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44. 4 1,` 0 81623 3/1 8Y60/002/06/11/050 B122 B063 AUTHORS: Shaskollakaya, M. P.; Vekilov, Yu, Kh. TITLE; Effect of Ultraviolet and X-Rays Upon the Internal Friction of Siiver Chloride PEIRIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1107 - 1110 TEXT: The article under review describes the effect of ultraviolet and X-rays upon amplitude-independent internal friction at low frequencies (1, cpg). The internal friction was determined by measuring the logarithmio decrement of damping of the torsional vibrations of AgC1 filaments by means of a relaxator. The behavior of the shear modulus was determined from the square of the vibration frequencJes (f2) . The AgC1 samples were first de- formed (compressed) and ancther part cf the samples was annealed. No satis- factory results., however, could be obtained with the latter (Table). The internal friction was reduced by irradiation, with ultraviolet and X-rays yielding the same action. The following dependence of the intensification Card 112 8IL623 Effect of Ultraviolet and X-Rays Upon the S11 81/160/002/06/11/050 .1-riternal Friction of Silver Chloride B122/BO63 I (or redu,--tion of friction) on the exposure time could be Samples that had beer compressed already es ab' i s hed!: AQ = ~,efore -, were strengthened on irradiation according to the same law. The :~tubilizatlion is explained by fixation of dislocations caubed by radiation, tfie dislocations ha-,ring been produced by deformation. The Jnternal frio- -ons, ~he above for.- tion is thus reduced by the fixation of disloca--J P in muladenotes the number of nodes fixed per unit of time during exposure. The Limit of internal friction was found to be independent of the type and in-- ~ensity of irradiation and of the number of the resultant vacancies. The authors finaliy thank Professor B- N. Fin-kel",shteyn.. Doctor of Physical azaa Mathematical Sciencesi for h--s interest and for hio di8cuEE:lor-5 of the re- 5ults, as well as V. R., Rege'A'-~ and V. M,, Stepanov fcr their aid in drawing exDansion curves. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 11 referencesi V -i Let, 1 German; 4 American. 1~ TIV T 0 1 T,Kafedra f~ziki Moskovskogo instituta stal, (Chair of Fhysi~~s of the Moscow Steel Institute) I'TE D June 29, 191,~ S/181 /60/00 21/009/0 31/0 36 B0041~056 AUTHORS: Shaskollskaya, M. P., Blistanov, A. A. TITLE: The "Decorating" of Defects in Silver Chloride Crystals A PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 2270-2275 TEXT: The authors describe a method of "decorating" defects in AgC1 crystals by bringing them into contact with zinc. Two kinds of samples were investigated: a) lamellas rolled down from single crystal to a thickness of Ov4 - 0.5 mm, and then freed of stress by heat treatment. b) Single-crystal lamellas 1.0 - 1.2 mm thick. A polished zinc lamella was pressed onto the samples at room temperature, taken off again after 30 - 45 min, after which the AgCl Was examined under the microscope. At places where Zn had been in contact with AgCl, white spots were observed, which had formed in consequence of the reaction 2AgCl + Zn42A9 + ZnCl 2' After two days, rainbow-colored, ordered rows of spots (Fig. 1) appeared around the contact surface, which were concentrated especially at the grain boundaries (Fig. 2). After having been treated with a photographic Card 1/2 The "Decoratinc-11 of Defects in Silver S/181/60/002/009/031/036 Chloride Crystals B004/BO56 developer, the spots becau!3 black, and were found to be reduced silver which had formed also within the crystals (Fig. 3) at the dislocations. Experiments made at 2000 and 2800C, after the AgC1 samples had previously been deformed in order to produce slide lines, led to the same result. An especially high Ag concentration was found on the slide lines (Fig. 4),L/ vil-,zreas no silver had been separated on the neighboring stress-free places, which apparently contained no defects. The concentration of the Ag spots corresponded to the concentration of the defects. After attaining a maxinum, the concentration of the spots no longer increased, but the silver crystals started growing. Similar but less distinct effects were also cbserved when AgCl was treated with copper. The authors thank Professur A. A. Zhukhovitski for his advice. There are 4 figures and 1l references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fiziki Moskovskogo instituts. stali (Chair, of...., Physics of the Moscow Steel Institute) SUBZiIITTED: February 16, 1960 Card 2/2 AX6/AGO 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 10, p. 247, # 24424 AUTHORS: Suy Zhuy-fan' (Sui Jui-fan), Shaskol'skaya M P TITLE: Investigation of the Dislocation Mechanism of Slip in Crystals PERIODICAL: J. Harbin Polytechn. Inst., 1959, Ne. 4, PP. 31 - 42 (Chinese, Russian summary) TEXT: The authors studied the dislocatJ-,n mechanism of slip in crystals of the rock salt type. Bi-refringence bands, s'jserved in polarized light, were compared with results of investigations into the surface relief of lateral crystal faces, obtained by the microinterometrical method. It was established that during the process of slipping the magnitudes of shift at both ends of the slip plane were always equal. The method of etch-pits was used to investigate the distribution of dislocations in crystals during plastic deformation. By comparing the magnitudes of shift in a plastic deformed rock-salt crystal with Card 112 S/137/60/000/010/028/04o A006/A,DO1 Investigation of the Dislocation Mechanism of Slip in Ci-jstals the surface relief of lateral faces, a single-valued correlation of the etch-pit and dislocation was established. It is shown that dislocations of opposite signs are impeded in the slip band; at elevated temperature they are able to move to- ward each other and to be annihilated. There are 19 references. Z.F. Translato?s note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 -.SjiASKOLISKAYA, M.P.; BLISTANOV, A.A. Decoration of defects in silver chloride crystals. Piz. tver. tela 2 no.9:2270-2275 S 160o (MMA 13:10) 1. Kafedra. fiziki Moskovskogo instituta stali. (Silver chloride er7stals--Defects) VEKILOV, Yu.; TYAPUNINA, N.I.; SHBKOLISKAYI, M.P. Internal friction and dislocation density in LiF following a preliminary plastic deformation.. Kristallografiia5 no. 6:953- 955 N-D 16o. (MM-A 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet iment K.V. Lomonosova. (Lithium fluoride crystals) 5/--37A `/0C-Q/00V06d-r69 A00 61A '_ 0 AUTHORS. Sun Jul-fan, and Shaskollskiya-,m-, P, T r_r'L E TnVestlgatl~i,n-o-f th,% s':Ip in 4 1 PERIODTCAL: Referativnyy zhut-na-. Mr=tallurgiya, no.3, 1961, 37-38, abstrac- 3Zh236.(Vli sTciebao, Acta_phys. sir.!~a, v..6, nc-4, 1.9,60, 229-24o, Chl-nese, Russian summary) TEXT: The authors studied "he dlstribu~- *!on of dislocatler.s durirg plastic deformation by the method of etching patterns, The comparlsor. .f doublz rzefrra~_- tion fringes with the corresponding. surface relief, determined by the microinter- ferome ter method, shows-a dislocation mechanlsm of slip in crystals of sGd1= chloride type, The single-valued correlation between etchinj3 patterns arad dis- locatiorswas shown by comparing diff.-trencTe of shear 1ralues in pl-mstic deformed crystals. of sodium chloride corresponding . to projection of - t-~~ a_-Lma frizage onto the side faces of the crystal, It was experimentally proved that dislocat-Acns of opposite signs were trapped in tke slip zone- At h_gher tempera-_,res these dis- !h . locations are able to move toward easn Gther arid be anr. I'a- d- The e are 19 referenceo. Ms M; FAbstractor's no-.e: Compiele transiat'ion.] L Gard'-1/1 TSINY.MING, Yekaterina Vladimirovna;-SHASKaL'SKAYA. M.P., otv. red.; KUZNBTSOVA, Ye.B.. red. izd-va; MA I. Ye-.T., tekhn. re . [Artificial twinning of quartz] Iskusstvennoe dvoinikovanie kvartsa. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 159 P. (MM 14:5) (Quartz) 9_ Lj. -1 '7 0 0 20149 S/1d!/5!/COzj/GC2/0A7/050 '191 C2/3201 A jT.1i 0 R S : , !Nan.;-- Yen. and' Ku Sh-.;-Cha.- TITLE. Occurrence of disiocatior-..s in ion crystals PERI;_'DICA.L: Fizika tverdogo tela, v r ~1 2' 6, S - 6 5 9 TEYT; It is a well-known fact t'-at arise ,.iti- electric break- -; ~,n '-, ~ r- - downs in cr.-,stals. A brief descri--tion is cf sc:re details con /Y cerni n such s2 ocat-icns i,., alkali hal i de r:v,!S -a! sand some -a "ch fi-lares 0 hick --~ =4- --Ystal are sh,-)-.-.-n. 'i-t rerroduc4ble) ana dl_scus~e serted betv;een t-.,.c ele,-IrcdaZ in k ,A-ateletz v.-ere in e'her ~a ',!at and a )oint electrodes, and the strcn,:I~, -_nhc7=eneo-,_,s field was intensi-field until breakdo-,-,,n was broujht allbo~,~t. The crystal s-,;rface was thereupon etched usin- a Liet-hod ~ec-cribed in Ref.. 2 (Kristallografiya, 2, 4, 546, Lo 19,57), The breakdown site proper displayed _=~-.