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SOSUNOV, V.A.; SHIBAYEV, A.A.; KOSTINA, V,, r9d. [Superhigh frequency directional couplers) Napravlenrrye otvet-viteli sverkhvysokikh chastot. Saratov, Privolzhskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 133 P. (MIRA 18:11) SHIBAYEV, A.F. - @ Device for sealing the sockets of cast iron newer pipas In a horizontal position. Rats. I izobr. predl. v strol. no. 94:36 t54. OaRL 8:8) 1. Glavnoye upravleniya vysotnogo stroitallstva Ministerstva stroital'stva. (Sewer pipe) SHIBAYEV, A.I., inzh. Intermediate telegraph repeater. Avtom., telem. i oviaz' 7 no.1001 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Laboratoriya svyazi Ybskovskoy dorogi. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 890 Shibayev, Aleksey Lukich Gazomotorny e kompressory (Gas-powered compressors) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 197 p, 6,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Morg lis,Yu.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Meleyev,A.S., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Salazkov,N.F.; Managing Ed. fdr general technical literature and"literature on transport, highway and power machine building (Mashgiz): Pcfhomareva,K.A., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book Is intended as a practical handbook for the opera- tion, servicing and inspection of gas-powered engine-aompressors and as a training manual for assembly and operating personnel. COVERAGE: The author states that gas-powered engine-compressors of the 8GK type are widely used in Soviet oil fields to raise pressure in the bed, in refineries to collect gaseous 'byproduota.,, and in the transportation of gas through small mains. Tbey are also used industrially to compress air and at present they are used extensive- C a i @ -d 9 __ - Gas-powered Compr*asors 89o ly at gasoline and carbon black plants. Gas-powered engine-compres- so--s of the SGK type are driven by a 300 hp..350 rPm. gas-powered engine. Seven models of the gas-powered engine-compressor assembly are described: I 8GK3/1-50, 16GK2/1-14, 8GK2/3-15, 8GK2/2-17, RGK2/1-26, 8GKi/16-30, 8GK1/1-4. The weight of these compressors varies betwaen 2-0.200kg and 25.280kg. No personalities are mention- ed. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Field of Application, B;Lsic Technical Data and Principle of Operation of the Gas-powered Engine-Compressor of the 8GK Type 5 1. Areas of application of gas-powered engine-compressors 5 2. Special features of design and the principle of operation of gas-powered engine-compressors 3. Basic technical data on gas-powered engine-compressors 9 4. Layout and general features of gas-powered engine-compressors 10 5. Engine parts design 20 Card_-@ STROSINA, S.M.; SHIBAYEV, A.N... red. [Hygiene of nutrition; materials to assist instructors in courses on the minimal sanitary knowledge for public food service workers] Gigiena pitaniia; materialy v po- moshch' prepodavateliam kursov po sanitarnomu minimumu dlia rabotnikov obshchestvennogo pitanlia. Moskva, In-t sanitarnogo prosveshcheniia, 1963. 55 P. (MIRA 17:9) I- I - If1@ i _-- r-I I- =17 .7- -, ,- ROGOZHIN, A.P.. DMCRMWO, V.G.;@SHIRATZV LCj4.;, KORNMOIKO. Yu.A,, SEUSTOT. VA.; BRODOVFZIY. S.S.; KiLLASHNIZOV@ I.V. Increasirg the control of brake relays to 5401 a on type G cars of the subway. Prom. energ. 12 no-7:22 JI 157. (M12A 3.0:8) (RIectria NOVIKOV, A.V.; GAIIIIIA, A.Z.; ONWINA, A.K.; STULOVA. K.V.; AZAROVA, L.A.; DANIKOVA, H.H.; OPOLCHFUITSEVA, T.D.; SHIRAZU. -., ZICABYKO, Ye.G.: MINKINA, A.G.; OVSYANKINA, Ye.I.; SAYMMOV, F.S., red#; SUCIN, A.A., red.;.FOHICHLT, P.M., CIconomy of Kaluga Province; collected statistics] 119rodnoe khoziai- stvo Kalazhskoi oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Moskva, Gos.stat. izd-vo, 1957- 142 p. (KIRA u:6) 1. XEiluzhokaya oblast', Statisticheakoye upravlenie. 2. Statisti- cheskoye upravleniya Xaluzhakoy oblasti.