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SHULESHKIN, A.V.; YASHWSKIY, R.G. -, ~-.4 .... . Keeping records on and analysing the use of equipment in mass production. Avt.trakt.prom. n0-7:3-6 Jl 153. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Ministerstvo mashinostroyeniya. (Machinery in industry) (Production control) SHULF,SHKINL__A.V., inzh.; GRCKOV, N.V., inzh. Increasing the precision of selecting technological bases for machining body parts* Vest.mash. 40 no.6:6o-67 JS 16o. (NM 13:8) (Metal cutting) I . 'w 4 ra 4 T-- I-r D y T T 4 ',r a ry D C o n -,r e ?, L Dissertation: Finding the optimal parameters of servicing drawing frames in processing staple fiber Degree: Befeme Date, Place: Source: Cand Tech Sci Min Higher Education USSR, Leningrad Textile Inst imeni S. M. Kirov 1956, Leningrad Knizhnaya Letopis', No 45, 1956 SH M SHKO, I.S., inahener. Making slivers from staple a single operation, Tekst, prom. 17 no.5:21-25 My 157. (XLRA 10:6) (Rayon spinuing) KOPELEVICH, E.-A. avtor konstruktsii; SIMUSHKOA JaSow inzhener; YERMCLOV, I ~""Ii 0 G.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; USOVA S.M., inzhener. Small ChMK-450 carding machine. Teket. prom. 17 no.7.--22-29 J"I '57. - - INLRA 10.9) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya (for Shuleahko). (Carding machines) I Slowflyo, I.S. - - . TffiiFtNeness of 18 no-9:57-59 using ring-type balloon limiters. Tekst. prom. S 158. Omifu. 11: 10) Moinning Machinery) SMJLESHKO, I.S., kand.tekhnonauk Separation of card sweeps on carders. Tekst.prom. 20 no.9:17-20 S l6o. (MOA 13:10) (Carding machines) (Cotton waste) FEREFELKINA, M.D... nauchnyy sotrudnik; GUBINA, R.S., !~apchnyy sotrudnik; Prinimali uchastiye2 -SHULESHKO., I.S.j, Imnd.tek4n.nauk; KRZHIZHA.NOVSKIY, X.I.; DOR,OGOy-,--Y6,.V.; LITICHEVSKIY, M.V. Effect of certain facto-rs-on-the characteristics of nonwoven fabrics manufactured by the--knit-and-stitch method. Tekst. prom. 22 no.1.2-.48-52 D 162. (MIRA 16;1) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatelluki7-inatitut tekstillnoy promyshlen- nosti Leningradekogo soveta-marodnogo khozyaystva. (for Perepelkina., Gubina). 2. Nachallnik pryadillnogo sektora spetsiallnogo konstruktorakogo byuro tekstillnoy pronqahlennosti Leningradskogo soveta narodwg*-khozyaystva (for Shulesbko). 3. Glavnyy inzh. teks~illnqy fabriki'im. Nogina (fgr Krzhi- zhanovskiy). -4. Stars~iy imzh-. spetai-allnogo konstruktorskogo byuro trikotazhnykb masbin teningradsk6jo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Liticl(pvskly). (Nonwoven fabrics) SHULESHKO LS. kand. tekhn. nauk - - Ways to increase the operative efficiency of cards. Tekst. prom. 23 no.9:48-52 S 1613. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik pr-jradillnogo otdela Leningradsk-ogo nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo instituta tekstillnoy promyshlennosti (lAnNIITP). (Carding machines) SH-"JLF,SHKC-, T.S. , kand. tekhn. nalik Using high-efficiency carding machines in cotuton spinning. Biul.,-,n,Gos.nauch.-issl.inst. nauch.i tekh.inforjr.. 17--no.10: 71-74 0 164. (YjRA 1814) SHULESHICO, R.P. Exposure of flakes by the method of magnetic flaw detection. Zav.lab. 28 no.8:970 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Steel--Testing) TOPCHITICT, A.V.; PAUSHKIN. Ya.M.; BAYZV, I.F.; KURASHLCV. M.V.;,SHUIESHOV. 0.1. Present statun of the synthesis of benzene homologs and their chemical processing. Trudy MIYUMGP no.24:269-285 '59. (MIRA 13-3) (Benzene) 26(1) .PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2321 Shuleshov, Viktor Fedorovich Korabellnyye gazovyye turbiny (Marine Gas Turbines) Moscow, Voyeniz- dat 1958. 247 P. (Series; Bibliotechka v pomoshch' ofitseru VMF~ Number of copies printed not given. Ed.: D.D. Kulinich; Tech. Ed.: M.P. Zudina. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for naval officers, electricians, and other navy personnel. It may also be of use to students in nauti- cal schools ahd tdbulkams, and to general readers. COVERAGE: The author presents basic theoretical principles of marine gas turbine units, and familiarizes the reader with constructional features of turbines (those in operation and those under develop- ment outside the Soviet Union) and with special features of their use in ships. Various features of axial and centrifugal compres- sors, combustion chambers, and other auxiliary equipment are des- cribed. The last chapter is devoted to-the prospects of using gas tii-rbines in atomic power plants for ships. No personalities are Card l/ 7 Marine Gas Turbines SOV/2321 mentioned. There are 20 references: 12 Soviet and 8 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Diagrammatic Layouts of Gas Turbines 5 1. Operating principle of gas:turbine unitsand basic elements 5 2. Concept of efficiency 9 3. Open-cycle gas turbine's 12 Simple-cycle plants 12 Regenerative -cycle. plants 16 Combination units with regenerator, intermediate air cool- ing, and secondary preheating of gas 4. Closed-cycle gas turbine plants - 20 Ch. II. Operating Principles of Bladed Turbodaclithes- and the Physical Processes Tqking Place in the Flow of Working Substance Through Interblade Passages 23 5- Operating principles of turbines and axial and centriNgal compressors 23 Card 2/ 7 Marine Gas Turbines SOV/2321 Turbines 23 Compressors 30 6. Flow of working substance in bladed turbomachines 32 Continuity equation 33 Bernoulli equation . Gas compressibility as flow thf?u&h Pozzles ~ R i u c o person o gases N Shock waves 7. Factors affecting energy losses In the flow passage section of a bladed turbomachine 47 Frictional and eddy resistances 48 Wave resistance 53 End energy losses 53 Ch. III. Brief Historical Review of the Development of Gas Tur- bines 56 Ch. nr. Operational Characteristiesiand Constructional Features of the Elements of Gas Turbine Plants.. and Their Develop- ment 6o Card 3/7 Marine Gas Turbines