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S/184/60/000/004/006/021 A109/AO29 Influenae of Thermal Treatment on Corrosion "racking of Nickel-Chromium-Molyb- denum Steels preheated at 750 - 1,050OC; pipef; require preheating at 850 - 1,0500C. Metal- lographic tests shcwed steel craci:s in Initial condition and after thermal treat- ment at 5000C as an austenitic poJyhedron with carbamide- Corrosion fracturts were also noted. Thermal treatment at 8000C results in an unstable stigma-phamp- -like intermetallic comp:~und which becomes more proncunced at 95DOC and inCreaSE-- during further heating. An analysis of the tntermetallic sigma-Phase compo d1V/ was carried out. The electrolyte contained 150 g NR4C1 and 30 monosubstituted ammoniu;m citrate per liter; the current density was 0.3 amp/cm~~- Carbides are presumed to be the center of the sigma-phase formation (Ref. 2). Corrosion cracks of stress joints made of the above-mentioned types of metal and used in sulfuric acid can be prevented by tempering at 950CC for 30 min, 1 and 2 h. The mechanical properties of these steels remain satisfactory, There are 5 figures, 1 table and 2 references. I German and 1 Scylet. Card 2/2 S/184/6Y7880/004/002/004 or, D041/D112 AUTHORS; 34dorkina, Yu.S., 3ngineer; Klinov, I.Ya., Doctor of Technical aiiiences, Professor TITLE: A high-speed method for investigating the tendency of OKh23N28M3D3T and Kh231128M;D3T steels to intercrystalline cor- rosion PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroy2niye, no. 4, 10161, 27-30 TEXT: The articleAescribes an electrc-chomical investigation carried out in order to prove the validity of methcd " 6 it ('IV") proposed by NIIKhIMMASh for investigating the tendency of 0%23t#28fj3Xr (OKh23N28M3D3T) and 1.238281Y;WT (Kh23N28M3D5T) steels to iitt4~r6rystalline corrosion. Method 'IV" was described by G.La Shvarts and "U.S. Kuznetsova (Ref. 1: Korroziya i iznos konstruktsionnykh materialov khi:aicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. Ecor- ro.gLon and wear of constructic~n materiils in the chemical machine-building industry), Sbornik statey NIIKhIW.1ASha, no. 25, Mashgiz, 1958) and by F.B. Slomyanskaya, G.L. Shvarts, F.F. Khimishin Z.F. Istrina and Yu.S. Sidor- kina (Ref. 2* Korroziya i iznos metallov aorrosion and wear of metal Sit Trudy P111K.U1,111AASha, vyp. 27, L959). In the first part of the investigation Card 1/4 22989 3/164/61/000/004/002/004 A hieht-speed method for investizating D041/D112 U the CXLdation-and-restoration pctentials of oolution,-~ (without samp- ies) measured according to the methods "A" 'IV" and 'An" (IIA1,19. Th.~ --c-mpos it ions of the solutior.s were. for meth,~d 110 G of CUSO~,,-5ffeo A with a specif_,c weigtt of 1.8' par lit,~,r of water; for ,:!"A 5~ Fril of H2SO4 r - ,i;~~tnod 'IV" - 110 G of C1.4304-920 and 55 Ml of H2SO4 with ~-_ specific reight of 1.84 per liter of water with the add'-tion of zinc powder; and for method "AM" - 160 G Of CuS04-5H2O and 55 ml of H2SO4 per liter of water with the addition of copper shavings. Tae exper-menta lastQd 144 hours.- 32 G of copper shavings were added to 650 ml of solution in method "AM", and 3.25 a of zinc powder to 650 ml of solition in method 'IV". In the second part of the investigation the variation of the oxidation-and-restoration potential, di,)t~ending on the quantity of the dissolved intercrystalline materlal in K 2311261',13D3T and OKh23N28M3D3T steels, (Fig. 3) was studied. In the third Fart of the investigation the effect of the contact of copper on the steel samples was studied. Two samples were placed in a Class container provided with a reflux condenser. One sample wz.s of Kh23N28M3D3T or M23N28M3D3T steel, the other of pure boppertjO(1,10) or Mil(Ml). The steel samples were heated to 7000C for 20 minutes. The f)llowing results were obtained: 1) M, thod 'IV" is r-commended for -esting --hrome-nickel-molybdenum-steels con- tainin~ copper, This method showed that when the oxidation-and-restoration ------Card 2 4 22989 5 f.! 2's /67 Yjieh-:;pc-~-d =c-thc,6 for ... potential of the'solution w4s 0.08 v6lts there was a tendency of these steels to intercrystallYne corrosion. 2) A polarizaiion effect of the cur- rent was not observed i. the presence of -sine when method 'IV" was used. The potentdal values during the anodb and cathode polarization practically coin- cide and become equal to the value of the oxidation-and-restoration poten- tial of the solution (0.08 volts) at whici intercrystalline corrosion begins. 3) The quantity of zinc powder and copper shavings does not affect the varia- tion of the oxidation.:-and-restorat.--on potential. 4) During tests made ac- cording to method "A", chrome-nicktil-molybdenum-steels containing copier showed no tendency to intercrystal--ine corrosion when the oxidation-and restoration potential was 0-45 volts- 5) A 24 hours' test according to method IIAMII showed that ihe oxidatLon-and-restoration pcten ial reached .0.08 volts. 6) Oxidation-and-restoration potentials of pure solutions s scarcely differ from the oxidation-and-re-storation potentials of solution in which samDles which have a tendr-ncy to intercrystalline corrosion are tested. There are 5 figures and 5 Sovie;-bloc references. Card 3/4 22989 S/184J61/000/004/002/004 A high-speed meth8d for investigating.... D041/D112 Ytl_4-~ 3- Chanige of the Fig. 44 qj tva~l oxidation-and-restora- tion potential depending on the testing time t upon solution of the grain- decompostion products', I - tests According to method "All; 2 - according to method 'T"; 3 - accord- ing to method "AM"; of two samples after heating to 7000C for 20 minutes; ------ of five samples after heating to 7000C for 2 hours Card 4/4 7unctional rio~"-I-Iy oo' t.~ern~orec~p-.nrs ant4 v r; 5 c s 77 r E- a the fac'-al gk:r lmcicr noT,mnl a,-d t-ppliciztlon Df creams villimin F Prd A. Vest. dErT. 7~ V-71. CLO . IL tu -3T s n., . vrarl )ri~iy mil Akhad--,-- ACC NR: AT6036608 SOURCZ CODE: IJ'.t/0000/66/000/00010249/0250 AUTHOR: "Wrilova, L. It.; SidorIcina, Z. I. ORG: none TITL!~. Study of the characteristics of change.; in the functional state of tho i [."anar ~ra.-notcd at the Confaranco ~ijcr natuinIcconlItIgns of qO~tardr=iOr 011 -10 eMS 01: pa a -a cine hold n I;oscov from 4-2 May 19667 SOU=E: Nonfarentsiya po probler=m konmichesk5y meditsiny, 1966. Froblemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of spacc medicine); materialy konforentsil, lKoscow, 1966, 249-250 T02IC TAGS: isolation test, inrnmoloV, space hygicne, tissue physioloay ABSTRACT: I-e na' nres in the functional con f cial epiddrrnis , ture of cha dition ol the fa T wder navxal contaraination conditions was studiad usinIv the followin- .P*4-.YS-LO110,gical indices: 1) skin temperature; 2) epidermal heat radiat-Aon,; and 5) char.-res in the functional adjustment of heat receptors in the cheeks dur-'-, 'lex ref heat reactions. Observations were made in "he initial state '3efore enterinrl the charnbar, 0 periodicaUy -during a mont th I s sojourn in the chamber, and following Card 1/3 ACC NR: A76036608 e.