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NWKO) G,S.) b1zh.; LEMITSIND, A.I. , in-ish.; SHAPUNUV, M.M., inzh. . . . t~, The S-"5 hydraulic machine tool for cutting reinforcement t3tool. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.4:30-32 Ap 162. (KIRA 16:7) (Metal-cutting tools) (Concrete reinforcement) 1. -~:14APWITOV YE. TE. 2. USSR (600) 4. Nets - Azov, Sez. of 7. Practice in using self-imersing fJ)(ed nets in the sea of Azov. Ryb. Khoz. 23 No. 11. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Iongress, -1953. Unclassifieu. SHAPUNOV., Ye.Ye. Determining optimum mesh gauge for the bags of fine-meshed seines of the Sea of Azov. Trudy VNIRO no.47:52-67 162. (MIRA 18:4) ARSENTIM, A.T.) kand, tekhn. nauk; P.,".~ PORKOP I&Aap student; SANDOMIRSKlY, K.Ya., -.t-..dLnt; SFA-"!JPPI, A.V., student Expansion cf mining operation- -~t. tKe OlenogurFk strip mine using multiple-rcw blasting. nauch. t!-vd. KGRI no.15., 60-63 163. (141RA 17&8) 1. Na~:hallnik Clenegor.9kcgo ka-llyera, F-rivcrc.,zhekiy basseyn (for Permyakov). A. P& It- k JL 4- IL 11- A JL Py- 84 pt 0 (c 18 22 IL 3- J~ 10 If It 33 19101 Wb"VAG fW Will coommu" 14"tus ge Us scieldific RMU logleowl" od RlsaftiaLl Commalmillciiiio U. A. S. Pbpow (VMIZ), Nopow, B-12 jww. TiMICV, L.D., hand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; OGULICIUdISKIY, G.G. ; SHAMOV, P.V. Electric measurements in cable lines, the strands of which carry Induced voltages. Vest.Bviazi 20 no.2:15-16 F 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. TSentrall W nauchno-i-asledovatel'skiy institut avyazi (for Razumov). 2. Stsrshiye inzhenery TSentrallriogo nauchno- Issledovatel'skogo in8titUtR BVyazi (for Ogullehanskiy. Shapurov). (Electric neasurementB) (Electric cables) 3',,:APTjRCV, 7. V. USLA/Medicine 194dical Societies nw/jun 1949 Hedicine Otorhinolaryngology 'Account of the Work of the Latvian Departmentj, of the A32-UnIon Society of Otolarnygologisu for 190" 1 P NVest Oto-Rino-Laringol" No. 3 Work of this Society began 21 Fway 1948 with Prof N. D. Khodyankov as chairman and 2, Ta, Tillya as secretary. The chairman reported on-"PrcW-essive Biological Science and the Taska of Otolaryngolovft and other reports and demonstrations# wwng them V& V, ShaparovIe "Surgical Treatmnt of Cancer of the Throat,.0 were given. UpAther the mmber of meetings held during the half year nor the mwbership are mentioned* 101~ PA 64Ak9T82 SFAPUROV, V.V. 37639. elektrolchirulgiys pri rake gortani vestnik otorinolarin gologil 19119, No. 6, s. 51-53 SO: Letopis' Zhurnal'nWM Statey, Vol. 37, 1949 ~,HiS'1'iAKOVJl SU2URGVA, V.V. of steel in chloroform and di-chlcroethane. lzv.vys.ucheb. zav.; khim. i 'A-h._-,m.',-ekh. 7 no.2:349--31--0 1"', 0. 4 (MIRA 18:4) 1. hl;-,rb,.rqhevskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheski-y institut im. V.V. K-uylup3lat--va, kafedra khDrdi. -SHAFYRO, B.1 VABBIKIS, A., red.; VISOCKAS, A., tekhn. red. [Lithuanian consumers' cooperati%~es on the road indicated by Lenin] Lietuvos vartotoju kooperacija Lenino keliu, Vilnius, Laikrasciu ir zurnalu leidykla) 1961 34 ~FLIIU PI;--3) (Lithuania-Cooperative societies) WHKOVY F.M.; NAZAROV, V.P.; NEMTSOV, K.Ye.; ORWV, A.P.; POLTAVETS, I.S.; SHAR, Yu.I.; KANEVSKAYA, M.D., red.; MIKHLINA, L.T.,, tekhn. red. (Keeping and training working dogs] Soderzhanie i dressi- rovka sluzhebnykh sobak. Moskva, lzd-vo DOSAkF, 1963. 227 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Dogs--Training) SHARABAN, V.A. Mechanized feed and remorval of stanped billets on specialized hydraulic presses. Sbor. Novo-Fram. mashinostroi. zav. no.",: 90-96 159. (1411RA 17: 1) SHARABANOVA, A., doyarka i~~~the socia-Ust competition in honor of the 22nd Congress of the CPSUI Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no. 2:12 Ja 161. (14M 14:2) 1. Sovkhoz "Mitrofanovskiy" Chelyabinskoy oblasti. (Chelyabinsk Province-Dairying) (Socialist competition) 5 ( 3'/ AUTHORS: Levina R.Ya-, Sbarabo-v,,.-Ym-S--t- P o tap ov, V. K. SOV/55-58-5-31/34 " TITLE.- Cyclopropanes and Cyclobutanes. IV. A Cleaning Method for Arylcyclopropanes Which Have Been Obtained According to the Kizhner Method. Short Note. (Tsiklopropany i tsJklobutany-.IV. Metod o--histki ariltsiklopropanov, poluchayemykh po reaktaii Kizhnera. Kratkoye soobshcheniye) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya matematik~ mekhaniki, astronomii, fizikii, khimii 1958,Nr 5,pp 201 - 204 USSR) ABSTRACT- It was stated that phenylcyclopropane changes for no temperature under the influence of 2.4 - dinitrobenzenesulfenylehloride, while propenylbenzene forms a crystalline substance with the combination mentioned above. This fact was used in order to develop a method for purifying phenylcyclopropane from pro- penylbenzene. - There are 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and 4 American. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Chair of Organic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1958 Card 1/1 SHARABIDZE,_G. A. Cand. Agri. Sci. (diss) "Measures for Increas- . - .. - _-I in- Yield from Wild Varieties of Pitted Fruit Plants (Cherries !M and Peaches)," Tbilisi, 19G1, 32 pp. (Georg. Agri. Inst.) 180 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 280). GLONTI, N.Ya.; �H AR&BWZE,-X.1. Increasing the working capacity of cars in a tunnel kiln. Stek. i ker. 19 no.l2s27-28 D 162. (KMA 16i1) 1. Metekhskiy ldrpichno-cherepichnyy zavod. (Kilns) KASIY.AIIOV, A.N.; KRAPIVNER, L.M.; LUZYAK21, D.; SEARABAIN, I..; KHAVCHENKO, D.; AF-4-11ASIYEV, Ya~I.; ABUSHAYEV, I.Sh.,, IM.&NOV, E. D. Information and brief news. Veterinariia 40 no.4.87-93 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:1) SHAWRIIT~ I.G., Prof. Militaro-Veterinary Academy, Veterinary Service "On the method and instrwrients of clinical determination (f arterial and venou s pres sure." SO: Vet. 24 (7) 1947, p. 27 Tab Con 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - .. 1. 11. SHAdRABRIN, 1. -,. ( Professor) .New in the soviet veterinary clinical dia,rnosis. So: Vetcr~nariya; 211; 12; December 1947; Uncl. T A KV,", ) N 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHAUBLUN, I. G., Prof. "Graphic methods of examination in clinical practice.'? SO: Vet. 2k (11) 1948, pe 28 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 9 * * 0 0 3-.:.! 1 -.1 Proil., , . :~. ".'Iext 1~'rolblems of Therapy," Vetuer-Lnariya, I.-o. 6, !949. - .1d., Chair TI, er,-2.y ~~ Dia- osti cs, I Ll- iloscou Fur. Ynst., -c!94~-. SHARABRINT, I.C., Prof. Moscow Fur Institute "Traumatic pericarditis in cattle in X-ra.v picture," SO: Vet. 27 (2) 19-,9, P. 50 0 0 0 0 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 * * 9 0 * 40 0 0 * 0 0 4D 0 o~ a zinera i --:ef it, tLe fee,;;- c~ ~'T ~ ~~ t-' , cow5. . - 1 1.'. -I - - - I .-. :- I X " 'o - -A 1, Uce. izd-vo oel'-doz- lit.-ry, 15' 115 F. , .0 It, t,,/ I I ~~e 2C,;~,~48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. Z V3, 04- huifii~W VThe-~sppllcation of Rdutgen rays to ag;~ method fo* the deter- studi- n=o=ton, D ruination 1.4f. .16n In -fum CjWS). DostixUniya Nauki No. 2, SG-3-' Wferaf z=712pyllaoss, Mo.- 753&-The deposition oVloss of Ca-P salts in the bones of animals was studied by means of "ntgen rays and special standards from the bones of - healthy steers. 'It was P"P!- indicated that mineral insufficiency In the bones of milk cows is reflected in a lowered mirk. yield and sometimes in' the death of the animal. Highest rate of P-Ca salt deposit in the tow bones occurs during the period of open pasturing or green-grass feeding. High-corcentrate feeds reinforced with appropriate minerals appear to be of no particular- benefit so far as increased P-Ca booe deposit is coaccrued., J. B. S. Levine. USSR/Medicine Veterinary science Card 1/1 Pub. 77 - 16/20 Authors Sharabrin, I. G., Dr. Veterinary Sei. Title X-raying animals reriodical. ,Nauka i zhizn' 21/12, page 39, Decl954 Abstract The decrease in nroductivity nf milk cows and the appearance of certain dis- eases is attributed to a disturbance in the interchange of phospho-calcium salts, causing a mineral deficiency in the animal. The author describes a unit that was set uD on a farm, which consists principally of an X-raying de- vice and a soecial measuring instrument by which it was determined which cows showed a deficiency of nhospho-calciun, salts. The remedy consisted of r)utting needed minerals into the so-il, from which they entered the plants used Lor feedina. Illustration. Institution ! Submitted : SHARLBRIN, I.G -., professor. Course of the development of radiology in stockbreeding. Yeterinariia 32 no-9:54-57 S 155. (MIRA 8:12) 1.Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut kermleniya sel'skokhoz,yaystvenn,vkh zhivotnykh. (RADIOGRAPHT) (VETERINARY MEDICIVE) SHARABRIN, I.G., professor# ABROSD40VJL, R.S. Zffect of the dry milk-protein preparation "Kazzol" on the growth and development of calves. Trudy VNIIII 3:348-356 '56. (Calvan-Feeding and feeding stuffs) (mLRA 1o:4) ~--TM~O=t M A, cows- a- "id 0113 -,Oauti pt 5 A. . 04*4 i4tiW s* Abf -T --V. 'R S., ."G : le i i K e m " yar a IW; Nd":897 adepo4ti6it" th 1 wtl*'~ khiiere~ kept In the Abi - bi h bone I th T and Cm rcachod ~ . , , ~ w high mat Itsy Y`~ih r1i cte i#Uk prv-ductivi fodder " ti t ift" dt-the P and io te ra on& oc qqw"s 4 qct , : 7% Q 'ta'salts in ~tue lholles. lip SHARABRIN, I.G., professor. Prospects for the use of radiant snerg7 in increasing productivity in animal husbandry. Trudy VNIIK 3:392-399 '56. (KMA 10:4) (Radiation--Physiological effect) (Stock and, stockbreading) ~ITTSEY, Vladimir Ivanovich, prof.; SINEV, A.V., prof.; IONOV, P.S., prof.; VASrL'Y?,V, A.V., prof.; SILARABRIN, I.G., prof.; SOLOVEY, A.B., rod.; BALLOD, A.I., (Clinical diagnosis of internal diseases of domestic animals] Klinieheakaia diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei domashnikh zhivotnykh. Pod red. V.I.Zaitseva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1938. 375 P. OKMA 12:3) (Veterinary medicine--Diagnosis) 1 1- - ~--.j "Research Wor;~: exhibited by Scientists for an Increase in A--icultural Productivity," C- report presented at a meeting of scientists, agricultural workers and directors of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV) (Nauka i zhizn', 1958, PP 33-41) Moscow.