SOV/2321 8. Axial Turbines Nozzle apparatus Turbine rotor Cooling of turbine parts Bearings Packings 9. Radial turbines 10. Axial compressors Operational features of axial compressors Constructional features of axial compressors Possibilities for increasing hi~ad and capacity of compressors. Supersonic compressor 11. Centrifugal compressors Operational features of centrifugal compressors Constructional features of centrifugal compressors Development of centrifugal compressor designs for efficiency 12. Screw compressors 13. Combustion chambers Operational features of combustion chambers Designs of combustion chambers axial 61 61 63 65 68 69 70 75 75 82 88 88 88 95 improved 98 1o6 108 108 114 Card 4/7 Marine Gas Turbines SOV/2321 Injection nozzles 120 14. Regenerators and air coolers 123 Regenerators 123 Air coolers 127 Ch. V. The Problem of High Temperature Gas Turbines 128 15. High temperature materials 1.28 16. Turbines with cooling systems 132 Ch. VI. Special Features of the Use of Gas Turbine Plants in Ships j.43 17. Gas turbine plant performance under partial load condi- tions 146 18. Combination units 155 19. Transmitting power to a screw Reversal of gas turbine units 163 20. Intermediate operating conditions for gas turbine units and problems of maneuverability 170 21. Fuel for marine gas turbine units 174 Card 5/7 Marine Gas Turbines Ch. SOV/2321 VII. Constructional Features of Marine Gas Turbine Plants 177 22. Booster gas turbine units 2500 h.p. gas turbine engine "Gatrik" 4500 h.p. G-2 gas turbine engine 2800 h.p. gas turbine engine "Protey" 23. Gas turbine units for all conditions 5400 h.p. PM-60 gas turbine unit 24. Merchant marine gas turbine units Gas turbine unit for the tanker "Oris" Gas turbine units for merchant ships of 25. Gas turbines for launches, small ships, auxiliary mechanisms in a ship 160 h.p. type 502 gas turbine engine 400 h.p. T-400 gas turbine 500 h.p. gas turbine engine "Jupiter" 200 h.p. gas turbine engine 250-350 h. gas turbine engines 45 h.p. T-&5* gas turbine 1000 k.v.t. gas turbine engine 177 i77 181 185 190 190 196 196 the "Liberty" typelgg and for driving 203 203 208 210 215 218 222 225 Ch. VIII. Some Conclusion5Based on the Experience Gained in the Card 6/,( Marine Gas Turbines SOV/2321 Modern Gas Turbine-Building Industry 230 Ch. IX. Future Prospects for the Use of Gas Turbines in Atomic Power Plants for Ships 236 Bibliography 244 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress(VM740.S5) GO/bg Card 7/7 21-10-59 KUZIYINOV, Grigorly Petrovich, dots., kand~'/tekhn., nauk; BELISKIY,I.R., prof., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BUKREYEV, B.A., retsenzent; ROBIN, V.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHULESHOV, V.F dots., kand. tekhn. nauk,-retsenzent; YAKOVLEV, N.A., retsenzent; BEZGODOVA,, L.V... red.; URITSKAYA, A.D., tekhn. red. [Thermal electric powe ants in the lumbering industry]Teplo- ,,r-pl silovye ustanovki leshoi promyshlennosti; uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov vsekh fakul'tetov. Leningrad,, Vses. zaochnyi leso- tekhn. in-t, 1962. 198 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist otdola energetiki GLT (for Bukreyev). 2. Nachallnik otdela energetiki Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyekti-rovaniyu lesnogo transporta (for Yakovlev). (Electric power plants) SHULESHOVA, A. Ye. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "External rotation of the fetus by the head as a method of pjcDphylaxis of complications in births." Kharkov, 1961. 14 pp; (Ministry of Public Health Ukrainian SSR, Khar'kov State Med Inst); 200cicopies; free; (KL, 10-61 suD, 227) SHULEV, A.A. Characteristics of urolithiasis in Chardzhou Province. Zdrwt. Turk. 7 no-4:21-28 Ap'63. (MMU6:6) 1. Iz khlrurgicheskogo otdeleniya Chardzhouskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach D.N.Niya,-kulov,, naucbnyy rukovo- ditell - chlen-korrespondent MI SM prof. I.F.Berezin). (r,Hffi=OU PROVINGE--=ULI, UUNARY) .ACC NRo AR6016523 AUTHOR: Shulev, G. S. TITLE: Using ferromagnetic materialal in a magnetic field to finish the precision pairs in diesel fuel sysTe-ms A SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 12B162 REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy 2-go Mezhduved. soveshchaniya po izuch. i normir. izno- sov sud. dvigateley vnutr. sgoraniya, 1963. M., Pishch. prom-at', 1964, 82-90 TOPIC TAGS, ferromagnetic material, electromagnet, precision finishing, engine feel system ABSTRACT: The author describes a new technological process for finishingke pre- cision pairs of diesel fuel systems which combines high productivity with high dura- bility of the machined surfaces. The process consists of placing the fuELyumR 1( plunger between the cores of two electromagnets with a certain gap. The windings on these cores are connected so ihat the induced magnetic flux pierces the workpiece diametrically. A hard ferromagnetic powder (ferrotungsten, ferroboron, iron boride, etc.) Is fed into the gaps. The component is moved in a complex pattern (rotational motion about the axis and oscillatorymotion along the axis). Due to the lines of magnetic induction, the sharpest edges of the abrasive ferromagnetic particles used for cutting will be turned toward the workpiece and core. The magnetic field keeps Card 1/2 um 621.436.002.2 ACC NRt AR6016523 the cutting element constantly oriented in such a way that the surface of the work- I1~ piece is finished by the sharp cutting edges. This increases machining productivity. by a factor of 0-10 in comparison wit resently used methods. At the same time, a high surface finish of the 13-th clas~sms produced. The following optimum machining conditions for plungers were found. A workpiece rotation of 1,000-2,250 rpm, 650- 1,100 oscillations per minute at an amplitude of 3-5 mm, magnetic field strength of 2,000-3,500 gauss, machining duration of 5-7 min. The microhardness and durability of the component are simultaneously increased under the action of the magnetic field. The proposed process is also used for renovating worn fuel system components. A kinematic diagram is given of the machine tool used for finishing plungers in a mag- netic field. 