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Determination of the Duration of the Adsorption SOV/153-2.-."-8/29 Process for the First Range of the Langmu-ir Isotherm is good. In the second example the data necessary for the computation were takGn from papers by Kharin and Protasova (Ref 6). There are 4 figuros, 2 tables, and 6 referencesp 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko--tekhno1og~.cheskJ_y institut imeni D. 1. Mendeleyeva - Kafedra protsessov _J apparatov (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D.~I.~Ylendeleyev Chair of-Processes and ADparatus) SUBMITTED: March 27,, 1958 Card 2/2 Plottin- vapDr adsorption iso0crmis from t.Ye vapJr ad5urption "Ilerms -ii' a E-t~mdard Eu"-slance under the theory of potenitial. Iz-;_- kh4m.tekh. 4 no.4: ' '_-519 '(1 - OIL 1r." ) 3 'r, Lt;i , - -1 institut imeni Fie n6 C-11 e"ella, Moskovskiv kI7iTriko-tpkhnoI-)Cicheskj~r 17 ~afedrn nrotseszov i api~aratov, ZAdForption) (Water vaFor) (Fotential, Theory of) the l3r, .136 Szi, 10i"(!W., Ye.1" Ad3orption processes in a fluidized bed. Trudy !'I'UTTI no.33:13?- 14,.;; 161, (MIRA -14:10) (Fluidazation) (Adsorption),- SERP10170VA, Ye.N. Principlea of calculation of the process of adsorption separation of mixtures in the vapor phase. izv.vysucheb. zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.3:491-495 t62. 04TIRA 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy khirniko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva, kafedra, protoessov i apparatov. (Adsorption) (Distillation, Fractional) 3ERPIONOVAI, Ye.N. Approximate method of calculating the process of adsorption separation of binary mixtures in the vapor phase. Izv.vya.uch. zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.4:653-658 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva, kafedra protsessov i apparatov. (Ad*orption) SERPIONOVA, Ye.N. Orientati:n method of calculating the adsorption separa4.*on of a vapor m'xture into two fractions. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khira.i khim.tekh. 6 no. 4:668-674 163. (NDU 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. Mendeleyeva. Ka- Podra protsessov i apparatov. Y- 11. __ - - J_ ~ Deteyninln~, -.he value of !,.e mass transfer coe~'ic~ent in the ,-,roce-.-~ of nerio,,ical ads-or-n-,ion. T--ildy 412'ETI - - i - no.0i: 1--,1-155 163. ('-:IRA 18: 12 ) SERPIONOVA., Ye.N. CalcuLlation of the procegs of adsorption separation of a binary vapor mixture with the drawing off of intermediate fractions along the height of the column. Izv.vyB.ucheb.zav.;khim.1 khim.tekh. 6 no-5:856-860 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. 14oskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy-institut imeni Mendeleyeva, kafedra protsessov i apparatov. -SERPIONOVA, Ye.N. Method of approximation for calculating the adsorption separation of a multicomponent vapor mixture with sampling of intermediate fractions. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 7 no.6:1010-1014 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva, kafedra protsessov i apparatov. T 06 RH the ra- Lip SERPKOVAY V. All-Union seminar of volunteer-reporters of the State Publication House for Literature on Construction and Architecture. Zhil. stroi. no.8:29-30 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. SpetsialInyy korrespondent zhurnala 12hilishchnoye stroitell- stvo." I-- -SERPKOVA, V. Improving large-pamel construction in Pervoura.1'sk. NTO 3 no. 1:59 Ja 161. (.KM 14:21) (Pervourallsk-Buildings, Prefabricated) tc- P 0 V'- z- AID P - 2584 Subject : USSR/Hydraulic Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 7/20 Author Serpokryl, I. S., Eng. Title Friability of rock foundations under water Periodical Gidr stroi, 4, 22-24, Ap 1955 Abstract Drilling methods used to loosen up the river or reservoir beds in order to increase their depths are described. Drillings were performed from the lee In winter and from a pontoon in summer, and explosives were used to speed the excavations. Two diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date SERPOKRYL, I.S., inzhener; PASIRCHNIK, V.V. r a e 'Nikh.trud.rab.10 Ripping r6~6 soi s infi4ustr M areas. (MIRA 10:1) no.11:30-31 N '56-. (Blasting) (Boring) MATEVSKIY, G.A.; MITASOV, Yn.T.; SI=KRYL, I.S. Reinforced conerete anchor bolting in swelling gromidn. U1,01, Ukr- 3 no.12:31-33 D '59. (IIIIIA 13:10 (' Basin--Mine roof bolting) SERPOKRYL LS. inzh. ------ L. ---j; Use of machines with diesel en.vines in crosscutting. