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SHTMO, I.V., lrand.tekhn.nauk Transportation of freight on trays. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 14 no-3: 50-53 Mr '60. (NIRA 13:6) (Transportation--Technological innovations) SHTMO, I-V-, kand.tekhn.nauk, RIDBLI, R.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Innovations in the over-all mechanization of loading and unloading piece freight. Nekh.1 avtom.proizv. 14 no.8:34--36 Ag 160. (NM 13:8) (Loading and unloading---Technological Innovations) SHTIFKO, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; RIDELI, E.I., kand.tekhn.nauk New type of pallets for haulage of factory-packed freight. Zhel. dor.transo. 42 no.6:70-72 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:?) (Freight handling) RIDELI, Eduazd Ivanovich; -SITZEEK~I o~r'Vladimiroviah,- YEFIMOV, G.P., retsen- Mj M.A. 9 tekhn. red. I zent;-TSARENKO, A.P.9 red.; MVED [Transportation of palletized loads) Opyt perevozok gruzov v iashchich- nykh poddonakh. Moskva, Vses. izdatel'sko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshche3iiial 1961. 47 p. (MIU 14:7 (Unitized cargo system) SETEFKO, I.V., kancl.tekhnnauk Rew types of trays...Makh. i avtom. proizv. 15 no. 5:43-46 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Materials hAndling) SHTEFKO, I.V., kand.tehhn.nauk Use of pallets for freight transportation proved to be effective. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.8:35-37 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Frcight and freightage) SHTEFKO, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Over-all mechanization of loading and unloading operations in freight haulage. Mekh.i q-vtom.proizv. 16 no.2:23-26 F 162. (MIRA 17:3) SHTEFKOP I.V. kand.tekhn.nauk (Zhmerinka); KOZLOV, Yu.T., inzh. (Zhmerinka) - 2:~_ Transportation of freight in special containers. Zhel.dor.tranap. 44 no.7:6&-69 JI 162. (MM 15:8) 1. Zhmerinskoye otdeleniye lugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Koziov). (Railroads-Freight) (Containers) SHTMOJI I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Transportation of containerized piece freight in packages. Trudy MIT no.146-.156-179 162. (MIM 15:12) (Freight and freightage) ,iHTEEKO, I.V.; RIDELI, E.I.; YEFIMOV, G.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHISHKIN, G.S., inzh., red.; MYEDVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn. red. (Over-all mechanization of the loading and unloading of fruit and vegetables] Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsii pogruzki- vygruzki plodoovoshchei. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 58 P., (MIRA 16:7) (LofLding and unloading) (Frtat-Transportation) (Vegetables-Transportation) SHnFKOf. T,V., kand. tekhn. nauk Uve of pallets in centralized freight handling. Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no.lls68-70 N 063. (KRA 16:12) (AIT 4k~ S!WRODR;()V, 'M:, . -;---,kli. nauk,- SHTEFKO, I.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; -1-1 -.- I :: '17 ~'. i ,N-erall rnneshan-'zatioa of the loadjLng and unloading of mineral frzrtilizers. 1491kh. i avtom. proizv. 18 no.10313-17 0 164. (MIFLA 17.- 12) SMORCID2NOV, MI.A.1 kapd. tvkha~ na Lilt 4 W`HTULo, J.v. ltand.Leldin.nauk~ SHTMO, 9 L --- I O.Y1., inzh. Mlechanization of the loading and unloading of mineral fertilizers. Mekh. i avtom.proi?v. 19 no.2:23-27 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) SM-EKHOV. A.A., icand.tekhn.nauk; kand.tekhn.nauk; SMORODINOT M.A., kemd.-tekhn.nauk; ARKHANGELISKAYA, L.F., inzh,, Construction and operation technology of the base unloading stations for mineral fertilizers. Zhel,doretranap. 47 no.10:32-34 0 065. (MIRA 18:10) 112-57 -7-14235 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 66 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shtefter, Ya. 1. TITLE: Determining Optimum Parameters of an Inertial Accumulator (Opredeleniye optimal'nykh parametrov inertsionnogo akkumulyatora) PERIODICAL. Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta mekhaniz. s. kh. (Transactions of the All- Union Scientific -Research Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture), 1956, Vol ZZ, pp 92-110 ABSTRACT: Methods for selecting parameters of an inertial accumulator for windmotors are presented. The required accumulator capacity is determined on the basis of studies of wind conditions and load curve. Structural dimen- sions are selected according to the minimum weight of the disk and minimum friction losses. See also Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, 12108. V.R.S. Card 1/1 SHTEFUN, I. and NOR, R. "Flight into the Ionosphere." Tekh. Molodzhi, 29,, No. 11, pp. 33-35, 1954 Translation U-7537, A-3096, 23 Jul 56 KOUI,Te.A.; SHTEGEMAN, N.A.; VINOGRADOVA, N.I.