3 illustrations. L. Tsukerman. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 L Ob05C-67 /EWP(v)/E74r(40j/ST_ ACC NR: AR6016523 IJP(c) !-.T/',,,T./0/6J_/WE/JD/JG AUTHOR: -Shulev, G. S. 7 TITLE: Using ferromagnetic materials in a magnetic field to finish the precision pairs in diesel fuel systems SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 12B162 FZF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy 2-go Mezhduved. soveshchaniya po izuch. i normir. izno- sov sud. dvigateley vnutr. sgoraniya, 1963. M., Pishch. prcm-st', 1964, 82-90 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic material, electromagnet, precision finishing, engine feel system ABSTRACT: The author describes a new technological process for finishing the pre- cision airs of diesel fuel systems which combines high productivity with high dura- bilit- kf the machined surfaces. The process consists of placing the fuel pump\\ plunger between the cores of two electromagnets with a certain gap. Thi 'windings on these cores are connected so that the induced magnetic fluxpierces th ork . s~i nqece diametrically. A hard ferromagnetic powder (ft-rrotungst n_~fferroboron, iron oride, etc.) is fed into the gaps. The component is moved in a complex pattern (rotational motion about the axis alid oscillatory motion along the axis). Due to the lines of magnetic induction, the sharpest edges of the abrasive ferromagnetic particles used for cutting will be turned toward the workpiece and core. The magnetic field keeps ki, Card TIP imc! 621.416.002.2 L 04050-67-- ACC NR- AR6ol6523 the cutting element constantly oriented in such a way that the surface of the work- piece is finished by the sharp cutting edges. This increases machining productivity by a factor of 6-10 in comparison with res tly used methods. At the same time, a Idp en high surface finish of the 13-th classl~s produced. The following optimum machining conditions for plungers were found. A workpiece rotation of 1,000-2,250 rpm, 650- 1,100 oscillations per wi amplitude of 3-5 mm, magnetic field strength of 2 machining duration of 5-7 min. The microhardness and durability r_,000-3,500 gauss, of the component are simultaneously increased under the action of the magnetic field. The proposed process is also used for renovating worn fuel system components. A kinematic diagram is given of the machine tool used for finishing plungers in a mag- netic field. 3 illustrations. L. Tsukerman. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 kh -2/2 SHULE-Vt L.0 inzh. Lines to ."ollaw in electric-power supply of a dwelling complex in Eastern Ger7mny. Blektroenergiia 13 no-4:2?-28 Ap 162. USSR/Medicin,e Inf ectib*As-'Diseases ~:'Api.,:1-;,5, (Veter'inar-'y) "Chemotherapy of Theileriasis With 7-Aminoquin- acrine," A. 1. Shmulevich, N. N. Baboshina,- M. A. Ali-Zade "Veterinariya" Vol XXVIII,,PP 31-33 7-Aminoquinacrine (A-5), originally synthesized by A. M. Grigorovskiy and Ye. M. Terentlyev, vas found to be effectivi and harmless chemo- teezapeutic in treatmedt of cattle naturally or expbrimestally infected vith Theleria annulata.. Recovery among naturally infected animals vas 181T67 U~SR/Medicine Infectious Dise ses Apr'51 I tVeterinaryY tcontC~) 8%. A-5 vas least toxic of all acridine derivs tested, its toierated dose being tvice that of acri- flavine and considerably higher than that of quinacrine. LC 181T67 SHULEYKIN, A.D., kand.ekon0m.nauk; BAYEV, K.N., kand.ekonom. nauk "Planning of land utilization." Reviewed by A.D.Shuleikin, X.N.Baev* Zemledelie 25 no.4t93-94 AP 163. - (MIRA 16:5) (Rural planning) (Farm management) MtOMKIY, Ya,,'.. MALITSEEV, A,,I,; SOLDATFOA, V.D.; CJIDMIOV~~ G.I.; SILAYEVA, A.S.; SHULEYMN, A.3~- NEU1,fNAMA, V'V~ YUROVSKIY, Ya.I., [Agrl~ultural _ma-,ning of the area of' a collecLive an! . -.L state farm agrictltural administration (an adminiStra"ve regic,n)] SP_1'_-kokhoz!aistvemn-.,a Karto~ra C_r~ iv-_an 1-1 e ter- * to --st I n -rii -,roi,zvodstvennogc kolkhf -zni,. _-,vkhcznogo, uprw,,le- i n-Iia (Administrativiiogn rairina), Moskva, Nedra, 19165. 46 p. 411"L4 18-.-5) ~ L, SINONIN, Sergey Ivanovich; SHUIMKIN,.A.S.) ~DU., xatsenzent; SODOVIYEV) A.D., dots., retsenzent; CHVANOV, V.G., red.; SHAMAROVAJ, T.A.., red. izd-va; SUNGUROV, V.V.., tekhn. red. [Topographical engineering drawing]Inzhenerno-topograficheskoe cherchenie. n.p. Geodezizdat, 1962. 121 p. (MIRL 16:1) (Mechanical drawing) 61:6 1. 196 _67 ~81 fellim, or burl M prelent Ice f6mlation, Sit 4 %V. NL 2' lpf?. 31'"' RK ' V W..: r&,l ry a l 19 lftidc gives met hods ror calculating i.b.c 4 Tte - ~ ower necmsar the tectrical to mch ice fornied ic,,l Z- r,-,I; p y on icriak. Limiting values for the heating curtcot me given. %%Wch guar-anto. that (tie acrill or iis 1","Ironcill Parts ire not mer-licatt-d. It is 5hown that 11 TCL '111all PO%VCt N SllnkiCllt to PTUVCnt kC fotmalityn, a pn-,,.vr which mvst rldin SlItions are capable of ploviding. S. q. ',~ V 10 L E Y Vl' i f 4, A/ - ' !17, -7-7-,. , ".. - . omuramica' ions anrl 7~--dio Lt~-rature, Handboo'-," -ublished by the State. U L, - - . .oscour, 1943. 26 pp. er Of r_ 4 n r r. I n,- - I- r: T n,-~t ir-A V. SHULETKIN, G.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy sotrudaik; POVMNNYY, inzhmner, nauchny7 notrudnik. Ovarhnad communication and radio transmission line poles made of asbestos cement pipes. Vast.sviazi 16 no-7:8-11 Jl 156.(MLRA 9:9) LTSentrallayy nauchno-iseledevatellskiy institut svyazi. (Electric lines-Polas) SHULIMN. G.V., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.;RUBINSKIY, Z.L., inshener. -!T' Using lightweight concretes in producing utility poles. Vest. sviazi. 