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SKROV, A.V. 3stablishing methods for rapid testing of lubricating properties of diesel oils. Trudy VNII NP no.6:46-57 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Diesel fuels) SEROV, A.V.,_,..kand.tekhn.nauk. Causes for changes of oil properties In engines. Av-t.i trakt.prom. no.7.-19-21 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Moskovskiy lesotekhnicbeskiy institut. (Automobiles--Lubrication) (Motor fuels) SIROV, A.,kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Organization of technical serviceing must be efficient. Avt. transp. 35 no.8:15 Ag 157. (KLRk 10:9) (Service stations) - SEROV, A.V. Ghange 1-n-operating properties of truck-tractor fuel oils under the influence of the fuel grade and the composition of mixtures. Azerb.neft.khoz. 36 no.3:34-37 Mr 157. (MIaA 10:5) (Motor fuels) SMOV, Aleksandr Vladimirovich, dotsent; SANYMVICH, Nikolay Andreyevich, starshiy prepodavatel'; BTTSKO, Vladimir Aleksondrovich, assistant; VOLGIN, Vitaliy Pavlovich, assistant; HIKIFOROV, Vasiliy Maksi- movich, kand.tekhn.nauk; VONESENSKIT, N.P., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KISHINSKIY, M.I., red.; PIThMM , Ye.L., red. izd-va; FLIRASIK, N.P.. [Use of machinery in logging camps] Ekepluatatsiia mashin v leso- zagotovitelInykh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1959. 280 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kafedra *Tyagovyye mashinyO Moskovskogo lesotekhnicheskogo institute (for Servo, Sanyukavich, Bytsko, Tolgin, Nikiforov). (Logging--Machinery) SOV/11 AUTHOR: Serov, A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Testing Plants for Traction Machines (Ustanovki dlya ispytaniya tyagowykh maslin) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 105-9, Nr 3, pp 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For testing automobiles, tractors, engines, etc. much time, high costs and a great deal of fuel and oil were needed. All these expenses can be avoided with the aid of testing plants. Such plants are for instance manu- factured by th xhnLnark,._ Plant, for testing the gasoline iocomotive type UM-54. For measuring fuel and testing engines, power plants with special equipment are used. It is not by acciaent that such plants are being widely applied abroad. The USSR possess wide experience in their application, although there is no mass production of them. Particular testing plants are used in the automobile tractor and engine construction industries. Card 11-4 Application of such plants has reduced gasoline consump- Testing Plants for Traction Machines SOV/11 tion of buses to 1642-515, while the testJ 'ng process it- self is performea more quickly. Production of such testing plants can be carried out by every repair enter- prise; even reJectea machine parts, always available in such enterprises, can be used for t:riis purpose. Mere are "C photogra~.hs and 4 diagrams. Card 'r-12 S,"n"OV, a.V., kund.tekhn.nauk- Effect of operat'ing conditions on the wear of truck-tractor diesel engines. Nauch. trudy 1-ITI no.10,,64-72 16C. 14f3) (Diesel engines) SEROV,--.A -,-,--aots. - - -- ly Recommendations on the operation of tractors. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 30 no.11:43-44 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy lesotekhnichaskiy institut. (Tractors) LAKI-7,40, Visst-trion Pavlovich. LAKEN03 Rostislav Pavlcvich; SEROV A*V! red.; FOFOVA, A.G., red. izd-va; FA:(AKEIIvA, N.L., [Log truck trains] Avtomobillnye lesovozriye poezda. loskva Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 175 P. (MIRA 15:3~ (Lumber--Transportation) SEROV, A.V. Assorment and quality of motor fuels. Trakt. i pelikhomnash. 31 no.3:48-3 of cover Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Motor fuels) RUBINISETEYN, S.A. -;-SROV , P. - V - 32 no.12: Deep drilling of stainlesE-steel parts. Stan,i instr. 27-28 D '61. (IIILEIA 14-:12) (Drillinc- and boring) n S/262/62/000/0021012/017 1008/1208 AUTHOR. Serov, A. V. TITLE On the question of the assortment and properties of engine lubricants (Remarks on the article of H.G. Puckhov and E. N. Firsanova -The requirements from the assortment of engine lubricants and a proposition to improve their quality" PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, oidel'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki, no. 2. 1962. 57, abstract 42.2.324. "Traktory i sel'khozmashiny", no. 3, 1961. 48-49 TEXT: It is pointed out that in the proposed classification some of the requirements from the lubricants are not fully and accurately accounted for. In order to give a complete characteristic of their properties it is propo- sed to take into account the wear of the engine and the effect of the velocity and temperature regimes There are 6 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 SEROV, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; LAKHNO, R.P., red. [Organization and mechanization of the maintenance and re- pair of a truck and tractor pool in the lumbering industry] Organizatsiia i mekhanizatsiia tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniia avtotraktornogo parka v lesnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 349 p. (MIRA 17:4) I. L,~' , Faddey illieh; Fetr Ivanovich; SMOV, A.V., red. [Rer.air and maintenance of skidding tractors in the fel- ling area] Ren:ontno-profilakticheskoe obsluzhivanie tre- levoch=ykh traktorov na lesoseke. Moskva, lzd-vo "Les- naia promyshlennost'," 1964. 95 p. (MIRA 17:7) S11121 '61,100010121100 '00: DO;0 DI 1 AUTHORS: Rtibinskteyn, .".A. and Serov P V TITLE- Deep drilling in stainless-steel part.F PERIODICAL: Staqki i instrument, no, 12, 1961, 27-~'. TEXT: To find whether it was Dossible to increase the rrcductivi'~. of" deep diilling of parts made from lVl8Pq7F(lKhI8N9T) steel, rod Fam7Dle-s 36 mm in diameter and 250-260 min long were drilled with drills having vario,s cDm- binations of drill point angles. grooves and protruding edges 1'tnre~~hDLds'ja Chip.,splitting grooves vere used on the lip clearance surface (Fil!