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GORSMIlf, A. (Bukhta Terney, Primorskogo kraya): SHPQH,-Y@@Kiysv); KIRZOTAK, G. (Stepanakert); DAVLETKMOV, R. (Dolgoprudnyy, Moskovskoy oblaoti). News In bri of . Sov. f ot o 20 no. 10: 45 0660. (MMA 13: 10) (Photographers) SHIKAN, O.K.; SHIKAN, V.L. For the purity of the scientific language. Ukr.khim.zhur.17 no.2: . 285-289 151. (Kw 9: 9) 1.1zdatel'stvo Akademii nauk USSR. (Russian language-technical Russian) ZELTYNt., V.M.; SHI-KANGV, A.N.; TSYUPIMA, N.N. Investigatin ,g the wettability of pigments by the method of de- termining the rate of their impregnation with linseed oil. La- kokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.4;35-37 162. (MM 16:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellski@ institut organicheskikh polupro- duktov i krasiteley. 1. 0-111](ANOV, S., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Wages 0 7. Using nomograns for computing work days in tractor brigades. ITTS 13, No. 4, 1953. t@ - C, a 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril. 1953. Unclassified. M SHIKANOV, S.A., kand.teklm.'rLauk "FuAdamentals of the technical preparation of industriaL production and the organization of labor" by E.A.Satell and others.-- Revieved by S.A.$)iikanav. 40 no',5'.80 My(;6Q. (MIRA 14:4). .- "(Industrial management) atell, E,.A.), * DCMaROVSKIY, II.G., prof- doktor tekhn.nauk; SHIKANOV, S.A.5 starshiy nauchnry sotrudnik nlethods of substantiating the efficiency of using machinery in construction" by S.E. Kantorer. Mekh. stroi. 19 no.5:29-31 my 162 @ NIRA 15:5) 1. Institut ekonaniki AN SSSR (for Shikanov). (Puilding machinory) (Kantoror, S"E.) sEixl-"",@V, N- Tr@c',-,,rs oil th-- t t @-- 2T-::,', . T L. I - I -- -,z @@ v . % " T S I.- -, - . '3 1 , 19 :5 n - Tit vtonthl.-, I., -)f Russ-len Ac-@zsionv- , Llbr@ry of Congr@,ss . Dt@cembvr 19-1/-'211. L17CUSSIFI13). SUKAITOV, S.W., inzh. Eliminating small devecta In tractors. Trakt.i sel1kchowgush. nn.R:3 of cover Ag '59. (14IRI, 12:11) (Tractorn) SHIKANOV,.S.N., inzh. Technical properties of agricultural machinery. Trakt.i sellkhoz*6h. 31 noi8:47 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Agricultural machinery) YATVEEYEV, B.V., kand. tekhn. rlaiik.; KARTASHEV, Yu.14. P inth.; SHIKANOV, Ye.V., inzh. [Handbook on conducting tests for the volumetric compres- sion strength of rocks] Rukovodstvo po pro-7edeniiu ispytanii ob"emnoi prochnosti. na. szhatie gornykh porod. Leningrad 1964. 74 P. (MIRA 18:3@ 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy nauchm-issledovatellskiy in-- stitut gornoy georekhaniki i marksheyderskogo dela. y a I v if 12 u to to 16 V a M a 32 a It IL IL 2 a I Mssas .10 ohm" M"IN w CAM;- UASjr@_- iw4u- 00 , so-4 bmdld bY 684440wii-dw pm Ic cvprsw%W, by i @ -R-5-S-R 001 90 whm m - 2 or & This owlizalm A, McUm wdh r it. = =uscmdothe madificadw 0 with 3a V=bmbr*cwU 0%.t l W "V you Mid I Ualer W&*W@aiw" ic bwatin the i 43 aQd 8 00 43 acl 00 J 'ji *12 voifilis Diu *MP& 41 -U43. A, I IL--k_A _6 -w we__; @'-it U_ d@W h=___ pi 49 a ndadog agmd "a be k RlICUSL-S-R@+ 21LX H, i hu be- pm-d by otaying *in*. undler aGodwalft ;-al. !wed kaadiL Two pmdwu S Ato" wm obtalmd. They r A 4&lQ=ola9mphk methW. 'd WO.W 11CMUD. I OX, rougluts w" ia the pto4ucts ZA&A. M4TALL(AGICAL LffERA74*1 CLOINKATOW 1-Z IF 0 5 u &T 00 Ali, 0 -00 -09 -00 _00 -00 doe =00 Co 0 -00 as 0 1. A. 20, /The natqp_@( the@ "117i--"rocess. 