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A-IMAZIN , V.A. ; :34CHUKIN , V,B~ ; RM-11 , III.S. Detection of the leucopcietic activity of blood plasma in diseases of the biood system. Lab, delo no.3:160-165 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1, Ka-fedra fakul'tetskoy terapii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. T.S. istmanova) ! Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.P. Pavlova. SHCHUKIR, V.F. inzhener. Investigating the moment of force acting on units of a continuous steel casting installation. Stall 17 no.4:320-322 Ap 157. NLRA 10:5) I.Novo-Tullski7 metallurgicheaki7 zavod. (Steel--Blectrometallurgy) (Mechanics) SECEMIM., V. F., CP-ndidate Ttch Sci (diss) -- '~Dmerimental inves ttiga tion oi- th,5 l, 9 1, p Jfai c.-ff,~cts in Uie contLiTacus casting of steel". Moscaw, 195 - 1- _p ( n Adm~in of Sri F.,?s and resign orcnnizatiomq of -,;he Gosplan USSR, Centl6al S-1 Res lq-)Q ].()Q) Inst of Toch awl brchlyrbuilding, Ts,111THTNish), .1.50 roplef, (n, ITO PTI - $ SHCMM IN, V. I. Organization of the operation and repair of building machinery. FAnerg.etroi. no-5:197-201. '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Glavnyy mekhanik ru7byshevgidrostroya. (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station--Building machinery) KAGAN. V.N. , S.H'HUK1N, V. 1. ; TSEGEL'SK IT, V.L. , laz1h.. , nauchn. red ,-PATENOVSKAYA, M,L red-Jzd-va, IYCCHALINA, 11-S-1, tekhn, red [Ga5 welding and cutting in construction] Gazovaia, svarka i rezka v stroitel~stve, Moskva, Gosstroilzdat, 1963. 1131p. (MIRA 16. 11) (Ga-= and cutting) - , i - ~ I ~, - ~ 1 ! , jI'\ ~ PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 451 - I BOOK Call No.: AF640322 Author: SHCHUKIN, V. K., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Full Title: ASSAULT ON THE SKY (HOW TO STUDY THE ATMOSPHERE) Transliterated Title: Shturm neba (Kak izuehayetsya atmosfera) Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature Date: 1953 No. pp.: 48 No. of copies: 150,000 Editorial Staff: None Text Data Coverage: This monograph of the series "Scientific-Popular Library" de- scribes atmospheric phenomena and their investigation in an extremely popular form. It is a propaganda book asserting that all discoveries in meteorology and all achievements in aviation are due to Russian scientists. The booklet contains brief descriptions and illustrations of various meteorological instruments. It mentions ascensions of Soviet flyers on aerostats and stratosphere balloons, with names, dates and attained heights (p. 21-24). It describes briefly sonde balloons the radiosonde balloon of Prof. P. A. Molchanov, rockets (pp. 29-37, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 1/2 -rot-'-ass.v v zIA-kc-st'nore, ktivn,-.-kii jri-~efele,,,r2khil! Oborons-i BOGARSKIY , Andrey Vladirnircvich; STICEUKRI, V,K, [Working processes in liquid-fuel jet enginonPlabochie protsessy v zhidkostno-r~aktivnykh dvigateliakh, 14oskva, Gos.izd-,vo obor, prollIrshl,,,, 1953. 424 P. (MIRA 15:8) (Jet propulsion) AID P - 4363 Subject USSR/Heat Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 8/19 Authors Shchukln, V. K., Kand. Tech. Sci. Kazan Aviation Institute Title The relation between the dimensions of a one-stage flow-compressor and Its efficiency. Periodical Teploenergetika, 4, 27-35, Ap 1956 Abstract Research on this relationship was made to determine the efficiency and uniformity of exit air flow. A comparison is made between flow-compressors with internal and external air intake. 13 diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date AUTHOR: Shchukin, V.K. soV/147 -58-1-14/22 TITLE: ~Ioii Ratio of a Jet Engine for 11inimum Transverse Dimensions (Stepen' szhatiya kompressora, obespechivayushchaya minimal'nyye poperechnyye gabarity TRD) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, 10/58, Nr 1, PP 113-125 (USSR), ABSTRACT: An engine with a two-stage compressor and no re-heat is discussed. The transverse dimensions are conveniently evaluated in terms of the "frontal thrust". The intake, com,- pressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust Dipe are con- sidered separately. In the first part of the article, expressions are given for the "frontal thrust" in the various parts of the engine. In the secoad Dart, the compression ratio corresponding to the maximum "frontal thrust" is aiscussed, Finally, the optimum, corapression ratio and the maximum. "frontal thrust" are plotted against an undefined parameter M1 h for various local velocities and temDeratures. It aDDears that an increase in the local velocity causes an increase in the optimum compression ratio and a reduction in the maximum, "frontal thrust". At sonic sDeeds, v.Then the transverse Uard 1/2 SOV/147 -58-1-14/22 On the Compression Ratio of a Jet BnCine for L!i-ri-mum Transver e Dim;ansions dimensions are determined by the compressor, the local velocity has little effr~ct on the maximum "frontal thrust" and at large supersonic speeds a reduction in the local velocity leads to an increase in the capacity of the turbine, which in these conditions is largely the limiting criterion. The optimum compression ratio increases with K where 5 is the ratio of the r.-D-m. in the second stage to the r.p.m. in the first stage of the compressor. There are 9 fi-gures and 2 tables ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teplovykh dvigateley, Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut (KazanlAviation Institute, Chair of Heat Engines) SUBMITTED: October 4, 1957 Card 2/2 1. Jet engines--Design 2. Combustion chadbers--Analysis 3. Compressors--Applications SOV/14?-58-3-13/18 AUTHOR: Shchukin , V. K. TlTiE: Boosting of Turbo-Jet Engines in High Speed Flight by injection of a Liquid khead of -the Compressor (Vozmozhnosti f orsirovaniya TRD -vpryskom zhidkosti pered kompressorom pri bol'shikh skorostyakh poleta) PEIZIODICAL:Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy A-viatsionnaya Tekhnika pp 105-111 (USSR) Nr 3 1958 , , , kBSTRACT: Augmentation of the thrust of turbojet engines can be obtained without a change of the turbine speed by injecting a liquid in front of the turbine compressor at a station between X and 1 (Fig.1). The liquid evaporates and this increases the pressure and decreases the temperature at the given station. As a result of these changes the mass flow of the air through the engine is increased as.well as the pressure difference through the nozzle givihg eventually an increased thrust. Relating the expressions for the thrust of a boosted engine and for the engine without boosting when working at its maximum rating we get Eq.1, where w - velocity Card 1/6 of flow; P M and T31E - stagaation pressure and temperature; SOV/147-58-5-13/18 Boosting of Turbo-Jet Engines in High Speed Fiight by Injection of a Id quid khead of the Compressor a coefficient in the mass flow equation; quantity of the injected liquid per kg of air; P /Ph - rate of boosting of the engine; X ;1duced velocity; q(X) - gas dynamics function; 0 - coefficient expressing the mass flow increase as a result of addition of fuel and liquid. The indices denote the respective stations in the engine as shown in Fig.1i the index o denotes the boosted range of work of the engine. Relating the specific liquid consumption during the boosted cycle to the specific fuel consumption of the unboosted engine at the maximum output (conditions of flight being the same in both cases) vie get Eq.2,, . whe re T~ ~:W/cph and Cr is the specific consumption of the fiquid pL~,r kg of thrust of the boosted engine, C h - is specific fuel consumption without boosting; - quantity of fael per kg of air used without boosting the engine; that balance between x and 1 gives Card 2/6 Eq.3, where t - teraperature in OC; OpB - specific heat SOV/147-58-3-13/18 Boosting of Turbo-Jet Engines in High Speed Flight by Injection of a Liquid Ahead of the Compressor of air (per unit weight); r - latent heat of vaporization of the liquid; tx and cm - temperature and specific heat of the liquid; epr7 - specific heat of the vapour of the liquid. Relation between specific consumption of fuel in boosted and unboosted engine is given by Eq.4, while balance of heat for the combustion chamber yields Eq.5, where S - is the weight content of the combustive component in the injected