-~h a d=_5,r,,iC-, that 'he sur- ~ace could no" be examined At sone inl-erva-L t +.I" -lane ex- li~ b; ted dislocations , the arrangement of vihich. rem-_-Ul-~d ~,ne of den,;r 4 or -tes Lichtenller_- fic~-ures . This arrancrement ._,i f --i ~Dv ji fferent .~rystais. Card 1/2 20149 S/' a! /61 /007/002/047/050 Occurrence of dislocations '~102/24201 LiF undel, the effect the brvak,',--. of di--locations in the rect4ons , in a-_cordan-e Gilma-n an! Stauff. u_ 10] d4 LI i --~r on, y. On the a% ed row tj u 41 i I a t. :1 o i i_,l i r t1r. ~i same sites, the dislocation density was fc,!M~i to b-? hignhqr ir. KC1 than in LiF, in NaCl, rows of etch fig-ures wer- also found a!oncside L110] There were cases in NaCl where no disl-crations a~ all cculd be observed after the breakdown. The suloradic dislocat'ons found on AgCl after the breakdown showed no regularity -in their arrarr~_mer'. After a brief heating to not excessively high temperatures (e ~ - L--F -for tw? hr ::o 50,CoC) all etch fil-.-ures resultin'~ fromi a breakdown were f~~-,_;n.d 'rc be 1"lattened, widened, and less clearly distinguishable Th, s i s , nd i : a v th e fa t- a t d i s - -Lcca'ions formed on a breakdown chiefly a,-.,.ear 4r, a +h1n. surface layer. Further ex~~)eriments to be condicted .n a flelld; for the ~,uroose of obtainin6 quantitative data are fInall-li announce,; There are 2 `igures and 5 references; 2 Soviet.-bloc and 3 ffiziki J,ToS'-0%,B'L,0;-o nf .SSOCIATIO'N: Kafedra . LI. I instit.-,;'a st_r_A.,. I,De-ca-,-the Moscow Steel '--.4 SU3MITTED: july 22, !P60 Card 2/2 A S/I81/61/003/012/012/028 B I 04//B 102 AUTHORS- Tyapunina, N. A_ Shaskol"3kaya, M, P~.. '.~iaz_- chier- and Vekilc:v. R, Klh,~-- TITLF: Effesz of plastic deformation and irradia'.nicn on the inte-r- nal f-riction of LiF single orystals PERIODICAL- Fizika tverdogo tela., v. 3~ no,, 12,, !()6',. --637 -- z644 TEXT~ internal friction. dislocation density., and birefringence of T ~ F single Crystals have been studied. The dislocation density was Var, ed by deformation of the crystals under different stresses and the defe~~t concentration was varied by X-ray treatment. The internal friction was determined from the attenuation of !00.-kc lon.-itudinal waves. The measure ments were made at a relative deformation amplitude of 3- O~-7, at a 2 residual. atmospheric pressure of 10 mm Hg, and a% room temperature, The dislocation density was calculated from the number of esch paiterns z)n the 1001 faces, The etching agent was a '3% FeC,171 s~~I:ati;--n_ The Card S/181/"1/003/012/012/026 Effect of plastic deformation B104/B!02 internal fri~t~-on of all the preliminarily deformed specimens diminished ,,F;Iien resting at room temperature. A stable decrement of attenuation was reached after 1 to 2 hrs. Since the dislocation density remains b-Z constant during this time, -,t is assumed that this recovery phenomenon - is related to a fixing of the point dislocations formed during deformat-ior, The birefringence due to the loading of the single crystals vanishes after removal of the load if she deformations were elastic. When deformations are plasti-- a residual birefringence is observed after load removal, From thiz limit internal. friction and dislocation density increase rapid- Fur-aher increase of stress doubles the decrement of attenuation and inzreases the dislocation density by two orders of magnitude. The stress at which residual birefringenGe occurs in conjunction with an increase in J internal friction and dislocation density depends on the heat treatment of the specimen, For a specially annealed specimen, the stress amounts 2 2 Z-3 13,e 4 0, -0 /mm and for a specimen annealed as usual it amounts 11 - -7 2, 7 -der -e effect of d--,s-~oca ~5 '0, - Plmm ~n ex to elimi-nate th t---ors on the I-C.---re.roing results from that of poin-~ defects, The experl. Ca-.cL 2/~ S,HASKOLISKAYA,-M.P.-; VAN YAN-VETV [Wang Yen-wenj; GU SHU-CHZHAO [Ku Shu-chaoj Arrangement af dislocations near the impr6sbion made by the indentor on the edges of crystals of th6 rock salt tape. Kristallografiia 6 no.2:277-279 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskly institut stali im. I.V. Stalina. (Dislocations in crystals) (Rock 8191t) SFASKOL'SKAYA, M.P.; VAN YAN'-VENI [Wang Yen-w~nl; GU SIIU-CIfZHAO CKu Shu-chaol Etch patterns and dislocations on potassium chlorice crystals. Kristallografiia 6 no.2:282 Mr-Ap '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali im. I.V.Stalina. (Dislocations in crystals) (Potassium chloride crystals) 611ASi,OL'6KAYA, M.P.; IASHKOV, P.i'. Gro-vrth of a crystaIline a lr-oc~,+ -PIc sal-6 single crystal. Kristallografiia 6 no.3:47&-479 My-je 163.. UMDII~ -L4 ~ 8) 1. Mosr'-.ovs'A-iy institut otali imeni I.V. Stalina. (Salt crys-Lds-Growth) SHASKOLISKAY-A -VAN YAN--VEN' [Wang Yen-w8n]; GU SHU-CHZHAO - - k~~ Shu-chaal , F Generation of dislocations in the spreading and fusion of cracks in ionic 6rystals. Kristallografiia 6 no-4:6o5-613 J1-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. ',bskovskiy institut stali imeni I.V.Stalina. (Dislocations in crystals) (Ionic crystals) M.V.; ORLOV, A,-11.; i,IIUSKOV, V.F,; ~YAPUNMA, N.A.,,; SILP,SKOLISKAYA. M.P. Symposium on dislocations in and mechanical properties of solids held in Cambridge (England). Kristallografiia 6 no.5:80c,-812 s-o 161. (MIPA 14: 2-0) 1. Institut kristallografti AN SSSR. (Dislocations in crystals-Congresses) L 4 577-65 EWT(1)/EWT$fn)/T/EWP(t)/EEC(b)-2/EWP(b)/EWA(c) Pi-4 IJP(C) F JD7G-G ACCESSION NR: AT6009587 NOOOO/62/000/000/0255/0258 -ya, M.P.; 1~r N. A. -.'Predvoditdov AUTHOR. Shvidkovskly -Y-Q--G. Shaskollska apunina Durgaryan, A. A. Relationship between the nonelastic pMerties of soRds and dislocations In crystalB SOURCE: Konference o monokrystale2h. 4th, ZL=, 961. Sbornik ref6ratov. Turnov, VUM, 1962, 255-258 TOPIC TAGS: internal friction crystal dislocation, plastic deformation, metal crystal structure, ~c~er t-in, zinc cadmium, bismuth, Uthiwn fluoride crystal, crystal defect xray bombardm4t 'I, 74-1 ABSTRACT: To elucidate the mechanism of Internal friction and the role,of dislocations therein, the authors carried out experiments in order to.determine the dependence of In-- ternal friction on preliminary plastic deformation in siq#e-crystal and polycrystalline samples of copper, tin, zinc, ~admiuni, and bismuth. A quartz resonator was employed in the measUrements. -All the metals showed a maxhnwn In this dependence at 40 - 240 Cps. An evaluation of the experimental data for metals, made. from the two standpoints Card 1/2 L 43577-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5009587 of dislocation relaxation and temperature relaxation,- shows that both of these concepts.. do not contradict the experiment. Uthium fluoride crystals were then studied in order to gain further insight into the relative roles of these two mechanisms olf relaxation. -In this case, the study of internal friction in relation to preliminary deformation showed that in lithium fluoride crystals the internal friction and dislocation density remain constant in the region of elastic deformation. As In metals, the rise in Internal friction begins simultaneously with the start of bulk volume plastic deformatiag'. As,the preliminary deformation is increased further, the rise In Internal frictionAffid dislocation density becomes parallel. Lithium fluoride samples sOjected to x-ray bombardment before and after deformation were also studied, and the results are interpreted In terms of point de- fects. Orig. art, has: 5 figures, 8 formulas and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly g0sudarstvem3yy universitet (14oscow State Urdversity); Moskovskiy Institut stall (MoAcow Steel histitu!,j SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00# MM NO REF SOV- 000 OTHER: 000 Caw 212 3/070/62/0077/00-1/010/022 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Shaskollskaya. M,,P,, Dovrzhanskiy, G,F- TITLE.