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s/osi/62/013/004/020/023 E039/9491 AUTHORSs Meyklyar, P.V., Shvarts, V.M., Kharitonova, Z.V., Borin, A.V., Ryskina, S.I.. Siletskays, N.V. TITLE. Photographic films for spectroscopy and astronomy PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroakopiya, Y.13, no.4, 1962, 607-6o9 TEXT: Recent work at the Xazaftskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issladovatel I skolp kinofotoinstituta(K&zani Branch of -the All-Union Scientific Research Institute on Cinemaphotography) has been aimed at incroasinX the sensitivities or photographic filne for long exposures and of infrochroasstic films. Films having greater sensitivity were developed*for long exposures In the near ultraviolet region and for different region* of the infrared up to 1050 mp. Films for thi visible region are designated by, the letter A (Astronomy) and a number corresponding to the wavelength for which the sensitivity is a half of the maximum and on the long wavelength side. This film is manufactured at the Kazanskiy khimichookiy savod (Kazan' Chemical Works). Films for the infrared region are designated by a number corresponding to its maximum sensitivity. Spectral sensitivity Card 1/4g 2- S/051/62/013/004/020/023 Photographic films ... E039/E491 curves of A-500, A-6oo, A-65o, A-66o and A-700 are given. In the table the sensitivity of these films is comparedwith a corresponding Kodak filrit. The sensitivities are compared at 400 m)i for the non-sensitized film and at maximum sensitivity for the rumaining fil:n. Spectral sensitivity curves are also given for 1, -7"() (1-740% , -810 (1-810), 0 -900 (1-900), W -1050-1 (1-1050-1) and 0-1050-11(1-1050-11) films. The sensitivity of 1-1050-1 and 1-10':0-1l can be significantly increased by the method or hypersonsitization described by S.M.SolovOyev (Fotografirovaniy* v infrakroanylch luchakh - Photography in infrared rays - Izd. "Iskusstvoll, M., 1957). An infra,chromatic film A-850 in also manufactured which is sensitive up to about 900 m1p. The density lof background fogging for all these films does not exceed 0.3. The films should be stored at 2 to VC since storage of films for use in the visible region causes an increase in fogging and in this in sensitivity . case of infrachromatic films there is a decrease The gamma of the described filate lies in the range 2.0 to 3.0- There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTLD: MAY 17, 1962 Card 2/f s ~i i , K -val ora"1011 f-or. -,*,.e su:-fa,~e of n t'ne d-v sum-ner t 65 0 63 oLci. (;eoo. ob-va SSS:~' .C". 7 ( M, lhA 18 : L, i. NovooLblrskiy pedagoglc.-t!skiy inrtitut. W !Z~ S. Ai, Theradync-MIC Properties of 71, M~shgi., 1953, 376pp.; Rev. 1'. 0" ,!"t P,~Ft A 61, tK),)k, -171c rhrar-~ and ini, dir dh-trinotINUAMIC values of giq,- bxx~ic info M,. Ariun ii Eiven iviiamic!i )I ideal gase%, making use of quantum anal. he d'~cor~ of spectra. The calcu:.ation metho-i u-;c-d by (he authors is examined acco.-ding to the speci:ograms oi the tl~c:mo- dynl.MLl propertieq of a gas which has been reduced to an ideal rat e. -he influence of the pressure on tbermodynamic parame:ers q Is exanined, and a metkod is indicated tot correction of pressure --;sa,-~~ In flic second art, "Tables of the thermodv if Ile- nal)LC -nono-, Ji-, tri- and polyetarric g:%ses and combusti g3 value% of . an 9 ven (or the 4 miziurc s and thCLf comburtion products," tables are Si' heat caracitv ani the entropy of the gases N, 0, C, O~, N3 of atmoq, h nitrogen, of air, Hs, COt NOo 0H, C01t N10~- S02, cric HIS, CS,, COS, 11,0 hydiccarbons of the ml~thanf, "eries Cjf22+21 of the ethy1clic scrier C,,li of the acctylt-ne s, -ics C.11 hydro,iibons of the diolefine sefics,cthyl alcohol, benzene, (1- h,,d,o-rbon ~ef:es of rtyrol and mec%y,i~tyrol, the cyclo- pentane series, the cyc!chezine scries,ttho combustion gases. the products ot combustion, the products of complerc and incomplete comb-nor, of pctrol. Tables arc also given of the viscosity and thcrmil conductivity of various gases, and, in a supplement, the baije specEroncopic constants of gases. 1r. ali, the boc~k contains W tables and 17 grapl V. A. Prokof`cz, USSR h s. Rejerativrayi Zhurlwl .4 Trans lation, courtesy Ministry of Supply, E-igland TASM',f[P,'r,IF)Y,IY, kndrny Stantalavovich; !;ITXTSKIT V.-S.. rad.; VOR011111, K.P.. tmkhn.rmd. (Basic trnnds in thm dmveloninnt nf textbooks on inggint-nring thrirmadyrumical Opnovnym napravlmnlin razvttila uchnbnlkov po tnkhniclinakni tmrnndiwmike. 14onkva, Gon. "nrg. izd-vo, 1959. ?16 p. (14IRA Ll:l) (Thmrwdynanics) t NELIDOV, Igor' Tevgenlyevich;.&IIM-SKIE,,.V.S., kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsent, red.; VORDMIN, K.P., [Economics and organization of power machinery manufacturing] F,Iconnmika i organizatatia onergomashinostroontia. MDRkva. Goo. energ. Izd-vo, 1958- 391 P- (KRA 12:1) (Turbines) (Boilers) tile 0,001,0 ote&0 at IA*tuo,&s ILIle 'It'15 qL% vel. at . OU at tic .931 10- tue O'"t r *,a t&o Is "Ouc, ots'a rjo 6 l'Y . 'a 0 c OVY at 1w, set U 90sto Te.13,0 Gotros e $0.100 %.Us '00TU 13,46 1 ,Or9, tue GOV&O erAt tu &S, e'Cl&et SIS - a *A Oj~tx% to ~t 69 Ole- e 'tev joeu ,..fee US uIc 106 110,46 Us* U.