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i Vi; 1P ;' i I- T I lit . i'i : : I i ! :1 1 11 11:! : 1 ; , f . . I ~ 1. i . 11 1d; 'If~ - i ; . I '; 1 1111 11111 11 r ;.:!,I I ] i ~;j!!- 0 r , I i ~ -; , : . . i 1!: : 11 S/ICM814~/W 2/0 ACCESSICET DIE; A2401202 9100 -372/0-3n AUTHOR: Alisava., S.I. P.; Budberg, P. B.; S-n Ca0va"N. M.; Shakhov K. 1. TITM: Analysis of the system Ni-Cr-W-Al SOMCE: Mu.-nal neorg. kb-1 V. 9, no. 2, 1964, N2-377 TOPIC TAGS: mickel alloy, allaj rhase bomdary, hot hardness Ni-Cr-W-A1 alloy, Ni-Cr-r.-T-Al system, 1,11-Cr alloy system, Al-W system hot hardness, hardness reductim A3STRACT: -%=e botmdarries, of Ni-Cr-W-Al alloys were determined more precisely by the 7-ray method, a detailed microatruratural analysis, wus made, and. th e rL ature of the chanZe in the hot hardness df the alloys was studied in relatim to amposi- tica ana temperature. Uhe investig'ation was peeformed vith tetrahedral cross sec-, tions passing throur~a the edge of t1he Xi-Cr binary system and intersecting the 'L 1:3. The hot hardness edge of the AI-W system with W:A1 ratios of 3:1, 1:1, and 'vas analyzzed at 100 deg intervals over a temperature range of 20-1100C. it vus f ot-.-& that the alloy retains substantialJy its initial hardness up to 7000. Above this teq_pe-rattwe' a gradual stress relief sets in,; the bardnesa nhamain Card 1/2- ACCESSMIll IM: A240124,42 f~-= 313 k9/=2 at 7occ to io6 kg/=. for a.Uoy coatai-~I~-10 Cr, 151,46 W, 5,- U., an-a 70 Ni. The P--.,)hase appears to be -the cause for the beginaing at stress re- 2-tef at laT tmperatures. The presence cc? a2 and.yl lihases in ccAinati= with y solid sol-atim has no effect on hot hardness. For alloys cmtaining 20'p' Cr, IC$ W, 10 ~ A!, and 6CrP1 Ni or 3VP Cr, 5% 1-1, 51j' Al, and 6b~ Ni vith corresponding (y+ ~y + Cvl~ and (y + al) struettures, the ch---ge cC hardness vith respect,to tempenitureis, a tvo-step process with a acastent stress-re-lief rate. For the three-phase. and them two-phasc alloys the reductica in hardness reacheS 14.% alld 19,1o:at 600C, respec- tive4. Further increases in temperature greatly reduce alloy hardness. At about 1000C the anoyz are almost caapletely stress reneved. Orig.Art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSCCIAT-lal: nono SLMVUL=.L: 30,Tan63 DAM ACQ: 26veb% MCL: 00 SUB CCDI.;.. CZ, NIL NO BEY SOV: 002 00m: ow 7. 2/2 Car zAR IF11- 1 .1 H I -----jjLuLLLw f ... 7L ''! I . I - qtt~ -"Ll~ii Ili 11 . I I . I H . - I ; I ~ 1: L 55854-65 ACCESSIO14 NR: AP5013115, are only slightly weakened when:the emperatur6: 4s raislbd!to-lbabcc.~ The~ m0 lus of elasticity (tensile and sheiar);~measured b lio fi*quencyl i, i ch~anies raih6~ y:ra( 0 sharply from one phase t another and'this; change. verif -'66, thC~phase tram ition om 10000C have4ll6wer e ast C*~modulu regions. Alloys quenched fr I S! than'ffio~e.' quenched from 10000C and reheate&t6:60b0C:as 'zker6A-!"dub!c laiiicei 1~0h the bo ~c a lower elastic modulus,.than..~h~,hex~ibnalilattice.:!, The ~ar~ g.6f bla'stk! th6duli-- wem~~ observed for solid solutions-ofInte-ruletall'id. has CCRr Ori 1e. 1 tab ASSOCIATION! none i8UB'CODE- M SUBMITTED: 25Jan64- NO REF SOV, dTkM;~'' 002 012 0- J, Card* 2/2 4. .7 ACC NR. AT6012397 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0243/0246j AUTHOR: Kornilov, I. I. (Doctor of chemical sciences; Professor);. $4khvva;;~,A_,~tj~k.' Nuss, P. A.; Klimov, B. A.; Budberg, P. B Chernova T. S'. _~ovW,*7 N. A.7 ORG: none TITLE: Some mechanical and physical properties of