~ On the relation between the distribution of dislocations around an indentation and the strength of a crvstal PERIODICAL Kristallografiva, v.7, no,l, 1962, 103-106 - I plate TEXT, Previous work has shown that etch figures around an indentation on the (100) face of alkali-halide crystals with NaCl structure are in the form of a characteristic star, the size of ,which increases with increasing load, The eight rays of the star ---orrespond to the intersection of the 6 slip planes 116 with the cleavage plane (100). The diagonal rays corresponding to the emergence of edge dislocations are always longer than the other rays corresponding to screw dislocations, A series of photographs are shown of LiF crystals after indentation with the same load and after etching in similar conditions: the crystals contain different additionsi the length of the rays of the stars changes with different degrees of alloying. The lengths of the rays, the yield point and microhardness of the crystals were determined. Card 1/3 5/070/62/007/001/0,-0/022 On tfie relati.ori between E021/E435 The data show that the greater the increase in the yield Duint as -a result of allaying the more pronounced is the shortening of the d-iagonal rays of the stars, Thus. the change in length of diagonal is not a function of the surface changes but of the volume 'hanges in the crystal, Fig.3 shows the relation between the relative change in yield point (x-axis) and the relative change in length of the diagonal- Curve 1 is for a load of 20 g and 2 for 50 g, The beginning of the appearance of elasti-_- or plastic deformation was followed by a photo-elastic method. This showed that the beginning of elastic or plastic deformation changed with alloying content in a similar manner to the yield point and the length of the diagonal, The additions obviously blo--I-, the dislocations in the slip planes preventing them from moving, The possibility is put forward of using the change in length of the rays of stars as a quick qualitative estimate of the strengthening effecL of alloying additions. Further work will be carried out to in'.estLgate irhether the method can be applied to other types of ;_-ys~al and, in ~3articular, to t-~ietals, There are 3 figure3.. C~ird 2/3 SHASKCISKAYA, M. P. "Oeneration of Disclosures under Local Stress and their Interaction with Point Defects" Paper was submitted at the International Conference on Crystal Lattice Defects at Kyoto, 7-12 Seri t62 Chair of Prrvsics, Steel Tnst., Moscow TYAPUNIIIA., N.A.; SHISKOLISIUYA, M.P.; CHZW-.0-TXZY-kN' [Chao-Chien]; VEKILOV, YU. 1, Effectiof plastic deformation and of radiation on internal friction in LiF.Imonocrystals. Fiz. tvw. tela 3 no.12:3637-3644 D 161. (MIRA 14:12, 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Lithium fluoride crystals-Defects) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Rad"ticm) BLISTANOV, A.A.; PANOV, A.11. M.P. Pecovery of interrm! fric-li- fc-11oving plaeulc defo--aallian In L-J-F .1 single crystals. Fiz. tver tela 5 no.9:2726-2728 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Moskovskly institut stali i splavov. ACCESS-1011 im. AP4022896 S/0148/64/000/003/0081/9086 Markovskiy, V. Yu-; Polukhin, P. I.; Shaskol'skayap M. P. T=: Determination of the photoelasticity of a'fine-grained annealed silver chloride constant subjected to elastic and plastic deformation SObRCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya) no. 3, 1964, 81-86 TOPIC TAGS: Photoelasticity, AgCl, Mo, bending test, tensile testY residual stress, elastic defonn tion, plastic deformationfAgCl deformation ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the photoelastic properties of fine-grained polycrystalline AgC1 subjected to plastic and elastic deformation after annealing-1, Single crystals with a diameter of 31 mm and a height of 120 mm were grown in Mo glass crucibles in a vertical tubular electric furnace with a rated temperature gradient. The grown crystal was cut into 40-45 mm cylinders and reduced to 2 to 3 =--thick -Dlates that were annealed for recrystallization. With a 95% deforma- tion rate 10-hour holding was found to be optimal. Maximum grain size was 0-05 azid no residual stresses were detected in the specimens. Bending - :tensile tests yielded the relationship between the valuis of the optical difference in Carci 1/2 ACCESSION Iffi: AP4022896 the occurrence of 5-and the actual stresIs or, making it possible to express the law., of photoelasticity as follows: 5 = Cd where C is the optical constant, d - the~-thickness of the specime~a and S - the actual tensile stress. The value of the~joptical constant was equal to (6o to 7o)xj 10-7 cm2/kg after tensileltests and (50.~o 56) X 10-7 c 2 m /kg after pure beading tests. A fibrous structure appeared after the application of loads in excess of 0' . 1.5 -/. 1.8 kg/ma2. The determinat"on of the optical constant for fine- grained Dseudoisotr6pic silver chloride'~rovides the possibility of a qualitative and allentitative analysis of the stressed state of pseudoisotropic crystalline materials under the:.effee't of plastic and elastic deformation. 41 and 'SSOCIATION: Moskov6kiy institut stali i splavov (Moscow Institute of Ste A13-loys) SURUTL~,IED: OlAu663 DATE ACQ; 1QApr64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: ML NO RUI SOV: 005 0=1. 001 Ccrd 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4040552 S/2564/64/004/000/0039/0044 AUTHOR. Dobrzbansldy, G. F.; Shaskollskaya, M.P. TITLE: Inheritance of the defects of a deformed Inocuriiin by a crystal SOURCE. AN SSSR. Institut krlstallografli. Rost kristallov, n. 4, 1964, 39-44 TOPIC TAGS: crystallography, crystal growth, deformed inoculum, defoi7med seed crystal, I 'lithium fluoride, soldium chloride, potassium chloride', alkali halide, crystal defect, lattiu4u:; defect, polygonization ABSTRACT: The improved Kiropoulos method described previou 'sly was used in a study of' crystal growth from a melt with deformed seed crystals of LiF, N~LCI and KCI. The seed crystals were plastically bent, compressed, stretched or twisted. The monocrystals grown were cleaved, and the side face (010) was examined by selective etching. Lauegrams showe& that the onset of crystal growth is preceded by polygonization, Le. , restoration of the original structure of the seed crystal, entailing rearrangement of the dislocations so that ar-! nearly as perfect a seed crystal as possible is formed. Growing crystals thus inherit the boundaries of previously deformed sections of seed crystals. "The authors thank Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR:. AT4040552 :'D. A. Prokudin and L. G. Tsinzorling for their nesistance in the work." Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografft AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR) SUBAUTTED: 00 DATIE ACQ: 02J4164 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IC, OP NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 005 Card 2/2 S/oial/64/000' 03/0728/073 A A. ; Sh~sko-! -aila, 11, '~~ffa-~;i Of c.; iz;1ocation or. tude dependent. inte=al D iz-i'--- tverdago te -a, v. !96,1, 728-731 -1 4' ic~ion, d4s-13~,at..,- --ingle crystal C- d e foz-mat- -ho-,s: work of exwining t-he role of tne oa~t '-s in disloca" le erjstals of alkali ions s ing e t the of --echamism of -ninn-, is -~--n-ortan in study -41-f:~z-:--t-;~;:~- T"ne au.Zc-~S InViaotijated frequency- and, amplitude-dependent fl'ict-Ion ~3f cz-ystals of LiF dopad vrit-h ja2, and ions. wa~70 de at a frea ency of' 1:4 locycles af ter plastic defor=~-ti on 0 LI -U r- --as found that c-nan7es in, =plitude-dapendart friotJon are =ore cznystals of L-4F, the re-covary of frequezcy-depen-denz; n. f C;'~ 1011 affiacted by t-he -aresence of The effect 01 S C atoms On Zh~Lnaes im =92-ituele-dapende-at. and LM- ZrI0,42.G.L. n P=i 1; es o" ' e bivalent oz th 4cnz -4 Sub s ~an~ 4 all y=crease cr-a-16as In am-Dlitude in "he ea--ly ztal-las of niastic deformation. Amnlitude-indenendent a icti.Ca iz restorad ~ica-Dlatelly even in undoped single crystals. - . .:;, -z= ~ fr4 ctici-~ lion af ter nlas4-ic def orma- tion ~ a~ 071 i, Z nDt :7eflectad in =y oh - ge ir, shape of the line log all to the dislocat--4on theory of A. 0--p-to and X. L~icke. t- ,az: 1,4aurGs, 'a1ble, and 0, formulas. "'S"'Ovskiy ins~4-~-U-v sta----' splavov (Yoscow Institute of Steel and DATi' -,.CQ; 31MPIM64 YO HE,-ql 20V: V110 I EYCL: 00 OT=n; oc6 2/2 S/OjSj/64/C)06/oO3/0'735/0 .7-'0 -T ,"IL* ? - '! 1. ?.. : -on aylov) s -d '735-7!P 10-nw.r -~, I ao. 3, Ic)61,' I mcation -V. 0, - dis- -ve-rcloolro C, 0 C. r e ,~oi 3 r1 ~ P def ec-~j creel) to -Ctlolll of micro . ,-6,11jerp e-nal vrl- def or'La the idea Js u 10'a -caeory 0 1 0, c3r .,.--nt to Ljorw, t4 0a -2 'T -ra a crocTeepy attenua 'o ts lal f the i:016 jy -s juc C~Ses 'ce 0 ss leace Irl SoTae ;8~. ,-,e PO .' taal r clepe'au .011s1 ns- of ce c UOA jj~,Jea :Lea 15 wagr-ll~ - to a -atricirs by I lead ':'rle de?ec-us a-Isloca, TV~c 'acilcies) - 'Doint 0.1. an- a-ases) -US:Lou a c I I ir8n j orls 0i. f djj: L f unda-mG 1e (a-t -0: ;,Ioca.- a 1 0 Ctjo~ .Sly a aj.