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.2.23~-21, F 763. (MIRA .16:3) 1. Trest Tadzhikgidroatroy. (Diesel engines--~afety appliances) (Mining machinery) MITASOV, Yevgeniy Ti-mofeyevich; SERPGKRYL, Ivan Stefanovich; CHERNEGCVA, E.N., red. izd-va; LAVRENTIYEVA, L.G., tekhn. red.; SABITOV, A., tekhn, red. [Modern technology of development mining] Sovremennaia tekhnologiia provedenila podgotovitellnykh vyrabotok. Mo- skva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 160 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Mining engineering) SERPOKRYL, N.V. Objective indicators characterizing the process of reading in persons with eye diseases. Trudy LIETIN no.13:222-240 164- (~Fllk 18:12) SEMKRYL, N.V., Changes in the eye in hypertension in elderly and senile persons. Trudy LIETIN no.41166-173 160. (MIRA 16:2) (GERIATRICS) (EYE-DISKASES AND DEFECTS) (HYPERTENSION) SERFOKUM, Nina-Usillyevna; AVERBAKH Fanni Abramovna; OSSTROVSKAYA, 1,'ariya Naumovna; TRETIIYAKOV , A.F., red.; TIKHOI-',IROV, A.Ye., red. ['e-'ethodological fundamentals of medical expertise on the capacity for work in diseases of the visual organ; manual for ophthalmolegists of therapeutic institutions and Mwedical Expert Commissions on Working Ability, and teachers of medical institutes] Metodicheskie osnovy vrachebno- trudovoi ekspertizy pri zabolevaniiakh organa. zreniia; po- sobie dlia oftallmologov lechebnykh uchrezhdenii i VTEK) prepodavatelei meditsinskikh institutov. Pod red. A.F. Tretliakova. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 129 p. (KIRA 17:6) ft SJIAl,,YGJj'IA, L,L; K~',O~kiUVA, A,B.~ '.,'AKOVLE-V V.~.; I I GRE.EVICH, N.N.; YU-1-IIINA, A,F.; SEMIMNKO, II.P.; STOLYL-M, A.I.; i'1JRSOVA, T.A.; KOZLOV, !.D., red.; SERPOKRYL, red. [Leningrad and Leningrad Province in figures; a sTatisti- cal abstracLIJ Leningrad i Leningradskaia oblast' v tsifrakh; s1tDrnik. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1904. 250 p. (MIRA 18%1) 1. LenizigL-ad (Province) Statisticheskoye r,-nlastnoye upravle- -ive. ". Statisticheskoye upravleniye goroda Leningrada (for ijigler, Sharygina, Kaspa-y-ova, Yakoviev, Grinevich., Yudina). 3. Statisticheskoye upravleniye Leningradskoy obaasti (for Semichenko, Stolyarov, Fursova). 4. Nachallnik Statistiche- skogo upravleniya gorod., Leningrada, (for Kozlov). 0 7 ".) 3E 11 111) VA Yclleylq Yakovlevna; SERFOKRYL,.~q,~~, d ~ 7 ._.--.'_'__ -1-1 T e. [A rpotor ship nails the Volga-Baltic Sea W.1iterwayll Teplokhod idet po Volgo-Baltu. Leningrad, Lenizdat 1965. 136 p. (MIRA 19-~1) V.I.; VASSELI, I.P.; ZTYEV, B.V.; 1110R, E.M., SWODYL, , red. ------- [Get acquainted with Vyborg; a guidebook] Znakomltes' - Vyborg. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1965. 126 p. (MIRA 18.12) ::41~# * 0 0 9 0 0 *so@ 0 *-W-W 1 2 1 4 $ 4 1 1 0 10 11 Tj 11 m 0 U Q 10 0 a A A_r g r r I 1.1 a f--Q-JL-I- T U 1. - ~. 'k, ... ;~ L ------- _1!t~ ---- --- a** Mcillod of Restoring the WobMen of Cast Irm non, 1. 1). Kulems, A. I. Serpok lov, anj V. S. Arisf,,~. _yy_ 17 Welding, v. 15. '.tn6- 1547 Abstract d t ' e vm, A Wevennae Dela, no. 10, 1~ 45. 5larhinable gray cast Iron was ileposited usinif cast electrodes, the composition of which In given, Also descrit wx mechanical set-up. :1 L L AatIALLURGKAL LITINATURf CLAWFKATIGO' am* oat U S It x a ; ; ; ; ; 0 9~6 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00O.-OO00000000*0000000*0040000foooesooooooooo 94- A L S 11 ftj 0 of a I Is a 2 A 0 3 K. COO "09 USSR/Engineering -a Welding, Aug 51 Materials "Electrodes for Building Up Cutting Tools and Machine Parts by Welding," A. I. Ser- polcrylov, D. Ya. Sobantsev, F. I. Bukin, N. F. VarikEngineers "Avtogen Delo" No 8, pp 22,23 Discusses prepr of components and methods for fabrication of heavy-coated metal electrodes and sintered-type electrodes. Materials for latter include wastes of pobedite, vokar, high-speed steel and its 200T55 USSR/Engineering - Welding, Materials Aug 51 (Contd) substitutes) ferrOallOYB, hypereutectoid carbon steel, chilled cast-iron chips, metallic cobalt, nickel and graphite. Manganese, silicon and titanium serve as binders for sintering elec- trodes. 20OT55 CM th-5, I ., ~POVJT P. T.- Mftsb~r Tcich (Ollss) -- ton of errors in ' rj'n c, I n - Pro"ect-lon rmthnd of layliv, out flio cintAilF! of it shlplr hiM.". Lanirp-rad, 1959. I(S -0-D (LenlwraO c1ii-pbuildina Tnst), 1,90 c(.)T)ir,.s (ET,, 17o 19, 1-090- '1171 - I SERPOV, B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk-, ZEFIROV, IN, inzh. Photographic projection apparatuses for the marking-off of ship hull plate material. Sudostroenie 28 no.2:61-63 F '62. (MIRA 1-5-'3) (Lantern projection) (Shipbuilding--Equipment and supplies) SERPOV, Boris Ivanovich; BARASHKOV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; BYYdWIOVA, Etol a ollyevna; 2MROV, Igort Vasillyevich; HOSHCHIN, Valentin Alekseyevich; IFESTEROV, P.A., -inzh., retsenzent; SHAKHOV, A.I.,, inzh., retsenzent; DOBFOLE2!SKJY, V.P., nauchnyy red.; %IOLEV, B.V... red.; KOROVENKO, Yu.N., tekhn. red. [Laying of a ship bull from scale drawings]Razmetka pri masrh- tabnoi razbivke korpusa. [By)B.I.Serpov i dr. Leningrad, Sud~rorrqiz, 1962. 