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L !:M NIT RL~L 17 8 fa. Au.;,- ROGINSKIY, Simon Zalmanovich- SHNOLI Simon Ellyevich; MASLOV, S.P., red.; LAUT, V.G., teij.-red. (Isotopes in biochemistry; theoretical pi-inciples, problems, resultslIzotopy v biokhimil; teoreticheskie osnovy, problematika, rezul'taty, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 378 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Radiobiology) SHNOLI, S.E.- . BUKATINA, A.Ye. Possible role of catalase in Dreserving the native state oC protein3 in oxygen-containing soluticn~. Biofizika 10 no.20~,9 165. k4g.RA 18:7) 1. Fizicheskly fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova i Institut biolo~-icheskoy fiziki AIIII SSSR, Moskva. TUY,A'[Y.-',,N, V.G.; SHNOL'I S.Ell ?'nysiological and mutagenic actlon of D20 or. rzosophila melanogaster. Biofi-zika 9 no.1:15-18 163. (ILIRt 17:8) 1. Institut biolcgicheskoy fiz--ki AN SSSRY Moskva i fizi-cheskiy fakulltet Moskovskrgc gosudarstvennogo universit.eta imeni I ~,omoriosova, O"IINOT,li S.E.; SMIRNOVA, N.A. Variation in SH-grouv concentration in actomfosiny actin and myosin solutions. Biofizika 9 no.4:532-534 '64. (KRA 18:3) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet MoskovBkogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova I Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. L 56oo8-65 ACCESSION NR- AP5015654 a chamber with controlled humidity and temperature,(22._5C). Grains begav. to. -sprout-,._~__,. after 10-15 min. The length of the experiment and. the_..first Aieck ~vv~ 16-`mi~n and the second check was 1 hr. In all. the. cases. the -number -of - germinated experimen al;.-.. grains exceeded the number of'germinated controls. Fifty-nine experiments.were qpn~- ducted at 1000 cps to compensate for the great variability of-the material. It.was: the, concluded that gemination of Tradescantia paludosa.pollen-is accelerated under at influence of sonic vibrations in the audible range. Stimulation isespeciallyy gre '2, when the pollen has a limited germinating capacity. This was~proved experi- - ment in which seeds were left for several days,-7in.-the~exsiecator::(~nstead of one day as before). In 41 out of 61-experiments 'pollen germinated under the influence of sound for 1 hr, but the controls didnit germlinate:~at all. Because of the stat- istical heterogeneity of the material, a frequency characteristic of this effect" was not obtained. Orig. art. has: 1-figgre and,1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR .(institute.:. of. Biophys i as AN SSSR); Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskoiskqgo 'g'osudarstvenaog6:.uiiiv6rsitOta im. M i-_ V&''~ 'Lomonosova (Physics*Faculty of:Moscow State-- University).O., SUB CODE: SUBMITTED: 20Mar63 ENCIU:: 00 is sov: oo4 OTHE ATD Prass: NO REF R: 000 4034 LC ..rdjL2_ t4r z - 7ATclEll [f! A, G.N. ; " )I INO L' , S.f,',. S Ludy of' the cour~3e c)f a(lenoairl(,'Lriphoslil.,ataLe reaction by the appearance (if hydrogen ions in the rr.,edium,. Biof-,zika 10 no. 1: -17-41 165. (Mll?,k IS: 5) 1~ Fizicheskiy fakulltet It-loskovskogo Cosudarstvenno,;o univer- siteta imen-,* Lomonosova i Institut biologic-hp-skoy fiziki AN SSSR,, "Ioskva. f~ --C lie n -C ar n Ea.. rn - -w ) Ht M.i.. LI, q OVAI osphat-~ dt-t=r,,-*;r;- -,n h a ir, ultrav`olet. Riokhimi.-a '2 ncl. ab~3orr-r.~on s-~,ecTrp- 165 y rzoz3 -.j -da ~F, 'LV erl ri 00() i fi7icheskly fakul. t te L r, va Gal. IstvAit sliu-ni i and Giza TOW (Unltenl Pharm. Nutrwrr=mr~ Ifit'lapest). Magyar'Kdm. My,,iw. ti, -,pitione was detd. in the reaction uti,c. as 10110W9. TO A S-liple adjusted to pH 2 and to antsilicr ad- justed to pit U, reap.. was added a 1% aq. 501n. Of RtAUL&C salt in 20-30% excess (the supernatant should remain dur- ably pink), the liquid made up with distd. water to 50 mt., allowed to stand I hr.. filtered (g ll filter IG3), and the filter cake mashed with distd. water, then twice with 5 mi. W% EtOll, dried 30 thin. at 105', and weighed. The tro- pinoue reineckate, m. 191-2% contained N 9.09, Cr 11.18%. In synthesizing tropitione, a reaction mixt. contg. 4.3 g. (CIWHO), was treated with 11.7 g. CO(CHsCOtHN, the Inixt. adjusted with K,C()~, to pff 5. 00 ml. of 12% ne-traJ win. of Na ritrateand 5.4 9. hIeNH,.HCI added, and the soln. inade up with distd. water to 150 ml. and allowed to stand for periods varying from I to 60 firs. gave 80% tro- pitione. ALso in Acla Chem.- Acad. Sci. Hung- 6, "No. 3-4. ri -!-~ ' - I - I - - -' - - CO 1- - - V "M,E! SI-HNURE, L-1. ; GRAUD, Le c it - vi~ o1arir,:;e po rArrir~p -n-z- Lat report surimitted L'or 7t?,. Intl "oncr, Anthropological & Ethnological ~~ciences, N,oscnw, --L") 1111cr J A , - GUBKA, M.; SHISHKA, K.; SHD4KOVITS, I.; SMRECHANSKIY, V.;,SHNORER, M. Protection of the myocardium in cardiac arrest during intracardiac interventions with artificial circulation. Khirurgiia 38 no.5: 17-25 MY '62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgii (zav. - akad. K. Shishka) Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Slovatakoy akademii nauk. (MART, FAILURE) (UAn--MUSGLE) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) SHIKKOVITS, I.; SHISHKA, K.; GUPKA, M.; VOLIF, Yu.; atERCHATSKIY, V.; SIJIIOR9~R M. 'Fanctional parameters of an apparatus made in Czechoslovakia for artificial blood circulation. Eksp.khir.i anest. 6 no.3:13--20 161. (MM 14:10) (PEMSIOR FLR4P OMMM SHNORER, M,;-SHISHKA, K.; SHIMKOVITIS, L; GUBKA, M.; SMRECHANSKIY, V. Changes in the coagulation and anticoagulation blood factors during artificial circulation. Khirurgiia 38 no.5:25-27 My 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgichaskoy kliniki meditsinskogo fakullteta Universiteta imeni Komenskogo v Bratislave i otdeleniya eksperimentallnoy khirurgii (zav. - akad. K. Shishka) Insti- tuta eksperimental'noy meditsiny Slovatskoy akademii nauk. (BLOOD-COAGULATION) (BLOOD-CIRCULATIO11J. ARTIFICIAL) SHISHKA, K.; SHMOVITS, I.; GUBKA, M.; SMRBCHANSKIY, V.; SBNORRER, M. Experience acquired in surgery by the use of an artificial heart and lungs. Trudy Inst.eksp.i klin.khir.i gemat. AN Gruze SSSR 10:13-23 162. (MIRA 16:2) (PERFUSION PUMP (H M M (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEK---SURGM) SHIMKOVITS, I.; BOLIF, Yu.; SHISHKA, K.; GUBKA, M.; SMRECHANSKIY, V.,- -SHNORRM,--9.; ZIMA, P. Apparatus fo Czech design for artificial blood circulation. Trudy Inst.eksp.i klin.khir.i gemat. AN Gruz.SSR 10-125-31+ 162. (MIRA 16:2) (CZECHOSLOVAKIA-PERFUSION PfJMP (HMT)) SMRECHANSKIY, T.; SHISHKA, K.; SHIKKOVITS, I.; SHNqRMI_M.