ATIY~lloy.1 SOURCE: Soveshchanive po metallokhimii me'tallovedeniyu "t prilheneniyu titana yego, splavov, 6th. Novyye issledovaniya titanovykh splavov Nw res _arcli Rn_ff, niunn- _~I`loys)_,tru'dy s-oveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd vo Nauka, 1965~, 243~246 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, aluminum containing alloy., zirconium contain-. ing alloy, molybdenum containing alloy, alloy mechanical,property, alloy~physical property /AT13 alloy ABSTRACT: On the basis of ~xperimental~data on titanium,alloys' gathered pa,'t the Laboratory of the Chemistry of Metallic Alloys of the InAltute, of~Metilluigy im. A. A. Baykov, anew, eight-component, high-strength weldable titanium alloy AT13 has been developed. The alloy liquidus and solidus temodratures'were found to, be 1800 and 1675C, respectively. The alloy structure consists mainly of the 'a-ph'ase with a very insignificant amount of the 0-phase. The 640jrah6f6rmation occurs in the 1030-1050C range; no other transformation occurs in the 100 1000C range. At room temperature, AT13 alloy has a tensile strength of 127.1 129 kg/mm2, a yield Card 1/Z upcv~ 66~.2950001.5 -.- ......- 1 .1 i i , ; . lil,kil,:Ill I I !!~H.ll lill i , i -~ ; . ! I ililli 11 11 Ili lfl~ lll~ I I ll.~ 11", . , I I -IF.-IIIII-I P i:,V, 1~! fl! ],~ - :~ r fl': ti,, i I'l I L 53679-62 EWT W /EPF(ii) -o21TIEWP (t VFWP., WVIA c):7 PU-1 k(cli: JivWk/jr.: ICCESSION NR: AP5012TTO `IJR/602di i1i6i/066/i378/13. P. AUTHOR:. Korhilov, I. Budberg,~ I W, 1ITLE: ':E~tase diagram/of the -TiCr m4rCr s e A : ~SOURCE~ AN SSSR. Doklady2 no 6 j 196~, d378-13811 ~TOPIC~TAGSi titanium chr mium Ealoy , dnitnu-;c rom un all0x, Alloy:Phase h , 7-- - " :41i alloy composition, alloy, structure allo Y~ cry r Aal latt ic e 'ABSTRACT: The phase composition and micr: olsli-rudbux-e ~of C r "AA d Z r, C r 2 - o~mds cOmP 1j:ar c :ii na levitati;n J :and nine TiCr -ZrCr. alloys cofitaining,,froni 10.~,to 901P 9~~, 56 1r,: hw6: li~~ deteA~ined 1 the r'ma' 1. ',BWr)id I f&- . :melted an d homogenized at 1250----;-13,OOC i-phase analysjs.~ Thermal analysis'abowed~thdt-lthe alloy liquid; u,'s i ' - "' tei#peratur6$j t :!creased vith increasing ZrCr2 from'-1 o~:t6il:675C-tdtf`,pui6 T! ana content,',: e~g.~, ZrCr2, respectively.. An ana ogous.3.ncrease.,o6curred in.tho~;lattide~lconst s! sys em.1, see, :;phase diagram of:the TiCr r r2 6 o th(i 1 610 C 2 obtained data in characterized by.-the. formation: or a~ contin u-p'4's .-66r`;L'e-f f- s Ilutions between'boith the Iaw-temp6rature' an: d,'th~ . high-i~empdrWird hi Icat jTiCr2 and ZrCr2 compounds.1 The. appearance. of tW6-phi" three-6phase,~:-,.z ~;T Ed L 53679-65. I~IiT -'AP5012770 L4 + 6) regions' in the'.exp ained'by,'thdi ",1COMpound is. formed in the -I - J d A binary.Ti-,Cr!system` in-.tbei'~~s`613. ,gures and 2 tables. OCIATION: AS nsti 4~p1okovw. Inst Ate tut SUBMITTED: o9jul64 MICL.. 0 + ..No~ ftEr 8ov- oo6 '00 . - :. a P ' * & L ~5309t-_ AACCESSION TIR; OC 0c ~ Lj .V- 7 7 12W r 1000 3: Hp, 6w Mr, Z Fig. 1.-~ Phas edi agram of the TiCr r r, e -2 ?"r Cr s"Xi so 1 Thermal: analysis:, datap~ 2 " 6 with a cubic lattice; solia lit 6 a hexagonal lattice. LC.A 3/3: ni6=61,11 11-miLd T _'~CC NR, ~T012367 SOURCE, CODE: UR/0000/65/000/a)0/0037/0042! AUTHORS: Budberg, P. B.; Shakhov J., A.Licova#,S. P. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the syu tern TiCr - ZrGr 2 SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po meballokhimill MeLrklI0V0d0?)iY1_L I pvivien~eniyu titans. i yego splavov, 6th , Novyye islledovaniya titiuiovykh splavov (Ifew research on titanium alloys); trttdy soveshchanlya. Moscow, Izd-vo NaLika, 1965, 37-42 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, chroin-itim, zirconium, alloy phase dilagraiii, xray spectroscopy crystal lattice .3STRAUP: An Y_-r:e3~,[ analy~3is of the system Ti-'Qr2 ZrCr2- was carried out., The structure of the ZrCr crystal lattice was also deternined. The TiCr ZrCr alloys 2 2 2 were prepared after the method of A. A. Fogel' (Izv. JUT SSSR, C01, Ildetallurrpiya i topliva, 1959, No. 2, 2A). The exper-imenbal results are tabulated. On the basic- of x-ray analysis a phase diagram for the system was constructed (see Fig. 1 It was found that ZrCr2 exhibits polymorphism. The transition temperatairre for the poly morphic -transition was detuermLned by the method of N. A. Nedumov_:(M. fiz. khim. 1961, 18,J) and was found to be 1480 4- 10C. The low temperature modification o f ZrCr has tbe structure of )iWu (C and the high temperature modificat ion-_1jgZn (C _).2 2 15 2, 14 Card 1/2 ACC N" AT6012367 ~I ".IPU L t4d, NO fled X/ goo 6097tcrz 70 40 to to zrc~' Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the system TiCr -.~ZrCr,- 2 I - data of contactless thermal analysis; 2 - solid solution (TiZr)-Cr with cubic lattice; 3 2 - the same, but with hexagonal lattice. The intermetallic compounds TiCr2 and ZrCr2 were found to,be is6morphous and to, exhibit a continuous series of solid solutiong.0 Orig. t has' 4 tabl. ar es and 3, figures. SUB CODE4 II/ SUBM DATE! 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: OOB/ OTH REF:: 006 Card 2 T AP6019775 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0370/66/000/003/0172/0178 :*,UTHORS Kornilov, 1. 1. (Moscow); Shakhova, K. 1. (Moscow); Budberg, P. B. (Moscow) ORG: none -5 49 TITLE1 Electrical resistance and thermal expansion Of al'oyarof the TI-Nb-Cr system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Isvestlya. Metally, no. 3, 1966,,172-178 TOPIC TACS: electric resistance, thermal expansion, titanium alloy, n1oblum alloy, chromium alloy, alloy phase diagram ABSTRACT: The electrical resistanc of alloys of the TI-Nb-~Cr system was Investi- gated as a function of their chemical and phase composition at room temperature.and during beating to 11000C. The thermal expansion In the 20-IIOOOC range was also studied. The alloys were first quenched from 10000C and subjected to prolonged annealing. Data on the variation of the electricalresistance with the composition were found to be In good agreement with the results of microstructural and x-ray phase analyses. The electrical resistance data for the 20,41000C range permitte& the determination of the temperature boundaries of existence of the phase regions. 'Transition from one phase region to another was Indicated by the presence of breaks In the curves of electrical resistance Ys. temperature. A, Study of the thermal, expansion of alloys during heating made It possible to establish the temperatures of ~Card -1/2 UDCt. 669.295.59293926: - I - i I r I J, ~ j i nfi tw uuvi, vue. uw GIMSKIT. Genrikh (Giniewski, Henryk]; KOZIRIII, N.Y., red.; red.; SUSMVICH, T.I., (Operational training of machine-tool, fitteral Proivrodst76nnoe obuchenie slesorei-montazhnikov po sianksm. Koskva, Toes. uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat. ig6o. 54, P. (NDA 14:3) 1. Glavnyy.inzh. Metodicheskogo tsentra profes"Sionallaogq obucheniya, Pol'skoy Narodnoy Respubliki (for Ginevskiy).