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10241-~6 ACC NRs AP5028275 GaAs should occur at a temperature of the electron gas equal to the Debye tempera- ture (8 - 410K) and not the lattice temperature. Therefore, in the range of lattice temperaPuree between 77-300K t~j;threshold current should depend weakly on the tem- perature. The weak temperatu i dependence -of the threshold current for laser action In GaAs was confirmed experimentally. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. (CS) SUB CODE: ao suBm DATE: 14jan65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: OOh/ ATD PFMS: ZLI61 Card 2/~ Lyucliil:, Sergey Fedorovich; RASSKAZOV, Valeriy Antonovich; __,5HARj_N_'_ Leonid Kirillovich;_GLEZER, D.Kh., otv. red.; GURVICH, M.A., reZ_.izd--va; GAYFULT .9 F.G.1 tekhn. red. [Use of the UfTIII-3 spring wall scraper] Primenenie avtomati- cheskogo letaiushchego skrebka U'RIII-3. Ufa, Bashkirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo , 1958. 47 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Paraffins) (Oil wells-Equipment and supplies) - I , , . I : I I ; - . ., - - 1, .1 , . . . (I , - .;i I- , ~ ~,-, .0 1-,:. ---. -, -;:.,~~- C.,~-;, :I -.; 1~ .11 1 - . .- ~ ~-I - - . - 1~ .1 .,- .. -,I, -I,. I --- - --s.. . , ;-.- ~, -L ~ -, ~ ~, I , . , ~L -i ; -t"-4- I- ",-~ - ;4 1.. - I '. 1 , , j. -J~- I i ; a i , _),1,1,~, --jj~~ .- .- . - ,_ - , . 1, ZINGERIWI, M.I.; SHARIN. V.N. (Khabarovsk) Multicameral achinococcosis of the brain. Yop. neirokhir. 18 no.4: 59-60 -Tl-Ag 154. (MIRA 7:10) (BRAIN, diseases, *echinococcosis) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS, *brain) ZINGERRAII, M.I.; SHARM, V.N. (Ehabarovok) I ---- Clinical aspects and therapy of arachnitis of the posterior cranial fossa. Vop, neirokhir. 22 no.6:41 N-D '58. .(MIRA 12:2) ZARACHNOID, dis. arachnitis of posterior cranial fossa (RUB)) sl-ozhbi- 3HAUN V.N., polkovnik vraoh RSYSR, V.A., pod- I-J - gr,t~J-111tc-u; blood donorship. Voen.-med. (~ffRA 18:5) VASILIYEV, M.V,, doktor tekhn. nauk; SHARIN, V.V., inzh. Single-bucket loaders used in openworks. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 19 no.4:22-24 Ap 165. (,MIRA 18:6) SIURIN.Yo.l.. tekhnik Method for finding the break In the strand of a flexible cable withaut a metal sheath. Rnergetik 3 no.7:28-29 J1 155. (Electric cablen-Testing) (KI-RA 8:9) MM/Wacellaneous Theses Card.1 /I Pub. 128 24/26 Title Abstract of theses PeriCKUcal a Vest. mash. 2, 108-109, Feb 1954 Abstmat The f-ollowing abstracts of theses are presented: Anson, P. I. -.-Experi, mental investigation of the strength of cylinder flange joints for hiAh- pressure turbines; -Shayin, YU.S. - The investigation of certain economi-- cal processes in cut-filnIg ~me ~ various speeds and feeds; Kotikova, E. T. - The effect of cleaning with a blast of metal-shot on the strength- of components; Lumpe, V. E. - The worldng of holes with an electric spark method; and Nefecbv, A. F. - The investigation of the influence of microfinished surfaces on.the wear of cylinders of interhal combustion engines. Institution ......... Submitted ......... UM/Engineering Metal cutting Card 1/1 t Pub. 103 - 2/23 Autho" I Sharin, YU. S. Title I The cutting of metalat increased. feeds periodical I Stan. i instro 8, 7-11. Aug 1954 Abstract I The condition of metal cutting at increased feeda,,.in accordance with methods devised bV, tuxmer V. A.Kolesov# was investigated, The tests were conducted on a turning lathe., tM 1k62 v&th steels Mark 30, 18KhNVA, and OKhNIMO Three references, (19531. Graphs; tables, diagrams. Institution Submitted NOMIS, N.V.; SHARIN, Yu.S., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; DUGINA, W-.