- G9BKA, M. Some perfusion problems in artificial blood cirmaation. Trudy Inst.eksp.i'klin.Ichi i gemato AN Gruz.SSR 10:35-42 162. (MIRA 16:2) (PE M SION FUMP (H M T)) GUBKA, M.; SKSHKA, K.; SHMOVITS, I.; SIEECHANSKY, V.,- SHNORIM, M. Protection of the myocardium during the prevalence of aMtole in an intracardia-- operation by 'the use of the appaprtus for artificial blood circulation. Trudy Inst.,&ksp.i klin.khir. i gemat. AN Gruz.SSSR 10-'57-65 062. (MM 16%2) (M4.RT--SURGERY) (BLOOD -GIRGUIATION,ARTIFICIAL) GUBKA, M.; SHISHKA. K.; SHIKKOVITS, I.; SMRECHANSKIY, V.; SHNORRER, M. Care of the patient following a heart operation with the uBe of artificial blood circulation. Trudy Inst.eksp.i klin.khir. i gemat, W1 Grues.SSR 10:67-72 162. (MIRA 16:2) (HEART--SURGERY) (BLOOB-GIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) (POSTOPERATIVE CARE) .81.0-0-ANRIE-R., M."; SHISHKA, K.; SHIKKOVITS, I.; GUEKA, M.; SMRECHARSKIY, V. Changes in coagulation and anticoagulation factors of the blood in artificial blood circulation. Trudy ;h2st.eksp.i klin.khir. i gemat. AN Gruz.SSR 10.,73-76 162. (MIRA 16:2) (ELOOa-COAGULATION) (BLGOD-~IRCULATIOVY ARTIFICIAL) MANEDOVA, V.M.; SIINULIN, A.N.; FORIYANSKIY, A.Ye. Quantitative determination of aLlene in the propene-propylene fraction by infrared spectrometry. Neftekhimi"La 3 n0-4:620- 621 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut po polucheniyu i pererabotke nizkomolekulyarnykh olefinov, Baku. 005112 CN) SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/000/005/0074/0076 AUTHOR: Serebryakov, B. R.; Gusman, T. Ya -, Shnulin A. N. ORG: VNffolefin TITLE: Electrical conductivity of bismuth molybdates SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanskiy IdAmicheskiy zhurnal, no. 5, 1965) 74-76 TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, bismuth compound, molybdate, forbidden zone width, activation energy, catalysis, oxidation NY, M\~ 0'"OA4~';s ABSTRACT: A study was ma4p of the electrical conductivity of fused and shaped samples of bismuth-molydenuM catal~ysts'jused in a number of oxidative processes (oxidation of propylene to acrolein, oxidative dehydr4genationfhf butylenes to bivinyl,~bxidative ammonolysis of propy- /X_ - lene to acrylonitrile).' -ray analy-sig established the__sTFu-cM&e of the samples as (Di203)x (MO03)y. Their electrical resistance was measured at 29OL-600C (range in which the catalytic properties are best manifested) with an E6-3 tube teraohmmeter. Particular emphasis was placed on the determination of the activation energy of conduction (i. e., on the determination of the forbidden gap width E . The Bi903-MOO3 catalysts were found to have n-type conductivity. It was established tha the activa tion energy of the oxidation of propylene to acrolein (and oxidative ammonolysis of propylene to acrylonitrile) and the activation energy of the electrical conduction of bismuth molybdates are approximately equal. The forbidden gap width of the Bi203-MOO3 system changes only slightly with changing composition and is equal Card 1 /2 -66 ACC NR, AP6005112 to an average of 0. 96 cV. The authors are deeply grateful to K. Mekhtiv v, who performed x-ray structural analysis of the samples. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07-,CJSUBM DATE: 12Nov64 / ORIG REF: 003 2/2 --ZC NAGIYFV, M.F.; SIINULINA, L.V. Predetermination of the validity- of designs of recircling systemd. Azerb.khim..zhur. no.4:13-19 163. - (MIU 17: 2) SHTIURKOY Li., inzh~ M~JRKIN; N.P., inzh. Modernization of the 5Teza-'! planer. Mashinostroenie no.621,~--16 N-D 164 (MIRA 18sZ) :rntca. y, em, nt v n ':?7 A. ak. Y,154- 16/s. 3 Cll.-~rt.; ssr. i~osk. Cli,,'.---na Lenian '-vo V,1.,ssh. ubrnnt~v-ni,a o z~ P, Kotlcstrocniyn). 4nr' .'e 1 P, otov-,~ 62 1 . 77 30 1, 1.955 UVAROV, Vladimir Vasillyavich; SHUMOV, Mikhail Tefimovich; LLPITSKATA, Teva Markovna; SUROVTSXVA, Tevgei~,'a'Dm tr,6;W -r y y IIDITSKIT, V.F., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, reteenzent; AROUOVICH, H.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; MODEP, B.I., takhnicheekly redaktor [The production of the principal boiler elements] Proizvodstvo o9novnykh elementov kotloagregatov. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-27, 1956. 315 P. (HI-RA 9:7) (Boilers) T! TI 'I,' Shnurkova, K. P. and 1-ont-ol of tli-- ,Drocoss in "he school." Ed-iication l,':oscow Cb. ow, 1956. last Pedap~-ical Inst. Mosc 'Dissortal%ion for tho Do,rive of' 'andidqte in Pedarorical Science) So ',,,,--;zhna-,-a letopis ,To. 2f~2 1956 SHNURMAN.. B. i. Case of otogenic sensis with meningeal phenomena in the absence of otorrhea. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 23 no.6: 80 N-D 163. (IRIRA 17: 5) 1. Iz otorinolaringologicheskogo otdeleniya (zaveduyushchiy - V.K. Konstantinovich) I-y Kremenchugskoy gorodskay bollnitsy. D,31 :j ucheb. rl 17 10 ITENBERG, S.S. ; SHBURMAN, G.A. Working up data of lateral logging in low-resistance strata of central Ciscaucasia'. Razved.i prom.geofiz. no.29:73-77 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Russia, Southern--Oil well logging. Electric) IVI PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITAT--ON SCY-7/5592 Vse3oyuzno7e soveshchaniye po vnedreniyu radioaI(t_'vnykh izotopov i yadernykh iziucheniy v narodnom k4czyaystv a SSSR. Riga, 196o. Rad1Ga%t1vnyye i:;.-.)topy i yadernyye izlucheniya v narodnom, hhozyayazve SSSR; trudy Vsesoyuznogo sovezhchaniya 12 - 16 aprelya 196o S. g. Rii.-a, v 4 tomakh. 11. 4: ' Poiski, razvedRa 1 razrabotlca polezny.Th Iskopayemykh (Radioactive I.sotopes and Nuclear Radiaticn in the Nlational Economy of the USSR; 3actions on the Symposium Held in Riga, April 12 - 16, !960oin 4 volu-.:,,~_z. v. 4: llro.3pectinS, Surveying, and Zlliniu of min-' eral De;~o:;J_ts.) Moaaowr, Gostoptelchizdat, 1961. 