-I (Machine-shop practice) fi f t I f I 'i I , I I i : : i YAKOVIMI, Dmitriy Filippovich; KUZIIETSKIY, Gennadiy Ivanovic; BESffIDI, Grigoriy Mikhaylovich; FREIIKELI, 14.Z., nauclmyy red.; SHAIGIOVA, L.I., red.; Y;E.%-:YSLOVA, L.M., [Training of electricians for work on high-voltage ~power transr.ission lines and substations]Podgotovka.~elekt~r6- monterov vysokovolltnyl-h linii peredachi i podstantsii. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1961. 90 p. (1,11RA la: 10) (Electricians-Education and training) ! I.,,, : :- I'll, I p91P..".", , .. BROVE10M. Feokist Georglyevich; MARTY9OVS Nikolay Yakovlevich; SHAKHOVA, L.I., red.; PEREDERIY, S.P., tekhn. [Training electricians to service equipment in mines;for automatic control, CTC, and communication) Podgotovka,shakht- nykh elektroslesarei po obsluzhivaniiu aredstv'avtonatizatsii, STsB i sviazi. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 91 (MIRA 16:4) 1. Direktor tekhnicheskogo uchilighcha No-15 goroda.Gorlovki (for Martynov). 2. Zamestitell direktora po uchabno- proizvodstvennoy rabote technicheskogo ucnilishcha No.15 goroda Gorlovki (for Brorwman). (Mine railroads--Signaling-C.entralized traffic control) (Mine communications) (Automatic control) I . t . I; H'I 11' I : i I I I z I - ~ - ! i. . , , 'i 11 F I 1 11 1 -1, i , - I- H- III It 11111. .... ....... -.-11111944`711,1~'.. aWLL9=,N+f lip, -1 1'. ""', " -. ...- . , L 25~~1-~6 EWT(d) LIP(C) /002j~/0029 ACC NRt M6016676 SOURCE CODE: UR/0166/65/000/005~ AUTHOR: Kukles, I. S*: Shakhova. L. V. Institute of Mathematics ik. V. I."Romahovs Samarkand Branch ORG~ ~iSSR; , / -Wo-ye otdeleniye Instituta matematiki am~Tan.Ts AN UzSSRY.~.:. bjj ~x Y TITLE: Limiting cycles of the differential equation 2 iV -7 tt k : -2c '196~' T4 no. -matematicheskL SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko kh nau 5 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, mathematics aqua ABSTRACT: The authors Investigate the dif f. , dY Y2 Of, 'Y) " Ji'~. ux (X Y) where bs YZ (x, Y) bw + b,ex bely + bsex, + blix] x + 'jy + ajx3 + a x; X3 y) a,, + at, a. W Our simple nInjulavoolut quatIon (1), Is assumed to'have t 9 [ Ich to made the ooordinate origlne!~ consa_ nk4 q f ; r 9rd 1/2 L - - ..... .... . j i 1; I : : ! I I hill ill )I I 14i: ~' I H ~ * . I ~11 1 1': 111 F Til IF - T! -' - 7 T I - i I i 1 1:1,:l ii, ---rrivr- rr IT I I Al It K Fro 4- i j-, Wat~r aoiuale Man 130 S v R r l S t _ y . . . ' ov '. . Vmo ry': 103,654, Aug. 25, Ta~ .,61 rutia*~ijj. increast e so ixt; of rutin, uiea,.. n aiid'ah aq.o l In of an a ka ' c 6 6 . TI con 6, 1 evapd, to t. sti frylless With Cong dry cc jng.. trate Is mixed wlthAstd.: water vapd to drynes M Hoseh wi h ~Ligi j P q "j J. j ~i 4, 0 F) r, rt ()v /'V1-. -F 'paio -of -rogn'-wi ir'vii~l ~Jov' timi VS, ' U S SA 6 . i. , Mov ev, jindlvf.~T. tW A 25; 10.56. ',~R~ grteWpa 3 it ij : , , i ~ -1 , , ,1-. ~ ~_~ j t 7 , : rniiti contg-. 40~'-'500/61130. _~~ IIL th A ITO-61c. T Wi buckwheat , . : ~ :.ext. Is treated with wVoladle ot~. mjvirttindj d-,&ret~ov-: :'-' i ; wtin Is cr t d; Ing the Solventi , 1 i 3' d . . . T 'I 4:1 o l 7 wrj.~~ - - - . f 7t: . . * I . ! H . 