$ 1958. Prof. Mo5kovs'kaya Veter-Lnarlaya Akademiiya (Moscow Veterinary Academy). ZAYM, S-Ya., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SHARABRIff, I.G., prof.; BOROVKOVA, Ye.I. Investigations into the feasibility of substituting silage for hay in cows' diets. Zhivotnovodstvo 20 no-11:31-37 N 158. (MIRA 12:11) (Dairy cattle-Feeding and feeding stuffs) SHARABRIN, I.G.. prof. - Main tasks of veterinary specialists in eradicating noninfectious diseases of animals during the winter stall period. Veterinariia 35 no.11:29-35 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moskovskaya vaterinarnaya skademiya. (Veterinary medicine) SHARABRIN, I.G., prof.; GUSEV, V.; KOROSTEIEZV, P.M.; LAPSHIN, I.I, Throughout thei Soviet Union. Vaterinariia 35 no.11:92-94 19 '58. (MIRA 11:11) (Veterinary medicine) DOMRACHEV, Georgiy Vladimirovich, prof., zasluzli.dayatell nauki RSFSR [deceased]; SMUBRIN, I.G., prof.; SMIRNOV, S.I.. prof.; CHAGIN, V.G., prof.; -=t~BOK, Y'a.I.. prof.; LYAPUSTIN, A.K., prof.; SMSMIN, N.R., prof. Cd8ceasedj; ONEGOV, A.P., prof.; KHRUSTALEV, S.A., prof. [deceased]; CHERKASOV, V.A., dotsent; SOLOVEY, A.S., red.; FROKOFIYEV, L.N.. [Pathology and treatment of internal noninfectious diseases of farm animals] Patologiia i terapiia vnutrennikh nezeraznykh boleznei sellskokhozisistvennykh zhivotnykh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 503 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyBystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Domrachev). (Veterinary medicine) BAKHIREV, N.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAVANIN, V.A., in4.; DANTSIG, N.M.; KODINETS, G.A., prof.; MELYUKOV, A.N., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; PIGAREV , N.V,, doktor sellkhoz . nauk; OSETROV, P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVENTITSKIY, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk5 SOKOLOV,M.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; SOWN, A.S., doktor selikhoz.nauk; SHARABRIN I G., doktor bet. nauk; SKOEELEV, VA, kand. tokhn. nauk; TIRKELITAUB, M.V., inzh.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; YEPIFANOVA, L.V., tekhn. red.; SIMKINA, G.S., tekhn. red. [Recommendations for ultraviolet irradiation of farm animals and,,fow'IjRekomendatsii po ulltrafioletovorw-i oblnpJw4i-iu sell- skoi0ioziaistvennykh zhivotnykh i ptits. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 46 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut bialogicheskoy fiziki. Bektslya po ulltrafioletovoma iz]Lucheniy-a. (Ultraviolet rays-Physiological effect) (Stock and stockbreeding) ZAFREN, S.Ya., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SHARABRIN, I.G., prof.; SHTURBA, Ye.K., mladshiy nauchW sotrudnik------ Results of four years' work in substituting silage for hay in winter rations for cows. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.8,43-50 Ag 161. (KMA 16:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut kormov (for Shturba),. (Cows-Feeding and feeds) (Hayes feed) 3HARABRIN, I.G.; ORLOV, P.T.; POLAHIN, F.S. "Metabolism in t're on+.oFerv of calves lander normal and pathological conditions" by V.M.Koropov, N.M. Noskov. Reviewed by I.G.Sharabrin, P.T.Orlov, F.S.Polukhin. Veterinariia .19 no-1:85-86 Ja 163. (IffRA 16.- 6) (Calves) (Metabolism) SHARABRIN, I.G., prof.; KOROPOV, V.M., prof.; ORLOV, P.T., dotsent Feed qlality as a 'oasis of normal metabolism in animals. Veterinariia 40 no.6:54-56 Je 163. (MIRA 17-.1) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya. SHARABRIN, i,S.. prcf,, CHFRKASOV, V..A, . dc~sent, SIIAYX,~~AMANPV, M,Kh~~ - assiatert, KOKOVINj A-71 , ordl-natcr Treatment of dyspepsia in ~-alves t:~v the method of the -' nt rape r'- toneal 2'r,'ecL4-or,5 of inediciria' Ve~-erinarila 41 no,2~61-66 F 164. . j L m,.xtures, WRA 17;12) ,. Moskovskaya Yeterinarnaya akadeiruya, cf develcoing heaIUV and highly-j~roductlvs cat-la 41 nc..3.53-56, Mr 164. (ml wu 8 ~ I J,, Vl;--~--*k:~,f.,,kayp- veterinarriaya akade=va. ZAYTSEV, V.I.,, prof.; SINEV, A.V.j prof.; IONOV, F.S., prof.; VASILtYEV, A.V., prof.; SWAMIN,,.I.G., prof.; ZELEPUKIN, V.S., red. [Clinical diagnosis of internal diseases in farm animals) Klinicheskaia diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei sel'sko- khoziaistvennykh zhiyotnykh. 2. perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 350 P. (MIRA 17:11) - -ABRL %; Fl' 'V, A.A~ SHAR 11, I.G., pro.1 i D IN'E Feeding high-grade feecia aa tne baoici of the praphylaxis of animal dispases. Ileterinariia 42 no.12:78-82 D 165. ( MIPA 19 -1 '1 1. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akadem-iya (for Sharahrln'. 2. Glavnyy veterinarny~,r vrach Sovkhaza imeni Mossoveta., Moskovs~oy oblasti 0 01. Fud-nev'; L 31306-66 EyjL(1)/T JK 1 ACC NR:. AP6022586 (A,N) SOURCE CODEs UR/o346/66/000/001/0059/0060 AU'Li[ORt Sharabrin, I. G.