*-.,--r~IIfticheskiy redaktor [For advanced technology in every production unit] Za peradovuiu takhnologiiu na kazhdom proizvodstvamom uchastka. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrottellnoi lit-ry. 1954. 29 p. (Chelyabinsk--Tractor industry) (MLRA 8:7) SHABASHOV, S.P., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; SHARIffL-yU!�-V,- kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, radaktor; DUGINA, N.A t ekEnIamalmy redaktor. [Manufacture and utilization of tools; vork practice of Ural plantal Proizvodetvo i ekspluat4taiia Instrumenta; opyt urallskikh moday. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. N0.7 [High- production tools and equipment] VysokoproizvoditelInye instrumenty i oanastka. 1955. 210 p. (KLRA 9;4) (Tools) 123-1-665 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, p. 101 (USSR) AUTHORS: Serebrovskiy, V. B., Sharin, Yu. S. TITLE: Cutter Dynamometer for Measuring Cutting Forces (Rezets-dinamometr dlya izmerenlya usiliy rezaniya) PERIODICAL: Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya. Mekhanich.obrabotka detaley na metallorezhushchikh stankakh. Sbornik. Moskva- Sverdlovsk, Mashgiz, 1955, pp. 40-45 ABSTRACT: Cutter dynamometer with Indicator which is used at the Uralmashzavod cutting laboratories is described. The dynamometer was calibrated uqing a special hydraulic dynamometer and the accuracy of the device was determined. Charts, photos, graphs, diagrams and bibliography are attached. V.S.I. Card 1/1 SffARIN,Yu.S.; SMEBROVSKIY,V.B. Vibration reducing chamfer on the front-rake edge. Stan. instr. 26 no.7:21-22 Jl 155. (MA 8-9) (Metal-cutting tools) SHARIN, Yu.S. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Shearing forces in cutting. Trudy Ural.politekh.inBt. no.42: 57-63 '55. (KLRA 9:8) (Grinding and polishing) SHA-RIN, Yu. S. Shrinking of shavings in case of wide-range variations in feeding and cutting depths. Trudy Ural.politakh.inst. no.50:69-94 '56. (Metal cutting) (MLRL 9:11) SURIN, Yu.S. Relation of longitudinal shringking of shavings to shrinking in width and depth during metal cutting. Trudy Ural.politakh.iast. no-50:95-117 '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Metal cutting) KUVSHiNSKIY, V.V., kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; SMEBOHNIK, Tu.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SOLONIN, I.S.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; SHARIN, Yu.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikb nauk. Surface formation and force relationships in large-food semifinish grinding. Trudy Ural.politekb.inst. no.63:21-36 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Surfaces (Technology)) (Grinding and polishing) SHARIN. Yu.S.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. System of basic definitions and the geometry of cutting tools. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.63-.56-62 '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Cutting tools) SAVM IYEVA, I.M., inzhener; SHARIN, Yu.S., kandidat tek-bnicheskikh nauk. I,: ~~, U.U. ft" Constant volume conditions in metal cutting. Trudy Ural.politekh. Inst. no.63:90-95 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Metal cutting) BOTARSKIT, Lazar' Tadrisovich; KORSHIKOV, Nikolay Petrovich; LIBERMI, B.S., inzh., retsenzent; YEGOROV, I.S., inzh., retsenzent; SHURA'rAY, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; LOSMOT. V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SHMIN,_%.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; DUGINA, N.A.,; HLIKIND, V.D., (Technology of the manufacture of machine tools] Tekhnologiia stankostroeniia. Moskva, GoB.