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N KOV , ii. V . ; ~; Ilikk(N p B. 14. Aut-,rnatir single-chain OAFF elevat,~,r for bottle corive./ing beLween floors. Trudy Ukr!I[ISII no.9:145-150 '64. (IMIRA -17: 10) USTIKENKO, V.F.,, starshiy dorozhnn mig ter; ZIKOV) F.M., starshiy doroxh- nyy znp ter; KIREY, P.I.; ITANITSKIY, M.V.; IDUMV, Te.I., doroub- nyy master; GAYDAR, P.R.;-5ID=T,-B.Ns-,- SAVKOVp Maj.; SAFOIKU, A. W. ; PETWV,, A. S, ; BURLAK, F. V.,, insh. letters to the editors Put' i putkhoz. 5 no-5,42-44 MY 1610 (MIU 14:6) 1. Stantsiya Kupino.Onskov. dor i (for Ustimenko). 2. StsaUiya Koteltnich, GorIkovskoy dorogilfor Zykov). 3. Stantaiya Fetro-- pavlovok., (bakoy dorogi (for Kireyp Ivnitskiy). 4. Stantelys Stupino., Moskovskoy dorog:~ (for liobanov)s 5. Zuwstitall n4ichall- Afta distanstBii puti, at., Izyum, DDnetskoy dorogi (for, Gaydar)e 6* Machaltnik distantaii Imti, at. Berlik, Kazakhskoy doroci Oor ftdorov)e 79 Naohallnik PMS-629 ate Nikitovkaj, DDnetokoy dorogi (for Saykaw). 8. 4isbW master shchebenochnogo kar'7w& at. Chokpar, Kazakhokoy darogi (for Safonkin). 9. Nachallnik tekhnicheakago otdela alushby puti,, g. Yaroslavl' (for Petrov). 10. Distant5iya zaahchitnvkh lesonaaaxhdeniy, at. Artemovskv Do- netakoy dorogi (for BurlAd.). (FAilroadw) SIDOROV$ B.N. (Alma-Ata) Improving the organizatior-cf work* Put' I put.khoz. 8 no.4:12- 14 164. (MIRA 17:4) SRLPOSHNIKOV. V.N., akadamik. radalctor; IrONDRATITEVA, 1.11. [translator]; HEIMIYEVA, V.L. Etranslato:.-I; SIDOROV, B.N., redaktor; INIW, H.G,# radaktor,- SHAPOTALOV. V.I., takAlf-MMt-foidaktor [Bacterial physiology. Tranulated from the Inglishl Fisiologita baktarii. Perevod a angliisl:ogo I.N.Irondratlevoi i VA.Mekhtievoi. Pod red. i a predial. V.N.Slispoohnikova. Moskva. Izd-vo Inostrannol lit-xy, 1954. 547 P. (KU 7:11) (BACTIRIA) ~ KHVOSTOVAq V.V. Factore influencing the genetic offect of ionizing rodiatiow. Itogi nsuki% Biol. nauki no. 3-.]!,16-227 160. (KIRA 13%10) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (VARIATION (BIOLOGY)) I)LJBININ, N.P.; SIDOROV, B.I.; SOKO'.WV, R.N. Experimental analyi3is of the primar7 mechanism of the effect of radiatioh on cell nuclei. Dok*-'.Al SSSR 133 no.1:221-224 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut biofisiki Akadenii nauir SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSH (for Dabinin). (RADIATION-PUSIOWGIUL JFFBCT) (CEWMDSOMES) ',SIDOROV, B.N.; DUBININ, N.P.; SOK01OV, N.N. Exp,~rimcntal study of the ;.-ole of free radicals and the direct effect in the primary mechanism of the radiation effect. Radiobiologiia I no.2:161-171 161. (MIRA 14-7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR Moskva. (RADIG= (GHEM11STRY) I (RADIATION-PHM;IOLOGICAL EFFECT) 3331!', S/560/61/000/010/013/016 27, 12-"0 D299/D302 AUTHORS- Sidorov, B. N,, and Sokolov, N. N., TITLE: Effect of space-flight conditions on the seeds of Allium Fistu.losum (winter onion) and Nigella Damascena (ranunculus) SOURCE-~ Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 93-95 TEXT- Dry seeds of the radicsensitive A. fistulosum and of the radiostable N. damascena were investigated, From a table, it is evident that the A. fistulosum is 9 tin-es more sensitive to X-rays than the N. damascena. A comparison of the number of aberrations in the seeds which took part in the flight with con- trol seeds showed no difference whatsoever in the frequency of chromosome rearrangements in the seeds under investigation, This negative result, obtained %ith dry seeds, made it necessary to conduct tests with growing seeds, These tests showed that Card 1/3 33315 S/560/6-/000/010/013/016 Effect of space-flight... D299/D302 space-flight conditions have a Stimulating effect on the growth of both species; this stimulating effect is mcre noticeable in the radiostable species N. damal3cena. In general, dry seeds are fairly stable to ionizing radiation; thus, the seeds of A. fiatu- losum have to be irradiated by a dose of 250 - 500 r, and those of N. damascena by several thoutiands of r6ntgen in order to observe an actual increase in chromosome rearrangements. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the increase in the growth of the seeds cannot be related -;o stimulating radiation doses, as the stimulating effect is stronger in the radiostable species N. damascena and weaker in the radiosensitive species A. fistu- losum, If the observed effect on the N. damaecena would have been due to radiation, the indicated dose would have caused chromosome aberrations in the A. fistulosum to3. This was, how- ever, not observed. It is evident that the reason for the ob- served effect should be sought :.n other factors which are active in apace.-flight.--factore which are thoroughly unlike those Card 2/3 COtt I I 011M I tr I "cc" I be F H- POte" I I., I of I IM I I M I, It of( ricket I I )rrh'K If r .4 W On -I I. it V. A --chod h3% e~crs &~tknvd to dverotine the redo% j%nenlial of the h&emv'y,rh of Ow~ In i,o. The Ir!" t of -r,oui rletec to v fit I - -m (h YTv - -j. It, t,!cc I n r suSi arcr% V t v h., tven lr.~C'og-frd. I~ncvrtrhord sf,'r-mes in the vtil~ or 4e reo., r~ot-1.1 hatc, been ohsc~v' tor or tut.1.1's- -4 for IMocl into which rr-sim ive substoocts had been immiltited On the other hand. when rrolevike , ot,,13"c" are introduced into the iijainitin during hypow. the Values v~ the rc4ot rotential exactly correlate itith the nuitnitudc efthe protective tffcct and ridioscrivitylty, The dAia Mvned in the literature which failed to %how tuch correl3tton wIrre obtained then the pnential was m2sorcd in vi - am did reit allow For the I'ttiq'fNglon o(the 'St" reaviont in Ini"Ittyltemn, Offered '?I the rrote-fitc cfrcc(4. %1.1. At-., VIVO V (411 Direct mod lodirer Bottler" D.