(Moskva) Thyroid function tests with radioiodine among the pupulation of the region of Abakan railroad construction. Probl. endokr. i gorm. 1 no-5:-41-53 S-0 '55. (XIMA 8:10) 1. 1z Vaesoya%nogo instituta eksperimentalluoy endokrinologii (dir.--prof. Ye.A. Vasyukova) I Tgentral'noy nauchno-iBale- dovatel'skoy laboratorii gigiyeny-i epidemiologii (nach. B.A. Ivanov) Hinisterstva putey soobshcheniya. (THTROID GLAND, function testa radioiodine, in areas of endemic goiter In kesia) (IODINE, radioactive, thyroid funct. test In areas of endemic goiter in Russia) KOLLI,- Ye.A.; SHTBGE~AN, N,A- (Moskva) Use of radioactive iodine inearly diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis Cwith summm:L7 in Inglish. p.1241. Probl.endok. i gorm. 3 no.l: 35-43 Ja-F '57. (MIRA 10:6) 1. 1z Teeso7=nogo institute eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. prof. Ye.A.Vaayukova) (HTMTHYROIDISM, diagnosis. Iradioiodine test, early (Rug)) (IODIM,radioactive, diag. of hyporthyroidium. early (Rua)) KHAVIN, I.B.; SHTEGDW, N.A. Glinical and radioiodine-diagnostic data on thyrotoxicosis and their comparative evaluation. Probl. end0k. i gorm. 7 no.1;56-65 .1 61. (MIRA 14-3) (H)TERTHYROIDISM) (IODINE-ISOTOPES) GALIFI, Ya.; �HTEGENA, L. -- - Structure of the earth's cruet in Hungary. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 3:42-46 160. (MM 14:4) (Hungary-Earth--Surface) SHI=NAN, D--. F. 11"Ibe History of U-ae Formation of Uie Delta of the River Ibya," Iz Akad Nauk Kazakhsk SSR, Seriya Pocnen No 28, issme 3, 19~b (132-143). (Meteoroloriya i Gidrologiya, '.'c 6 Nov/-'iec 19474 0 SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 SHTEGMAII, B.K. Method for makiag a count of muskrats. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser. zool.uo,6:23-30 147. (MIRA 9:6) (fluskrats) SMMGMAN, B. K. Typing bodies of water In the Ili Delta relative to the biology of the muskrat. Izv.AN K&zakh.SSR.Ser.zool.xo.6:3l-34 147. (Ili Valley--14uskrats) (HLRA 9:6) SHTEGNLN, B. "Guide to birds of the Armenian S.S.R. 0 S.K. Dall , G.V. Soein. Reviewed by B.Shtegman. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i nallkhoz.nauk-L. 1 no-3:299-302 148. (NWA 9:8) (Armenia,--Birds) (Dal', S.K.) (Sosin, G.V.) 31n~Dl,jjt , B. F. ~l CjCA2,CLe- Shte.7.ail, ' . . geoo~aphdcal variability Of the Oozodoy, CaT)ri--,ulr--, -~ !:. The . eurowagus L.", 01-hrana prLroc.7, 1~4,03 (orn the cover: 17o. L"', P-103-14- SC-- U-39, , 10 kird-11 53, (Letoris IZI-.~-xnall Inyll-i Statcy, "'o. 11, 1949-). ,, 3-i - i 11 , ~,; B. K. s g.75, .4 Shtet~n--rls E. "A. Y-. lluz~rinov,ll klumithologist, an o'olituary) Tru--~y Al--.rar. ---Os. zapovr--~nik~l, Issur 7, 191:8, P- -I-"- so: U-1 20 ('ct 5", (Letopis 'Zhurnal ',-iYkh Str-tey, t4o. 16, lc-49). SHTEGMAII, B. K. I "' ~ - - , Occurrence and development of pink pink pigment in certain birds. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser.zool. no-7:126-127 '48. (KLHA 9:5) (Color of birds) 9F;Tt-',G'lA`7. 1'. K. Sht,-P:-.xnn. B. K- - "On the speed in flight of certain birds," Trudy Almaat. -ris. VqT-'0V0(;nik,-, Issue 7, 191;8, 1-. 1L,7-1:8 SO: U-hgll , 29 Oct ~?, (Letopis 'Zhurnal I.V, Ich St-atey, No. 16, 19~ 9). Sir-- Gm-~,tv. !3. X- Shtef?:2a-- B. 1-1 -lion -.,h~ eisL,'int ,ai-7 Lions of wrens in the Tp~' Sh~n obl--Et, 11 " 'y A! 'ni'.cp - -52 ,L r-.-1 t- zf~rove.. - , issue 7, 1018, -. 1151 - so- U-1c"!. 2q Oct ::-~, (Letapis 'Zhurnr..! 'njV-n StrIteY. 110. 1~, 1919) 5-' E~-L' ", , . ,, iI/iJI I.. I . . 61~ltegnan, ii. E. "Problem on 'the f on,7iation of terraces," Trudv Almaat. gos. zapovednika, issue 'I, 19U, P. 155 -56 SO: U-Lc,,3L-, -I:"- Oct. 53, (Letoi-iZ I-hurnal Inykh Statey, No. 16, 1519'~. MINGN1w, B.K. History of the formation of the Ili river delta. Geog. i~bor. 1:133-150 152. (MLRL 6:7) (11i river--Delta) 1. SHTEGYAN, 13. K. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Rallidae 7. Flyirtg ability of gruiform birds. Zool zhur. 31 no. 5. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January,-1953. Unclassified. SHTEGMAN, B.K. Peculiarities of flight characteristics of the Corvidae. Zool. zhur. 33 no.3:653-668 V.Y-Je 154. (KLBA 7:7) 1. Kazakhstanskoys otdeleniye Vaesoyuznogo railchno-issledova- tel'skogo, institute, okhotnichlyego promysla (VNIO) (Flight) (Grows) SHTEGMAII,B.K. Birds of the high plains of the Trans-111 Ala-Tau. Trudy Len.ob-va est. 72 no.4:255-276 154. (MIRA 8:11) 1. Kazalchakaya respublikanskaya stantsiya zashchity rasteniy, Alma-Ata (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau--Birds) SHTXGKAK,B.K. Adaptive characteristics and phylogenetic correlations of the CorVidR~. Z001.2hur. 34 no.6:1357-1378 N-D 155. KRA 9:1) l.Kazakhatanskoe otdeleniya Voesovuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta. okhotnichlyego promysla. (crows) SHTWMAN, B. X. Measures for controlling sparrows in razakhotan [with Inglish summary in insert]. Uol.zhur.35 ne.8:1203-1213 