-neraence from the chamber. A dynami,:! record of functional shi's in C, Al. the state of the epidermis was thus obtained. A record of changes in chAarnber temperature was also made. Analysis off the results showed that during 14 days' confineme.nt-to 'he ichamber, 'he ambient temperature rose gradually from 26. 6P to 29. 6* C. A-his rise in ambient temperature was accompained by an increase in tne sk-ink temperature oIF 'he cheeks and a decrease in heat radiation from the :cneeks. This is interpreted as follows: to protect the organism ffrom over- ~Iheatin-, thermoregulatory mechanisms act to increase heatloss (skcin ."em,perature is increased by a vascular raaction). The amount of heat radia- :,tion declines because of the decreased difference Setween ambient tempera- Iture and epidermal surface temperature. Chanres in tI-.e reflex adjustment of heat recoptors were the most 1 0 cl, haracteristic. Lespite individual differences a. general tendency could I 'be noted in the functioning of the epidermis. The number of A'U!.ctioning 'heat receptors g ,radually increased as confinement to the ch.amber continued, indicating increased thermal sensitivity. By the 4th to 6th day, the reac- tion of heat receptors had begun to be characterized by inertia; in subsequent days, the amplitude of re-A-lex heat reacticns also decreased; this continued until there was almost no reaction at aU.,, Card -2/3 1 ACC N.Rs AT6036608 ICSC j.. -,ccts for c~-.u rnonith to a scaled im-ozArs *.a raactions c:Pi*darl-:,z-'. Znalyzer grea ly lirnits ,'-e and ihereby '-a skin A, 0 fW. A. No. 22; ATD Report '66-1161 SUB CODIE: 06 / SuBm a&TE; OOMay66 3/3 SIDORKO. G.M.-..-- Ament of postinfluenzal diaorders of the nervous system L neurological hospital. Vrach. delo noeS:134-135 Ag 161. (MIRA 15:3) Spetsializirovannyy nevrologicheskiy sanatoriy imeni ,ogo Maya,, (Pushcht,4oditsa), (W.VOUS SYSMA-DISEASES) (INFLUENZA) FEDORETS, V.A., kand. takhn. nalak; SIDOFKO, I.V., inzh. Calculating the time of the opere.ting c:pcle of a hydraulically controlled operator. Mashinostroemie no.1:21-25 -T&-1? 163. (MIRA 16--7) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichookly institut. (Hydrwille conixol) ACCES310Y MRs ARM3201 9/0217/63/000/009/0002/0M .30URCSo RZho Mashinostre saterialyeg konstre 1 reschot dotaley mashis.' Abe. AUTHORs Sidorkos.le To; 1,ubonstat LO Of TITM Utilisation, of the rrequeney method In dotormlolag.stabiIMW and sontrol factors in hydraulic stabilized treeking system CITED SOURCM Tr. Kiyawske politekhme to-tap ve 37, 1962& 4149 ~TOPIC TAGSs frequency method# trasking *yeten-stability, tracking system emitrels, stabilized tracking systemp hydraulio*tra6king systems stabilized hydraulic' tracking systems hydraulic stabilized tracking system& successive stabilisatiom's' consecutive etabillsationg tracking system successive stabilization& tr6oking Isystem oonseentive stabilitations swoessive tracking system stabilisationo consecutive tracking system stabiliciationo balance equation, I1q%td consumption balance equatiom, valve notion equation' hydroulio angles wtim equatioso nonhomogemove Wiser ditterestial i9q;4osb trackift system [IMMIAnOgs ow tomio Sabewissor OYOUMO i1th trodds ,# st0faiseum, "'N T WCUSION M AN4003201 ;Ivene A nwthod to given of ampiling and solving a system et equations; describing the behavior of the hydraulic tracking drive tyotm* Dw systm at equations omb- liste of fuel balm"* Oquatione througli the O*atisw 8106 *t Us imtellatiews ad the *resistumes of the hydraul" contacts o squalkimm at movansit C of tho ftIve of Us, soatrol and regulatim equipment, and -** equation of tM anommat at Us Wdramdia =*We an equations WO.Wet.urim.'a sptm limm. , 06161 equatis", In sm speralm" two# 08 0=8 L -3490-66 EWT(d)/DIT(m)/EPF(c:)/DIP(V)/T/1-UP(k)/EWP(b)/MP4 'I) IJP(c) DJ/BG ACCESSION NR: AT5022814 UR/3165/65/000/001/OQ64/0061 AUTHOR: 1~idorko, 1. V. 'Candidate of technical sciences) 0 11-44 TITLE: New single -coordinate hydraulic servo systems With stabilizing components SOURCE: Ukraine. MinisterstvilyZesheS2 i arimbego Qdrav- potstalln9go obrazovanlya licheskiye mashiny I g1droprivod, no. 1, 1965. Issledovanlye gidravllchookikh ustroystv I sistem (Investigation of hydraulic devices and systems), 64-61 TOPIC TAGS: control system tability, hydraulic device, flow regulator, servosystem, stabilizer ABSTRACT: The application of stabilizing components in one of the means used to Improve the stability of servo rates of hydraulic serve systems with single-edge slide valves and differential hydraulic drives. Two such systems are considered by the present author. System I has a differential cylinder In which a ri,-ductlon valve to used as the regulator am also serves as the pressure drop at the throttling edge of the servo slide (Author's Certificate No. 155675). System 9 has a differential cylthdor with a single-edge servo spigot at the discharge end of which is a flow regulator. It to established experimentally Card 1/2 r,..A L 3505-66 34T(m)/EPF(e)/T Di, ACCESSION MR: ATS022815 IJR/3165/65/000/001/0062/0069'. ALWOR: Sidorko, 1. V. (Pandidate of tech-aLcal sciences) TITLE: Experimental determinalion of the characteristics of reduction valves afid flow regulators in hydraulic sfatems A,t~ SOURCE: Ukraine. MLnisterstvo vyashego i arednego spetsial!nogo obrazovaniya. Gidravlicheskiya mashiny i gidroprivod, no. 1, 1965. Issledovaniye gidravli- cheskikh ustroystv i sLatem (Investigation of hydraulic devices and systems), 62-69 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, hydraulic device, hydraulic equipment, valve, flow control, flow regulator, flow rate ABSTRACT: The published literature cont&Lns certain theoretical and experimental data on reduction valves and flow regulators, but little information on the flow characteristics of a reduction valve (investigated either separately or in a flow regulator system), on the resisting forces, on valve slides while the valve is in motion, on the nature of the notion of slides subjected to disturbance (jumps in pressure or flow), or on the operating time of the valves. The present author studies experimentally the operation of flow regulators and reduction va~ves.ln a hydraulic system operating on Indus~triallnoye-20 oil. Specificallys Carc 114 L 3505-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022815 I the author studies the dependence of'flow in a reduction valve on the displac t of the valv*e slide at a constant reduction pressure, fixed pressure in front of the reduction valve, and temperature'$* the dependence of the reduction pressure of the reduction valve slide (al: fix;ml pressure and temperature) anddependence of the floW on the pressure drop in the throttling slit of the reduction valve and the regulator, at different temperattrres. A description is given a the experimental setup used (Fill. 1 of the Erv;loaure). It to shown that -4th an increase in the pressure on the regulator the resistance to the Valve slide, increases together with its operating times Origo art.'