-Its, to the C.11 .14-1-o N. P. Dabl"K IL N. Swett" anill M K. ~.Ioslov It is known that molecules in squinous solution can undergo radiochcrivicst rc*ai3m due to fier radicals from the radinlyin of water. (v by -litect energy abtorption. The trenetv of free radicals froduccd chemically within the cell IFeroon reaction. reavion of i Sworbic acid with hyd'_'t" allow- u% to assets the importance of the direct end indimt rvidiatiors 'frrrtI- h ....... -, It -I shown in pf.,t "III trootlcts 44 Alliansfivolmobt) :hat substarcm which rrotect Ibechromos,"es front the effect ofthe free rAlicalAoll and 110. obtained themicat'llriK, Kill. hy"uIrItlic.etc.) or not protecloc when the chromosormi sit itradialcil with X-ray*. We cosclole that the Irricitc effect of "eWw" It 4,,c ro-A"Ir In Itte direct effect Joe not to the 9troducts of *$fee recriolrit. I"Arvilcl t.periments with DNA solutions M. 1. %teltiherikov) showed that the crccti%cncs% of the dirftt aclic-is on D14A is much greater Ilion that or the indi vct effect. ThewnsidvabIc rrotmttwobility of iubilmrc" which protectchn~osomicsfrom !irtnidivols was dc~rovrsttd in solution% of DNA o,nly at low, DNA In solutions with high DNA corscwtstiovt the girviccit" effect is i,tnally xbt-C which ipomti to the Ctedorninant r6k of the direct erect. A~_ W T'~. W'U VSS'#. At- report presented at the 2VA Intl. Cmgmwe of RadJAIL141111 I"Owliv Harro, - 5-1.1 AU8 1962 _~ntat/rorkvklre, Gt. PrIt. SIDOROV, B.N.; SOKOLOV, N.M. Effect of tho'conditions of space flight on the needs of Allium fintulosum and Migella damincem. Probl.kona.biol. ls248-251 162. (WRA 15 s 3-2) (SPACE FLIGHT.PHYSIOU)GICAL EFFECT) (SEEDS) KHVOSTOVAP V.V.; PROKOFIYEVA-BELIGOISKAYA, A.A.; SIDOROV, B.N.; SOIKOLOV.9 N.N. C-- ~ Effect of the conditions of apace flight on the seeds of higher planti and on actinomyces. Probl.koem.biol. 2:153-163 162. (MIRA 16.-4) (SPACE FLIGH11-PHYSIOLDGICAL EFFECT) (FLATS) EFFECT OF SPACE FLIGHT ON) (ACTINOMYCES) SIDOROV, B.N.; SOKOLOV, N.N. Radiation analysis of chromosome discreteness during the process of autoreproduction. Radiobiolog:Ua 3 no-3:415-419 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. ADOROV, B.N.; SOKOWV, N.N. Lysis of chromosomes and the blockade of The spindle. Biul. MIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.5:78-91 s-o 163. (KrRA 16:10) SIDOROV, B.N.; SOKOLOV, N.N. Lysis of the ebromosomes accompanying spindle blockade. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 n0-3:653-656 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym. (Chromosomes) (Karyokine;919) Sjf',C)POU, .,:; *, ; ~ '"'i ", ~,,,L.. .. 1. 1 - D. N. ; SOKOLO"i. !!. ~: . -, I .- - I . ..-' 0 ~ I - I -- " I Mutagenic effoct. cf :-, a :, e,~nerationn. GerietJka no.1:112-122 18;10) 1. Tn,;tltut biclcrJ-".,-,-,-., P!Z~ I u - , - - ?l. - " - ~, ~ 1, i. A N, S, S -~~ 1~ , --'; ."Va a Radlatlon arilysis of the ntructure Radloblolog-a 4 no.6i828-835 164. SIDDROV, B.N.; SOKOLOV, N.N. Spindle blocking as a cause of the formation of polymorph:ous nuclei in polyploid cells. ISitologiia 7 no.5,645-650 , S-0 165, -Cj#Ws12) 1, laboratoriya radiatsionnay genetiki Instituta biofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. Subuittod August 10# 1964. '1WROV, B.S..inzb. Draft of now norms for determining costs of nachinery spare parts. Stroi. truboprov. 5 no.10:29 0160. (14IRA 13:10) (Building machinery-Equipment and supplies) SIDOROVE-PA... inzh, Amortization allowances for machines. Stroi. truboprov. 6 no. 2:25 F-161, (MIRA 14:5) (Pipe~lines-Accounting) SIDGROV, B.S., inzh. Econcmic basis for choosing pipe-carrying machinery. Stroi. truboprov. 7 no.7:28-29 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Pipe-Transportation) SEMENOV, B.N., kand.takhn.nauk; SIDORIN, .. B.S., inzh. Study of the efficiency of usting transportation facilities for moving pipes. ?rudy MIST no.14M4-1233 162. (KRA l6sl2) SIDOROV, B.S., inzb. New stagdards for amortizatior. deductions for machinery in pipaUnp constructioA. Trudy VNIIST n(,.11+sl05-113 162. - .. -~- Technical and economic analysis of the efficiencv of machines for cleaning pipes with a diampter of 72Q and 820 m. lbid.aI64,168 (~ff RA 16 -.12) SIDGROV,D. Ut' build out of brick. Sell.stroi. 10 no.7:16 T1,55. (NLRA 8:10) 1. Nachallnik otdola po stroitelletva v kolkhozakh Nikhaylovmkogo rayon&, Novosibirskoy oblamtI (Nikhailovka District--Building ia&stry) SIDOROV, D.A. Repairing metal bridge spans. Pul' i put. khoz. no.9:18 S '58- (14IRk 11:9) 1. Nachallnik otdoln tub"nernifth sooruzhenty, Leningrad. (Railroad bridg"s-Main"anance and repair) SIDOROV, D.A., inzh. flew method for repairing abutments. Put' i put. khoz. no.5:19-20 K7 '59. (MIRA 12-M (Railroads-J(aintenance and repair) VOLKOV, P.F.; SIDOROV, D.A. Ramedial treatment of embankmento. P'it' i put.khoz, 4 noo6:19 Je 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Starshiy inzhener distantaii puti, stantsi7a Chudovo, OictyabrlskG7 dorogi (for Volkov). 2. Nazhallnik otdela inzhenernykh sooruzheniy sluzhby puti, stantsiya Chudovo, OktYabrlskoy dorogi (for Sidorov). (Embankments--Haiatenance and repair) (Railroads--T~rack) SIDOROV, D.A.,.