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SHA M OVICH, A.R.; SHAKHNOVICH, V.R. Studies oz conditioned pupillary reflexes in man without previous preparation. Zhur.nevr.i paikh. 54 no.4:313-316 Ap 154. (KT.'RA 7:5) 1. Bollnites. No.32 Sovetakogo rayona Xoskv7. (IRE-FIX-1, CONDITIONJID~ *pupillary, in diag. of nervous system die.) 1 SYSTSK, diseases, *diag., pupillary conditioned reflex) ( various diseases, *nervous system die.,, pupillary conditioned reflex) Hi IIJ 111 .111 I All 11 JJ; I p:im jq 1,, 1:1, j ii V1 6 C' ELCEM31-k NEDICA Sec.2 Vol.10/Z Physiolou,etc Feb57 838. SHAKHNOVICH A. R. Chair of Norm. Physiol., Med., Inst. of Krasnoyarsk. "p-U-Pillary orie~itation *reaction (constriction) to 4'novell v 19 u a I s t I m u I I FIZIOL.2. 1956, 42/8 (63Z-538) Graphs I Tables I H- lus. 2 (Russian text) Changing the colour or the shape (triangle, circle) of~ the visual target without change of its brightness produced In 13 subjects if rom, 16 to- 55 yr.) a pupillary constriction from 0.4 to 2.2 mm. with a latent period, of about 0.3 sec. In older subjects the change was less pronounced than in the younger subjects. Since the reaction disappears fast on repetition. It is suggested that it is an orientation reflex to the novelty of a visual situation. Simonsm - Minnetpolis. Mina. "' - - - - ; -, I 'I'-1, - - - --- In c! c -F':; -4b o Ttc'. 190" H I I i:, I.iHilli ~idii Il. I ~1[i! m. Ix Iq! I ilopl, EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12/4 NEUROLOGY Apr 59 1741. LOCAL PUPILLOGRAPHY IN NEU RO-O PtITHALIVIO LOGICAL DIAGNOSIS (Russian text) - Samoilov A. Ya.and Shakhnovich A. R. - VOPR. NEIROKHIR. 1958. 3 (20-25 and 62) Illus.-4- The cinematographic method Is the most precise one for the objective registration L. of the pupillomotoric reflexes. The authors employed the method,using 6 -10 shot@ per sec. and by means of a mirror which permits the pupillometry to be used with bedridden patients too. An original and rather simple set was used: a stable darker object on a short and variable distance is placed a punctiform source of, stimulating light. In front of the patient there Is a veiled mirror. The veii or the mirror has 2 tiny holes, in one of which Is reflected the stable object, a feebly lighted cross, while from the other hole the punctiform source of light is reflected in the pupil. The patient looks fixedly at the image or the cross, but the punctiform light can be directed to any part of the retina. In changing the distance of the ,stimul- ating light from the stable object. Le'. cross, one can obtain the punctiform excite- ment of the retina 10-20-30' temporal or nasal from the fovea In hnrizontal mcridian. This method of local pupillography is very interesting forlan objective examination of the hernianopic or other I'mited defects of the visual field. I : Sulid Rijeka 1-11 1 ~ I I j-; ~ ', -j ~j . ; 1. .1 j 11 ,, -,, , I I - SHAMOVICH, A.R. . ..... inv-stigation of nupillpry orienti?tioa Pnd defense reflexes. Probl.fiziol. opt. 12:175-1BO 15& WRA 11:6) 1. Knfpdra normallnoy fiziologii ]Erqsnoyprkoeo meditsinskogo instituta iPUPIL (EYE)) (MYFL-FIXAMINAT ION) 11 1 -A 1 711: SHAMMOVICH, A.R.. Method of investigating color vision in animals. Biofizika, 4 no.3: 367-371 '59. (MBU 12:7) 1. Krasnoyarskiy meditsinskiy institut. (COLOR VISION, determ. in animals (lbis)) ism in ii .4- : : I i ~, li III 111 11`11 1 -1 1 ; i I ! ------- : 1! 1! 1~ I 7 j; ;,~ , 1, 1 ~ . 1 1: P ~! ,6616 3/058/61/000/008/023/044 A058/A101 AUTHOR: Shakhnoviah, A,,_.R,., T: ME - The principle of pupIllary acannixig PERIODICAL~ Refera'vivrrfv zhurnal, Fizlka, no. 8, 1961, 1.80, abstract 80231 ("Diofizike, v. 5, no. 4, 1-96o, 493-496) TM. Th-tb described method of pupillary s3a7I-nIng_,- abased on acombination L"O iiS tj of electronic and photographic sa?x-ning, enablas one _it motion'PiAure m-5-r,hod for registering puplll&ry refolexes. and -~;he motion; of the eyebail. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 SHAMOVICHP A.R.9 (Nook-Ta) --------------- Hemianopsic roaction of the.pupils in disord6re of'the optic +ra--t at different lerel:5. lbpneirokhira 24~no.;'PQO-25 " 260. (MM 13 all) L, Hauohno-iosledovati-vllskiyordena Trudovogo,Krasnogo Zhameni institut neyrokhirurgii Imeni akad. N.lq. Burdenko W SSSIL (OMC MRMC-DISKAIISES) (MWANOPSIA) .-- 7t---,F - ~4w . Iv I I .1 . !I z. T! i: 7r I llr .111-11MR.1 ..1.- ! d; ! g11" 11 !Ill ~ 'I I 1, 11 1 . ............ --- ---- - - ------ TER-, .1,14 H 9 1 Of, M H M OF SHARHNOVICH, A.R.; SHAKHNOVICH, V.R. Photoscanning polyoculograph. Biofizika 7 no.4:473-;474 162. (MM 15:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N.Burdenko., Moskva. (EYE-MDVEMENTS) 7 =1 rmi,r7mi 1-,;; 1: 1 i - : I ~ 1 -:k1 z::,l - ~!!,;[ " 1, , I i - i 1. 1 1 . 1 1 ,I . SMIRNOV., V.A.; SHAKffIOVICH, A.R. (Moskva) Pupillary component of the orientation chronic alcoholism. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. inst. psikh.38:196-202 163 (MM 16:11) Mug 1, MIN M.111M Aleksarcir hoinaricvich; 4taliy Homrrovich 17,decc-L.-edl; 1i-AS1,:, N.Ya., red. (Fuuillog-a-i"Y- ob4ectivc, exarriination of Dupillazz- y;- L-Ions ard movements of the eyeballj 11upillagrafiia; obllek- t-,,;P.oe issledovanie zrachkolqkh reaktsii i dirizheni-i glaz- ri,~I,h iablok. koslknm, Meditsina, 1964. 250 p. ---------- Miqtp 110,111, NN!" .:Ivt '. I ! -.. . ~ I ; , ; ~ ;.F 1 ;.11;;, T! I ; I ! 11i'll" 'I'llill, 'I'll'i illr! I : - : 1 1. . I P- WT i :i . 11 i . . . i.; .? 1 1, p , -!~~ ~ ;~. 1 j 19 L": I V i I I I : i , : . I ; , 1, .1 : I . , t . . . I : ~; ! 1 11 , ! 1 1111 * " ~ I I i I!, I"11P I I . : MEOW I . I I : ''1 1111 . li 11 1 . . . , , . I , .. . - -- - -I--------------- I i. 7 7 7o86-66 EINT(l) SCTB DD L 2 An'w4n SOURCE.CODE: ~R/0217/65/010/002/0304/0308 ACC NR, 0 AUTHOR: Shakhnovichp A, R, ORG: Sdr&i~CIFIW Research Ox~Jr, Labor'Red Banner In titute, _rv 1m.: r Moscow! (4-auchno4ssl'dovat6Vskiy ordena Academician N. N. Burdenko, AMN SSSRX e AT: Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut neyrokhirurgii AMN SSS .nys a TITLE: Investigation of the mechanism of . optokinetic t SOURCE: Biofizika, v. 10, no. 2, 1965P 304-308 yo nourol TOPIC TAGS: tumor, brain, nervous system, injur ogy ABSTRACT: Stu stagmus (normal motions; the 'Di rbances of optokinetic ny eyebail)'-in 80 patients with tumors located In various par i's of t6e:brain 1-*,~ !were investigated. The motions of the left eye upon stimulatlon!~, of 'either! eye.were studied in a patient who could.not move* the rightly eb'll because y a 0 the brain. The disturbances consisted 'of bre ki a ng: of a traumatic injury t up into steps abrupt changes injocussing when sudden changes I.n the loca--~ tion of a lightspot-were followed, and Inability to stop ',the mdi ti, on' c, on- sisting of an abrupt, change in focussing, breaking up intci~ abrup; t:i;moti6ns- n. ithe tracing motion in followihg..the continuous Vibratio of,alight'spat :along a sinusoldal trajectorys and difficulties in tr 6; ~ia it ;' 'b an I t n roin a rupt. U changes in focussing to tracing motions and from traicing~tr6tions' twabi Pt :changes in focusaings The nature.of the'disturbances indicated~ that the tuia U ,normal motions of the eyeballp sudden chang6s in focussin f:and~a continuo;i: LCard 1/2 --f,,1.27086-66 EWTM SM DD TAC C N R, AP6o17431 --AUTHOR: Shakhnovichj, A. R, iORG: -Scientific Research Order. IAcademician N. N. Burdenko. AMN SSS SOURCE CODE.* UR/0217/65/010/002/0304/C Moscow* (Nauchno-~iss'ledbvateltbkiy. on --Ti-udqvogo, Krasnogo.Znameni Institut neyrokhirur I AMN SSSR g# .