323 p. (MIRA 15:7) Laying off (Shipbuilding)) (Photomechanical processes) a _71 NJ UI Nig ~p 0 . W. Giiard AUTHORS: RazOlk.2-D., Yevioximeako, A.I., Zaberez:,nyy, I.I., ~herman, B.P...Kudrin, A.U., Serpoy, V.I., Petrov, L.F. TITLE: short smaitine, or Slnt~.ed Oxidized Nickel Orea Wi-.-- Hot Blast PERIODICAL: Tsvotanya =etally, 1959, Nr 7, pp 30-36 (USSR) C-"- ABSTRACT: TAG !Be of hot blast In shaft smelting In to=-Varrc~:j metallurgy Is comparatively recent. The authors 4ei-r--be Production orneriments made by the korbinat (co=bIzel Yuzhuralhikel~ together with Gintovatmot and Glpro--I-kell . Aside frow the authors the rOI10-ing participattd In the work. From Yuzburdlnikell: S. Yo. Lyu=kis, U.g. Zolkiza. A.G. Uabakov' V.T. Gritskova, U.D. Shaymukhambetov, N.V. Sukhin, I.S. Yiryago, 7.1. u.---nikov; from Gintavotmet: A.S Buntovnikov, U.S. Xruglyakora, Yu. N. Skvortsov, L.I: Yeydoki--Oya; ::-= Giproalkall: N.P. Malyk, Ye. M. SL=nov, U.N. Sialkj, A.N. Darevain. The furnqca used bad a cross B.CtiQ- the tuyor* zone of 7.2 m- and a width or 2=; stock Card 1/3 height was 8 m and the alit tuyeres dipped at 150. Blast boating was provided by . spoOthIly dft3iga-l ztl- fired heater. Suitable instrumentation was Provided. The 0rperiments ware conducted &3 durind a previous laresti- .Atiou(Rof 4) on the 5=0 rurnACO; A Parallel investi- gatian of stock Processes was carried out (Ref t). Bloat temperatures of 190, 300 and 40OOC were used, the '---=act worklug smoothly (rig I shown tat blast-prossure ctartj and without difficulties. Compared with cold-blea. operation on the 0=0 furnace a coke saying of 2%3." wa3 obtained by blast basting to 3COOC: ano.-*ng for t--t v il used in the blast heater the *cO==Y was 15.21,1 by wt-49bt, ll.&~ If the difference In calorific valuO Or Oil 4-14 coke is taken into account. rig 2 shoos that top gee composition in has t at 3000C. This ta=Porotur. Is a:so close to the optimum for fuel ecorjumY (Fig 3) and zzaltine and coke burning rates (Fig 4). The authors coocl~-'. that the tests have shown that bloat heating should t Introduced Into practice. They recommend that oil- mr ,;fire blast heaters should be designed. &ad tas. the gas d Card 2/3 do lopment of m"thoda for blast hosting using the Lttt contents of 31ses and top aaaas should be accelerated. There are 4 figures. 2 tabloa and 5 references. .4 of which are Soviet and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Gintavotmet (I. D. Ftetadk~ A. 1. yg%%1.jae*ckO, K1-bLMt (B. F. Sh.~, A. X. V. 1. Brpov); Qlp~ikl- (L. X. Pz~ Card 3/3 YXMKIMIRTED. A.I.; ZABER HNYY, I.I.; RAFAIDVIC11, I.M.; RIZNIK, I.D.; Prinimali uchastiye: SELPXLN, B.P.; KUDRIN, A.N.; GALITSKIY, L.M.; SEMV, V.I.; VOROBITIV, V.A.; STEPANOV, A.B.; RODIONOVA, IT.M.; 3umvxi A.S.; TVICKNOTA, L.Ye. Air blast preheating for shaft furnaces. T~vet. met. 33 no.10:12- 20 0 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. GoeudaretvanW institut po tovehym metallam (for Yevaokimenko, Zaberezhny7, Rafalovich, Resnik, 'Rodionova, Buntovnikov, Yevdokimova). 2. Yuzhno-Urallski7 nikelevy7 zavod (for Sherman, Kudrin, Galitskiy, Serpov, Voroblyev, Stepanov). (Air preheaters) (Metallurgical furnaces--Zquipment and supplies) ~., . - r . - ~ - S~ANOUVICH.' N.A.; ShWOVA, K.P. -_ Scientific conference on problems Feder. 2 no.2:43-45 F 158. (LUIRGRAD- -FIRST AID IN in medical first aid. 7,drav.RoB. (MIRA 11:3) ILLIMSS AiD INJURY) SYMPOVA, K.P. Evaluation and quality of diagnosis done by first aid physicians. Zdrav. Rog' Feder. 2 no.8:16-20 Ag '58 (mm 11:9) 1. Iz Leningradekay stantaii skoroy pomoshchi (glnvnyy vrach V.N. Golyakov). I (DIAGNOSIS) (FIRST AID IN ILIKBSS AND IHJ9RT) GULYA KOV, V. 11. -, HOVITSKAYA, K.B.1 SIMPOVA, K.P. Results of the reorganization of the hospiralization. system in Laningrad. Sov.zdrav. 17 no.1:14-17 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) 1. 1z stantsii skoroy meditsinakoy pomoshch.1 (glavnyy vracb V.N. Golyakov) Leningradskogo gorodskogo otdels zdravookhraneniya (Znv. doteent A.Ye.Kiselev) (HOSPITAIS reorgariz. of hosp. in Russia, results (Rus)) 1. (1426S-07 - EWI*I'f r Yj_ _ _pj _~CC i A 013310 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0126/0120 AUTHORS: Fedoseyev, N. ]We; Sokolov, G. I.; MagIn2..A. K.; Orloy, I. To.; Blolchine rue 4~ Morozov, G. V.1 Soloviyeva, Me L.; Serpukhov, D...-. ORG: none /5 TITLEt A device for I bearing junctions. Class 47, No- 1"24 SOURCE: Izobreteaiya, promyahlennyye obraztsy, tovCWe znaki, no. 8, 1966, 120 TOPIC'TAGSt -lubricating oil, lubrication, lubrication technique Id C_ 6'e / 10 6. ABSTRACT: Thio Author Certificfite presents a device for lubricating bearing junctions. The device contains' an oil bath)\and a wick holder with a wick.feeding the oil to a shaft held in the bear!Tip~seeMg. 