(for all except Savenkov, Slemzin, Yomichev) 2. Nachallnik Statiaticheskogo upravleniya lalUzhskoy oblastl (for Savenkov) (Kaluga Province-Economic conditionB-StBtiStiCB) AUTHOR: TITLEi PERIODICAL; Shibayev,_D,.Yu. 25-58--3-19/41 Failure of the Theory of a "Vital Force" (Krakh teorii 11zhiznennoy sily") Nauk-a i Zhiznl, 1958, Nr 3, pp 43-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article, the author describes the discoveries made in the 19th century by the German scientist Friedrich Woehler (Veler), the French chemist Bertlo, and the Soviet scientist A.I. Bazarov, who, by their experiments, proved that the synthesis of various chemical compounds is possible without the presence of any "vital force" as assumed by sup- porters of vitalism. Furthermore, he deals with the appli- cation of such synthetic compounds, e.&r. carbamide as used as a fertilizer, and for preparing synthetic resin and plastic materials. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Synthetic compounds-Applications SHIBkYEV, F. I. Agricultural Machinery - Trade and Manufacture Struggle of the Krasnoyarsk combine builders in fulfilling their obligations for 1951 Sellkhozmashina No. 4, April 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952. Unclassified. SOV/68-58-8-18/28 AUTHOM- Bogach, B.S., Akulova, A.M., Seppar, A.M., Shibayev, F.P. and Khodykin, I.Ya. Automation of the Coke Wharf Gating System (Avtomatizatsiya raboty zatvorov koksovoy rampy) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, 11r 8, pp '2 - 56 (USSR.) A-BSTRACT: The systeras of automatic operation of the coke wharf r-atin- system adopted at the Gubakhinskiv koksokbi-icheskiy za vod (Guba.I@Iha - Coking works), Iviagnitogorskiy inetallurgi- cheskiy konibinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) and BaCleyskiy kol:sokhimicheskiy zavod (Bagley Coking Works) are outlined and illustrated. There are 5 figures. 1, Coke--Handling Card 1/1 SEPPAR, A.M. ;-_SHIBAYKV, F.P.; KHODYKIN, I.Ya. Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant. Koko I khIm. no-8:55-56 '58- (Coke Industry--Equipment and supplies) (MIRA lh:9) SOV/68-59.-7/-6/23 AUTHORS: Kapellzon, I.G., Levin, E.D., Seppar, A.M. and Shiba- yev, I.P. TITLE: An Improvement in the Quenching of Coke (Usovershenst- vovaniye tusheniya hoksa) PERIODICAL:Koks i Khimiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 27-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ail investigation of the coke quenching process has been studied on the Magnitogorsk Works, the results of which are reported in the paper. The distribution of moisture in the individual size fractions of coke - figl and table 1. The distribution of coke in the quendhing car - fig 2 and 3; the distribution of time between the individual operations of the coke quenching car - table 2; the dependence of the @,,oke quen-hing time on the srraying capacity of the quencher (Mrof water/mia) - table 3; the distribution of moisture in coke on the co@:e wharf - fig 5 and table 4; the design of -rhe spraying installation used on the Magnitogorsk Works - fig 6. It is concluded that the necessary conditions of the stability of the moisture content of coke is the stability of the quality of the coal blend, heating Card 1/2 conditions and coking time., as the above conditions SOVA-8-519-3-6/23 An Improvement in the QUench-ing of Coke determine the size distribution of coke and the amount of sponge it containa. There is a large variability in the distribution of coke on the cross sectional area of the coke quench-ing car of the same design on va-?1ous batteries. The duration of the quenching period with techni--al water is W-25% lower than that with effluent water. The spra- ying equipment used on the work.13 is describea. There are 6 figires and 4 tables. &SSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 2/2 v. 1. SITIBLT,N, G. A. Rotsny, Meci(nll Comparative anatomic-morphological study of the leaves of Solomon's --eBl and lily of the valley; materials for the 9th -oharmacopoeia. Apt. cie lo no. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCUSSI-FIED. S 0 DIAN, H.A., kandiclat tekhnichaskikh nauk. retsswerta, IUAM j S4@ @11'. D S , D.K., inzhener, retsenzent; KOVALICVA, A.A.. vaclusheldy radaktor; TROFIMOV, A.V., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Safety engineering In the petroleum industry] Takhnika bazopasnosti v neftapromyslovom dale. Mosk7a, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 1954. 222 p. (MIRA 80) (Petroleum inclustry-Safety measures) STTIBAYEV, G. I. Safety engineering and its principles in the petroleum production. lzv.v3rs.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz@ 2 no.12:127-129 '59. 041iA 13:5) 1. Azerba7dzhanskiy inetitut nefti i khimii imeni M. AzizbekovEL. (Petroleum industr7--Safety measures) SHIMEV, G. P. Resecti-on of the urinar7 bladder and its plastic repair with the, large intestine in an experiment. Vop. onk. 8 no.5:1,2-38 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdeleniya Nav. - prof, I. N. Shapiro) Instituta onkologii A1411 SSSR Wir. - deystv. chl. AM-11 SSSR, prof'. A. I. Serebrov) i kafedry operativnoy khi7-riziJ i topografi- cheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. A. P. Nadayin) Gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina instituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey im. S. M. Kirova (dir. - dots. A. Ye. Yiseiev) Adres avtora: leningrad, P-129, 2-ya Berezovaya al., 3, Institut onkologii AMU SSSR. (BLADDER-SURGERY) (INTESTEM-TRANSPLOTATION) SHIBAYEV, G. P. Morphological changes in the urinary bladder and intestinal transplant in sigmocystoplasty. Zdrav. Kazakh. no.4!48-50 t62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz, urologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - professor I. N. Shapiro) Instituta onkologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii (zav. - professor A. P. Hadeyin) Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo insti- tuta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vracbey imeni S. M. Kirova. (BLADDER--SURGERY) (COLON-TRUISPLANTATION) BALYCHEV, O.N.; ZHILKO, E.I.; MAKEyEV, I.F.; SHIBAYEV, I.P. Command and executive device for automatic control distributor depending on the gas temperature along hole circumference of a blast furnace. Sbor. trud no.30:23-27 163. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control) of a charge the charge TSNIICHR (MM 16:10) FOV/79-28-8--,?i/66 AMHORS: Yakubchik, .'- I. Spasskova, A. I., .3@@'bba,,T v. TITLE: Investigation of the Chemical Structure of Sodium Carbonate Divinyl Polymers (Izucheniye khimichesYoro stroyeni-ya natriy- uglekislotnogo polimera divinila) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 23., 111r 0, pp.2056-2061(tj:-@@;@a) LBSTRACT: The sodium carbonate divinyl polymer fori:; ,9by polymerizing divinyl in the presence of metallic sodiu- 4.n an envelope of dry carbon dioxide. (Refs 1, 2), 6"Julft @-,htemmig) used the isoprene polymers levulin z:ldehyfie --nd levr1inic. acid, the decomposition products of the ozonides of sodium carbonate, to show that the isoprene is bonded to the sodium carbonate polymer in the 1 and 4 positions. In investigating the chemical structure of the sodium carbonate divinyl Soly- 0 mer, which was maintained at temperatures of 20 and 50 the authors found that in this polymer a greater per cent composition of the divinyl molecules was 'bonaea in the I an,& W POS-it-iOA9 ?Pd t2lgt jt9-9t-rZJ0t22Te T&BeMbleB that, Of the spongy divinyl polymer (Ref 3). Table 1 shows the ahemical Car& IJ3 structures ol the sorlium carbonate end, the %-pwigy -pol-@me-rz. SOV/79-28-8-12/66 Investigation of the Chemical Structure of Sodium Carbonate Divinyl Polylerf, Although their structures are similar to those of the rubbery polymers, their prop6rties