17 no.4:11 Ap '57. (OTRA 10:5) 1. Nauchnyy sotradnik Vassoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta transportnogo stroitel'stva. (Mlectric lines-Poles) SHULEYKIY*,-.-P.- Machine got a name. Izobr-i rats. no-12:11 D 159- t. (MIRA 13:8) (Semiluki--Refractory materials) IS.'AIL, Mohamed Abd-el Wahab; SH=KIN, 11.1.1.[translatorl; MOGILEVSKIY, Yu.A., 6d-. (Radar altimeter with double frequency modulation]Radio- lokatsiomrji vysotomer s dvoinoi chastotnoi roduliatsiei. Pod red. N.A.1-logilevskogo. S predisl. IU.B.Kobzareva. 1-loskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1957. 135 P. [Publ. in English as "A study of the double mdulated F.M. radar."] (MIRA 15: 10) Otadar) OS%4KOV, Ivan Grigorlyevich; SHULEYW, P.A... red.;-VA'ZAROVA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Qrsat crop] Moguchaia kulitura& Moskva, Izd-vo "Znania," 1962. 36 p. (Narodnyi universitet kul.tury: Sellskokhoziaistvenrqi fakull- tet, no.3) (MIRA 15:6) (Sugar beets) SOKOLOV, Igor' Aleksandrovich; SI=KIN, P.A. red - NAZAPOVA, A.S.., tekhn. red. 'I..----- --- --L [Under the new conditions] V novykh usloviiakh. Moskva2 Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 45 p. (Narodnyi universitet k-alltury. Sellkhozizi- stvennyi fakulltet, no.4) (MBU 15:5) (Agriculture) YELSUKOVJ, Mikhail Petrovich; SHULEYKIN, P.A., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. [Forage beans] Boby kormovye. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie.." 1962. 47 p. (Narodnyi universitet kul'tury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no.2) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akader-ii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Yelsukov). (Beans) 'ZED I KIN 2 Andrey Petrovich, pochetnyy akadenLik;'SHUMKIN, P.A., red.; AIROSHCHENKO, L.Ye., tekhn. red. [Raising early maturing livestock] Skorospeloe zhivotnovod- stvo. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie.," 1962. 514 P. (Narodnyi uni- versite~ kulltury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no.5) (MIRA 15:7) 1. VseS03-uznaya ekademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykch nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Red'kin). (Swine) SHULMIN, P. Agricultural machine operators deserve good farm mchinery. Sov.profsoiuzy 8 no.2:13-15 Ja 160. 041RA 13:2) (Agricultural--Safety measures) (Agricultural machinery industry) VOROBIYEV, Sergey Andreyevichl doktor sellkhoz. nauk; SHULEYKIN -P.A., red.; ATHOSHCHEMO, L.Ye. . tekhn. red. [Intensive farming systems and rotation of crops]Intensivnye sistemy zemledeliia i sevooboroty. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 44 p. (Harodnyi universitet kulltury: Sellskokhoziai- stvennyi fakulltet, no.8) NIRA 15:9) (Rotation of crops) DVITRIYEV, Vladimir Dmitriyevich; SHULEYKIN, P.A.,, red.; RAKITIP, I.T.Y tekhn. red. [Grain is the wealth of our country; a book about those who are working today on the production of new, valuable and high-yielding wheat varieties) Zenro - bogatstvo nashei stra- ny; kniga o tekh,, kto zaniat v nashi dni sozdaniem novykh, naibolee tsennykh i urozhair7kh sortov pshenitsy. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie.." 1962. 46 p. (Narodnyi universitet kulltury: Sellskol-hoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no.6) (MIRA 15:8) (14heat-Breeding) KARZINKITI, Georgiy Sargeyevich, doktor b1ol. nauk% KARZINKIN) Sergay Georgiyovich; SLULEYKIN, P.A., red.; IIAZA~OVA, A.S., I.ekhn, red. :Recources of collective farm fishponds]Bogatstva kolkhoz- ~ykh prudoir. MoaWa., Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 47 p. (NarodM~i universitet kulltury: Sel9skokhoziais-tvennyi faknIltet no.7) (MIRA ,5:8~ (Fishponds) UL?YPIIOV, Ivan Favlovich; SI-TIMKIN, P.A. _xed.; VAZ~LROVA, A.S., teldan. red. 9-49- (Wages on a collective farm]Oplata truda v kolkhoze. Moskvaq Izd-vo "Znanie." 1962. 42 p. (Narodryi universitet kul'tury: Sellslcokhoziaistvenriyi fakulitet, no.9) NIRA 15:9) (Collective farms-Income distribution) TYUTYUNI:IKOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich, kand. sellkhoz. nauk;_SHULEYKIN, P.A., red.; RAKITIN, I.T,, tekhn. red. Illow to get high rea yields]Kak poluchit' vysokii urozhai gorokha. lfloskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 1+0 p. (Narodiryi uni- versitet, kulltury. Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no.11) WMA 15- 11 (Peas) NAUMOV, Vladimilen Isakovich; STERKIN, Iosif Veniaminovich; LE-01110VA, T.S., red.; SFULEYKIN, EJA., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., telcbn. red. [Grain in armorlZerno v brone. I-losIm, Izd-vo "Znanie," 19621.,145 P-j (Narodnyi universitet kulltury. Sellskokhoziai- stvcnnyi fakulltet, no.10) (MIRA 15-11) (Corn (1-laize)) SOKOLOV, Igor' Aleksandrovich; SHULEYK.IN,,_~.A., red.; RAKITIN, I.T.p tekhn. red. (Without manual labor]Bez ruchnogo truda. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 48 p. (Narodrqi universitet kulltury: Sell- skokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet no.2) (MIRA 16:1) (Farm mechanizationi SOLOPOV, Grigoriy, Platonovich, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; RDZHKOV , M.I., prof., red.; SHULEYKIN,_P.A._, red.; NAZAROVA, A.S., tekhn. red. (The orchard bears fruit every year] Sad plodonosit ezhegodno. Pod red. M.I.Rozhkova. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 45 p. (Narodnyi universitet kulltury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakull- tat, no.1) (Fruit culture) (MIRA 16:3) KRUPENINA, Anna Petrovna, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LOSHAKOV, Vladimir Grigorlyevich; VORDBIYEVA, S.A., prof., red.; SHULEYKIN, P.A.,, red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye., -- (Soil and postharvest crops] Zemlia i promezhutochnye kulltury. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 46 p. (Narodnyi. universitet kul'tury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no-4) (MIRA 16:3) (Field crops) VOYTOV, Pavel Ivanovich;,SHULEYKIN, P.A. red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. [Chemistry and harvestj Khimiia i urozhai. Moskva, Izd- vo "Znanie,n 1963. 39 P. (Narodnyi wiversitat kulltury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulitet, no.6) (MIRA 16:5) (Agricultural chemicals) KRONOV, Aleksandr Filippovich; SHULEYKIN, P.A., red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye., tekhn. red. [At a new type of farm) Na ferme novogo tipa. Moskva.. Izd- vo "Znanie," 1963. 39 p. (Narodnyi universitet kulltury: Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no.5) WRA 16:6) (Dairying) MARTY8111-W, leoorglyovlab, rJoktor aellkhoz. nauk, SHULEYKIN, P.A.9 red.; RAKITIN, I.T., takhn. red. [Intensive forms of pond fish culture) Intensivnye formy prudovogo rybovodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo "Zdanie," 1963. 46p, (Narodnyl universitet ku.11tury: Sellskokhozinistvannyi fa- kulltet, no.7) (MIRA 16:9) (Fish culture) SHMELEV, Geliy Ivanovich, kand. ekon. nauk; SIIULEYKDi, P.A., red. [Fascinating bookkeeping; business accounting on a collective farm] Uvlekatellnaia bukhgalteriia; o khoziaistrennom raschete v kolkhoze. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 71 p. (Narodrqi universitet kullturyt. Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulltet, no-3) (I-JRA 17:5) BE111CHENKCY Potr Paramonovich; VG-ROPAYEV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; ~;HUIEYKII-;.., I-. A., red. I ['ihe cost of a centner of produce] Sebestoir-nost' tsent- nera produktsii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 109 p. (N;irodrgi universitet kulltury: Seliskakhoziaistvenrjyi fakulltet, no.6) (NIRA 17:7) roti. , Pot-1, I'll l,JM;oj,ovIQh; F.A.1 [ArithrrBtic of yields] Arifmetika urozhaia. Moskva, Izd-vo 117-nie," 1965. 79 p. (Fiarodnyi universitet: Sellkhoz. fakulltet, no-4) (MIRA 18:6) POLINA, Valentina Ivanovna, kand. ekon. nauk; SHULE-YK-01, P.A., red. . I . -, . I [Labor and wages] Trud i ego oplata. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1965. 85 P. (Narodnyi universitet: Sel'sko- khoziaistvennyi fakulltet) no.6) (MIRA 18:8) DMITRASHKO, Ivan Ivanovich, kand. ekon. nauk; SHULEYKIN,_,P.A., red. (Specialization within a collective farm] Vnutrikolkhoz- naia spetsializatsiia. Moskva, Znanie) 1965. 70 p. (Narodrjyi universitet; Sellskokhoziaistvennyi fakulttet, no.7) (MIRA 18:7) VOLOGD11i, Aleksandr Gjri-gorlyevJch-, SIMEYK~IT-.,',, F-A. red. [The problem o-," -fertilizers and "coal fertilizers"i F~oblerna udobrenii i uglet-Liki. Moskv,-, Znapie, 1965. 70 p. '.Narodnyi universitet: Sell skokhaziaist-vennyi fa- 1-1,11tet, no.9) (VIRA 1E:9) 1. 6iAeii-korrespondent AN SSSii (for Volocgdin). BEZRODNYY, Pavel Porfirlyevich; SHULEYKB,, P.A., red. (Fi-om foreign Practices; about agriculture in Denmark, Sweden, and Noivay] Iz zarubezhnogo opyta; o sellskow. khozi-aistve Danil, Shvetsii i Norvegii. Moskva, Zna- nie, 196~1. 79 p. (Narodnyi utniversitet: Sellskokho- zialstvenm.i fakulttet, no.10) (MIRI 17:12) ly LL KAR '71 NKIN, Cs-orgly SHUI KIN , P.A.,, ied. C he m! s-4 TV i. ri f , sh cu.' ',--L~-e K-1 I! f, v 1-74,- v0.1,3 Ore . M'3- f, , 1 -1 79 k slrva, lzd.-v,) "~rvqnte 9~6- P, 'Nr.-odnyi =n1vars-1- tal: Sell skokhnia.6' stvarmy.1 fakullt,e~i', SHULEYKIN, S., komandir samoleta Ah-2, obshebestvennyy inspektor po bezopasnosti poletov (Ullyanovsk)' Is a second pilot on the An-2 necessary? Grazhd. av. 22 no.1:21 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:11) .~ P I Shuleil-in, V. "Present Probl-ems of' Geophl-sics." "aucl-Mce Slove, No. 1930, p,-. 7' 97. I r, C- ;11444474 i 1; it 12 11 M 11 )A it A Au Q 41 44 a I a W it 11 11 L4 is is it if it a I It 22 11 14 6 a V x N A a L A,__ft_F Q R 1. - I - 0o if 0 j .0 C .0tal _I-C_!_,!D it" CIDERS V I.Ccriol$ 4.0 Iftept"I'll ..P11. L F U if' j! 1 1347. 'Meory of Monsloom. W,.1Y4A#9_Ml J-kin _-( (ImPki Hendus -00 I Dothed "Y) de 1%4cad. des Sciellices. U.S.S.R. 17. 7. PP.'i8l--3,17, 1937. .00 I" Vnghsh.- Continuing his work on the theory Of monsoons (we Abstract -00 0 3973 (103711 the author endenvours (1) ill find quantitative counmilion .00 0 lwtwtvn the dimensions of the wa (or continent) tool qui-h r1olnelits an the "Ift,loolit" ity of tilt- wout or live I'liallwirTIOW dillervoti-4.4 tempera- 0 t:jrV 1.4%.".11 ON, J.trt fit tilt- IN-61 441141 file 41-1.1r,vt pi-ttion W the 0 ~"Ilqellt ; alld (2) to InVt~t[Ritte tilt? ooll""m firld uhril tilt, shape tit 0 R %11111WR M% RtIl (I M 1141 giving t he I VIA tions rrfrrrt4i to tit (1). To m)hv the problein in (!) the relation -60 griad p - rr grad -P. discussed in the first paper of the series is used. There is found everywhere in agreement with this relation a striking like- zoo ness between climatokigical isobars and thaw of temperature isonomalfes. Several special cases are investigated. At points where the gradients of ternivrature anomaly and so also thovic of pressure are high. monsoons .00. .66 get their birth. The strong winds anti storms at the Cape of Good b0 a 00 j Hope arise in this way. Diagrams and charts illustrate the paper. too F Ill. G. 00, 00 00 f 010 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *,o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 70.; 0 0 1. 10 0 0 0 e 0 to 0 0 00 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ~19 0-0--t-8 -,wfw W W_ W V W - I ,0 14 it it if if g- MOV M~ As I Lj t$ 4 it A C 1~ 6_1 j-&-l. a P P (A A I V -1 -A a A' V~ V 40M. Drift of Ice-Fields. W. (WhIady) ds its-SciOn"S. us EvI"A.-The theory relating ice drif viestablisbcd. Itisloutultbilkwilm V increans. w/V incre&geO raodly m 1 w petw= the two directims approw with the motion of tbe Soviet Ila" 00 no traces am discovered of currents of 00 land car.