-has: 4 figures, Xtabloaj and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUMMED: 00 ENCL: Q! SIM. C=t 19 M NO REF SOV: 006 OTHERt 000 2/4 Card L 3505-66 ACCESSION MR: AT5022815 Card ENCLO"Efol- r FIG. I DIAGRAM Or EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 3/4 L 3505-66 ACCESSION NR. AT5022815 ENCLOSURE: 02 PUMP 1 2 SAFETY VALVE 3 G55-21 FLOW R EGULATOR 4 3-WAY SPIGOT 5 OIL CONTAINER M MANOMETER; DO - PRESSURE SENSOR; DP DISPLACEMENT SENSOR; T - THERMOMETER card 414 k L 3094-M ACC&WION WR I AR5013619 UR/0271/65/000/004/lBO49/BO50 681-142-621 3 SOURCEs Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychiBlitellni7a takhnika. Svodnyy tomo Abe. 4B369 AUTHOR: Sidorkop Vo A. TITLE: Temperature compensation of -the dark current in germanium photodiode used in an angle-to-code converter CIM SOURCEs Sb. Ustroystva i elemi(inty prom. telemakhan. KVav,, 1964, 97-99 TOPIC TAGS: temperature compensation, photodiode, angle to code converter TRANSIATION: Variation of photodiode parameters with temperature results In an error in angle-to-code converters. This error has been reduced by temperature compensation. A method is considered in which DO-Ts27 diodes are used for tempera-i ture comperisation. These diodes have a thermal inertia almost equal to that of FD photodiodea, Howevers it is diffindt to select an element whose characteristic would exactly coincide with the requ;1red one. Hence,, in addition to,the temperature-compensating elements rosistors are used for adjusting the .L 3o94-66 ACCESSION NR: AR5013619 characteristic. The results of teats of the temporature-comperwation. circuit are supplied. Thanks to the toWerature-componsation circuit, the,tempwaturs* 1range of the converter operation up to 56-60C. PUB, 40 SM COIDE ENCM 00 DIP CarcR/2. S/0 19/6 1/uOO/024/o34/a88 A 1 56/A 126 AU-7nK'ItS, LuUikly, V.A., and Sidorko, V.A. T:TIFI A temperature-stabilization device for photGdiodes FERIOD:CAL-, Byullete-n' izobreteniy, no. 24, 1961, 31 TEXT: 1960). A Class 21g, 2c)Ol. No. 143481 (685808/20 of November 17, -e-n,rera-'J-.e-3tabiIizat1on device for photodiodes, the distinctive feature of whl:h c- ',nsists In that for the purpose of (insuring high stability of the photo- oi~tput voltage at temperatur- fluctuations, the total load resis-.ance of *~he ~hcrcdiod-s is connected to t*,e collector of a semiconductor triode, the c-f which Its connected to the power supply, while to the triode base c1r- 3r, ad-' vesistur is connected, selected so that a change in the tric-le o-s-,;-i* v,:)14-agc- compensates for a change in the photodiode dark current. Card 1/1 t 27180-65 1W(MVW(t)/51P(b) ACCESSION NR-. AP4009356 S/0019/64/009/001/0220/0221 ,AUTHOR: L -ka-shenko, G. M ;,Yeremenk, V. N.; 01dorko, V. P. TITLE: Thermodynamic investfizationof the silver-antimony pystem SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimli, v. 9, no. 1 220-221 TOPIC TAGS: silver antimony system,- silver antimony thermodynamic roperty entropy, enthalpy, entropy, heat~caipaclty P ABSTRACT: The thermodynamic properties ol the Ag_Sb solid state system were-,'. studied by measuring the e. m. f. and the t mne rat-gre coefficients of the e. m. f. b of the concentrated circuit Agso AgI JA _I Results are summar-- lid- ItS solid- Ized in the enclosed figures. For We pha e. of stoichlometric compo ition AeOb, A ZO =- 960 cal. /gm. atom; a So- 1/ 28 cal/gm, atom. degree, A no= -:0 cal. Igm. atom. The e. m. f. --temperature function Is expressed by the equation: E= 0.0491-0.745X,0-4(t-350)v. Change of the compositionof the epailont phase Card 1/ 4 271&)-65 IAcassice ns AP4009356 Cord 3/4 4j ;Ztionship of concentrated.,.",- circuits. Agsolid Agl Ag-Sb 801 L 29993-65 BW(m)/9WP(t)/LW(b) 1JP(c) MC-ESSION NR: AP4046744 S/0226/64/000/005/00-49/0051 AUTHOR: Yaremenko, V.N.; Lukashenko,--G.1V.*.~ Sidorko, V.R. TITLE: Thermodynamic Prol2erties of manizanesa allicideR 5, SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurg4a, no. 5, 1964, 49-51 TOPIC TAGS: manganese silicide, electromotjvc~ rce, isothermal potential, entropy, heat of forniation, galvanic element ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to stud), tie thermodynamic properties of MnSf and MnSij. 7 by the enif method. Measurements were. made of the emf of high-temperature galvanic circuits of the type: Mn id KCI.-Naill. n--Sil EM Sol Solid + 2% MnC; I The alloys of Mn with Si were In heterogeneous i-egions: (MnSil. + Si) for. cell I an4 (MnSt + MnSil- 7) for cell 11. EI = 0. 5070--1.18 1. 10"T vi Ell = 0. 3141-~-O. 016- 10' T V; average deviation was +0. 002 and +0. 004 v. rho isobaric-isothermal potential for the Card 1/2 LUKASTIENKOP G.M.; YEREMENKO, V.N.; !!II)ORK-039 V.R. Thermodynamic study of the sv:)tom silver - antimony. Zhur neorg.khim, 9 no.lt220-221 Ja 164. iMIRA 17:2) -M, (Kiyv,,. of solid solutions in ~.hl System, i gor. delo no.6,151-155 N-11) 164. (KTRA 18:3) YER-;7MFIIF,O. Y.N.; T,UrA91iw_NKO. GM.j SIPORIKO, V.P. Thermodynamic properties of nuirganese r1croah.met. 4 no,5i49-51 &-,3 164. (mau. -Isilo) 1. Tnstitut problem materialated-mly-ft AN Ukt-SSR. HAGROV, A.V.1 KOVALI, V.I.; SIDOR(LV, .? --- _A,!' - Frequenoy and density of the Lyr'.d msteor atream In 1963. Biul. VAGO no.35s34-36 164, (MIRA l8j4) 1. Moskovskoys otdolemiya Vaeso3rianogo astronamn-goodevichookogo obahchestva, meteornyy otdol I Miskovskiy Dvorets pionerov. 5'11)6 8 k o ~/. A -M- LOPATIN, F.Y.; SIDORKOV, A.M.; BALIMOV, Me, provisor. ---4 The work of pharmacists shotld. bt s4re efficl*ntly utilised In drug- stores. Apt.delo 3 no.2:47-46 Mr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7t4) 1. Studenty V kurea Moskovskogo fa:.-matsevtichookogo instituta. (Drugstores) rent OrigIn and clovalopment. of oharvacoutical oduc*ti0t! 3MCre, W11-en In Rusaia- on the 55th ennivnres-y of the foundstiou of tl-.e ?irt~t Phammesutical School for dio,son. hotAsio 6 no.4:59-62- 1, Lz kafedry organizat,?ii fa-rayotsevticheakogo dels) (zav. dotuent T.I-Tolltsmar) M~s'rov:;kopo fprmts*vttchAPko-wc ivvit:;Is (PHAFMAC Y- -111 ~:TO-*,IT) SIDORKOV, A.M. - - , History of ndvanced pshrmacertical education in the UeS.S.R. (1917-1941). Apt.delo 7 no.6s2l-27 W-D 158 (mrm 11:12) 1' Iz kafedry organizateli fttrmatsevtlcheel-ogo dela (sev. - Zteent T-I* Tollteman) Koskm?ekogo fprmetspvtichenkogo institutas (PHMMACY-STUDT TID TRACHM) SIDDRKOV. A.M. Development of higher pharmacqutical education In the U.S.S.R. In the poetward yearn. Apt.delo 8 no,6:44-47 &D 059. (PHMKACY--&ZUDT AID TRACHIJO) (MINA 13:4) SIDORKOV, A.M, On the history of the devetlorment of a pharmaceutical college in the Urals. Apt.delo 9 no.2:4o-43 mr-Ap 16o. (KMA 13.-6) 1. Nauchnn rakovoditell rabety - datsent T.I. Tol'tomn. (PSM-PHARKiCY-NUDY AND TIACHM) ,.SIDORKOV, A.M. Development of higher phaimaceutical education in Petersburg- Petrograd-l-eningrad. Apt. delo 9 no. 5:71-74 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. TSentralinyy apetchnyy nauctmo-issledovatel'skiy institut. (LENINCRAD-4-TUDY ARD TZACHING) 13LAGOVII)OVA, Yu.A., dots., otv. red.; 'AELILIC101KO, A.K.., zarn. otv. red.; GA1,2AM-:A1:, A.F., Frof., red.; KUTU1.110VA, Ye.N., red.; SEDOVA, K.D., karri. farm. nauk, red.; SENOV, P.L.f prof., red.; SIDCRKOI~_A.M., red.; STETSYUK, A.M.,, -ed.; SHILOV, Ylu.k.