__ _, "') _ ~'h e~' me chanism of._op~okinetia nyst~a J, -190.,':-304,~-3 SOURCE: 13iof3:7,ikd' 0 1 no... 2 08'. :';TOPIC'TAGS'i. r rain, nierV6US . SYStem, : ump -injury, neuro ~o -~t.ABSTRAGT: of optokInetIc nystagmus (nor-mai.`m0t1oni -6f,'ihi T Teyeball fn 80. patie'nts' with tumors located:' brain: In varloup pikilti of i, i6i 1-twere fnvestigaEdd. 0 The motlons'of~the 1eft:eye..upon.':*a'tImU, I atloh t4lthidr,',~ e 31, e.w re studled'in'a- patlent-Mlo'.'could 'not move the ~_xi' ght ~eyobol bi aiulse". c t I' 'to the br;aln'~~ f.,.-a traumatic,- hj~~y_ d breaking,` nto ste'ps.abrup~* in. -focus'sin '-iihen up I sudden~-chAril-lies.~'iit'--Iih~,'.Ioca-,-.- 'tio on' ot - a light sp, f -and-Inabil th con-! ot:Vere': ol oUe I ty,v to a top:-,. e,m.ot o ~'sis ting Q1 bi akin'g u -no ti in kocussing,'L e P: into~.:a6ru ~tl Ono* motion.' in tracing foli,6~lhj,lthle con,tinuous vibratlon`~of a-1-ight, spot. -al a sinusAd t an I ilon - f icmi a bru''pit ~'I%J ong al'..'trajectoryssafid -difficulties In r s 11. changes:An 'I tions,'and f to'trac ng"mo rom ~ traci hg'mp t ons to a pt biu ."~'ch'anges:in'focu.saing.-;-" e 'niatuire of th*e:~dj~tij~6a d .Th ncedin icatedithat:-the two .J.. *,,'- I 1 0.1 of -:thi.,r_' ' ~i eyeball v,40i i*,-afid'a`cont nu u _Z.; TM14 '~77 A, .45 .., -l j.; 1-1 . I J, , . ..., " . I I I N COOMY : USSR CATEWRY ! CultivatOu Pleatq. Cereals. JOTJF. Mi3iol,, V-13-23, 195'6,No. 104622 Malyugin, Ye. A. 0 �halchnovich, A. V.,j Smirnov, V, A us.r. Academy of Sciences TITLE Moiature Couaumption end the Microclimate of Spring Wheat in the Conditione of Irrigation. OfC1 G. FJ3. V at..- biol. onnovy oros hayam, zeuLlvd. AN SS~431 195? - 385-389 ADSSM~OT An irrigated field (studies at the All-Unior-~Institute of Plant Craving) differs from a non-irrigated one in, its phyto- and local climates. Microcllr.6te dspends also on the conditions of irrigbtion, and the-meteorological fac- toru of a field are refleated in the. ewunt 6f transpira- ticn in wheat aBd in the .evaporation from th6 surface of the field. A. M. Alpatlyev found by ei~pirical method e.~ formila for the agKxr-3gate expenditure of wisture by the agriculturs). crops beigg irrigated. In choCIL4 ng this form- ula, the factual and computed values proved,t6 be identical Correction for aderoelimate cf the aggregate expenditure of Card: 1/2 COUNTRY ("A T EG 0 R Y AD5. jo-tM. R&IRiol. Ne. 195'a, Nm. 104622 AUTROR TITLE GRIG. FUB. A,~KnCT moistu.-O by spring Wheat dtjj1jjj--7 its veg,etativa period on, the land beiiaE; irrigated, comprises a;bout'25% in the direction of decrease. Proceeding froin lphe'for=la of the aggregate expendifure 04, moisture and taking into account the correction f.--,r zacroclimate, a method of 'computing the rates of irrigation is recomweaderi, h:aomographi Ic chart simplifying these ccmputatjo-.ja is pres'anted. (A- rd; 2/2 SMAKIalovialp AOTO MicrOcIlmatic features of the nouthern shore of t)2e rrimoa, Tn* Ukr, NIGNI no-8:175-210 157. (Crimea-Ificroolimatology) (MIRA 11:6) T7 M,~7p I.T-j :j~,7.-C)VTCITT, b Li-~l -I 'I, Will 3(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOrrATION SOV/2384 xonrerentaiya po agromett6rol0gli I agrokllMatOlogll Ukrainekoy SSE Matorialy konrerentall (Material or the Conference on Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology or the U14rainlan SSR) Leningrad, ldrometeoizdat, 1958. 247 P. Erratp slip Inserted. 700 copies larinted. Sponsoring Agencies; USSR. Glavnoye upravlonly gidrometaorologlch- askoy aluzhby, Ukrainian SSR. Kinisterszvo 5011 iskogo khozyaystva, 3 71scralfinkly nauchno-losladovatellakly, 91dro- !teorologicheakly In- stItut, and Ukrainakaya akademly not kokho-Y&Ya vennykh nauk. ReOp. Ed.: O.P. PrIkhot'koj Ed.; V.D. Pisoarevakaya; Tech. Zd.