28 P. 3,640 copica printed. Spon2oring Agency: Gosudar3tvennyy nauctino-tel,]-,nicheakly-komitet Soveta 'Kinistrov SSSR. Gosudarstve ",yy komitet Soveta'PLIni2trov SSSR po lspollzovanlyu atomnoy energli -Eds. (Title page): N. A. Petrov, L. I. Petrenko, and P. S. Savlt5kty; ed. of this vclumme: M. A. Speranskly; Scientific ed., M. A. Speranskiy; Executive Eds.: N. N. Kuzlmina and A. G. lonell; Card 1/11 Radioactive Jso.te,pes and lNuclear (cont. SOV/5592 Tech. Ed.: A. S. Folo.~-ina. PURP03--- : Tne bcok 1.i ln!,ended "or englneero and -Qf-hnIc.Lans dealing aith the problems involved in 'the applicaticn of radioactive 1.,Otopes and nuclear radiation. COVFrA(iT--*: ThI3 collection of 39 articlc-o is Vol. 4 of tl-.2 o- t`!e All-Un-lon Conference of the introduct.11-nn of Hadin- actlv-a lootopc-.-~ and lNuclear Reacticns in t~~c Nat.--nal of th,~ USSR. The Conference viaz called b-,r '.h~ --r,-uiar~tv~nmyy nauc"nic-teldmic-heskiy komitet Sovet Ministi-ovSSSP. i -Itate Cormltree of the Coun,~!A o' ---f th,~~ LIS3RI, Acadomy of Go~plan SZ-7i~ '-Statp Plann -Jn~; Con:rnittee of t-h~a Gounsi-I of '-Iin'.-ters of th-~, r;,ry komiuet Sc vota I-Iinitltrov SSSR no avtc-ma~.iza- ~il ma--n-'no - stroyeniyu (S-ate Cournittee of the Council of 1,71nisters of the USSR for Auto-.ation and Is',achine BuIldIng), and the Ccuncil of -,nia~vrs of the Latvian SSR. The reperts rummarized In thia publication'deal with the advantages, prospects, and Card 2/11 Radloact;J-vu iootopea and M~clear (Cont. SOV/5592 of radloactive, methods used In proopect-Ing, -sur- and m-InInr, n-7 Ore.!. Individual report., pre;.,c-rjt t- h of the latuot oc-lentIfIc resuarch on the developmcrit and Ir-,Drovun~~-nt of the theory, methodology,, and technolooj of Application of radioactive method2 rad'ozetrlc Ini,eotIgation3. In -,.h,2 field of cn~;-Inearing geology, hydrology, and the c,~n- trol of ore enrichnent proca3zea is analyzed. No p:!rnonalltlcj~ art, P.---ntiorxL Tmere are no references. TA-ELE OF CONTENTS: Al(Ar3t~yev, F. A. Prezent State and Nturo Prospeatz of Applying t',::: '%',~thcd-3 of Nuclear Geophyzica in Prospecting, Surveying, and 7 of' 7-linera13 5 Eula3hevich, Yu. P., G. Vcskoboynikov, and L. V. Yeuzyukin. Neutron and Ga=ma-Ray Logging at Ore and Coal Depo2itB -.9 Gordeyev, I., A. A. .,'ukher,and D. M. Srebrcdollav~ly. The Card 3/11 and lluclear 'Cont. SOV/5592 -o v. lcr thc. Tnterprotat'orl of tte Cc' n - :;p~L.,ctra in Analyzing the Actlvatol Sa!::;A,,q cz P r) c 1 2 I'LL b'o v 2. c hA. L., and Y-a. i. Laytsev. Plant of' the P, 7.- b 1 - 7' fcr the Analy~~-'~ of the Commlwc-zition of Roclk3 l8c) Yalcuoovlch, A. L., and V. Yu. Zaleskly. Roe n t. r and Ecjuipm.~--nt for Accelerated Analy3ls cf the Clhr~milzal of a Subztance Nar'butt, K. I., R. L. Barinakiy, and I. S. Smirnova. Acpli- V cation of Nuclear iadiation in RoentScnoapectral Analy~:13 Abramyan, S. L., S. 1-1. Aksellrcd, and L. A. Futkaradzc. Ar~,li- cat!6n of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation for the -nvca-..lCatlon of Boreholes in Azerbaydzhan Shnurman, 0. A. ---xDerience '41th Radiometric Investigaticn:3 Card 8/11 li.-d~ioaczive izoto-,ez and Nuclear (Cont. SOV/5592 an"i 72otcpes --.-o- the E.,7)loration of Oil-Bearini~ Rez;ions in the -1y Kray I C C' Sli (Cnechen_Tn6-u3h' ASSi and Stavropollsil. 2 Shapiro, D. A. ApplicatIcn of Radioactive Radiation and izotope3 for the Exrloration of Oil Wells in Tatarlya 219 Blanle,ov, Ye. B., and T. N. Blankova. Use of the Nathod, of In- duccd Actlvil;y for Controlling the Flooding of Oil Fields In '- ar a r I Y a 228 Dvorl,'In, 1. L., B. Orlinskiy, and A. N. Plokhotnikov. T.'2e of tile Ano:-.alotm Neutron Parameters of Chlorine Nuclei to Con- ~:rGl the Flooding of Oil Fields 237 ~_abinctf.. A. Ye., and S. T. Zvo.11skiy. Results of 7T,i-,Z the cf Scattered Neutrons and Gamma Radiation In Studying :.`cisture and Density 246 Solzolov, 1. '--*u.,V. A. Polyakov, and V. V. Lushnilccv. Appli- cat!Gn of Radioac-,ive indicators in Studying the Concentration Card 9/11 ITFNBI~Rffj, 3.3.~ YZF1F-Mt"%)V, Yu.G.; DAKWIMGOIT, T.D.; SHNURMAN, G.A. the porosity, of Lowe r-Cre Vice c u5 5an6l arEgillaceous rock! - - the ,,, , Kuma PIRin according to self-potential data. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; noft' i gaz. 8 no,50-7 165. (MlRA 18:7) 1, Groznen.-,kiy neftyqnoy institut. S/155/59/000/02/018/036 AUTHORSt Belyayev, A.V., Shnurov, Z.Y e. A TITLE: Some Results of Fafl-Rd-e -Testi4f Constructions of Aluminum Alloys PERIODICALt Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki, 1959, No. 2, pp. 95-106 TEXT: The authors describe the results of fatigue tests of profiles made of aluminum alloys carried out in the Laboratory of Construction Tests of the Moscow University in the years 12.57-1958. There were investigated perforated profiles (such as airfoil wingsy&nder bending with variable sign (Vi ration-1~9 test) and under simultaneous static stretching. In order to reduce the duration of investigations, an approximation method possessing several systematic errors was applied, such that the results are essentially only qualitative. A diminution of the fatigue strength was stated under increasing profile height, and large influence of the static stress on the fatigue limit. There are 3 references t 2 Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONi koskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1959 0 Card 1/1 SHNYAGIN, N., inzh. Operation of a ship radar set. Rech.transp. 19 no-7: 49-50 JI 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Xachallnik Salakhardskogo tekhnichaskogo uchastka. (Radar in navigation) SMAGIN, R. Prospects for the expansion of dredging operations of waterways in the northern part of the Ob VaI26y. Rdch.transp. 20 no-4:39-40 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nachallnik Salekhardskogo tekhnichaskogo uchastka puti. (0b Valley~-Inland navigation) (Dredging) SHITY~,tI ' . tt. p. ~:,, ;,,. -~L rirasitir, radar reflectors. Rech. transp. 21 no,8:37 Ag 16,~. (IMIRk 18 -.9) . ,-; - . - - , _- , . . . I '- ~ - I . . Z- 1~1 SHIFfAGIN) if. Extending the navigation period In the Obt and Taz Bays. Rech. transp. 24 no-4:44-45 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. Nachallnik S-alekliardskogo uchastka puti. SHNYAGINA, G.I. Changes in the zooplankton of the Posol'sk shoal and adjacent shallows of Lake Baikal in May-August of 1960 and 1961. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 13:56-62 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Baykallskaya biologicheskaya stantsiya instituta pri Irkutskom universitete imeni Listvenichnoye. Biologo-geograficheskogo A.A. Zhdanova; pos. J Ar "k ~.mj.),Ind.xes -of the.protelu mombAsm and the func- tio..l ate of liver In patients suffellng from cerebral P /!~~ - sova, F. D.- Koidubskayu. V. A. tumors. L S. Cherka Kukusliklua, and R. 1. Sllljyak~ -(I list. Physiol., Acud. Sci. White Russian S.S.R.,-. Musk). Isrest, Akad. Nalsk Beloruss. S.S.R. 1955, No. 3, 127-36(in Rus-sian),-Data are presented for the anits-of total protein, albuinin,'glob- ulin, fibrinogen, and the protein index; the activities of the protcolytic nod aminolytic enzyme; and the mut. or amino acid N i(mg. %) polypeptide and urea N, fractions of the - blood in 21 patients suffering from cerebral tumors. Non- protein N iricreases during the Wnew, the increase being due to the accumulation of polypeptides, since the -amt�. of free amino acids and urea remain nearly unchanged. The normal proportion of albumin to globulin is disturbed and the enzyme activities lowered; the detoxicating capacity of the liver (Quick-Pytel method) is also greatly decreased as a rea- sult of the illness. h134o 6/02CD162 i ";6/V)J/0'. "1/1,319 _111 4411-ill 5 -.';!'or- of prot,~4n~~ il-, cortex of ~Uhe corebrz:l I ~,cn (I oric o7: i 4v s func t ioz,..--; I cond it -Jon L1, no. 7, 196-- 0 Tau:. v 14 734-73' J .2 41.2 `n -yn i-1, it i:. certjL~r,- cor tte_-. -.,;a j otud 4, ,d by 14i11 iin- Amiriistri:,tion of' mnethionine lnjp-(.* io:,.I U o' benzedrine, separation o; the L C '_"I: L; t-n cn --i procipitation protein by boiling- at pH the ~ U Iro- 4 UL I '.ds i -ssolved in 0.0-,'., r o t e i c o,.; '11 6 -quantita-4vely -and rl-d:o~otric-,11y. _cc. -,it, the e,ua" in -.a_ misorption U 101'. To j-1- ind e i 1,. : - ~ec j f i cci v i was establislied for the I M i h t i j/min) 1: 1 v e c i f i c v _J iu y .Coizparisor. o~ the protein and protein-free I S/'C)2'-' /c 2/1 4 '_ 100511019/,-) 1 / " L '+ of "r3~0:.n3 :_r ":-- cortex ... Bi 44/3! a6 4 lract,.Lo~.,~ 01" 6.._~Oidn.~ .-.hct'~er tao chanr~e in ta- inco-rjoration 60 raUC- Oj 0 i'. 11, 1L 2 1 "Totein syni~lesis "0' -o-sib exc - luded G- c o ul dIs e 2c~diov;ctivity Of protein and prote-L.-i-free Iractions ,~i a sn o t Z3 C After L;-~t~nsive cxc-`;aL-o.-. of the 0"', t~.e d iii e2,~n-~ Y - I . U TI_ b .ftor noderato excita ion, t,:e TI-.i -,,ias no' Tn a fur` increased. u!ier sories of exporiiienis Lhe o t oi~ 4 Co::jplete ex`~au.-.tion, causing -the rats to sl,~cj fc.-o Liin; u-,,ey recovered, -U'.,-,ey sho-.ved the usual defense c t 1' 0 e n c ra s ed t I i e T 1 R by 48-,. The author claims that tlils i S t 0 f -1. 1.~: t 1, 1 :,~.e -i:,.u 11 on o f p ro Q e i n syn t Ii e s i ~~ in '6 ii e c or tu e x i nd u c e d ,y s-ort -3--eep. 7-her,3 i,; 1 table. b T U- VJ telcs':iy -osudarstvennyy med it sill S?,iy irstitu~ (Vitcbok O~ata -edical institute) ..Vril !3, 196~, by V. N. Chernigovskiy, Ac~,demici&n 2 1 , 15,62 Caru-, 2/;~ SHNYAKIN, Aj., inzh.; rERMOIAY-EV, V.N., inzh. Technology of,blast furnace gas purification and the design of scrubbers. Stall 23 no.2:176-178 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Magnitogorakiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Gases-Purification) (Scrubber (Chemical technology)) L 4177-66 tWT(*)/EWP(&)/EWP(L)/ZWA(d)/LVP(v)/f/W(t)/KWP(k)/Ep(z)/EWP(b)/Ewk 031 ACC NRt AP502hho (CL)/ Qa*ljow" SOURCE CODEt LIR/0286/65/000/PI5/0083/0083 . V. sk" r'flrl ~Zq' 1INVEMR: EBtulin-, ON.". Zimina, L:ow-r' Koeheleval 0.0 F.; Topilin, V~.'V.; Boyarinova~ h j AA an, A. A. F"I~Zuv' D. ~;. "Vgu~uvaiuj~' O~ r. i qp, r r- Kh none - U TYT Wrought, Rheat-residtant, nickel-bas~- No--.- 1-7-3-41-8-1 -announced by Central Scientific Research Institute or Ferrous Metallurgy ~Lm. BardidiTsentralInyy namohno-issladoYatal'skiy insfitut chernoy Metallurgii); z-d "Elekt_r_09~11" lm. I. Y. 8OURM ByuUeten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 15, 1965, 83 TOPIC TAGSt &)lay. nickel alloy, qhromiumZontaining alloy, ~~denu~d"Icontaining ,Vntaining alloy, titaniAw containing alloyo- ILI=Anum VntaiDing alloy alloy , twumtan QarhML_r,0~taiaing alloy, teryllium containigg alloy, ceri containing Alloy -7 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a vrought, he t-Wistant, nickel-base alloy vith imppwed mechanical properties and veldability. ?'A. aucy contains IT to 20% chraaium, B-12% molybdenum, G-6% tungsten, 2-3% titaniumt_1-2% aluminum, 0.1% mnx Carbo d% 6% mat iron, 0.01% max sulfurs, 0.015 max phospbb rust 0.i5%,xisx man-!-- - '.1. j it (AZI geneses 0-.6% max silicon# 0.01% -max boron and 0.02% max cerluni,' BUB. COM MW. MM D=z O5Yeb6h/ ORIG RV: 000/ OTH Mt 000/ ATD: RMry/~ C.,d ACCESSION NR: AP4020103 S/0125/64/000/003/0044/0049 AUTHOR: Nazarenko, 0. X. (Candidate of technical sciences). Povad, A. 0. (Engineer); Shnyakin, N. S. (Engineer, Moscow); Artamonov. N. N. (Engineer, Moscow); Panov, Yu. P. (Engineer, Moscow); Kedn-jan, A. B. (Engineer,. Moscow) TITLE: Equipment and techniques of electron-beam welding of large pieces SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 3, 1964, 44-49 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding,* welding, electron beam welding equipment, electron beam welding method, U86. - electron beam welder, dagger shaped fusion ABSTRACT: An experimental outfit for electron-beam (circular) welding of large -size pieces is described which can be mounted on a "telescopic" carriage with a headstock and tailstock and introduced into a cylindrical (4-m length, 2-m diameter) vacuum chamber. 