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 371 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Machine-tool industry) 0 gig ~34 gill sr a s .18 rM ko'll I KOROBEIRIKOV, Vitaliy Grigorlyevich; SM--SHA , Boris Aleksandrovich; TETIMYTJTIN, Turiy Leortidavich;AISHAR K, Tu.S., red.; DUGIRA, N.A., EAutomation of universal m chine tools] Avtomtizatsila uni- versalInykh metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhnu Izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 196o. 137 P. (MIU 14:3) (Machine tools) (Automation) SHARIII, Yur~y Sergcryevich; KIIODAKOVSKIY, H.S., inzh., retsenzent; ~ - -JT611,1A.? N.A. , t'ek'fm~ red. [Automatic machine-tool lines in the machinery industry] Avtomaticheskie stanochnye linii v mashinostroenii. Mo- skval Mashrriz 1961. 36 p. (Ilauchno-populiarnaia biblio- Q I teka rtibochego-stanochnika, no.31) (MIA 15:3) (Machine tools) (Automation) SHARD], Yuriy Sezgeyevich; DUGINA, N.A.9 tekhn. red. (Automatic r,achine-tool lines in the machinery industry] Avtomaticheskie stanochnye linii v rashinostroenii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 138 p. (YIRA 15:6) (Machine tools) (Automation) SHARIN., lu.S.,.dntsent, kand. tekhn. nauk Djx~ tion of chit movement -and 'Uhe. real geo=-,tr-,, of cutting tools. Tr-Ldy Ural. polilakh. inat. no.114'~102-10~,-' 261. (MIRA 16-7) (Metal cutting) SBARIN, YU.S.J. kand. tekrm. nauk) dotsent Calculating the radial and longitudinal wear in turning. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr, no.10r,191-193 163. (MIRA 17-23) 1. Urallskiy politekhnlc~ieskLy institut, SHARIN, Yu.S..,; GOLUBLV, S.S. Modernization of a thread-rolling machine. PlAshinostroitell no.11:13-11, N 163. (MIRA 16.11) %..;:7 Ing am om L ?:,s t ACCESSIOU M AP5022039 UMA6/65A/alh/ollo/ol.10 621.TT5.Thl 4"; AUTHOR: Boginskiy, L. S.; Kabel'skly,' I. M.; X j. V.. Y. P0 orotkov _110 ain 0 Roman, 0. V.- Sharin Yu Ye -FY,5 W-T TITLE: Pressure source for compaction of powder tbin-vall bushings or.-shapeas Class 49,.No. 173105 SOUHCE: Dyulleteil izobretenly i tov&Mkh znakoyg no* 14, 1965, 110 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy, powder compaction, ex osive oupaction- AWMCT.- This Author Certificate introduces a method for the explosive compaction of thin-vall, m6tal-povder bushings or shapes. In this method)exploding vire is used for generating pressure. The vire is placed in a pressure-transferring nedium, e.g., polyetbylene.or wax, whieb fills the inner cavity.of the blank being formed. ABBOCIATIONt none SUBMMEM 02jan63 ENCLI 00. BOB COD31 IZ,iFk NO RXF SOVI 00a_ OTMv 000 ATD PMSZ SHARINA , N.G. ZxperimentaLl data on the toxicity of oily solutions of some chemical poisons used in agriculture for warm-blooded animals. J. 1~yg. :4~pjdem., Praha I no.4:479-486 1957. 1. University Department of Natritional Hygiene of the First (sechenov) Moscow Medical Institute, Moscow. (INSFoGTIGIDZS, toxicity, oily solutions) S/169/62/000/005/019/093 D228/D-307 Urupov, K. and Sharina,-,-i~-,-311.1 M 7-fn-,.-,~' The freq-.-ency characteristics of leveling The results I If U of observations 0:)l Refera-G~,.%jyy -hurna-, , Ge Z 4 ka o f, -, ~ Ino. 5, 19062, 26, ab- stract 5A207 (-,U-ch. zap. Permisk. un-tu, 18, no. 4, 1,L`05-1, 77-82) :2 E, Xr2h, e f r e c L, e I -- c y c "-aracteristics o--:' groups of receivers (sour- Ces) a homogeneous, a trianla.-ular, and a parabolic sensitivity -4 ,~43- - (pa-rabolic equalizing) are analyzed and compared. note: Complete translation.-7. C-ard 1/1 I a 11 it 1) w It it I? III A 00 A ...... 