1. Sa&@d LA.' -thIkyAqva.&-T*ksUl. Ffow. 12, No. 7, 36-9(1952).- fulfliWa -Wool fiber (1) is a risult of multiple factors, such s3' C-, .4 1 structure of I and its caWlty to stretch and to contract when wet, to swell, and to shift. After reviewing In detall, pecially, e mol. structure of wool: eq@,@ the structure of I &W es th keratin, the behavior of I under vadws conditions of t i ii @ ! . I scussed and is summarized as'followsl f@'H, etc., Is dis n the process of fulling, *I. a given temp. and pH, I ac- pulm a capacity to shift when a force Is applied, but upon ts removal stretched I returns at once to its. original team. The speed of stretching and contracting of keratin macro.; mob. Is related to theIr orientation and is different for the! hin I shifts suberk and the scaly layers In stret salt of a partial break@dowu'of lateral Zt flkagT."d1con-1 tracts under action of preserved dbutfide linlutges., (2)' In order to utilize the friction forces,. originated during the shifting of 1, on which the fulling process Is based. It Is neces- Barr to bring I together, to tangle them atd to Insure their CrIMP. Eig th Barabash SADOV, Fedor Ivanovich; SOKOLOVA, Nadezhda Mikhaylovaa; SHKANOTA, Iraida Aleksandrovna; KORCHAGIN, Mikhail Vladimirov"N7, - -- eorgiyevich; MOEXGANOV, P.V., retsenzent; GUSEVA, Te.M., redaktor; MEDVEDUV, L.Ta., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Laboratory manual for the course "Industrial chemistry of fibrous matarials."ILaboratorrjit praktikum po kurou "Khimi- cheskaia tekhnologiia voloknistykh materialov.0 Moskva, Gos. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo Miniaterstva promyshl.tovarov shirbkogo potrableniia SSSR. 1955. 426 p. (MIRA 8:12) (Textile chemistry) 1ALU.4b. 3611 dyeli It. 1. SiOnv and I.' A. 6ill kloy) 11ft`-4.- 17 I fit,- tfrt:%);c oI purill, tt r1p . (vT- jf)J@3@@ pur@: 1, d'Iff. ill I miml-, ix. Wi@@ I.H p1w R W-1 t-k up U.N9 Wid 0.01K S i it 1-1)., VOtil'- tile [r('111 tly @mjtc a-ld ' Frual Capron fa @m 10.1116 Lhu,! und jj-)iln@ tv O?v Id. Gilbert timl Ri,te-d, C w,l, "ded. Jt @;L,@ c.91. It. 14A aml I"( r oll v2v"L ilk, awl vo-'rol). fk@p_ Ac4f It"'Ihm for %iN, 114A t,,c A I,ightf;s@t, U (or RfA 14..4 for Avid Brown, icj, fnr @%t 1c. firilmtt orwK,--j, 7.1 for picri., v!v v. -lw-.@ oi Ow dy@ V*ttcn.. in ticcllid with t1w lit, Th,-@ t'ipoW, it all (n, flitm.,A. wt. M tht! kly,--. All IlLu @O-vli am. mono@ulfqnj,: ow !if At art cQual pli. tilt- Mall W1,14 pra Autt of 'ri;(: wto "Tot.. 13-$@ -sl I than Calm he avcuW;d fbr Out uniincl in .4 SADOV, F.I., professor.*SHIMOVA I.A.0 dotsent. Determining the chemical affinity of acid dyes. Tekst. prom. 17 no.4: 39-41 Ap '57. (Wak 10:4) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. (for Sadov (Dyes and dyeing--Chemistry) SHIKANOVA, Iraida AlekBandrovna; RATETSKIY, Aleksandr ISayevich; GOLOSOV, Y.Y., retsenzevit@' GUSEVA, Ye.M., red.; KNAK211H, M.T., [Fininhing woolen fabrics] Otdelka sherstiarqkh timnei. Olobreno 23 mais 1957 9. Moskva, Gos, nauchno-tekha.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi procyBhl. 1958. 