differ greatly from those of the sodium divinyl rubberb- hese latter are inelastic and relatively insoluble as'd-result of their chemical structures and other factors characteristic of compounds of hifh mole- cular weight. The structure of the sodium carbonate divinyl polymer was investigated by ozonolysis. The products of this ozonolysis were found to be levulinic acid, formic r:.cid, and succinic acid, as was also the case 'in the ozonolysis of the rubbery divinyl polymer and the divinyl rubber (_Rlefs 5, 4). In fi,-ures 1, 2 and 3 the chromatograms of the acids are given, showing how tile polymers in question separated from the other products of the ozonolys-is. According to these chromatograms the per cent of carbonic acid skeleton of the polymer in the acid and in the ozonolysis sections vras cal- culated. The results are given in tables 2 and 3. There are 3 figures, 5 tables, and 10 references, 7 of rhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudaretvennyy uni-rereitet T - ity) State Univers Card 2/3 SOV/79-28-@8-12/66 investigation of the Chemical Structure of Sodium Carbonate Diviny! Polymers SUBMITTED: June 28, 1957 Card 3/3 KOROTKOV. A.A.; SHIBAYEV, L.A.; PYRKOV, L.M.; ALDOSKIT, V.G.; MITERL', S.Ya. Synthesis and study of hybrid polymers. Styrene and ieoprene block-polymers obtained by catalytic poly-marization in a volution under the action of butyllithium.-Vysokom. soed. 1 no.3:443-454 Mr '59. t 14IRA 12: 10) l.Inatitiit vysokomolekal7arnykh eoyedineniy, AN USSR. Otyrene) (Isoprene) AIR ANDROV,Georgiy Mikhaylovich; SHIBAYEV,N.A., redaktor; GU )OVA, G.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [They are brought back to life] Oni vozvrashchaiutsia k zhizni. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo meditsinskoi lit-ry, 1955. 26 p. (MIRA 9:1) (Death, Apparent) SHIRAYEV, N.A..(Moskva) . Council of public health feldshers; experience in one district. Felld.i akush. no.3:38-44 Mr 155'. (IGRA 8:5) (HATIOIU1'HEALTH PROGRAMS1 Russia, work of feldshers) SHIBLYICV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; MYGIN, Y.M., redaktor; ROKAHOVA, Z.A.. "@f evi'SrUff 9'WV-ikakt or [A great force; work practice of sanitation employees] Bollsbaia sila; opyt raboty sanitarnogo aktiva. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1956. 71 P- (MIRA 9:7) (SANITATION) (RHD GROSS) SHIBAYEV, N.A. (Moskva) How rural communities help feldsher-midwife stations in their work. Felld. i akush. 21 no.lo:36-38 0 156. (MLRA 9:12) (PUBLIC HKA11M, RURAL) SHLBAYEV. H-A. [Donors; a popular account) Donory; naurhno-poluliarnyi ochark. MoBkva. Hedgiz, 1957. 41 p. 04IRA 1.0, 11) (BLOOD DONCELS) SRIBAYEVI, N.A. (Moskva) Control of blood-sucking insects. 7911d. i akush. 23 no.2:48-49 F '58- (MIRA 11:3) (INUCTS, I&MIOUS AND BENEFICIAL) (II;SBCTIGIDES) SHIBAYEV, flikolay, Filippovi-ch, polk-ovnik, dots., kand. voyennykh nauk; KRALIMON, Y-.L., inzh.-polkovnik, red. [Fighting with rockets] Borlba s raketami. Moskva, Voen- izdat, 1965. 1,18 p. (MITIRA 18.-6) SHIBAYEV, N.K. [Shybaiev, M.K.]; TSURPAL, I.A. Dump trailer for DT-14 tractors. Mekh.sill.hoffp. 11 no.2: 10-11 F 160. (MM 13:6) (AimP. trucks) A- SHIBAYNV, N.K.; TSURFAL. I.A. Dump trailer for DT-14 tractorn. Trakt.i sel'khoswoh. 30 no.2:37 F '60s (KRA 13:5) 1. 1. Molitopol'skiy Inatitut mekhanizateli sellskogo khozyayfitva. (Dumping appliances) )w SMAI..'i, N.F. Construction of buildings for the textile and light industry In the near future. Stroi.prom.32 no.2:18-23 1? 154. (MLRA, 7:2) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Upravleniya kapitallnogo stroitelletya Kinisterstva promvshlennykh tovarov shirokogo potrebleniya SSSR. (Industrial buildings) SHIRA.YSV,11.P., inzhener Wall and floor construction elements used in Austria. Stroi. prom. 33 no.4:40-42 AP '55. 