00 PhyslectchamIcal Chamois is "Wavism at Im" *0 4i; ~v A.Ak. bi-L 19W. 5W-4A(in RnaliA, NO). Stott,. ,fwwlnl vatwii-I 00 11101W IWAII. iMVtV Vill Slit illisO -111011 I,kVe,. onteduct, tul", watel mifird andevittriluird fig 14, mitt. 00 #!s 41 3.101 F. 13. Ill. at a (I-Inp. fit Ifersills willicAll killills I If,- 00 flutloplaticlk. tile %tefilit wete rRat"d. nliemwolph-Ally fig -Aiifl in the chlimm",lit. Hiustratiuns of whwh tire divril I fir vixt.ity *if tile plaNtlia itwrtjtwtl. owins 11) tirlivilla - 114,11 vallwd hy frertillic. 'the till of t1w -All aad ttwltv. s%lint it( thv mutuillamn ~hiftvd in the obret,lims td itimirf alkv. L S. joilt. of A OlAtLURWAL LITIMAIUNI CLAW"CAllem it i - --------- J _i 4- U it ,Opx alit fig K It It It rv 00 0 o 00 0 0 0 z; o 0 0 o 00 to 0 *i* 0 is * : 0 * 0 : 0 1*0 so 100 9 10 0 a * st 0 0 0 0 * 40 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 v w If' if If a b )l 10 is u " Id a is 11 OR a A -1 a "MOT M, a L-A-t_ I- - 2, t. 'k t 0 a A if a I z -00 -00 -00 00 .00 SOOI 400 U69 roe 0 :;0* goo '300 '24,_rv UF)ISR/'.:,-il !science --hysical an,I Cheraic-_Il F'r,)'Oerties of Soils. J-3 Ab s J6 ur Ref Shur 21-01., No 3, 1953, 104-)2 Author Gorbunov, N.I., Labenets, Ye.?,'., Sharina, IN.A. Inst Title The Vineralogical ond Chemical Composition of the 14uddy Fr~~cttort of the j:.j',;EZ and of the Kizyl-Arvat Ybuntaia Plain (An Extens-ion :~f the Ta~cyry) Orig Pub Takyry Zap. Tur~-_enii i uuti il-di s.-Irh. osvoyeniya, Moskva, A-kad Nauk SSSR, 1956; ~88-410 ,, o-f the uDuer Partof the talkyr crust and Abstract fozms 16d 32~ of the lower part. Hydrophobic minerals (hydromicas) predominate in this fraction in the upper part of the crust, and hydrophilic minerals (beydellite and others) in the lower Dart. Data are Wiven on radi,.)scopic analysis, ther- mal analysis, and total analysis of the fine-grained frac- tions. The metabolic capacity is insignificant, as is the swelling and also the raa:ximum hygroscopic moistness of the Card 1/2 IUSSR/Sail Science - Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. J-3 Abs J;ur Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, lo492 muddy fraction of the upper part of the crust. Data on the total composition of the muddy fraction have indicated a broader SiO /R 03 ratio in the upper Dart of the takyr crust. The sii~gt metabolic capacity of the muddy frac- tion of the takyr and its alluvial deposits /prolyuviall nyye nanosy/ is caused by desert wind erosion and the soil's low content of organic substances. Card 2/2 itainskikh nauk; SHARINA, S, YETS, i.G.,-kandidat med rative d .iseases in ambulant patients. UBe of phytoncides in SUPPU (MLRA 7.2) no-3t26-28 Kr 154. 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii Yaroslavskogo meditBinskogo inatituta. (Phytoncides) (Suppuration) YXTS. A.G., doteent; SAIIDLAR. A.G., ordinator; SHARINA, S.A., ordinator - - Mw= Phytoncide-novocaine block in acute suppurative and inflammatory diseases in ambulatory practice. n0.3:112-114 Mr 157. XMIRA 10:7) 1. 1z kafedry obahchey khirurgii Yaroslavskogo meditalaskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. S.G.Rukosuyev) (FURUNGULOSIS. ther. pbytonicide-procaine blockade) (PIANTS ph.vtoacide-procaine blockade In furuacalosis) (SWEAT GIANDS, dis. hidradenitio. ther., phytonicide-procaine blockade) (FROCAINIC. ther. use pbytoncide-procalne blockade in furunculosis & hidradenitis) BARCHENKO, Ivan Petrovicht prof.; CHISTYAKOVA, Aleksandra Yatveyevna, dots.; VANKHMEEN, Villyam Davidovich, kand. med. nauk; KRYZHANOVSKAYA, Yelena Stanislavovna, dots.; Prinimali ucha- stiye: PETROVSKIY, K.S., prof.; ALEKSANDROVA, N.., nauchn. sotr., prepodavatell; BEDULEVICH, T.p nauchn. sotr., propo- davatell; TURUK-PCHELINA, Z., nauchn. sotr., prepodavatell; SHARINA., Ye.', nauchn. sotr., prepodavatell; BURSHTEYN, A.I.j prof.; SHEVCHENKO, M.G.; STO14Ow-y4AAA"Pm"41' (Manual on the vocational training of students in nutritional bygienel Rukovodstvo k proizvodstvenno= obuchenAu studentov po gigiene pitaniia. 