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1.ffauchno-issledovatel'skaya bielegicheakaya stantslya *Borck" AN SM. (Kazakhstan--Sparrows) C m ty. lir. AUTHOR: Shtegman, B.K., Doctor of Biological Scien~es 26-10-16/44 TITLE: Life in the Zone Below the Permanent Snow Line (Zhiznl v sub- nivallnoy zone) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 10, PP 93-95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives an account of animal life as seen by him in the mountains of Asia. Just below the zone of eternal snow, in the so-called "subnival" zone traces of life were detect- ed. In the Alatau mountains and on the Kirgiz range at alt- itudes of 39300 - 3,400 m spots of alpine meadows were found ay,d a few insects, in the first place orthoptera. In pools and small lakes formed by glacieraq-the author dicovered larvae of caddis flies and mosquitoes. Groups of field voles were' encountered at altitudes of 3,000 - 3,500 m- Higher up, the number of mammals is very small, while bird nests are found more frequently, although the birds themselves, like the griffon vulture and the bearded vulture, find their food in lower zones. But two kinds of birds, the Prunella collaris and the Tichodroma muraria build their nests and live at altitudes of 3,500 - 3,700 m. They food -on small black spiders which are found there in considerable quantities. The Card 112 spiders in their turn feed on primitive flying insects that Life in the Zone'Below the Permanent Snow Line 26-lo-16/44 are brought up to those regions by air currents from Lower zones. There are 2 photos. ASSOCIATION: Institute of the Biology of Water Reservoirs (Institut biologii vodokhranilishch), Yaroslavskaya oblasti AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 Characteristics of pigeon flight [with summary in Nmglish]. Zool. zhur. 36 no.2:265-274 Y '57. (KIBA 10.-6) li Institut biologii vodokhranilishch Akademii nauk"SSSR. (Pigeons) (Flight) SHTBGKAN, B,K, Characteristics of the flight of sand grouse [with summary in German]. Zool.zhur. 36 no.10:1521-1529 0 157. (MIRA lo:ll) 1. Institut biologii vodokhranilishch Aff SSSR. (Grouse) (Flight) SHTEGRAN, B.K. Some features in the structure of the shoulder girdle in pigeons and sand grouse and functional 'significance of the clavicle in birds [with slimm ry in German]. Biul. MOIP. Otd.biol. 62 no.5:45-56 S-0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (SHOULDER GIRDLE) (CIAVICLE) (BIRDS--ANATOKY) S=G!,1111,11, B. K., anU U-14-DR.UV, N. A. "on the Regularity of the Distribution of Mammals and Birds, Using the Eyample of "Palearktika." report presented at Conference on Dry Land Zoogeography, L'vov, 1-4 June 1957 (Izv. Ak Nauk Ser. Geog. 1950', No. 2, p 155y author: VORONOV, A, G.). SHTEGYAN, B.K. - Some structural characteristics of the skeleton in pigeons and sand grouse. Uch. zap. Mosk. un. 197:189-206 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Bones) (Pigeons) (Grouse) PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., akaaemit.; AKATOVA, N.A., red.isdaniya; SHTEGM, B.K., red.izdaniya; ZHADIN, V.I., red.; KUZIN, B.S., red.; XUZMITSOV, S.I., red.; KELINER, A.G., red. [Transact ion:a of the Sixth Conference on Problems of the Biology of Inland Waters (June 10-19. 1957)] Trudy VI no- veshchaniia po problemam '6iologii vnutrennikh'vod.(10-19 iiunia 1957 g.) Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.n;au-k SSSR, 1959. 659 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Soveshchaniye po problemam biologii vnutrennikh vod. 6th, 1957. 2. Zoologichaskiy institut AN SSSR%(for Zhadin). (Fresh-water biology--Congresses) SHTEGMAN, B.K. Murine rodents and their populations in the southern shore area of Rybinsk Reservoir in 1955 and 1956. Trudy Inst. biol. vodokhran. no.I: 310-157 159. ' - - 'r , (MIRA 13.2) (RY13INSK-Rit1MV6IR iWIOW--ROD=M-AS CARRUMS OF DISEASE) (HOORRUGIC FEM) SHTEGFIAN, B.E. Nesting of the lammergeier in the Tien Shan. Ornitologiia no.2:214-21? '59. (MIRA. 14:7) (Issyk.Kul ' region--Lammergeiers) (Birds--Eggs and nests) SHTEGI*~N, B.K. Some structural featnres of the skull and the vertebral column in pigeons and sand grouse. Zonl.zhur- 38 no-7.-1049-1059 il 159. (MIPA 12:10) 1. institute ofBiology of Water Reservoirs, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Yaroslavl region, Nekouza District)i- ' (Pigoons) (Grouse) (Bones) 17(4) SOV/2o-126-2-57/64 .M UTHOIRS Gusev, V. M., Shtegman, B. K. TITLE. First Data Concerning the Nestling of the Indian Falco Jugger Gray Within the Boundaries of the USSR (Pervyye dannyye o gnezdovanii indiyskogo balobana v predelakh SSSR) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 1269 Nr 2v PP 432-434 (ITSSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the development of the knowledge as to the occurrence of the following falcon species: Falco biarmicus feldeggi Schleg., F. cherrug Gray and F. jugger Gray in the south of the USSR and in a wider range in the adjacent regions (Ref 1). The fact that the nestling of the last (.