*(Professor) I ORG: nono TITIZ: Treating animals infected with foot-and-mouth disease SOURCEE: Voterinariya, no. 1, 1966, 59-60 TOPIC TAGS: foot and mouth disease, animal disease therapeutics, commercial animal, viruN virology-, serum ABSTRACT: The author notes the importance of complications in the course of foot-and. mouth disease infection of the animal organism as a supplemental cause of loss of livestock (up to 28%). Enumerating the most important changes in the organism in the course of the disease, the author then reviews the dietetic, patient-care, pharmacolo. gical and other therapeutic measures recomonded by various Soviet authors& ffmf SUB CODE: 06 / SURK UTEt none Card SHARLBARINY N.I. Activity of the clearing factor (lipoproteinase) in the blood plasma of children with rheimatism. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no.5:30-33 MY 162~ (NIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent A.V. SolovIyev) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituts, (dir. - prof. G.D. Zalesskiy). (RHEUMATIC FEVER) (LIPOTROPIC FACTM) L r~a- t v4t [-,(,nsatior, c; u -ntaL (ii' 50 Ener-gY, Ger-eval ~~,rd iriti CGrLl'; Peacefu-,- Uses o~ AtOnlic' 31 64. 137-58-4-6689 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4. p 54 (USSR) AUTHOR Sharadzenidze, S.A. TITLE- Methods of Increasing the Output of Open-hearth Fu.-7naces (Puti povysheniya proizvoditet'nosti martenovskikh pechey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 3 (51), pp 89-96 ABSTRACT. The major factors involved in raising the output of the open- hearth furnaces of a number of Soviet iron and steel mills are examined. Faster charging is accomplished by careful prepara- tion of the charge (flattening of tubular material and baling tight scrap). The mean weight of the charging box is raised to 2.3-3t. and the heating of the metal is speeded by carrying slagging-off to the maximum. Important gains have been made by steelmakers in mechanizing the removal of slag from the slag pockets (by means of special cars. Kuznetsk and Trans-Caucasian Metallurg- ical Kombinats). The next problem for the open-hearth men con- sists of increasing the number of smelting days in the year to 340-345. To cut losses, runner brick is dried at the Trans- Caucasian Metallurgical Kombinat at 100-1300, and the pit is Ca rd 112 made with dry refractory. To intensify fuel combuslion, 02 is 137-58-4-6689 INAethods of Increasing the Output of Open-hearth Furnaces 0 !ntrOdLICCd It a number of plants through a nozzle -in the fuel stream - in the CaSe Of fUl-WIlLeS USIIII~ hC~)Vy 011 and ThrOLIPh water-cooled tuyeres in the aces. This cause,- furn- -;I(Ic5 of"the !',Ii') j'Ickel - it] tile o I h ea t e(i f u r n, OLItIMI ik) 1) 1.1. WiC, (IL11-111P, bottom repair, of 02 in5tead L)! L0111IM-C'-~Cd olt- CUT'~~ rcj)~'ir 11111- (- 011sidera lily. S,L. "'c-rna-es-Pro, --`oi) i re L i f,, ci S Card 2/2 25(5) PHASE I BOOK ExrL01T.iTIC,,',' SOV/3080 Gomelauri, Nikolay Georgiyevich, Nikolay Va,9-J-11yevich Kashakashvili, Solomon Avtandilovich Sharadzenidze, Viktar Viktorovich Sereda, -iG6"gava Zakavkazskiy metalluro.-icheskiy zavod imeni-I. V. Stalina.(Zakavkazskiy Metallurgical Plant imen~_ I. V. Stalin) (Moscow] Metallurgizdat., 1959- 147 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.; N. G. Gomelauri, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: L. M. Gordon; Tech. Ed.: A. I. Karasev. PURPOSE: This book is Intended to acquaint metallurgical workers and the general public with the design and operation of metal- lurgical plants. COVERAGE: The book deals with the history and development of the Zakavkazskiy Metallurgical Plant imeni Stalin in Rustavi, Georgian SSR. Construction of individual departments and organi- zation of production are described. The question of technical pro- Card 1/3 Zakavkazskly Metallurgical (Cont.) SOV/3080 gress and labor product~,vity is examined. The introduction of progressive technological processes in blazt-furnace and steel- making shops, in tube and rolling mills, and in the production of wire and merchant bars is discussed. No personalities are mentioned. There are no -references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: History of Metallurgy in ZakavIcazlye 5 Historical review 5 Raw mat;erlal and fjjc_.j sourres 9 Building of the Zakavkazokiy Metallurgical Plant 1~ Coke Production 18 Agglomeration. Blast-furnace Production 29 Sintering plant 29 Blast-furnace operation 35 Steelmaking 42 Card 2/3 Zakavkazz3k1y Rolling Mill Production Blooming mill Mill for rolling tube billets Merchant-bar and wire-drawing mill Sheet and plate rolling mill Tube Production Repair and Power Facilities Production Innovators Outlook fop Plant Development City of Georgian Metallurgists AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TN755.Z26 G6) Card 3/3 3011/3080 58 58 68 77 89 97 112 116 134 140 VK/mmh 2-15-6o SF-',RhDZENIDZZ, S.A., inzh.; BOROVKOV, inzh.; Sll-pTLIT'--'I:IY, Ye.A., tnmr:-;.-TSEIT,TELI, P.A., inzh.; MINDLIN, B.I. Use of fixed manda-als on pipe piercing mills. Biul. TSHObE no.2:28-31 161. (,MIIrJ. 