-. R.I. Braynina, PURPOSE: This book In intended for agriculturists, agrometeorolo- Slats, and instructors In related vuzes. COVIRAGE: This collection or articles deals with problems in agri- cu.1tural meteorology In the Ukraine. Among the topics discussed are: wintering, Planting time for winter crops, corn cultivation, Potato degeneration; moisture supply, and adverse weather rectors. Rerarencea accompany Individua.1 articles. Material or the Conference (Cont.) 3OV/23B4 SuW Boats] sell Water Conditions In Beet Crop Rotation III "NOT '0d ... a Agr.m-t.llatton) Moisture Reserves for Ny t a Vln~sr 1.; YMY-h southern Odessa Region and the Importance or the Moisture ProvidlAg Irrigation 117 [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromerlnatltutel Climatic Study or 3ukhoveys (Dry Winds) In the Ukraine 12a Jbi2YA__Tt_.L [Ukrainian scientific Remearch Hydromet. Institute I RaInlean Periods In the Ukraine 141 12=skall'. 1-ki!Odd... Hydro.., Institute I Rainlean and Wet In the ?r hornomorsk"a (Black Sea) Steppe 151 M&LIke-la~A~ (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for lForestry and Agrororestrationj zrrective Zones of' shelter Delta 155 _kA1n&kr__M_ Mar, kov state University) HicrOclimato of Irri- gated Lands 16q Y. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet.rnatltutel Foothills 11taberx, I.A. (Main Geophysical Obbervaror7l Compiling Detailed Ricroolinatic maps 182 (state Hydrological Institute]. Devices and Method@ 185 for MRsasurin Rvaporation from Cultivated Field, &0_ft_VR;X-310. [State Hydrological Institute) Determining EvnPors- tIon rom Drained and Non-Dralned Swamps by the Heat-Balance Method 193 Autumn and Spring Proats In the Ukraine 202 ~400zhn1kQ1R-&,t, (Proressor, Ukrainian scientific Research Hy. dro"t. institute J Climatic Conditions of Corn Cultivation In the Ukraine 214 Rudenkq~A~X. (All-Union Institute or Crop Sclancel The Effect of ...UNN-STic Conditions on. the Degeneration oC Potatcan and the'Appe~_ ince or Phytophthora (P&rgsitic PUnIll) 230 A suggention or the Scientific Methodology Council or the UkrSSR Department of Agriculture 243 AUTHOR: Shakhnovi -A,, 50~,58-4-20/26 TITLE: The 11ydro-Meteorological. Service in the Rumaniar People'. 5 Republic (Gidrometoo.rol.ogicli(,,,.,Icayj sluzliba v Rui.7~ynskoy Narodnoy Respublike) PERIODICAL; Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya,. 1998. IT,- 4~ pp~ 49-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Since 1831 regular meteorological observations are carried out in Rumania, although first observa",io'ns date back to 1770. Since 1884 a central meteorological*institute exists. The deficiencies of its work are desqribed..Sin,:~e 195-1 the general administration of the hydro-meteorological service has its seat in. the ministry. The network'of observation stations is und5r reconstruction based on modern knowledge under application of the experiences"of the US3R. The tasks. of the servi~;e are defined preciFe.-LY.' The~administration of the network and the administration of the operating care were separated from the Central Institute. In 1954 th-= administratioms of the nydrological and meteorological network were merged. Sin,:-e 1956 regional departments are organized. After 7 years of indepandenT, existence the Card 1/3 service was subord-Lnated tn th~= M-anistry for Water Ways The Hydro-Meteorological Servioe 'In the Ro,,wianaar. People's 50-58-/~-20/26 Republic and Aviation, and finally was merged with the State Commission for Water Supply, as one o 'f its main aclmini- strations. Subordinated to thp latter,ar--:the melteor- ological Central, Institu~e and thc- Hydrological Institute., furthermore the operating servi.,-? and.