1 11 11 1 li.. w Ilidl 11311 1 )I:.T3jv- ; ! lj I..! ; 1 1 50) AUTHORS: j Samokhvalov, G. I., Shakhova, M. K., Preobrazhenskiy, N. A. TITLE: ... ....... The Synthesis of Rutin (Sintez rutina) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 1,23, Nr 2, pp 305-307 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Rutin, or quereetin-3-Ilrutinosidell (VII), is the active sub- stance of vitamin P. The importance of'rutin is great,:as (besides other substances) it can decrease the permeability and fragility of the capillaries (especially with ascorbic acid). As quercetin (V) has 5 hydroxyl,groups in the molecule its production from its 3_'gldcosides i's very difficult. Be- sides, there are some more difficulties.,(Refs 1-4) so that the synthesis of rutin or other quereetin-3-disaccharictes remained unknown until recently. The authors de~scrib~e the synthesis of, rutin from quercetin and acetobromo rutinose (see Scheme). The initial quercetin was synthesized according to reference.6, however, with the difference that the:protection of the hydroxyl group in the vanillic acid was obtained bybenzyla- tion: triethylamine (Ref-7) was used as a condensing agent. Card 1/3 The disaccharide: a-acetobromo-p-l-L-riiamnosida-6-D--~glucase, The Synthesis of Rutin SOV/20-123-2-27/ 50~ J660CIATION: PRESENTED: Card 2/3 a-acetobromo-rutinose was synthesized according to reference 8 from acetobromo-rhamnose and acetochloroglucose. The results of the paper chromatography, and'the comparison of the ultra- violet absorption spectra (Fig*,l)-showed a complete identity of synthesized and natural rutin..As querDetin-under the in- fluence of liquid ammonia partly decomposes admixtures with an ultraviolet absorption maximum occur in the chromatograms of synthoti'd rutin; these admixtures,characte-rize*the quercetin de6omposition products. The rutin synthesis mentioned above is the" final stage of its complete synthesis. An experimental part with the usual data follows. There.are 2 figures and 8'references. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut (All-Union Scientific Vitamin Research Institute.) June 30, 1958, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academician SAMOKHVALOV G.I.; BUDAGYANTS, M.K.- SHOLINA, S.1 KR~&YAKGVA, K.Ye.; NIKOLAYE.V, R.P-.~;' ROMANOVA, A.F. 7-Alkyl derivatives of quercetin and their antioxidizing effectiveness. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.9-1617-1621 S 63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Vsespyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. (Quercetin) (Antioxidants) SOT,'156- 58-3 -2/52 AUTHORS: Bol'shakov, K. A., Fedorov, P. I., Shakhova, bl. N. TITLE: The Saturation Vapor Pressure of Thallium Chloride (Davi-eniye nasyshchennogo para khlorlstogo talliya)~ PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 3, pp. 408-412 (U SR) ABSTRACT: The saturation vapor pressure of thallium chloride was,-de- termined according to two methods: the method,of boiling,points, and the method of saturated current (method potoka nasyshchez Iiiya). The use of these two methods made it possible to cover a great temperature range and after analysis of the results obtained to draw conclusions on the molecular state OfL thallium chloride. The apparatus for the determination of the vapor pressure according to the boiling point method is shown in a scheme and is discussed briefly. Three experimental series were carried out; the results obtained are given in tables and are made use of in the accompanying diagrams. An appara tUS Lbuilt according to the instructions of Gerasimov, Dreving an&Komandiin (Ref'5) Card 1/3 was used for the determination of the saturation vapor p Iressuree sov~ 156-58-3-2/52 The Saturation Vapor Pressure of Thallium Chloride ~Table 2 gives the results calculated for;TlCl:and T12C12a A~ ,comparison.of some data from publications with some of