20-mm-thick stainless steel was used for building Card 11Z ACCESSION MR: AP4020103 the chamber. A d-c motor mounted on the carriage ensures an adjustable welding rate within 5-100 m/hr. A VN-6 fore-vacuum pump, an N-20T oil-vapor fine- vacuum pump, and a BN-3 oil-vapor booster puEn wip a combined output of T- 10,000 lit/sec, exhaust the chamber down to 10 -10 torr. Three electron i guns are used with these parameters: accelerating voltage, 10-25 kv; test voltage, 50 kv; beam current, 0-500 ma; specific energy in the focal beam spot with optimum lens distance, 5 -10 kw /mm"". Some details of welding procedures are given. "A. M. Svyat*skiy was the leading designer. Engineers A. A. Mikhaylovskiy, V. I. Khoroshilov, A. L. Loginov, and V. F. 121arionov took part :'P in designing the outfit. V. M. Shiyan was the leading designer of the electron gun- 11 Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut clektroavarki ime Ye. 0. Patona AN UkrSSR (Institute of Electric Welding, AN UkrSSR) SUBIvnTTED: Zinec63 -DATE ACQ: - 3lM&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- NO RET SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 7- . --.- -- -_' * ~-, ~ ~ f- ~ -- - I -", n * ~-? , :- " -, -I- --.n " . . - . - - - . - - -- 7 , a~:, - ~ f al ~-' I. :.":' ","- : T,.- ! -7~11' I- 'I--,,, .! 77- 1 -1 ",,- - -, -!. - . - - ta---*-- - - . I -, - - . . .9 - . - . - - 5 .- . . . - -,_' ?:- - Ir,7 GRIBKOVY Yv.P.; Z'IARIKOV, A.I.; SHMIN, L.P. br.ili for machining deep holes in aluminum alloys. Stan. i instr. 1 36 no.9:36-37 9 165. MIRA 18:10) FANSTVICil-KCT Y , V . I , 1 'SH NYT , I . A. Ethers wi.-rh the allyl, POSItion of a double bcnd. Part 17, Ethers of 2,1,-dirne*,Ii.vl-2,6-hep-.-adieri--4---,]. nur. org, khIm. 1 noj.-57-59 ja 165. (MA 18 S 5) 1. Belorusskiy politekhniclieskiy inatitut. L 32961-66__ EWI(m)/EWP(e)~ ~VPt YETI IJP(C) Q/JG/1JH ACC NR: ;~p6oi6926 J SOURCE CODt: 'UR//0072/66/000/005/0013/0015 AUTHOR: Dubrovo, S. K. (Candidate of chemical sciences) Lftnypikov, A. D. (Engineer); Shny-pikova, L. G. T-En-gineer); Spirina, S. D. (Engineer) :ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Silicates Imeni I. V. Grebenshchikov (Institut I ikhirtii silikatov) .TITLE: DG-3 glass for use in chemical laboratories where risistance to alkaline isolutions is required iSOURCE: Steklo i kpramika, no. 5, 1966, 13-15 :TOPIC TAGG: laboratory glassware, glass manufacturing machinery, molybdenum glass, '~alkali, crystallization !ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the production and properties of DG-3 glass. This glassi lis based on the Na20-R2O-ZrO2-SiO2 system. Admixtures of lanthanum and lithium oxidesl are used to improve founding properties. The new glasses have coefficients of linear -7 iexpansion C120-400 which vary from 57 to 87.10 per degree. DG-3 glass is being used ifor producing chemical laboratory glassware and tubes. The apparatus for founding DG-3 glass is described. The density of this glass is 2.711 and the ther ,pp; stability, Y in iis 1480. The temperature at which it begins to soften is about 700-710 Crystal- Ilization did not occur when the glass was heated from 500 to 12000 over a three-hour 1/2 uDC: 666-117.4 32961-66 ACC NR. ~period. Tables are given showing the relative resistance of chemical Laboratory glass ,to alkaline solutions. DG-3 glass surpasses all commercial chemical laboratory glass in resistance to alkaline solutions, and particularly to mixtures of sodium hydroxide land soda. DG-3 glass satisfies all GOST requirements for water resistance and acid ,resistance. This standard covers glass category XV-1, first class chemical stability. ;DG-3 forms good joints with No. 29, 23 and molybdenum glass!3'Orig. art. has: 14 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 2 L OA19_67 EWP (01PTLT) _WH ACC NR: 'u'0030777 SOURCE COM UR/0363/66/002/009/1652/1637 AUTHOR: Dabrovo, S. X.; Shrxypikovp A. D. & OM; Institute of Silicate Chemistry im.-I. 11. Grebenshch Lkovp Academy of Sciencesp_ SSSR Unstitut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLOt Some properties of,glasses in the Na20-Ia2c~-Sio~ System Is SOURCE: A11 SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialyp v. 2, no. 91 1966, 165z-i657 TOPIC TAGS: silicate glass, lanthanum oxide, glass property ABSTRACT; The purpose of the study was to identify the region of vitrification in the Na2o-la2C~-SiO2 system and to determine the effect of lanthanum oxide on some proparties of sodium silicate glasses. The region of vitrification was determined by melding mix-Lures of various conmositions and observing them in the holes of a platinum "t foil. The content of the components was vrithin the following limits: SiO , %-92'p; 2 La2~~, 1-16%; "a20$ 5-48%. As the Ia2()3 content of the glasses rises, the temperature of the start of softening, refractive index and density iTrarease in all cases. Intro- duction of La203 in place of Na20 into sodium silicata glasses causes their coeffi-.-_ cient of thermal expansion to decrease. A partial replacenent of 5102 by L&2C~ in low-alkali glasses kup to 20% N&20) causes an increase in the expansion coefficient. The latter decreases upon introduction of La2C~ in place of SiO2 in glasses containing Card 1/2 UDCs 666 1~ -I -,j-~!hastiYe: 1ANHEYK0, V.I.; S.K.- SHITYPI ,. ~-- .; DUBROVO, t ~ , .. Kql~ - RYZHOVA, L.d. 1e in alkaline solutions for chemical laborato'-"Y Glasses stab - articles. Zhur. urikl. khim. 36 io.8.-1633-16-17 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:111) L 32961-66 EW IJP(c JQZJG/ T (m)/EWP (e )aV1 P (t)/ET I AH ACC NR: u6o16926 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0072/66/000/005/0013/0015 AUTHOR: Dubrovo, S. K. (Candidate of chemical sciences)k,~hnyptkov, A. D. (Engineer);~ Shnypikova, L. G. (Engineer); Spirina, S. D. (Engineer) 'ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Silicates Imeni I. V. Grebenshchikov (Institut ikhimii silikatov) !,TITLE. DG-31glass for use in chemical laboratories where r6sistance to alkaline' ,solutions is required I !SOURCE: Steklo i keramika, no. 5, 1966, 13-15 !TOPIC TAGS: laboratory glassware, glass manufacturing machinery, molybdenum glass, crystallization 1ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the production and properties of DG-3 glass. This glas I !is based on the Na20-R20-ZrO2-SiO2 system. Admixtures of lanthanum. and lithium oxides I iare used to improve founding properties. The new glasses have coefficients of linear lexpansion a20_400 which vary from 5T to 8T-10-7 per degree. DG-3 glass is being used Ifor producing chemical laboratory glassware and tubes. The apparatus for founding DG-3 glass is described. The density of this glass is 2.71.1 and the the 4y, ~~TA _P'ta~ i/1 10 . Crystal- ,is 1480. The temperature at which it begins to soften is about 700-7 ;lization did not occur -when the glass was heated from 500 to 12001 over a three-hour uDC: 666-117.4 329bi-ob A-C-CN--R-------6 --6 AP 01692 per-iod. Tables are given showing the relative resistance of chemical laboratory glass ~to alkaline solutions. DG-3 glass surpasses all commercial chemical laboratorl glass lin resistance to alkaline solutions, and particularly to mixtures of sodium hydroxide ,and soda. DG-3 glass satisfies all GOST requirements for water resistance and acid Iresistance. This standard covers glass category XV-1, first class chemical stability. IDG-3 forms good joints with No. 29, 23 and molybdenum glass!s-Orig. art. has: 14 figures, 2 tables, SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 22/2 t,ov SEMYRIPMOVA, O.V.