~Pa=. farm. n5a~k, red.; KIIALETSKIY, A.M.., prof., red. [Materials of the Second All-Union Conference of Pharma- cists] 14aterialy Vtoroi Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii farma- tsevtov. Moskva, Medgiz, 19El. 394 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsesovuzr-ava konforentsiva farratsevtov, 2d, Leningrad, 1959. Z~Xaftdra takhno1ogi:!'1b'kar1*v I Meakovskoge meditaluskago in- stituta im. I.M.Sechonova (for Blagovidova). 3. Direktor Tsentrallnogo aptecNiogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo inst4- .#'~+' (for Kutumova). 4. Zav'eduyushchiy kafedroy farmatsevti- chenkcWAMP44 I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova (for S-~,nov). 5. Zamestitell direktora po na- uchnoy chasti TSentrallnogo aptechnogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta (for Shilov). P,O,-& -V4 1-DWK01 + - A,.. his"I GAND PHARM S llllAvrnA~" ONrJRAINING9 1 1OR~p %, _~ao, ij., ,; _~,Y\ 1 _~~ JA,~ U_f"+",N 0- AND CAL PERSONNEL, dWi-04404W (1917-1959).Il Moscowp 1961. (FIRST MOSCOW URL;ER OF LENIN MED INST IMENI 1~ M. SECHENOV, PHARm FACULTY). (KL-DVt 11-61, 231). 3 -3 SIDORKOV A 14 - LEDEDEVA, IA.M. -61~ . I j t p Cormminist labor brigades in pharmscies. Apt. delo 10 no.5:6-8 S-0 '61. (KM U, t 32) (PHAJIMCY) POLYAKOV, N.G., prof.; CHERIKOVSKAYA, T.Ya., kand. med. nauk; S1DORK.OV,.-A..M.0 kand. faricatsevt. nauk; BELROKlY, -ye.Y*e., kand. med. nauk; HUZINIINA, K.K., provizor; "SIL'YEVA., S.F., provizor; POLYAKOV , N.G., prof., red.; FELIDSHER, L.N., red.; OCHEMIKO, V.D., red.; GHULKOVI I.F., tekhn. red. [basic medivinal preparations and prepared drugs; a manual for physicians] OsrovTlye lekarstvennye preparaty i gotovye formy; spravochrdk dlia vrachei. Moskva Medgiz, 196,3- 359 P. (MIRA 17-.21 SIDORKOV, A.R.; LAVRE7,TIYEVA, V.Z. rience ir the work of jublic councils in plamacieso Aptech. delo 12 no.3:14-18 1~063 (MnU 170) PANCMIKO, Ye.I.,- SIDCRKOV, A.M. Some means of improving the supply of medicines for therapeutic and prophylactic institutions. Apt. delo 12 no-50-14 S-0163 (MIRA 16:11) 1. TSentrallny.7 aptechnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. *-0 SIDORKOV,A.M.; PARKHOMW-KO, G.I.; KCROLEVA, M.G.; YARANTSEVA, Ye.P. Review of T.I.Tolltsman's book "-Textbook on the organization of pharmaceutical. service.t-Apt. delo 12 no.5t86-87 S-0163 (MIRA 16t11) LAVRENTIYEVA, V.Z.; SEWIRINA, L.A.; SIDORKOV, A.M. Dispensing of drugs by metcal personnel. Ipt. delo 12 no.6:48-51 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. TSentralinyy %ptechrqy nauchno-ionledovatelinkly institut, A.1-4.. kand. farm. nauk; IEB!,',N:VA, !~.M.*, SFIMEYKINA, !..A, r-ganization of drig preparation work in dr-,igstores. Sbor. nauch. k,, trud. 7SA rIT I 6.3-2C 164. ORMA 19: 1) GAdel organizatsil i ekcnomiki aptechnogo dela (rukovcdJ Wl' - kand. farm. nauk A.M. Sidor-kov) TS)entrullnogo aptechnogo nauchno- is.-,Iadovatellskogo insti ula. FOCHKOV) N.G.p prof.; CIERIEOVSfUU, T.Ya., kand. med. nauk; ~IDORKQV.,-.L.M., kand. farlriJLtSeVt. nauk, FUCMUIZO, V.D., provizor; HZIMIA, K.K., pniwizor; VASILIYEVA, S.F.p provizor; FELIDSHER, L.N., provizor; ZAKOSHAIISKIY, N.Ya., red. [Prepared drugs; a manual far physicians] Gotovye lekarst- vennye preparaty; spravochaik dlia vrache--. Moskva, Med-itsina, 1965. 2;~8 P. (',-IIRA 18%6) area, 14 no.2x P r-,,. r a q-L! Mr-Ap 0.1 y 200157 CAI 5)l .15 7- 15 9 -:ztdo of 13 bind Z2 -~--ar n1d P.WA-" beean in of In Kievahay~t Thave -4aa no riot-irL-L%bll'o r) ro tige morpholo, to:oard gro-~tflr "n-me )"umus '~'-)Ptr-ftt. czltiqrkw~ 'ily-6 i~:iria' F-V- sllvam~"~.o sj,:o ~Y~(-%V, V. 2'. V. B.: "rhe operation of three-phrase as,,-rnchronous motors with asymmetry in the network voltage." hin -fligher Education USSR. 111oscow Order of Lenin Pover En incering, Inst imeni V. M. '-folotov. moscow, 1956. (Dissertif,n For the Depree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.) Knizhnaya letopis', "o. 39, 1956. Moscow. SOVI 112-518-2-2280 Tra~iq:,,ttion fro-n: ReferativnIry zir::rnall, Elekt:rotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, . pp 78-79 (USSR) AUTHOR. _Sido =_X~. LL TT_TLE: ODeratir,_n cf Induct-an Motors or Nonsymmetrical SUPPILY Voltages ~Rabota trek~,faznykh as-inkhrOrm7kh dvigateley pr;. -nesimmetrii r-apryazheniy ;_x e t i~, PERIOD~CAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. jz-t3, 1956, Nr 28, pp, 170-186 ATRSTRACT: The ope:ration of 3.-Pha,ie induction motors in no-neut:al supply net- v!,~rka at 3.Btrmmetrical netwrork voltages ia cc.asidered. The asymmetry factor K = U, 1U, 100%, where U, a: I& are positive- and negative-phase sequence A vultage components, and U, = Ulf - For K less than 10fe, the sl-;p, effective nal, and power factor show practically no change; however, additio in the windli-.-igs, dule to negative-phase sequence carrents, increase; t~,.ey c,3.7: reach. c:nsiderable valuea aad heat cp the motor. The resuits are re- of a calcu_'atlon af the zdditi~).r,41 losses ir, rctor wirdings due to a %e~eA,,, seq%xence cn_rrent at U C.05 U; . 'he r-egative-phase Card 1,3 SOV/112-58-2--2280 Opezation of 3-Phase KTXdILCtiO-&-% Mo!.oi a on Nonsymmetrical Supply Voltages seven,,!e Linped'ances of rotor wiadinga are calculated with ayi allowance for t1te effect in tote slot parts of the windings. A c3lculation Shows that addi- ti-r-i%al Ir-Ases can reach 20-300/1 of the fund-ix-neatal 'Losses in the rotor wirding. A(-J,+'_t.;.,:,,i:J Josses -.*,A the slot section of the upper bars of the rotor winding, at tY,e a~,:;ve val~_e of U:t , zeach 5.0-7016 of the baslc losses in these bars. Thus, f~,.- a FAMSO 151Z-6. T30-kw motor w~_ich ),aft 22-mm-high rotor birs, the in- r.~ r-iFe in O-e of the lipper bars is 7 1%. Calc-_Oations show that with the ab;.-,ve 5% v,..".tage ap-*rmmetry, the total lop.Res ir~ the el~Ml- section of the upper b3.T,i ca:-- go ~:ip t,) 40-50% YLigher than t.I~.e loege,j in the lower part of the slot F-z- t~~s reasoLi, a detf-rmi::atio-i of t-he triaxim- urn temperature ia rstf~:- IarH is hnp-,rtint La c~~"_ideiing the 1-4fe of the motor. Experiments made at JAE1 a~~d at the Plant imeni Vl&dimira lVicha '.1mer-i Vladimir Illich) have #+at, for K 2 516, the _;,tcrease .;-- the temperature rise of the rotor wind- a-.d the hotteL-11 0~_se of the stanr wiading f,)r am AOL32-4, A 41-4, BA032-.1500, ~:;Z AK~- 1 -.4, m- ct,3r, ia from 6% to 1% as compared to the tempera- -re syrnrnet~;,A! v-,'tage2; the increise i!% the tempe:,a-tare rise of the Cird '?13 SCV111Z-58-2-?Z80 Operatit~tn of 3-Phase Induction Motors on Nonsymmetrical Supply Voltages bottest stator wi-nding phase of an.A92-6 motor was as high as 25%. and for an A094-6 motor was 40%. The A9Z-6 motor and, particularly, the A094-6 motor jt,ive a relatively great effective length and considerable additional losses due to a negative-phase sequence current. In the enclosed-type motors (AO), the -:)to.-- winding heats up highest; the maxim-um stator-windLng temperature occurs in the middle of the end connectionti, on the end that has no fan. In protected- type s qui.