-inzh. (Leningrad); POMOGATIV., in2h. (Leningrad) Kaintemance and repair of mansive brbIP anbetructures. MI i put. khoz. 4 no. 12:28-29 1) 16o. (=A 13t12) (Railroad bridges-Maintgnance and repair) AID P - 1943 Subject USSR/131ectricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 23/31 Authors Yecheistov, N. K., and Sidorov, D. F., Engs. *WAIM'" -.A-, Title Complete apartment panelboard Periodical Energetik, 3, 28-29, Mr 1955 Abstract The authors describe the panelboard designed by the design division of the city's Metro Transportation System. They give all data concerning dimensions, equipment, and performance. One detailed drawing with connections diagrati. Institution: None Submitted : No date SIDOROV.D.7., , apartment electric control box having three circuits, and safety fuses. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 29 no.5:38 My 155. (Wattmeter) (Blentric fuses) (MLRA 8:6) SIDDROV, D.P., litzhoner. Hook for uprooting tree stumps. Torf.prom.3~ no.505-36 056. I.Shaturskeye terfoprodprlyatiya. (KM 9:9) (Hooks) (clearing of lands) SIDOROV, D.P.; SLASTENOV, Yu.L. Stratigraphy of Mesozoic coal-bearing sediments in the Ust'- Vilyuy gas-bearing region. Trudy VNIGRI no.186:32-43 161. (MIRA 15:3) ( Range-Coal geology) SIDOROTO B.A., lash. Applicability of the laws of Newton and PirrIer to the calculation of frictloa resistance and bea,% ezeh&mSe taking place on the surface of a body washed by a streamiflim. Thpleenergetika 4 se.12:73 D 857. (Fluid trawdes) (NLU 10ill) AUTHOR: J91DOR OV-,-Fr-s-A - i - PA - 2128 TITLEt On the C-o-n-sIderation of the Influence exercised by the Non-Iso- thermal Flux in a Laminar Current of Liquids which are Capable of Dripping in Tubes. PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 2, pp 327 - 330 Receivedt 3 / 1957 Revieweds 4 / 1957 ABSTRACTs The object of the present work is to find an approximative equation for the field of velocity and the temperatures in the case of a laminar current in tubes with liquids which are capable of dripping in consideration of the changing of the viscosity of the liquid with respect to temperature. This investigation was under- taken for the purpose of showing that the modification of the physical characteristics of liquids with temperature is one of the most important causes of the divergence between theoretical solu- tions and experimental results. At first the equations for the motion and heat transfer in the boundary layer of cylindrically shaped tubes are written down. The existing solutions of this system of equations apply only to the case ofp& - const, which leads to more or less grave errors. Therefore, the attempt was made to find an approximated solution for this system of equations for the case that the change of the viscosityttin connection with temperature is taken into account. The method of successive ap- Card 1/2 proximaticn by SHVETS-TARGA was selected for this purpose. At PA - 2128 On the Consideration of the Influence exercised by the Non-lao- thermal Flux in a Laminar Current of Liquids which are Capable of Dripping in Tubes. first, temperature distribution in first approximation for the radial cross section of the boundary layer of the tube was found. Next, the temperature dependence of the viscosity coefficient of the liquid capable of dripping is showr- with the required accuracy in form of a series. In practice the jolynomial of the third, or even only of the second degree will suffice. After transformation and integration the equation for the velocity of the flux in the case of a nonisothermal motion in the tube is obtained. Next# the formula for the average velocity of' the cross section is given, after which only the domain adjoining the wall is investigated and the equation is found in which one of the multiplicands taken the influence exercised by the non-isothermal course of the current into account. In the case of the second initial equation the case of an infinite distance from the wall As dealt with and an ordinary differential equation is obtained. The average value Card 2/2 of the heat current passing through the unit of the surface of the tube is written down in form of a formula. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. AUTHOR SIDOROV A~ PA - 2547 o VC TITLE o~relation between Surface Friction and Heat Exchange. a th e (0 svyazi poverkhnOBtnogo treniya a teploobmenom.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz. 1957, Vol 279 Nr 3, pp 560 566 (U.S.S.R.) ;w Received: 4/1957 revi ed: 5/1957 ABSTRACT Though the theory an the analogvs phenomena on the oocasion of the transmission of momenta and 4nergy in relation to the quantitative partf which was for the first time mentioned by Reynoldsq was named the hydrodynamic theory of heat exchange, the author believes that it ought to be called the theory of thermofriotion analogy. The reason given for this is that the main task of this theory in the discovery out of a direct relation between the hydrodynamic and the heat exchange characteristics. Existing methods are not complete and re- sults differ up to 100 % and more. A much more simple and safe way is shown here. At first the universal relation bet- ween Nu and Re is deduced: Nu I c Re 9-1 ..... dimension/less 2 f 0 t0 temperature u - ....dimension/less U velocities CARD 1/2 PA - 2547 On the Correlation between Surface Friction and Heat Exchange. of .... coefficient of surface friction, dimensionless. The value here acts as second parameter. The determina- tion of this V%-Ivcj-ives the solution. Since a laminary sub layer exists in the turbulent boundary layer the value of this parameter can be assumed to differ only little from that of the laminary boundary layer. This value can be found analytically fan,,the laminary boundary layer. It is derived here and the basic equation reads as follows: NU cfRe Pr 1/3- Now this formula for the different cases of a turbulent flow is applied and it is shown that the results obtained agree with those of the experiments. The same is shown to be the case with motions of liquids in tubes as well as with the motions of a compressed gas. The last mentioned formula remains the same for gases. (With 2 tables) ASSOCIATION: not given. PRESENTSD BY: - SUBMITTED: June 30th, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. I;IIYT-(.)V, E.A., G;Ind Fecti 'jci -- (dis5) "Certain problems --r(t of' L:ieory of convective and radA hPit excnang-e.,, on, ril-lb itoiise of Acad .,ci (JS).,;L(7, 9 p!) M I (A(-,,,jri Jci US R. Power Engineering In3t im G.V. Krzhiziianovskiy) 185 copies. List of authnrls works DI) 8-9 (1]. titles) SIDOIK)V. R.A,_ . Contemporary mnthods in ennyaction heat transfer thoory and their application, Inzh.