(Koskva) Adrenal malanoblastoma with matastases. Arkh. pat. IS no.1:111-113 156. (HLRA 9:6) 1.1z patologounatomicheskogo otdelaniya (nachallnik R.D. Shtern) Glavnogo voyennogo gospitalya imeni U.N. Burdanko. (ADR7RIAL GLAND, neoplasms, melanoblastoma with matastases (Rus)) (MMANOMA ad-renal gland, with matustaBes (Rue)) AIZKSBYAV, G.K.; SMTYRFINKOVA, O.V. (Xoskva) Problem of aneurysms of the splenic artery. Arkh.pat. 18 no.8: 89-92 '56. (XIRA 10:2) 1. Iz Glavnogo voyeanogo gospitalya imeni akad. N.IUJurdenko. (SPLEEN, blood supply, splenic artery aneurysm. case report (Rus)) 25256 S/177/60/000/007/011/011 2 U, D264/D304 4JTHORS: Gal'chikov, V.I., Lieutenant Colonel, Slizkiy, I.S., Colonel, Tuzikov, AN. . LieutonanL 'Colonel, Bclya- yeva, L-1. and Shnyrenkova, O.V., Lieutenant Colo- nel (all 11edica1_-C`�rps ~ TITLE: The 11ta3,.e1' of foreign bodies in radiation sickness PERIODIC.~~L: Voyenno-nieditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 7, 1960, 60-65 TEXT: The aim of the study was to determine the effects of radia- tion sickness un the "take" of foreign bodies (shrapnel, bullets) in the tissues. The combined action of the radiation factor and foreign body injuries was observed in rabbits, All rabbits were treated with antibiotics (penicillin) for 3 days after injury. The tests were -xranged in the following series: 1) sterile and 2) staphylococcus-infected forei n b d3fes introduced into non-irradia- ted animals; 3) sterile and 41~ inf(ected foreign bodies into gener- ally irradiated animals (1 000 r); 5) sterile foreign bodies into animals irradiated with Au198; 6) gunshot wounding of rabbits gen- Card 1/ 2 25256 S/177/60/000/007/011/011 The "talce" of foreign bodies... D264/D304 erally irradiated with 500-1,000 r. The results showed that the foreign bodies and resultant tissue lesions had no appreciable eff- ect on the course of radiation sickness, e.-.-cept for cases where the tissue was considerably destroyed or with purulent necrotic compli- cation of the wound process. 'Mild and medium radiatioii sickness from areneral irradiation did not inhibit incapsulation of the for- C:) eign bodies, whereas severe radiation sickness inhibited it areatly. RadiatiOICL sickness from radioactive substances introduced directly into the tissues and organs inhibited the plastic process. Peni- cillin reduced the number of postvulneral complications, but strep- tomycin and other antibiotics could n1so be used instead. The au- thors conclude that surgical treatment for deep-lying foreign bodies, not removed during primary surgery, in persons affected by ionizing radiation should be governed simply by the clinical symptoms of vulneration. S.S. Sokolov, N.I. Blinov, V.G. Vay-Lishtey-Li, A.S. Rov- nov, B.M. Khromov, A.D. Yarushevich and I..,i. Meshcheryakov are lis- ted as Soviet scientists who have studied combinations of radiation sickness with traumatic injuries. SUBMITTED: April, 1959 Card 2/2 ALEKSEYKV, G. K.; SMYREUKOVA, 0. V. (Moskva) Multiple intracardiac hemorrhages during anticoagulant therapy. Klin. med. 40 no.7:121-124 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) (VITICOAGULANTIS(MEDICI-NE)) (HEART-INFARCTION) (HEMORRHAGE) ALEKSEYEV, d.K.; KIRIIJOV, V.A.; SIMMKOVA, O.V. Clinical aspects and pathology of primary rheumatic fever in elderly patients. Top.revm. Jl-S 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz Glavnogo voyannogo gospitalya. imeni akad N.N. Ih,rdenko (nach. L.I. Lyalin). (RHMATIC FEVER) (AGED.-DISEASES) SIII(TV!, P.1l.; S!TYll."TFOVA, O.V. (Mookva) ChanLyas in the leukocyte in radia-tion Eiiclaiess in animals. Pat. fiziol. I eksn. terap. 6 no.3:65-6-7 1. Iz Gia-mogo voymmogo gospitalya imeni akad,3milca II.N. FAir,16nko. ACCESS1014 NR: AR4044003 s/Oo58/64/OO0/OO6/E04q/E049 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E367 AUTHOR: Murashov, N. I.; Shny*rev, G. D. TITLE: An infrared television microscope to determine structural flaws in semiconductor crystals CITED SOURCE: Sb. Metod fotoelektr. infrakrasn. polyariskopii i defektoskopii poluprovodnik. materialov. M., 1962, 40-43 TOPIC TAGS: structural flaw, semiconductor crystal, IR TV microscope, video amplifier, TV microscope TRAUS&ATION- There is created a prototype infrared TV microscope using an industrial television installation PTU-OM. There have been developed video-ampli- fier units to assure a high amplification factor with low noise level. An LI-405 videcon serves as the transmission tube. Using this installation it was possible to observe the distribution of birefringence, dislocations embellished with Card 1/2 AccEssioN NR: a4o44oo impurities, and other heterogeneities in Si and Ge crystals. SUB CODE: EC, SS ENCL: 00 Card 2-12 ACCESSION MR: AT4045157 ditional devices make :it possible,*to--observe crystattivititon. pmcess under a microscope and record them'wi th- astill or movie came rae details of the chamber are shown in Fig. I 'of the Enclosure* 1-The chamber is constructed of plastic in tho form -of, 4 c~tinder I- wim hollow walls. Temperature conditi6ats-within. it.:are created-by-a. the mostatic coolant (usually*-al-c-ohol) which- passes .--through the cooling jacket 2 of the chamber. A decreasa id the has. ttug-'of the chamber .7-- bZ the surrounding - air- is - accomplished by the use: of - a thi ck-wwatld-&- his Insulating lining-3. The-entire-chamber-fits,-tightly-into a metal housing cylinder-4 which-is attached to a rider 5. -The axis of the cylindrical chamber has a, horizontal :position and coincides with the direction of movement- of the- rider along. ..the. optical-b.ench 6., The front wall of the chambevis-a lid.which:la hield tl*ghtly- .