~ , -,fl a =WJ play t'....PeTa- - p ix-ne , -na.L an ,,perw- 0- -jr, I e aeacy ojleD:t3.a ce--Ol -4-ect Oll tr e be . t. 0u at lov cles. Ollud to O*a. aa tn aacrk~;-, P-1 y frIc j.,,~errla frictio'A -ep-ses O.L orr-p- na-,;~e 01. OrL tae . -F-US10-- e 0- 'i L -15 sloll Oi C,rd ]-/3 ACCOESSIOIN' -NA: AP4019331 --d Ti Ail -djj unere is the parts of loops pinned by a defeat of type L and the sur-mmtion is made for all possible types of pinning, W is the vibration frequency of a dislo- cat-ion loon, d is interatomic distance,S~ is the orientation factor, and A is the =ss o--.' a single length of a movir47, dislocation. This expression also satis- fies the freorlently observed exponential dependence of internal friction,on .emzerature, since a'. low frequencies e Wdl wRT ~,.hare D is the rate of atom.Lr- migration and Q is the activation energy of diffusion. Ozia. art'. has; I figure and 16 formulas. IMOC: I Ins a ee 2 .LTIC.I: 21-foskovskiy institut stali i splavov (Moscow titut of St 1 atd Uloys) Card ~13 ACCESSION NR. AP4043367 S/0181/64/006/008/2441/2444 AUTHORSt 131istanov, A. A.; Malakhov, G. V., Shaskol'skaya, M. P. TITLE: Investigation of the recovery of internal friction in crys- talline silver chloride SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2441-2444 TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, recovery dynamics, silver chloride, single crys-tal, activation energy, diffusion mobility, crystal qlattice defect, dislocation immobilization ABSTRACT: The recovery of low-frequency internal friction following. plastic deformation in wire samples of AgCl, either pure or alloyed with 0.012 at.% NaCl, was investigated at 0, 25, and 500C. The frequencies used were 1.5--2.5 cps. The wire samples were obtained from single crystals by pressing and rolling, followed by annealing for 10 hours. A second annealing was used (130C, 1 hour) after the Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043367 sample was clamped in the relaxator. The activation energies of the recovery process as a whole were found to be approximately the same for both pure and alloyed samples (0.23 + 0.02 eV) (0-1 + 0.02 and 0.08 + 0.02 eV, respectively). The average value of the activa- tion energy of the diffusion of point defects was found to be 0.23 + 0.02 eV for both pure and alloyed sAmples of AgCl. This indicates: that the recovery process proceeds in the same manner in both pure and alloyed silver chloride. The fact that the recovery activation energy is on the whole lower than the activation energy for the dif-, fusion of point defects indicates that, although the observed de- crease in internal friction following plastic deformation agrees with the theory of Granata, Hikato, and Lucke (Acta Met. v. 7, 470, 1958) the diffusion mechanism is not the only recovery mechanism, and others, with lower activation energy are possible. It is also shown that the dislocation.immobilization is due to diffusion of the intruded Ag+ ions to the dislocations and of the vacancies of these ions to the-dislocations. This is corroborated by the fact that the Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043367 value obtained for the activation energy of the diffusion of the point defects which immobilizes the dislocations during the recovery processes (0.23) is intermediate between the activation energies for Ag+ ions (0.15) and vacancies (0.33 eV) in silver chloride, as published in the literature. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 4 fo=U- las. ASPOCIATION; Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov (Moscow Institute of'Steel and Alloys) SUBMITrED: 02mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 004 card 3/3 'i. Yu.; !~ONLTE[111N, 1'. 1.; SMSKOL'SKAYA, M.I clear, bends by the. optical polar- ization method. -fzv. vys.ucheb.zav.; chern-met-7 no. '::85-89 64 (MIRA 17:.5) 1. ~i6okrvskiy institut stali i splavov. L 31862-65 EVIT(d)IF-WT(m)IEWP(w)IEViA(d)ltl~Wp(tI /.w P(b) ~D/~14 ACCESSION NR: AP5003369 B1014916VO0010061010910115 V M.P. AUTHOR: MarkovsLdZ, V. Yu.; Polukhin, P. I Shasw,- TITLE: A method for the simultaneous observation of stresses and strains Jn crys Ine substances in the elastic and plastic regions SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya nietallurgiya 0.* 6, 1964, 109-115 TOPIC TAGS: crystal stress, crystal strain,. elastic deformation'. plastic deformation, silver chloride, stress strain diagram, polarization optics, photoelastic coaft 7-W ABSTRACT: A new. technique-is described for the'.simultaneous and -study-of the:--." actual and, residual stresses and strains by a polarization-optical method. The essential feature of the technique consists in observing the stresses in a polycrystalline material (AgC1) and at the same time studying the strains by the method of photoelastic coatings. In the latter method,- a reflecting layer of metallie silver Is deposited on the polycrystal- line AgCI, and an optically sensitive coating is placed on top of that layer. Two patterns of isochromes (one In AgC1 and one in the coating) are then observed on two separate sdreens, the specimens being subjected to loads. - The apparatus and method of operation are described in detail. The technique can be successfully applied to the study of ! single crystals and coarse-grained polycrystalline samples of awy cryi3talline substance caj 1/2 L 2517-66 _IjF_ C ~ACCESSION NR: Ap5o14~qi 1)1007, ,y Bl'istanov, S~aekol's!!!Yat ;AUTHOR: A.A Troltakiye I. V X- TO 1TITLEs Concerning the kinetics of fixation of dislocationai by point defects in Aonic crystals iSOURGE: Fizika tvardogo tela, V* 7j no* 6. 196.5, 16%-1859 MPIC TAGS: crystal lattice dislocation, crystal dislocation phonomencn# crystal idefect, ionic crystal, alkali-ballide, lithium fluoride '17 IABSTRAM The authors investigated the influence of the temperature and of prior deformation on the recovery of internal friction at fro uencies 130 and 140 kom + I single crystals of LiF, both pure and doped with Fb . The samples were iplastically deformed by a combination of static bending and high-frequenoy vibra- ItIons, at temperatures 25, ~O, and 80C and at various degrees of deformation. The degree of recovery was found to increase'vith Increasing temperature and with in- ! creasing prior deformation. The kinetics of fixation of the dislocation# by point defects in the plastically deformed alkali-halide single crystal are discussed from ithe point of view of the dislocation theory of GranIq Ap+mta.and Luake (Acta ,Met. To 60 4709 1958)- life are grateful to To. G. 841M Vskly and N.A. TY4149.1 Card 2517-66~- Card 2/2 5082-66 E-rT(1)/F,,jjT(m)/T/Eb4p(t) bW( - - JD/GG -AE6 NR. -~V05~5F)07421j1CF74(S) AP5024558 Ult/W7EWr(6 I 5,18.5 AUTHOR: Belytyev, L. M. DobrzhanskI , G. Novozhikhareva.,L V Sh..s Iska AIL P-1 TITLE: Dependence of the Perfection of structure and properties of crystals on gruiving methods SOURCE- Kr~'stallogrifi.%.a, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 742-743, and insert lacing 1). 742 TOPIC T.,%GS: sit stal__gr 2in Bile (Tyl- _.qyq 71 potassium chloride, crystal dislocation ABSTRACT: A preliminary qualitative study of the effect of variouo growing techniques on the degree of perfcction ,ind properties of the KC1 crystal was carried out. Seventy single KC1 crysials were grown )y Lhe following techniques: Kyropoulos, Fryopoulos Nvith constrictions, Czoe ralsid, Stockbarger, zone crystallization, and aqueous solutions. The perfection of the crystits %%,.is determined from the dislocation density revealed by (Ach figures. The micro- hardness was obtained wRh a PMT-3 instrument, and the length of the etch-figure star was measured. KCI crystals with the lowest dislocation density werL obtainf-d by the Kyropoulos technique, particularly that involving constrictions. In these crystals, the dislocation densitY and microliardness decrease from the seed to the end of the crystal. ne dependence of struc- tural perfection on the growing methods was found to be quite strong; particularly apparent Is the influence of the solvent and crucible. The desirable role of constrictions was confirmed. "The authors thank K_S,__Q_esnyshey_ for assistance in the experiments. Orig. art. has- 1 figure and 1 table. 1/2 Card L 5082-66 ACC NRs AP5024558 6 ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografli AN SSSR (institute of Crystallomphy, AN SS~Rj; qv4t~-- J Moskovskiy Institut stall i splavov (Moscow Institute of Steel and AUoys) SUBMITTE D: 30Jan65 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 ~iK P 2/2 Card '.".ikhail Aleksandrovici., dots.; 110DZEYEVSKIY, Anatoliy 130ieslavovic'r, Fz-of.; T'E__-.ES:r'll,, !Iornan Viladimirovich, prof-; A GOTS.; T- SIIASKOLIS.K.AY . .'.ariaruna Petrovna, -an Alekseyevich, prof.; IVE~,,Glliclk, V.I., red.; CFE~L'_!,R:E%TAl 1 11 it. i ., red. [Lecture demonstraticns in physic-S] LTE,kftsionnye der:~cnstra- Nauka -- 2 p. tsi-J. po fizike. Moskvaj O_j 17 (. it stali i splpojov I.