-che zonal hydro- -meteorological departmentq.Arad.. Kluzh, Sibiu, Yassy, Bukharest, Krayova, and Koristantsa, There is also an. extra department for the improvement.and repairing of the equipment. The Central Meteorological Institute comprioes the following departments; 1 Department., 2) Physics of the Atuosphere 3 S.7nopsj's and Aerodynamim 4) Climatology, (departmerirs 2 to 4 have their own scientific order of topics), 5 Agrometeorology,'6) Forecasts and Far Distance Interrelations as well as 7) Elaboration of~the Meteorological Data,, The staff of theinstitute --ompr:Lses 164 members. The Hydrolo ica-l InstitUtm COMT'rlses the following departments: 1~ Hydrometry, 2) 1 arography, 3) Effluence and 4) Consultationi; and Forecasts, The staff numbers 60. . Rumarlats comprises 103 synop'~isa_`. stationo. 55' climatological Card 2/*3 support stations, fi~rthermore 110 3tations witli an The Hydro-Meteorological Service,in the Roumanian People's 50-58-4-20/26 Republic abridged program. The number of stations for rain fall measurement were reduced to 1100, of,which only 800 Supply regular information. During the last years the Alpine stations were built, which have not 6xisted-before. The hydrological network comprises 27 stations and 450 observation points. The operating service,of the synoptical department works intensively; the same can: be said of the publication sector: Annual reports are published since 1a85, monthly bulletins since 1892, bulletins every ten days for agrometeorology (results from 80~stations) since 1953. The topics of the scientific researchiworks are given. Climatological atlases -. of -'-Rumania were publisho.d C1949, -1950) 1954). A number of data were brought;up to date at the same time. Finally works on phytoclimatic-atid microclimatic investigations are listed. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Meteorology - Rumania Card 3/3 ~;N.Ii lild .1i, !;Li~ - - 1 (~ , ~~ ;,,; i ~ , i -. -- - - i I I ~ I . I I pv pliqlp I ; ~ii L . j!'. I, i I I IIII';~~rirr , t.~ ~, ~~j ; ~:mp 1? I ; , .: I . . . I i ! I :. .1. ; 1, :; ~ i :' 1 1 111,; -1 '1 1111 ~- I I 111 1 'i W i i, . . ,..7 ; I, . i : 1 11 1 . '... I- 11 1 11 If 1. .. .. I I w I . . I ;~ I ---I I I j I .I "I I PIC filli~jlj 'I , t 1! - . I , I , r . -wpl*"" ; I n , ,mL - -ii,ir -r- ~-, ~ - ! I II 0 0 4 111 di- C k-44 le 0 41 a I I L 1; 1.' ~j 1. li 1; a !f MP it n14 111 A t ., A A Ll P 1: 11 m n h It I. to A A: 'I a A. ..Dig A. 14a mail A a bio content of Al O 1 Q ~ .. . *, , Zinow- jm~(Ukrai 1.~&p(vit-qitavt-39..W%A"uWpmdwe -00 K-wl R, H. StefeerporAv 'T 8.7 zoo 00 j 00 .0,6 0, 0 Si 00 00 f 00 its,* *0 00 too 1 A-EI.tLvFGK.t L"C" 00 og T"t 490 u T% AV A IA L 4 DJ lir IN A] 'J, 'N it IT tl if Of y4 " 0 0 09 000 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 o; 0 p F 1 00 0 0 00,0 00 SO0 09 00 0 00 -0 O 000 0 0 0 0. & 0C -0 i ~ I Ph I -I I I H; I RIO 111911111 i Ile 1!111111 gliq III jai III I I I 11;11; .11 W_ 11AW I--- IM11419 IM I.M.-U14M 11111MIJURPHNUR 101.111P[l ==Tam= DYGAID, M.I.; VASIL'YEVA, K.F.; SRAKHITOVICK, I.G. Manufacturing kaolin products from a high-grog mass using the stiff-mud process-. Ogneupory- 18 no.8:339-345 -'53. (MIRA 1-1:10) l.Kharlkovskiy institut egrisuporor(for Dygale, Va I reval) 2.Ogneuporny7 zav d im. Voroshileva (for Shak6n"ovi6h) zRafractory materials) (Kaolin) T: T-11 T ff, 7= , ~l !!~ .! I : . ! I ~ N t i ! :!! I 1!~' I I : : : : I I J.;.] - ; j 211~! !~ [ ~1; 11 !:~! fl~j T i 11 . i I I . . - I I I I : - :, .. ; iF i 1 I , I- T.1, I i :1 :- . i 1: , ii,' !11.1 1.