*'ndian) species was observed in Daghestan by members of the expedition of the institute mentioned in the Association (1952) and by V. M. Gusev (1957) showed that it belon.-s to F. jugger, not to Falco cherrug which nests in the unwooded parts of Predkavkazlye (Ciscaucasia), Kavkaz (Caucasus), and Zakavkazlye (Transcaucasia), in the steppe- and wood steppe zone of the European part of the USSR, in South Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Srednyaya Aziya(*ov.centr.Asia). The falcons first mentioned Card 1/3 are smaller and darker than F. cherrug. This observation is SOV/2o-126-2-57/64 First Data Concerning the Nestling of the Indian Falco Jugger Gray Within the Boundaries of the USSR quite surprising in view of the hitherto known distribution of F. jugger, The mode of life of this specieB,up to date not well investigated~was described in detail by the afore- said expedition: P. jugger ne--ts in trees in lowland forests (tugai), approximately in a height of 9 - 22 m. They do not build nests by themselves but use nests which before belonged to crows or Corvi frugilegi. One of them was found in the middle of a colony of Corvi frugilegi. It was difficult to watch the breeding falcons. They flew away when the men approached the nest by 2 - 3 m, and returned very soon. Shots at the crows, even fired from a distance of only 50 m from the nest did not disturb the breeding falcons. The nutrition of the F. jugger consists in mammals and birds: small Spermaphili, water rats (Arvicola amphibius), small hares, and even Spalax giganteus. Corvi frugilegi, crows, jackdaws, magpies, turtle-doves, but also sparrows, and several other small birds (totally 24 species) were identified on the strength of the nutrition remainders. A reptile was found as well which served as food: Ophisaurus apodus. There are 9 ref- Card 2/3 erences, 4 of which are Soviet. SOV/20-126-2-57/64 First Data Concerning the Nestling of the Indian Falco Jugger Gray Within the Boundaries of the USSR ASSOCIATION: Institut biologii vodokhranilishch Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of the Biology of Reservoirs of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy protivochumnyy institut Kavkaza i Zakavkazlya,g.Stavropoll (Scientific Antiplague Research Institute of the Caucaeus and Transcaucasia, City of Stavropol') PRESENTED: February 6, 1959, by Ye. 11. Pavlovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 30, 1959 Card 3/3 MORDUKILAY-BUTOVSKOT, Filaret Dmitriyevich; KUZIN, B.S..; . red.; 6MOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; BOCHEM, V.T., [Caspian fauna in the Azov-Black Sea Basin] Kaspiiskai; fauna v Azovo-Chernomorskom bassaine. Noakra, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 196o. 286 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Black Sea--Marine fauna) (Azov, Sea of--Karine fauna) SHTEGIAL0. B. 1. Biology of the little European owl (Athene noctua Scop.) in the southern part of the Balkhash region. Ornitologiia no.3:315-318 160. (MIRA 14:6) (Balkhash region--Owls) SHUMAN, B.-K. Structural characteristics of hind limbs in Pigeons and sand grouse andsome features of their adaptation to walking. Trudy Probl. i tem. sov. no-9:304-316.160. (MIft 13:9) 1. Inntitut biolo_pii vodnkhranilishch Akademii nauk SSSR. (Birds-Anatomy) (Animal locomotion) SHTEG14AII, B.K. "Birds of Kirghizistanm by A.I. lAnushavich and others. Reviewed bv B.K. Shtegman. Zool. zhur. 39 no. 10:1585-1587 o '6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Kirghizistan-Birds) (Unushevicho A*I*) SHTEMIANJI B.K. Rudiment of the distal oar feather in the wing of birds. Trudy zool. inst. 29:227-256 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Wings) (Birds--Anatomy) SHTEGMAN, B.K. Basic trends in the development of flight capabilities in plovers. Zool. zhur. 41 no.4:691-602 Ap '62. (NIRA 15:4) 1. InBtitut biologii vodokhranilishch Akademii nauk SSSR, Borok, Nekouzskogo rayona Yaroslavskoy oblaBti. (Plovers) KUZNETSOV, Sergey Ivanoviah; ROMANFMO, Vitaliy Ivanovich; KUZIN, B.S., otv. red.; SHTEGMAN, B.jK.__!-ed.; STRELKOV, A.A., red. izd-va; AREF1YEVA,_6_.T.,. Te-~.rea. (Microbiological study of inland bodies of water; a laboratow manual] Mikrobiologicheskoe izuchenie vnutrennikh vodoemov; laboratnornoe rukovodstvo. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR 1963. 128 p. (WATER-HIGROBIOLOGY) (MIRA 16:4~ (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) EGMAN B K doktor KUZINY B.S.Y doktor biol. jaauk, glav. red. i !q biol. nauk, red.; STRELKOV, A.A., r d. AREFIYEVA, G.P., tekhn. red. (materials on the biolo and hydrology of VoigA reservoirs] Materialy po biologii i%drologii volzhskikh vodokhranilishch; sbormik statei. Moskva, 1963. 