2. izd., ispr. i dop. Kiev, Zdorovlia, 1965. 221 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gigiyeny pitani-ya I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M.Sechenova (for Petrovskiy). 2. Kafedra gigiyany pitaniya I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute im. I.M.Sechenova (for Aleksandrova, Bedulevich, Turuk-Pchelina, Sharina). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gi- giyeny pitaniya Odes6kogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Burshteyn). 4. Glavnyy inspektor po gigiyene pitaniya Mi- nisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for Shevchenko). KBRUSTALEV.A.A., predsedatell sektsii pitaniya; SHAR121A, Ye.G., sekretarl sektsii. -~, Work of the nutrition section of the Moscow branch of the All-Union Hygiene Society in 1955- VOP-Pit. 15 no.4:63 J1-Ag '56. (MLRA 9:9) (NUTRITION) .,4 'aork of the nutr, ' iCn 30Ct tOn I)f the ~tOEVW BrEln-'! ~'f t-3 All- Union iygiene 'oclety n,~ring, 19~t - Vop .,D lit 91 J 1",r, '57. in-n) 2--e-Isedatell sektciii )itaniva 'I)Ccoovskoro r.--iiya lzer,r;yuztioi-o gigiyeni-c~iesk:igo obsl-chestva ( F- r :st.alavl' . 2. -jel--etarl sp,-ts--i ;z,~S-wr,17noeo SHARIVA. Ye.G. (Moskva) 16 Hygienic evaluation of potatoes cultivated in soil treated with heptachlor [with siimmar7' in Etiglish]. Voor.Dit. 17 no.1:58-64 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:4) lo Iz kafedry gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - prof. A.A.Khrustalev) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo institute imeni I.M.Sechenova. (INSECTICIDES. effects, heptachlor, on potatoes, hyg. aspects (Rus)) (POTATOES, eff. of heptachlor, hyg. aspects (Rua)) -- SHARINA 9 ILe Influence of concentrations of oily solutions of chemical posions on the degree of toxic action as shown experimentally. Trudy 1-90 WI 5:178-182 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - prof. A.A. Khrustalev) 1-go, Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituts. im. I.M. Sechenova. (POISONS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) cf - 'l 4r~r+r--~ --" ", - ;,. - ~ t n :7r, L r 7, sc!--! "C".1lerer-e or "re, c s i c s i tt P. e c~lo c) -c-fic on a:-,cl -p- -Ale: n L soncus Cierlfticals of t he -ain ~:tatf, r- i v :-s t ~ -,t-i t r-f --~x-,- ienc aan~-! occlica- a ni. t~~ s r,,F s. arcs, c-,T 1962 101: ~c r ene an,;, :jcclipe ~~n s ~-IIAKIM,Jp 4yq~!j Georgiyevna; [Problems of' m,z fu v I ene during the ur- of v I Pesticides ir, Voprosy gigierrj pi aniia pri v sellskom khoziaistye. iMr,skvn. ~C, r IZ12 p. (MJRA 18; 7) 4 e ~ 6, ) /EWP(ir /EPRAWO(ili 4f L 51 52-65 EWTOVEWT(m~))Ewp if :/EWA.!(d) TOPTC TAGS: can tilevered cylindrical shell, - closed shell stressed state- andly. sis, shell height, bending moinent,-huckling moient w 112 bf~ ACCESSION N.R. AP3011321 - ever6d 'jsspj6ijvely',-`, lo0er And hiihei 11 Homents G and G in the cantil she d tha n in th freefy dupport6d shell The magnitil6 6 ends primarily on shell height Orig arts hist-1-4- tables 6 ~-flgdres aiad 39: formullics'- ASSOCTATXONt None OlJul64 SU%ffTTF D: ;SUB COD] 00 . ,. .. Y4-F. NO REF SOV:~, 006 ~ ~rct-2/2 q F f:.., 11 , I *;:! ~ r, ~, - I -. L. I I - t . I - - . -1-1- . . . I la I I !.I ,, r " b'I I ! ;, " ?.,, rl f. - ;-. - I a t 4 o n or crane -...rjud ~ r-!!. Y t. I I I uf/.IfflAtl.nt! - 15 t- -.-.7) '!