-loskva (-ryr Shaskollska-ya) Instit, J. ip (r, ACC NR, AI%TnPT- SODACP CODE': M /2564/65/006/000/0129/0132 /'5' ---- _/ V Dobrzhani'Viy, G. F. ; Martyshev, AUTHOR: Belyayev, L. M. Govorkov, V. Yu. '-thaskol'skayl, M. P. ORG: none 7A Fz, A~, ql/, TITLE: Growins of LiF crystals strengthened by adding uranium and study of their y4d, 615 ~Z~ SOURCE: AN SSSM. Ingtitut kristallografti. Rost kristallov, v. 6, 1965, 129-132 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal growing, -lithium fluoride, uranyl nitrate, crystal dislocation, triboluminescence, hardness, ABSTRACT : LIF single crystals activated with U02(NO3)2 were grown from the melt by the Kyropoulos method. The Infrared absorption spectra of L. IF + U crystals obtained were almost Identical to those of pure LIF. Three methods were used to study the mechanical properties of the crystals: (1) measurement of micrehardness.with a PBff -3 Instrument; (2) compression tests with an Instrument for micromechanical testing of materials; (3) study of the "star" of dislocations formed around the mark of the diamond Indenter. It was found that the Introduction of uranium increases the strength of LiF crystals by one order of magnitude and the microhardness by 20% without changing their transparency in the Infrared. A shortening of the prongs of the "star" showed a decrease In the mobility of dislocations arising during plastic deformation. This decrease is thought to be caused chiefly by the 1/2 ACC Nits AT6002244 formation of a charge on the dislocations by the uranium Ions. An analogy was observed betv;een the mechanical and tribolumineseent properties of LIF + U crystals. It is concluded that the principal part In the phenomenon of triboluminescence In not played by the cloud of excess chaftes, but by the mobility of dislocations. OAS. art. has: 5 figures, and I table. XUB OWE: 20 SUBM DATE t none / ORIG REF: 006- / OTH REP: 001 Card 2/2 B1,f3TPiNOV, M.F, - f hiph-frequency vibration-9 on internal frictior recovir7 -- II- 0 - .In LIF single carystale. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.10-2930-2932 0 165. (MIRA 18;11) 1. Hoszlicouskly institui f7titli 1. splavov. L 2-6642-66 ZWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/E'AfP(t) IJP(cj' JD/J!ir/ji1 ACC NR: IX502.':.367 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/001/010/2930/2932 AUTHOR: Blistanov, A. A. -Shaskol'skaya, M._ P. ORG: Moscow Steel and Alloy Institute (Moskovskiy Institut stali i oplavov) TITLE: The effect of high frequency ~_Cillations on the recovery of internal friction in lithium fluoride monocrv_s_ta1A__ SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 2930-2932 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride, crystal structure, internal friction, sing1d' crystal, NF&!,.4Zo- ABSTRACT: Since it was indicated that the effect of high-frequency vibrations lead!: to a growth of internal friction and an increase of dislocation in LiF and NaCj crystals, the effect of high frequency vibrations on deformation re-... actions of monocrystal specimens of LiF was studied. The purpose of the work was to study the role of impurities in the process of blocking dislocation and the effect of high frequency vibrations on this blocking. Recovery of 11pure" form and with, internal iriction was studied in UP monocrystals in the Ca 2-13 (0.01%) impurity at frequencies of 130 kilocycles. -It was indicated that the parameter of the recovery rate in the Granato, Lucke, Hikata Eheory Card L 26642-66 ACC NR: AP5025367 decreases with the growth of preriminary deformation. Doping leads to an in- crease in -recovery rate. Results were confirmed from the point of view of dis- location theory of internal friction. Orig. art. has: 3 fig. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: OlApr65/ ORIG RE#: 001/ OTH REP-.004 Card 2/2 L c6w),n-6 FV, ~,i TFj P AC~ -NRAP6026719 SOURC3, COD-:4,:- TTR/oisil(~6/OOc3/009/2494/2496 AUTHOR. Tyapunilna, N. A.; Shaskol'skaya, M. P.; lorner, 1-1. D. GO; '-.oscow State University im. 11. V. Lomonosov (;,,oskovs,ciy posudarstvennyy univer- L'.O,';COW ins itute of S sltot); Eeel and Alloys (i,oskovskiy institut stalt i splavov) Chan;),o in th() photosonsitivity of silvor chlorldo crystals under tho influonco' of b4,-n-frequency vibration and denend--ncp .of-intern~l-friction on Drier Illumination of the crystal Fizik;;- t1vardogo tolA, v. R, no. 8, 1.9l'0, 24r?4-24Q6 TOP I C V~06 -hotosensA-tivity, ,if vibration, Internal frll.ction Lk L A, C- in c-lasz- zl-,,moul"s v-3re siibjpcted- to 'ongltudinzl 1 - Z, I i Or. jL m -,f -100 kc. Tr-.a anpli- .111ations in a rosonance oscillatt - A a 'remioncy k ;- G --~ t u,~ f I.- e iv e f 0 ~-.11 at ion ~,a z -,,-a r I e r] fr om - 0 . 15 .)0 gh-m~,. The maxiMILM :,4-r-.~!qsfz~s c3-,xing vi'nr~tti.on did not excoecl the yit~11(31 st-"ess of It w a s noted t It i I . I not -.-)rotoctcnc, frc- r'ayliqht, tho co"I.ors of the -orsisted a~t)r Lhe rior.-ttior, 7-'-)',Tcjwin th(y rc:~iun :)-f 'ho inLo nal fricti-in not only decz,~ased in n-;L:n'turJG, .LjI -J. it's on the chant7od. it is conolq(iod that 1,119 -,)17 At~-. riryzs'als they a~o sul"neted to I L ilminat`or or' af-ecls 'he lnterrt~ .^r!.(-Ai on. L. Card 1/2 3-iK3 COi),HT 2 0 3HIM Dlk:l!-,~ AiG R2;i; 0021/ GTH A::W! 00 1 -Card- 2/?- L 23019-66 E1dr(l)/EW(m)/T/D1-F(t) IJP(q) JD. =' R-R. AP(500~652 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181./66/oo3/003/0736/0739 AUTHORS: Blistanov A. A.; Malakhov, G. V.; Soyfer, Ya. Mj ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys__(J~oskovskiy institut stali i splavovT- TITLE: Effect of electrical field on the internal friction in 'NaCl and LiF j SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 3, 1966, 736-739 TOPIC TAGS: sodium chloride, lithium fluoride, single crystal, internal friction, crystal-'dislocation, crystal -aefectY ionic crystal, plastic deformation, electrostatic field j .ABSTRACT: To check on the interaction between di locationdTand point. defects in ionic crystals, the authors measured the internal friction, in NaCl and LiF crystals placed in a constant electrostatic field at ~ frequencies -5 kcs and 1 cps. The measurements at 5 kcs were made by- ~the method of F. Forster (Zs. Metallkunde v. 29, 109, 1937)..; Dynamic.Z- Card L 23019-66 ACC NR: AP6009652 .microphones were used as transmitters and receivers. The logarithmic- ~decrement was recorded with an amplifier, amplitude discriminator, i :and scalar. The measurements at 1 cps were made by the method of in-'; verted torsion pendulum. The oscillations were recorded electronical- ly with an inductive pickup. The number of oscillations was counted .electromechanically. The sample temperature could be controlled thermostatically in the range from - 11;0 to + 80C. The electric :field intensity could reach 10 kev/cm.- All experiments were made at .room temperature, since prior measurements of the temperature de- .pendence have shown that there are no internal-friction peaks at room, ~temperature. Comparative measurements were made of the effect of the: .electrostatic field and of plastic deformation on the Internal fric- ition, and the experiments have shown that at both frequencies the electrostatic field and the plastic deformation produce similar ef- Ifects. The time variation of the internal friction of the single .crystals in a fixed electrostatic field exhibited a saturation behavior. The low frequency internal friction was found to be more sensitive top- 'changes in the electrostatic field Intensity than the higb-frequency friction. The results obtained at low frequencies were more stable Card 2/3 L 23019-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo9652 and more consistent upon repetition. This indicates that the intemal- friction Twchanisms at the two frequencies are different. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE., 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Jul65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 008 i Card L 09900-67,.--LUT(M)/qc-t)/~rI.--,.IJP(c).-.. coliw/ij), ACC NRt AP6033564 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/010/3019/3021 311/ AUTHOR:' Berzina, 1. G.; Gusev, E. B.; Shaskollskaya, M. P. ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov); All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Geophysics and Geochemistry, Moscow (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiyinstitutyadernoygeo~jr~iiif-f-~ --id~ geo imi) TITLE: Effect of annealing on the mobility of dislocations in irradiated LiF SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8. no. 10, 1966, 3019-3021 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride, annealing, etched crystal, crystal dislocation, crystal lattice dislocation, isothermal annealing, color center, dislocation mobility, etch figure, etch figure star ABSTRACT: The effect of various color centers on the dislocation mobility and the structure of the etch figure star of the lithium fluoride crystal face (100) is investigated. The restoration of the structure and size of the etch figure star during the process of isothermal annealing was found to be divided into three stages, which correspond to the elimination of different types of defece, and. Card 12 L 09900-67 ACC NRI AP6033564 restoration time was found to depend on the amount of irradiation. [Authofe' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 130ct66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002/ PORTNOY, N.D.; KDXDkATDVICH, V.V.; RABKIN, D.M.; ZVORKOV, M.L.; BOVIN, A.I.; GEIIRIKHSD0RF. N.G.; OLESHWV, Tu.V.;,~ ~KUKIN~, A.Ya.; ERMEDWI. P.L.; KHODZHAIEV, A.I.; FISAREVSKIT, M.S. Automatic welding of aluminum alloy products instead of manual are welding with a carbon electrode. Suggestion bv N.D.Portnoi and others. Prom.anarg.11 no.4:2-1-22 Ap 156. (MIRA 9:7) (Alumi-milm alloys--Valding) PAVLOV, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, prof.; SHASKOLISKAYA, N.D., red.; SIDOROVA. V.I., red.izd-va; TIToii.