11+2 p, (MIRA 16:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut biologii vnutrennikh vod. (Volga Valley-Hydrobiology) B.S,., d,"Iktc)r ba,-d.. r1aak, glav. dr)kTor oini. red. [Biology ef Dreisser-a a--r; i-.s contlm2j Llilc)--, dr-~ 1 i borlba s nel; s*--crnik statei. lloosk-~-d, i. kkademiya S3.&~F, Ins-zAtut bloLoeji PJANOV Aleksandr lvanOvich.- SH EWMAN. Boris Karlolrich- PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.. akadenuk, glavnyy re~'.-, STRELKOV-,--&.--. red.; BYKHO~SKIY. B.Y6-., red.~ GROMOV, i.M.J. red.; MNCHA-DSKIY, A.S., red.'s SKAPI-hTO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red. (A concise gvide to the birds of the U.S.S.R.]. Kratkii opredelitell ptits SSSR. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 527 p. (Opredelitell po faune, no.85).' (MM 17:10) 4-1 MA. L 14638-66 ETC(f)/EPF:(n)-2/EwG(m)/EWP(t)/EVIP(b) IJP(c) JD/WW ACC AF6008150 SOURCE CODEt PO/0046/65/010/008/0503/0512 AUTHCR: Rutkowski, Wladniaw-Rutkovoki, V,; Szteke, Witold--Shtekai,,-Vj~ Wieezorkowskip Mariusz-Vachorkovski, M. CRG: Department of Atomic Fuels and Construction-Materials,, Institute of Nuclear Research Swierk (Zaklad Paliw Jadrowych i Materialaw Konstru-Re-yli~-Y~' Inatitlu-t Badan TITLE: Dispersion-type fuel element for EWA reactor SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 10,, noe 8P 1975, 503-512 TOPIC TAGS: reactor fuel elementp uranium compoundp magnesium, nuclear reactor ABSTRACT: In connection with investigations on dispersion-type fuels for experimental and university reactors,, the.tachnology of EX-10 elements with U 02 ~Mg dispersion cores was studied, Investigation and oduction data for these fuel 3 - . rods are presented. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. YA7r SUB CODE: IS SUBM DATE: 31Hay65 CRIG M: 006 OTH MW: 005 Card SHTEKELIS, R.I., doteent; BOTSM111, N-Ye., kand.-iod.nauk; DERBARMMINER, S.V. - Palmonary and extrapulmonary complications in primary lung cancer. Vrach.delo no.7:713-717 Jl 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. %~ospital'naya terapevtichoskaya klinika (zav. - prof. A.A. Oks) pediatricheskogo i sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakul'tetov Odesskogo maditsinskogo instituta na baze oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy. (LUNGS-CANCER) 3ljB,J11'YY, Ye.D.; SHTF~-EIA,S, R.I.; DZYUBA, Yu.Ya. Fxr.,erience in the treatment of aniina immediate and la',d results. Med. rad. 1. Kafedra rentgenologi-i i radiclegili kafedra fakulltetskoy i gospitallnoy teta (zav. - Prof. A.A.Oks) Odesskogo N. 1. Fj rogova. cectoris with radioactive iodine: 9 no.3-32--37 Mr 164. (KERA 17:12) (zav. - proll. Ye.%'Dubovy-jr) i terai3ii pediatricheskogo fakull- meditsinskogo instituta. imeeni 1. S'-.TEI.'E,.-ffUS, L. YE., -,,RE3L--.'R, I. D., SFA--;-TS7:,R, Y~. -,. 2. US-A~ (6co) 4. Bobbins (Teytile H-ichinery) 7. New desi:.rns for shuttle bo'A-ins. Tckst. prom. 12, no. 12, 1952. 9. Lj_-,t nL i~isgqixqn k-c-ps-gions, IAbrary of Congress, Marcb1953. Uncl-assifilecdl. MOKSHANTSEV, K.B.; GORNSHTEYV, .911TEKII, G.I.; Ha-GII!, (Tectonic st-icture of skoe stronei IAkutskoi Moskva, Nauka, 1964. D.K.; GUSEV, G.S.; DEN GIN, E.V.; Yu.A., otv. red. the Yakut A.S.S.R.] Tekhniche- AS.13'11. [By] K.B.Mokshantsev i dr. 289 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent 0 SSSR (for Kosygin). i ; MOKSHANTSEEV, L\'.i3.; GORI:SETF-fil 11 KIGUSEV, G.S.; MIMI', E.V.; SHIEU, G.I.; KOMIGINI, Yu.A., ot-v. red. I - ['rectordc pattern -of the Yakut A.S.S.R.1 Tekto-nich-eskoe stroenie IAkutskoi ASSR. [By] K.B.1-1okshantsev i dre Mo- skva, Nauka, 1964. 2E9 p. (MIRA 18:2) ya nauk SSM. Yallcumskiy filial, Yakutsk. 1. Akadem--- 2. Chien-korrespondent AN SSSR (for KosyEln). otv. red. structL-e a-rid the history of' the te--tonic 1--piment in the V-i",'.yuv Lowland] Glubinnoe stroenie tektonicheskego razvitlia Villuiskoi vpadiny. Nalika, 1965. 1123 p. (MllU 18z12) SHTEKHER I-I.S.2 auk, dots., red.i UqYNIIIII, YQ.V., - .inzh., red,; STARYKH, A.P., red. izd-va; ROZIIIN, V.P., teklm. red. (Working processes of heat engines]Rabochie protsessy to- plovykh dvigatelei. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1962. 134 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Gas and oil engines) SHT11,11JEd, :,.G. Mitotic activity in different partf of the eridermis of b--'rdE during the process of individual development. Dokl. AN SS-'R 14G no.4:974-9?7 0 '(1. (MIHA 14:9) 1. Leningradskiy pedagogicheskiy instizut im. A.N.Gertsena. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (Epidermis) (Kar-jokinesis) (Birds--Physioloey) SKURATOV, S.H.; STRAPIMYNT, A.A. [daceased]; SHTHKOW, S,M.; VOLOKHINk, A,V& Polymerization enthalpy of cyclic formals. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 no.2: 263-265 N '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1 Moskovskly gosudarstvannyy iiniversitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. i;edstavleno akademikom A.A. Palandinym. (Enthalpy) (Acetals) SKIRATOV, S.M.; SHTEEM, S.M. Heat of combustion of cyclohaptanone. Ehim.nauk i prom- 3 no,5:688 158. . O(IRA 11: 11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M-V- Lononosova. (Cyclohaptanone) (Heat of combustion) - ------------------ ---- ct ve-" ITnI OT O-C o,0 tv-e a-eP VO GOV--9 01 le Ov~ i,je si.'av ~11~ &61 V-101ec 01 Te re-rt- Co. -'c . , T tY 0 f oti"oc 0 Ia5C -CO ~O5OINGJC~ -nT 09.1 '0.- ve 5, -0e -0e -4e T. 0;" 'Dot, 0 -5:o,, vap-l ~je 0011 CO. ~ BOT 0 G e -0 &e ~S;~C Ixe cr c Be B 0 T egc~s&z ,,,e Be sqva cl el 10 TIve ,Iae ,teX 0. O-F, .r !,VC '00%, 0's 0.1- ~,,C t, 01:-T~ 5 0..tjo t-~e5l 01~ Bove -ble IDI eII. x-Ile "'CC' -00 ')':o 160 ,,,tle e.0-re- 0,10 (~e es D'T 0 OTe x~e 0 es.-t . 'tl~ C -rVL' 09e8, -),.a 10 ie OT tobl eq:L -Le 9 s 13 - j)-r 0,-4e .c~, 5-~.-av c-,%Lce -~O e &6.1t3 .0 .11065 0,00 O-b V.G 0 &O'ble, 0 ~ r, . &p_s C,C .4o1 - e 3: IL QDesl . c v1 PIT Ce ti .0 1051- 3A ost T~xe 0 e Ge 0 t t, -a tr"D r -6-f P e Z- ta. -all 'i2E? ---eS es 0_0 t (3) Of a b Us c. h C? top - . -a ll~ -1-0 2- V20.1111 "ac, tj~ e S.1 t 0 ~-11 0 C13 arqlkl r--c 0 n S Of Cl s b L e tp "2ret b'20170lhe 75) t th c, Ta b 1)7" e 1-7 th, I" ~'cl an~-- 11cats of Crimbustion of Some Branched All-anes SOV/20-127-4-23/6"O the values calculated by a scheme developed by V, MY. Tatevsk47, but also the difference & . Herefrom it may be seen that all hydrocarbons whose molecules contain a group of two quaternary C-atoms, separated by a C11 2 'gro u1) Ishow experimmental values of the heat of combustion divaz,-ing from the values calculated by about 5�1 kcal/laol. This value must be taken into consideration Por calculations according to Tate-skiy. If, ho,.-rever, the 9 quatc-raarY ^1-atoins are separated by 2 CH Oroups, tae two values 2-' are conecrdant, as 7,,as to be expected within the limits of the a nt experi -al error. L. V. F--.dorchuk and L Bauk-h participated -Ln these investigations. There are 1 tabie and 15 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION,: Moskov5kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. IT. V. Lomonosova, (rtoscow State University J-L-eni IT. V. Lomonosov) K2SENTED: April 13, 195Q, by A. 11-11. 1.esmey-ano,.r, Academician S U-BI KI 2E DApril 10, 1959 28290 S/076/6i/035/010/009/015:i B106/B101 AUTHORS: Kozina, M. P., Skuratov, S. M., Shtekher, S. M., Soanina, I. Ye., and Turova-Polyak, M. B. TITLE: Combustion heats of some bicyclanes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 10, 1961, 2316-2321 TEXT: The authors determined the combustion heats of some bicyclic hydrocarbons with rings of 5, 6, and 7 members at 250C. Only one series of publications exist on this subject which did not indicate either the measuring methods applied or the dependability of the results obtained (Ref. 3: (a) J. A. Goodman a. P. H. Wise, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 73, 850, 1Q151; (b) K. T. SeriJan a. P. H. Wise, J. Amer. Chem. 30c., 73, 4766, 5191; 74~ 3651 1952; (c), (d) see below). The following hydrocarb~o-ns were examined: dicyclopentyl, dicyclopentyl methane, cyclopentyl cyclohexane, cyclopentyl cycloheptane, dicycloheptyl, trans-0-methyl decalin. The hydrocarbons were purified chromatographically on silica gel of the type KGM(KSM) , then subjected to fractional vacuum distillation and finally subjected to chromatography on silica gel for another 2 or 3 times. Their n Uard 1/6 28290 S/076/61/03::;/010/005/015 Combustion heats of some ... Blo6/B101 purity was determined by a cryoscopic method developed by A. G. Anikin, Ya, I. Gerasimov, and G. M. Dugacheva (Ref. 8: Dokl. AN SSSR, 110, 576, 1(-.';C)). The calorimetric bomb used (Fig. 2) was designed by the thermo- rkhimichaskaya laboxatoriya MGU (Thermochemical Laboratory of Moscow State and haa the following advantages as compared to other types of bombs; lower thermal inertness, simple and dependable valve construe- tion for introducing and removing the gases, and insulated ignitionvires resistant to the flame of the burning substance. The bomb was filled with oxygen free from combustion impurities to a pressure of 30 atm. Tempera- tL;re of -,he 7aiorimeter was measured by a specially designed thermometer allowinO readings of an accuracy of 0.00021C. Correction for the heat ex,:-han--e was calculated according to the formula by Regnault-Pfaundler- Usov, and did not exceed 1% of the temperature ascent- The caloric value of the calorimeter system was determined by burning benzoic acid produced b1,- the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii im. D, I. Ye:-.deleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology 1.12eni D. I,, 11,~Iendeleyev). The weight of the burned substance was found by quantity of carbon dioxide produced by combustion. Carbon was aicsorbed by ascarite and its quantity determined by weighing WK Card 2/6' 25290 S/076/61/035/010/009/01:z/ C=-1bus'7-;on hea7s of some B106/B101 n ~ n,)i,,2ber f.