- 1:1 ': I V : !t I ~7 ; . - . . :! .; z i" . :1 11 11"1111; 111 Ii P i I.. . i -. - I 131-1-2/14 AMORS: Tsigler, V. D. elukha, P. Gj Shakhnovich, I. G. TITLE: The Influence of Certain Technological Factors Upon the Properties of Li3llt Refractory Kaolin Products (Vliyariye nekotorykh tekhnolo- gichoskikh faktorov na svoy3tva kaolinovykh legkove.snykh ogneuporov) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1958, Nr 1, PP- 5 11 (USSR)~ ABSTRACT: 1.) The influence of +urnable addition upon the refractor'*Mss and ceramic properties of light kadin products. Foundry coke and ther- in the piece were used as burnable admixtur-eq. Labo- ratory tests and chemical analysis showed that by addit'i *pn!of a burnable addtion the content of Al 0 is.decreased and that.of Fe 2 2 0 is increased (see table). The r0actoriness correspondingly also decreases. Table I gives the ceramic properties d the*burned test samples. 2.) The influence of the pressure altitude , the lean degree and the moistire content of the masses. The layer.!consisted of kaolin of the place of finding.Vladimir of the~type~,BJ7-1, fireproof claY of the same kaolin with water absorption~'UP to 5,4 %, a's well as anthracite with a 9,2 % content of ashes. The granulation of these materials is aiven in table 2. The volumetric weight of the mass Card 1/3 under different conditions is given in figure-1. Figure 2 shows !;7,T P 131-1-2/14 The Influence of Certain Technological Factors Upon the Properties of~Light Re- fractory Kaolin Products the dependence of the resistance of rupture of light kaolin pro- ducts on pressure effect, lean de-ree andrmoisture content and U figure 3 shows the same for the volumetric weight. 3.) The influence of the,varieties of the lean admixture and its composition of grd n upon the ceramic properties of light kaolin products. For this purpose a series of laboratbry tests wras per- formed with different layers. The compositions.of layers and.the ceramic properties of the products are giv~en in table 4. 4-) The influence of the binding and mineralizinG additions upon the refractoriness and the ceramic properties of the light kaolin products. The composition of layers and the prope rties of the 14.ght test- samples are to be seen in table 5. 5.) The modification of the resistance to rupture and pressure of light kaolin raw material in the pxocess of its beating is repre- sented in figure 4. The tests are performed byA. A. Yeltysheva (reference 1). Conclusionst a) The refractoriness of the li&it kaolinrproducts depends on the content of ashes of the burnable admixture used. b) Their volumetric weight depends on the~comb,ustible addition. Card 2/3 c) The resistance to pressure and rupture. of these products de- 131-1-2/14 The Influence of Certain Technological Factors Upon the Properties of Light Re- X-ractory Kaolin Products pends-on the moisture content of the masses, the.lean deEree of the layer by fireproof clay, their composition of grain,,the introduction of a sinterinG admixture', thd. amount of pressure applied, the final temperature of buining and the duvation of burning at this temperature. There.are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 6 references, 4 of which are Slavic_, h~d l-English. ASSOCIATION: Institute fo*efractory Products, Khar lkov~(Kharlkovskiy institut ogneuporov) Factory for Fireproof Clay imeni Voroshilov (Shamotnyy zavod im. Voroshilova) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Refractory materials- 2. Ceramics Card 3/3 1 1-41 1:.!1 .. i nipm .... ; , I i WF - TM ~ I I T, P 17T _i-,! ~ I - 1; 29433-66, EWT(d)/T ACC NRs AR5023749 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/65/0OO/bo8/bio7/13lO7 Shakhnovich, I. M.; Kovalenko G. D.; KJLiichen'k*o A. F I AD TITLE: The mastering and adoption of transmissions with Koqf6v gears in spind'el drive units of shaft-procesalng-lathee~ SOURCE: Ref. zh.-Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya.,TIbs.i 6B795 REF SOURCE: Sb. Zubchatyye peredachi a zateeplenlyem Novikova. Vyp. 2. M., 1964, 124-127 TOPIC TAGS: metal forming, gear, cutting transmission gear ABSTRACT: Recommendations based on investig tion are.given for the a shape-forming of Novilcov'gears. 'It is pointed out that.the latter has a life time 1.5-to 1,8 times longer than similar involute gears., The Novikov gear is recommended for the spindel dri e4n the serial'pro- duction of shaft-processirig-and-ot-her lathes.-:~ SUB CODE: .13 SUB14 DATE: none Car UDC., 621.9.6~-229,06-2/0-484.9 L 29730-66. EWP(k)/EV1T(m)&EWP(t)/ET1 --I.JP(c) D"/HW ACC NRt A P6012266 SOURCE CODE: UR/0114/65/000/011/0007/0009, AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, Ye-, F. (Engineer); Mash, R. 1,.(Engineer); Shalchnovicno 1. Ye. CEFg1heer) ORG: none TITLE: Oil coolerNtmade of tubes with low spiral fins SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniyep not,119 1965, 7~9 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, hydraulic resistsnce,~cooling ABSTRACT: The article reports the results investigation of beat tronsfer and hydraulic resistance in experimentsfand,industrial. oil-6 co6lers with tubes equipped with low spiral fins,: The experiment917-oll cooler bad a cooling surface of 2-465 square meters..'It- was arranged for transverse flow past the oil tubes, and consi sted of 72 ste e1 tubes with a diameter of 22 x 3 and a length of 250 The tubes bad outside spiral fins, turned on a lathe. 16 rows of tubes, were:located In a- housing with a rectangular cross section; the spacing,,against the flow was 24 mm, and with the flow 20 mme The Industrial oil cooler bad-a. cooling surface of 10-4 square meters and was made of'b Irasa tubes with- a diameter of 14 x 1,5; the tubes also bad outside spiral fins* Card 1/2 UDC: 62-71:621.892oO98 L 29730-66 ACC NR. AP6012266 0 Measurements were made of the temperature and the pressure of the beat, transfer medium at the inlet and the outlet of the oil:cooler, as well as of the flow rate of the heat transfer medium. Experimental results are exhibited in a series of curves which include.diagrommatic.sketcbes of the equipment, The overall results of tests on finned tubes and: comparison witb tests on smooth tubes Indicated tbit tubes with lows spiral fins permit a considerable Increase in tbe.:eompgctness of the equipment and a significant decrease in the use of metal in their fabrication, Orig. art. has: '3 figures, and 1 table. 4 SUB CODE.-13,,20/ SUBM DATE:, none/ ORIG REP.- 003/.- OTH.REF: 001 CQ,d 2/2 . sanuralmom 7,1117, 7071-11ii -:11!;1l- 1: : IT !! w I-i:: !,..! ~i V III . . [,:I I -! v j~ ~~ I j 12111 ! m D-1103 I I-A . 1, 111 -"'-IIIF711-777~ I I F III A [If. TO. -11 : I . 1 -1 .. I , I i l[, ! 11111 t 11 .111 - H. I :M~ T ; M I, 11 i 11 'It i . 'I i 1 :1 nti.; il" 1 p z I i: -11 it 11i ~ lk, " " I , A i :z z,c i 1c I :i . li 11,; 1~1! . ; 11 !;111 ll~ ~' 11 il I : - lild; 1I ~; i , ! N EIGERPTA YIE-DICA Sec If-VA-12-fil _-U. -R. 1. -Now 51~-- 2004. THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC TONSILLITIS 13Y PHYSICAL METHODS (Russian text) - Sliakhqg_y_Lch L. A. - VOPR. KURORT. 1959, 2 (161-164) The author reports on-dfr-e-cTTr-radia-t-ron-ort-onsils with ultraviolet rays by means of a quartz lamp with a tubular applicator. This treatment was supplemented with short-wave diathermy of the neck. 236 children of various age, suffering from chronic tonsillitis, were treated by this method without any complications. After the treatment marked improvement of local status andgeneral condition was noted In the great majority of cases. In 53 followed-up irradiated cases attacks of 6x- acerbation or acute tonsillitis were only half as frequent as in the non-irradiated children with chronic tonsillitis. No Improvement was noted in cases with rheu- matic disease. Stpunar -.Cracow (XI, 19*) LA. I Z111 LEP ia M1 AL I PH il I Ij AUT 111111111U] it I wm I I ; 0 1 11 a i . . . . - - ~;, !. - ; . ; : , : --I : % I I . - I - .