-Li'.,-te-kh-n.-r-e-d--.-- (Metabolism and biological rotation] Obmen veshchestv i bio- lo-gicheskii krugovorot. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola,* 1960. 93 P. (MIRA 13:7) (METABOLISM) SEASKOLISEAYAS-V.D.~ - Identification of the mosaic disease of millet. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 1.103-109 161. (NIRA 14:2) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy ni2shikh rasteniy Moskovskogo gosudarstven- nogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (KUYB'LSHEV PROVINCE-MILLET-DISEASES AND PESTS) (MOSAIC DISEASES) (U~AFHOPPERS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) T ~ji',) "EVA Y,~.A.; g;Hk~KOL"KAYA IN.D. - (;. P., i 11i 7DA NT,, Nlet'-17As r)f rear4ng oicadas, carriers of plant disease, urider ar-',4fioial conditions. N-auch.dck1.vys.shko11y; biol.nauk~- nc.4t 28-32 162, (MIRA 1 5,-~ DO) riauc!L-,o-'is~-ledc;vatellsk-I.,.n 1NSFCTS AS CARRIHS OF PLANT DISFI--.SEQ,) ("-L-DADA) (INSECTS AS LA.T:,OF-,A----OPY AINIMAUS' SHASKOL I SKAYA, ~ Transmission of the winter mosaic virus through the egg by the cicada Psammotettix striatus L. Zool. zhur. 41 no.5:717-720 my 162. (KIRA 15-6) 1. All-Unicn Research Institute of Phytopathology, Golitsino Moscow Region. (Wheat-Diseases and pests) (Cicadas as carriers of disease) (Mosaic diseases) ('-,-rellos A'LL. 1--al2er presented at 33:im,: on Jxu~ Diseases, Mos,--ow, -t ACC NRi jj2 U U UU/ 'JU(J/ Utj AUTHOR: Kuvshinova, Ye. V.; Atabekov, I. G.; Shaskol'skaya, N. D.; Novikov, V. K.; Popova, G. A. ORG: Department of Virology, Moscojw Stnte University (Kafedra virusologii ~bskovskogo uviversitetu im. P1. V. Ali-Uriiun Scientific Research Inutitute for PhytopaLhology (Vseaoyuzziyy nauchno-issledovatel'akiy inatitut fitoputologii) TITLE: Comparative scrological tuitilysis of rod-shaped viruses SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 1966, 343-348 TOPIC TAGS: virolo&r, serology, serological analysis, serotyping, vints, rod shaped vivus, immunodif fusion method, mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus,,,0,Z'qWr 01"TEPSC .1 &,W-e/'7 7- ABSTRACT: Serological rc~itionzjiips between TMV, cucumber mosaic no. 2, barley stripe mosaic.and winter wheat mosaic viruses were established. Winter wheat mosaic virus J's unique anong them Jn tkHt it is a ",~' virus rather than a true 11mosaic" type biological r. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. (W.A- 50; CBE No. 10) SUB CODE: o6/ surBm, miE. 25Apr65/ ORIG REFF: 0061 OTH REF: 0161 I Card 1/1 UDC: 576.858-077.3 ZAGORSKAYA. Yo.D.., SHASKOLISKAYA, N.G., (Koskmq) A frequent error in stptiatical anplysis in clinical work. Klin. med. 96 no.5:134-137 MY 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz Instituta organizatsii zdrFtvooMraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni R.A. Semnshko Ministerstva zdravool-dirj;neniya SSSR (dir. Ye.D. Ashurkov). (VITAL STATISTICS, morbidity, common errors in Annlynis of clin. cond. (Rus)) OVCHAROV, V.I.,; SHASKOLISEAYA, N.G.,; MERKOV, A.M., prof.; D'ET-C15LAY.-' and.meed.nauk; REWBERG, G.A., prof. [Manual on the use of the Soviet and international nomenclatures of diseases and the causes of death; alphabetical index of the names of diseases and their numbers] Posobie k rollzovaniiu sovetzkoi i mezhdunarodnoi nomenklaturami boleznci i prichin smerti; alfavitnyi ukazatell naimenovanii boleznei. i ikh shifrov. Moskva, M-vo zdravookhraneniia SSSR, 1959. 44~ P. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow. Institut organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko. (HEDIC1NB--TM4I14OLOGY) ~SHA31(OLISKAYA, N.P. IIA.Y. Filcmsfi~.skiy-First 'Wssian Fhysoilogist-Experir-enter.11 Thesis for 6egree of Cand. Biclogical jci. Sub 26, Apr 50, !.'oscow Order of Lenin itate U imeni M.V. Lomonosov SummrT 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Presented for Dgrees in Science and Engineering in ',.oscow in 19~0. IP'rom Vechernyaya Yoskva, Jan-Dec Y.150. Aug 1941' cow Machinery - Design "Calculating the Angular Limits of the Rise of the Can in Autcmatic Machinery," B. V. Shaskollakly, Gandi"te in Technical Sciences, 4 pp "stanki i anstrument" xo 8 NalarSes on the method suggested by V. V. Dobravoll- skly for calculatiaas on cylindrical cams., Discusses the sturdiness of the cam and methods for calculating this factor, methods for calculating the angle bf rise and drop of cam for sliding cam machinery, as vell as for can lover wwh1ner7, the effect of the accuracy .111,14 1"T~. (Cautd) of -.he mwufactured cam an the rise angles, and the calculated radius of the 08M curvaturO- 34T40 I A.Y., kandidat tekhnichaskikh SAVOSIXIN, N.M., inzhener;,-AWO &6 N y'r nauk; TIKHONOV, A.Ya., te~ddxni, al%et a(laktor [Manunl on specification shoots for metal cutting tools; abridged specification sheets for technicians and norm setters] ]Rukovodstvo po pasportizataii metallorezhushchikh stankov; sokrashchennys pasporta dlia tekhaologov i normirovshchikov. Moskva, Gbs. nauchno- takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 367 p. (KIaA 9:12) 1. liassia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeratvo stankostroital"noy i instrumental' noy promyshlennosti. Nauchno-iseledovatellskoys byuro teldinicheakikh normativov. (Guttinitoole) SHASKOLISKI-Y!, ~3.V, Revining the form of certificates for metal-cutting mnehines. Stan.i in8tr. 27 no.11:23 Y'56. (KIRA 10:1) (Rachine tools) (Hochinery--Tables, dalculations, eta) 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1274 Baranov, Boris Aleksandrovich; Zolotov, Vsevolod Nikolayevich (Deceased); Khisin, Rafail Iosifovich; Shapiro, IBay Iosifovich; Shaskollskiy, Boris VladLmirovich; Shakhnazarovo Musheg moiesovich Tekhnicheskoye normirovaniye na mashinostroitellnom zavode (Technical Standards for Machine-building Plants) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 576 p. 7,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Kremenetskiy, N.L., Engineer; Ed. (Title page): Shakhnazaroval M.M.; Ed. (Inside book): Tishin, S.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: Rodzevich, S.S.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is a theoretical and practical manual for engineers and technicians engaged in setting technical stand- ards in aircraft manufacturing establishments and working in scientific research and planning institutes. C ard:~V_111--- ri L PH~SE 1 BOOK EXPWITATION SOV.5564 Moscow,, Aviatsioanyy teldmologicheskiy institut Voprosy av-tomatizatsii i mekhanizatsij tekhnologichesk~ikh protsessevy' (Problems in the Automation and Mechanization of Manufacturing Processes) Moscow, Oboron- giz, 1959. 105 P. (Series: Its. Trudy, vyp. 39) Errata slip inserted. 6,300 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysehego obrazovaniya SSSR. Ed.: A. I. Isayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: I. A. Suvorova; TL-ch. Ed.: 11. A. Pukhlikova; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zayriov- skaya. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineer-technologists and scientific workers in the field of technoloTf of machine construction, and students in the same special field. COVERAC2: This collection of articles considers, on the basis of investigations conducted, methods for the automation of manufacturing processes involving 0 the machining of parts on metal-cutting machine tools; it presents information Card 1. 5 in ti:e Automation and 'A,~chanlLpitdon ) 3ov 3 534 re6ardin.:~, a suita-,-,le selection of machine tools for lot proddctioLl alld deals with met"llods of m.-chanizinj, the machirting and inspection of Darts having a Comnlex for-m. The report. of Yu.G. Savkin presents the results of in- vesti:5ations of autorration o- the primary adjustnj-,nt in lathe work. The Luthors i~orsider an. ex+reenf-l) *IaT-ly problem, the positive solution of which, lAndor act~uil uktriuracturin,'., conditions, niny h'.Ive far-reachirr-g technical and economic effects. En the rei)ort of B,, V. ""haskollskiy and A. A. Nikolayev '. the authors consider q Problem whi-ch itT) to now has been only slightly de.It e with -- the problem of selectinG suitable tynes ol" lat).es foi, lot nroduction. The material pre- sented in this report Is o; interest to designers workin.g in the field of WI-etiine-tool construction and to industrial engineers. A- I. Isayev and L. 14. Pamerantoev present :Ln their report the results of in- vestigations in the field of the mchanization of machining and inspection ..)