~Z. (MIHA ~ 815) ,:, , - . e-~'r '. ~- - 12 - SH-AlIP1111"Cij, I.L. (Mosk"ia) Calculating a closed cylirdrical bracket shel] for concentrated boundary loadings. Inzh. zhur. 5 no.6:3074-1080 165'. 1. Submitted Febr,-ary 24, 1965. (min," 19: 1) ACC NRz AP6002622 SOURCE COM UR/0258/65/005/006/107hAO80 AUTHOR: Sharinox,-1--L. ORG.- none TITLE: On the problem of,calculating aclosed cylindrical cantilever shell with concentrated loads on-its edges 2, SOURCE: fnzhenernyy zhurnal, v.,.5, no. 6, 1965, 1074-1080 TOPIC TAGS: stress distribution, cylindric shell, bending stress, numeric method ABSTRACT; The stress distribution is calculated in a cantilever shell with a concentrated load and b6nding moment at the free and. First, the bending stresses in the shell are calculated with a bending moment only and next, identical calculations are made with a force along the cylinder generatrixt The solution is carried out mimerically and the results are given In figures as well as in tabular form in functions of the ratio R/h. In the first case# two principal moments G, and G2 are identified where 01 > G2- It in shown that G, depends on the shell area only) whereas 02 depends on R/h for a-given area. Similarly, for Card 1/2 uDc, 624-074 ZEYGERMEYSUH~ AL.; SRARINOV, L. Design and construction of industrial buildings vith compouite roofs. Prom.stroi.i 4 no.2:8-12 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) 1. Glavnyy inzhener tresta "Dneprokhimstroyu (for Zeygermeyster). 2. Glavnyy inzhener stroitellnogo otdela Dneprodzermbin k go filiala Gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo i nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta azotnoy promyshlannosti (for Sharinov). (Industrial buildings) (Roofing, Concrete) -4, SHARINOV, L.P.; SHUSTERN, S.I.; ABRAAMYAN, A.N. Zoning the area of a nitrogen fertilizer plant. Prom. st.r-~i: 42 no.4:23-25 165, !~. .. ~. I - - .4) SHARINOVA9 S+; OSPOVAT, B.L. Psychotic conciftions ap a symptom of acute pancreatitis. 25 no.2:133-136 F 161. (MIRL 14:3) 1. Iz psikho-apmaticheskogo otdeleniya (zav. G.Ya.Tartakovskiy) bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N.Shabanov). (PANCREAS-DISEASES)' (PSYCHOSES) SHARINOVA-GBKKER, R.B. -i;~.modified medium in bacteriological diagnosis.of Omeliaaski dysentery. Lab.delo 2 no.2:27-28 Mr-Ap 156. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Iz sanitarno-bakteriologicheakoy laboratorit sanitarno-epidemiologi- chaskoy otantaii (glavUy vrach H.D.Chertkov) Amur-Nizhuedneprovskogo rayona Dnepropetrovska. (DTAGNOSIS) (DYSENTERT) SHAUNOVA, SOM. Calculation and utilization of examples of precise solutions of nonlinear prognostic equations. Trudy MMTS no-41100-108 164 (MIRA 18.-2) SHARINSKIY, T., arkhitektor Features of the layout and building development of residential nicro-districts under ccnditions prevailing in the south. Zhil. stroi. no.4:22-25 162. (MIRA 15:5) (City planning) SHA-RINSKIY,--T.L., inzh.; NECHESOV, B.A.P inzh. Houses of keramizit-concrete panels. Transp.stroi. 1-1 no.4:28-30 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Idghtweight concrete) (Rai-Iroads-Buildings and structures) AYKHODZHAYEV, B.I.; INOYATOV, N.; SI[ARIPDZHANOV, A. Ph.vsicocbemioal propertleB of crosslinked polyvinyl alcobol. Uzb.k.him.?,hur. 7 no.1140-43 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR. (Vinyl alcighal polymers) S/167/60/000/004/00 1 /t~C 3 AOo6/Aooi AUTHORS. Sharj2ku1DY,_B_S., Bannykh, 0. A.., Goncharov, I, Ye."Z,.