-r e1 -cage motors, the maximum temperature is observed in the middle of the sl-It section of the winding. Equations are derived to determine the maxim-nm temperature rise in the rotor bars of a woz-,--d-rotor motor operating -it asymmetrical slipply voltages. As an investigation of motor operation at a.;,/-mmetrical voltages has shown, the leal-rage impedance of windings depends or. the saturation of steel caused by the main magnetic flux. _Tn a number of in- vestigated motors, the decrease of the mai-n Plux down to one-half of the rated Eux resu'ted in a ZO-40% increase in x, and x M. 1. K. C ar d 313 S/125/60/000/011/012/016 A161/A133 AUTHOR: Sidorkov, V.B. I TITLEt Calculation of the stabilizing components of rectifiers with rigid ..external characteristic for electric arc welding PERIODICALs Avtomaticheskaya ovarka, no. 11, 1960, 67-76 TEXT: The advantages of rectifiers with rigid external characteristics had been discussed previously (Refol,2#3) and compared with rectifiers having a drooping characteristic: the installed capacity and the number of valves of the former are considerably lower, and the efficiency and coo T higher The.BCK (VSK) rectifier has been desifned and built at ToNlIELEKTROM (Ref:4 and 5, Author's Certificates). Its voltage is controllable under load by booster transformers, and it is applicable for automatic and semi-automatic shielded arc welding, automatic submerged-arc welding, and manual welding with coated electrodes. This rectifior type was described before in "Avto- maticheskaya svarkall No-3, 1960. The present article contains detailed en- gineering information, calculation da-ra, and a practical calculation example Card 1/4 S/125/60/000/011/012/016 Calculation of the ntabilizing components... A161/AI33 ASSOCIATIONt ToNILELEKTROM AN SSSR (TaNILELEKTROM of the Academy'of Sciences & of the USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 26, 1960 j Card 3/4 KASPRZHAK, G.M.,; SIDOMOV, V.13., kand.tekhn.nank Adjusting the voltage of rectifiers b7 using voltageadding trans- formers.. Yest.elektroprom. 33 no-3:12-19 Hr '60. MRA 13:6) (Electric current rectifiers) 28036 S/081/61/000/015/116/139 A 0/ q0 B102/B101 AUTHORS; Marushkin, B.. K_ B3rg, Gy. A., Sidorocheva, L. V., Baydavletova, P. G, TITLE; Extractive deparaffinatior. of diesel fuel PERLODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Khimiya, no. 15, 1961, 480, abstract 15MI92 (Sb. tr,. Ufimsk., rLeft. in-ta, no. 3, 1960, 187 - 194) TEXT: Deparaffination of the diesf-1 fraction of Devonian petroleum (boiling point, 200 - 350OC; specific weJght, 0.837; solidifaction point, -120C; content of n-paraffinea, 21~/a by weight).was used an an example to show that phenol extraction is a useful mothod for deparaffination of directly fractionated fuel The siparation of n-paraffins is considerably improved if the number of extracti)n stages is increased and if relatively narrow fractions are separated. A sharp increase of the phenol consumption im 'vroves the indices obtained only little, The clearness of separation attained in the experiments was insufficient to obtain a winter sort of diesel fuel solidification point, -35 or -450C). It is, however, possible to improve the indices of the process if solvents of higher selectivity are Card 1/12 41 SIMSO!T, I SIDCROCHKIN S.S., Inzhener. retsenzent; SBTMOV, LL, do;.'.-n;t; Jca~nidat kfiniftheskikh nauk.-FXRXktor; SOKOWYA, L.V., tekhnicheakly redaktor [Safety measures in mechanical woodworking) Tokchnika bezopannoott pri mokbanicheakot obrabotket drevesiTW. Moskva, Goa. nauchno- takhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1955. 170 P. (KE2A 8:7) (Woodworking machinC17-Safety appliances) SIDOROCHKINI S.S.; KUZNETSOV~ Ye.1.j oty. red. (Reference book on accident prevention and industrial bygienel Spravochnik po tekbnike bezopasnosti i promyshlemoi sanitaril. Leningrad, Sudprorgiz, [1958TJ (MIRA l4sn) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Law statutes etz. (ACCIDE;TS-PREVEI'T ION) JINDUSTRIIL 11YGIENE) IGZATOK, A.I., inzh., red.; inzh., red.; GORIAMffA, L.P.. [Sales for accident prevention and industrial hygiene In the production of acetylene. ozypn, and in the flame machining of metels] Pravila tekhn1kI besopnenosti I proizvodstvonnot sanitaril pri prolavodetva atestilena, kislorods I gazopla- mennoi obrabotke metallov. Soglauvany a Glavnoi Gosuderntien- noi annitarnol inspektolel SSSR 27 sentiabria 1958 g. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo m shinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 100 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Profsoyus rabochikh masbAnostroyeniya. TSentrallnyy komitet. (Gas welding and cuttInj;) (Acetylene) (Oxygen) -S.IDOROCHKIN, S.S.; OSKINKIN, Ta.M.; CHURIN, Y.N.; TUSHTIN, Ye.I.; TANKOTSKATA, Z.T.; KUZNBPSOY, Te.j.,; KAZAROV, Tu.s., red,;.KMOIA)VA, T.N.,, (Handbook on accident proveniion and industrial sanitation; In three voluawal Spravochdk -oo tekhnlim bezopesnosti I pro- myshlennoi sanitarii; v trekh tomakh. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznos izd-vo sudoetroit.promythl. Tol.2. (Regulations, Instructions, normal Pravila. instruktall. normy. 1959. 525 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Industrial safety) (Industrial hygiene) IGUATOK, A.I.9 inzh.; SHIFMAN, G.M., kand. med. nauk,, red.; KOj-WSKIY, V.A., starshiy inzh., red.; SHULEVU-11 N.A.., red.; MIEWIDVA, V.L.p red.; KOGAN, G.M., starshiy inzL.., red.; NARBEKOVA, N.N., starshiy inzh., red.; SIDOHOCHKIN, S.S., starahly inzh... red.; SOROKINA, GeYeep tekhn. red. (Safety and industrial sanitation regulations for founding shops in the machinery industry) Pravila tekhniki bezopasnosti i froizvodstvan- noi sanitarii v liteynom, proizvc-dstve mashinostroitellnoi promyshlen- nosti. Utverzlideny Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza rabochikh meahinostroeniia 19 noiabria 1958 Coda.... Mosk-vE.., Cos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashito- stroit. lit-ry, 1960. 67 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinost,royeniya SSSR. 2. GlavMy tekhnicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komitet& profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroyen#a (for Ignatok, Mikhaylova). 3. Poskovskiy institut okhravy truda V99- soyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shifman). 4. Flookov- skiy zavod "Stankolit" (for Koretskiy). 5. UchexWy sekretarl NIITLITMASha (for Shulenin). 6. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyekti- rovaniyu stankostroitellnykh, ir-strumentallnykh,, abrazivnykh zavodov i zavodov kuznechno-pressovogo madhinostroyeniya (for Nartakova). 7. Mo- skovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (for Kogan). 