367 P. (MIRA 11:7) iTeztile finishing) (Woolen and worsted manufacture) SHIKANOVA, I.A.; SOEDIOVA,N.M. Qunlitative analysis of synthetic fibres. Tekst.prom. 18 no-5:57-59 My 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Kafedra khimicheakoy tekhnologii voloknistykh mnterialov MoskovBlcogo tekstil'nogo instituta. (Textile fibres, Synthetic,--Analysia) SHIKANOVA, Iraida Aleksandrovna, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Pipansion of the teuxti J industry in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Tekst. prom. 20 no. 11:72-76 M t6o. (MDU 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilInyy inatitut. (Vietnam, North--Textile industry) SHIKANOVAJ, I.A.; KORCHAGIN, M.V.; VOROKHOVA, L.A. Feeding of the dye baths in the continuous method of dyeing woolen fabrics with acid dyes. Tekst.prom. 22 no.9:11-14 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Sotrudniki Moskovskogo tekstillnogo instituta (for Shikanova, Korchagin). 2. Moskovskiy tekstilInyy institut (for Vorokhcrva). (Dyes and dyeing-Wool) KORCHAGIN, M.V.; SHIKANOVA, I.A.; FILINOVA, T.F., diplomnitea Gontinuou dyeing of vool. Tekst. prot. 23 no.6t6l-66 4 '63,, (MA 16.7) 1. Sotrudnikl kafedry khimioheskoy tekbnologii voloknistykh materialov Moskovskogo tokstillnogo instituta (MTI).@ (Dyes and dyeing-Wool) SH KRIFO@-"X otl.; dGt Y -substarces Jn the "thermosol'! dye J ng J 1 '1,, @4 1 wit- disper-se"i dyes. TekEt. prom. 2@4 ro.*:!,-, MaA 'Mo,2kL-=kOgc, @Iekotjjlr-ogr, Instituta. KORCHAGIN, M.V.; SHIKANOVA, !.A.; DAVYLOVA, N.V. Sorption of dyes by hydrophole fibers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav*; tekh. tekst. prom. no.6*92-9177 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Moskovakiy tekstilinyy inatitut. VOROZHTSOV, mi., N.N.; YAKOBSON, G.G.j KRIZRECHKOVSKAYA, N.I.; DfIRCMIKO- A@. SHIKU1011A. I.V. Aromatic fluoro derivatiVE'S. Part 48 Substitution of chlorine for the nitro group in nitrohalo-derivatives of benzene. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.4'1222-1226 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Moskovskiy khimil-o-tekhnologieheskiy institut imeni, D. I. Mendeleyeva. (Benzena) (Nitro group) (Chlorine)-., KISELFV, A.V.: SHIKALqVA'-I.V.' Adsorption of large-size molecules from soluticna on carriers, fillers, and pigments. Part 1: Adsorption of squalene and squal-ans on aerosils and carbon blacks. Koll.zhur. 27 no.3:3"74-378 MY-Je 165, (MIRA 18:12) l.-Institut fizicheskay khimii AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted Jan. 29# 1964. YMMOIAYEVA@, N.M.; SHIOANOVICH@ Yu.A. Problems concerning the creation of a machine language for geometry. Soob. LEM AN SSSR no.ls2ll-215 160. (NM 15:2) Geometry) tformation theory) USSR/Medicinie, -,w- Mud- Noi,AB J Medicine- Gormtoldes "Tho'Bactericidal Properties of Medicinal Mad," A. L. Shikarenko, IV' pp "Priroda" No 11 Discusses bactericidal properties of medicinnl mad. 23/49!08 YEMEL'YANOVA, N.A. [translator]; KOZHEVNIKOVA, Ye.V..[translatorl; LISOVSKAYA, O.V. [translator]; SHTMANTS, M.P. [translator]; DUNIN. H.S., doktor sellskokhoz3raystvean-ykh'naiik, prof., red*; FOLIKMAH, Ye.N., red.; GIMASIMOVA, Ye.S., [Plant diseases; yearbook of the U.S.Department of agriculture. Translated from the English] Bolezni raBtenii; ezhegodnik Ministeretva zemledeliia SShA. ObBhchaia red.i vatup. statlis M.B.Dunina. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1956. 913 p. (MLRA 11:5) 1. U.S.Dept. of agriculture. (PI-qnt diseases) SHIKEDANTS, M., agronom. Experience of German corn growers ("Corn in the German Democratic Repbulic". Reviewid by M. Shikedants). Hauka i pered. op. v sellkhoz. 8 no.8:77-79 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Maize)) (Germany, East--Corn AUTHOR4 Shikel man., Kh,L,.., Eng:Lnesr SOV-117-58-4-21/21 TITLE.