the re- salts obtained by the authors of this paper shows that up to 4600 0 T12CI2 is presentg and from 6200.,C upward it is TIC!. Between these two &temperatures there exists a mixture of these compounds. Table 3 gives the mean molecular weight of the vapor, the*percenthge of TIC01 molecules, and the logarithm of,the re- spective equilibrium canstants of the reaction Tl 2CI ZJ2 T1Gl for four temperatures in this interval.'The change ot the.con- stant of the equilibrium with the temperature.was calculated and shown 4n a d-lagram. The boiling p6iit of TlCI is at~8180 Cj shovn by the observations made by:the authors. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: ~~fedXa ~ekhnologii redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov Instituta tonkoy kn:imicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova (Chair for the Technology of Rare aneTrrde Elemients of the In- stitute of Chemical Fine Technology imehi hf.V., Lomonosov) Card 2/3 , '!- .711 -.. X-L- , " - , , - MASLOVSKIY' H.1p., inzh.; SHMOVA, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Dr7ing of suspensions and solutions ir- a fluidized bed of inert granular material. Khim. mash. no*6:27-29 H-D (MIRA 13:3) (Drying apparatus) (Fluldization) 06571 10(2) SOV/170759-9-12/18 Rychkov, A.I., Shakhova, N.A. AUTHORS. TITLE- on the Calculation of the Rate of Pseudo-Fluidizatiomof Mono- and Poly- disperse Materials PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 9, pp 92-96 '(USSR) ABSTRACr-, The authors,consider the processes of pseudo-fluidizati on of granular materials and give formula for determining the point~of transition of a monodisperse layer Into the state of fluidized bed, Formula 1. Making onkov ZR-efs 1,2 for the coeffle'lent use of the expression given by Zhavor 7 of resistance of a granular layer to gas blowing. and~of the critical- ations proposed by Kasatkin and Akopyan ZRef 37 Todes and Bondareva Ruef g, the authors obtain criterial equationslof pseudo-fluidization, ? Formulae 6, 7 and 8, not only for laminar processes but also for the values of Re up to 1,000. The experimental checking of these formulae on the mono- disperse layers of z1hc concentrate cinder, mercury.oreand quartz sand showed that differences between the calculated..and experimental da:ta did not exceed 5%. The transition of a 'polydisperse layer into the.state of fluidized bed differs essentially from that of,,a monodisperse layer. How- Card 1/2 ever, it is possible to find a monodisperse layer equivalent to the poly- 06571 SOV/170-59-9-12/18 On the Calculation of the Rate of Pseudo-Fluidization of Mono-~and Polydisperse Materials disperse one as far as the rate of pseudo-fluidiz:ation,is concerned, I!o do this, it is sufficient to determine the.value-of eqUivalent diameter of .the particles in the monodisperse layer by using.Yormuia 14. The:theoreti- cal results were also in good agreement with experimental data. There are: 3 graphs and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskogo mashinostroyenlya (Insti-tute of Chemical Machine Building), Moscow. Card 2/2 1 1: l.:. l.. I I 1 :1 ql I I . I if , -..,! ~ 1 . i I - I , 1. : - I . I 1 51 Fall ..;.. . - ---- 11 , . ; 1. " . -L., 1; L,[ . S/191,(63/000/001/012/017 f: B101[A186 ALUECPS: Shakhova,.N. A., Rychkov, A. I. T ! T L-"-' Drying of MCH(1;'S11) copolymer in the fluidiz'ed bed PEPIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1963, 49-52 TEXT; M;SN, a copolymer of nethyl methacrylate, styrene, and 0 acrylor.itrile, -iri.p. 98 Cl- at 90'p consisting of grains-0-4-1 mm in d iameter, was dried in the fluidized bed of a testing, apparatus. A fluidized bed alread- formed at an air velocity of 0.08 m/seic.