liquid. Hu and Hut - calorific value of the fuel and the combu~tive component of the liquid; f ~nd J 0 - coefficient of the completeness of combustion of fuel and liquid. The economy of the engine work with boosting is given by the total specific consumption (Eq.6). The amount of liquid which can be injected depends on the design of the compressor ana tne following two factors: 1) saturatuion limit of the given liquid vapour in the air; 2) limiting speed of air flow at the entrance to compressor which must remain subsonic. If the liquid is a mixture of water Card 3/6 and alcohol Eq.7 and 12 give the limiting amount of ~30 V/147-58- 7-13/18 Boosting of Turbo-Jet i!bagines in High Speed Flight by Injection of a Liquid Ahead of the Coapressor mixture which can be injected, Here dpVED and (IPRED - water vapour content in one kg of the air intake in the state of saturation; 9B and gop - weight content of water and alcohol per kg of air intake; ys and ySUK - specific weight of dry saturated vapour and dry air; k - adiabatic index; To - relative blimidity of the atmospheric air (air intake). The temperature ratio of Eq.? may be taken as given in Eq.,13 and press-ure rat-io as given by Eq.14. At the start and at low speeds the amount of admissible liquid injection is small but, it grows with velocity of flight, and height as shovim in Fig.2. It has been assumed that the engine is always r,anning at its maximUM zpeed,, Augmentation of thrust and changes in economy due to boosting for a giv-en engine depends on the amount of injected liq~aid, main parameters of the design and tha conditions of flight. This shown in Fig.3 (the speed is given by -M- = 1~7; the hei4it is 11 1un and the compression ratA is Oko - 11,8)~ With compression ratio greater than. 8 it Card 4/6 nas been assumed that the engine is of two-cas'cade type; S OV/"-:,-4 7-5, 8 - 3-13/18 Boosting of Turbo-Jet Engines in High Speed F!iF)at by Injection of J a Liquid Ahead of the Compressor and the regulation of the engine to obtain the maximum thrust was assumed to be achieved by maintaining constant the revolutions of the first cascade of the compressor and by keeping constant the temperature at the inlet to the turbine. Water is taken as the injected Finally it was assumed that the coefficient of Pi-Iness ofcombustion is the same in the boosted and unboosted flight. Fig.4 shows that the rate of boosting of the engine varies only slightly vr-th the charactieristio parameters of the engine (i.e. compression ratirr1rt and the temperature of gases before the turbine kro T N) but with larger compression ratio it grows faster. F~E.5 shows the variation of the rate of boosting with the speed of flight. It can be seen that the extra thrust increases with speed and beight but at the same time the economy deteriorates; the overall fuel and liquid consumption increases. It must be mentioned that when boosting an engine by means of injection of a liqaid ahead of the compressor it may prove necessary to J_r.-:~ease Card 5/6 the diameter of the air iaQ-akes in order to admit a SOV/147-58-3--13/18 Boosting of `2urbo-iet Engines in High Speed Flight by Injection of a Liquid Ahead of the Compressor larger air intake due to injected liquid (this applies mainly when boosting takes place in conditions of .maximum air flow). This will lead to increase in the thrust needed per unit of frontal area as shown in Eq.15, where I= - thrust developed -per unit of frontal area based on The air intake; GB=--weight rate of flow of the air through the engine; /P where P Py = PY-v Y y is the specific thrust. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy Aviatsionnyy Institut, Kafedra Teplo-,-ykh Dvigateley (Kazan' Institute of Aeronautics, Chair of Heat Engines) SUBMITTLD: 21st November 1957. I(Jard 6/6 SUV/ 1LL7- 58-1-1 -11/15 TITLE Boos-uinj Turbojet En6ines b-,- Injection of Io7mnressed Air befor,z! t~.e Compressor (Forsirovaniyc. czhatiyem voz(I'uk:ha Dered Ii-ompressorom) PERIODI~;.r'-L; Izve~~tiya Vysshikh UchebriVII-1h Zavedeniy, Aviats-ionnaya telklhnika,, 191,-6, P-r 4, pp 92-100 (USSR) ABSTRAUIP-. Fi~,- I - shov;s diag-i-am-;,iiatically the system. Compressed air fl-'Oal ti boLule through noz--le-- (ducts) and i,.7. int-roduced into the engine upstreata of the coapressor. Th-is r~-lsuits in a hi6her overall com,pression ratio of ~-!O System, a higher gas flow and finall-y an increased t I - u S- The coaDressed air injectors analysed in this article consisted of four active n--,zzles and the relative lanq-,th of :;-he mixinS chamber was 2 (with_12 nozzles ;-~ , , ien 1, and ch~iracterist----s were obtained vil ,,iu~ 0 'hey ar-~~ s'ightly inferior). The increase of ~Uhe thiust due to boostint~ is limited by the capacity of the air int,-ike cf tile engine. -~Et can -be exDressed thus: Cra apa GSU-Cr,"_1 cr (1) a r --i 1./'17 B C! Bo) '~Tl 1 LLr7- 58,-LL- 1 l/ 1 5 _L Eoo_stin~~ Turb 04 et 'Sni_~Jnes by CO~7~;T'e~S=;"' _jj' 71-fore the C-ompressor This equa-6ion relates the mass flow of Uhe air through 0 ~he i nlectors at tho liriiit of their ranf~e of operation -IV i ti I that throue..h bhe air wiiere: G I - liuiitin~; oir flo%,~ tbroui_,h the injectors, np GB - air flow throuL_,.-L the un-boosted enSiae,, O a'-, Cl d CF -pressure coefficients of the sub-critical a. E T)arts of t-he active nozzles and the inlet part of the passive air duct, respectively, - ~ - the ratio of the full active*and -Dassive a air uressures, - the ratio of Z:he Dassive and active air sta-nation temperatures, - reduced velocity of the air at the intake C. of the un-boosted e.P_I:,-ine, q - -)-as dy-namics funcrion, n - coefficient of ejecti6n. Fig 2 shows dependence ~)f the extra capacity of the air ' bard 2/7 intak e on the -oaraineters 3-f the inject ors at ~4 = 1 SOV/147-58-zL-11/15 Boostin- Turbojet by Injection of C'o--pressed AiT Before t,- J - the Compressor dui-inb starti_rb: conditiori-_. ;~he rela-cion nP esti-.,iated periml-ntal data. and it was assuated bil-at aa crB C', A --..-;ves the -e~-,i-e of the en6ine during s"arting CI of bocstin,~, conditions ,~onst and critical pressure gradient in e t u rb i _,ae _11.e re of ttie b,~,osted en6ine, P thrust of tLe un-boosted engine. increase in CD -/overall compression ra-cio due to injectors, and I compression ratios across the compressor TUK ~,Jl K 0 -of the boosted and iuiboosted engine Card 3/7 r e s -.) , _a c (" i,! - e 11 -1 . ~ : ti 7114 ~/7- rl~,)'-4- I 1/ 15 o (,, S t i n, , I'u ~, u ~) j e t-L n e s L,: f 1 n .4 e c t ia n o f1 p r e s E, e d -A- i r B e I" o r C. As proved bv the aut.I-Lor it', his pLtb 14 cation; "SimultarLeous o-ce-ration of a aech~~ical coapres~-ur --nd q jet co!apressor (injector) "'Kazan' Insti-~;ute of ~'-~eronautica.J-Lhg.; Pub-licati-on XLI relatiens (3) and (4) relate the performance cf the two components, where: - lompression ratio o~' the injector (JA - ~~--essure coef-47'icient of che diffuser without injec Lcr, - an,,;Ia of diffusion cf the passap~e C-1,. -CA and T-I - stagnation pressure and temperatare of the flOW5 F cro--s-sectional area of the duct. F (botto-m ,-rar-rs) shovis the characteristics of the injector and the upper ~-,raphs represent some intermediate stages of the relation (4). in the analysis of the co,apres~-ion ratio throuSh the compressor, the adiabatic nrocess vas assumed. The economy of the engine was assessed by relaUing the specific fuel ccnsumption v.-ith Car6 !V7 ''lie zq~ecific air consumption. Fi!~ 4 shows possibilities ,~,j V/ jLL7- 5,`3-4- 11/15 BoosLir-,.~,, Tu-i~luoje,. b,)r Injection of ComDress~d Air Before tile Coapressor Card 5/7 of boostint~ ~-he engine from a bottl= at G a c the thrust by the supply of compressed air and --* = T' ' (top P --s seen in-rRases with active increased U Soer-ifio f~,:tel C i i F, wii i u i t h e boos,,7ed decreases in conformity Fpeclfic t1irust. Luiiddle C;raphs). Specific air increases %,.i~~h (-r and th a decrease of (t)Qt'~ GTi k, I Ii -:,-ra-ohs) Fi~r sh-As the relation P = f(~ B B fot 1i ar- i (-; u svalues cf Pa As th,~ 'U-hrust increases the econotay of the bo-)stad en-ine dete---iorates, Althou~,-h an increase of oressi-Lre gradient -in t'-,le acc-ive nozzle is as far as L"he spe~~ific consumption of the a4-r iE concerned, the chan6e in this 6radient affects -,a aad Troduces a change of the design point cond-i-c-Lo-lis '--h~--, inject,or. -"'hiis affects only a little U--e cha en---,ine. a- * 1'= 4 but for n-):~ly ol. P or r, 0 a In-re-ses of tirae thrust (P< 1.22) L-he gradient 11/15 V/ 14 58 Boostin~~ --drbo-jet "r.6--ii-es by iri~ecticn Co:azireEsed ~_i_r Befcre see,-is to ~;-ive a ,--ru-ater c~conomy, Ens (?) and (6) a `/he _L U C, L~Ive -U rel a-ions determininL, when rhe injector may become c~,ocked. here suffix "0" derotes parameters of t,hu un-boo6tt2ki Fi,.; the corresponding ,_rap~,,s witi7i p'O and a --- 0~1~ Up to tile chockinc, of' ,..he injector nozzle the specific -chrust of the boosted eu6ine increases wilth 0 and the specific consumption of air decreases; but once chockin6 develops the thrust rer-.