04MA 8:6) (Austria-Building) (Girders) S@IIB.116' N.S. A Preimushchestva aviadizelia po sravneniiu s karbiuratornym motorom na santolete. (Telchnika vozdushnogo flota, 1940, no. 12, P. 76-80, tables) Title tr.: Advantages of aviation Diesels over carburetor-equipped aircraft engines. TL504.T4 1940 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. OLISHANOVA, K., prof.; T@OTAPOIJA, M., kand.khim.nauk-, KORNIYFNKO, A., kand. tekhr,nai*; KUZENKO, Ye.;.S.HIBANOIIA, P. Ion exchange resins in the prcduction of protein hydro2,yzates. Mias.ind.SSSIR 35 no.1:16-20 164. (PJRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy technologicheskiy institut mynsnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti ffor Korniyenko). 2. Moskovskiy ordena Lerlina myasokombinat (for Shibanova). P. @@ -, L , Pri-rody , Otdel. Geol. , "Alie,T:.7n--.--"--, Pavlo-,,r," `3 . :;OS!-. C-10S.If-11. TS_ ; -y-al 1 1- - _-u 2,:), -.-,o. 1, -.07@P. .-I - 11TRA "lif-Bet-VII, STRSIBTSKIY, N.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, 60- professor. redaktor; BORODINA, I.S., redaktor izdatel'stva; BLIKINA, A.M.. tekhnicheskiy redBktor [Reference manual of bibliographical works and periodicals of the U.S.S.R. and foreign countries on construction work] Spravochnik po stroitellnoi bibliografii i periodike SSSR i zarubezhnykh stran. Obshchaia red. i predial. N-S-Streletskogo. Moskva, GoBAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1957. 183 P. (MMA 10:9) 1. Chlen-korreBpondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Streletskiy) (Bibliography--Goastruction industry) . I V,&DOS.NYNV, B.V., kandidat te*,-,hnicheskikh nauk; SHIBAYWV, P.N., @Mndidat sell- skokhozyaystvennykh, nauk. --- - MONNOW Harvesting in separate stagee in districts of the non-Chernozen zone. gemledelie 5 no.7:40-46 JI '57, (MLRA 10-3) (Grain--Harvesting) SHIBATEV, P.N., kamd.ael1skokhozyaystve)tnykh nauk Measures for Increasing the protein content of wheat kernels in the non-ChernoZ8M 2one. [Trudy] VNIIZ no-35:76-84 158. (MUM 11: 10) 1. Institut zemledeliva tsentralinykh ravonov macbernozomnoy -polosy. (Wheat) (Proteins) SHIBAYEV, P.S. Balashikha District. Gor.khbz.Mosk. 35 no.5:22-24 Yor 161. (MA ll+: 6) 1. Predsedatell ispolkoma Balashikhinskogo raysoveta. (Balashikha District) SEDUTSKIY R,V.; SHIBAYEVI V.A. Separation of radioactive isotopes of silver without a carrier from the fission products of heavy nuclei. Radiokhimiia 5 no.5:635-63? 163. (MA 17:31) .r Sd-1BAYEV) V. D., SHTPJM1KR1, 1. V., DyMoV, G. P., AND G. I. "Multichannei- Recording Systems on Magnetic Tape --,rlth Averaging @of Statisticaj. Data" Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Dubna) USSR report 5ubm3-tted for the IUA conf. on Nuclear Electron--cs, Be.Lgrade, Yugusi-av.La 15-2u May 1@jo.L L 10585-66 F-WT(m)/EPF(n)-2/EWP(t)/EWP(b) IJF(C) ip/i Q/GG 'rCC- AP5025397 SOURCE CODE., UR/0181/65/007/01!)/3110/3111 23 AUTHOR: Avdonin, P.; Vasillyev, 1. A.; Mikhallthenko, G. A.; Plac nov. B. T.*. -Shibayev. V. A. .5b MG: Leningrad Technological Institute im. 1,ensovet (Leningradskiy te'khnologiches1kiy... iinstitut) @TITLE: Generation of emf during annealing of NaCI(Ag)-single crystals exposed to beta radiation .SOURCE. Fizlka tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 19652 3110-3111 TOPIC TAGS: sodium chloride, crystal phosphor, single ci-jstal, beta radiation ABSTRACT: When an alkali halid(?"4'ingle crystal phosphor-is bombArded by beta'parti-I .cles and heated at a constant rate, a potential difference which varies with thermo-.