- - 1 , I . I I . I . t i I I N I ! I t ! I I I . : Is' 1 11 V i 11 1~ All II . 1; - ti I I I p im"Mmmm STULIY, L.A.; SAFR(RIOVA, Ojj.; BUTSIKA, L.K., kand. med. nauk; KRIVOBOKOV, S.A. [layvobokovj; VOLOSHBOV, B.M. [Voloshynov, B.M.1, dotsent BICHKGVSKITY) V.11. [:E-.,shlkovslk7i, V.117.] dotsent; POKOTITIVIA, [Pokotylova, V. IU]; KOLESNIKOV, GF [Kolesnykov H.F.]- ZL-ATKIS., L.S.; SAVOSTTYANOVA, S.I.; BRUT, D:D: [Bryn, D-D.j;,~MATVE'YMTKO, Ye.A. [1-Tatviienko, N.A.]; BRONZ, L.M.; YEPSHTEYN, L.G. [Epshtein L.H.l. kand. med. nauk; SHAKIDJOVICH, L.A. [Shakhnovych, L.A.] Annotations and authors' abstracts. Pediat. akush ginek. no-3:~ 31-34 163 MIRA 17:1 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany mate- rinstva i detstva (for Stuliy). 2. Kafedra detski-kh bolezney Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (fnr Safronava). 3. Ukrain- skiy institut okhrany inaterinstva i detstva (for Wtslka). 4. Detskiy sanatoriy dlya rekonvalestsentov ot.tunberkulemogo meningita, Kiyer, Pashcha-Voditsa (for Krivoboko*p).:5. Detsk-aya klinika Ivano-Frankovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (for Volo- shinov). 6. Kafedra detskikh infektsiornykh bolezney Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (for Bichkovskiy, Pokotilova): 7. In- stitut infektsionnykh bolezney Kiyev ( for Kolesn _0*7~. 8.Kharl-m i_k kovskiy oblastnoy detskiy dom No.1 (for Zlatkis, SavIo6tlyenqv4pi Brin Matveyenko). 9. Kafedra pediatrii Kiyevslcogo m~ed`-htstitaft (for Bronz) 10.'Kafedra falkulltetskoy pediatrii Gortkovskogo mede instituta (for Yepshteyn). 11. 2-ya detskar b6llnitsa Shevchen- kovskogo rayona g. Kiyeva (for Shakhnovich _~ mI" IT w IIIIAM I Rap Im TM I .=-1-1- I T . I .! I I H 11 1 11 11 . . . ~ , I I , I , , , , . . F . I I : . . i ! .: . i1. 1. ~ .1 : . . . '. !.~ i ., !17i 11 1111~ ~-'111 11' il] . " II i! , I I . F . 11pli FITI -Iluml Flip I I I Epat = q 13 4 0 4 pt ~ f I RI, !, ~:Ip 3y"IN .. .I ; Jon] .;: . : . III ~If - !! , I I ! ii ! I I! I Z . :.j I'l F I il. i; Afll:~ 11j;;- N JI i f qi p , :.~ 1; 1 . . : : 4i!!~ 1.6 : 11! . . r71 i 1 :1111 ~ ";! 11][ -1 ! ; I I . I . i I r, . . . I p. II ill 11 ~ !i"" I I I 1 11 - "..': 110-59-6-9/22 AUTHORS: Shakhnovich M.I. Sokolovall S.L., Bessonova, Te.I.,, 'E_n~g2_neer_s ~ ~d iD'SF_,tQeyn, R.A. , Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Influence of Solid Insulatin- 111aterials on Transformer Oil in the Absence of Oxygen (Vliyaniye tverdykh izolyatsion.- n,ykh materialov na transformatornoye maslo~pri otsutstvi4i kisloroda) PE17IODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 19581 r, 61 41 SSR). p p ABSTRACT: Hermetic sealing of transformers is a valuable means of protectuing the oil from oxidation:prolided,'Uhat,the sealing is perfect. If there are sli6ht leaks, volatile iicids-may accumu- late in the transf,3rmer with inconvenient results. After these prefatory rczla_rks, the article considers the influence that~ solid insulating materials.have on oil in -the absence of oxygen. Straight r_-ineral transformer oil to standard GOST-982-53 was used for the tests, the oil and transform6r constructional materials being lontained in sealed glass'vessels. In all tests. 2 'L there was 1.1 cm of material per 1 g oil :after the oil and insulatinn- mat first been dried and de-gassed.. The 0 erials Sara - u then~ determinations tests were run at 95 C for 1 000 hours were made of the neutralisation and sarlonification.values, the Cardl/4 Esher nur_~oer, the water-soluble acids content1l. the dielectri c-loss 110-