-ia4~_ns E~-Uationary and the air consumption increases. The _,oidpressfon, ratio (i,e, due to the comnressor and inje~~tor) re~maizns also unchan-Eed, For cozaparison sake Fig 6 i,`ves also the lines of possible increase of ~__ L the t-hrust by dischargink~ tiche bottles directly into atmosphere through an additional nozz:,~le (hoT4 zontal lines in tl-.e 'Li6ure since this joes no-~: depend upon -the -c-_--:.aT)erauure of ~uhe a-ir in ul-le intal-ke) . For t~~ = 1 the two effects do, not differ uluch-, but for Ov>l tine injector ui-a!,"-~ effe,2t'Vt:, Rext, tlhie au-ilhor 6ives for boos-in-~~ Card 16,1~7 ~e acions bet,,.-e:_n 'k, he a:.i o,~u, t o f a 4- r r e ~i u r e 6L .. U and th~_ t-i.-ae of the boos-cin-6 oneration (EQ 1/15 Boos I Injecti. or-, o:` Co---- .1-ir Before .j the Corimre ssor anc-; thu voLumu of the botLle-:7 for -.A-,i_~, amount uf air -while Fig 7 sHows these r6latiozn: liln the form of -cer one ton of tte initial thr-_Lst of the & n~:, in-_~, Final: -1 y, F i p- L", s 13 iovis ho-w boos' Lin- 4s affected !D-v L-ho t rat ure of the ases at IL-.he entry into the turb-Ii-le an.-IL by the compression ratio of the mechanical c,.)mpresso.r. It is seen that the main engine parameters a L. - - rdl.y affect the ~-!-.rust increase Li_.d the specific fuel consw-n:~t-f-ori, bu-r, -,~h~, specific consumption of the air is affe,_~ted -~tLlron6iy. There are 6 f,_Ll-ure-s. ASSliCIA.I.T07~ Kafedra te-plovy-k1i dvigat-aley (Chair of Heat Engines) Nazano-1-:17 avlatsionnTj j-nstitut (Kazan' Institlute o f Aercaiautics32- Card 7/17 (0); T ';00k'. v::IL0rrATI0N SOV13182 Shchukin) Shturm neta the 2d ed., Flzmatgiz, 111)59. 62 p. (Series- vyp. 000 copies printed. Scientif it-. E,!.: E l.: 'I. A. Ed.: V. 11. IMPOSE: Iri-endod for th,=! gt-nei-al reLd-~r inl:erest~-.l in tht~ stildy of the COVERAGE: Th-l-S li-ooklet is a p--,pular accaunt of S(--)-.j-iet studies o-f atmosphere and outer sual:10. Instruffi,,nta uLed by the meteorologi(,al am, described. C, Soviet eal-th and prcspects of spane travf~l are brMl-fly tree--ted. lin aro mentioned. No references axe given. TABLE OF COTTiMNIZ: Why Men Stlidy th-~ Sl,-ios Card 1/2 Assr.ult SOV/51 ~,2 What. Kind oil' lnform-V f., Exploraf.L-)n Expl. hy Rne-ket,~-, W-ans nf Artificial &4.rt'-ki Satell t, How- St-dy Hle Wi, ~hc-~tt, Sf riting, the Instnuients Irt,-) Spac!e 47 Beyond t!7,=, Bc-aridvr,Le-; -~i Atm,~~spiaere c, 6 Conclusi~-,vs 61 AVAIIAFIZ: Libr-rt-,, ~ f Card 2/2 AS/os 2/1:3/6o s/147/6-1/000/004/015/021 E 19 4 / E I -') ~5 RS Fedorov, I. G. , ~~hchllkiri, V,K, , Mukhachev, G.A. , and Idiatullin, N.S. TITLE Heat transfer and hydraulic resistance of channels with pressed spherical projections PERIUDlCAL: lzvestiya vysshikh uchebriykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya teklinika, no.4, 196-l, 120-3-2-, TEXT: Plate type heat exchangers are particularly suitable for aviation because of their small size and weight. Sheets with pressed projections are particularly usefiil because the projections increase the strength and improve the cooling. V.G. Fa-stovskiy and Yu.F. Petrovskiy (Ref.4: Teploenergetika, no.1, 1959) made an experimental study of a heat exchanger in which the rectangular ducts had spherical projections on the air side and hollou-s on the steam side. The work showed that the heat transfer coefficient of such surfaces was greater by a fact-or of 2.5-2.8 than for smooth surfaces. The improvement is attributed to increased turbulence of the flow. The work described here was Card(-I~,r Heat transfer arid hvdraUliC .... s/147/61/000/004/015/021 E194/El-35 carried out on rectan.-ular ducLri consisting of two plates with spherical projections. The projections were of various transverse pitch and were located both in honeycomb and straight line-order. The main characteristics of the ducts are given in the table. The relationship Nu = f(Re) was investigated in the range of Reynolds numbers Icloo to 16500, and f(Pe) in the range Re = 500 to 18000. The experimental rig is described. The water sides of the hPat exchang ,ers were filled to one third of their height i.;-ith dis-cilled water and electric heaters were installed to evaporate the water. The Asrater vapour condensing on cooling surfaces gives tip its latent-heat of vapourisation to a flow of air passing through the ducts of the heat exchanger. The usual measurement arrange me nt s were made. Each of the four bundles described in the table was itivestigatcd u'nder about twenty conditions with different rates of air flow covering the Reynolds number range from 500 to 18000; in each case the measurements urere repeated after 15-20 minutes. A procedure was worked out and the operation of the equipment was checked by using a smooth-walled plate-type heat exchanger. Further tests Card 2/ 6 Heat transfer and hydraulic S/147/61/000/004/015/021 E194/E135 showed that the heat balance error calculated from the input to the internal heater and from the change in enthalpy of the cooling air is about 6-100,~. The r.m.s. error of the determina- tion of oir flow, and of the 11e, and Nu numbers and of the resistance coefficient are, respectively, 2.2, 2.5, 4.5 and 5%. Heat transfer results are well represented by the following equations. With honeycomb arrangement: INU = 0.54 x 10- 4 Rel-55 (Re = 1000-2300), (3) f f Nu = 0.95 x 10- 3 Rel-17 (Re = 2300-10000), (4) f f INU = 0.0276 Re o.8 (Re = loooo-16500). (5) f f With the In-Line arrangement; Nu = o.44 x lo- 4 Rel-55 (Re = 1000-2300), (6) f f Card 3/ 6 Heat transfer and hydraulic ... S/147/61/000/004/015/021 E194/E155 N U 0.8 x 10-3 1.17 I f = Ref (Re = 2300-10000), (7) Nu = 0.0,248 Re 0.8 (Re = loooo-16500). (8) f f The results show that for given values of the Reynolds number the Nu criterion is 15-201yo higher in bundles with honeycomb arrange- ient of projections than those with 'the in-line arrangement. The Nu criterion of the bundles is greater by a factor of 2.1-1.65 than the Nu criteria for a bundle of flat sheets in the Re number range 2500-16500. These results are not entirely in line with those given in Ref.4, and the reasons for this are discussed. The following expressions adequately represent the results of resistance tests: A (Re = 500-2300), (9) (Re 0.30 f B (Re = 2300-18ooo). (10) Card Re 0.089 4/ 6 f Heat transfer and hydraulic ... s/147/61/ooo/oo4/ol.5/021 E194/E135- The values of the coefficient-9 A and B in Eqs (9) and (10) are given in the table. The results show that ducts with spherical projection have higher resistance -,than do smooth ducts, the actual, amount depending upon the pitch and arrangement of the projections. There are 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra teplovyk-h dvigateley, Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Department of Heat Engines, Kazan' Aviation institute) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1961 Key to Table Headings: (1) Number of bundle; (2) Arrangement of projections-, (3) Shape of duct; (4) Length of bundle, mm.; (5) Height of bundle, mm; (6) Equivalent diameter d9K MM; (7) Transverse pitch Sl, mm; (8) Longitudinal pitch S21 Wm; (9) Coefficient A; (10) Coefficient B. Card 5/6 J.~ 3 25) J 8 0c, S/096/62/000/001,/007/008 -),18 1 E025/E435 AWHO-11 Sh-hukl_n V.,K_ Candidate of Technical Sciences _ ----------------- TIF'ILF The tempe-rature state of porous wal'-'s In Effusion COO-l-Ing PER !OD TCAL: Tr-picenergetika, no.l., 1962.. 80-82 T EXIT Ir ~; z-rated t-hat the. opinion expressed in non.-Soviet, I t e r -3 thal- In tLe absence of rad-lated hea-11- the temperature of -3 coo'.~-r a-~ ,he oo_4tput of a pore is identilcal with the t-ezp,~ra' of the. wall is incorrec'-. The difference between the t,~-mperatur.