-. ona thresholds on the liD (Fig. 2). Drills ma e fromPlB 'RIB) hii~-h -11~~,,,~,-. d % - - and drills withRK8 (VXB) alloy tips were used in con)unction wif-h a Li~ 0'--! (1K62) lathe. The drill was fixed in the tailstock and the sam-ole was held in the chuck, The feeds used,rariged from 0,07 to 0-2' mm/lev, a speed of 200 rpm bein- used for the high--speed steel dr.,11's and a speed o-f ;100 xpm f-3-r the carbide--tipped drills. The cutting- parameters were chosen in acccjrdanc~_ with existinE recommendations andl wor~-shoD data. Drills with a conventi&r.._11 point and drills with thresholds nroved unsatisfactory, as th.-- 4 Card l/. S/ 12 1 0001012/00 6 /00 7 Deep drilling in D0401DII-2 and the drills broke. Points with ~,hip-dividin& giooves proved be tne best, points with two grooves proviriC to be more durable than those xith three crooves, Considerable durability and good chip removal were 0 the drill shown in Fi~~% 1, in which B is equal t,-. 0.,35d. Suon -11~ lasted fr-~-r 65-90 mtnutes at, a feed of 0.1 mm/rev and permitted dri-Iling wit-1-- :~ut retracting the drill to a depth equal to 5d~ The pro-,ess was ftnaliy ohosen for application with tnese dr-~-.Is% r e r I ni E, drilling to a depth of 060 8 n min by a hort Ir -i 116 a7, n - - 100 ! "t. at-'d S -~ 0.8 Mm/ irev, followed ny drilling with long drills at. n -: 200 rDm and s : C,M-~ mm,/rev, As it was not ne:essar- to retract the drill- for the purpose of re, Moving the chir'. the produc~tivity of the process was doubied and trie durabiL-. ity of the drills increased. intensive cooiing of thin-wal,ed workpie:es i~:; recommended, as during deer) drilline the heat p-asses mai.riy ;-nto tne piece, it Is ai~~o recommended to redu-:e the cutting angle nr the dr~!-' point when machining very material. as thl-s reduces the t'hickness of the chip in, the zone uf fast abutting speeds. There are 4 figures and references! 4 So,rie~ and -.-' non.-Soviet-bloc, Card 2/3 Deep drilling in ... PHC. 1. - - I - ----- - --- a Fig. 1. Card 3/3 S/121/61/000/012/006/007 D040/DI12 k S--- -- Fig. 2. V SMOV, B. Some economic aspects of the disarmament problem. Vnesh.torg. 30 no.9:15-20 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Disarmament) (War--Economic aspects) LEYKINY N.N.; SMOV, B.D., retsenzent; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd- va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Manufacture of plastic moulded goods] Konstrv.irovanie plastmassovykh pressovannykh izdelii. Moskva, Mashino- stroenie, 1964. 217 p. (MIRA 17:4) AFANASIYEV, A.P.; ANUCHIN, V.G.; VINOGRADOV, K.V.; G&UWNA, N.M.; GILEROVICH, M.M.; DUBRGVSKIY., Ye.P.; YEVSTIGNEYEV, A.A.; IOKHVIN., M.R.; KAUEKOV, P.M.; nENGELI, LTS.; WSETj I.G.; MOEVSKIYI F.M.; MAMLI~ S.I.; MIZHERITSKIYj G.S.; IIGVIKGVI M.I.; IIAZARrM., ON.; PCHELKINA, I.A.; RAZUMCV, V.S.; ROZEITBLYUM, I.M.; ~U V B P~; SKRYFNIK, T.I.; SALWIN, Ye.S.; SMOTRI21A, V.F.; TELEFMA, N.S.; FILICHAKOV., N.I.; KHRAPUNOVA, Ye.L.; UNDREVICH, G.S.; URITIYEV., P.P.; SHILOV, A.A.; SBIXKCV, A.P.; KIRIILCV, L.M., red.; MARKOCH, M.G., [Regulations on the construction of minicipal telephone network lines) Pravila po, stroitel'stvu lineirqkh sooruzhenii gorodskikh telefonnykh setei. 2.izd. Mbskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 511 P. (KM 15:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo svyazi. Glavnoye upravleniye kapitallnogo stroitel'stva. (Telephone lines) 1. n'nov' B. V. , 1.246. 2. USSR (600) 4. Sawmills. 7. Electropneumatic mechanisms in the sawmill production line. Les. prom. 13 No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. SEROV, B.V., inzh.; SHEKHTFR. Ya.S., inzh. Automatic accounting for raw materials a," sawr-ills. Mekh.i, avtom. proizv. 17 no. 3:30-31 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:9) Sal Ov f 1 ZAI Ya' 'even~)vi,-h; PAJNlC,~,1.5D)'j, Au t 1 on of, so taid calc." Ili t! I;;, i :,,.iw:: .1 L"i r-,,r sor-tirovkll i ucheta v iesopilerdi. Petr~ :~~t%,,Jdsk , Fare I I sLm.- ;-.n*- z~uno-! i vd-vj) J, 2 1,~ i PA CHOKIN, Sh.Ch., otvetstvennyy redaktor; KRAVCHENKO, Vplo, redaktor; MATZELI, S.Ya., redaktor; MIRZAKEYEV. K.M., redaktor.- .,.Z.I_.,,radaktor: VASLAVSKIY, N.A., redaktor; ALYEROVA, F&F., takhnic" j'rednktor. he ~i~f [Use of wind power in agriculture of Xazakhstan; proceedings of a scientific and technical conference on the use of wind power, held September 1955, at the Power Institute of the Ac4#em5r of Sciences and MinistrT of Agriculture of Kazakhstan] Ispol'zovanie energii vetra v sel skom khoziaistve Xazakhstana; trudy nanchno-tekhnicheskQi konferentsii po vetroispol'zovaniiu, sostoiavaheisia v sentiabke 1955 goda v Institute energetiki Akademii nauk i Ministerstve sel'skogo khoziaistva Kazakhskoi SSR. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi SSR. 1957, 204 p, (MLRA 10:5) l.Nauchno-tekhnicheska.Va konforantsiya po vetroispoltzovani3ru. Alma- Ata, 1955. (Kazakhstan--wind power) SF!.ROV, F.I. Principal results of the studies of some types of wind-driven gener- ators in Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. energ. AN Kazakh. SSR 2:!C1-107 ,6o. Omla..~ 15:1) (Kazakhstan--Wind power) - -, . -11 - -11 1- 1 ,-I. ,- F -1- -,V ): .L ._;, 1, 71 zil. I I u I im!" I. v IL . "A d., a -, t. a t i o! 1D,* the Seitz filte" t.~ Eepl ace rhe Purzen Retort in the Laboratory" - p . 7 TDyenn-, Meditsins,"dy Zhurnall, N.-. 10, '--'-,c'2 KERTESZ, Gabor, okleveles vegyeszmernok; DEAK, Bertalan; MORYp Bela,dr.; TOTH SAHUDY, Bela; SEUY, Gusztav; MOSOCZY, Ferenc; TIAGY BIRO, Sandor, fomernok; JECSAY, Laiilo; VAHOCZKY, Alfonz; AIMMY, Iajos,fomer. Questions on the traditional method of town gas production. Energia es atom 17 no.lz17-22 Ja'64- 1. Orszagos Koolaj- es Gazipari Troszt (for Kertesz). 2. Pecai Kokszmuvek (for Deak). 3. Brikett Termelo es Smendusito Val- lalat (for Serly). 4. Femipari Kutato Intezet (for Mosoczy). 5. Favarosi Ga2mmvek (for Vagy Biro); 6. Nehezipari Mijiszte- rium. (for-Almassy). 7. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem. Kemiai Tech- nologiai Tanszek (for Jecsay). BICLYKH. Boris Petrovich, dotsent- SIRMAN . redaktor; WCHKO, Yu.V., redaktor izdatel'stva; tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Protective grounding and neutralization in mining] %ashchitave zazemleniia i zanuleniya v gornorudnoi promyshlennosti. Sverdlovsk. Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie. 1956. 158 p. (M1RA 9:8) (Mectricity in mining) 34583 Sernian D. L, Bending by a transverse force of an elliptlcih~~~by a longitudinal circular cylindrical cavity (in IN-pian), fo:hener, Slwrni.~, Akid. A',zmk SSSP 17, tj rj 12t-150, 1953. Author u~c~ N. 1. Murkholiilwili'n alipmarli to ~wt tip the prablem of detenuiruiLion of the flexurp runction for a doubly cOnilected erom section hounded l7v an r, Alirso and a circle 1"Soine problems of the niathernaticid thpory of elastleity," fzd.. AIM. Nauk M91L '1%foscow-1,cnii;xrRd, !919; ANIR Mlev, 20901. Having solved the problem by function-ti-c-oretical methods, he discu,,wes soyrml numerical (aws to rL.-mem the validity of Joumvski's formul% IT(kilkiinter and Pear-on, "A history of the theory of rWfltiLy." vol. 11, part 1, Cinibridge, 1893, ~9391. J. It. -M. If-adoli, Auritt-31k MIRANOVICH, D~;,SERMAN,___I~___ Workers' volunteer production-norm offices in workshops. Sots. trud 6 noAl:99-102 N l61. (MMA 14: 11) 1, Predsedatell zavkoma Orshanskogo zavoda shveynykh mashin (for Miranovich). 2. Nachallnik otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy (for Serman), (Orsha(Orshanakiy District)--Sewing machines-Production standards) MALI t1FV, A.F.-, W-,MENC11UGSKIY, L.S.; BEREZKO, B.N.; SHEVTSOV, L.N.; BOGIA-TICHY A.G,; KIRILLOV, G.M.; CHASHECHNIKOVA, I.T.; YAPI'OLENKO, N.A.; OFEUGGENDEN R~G.; SEfMN, V.Z.; DALYUK, Yu.A.; BEREZIN,, F.N., KONENKO, L.D.; SHALEYKO, M.A.; SHEVCH~NKOD Yu.S., STOLYAROV, V.A.; KIRILLOV, G.M.; BOGDEVICY, S.F., LYSENKO, V.T.; BRASHKIN, N.A.; SKRIPNIK, Yu.A.; GRESHCHENKO, Ye.V.; Tljz~' R.M.? SERPILIN, K.L.; GAPCfBRO, L.M. Abstracts of completed research works. Avtom. i prib. no.3:90-91 Jl,-S 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR (for all except Skripnik, Greshchenko, Tuz. Serpilin, Gapchenko). 2. Kiyevskiy pol-itekhnicheskiy institut (for Skriprik, Greshchenko, Tuz, Serpilin, Gapchenko). (Research) z L 44298=~;j _2 - Wp(c) lpf 1 Pe" 13 B/ G -4 as ACCESSION NR-. AT5011607 UR/0000/64/000/000/0279/0284- AUTHOR: Ofengenden, R. G.; Serman, V. Z.; Dalyuk, Yu. UTLE: A measta-Mg unit for the automatic control of ferrite-core_T2aoff elementsg with rectangular hysteresis loops ses0VuznoY9_'~!o p_po elementam avtomatik;, telemek- SOURCE: V 3shcLm~i L magni~n m e ~(_itej'~ov t v lit( ekhnild. Lvov. 1962. Magnitnyye elementy. avtomatild, tolemekhaniki, izmeritellnoy I vychislitellnoy tekhnild (Magnetic elements of automatic control, remote control, measurement and computer engineering); trudy soveshchanlya. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1964, Xt -284 TOPICTAGS: ferrite core quality control, core parameter measurement, automatic qualqi~y control, magnetic memory, rectangular hysteresis loop, core storage ~ABSTRACT: The large number of ferrite cores--used in computer memories has necessitated the development of automatic sorting devices within which the program for checking the ferrites simulates the real operatiTig conditions of e)dsting memories. The usual method for ferrite sorting using comparison vilth a standard (ff. 1. Gryaznov,, PriboroaLroyenlye, 1957, no. 8) Is unsatisfactory an several counts: 1. It is difficult on tandards 2,-1 to achieve mult1ple selection without repeated operation with differ t a 1/2 SERMA--:0~;', A. LEHKAZA~IOV, ~i. Characteristics of electric comsumption. p. 640 Vol. 9, no. 11 '/12, Nov./Dec. 1956 ELEKTROPRIVERDA TECW,'OLOGY BeoErad So: East Eurorean Accession, Vol. NO. 3, iMarch 1957 -ic 71' 8(6) YUGG/3-58-12-4/27 AUTHORS: V Sermazanov, Aleksej and Tepina, Zvone --------------- TITLE: ---- Rational Use of Electric Energy (Racionalno korisc'enje elek- V, tricne energije) PERIODICAL: Elektroprivreda, 1956, Nr 12, PP 594-598 ABSTRACT: The new double-rate tariff for electric energy used by bulk consumers enables considerable saving of production costs in a plants. This tariff has two rates, one more expensive for daytime power consumption, and a cheaper one for the power consumed during the night. The authors illustrate the saving which can be achieved by plants which make full use of this system and switch over as much of their load as possible to the night period. As an example the authors demonstrate the efficient application of the double-rate tariff in the "Lito- stroj" Plant, Ljubljazia. The plant has adopted a simple de- vice which enables automatic regulation of power consumption. The device consists of a watt-meter with a si.gnal-contact, relays for disconnecting current when toQ much power is con- sumed, and light and sound warning signals. A clockwork me- chanism puts the device out of opera,.ion by night. Saving of Card 1/2 electricity costs in this plant amounted to 4,650,000 dinars SFRMZfi-NCV , A n . Consumption of electric energy in households. Degree of electrification in various republics of Yugoslavia. In English and Slovenian. p. a-35- ELEKTROTEHNISKI VESTNIK. ELECTROTEGHNICAL REVIEW. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Vol 26, no. 11/12, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959- Uncl. L) 'v, VO .4 ete MCI -an imeasure 09 reported~ (tempera From ev perature v . . . . . . . . . ......M La 1, ~~. -: ~:,, A. New measurinFr devices of water surfare, eva-,o.-ati-n. p.168. (Vo(inhos,po,iarsky Pasoy)ls, Vol. r, I,.'o- 2, 1.957, Fratislava, Czechoslovalkia) qO: Monthly Lint, or FxJ. Enropean Arcps.,Aons (1--,EAL) 1c. Vol. 6, No. 9, 1957. Uncl. _;, . "A jevice for mensurinr chan,--es of the ;.rater level."P,190 I VOT)NI POSPODARI.TTL (Ustredni sprava. vodniko hosnodarstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, no. 4, April, 10:)'9 Monthly List of East European Accessions (-.'FAI) LC, vol. 8, No. 6, Ame 1959 Uncl. bY ril. M9 ;-L 47352-65 ACCESSION NR: ARS009714 UR/0058/65/000/002/9017/Hol7~"I SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 2Zh1l9 ------ AUTHOR: Sermons, G.' Ya. TITLE: Propagation of an electromagnetic field pulse in a moving electrically conducting medium- CITED,SOURCE: Izv. AN LatvSSR. Ser.Ifiz.