-fiz.zhur. nn-5:62-70 MY 158. (MIRL 12t1) 1. Finargaticheakiv institut A3 SSSR, g. Moskva. (Heat--Transmission) . SIDOROV, B.A., insh. A valuable book on the theory of convective heat exchange (07oundations of the theory of h9st exchangeQ by S.S. lutateladse. Reviewed by B.A. Sidorov). Enerlomashinostroonie 4 no.11:43 N 058. (KIRA 11:11) (Heat exchangers) (Kutateladso. S.S.) AUTHOR: Sidorov, E.A. (Moscow) SOV/24-58-9--18/31 TITLE: -Convective Heat Transfer UndEr Non-stationary Conditions (Konvektivn,yy teplccbmen pri nestatsionarnom rezhime) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 9, pp 116 - 11? (USSR) ABSTRACT: Non-stationary convective heat transfer is met with in many branches of teohnology. The non-stationarity may be associated with the process i-~self or with a transition state from one stationary process to another. In spite of the major practical importance of non-stationary thermal convection, there are no theoretical or experimental data on the subject at the present time. The absence of such data is due to the great mathematical difficulties involved in an accurate solution of the preDlem. This is thq reason why in calculations of heat-transfer processes in which speeds and temperatures are functions of time, one has been forced to use forn-uiae which describe stationary convection assuming that these formulae will also apply when the speeds and temperatures which enter into them vary with time. However, there are no data in the literature which would indicate the range of applicability of these Cardl/5 formulae. The present paper is an attempt to obtain an SOV/24-58-9-18/31 Convective Heat Transfer Under Nc,n-stat,'r,,nar,7 Conditions apprcximate solutien of the convection,, In calculation a medium in which ccnveo~tion the basics energy equanion. in be written in the farm: prrblem of non-stationary of head transfer between ta.~:es place and a surface, a I Ver nea-r the surfaae may t ?) + U - 4- 7 ax 0 .1 Card2/5 Here u z;~-_d -.r are tile of the velocity vec~tor along the x and Y ~~es whi~,~i with the direction of flow and the normal to the 7j:-.-facG respectively, i .. - difference between a point in t = T-T Ls the temperat-ir-= -_ the layer and the surface, -t is the time and a is the coeffir,ient of "temperature c;ondL.CtiVity". In the zero-. order approximation on-'.y the conductive term is retained. On solving the equation-. 2., I " () (2) ay SOV/24-58-9-18/31 Convective Heat Transfer Under Jon-stationary Conditions in which convection is taken indirectly into account via the boundary conditions: t = 0 for y = 0, t = t . for y (3) we find: t = toy/15 (4) where 6 is the thicsness of the layer, t = T-T and 0 0 T0 is the temperdure of the main current. Substituting this expression into 3q (1), in which only convective terms are now neglected, we find the equation which takes into account the non-stationary nature of the phenomenon in the first-order ap-?ro imation: a (5). y 0) On solving this equation, one finds that: Card3/5 SOV24-58-9-18/31 Convective Heat Transfer Under licn-stationary Conditions q ec-ht02 ( to, U) - = 1 - --= + (8) qo E)q0 to where q is the thermal flux through the surface in the non-stationary case und q. is the flux under stationary conditions. It follows that the formulae describing the stationary process wi--,.l hold approximately provided: eck t' U1 (< i_;7 C (700 (10) where and c are the density and specific heat, respectively and u is the velocity of the main current beyond the layer near the surface. For laminar flow Card 4/5 SOV/24-58-9-18/31 Convective Heat Transfer Under Non-stationary Conditions m = 1/2 and for turbulent flow M = 115 . The prime indicates diffeientiation with respect to time and m0 = q 0/t0 . SUBMITTED: February 27, 1957 Card 5/5 24(8) .%UTHOR: Sidorov; E. A. SOV/57-58-12-10/15 TITLE: On the Influence of Non-Inothermicity on the Hydraulic Drag in Laminar Motion of Drop Liquids in Pipes (0 vliyanii neizotermichnosti na gidravlicheskoye soprotivleniye pri laminarnom dvizhenii kapeltnykh ~hidkostey v trubakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskdy fiziki, 19R8, Nr 12, pp 2711-2712 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results obtained previously in the paper cited in reference 1 are :ftfther developed, made more precise and compareC with experimental aata. In order to check furmula (4) specifying the heat flow between the liquid and the wall of the tube the protlem of the influence of the direction of a heat flow-is inveetigated. The influence of the non-isothermic courset on the-hydraulic resistance is then examined. It is shown that formula (a)-is a generalization of formula (9) establisl~ed by Poiserille (Puazeyl~)-for the case of a non-isothermal motion. The relative of I coefficient of hydraulic drag) in tEe case of a ehange in direction of the heat flow was calcultted. Water was used as fluid medium and for the calculation of the coeff!.cient of the non-isothermicity Card 1/2 formula (5) was employed. It is shown that for the hydraulic On the Influence of Non-Isothe,rmicity on the SOV/57-58-12-10/15 Hydraulic Drag in Laminar Motion ct Drop Liquids in Pipes drag the difference between the theoretical and experimental values does not exceed 1 %. There are 3 references 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 20, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Sidorov, E. A. Engineer. 