-7 of the cooler and that of the wall at t1he output: is d=r-rmiapd by the conditions of heat exrhange within -,he wall and ::.n, irs and.without estimating and taking ac,~ount~ of rheFP condit.-ons, i~ is impossible to es-~ablish to what extent the -wpE-rq_r.u:~c- of he rcoler at the output section approximates to 'ha- of: -he wall Fcr giT-en temperatures of a hot gas and of a ar -ha inpu,,~ of the cooling sysT.-em and for given conditions -aloulated the thermal state of the porous wall can be !Tom a EVI-stem of four equal:,'Lon,~ -z,3:-h of wbich describes a balanc.e of per I iw~ -,-f wall slarface, (The propagation of heat along 0 -d rieat transmi-l~-d by thermal The I S"/096/62/01-)0/00.--L,/007.//008 T eM.PP 7 a.' 1.1 T a~ e o f por ous E025/'E!-a5 i i- tly t the hcc surfa,e of the oo, wall eq-ual-c. The of ~Iie. cooler on f A - :z~ iiaa, -.c;.~ent lowing o-!- the cold The h-=W- transmitted r. a ':'t thp w, i and with.,ri t.~ie pc.-res h. - q r'-X(Avjrq~" To th- cooler in the pores equa_~s. rhe -.hange in ~-3T on-nf. of th,:~ .:r-oller within the porous wFill., The hear from the hot gaE to the wal.1 equals tLe change in crjnt~-n,_ of -the rooler from. the inpuir of rhe system to ~he exit o a Th,~ heat 6iven out by cold surfare ot the porous wall 'hA -c6i,~: zquals -,.h,~ -hange of hear, content of the c.ooler lip 'T!-: enT'rance 'be porouS wall- For The first and sec,ond of th-c- rela~-,ons Th- varia-Lon of wall with thickness and for the sc-ond relation algo -t- variation ot 'r lemv,~ratur-? with wall thi,:kness,, ThE- -orresponding ~QuqTion.:~ are giv~:-n and solved,, and the results ompared wIth those c-t'ra;n-d on the assumption that the temperature-- of the wal.'L and r 8 r c- e ia, at, the exit of. a pcr,~ and the rela-rive error q, I a t -a Two numerical examples are qu',ed (Ref-~3 S A- D -7iz!7 r. 7 n Teploenerget ika - no,. 9 1961~ f,--- Crainless :z7eel 1.0 an -pe. , iv~lv and -i~ air OorocltieE 0~ d 50', 1 32538 S/096/62/000/001/007/008 The temperature state ofE porous E025/F~435 between the error in the calculation of the wall temperature caused by the assumption of equality of wall and cooler temperatures and a parameter representing the intensity of heat exchange within the porous wall, and the ratio of the temperatures of the hot gas and cooler. The effect on the error of the thermal ,-onductivity of the porous material, of the thickness of the specimen and of the intensity of heat exchange on the side of the hot; -as are shown in the curves. It is apparent from the graphs that. the errors are serious: they increase with the ratio of the temperatures of the hot gas and the cooler, with decrease of intensity of heat exchange within the wall, with decrease of the thickness of the wall and of its thermal conductivity, The variation of the error with the coefficient of heat transfer from The hot gas has a maximum. In some of the cases quoted the errors exceed 30%. There are 6 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows: Ref-l-, P.Grootenhuis. J. of the Royal keronautical Society, .no.5?8. 1959, Ref.2: I. Friedman. J. Am. Rocket Soc., no.79,1949. Card 3/4 -'.8 SIO 62/000/001/007/008 The temperature state of porous ... E025/E435 ASSOCD',.TIGN~ 7r,-_azansk-Ly avia-Gsionnary institut. (Kazan' Aviation Institute) Card 4/4 x S/096/62/000/006/009/011 E194/E454 AUTHORS: Fedorov, I.G., Engineer, Idiatullin, N.S., Engineer, S� ~huki~nV.~K. , Candidate of Technical Sciences, .,Iukhachev, G.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Heat transfer and hydraulic resistance of slot shaped ducts with conical indentations in honeycomb arrangentent PERTODICAL: Teploenergetika, no.6, 1962, 57-60 TEXT: Heat transfer and air resistance tests were made on a plate type heat exchanger with ducts 3 mn, wide, 145 mm high and 475 mm long, The ducts were made of 0.5 mm sheet in which had been pressed indentations in the shape of truncated cones with a base diameter of 6.5 mm, cone angle of 300 and height 'of 1.5 mm, arranged in honeycomb order at various pitches. The tips of the cones of one plate were in contact with the corresponding tips of indentations in the opposite plate of the duct. Two such sheets soldered together at the edges and with fixing flanges attached formed the test bundles. Electrically heated water supplied heat to the test bundle and it was removed by a flow of air. The test arrangements are described, The tests were carried out with a Card 1/3 S/096/62/000/006/009/011 Heat transfer and hydraulic,... E194/E454 constant wall temperature of 1100C with an inlet air temperature of 22 to 23-50C and a discharge air temperature ranging from 91 to 1060C, the mean air pressure in the duct was 1.01 to 1.23 kg/cm2, the air fLow 2 to 92 K-g/hour and the specific thermal loading (0.18 to 11.6) x 103 Iccal/nI2 hour. The difference between the heat input to the heaters and the heat gained by the air was 6 to 10%. The methods used to check the equipment are described. For all the investigated ducts the experimental points lie within ,_ 6% of three straight lines of various slopes. The following equation applies for Reynolds numbers Re = 750 to 2500 LNU = 0.155 x 10-3 Rel.41 (1) f f for Re = 2500 to 10000 NU = 1.017 x 10-3 Rel-17 (2) f f and for Re = 10000 to 18000 Nu. = 0.0315 Re 0.8 f (3) Card 2/3 s/oq6/62/ooo/oo6/ooq/on Heat transfer and hydraulic'... E194/E454 For Reynolds numbers of 2000, 4000 and in the range from 10000 to 18000 the Nuss,-It criterion for ducts with conical indentations is greater than for a S1110oLh duct, by 2.0, 1.62 and 1.75 times respectively. The surface increase caused by the indentations ranges from 5 to 10',o so the main cause of greater heat exchange with indentations is increased turbulence of flow. The resistance of the ducts was ineasured under both isothermal and nonisothermal conditions and the results are given in the form of empirical formulae with constants tabulated for ducts.of different shape and pitch. There are 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kazan' Aviation Institute) Card 3/3 STIL-11TSOVY V.V.; 51fC1 lc~-BRCVY A.K.; FUKS, G.I.; KUTATELADZE,, S.S.; F LYKOV, JI.V.; PREEEDVODITE A.S.; KOILIIKOV, P.K.; DUSHCHENKO., V.P.; ,%,,AKS3MC)VP G.A.; KFL~SIIIKOV, V.V. Readers$ response to I.T. Ellperin's article "Tcrmiriology of heat and mass transfer" in Inh No.l., 1961. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 5 no.7:113-133 11 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ehimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, g. Ivanovo (for Strelltsov ). 2. Aviatsionnyy institut, Kazan' (for Shchukin, Rebrov). 3. Foli- tekhnicheskiy institut, Tomsk (for Fuks). 4. Institut teplofiziki Sibirskoc!o otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (for Kutateladze)o 5. Energeticheskiy irstitut U,, BSSR, Unsk (for Lykov). 6. Gosudarstven- nyy universitet imeni Lomonosova., '.Ioskva '(for Predvoditelev). 7. ' Institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, Moskva (for Konakov). 8. Institut legkoy promyshlennosti., Kiyev (for Dushchenko). 9. Vsesoyuznrf zaochnyy inatitut pishchevoy promyshlonnosti, Moskva (for Maksimov). 10. Tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyslilennosti., Moskva (for Kras-nikov) (Heat-Transmission) 6ss Irensfer) SHCHUKIN V.K. kand.tekhn.nauk P , __a Temperature state of a porous wall in effusion cooling. Teploenergetika 9 no.l.-80-82 JTa 162. (I-EM 24-12) 1. Kazanskiy av-iatsionnyy institut. (Heat-Radiation and absorption) SHCHUKIN, VA *- KAIMnCV, I.I.; ZINGER, N.M., kand. tekhn.nauk, --r- r.isenzent; FALIKO, C.S.,-iazh., red.; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. [Gas ejectors ]Gazostrainye lmmpressory. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 145 p. (MIRA 16s8) (Compressors) . I 0.~~ ACC NR: AT6007554 JDA-1v1/EWJXT(CZ., UR 2529/63/000/076/0026/0035 AUTHOR: Shchukin, V.K. ORG: Kazan Aeronautical Institute, Kazan (Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE: Supplemental condition of similitude for flows in the field of mass inertia forces SOURCE: Kazan. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no. 76, 1963. Aviateionnyye dvigateli I (Airctaft engines) 26-35 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, hydrothermodynamical incompressible fluid, jet engine, flow field, convective flow, turbine blade, jet engine ABSTRACT: The author develops a generalized criterion of simulitude for an incompres sible fluid flow in the field of mass forces. Interest in this topic is generated by the complex character of fluid flow under the action of active mass forces, which de- creases the probability of successful analytical solution, and thus favors an experi- mental approach. Convective flows offer well-kiiown examples of active mass forces phe- nomena; stronger acceleration fildoz occur e.g. within the hollow cooled turbine bla- des~dvf a jet engine. Active mass forces engender special flow patteims, distinct from' turbulence or*laminar flow, such as the double whirls in flow through bent tubes; to- roidal whirls of Taylor in the gap between rotating coaxial cylinders, etc.. Starting Card . 1J2 L 207o8-66 ACC NR, AT6007554 with an analysis of convective flows of a heated fluid without forced motion,and of a uniform density fluid with forced rotation, the author analyses the general case of active mass forces determined by simultaneous changes of density and acceleration, using the method of similitude constants. Three interim criteria are obtained; elimi- nation of the velocity variable from one of the criteria leads to the general crite- rion: 3 P where:,A F - the space differential of force on a fluid element; l- length;p-density, and V - the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Forms of this general criteribn, P, for specific flow cases, are developed. Comparison of the IIPII criterion with various cri- teria of simulitude used at present for the generalization of experimental data per- taining to hydrodynamics and heat exchange in the presence of mass inertia forces shows that these criteria represent special cases of the P- criterion. The P - crite- rion, for certain specific flow cases# reduces to the criteria of Dean, Taylor, and others. Orig. art. has: 26 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: l4Kar63 ORIG REF: 007 OTH HEF: 008 Ca,d 2/2 T. i2l65-6.1_ EPR/EPP(c)/EWT(l)/EPF(n)-2/tD9 AFFTC/A;Sb/IJP(Ci/ SSD ACCESSION NR: AP3004291 /007/6007/0012 s/ol7o/63/06 'AUTHOR: Shchukin, K. TITLE: Methods of evaluating the local heat-exchm2ie coefficient in flow around, a cylindrical surface I Is OURCE: lnzhenerno-fizi~heskiy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 7, 1963,:7-12 teM_ i TOPId TAGS: Local heat-exchange coefficient, cylindrical surface, radial ~Deraturo gradient PSTRACT: When a liquid flows in a curved channel (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure 1) -there'is a secondary circulation which changes the conditions of interaction 6otween liquid and wall, and affects the character of the change in the heat- hange coefficient according to the length of the channel. If the absence or _9X-c 4~at flows along the cylinder axis is to be insured in an-experimental setup, etemperature field in the cylindrical walls forming the channel will be two-~ d3mensional. Under this condition, the local heat-exchange coefficients on the i .'surfaces alb' and de can be determined from the experimentally measured distri- butiioh of the temperatures on the contours atbleld' and abed, respectively Cqe L~1~1~65_63 ACCESSION NR: AP3004Z91 :from the gap in temperatures between liquid and the wall Delta t. Hence, determining the heat-exchange coefficient is simply a matter of finding the radial -temperature gradient on the heat-exohange sr-.rface from the known temperatur-s t6~ all the surfaces of the contour. The article discusses the analytical and rid'methods of solving this problem. With complete heat isolation of the side -and~end surfaces and an assigned distribution of the temperatures on surfaces ab and cd (or albl and eld') the temperature field in the area abcd (or alb1cidt.).1, 'is found by solving the differential equation of heat conductivity I a2i + + =0. &2 ar r2 ~(r radial coordinate,q7= an-,.. gular coordinate). Figure 3 (see Enclosure 2) shows that ignoring the curvature of even a thin plate can result in substantial error in determining the tempera- ture gradient from.the surface temperatures. The temperature gradient on the wall surface necessary to evaluate the heat-exchange coefficient can also be determined by the grid method described by A. V. Kantorovich, "Tables for the... Numerical Solution of the Boundary Problems of the Theory of Harmonic Functions 2 17"J'i , : : I I ~~- L 11607-65 EiIT(1)/EVIT(m)/EPF(c)/r=PF(n)-2/EPR/EiVP(J)/,~.'-/EPA(bb)-2,/B4A(l) PC-4 Pr--:47Ts~-47Pi-4/Pu-4 RPL/ASD(f)-~/As(mp)-2/AEDC(a)/AFWL/SSD/BSD/AFETR JD Y111ALK RM ACCESYmN NR Am4o46710- BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Bolgarskiy, Andrey Vladimirovich (Professor); Mukhachev, Gennadiy Alekseyevich.(Docent); Shchukin,tI.-Vik~oiz,..KQ4stan,ti~,Qvich (Docent Thermodxnamic and heat transferl(Termodinamika i teploperedacha), Moscowt ,1.., "Vy*sshaya shkola", 1964, 457 p. illus., biblio.j tables. 9,500 Copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamics, heat transfer TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged I Foreword Part 1. Ch. I. Introduction 5 Ch. II. Parameters of the working body 10 Ch. III. Thermal capacity of.gases 2.5 Ch. IV. First law of thermodynamics 40 Ch. V. Basic thermodynamic processes 51 Ch. VI. Second law of thermodynamics 63 Ch. VII. Change in,enthropy in processes. 'Enthropy diagrams 812,- Cord 113 L 17607-65 ACCESSION NR Am4o46716 Ch. VIII. Real gases 97 Ch.- IX. Cycles of piston engines 119 Ch. X. Compressor -- 131 j, Ch. XI. Cycles of gas turbines 142. Ch. XII. Gas flow -- 154 Ch. XIII. Basic laws of thermodynamics applied to chemical processes '172 Ch. XIV. Equilibrium of thermodynamic-systems'and dissociation 191 Ch. XV. Combustion processes -_ 204 Ch. XVI. Kinetics of chemical reactions 214. Part 2. Ch. I. Introduction 221 Ch. II. Thermal conductivity in a stationary regime.-- 231 Ch. III. Heat transfer and methods.of studying it -- 253 Ch. IV. Heat transfer in free:and limited movement of a liquid.-- 282 Ch. V. Heat transfer at high-speed movement of a gas 296 Ch. VI. Heat transfer in rarefied gase's 313 Ch. VII. Radiant heat exchange -- 350 Card 2/3 SHCH11KIN, VA. Determining heat transfer coefficient's in a pipe by the tempernture distribution on the contour of its longitudinal section. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,; av. tekh. 7 no.3s96-105 164. ACCESSION NR: AP4043425 S/0147/64/000/003/009610105 AUTHOR: Shchukin, V. K. TITLE: Determining the heat loss factors in a tube according to the tempera- ture distribution on the contour of its longitudinal section SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1964, 96-105 TOPIC TAGS: heat loss, temperature distribution, thermal insulation, heat transfer ABSTRACT: The author notes that the determination of the heat loss factor on the basis of the experimentally measured temperature distribution on the sur- faces of the wall participating in the heat transfer process eliminates the need for heat flow measurements and imposes no limitations on the possible variation in temperature along the length of the wall. Special attention is called to the work of B. S. Petukhov ("Teplacnergetika", No. 10, 1956), con- taining a discussion of a method for determining the heat loss factor in a tubc according to the distribution of temperatures on its generatrices. The author observes that this method was based on the assumption that the ends of the tube were thermally Insulated, although experience indicates that this Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043425 condition is extremely difficult to realize in actual practice. In this con- nection, therefore,'the author presents a new method for determining the co- efficient of heat loss with an arbitrary distribution of temperatures on all four sides of a longitudinal section through the tube. Since liquid heat loss in a tube with an axiosymmetrical temperature field is considered, the tempera- ture of the liquid in the longitudinal section of the tube is determined from the heat balance (a liquid with no internal heat sources is postulated). An expression is derived for tile local heat loss factor for a specific segment. For tile axiosymmetrical problem and a constant coefficient of thermoconductivity for the tube (,U, the differential equation of thermoconductivity can be wriLten in the following form: .1. 