-tekhn. n., no. 1, 1964, 33-44 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic pulsepropagation, conducting medium, jinduced voltage, vector potential, induced field ;TRANSLATION: The problem considered is that of the propagation of in an electrically conducting medium Ian electromagnetic pulse moving ~The source of the electromagnetic pulse is an infinitely long two- ;conductor line. The case when the electromagnetic-fieldaource is a Card 1/2 7 R~ L 47352-65 1ACCESSION NR: ARS009714 17. G.Ya,, Voprosy mag- Akad, muk Lat- (MIHA 18zl"2) -,~:Iloy magni-moy ~Pg~oi.qlp -L 43704-65 Ewr (1)/F-Ec (t) 1 4 GG/LHB/GS ACCESSION NR: AT5009758 'UR/0000/64/004/000/0091/0099 AUTHOR: Sermons G. Y8. .PZheygur, B. D.- TITLE: Studies on electromagnetic field ulse propagation with a moving medium SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po teoreticheskoy t Prikladnoy maimituoy xidrodinamik6 3d, RigA, 19ZI-.Voprosy magnitnoy gidrodinamiki (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamicr); ~doklady soveshchaniya, v. 4. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatSSR, 1964,' 91-99 TOPIC TAGS: pulse propagation, moving conducting medium coil coil interaction, 'jejectromagnetic pulse, current dipole iABSTRACT: Using the solution of the two-dimensional boundary problem of the non- :stationary vector potential equation, one of the authors previously solved (G. Ya. ;Sermon, Izvestiya AN Latv. SSR, Ser. fiz;-techn., 1964, 1, 33) the problem of the i !interaction between an infinitely long rectangular coil subjected to a discontinu- ~ous cut-tent variation and another rectangular finite coil within a moving electrit ~cally conducting medium. The present paper reports on theoretical and experimental studies of interactions between two coils of finite lengths under otherwise iden-' itical conditions. The problem is solved using the newly defined concept of a cur-. Irent dipole within a moving electrically conducting medium. Eqmriusntal results Card 1/2 L 62904-6 5 JACCESSION NR: AR5012298' UR/0058/65/000/003/HO21/HO21,-,,:-''- SOURCE: Ref.- zh. Fizika, Abs. 3Zhl43 1AUTHORz Sermons, G. Ya. :TITLE: Propagation of an electromagnetic pulse -,-long an electrically conductive i amoving half-space ;CITED SOURCE: Izv. All LatvSSR. Ser. fiz,., i.tekhn. n., no. 4, 1965, 7-16 j JOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic',field, electromagnetic effect, pulse propagation ITRANSLATION: The author examines the problem of electromagnetic pulse propagation ialong*an electrically conductive moving half-space. Expiessionsare obtained for ~Jthe vector potential throughout the half-space and a formula is derived for the~eleO- 1tric field intensity in a non-nonducting half-space. Electric field stren-gth curves! bare given which were constructed from these expressions for several special cases. -~7 iSUB CODE: EC, EM ENCL, .00 'Card -1/1 L 62218-65 Pd-J.- - ACCESSION NR: AP5014187 UR/0382/65/000/061/0141/0146 621.3.083.72 538.4 532.57 AUTHOR, Zheygur, B. D.; Sermons, G. Ya. TITLE: Pulse method for measurement of the flow velocity of a conducting fluid SOURCE: M agnitnaya gidrodinamika.' no. 1, 1965, 141-146 TOPIC TAGS: conductive fluid, flow rate pulse.generator ABSTRACT: A new method-for measuring flow velocity of a conducting fluid is given.1 in this method an extermal coil generates a pulse which propagates in the fluidandl~ in turn is received by a sensing coil. The signal shape received then determines - - the flow velocity. This method is independent of the change of fluid conductivity., The electronic system for pulse processing and subsequenf display of flow velocity is discussed. The testing of the system was performed with an aluminum model:.. Measured values agreed with theoretically predicted values within 2% for the small---'- est separation of the coils' (3.7 cm). At larger separations the departure from theory was more'noticeable. Orig."- art. has:'4formulas, 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: 'none L '19269-65 ACCESSION Mt AP5008215 6/0286/6 AUTHORS z Sermons Go Ya. i -Xabvn R. K. Ginzburg, A* So ----------- TITLE: Pulse method for measuring the flow,of.electrically conductive liq4das 'Class 429 No. 168906 'SOURCE: 'Byulletent izobreteniy i tovanVkh;znakovj nos 59,1965) 78 -~,TOPIC TLGSt electric conductivity, conductive fluidp.excitation coilj~pulse comter. ABSTRACT: This Author Cei-tificate presents a pulse method for measuring the flow I 'rate of an electrically conducting:liquid. The method Involves the use of an in- 'duced current pulse i-n the electrically conducting stream. To increase the measure- Ment accuracy, the pulse is determined,from. the temporary Wzift of its maximum. The 'pulse is induced in the measuring coil in relation to a sqWe pulse fed through an :excitation coil. This coll is placed on the c(mduit at a known distance from the Measuring coil. ASSOCIATIONt none .SUMTM& 16Feb63 IMCL& 00 SUB Q=2 &I,, ~10 NO RW, SOVS OW 000 Card -L-22 14-66 - EWT(l) GG ACC_7N_R,_'7P60lO262 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66/000/om/oo26/oon ';, ~J' AUTHOR: Mikellson, Yu, Ya.-44ikelsons, J,; Sermons~ Go Ya,-Sermons, Go ORG: Latvian State University im. P. Stuchka (Latviyskiy gosudarstvenyy universitet) TITLE: Effect of a toothed inductor on the electromagnetic-field distribtuion in a conducting slab X SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 1. 1966, 26-33 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic inductioni . electromagnetic field, magnetic permeability, vector function, electric conductivity ABSTRACT: The solution is presented for the problem of a vector potential in a conducting slab. The slab was placed in the gap between two. media of infinite.- magnetic permeability and zero conductivity under the assumption that one of the media had a smooth surface, the other a toothed one. Unlike the works of F. W. Carter (Air-gap induction. El. World and Eng., l9ol, 884), R. To Coe and H. W. Taylor (Philosoph. mag. a. journ. of science, 6, 1928, 100), and E. M. Freeiron (Proceedings I. E. E., c, 1962, 580),a constant amplitude of current de'nsity in pitches occupied by current loops was given instead of a constant difference of mag- netic potential between media surfaces. The current was supposed to be a harmonic function of time with the frequency w. The expression of the vector potential was used for determining the field in a number of particular cases. The authors thank L 22514-66 ACC NR, Akbui-0262 A. Gaylitis, Senior Scientific Coworker of the 'Institute of Physics, AN LatSSR, for his discussion of the results and valuable comments. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 30 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract.] INTI SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: lOApr65/ ORIG REF: oo6/ oTH REF: oo3/ Card 2/2 ACC NR: AT7001358 SOURCE CODE: UR/OOOO ~~61-660-10-00f0_135-10-10]' AMIOR: Sermons, G. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Theory of propagation of pulsed electromagnetic fields in moving inducting media SOUECEt AN LitSSR. Institut fiziki. Dvizheniye provodyashchikh tel v magnitnon, pole (1.1,ovement of conducting bodies in a magnetic field) . Riga, Izd-vo Zinatne, 1966, 135- 163 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic field, liquid metal, flow measurement, Maxwell equation, pulse signal ADSTRACT: In view of recent applications of electromagnetic pulsed fields for the development of new methods for measuring A-low of electrically conducting liquids, especially liquid metals, wherein the flow is determined by changes in the time in- ~ervals between maxima of 'rains of pulses reflected from the liquid metal, the author t, %, 'presents a review of the various methods employed for this purpose and results in a-Ilied fields, such as geological prospecting with the aid of electromagnetic waves, which can be applied to this problem. The analysis is limited to phenomena that in- volve a solution of Maxwell's equations in moving media with various boundary condi- tions. A review of the theory is presented first for the propagation of pulsed I electromagnetic fields in stationary conducting media, after which the motion of the 1/2 SERMYAZHKO Ale~ny."sylovich, kondidat ekonomicheskikh nauk; RANNIKOV, . .,ra:Cktor; F]IDOTOVA.A.F.. tekhnichaskiy redsktor I [Organization and wages in poultry raising on collactive forms) Organizatelia i oplata truda Y ptitsevodstre kolkbozov. Moskva. Gos. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 116 p. (KISA 10:1) (Poultry) S&RgfAZHKO, Aleksey Ilikhaylovich. kand.ekonom.nauk; RORMIKHINA, Te.A., reef. ; TERKMOV, V.M., tekhred. [How to compute production costs on collective farms] Kak ischislit' nebestoimost' produktsii v kalkhoze. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.sel'khoz.nauk BSSR, 1959. 22 p. (MM -13:5) (Collective farraB-Accounting) KIRILLOV, f,.I.9 doktor tekhn.nauk; PSHENICHNYY, V.D., kand.takhn.nauk; SERMYAZHKO, B.I., inzh. Investigating a full-scale, two-rim turbine stage with parti&1 admission of steam. Sudostroenie 29 no.6:25-27 Je 163. (KRA 16:7) (Steam turbines, Marine-Models) o z e r i a NOVAK, Franc; SXRM, Bossna Sao care of premature infant in obstetrical clinic. Zdray. vest. 23 no.5-6:98-102 1954. 1. Klinika za ginakologijo i porodnistvo gad. Visoks Sole v Ljubljani - prodatojnik prof. dr. Pavel Immeek. (INFANT, PRMATM *care in obst. clinic) JORDAN, Jozef; SERNICKI, Andrz --- 3~ej Contribution to the comparative anatomy of nasal septum in primates. Folia morphol 21 no-4:537-542 '62. 1. Zaklad Anatomii Prawidlowej, Akademia 14edyczna, Gdansk. Kierownikt prof. dr M. Reicher. Case of clucces.-I-A tt,ritriuit of neute bronchial a&.Iuaa Ath so.111im -7 sal Lcyl-itp `8:7, JuIY 50. P. 76 `~I- 2 1 -hip _ I __ j)Iv_J I.nri ~j* A ho-3pital (Head_KLr&dtp3v),, 19 NO'! It) ZELIKOVSKIY, Z.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZUBOVq G.G., inzh.; SERNIY, Ye.A., inzh.; K0147SLO, A.S., inzh. AIL-IM device for checking the parameters of incandescent I=ps. Energ, i elektrotekh. prom. no.4:39-40 O-D 165. (nm 19: 1) SERNYAK, P.S. Y-case of torsion of a lipoma of the mesentery of the smaU intestine. Nov. khIr. arkh. no.2:133 ?4r-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Miirurgicheskoye otdeleniye Stalinskoy oblaatnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy. (PERSKUTERY-TUMORS) 0 V " j 1~ 1, A.N -, A NF i, F I U 1, YA KI transve3iie~~l adenoint ;~,-6-my with a primi-l-i ol-ind suture of the bladder perfcrmt~d by t~e suprapLibic arched extrapuirltoneel incision. Urologiia no.6-27-29 j-D 163. (MIRA l7z9) 'kY'-rurg--,ch6,skoy klini'vi (zav.-prof. K.T. [)VTll.~VA'jyhYl) Lonet.tikogo mzAit'sininkowo InstItuta Jrnenf- SERIIYHEV, N.S., brigadir malyarov Using silicato'compounds instead of drying oils. Suggested by II.S.Serniaev. Rats.i izobr.predl. v stroi. no.10:52-53 '59. (Mia 12:11) 1. Po materialam stroitell no-montazhnogo trenta No.25 Kuyby- shevBkogo sovnarkhoza. (Paint materials) SF.ROBABA, M.., gornyy inzh.; BAYRACRNYY, A.; PAIJFEROV, A.; SHCITMIY., P., zaboyshchik; KLIMOV, A. Wken you work with ardor. Sov.shelrbt. ll no.2:24-28 F 162. (14DU 15: 1) 1. Chlen shakhtnogo komiteta, predeedatell projavodetvennomassovoy Icomissil shakhty imeni Illicha, Luganakoy-oblastl (for Serobaba). 2. Zamestitell predsedatelya prezidiuMi postoyanno deystvuyushchego -proizvodstvennogo soveshchaniya shakhty imeni nrichap Luganskoy oblasti (for Payrachnyy). 3. Zamestitely predsedatelya shakhtnogo komiteta., shaKlity imeni Illeha, Luganskoy oblasti (for Pauperav). 4. Predsedatoll.zhilishchno-bytovoy komigaii ohakhty imeni Ilticha, Lugan3koy oblAsti (for Shcherbiy). 5. Sekretart partiynoy organ- izatsii shakhty imeni Illicha Luganskoy oblasii (for Klimov). (Coal miners) (Trade unions) AFANASENKO, Vasiliy Ivanovich;,SEROBABA, Vasiliy Fedorovich; FOTIYEV, M.M., nauchnyy red.; PRGKOFIYEV p L.G., red.; NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [On the job training of electriciabs in the maintenance of automatic control equipment and general stationary instal- lations in mines] Proizvodstvennoe obuchenie elektroslesarei po obsluzhivaniiu obshcheshakhtnykh statsionarnykh ustanovok i sredstv avtomatizatsii; metodicheskoe posobie. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 87 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Mining machinery--Maintenanc4 and repair) SERCFABIV, F. K. RA 65191 USSR/Petroleum Industry NkLy 1948 Gas, Natural "The Struggle With Hydrates During Exploitation of Gas Wells in the Grozneft Fields," P. K. Serobabin, 1 p "Neft Khoz" Vol 1M. No 5 Two diagrms show the layout of gas-vell equipment and heater vith the operaticn explained in the text. Lo 65T91 AID P - 494 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 8/27 Author Serobabin, P. Title Prevention of oil and gas losses In oil fields Periodical Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #6,. 32 - 34, Ju 1954 Abstract The author outlines two preventive measures for elimina- tion of oil and gas losses by means of a hermetically tight enclosure. One measure is related to separation of gas from oil in a trap under vacuum. The other calls for the use of traps on the same high pressure line for oil and gas. Institution : None Submitted : No date . I zkLL~,-IjIuv, rednktor; BABIGHO~, V.V.. tek1w.1cheskiy redaktor (ifermetic sealing on oil fields during the production of oil and gas] Germetizataiia na neftepromyslakh pri dobyche nefti i gaza. Groznyi. GrozaenBkoe 'xnizhnoe izd-vo, 1956. 47 P- (IfIAA 10:10) (Potroleum engineering) SEROBABIN, R. Control of petroleum and gas losses at the field. Neft.khoz. 32 no.6: 32-34 Je '54. (KLRA 7:6) (Petroleum engineering) KUPAIYA-T.W.A., Z.V.; HCrTSHTEYN, A.G., kand. ekonom. nauk; STOE.AK11I1%, V.I. Prinirali uchastiye: MELINIKOVA, T.A., inzh.; S&ROBABOVA RI,. -- I Vir 11 inzh.; ECGD1A,S.L., red. izd-va; I(RI'ATIYEV, V. ., tekhn. red. [Planning labor productivity in construction] Planirovanie pro- izvoditellnosti truda v stroitel'stve; nauchnoe soobshchenie. Yoskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit., i stroit. mate- rialam., 1961. 75 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Tlauclmo-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki stroitel'stva Akademii stroitel'stva. i arkhitek-tury SSSR (for Rotshteyn, Kuvriyanove,Meltnikova, Serobabqva). 2. Naucbno-issledovatelf- skiy ekonomicheskiy institut Gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo soveta SSSR (for Stomakhin). (Constniction industry--Labor productivity) Cl".f SrSOBABOV.P., Sanitary evaluation and protection of well water in Krnanoder [with sumnsry in English]. Gig. i san. 22 no.12:20-26 D '57 (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz Krnsnodnrakoy krayevoy i3anitarno-eDidemiologicheekoy stantaii. 2. Gnsudarstvennyy annitnrnyy ins-pektor. (WATYM SUPPLY in Rusola, annitAry evnluntlon & nrotection of nrtesiAn wnter (Rua) SEROBABOVA , Ye. A. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Sanitarf-hygienic evaluation of the subterranean waters of the city of Krasnodar as sources of water supply." Mos, 1959. 16 pp (Acad Med Sci USSR), 210 copies (KL, 50-59, 129) -67- E" V."i , C , N" . p Vjir;- I. bi - i u~, ~.,~. I 'k I, r, a i In 1 .7 ~.U, RA 901'4; ,.. Yz . Al :~ar- i ti r y c -~nsE rva 1,i .-,ii :~nj thE -ntil i ty (~ i' I i ters in sr-me regions of tl-ie ;-,c-.,i llipas t .-.i' ',-e F."". F.-". ". trill."r t%'-, , -6:;; ~Kigi nc.27~91-..")5 I p , ..- . ;--. -- SEROBOT3, I.A. Fraips for bort- chairs made of pressed veneer and for parts -ade of solid wood. Der.Drom. 7 no.12:22 D '58. (MI-RA 11:12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellakly institut mekhanichaskoy nbrabntkl drevesiny. (chairs) SEROBO:B, I.A. Mordant dyes for wood finishing. Der. prom. 8 no.111.22 11 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Wood finishing) (Stains and staining) SEIROBOIT3, . I.A. Refining of planed veneer. Der. prom. 10 no.8:17 Ag 161. (veneers and veneering) (MIRA 14:8) SEROBOB, I.A. Single span hydraulic press. Der.prom. 11 no.12:25 D 162. (YaRA 16-1) (Hydraulic presses) (Furniture industry-Equipment and supplies) SEF'orli-YE, VIRNIK, D.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ARTF14:)VA, N.N., mladshiy" nauchnyy sotrudnik; RADKEVICH, D.P., mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; SWqg~KLN~,_Y.P., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KM ,AWTSOV, V.P., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TRUDOLYUBOVA, G.B., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SPIRIN, Ya.T., starshiy inzh. Development of a new technology and mechanized continuous production line for the manufacture of edible gelatin from collagen-containing pigskins. Trudy VNIIMP ho.13: 84-94 163. (MIRA 17:5) -65- E71A(h)/E P z L'3-9r-59 'elA(C)/EIVT(I)/E,qT(m)/EWP(b)/T/EW (t). P 4/Peb IJP(c) _7At7J_D 4ACCESSION VR: AT5000960 30 P/25i6/64/066/6 OT 1AUMOR: Seroczynska-Wojas, B .04 --------------- ~!TITLE: New method of estimating the JAf etime and diffusion path of minority -IN Fearriers in thin germanium filamonts/ 0 SOURCE: Warsaw. Politechnika. Zeszyt;y naukowe, no. 8op 1964. Hiektryka, no* 30J# 4 - ,TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor minority carrier Sim -minority carrier lifetime., lifetime estimation method, minority carrier diffusion-, ipeth, germanium filament, light spot, Valdes method ABSTRACT: A methodce estimating the lifetime of minority carriers injected into -semiconductors is described. The method is based on measuring the mean length of 'the diffusion path of the carriers with the aid of a light, spot.vhich moves a: ',along'the lateral surface of a thin rectangular semiconductor filament made of geTust"i ura single crystal.. The diffusion path. is calculated from the measuremeutb of a certain component of noise power appearing in the semiconductor filament., whose length depends on the x distance of the light spot from one of the Semple is:,,, i:Card 1/2 U L 39659-65 .:ACCESSION RR: AT5000960 contacts. This component is found vith the aid of a resonance'eircuit and a a lo' tive amplifier. The measuring apparatus used-to obtain the noise-power character- istics as a function of hdle-source-diGtance from the . sample s contact is described in detail. The mean path and lifetime of the carriers is calculated from the noise-:.:~,;~,~ :power characteristics. The measurement error.of x distance amounts to 10% but :be reduced to 0.2%, making it- sible to take measurements at every x a 0. Poe ~05, M, band to obtain a lov measured lifetime of about 1 "ele, vhich cannot be obtained ;by the Valdes method*' The new method is faster and easier,, A il ince v does not re. :quire the use of either charts or tables of Handek's"functions; however, it requbw samples in the form of thin filaments and is applicable caly to single crystals, 'Orig. art. has 6 formuW and figures*:, ASSOCIATION: Katedre Fi*ki Ogolnej Politechnilm Wars *avska (Depaxbnent- of General Phys ice "B" Warsaw Polytechnic. institute) tv '00 sLqWT=: 30NOV62 EWL: NO M SOV: 000 corm i 066 Card 2 -;~oCl /2 5FROCZYNSKA, Dozena; WOJAS, Jozef Physical and technical principles of the surgical applica~tion of high frequency waves. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.1;87-101 Ja '64. L3r.Y ~~b-b I I 'Fk c) AT Arr AP6U07877 SOURCE GODEt PO/0047/66/017/001/0029/0041 AUMORi Seroazynaka-Wojaa; Dozens. ORG: Department of General Physics I'D" Warsaw Polytechnica.1 Institute Katedra Fizyki Ogolnej "B" Politechniki Warazawakiej) TITLE. Review of the physical properties of some new semiconductors of groups III-IV SOURCE: Postepy fizyki, v. 17, no.1, 1966p 29-41 TOPIC TAGSs semiconducting 'material, semiconductor device, semi.onductor single crystal ABSTRACTs This pedagogical articlep compiled from data drawn from scientific periodicals and several monographs, reviews and compares the physical properties of the so-called (sic) new materials. These compounds of the elements of the 111 and IV groups constitute the most nwnerous group among the new semiconductor materials. The three main trends in the development of semiconductors are defined, nnd the method of preparation and the properties of the semiconductors of these groups are discussed. "The author expresses his sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Szczeniowski for reading the manuscript and for valuable advice." Orig. art. has 3 figures, 4 formulas and 4 tables. SUB CODE:_, 09,20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0021 SOV REFt 002,1 OTH REF: 034 Q a -1-d 6- USSR / Human and Animal Morptiology (Norr- 1 and Pathological). S Nervous System. Peripheral Nervous Syatem. Abs jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 9, _7958, No. 40798 Init 3'aiwxka~4"~,fff~al Institute Title Eistomorrhology of the Graglia of the Solar Plexus in bp-n ard Animals Urder Normal Conditions arA in Thermal Burns of the Skin. Co=unication 2 Orig Pub Nauchn. tr. Samarkardsk. med. in-t, 1956, 12, 2Q5-208 Abstract The ganglia of the solar plexus of 12 men dying from thezmal burn:3 crf the skin and of 10 dogs whose 1/3 - 2/3 of the aktn surface was burned arA which were killed within 2 - 3 days. were studied histologically by the method of BillshovRkiy-Groes vit'i the modification of lavrent?ye,.-. fi series of manifestatiorA of degenerative brealciown of nervous cells involving the neuroplasm and Card 1/2 ussr, / ii,=P~n runi inimal Ynrphology (Nornal arA Pathological). S Nervous System. Peripheral Nervous System. Abs Jolx Ref Zhur - Biologiya, Nr) 9, !956, No. 4r)-(98 nucleus -,ras demonstrated. A complete breakdown of a laa7ge niuther of myelinic and anyelinic nerve fibers was or3erved in many lWo-ppraticrs. P-11 nervous elements including the sernory endings undergo ctPxggs in thermal b 1.Lr n-s Card 2,12 43 S-7'qODZ:IEV, T. S.f Cand ,.*ed Sci "Histo]~~~ morpholoz7ical o.f L.--e solar plexus iri m"n and anliLals ULM4L-r normga jq-9ii4=1:~o and In cutaneous tnermal burns." Frunze, 1961. r (Kir;-,iz St..tte Eed Inst) (K.L, B-61, 264) - 519 - SERIOGINAVO.P. [Serlohiria, O.M.1 New manuals on farm mechanization. Mekh. sill. hosp. 12 no. 500-31 my 161. OMA 14- 5) 1. Zaveduyushchaya bibliograficheskim otdelom Gosudarstvennoy nauchnoteklinicheskoy biblioteki. (Farm mechanization) 8968o S/017/60/000/006/001/001 7-1) 0 D053/11113 AUTHOR: Serogodskiy, A., Captain TITLE: Naval radar means PERIGDI~-!~L: ~ioyennyye znaniya, no. 06, 196c, 15-16 T~~A'T; 11cfore outlining eight ship radar units, the author credits A.S. Popov with the initial discovery of radar in 1897, emphasizes its appre- ciable development during World War II, and then describes the principle of any radar system by which distant objects can be "seen" even at night and in rain and foC. The operating parts of a radar sy-tem are explained by way of a simplified bloci diagram as shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a transmitter (1), directional antenna (2), antenna switch (3), receiver (4), indicator (5), power supply (6), and pulse generator (7). The transmitter (1) generates pulses of short duratiori which are emitted by the directional antenna (2) which is"switched from transmission to reception by the antenna switch (3). The reflected pulses are picked up and directed to the receiver (4), amplified, and displayed on the screen of an electron-ray tube in the indicator (5). Fig. 2 shows the basic Darts of an electron-ray tube: cathode Car&_:__V6_ Naval radar m,-~ans 8968o D055/DI13 f] k ), anodes (2), vertical deflection plates (3), and horizontal deflection plates Modern warships are equipped with powerful radar units. The purpose of these units is the scanning, detecting and continuous tracking of the tarm~t, fixing, the tar:,-P-t coordinates for naval artillery fire-con- trol, homing shipborne fiE7htt~rs against, enemy bombers, and the identifying of aircraft or ships. Usually, a number of these units is installed on ships for difforent assignments. In designing naval radar units, special condi- tions such as rolling and vibration of the ship, and increased humidity have to be considered. The following types of ship radar units are described: 1. Air tar[ret warning radar. It is installed on large ships and radar picket submarines. The unit scans the entire air space and det.---rmines the range and anrle of the target. It can detect high-flying targets at a range of up to 50C km, 2. 7iarning radar aEainst low-fl--,ing aircraft and surface targ,2ts. It is installed on all shins and submarines. The scanning is obtained by i'he continuous rotation of the antenna units. The range depends on the heiLrhtl of the an'cnna and reaches up to 30 km. These units can be also used to keep the necessary distance between vessels e.g. when they enter a harbor. 