-. Technical B-alle--tin cf a Plaat NTO (Tekhnichesxiy by-alleten' za-iodskogo NTO) PERIODICAL% Mashincstscitel. 1958, Nz 4:; PP 47-48 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Brief informat-@on is gi-ier_ on the contlents of issue # 2 of a technical bulletin published once everY 3 moaths by -@he NTO Mashprom organizatt;@,n of the Odessk4-y za-rod frezernykh stankov imeni Kirova (Odessa Milling Machine Plant imeni KI.rov). The following authorg and @Iontributioni are mentioned! Chief Desig- ner I.I. Knyazhit9k1_7,.Eng.-.-Lnee:.@ M.Kh. Aloldavskiy, Designer A.I. Krasnyanskfy, Engineers Yu.G. Zbarskiy and. O.S. Tenner, sontri- buted azticles nn ;--?w mal-hine toc13 with program control: Tecthn-_tc@_an S.Sh. Krlutyanakiy des=-_Jbed a -:;-atting-of 'X tool de- signed to preveat, the srumbling of cutting edges in cut-ting bar stock that is not rc-_,nd (Figure 1).@ Engineer T.M. Kerman, on the use of high-accuraTy ball bearings in boring devices (F-ig. 2) with the top part of the bottom bearing in the form of a lid which shields the bearing from trapping chip., while the upper bearing permits rotation of the boring bar at any -eloc-'ty with- out any danger of chipping., Superin-Lenden" of the Central Labo- Card 11/2 ratory A.I. Ayzenberg, I 0a New Control Methods for Precision SOV-11 7-58-4-21- /2-', Screws with zhe Use of Electric induction Tranamitte-ral, Engl- neer V.V. T@-mohenko discussed -improvements of the hydraljli;@ IIKST-,l" saddIsl laborato--:-y workqxs,-, V.K. Mozzherl-n and 0.& Tenner, described a j--avers' 'ng device for Tunnizig--in and testing of Mae '4ocls. The des c-riptior, of th-a device is illust-a- ted by a schematic diagram (Figure 3). There are 3 drawings and one d4-agra--, I SOV/84-58-12-39/54 AMOR: Shiker, A., Deputy Chief for Political AffairsBelorusskoye territorial'- ---naye-nVFa-vleniye (Belorussian Territorial Administration) TITLE: Aviatorst Successes (Uspekhi aviatorov) HMIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya,, 1958., Nr 12., PP 27-28 (UM) ABSTRACT: The author refers to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Belamsian Soviet Socialist Republic and the vast industrial and agricultural progress achieved'in the country. The rapid de- velopment of civil aviation has led to the establishment of direct air routes between Minsk, the capital., and Noscav., Kiyev, Riga., Villnyus, Kishinev, the Crimean and Caucasian heatth resorts, a number of industrial cities, and all oblast centers of the Republic. The new modern Minsk airport and station., the arlation workers' settlement, the airport's large eating establisbment, day nursery, and a 210-bed dormitory are of recent construction. A 130-apartment building is being completed. The 1959 plan calls for a 74 percent increase in air transportation and a 30 percent increase in aerial pest control. Personalities mentioned include two-time "millionaires", Commander A. Shevchuk; flight engineers I. Gorbasenko, V. YevdakLmov, Card l/P SHIM, A. --- -,- - ------ - -- Housing for aviation workers in Minsk. Grazhd,av 17 no,3:7 mr l6o. (KRA 13:6) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika politetdola Belorusskogo territorial'- nogo upravlenlya, Grazhdanskogo vozdushrxogo flota.. (Minsk-D,rellings) S F I Dalrelooment of Chinese liElit industry. p. of co-7er. Vol. 5, "'0. lf" 19