-' the biade surfaces uf proppeller-type hydroturbines. Based on an investi- ~:,ation of ths? -maclhinin;.~ proct;s,~ of model blades, the report presents a draft jj_3 in t,,Ie desigi of the equipnkent and mcich.-Livry necessary for machining and checking the dimensions oi full-scale hydrotuxLine blades. The results of these in.- veBttgattons taty 'he of use to I!Austrial. engint~e-rs and eneineers who work in the field or I~Ydroturbinc (-0110trut-ttou. The report of I. V. Danin-Barkovskiy and A. N. Kartasheva considers the T)rcblem of criteria for reliable checking of measurin.- instruments, a problem which, in connection with the development of the manufacture of different kinds cf de- vices for automatized technolojcal processes, presents definite practical and scientific in-terc-A. The report of A~ A. Chist-a-kov on a riethod for determining the DeTmAssi'le un- balance in t~ie rotors of hign-speed turboen.,~Ires will be useful for designers .,ind engineers in motor ani tar',An-a plants. The collection -was prepared for prin-,.Jn~~, ~~-y Do~!ent S. I. Gux---ich, Camdidate i:,f Ibchnical Sciences. RR-femnr-es are at the end of each article. Cq.~- d 30v,- 5534 JY~D-LE OF CONUIT-"S: P! I n. S A a t 10 r, n f Pr Seiecti:)n. of the o:7 'the n;uto,13,tte arlJuste.T I Ex-porimental of tl-,e +hzz sutQmatic Macbinir:%.. parts wiih t".e. ~~--`,J -of 311,aforv~l-M..- adjuster Conclusions sKas~wj., , B~,V, Dn.-,ertt- ca! Sciences', and A A, Suitable Types Auto,-"~t2-zt~d Lathe-, Lot F~-odu~tion T)-- artlcli:: Is div1d,?,J- Lnt,) the ft-li-,uwing ~zu~.,I-S~ctlons: Methods of investigati-;.. c-n Dete-traination r.,f the rieof-~!E.~ixy operataing, of lathes d 4 problf'.11111 ill Lite AlAorf"t1oll witt r4.~'Alwli Ia t' toll (cont. )JOV" 5 51 V1 Preliminary selection of the. ge-nerul configiu-ation of the lathe III. Isayev, A. I., Doctor of Tiechnical Sciences, Professor; and L. M. Pomer- antsev, Enginee'r. Tnvestigation of the Tbehnology of the Machining and Checking of the Working Durfaces of the Blades of Propeller-type Hydro- turbines 46 IV. Dunin-Barkovskiy, I. V., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; and A. N. Kartasheva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, On the Problem of Criteria for Reliable Checkiniz of Measurin- Instruments 74 V. Chistyakov, A. A., Docert, Camdidate of Technical Sciences. Methods for Determinin.- Permissible Unbalance of the Rotors of High-speed Turboengines Operating on Roller Bearings 91 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 AC/fal "6_0 25616 S/536/60/000/045/005/oo6 E194/E184 AUTHOR: Shaskollskiy, B-V., Candidate of Technical Sciences T IT LE! 13rol~-i-l~~S-0-f~--t-h-e--k-inematics of vibro-contact polishing of blades %vith very (Jeep profile PERIODICAL: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy. No.45. Mos':0w, 196o. Issledovaniye protsessov obrabotki metallov rezaniyem. PP. 139-149 TEXT: Vibratory polishing is an advanced method of surface finishing gas turbine blades. The principle of the process will be seen from Fig.l. The blade 1 is held between two rubber pads 2 and 3 which are fastened in metal holders 4 and 5. The blade is made to vibrate at a rate of 900 - 1500 strokes/min with a straight line translatory motion in the two directions shown by the arrows A and B. The blade is then polished by two abrasive belts 6 and 7 which adhere to the rubber pads and slide over the blades. To ensure good contact between blade and pads the blade must be able to position itself transversely (arrow K) and about the vertical and horizontal axes (arrows D and M). The suspension originally used to achieve this motion is described and was Card 1/6 25616 Problems of the kinematics of vibro-... S/536/60/000/045/005/oo6 E194/Ei84 successful in treating many types of blade. However, in trying to polish turbine blades with small radii of curvature combined with large angles of twist and great depth of profile it was found that a considerable part of the profile remained unpolished. It was found that this occurred because when the angle of pressure between the direction of motion of the blade and the direction of the tangent to the profile is very high the frictional forces increase and the rubber pads are deformed. To reduce the angles of pressure it is necessary to alter the straight line motion in the direction of the arrows B in Fig.1 by oscillatory motion around a certain axis so selected that the pressure angle is not too great at any section of the blade. The method offinding the optimum position of the axis of rotation is then discussed first for simple cases and later for a blade with profile of variable curvature, Geometrical constructions for determining the best axis of rotation are given. With the new type of motion of the blade during polishing the facilities previously provided for the blade to position itself are not only unnecessary but positively harmful. Accordingly a new design of the suspension was prepared, which is illustrated in Fig-,9 in which vertical motion of the blade is Card 2/6 25416 S/536/6c/ooo/o45/005/oo6 Problems of the kinematics of vibro-- Ei:94/El84 achieved not by a shaft sliding through bea-rings but by bending of steel tapes forming an elastic parallelogram. In designing the suspension free ve-rtical motion must be combin'ed with sufficient torsional rigidity. As it was difficult to design the spring paralielo.-ram theoretically, tests were made oFn special models. In th-A final suspension the vertical displacement is provided by a crank mechanism 2 which drives a frame 5 suspended on two flat spring I. Horizontal-positioning of the b.1ades is permitted by two springs L. A further crank 6 provides the rotatory motion. The springs I are made of steel 160 MM Wide, or two strips 80 mm wide, 100 mm-long and 1 mm. thick. The springs L are 100 mm wide, 28 mm long and o.6 mm thick. With this suspension the blade surfaces are satisfactorily polished. There are 9 figures. Card 3/6 SHASKOLISKIY, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk-; YEVG-AIIEV, G.B., inzh.; IAPSHIN, N.P., in Z- 1 -1. Polishing blade backs on the KhSh-185 machine. Trudv MVI no.45: 150 160. (MUU 14: 1) (Blades) kGrinding and polishing) S/536/6o/ooo/o45/oo6/oo6 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Shaskol'skiy, B.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, -T `ev-&__en_e__v_, gin e er and Lapshin, N.P. , Engineer TITLE. Grinding of the Backs of Gas-turbine Blades on the Gauge XW-18S (KhSh-185) Grinding Machine PERIODICAL: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy. No. 45. Moscow, 1960. Issledovaniye protsessov obrabotki metallov rezhaniyem, PP-150-169 TEXT: A detailed description is given of the method of surface-finishing of gas-turbine blade.air.%foils by grinding on A/ an ShKh-185 grinding machine. The operation of this machine is as follows (Fig. 1): Blade 1 is clamped in fixture 2 which is set on the table 3 . The table reciprocates left and right together with slider 4 and at the same time rocks about axis 5 . To make the rocking motion of the table 3 proportional to the displacement of the slider, gear 6 which rolls along rack 7 is joined to the table. The air-foil is ground by the absras:Lve belt 8 which is directed by rollers and is pressed against the blade by the cam 9 , which is fastened in Card 1/3 S/536/60/000/045/oo6/oo6 Grinding of the Backs .... E073/E335 ram 10 Since the air-foil cross-section varies along its length the cam surface has double curvature. The infeed is accomplished by continuous or intermittent lowering of cam 9 A method is presented in great detail for determining fixture parameters at which a particular air-foil will be successfully ground. On the basis of the method described in the paper, Engineers K.A. F�veyskly and N.M. Tarasova worked out practical instructions for using it under shop conditions. Several types of turbine blades, including cast turbine blades with a considerable twist, are now successfully ground on this machine. Practical experience has shown that after calculating one or two blades, the designer will spend no more than 3-4 hours on determining the parameters of the jigs and over half this time is spent on constructing the cross-sections of the blade. If cross-section plots are already available it is possible to reply in one hour to the question as to whether a given blade can be ground with a given dimenslaii of the rack gear, and what would be the position of the axis of the blade relative to the axis of the rack gear ( 6 , Fig. 1). If the blade cannot Card 2/3 Grinding of the Backs ... S/536/60/000/045/006/006 E073/E335 be ground with the gear of the given dimensions, it is possible to determine additionally in one to two hours the minimum diameter of the rack gear and the minimum length of stroke by means of which the blade can be ground. The authors refer to earlier work on the subject, published in the took of V. A. Shallnov entitled "Grinding and Polishing of Gas-turbine Blades", Oborongiz, 1959, pp.182-190. There are 23 figures and I Soviet reference. Card 3/3 3/145/61/000/012/005/007 D22!