-AS.1- -0 . ,e I& see 00eat 1060L to Its . tsbl* " *UO t3,G C,01 .16 10 $%o . 'ta-03-0, t UMP uO ouG 'bj ti~o cti.. oat tu Tra sto Otte - .0*6 r Gel Irtjes OILS cc tjou or-tl- , I&* suce i66 b& lect3. a-0 etticl 'to cc% Ij-De ~GtOl 'at stor e 6 's ter set SV a I to 4,0 'goW olet Govao stoo 'bI 90-ter, lot V26. at ~,AOA Is i~* 0,U0 to toro .11%66 t i as Itter of Ole Sate -18,xvve 010 00 i~a% 000 6teote, L$ Lt~ca I& to, bt r 41 the I Otte COT to 016 too, 0 'is"blo, bI ateO 1.1 9 Its A .6 .t-rO$ . As oA& Ivoss Ol No 86 teo S9 64 ,qeU 0-0to -q& so. 4-CAP tot. 61 0,plf ,06'0 Irevo "Vid' wolf .01tvm jcjb4i utr tows IV-,6 io teceat at 6 QVIG. UOTO Gua .U6106t 0,At 0 e tow& "r ole 3.CA tte as b, ljolf 9. -1,P'Y *A& eatso, t9 100~ r steam in scit 6v physical r Card Concerning calorific values of steam in the ideal gas condition. .9()V/Wi-58-7- 5/22 authors are reproduced in Table.5 - these are still the most accurate and reliable values. The i:alorific values for steam given in Vukalovich's steam tables, which are probably the beat available; were calculated by means of an equation suggested by the author of this article and are compaxed with values of Fridman and Haar in Tables. 6.1 7.. and 8. Specific beat values are 0.0 higher than those of Fridman and Haar, whioh is rather a lot, The differences are smaller in the cases of enthalpy and entropyl for the one they are within the limits of experimental error and for the other they do not exceed 0.03%. Therefore, the author's form la can be used to calculate values of enthalpy and entropy given in the steam tables up to 12000K, even making allowance for the most recent data for the calorific values of steam in the ideal gas condition. At present, the Chair of Theoretical Fundamentals of Thermotechnics of the Moscow Power Institute is calculating calorific values of steam in the ideal gas condition, using the latest data on the physical Card 2/3 Concerning calorific values of steam in the ideal gas condition. SOV/96-58-7-5/22 and spectroscopic constants of the U20 molecule. When these calculationg dre complete, recommendations can be made about values for future use. TheTe are 8 tables and 14 iiterature references (3 Soviet and 11 English) ASSOCIATIOW V8esuyuzW Zaochnyy Energetichealdy Institut (All-lfni(in Cor-reopoader-ce Lrxt~tu-~t of Ilovor Eagizeering) 1. Steam - Properties 2. Steam - Tables 3. Quantum mechanics - A lications 4. Spectr:zcopy - Applica*ions PP Card 3/3 G(jWVIhTSOV, Andrey Grigorlyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; YUDAYEV, Boria Mkolayevich, kand. toklui. nauk; KALABINt V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof , retscnzentj_LjLUq&U kand. teklin. nauk~ red.; SAVELIYL'V, Ye.Ya., red. izd-va; TIKHMICV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Engineering thermodynamicsl Tekhnicheskaia termodinaraika Moskva. Vanhgiz, 1963. 311 P. (Therm-odymmics) (MiRA 3,1,: 12) C H I PZIN, Vlktor Sergeyevich; 3jLUUIY,,Ij. -4, , kand. t ekhn. nauk, rel.oenzent; BYSTRITSKAYA, V.V., inzh., red.; WOEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. r ed. [Heal. conductiviby of engineering materialflTeploprovodnost' prom '-shlennykh materialov. lzd.2., perer. I dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 245 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Materials--Thermal properties) VUKALOVICH, Mikhail Petrovich; NOVIKOV~ Ivan Ivanovich; KALAFATI~ D.D., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SILETSKIY, V.S., red.; BORUNOV, V.I., tekbn. red. [Technical thermodynamics) Tekhnicheskaia te=.odinamika. Izd. 3 perer. i dop. Pod red. M.P.Vukalovicha. Moskvaq Gosenergoizdatp 1962. 304 P. (Thermodynamics) (MIRA 15:7) CHERNOV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; BESSREEREMIIKOV, Nikolay Konstantinovich; SILETSKIYj V.S., prof., retsenzent; GRASSE) B.S.p retsenzbnt; REMIZOVO S.A.p redo (Fundamentals of heat engineering and hydraulics) Osnovy teplotekhniki i gidravliki. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 455 (MIRA 18:9) SIIY,VA, M. It. "The Pbysioloa and Biochemistry of the Adaptation of Winter Wheat to Yrost." Cand Biol Sci. Moecow Acad of Agriculture imeni K. A. Timiryazov, Moscow, 1953- No 1. Jan 53) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Iducational Institutions (12) SO: SUN No. 556, 24 Jun 55 GUNAR,I.I.; SHEVA M.N.__ Sugar changes In winter wheat during the process of hardening. Fiziol.rnst. 1 no.2:141-145 N-D '54. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy Hoskovskoy sel'skokhosyaystvennoy akademii imeni X.A.Timiryazeva (Wheat) (Plants--MetRbolism) SILVA, K.N. "Use of wild fruit, berr7, and nut plants.