0. or-' r or (jZj This equation is solved by tile Fourier method. The same problem is also con- sidered for the case in which tile wall of the tube ht., volumetric heat loss Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043425 (such conditions are encountered in the study of heat exchange in a magnetic field with Joule effect liberation in the tubing wall or with the tube treated by Lhe passage of an electrical current). The analysis given in this article. for the convergence of series for a tube with thermally insulated ends and ititernal hent sources in the wall, as well as Petukhovts experimental verifi- cation of a method for a tube with thermally insulated ends without internal liberation, provides a basis for the belief that the convergence of the series does riot limit the area of applicability of the method. It is also claimed that the same technique can be employed to study heat loss in the case of an external longitudinal flow around the tube. Orig. art. has: 45 numbered formulas and I figure. ASSOCIATION: none 1~1'1~~!ITTHD: 25Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: TD NO REF SOV: 003 OT11FR: 000 3/-3 L ~7620-65 W(e)/EWT(3.)/~DIT(m)/EPF(n)-2/EWP(t)/~.W(k)/EWP(b) Pf 4/Fu-4 J DIWM all ACCESSION NR: AP5005538 S/0147/65/OOOJO01/0087/00 AUTHOR: Shchukin, V. K.; Koval'nogov, A. F. TITLE: Temperatures of porous plates with internal heat release during effusion cooling SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tejKhni 1 96 ~87 ~a, no. 5., -94 TOPIC TAGS: porous plate, coating, heat transfer, fuel element, reactor core ABSTRACT: The cooling of porous plates with internal heat release by passage Of gas canbe used in nuclear reactors with porous fuel elements or for heating gas by passage through'electrically heated porous plates., The maximum temperature and the temperature profile are of importance for. determining the thermal stress in the plate. A method developed previously 4 P. Schneider is the assumption. - that the temperatures of thegas inside the pores.and the pore. walls are equal. To. inveEltigate the effect of this simplifying assumption, exact formulas were derived which allow for the temperature difference between the gas and the wall, and plats, were obtained for the error caused by the simplifying assumption as a function-of the heat transfer coefficient and thermal conductivity of the material (porous- Card 1/2 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 27Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS) NO R.EF SOV: 001 OTHR: 004 ATD PRESS: .3190 Card 2/2 L 43895-65 EPF(c)/EPF(n)-Z/tPk/EWT(1)/.'C-WG(m) Pr_4/Ps-4/Pu-4 VAV. ACCESSION Nk_:_AY56ib575 UR/0170/65/60b/W /651b AUTHOR: Shabukin, V. K. TITIM: Thick wall method for investigating heat transfer iii transverse-flow~tdbes SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v- Bt no- 4P 1965t 504-510 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, heat conduction, thermal conductivity# Fourier eeriest temperature distribution ABSTRACT: Three,different expressions are given foz calculating thermal diffusivitir 0( by the use of temperature distribution data from tube surfacese -The temperature 9 gradient term in the expression for CC, !a determined by ar solving the cylindrical Fourier-conduction equation'iii-tiro dimensions, subject to boundary conditions, extended to the f (ri, T). The solution is then case of temperature-dependentheat source terms in the heat-conduction equation. Expressions for mean and local thermal diffusion coefficients are solved by-the network method. This reduces to-evaluating -the Fourier conduction equation in the Uqurd 1/2 L 43895-65 SHCHUKIN) Viktor Konstantinovich; GELIFER, Ya.,k'., red. Neat transfer in nature and techn-ologyl T-eploob!:en prirocle i tekhnike. Mosk-va, Nauka, 1965. 120 p. (MIRA 18:7) L 0WIr I'd 'i " Tel "E,,ff ~jlj Y m) --o/ET9A I/ _~~ff~)=;'/EWA (d) /T/ETc 6 ljp(c) ACC NR, Al'-.' )010034 ','1'6/DJ SOUFRCE CODE: UR/0170/66/ol(/003/0357/0%2 AUI~1101i: Shchukin, V. K. OIRG: Aviation Institute, Kazant (Aviatsionnyy institut) TIM: rotati The effect of the temperature field on the stability of liquid flow betveen :cvlinders - SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 3, 1966, 357-362 TOPIC TAGS: liquid flow, temperature dependence, heat effect, fuel thermal stability, steady flow, thermal stress A-11.13TRACT: On the basis of the Rayleigh method, formulas were obtained for estimating the effect of the value and direction of the heat flux on the stability,of liqui. IV I between rotating cylinders. It was shown that this effect may be described by the dimcnsionless parameter K, formula K= -~r,b r1q, where K r2c is a dr A I'lie radjoLs o--:' the outside cylinder, and q is Une heat col:molex, r2 is The vc-lue cnd direction olL +-he 1~eat flux which deter:%ine the rnimber K affects, - I . ,-lie ~211S(~'!~-~Jl% i-ht7~ of thr~, ~,te;Ay C)L' tlie liquid. Tolien -"(-,w re-g-tors. 7i'licn the i:('-% 'S~L!d tl'19 `:ec-07ez; jn~vrrow~r. Orig. r,3, aWthorlq dbstrazt) 2. :~zvl L ase" oi Card UDC: 532.5 .. " -~ C. .-~) : ACC NR: fAi-,6oI(-)034 I CTT-- "01:7. 1-1 n. I - - - . . - - - - -- - --- ---- ---- 19 ; J~~, ~!TMVI T)V "i- '-N9 -TI 1 n 69 / ORT(7- =', ! ool-! CrM =P ! 003 AC~ NR. AP6030333 SOURCE CODE: IJIL:I.rlC)170/66/011/002/01711ln7~"6 AUTHOR: Shchukin, V. K. ORG: Kazan' Aviation Institute (Aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE: Correlation of experimental data on hydraulic resistance in tubei; with band-type turbulence generators SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 2, 1966, 171-176 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic resistance, laminar flow, turbulence generator ABSTRACT: The mechanisms of a fluid flow in a tube with a band-type turbulence. generator, and in a coil are similar. This similarity yields a dimensionless equa- tion for the correlation of experimental data on hydraulic resistance in tubes with band-type turbulence generators in a laminar flow with macrovortices and in. a turbulent flow. The channel between the turbulizer and the wall of the tube is a coil with a semicircular cross section. The curvature of the channel depends on the pitch of the turbulence generator. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 9 formulas. [Author's abstract] SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 23Mar66/ORIG REF: 002/OTH REF: 005/ Card 1 /1 UDC: 532. 5+ 532. 503. 2 ACC NR- A~66:~6865- surface being Insulated; and 3) a duct with heat transfer through both surfaces. The obtained results indicate that the'maggnit-ude and direa- tion of heat flux, and the point of heat addition or removal do affeat !-LIhe loca~'Gion and size of the flow stability zones in a curvilinear d=t.R. .and, consquently,.the flow regime, heat transfer conditions, and :hydraulic.resistance. has: 3 figures and 21 formulas. !S'U-B CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 28jun65/ ORIG MP: '003/ OTK---REF: 002' 212 Cord. vi GbQhUkI FA PID 14Z66, FO F( AH&LMIS CF PUT FCR AS& ii, Val 'c From. Peat, Ind Moac M-art Uri IfMok govit 19-14i t=W*' Zb,' Each -Mzt.-; (Ref. -J. Chem.,- ho=GW 956i 13), Poxes In caloinine.a to rj'5 9- ~-~WWWP -~U' _a,=Uiodo .-The ShchukIn metWd consists laIn a.'st6d*aLby-pan, 85-1.00'm. In d f 0: at 800 qonsistain, vat _i6~:Jn'PCIIW td~ 5)bcft The Storchak 66thod heat Uln beats on an elecitrio riot plate bLaWnIng-with a. a matboqa are intaWad as quick abacks for -peat prodwers K;~ or users, and give'resuits within .0.5 of Ahe standard method. BOBRIYEVICH, A.P., sotrudnik; BONBARENKO, M.N., sotrudnik; GNEVUSHE:V, M.A.. sotructnik; KIND, N.D.. sotrudnik; KORASHKOV. B.Ya., sotrudnik; KURYLEVA, N.A., aotrudnik; NRYEDOVA, Z.D., sotruclnik; POPUGAYEVA, L.A., sotrudnik; POPOVA, Ye.E.. sotrudnik; SKULISKIY. V.D., sotrudnik; SMIRNOV, G.I., sotrudnik; YURKEVICH, R.K.. sotrudnik; FAYNSBTEYN, G.Xh., sotrudnik, SHCHUXIN, V.N., sotrudnik; BUROV. A.P., nauchnyy redaktor; SOBOI%f."Y.'-�.-,"n'a'ii~'tnyy redaktor; VERSTAK, G.V., redaktor izdatellstva; KRYNOCHKINA, K.V.. tekhni- cheskiy redaktor [Diamonds of Siberia] Almazy Sibiri. [Moskva] Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrene nedr, 1957. 