3. Ship artillery fire-control radar against surface targets. It is mounted on ships with rocket artillery and torpedo armament. The unit obtains the target indi- Card---2/Zl< 8968o Naval radar means S/017/60/000/000'/001/001 D053/Dll3 cations from the surface target radar. Its range should exceed the range of the ship artillery. 4- Ship artillery fire-control radaragainst air- borne targets. The unit determines precisely the angle and range of the air target and transmits the target coordinates to the fire-control system. It can be also used for fire control against surface targets. 5. Aircraft- interceut radar to guide shipborne fighters to enemy aircraft. This unit is installed on large vessels, has !:. large effective range, and very accu- rately determines the bearing, range and altitude of enemy aircraft and own fighters. 6. Torpedo fire-control radar. It is installed on ships with torpedo armament. In most cases, it is a multi-target unit. Its effective range is relatively small and depends on the class of ship on which it is mounted and on the torpedo firing range. 7. Recognition radar. It serves for identifying ships or aircraft. The recognition equipment consists of an interror,ator and a responder. The interrogators are installed on all ships equipped with air and surface target detection radar, while the rc-sponders are installed on all aircraft, ships, and some auxiliary vessels. For iden- tification, the responder automatically transmits a coded signal when the in- vestigator is switched on. 8. Navigational radar. It permits safe naviga- tion during ni,--ht-time, -Po,-, --,no-.,.-C,-M, etuc. 7nemy radar operations can be Ca3? 8968o Naval radar means S/017/60/000/006/001/001 D053/D113 overcome by jamming stations installed on ships or coastal stations, metal strips dropped from aircraft, special triangular reflectors, and protective coatings used mostly for submarine protection. In his final statemento the author merely states that ship radar is handled by radar operators, organized in special subdivisions, and that the data obtained with the use of radar means are processed in special battle information posts. A vignette (Fig. 3) before the title shows an American picket submarine. There are 3 figures. Ca�d-2T-/'6-- GOLDAYEV, I.P.; POLEVICHEK, Ye.P.; POPOV, N.N.; MOTORIMIKO, A.P.; SIFROGODSKIY, f'1 V Thermal drilling of frozen grounds. Biul. tekh. ekon. inform. no.9:9-11 '59. (MMA 13--3) (Boring--Cold weather operation) GOLDI.Mf, I.P., kand.tF)kbn.nauk: POLLTICIM, Ye.P., inz~.; POPOV, N.N., inzh.; ICTORIMITKO, A.P.. inzh.; S-MOGODSKIY, A.V., inzh. Using reaction burners in working frozen ground. Mekh.stroi. 16 no.11:21-23 11 159. (14IRk 13:5) (Bartbrioving machinery-Cold weather operation) GOLDAIEV, Ivan Prokhorovich; PCLEVICHEK, Yevgeniy Pavlovich; POPOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; MOTORNEENKO, Aleksey Petrovich; SEROGODSKIT, Al'bert Viktorovich; TAMiONTOV, A.D..; SKOLD`.n.W , A.Te., red.izd-va; LOKILINA, L.N.,; TAR, S.Ta., [Using thermal methods in working frozen ground] Razrabotka mgrzlykh gruatov termicheskim sposobom. Moskva, Gas.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po -ornomu delu, 1960. 46 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Frozen ground) (Borina) GOLDAYEV, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; POLE-VICHEK, Ye.P.., kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV) N.N., kand.telkhn.nauk; SEROGODSKIY, A.V., inzh. Double cascade air-operated flame drill for rock drilling without the use of oxygen. Sbakht.stroi. 6 no.11:4-6 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. KharIkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. (Rock drills) P/532/61/000/013/004/005 D237/D.308 AUTHOR: ster of Engineering TITLE: lin electric flow meter for measuring the fuel flow in an aircraft SOURCE: Warsavy. Instytut Lotuictvia. Prace. no. 13, 19611 30-34 T T.- A sinple flow meter is described, which is indepen- dent of the aircraft'.s electric supply. It consists of a turbine with a perspax rotor, to which a permanent 3 pole-pair magnet'Is attached. Fuel flow rotates the turbine and the magnet generates an erti-- in an induction coil. The resulting current is rectified and a-Ldc metcr'is used to obtain readings. Formulas -are derived for the emf across the induction coil, retarding moments acting on the.turbine angle of the turbine blides, the time of response (98,,j nonAnal) of the turbine and for the thermal compensation of the rectifier. The prototype which was made and tested at the 1-nstytut Lotnictwa Uviation Institute) over the range of Reynold's.:' Card 1/2 P/532/61/000/013/004/005 An -electric flow meter ... D237/0308 'no's Re . 1300 - 15000, and under the working conditions the error was f ound to be 3 "ij n, ax. at + 200, rising to 5% mwc. at + 500C. There are 8 figures. SUBMITTED: April, 1960 Card 2/2 11/532 /62/000/016/1003/003 D237/D308 Seroka, Janusz, Master of Engineering THOR: TITLE: Design and development of aircraft integrating f 101.7- meters SOURCE:` Warsaw. Instytut Lotnictwa. Prace. no 16, 1962, 31-36 TT T: 1%-io types of integrating f lowmeters are designed for; fuel in aircraft: a) shoi-ring the amount of:fuel consumed or b) show-' Ing the actual -fuel available. Three prototypes are discussed. 1) Type EPS-1 consists of three basic units: measuring element, trans- mitter and indicator. Details of construction are given. The mea- suring range of this prototype is 600-1200 1/hr. TKe errors in mea-.,-:. surement caused by variations in ambient temperature and anode volt.~.; age are given on a graph. 2) Type M?S-lA consists of four units: measuring element, amplifier, transmitter and indicator. Details of: construction of each unit are give-n. The range of this meter is 400-1100 1/hr. Neither anode voltage fluctuations within the limits Card 1/2 P/532/62/000/016/003/003 Desian and development D237/D308 270-350 v nor a variation of ambient temperature between -60 and +.500c had any appreciable effect on the accuracy of the instrument. ,L graph showing measuring errors in given. .3)Type M--)S-2 consists of three units Whosc construction details are criven. Its measuring- ra is 200-2500 1/hr. The measuring error of 'Lour prototypes is nge illustrated graphically. There are,9 figures. SUB1,11LITTED: February, 1962 Card 2/2