96-4-15/24 A method of --,lloviin-- for unstable conditions durin~E convectiva heat excaan(Se. (Uchet vliyaniya .1 nestatsionarnooti rezi-t-i-ma T)ri konvektivnora te-Dloobilene). PiMODIGAL: TeploenerGetika, 58, No.4, pp.79-60 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Des-ite -'Gli~,~ practical i~--aportance of unstable thernal convection, the problem has been noo-lected. A strict Iihooretical solution presents Ereat mathematical difficultie--. Therefore, use is usually uade of formulae approDriate to the steady state; their ap-;-licability to unstable conditions of heat exchanze is as--imed. However, there is as yet no way of astimatinr! the error inherent in this assumption. TI.-.e present article uses aethod of succes~-.-.ive aDpro::i.-,, ].-,;ions to establish a simple e-,-Dression whereby the applicability of the ascumptio-n can be roughly calculated. Formulae are derivee~ to determine the applicability of the steady convection for.,imlae. They are :-,pplied in a numerical Card 1/1 e----r-v-jDle on turbulent flov.- in a pipe, and the u-se of the steoJy state equations is found to be admissable. ASSCCIATION: All-Union Theriro-Technical Institute. (Vseso,,,uzn3,-j Teploteldmiches-kiy Institut). AVAID~BLE: Library of Congress. 31582 5/124/61/000/011/023/046 1~2 60, S-0 of) D2,77/D305 AUTHOR: Sidorovj_E?A. TITLE: Radiant and convection heat exchange in absorbing medium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanikap no. 11, 1961, 88, abstract 11B591 (5b. vopr. teploobmena, M., AN SSSR, 1959, 49 - 52) TEXT: In the energy equation of a flat laminar boundary layer of a incompressible fluid the heat gain is assumed to be due to ra- diation and influence of viscosity is neglected. Direction of the radiant beam is considered to be normal to the streamlined surface and U"he fluid is optically grey. The energy transfer equation is taken in the form averaged over direction and on its integration the approximation is assumed that inside the -boundary layer the temperature is constant and equal to that of a free flow outside the boundary layer. The resulting energy equation is Card 1/3 Radiant and convection heat 3T 3T) eT + fmcTn2 4 Pc(U 57 -t- V57 aY2 (T1 S/1234~W12/000/011/023/046 D237/D305 4) -my - T0 e where u. v9 p. T are velocity components, density and temperature of the fluidj A - coefficient of thermal conductivity, c - heat capacity, T1, To - temperature of the surface and the fluid on the boundary of the layer# F_ - coefficient of blac"kness (absorption) of the surfacep 1- Stefan's constant, n - index of refraction of fluid, m = 3/2 kt k = coefficient of absorption of fluid. This equation is solved (to 1st approximation) by modified Shvetz me- thod (Shvetz, VI.Ye. Prikl. matem. i mekhan. 1950, 14, no. 1)). The solution is sought of the equation with the L.H.S. neglected, sa- tisfying the condition of equal temperatures on the wall and on the boundary of the layer, when the thickness of thermal boundary layer 6 is the 2nd approximat-icn obtained by Shvetz method, when radial heat transfer is neglected. Thusq the a-u.thor obtains the following expression for heat iransfer intensity q through The wall Card 2/3 S/1 243/3-56812/000/011/023/046 Radiant and convection heat ... D237/1305 A(T 1 -T0) q, (1 ~_.6) q = --s- I- M-F _ , q, - intensity of incident beam on the wall. For kt/a 0~-- 0.1, where a0 - coefficient of heat transference# convective and radiant heat transfer are practically additive and can be calculated separately. [Abstractor's note: Complete traislationj. CI-K AeISZOO 68767 AUTHOR: Sidorovo Z. A. 3/170/59/002/11/013/024 B014 B014 TITLE. Calculation o~ Resistance and Convective Heat ExchangeNUnder Turbulent Nonsteady Conditions % PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizichookiy zhimnalo 1959s Vol 29-Nr-119~pp 86-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Proceeding from the not o'.' equations (1) for heat transfer under arbitrary conditions, the author derives equ%tions (5) and (6) for quations are considered to be equations (2) and (3). Thisse two o; sufficiently accurate solutions (1). For practical purposes# however, they proved to bij not very useful. The author suggests to derive less complicated and thus more useful approximate solutions. A correction of the solut:.on for steady conditions leads to formu- la (9) for nonst*ady cond:.tions, which has the form of the ordinary Bernoulli differential equation. Next, formula (11) for the resis- tance coefficient is deduned herefrom. A similar way is chosonfor equation (6) for the heat exchange. Thus, formula (20) is obtained which is used to compute Ithe Stanton number. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut toplofiziki SO A.'T SSSR (Institute of Thermophysics 509 AS USSR) Card 1/i 67604 .24.5-200 SOV/179-59-5-26/41 AUTHOR: Sidorov, E.A. (Moscow) TITLE: The Interaction of Convection and Radiation in an Absorbing Medium PERIODICAL:lz-estiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashi~aostroyeniye.. 