* V.A.Turkin. Reviewed by M.N.Sileva. Vop.pit. 14 no.2:60 Mr-Ap 155. (MLHA 9-6) (FRUIT CULTURE) (NM TRIES) SILIIVA, M.N. ......... ~ Colorimetric method of determining photosynthesis and respiration in plants. no.20:101-106 155. WaA 8:9) 1. Glaynyy botanichookly mid Akademit neuk SSSR. (Photosynthesis) (Plants-Respiration) USSSR/ Biology - Book revi~,w Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 3V38 Authors jSileva, M. N., Cand. Biol. So. Title I Making use of wild berry and nut bearing vegetation Periodical I Frixoda "/7j 125 - 126p Jul 1955 Abstraot i A review is made nf the book., "Making Use of Wild Berry and Nut Bearing Vegetationp" by V. A. Turkin, published by the State Pnblishing Office for Agricultural Literature, in 1954, and containing 440 pages. The book points out the nourishing properties of w;Ud fruits and nuts and shows that their vitamin content (for which figures are given) is often higher than that of domesticated plants. The book Is given a high rating. Institution : ..... Submitted i ..... TSITSIN, N.V., akadenik; ?.AG(,RODIJYT, L.S.; SILEVA. M.N. Greening seed potatoes before winter storage. Priroda 49 no.5:94-9,5 14Y 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Glavnyy botanicheekly Bad All SSSR, Hoakra. (Seed potatoes) TSITSIN, N.V.; SILEVA, M.N. Chemical composition of seeds In the Siberian pea tree. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.46s53-55 162. (MUU 1625) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad AN SSSR. (Pea tree) (Seeds) SILEVA, M.N. Chemical compsition of the prickly pear. no. 48:99-100 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. ClavTiyy botanicheskly sad AN S"*ZR. -SILUJ J. A diesel motor unit " a stawl-by source of power. Knergetika Cz 7 no.2:84-91 F 157. STLFA, J. A disel motor unit, as a stand-by sourre of power. p.6h. (EnerFretika, Vol. 7, t.'o. 2, Feb. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Mcnthly List of Fast Furopean Accessions (FEAL) LV_ Vol. 6, No. 0, Sept. 10V. Uncl. ,I! , .1. co7 i,ecte--i wit'h +.he ~,uil-Anv, of tem4)orary 22/0.4 tr-risformer stations. . . 9. ( - .-,"IGZTIYA) zechoslovakia) Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1958 7' 1 1;10: Mont:.1y InOex of .--ast Zuropean Accession (-E- AI) IC Vol. 7, No. 5, MAY 1958 6 i L ~I J. ,;c!ircej of electxtc power for temporary consLunpticn. P. 351- -,rnt-.rn onerve CC:, t-OC* ;-!"I C~~C, L~k-l I 7~ Ve~!' da. do!. tic. J'Aly jy-,~ .O:lthl, an y !L;t of' &ast, -`,=opean ';~--esoions vol. 9, no. 1, i 1~)LO. TLCIIN'i,LU~Y Periodicals: ',,I'LI,IKTR(7i'E'CHIIIK Vol- 1h, no. 3, Mar. 1959 J. Portable i~J-Jf,-type power distributor. !,. 91. "onthl,,,, List of East European Accessions (ELAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5, L I-lay 1959, Unclass. -j-!UIA, J. Construction of the hydroelectric power station In Arlik from the point of view of electrical engineering. P. 306. ELEYTRUIECHNIK. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 14, no. 10, Oct. 1959. t!onthly list of East European Accessions (mir) W, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. SIUIAJ, Jaroslav, irm. Suitable lighting on the worksites Is a condition for Intrc- ductiori of th* seemid and third shift. Inz stavby 9 no.O,:324- 327 S 161. 1. Vyzkunny ustav stavebni vyroby, Praha. S11.11A, Jaroslav, inz. flow trends in crane driving -,yctems. Inz stavby 10 no. 2:Suppl. 19-22. F. 62. 1. Vyzkumny ustav stavebni vyroby, Praha. SILHA, Jaroslav, inz. Remote control of Wilding MC.114reS. Inz stafty 10 no.4:"uppl.37-39. Ap 162. 2. Vyzkimny ustav stavebni vyroby, Praha. S1LHA, Jaxoslav, inz. Control of revolutions in asynchronous motor drives. Elektrotech.-Ak 17 no.7sl9l-195 Jl 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav stavebni vyroby,, Praha. SILIHA, Jaroslav, inz. Teleoperator, a unit for remote control of cranes, made in Czechoslovakia. Inz stlavby 10 no.10; Suppl: Mechanizace no.10:113-1-15 162. 1. Vyzkwany ustav stavebni vyroby, Praha. SILHA, J., inz. "Automation of concrete and mortar-mixing plants" by Girski,, Lapir and Susnikov. Reviewed by J. Silha. Ins stavby 10 no.10:399 0 162. S 1 LRA , J . . ~ 1 1. 9 . ) ~ - ~~ lt-mr,te '%-t,-~:,--'.'.17ac8 6 ac,.12:313-311+ D 16.)o SIMA, Jaroslav., inz. Diesel-electric drives of automatic and mobile cranes. Inz stavby 12 no. 2: Supplement: Mechanizace no. 2: 20-25 164. 1. Vy-zkumny ustav pozemnich staveb., Praha. .7; t-.t-3 OIJ i rLp try. Trz -- tavby- 12 Xy IL-". 1 ro t.; *,!;t,;~ of Id ':,)n-,jtru.,.; ti~,n, f I rague. C ACC NR. 6 1~57 SOURCE C'61)11~' CZ/0080/65/000/0(X/0094/0094 AUTHOR: Silha, J. (Engineer; P~rague) ORG: none TITLE: Problems of automation of mobile.machinesiLl, SOURCE: Automatizace, no- 4, 1965, 94 TOPIC TAGS: automation, machine industry ABSTRACT: The article presents a brief and general outline of the problems which arise in the automation of mobile machines. It is said that automation of such equipment is far ahead of that in Czechoslovakia and that it is necessary to speed up the application of automation. LJPR-cl SU13 CODE: 13, 05 / SUBM DATE: none C.'d 1/1 UDC: 338.2 C7EC11C6LOVAM/11w.n.i and Aidmal ltiystology - TLe Effect of T Fhyilcal Factors. Ionizing Radiation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 13371 Author : Silha, Milan Inst Title : CoaGulation of Homogenized Cytoplasm as a Reaction to Radiation Orig Pub : Ceskosl. biol., 1958, 7, No 1, 6o-61 Abstract : Homogenized cytoplasm of the spleen and liverg sepa- rated from the nuclei by centrifugation, coagulated after several hours of incubation in Vitro, if it was taken from rats which had been radiated with 25 r for 30 minutes before sacrifice. A homogenatc, deri- ved from non-radiated ratsiat the same time interval and prepared in the same manner, did not coagulate. Card 1/1 - 145 SILHA,V. Injury of-cell cytopl*sm by radiations. Ceek. f7siol. 9 no.4: 380-381 J1 160. 