/D302 AUT-HOR: Shaskollskly, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITLE: Problems of mechanization and automation of the pc-- lishing of gas turbine blades PERIODICAL,! Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Mashinostroye- niye, no. 12, 1961, 105-112 TEXT,, Vibratory contact polishing as used in the Soviet plants is described. The vertical oscillations are transmitted to a crank,- and a ball joint permits horizontal displacements. The abrasive belt does not move during the operation. Compound locating (nest- ing) devices were made for blades with sharp curves, but even these -gaid not ensure a uniform distribution of pressure during the ma- .--hining. During 1958-1960, the Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnolr,- 02t~heskiy in!3titUt (Moscow Aviation Technological Institute) ana- yZed methods of polishing blades with deep profiles, and polish- no- oi~' several blade types, done formerly by hand, was mechanized. is appropriate to begin-the analysis with -the simplest case c,.' S/145/61/000/012/00' '5/007 ~roblemt3 of m~_,Jaanizatian D221/D302 a plane parallel. plate and then to consider successively the varia- tion3 due to the construction of the holder, the profile curvature; ~,r_iaLle thickness of the blade etc. The author discusses these f,aitorq_ in detail; a rational scheme of basic movements of the ma- -hi-ne atid methods of reducin- the wear of locating devices are also 0 ,.t,nsidered. The length of the worn parts is proportional to the helah' of 'the guide and is related to the coefficient of friction be-~ween the belt and the blade. The curvilinear profile results irl a greater height of the guide which shifts under the action of _'~-J_-t-aon force,, also owing to projection of the normal pressure in ,-he diretion of shear. In self-aligning devices, the curvilinear crof1le results in the kinematic indetermination. Variable thick- nesc; o-f foil requires a greater height of the guide. In the case ,-;.F a vLLriable radius of curvature, the length of stroke is limited. Tliie arrangement of motion must be chosen so that the pressure angle fis minimum for all points of the profile which is achieved by c~s-_-.Ilatory motion around the axis. The new suspension is describe& It 17,as improved the quality and output of polishing. Further in- Ves~lgatlons -,shnuld be directed towards redUCtion in belt s1ip, The 3/145/61/000/0121/005/007 Problems of inechanization D221/D302 uoe c'l flexible protectin- covers made of strong textiles and pia~ 0 cello between -.he belt and guide decrease wear. Hollow guides with -ompressed air pressure against the surface of the blade are also mentioned, There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references, _ASISOCIATION~ Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy instituT. (Moscow-Aviation Technology Institute) -ard S/536j62/0Wj053/002jW2 1048/12,18 AUTIIORS~ Shaskolskiy. B. V.. Candidate of technical sciences, Docent TITLE: -"o fe-nis -0f the -kinetostatics of polishing of blades with a deep profile PERIODICAL Moscow. Aviatsionnyy teklinologicheskiy institLt Tr',dy, no. 53. 1962. Issledovaniva v oblasti mekhnicheskoy obrabotki metallov, 23-46 TEXT: The "Sprayers Equipment (USA)" machine for the polishing of turbine blades, and a similar machine built at the Kharkov Aviation Institute, are described in detail and their operation is discussed ,xith special emphasis on the performance of the rubber pads supplying the contact pressure between the blade surface and the abrasive bands. The optimum crank revolution ratio was found to be 2 : 3 to 5 - 6, and not 1 15 as used in the "Spayers Equipment" machine. The polishing operatior~ included three stages of 20 sec. each, at a specific pressure of 4.5-9.0 kg/ The main factor limiting the speed of operation as the heating of the rubber pads; it was found that the optimum speed of operation as high as that actually used A mathe- matical analysis indicated that both the pad wear and the free run of the machine can be reduced by re- ducing the thickness of the pads and increasing the coefficient of friction between the pad and the abrasive band. The wear of the pad can also be reduced by using convex pads together with convex pad holders. The Card 1/2 SHASKOLISKIY, B.V,,, kand. tekhn. nauk; S(rLNIKGVA, K.F., inzh.; A.N.; SAB)ZHNIKOV, V.M.; :,,HUCHENKO, Ye.F,i _-UBKOVp L.F.; CHIGIRINA, N.I., tekhnik; ZHARIKuV, I.P., inzh,; CHERTISHCHEVAY A.Ye.; SHOUVALOV, V,K,, telr-hnik; MORDZOV, A.M., inzh.; SLIVKO, S.V,, tekhnik; CHERNAVSKIY, G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; STRUZHESTRAKH, Ye.I., inzh.,, ed., ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red., DEMK1NA, N.F., tekhn. red. [General norms for time and machining cond-itions used in the industry for machining on automatic lathes; mass, large-lot and lot production]Obshchemashinostroitellnye normativy vreme- ni i rezhimov rezaniia na tokarno-avtomatnye raboty; massovoe, krupnoseriinoe i seriinoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 271. p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Mfoscow, T.Sentrallnoye byaro promygh-lennykh normativov po trudu. (Turning--Production standards) I SIMKOLISKIY.-,. D.V.- Producing a larger breeding stock to assure the development of pond fish culture. Trudy sov. Ikht. kom. no.14:175-177 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vserossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prudovogo rybnogo khozyaystva (VMPRYh). (Fish culture) SHASKOL"jKlY, I. i'. Novgorod - Antiquities Legend of "the SIgtuna gates" and its authenticity, Uch. zap. Len. un., No. 112) 1949. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librai-y of Congress, October - 19512. UNCLASSIFIM. SHASY0L'VT-Y , T. P. Kola Peninsula Original name of the Kola Peninsula. Izv. Vses. geog. obshch. 84, no. 2, 1952 9. MonthL List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952 1m p9pi uncl-. SHASKOLISKIY, 1.9 Imadidat istoricheskikh nw&,. The Lod--ynoye Pole Shipyar(I. Ifor.t rech. flot 13 no.2:29-30 Je '53. (~MRA 6:8) (Shipyards) SHASKOLISKIY, I.P. Trade route from the Neva to the Baltic Sea during the 9th-13th centuries. Geog.sbor- no.3:146-159 1-914. (MIRA 7:11) (Baltic Sea region--Trade routes) SHLSKOLISKIT, I.P. Valuable contribution to our historiw-l cartopgraphy (Out-line histcry of the UeS.S.Re" part 1. Reviewed by I.P.ShF-skollskii). Izv.Vaas' geog.ob-va 87 no.1:77-81. Ja-F 155, (MLRA 8:43 (Rassia-Historicall geograptr) AUTHORS: Shaskol'skiy, I. P., Candidate of Historical 30-8-35/37 Sciences, IM-anova, I. A. , Candidate of Historical Sciamces. TITLE: A History of Leningrad (Ocherki po istorii Leningrada). PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 8, pp. 118-12o (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the 25oth anniversary of the founding of the city of Leningrad the AN Press published a work in three volumes. It was written jointly by several of the learned institutions of Leningrad.The work deals with the history of two-and-a half centuries. Critics of the book emphasize the fact that this is the first time that, on the basis of Marxist-Leninistic historical research work, the founding of the city--of Len-,.ngrad, its growth, and its development to a center of the militant class-conscious proletariat has been described. Special chapters deal with the part played by St. Petersburg in the history of Russian literature, music, and science. Special interest is caused by the description of the rebuilding of the city after the war. The three volumes of this work have many illustrations and they contain numerous re- Card 1/2 productions of old city plans, drawings, graphs, etc. The 4th A History of Leningrad 30-8-35/37 volume, which will be published withing short, is devoted entirely to the work of reconstruction and the rapid development of the city, as, in view of the vast material, 3 volumes were not found to be sufficient. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 Olz ZOLOTNITSKLYA. R.L.. SHASKOLISKIY, I.P. OANksom [pow Azrz.- Discussion on the first volume of "Outline history of Ieningrad". Izv. Vaes. Geog. ob-va 89 no.2:175-176 Kr-Ap 157. (KnU lotO (Leningrad--History)