14:9) (Pipe mills) OYKS, G,N.,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; LOLUA, K.K., inzh.;._SHAWZ~LNIDZE, S.A., inzh.; 1AAMUN, 3J., inzh. Making capped steel with a two-layer crystall structure for the manufacture of seamless tubes. Biul.TSIICHM no-4:13-21 161. (I-MiA 14:10) (Steel-Mletallography) (Pipe, Steel) 22312 S/133/61/000/004/001/015 A054/A127 AUTHORS: Oyks, G. It., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; ,�ha4~%dzeniAz,e,__S,_A.., Engineer; Svetlitskiy, Ye. A., Engineer; Malyshev, S. I., Engineer; Lolua, K. K., Engineer, and Mind- lin, B. I., Engineer TITLE: Production of tubes from semi-killed steel with a double-layer crystalline structure PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 4, 1961, 304 - 307 TEXT: Tests were carried out on automated manufacture of seamless tubes from semi-killed steel, 4-fistead 01 f:rom killed steel as in the con- ventional process. A metal -.,ras required, 1"Lorporating the advantages of both killed and rimming steEis. For 'his pup.)se rimming steel smelted in openhearth furnaces was cast in ingot Volds with widened bases, into 5.5 - 6.3 ton in.gots. Without intefrupting tae medal flow, alu=inu:-_- granules (250 - of steel) Nerc introduced during pouring in the central zone of the casting (the carbon-,~ontenu varied correspondingly between 0.11 and 0.23c10). Aluminum was added. U-pon adding aluminum, the outer layers of C ard 1 b, 22312 S~/! "611"coo."Ou/m/01 5 Production of tubes from semi-killed steel ... A054/A127 the metal which were in contact with the mold wall, were already crystalliz- ing and formed a low-carbon, sulfur- and phosphorus-free rimming skin, while, at the same time the core of the ingot was still liquid. Aluminum kills the rimming metal of the, core, while the rate of oxidation can be con- trolled by the amount of aluminum added. Provided deoxidation was carried out in the correct way, the ingot consists of a )a soft, blister-free riu.- ming skin, on an average 12 - 20 mm. thick and b) a semi-killed core with uniform liquation of carbon, sulfur and phosphor, (not exceeding 130cl'.), in vertical and transversal direction. The average rate of the rising of the metal in the mold was 0.28 - 0-32 m/min. The 250 x 310 mm and 280 x 310 mm blooms made of the test steel were put into the pusher-type furnace of the tube-rolling mill. The surface of the blooms is remarkably clean, not dis- playing any of the usual flaws of killed steel. The blooms were rolled on 400 mm stands with the working rolls having the following angles of incli- nation: 8 - ~o for 168 x 6 mm tubes, 8 - 90 for 219 x 7 - 8 m-- and 7 - So for 325 x 8 mm. tubes. The piercing tests showed that the test metal was more strongly affected by the changes in temperature than billets made of killed steel. The test billets could not be pierced at 119000, whereas in Card 2/5,~/ 22312 S/13 61/000/004/001/015 Production of tubes front semi-killed steel ... A054YA127 'the conventional process piercing can easily be performed at 1150 - 118000. However, even when the temperatures were sufficiently high (1230 - 126oOc), the rejects amounted to b, as a result of iricorrecl~- adjustment of the firs. piercing stand. The hardness of the billet is not uniform in its cross- section (Fig. 2). The core is harder, than the external layers. The fail- ure of the piercing tests could be eliminated by modifying some of the rol- ling parameters. The inclination of the rolls in the first stand was re- duced by 10, reduction at the neck of the rolls was increased by 2.7 - 2.87. and drawing out the nosepiece of the mandrel by 22 - 25%. By decreasing the inclination angle of the working rolls, friction and pulling forces in- creased whereas axial slip decreased. As a result of the increased reduc- tion, the central parts were processed more thoroughly and piercing was promoted. The above mentioned changes in rolling parameters decreased the amount of non-piercable billets from Baj~' to 1.7%. Non-piercing of the bil- lets can be entirely eliminated by raising the cropping of the top to 2 - 3%. A further cropping (3 - 4%) should be carried out for the 900 mm stand. The quality of the tube surface ,-iith dout-le-layer structure is satisfactory., The rate of flawless products increased to 95 - 981/L The mechanical proper- ties of the tubes made of the test steel complies with FOCT (GOST) 8731-58 Card 3/5 V, 22312 5/1--'3/61/000/004/001/015 Production of tubes from semi-killed steel ... A054/A127 for killed steel (CT.2, C7.3 etc. CT = St). There are 4 figures and 3 So- viet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) and Zakar- kazskiy metallurg-icheskiy zavod (Zakavkaz Metallurgical Plant) x Card 4/5, ~/' KASHAKASHVILI, H,V.; S.,FARADZEIIDZE, 3.A.; MALYSHEV, S.I.; ClIKIrEIDZE, Z.A. GIMALDZE, Sh.S., KFOSHTARIIA, Sjh.F.~ RUKHADrE, D.A.: SHARASHIME, S. Sh. Prinimali. uc;hastiy--: SHNIGELkYA,V.; CKROt-lCh-6LISM=) Sh.; POPIASIPTILI,, Sh.; LOLUA:K.; MUIDELI, M.; TSKHELISHVILI, D.; GORDEZIANI, N.; ODIKADZE, Ch..; TATARADZE, Z.; KHUTSISHVILI, A. Production and use cit' hi.,,hly basi-, open-hearth furnace sinters r (,-n1 L t62 from Dashkesan iron ore. TruJv GPT no-4--`5-32 (MIRA 17:8) SHARADZENIDZE S A - KASHAKASHVILI, N.V.; GLADKOSKOK, P.P.; KINDELI, M.Sh.; -- - -iWS'TEOILI, V.V.; RUKHADZE, D.A,; KHOSHTARIYA, Sh.F.; SHARASHIDZE, S.Sh. Operation of blast furnaces with injection of natural gas. Meta-Ilurg 7 no.9:3-7 S 162. KRA 15:9) 1. Rustavskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod i Gruzinskiy politekhnLeheskiy institut. (Blast furnaces) (Gas, Natural) TAVADZE, F.N.; SHAROZENIME, S.A.; RMMMZE, D.F. Core sampling from mold walls for the study of their structure and of the mold methl properties. Stall 22 no..4:374-375 Ap 162. (NM 15:5) (Ingot molds.