@ luminescence is generated between electrodes vaporized on the opposite faces of the@. crystal. The authors-study this phenomenonlin a sodium chloride crystal activated by 0.005% silver chloride. The methods used in growing the crystals and making the measurements are briefly described. Curves are given for the voltage developed Card .1/2 L 10585-66 @ACC NR: AP5025397 across the crystal.with and without radiation. A potential difference in non-irra-;--. diated specimens was observed only at temperatures above 330-3500K. Dif ferent. spec--@, imens showed different voltages and various relationships between@voltage and tem- @perature before irradiation. On the other hand, potential differences,measured :after beta radiation were approximately the same for all specimens'. The experiTMn- :tal data indicate that the voltage generated in irradiated crystals is due to non" thomogeneity in the beta radiation dose, and consequently to non-uniform concentiM- ',tion of current carriers through the crystal. Orig. art-has: 1 figure.. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05May65/ ORIG RM 002/ OTH RM: ool -eel (I)AwT(m)/ETC(f)/EWG,*ni)/T/~W~(t)/EfI-- IJP(-t,-) - -99ZATZaliG ACC NRi.AP6013079 -SOURCH Mg.- UR10041816610191004VO67910680 AUTHOR, V,!A.; Avdonin, V.P.; Vasillyev, I.A.; Mikhal D, G.A. Plachenov, D.T. ORG: Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lengovet (Lbningradakiy~:;tekhnologicho6kI TITLE:* On the appearance 6f an emf Incident Ix) annealing of the bets-irrAdiated alkali halide crystals /Report, Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold in Riga- 16-23 September 19657 SOURCE:- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya tizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 19661A79-680 TOPIC TAUS: crystal phosphor, alkali halide, radiation effect bettE radiation,. emf ABSTRACT: In the course of study-of the conductivity of alkali halidle-lapstals. it was discovered that it a crystal is Irradiated with beta particles at 90 K, upon sub- sequent heating of the crystal, in addition to the familiar thermostimulated luminesc- once, there is observed a free charge on the surface of the crystal, that faced the beta source. The authors tentatively term this amf the "tharmostImulated concentra- tion ept". In the experiments this charge was collected on asputtered aluminum electrode connected to an appropriate indicator. The measuring setups are diagramed in the figure. The present experiments involved measurements with a sputtered elec- Card 1/2 L 28329-66 ACC NR: AP6013079 trode and with a non-contacting electrode, mounted 9E" ij 0.2 to 0.5 mm from the crystal surface (in the 2attei Xf X# L X, case the effect is weaker and opposite in sign).@The purpose of the measurements was to determine the magnitude of the charge; this was done by applying a, -b :Y a de voltage sufficient,to realize compensation. The measurement results Iare presented.-in the form of A curves. Two mechanisms of the effect are hypo-! Experimental setups: a) with @thesized:@one is essentially.the electret mechanism; a sputtered electrode, b)4ith-* the other Is based on nonuniform distribution over@, ,a non-contact electrode. I - the thickness of. carriers held in traps. An argument crystal, 2 crystal holder, in favor of the letter mechanism is the near identity 3 ;,glectrode, 4 - 500 mc Sr9O + of the temperature of t he glow-curve and charge + beta source. peaks. Orig. art has:,3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OID/ ORIG REF: 0OV, OM =1 000 ACC NRi AR6033987 SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/66/000/008/13035/13035 AUTHOR: Zhukov, G. P.; Barilko, Sh. L; Zab@yakin, G. L; Kim Gen' Chu; Li Min Ve'n'; Tishin, V. G. ; Shibayev, V. D. TITLE: Magnetic tape analyzer 16(" SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika, i vychislitelinaya tekhnika, Abs. 9B265 REF SOURCE: Tr. 6-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po yadern. radioelectron. T. 3, Ch. 1. M., Atomizdat, 1965, 197-207 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic analyzer, magnetic recording tape, computer memory, storage device ABSTRACT: The block-diagram of a multidimensional magnetic analyzer with magnetic tape recording is investigated. Binary codes which characterize the investigated event are simultaneously recorded in the recorder on 20 tracks of an evenly moving magnetic tape. The recorder contains an intermediate memory computer, a recording and readout device, a controlling storage device with an oscillographic indicator and a device for selecting information during readout. C.rd 1/2 UDC: 681. 