1959, Nr 5. PF 134-136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous worN (Ref 5). The plane motion of an incompressible fluid?kith constant physical properties nea,r a non--Lsothermal surface is considered. The equations for the conservation of mass and energy and for radiational transfer are written in differential form, the latter equation involves the Stefan.-Boltzmaxin consta-it and the refractive index of the medium. These equations are solved by means of exponential functions to obtain the radiation transfer, which is then substituted in the energy equation. The resulting equation is solved by%an iterative process for both turbulent and laminar flow to obtain the final equation for total heat transfer, There are 6 Soviet references, Lr SUBMITTED: July 13, 1959 Card 1/1 AUTIHOR: Sidorov, S.A. (MOs cclif) Eu .8 1 Irl tz,~i 11i Y dr ziu i TITLE: The Inf lue ~(~,eoj~ Init tal Section Rosistanco, raM~.rlcjj u Aj PERIODIC-AL-, Izvesttya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otoft~,Ienlyq nauk, Flekhanika -4 Y-ashinostroypniya~ 19% NT p 150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A-V-1,-empts ~-o esta-blist. ~,oretfe-l and corrections allawing fol, the 'Lixfluenoe D.,' th--' section r;f the tu'te Lave already 4 Bussinesq (Refs The rl,!~.,Zt giving a b;A:5-1;.s fcr calculation of hydral-lic r e s -*L,-; t a ndn tl-,e section is the relatively rec-~n,, 8.14, Targ (Ref 4). The w3curacy, of tiie sAutic'n established by the vexy good correspondev.~~;-, -wl.vli experimental distribution of f'--c,w velocJ*y in T;ii~,-,e by Nikuradze (Ref On th..; ba.,~js of S.M. Talr;,-s Car,1 f indings, the fall -i-r. Pre 7- L-117-e P .CCOV"irevi the Section Of entry (x =01 p an a-i-bitrary secti.on diatan,:.a x Crom ',',rkp entrairi,;~i C~Llcula-t'-.Pd from zhe chango alc,,,-;~7 t''Au .-)f +-,~-,be ~,-r t a The I r-., fl u e n cc ni t 1 n. 1 S 9 r; - L , ~T-% c, i--. I Va U L-,~~,-ainEl- Flo-w of iz'~ Ali'jij:', tl,,e ic--al. anr3 tlie mean hydraliIA", -esistance O'M irtin- the final -fesult can be wr-itten cc; dp el = 6 4 2 ~'.r T exp R Ud/ 0 0 R J- Ok- whi-re R is Reynold Is rxzber i U the mean f 10 v., -a I C, i tv d thG equivalent diamete':- of 1.11.3 zube; and c, -re.s.pectively the kicematin. vis~xjzi-',y creffi---4crIt and / '. .: 1 - '~ derisity of the novir.e, fluid; 'ind Of k r. C-a r d successive roots Tj e-'-- the equat--"-~n i2 = 0 if ttle s e -"-) nd t C. M,f e. fo rr,-, U la -2 ( i ) a I id a ruo I n -%. cc t. the ~,~duF, of the firit, t9-"-, s CI L.aminar Flow --~f 11 Tub- IL L O~-, I R A. oll f o u nd ',:, r tiic f Y I if .4i tL ~e flRding-q of ee T;P 1~ Velocity of tiv? iairial section, V, e t'he mean fric-IOL,~nal i3 2(~, largar ar,d L"I C, t, ~'~ R it~- 1*011ows from Eq ('+'/ so diat 4.n the I(Ia.,"ori'y eq:uati,~r. t n a IR s ' r i r.. tly s p val i 6 only 1'o i L 4, vlien c) a.---d acrvrfc.~ion~- ~6 1~ "'41 VA of tLese Oull-I -[~m lue s for -Lons thud; cbl:a I-rked -.C~ .w:i n- 1 E press C, o C a r (-1 slow 0 :, "he C,-)-- - C- rid -I n s a r i e 1i FO T reason the followi.rg -m-11FI~ alo suggested for cal,2u.-Iating tne mr-,~.n hid:a,.Cl,~ 0 The Infliience of Tm.t---:;-- otl Lam Flow of L."t'U'lid j~n T-Aes c r) e f f _i- c i- .n t S 01i Z JC 0 -30 x X Ea,Uations, f,;Ovey pruct,-Cally ali t!le the par-amozer Rrllx 0 tc 1000, in l-'aXImuir, ery-Or or approxiLnv-fou dr,e:: nc'; 3%, P~)r we give tile result's Of cal CuLat; -icIr"5 fo:. -i..rl e Ca r d a,,rallablp. forrmiae iind 0-!3c, by fQ ReynoLdis number.-I Rd/-x. 10 -'0 ~C, i0o ~100 NCO The S- Laminam- F I c-) w f Liqu.,L-~'S I'Ti 'N C- R~~- -5 1 Sn, I I t- L EL1, J d PT-,,~ ?n7t 3TT'a ta J. Vol. L , I L 1,-,i p rand tA" L. Ti.tletn-~. 1). lip'-0- 3 -a a . 2, ODT1, _T Basi,7 py3blem-s 2L C.a.,- d ~~i F. N 1' It is -LS 'A -ccmp.-Let- translfi* SU 31,,' IT TED: -P., -10,79 10W -AUTHORs Sidorov, E.A. SOV/170-59-6-18/20 TITLE: On the Calculation of Hydraulic Resistance in the Initial Section of Pipes Under Turbulent Conditions PERIODICALi Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnaL, 1959, Nr 6, PP 111-115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to investigate the effect of the initial section of a pipe on hydraulic resistance, the author writes down equations of mass and moment conservation in dimensionless form. He makes use of the results of two experimental findings: 1. One of them expresses the law of velocity distribution over the cross section of a boundary layur, and 2. The second is the statement that the character of development of a boundary layer in the initial section of a pipe is similar to the character of development of a boundary layer, -when a liquid flows around flat surfaces. The boundary conditions are obtained for the distribu,;ion of surface tension, af, and the coefficient of hydraulic resiotance along the length of a pipe 9 9 and the problem is reduced to a system of six algebraic equations. Card 1/2 The solution of this system y--elds the expressions for average SOV/1,10-59-6-16/20 On the Calculation of Hydraulic Resi.