-rui is thus purely. of drift ori jP gs,". t Vilsl d allmit. gin in turn set Up by the monsoonal type WOOF, 7 00 ~,97: -SLA I s TALLOURGICAL LITERATURE CLAWKATIOM ~v a AV Pa I I I - I . -F ---r ; 00 Ig 'I :0KROMUSK tin u or 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 "_ -AA W (C UP tE I Is V give it o"Mat: W. ~~Jmq.. COOMPUS Arft-~ PP. 680-594. lose. lot velocity (w) to wind velocity M .00 igh ad asto. but as tul"O' *to .40 d- - slowly as the aagic *0 The results an omparad In the wb& drift Drift Station. no!,-drift origin. The Fast Green- caused by km movement and this AS of winds off the Greenland coast. .00 r I- S. R. 0 0, ii;a ;TT IMAnL %ONO is. -1 IN a 3a V 0 00 04 0 009 0 see **- 00 SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Temperature Waves in the Monsoon Field," "Comparative Dynamics of Sea Animals," Dok. AN 22, No. 7, 1939. Corr. Mbr-, Acad. Sci.; Black Sea Hydrophysical Sta. Simeis, Kaziveli. Inst. of Theo- retical Geophysic Dept. of Physics of the Sea. SHULEYKIN, V. V. "A More Precise Determination of Humidity from the Records of Aerological Sounds," Dok- AN 23, No. 6, 1939. Department Physics of the Sea. Inst. Theoretical Geophysics; Corr. Mbr. Acad. SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Connexion between the Elements of the Monsoon Field and the Heat Balance of the Sea," Dok. AN 23, No. 6, 1939. SHULEYKIN, V. V. "On The Physical Roots of the Weather)" Dok. AN 28, No. 4, 194o. Black Sea Hydrophysical Sta.; Simeiz, Katziveli; Corr. Mbr-, Acad, Sci, SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Oscillations of Heat Currents In The Atmosphere Aiad The Unprecedent-,~d F7c---ts of 1940," Dok. AN 28, No. 4, 194o. Marine Dept. Inst. Theoretical Geophysics; Corr. Mbr., Acad. Sci. SHULYYKIN, V - V - "On Some Peculiarities of the Long Period Oscillations in a revolving System," Dok. AN 29, No. 3, ig4o. Corr. Mbr., Acad. Sci.; Black Sea Hydrophysical Sta.; Acad. Sci.; Simeiz, Katziveli, I t I a I A U014 416 11111 Is v 34 a W AID mums UVAIMPOO ad 41. A a -L -a--r 1 1. A-JL-Y-2~ A -A-L-v- I L 00 4 A -- - .. 111) 060141 PICKISIts No PIC )ISO 00 00 : 00 .00 pimA ruihamorth. .1 sh~ wa.] fzfat. Altademis % .00 56ftigs, t~jjmiitms. fald chart (in pocket). DLC- W f If r1 h d h h i Z a Ilow ar ca e kclat t ( *0 L w calW "mranegraphy Imm the point Servkr of the USSR. Tip, tr%t rouM I " Go An exhamilve aml well illustrated tc%l on Aunr "pecls of v T 00 (Aurfaiv and bu"urfam) cuines The chapter on "Mrinal P"Imcttics of the Sva," whemin the 0 rdects 4 radiatitm, evaporation, C%Cbangc ii(wascr snk~-Jttv, etc.. arc taken up symematwly in rtL%tiun to the brat exchange and mwumsy of tl%- ~.I; folluwkmI by,iv%r a hunilml pages an w Shc Sub*t of "Climate And Wra m4mli"i"S luany inomung charls which show the n VKV-VcrXI I roe U-t cbalxm co"nixim the oubjcvts of effect ol the vm~ un The "mtjn:v"M "Optics of the "ka." "Acou-tic.." "Alukeular *'Hio4ic2l Ph%,ic~*' and "rechnical " S' l ; i h h h t KlC t e blkA. c flas ruu; .bjtd imphavis is ptaccd on the Arct f llhy%ics ut (he Sea. freadme'. Pbywal Dyaamk CUMAtalml Toltbooks. 00 00 X A I I - I L A of TALLIvtrim LITERATIM CLASI*KAT#VN - , : 7t - - -, - 110.1mv -T i- - 4 I 4. %sIL3vj ~4- od G%v Is M S V-T- b U III A . 1 0 w' T AM I i a ad a a a I W IN 9 Le a 3 0 1 it to 0,00 S!iUL7-YKD.`, V. V. "The Thermobaric Seishes in the Atmodphere as a Factor of 1114eather Changes," Iz. Alkl. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geograf. i Geofiz., Nos. 1 - 6, 19112. SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Drift Sea Currents In The Monsoon Field," Dok. AN 45, No. 8, 1944. Corr. Mbr., AS, Marine Hydrophysical Lab., As. SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Convectional Sea Currents in a Monsoon Field," Dok. AN 46, No. 5, 1945. Marine Hydrophysical Inst.; Acad. Sci. :~-Ic -T-,j, V . ~j . :j 1, ~ , 1 ~ , , "Seasonal Variations of 11-ir ~;jiantity over a Continent," Comptes RE-ndus (Dtoklady) 1101 - 52, No 5, ii~-46. Corr. Mr. AS SHULEYKIN, V. V. "Precise Deduction of the Equation of Thermobaric Waves in the Atmosphere," Dok. AN 53, No. 3, 1946. Corr. Mr., Acad. Sci. 1. V. V. . u-sR (6oo,) H 2 )j. Physics and Eathenattics 0 7. Dynamics if ti-te Sea, Vs. A.. (Lenin~7rad, 11tdmneA Press, 1947) Reviewed by V. V. Shuley'kin, Sov. Kniga, No. 2, 1949- 0 9. IWReport U-30813 16 Jan# 1-953- Unclassified we 0 0 0 16 mitilil sea RUJOR I" " " 7 AL-5 F 0 A I I , W- IF .1-A fit '.0 t.0 fjOPINS to.. A 5-1A for go 0 : 0 A- 0 * Arl -.' 00 z! 0 J1. h..L ~Ikioll .1~, Toplawye vaithnodelstwum medlilk Oliform"). Atmomsful i malfribam 0 Lf -Amewects tho ot"A". AtRUNAK-M M111 CuOlimilt.) ALjd,UjU Miuk. a &Mk. 1111,41-layl 'A.,nlk. p.via.hchennyi W 6t6u Vqi6A OktL,4,-.LLg go d R"nfiut-ii. Pt. 1. 1). 413-441. 1947. IJ figs, DLC-Tlv-- Autlww ~k-wcxdA-. wid illustrate., oev 4y Irmans d grap6 atol jamnAly chirt,, the Llicat cts,melit ul Chd interrctAtiOn bltll 11 go bmt Italaism d the ~. the atn~phL-ru jlwvc tbc~--Iaml thccuntinevitt (with simial attention 00 to the North Atlantic knd Europe), h%vmtivjtiw&% in th~ sk)Lr rcgiotis And acrulogit4l 01'. g 10 le"Ations tna4k- it 1-sibic- w tunpute the (lumatitativc chnaactivii" t4 thu ck;Itwsits a beat ImUnce, prcwsm gradit4sta ind the stx~il u( sipun%~Ams vircul.Atiust. A ti")CY is PfCWn1ml to 016 ~** - Genotal a& Entrily excbmag. 0C -jkjjk!L - a it d a It a it JM 1951 .00 see '00 coo W I -0 .$..ILA ETALLURGICAL LITERAft'dit CLASIIFKATIC~ oot tv tW a a v W; or K It a U X WW n 1 -0 4e0 0 0 0 04 0 ue '0' '00 go 0 0 SHITILE-YFT11, V. V. .Physics of the Sea," SyT.-, I posium of the Jubilee Session of the AcaderV of Sci. USSR, fror, 15 June to 3 J-LLIY IS-45, Vol. 11, 15047 (124-1-303). - ., 7 11, 1 ,1' 1 1e, ~e ri n -, o P Lig', t, 11 Do' -. :a ~. ' , ak. 533. 