-)f carbon atoms in the alkyl radical); com'~ustion heats of bicyclanes separated by a methylene group2 i.e., oompounds of the type V CH---Y: (,X Y! radicals of the correspodning nonocyclanes): ..Aii H 6Hy) - 60,~' ~ 155.3 kcal/moLe (1-\N, 6HY ~ combustion n r.1 x of the corresponding, monocy,~lanes; 155.3 ~ increment of the CH2 5-roup bound tQ two rings); isornerization enthalpies for the Liquid state at C . dicyclopenty'.1 to trarns-decalin (A H!s = -13.2 kcal/mole); cvclohexane to trans -P-methyl decalin (6 HI! = 8.2 koal/mole); is rii-~yclc-penty--; methane to trans-0--methyl decalin (LH." = 14.22 kcal/mole). is -111-.ere are 2 4 tables., and 15 references: 6 Soviet and 9 non- S,:~ v i eb 1 o,- -The three mast recent references to En-lish-lariguage pucll.'~;ations read as followa. J. B, Greenshields a. F, D,I Rossini, J. R e s ~ 1.1 at Standards 62, 271 , 1958; Ref. 3; R. M. Caves, R. L. 1j::;Langhlin a. P. H.. 'Nise (d) J. H. --T Amer. Chem. Soc- 76, r-22. 151554; H. 'Wise .7, Amer. Soc., 7 Lamneck, jr, a, P _16 , 166'j 1954- C -a r --" 4 / ; -.efinci~oi.t cj.,: thQ o" constLn's --c", C-e Ar the o"' the heats of c alk; Lold. ILI! SSSR 137 Kr-Ap 161. 14:2 1. Plool-mv:31hi- irr. i-*.17. Lomononc~,.-,,-. ~.'.adent-on il.t. Balandimmi.. (Para iru;) (1'--at of co.-.~',.,i -,tion) fcm-;~tlcn ard f 81 162. .ylenc-. ,pijr. fiz. 'nim. r.~.9.-; P-20 1. Vrskcvokiy ?,,--suiargtvenryy .:,n!veri.Jl',r,4, im-rd 7,emoncsova, LEPAYEV, D.A.; SIREMWI, N.Yai KOMAROVA, M., red.; RMITOIJOVA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Repair of electric and mecharical razors and hair clip- pers] Remont, elektricheskikh i mekhan-i.cheskikh britv i ma- shinok dlia strizhki volos. Mosk-va, d6smestpromizdat, 1962. 63 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Razors) (Haircutting-Equipment and supplies) LEPAYEV, D.A.; SHTEKEMAN, N.Ya.. KONARDOVA, T.F., red.; TRUSOV, N.S.,, tekhn. iid_. -_ ' (use and repair of electric appliances at home]Ekspluatatsiia i remont bjrtovykh elektropriborov v domashnikh usloviiakh, Mo- skva,, Goomestpromizdat., 1962. 94 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Electric motors--Maintenance and repair) (Electric apparatus and appliances) US S R/ Huim nand .--ni~,.al Physiology. Th,~ Ilarvous Systeu T-12 Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol., No 14~ 1956, tio 65617 .1,uthor :Ugrytmov V.M., Suponitskaya M.;,., Shte'diter S, Yo., Mityashin P.D., Maximov V.P. Inst : Title : New Method for Measuring Vac Pressure of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Oria Pub :Vopr. ncyrohhiruraii, 1957, No 3j 52-55 ,',b s t ra c t:^, comensation principle for 7ic!,~surin- the pressure of the carabrospinal fluid is proposed. :_-i elastic me-..,branc divides a cozipenso-tor recQivcr into tuo cha:~bers. Ona of th-,Li comuaicantes with a noedle, and the other with an infllatablo bolloonj a rurid. an outlet orifico. rigien the nir pressure is turned on, the --.ieubrane is deflec- t,.2d fro:i Vile outlet orifice, and the starting prcssure is astablished in the chnnbcr. Me dyn,=ics of the pressuro in the air ch,,-.jber corrcs-nond to tho fluctuations of the prassurc bainj~ieasurcd, znnd %rc deternined by the ;xnno,-.,.otcr Card 1/2 7- L-_ K YAKOVLEV, S.V., kandiciat tekhnichaskikh nauk; KARELIN, Ya.A.; MOLEINITIKOV, N.A. SIIT~ G.A.,..invhener, redaktor; GOUJBNWOVA, L.A., re- dakto3I'-UAKF*,"Y'.S., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Auxiliai7 installations in sewaga purification station$] vapo- mogatellnye ustroistva ochistnykh kanalizatsionnvkh stantsti. Pod. red. S.V.IAko'vIeva_. Me;akva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellatvu I arkhitakture, 1955. 176 P- (MLRA 8:7) (Sewage--Purification) o0 -1; 00 1 00-2 00 061 00, possull"llas of Oka* CUM. 1"d (11. 1%. 4, Addit. of it' in hiflowax lit 00 A the proptirti", nperWI! IV which err exom"i to estv **J 00 aj uIdAbUspea a 43 w CEO w ut A- 2 k I P 00 WIN WAWS.., 0, 1011,h -11 m~ 0 t 1 80. No. W. rJ-411 .00 w misplikdt-potch ntist. hopirny" for witituffbik hisiltimy caws we mm. M 1&4~frr ZOO ZOO ZOO 1 I IS 0 00 00 zoo 90 logo it 1. 1 L A -tVALLOMICAL LittRAT01 CL.SSIFKATtCO ;tree 00 W, At'; I rw 0 1 w Im 5 Aj 43 3 A.- ry It ve &I K Is 4 9 n it ti it It Ana: 0 0 0 We 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 9 & 0 0 9 0 0 0 viiis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'o o 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wis 0 & 0 o o : 40 KAL'YANOV,M.A.; SHTEKKE2,0.A. Method of determining the plasticity of acetyl cellulose etrol (a plastic material). Mr'47- (MIRA 8:12) 1. Nachallnik Nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii Vladimirskogo khimicheskogo zavoda (for Shtekker) 2. Inzhener Nauchno-iseledovatell- skoy laboratorii Vladimirskogo khimicheskogo zavoda (for Kallyanov) (Plastics) ,, SHMXKER, 0. Pover of a group* Okhr.truda i aots. strakh. 