--Testing) SHARkMENIDZE, S-A.; ~,LINDLIN, I.G.; SHALYGIN, D.A.; TSERETELI, P.A. I-leclwxdzation and automation of pipe mills. Metallurg 8 no.6: 27-29 Je 163. OMIRA 16:7) 1. RustavsIdy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Pipe mills) (Automation) SHARADZENIDZE, S.A.; BOROVKOV, A.N.; SVETLITSKIYY Te.A. Practice of flame scarfing of pipe U10's. Stall 23 no.9t82-4426 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Rustavskly metallurgicheskir zavod. .E 7,A,; -,7jTHERTFiZF, SHARMPNEUIDZE, ChKqj:TD-j CHMAIRTISHVILI, i.V. Basic factor:, al' the fomation cf !ntuernal ard external laps in p"pe, Stall 24 no.U.-910-911 0 164. (MIRA 1-7,12) -Gn - . u m azinsk:!y instit-a-,t metallurg-41 4 R stavakiy etallvargichesk4y 2&1~101;. L ACC NRs AP6011200 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/0001006 0032/0032 INVENTOR: Semenov, 0. A.; Alferova, N. S.; Ya Kolesnik, B. P.; Ostrin, G. Ya.: P1yatsFov_sk_1yO, A.; Kheyi!~1_-~_~_ N.; Gleyberg, A. Z.; Chemerinskaya, R. I.; Comelauri, N. G,; Blanter, M, Ye.; Sharadzenidre, S. A.: Suladze, 0. N.; Gol'denberg, A. A.; Tsereteli. P. A.; Ubiriia' 'K.--W7. 7MLqtieladze , 0. G. ORG: none TITLE: Method of manufacturing strengt (ined tubes. Class 18, No. 179786 [announced by the Ukrainian Scientific Research- InstiLute of Pipes (Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledo- vatel'skty trubnyy institut)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promystilennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6. 1966, 32 TOPIC TAGS: tube manufacturing, tube rolling, tube strengthening, tube heat trea ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of strengthening hot-rolled tubes. According to this method., the hot-rolled tube is quenched Immediately after it leaves the first rolling .81 and then is sized or reduced at a tempering temper ture. [ND) SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 12Nov63/ ATD PRESS:y -Z L, ~_ 'I.N. 11. - -,, :,:;ncr - (" `~Ian~! t! j Cormctions~ of-` --,I--mants of the ,Ianet (b62) Franzia. 'Jiul. ins". ~3or. astr~n. a ',o. 2, 1947 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~lu;~ust 1952 t�M/, Uncl. SHAH". Sh. G. Development of certain functions of the coordinates of elliptical motion into serieB up to the ninth degree of excentricitv. Biul.Inst.teor.axtron. 5 no.5:303-314 153. (KLRA 7:6) (Mechanics, Celestial) SHARAF, Sh.G.; BLI'DNIKOVA, N.A.; SUBBOTIN, M.F., otv. red. [Theory of the motion of F!,:to. Rz ?. Fil;tols perturbations of the second order in relation to perturbing masses. Ft-3. Recom- putation of Pluto's perturbations of the first order in relation to perturbing masses. Pt.4. Fluto's new elements.] Teoriia dvi- zheniia Plutona. Mo5kva, Nauka. Pt.2. Vozmushcheniia Plutona vto- rogo poriadka otnositellno vozmushchaiushchikh mass. Pt-3. Pere- v-,,chi5len--;e vazmushchenii Plutona pervogo poriadka otnositellno vozmushchaiushchikh mass. Pt.4. Novye elementy Plutona. 1964. 161 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoi astronomii. Trudy, no.10). O-MIA 17:11) 1. Direktor Instituta teoretfcheskoy astronomii AN SSSR; chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Subbotin). FRANTSEVICH-ZABLUDOVSKAYA,, T.F. [deceased]; KAL134ANOVA, L.P.,-_�114WAN, G.I. Photometric determination of palladium. Zhur. anal. kitim, 18 no.9:1083-1089 S 163. (MM 16:11) 1. Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry-, Acadeny of SciencesY Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. tW:P--(j;,) -4WP(k)/t iP(v.)/9WP L 58470-65- -.EWP.(e)/EWTfjA)/JW- 2/ N, nit J,D/JG' 'UR/0680/65/038/064/0954/0 .ACCESSION NR: AP5011819 Pu~-4 ITP(c) 956--~.- 541.130+546.3-19t72177 ~AUTPOR: Frantsevich-Zabludovskaya, T.-F. Sh TITLE: Electrodeposition of iron-molybdenum.alloys from fluoride electrolyted 4, -1965i 954-9W 'SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 33, no. ~TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum alloy, 'tungsten alloy. izonqllcy, le6tro osition, d6p refractory alloy ,ABSTRACT: An iron-molybdenum alloy (in -the form of -powde :.containing up to.51 Mol same amount of oxygen, and,0.2% nitrogen)- and an irvii-tungsten 'alloy (in the form of sponge containing up to 6% W and the same ~amount of 'gas .3.mDurities), electrodeposited from a solution of iron flu6borate containing 25 k/1 ferrousjron, .2-5 g1l molybdenum (as sodium molybdate) or 1-5 j/ltu.ngsten (as -.Sodium tungstate)v~ pH 1.3-2.0. In addition, an Fe-.;Mo alloy,.was electrodeposited from a fluoride.~-elecam i r-7i7~- trolyte of the following composition: forric iron (as chloride),,28 g/1, mol Vdenu e F;~ ~(as ammonium molybdate) 4 g/t,-ammonium fluoride 89 g/t,:pH 1.2 1.3 .