157 P. KRA 10.'7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr. 2. Amakinakaya ekspeditsiya Glavuralsibgeologii Ministeratva geolo- gii t okhrany nedr SSSR (for Bobriyevich, Boadareako. Gnevushev. Kind, Koreshkov. Kuryleva, Nefedova, Popugayeva, Popova, Skullskiy. Smirnov, Yurkevich. Faynshteyn, Shchukin) (Siberia--Diamonds) 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2393 Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut Mashinostroyeniye; ekonomika, organizatsiya i planirovaniye proizvodstva (Machinery Manufacturing; Economics, Organization and Planning of Production) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 110 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, Nr 200) Errata slip inserted. 2,800. copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR,Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovaniya. Resp. Ed.: V.S. Smirnov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Eds.: Ye. M. Karlik, Candidate' of Economic Sciences, Docent; and S.A. Sokolitsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Tech. Ed.: R.G. Pollskaya. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineering and technical personn~--l of machine-manufacturing establishments. COVERAGE: This collection covers the theoretical aspects of the Card 1/4 Machinery Manufacturing; (Cont.) SOV/2393 economics, organization, and planning or produc:;-on a the actual operation of machine-manufacturing e9tablishments. The first five articles deal with problems of classifying production lines for lot production, variations of the -flow Of lots Of Darts, and duration of the machining cycle, etc. The remaining articles are devoted to the economic efficiency of new technology, problems of quality control, and to the question of specialization and cooperation. No personalities are mentioned. References are given at the end of several articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 OlIkhov, G.A. Classification of Continous Machining Lines for Lot Production 7 Klimov, A.N. Data on the Organization of Line Production of Small Steam Boilers 16 Card 2/ 4 Machinery Manvfacturing; (Cont.) SOV/2393 Tsuprov, Ye. K. Duration of the Machining Cycle on Production Lines Employing Multispindle Automatic Machine Tools of the "Parallel" Type 31 Tsuprov, Ye. K. Schedule Chart for Manufacturing Automobile Pistons at the AutomatiA Plant (A2-1) and Methods for Calculating the Manufacturing Cycle 34 Sokolitsyn, S.A. Variations of the Flow of Batches of Parts in Lot Production 38 Rudkovskiy, S.S. Effect of Standardization of Labor Input in the Production of Parts in Machine Shops 48 ShchqukKjinn,_V-.X- Problewof Determining the Economic Efficiency of Machine Tools in Connection With Planning Technological - Processes 61 Rayerman, A.I. Economic Analysis in the Selection and Use of Assembling and Welding Equipment 74 Card 3/4 '17 SOV/119-59-4-10/2 MT Ffoducin~7 bpa~re Prarts for DileasurJn-- Dev;ces and In- r~ ~j F,"rumier"F (V-pi~ska-,,~7 z-apasnrye detalli k ilzme-ritell- . j j ume n am. nym. pribora-m i illStr RInDICAL r T Cr-' ~- ,~ f r, - khnika, -1 950 . lir u 16 ,USSR) to - AB6TLI'L.,~CT: T7 e D author stat-es that a nu-ber cf ins.-u, nt -!ants -GdUCe any snare paz's -'.cr -ran4d wear n nC'~ P - ca -,iper,7. uroduce, :ion-ons bv t sl, i 411 a I ---i n,-, na I e Th- tha- -nc-r e,-;. an C,ari 1,.., 1 SRCHUKIN. V.9. Problems of repairinf meaaur1n._- equipment have been set aside. Izm. tekh. no.3:56 Mr 60. (MIRA 13:6) (Measuring instruments-Maintenance and repair) ZVFJZR, L.N., SUMMIN, VA. Nature of faultB in the Daaldnyskii kimberlite region. Geol. i geofiz. no.6:132-134 160. 04114 13:9) 1. Vostocbno-Sibirskiy geologicheakiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya ,KN SSSR. (Siberia-limberlite) BOBRIYEVICH, A.P.; KRYATOV, B.N.; SHCHUXIN, V.N. Some data on the.geology and petrography of Siberian kimbeerlites. Trudy IAFAII SSSR. Ser.geol. no.6:24-36 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Daldyn Valley-Kimberlite) SHCHUKIN, V.I!.; KRYATOV, B.M.; VOLOTOVSKIY, A.G. -F 13 ~ Relationship between kimberlites and traps. Trudy T~ Aft SI.--_P,. Ser.geol. no.6:45-48 61. OMIHA 14:9) (Siberian P-latform--Kimberlite) (Siberian Platform--Rocks, Ipreous) KOZILOV, I.T.; SHC,;UFdN, U.N. lgea-,hering surface on trap rocks Ln the cen--~raj Dert of -the Siberian Platform. Geol. j gecf-z. no.2-.~37-ILO 164'. (.VJF-A 18:,4) 1. Amakinskaya ekspeditsiya, poselck N~,-urba. ShCHUIN, V.N. __ Repair of dial indicat-orso lzm.tekh. no.3213-14 Mr 163. (MIRA 16;4) (Raccir-cing instruments) L 41684-0 WT(a) Peb DIAAP ACMSS MR: ATS003176 S/3065/62/000/041/0045/00W AUTHOR: Shchukin, V. F. TITLE: Design of laboratory buildings for work with radioactive skiterials SOURCE: Moscow. lnzhenern.o-stroitel'nyy Inatitut. Sborulk no. 41, -1962. Kafedra stroitel'stva yadqnykh ustanovoko Proyektirovantye i strottalstvo yadernykh ustanovok (Department for the construction of nuclearensineering inA stallotions. Design and construction of nuclear engineering installations); 45- 63 TOPIC TAGS: laboratory architecturei radioactive-material process nuclear. laboratory design, isotope laboratory design, radiation shielding, laboratory personnel safety ABSTRACT: The author is concerned with planning,considerations and architectural approaches to radioactive materials installations. He1egins:byze-viewing- the- conditions which lead to problems. in architectural planning of buildings for -radioactive research and praciisLng, and points out that the humm operator can F be exposed to nuclear radiations either by penetrating radiation fic the outslder- (mainly gamms radiation) or by direct contact betwem radiamietive, =MwWa and :i COrd 1/3 -7 77: 7 77 L 41684-65 ACCESSION NR: AT50103176 huma,n organs, such as the skin, blood etc.., as: in the'case.of:t~ugestion.: Attena~._~__. tion is directed to the basic hazard of inadequately* sealed tAdioactive any material, because of possible evaporation, travel as dust,.and a4saiription onto various surfaces. By-any one of these processes,,the premises can become con,6, taminated and present a continuing danger. The shielding of personnel and sea- sitive instruments and the prevention of contamination thus become the two basic safety problems to a nuclear laboratory. Requirements for building design are then listed as conditioned by: safety rules, -the branch. of, science involved, laboritory mission and programs,equipment and specific 'Architectural. considerations dictate balancing of constructional and-operational constraints. An example is presented involving the mutual positioning of hot chambers, e.g. between "clean" and "dirty", zones, which enables then to beoperated from thei. clean zone, while repairing and maintaining them.from the An Impor- tant structural consideration Lathe provision of appropriate floor strength'to, support the heavy protective containers carrying radioactive materials within the. I Installation. Pointers on architectural planaLfig, construction elements and-in-~ terior finishing are given* The subject of hot chamber locatioti.and so" Card 2/3 _77 t 41684-6.5 ACCESSION MR: ATSW3176 architectural toiutions ar'e reviewed. Conditions favoring separafe hot chambers.. within each individual building versus the provision of a separate-hat chamber building within the installation, are discussed. Constructional Integration of I hotchambers is discussed, with the alternatives of.embedding the primary strue- tural membe a in the chamber walls or of designing the chambers themselves as primary structural members. Flexibility lit the architectural approach, with adjustmert to the specific needs of the installation, is advocated. Orig. art,has.* 11 i figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra strottellstva ,yadernykh uitanovok Haskovokly.inzhenertio 0 q tion of Nuclear L ring stroitel'nyy institut, (Department for the Con tr*q, Eng nee Installations, Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute) ENCL: SUB CODE4. NP SUEHITTED: 00 No REY S010~- 006 OTM:. 004 'oo)xf 'Ccwd 3/3. 