1).' * To prevent singeing the wio7,c and dropping its remnants into the bearings, a separating'contact el.ement in placed between the shaft and the wick. This element is mad ' antifrietional. heat-resistant material, and contains axial capillary ducts (;ro:v:'o runnir4 . Lani the surface of the contact el9ment at an angle to the shaft a are connected to the ducts and touch the shaft. L 04268-67 *CC NRI Ap6oi331o Fig. 1. 1 - oil bathl 2 - wick holderl 3 - wick; 4 shaft; b*aringl 6 - contaot elosent. Orig. art. hass I figure. SUB QUDEo 13/ BMW DATIo i3jul64 fv ?Z2 -Card SERPUKEIOV, V.I. - General D-rinci-Ples of regional metallogenous analysis. Sov. geol. no.43:27-42 155. (mm 8:9) (Ore deposits) DAIIIL!e,YAIY, Viktor Vasillyevich, akademik; SWUKHOV, prof.. doktor geol.-mineralog.nauk, retsonzent; PRUDENSKIT, G.A., prof., doktor ekon.nauk, retsenzent; VYMNSKIT, A.A., prof., doktor istor.nauk. retsenzent; HAII-MWMV, Ye.A., red.; AIUCEL-IN- GBLI:XATA, H.S., red.izd-va; VATITSHTPYN, Ye.B., [Russian gold; history of its discovery and mining up to the middle of the 19th century] Russkoe zoloto; istoriia otkrytiia i dobychi do serediny XIX v. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 380 PiMIRA 13:3) 1. AN USSR (for Danilevskiy). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Prudenakiy). (Gold mines and mining) --SFJ?PUMfOV, V.I., prof.; TOLSTIKHIN, H.I., red.; ROSSOVA, S.M., red.izd-va; GUREOVA-,--O.A., [course on general geology] Kure obahchei geologii. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 634 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo vysehego i arednego spetsiallnogo obrazoveniya. (Geology--Textbooks) GRUSn--VOYv V.k',~ DOMAREV, V.S., -ITSIKSON, M.I.; KOFMILITSYlq, V.S.; MOKOVSKIY, A.P.-, YLROZENKO, N.K.; NEKHOROSIEV, V.P.; PADALKA, G.L.; 3FlrEN07'.,, A.I., 9-FlPU!aOV, V.I.; TrATARINOV, P.M.; SHATALOV, Ye.T. Grigorii Sergeevich Labazin ', 1898-1963; obituary. Geol.. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.11:125.-126 Mr-Ap 16-1. (MIRA 17:6) ;~ggggw 4 USSR/ Chemistry Physical cherriistry Card 1/1 Pub. 147 - 3-6/35 Authors Tolmachev, V. N., and Serpukhova, L. N. Title Spec tropho t o.-,ietri a investigation of equilibria in aqueous solutions contain- ing ammonium vanadate arid hydrogen peroxide Periodical : Zhur. fiz. khim. 30/1, 134-141, Jan 1956 Abstract ! The equilibriums in solutions containing ammonium vanadate and hydrogen pero;%dde -.,,ere investigated at various pH values. The concentrational equilibriun, constants were calculated.on the basis of spectrophotometric measurcments taken at a temperature of 18 - 200C land ion magnitude of. . 0.01 The results obtained are given in tables and graphs, 'Sixteen references: 8 USSR) 1 Eng., 1 USA and 6 French (1945-1954T.- Tables; graphs. Institution : State University im. A. M. Uorkiy, Kharkov Submitted : May 3, 1955 TOLMIACI~'14. PODOLINAYA, G.N.; SERPUKHOVA, L.N. v Spectrophotometric analysis of the interaction between ions of ferrous oxide and sodium 2-nitroso-l-naphthol-4-sulfonate. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2073-2077 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Ilauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut khimii Kharlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.M. Gorlkogo. (Iron oxides) (Sulfonic acids) (Spectrophotometr7) TOIMACHEV, V.N.; SAMOYLOV, V.P. Studying the structure, stability, and absorption spectra of complexes formed in acetone by cobalt (II) ions with nitrate ions and diantipyrilmethane. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no-9:2078-2084 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1.1fauchno-iseledovatel'skly institut khimii Kharlkovekogo gooudaretvennogo universiteta im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Complax compounds) 10 Ip. Pis z 9 4 1- 5 lio ic 4 V.0 SO V/t 37- 59-1-2 144 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Meta. I urgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 281 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tolmachev, V. N., Serpukhova, L. N. TITLE: Spectrophotornetric Method for Determining Cobalt and Iron With Sodium 2-, 1-, and 4- Nit rosonaphtholsulfonate (Spektrofotometri- cheskiy metod opredeleniya kobal'ta i zheleza pri pomoshchi 2, 1, 4-nitrozonaftolsul'fonata natriya) PERIODICAL- Tr. Koniis- po analit, khimii AN SSSR, 1958, Vol 8(11), pp 115- 124 ABSTRACT: The authors have developed a spectrophotometric method for deter- mining Co and Fe, when both are present, with a nitroso-H salt (D which forms colored complexes with them. Calibration curves are adduced. In