1. Biofysikalni ustay CBAV,Bmo. (PROTOPIASK radiation off.) (RADIMON INJURY expor.) SILHA' M. Postirradiation changes in microsotal lipoprotein. Folia Biol. 8 no.2;128-130 162. 1. Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno. (NEOPIASM metab) (LIPOPROTEINS metab) (RADIATION INJURY exper) S I IJIA, M. Ir,olation of deoxyribonuclooprote-In from liver in an alkaline medlim. Folia biol. (Prub") 11 no.2tI09-1121 165 1. Tns',Ituta of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sclences, .., I IVAN, A. P inz.; HRUI)KA , Z., promovany fyzIk Modeling freight transportation operations on automatic computers. Doprava no. 2:140-143 164. S I LHAI-I .-AWto lIi I, Automatic data proceosing organization of the French railroad stimi nistration. Doprava no.2:148-153 163. SILHAN, F. Classification and use of oil burners. Popa a uhile 6 no.5:147-151 MV 164. 1. Research Institute, Kralovopolske strojirny, Brno. SEDLACEK. V.. Dr.; SILHAN, J., MUC.; KOVARIK, J., MUC. Use of mor hi e d ring, pathologically, prolorged labor. Cook. Vn. 221165 no.4:'304-309 N&7 57. 1. 1. por. a ryn. klinika M v Brno, prodnosta prof. Dr. Ludvik Havlao*k. (MDRPHINN, ansboth. & analgesia In prolonVd labor (Cz)) (LABOR, anooth. & analgesia morphinm in prolonged labor (Cs)) SILHAN, V. "Servomotors with printed winding." Automatisace. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol* 2, no. 39 Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (FEAI), LC, Vol. 8. No. 6, Jun 59, Uncles SIDLAB, V. "Problems of centralized assembly operations of electric-power equipment in Czechoslovakia," FNERGETIKA, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 5, may 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EKAI), Library of Congress, Vol. 6, no. 8, August 1959 Unclassified SH.11-MI, Vladko Cooperation in the pool of six air linea. letecky obzor 5 no.1:25 161. 8119", Tladko Agencies of the Czechoslovak Air Lima abroad. loetecky obsor 6 no.9.-278-280 162. I I i.' . ". .1. , , . The lmpr:)v-~r. U-D-4,5-disc cult:LvatDr. p. 24~9. (I'InLst,3-stvc, ?r,%ha. Z71-lublication on mmacll-iinlzatlon )f agriculture is.3ueOl ty ~ie of ;wriculture. Vol. r") n,.. 14, July 1,155 3 0 UR C E" ::bust Suro,,,-Tari Acces.31-,ns L13t (M-~AQ LiLrary of Congress. V-), . 5, ~;o. 1, j-~nuary l)56 14,36) GIO 0/1 /1~ 0 4) D206/D304 I AUTHORSt Ma-.yapse, J~, and dilha'nek, J~ "Pardubice, dSR) TITLEz Determining multi-dimensional linear system transfer functions from the statiatical characteristics of the quantities at -the system input an* output PERIODICAL2 Avtomat:lka i telemekhWxa,, v, 22, no. 9, 1961, 11248 - 1252 TEXTg In The present article the a-athors suggest a method of deter- mining the IranQ--fer functions of dynamic: :onTrol systems from the knowledge of statis-.1cal proper,uies of junc,lions at their inputs and OUTpU+S. Tf ,~he system io be analyzed is not exactly linear or if its behavior cannot be defined 1-n a simp-le manner, the descri- bed method permit* finding a .-linear approx,_ma-~ion to such a system. Systems having a inputs and m outputs are 3aid ro be multi-dimen- sionai, 11%, is assumed that s-.ationary ranacm p:ocesses (a random v e c -. o r 2 ifn) a~'?, at the inpu-,.s, If there are within Card 1/6 S 0 1/022/009/012/014 Determining multi-dimensional. De'-061D'304 the system certain unc.-orrelated zo the input noise sources, -,hen the output random ve:tor u(u,, u 2' "" uM) ~an be expressed by + b (1) u x - 7 - Lxi 2 - Y21 -' 'm - ym in which x are components of the output wish no noise present and y - the componen't's due to internal noise; Such a system may be represented by an equivalent bloc diagram of Fig.2, The problem be- comes? l') To determine the mairix of -transfer functions y of the analyzed system C from the given spe~trai matrices S, H9 G; 2) To decide whether or not Internal noise Bour~,es ex4st In system C; 3) Tf y,i 0, -to determine -the matrix of spe:tral densiiies of the vector and design the ahaping fll-.ers for zhe generation of random vec-tor y. Since -ectors v and y are uncorrelated, the matrix H H = [H ik] ( I = i, 2, 4.., n; k , L, 2, , 2) (4) is also the matrix of mutual spectral densities of random vectors v and x- If random quan-ities 'T. are unsorrelated between themsel- lard 2216 9/103/'6-./ 022100 9/012/014 -dimenstona I I. D206I/D30A ves, -he maTrIf 5 di.agonal mav~lz and hence the transfer funa- v v iione Y, 3--e e:mp'-y de-tefmlne~ y In a gene:al ca5e., (6) repre3en-.s m sv?tems of 1_-ne3r a1genr9l, wi-..h the general o! -Cb,~ ~.,.vstem IS, nx uznknowas y. Svstem ;.6) has a unique ihgn i:: ze,-~_ SIn!!e -%.he matrix S a CLF3'3'.XCd lurl~her ' nr-.71on ~'8; :e Els-"_3"Ied and tha7 3 e r p~,X~ !,be-?"c~rA an s-11ullon -~hp mat-, t- E i --n -,.re ~f a.- E,,.'~' '-,022.~,009/012/014 D301 :.s !