142:621. 374. 32 ACC NR- AR6033987 Information is delivered to the input of the intermediate memory in the form of a parallel binary code. The controlling storage device is designed to control the regularity of the analyzer's operation. It possesses a recording cycle of 12/,Zsec over 512 recording channels. In order to realize a time-amplitude analysis with a large number of channels, the recorder has its own amplitude and time coding units. Three illustrations. Bibliography of 3 titles. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 09/ 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4032156 S/0058/64/000/002/AO17/,%017 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz., Abs. 2A180 AUTHORS: Dorofeyev, V. A.r ZabJ.yakin, G. I.; Zantriy, V. L',7.,- 'r-,aj,,wnko, V. I.; Semashko, V. I.; Tulayev, B. P.; Cherny*y, A. V.; Shibayev, V. D. TITLE: Automatization of the reduction of measurement results CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po yadern. radioclektron. T. 4. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 7-14 TOPIC TAGS; measurement results, data reduction, computer data re- duction, computer data insertion, computer memory, direct coupling data insertion, rigid coupling free coupling TRIU,TSLATION.- Problems are discussed involved in the automatization of the reduction of the experimental data obtained in multichannel 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4032156 analyzers, multicounter systems (hodoscopes), and bubble chambers. 11, is concluded that it is most sensible to employ for this purpose the existing universal digital computers, capable of solving all mathematical problems. The most rational method of inserting the information is by direct couplinq. An analysis based on estimates of the insertion of information into different units of a universal computer is shown that a system in which a large number of experi- mental data are inserted into the magnetic memory of the corwputer is among the most advantageous. Two possible coupling variants are considered: "riqid" coupling, when the information is inserted into the memory with the aid of the electronic units of the computer,'@ and "free"coupling, when the information insertion does not depend on the state of the computer, but additional electronic apparatus is used for this purpose. The most promising and advantageous is the "free" coupling. The information is recorded on magnetic tape in this case in the form selected for the given type of computer. This makes it possible to accumulate.'the experimental data over a Cord 213 ACCESSION NR: AR4032156 long time without tying up the computer at the same time, and to process the experimental data without any insertion operations, by d*Lrect access to the magnetic memory. Specific features of auto- lRatized insertion of experimental data into a computer are discussed. DATE ACQ: 31Mar64 SUB CODE: CP, SD ENCL: 00 Card 3/3 ACCESSION KA: AR4020783 S/02T1/64/OOO/0O2/BO44/BO44 SOURCE: RZh. Avtomat., telemekh. i vy*cbirlitel. tekhaika, Abe. 2B279 AUTHOR: Zhuravlev, B. Ye.; Shibayev, V. D. TITLE: Binary-to-decimal converter CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentaii po yadern. radio-elektron. T. 4. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 73-77 TOPIC TAGS: binary-to-decimal converter, decade pulse counter, single-cycle shift register, magnetic core TRANSLATION: The proposed binary-to-decimal converter operates as follows: the bits are searched beginning with the left-hand digit. When passing to the next digit the preceding one is doubled and added to the product of the following digit.' The converter consists of several decade pulse counters. The number of decades is determined by the expression 1ON > 2n > 1ON-1, where N is the number of decades, n is the maximum number of bits. The decades are so constructed that the number stored in them can be raised by one as well as doubled. Each decade is a single- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4020783 cycle shift register made of magnetic cores having rectangular hysteresis loops. .The cores used in the converter are type K-272 (outside dia. 4 mm), the transistors: ,are type P16A, and the diodes are type D9B. During test the decades operated normally with a pulse cycling frequency of 100 kc. The converter is most applic .able for data output from multichannel amplitude and time pulse analyzers with thigh-speed printers. Orig. art. has 2 figs. G. K. DATE ACQ: 03mar64 SUB CODE: SP, CP ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4022435 SOURCE: RZh. Pizika, Abs. 1A269 S/0058/64/000/00l/A028/A029 AUTHORS: Zhukov, G. P.; Zabiyakin, G. I.; Radionov, K. G.; Shi- bayev, V. D.; Shtranikh, 1. V. :TITLE: Multidimensional registration system CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekbn. konferentsii po yadern. ra- dioelektronike. T. 2. Ch. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 115-122' TOPIC TAGS: multidimensional registration system, intermediate memory storage, ferrite core memory, magnetic tape memory, pulse height spectrum, visual estimate of spectrum, data readout to com- puter TRANSLATION: A multidimensional registration system is considered, in which the pulses that carry the information are memorized in the C6 -PI/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4022435 intermediate memory as they are received. After the end of the ex- periment, the information is processed and sorted out by channels. The sorting unit is a 1024-channel analyzer with ferrite-core memory. The intermediate memory employs a 35-mm magnetic tape, on idhich 25 tracks are recorded simultaneously. With 25-track recording, the total number-of memory channels can reach 32 x 106. The intermediate memory block includes an equalizing unit with -five memory e.71.ements, which reduces the effective value of the instrument dead time to 80-- 100 microseconds. The program for reducing the experimental. data nakes it possible to monitor the preliminary results of the measure- nents by extraction of eight 128-channel pulse-height spectra. After i visual estimate of the spectra, the information is fed by cable lirectly to a "Kiev" computer. Yu. Semenov. )ATE ACQ: 03Mar64 SUB CODE: CP, SD ENCL; 00 Ca 2/2 TK, 13 u nv. n VE tape recordiri@ 1. Ob"vejincnryy institat yalernyk., propertiva and jtructure of the weld 2,-,ne ir. rolled secLio-is of butt-welided bianks, '1,@t. -i gornorud. prom. no.4: Id - - -45 il-'g 164. (MIF 4 -18: 7) 7, -ftr Che!-..a"c:v SHIBAYEV, V.M.; ABRAMOV, V. S. ; elektromkhanik Automatical radio control center for radio communication between trains. Avtom. telem. i eviaz' 4 no-9:37-39 5 160. OIDU 13:9) 1. Starshiy inzhener Omskoy distantaii signalizataii i avyazi Omskoy dorogi (for Shibayev). (Railroads--Communications systems) KOGMKOV, IT.K.; ITIFANT'YEV, E.Ye.; SHI.BAYEV, V.N. Synthesis of acetyl-2-chlaro-eyeloalkenes. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 U0.2: 241-244 N '57. (MIRA-11:3) 1. Moskovskiv. gosudarstvennvy univeraitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.H. Nesmoyanovym. (P.veloalkenea) 111 (' 29Y sov/63-4-6-31/37 AUTHORS: Kochetkov, N. K., Nifan't1yev, E. Ye., Shibayev, V. N. TITLE: Brief Communications. New Synthesis of Phenanthrene PERIODICAL: Khi micheskaya nauka i prom yshlennostf, 1959, vol 4, Nr 6, p 8o8 (USSR) ABSTRAM A new method of synthesis of the phenanthrene ring system was developed. The above method allows ob- taining 10-alkyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophenanthrene, and 9-alkylDhenanthrenes (new Droducts) according to: '01@110 Itcou COR C11"011-CII-011 A I K011 R OH COR CdIIfiCH3,MMC1 112504-1hP04 0-0.1, 0--cl