~ Th /Fe2 ~ratio could not be determined in this electrolyte; for this reason, electrolytes Card 1/2 L 5847o-65 RUMSION NR: AP5011819 :containing (1) only lower or (2) only- higher valence forms*of the components to be codeposi:ted were used in subsequent.experimeiits,,.in,:which,the catholyte contained :(in g/0: ferrous iron (as sulfate) 2e, pefitavalent,mo (reduced elictrDlytically . ammonium molybdate) 4, ammonium fluoride-60.5, boric acid 25,- ammonium sulfate 66; the catholyte contained 66 g/1 ammonium,sul-fate at pH'l. Electrolysis in, .plastic vessels produced cathodic deposits containing up -to 10% Mo,'bui the current :efficiency did not exceed 7%. Fluoride electrolytes.are-not recommended for the !preparation of iron-molybdenum and'lron~-tungsten__alloys both because7of.the low con :tent of the refractory element in the alloy and'because.of-the low c'urrent.effi- 1ciency. Orig. art. has: Ifigure and I table'. ;ASSOCIATION: none ~SUBMITTEDi llApr63 'ENCL: 00. SUB CODE.-.1al 1N0 REF SOV: 005 OTHER. 2 ~2 -7 SHARAFEYEV, A.G. -- Gastrointestinal hemorrhages in acute pancreatitis. M..sp.khir. i anest. 6 no.3.146-48 161. (MIRA 11,:10) (MOREAS-DISEASES) (HEMORRHAGE) SHARAFEMV.--A.G, Pathogenesis of postoperative pancreatic necrosis. Khirurgiia no.10:39-44 161. (M-k 14:10) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnits-y imeni S.F. Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N. Shabanov). (PA'NCREAS-SURGERY) (RECROSIS) SHARAFEYEV A.G. (Moskva) Pleural exudates associated with acute pancreatitis. Klin. med. 39 no.2tl34-138 F 161o (HIRA LOA (PANCREAS-DISEASES) (PLEURISY) SHARAFEYEV, A,-Q, (Moskva) General cerebral disorders in acute pancreatitis. Klin. mad. no.9:86-90 161. (KERA 15:6) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. B. S. Rozanov) TSentral'nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. M. 1). Kovrigina) i khirurgicheskoy kliniki Moskovskoy orodskoy ordena Lenina, klinicheskoy bolinitsy imni S. P. Botkina glavnyy vrach - prof. A. N. Shabanov) f (PANCREAS-DISEASES) (BRAIN-DISEASES) -- - SHARAFEYEV, A. G. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:58-61 162, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra khirurgii I (zav. - zaal. deyatell nauki, prof. B. S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstrovaniya vrachey i khirurgicheskaya klinika Moskovskoy gorodskoy ordena Tenina klini- cheakoy bollnitsy im. S. P. Botkina. (PANCRFAS-DISEASES) SIIAT?,IP,E,Yl,',V, A.G. Pathogenetic s--,,--T.*.--7-4ca-nce of the fornzaticr of pseudocyat in ,irurEiia ro.3:32-35 O.,T-)!, -2 acute pancreatitis. Kh Iz I-y kafedry khiinirgii Nav. - zasluzzhenn.:-y deyatell nauk-i prof. B.S. Rozan-ov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrache:~ 1 khirurgicheskoy klinj3-,i Moskovskoy gorodskoy ordenra Lenine. kainiahesko:yr bollnitsy ineni S.P. Botkina. (PAYCREAS.-DISEASES) (PAIJCRa-,TIC CYSTS) SHARAFE?F-,-A,-G.- (-Moskva) Pain in acute pancreatitis and its pathogenic significance. no.1:9/+-98 162. (MIFU 15:1) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershens-Wovaniya vrachey (dir. M.D. Kovrigina) i khirurgicheskoy kliniki Moskov- skoy gorodskoy ordena loenina klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni S.P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach A.N. Shabanov). (PAIICREAS-DISEIIISES) (PAIN) SHARAFMV, A.G. Arterial pressure in acute pancreatitia. no.3.' L22-126 7 62. I (MU-A 15 5) 1. 1z I-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i khirurgichaskoy kliniki Moskovskoy gorodskoy ordena Lenina kainicheskoy bolln-ftsy imeni S.P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach prof. A.17. Shabanov). (Pfil,TCREAS--DISMES) "BLOOD PRESSURE) SHARAFEYEV.). A.G. Analysis of 314 cases of acute pancreatitis. Khirurg:Lia 39 ncy.10:64-67 0 163. (KRA 17:9) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii (zav.- zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i khirurgicheskoy kliniki Moskovskiy gorodskoy ordena Lenina klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Botkina (glavnyy vrach- dotsent Yu.G. Antonov). SHARAFA)~ff,.3.G. (Mosiva) Necrosis of fatty tissue in acute pancreatitis. Klin. med. 41 no.2:89-94 F163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii ( zav. - zasluzhennyy de-yatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta. usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey ( dir. M.D. Kovrigina) i khirux-gicheskoy kliniiki Moskovskoy gorodskoy ordena Lenina klinicheskoy boll- nitsy imeni S.F. Botkina. (glavnyy vrach - dotsent Yu.G. Antonor). SHARAFI) A.Sh. Solar coil water-water heater for shower baths. Geliotekhnika no.1:55-56 165. (14IRA 18:5) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. ,L 5-2-57745 EPA (13 (d _Tt-7 I"(0) j -:ACCESSION,NR: AP5012031 JUR 374/66/6 10/006.11 UTHOM.-Sharaft -A. _A S&. IM of -6 At. _iritm. AutOmiti6n'of tWi tiapldiij~ Oyi A&ii64 08 SOURCE: Geliotekhnika, no. 1,~ 1965 67t- .... ...... ~Z-< -TOPIC TAGS: solar ene gy ponverter,,_ solar'6611' Idn te q~ g-,sys mi~-a r ABSTRACT: The Authors propose two aut( ti WmO or e tra6wg4ft mia c Ays c" sure cons ate., of 'two 4"Y solar devices- the fixat (see Pit. la of 0 el b thin- th (copper or aluminum)"hhetal tubes,4 and painted ieai dbrinect6d by-rubber tube' gffiiis-u-tuGe 4 -containing mercur3~ 5 Tube 4 had metalvires 6 . 