8. Gosudarstvennyy ko- mitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po sudostroyeniyu (for Sidorochkinj. (FOUNDING-SAFETY MEASURES) (FACTORY SANITATION) KI"T, Konstentin Vasillyevich; SIDORO-=11.1G.S., nauchnyy red,*, XUBKOVA, A.I., red.; SHIMOVA. L.M., [Improvement of working conditions In electric welding) Osdorovlonio uslovii truds pri ilektrooverochnykh rabotakh. Leningrad# Goo.soiusnoe izd-yo sudostroit.prourshl,j 1960, 100 P. (NIU 13:7) (WeldIng-Hygienic aspects) BRIATOK, A.I., inzh.; SHIWAN, G.F., kand. rad. naukj red.; KOHETSKIY, V.A., starshiy inzh., red.; SHULENIN, N.A., red.; 14IKHAYLOVA, V.L., tekb&bpektor, red.; KOGAN, G.F., staxshiy inzh.p red.; NARBEKOVAp N.W., starshiy inzh., red.; SIDOROCHKM,--a.S-', starshiy inzh., red.; SMIRNOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. (Regulations on saffty measures and industrial sanitation in foundry practice in the machinery industry] Pravila tekhniki bez- opasnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitarii v liteinom proizvodstve mashinostroitellnoi promyshlennosti. Utverzbderq Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza rabochikh mashinostrooniia 19 noiabria 1958 goda... Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 69 p. (MIRA 15.6) 1. Profsoyuz rabochikh mashinostroyenLya SWR. 2. Glavnyy tekha- cheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza, mashinostroye- niya SSSR (for Ignatok). 3. Floskovskiy institut okhrany truda Vse- soyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profeoyuzov (for Shifman). 4. Mo- Bkovskiy zavod "Stankolit* (for Koretskiy). 5. Uchenyy sekretarl Nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta liteynogo mashinostroyeniya i liteynoy tekhnologii (for Shulenin). 6. Tekhticheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta. profsoyuza mshinostroyeniya SSSR (for Mikhaylova.). 7. Moskovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (for Kogan). (Continued on next card) IGNATOK) A.I.-- (continued) Carl 2. 8. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektiravaniyu stankostroitell- nykh, instrumentallnykh,, abrazivrWkh zF-vodov i zavodo-v I savodov kuz- nechno-pressovogo rashinostroyerliya (for Ilarbekava.). 10. Gosu- darstyenrVy komitet Soveta Ministrov SM po sudoetroyenlyu (for Sidorochkin). (Founding--Safety measures) IGNATOK, A.I., inzh.., red.; SIDCROCHKIN, S.S., Inzh., red.; DOBRITSINA, R.I.0 tekbn. red. [Regulations for safety and sanitary measures in the production of acetylene, oxygen and in gas metal cutting] Pravila tekhniki bez- opasnosti i proizvodstvonnoi sanitarii pri proizvodstve atsetilena,, kisloroda i gazoplamennoi obrabotke metallov. Utverzbderq postanovle- niem. Prezidiuma TsK prolusoiuza rabochikh mashinostroeniia 29 sentiabria 1958 9, IAoskvap Mashgiz, 1961. 98 p. (MIRA 14; 11) 1. Profsoyuz raboahikh mashirostroyeniya SSSR. (Gas welding and cUting-Safety measures) (Oxygen) (Acetylene generators Sa ety measures) 110cl 0,q)UNKE-1, Ya.14.; CHURD., V.N.; YUSIITD,, Ye.l.; SIM Ilan, YPJIYOV.SKAYA, Z.V.; 130;.OD'J],',,I;KO I *K otv. rod.; SECLEV, D.V., red.; niumn, P.s., tekmi. red. [Manual on safety engine-3ring and industrial hygiene in four volumes ISpravochnik po t3kdn-dke bezopasnosti i proizvodstven.- noi niiriitarii v chntyrek;- tomakh. 2., porer. i dop. izd. Sost. S.S.SidorozUcin i -*.r. Otv. red. I.K.Boroduleako. Lonin- grad, Sudpromgiz. Vol.l. [General regulations]Obshchie polozhe- niia. 1962. 575 p. (MRA 15 -- 10) (Industrial bygielle-Laws and legislation) (Industrial safety-Laws and legislation) SIDOROOIKIK,-"S jL OSKDIK334, Ya.M.; CHURIN, V.N.; PSHTIN, Ye. I.; YANKOVSKAYA, Z.V.; BCROITJLEnO, I.K.p otv. red.; SHOIEV, B.V.,. red.; KRYAKOVA, D..4.,, [Manual on safety engineering and industrial sanitation in four volumes] Spravochnik po tekhmike bezopusnosti i proizvodstvennoi sanitw-ii vehetyrekh tomakh. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Soot, S.S.Sidorochkin i dr. Otv. red. I.K.Borodulenko. IA)niArradj Sudpromgiz. Vol.4. [Regula- tions, instructions, no:ms] Pravila, instruktsiip norW# 1963. 588 P. (KERA 17 -.3) SIDOROCHKIN) S.S.- 09.;INKIN, Ya.M.; CHURIN, V.U.; YUSHT11;, Ye.I.; YA~YOVSKAYA, Z.V.; POKf13VSKrY, M.N., otv. red.; PRIOVA, Ye.1-1., red.; SOSIPAMOV, G.A., red.; KOVA.ROVA, N.P., red. [Handbook on safety engineering and industrial sanitation in threo volumes] 3pravocLrilk po tekhrilko bezopasnosti i proiz- vodstvennoi onnitarLi v trokh toiiiikh. Leningrad, Judostroenie. Vol.2. 1965. 679 1). (MIRA 18: 10) GLATMAN, W. g SDMOV, A. ( --'! - ~ ~,." ~- ", .. Ifficlent workers of a lk-mot. Stroltall 2 no.10:12-13 0 056. (Tallin-Building trados) (MM 102-1) S,IDOROF,A. In the land of the grasnoys jewelers. Prom.koop. no-4:23-26 Ap'55. (MIRA 8:11) 01rasnoye (Kostroma Province)-Jewlers)) ABDURAKHMOV., Ibraim; SIDOROV, A., red.; TYtJRYAYEV, M.,, tekhn. red. I - [Potentials for reducing the cost of coal in Kirghizistan) Rezervy snizhenlia sebestoirro3ti uglia v Kirgizii. Frunze# Kirgizgosizdat, 1962. 57 p. (MIM 17:1) KAKAY, G.Kh.; NIKOLAYEVA, A.D.; NIKOLAYET, V.S.; ~~DOROV#-Ae Synthesis of -nitrocrotonyl alcohol. Trudy KKHTI no.30s 125-127 162. (MIRA 16:10) SMOROV,A. Improve the utilization of the repair fund. Fin.SSSR 16 n0-9:23-31 s '55. (KLRA 8:12) (Machinery--Maintenance and repair) SIDOROV, A. Sources of financing and modernizing the efficiency of fized "Notes FJ.n.SSSR 22 no.5:"-49 NV 161. DCMA 14:5) (Fimuce) (Efficiency.. Industrial) SIDOROV, A. Strengthening connection with economic councils. HTO no.12:46 D '59 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Uchenyy sakratarl Llvovskogo oblastnogo soveta nanchno-tekhni- cheakikh obahchestv, g. Llvov. (Lvov Province-Inchistrial management) SIDORDY, A. Moldavian ~at IrAustry In 1954. SM 26 no.lt39-W 155, (X1" 8:5) 1. Ministr promyshlennostl myamnM I uolechvM produktov Holdawskoy Sal (Holdavia.-Mat Industry) SIDDROV, A. Remodeling and renovating packing bouse sections. Mias. ind. SSSR. 30 no.4:20-21 059. (MINA 12:12) 1.Moldavskly novnarkhos. (Moldavia--Meat industry--lquipuent and supplies) SIDOROV, A.; ZUSKAbi, W. Processing swine with removal of skin (croupon). Nian.ind.SSSR 31 no.3:2(~-22 160. OUU 13:9) 1. Sovnarkhoz Moldavokay SSR (for Aidoroy). 2. Goeudaretwencry nauchno-tokhnicheekly konitet Soveta ministrov Moldavskoy SSR (for Zueman). (swine) (Hides and skins) SIDOROV, A. 'I Soviet publications for for(jign readers. Vnesh. torg. 29 no.12: 32-33 159. (MIM 12i12) (Russia--Relations (General) with foreign countries) KRASNOV. - Fiftieth anniversary of LA-Voletoils death. Vnesh.torg. 30 no-11:31 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Tolstol. Loy Nikolaevicb, 1828-1910) G.; -a:,D(JI:iOVq A. For tjioco who jtut-'y ~uh.3 ~lt.;:;Ian languL--e. Vnesh. ',-or-. 41 b a no. 3:23-24 I-A. 14:2) - 41 (Ftuszian lar.,r-L.-:'o--Sti-.dy and t--sL.chi-.-) ,04-. SIDOROV., A. ~ I A--- Soviet textbooks for foreign readers. Vnesh*torg. no.4:215- M!