3 no.4:32-34 Ap '6o. OUBA 13:6) 1. Predeedatell komisaii okhrany truda Vladimirskogo khimicheakogo zavoda. (Vladimir--Chemi~al indui3tries-Bygienio aspects) -/191/62/000/005/002/012 ~110/BlOl AUTHORS: Popova, Z. V., Yanovskiy, D. M., Tatevoslyan, G. 0., TITAJE: The effect of polyvinyl chloride decomposition inhibitors on the decomposition kinetics and light-fastness of poly- vinyl chloride plasticate PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 5, 1962, -3-6 TEXT: At-.empts were made to increase the stability of PVC by adding the following inhibitors which do not bind HCl: (1) phenols, (2) aromatic hydroxy 'Ketones, (3) products of the autocondensation of cyclohexanoneY and (4) esters of benzoic and salicylic acid. The following substances were investig'ated; 2,4-dihydroxy benzophenone (1), 2-hydroxY-4-methoxy benzophenone (II), diphenylol propane (III), 2,2-bis-(3-methyl-4-hydroxy- phenyl)-propane (IV), 1,1-bis4ij-hydroxy phenyl)-cyclohexane M, 2,21,4,4'- tetrahydroxy adipyl phenone (M), 2,21,4,4'-tetrahydroxy sebacyl phenone (VII), dodecahydrotriphenylene (VIII), the product from the autocondensa- tion of three molecules cyclohexanone (IX), the product from the autoconden- Card 1/3 S/131/62/000/005/002/012 The effect of polyvinyl chloride ... B11,0/31,01 3ation of six-molecules cyclohexanone (X), resorcin dibenzoate (XI), resorcin disalicylate (XII), phenyl salicylate (XIII), and P-naphthoxy propene oxide (XIV). The effect of these substances on the stability of powders end plasticized films was determined: (1) according to the decrease of heat resistance of PVC after ultraviolet irradiation, (2) by comparing 'he rate of senaration of HC1 during heating of stabilized and nons-,abilized PVC beiore and after ultraviolet irradiation. A measured of tne aging stability was afforded by the length of time elapsing before brittleness appeared in the 1600 bending test, as well the time of irradiation at which the rupture elongation dropped by 5W6- IX, X and XIV delayed dehydrocblorina,tion effectively, VI and VII only slightly: concentrations: IX = 0-064, X - 1.130, XIV = 0-050, VI . 0.082, Vii - 0.096 - per 10 g PVC; setting in of decomposition: IX = 1500C, X - 158"C, XIV = 1690C, VI = 1540C, VII 157c)C; separated amount of HC1 before --rradiation (M9 1iCl/9 PVC): IX 1-94, X - 1.86, XIV - 1-70, VI - 3-4 8, VII - 3.57; after irradiation: IX - 4.86, X = 4-87, XIV - 4.75, VI - 5-35, VII - 06.50. Por a plasticate containing 12 parts by weight of lead silicate and 0.5 parts by weight of an inhibitor mixture, the best heat resistance and fastness to light was found to occur using cyclo- hexanone stabilizers VIII, IX and X. In this case it was VI, VII and XIV Card 2/3 S/191/62/000/005/002/012 The effect of polyvinyl chloride ... B110/B101 that proc'Luced the lowest fastness to light (TPK-2 (PRK-2) lamps). For a.ging of plasticates under arc lamp light, III, IV, V, VI and VII gave best results, XI, XII and XIII the poore3t. There are 4 tables. Card 3/3 ,_L 32997-6~ EPF(c)/EPR/EHP(J)/&?T(m) Pr-,-VPr-VPt-4 j-Aj1Rm1I#W ;ACCE--IOWM : AP5007418 SS S/0286/65/000/004/0059/0059 ko; 11. 1.; Halttseva, R. P.; G 'AUMOR: -Grish itis, S. S.; Kutsenko, A. I.; Kutepova.- iA. I.; Kominsarlpya, G.-I.;,Shtekke-r, 0. A._ TITLEi A method for producing plasticizers for eolyvinylehloride. Class 39, 110. 166424\~ SOURCE: Byulleten' Izobretenly I tovarnykh znakov, no. 4, 1965, 59 JOPIC TAGSt polyvinyl.chloride, plasticizer ABSTRACT: !This Author" a Certificate introduces a methods for producing plasticizers! Ifor polyvinylchlorlds. The plasticizers are based on aromatic carboxylic acids and: Imanohy-dric aliphatic alcohols. A wider selection of raw materials is provided by :using the products of oxidation of an industrial blend of xylenes which is poor in in-xylene. The Authorls Certificate also covers a modification of this method in 1which an industrial blend of xylenes is used which is poor in o- and n-xylenes. 1ASSOCIATION: none Card- 1/ KUTEPGVA, A.I.; GRISHKOO N.I.; KAGAN, Yu.B.; LOKTEV, S.M.; MALITSEVA, R.P.; SHTEKY%'-'R O.A Preparation of phthalate plasticizers on the base of the wide fractions Of C5-Cl2 alcohols. Plast. t65. (MIRA 18:10) th 4F. - 8- "oe dieno e - I, ; 1' 1 -- , - 11 -. , I. . I - I I I- S, . . I . . '. I I . . I f I . - . -. --. -- -- . I - - I MfIRAV'YEV, V.I., -SHTELE, G.Ya.; YUDENKOV, V.I.; POGREBETSHY, M.D- Book about the economics of construction. Transp. stroi. 24 no.',z57-59 Jl 164. (MIRA 18!:L'I' 1. Predsedatell sektsii ekonomiki. Tekhnicheskogo soveta, Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta pn transportnomu stroitelletvu SSSR (for Muravlyev). 2. Nachallnik planovogo otdela Mostostroya No.! (for Yudenkov).