- The drying process was conducted a" 0.195-0-324 M/sec, an: air temperature ofi 0 86.7-1WC, and a fluidized bed temperature of 36-49 G. The drying 2 capacity referred to 1 m of drier aurfac6 was 31 .6 kg/hr of removed 2 moisture, or 2it.ij kg1hr referred to 1 m3 of the apparatus.; 263 h r',, ,or 202 kg/m 3-hr of dry product was obtained. Conditionsxecommended: 7 air teriqpprature 120-1A50G, temperature in the fluidized bed, 43-50'Cl. relative rioisture of the outgoinC. air height of.the fluidized bed 200-350 m.m, air velocity 0.32-0-35 m/sec. Jn a second series of tests an additional heater was introduced in the fluidized:lbed,~con-..3isting,of~ Card 1/2 s,/191/63/000/001/012/017. Dryine, of NICH O,a SN) copolymer ... BIQI/B186 16 hp.-If-inch pipes, 180 mm Ionj, which electrically heated. The Capacity increased to ICQ kg of removed moisture per m2 2 hr 700 k,-/m dry, product. The heat transfer coefficient was 200-400 kcal /m '-hr-OC, the' temoerature of the in-oinp_ air ,,as 1200C the temperature in the. fluidized be4 '50c, the hoi-Int of the bed 400 m1ii, its resistance 1 7a moisture'. The heat supplied 150 M-11 10. The dried polymer contained 1 -50f corrosponded to the capacity of air heated to 270-266o,C~. The additional heater caused no staeriation in the fluidized bed. The~procedure is recommended also for drying other substances sensitive:71to heat. There. are 5 figures and 5 tables. Care, 2 /2 (Fertilizers and manures) (Drying apparatus) (Fluidization) 10! , ~"7' =111 Imil, ~-i' I ~rll P 1, 77 1 1 ! ; I . ~ . m : . i . . . 11 1. : , I ~1. :1. !if:: 1:11MIlfliq I ~l I I I F! I . I I I 1 11 11 1.;.: ~-: 11 1 1 t . I , - miplqcl A ;.~ jj u, 4 t . . a- 'i ; ; - - 1--- ~ ; ! : , ~ , .: I i~; S/020/60/1 34/003/0 3110 33/XX BW4/Bo6.4.~. AUTHORS; Oreshko, V. F., Chernenko~ L. Ye., and;Shakhova~) N. G. TITLE: The Effect~of Ionizing Gamma Radiatid-rupon the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Starch Gelatins PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR~ ig6o, Vol.-134., No~ 3, pp. 636 638 6o TEXT. The authors studied the effect of Co. gamma,ratiiation (dose 6 6 varying from 1.10 to 18.2-10 r) upon thestrength.of starch gelatins. Potato starch with a moisture content of 16.6% was used for the, experiment. After irradiation in glass ampoules, gelatins containin '.12% of di- g _ j starch were produced, and the limiting shearing stress Pm-was, determined by means of a plastometer. Fig. 1 shows P as a function of time and m Fig. 2 Fm as a function of the dose.,The ionizing radiation first caused an increase in Pm~ then a reduction growing in proportion-with the in- 6 :2 creasing dose, so that at 7.1-10 r~ Pm, amounted to 3 g1cm only,~ and; Card /3 The Effect of Ionizing Gamma Radiation 81020 /6()/l 34/003/031-/033/XX Upon the Structural and Mechanical B004/Bo64 Properties of Starch Gelatins 6 at 16.2-10 r no gelatin formed any more. The course.of the curve Pm - f(D) (Fig.2) which passes through a maximum., is determined by the change of the number of hydroxyl groups available for the formation of hydrogen bridges. First, radiation effects depolymerizatian. Thus3 screened off OH groups are set free; which form additional hydrogen bridges and increase P.. Then, the OH groups area however,. split off' under the formation of gaseous products. Assuming & direct,propor- tiona.lity between Pm and the number of H bridges, the autliors write 0~ 2 down equation (5): Pm ~ PM + (kx/2)(i0D)I(N0Ed) k,4 /4)(Qmo/NoEd )D 0 P is the limiting shearing stress of the non-.irradiated gelatin, m M its average molecular weights N the Avogadro number, the energy 0 necessary for the rupture of a formations D the radiationdose, x the number of screened OH groups set free in each rupture, of -the molecule, k and q are coefficients. The function (P P')/D~ which is, also m m 6 ~6 shown in Fig. 2, shows a linear course from 1.10 tCF 4.10 r,.,,thus Card 2/3 m ~ 11"', t-1,11-111 711, .1";, A The Effect of Ionizing Ga=,a 111vi-lia-ion 3/02Y60/1 34/005/031P3 VXX Upon the Structural and Mechanical B004 B064 Properties of Starch Gelatins confirming the applicability of equation (5). The maximum of P =~f(D) m lies at 1A- 1-85-106r; ku equals 20.8 on the assumption of a molecular weight of 462,000; ~ - 26 ev. According to V. F. OreAko And cd K. A. Korotchenko (Ref-1), Fig.2 also shows i as a fur'letion',of the dose.; At 4 - 5.106r,i falls to 1/110 of its original'value.,The ~a uthors me a-, tion a paper by Yu. S. Zuvey. There are 2 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute of the, Food Industry) PRESENTED: March 189 1960,, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED: February 4, ig6o Card 3/3 MIT �ahova N G - The dis sition of the Inte u uaLtWnof tki first order a gene"ral,eme." s 0 It SSSR: (I 6k. 1 3~ D~okladyy. A~kad.. au (Russian) Con, sider the quatiori (1)~: dji/4Jwtj(-, rtain i merely continuous in a ce rqi6n e. G. Naito proi~ed Cryln& Ann, 37;i-18~42*'(1890)3 1,-:7 plan 1 1 :-7 AV er -of 0 fdu~iix6mat'cuj4' es; - that there exist for ev yj~iniAf pper and lower right, and uppoir. and 16werlift integral' U -between which-every intek curves ral curvie th;Qh-Miniist am Uniquenerm correspinvnds*6 the coincidehce-bf th6iW6. p right and also of the two left extreiri~lcui4e's'k vrent r7l eyliibited [Math. Z. 23, 107-~jW (M~)j Of Iunc-- tions f and relatedregions 11t,'sucWthit in eac point o ditig: iii (1) iari the four extremal curves correspon disdnct"~ The author discusses such syaenis and es notablk tha. pr?l there exists a countable Iiiisis.ofsolutions such that through any point:M of 0 there paisba a s6lutioti be --f 'un made, up of arcs of the curvei Y.~. ~A' num C 0 SYS S~ solved problems concerning: these. Lavreniieff Ma r :Sys by tfie aiithor..: rooo: S. Lefsciteiz (Orinlc~ibn,~ P 1% :-Mathevat'lCal R -jL i f .4-i q ?7T 7- --------- - ti I 19 i I 'T~ 1- 11 -, - ... . --...... m .-I! 111; 11 'Itil, '. V " li 4 1: -1,- F.~', q In.;." , ~0' ~ Tw- I........... ........ ........ ...H iiiQafiggaG ---- ---- -- ------ IV 11 1 1 ANUCHIM. Sergey Andrayevich; BORIK, Alakeandr Galashirich; SHMOVA. Nina Vasillysyna; KUKIN, G.N., doktor takhaicheakikh"na-uk-,--p.rofessor, retsinizent; OVA. Ye.H.. redaktor; XLIKXNA,~ N.M., tekhaicheekly redaktor [Design and servicing of twisting machines used In a rono -azm ae- 11P. turel Ustroistvo i obolushivanie krutilinykh mashlaUpronovago proizvodstya. Moskva, Goo. nauckmo-tekhn. Isd-vo Mintsterstya promyshlennykh tovaroy shirokogo potroblentia SSSR. 1954. 99 p (Spinning machinery) (KOA 7:1;) (Nylon) rwlT..,MRTllTv I i i I r i --7111 77p, I - , 0!, ,,,, ., ;i"I. .% : - " H ::: - . i .1 . I . I . . 11 - ; ; I !!F lltT:ll;;:1T,T~l !,if !11.311111 IT 113:11 t;i-12 I w I! lu~'Jl~vj . . ;F; . ,:1 : It . i I I :~ . I ; . ~ .. 1 11 , A A 11 : 11 1 11 ill' " :r : I.. I1 1 T. : " :~ , MORMON-- p R ji 'ni