7-,: and SmAose ends ro+aiei* 6 sol protrude to the outside and are connectedto the electric.m6tor which' dii-. ays-by screens vice. Tubes I and 2 are protectedfrom.splar-k 9 -and m: . Wheh the, device is disoriented, solar rays strike tube -1 and leat ihe~ latter' ;~ the gasIn 0- e", Wan displaces the mercury toward contact 8 --and thus. 6166~ the circuit of tbii iiicitor,-,which- ttibe, turns the device in the direction ofincidence of the ray9j rAtbeenergy ~trlldng alculated., The second xnechanism (6be Fig- and the change in tube temperature are c plates I -and 2 attached', "K of the Enclosure) consists of two parallel' blackened, bimetallic 1/3 [bard L 52577-45 ~ACCESSION NR. AP5012031 hi h at one end. On the,free end of plate, 2 is placed an. Ifisulaf6d plug 3,~ inside w c -is- located the free end of plate. 1.. e pi -s sre-piote I- ~dreens Th * itteE cted from ad ar rays y s ' 4 and 5. When the solar device Is dlsorjented,~.Eiolar.rijs 6gin q se:p a 0 1 the latter heats'up, Its free end drops,-down- andi -* by ine'ans ~ of --odatact 6_44 i~-16 ~th electric motor which turns.the device in the direction of th6 solar rays. ~._T- he:jqy*s,texns , ! _ described are sin;ple to construct and operate -and can succes ~tmlac4 toelectric , !~. formulas devices. OrIg. art. has:' 1 figure and 5 J. ASSOCIATION: Tashkents1dy gosuniversjtet 1M*,1; V..- 1. Lenina (TRAMAt Stitd' Unlversli6),-,~ SUBWrT]ED.- 13Oct64 ENCU, 61. SIM C-ODIE..- NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER:,~, 00 0 z 3 Card J. P , I., r I 1~ - I (-,,T - '. zh. F. 311.: 'Tollstera~ or tha- inf-rior vena cava." Fazan' Mlap,oveshchensk -'tatt ~'edical Inst. L-issertation for t1-. f. T'p grp~e of Candiclat blocd ci-rculatior. fo'-lot--inq li,-Pture 3tate "edical Inst. ~Iagoveshchensk-na-Amure, 1956 -t in Yedical Stiences) 3o: Fn-i--hnaya ---ttonis I ~':o --7, 1-c,49,6 SHARAFISIAMOV, F.Sh., Closure of a defect of the inferior vena cava PLbove the renal veins by transposition of its lower portion. Kaz. med. zhur. no.1:13-14 Ja~F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. N.I. Komarov)., 1-ya kafedra rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. M.Kh. Fayzullin), kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - dotsent N.A. Ibragimova) Kazanskogo gosudarst- vennogo instituta dlya usovershenstvo-aniya vrachey imeni T-enim. (VEENA CAVA-SURGERY) SHARAFISLAf4DV., F.Sh., assistent -- I Idgation of the inferior vena cava above the junction wiW the renal veins. no-5:30-32 S-0 162. (KM 16:4) 1. Kafedra topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. N.I.Komarov) i kafedra. rentgenologii i radiologii No.1 (zav. - profj M.Kh.Fayzullin) Kazanksogo gosudarstvennogo instituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni V.I.Ienina. (VENA CAVA-LIGATURE) i.-" Flo"lj.,f ~011 I F . S Ik; d uk of' rAl -s ti - suraery n, or -.,,:-na cara de fer,~ Mai ra ri i a n oi : 40- Ii -9 163. 7: 5 1z kafedry topo-aficheskoy :-natomii _i operativnoy k~irungii I. Ko.,Parov) 1-y katedry rentgenologii 1 ra--7,iologii (,,~'qv. - prof. :.!.Kh. Fayzu'llin) i ka-fedry anatomii (zav. - dotsem ral N.A. Ibregimova) Kazanskzogo gosu~arstvennogo inst-ituLa al,. V-r-f ejey Imerii nin-a. SHARUVISLMV, F.Sh. (Kazari I ) ld-Eiture of the vena cava =ferior above the venae ranal-'a 0 wit'a a simultw-teous nephrer~t.omy. Kaz. med. zhur. no.5187 S-0163 (MIRA 16:12) rn nerrl~ trunk and rhe vagus nerv#~, fetasc-3 ard ne,,iborri i*!;f,--ri:.--. !-u r-.-.~ cf numpn f- rzi' . embr., 43 P '7 1. Nafedra ti,pGgrafir me d-- 'Ls _i r) s ~ c tt ir s ti t. LE _ (go jah-," die .,Kvl Id2huktia moun J.~, GrapblUzation In , Rum "; X4.'M. AbcW vast of K - ' V$C- Oldd. Wek. baev,:av Sli. Zapiski Aflacird.'Obshcheittiol:1953. -No.- 4-.."I*~ Ira, AM, N - 3850 "-G h*t ~f z ., QW;; Gi6grbf. rap ieomirsia~. ' schists aiid lime'sto es " a i i n- n n vial, iii streAs and concoidwit vchilets, as leasei tifid ph)ds , up-to 1/1 tn. size, us Impre .griquGas along fiactwis ~in lima. ~stnzits. 4ad. as..,met2iiamitic,-deposiis%ncar_coilta~tS-.*ith gabbro"mr- kmnod &iite,~ especially -nPMCFC,45. and ~l a- wnl=1104, tounnaliniiAt kiid. dol6thitliatim i~ _Sbini~ . - a -i jAltlii n. ~~Aw the i I Oth-A46J gra _u - constifocitf rocks, giap Ite 9F;ur*-hs it dis*W64W '-o : ik6 oi &i i W a W sbcd ivith tn vlte hldd td H W d d hib6le teirA to blothd I 1j'a biror d ~b ~ f I Ph eithvr sW bf f i UxAn T,C ractured feldspar- an , d*micv~jrulaii- Vfnwj:utes' and hhj"Par.-4-,~- - ' 1 tminott!i-'. 31 nut i4tic-lieIns. TtWb 'ts den*i~d:tr6m-the~biC, i stributbd by;q~i tlb~l sez and ciW46naceow qene metallio-Phic nllatlM by, mak 'With na b Prixess" or y assu the forwition'o graphithing sntnif. D'Y :7, SHARAFIYEV, M.Sh.; ORLOVA, G.V. I- - - --- Chrome-magnesite periclase lining of rotary kilns for the burning of cement clinkers. Ogneupory 27 no.3:142-144 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. AzNIITSemenL. (Kilns, Rotary) (Refractory materials) SHARAFIYEV., M.Sh.; ORLOVA, G.V. 14utual overgrowths of magnesloferrite and forsterite in chrome- magnesite brick. TSement, 29 no-1:15 Ja-F 163. (IOU 16:2) 1. Aaniitsement. (Refractory materials) SHARAFIYEVI M.Sh.; ORLOVA, G.V. Using the Fedorov universal stage for studying cliakers. TSement 29 no.3:12-13 W-Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Azniitsement. I-