~ 161. (Textbooks) %RA 14:3) (Book induatries'l TARKHOV, A.G.; SIDOROV, A.A. Oorking up geophysical da.ta by mathematical methods. Izv.AU SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no.10:1453-1457 0 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Moskovskly geologorazvedochnyy institut. (Prospecting--Geoptysical methods) S/169/62/000/009/021/120 D228/D307 AUTHURL;: Tarkhov, A. G. ani Sidorov, A. A. TITLE: Some applications of the information theory to explo- ration geophysics PERIODICAL: Referativilyy zhur~ial, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962, 25, ab- stract 9A161 (In-col "lection: Sostoyaniye i perspekti- vy razvitiya geof-Lz. metodov 1,-~Lskov i razvedki pol- ezn. iskopayemykh, M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 135-141) TEXT: An account is given of -the question of using mathematical statistical means in geophysical methods.. All the ways of mathema- tically processing geophysical data aim at distinguishing an ano- maly againut tile background of' obstacles. The volume of useful in- formation is not thereby increased, bu-, the anomaly/impediment ra- .tio grows in consequence of the suppreosion of harmful information.. This position is illustrated in examples. The set problem is ool- ved by-means of using different methods of the information theory. One of these methods -- the teohnique of inverse probability -- is Card'1/2 .3/16 62/000/009/021/120 Some applications of ... D228YD307 stated. The effectiveness of this method's application is shown in the example of the processing (if the ~Z curve for one of Armenia's polymetal deposits. The character18tiCS of the methods of aucces- sive averaging and of successive differences are given. In conclu- sion it is noted that the creation of specialized computers will further the successful applica';ion of methods of statistically pro- cessin~ geophysical data. / Abijtracter'B note: Complete transla- tion.- LI/ Card 2/2 SIDOROV, A.A., otv. red.; ZffUKCV, A.I., red.; KALABINA, M.M., red.; LURIYE, Yu.Yu., red.; MONGAYT, I.L., red., ROGOVSKAYA, Ts.l., red.; RYBNIKDIIA, A.I., red.; SKVORTSOVA, I.P., red.izd-vai SMIRNOVA, A.P., red.i2-.d-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. [Purification of industrial sewage]Ochistka promyshlennykh stor-linykh vod; trudy sowestroi konferentsii Instituta Vodgeo ASiA SSSR i Instituta vodnogc. khoziaistva Ministerstva zemle- dellia, lesnogo i vodnogo khoziaistva ChSSR. Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1962. 41+8 p. (MIRA 16-2) 1. Konferentsiya po oohistke fenollnykh stochnykh vod, Moscow, 1960. (Phenols) (Sewage Pirification) SIDOROV, A.A. Epithermal, gold-silver ore- manifestations in Rudnaya, Mountain. Gaol. rud. matorozh. 7 no.20:1-96 Mr-Ap 165. Off RA 18 17) 1. Severo-Vostochnyy komplakargry nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Magadan. ri ) ~- 4P( i ACC NRs AP6026816 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/001/0135/0138 ,AUTHOR: Savellyev, D. A.; Ponomarev, .~jLdorov~LA.Z.; Yevstignenva, R. P.; G. V., ORG: none TITLE: Dark and photochemicallrediiction of metal derivatives of a number of SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 1, 1966t 135-138 TOPIC TAGS: photochemistry, chemical reduction, pyridine, methanol, hydrazine, atom, hydrogenation, chlorine compound ABSTRACT: The relationship of the reduction of porphin type molecules to the presence and nature of a central metal'atom was investigated in the following porphin metal derivatives: ?6-TFP (M :zz Zn, It. Cd, Cu. NO. Zn- and CU-Tmp. Zn_ and Mg-EP (TFP - me3o-tetraphanylporphin, MIP - 1,4.5,8_tetramsthy1porpb1n# ED - ethloporphin-1)e Photo-reduction was canductod under vacuum in pyridine and methanol at pipent concentrations of 10-5 mole/liter in -the presenco of hydrazine (1-2 moles/ liter) or* 112S with 500 = Ng equilibrium gas pressure over the solution. T711mnination of tho solutions was don,3 wit~i tho total light of a 500 watt incondo3cent lamp equipped vith a rof'lector and condenser. Card jc,r,;) '6 -2681-6 -ACC NR: Ap6o The effect of the central metal atom in the pigment molecule is different in dark and photochemical reduction "actions. In dark reaction with ~V&azine, the hydrogenation of the pyrrole rinj:9 occurs equally succossetilly in Cum, Ni- and Zn-containing pigmonts, depwiding m3re on the character of'the peripheral iubstituents than on the central metal atom. In the photochemical iinteraction, only the Zn- and 14g- dorivativos ( and, possibly, Cd-derivatives) appear active, regardless of the nature of Ale substituent in the 1-8 positions ,(in the limits of the compounds stud'-ed), but the Cu- and Mi-derivatives appear inactive., Upon comparing the Zri~- and Mg-cortaining pigments, the photo- hydrogenation of the pyrrole rings occurs in Zn-derivatives in the presence of hydrazine, with the formation of the corresponding chlorines.and bactorio. chlorines, but it does not oo~ur in lIg-dorivatives. It can be assumed that such differences in the p4pents are caused either by their speocial properties In opticalU stintlated states. or by their dissimilar. capacity for -qpmpjexIkormation vith*rolecules of the medium. This paper was presented by Academician A. N. Terenin on 15 May 1965. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. IJPRS: 36,4551 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 05"5 / CIRIG REF: 005 / OrH REF: 005 Card -AC~" iPGO11655 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/003/0571/0574 AUTHOR: Andrianov. K. A. (Academ-4cian); Sidorov, V. L; Khananashvill. L. M. 4/37 93 ORG: Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technoloj7 Im.- M. V. Lomonosov (Mookovskly institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii) TITLE: The nitrosochlorination of alki3nylmethylsiloxanes SOURCE: AN SSM Doklady, v. 167, no.,3, 1966, 571-574 TOPIC TAGS: reaction mechanism, chemical reaction, siloxane, chlorination. organic nitroso compound . oe'Eorm) 3 C014.00'De- ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the addition of-nitrosyl chlorlde~o olefInBlon, the example of 3 -vinyl -heptamethyl -trisiloxane (1) and allyl-pentametliyl-disiloxane. (11). The experiments showed that in the case of 1, the only rf action product was the corresponding nitrochloride (M). The probable reaction course Is 1/2 UDC: 547.128 2/2 1, -1, 91 f'. EN T 'i/E T T 1i I;( Jij"'w'3 ACC NRt AP6015283 (M) SOURCE CODEI UR/0365/66/002/003/0257/0278,f/ ?AUTHOR: Ryabchenkovp Ao Ve; Gersalmovp V. I.; Sidorov, V. P. 1..... a ..... ORG; Central Scientific Research Institute of ~e~gology and Machinery (TientralInyy nauchno-issledovatel*skiy Inatt t tekhnologil I mashflnostroyenlys) - TITLE: On the nature of the strets corrosion aracki of austenitic steel and basic factors affecting this process 9f it Ji SOURCE: Zashchits metallovq v. 2* no. 3, 1966, 257-278 TOPIC TAGS: stress corrosion, surtenitic steel ABSTRACT: The article analyzes literature data an the nature and mechanism of the process of stress corrosion cracking of sustenitic steela In chloride solutions mW discusses the principal factors affecting the generation and development of fractures under stress corrosion conditions.. It Is shown that thus far no theory has bow developed to provide an accurate oxplanation for the stress corrosion process, but that one should be advanced In tho near future. All the known factors determining the tendency of austanitic steel toward stress corrosion cracking are divided Into o main groups: (a) external fantors related to the conditions of the medium sur- rounding the metal, and (b) Inteinial factors determining the physicochanical proper- ties of the metal Itself (I.