-be tasc ana',&ysis. The ma- --'x 5 M'If b~, rclpreeca-,l~~a af3 a p:iducl. oy 0) vben B A -.ziangula- Th e el ~, z e B. ma-.:'-x B are, I'K pta3:ng !eTa., -,he ~ransft-: functions of a sys~eT 3hapi--.ijz -:,nn genera,'!'.~n i:!- ra:iacm pro,2esees hwj:ng lb-, ma.7-.z ~)f Z., The Mairix tl is the ma-.:-.t &-w ?:i :!-,n-,agazj? e:f-mr~n-.;_4 wi-h re3pe-.".~ to B. .1-v *I-la-' ;*no MW:~-.A ^,.in ,.%t, r,:,p.a,.ed c~y an -?qu!.va- 5-4n,:e B and tbevefo-p El arE mat:!cee -,,,he solu-11-ion of ('1? doeg no'l prasent an.? !4&fflcU!-.*.eO F7im -he Ist equation ,be mat--i -t -!? dt~~erm-'ned ard froa -*ae 2nd equation the re-~Ul7pd MaT-*-% cf tran3fer oir Ovs-tem 0 --.s -;hen found. 3.ri~e ib- ar-~,-.- m-,:3:~;-remcnti aria ^a-:u-a'!:,-*-ae cannol w~ made abso- r, ~.a-d i ~ 26231 S/103/61/022/009/012/014 Determining multi-dimensional D206/D304 lutely accurate, the limiting conditions imposed on the system can- not in practice be fulfilled and the solution y will actually re- present a certain approximation of mathematical representation of the described syst-em. If internal noise-source exists within th'e system C it is necessary to evaluate the matrix of spectral densi- ties of the random vector y the components y i ot which*corrispohd the noise at the output. It has been assumed that random vect6re v and y are uncorrelated, i.e# the matrix of mutual correlation func- tions is zero M fV(t) ~ Y(t + -r)~" r- 0 1 (14) where M means mathematical expectation. It is easy to prbve thdt the matrix M fx(t), Y(t + T), S 0 (15) will also be zero, i.e. that random vectors x and y are also uncor- related. There are 3 figures and 7 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: January 10, 1961 Card 5/6 CZV- C: ~ 03~:'OVA'."'l A CZ 10009166 /000 /009/0528 /053 2 Miroslav; Silhanck, Jaroslav ORG: Department of Organic Technology, VSCHT, Prague (Katedra organicke tecilijologic, VSC11T) TITLE: Preparation of bis-trichlormethyltrisulfide (BTT) fungicide by catalytic reactio.,; of hydrogen sulfides with triclilormetansulplicaylchloride SOURCE: Chemicky prufnysl, no. 9, 1966, 528-532 TOPIC TAGS: fungicide, grain fungicide, fungicide research, fungicide production ABSTRACT: Research is now being don in Czechoslovakia on broader use of BTT .r n-cide. Findings on certain conditions for the preparation of BTT a. . reported. AU "I Tlie catalytic effects of compounds of thirty metals (from groups the IV, V, and V1 of the periodic table) on the reaction of hydrogen monosulfide with trichlormeth- anesulfvnylchloride were studied. In every case the reaction was faster and proceeded with greater selectivity in the presence of the catalyzer (arsenic, antimony, molybdenum, tungsten, zinc). The greatest yield of BTT (above 9016 1/2 C(-)Di-;: .'.)jj*01'1. iro~51av; Silhanek, Jaroslav 'i 1jY' 0"G: cj' Organic Technology, VSCHT, Prague (Katedraorganicke to--hr-101ot'-f;Le, VSCHT) ' I I!Tl-t-:,: Preparation of bis-trichlormethyltrisulfide (BTT) fungicide by catalytic reaction of hydrogen sulfides with trichlormetansulpheny1chloride SOURCE: Chemicky prumysl, no. 9, 1966, 528-532 TOPIC TAGS: fungicide, grain fungicide, fungicide research, fungicide production ABSTRACT: Research is now being don in Czechoslovakia on broader iise of BTT fun-icide, Findings on certain conditions for the preparation of BTT are reported. The catalytic effects of compounds of thirty metals (from groups the IV, V, and VI of the periodic table) on the reaction of hydrogen monosulfide with trichlormeth- anesulfenylchloride were studied. In every case the reaction was faster and proceeded with greater selectivit in the presence of the catalyzer (arsenic, y antimony, molybdenum, tungsten, zinc). The greatest yield of BTT (above 901/6 I-ald 112 'ACC -N,": AP6031-~.'-)9 of zhe thuoret:Lcal) was achieved when diethylether was used as reagent, while the react4on occurred with alcohol. With methanol, ethanol, and butanol, the yield was 80-85% of the theoretical. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables, and 7 formulas. [KS] SUB CODE: OG/ SUBM DATE: 15MIarWORIG REF: 013/OTH REF: 002/ 2/2 S I LIIA 1: El K fKarel, inz. ---_ -1,11 .- - --- 1. -heat frcm ce7hm'c f~-rnaces. Iklar a keramik UBS of WI-Ite 14 no. 3: 91-92 Mr 164. i., Development worksite olf the Karlovarsky porcelan, Brezova. WENDLEH, L.-,'Ub03, inz.; BAHE3, Miloslav; 31LHANEK, Karel Morpholovy of apparent defects of Dorr-ellair, glaze:;. Sklar a kernmik 1.5 no.3^:~-q-PO 24r '65. CaweE nf the formation of shell-like structure and ras.ers on glazes. lbid.:81-83 1. Resear,!h Worksite of the Karlovarsky porcelan National Enterprise, Brezova a Karlovych Varu. SILHAII'PXP V. Contemporary problems of take off and landirg. P. 408. ('FrIdla Vlasti. No. 13, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly L4,gt of FAqt European Accessicn (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. SlUANEK, V. A vertical start and lending. (To be contd.) P. 500, (Kridle Vlasti) No. 16, Aug. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 S/103/60/021/0~/12/03 B0C?