practice the analysis is carried out in the following way: Two 5 cc portions of the solution analyzed are taken, and 5) cc of pH 5.6 buffer solution and 5 cc of I solution are added to each, 0.5 cc of water are added to one of the solutions, whereupon it is read colorimetrically at 660 rn~i to determine the Fe concentration; into the other 0.5 cc HC1 (1:1) are added.. whereupon it is read color- Card 1/2 imetrically at 5210 mj.L to determine the concentration of Go. The SO V/137-59- 1-2 14-1 Spectrophotometric Meti-lod for Determining Cobalt and 1-0r, With Sodium (cont. ) error of the determination is 2-4% (relative), K. K~ Card 2/2 T0114ACH-6V, V.N.; LOIRZINA, G.G.; SERFUKHOVAI L24- - Relation between the absorption spectra of complex compounds and their stability in aqueouB solutions."zhur. 27 no.5:584-592 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Complex compounds-Spectra) GRITSAN. D.N.; SHUN, D.S.; LR~PUKH ___ Q Electrolytic deposition of dense lead precipitates from aqueous so,lutions, of nitrate. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.7:152&-Z~2 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut khimii Khartkovakogo gosudarstvennogo universit6ta. (Lead-Plating) (Lead nitrate) I R_Vjoj_6~ EWT(I)/EWP(e)/ZWT(M)/kWP(k)/SED-2/EWP(b)/LW(t) 10(c) JD I.CCESSION M: AP5001590 8/0226/64/000/006/0035/0042 AUTHOR: Gritoan, D, Serpukhava, L~ %;.Zh1rav. C.-A.; Leykina.-R. Sh.; Kru... zina, N. 67 Buravley, A. T _j#-YFffe_-m6V4,_ M. M. -Tyutina-, V.- K. ; W Ion TITLE: Electrolytic method for obtaining powder for the manufacture of ferrite@-- SOURCE: Porosbkovaya metallurgiya, no. 6. 1964, 35-42 TOPIC TAGS: nickel zinc ferrite, alectrodeposit.ion, powder metallurgy, ferrite manufacture, hydroxid-,precipitation V IS ABSTRACT: The authors describe their electrolytic method for obtaining a mixture of iron, nickel, and zinc hydroxides with a'.prescribed composition. The method can also be used to obtain a mixture of hydroxides completely fiee of extraneous metal ions and therefore not requiring special washing. : By subsequent heat treat- ment, a mixture of oxides of a given composition can be obtained from the hydroxide- mixture for the manufacture of.nickel-zine ferrites. This electrolytic method of obtaining nickel-zinc ferrite powders is'based on the joint anodic solution of iron, nickel, and zinc in the electrolytic cell and simultaneous precipitation of the ions as hydroxides by the hydroxyl ions generated at'the cathode. To elicit Card 1/2 L 23503-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001590 the possibility of controlling the compodition of the hydroxide mixtures,the authors studied the kinetics of the electrodleposition of,thq hydroxide of each metal separate;tyi the completeness of their deposition, and the conditions under which the poorly soluble compounds would not bedeposited on the electrodes and would not passivate them. The experiments were conducted at 20 and 90C. Elec- trolysis was carried out in a glass vessel; the anode wai a plate made of the test metal and the cathode was a plate of stainless steel or.other metal# Aqueous go-' lutions of various salts and acids were used as the clectrolyte,~the nost suitable being diluted solutions of NACI, KCl,, cr HClo The HCI solutions made it possible to obtain very pure hydroxide mixtures that did not require washing. Orig. art, has: I table and 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosuniversitat im.-A, M. Gor1kogo Qqqq~11?v state un- ivers SWITTTED: 25Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M4,TC NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER:. 000 Card 2/2 GRITSt~N~ D.N, -, SERI UKHC7A, L.N.! ZF IROV~ G.A.; LFfKINA, R.Sh.; MIUZ~MA, I I BITE A .-' . *--. ; YE'FRE!-V',V A, M. M. ; TYMN A, V K. ; SH I LO'i A ~ S . F, Electrolytic method of obtaining powders for the manufacture of ferrites. Porosh. met. 4 no.6:35-42 N-D '64. (MIRA 18:3) 1. i:hqrlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy tiniversitet im. A.M. Gor'kogo. SJaPUKHOVA, Vera Iv ;-~AVLINOVA, Galina Konstantiaovna; GLADKIY, N.P.. "' reddktv'r"-.-"p~ (Plants for house and balcony) Komnatnve i balkonnye rastaniia. [Leningrad] Leningradakoo-gazatno-zhurnallnoe i kn-vo. 1955. 142 p. (House plants) SERPUKHOVA, V.I. Activities of the palinological section of the All-Union Botanical Society in January-May 1956. Bot.zhur. 41 no-10:1569-1570 0 t56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Vsesoy-uznoye Botanicheskoye obshchestvo. (Faloobotany) SERPUKHOVITIN, D.V. Transplantation of animal tumor tissue on developing chick embryos. Trudy AMN SSSR 21 no.4:123-126 '52. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Iz virusologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. L.A.Zillber) TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo onkologtcheskogo institute im. P.A.Gertsens (dir. chlen-korr. AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Savitskiy) (NEOPLASMS, experimental. transpl. to chick embryo) (EMBRYO, chick, implantation of tumor tissue) SERPUKHOVITIN,D.V.; MASHBITS, M.G. Method for identiffing Trichomonas in vaginal secretion. Lab. delo 7 no.10331-33 0 161i (miu 14: 10) (TRICHOI-TOITAS) (VAGINA-DISMES) SERPUKHOVITIN, Yu.M. , - - ---I----i; IT)iure into the bronchuB of a hydatid cyst of the liver. Zdravookhranenie 2 no-1:56-57 -Ta-F 159. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Iz khirurgichei3kogo otdeleniya bolinitsy leovskogo rayona (glavnyy vrnch - Yu.M. Ser-nukohovitin). (LIVISR-MVIDS) (BRONCHI-DISMS3S) SEITUDIOVITINP YU.M. Retro.grade invagination of the ceewn. Zdravookhranenie 2 no.4: 53-54 Jl-Ag 159. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz rayonnoy bollnitsy g. LeovQ. (INTESTINES-INTUSSUSGEPTION) (CECUM) SERPUKHOVITINA, S. F. Viticulture - Black Sea Regior. Achievements of the leading viticulturists; Sad.i og. no. 1. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, V-sy- -1952, Uncl. SNITKO, Nikolay Fedorovich kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SERPUKHOVI-MLk., -~;-prafim&-Frolovna, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; STOROMMIKO, Yekaterina Moiseyevna, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GAVRILOV, V.P., red.; KHLOBOMOV, V.I., tekhn. red. [Orchards and vineyards on the farmers' personnal plots]Fri- usadebrWi plodo-rji sad i vinogradnik. 2. izd. ispr. i dop. Krasnodar, Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 159 p. (MITRA 16: 1) (Fruit culture) (Viticulture) 1 61 t: (4 d k I. !;,i. A. . ll*Z ~ it !'V 1i: is iv el, r, %I nr~ t ILP;_pllj Z c 11,11L.Itoi I ~),.) L I t et ang 'vu .1c0 i.r. 1-j Ah sh iLzvrhrN ;Y~- d i i id - ~ c r a if V, 1~51 cl`e Aild ZA Sti~;C-a of Lh,- disaa---c-, are d e s i- iz ci r. 1e, pa-.D-nts trith a~rttrlnppi~t~!ies (Payr-sud, B-,j7,gaz;:! A r t t da ta 0`~acr of PNP, ;11';~, PP. V41aw~~ns C Ai;A 8 t! y vel:fo, Itudy i:%:. !- - -6 - -Alrcur cm ac"I'A'so! 30 W.1 L F E: 4 11 ti Z'8 G -t :! I ta c -I i~, rk 6 ~SLVd~j :-ad be 1 b a -- e dc. c a c h jE= L a a-,ve n r: Z, .Six abo-,t 6,, rofi-rulicest 2 .,Xech Wfun'-~m BULGARIA ~ERTEV, Mincho. Dr, Senior Veterinarian (starshi veterinaren lek.1r,) [Affiliation not given.) "New Method for Sterilizing Rams for Use as Teasers in Artificial Insemination of Sheep.1t Sofia, Veter-inarna Sbirka, Vol 60, No 6, 1963; pp 17-18. Abstract: Complete absence of rams apparently results in severe disturbances of sexual cycle in sheep, while their presence results in uncontrolled pregnancies; author describes simple technic of closed vasectomy involving injection of melted paraffin into vas; excellent results, complete disappearance of motile spermatozoa and no complications while rams preserve normal libido, keeping sheep in readiness for artificial insemination. SERSTNEV, Evganije, Dr., sef zdravstvene etatistike Methodological and statistical errors in clinical examinations. Med. arh.. Sarajevo 11 no.1:115-W Jan-Fab 57. 1. Centralni. Higijenski zavod u Sarajevu (Direktor: dr. Ants Jamnicki). (STATISTICS, mod.. correction of errors (Ser)) (WRITING. mad., correction of statist. false conclusions (Ser)) DARVAS,A. Reduced sensitivity of Anopheles maculipennis to DDT in certain regions of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Sensitivity of Anopheles to dieldrin and lindane. Higijana,Beogr. 11 no.1:17-22 '59. (ANOPHELES phArmacol.) (DDT pbarmcol.) (DIELDRIN pharmacol.) (BINZENA HXXAGHIORIDA pharmacol.) SERSTM, gvgeriije, d-r qwntitative analysis of epidemiological Problems of tuberculosis in Bosnia and Hercegovina. 'Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no.1:81-94 Ja-7 '159, 1. Centralni Higijenaki zavod.u Sarajeru, direktor: D-r Ante Jamnicki. (TUBIRCUIA)SIS statist.) ARAITICKI, Milos; JAKOD, Caon; S,,.STIILV, E . Recent epideniology studies bn endemic nephorFathies in People;3 Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Med. arh. 15 no-3:99-130 14y-Jc 161. 1. ~~. pidemioloski institut P~edicinskog fakiilteta u Sarajevu (Sef: rof. dr Milos Aranic1d) Onetralri higijenski zavod u Sarajevu rektor: dr Ante Jamnicti). M (KIDI,'!~Y DISLAShS epideTrdol) SERSTNEV, Evgenije, dr. Role of statistics on epidemiological and clinical aspects of malignant neoplasms. Med. ar1r. -Ja-F 162. 