*., chemical composicion, structure, degree of deforms- tiong etc.)o The manner In which two major factore,the co3position and temperature UDCt 620,1931194 "9.15-194s"9.24026 ACC NR1 AP6015283 'of the corrosive medium and the chirmical composition of the steel, affect the corro- sion cracking process Is discussed In detail. It Is noted that this review considers only the principal modern concepts of the nature anillmochonlaw of at"" corrosion cracking of stainless austenitic sl:eels In chlorldWholutions, to the exclusion of the Important problem of the experAmental Investigation mothods employed In such studies; such methods will be discussed In a future article. Orig. art. Mae 12 figures and 7 tables. SUB COMs II/ SUM DAM OID&Wp/ ONG RVI 020/ O=-WW1 066 A -40od AWZ~--4-A-k'P L 36489-66 E ACC NR% AP6027080 (t)/ETI AUTHOR: Mochalov, K. N.; Konratl ORG: Ka~ant Chemico-Technologica IJP(c) JD/RD-,-i SOURCE CODE: 7, S. N.; Blagoveshchenskaya, G. I.; Hrt-ute im. S. M. Kirov (KazansRy tekhnologicheskiy institut) 7 TITIZE: Preparation of pure seleniumArioxide; and some of its properties SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 2, 1966, 361-364 TOPIC TAGS: selenium compound, chemical synthesis, dehydration, selenic acid, phosphorus oxide, chemical laboratory apparatus, chemical separation, chemical purity, vacuum distillation ABSTRACT: The Toul-Dostal method of synthesizing selordum trioxide. involvirig the dehydration of anhydrous selei4c acid with phosphorus pentoxidet %SQ04 + PZ05 --) Soo 3 + W03. wag; improvod to give a more reliable and edtable notbod' by omitting the use of a drying cliamber. Phosphorus pontoxido and 96-100% zolanic acid (without H 2SeO3) are mIxed In Yee a 12 : 10 weight ratio in the rea,:tor section of a completely closed glass apparatus. After sealing of the leading tube the apparatus is connected to a vacuum pump, and the reaction mixture is heated to 140-Vt5o. At this tomperature and a pressure of 1-2 mm Ng the basic mass of salenwa trioxide is separated. 3*0 vapors are condensed in a coUector which is cooled with running watere Vt;r coqaotlon of the reaction necks to the coUector are sealed 'and the cooler is removed. The selenium trioxide in the collector Card L 36480-66 1 ACC NR, AP602708G . contains only the impurity of seler-ic acid. To remove it the substance is vacuum-distilled twice. This article was presented by Academician I. I. Chernyayev on 24 June 1965. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. IJPRS: 36,4551 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 20Jun65 / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 010 0 0 Card 2/2h',W-11" L 34859-66 IJP(c) AT ACC NR: AP6010056 SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/003/0300/0302 AU'. [[OR: Jvakhaenko,_ G. K.; Sidyakin, V. G. ORG: Kiev -Polvtechnic Institute (!(iyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut) TII'LE: Method for investigating the inhomog neity of sethiconductor specimens 1. SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 3. 1966, 300-302 TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, semiconductor research erjefe- A 13STRACT: A inethod is suggested for deterndning the inhomogeneity of two- 1-1.1se semiconductor materials by measuring their absorption factor during high- voltage polarization. The fall-off of the current flowing in a semiconductor specimen in due to: (1) A weak-boad-ion polarization and (2) A high-voltage polarization owing to charge accumulation at the interface between the two phases that have different dielectric constants and cceductances. The specimen is Card 1/3 UDC: 537. 311. 33 L 34859-& ACC NR: AP6010OS6 0 charged to a potential Uch, then momentarily short-circuited (to relieve it from the geometrical-capacitance charge), and then its maximum recovery voltage Ur is measured. The absorption factor in given by: Ka a Ur /Uch. The method was verified by measuring the absorption factor" of amorphous and crystalline So with, different admixtures of iodine (numerical data reported). The error of the method depends on the error of measurement of U,,,. Orig. art. ham: 3 figures, :3 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE; none / OIUG REF: - 004 / OTH REF: 00 1 Card 2/2-. SIDORDV, A.A., kandidat t~khnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; BLIZIffAX, Ye.T. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, professor; OLSSHKWICH, L.T., kandi- dat tokhnichaskikh nauk, dotsent; AKHUTIN, A.M.. doktor tekhai- chaskikh nauk, professor; BIDWIESKIT, A.R., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; GRISHIN, tf.4., e-oktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, pro- fessor; DZHMOVSKIY, U.N., doktor tekbnicheskikh nauk, professor; ZlIM40CHKIN, B.N., laurtiat Stalintikoy premii, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; MIKAY'WV, K.A.. doktor tekhaicheskikh nauk, pro- feasor; NICHIPEMVICH, A.A., dokior tekhnicheokikh nauk, professor; NBSTERUK, F.Ta., doktor takhnich,)ekikh nauk; =RIGA, V.P., kan didat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SAFOI#)V, P.Y., Inzhener; LATTSKMOV A.M.. kandidat takhnicbeekikh naak,dotsent, redaktor; Mm.40T, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent, redaktor; BARSOV. M.V.. inzhener. redaktor; HIESTER, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheek1kh nauk. redaktor; LIPKIND, M.V.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; LYAPICIM, P.A., kand1dat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KARPOV, 1.11., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent, redaktor; FJMIN, V.P.. inxhoner. redaktor: KAWNW. L.Ta., takhnicheskly re4aktor. [Hydraulic engineering handbooklSpravochnik po g1drotekhnike. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry, po s-.roit. i arkhtt-1955. W8 P- OLRA 8:10) 1. Moscow. V9esoy-uzr*,y nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut vodoenabzheniya, kaml-isatsil.. ixidrotekhnicheakikh sooru2ho4ty 1 InzhonArnny gtdrnginlogii. 2. ZoLolushetWy dayatell nalaki i (Contimiad on next card) SIDr)Rf)V, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor.and othere... [Hydraulic engineering handbooklSpravochnik to gidrotekhnike, Mnskra Gos.izd-vo lit-ry, po strolt i arkhit. 1955. 828 . (Card 2~ (MLRA 8:10T 2. Zaaluzhenyy doyatell nauki I tekhniki RSYSR(for Blizz7ok) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen. Akademii rauk AxSSR(for Mik#Wlov) (Hydraulic engineering) (Card 2) SIDOROV, A.A.; ROKANOV, A.V. Conference on problems of designtng underground contours for hydraulic structures. Gldr.etroi. 26 no*10:18-19 0 '57. (MIR& 10:10) l.Predoodatelt soveshehaniya po voprosas proyektirovaniya podzemnogo kontura gidrotekhnichi3skikh soorushenly (for 81dorov). 2.Vsesoymnyy nauchno-iseledovat-D11skly institut vodoonabsheniya. kanalizateli, godrotekhnicheskikh sooruxheniy I inzhenernoy gidrogeologit (Romanov) (Hydraulic engineering)