11.1va. Ser., i " ", - - - ,ert"lin l.or o:-:, - I - 1 -1 1';~~7 - -ea S- -' -, i D. , -1247, -~5 7 , - . . . i - - 1.1. j,~, - 11. cad. SHUISTKIN, V.V., akademik. Praface. Trudy HGI 1:3 #48. (MLRA 7:5) (Russian Periodicals) S I?J-L E Yz ?. T. ~ " , "' . `." . USSR/Academy of Scii-,nces F'eb 19L8 Physics i~athematics lbilee Session of the De,-)artment of Physicomathematical Sciences" JTL 3 PP "Vest Ak Nauk SSSR'I No 2 Session lield 28-2,) Oct 1947. The folluwing scientists submitted words: A. F. loffe, "Trends of Development of Soviet Physics," PI. A. Lavrentlyeva, "Trends of Development of Soviet i-lathematics," V. V. Shuleykin, "Trends of Development of Soviet Geoph:.rsics," aryl A. A. Akhaylov, "Trends of Development of Soviet Astromm.--,." PA 6 T11 SHULEYKIN) V. V. USSR/Geophysics-DeTeloioment Jul/Aug 48 "AN SA-45 5S 1.465 (02) ' Meteorological Abst. Shulclkiti. VaAlil V.. OcbLrki p0 Like ruoria. [Outlinci of the physics of theza.] Moscow. -- - - V01 5 No 1 j3t p. 11)() DLr-A mad.151, '- s--nity &-m-ation 7 tNe - . illu~tracions (bat It Photographic and schematic). Jan. 1954 of scorc,i ot inzitrunivraq u-11-ef 'it rt-r;0vig--ty *P4 ity,trography, as viell as charts. pertinent scenes. art 2 etc. A Irm . q chapter ot thw eS'nn:.-.p, +y0cP4 rtic Iiiite)rv of 6e sc:cnce front the earliest voyages to the prv~vnt. with TI ir arrangemcnt of the material follows a in I1Htr1IrT1~nit1t!on. Biblio ra h on General rattonal ji,ittein 1) the mn a~.iourcir oienorgyi-jrtlif! atmoijiltelic and oceanic mrivements. 2) heat g p y or energy exchavirc in the 3) if on contin,,.nti. -0 recurrent phenomena In the Oceanographic hydrologic cvci--. -; i (:;m~v or ttj-:chani~tn of curtcrits. 6) wave pheromena. 7) tides. 8) optical Meteorology ;Ind 0) actiti;tical jjr,wi-Ttit's if the si-a. and. rinally, aotne problerris of marinc biology and fisheries. A great de.d of wiginal mat,-ri:il and resi,jr,11 i3 ptc-nted in tim, smaller and more popular edition ,,I th, awh- , --irk I th~ (see ifellf 2-184. Feb. 1950. 0 1 " (1w aiith- h", it (ni, I I - S,S & and a member of 01V Akaderniia Naitt: 1,-m - ~-141'. Aug. 1950. Headings: 1. Ocean- 0graphy-'-2T7V-yTr-ogrtphy 3. Textbooks.-M.R. 14-11 zrl-l o/-,-,j - 0-9-- 0 - ~66 a of*-*- JL. A. A-C A L-L--M-ILQLN- Akadsudk Mask SSSR. Isvestlia, Sorils I Ovefirleb"66K [AcmAmy of Srivmra, U.SIS R,. temtiLt. Gmgrilphit-al and S""). Published by Isdatel'st,ro Akadernii Nauk MSR. t,%I,Peuw). Edilm.0, ItI.Minkit, hloscom, 17, Pialmit. Aalmul.41. Theli tv(Ja oclentists: rL F 1=. ~%n-l!hvprmntelitor.-QjU.ftmk1 . EKOk mr conts I atxmtI paqcs ariginal papers, critirol tvie tied bibli- r4raphies -I (a) physkAl Reovophy. (h) phytics of the . (d) rth's CrU41 AM (P) tMOM ft, 1,1c (C k-. The contesh of e-&-cV bow =Z, y-athidol into lour or five Nection*corrvpcirmling to the above catilpwim The Journal 4ppem bl-mmthly, the most rvmt Was cmnhK to our attention being Val. X111. No. 5, Sqm.70cu,t"9~~rlce 9 rublies We 6ams. 'Sim l7z26 cm. Rmh paper. which b" 2!~!Nvft vouritid to the Avatierny by monm i he kn. contains a lwkf atntract, is wdl annotasil. 401 is Supported by ample chm"N dialtrAw". fsl*v~ mtkam(k.11 6mmoue anif go" re4emnm to enable the trader to evalvate the %mlr% both antiveand (mriRm. no which thr 00 4r gaper wa4 luwd. Articles are all In Remains aml pdmfW. eacept (ow rrierr"Ces to (omip v asuf cherm"I and nuthmitiatl fornmelap. Is is Cyriffir. In the Ubrary of Co"grm will he Muml nutty publicAtions of the Ak N&I* (for"k-dy the &"tlarum "0. M. Imperialis retropotits foummled 1713, in St. roterAws) of-Wor notably the Acta, t Ee- Nova Acts. hiermoirm ZaphAl. CointRes Remdu% &W DLCDWB.DOSlDM. SZ) A I S L A OTALLURGICAL UU11.11M C1111111CITIOM ---- - . - -, - - - - - - ~E--- 441041 .1, U., (INS 4-3 -Lt 131111 G.V JSL q V ?A An I S v aw a 9 a I X 0 S Aa 3 19 A' NO AS, * KW 1 1114 Ago* gvfell; "OUG, 00 40, 101 *0 leg 0000000 46 0 0004 060.0 0 0 0 0 & oi* 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 400 see x** see ,USSR/Meteorology Air,Presiures., 21 Apr'. 49, 01 Oceanology Winds "Mechanism Explaining the Transport of Surplus! Masses of Air From the Ocean to the Mainland and Back," Acad V. V. Shuleykin, Mosco,*~,Hydro Pk V.- Inst,.Acad VW Sci USSR,A pp "Do4 Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXV, No 6 Discusses winter highs over Asiatic mainland and summer highs over the oceans, with differ- ence of 1/4 ton of air per square meter between highs and lows. Treats this phenomenon mathe- matically to obtain velocities of air masses, 156772 USSR/Meteorology - Air Pressure~s 21 Apr 49 (Contd) pressures, and phase-angle lags between fluctua-~ tions (approx 40 for ordinary velocity of 15 m/sec). 15 SHULEYKINJ V. V. "The Present Status of the Theory of the Ice Field Drift.," Pam. Yul. Mikhail. Shokallskogo, Vol II, Mbscow, Izd. Akad Nauk HIM, pp 63-82, 1950 Translation for Geophysics Res. Library, Cambridge, Mass. - 4vw-w-,W-W--w- OT 0 see 00 so; U U 14 IS It 11 II I ' Q_ . A-I-f- r 0i so f 002 AC(ISM A"D -VC*14"tS '. tf FEB El-hyk, the wa ll~ 00 1 2J-174 'V..) ';.w. 0.f a M"'Ch i. pbyw '00 "", rN.-Il Of IVA SURM ""6' -A det4il"I 6`vu Mae Q( -A dt- :0 a Pill 14(t):7-24. J',a -F-b- IW- 9 kL bm 4",les Orki "'I'' 6 00 ;~t durift tbs Ps" 'w k dom fit I)w 00110 kilts all. lb. ih pd.,A- gnpbA' Imputtant W4 1 Of 11. . ) swol stanwia (Btu* S-MJW %be a, (1) w 'd elfects up *hwrsl 0 cmMasooksk . .. (6).V'k-Al dpud ""T. (1) tho 1b" (5) Coats MIULl"t love the 0o up . tj&s. (4) butLom CutleatN 1"6111 0--pl-C!, 0 ~, VfA ~y S sts, (7) OMatks. bouslaUllf ty (A Wfliffm s"We" 0 w st U iun arAl Njention is made j , d6ar-wy tbfit "*- ' - 1. tb. " but .'" the 36urpt Aming InAttef I:i"uy. it i, sloted th4t tbe the DOW Of 0!" dogs not depeW OA Cl I the hi ow. war, .3- be- b he InQkcuks C' Wattr L diftelld a( Ught y t S~tiop wbklk waa &k yy!~:Al 1"r-Awts tud t~! S- cJ the MAtilw occow am glow sj;~ sriencts (Ak-kmil Nsuk- 'SSS -1 omok,..Wcb ubam-iss, UAS.IL-,U.R. AS*-SLA OtTALLURGKAL UMATURE CLAISWKATIC" 7~ a.