/B011 AUThLi0 ~ilnanek, Y ~ (Pardubice, Czechoslovakia) S TITLE: Sirnulatior~, of a 1,inear Oystem ','t'ith n Steady Random to Processes at the Inrut *.iitjiout the Use of Random Action Generatort. PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 5, PP. 652 - 654 TEXT: The paper of Ref. 2 had offered, for a linear system with n stea- dy random processes at the input, a metkiod of determining a mean square output quantity with the aid of a simulator whica doe.,3 not require the use of a white noise generator. This method is based on tne possibili- ty ut prouLiciab u rajiuom process of known spectral density at the in- put witi, the aid of a wfiite noise ceaerator and a linear stiaping filter (the determination of the transmission function of the latter had been de5cribed in Refs. 1, 2). Formula 2 is given, ana the block diagram followinp; therefrom is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, not a white noise, but a sin6le pulse function (Dirac function) is fea to the input of the Card 1/3 .Sii:iulution of a Linear System Iiith n Steady S110316010211051121013 Random Processes at tne Input Without the BC07/BO11 Use of handom Action Generators shapinG filter. On a rise of t, the quantity of the integrator at the 2 output tends to the value y . y (t) is the output quantity of the li- near system investigated. The advanta~-e of this nethod is the elimina- tion of the white noise generator. It is generalized here for a linear system S n with n steady random processes at the inputs of the system. The solution of the problem posed is given, and it is shown that each 2 value Yi (see formula (0) can be determined by the inethod described in Ref. 2. It is further shown tnat the mean value of the cquare y 2 of the output quantity of tne linear system S n witri n steady random processes at the inputu cart be obtained at the output of tfie block diagram shown in Fig, 3. This block diagrar. serving for the calculation on a simula- tor consists, apart from the given linear system, of shaping filters, a qua6rator, and an intearator. Not the white noise, but individual pulse functions are feu to the inputs of the shapinf, filters. The mean Card 213 Simulation of a Linear S,fstem *Aith n Steady 3/10.3/60/"021/05/12/013 Random Processes at tile !nFut i'iithout the B007/BO11 Use of Random Action Gererators values of tile square y 2 are oblairled at the inte8rator output. There are 3 fi,,-ures and 2 Soviet references. 'i U BN January 12, '1960 Card 313 J-, -7n- -fly 1e, SpUctive InhAltion of tough to.-DIJ of Vnit. 1956, 1. 204-210 (VNrakA ik-)!,i r a ioloKickk lhologicki ".dia. Prague, cholate in ccucii -hich only' dowd down the rate of growth id smooth furnii, complutely mhibitcd tough forms cultured an Malt Qt malt ~Xtracl aq;tr undcr icrobic and ana.,tratic coliditions. It apl-11-rd tuiqicl-fal lorrn3 in the prLstnce of Na chulate sim0l s~iariing tra-1-3parrnt caiuni~- On #~i~ cultoring thr". ~,-tt Jir,! itc.-, rough forms wcre formed Snv)-tt. rolunivi i5olalrd ultort--~ dissociated bv mrAnS of ChOlAIC 'v Avere stable. A -- -------- SL~ A:WLVA, L. Effect of surface-active agents on rough and smooth forms of yeasts. P. 193, (Ceskoslovenska Mikroblologie) Vol.2, no.4, July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EF-Al) Vol. 6, no. 11 November 1957 Pol-_nd/Microbiolo~Sy. Technical Microbiology F Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., Uo 13, 1958, 57610 Author : Silhanicova Ludmila "I ven Inst : r6t Title : Progress of Technical Microbiology in Czecho- slovakia Orig Pub : Prezen. spozyviczy, 1957, 11, No -jj 237-239 Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 SILHANKOVA, Ludmila. The mechanism of action of dinathyllaurylbentylamonium chloride (Ajatin) on rough and smouth forms of yeast cells. Folia x1crobiol 5 no.3:157-164 160. MAI 9310) 1. Chair of biology, College of Chemical Technology, Prague. WATIN) (YEAST) (CELLS) (DIME THY LDODECYLBENZYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE) SILHANOVA,L. Investigation of the mechanism of the action of dine thyllaurylbenzyl- ammonium chloride (ajatin) an rough and smooth forms of yeast cello. II. Synergic action lof ajatin and iodoacetic acid on various substrates. Folla microbiol 5 no.4:237-246 160. (EKAI 9:10) 1. Chair of Biology, College of Chemical Technology, Prague. (AJATIN) (YEAST) (CELLS) (TCOOACETIC ACID) (DIMETHYLDODECYLBENZYLAMYONIUM CHLORIDE) 3IL:iAI';iC-VA, Ludmila A new method of quantitative determination of contamination of baker's yeast by wild yeasts or by disnociation forms of the production culttwe. Folia microbiol. 7 no.4:255-256 162. 1. Departm,~nt of Biological Sciences, Institute of Ghemical TechnoloEy Prague 6. (YEASTS) SILHANKOVA, Ludmila The effect of iodcacetate on the dehydrogenation activity of smooth and rough forms of yeasts in the presence of ethanol or acetate. Folia microbiol. 8 no.1:32-41 163. 1. Department of Biology, Collele of Chemical Technology, Prague 6. (YZASTS) (IODOACETATES (DEHYDROGMASES) (ALCOHOL, ETHYL) (ACETATES) SILHANKOVA, Ludmila A new method for quantitative determination of members of the gwith Saccharomyces in mixtures with other yeast genera. Folia microbiol. 8 no.2slO2-108 163. 