~dfr. I P Linchevskiy, B. V , Prokoshkin, D. A. TITU: 11 in Phase Trans4' 1~ The Effect of Chromium bnd Manganese of Chrome-Manganese Steels 10 PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii Nauk UzSSR, Seriya tek!r-,,-',,,hezk!kh naik, 1960, No. 4, pp. 62-69 TE(T- In developing chrome-manganese stainless steels by repla--IrZ the nickel by manganese, investiga,.,ions into structiral phases had been carried out, previously b,, A. V. Shultin, F. F. Khimushin, F. M. Becket (Ref. 1, 2, 7); G. V. Estulin (Ref. 3) ; A. T. Grigor'yev, D. L. Kudr-favtsev (Ref. 4, 0") and foreign s3ientists (Ref. 8-1o) . In the present article information 1s given on the effect of manganese and chromium on phase transformations in steel. In a 12-kg induction furnace, 16 alloys with different chromium and manganese cantent and one chrome-nickel alloy containing T1 were melted, Changes 4-n hardness a-f*.-- water quenching at 800, 900, 1,000, 1,100 and 1,200 0C we-re studied. dependence of the hardness on temperature is shown in Table 3. After qusrr~hirg Card 1/4 cz/167/60/000/004/001/003 ACCAJAGOI The Effect of Chromium and Manganese on Phase Transforma-lions of Chrome-Manganese Steels the specimens were subjected to an aralysis of the microstructure. The zzteelz were tempered at 650, 700, 750 and 8oo 0c. Charges in H RR, depending on the tempering time of steels with 17% Cr, quenched at 1,10ouC are giver, ir. Table 4. The connection of a possible (~-phase formation and higher hardness wa.:s deter- mined by investigating the magnetic properties of the steel, 5pecimelis of all 0, steel melts were 0azialyzed on an M. S. Akulov type anisometer at 20 C, after tempering at 750 C for 10 hours. The amount of a ferrcmagnetic phase was deter- mined for various steel grades. Dilatometrical aanalysis was made on chrome- manganese specimens quenched at 1,1000C with subsequezit annealing at 7,rOow_-; for 10 hour's. Curves of temperature verzus linear expansion for tl~ree grades of St-eel with 10% Cr were plotted (Fig, 2). A p1hase analysis was'made of pre:---Ipi- tates out of an electrolyte on saturated potassium obloride base with addition of 5 to 50 mg/l hydrochlori acid aand 5 to 25 9/1 crit-le acid at a current 8 0'.. nder density of 0.6 - 1.0 amplcm and a temperat-ure not over 20 U A copper oyli- was used as a cathode, 9 to 12 mm specimens were placed into a ooll~dion bag fi.-_IoRd witl,. 100 - !30 ml of the filtrated elerstrolyte. Th~- pre,-~ipltatez war's -ard 2/14 S/ 167/60,1000/004/001/003 AOc6/Aoc)i The Effect of Chromium and Manganese on Phase Transformations of Chrome-Mangalie2e Steels separated from 'the electrolyte, washed and dried at 1000~-_ in hydrogj~r. atmosphere for 20 to 30 minutes. Roentgenograms were taken of the dreid precipitates wiTh a PKA (W) camera on Cr radiation without using a filter. Exposure -,irre was 13 to 18 hours. A chemical analysis was made of precipitates separated out of 4 steel grades in an electrolyte composed of 250 9/1 Potassium chloride, 5 rr-g/1- hydrochloric acid, 5 9/1 citric acid ' 0.6 - 0.8 amp/cm2 surrent densi-tr and 18 - 220C inside the collodion bag. The investigations performed yielded the following results: At a con-tent of 111% Mn, Independent of the chromium 3ontent., the steel contains in its structure austenite as well as ferrite, It is pot possible to convert the steel in-to the austenItic state thy heat treatment. Ste,--,7 - 22% K-i and 8 - 10% Cr has a ~ + E-st-ructure at temperatures below with 16 140 - 2100C and an austenitic structure at a temperature over 21000. '17he presence of the E-phase was not observed in steel with 27% Mr., Tn steels with 13 and 17% Cr, Independent of the manganese content, the strusture is com 8 osed of ferrite and austenite after quench-hardening at a temperature over 900 The amount of ferrite in the steel group with 17% Cr is c-orsidera'bly higher th-;-n I "lard 3/4 3/167/60/0Cr;/G