- i'm 5 %,c #j i vvr - ------ I low", I I I IA , " 00 0006000 0 4 ::::Oooeeooooeoeooo u K a 9 0 it it 0 o o e o !,a wo v no " as Ko a 0 ,e 0 0 0 0I ls~ ::ooooloo:o:oeoe*oo*: -0,000 1jo 0 .00 of -00 .00 -00 00 .00 'o :0 00 300 4:00 '00 x60 -00 ;00 00 '00. wa/deophysics Deviation of, Geosiagnetic 1 Jan 51 Axis, "Terrestrial MagnetiO Field and World Ocean,11 V. V. Shuleikin, Navy Hydrophys Inst, Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXVI, No 1j, pp ~7-60- Attempt is made to explain: (1) deviation of--&6 .--Snetic axis from its rotational axis; (2) varia-- tions of geomagnetic elements; (3) similarity betve tn. contours of continents and isolines of geonagneti6 fid elements, by means of survey of maritime elec currents. S-1,11EYFIN, V. V. Heat - Convection Diagram of an oscillation oattern in a convection current. DoI71. AN ESSR. 82, No. 2; 11052. 1--iorskoy Gidrofizicheskiy Institut S04 Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 19,% 2 yincl. P USSR/Geophysics Atmospheric Circu- .3.11 mar 52 lation 11.1e: Essence of Cartalu Oscillations of the 0enstal Atmoqpheric Circulation," Acad V. V. Shvley)dix "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol L=11, No 2, pp 211-214 At present it is still impossible to analyze, am pletely-in the entire extrem complex spectrum any oscillations in the latitudinal and longitudi- nal cow~ouents in the currents of the general atm, circulation. The author attempts to deackibe the possible,mechanism governing the origin of certain nondamiping oscillations vhich apparently ~belong to 214TA7 a class of self-exciting oscillations. States' that there is no need to show bav important it is to, establish investigations of the processes of (austausch) in the atm. Submitted 14 Jan 52 z V.) J~ 214TI7 USSR/Geophysics - Temperature 21 Mar 52! Field, Winter 'Winter Temperature Field Over the Sea and Conti- nent for the Case of Variable Coefficient of Ex- change)" Acad V.V. Shuleikin, Marine Hydrophys Inst, At;ud Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 83, No 3) PP 389-392 States subject problem has been solved here only for the case of the plane; future investigations will be made for the sphere. First attempts to ca.1c subject field taking into account the inter- action or Fiur with -ulle underlying surface gave the 227T38 genera:L cbaracteristics of the ocean's influence on temp conditions near /shores and deep in conti- nents. In this work the author states he is at- tempting to det approximtely the law governing the variation of conditional heat conduction, usirip_ the analysis of temp field over Australia. Sub- mitted 30 Jan 52 227T38 The Committee an Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ministers USSR) in the fields a science and inventions announces that the following scientific works, popular scien- tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for ccapetition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953- (Sovet2kya Kultura Ymscov, No. 22-43, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954) Name Isakoli, !. 6. ShuleykLn, V. V. Demin, L. A. Voroblyev, V. I. Seregin, P. 'Y"egorlyeva, A. V. Smirnova, V. G. Kudr~..-atsev, Ip'. 'K. Rabak.'-.anov, A. 0. -tudovits, L. F. Volkov, F. G. Salishchel '-, K,~.A. Orlov, B. P. Kalesnik, 6. V. Shvede, Ye. Ye. Snezhinski:,, V. A. Pogosyan, iTI. F. Z~ rozdov So, W-30"; ?'JulY 1954 Title of Work "Marine Atlas" (Vol 11) Nomtneftted ~y Geographical 03ociety of the USSR, ~icademy of Sciences USSR N, V, V. U S S R jShulelkin, Vasilil Vladirnirovich, Fizika -.iiioria. [Physki_ of s4~,,ij Misc6ty" Aka-_ 6115 figs. (some~col.; nun ie .rouseq:i. - Fold. chart in- pocket.'~ DLC-m-Since 1941 there- has been ~fich` a concerted prograin of It maritime co antii c.s t hat-thezam'O unt of available in phyt4cal oc'eanography. in"'a knowlt:dp ofthe oceans has more than double Id. So, it is-notsurprisin -g illai this'manurriental work contains nearly 50% mom material than the- 1941--tilitloin,:which'in ituffAras u , ., , I I , 9 u- 'Giiensl Copoibi ivev t"n't he -6, ,initr',A,~Jd. Th6prtAcrit-* k' "! r' , or is narrower in n t mom 11 nl~ ym preben-ive work of SVERDRUP - (jc~ Mw32; L jhn.'_ 1054, i MAD);; micaiisr -liss of tho (1001 1 of chwnical, geological and biological occanography; and m6m bf tho 7 j a3r.CCh (thougiv in this respett Svmitup's book to riot to be undemidatitid). The Aepil*rilhl. parta (each with 10-20 chapters).cover.l) Dynamica of ooarCc.46pqts, 2),DyiiAinfc3-of,t1!lCkS* and tidal 1. waves" (we "tidal waves"), -3) I)ynam.1cs: of suifa4i'iind internal wave3 (80 p.). Thermal,properties of the, sai (100 0.) including exchange' bitwe~n`iea aild-air. 5) Phvsiicil: -AUSC3" of climate and weather, 6)-Optics',_6f the sea, 7) A6363tics,oU.tI4 sea, 8) Molecular C physics of the sea, 4) Bioitogical phy of the sea and 1.6) Tec6ical ~hjsics of the sea. an- ideQ.-le attention is given' to thesaicustho'es- ideas ow marine and. continental 111flu'ences on acic -viaIves or seiches in the: climate, climatic changes, atmospheric "vest (theory: of. tUrimob tc. involving be~tutiful` d charts. n _�-_~tioas,are I I I I atmosphere), singularities, e colore $61 k UgMy ardl b' i the be iZk an which' th6~aurhor haspot made some oretical-there bei~~h su ject iii~A ly~ hitn-15utFo-n amce 19r2(al -pOOhed OHginat '(he Seve co in 1954 on Waves in the 6pen sea, when fieivii well' past. 70'yitjr .s-of-iige);'for instance Drift;-- of fee fleld (1938-41), Waie dynainics The He also illustrates man), In3trumen6which h hasinvoittiki- a ct re er-.- e ence3 to rlhe~xork of IDEFANT, SvrRDRUP,~ KRU36111L, -BjER`R,-'#S*ar~ "I- r-4ocs not ne Ii f RZ13%vy, as tvell'as'th that r; authoriiies such as SaOxA~'sxu; DosKOK ILqNs . Z qOTC-_~'A-fejodd-s ~41 Us 7;tich as the "sound of the sea"- and thedynamica Ofish~ha~e,P&Ctical as' we'll -as theoretical-': . ' ubkc~ct' intere-it', and am.covered in detail. A g6od author and-'a' jtidenc-iir appended. J11i worle. are oV-!r 125 references to the author's own. 9Mp 2. Marine meteorolo6 3. Textbooks.-M.R.