(by rubber gaskets and screws) to the- butt- end--of the- chAmber- Thd- inner- cavity in the lid is connected:to the-doollngl- $leave.- of -- the xet t a f the chamber by two- symmetrLcatly"pl&4~ad-:fLttLng's~ 7c`eusuring-~Coolfng by-;:-_~-, g out-_,the- Inn, the circulating thermostatic-liquid-,throu h er.- chamber the centra'.I,uninsulated-part-of--the-ILd-theirs-I -a-so opening-8 for -taking-place-in the chamber, microscopic observation-of the-processes A similar-opening-9-for-passage-of-light-from- the- light, source Vs,p 8~ Card 2/5 ACCESSION MR: AT4045157 ant in thd- rear.: wall- of- the-, c-hamber. The sing-10 in the -cytino:.- drical wall is -for-lateral it -lumination -of ~ objects* The cylindric- at wall also has- three-openinigs for-introduction-of a crystal It and certain devices -for making micromanipulatIons"o- The crystal holder is-a thick-walled capillary about 106'min in diameter;-: it" -glas's tila-~_. m:nt can be passed-thr*ug4,-iti,_-_0bjects for investigation are ~attachs t the and of the-latter,. The cap tit ary, fit B.' diws ty~ -jLw,-,the brass plug 12 which sits-4n- the bushing. 13'e,- .,There are'. wo~_opeulngs, X4 in the lid of the chamber for- introducing an agLtator-9 -heat sensors operatlonis~ !The optical- system, -shown- devices used In perfoxming a photograph, has a colllnstor~'15 mounted,-Ln--a bu*hIt%g,,9;*In front'.0 this lens there;f1lter:I6'.&nd behind 1t-#- A polarization 6 _18-11ts In. a bushing - in light filter 17. The microscope obj6ctl4 the front wlndow4 Tam erature~aeaeurftueut-,at different poiuts'lw-tlia~: chamber reveals that - when- cool lull ~ Isr'by- a- thermostAtI*c Jlqui& wLth.'a" 0 temperature t -ASC-, the.-'Ciiiadbet-walls- acquire.~&-tempsrature'_ f -14,5C, r, temperature -In -the,: center--*E'- thi, chamber also drops- quickly' but only. reaches :Results bf vestLgatLona-with-thin-chamber-have-been-d c ibeid7earlier by. N. V. Gliki- i-t &I. (DAN-9 6n 777 19 Card I IGNISIN i j 77, C ar ACCESSION NR: AP4039406 S/0070/64/0(6/003/0421/0423 AUTHORS: Grechushnikov, B. N.; Shny*revp G. D.; Petrovp I. F. TITLE: An achromatic half-wave plate SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 9, no. 3, 1964, 421-423 TOPIC TAGSt half wave plates achromatic plates polarized luminescence ABSTRACT: Half-weve plates are generally used to rotate plane polarized light 0 through 90 , but existing plates of this type are strictly half-wave plates for only a single definite wavelength and can be used only in that restricted part of the spectrum. The authors point out that it is possible to computef as Was done by S. Pancharatnam for a quarter-wave plate (Proc. Indian Acad. Sci-P 41A, 4, 137-144, 1955), an "achromatic" half-4rave plate with a phase difference of 1800 for three different wavelengths. The authors made the computation, using elliptical waves and a Poincare sphere. The achromatic plate is designed in the form of three half- wave plates arranged at definite angles to each other. The angles between the principal directions of the plates are so chosen that the aggregate gives a phase odifference of 1800 for the three given wavelengths. As an example, the authors 1consider the wavelengths 425l 520p and 670. t-, compute the angle at which they must Mt ~Qrd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: A.P4039406 'be joined (200), and find that the resulting plate will rotat6'the plane of polari-~-'. .zation 900 for practically the entire range of wavelengths. The transmission of :this plate for intermediate wavelengths (with polarizing prisms oroe'eed)l as loomputations show, will differ from complete transmission by only a few percent. ~Orig. art. has: I figure and 4 fox=laa. ASSOCIATIONt Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Lastitute of CkystdLllograpby AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 150ot63 ENCL: 00 A SUB CODE: OP NO REF SOY: 000 OTHERs 001 Qrd- 2/2 ~ ~ n'! - w - ~, : I , ; - - - - - - I ; -I~w -1 - ~ ! ~ n I :: -117- a.14,. ~ ., I _, = -I.El ~r~errj~m t- - - - . - .1 . ~- .. - - - -1 - - _I: jl~ - ;~ r- - 1; - - -1 11 -1 -~ D - r, I - % I - . . - - , - - z ~, i,~, : I - : -~. -- - , - - _,. - - . I-;,- '- . -, , - -, ; . -- - -.", . 1 . -, ~ ~ -- I - -.~ a .1 (. v . 18") ACCESSION NR: AP4033139 SIO 1.20164/0001002/0 MM60 AUTHORt Faygin, L. A.; Mirenskiy~ A. Vo; 6hny*ravo Go Do TITLE: Precession chamber for photographing reciprocal lattice SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2, 1964, 156-160 TOPIC TAGS: crystal structure, atomic structure, reciprocal lattice, precession, precession chamber, x ray goniorneter ABSTRACT: An electric motor I (see Enclosure 1), via a wormgear and shaft 2 with an arc 3, imparts a precession motion to the crystal, holder, and screen. Slider 4 is connected by spindle 5 with buckle 6. The precession angle may be adjusted by setting the slider. Spindle 5 can rotate in the buckle-6 bushing. to which the x-ray-film. holder is fastened. The buckle is tilted through the precession angle about the XX and YY axes. Test crystal 7 is placed in a gonio- metric head at the intersection of X X and Y, Y axes. Crystal holder 8 is also Card Card 1/3 ACCEsSro,y URI AP4033139 . ff f i I I Card 313 I ENCLOSLqm II . - Kinematic - scheme of -the PrOcession Chamber ,;;11,y bl,; V, G. D.; 111 ]-1 !,,N3rIY ) A. V. ; PEHIII)GOMV, V. I P'rilotoelectric scecLrou-olarimeter for measuring the rotaLicr! rf the light polarizat-Ion plane in crystals. 7xistallegra-f-lia 1C no.2:270-272 IMr-Ap 165. (,,EU~ 18:7) 1 u - ~. Distitu' kristallografi- AN "SR. T 04, ~2-6 ACC NR: AP6025975 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021/001/0139/0140 AUTHOR: Grechushnikov, B. N.