-itance in the Initial Section of Pipes Under Turbulent Conditions hydraulic resistance, Formulae 15 and 16, and the values of relative coefficient of hydraul--c resistance, plotted versus the values of pipe length, are shown in Figure 1. There are: 1 graph, 1 table and 11 references, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR (Power Engineering Institute of the AS USSR), Moscow. Card 2/2 69942 S/024/59/000/06/023/028 E032014 AUTHOR: Sidoroj-, E. A. (Moscow) TITLE-~ Generalization o-f the Grets Solution to the Case of Radiative Heat Transfer-oO r PERIODICAL, Izvestiya Akademi.i nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Enere;etika i avtomatika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 183-185 (WMR) ABSTRACT: Grets (Ref 1) has given a solution of the problem of convective~heat transfer in the case of laminar flow of liquidsTin stabilized sections of tub Lz6 The differential equati3n for the heat transfer, which does not take into account radiative terms, is given by Eq (1), where T(r, z) is the absolute temperature of the liquid, r and z are the radial and axial cylindrical coordinates, a is the reduced thermal conductivity (i.e. the ra-,io of the thermal conductivity and the product of the specific heat and the density of the medium), and ir(r) is the velocity of the liquid. Grets has found solutions of Eq (1) for two cases, namely. when the volocity distribution is parabolic (Eq (2)), and when it is .-onstant (Eq (3)), However, Cal',l 114 it can be shown (R,,-f 2) t:iat provided the condition 69942 S/024/59/000/06/023/028 E032/E214 Generalization of the Grets Solution to the Case of Radiative Heat Transfer 2RP/z e, 15 is satisfied (and it is satisfied in many practical cases), tte two solutions are almost identical. In this condition 11 = 2UR/a. The present author assumes that this condition is satisfied and writes down the energy equation in the form given by Eq (5), in which radiation effects a--' e included in the form of the second term on the right-hand side o` Eq (5). In this equation, p, c and X are the density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of the liquid, k = 3a/2, and T is defined by the fourth equation on p 184 in which D = 2R is the diameter of the tube, a is Stefan's constant, and n is the refractive index. Eq (5) is then linearized using the substitution given by Eq (6), where Tm is given by Eq (7) and To and Tj are the temDeratures of thE liquid at -r;he input and of the walls of ihe tube respectively, The equations are then trans- formed into a dimensionless system of coordinates, which is defined by the relations immediately above Eq (8). When Card 2/4 this substitution is carried out, the heat transfer I --" 69942 Generalization of the Grets Solution Heat Transfer Card S/024/59/000/06/023/028 E032/E214 i;o the Case of Radiative equation can be revn-itten in the form of Eq (8), the boundary conditions being e = 0 when x - 0 9 finite when y - 0 0 = 1 when y = 1 The temperature distribution is then given by the last equation on p 184 in which JO) Jl and I are the ordinary and modified cylinder functions and Pi are the roots of the equation JO(x) - 0. F;r a transparent medium (B tending to zero), when the radiation can be neglected, one obta:Lns the solution given by E (11) which is the same as that obtained by Grets for pure?y convective heat transfer. The total heat flux (I passing through the walls of the tube (per unit area) can be found from Eq (11) and is given by Eq (12). An important consequence of EqS (10) and (12'i is the fact that when radiative corrections are brought in, the temperature drop and the quantity of heat gii-en up by the medium change more i b."" 699h2 S/024/59/000/06/023/028 E032/E214 Generalization of the Grets Solution to the Case of Radiative Heat Transfer rapidly along the length of the tube as compared with the case when the correction is not included. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and I English. SUBMITTED.- June 2, 1959 Card 4/4 SIDOROV.. B.A. (IIoiskva) Calculating the temperature dependence of the heat comiuction coefficient in nonotationary conduc*dve heat exchange. PM no.4:62-63 11-D 960. (MIRA 34:7) (Haab-40a6mme 1) ii, S/170J60/003/005/012/017 B012/BO56 AUTHOR: Sidorov, E. A. TITLE: Calculation of the Combined Heat Interaction Between Solid and LiQuid4Medi& PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fiziehaskiy zhur-ial, 1960g Vol. 3, Ko- 5, pp. 106-110 1%V6 TEXT: Approximation methods for the calculation of non-steady heat exohangt are given. The problem to be solved is tht following: An opalu-9-1-5111rWor- arbitrary shapep round which a liquid (or gas) flows, and which has the absolute surface temperature T, the integ7al degree of blackness F_ and the heat-transfer coefficient a is assumed. V is the velocity and T the absolute temperature of the thermally not disturbed part of the liquid flow. q is the density of the beat flux due to radiation from outside (upon thi surface of the solid). As a retult of the compli-zated heat ex- changep the resulting heat flux q, PaSBSE through the unit of the body surface. It is assumed that the thsrmoph~sical properties of the liquid (or gas, respectively) and of the solid io not depend on temperature. The Card 1/3 Calculation of the Combined Heat Interaction 3/17 60/003/005/012/017 Between Solid and Liquid Media B012YB056 functional interrelation between V, T 0 , qoj T19 and q, is sought. First, the heating of the body by radiation without convection is investigated. In this case, only the interrelation betmeen q 0, T1 and q, need be found. The formula (1) for thermal conductivity is written down, and it is shown that consideration of heat transfer by radiation leads to the nonlinear boundary condition (5). As a concrete example, the heating of a plane, rather thick wall by radiation is investigated. The thickness of the wall makes it DOssible to regard it as a gemi-limited body during the time of investigation. If internal sources for heat production should be lacking, the differential equation (6) may be written down, for which the boundary conditions (7), (8), and (9) are given. Assuming formula (13) the boundary condition (8) is linearized, and