7 77 SHCHUKIN, V.R., inzhoner. ..W. ~,- L Shortcomings of the multiple firing method. Bezop.truda v prom. 1 no.8:8-10 Ag '57. (MLFLA 10:8) l.Nachal'nik upravleniya Stalinskoge okruga Gotgortekhnadzora SSSR. (Donate Basin--Coal mines and mining) SlIGIMIN, V.R., lnzh. Evabiating the safety, of roof control methods at Donets Basin mines. Bezop.truda v prom. 2 no.9:6-8 S '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Upravleni3re Stalinskogo okruga Gostorgtekhnadzora USSR. (Donate Basin--Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) SHCHUKIN, V.R., inzh. Brigades of Communist labor in Donets Basin mines. Bezop. truds, v prom. 3 no.6:1-2 Je '59. (MIU 12:10) l.Nachallnik upravleni7a Stalinskogo okruga, Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. (Donets Basin--Efficienc7, Industrial) SHCIRMIN, V.R., inzh. Improving technical mine inspection. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.11: 26-29 N '59- (MIRA 13:3) 1.Nachal'nik upravleniya Stalinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora, USSR. (Mine inspection) SHCHUKIN,_V._R,.inzh.; BERDNIKOV, M.D., inzh. Over-all inupection of caol mines of the Stalino Economic Council.. Bezop.truda v'prom. 4 no.6:27-28 Je 160. (MIRA 14;3) 1. Upravleniye Stalinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. __ (9-ta-lino Province-Mine inspection) SHCHUKIN, V.R. Safety neasure3 in b.:-ring coal intercalations. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.6-3-5 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya Stalinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) SHCHUKINY V.R., inzh. Improving work safety in mining. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.7:35-36 J1 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya Stalinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) V R Efficiency methods for the control of sudden outbursts. Ugoll Ukr. no.11:41-43 N 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Machallnik upravleniya Stalinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzora USSR. (Mine gases) (Coal inines and min;np--Safety measures) SHEVYAKOV, L.D., akademik; IVANOV, A.M.; BUBYftrI V.A., gornyy inzh.; f-UNIN, M.I., gornyy inzh.; NEKRASOVSKIY, Ya.E., doktor tekhn.- nauk; SHC'.JTT!~Tlli, V.R. Readers' response to A.A.Shamin, A.M..Belenlkii, and A.V.Galkinfs article "Pillar systems of mining flat seams without undermining the wall rock in the development operations." Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.9:43-47 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Rutchenkovugoll (for Ivanov). 2. Gosudarstvennyy In.3titut po proyektirovaniyu shakhtnogo stroitel'stva v yuzhnykh rayonakh SSSR (for Bubirl, Monin). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut:(for Nekrasovskiy)-. 4. Nachallnik upravleniya Donetskogo okruga Komiteta po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniyem rabot v promyshlennosti i gornomu. nadzoru pri Sovete Miriistrov UkrSSR (for Shchukin). (Shamin, A.A.) (Belenlkii, A.M.) (Galkin, A.V.) KHODOT, V.V., doktor tucklm. Paul-, red.; BOBROV, I.V,, kand. tel:hn. nauk., red.; HUD'-".HEI;KG, red.5 TAB~'dCV, A.G.y red.; SECHUhIll, V..-*. , ---ed. ; HI'LIE.CV, A.F., red.; Y.51. y otv. red.; SFJIT-'L-KCjv) F.D. otv. i-ed.; FO~IATC,.- V Iotv Y . .) red.; Yu,S., otv, red.j VII:CG.--,',DC-V G.V., red. izd-v.-; IL'E'SKjVYA, G.E., 'Vehhn. red.; DCILDYIT~EVA, Z.A., te-khr. red. [Control of sudden outbui-st~7 in coal r.ines; proceedings of the --cientific and technical conference held in -,onets in December 1960JBor'bL s vnezapNnnd irybrosani v ugol'nyl-h shak-htak-h; sbor- nik trudov nauchno-tekhnicheckogo soveshchaniia, sostoiavshe- aosia v i,-or. Donetske v de*vabre 1c)60 C. Eosk-va, Gosgortekhiz- 0 d,,t. 1c,62. 602 p. (I-MR-4 15:9) I I 1. In:~titut gornogo ~:ela imeri A.A. Sk-ochinskogo (for Khodot). 2. Kombinat "Donetsk-ugol"I (for Hudchenko). 3. Gosudarstven- nyy komitet pri Sovete I'inistrov Ukrainskoy SER po nEdzoru za bezopv-snym veder-iyer. Tabot v p-formychlennosti i Cornoim nadzorus Donetskiy ok:t-ug (for Shchukin). (Coal mines and mining.-Safety r.;r-aaures) -nzh. lImprove mining control. Bezop. tnuda v prom. 7 no.12: -2 D 63. 18:7) i challnik ~~rxwrleniya Donetskogo ok-ruga Gosudarstvennogo komiteta N L 1-r- ~~ovcte ,1~114s~rov Uk- po iiadzc-.-u za hezopa5n~-, vedeniyem rabot gc-ncrmu nai.[?~omi. EtATTS, Nmmanuil Genrikhovich, kand.tekhn.nanak; TSEITILIN, Shalom Tudovich, kand.tekhn.nauk: MASARSKIT, Aba Solomonovich; SH --V kt-, 7 _-=124 1 Q- - SemenovIc'-, starshly inzh.; UKRAINCHIK, N.M., inzh., red. [Large prestressed coterets *Double TO slabs for roofs of buildings) Predvaritellno napriazhenuye zhelezobetonnye krupnya P#fiL$li Ildvoinoe TO dlia pokrytii zdanil; iz opyta NIIZHelezobetona i savoda No.22 Glaymospromstroimaterialow. Moskva, Gos,,izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. I stroit.materialara, 1960. 27 p. WRA '14:12) 1. Akademlya stroltellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellatvu. B7uro tekhnich6skoy informatsil. 2. Zaveduyushchiv 2aboratoriyey sbornykh sholesobatonnvkh konstruktal~r Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inBtituta zbelezobatonnykh Izdeliy i nerudnykh materialov (for Ratts). 3. Zavaduyushchiy sektorom luzhenernykh konstruktsiy Na-dchno-isaledo.- rate!Oskogo instituta zhaletobstonnykh izdeliy i neruduykb note- rialov (for TSeytlin). 4. GlavW7 iuzh. zavoda No.22"Glarmosprow- stroymateriala7 (for Nasarskiy). 5. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zhelezobatouuykh izdeliy i nerudrykh materialov (for Shchukin). kFrecast concrete construction) (Roofing, Concrete) USOV, Nikolay Iv-~lnovich; ISTIMIKZ Valentin Timofeyevich; G-UiFE~JI~7 S.Yu., nauchnyy red.; UD~'.LITSOV , O.A. '(~r-DZj:TYEjIA A.N..? tekhr . red, [Even in days of peace there is room for heroic deeds] I v r.irnye ~ni est' mesto podvigain. Leningrad, Ob-vo no raspro-- str.neniiu polit, i nauchn. znanii -PSFILP,, 1962,. 50 P. (DMA 15:10) (Labor and laboring clnsses) I 0 AKIMOT, N.I.; YOLKOT, S.F.; KONOYALOVA, N.A.; OSINOTSKATA, R.I.; PLISKO, Tu.Tu.; S3TMOT, H.N.; STEPANOT, L.A.; SHCHUXINoi T.Ta.; VORONI- ClDff, M.P., red.; TSARKUKO, A.P., red.; YBRINA, G.P., (International railroad transportation] Mezhdunarodnye zhelezno- dorozhnys soobshcheniia. Pod red. M.P.Voronicheva. Koskvag Gos. tranap.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 242 p. (MIRA 13:2) (RaJ!roads) SHCHUKIN, V.Ya. International transportation organizations and the part played in them by the railroads of the U.S.S.R. Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.5:78-84 My 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1.Zamostitell nachallnika upravleni3ra mezhdunarodnykh soobahchaniy, Ninictorstva putoy ooobahchaniya. (Railroads) 5F!CHI)NIN, 11.1,.Ya. ~;ooperation of socialist countries in t!-.e field of transportation. Zhel. dor.transp. 43 no.!C:E3-P-7 0 . (M-IRA 24:9) 1. Zamestitel' nachal'nika Upravleniya mezhdun-srodnykh - so3bshcheniy MinisterFtva putey soobshcYeniya. (Raillroads-International cooperation) PA lit I KFvFVy "; . H, y I n;-,"h . , ";H~' I ill KIN Y- , I r, L, Ih . - Fo ri -. on t a 1 .',) r z e I n te -r ac -!, I -:~ r o f nu-n n 4 n. = w n ~- e I s - ~ ~- ~- t --~- -- -! ~- - cranes. Vest. mash~Jnos tr. 45 no. -- , 331-J4 17 E., I ;:~ c . 3 J;~ %) ~ - . SKHUKIN, Ya.A.; :,ELESHKO, I.S. Changing the d~!aign of supporting walls of sliding pipes in a continuous furnace. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.5:34-35 ,6o. (MMA 14:8) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (k"Vrnaces, Heating) FEDORMOY N.; SHCHUXIN, Ye., kand. ekonom. nauk Production of synthetic materials should have a stable raw material base. NTO 5 no.3.*43-44 Mr 163. (MIRA 16--4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR, predsedatell ekonomicheskay sektsii TSentrallnogo pravleniya Vaesoyuznogo khimicheskogo obshchestva imeni Mendele3reva (for Fedorenko). (SYnthetic products) SHCHUKIN, V.ya. - ---- - Expansion of international communications Is an important ror the strengthening of economic and cultural relations. Zhel. dor.transp. 42 no-9:37-40 S 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zamestitel' nachallnika Upravleniya mezhdunarodnykh soobahcheniy Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Railroads--Internation cooperation) MOUS"Y, Nazim; PAVIOV, M.M. [translator]; SHCMKIN, Ye.A.. redaktor; SHA.POVAWV, V.I., tekhnicheskiy re&Wto'_r. * [The water problem i--, Syria] Vodnaia problema v Sirii. Perevod a frantsuzakogo K.M.Paviova. Predial. A.P.Oreshnikova. Redaktor E.A.'Shchukin. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1954. 283 P. (MIJU 8:2) (Syria--Water supply) (Syria--Hydraulic engineering)