1. Republicki zavod za zdravstvenu zastitu (Direktor' dr Ante Jamnicki) (NEOPLASMS statist) - -I_- - ~,~ -, %-.7 I I ( SIRTAKOV, 14. - I . They are leading athletes and efficient workers. From. koop. 12 no.Z: 34 F 158. (KIRA II::l) 1. Predsedatell prezidiuma mezhrayonnogo soveta obahchentya "Spartak.11 Outrogozhek. Toronezhokoy oblasti. (Ostrogozhok-Physical education and training) GOLC)MQZYYI V.; �ERTAKOV, . ~g.Ostrogozhsk, Voronezilskoy obl.); IIEVSKM- _" BERDICIIEVS , F. g.Ufa) Rrom the editor's mail. Mest.prom.i Ithud.pronys. -"I n0.1:38 ja 62. (14IRA 15:2) 1. Direktor Berdyanskogo gorodskogo promyshlennogo kombinata. (Manufactureal SEWAKOV, V.B., inthener; SMIDOVIGH, V.A.. Inzhener. Improved scheme for connecting electrolytic condnneers in automatic control boards of the electromechanical system TaKTI. Blek.eta. 24 no-735) Jl 153. MRA 6:7) (Condensers (Electricity)) (Governors (Steam engine)) AUafOR: Sertakov, V.Be, Engineer* lo4-3-29/45 TITIE: Low-level (boiler) water gauge of the hydrostatic ty 0 pe. (Snizhennyy ukazatell urovnya gidrostaticheskogo tipa) PERIODICAL: "Bilektricheskiye Stantsii" (Power Stations), 1957, Vol.28, No.3, pp. ?? - 79 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Modern drum type higi pressure boilers operated without gauge glasses sbould be pmvided with water level indicators at the control panel. The author has developed such a device which is based on the principle of measuring the difference of pressure between two columns of water. The equipment is described and illustrated by sketches. All high pressure boilers in the Donbass power system have been fitted with these instruments, which have operated very reliably for two years. Thei,-_ are 3 figuzes. AVAILABIE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SEPITAFOV, V.B., inzh. Experinnce in the use of water-lev6l indicatorn with high- zirconium glass. Elek.sta- 31 no-1:7?-?8 Ja 160. (IMU. 13:5 ) (Boilers-Safety appliances) Bn(.:.RL,'./r'arn ;Mi'nals. Cr~ttlc- Q-2 ,'.bs J,-)Lu, R,,f Zhur - Biol., No 19, 1958, No 88070 i'~uthor Futkov K.J, Sertev M. Inot Institute-If-TMptTin-antal Veterinary Medicine. Bulgarian AS Title Cc!rtnin Reflex React- ons of the Sexual f,-- L pparatus of the Cow Ori ~~ Pub izv. In-ta eks-.,erij--i. vet. red., B"la--r. X, 1956, 4, 252-25,5 iibstract A study was Liadc of the effect of a r-eclu'ldcal stimulation of the clitoris on Vie functions off the sexur~l of the cow. In the ex,)crimental group of the animals (73 heads), after 24 hours of observation, ovulation was ob- served 14.4 percent iaore often than in the control group (77 anil-als). The fertility of the experimental cows was 9 percent higher than that of the cows of the control group. Cart! 1/1 DULGUM`~/Farm "mLmla. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17y 1958, 78734. Author Pishev, D.; Prakhov, R .; Georgiyev, G.; Se Inst Title Cervical Forceps and the Appearance of a SiTpurative Excretion after Artificial Insemination of Cows. Orig Pub: Zhivotnov"dstvo i vet. clelo, 1957, 11, No 6, 26-30. Abstract: Insemination of cows without the aid of cervical forceps and a vagina spreader gave the sane per- centage of appearance of macous-suppurative ex- cretions as insenination without forceps but -with the use of vaGin-- spreader. Multiple stran- gulation and retmetIon of the cervix of the uterus by the forceps is not the reason for the Card 1/P 26 ZIVAI:OVIC, Olivera, dr., sanitetski nu-jor; UZELAC, Ozrer., sanitetski puk. doc.; ILIG, Pavle, sanitetski kavetnn, dr.; Sr-TITIq., - - A~7,ica, saritetrki r,.ajo--, dr. Te~.nickli saradn~ci: 141LIC, ~!irjan~d-,,'-jt&-'TIjEVIC, Vida Incidence and phagotypes ot' Staphylococ is pyogeres in- burms and vicinity. Vr3jrosarit. oregl. 21 no.12:76~-770 D'6-/. 1. Flinfl~p. z,-, plestirlm hi-urgiju, Ml~-robiolcsll-,i irstitut, "r")Jrc- medicinska aka&-mija ii P-cgradu. ,~ IPP~C, N. Violation of' roact rer-ulations. 1). 27,;. (CI. !tT. 1 Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1957, Zagreb, Yugoslavia) SO: Month,,y List of Last, ~.uro,cean AccesEions (HA-T.) Lc. vol. b, '.,'o. 1C., Octoter 195)7. Uncl. lex -L -12 no y Maks-mir, v ak i 1 CUI turet3 rile N Pro c -3 f; s .,t D-i-still-e-ri-er. I C- r, 26o A-'IMOVAY Gergina, st. n. sutrudnik, k. kh. n.;, SERTOVA, Zapriana, inzh.; RUSCHFV, Dimitur, dots, k.t.n.; M-INETA, Sve-t1a, �nzh. Determination of uranitun content in vae-ous. solid fuels, and the character of its connection with coal. Tekhnika Bulg 13 no.8:19-21, 29 164. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Scioncos (for Angelova find Sertova). 2. Institute of Industrial Chemistry (for Ruschev and Mineva). SERTSENOVA, K. N. and SITNICHDIKO, IM. G. "Some Problems in Processing Pictures of Mountainous Regions on Stereometers". Sb. stat2y po geodezii. No. 7, PP 3-15, 1954. Applicability of topographic stereometers was photographs of mountainous regions. The required may be attained. (RZhAstr, No. 1, 1956) established in processing accuracy of element orientation SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 SERT,SOV, M.., inzh. Manufacture of caprolactam. Pozh.delo 7 no.8:6 f,g 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Chemical industries--rires and fire prevention) (Azepinone) SERTSOVAY A., kand.filosofskikh nauk; KARPOV, G., kand.filosofskikh nauk Education of new men is the practical objective of the building of commnism. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.5:1+9-54 Mr 162. (=-R.-A -15t2l (Commnist education) (Russia-Amed forces-Political activity) ra f, 1 7 TT C'~ Fo2 kich) '.4a. a wal I Vol Feb. .ont'-ly Lll~-'. o~ L.Iiro;lcln J,C "o. ca SERUGA, Wieslaw, mgr., inz. Investigations on insulating circuits in the electric runners of traction machinery, Przegl elektrotechn 37 no.12:514-515 161. (Electric insulators and insulation) JOWETT, W.G.; SERUGA, W., mgr.,inz. (translator) Iatest achievements in the construction of diesel locomotives with electric transmission gear. Probl kolejn no.20:131-156 162 - SERUGA, Wieslaw, mgr. Inz. Influence of permanent shunting resistance of serial windings of a traction engine upon the rai~ge of voltage obtained in indefinite state. Przegl elektrotechn 38 no.7:311 Jl 162. 1. Zaklad Trakcji Elektryctnej i Frostownikow, 'Lnstytut Elektro- tachniki, Warsnawa. SERUGA, Wieslaw, mgr inz. Laboratory research on insulation systems of electric traction machines. Przegl elektrotechn 38 no.9:38&-392 s 162. 1. Instytut Elektrotechnilki, Warszawa. SERUGA, W., mgr inz. Cooperation of the Division of Electric Traction and Rectifiers of the Institute of Electrical Engineering with the operational depart-. ments of the Polish State Railroads. Frzegl kolej elektrotech 14 no.10: 309-315 0 162. 1. Instytut Elektrotechniki, Warszawa. GZAPLA, Junuz, mgr inz.; SERUGA, Wieslaw, mgr inz. The electric rolling stock the U.S.S.R. Przegl elektrotech 38 no.U;464,468 162. 1. Zaklad Trakcji Elektrycznej i Prostownikow, Instytut Elektrotechniki, Warszawa. DUBROVIN., K., polkovnik; SERUBHOV, I., kapi#An "What must a manual on the method of tactical training De- Voen. vest- 40 nooll:42-43 N 160. (MIRA 14:11) (Tanks(Military science)) SYUZYAYEV, V.I.; REDZRRPOV, Isothermal study of surface tension in some systems containing chloral. Izv. AN Turk. SSR no-3-10-15 '58. (M M- n-.9) I.Turkmenskiy gosudarstveniyy universitet im. A.M. Gortkogn. (surface tension) (Systame(Chemistry)) (Chlorai~ SERVANESCU, E. Research on the metabolism in certain varieties of regular and hybrid maize. Studii cerc biol veget 12 no.2.-183-196 160. (EEAI 9:11) (Corn (Maize)) SERVATIUS, G. , prof -,-Oedias) Competition on field orientation. Natura Geografie 15 no.2:61-64 Mr-AP 163. J. .-!e continue to train diesel-locomotive enc~ineers. 0 P. 7. (ZELEZNICAR) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) No. 1, Jan. 1958 SO: i.."onthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7. No. 5, 1958 CHALUPA, B. -,: SYNKOVA, J~ - SERVC 11K, M. Electroencephalographic changes and memory disorders in acute intoxication with industrial poisons. Cas.lek.cesk. 98 no-38- 1207-1208 18 S 159. 1. Klinika chorob z povolani v Brne, prednosta doc. MUDr. K. Kadlec. Psychiatricka klinika v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Hadlik. (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (POISONING) (ELECTR(E11CEPHALOGRAPHY) (MEMORY) SPJIVv2, Dr. A. Modern surgical treatment of progressive dea'Aness-otosclerosis. Lijec.vjes. 77 no.j-4:221-222 Mar-Apr 155. 1. lavodi nekih predavanja, koja nisu mogla biti ordzana na kongrasu, jar predavaci nisu bill prioutni. (FENMTRATION (Sar)j I-ACC-NR AT60-3670-I S-OUR-CE-CO-ft _--dk/_60_00_/6_6/_0_ -0 0-J-000-/00-8-7/00-9-6- AUTHOR: Severdeako, V. P. (Academician AN BSSR); Kalachey, M. L; Ankut, P. P'; iSevast'yanovo Yes S. none TITLE: The deformation of titanium by different stx~3ss state systems under testing conditions SOURCE: AN BSSR. Fiziku-tekhnicheskiy institut. Plastichnost' i obrabotka metallov davleniyem (Plasticity, and metalworking by pressure). Minsk, Hauka i tekhnika, 1966, 87-96 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, plastic deformation, temperature dependence, tensile stress, pressive stress, torsion, deformation rate, low temperature, high temperature ABSTRACT: The mechanical and plastic propeeties of technically pure titanium (VTI-1) were givea for diffeoent stress states, temperatures, and deformation rates. Tension, compression, and torsion tests were done at temperatures ranging from -1960 to 8000C and strain rates ranging from 4.10-3 min-1 to 3.0 min-1. Stress-strain curves are shown for tension and compression, while torque-twist curves are shown for the torsion tests. The dependence of tensile and compressive stress on log V , where d Vd 'a the strain rate, is given for six different temperatures and four different values of