formulas (17), (18), (19), and (20), which determine the required interrelation between q 0, T1,and q,, are derived. Next, the convective heat exchange 13 investigated in consideration of radiation. For this case, the approx~-mate formula (24) is recommended, where the nonlinear boundary condition ~5~ becomes formula (25)- In the present case, the solution of equation 1 makes it possible to determine the interrelation between q,, T19 qos and T*. a - a(V) is agsumed to be 0 Card 2/3 Calculation of the Combined Heat Interaction S/170/60/003/005/012/017 Between Solid and Liquid Media B012/BO56 known. In conclusion, the flow round a body of a great transverse thickness is investigatod as an example. In this case, the body may be looked upon as a plane wall of unbounded thickness. There are 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 British. /C- ASSOCIATION: Institut teplofiziki SO AN SSSR (Institute of Heat Ph.79ics of the SO AS USSR) Card 3/3 10. IIiUOO Ik, J j s ov/6 9 -8 - 3 -12/32 AUTHOR: TITLE,: Choicu of' Coolant Cur fluclt--ai- R,-~actors. Letter to the E di t o r P ERI 0 DI CA 1, 1 Atomnaya enurj~-.Iya, 1950, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 252-2511 (USSR) A13STRACT: The author ant.lyzed variOLIO 4.,oolants frorn the standpoint of heat-tran.-A*er arid energy ised in transporting the mater-tal. Th(! goal was to br-Ing the existing data by Qoodniall Up to date by using more recent information by Vargaftlic (TeploftzichezIciye svoystva. veshchestv, Spravochnik (Thermal Properties of Materials Manual) edited by Var1r,aft1k, M., Go-,,energoizdat, 1956) and Mikheyev (Osnovy teploperedeci-ii (Introduction to Ifeat- Transf(-Ir) M., Gosenergoizdat, 1956). To compute the heat-transfer coefficients oT heat carriers of the first class (liquids arid gases with the Prandtl number Pr > the author used the eqUatiOll valid for the stabilized turbulent floas Card 1/1~ Choice of Coolant for Nuclear Reactoro. Letter to the Editor 0,023C). V-11.8 78327 SOV/89-8-3-12/32 (1) where G depend3 on the construction of the heat ex- changer, and ~, and i) are coefficients of heat conduc- tion and kinematic viscosity.. respectively. For the second class oC carriers, representing liquid metals (Pr = 10-2 to LO-4 ), the author uses the approximate equation: P) Table 1 contains the result of the comDutations. The author also deyelop:3 an expression for the dimensionless economic coefficient of heat-transfer which is equal to Card 2_/~ the ratio of the heat energy transferred by a particular Ch0i(-'C Of COOli-1111- f0l' NUCIC.Al- R0a(AU11:,. Lc.,tter to the EdItat, SOV/89-8-3-12/32 Table 1. fleat-transfer coeffl.clelit.; for 1,ariou3 heat carriers , (a) heat carrigr;,(b) heat-tran2fer coefficient (relative unit--2.8 kcal-secO- /m'-h-deg) at temperatures in `C; (c) air; ~d) carbon diox- Ide;je) water, vapor (Oil OatUl'atiOl-I CUT~VU); (f) water on SatUration curv ; (g) dowtherm (11(juld b1phenyl mix-,ure); (h) saltpeter mixture melted oalt (i) Inercury; (j alloy (25% Na + ~5%iK);((k) soditun; alloy. Bi + 11'3.r)% Pb~; (m). llthiufn; 11 t n; o) U2111LIth. 5u0 Card 3/5 (CI 0,7 0,7 at-) . . . . . 1, 1,0 1.41 lip 7o - 1,11. 1#)- 1.:!. lip I. lip, - - lip, -,-, Io 1 2.5. it 102 - 2,:1-11)" 3.01101 .1,3- 11P 3, 2. lot . . . . . . I , 2. - 10 13 1 :1. IW I :I. Ito - 8,9- 102 8 "21 - I o *3 7,9,1114 7,:I.jl)l 7,0,102 . . . . . . - 1 3. 140 3 1 1-1 -110 ll 1 , 2. 103 1 , I . I t)3 . I . 1, 1.111 1, I-Io 1.0. 1113 1.1-103 1 . . I . I I h - IlP I, H. 103 1,8.1(p . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1;. lip 1,5- lip . . . . . . I , I - 110 I'l. 11)3 1,2-103 chojt~e or cooiant for Nuclear 7832 Letter, to the Editor SOV/~ 9-8-3-12/32 SUBMITTED: coolant to the mechanical energy needed for its transport through tubes. Computed results are tabulated in Table 2. The final choice of coolant should, of course, also take Into account other technical and economic factors, e.g., corrosion effects, stability) etc. There are 2 tables; and 4 references, 3 Soviet, I U.S. The U.S. reference is: Scientific and Technical Foundations of Nuclear Power Production, C. Goodman (ed.), M., Izd-vo inostr. lit., 1948-1950, Vol 1, p 287; Vol 2, p 124. December 18, 1958 4/5 r "o (!,Irvier ; (b) economic O-Aa tlve uni t-113 1,,cal , see 1 0") o.1 a q), r-:0, 0 ; wt~ Ln C); (c to 0) 0.3i 11,37 11.41 11.31 74) SIDOROT. B.A. Bffect of internal beat sources on convective host transfer. Atom.energ. 9 no-1:51-52 J1 16o. (MIR& 13:7) (Heat-Trarismission) (Heat-Convection) SII)*Ov, E.A., inzh. - -111~411 PreciBe calculation of themial insulation. Teploenergetika 8 no.3:88-439 Mr 161. (MM& 14:9) (Insulation (Hoat)) S/17q/t;3/oo6/O02/O18/018 BIOB/B'le6 AUTHOR: Sidorov, E. A, TITLE: The critical diameter of a spherical heat insulator PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizichetikiy zhurnal, v .6, no. 2, 1963, 131-132 TEXT. The critical diameter, i.e. that diameter at which the heat resistivity has,a minimum, is calculated for a spherical heat insulator$' the dependence of the coefficient a (x) of convective heat transfer on x the diameter of the sphere being taken into consideration. x - D/d is the ratio of the variable-outer diameter D afthe inaulation to the constant inner diameter d. The heat resistance of & spherical body in x2 n r - r + r(I - 1/x)/2k + 1/a d The' relation Nu - ARe was-found VK 0 nd x experimentalfy for convective beat transfer'(B. D. Kantselloont - F. A. Timofeyeva. Trudy Tsentrallnogo kotloturbinro~o instituta (Proceedings of the Central Bo~bler and Turbine Institute), v. 12, no. Yashgiz, 1949). n . 0 and A . 2 for Re