- Petrov, I. P.; Shnyre G. D. ORG: none TITLE: A problem of the aperture of a Fourier spectrometer based on a polarization interferometer SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 139-140 TOPIC TAGS: Fourier spectrometer, interferometer, interference light modulator, op- tic interference, optic measurement ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the gain in the\1Jght output from a polarization inter- ferometer as compared to the Michelson interfer eter. V. K. Still and A. Merts (cf. Opt. i spektr., 20, 910, 1966) have shown that the difference between the two instru- ments is not as significant as the authors had noted in their previous work (Opt. i. spektr., 18, 130, 1965). It is apparent that Still and Merts' conclusion is valid only as an approximation in which the higher order components of resolution are ne- glected. For large aperture angles, the magnitude of such components is not suffi- ciently small. To resolve the problem, an accurate expression for percentage modu.1a- tion as a function of aperture angle can be generated: UDC: 535.33:517.512.2 Caid 1/2 04752-57 ACC NR% AP6025975 X A = i 7 (t) dt; 0 where JO(t) is a zero order Bessel function, X = a62/2n2 for no = ?ie= n. This func- tion is plotted together with the corresponding functions for the Michelson interferv- meter and the approximate relation 02, n2 o2 = T 2 1 - . derived by Still and Merts. It is obvious from the plot that the modulation for the polarization interferometer is never reduced to zero, thus the comparison of the light output based on this criterion is not sufficiently justified. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 03Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002 Card 2/2 UMYNIN. YU.N.; Sinimv, N.V. Autovratic control diagram for car haulage in mine surface structures. Ugol' Ukr. 3 no.1:13-16 Ja '59. ' (14M 1?,: 1) (Mine railroads--Cars) (Automatic control) S! li! Y !111;11 V. k% scho -nee in. studying the L'ak.:-n~ use of orescr- i-m., i L. 1., n 1r,-, eo L,,n c-3 itln o o, rn 'Frut Valley, Moldavian nn,~.:,,;0-7-1 161- M RA V -7 OLADKIY, M.I.[deceased]; SHANIN, G.A.; IODKO, Ye.K-; MANAYENKOV, S.D.; MIKHAYLOV, E.A.; GRIBOVA, U.N.; LUGOVSKIY, P.P.; KULESHOV,.S.M.; SHATOV, A.I.;-SHNIREVA. N-N ; ISHKOVA, V.M.; LYKOV, A.I-; TYULYAYEV, A.N., Dtv..zed.; SIDOROVA, T.S., red.; SHEFER, G.I., tekhn. red.__ [Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system) Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi. effektivno- sti novoi tekhniki v khoziaistve sviazi; informatsionnyi sbor- nik. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Communication and traffic-Technological innovations) VODIVAREUROO M,A,p dotsent.; SIRNYRNA, S,Vs. KR311S, G.A. Dissolution kinetics of patassium wtrate under Conditions of .L ~ forced convection. Uch. zap. Kish. un. 68,,:.29-33 163 [cever 164). (MIRA 18: 12) SHNYREVA, Ye.A. a...... I t:,----e~~.-,~~t't.,:-,--:~, Formalin test in brucellosis. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. kraev. pat. no-5:88-91 '51- (MLRA 10r2) (13RUCELLOSIS) (MRMALDEMS) Sffl,'MVA, Ye.A. Therapeutic properties of mud from Edillbay-Sor Iake. Trudy Inst. kraev.pat. All Kazakh.SSR 1:49-54 152. (MIRA 10:2) (WEST KAZAKHSTAN PROVINGE-RATHS, MOOR AND MUD) USMI Medicine Antibiotic Card 1/1 Pub. 123 12/16 Authors I Shnyreva, E. A.; Beklemyshev, N. D.; and Zenkova, N. F. M-11- I ~--f ~Sp- Title j Treatment of brucellosis with streptonWein Periodical t Vest. AN Kaz- SSR 12, 82-86, Dee 1954 Abstract I The effectiveness of streptomycin in the treatment of patients suffering from brucellosis was investiCated. Diurnal streptomycin dosages of 1.0 produced an evident and stable medicinal effect in -ibout 213 of ~he patients treated. It was established that str-1--ptonwain. is much slower and less relinble than biomycin and levomycetin. Some individual brticellosis cases ~,ere seen to re-stiond much better to streptc.nycin than to the other two antibiotics. Strento,.Vein is not recomendel as an in- dc-pund-ont dri-,-t- for the trQ,,~tmtnt of briwellosis. A combinati-,n of any Ok the tWo antibiotics i-s ccr:.jdc-rc;d, ucre effective. BMMENISHEV, N.D.; SARVA, Ye.A.; OSIPOVA, G.P.; ZMOTA, N.F. (Alma-Ata) Comparative rating of the effectiveness of several antibiotics in the trmatment of brucellosis. no-5:45-51 MY 155. 1. Is Inatituta krayevoypatologii Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy SSSR (dir-kandidat maditainakikh na~~ B.A. Atchabarov) (BMJCELIOSIS, iher, antibiotics, comparison of off.) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use brucellosis, comparison of off.) SHWMVA, Ye.A. -- _.,- ~ I z,-; kntibloties combined with vaccine for treating brucellosis. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat. AN Kazakh.SSR 3-145-155 '56. (MIRA 10:3) (AUTIBIOTICS) (VACCINATION) (BRUCALLOSIS) SHNTAAVA, Ye.A. Late results of treating brucellosis with antibiatics combined with vaccination. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat.AN Kazakh.SSR 6:113- 118 '58. (MIRA 12:6) (BRUCELLOSIS) (ANTIBIOTICS) MMUSHCIEVA, N.F.; R&DWLSOU., M.M.; ZFNTKOVA, IT.F.; YASYMOVA, Kh.A.; BOGD&ITOVSYAYA, G.K.; BUKEYXWIOVA, Sh.Kh., SHNYRBVA, Ye.A. Index of literature an brucellosis from 1952 through 1956. Tnidy Inst.kraev.pat.A.'J lazakh.SSR 6:146-223 '58. (MIRA 12:6) (BIBLIOGRAM--BRUCELOSIS) bEKLERISHEVp N.D.; SIRIYREVA-p Ye.A, Medical mistakes in the treatment of brucolloais with antibiotics. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no. 3:11-15 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. 1z Instituta krayevoy patologii (direktor - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk B.A. Atchabarov) AN Kazakhakoy SSR. (BRUCELL08IS) (ANTIBIOTIGS) SHNY'REVA,, Ye.A.; KASYMDVA, Kh.A. 11 ycin in combination Treatment of brucellosis patients with ler--a= L with streptomycin and vaccine. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat.AN Kazakh SSR 12;187-193 162. JMM 15.11) (BRUCELLOSIS) (TERRAMYCIN) (STREPTOWCIN) (VACCINATION) ZENKOVA, N.F.; ~~ Characteristics of strains of Brucella obtained from patients treated with antibiotics. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat.AN Kazakh SSR 12:194-204 162. NIRA 15:11) (BRUCELLA) (ANTIBIOTICS) BEKLEMISHEII, N,D.,.SHNYREVA, Ye.A.; KASATKINA, I.L~ Corticosteroids in the treatment of brucellar arachnoiditis. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat.AN Kazakh SSR 122220-225 162. (MIRA 15:11) (CORTICOSTEROIDS) (BRUCELILSIS) (BRAIN--DISEASES) SHNYREVA, Ye.A.; BEKLEMISHEV, N.D. Butadione in the treatment of brucel-losis. Trudy Inst.kraev.pat. AN Kazakh SSR 12:226-230 162. (MA 15.1-1) (BUTADIONE) (BRUCELLOSIS)