1. Department of Biological Sciences, College of Chemical Technology, Prague 6. (YEASTS) (PHZNYLHYDRAZIN---') (CANDADA) (AZIDES) (FLUORIDES) (QUINOLINF.9) (FERMENTATIOH) (RALTOSE) (GLUCOSE) SiLff"', . -- , , - 1., ~'i - `ptwike and bindint ot ferric ions in 2 and R-forms of yeasts. Folia microbiole , -na) 10 no.4t251-25,' J1165. 1. Department of Biology,, College of Chemical Technology,, Prdguoi, C z E, C H he. Taiwwtev method in the se;-4ey of gold anil platinum .U.ys- V ~ilhaaovi and J. Kv.uYk (VfzktisnT'A kh, pull- coviii iluil,y, Prague). Cls,m. Lia-ly 49, IU55).- A soln. obtained by Me Tananacv method (cf. CA. 43, BW,i) is tvited f" Au by meam ol afilter PaT U'Uples- na,tct! with bervidine (Uhic crAor; ir sntt:rfere4 ,or by Fe salti i,filik-L -pot). Ii the prtLctice of Pri, Au Ii ticlected by wrans of (Iliviethylgl) oxitne and by irduction vvitb SnCls. Pt I% Setcctvd by tile re;tciion, vvith 'FINO,. To detcrt Pd, the , truple Is dsoppcd oil a fiRtcr par-.-r 5oakvd "ith TV and Ali'*, and a dark-hrown color Is developed. 1r charips tile bellow color pr"Iuved by treatimf ut of NI1,CI will. with Pt'l to or.wMe. Rh formi t Cherry-red crilor on reduction with SuCli in the pre-iEuce ofWd. st-Ins. of NIf4CI WO KL Au, Pt, tuid Pd must be remolmd with dimethyliflyo)Fiffit ~prior to tht-se tests. W Itudlicitt SILHARDI Vladimir, inz. (Zagreb) More productive prefabricated parts, mechani2ation, tools, and hygienic and technical protection. Gradevinar 16 no. 8:261-272 Ag 164. *` ~.' ~.(; ABRAHAM, A.- SILHAVA, M. Temperature dependence of optical transmissivity of melted quartz In ultraviolet spectrum. Silikaty 7 no.3%231~233 163. 1. Ustav tys1ky pevnych latek, Ceskosloveaska akademie ved, Praha. 3--rT : ~;. '. Y , ~;. . JIL-'.'-JY, F. Where pote Atals in our repair shops are. p. -14. V01. ,, , r.o. 2, Jan. 1957 IjAG7, AGIRIGUL "IME Czechoslovakia So: East Eburnpea7 Accession, Vol. % No. 5, 1by 1957 . - 11 1 1 1 " ~ .~ - :.~ -. ,,,t. : . (z,` ~jf c,~-.v-r ~: r-ce "e d 1 &.vi . . o rin e f7 I ..,l .1, -~ :~ . , - 1 -~" 1~--:7. TnCl. -,..: r--.t :, .,l.,r-,-an 1- "0-1. '1, -;0. --', 'Ujil' I SILHAVY, Jaroslav Evaluation of the National Conference on the Complex Soil Research in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Vestnik CSAZV 8 no.6:363-366 161. (EM 10:9) 1. Namestek ministra zemedelstvi, lesniho a vodniho hospodarstvi. (Soil research) SILHAVY, Jan, inz. New elements in the design of a heating and power plant for chemical factories. Energetika Cz 11 no.12:609-611 D ,61. S ILHAVY, P. A lignite-burning power plant. p. 1. (Czechoslovak Heavy Industry, No. 11, 1956. Prague, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EFAL) LC. Vol. 6. No. 6, June 1957. Uncl. aries- r i KERTIKOVA, Zd., student; SILIANOVA, B., student; OSMMIWA, R,, student-, DASKALOVA, I., stu'dM Distribution of tuberculosis among students of the r.P. Favlov Medical Academy In Plovdiv. Suvrem. med., Sofia 5 no.12:25-30 1954. 1. It kmzhoka po ftitiologiI& (rukoyodital: D. Dimitrov) i Klinikat& po ftizl&trlia pri Keditsinskata. akadmiia I.P. P&vlov (direktor: prof. As. Shopay) (TUBERCULOSIS, spidemiology, in Bulgaria, in mod. students) (SCHOOLS, MICAL, tuberc. in mpd. students in Bulgaria) SILIANU, E.J. conf. Ing.; ALEXANDRU, P., Ing. - . I On the assembling conditions of the planetaz-y mechaniazs with double satellites. Constr mas 15 no*5;388-391 MY 163. 1. Inatitutul politchnic, Brasov. 2. Sef lab. Inatitutul politehnic, Brasov (for Alexandru). SILIC, Tomislav Systems of reactive power meters. Elektroprivreda 15 no.9/10:456- 462 S-0 162. 1. ZEPH, BiH, Sarajevo. I . J;~~ , .. V_ . 0 . B~ tii;;, . ;I I ~~ ; A.; , 1 .,~! p I I ~- -.1 ..I.. U v eI jjctr--!YtLc fermentaticn preparst!--na in the productisn -f .p -i Trudy 11-211-IrT 3.-(;7.-?j 163. ar - 0 (MTRA SILICH., A.L.., inzh. Construction proJects of the cellulose and paper industry. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 23 no.4:8-9 Ap 261. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Ministerstvo stroltellstva RSFSR. (Paper industry) (Building) Di~.itrly YakovIevich, prof., auktor telchn. nauk; -jurnnlily Nikolayevich; NFUSIRUYEV, Aleksandr Alek.:F~n(irwwich; 3~AFCllj'B6%, K.F., doktor tekhri. nauk,, prof. akademik, ret~,enzent; SUKOUN, K.N., (~oktor Wkhn. nauk, prof., retnenzent; DOL&OIKOV, I.Ye.0 kand. tekhn. "huk, dota., retsenzent; SHTEPUIKC, V.Z... kand. tekhr.nauk, retsenzent.; KRAM,'OV, A.F., kand. teklm. naukj dots., r.-Asenzwit; FILIT3FR, G.A., dotn., rctoenzent; SILICH, A.N., retselizent; 31110114" A.F.3, ussittfitt"- .-t. jrcycdav.l ~-(Asun7ent; 51NBL'YEV, L.P., assisterit, retoenzent (Equil.mont, mchanization and automation of heat-treating Flants'l Oborudovaniel mekbanizataiia i a-.tor-atizatsila v termichenkikh tsekhakh. Moskva, Metallurgliap 1964. 467 P. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Aktidlctiyu nauk ar. SSR (for Starodubov). KOZHEYNIKOV, S.H., prof.; KIRILTUK. T.D., iazh.; SILIGH, Inzh. Investigation of rotary flying shears. Izv.vys.uchob.tav.; chern.met. 2 no.8:149-155 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Dnopropgtrovokiy metallurgichaskiy institut. Rokomendovano, kafedroy avtomatizataii notallurgichookogo oborudovanlyn Dnepropetrovskogn metallurgicheakogn inetitnta. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN USSR (for Kothevnikov). (Rolling mills--Equipment and supplies) (Shears (Madhine tools)) SILICH, A.N. Kinematics of shears for hot cutting. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; , chern. met# 5 no.5:182-192 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Shears (Machine tools)) SILICH, A.N. Dynamics of hot cutting shears. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.7:149-136 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. (Shears (Machine tools)) :~ILICI:l "1". 1. C5nd. Che-. ~-ci. Disse--tation: Ilbelective Oxidation of Carbon konoxide in the eresence of' Hydrogen." 6ci ReL Order ol' the LaLur ned Bariner ehysicochemical Inst imenj L. Ya. Karpov, 27 Jun 47. SO: Vochernyays I-slonkva, Jun, 194? (rroject #17836) Kinetics of the simultaneo" oxidatfouj of c ~n Rngantse dioxide. al and hLIM&Ln -7 I., 4~01vl P. jilinj Tnst. Nitrozen Ind.. Nlm~r ution U comild If. or. I'l 'Aw ~,ii,latiot% n( CO, both in the prcs--mtt an tl;-- &,"we -If fir, Is a lit-mdrr traction witi; r,-j- i ~ ..l:A ;' ;'er-11r.1cr re'lCtion %% Ith respect to M. i !r,r thk rcwtimi in the 4 1 ;,o i-q .-f 111, iii the pr-coce r~r .f rl'r t 1, i'1 t,-.,ct i-l rr'~~ "f C4 SILICH, M.I., k&ndidat khdoicheskikh n&uk. Production of aldehydes and alcohol@ by the #xo synthesis methods Xhim. naukA i prom. 2 no.1:5944 '57- (MM 10:4) (Alcohols) (Aldehydes) (Chemistry. Organic--Synthevis) /61- /000100 6/00 9/065 5 148,lrt ttae I ,,act Ole b1 I C, Ob,C 1. -1 'It doro 'Pts 1c)61.1 51. SOVS god a 00,0611 Iall Ob S%XOV o", [01r t1h tbe .01ro 'Plro'c'690 tv,06 tov:l- .0 Of '01 t,tjjOTLs 4 ed 01.0 146 J.Osijs IOVSCV 10;:01~0 &f& -VCO%%01.0 lkt* 'atue to tlae a Ith 01 efl-I jmj.*6 0,*e if 61.6%p6 G'h Sew klilhi- 0*0 19 Ob tai. Ottje to" the thir -stal-l"t "hiaLs 'PV ti-00 r Oeo 000 0 f 1;0 . VLO of the tA%e 0 bac thol, OCIR* fal teoc'e SO jc&'V I&VO li.0'a lrtiol~ 0 f "ILI. 9 veri ti-C 106 Opi-10, evc evo he 'atow_ kao__bs C the tjr&%% t t11 " %0N0 f%,e ) sod t tea Oteo t o er e Oir tolL jr,001ml er ie. t id tevoi. J.J~ca ca 'he t1hes 1,10 v XOlp 4"rL C'00V two . tvi eots' Ste too belt if Af I .%0 'Oojrl~ a r, 0 0 the Oe C, C,%f 0 ifdel& r V, vrw U SLOO I t1he. t1he Oc"he s6 0 Osve ea '(0 J~Olft 0,0.~c t-f e of 0 f t'O e 9 me 'Peos 9 01, t1he is'as ti~olr% Oika i'ti-Oll, vol O-At 010 09 bse glee ek jiq . OPlro 6 toe &0 &,OCOO'P alrovi - ef Ite C, so the Chl- e e%% -V D'I'd t1he aeaLl. 0 er bet'O test IS 0 g, etwt 'atro o) Vr e e'r TX%e C, 0 St.~.O 0 t lp OV tywe t~s -ese I J'st , 'i.twe vic a C, atak velvael t An _'N ll~x Improved Process .... S/065/61/000/008/004/009 E030/9335 in the liquid phase and therefore a solvent is used which is isobutyl alcohol at the start of the reaction, changing to the final product as the reaction proceeds. In the laboratory tests a propane-propylene feedstock with 74 to 85% propylene was used, the ratio of raw material to solvent being nearly 1;2 and that of CO to hydrogen 111.2. In the pilot plant, synthesis gas was used as feed, with the ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide varying between 0.5:1 to 7-5:1 , the other parameters being ne^rly the same an those in the laboratory tests. In order to eliminate the deficiency in the filter system, a re-cycle system using a centrifugal separator was introduced. This system (developed in conjunction with NlXKhl?4MASh under the direction of Senior Engineer G.K.1vanova) enables the filters to work for long periods without cleansing and, by returning the catalyst-rich fraction to the reactor, diminishes the quantity of product going for decobaltization, filtering, hydrogenization and rectification. Thus, the process of obtaining butyl alcohols in carried out in three stages: 1) production of cobalt carbonyls and hydroformylation of propylene; 2) decomposition of cobalt carbonyls Card 2/4 S/065/61/000/008/004/009 Improved Process .... E030/E335 (decobaltization) and 3) hydrogenization of aldehydes and alcohols. In the previous two-stage process only alcohols were obtained an the final product; in the present three- stage one aldehydes also are obtained. It has been shown that by hydroformylation at 300 atm. and 125 0C the content of n-aldehydes in the final product increases. It has also been found that attemperatures of 110 to .140 0C and pressures og 25 to 100 atm the catalyst decomposes completely. At 135 C and 300 atm. propylene converts to n-aldehydes (63%), iso- aldehydes (21%). high aldehydes (11.4%) and b-y-products (4,6%). the ratio of n- to iso-aldehydes being 3:1. With decreasing pressures this ratio decreases, being 2.2:1 at 250 atm. and 1.6t1 at 200 atm. During the oxo-reaction carried out in the pilot plant at temperatures between 135 and 160 0C. a pressure of synthesis gas of 180-200 atm., content of catalyst of 1-2% and contact time 45 min., a product with a ratio of n- to iso-aldehydes of approximately 2:1 was obtained. This product hydrogenated in a mixture of butyl alcohols in the same ratio, G.N. Klinova, A.D. Yerofeyeva, N.M. Malygina, A.I. Khokhlov, A.I. Zp7tseva, T,V. Yelisova and A.I. Busygina Card 3/4