criteria of humidity control for this purpose are BPecified as a maximum air humidity of 0.1 - 0.2 g/cubic meter and an air consump- of 700 - 1000 nm)/hour. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. Card 1/1 ZAYYC)V, MI.A.: TSELUYFOV, V.S.; KAMINSHY, Dt,W~F;Ylrll, N.V.; MFSFCHERYj'd:DV, Prinimali ucl,.,qstiyp: LVI ~JMSFIIY, SERGLYEV, V.V.; CHANOV, L.L.; 1,,JB'.L'L*--'." KUCVYO, I.I.; I!IqEIISYIY, M.L. Pressure of t~,e metal on rolls in roll -i,-,F ca&on and a]-loyed ~;tef,15 on a tllrer-hi~h Icillet mill. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.: cl-ern. :~et. 4 no.',R: 7P-PI I(l. (via" I';.Q) 1. Sit-irFkiy metallurgichesIA.v inst-lbat. (Rollin? rill'--) SERGEYEEV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich+ PETROVA, 7e., ved. red.; VORON'OVA, V.V.' tekhn. red, [Handbook on assembling casing pipes] Spravochnik po, komplektova- niiu obsadnykb- kolonn. Moskva, Gostopte-khizdat, 1962. 34-6 D. (MRA 13:7) (Oil well casing) SMIRNOV, N.A., prof.; DAVIDSON, 14.G.; FORADNYA, A.I.; STABNIKOV, V.N.; VEBER, M.A.; ZHADOVIGH, V.K.; KRUPSM,A.S.[deceased); MEIAMEDOV, N.K.; 4g~GEYEV, V.V.: Prinimali uchastiye: P14MOSOV, N.G., inzh.; ALMOVA, L.D.P kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; FILIPPOV, N.A., inzh., nauchn. red.; O-URNOV, N.At, prof., red.; DNEPROVA, N.N., red.izd-va; PULIKINA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Technology of building] Tekhnologiia stroitelinogo proiz- vodstva. (By] N.A.Sairnov i dr. Leningrad, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 435 P. (MIRA 17:2) POBO YKOVA , Ye.G.; PETROVA. ~ N. V. ; ~ SERIGEYEV p V* Ve Manufacture of soluble glass at the Ingichka factory. TSvet. met. 36 no.11:90 N 163- (Y-IRA 17:1) d Ly L',, m~- n ta - ba -"a 1- S 3 IT b I t k,' b i.. z av Pu fiv T ab~~rafsr-!! TS r,-.9c r1 t tu ~Z Kag a -rlt: S S R d;iY73 'v- I -.t~l nyy AMN 9:;~T P")"o M,-:3kva. V~-z3~jlyevich; GALIT'~EIY, Nikolay Viadi,,rAvo 'Vasi liy Favlovich. Frinl-ral uchastiye Kt,-ZL4.)V, i,:; ,,etalltlr,,i-4a titana. Moskva, izj]- (MIRA 17; ?) J- t d-~ 11,J 207 P. C. ~a) Z I ,.,I NVyac I io!3 I av Alt,,ksaridrovir, tip i I I Z.. ; LEVIN , 61117~ui I Orilmlonovichp inzh.; LL-V(,'IIEI;k:O, Klavdlya Favlowia, inzh,5 JURGa-EV. Viktor Viktorovich, nt. inzih.; ANTONOVA) N.11., 1nzh,q red. [Fneumatic-percussive boring of blast holes In stone quarries; experience of the Shartash Granite Quarry of the "Uralnerud" Trust] Fne-moudarnoe burenie vzi-jvxW;rh skvazhin na kamenNrkh karlerakh-. oFyt Shartashskogo gra- nitnogo karlera tresta "Uralrierud.11 Mosk-va, -Ctro--'izdat,, 1116Z, 21, p. 18.4) I. !"OsZov. Nauchno-iss-ledovatellskiy ins-1-itut organizatsli, r.ekhanizatsii i tekhjiicheskay pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2, Zaveduyushch--*y laboratori! ~narovoy tekhniki Nauchno- issiedovatellskogo I pro-yekino-konstru-ktorskogo instituta gornogo I obogaVlallnogo mashinostroyeniya, g. -~-.rerdlovsk ("or Zimin). 3. Nauchno-issledo-vatellskiy I Droyektno.- kono-=.ktorskiy institut gornogo I obogatitellnogo mashino- stro7eTdya, G. Sverdlovsk (for L-a-,rchenko, Sergeye-v). L 5421-66 EWT(1) IJP(c) ACCESSION NR: Ap5ol9T62 UIR/0053./65/019/002/0270/0278 535.421:535.417 AUTHOR: Gerasimov, F. M.; Sergeyev, V..P.; Telltevr ,kiy. 1, A.; agrggyM4 V- Marichey, B. Ve 71 t"I TITLE: The use of moire interference fringes to control the ruling of diffraction-L- gratings SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19p nos 2., 1965, 270-278 TOPIC TAGS: diffraction grating, light interference, light diffraction ABSTRACT: A method is described for the control of a ruling engine, based on moire~ fringges which are formed by a system consisting of a transparent and a reflecting diffraction grating. The control method is claimed to be simpler that that of G. R. Harrison and co-workers (J. opt. Soc. Am. v. 49., 2051 1959 and earlier papers; G. V. Stroke, ibid. v. 51, 1321, 1961), who used a Michelson interferometer. The t equipment is described and the properties and accuracy of the method are examined. The mechanical part of the equipment does not differ markedly from a standard ruling engine and the optical system is illustrated in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. About 100 gratings with 200,, 300, 800~, 1200, and 2400 lines/mm were prepared with an experimental ruling engine., and their qualities were on the whole superior to Card 1/3 1-7 e7 eD.0 D c2,017 L 5421-,~6 ACCESSION NR: AP5019762 those of gratings prepared with mechanical ruling engines. Rowland ghosts were al- most completely eliminated. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 2lMay64 ENCL., 01 SUB CODE: OP NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 005 L 5421-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019T62 ENCIDSURE: 01 5 Fig. 1. Diagram of the optical part of the apparatus 1 - Incandescent lamp, 2 - condenser, 3 - collimator, 4 - swinging mirror, 5,6 - gratings, T -.exit slit. 8 - ruling carriage, 9 - ruled grating 61 Card 3/3- ,r-,...-'S3LklR;UYA, L.I.; SEMOMIN, V.V. Mothod of apixadnate dotomimtion of the apecific c3urfaco aroa of a titanium sponge. 7.hw.prikl*l'.ldM- 38 no.9:1966-1972 3 165. (MITIA 32an) VEJ-~T, I.fl., insit.; id~MD"'11KINA, T.I., im~h.; NINK T!.N, B.I., in?,11.; V~74., inzh.; SEFGE'VEV, V,V., ipz". 7nd-,jr~tion fluid-fiev piw-kups wi *"- a unified output signal. - - - I Priborostroenie no. 1(-j!2(1-2;E Q 1 '05 (mup,~4 19:1) 7;001 rk -~,, f remov:~! o' lurdock '~-rs 'r-- ---c~-es 'IS S 4 C)- I.i:Drari of "ulf-ust, 1952.