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VOLY11:K111, Yu.N.; ARWIYU1.01j, G.A.; ANTIFOV, V.V.; ALTIX:OV, G.V.; hAYEVSKIY, R.M.; BELAY, V.Ye.; ~Z'YAI.07, bhYALOV, I.I.; VASILIYEV, P.V.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; GAGkE- , Yu.A.; MUM, F.D.; GORSHKOV, A.I.; GUROVSKIY, N.N.; YESHAMV) N.Kh.; YEGOHOV) A.D.; KARPOV, Ye.A.; KOVALEV, V.V.; KOLOSOV. '.A.; M,ESJ:KOV, A.A.; KAS1YA11, I.J.; KOTOVSKAYA, A..'.; YALIBEFMIN, G.V.; KOPAIMEV, V.I.; KUZ'14B.OV, A.F.; KAKURM, L.A' ; YbERM, it.V.; LE:JEDEV, V.I.; LEBEDEV, A.A.; LOBZE , F.F.; KAKSIVOV, ~.C,.; 1,1,ASNIYOV, V.I.; NAUSHKIN, Ye.G.; liEUe"YVAKIN, I.P.; 01,11SECHENKO, V.F.; FOFOV, I.G.; MUCHIKOV, Ye.P.; SIL11113TROV, M.N.; SEPYAP11", A.D.; SAKSONOV, P.F.; TEHENTIYEV, V.G.; USHAKOV, A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; M-111, V.S.; F011,116 A.G.; KHLE til 7IKOV, G.F.; YUGA11OV, Ye.M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; KRICHAGIU, V.I.; AK-ULDIICHEV, I.T.; SAVI1,11CH, F.K.! STMPURA, S.F.; VOSK:tESEN.SKIY, O.G.; GAZD*.KO, O.G., SLSWAN, N.M.-,---h'kademik, red. [Second group space flight and some results of the Soviet astronauts' fliChts on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of medical and biological research conducted during the second group space flight] Vtoroi gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet i neko- torye itogi poletov sovetskikh kosmonavtov na kombliakh "Vostok"; nauchnye rezulltaty medikobiolo'gicheskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vo vreirda vtorogo gruppovogo kosrAcheskogo Foleta. Yoskva, Nauka, 1965. 277 p. (MllftA 16:6) V.E: Yu.N.. AZ'I-f- , V, 1. ; G 1; 111 , A. 1-1. ; % AS! L 11- *-~*%', 1 .1'. - A.A.; GU.iCV.;YIY, N.N.; GORB(.-JV, F.D.; S-7:`lYAJ-I,.'1 "J.; LELA-,:, V.Ye.; BAYMISM, R.1'.; AITIM1701" G.11.,- .-.OFAl`hV) V.I.; KASIYATI, I.I.; YEGO11OV, A.D.; 'OIL IVE, S17',',OV NJ%; SE FU..A, S.F.; TMM~*,TIYEV, V.G.; P-YLOV, Yu.V.; FOI,.Irl;, A.G.; USVAKCV, A.S.; DEGTMEN, V.A.; VOLOVICH, V.G.; ~~'I`FA:.'TSOV, IYA~7,iIKOV, V.I.; YAMOV'SKIY, V.I.; ilSlilli, F.S., trikhr.. red. 'LFii-.,,,t :7pvce flights of man; the scientific i-e--Ults of the cc2 ~ co..dological re search con(lucted during the orl.dtal ,ht2 of the sp.-iceships I'Voctok" and lll'or,'Lok-211 fli,- IT-ervye iche:lde polety cheloveka; nauchny rezulltaty inedilko- bioloi-icheskikh -isoledovanii, p.ovedernykh vo v---ei-ia or.)i- t.-. 11 P.,7-kh 1.oletov ko,-rblF,,i-.-;;utv-ikov I'Vontok" i "Vostok-2.11 Id-vo Akad. nnxL% SSSR, 1062. 202 p. W .'A 15:11) (SPACE I-Elldlfj'~!:.) (SPACE FLIGET --,H4IlII::G) 3/ '01',5/62/001/000/02-2/033 - 20 -0 IVE485 AUTKORS: Bal a ldiovskiy, Ki-M p ova, L. I., Simpurn, S.F. L;;,, The provision of' do"s !.itl, food and wat-dr during space fli~,,Iit conditiont, SOURCE: Problei.iy kosrnicl-eskoy biologii, V.1. Ed. by N.N.Sisakyan. Ano.-,cow, lzd-vc) ',Z; SsSil, 196~'), 345-358 TEXT: The authors have clcter_iacd the aiaount of food and water re(,uired by do,(,s durin- space fli.,-,1A conditions. In a preli.i.ini,ry study of ener.-y ror,uircrents the oxygen consu:.,intion of 4 1 c:o-.--,; ran,,:ca from O.G04 to 0.906 litre/h/kg, and the 2 -lour ener.t,y expcnditure froii-. 66 to 107.9 Rg/body weight. These fi,v,ures did not chazij~c csz;entially when the animals were confined iri a sii,.ulatcd space cabin. Three dor ',js Icept under similar conditions for 20 days remained well aud lost no weight on a daily diet of 50 to 100 g of -,cllets containing meat, sugar and fat to a total caloric Value of 50C kcal/100 9. The average daily intalke of water was 120 ril and the average rate of loss of water in the breath was 0.(J' g/,,zg/h. The construction of an Card 1/2 The provision of dogs ... S/865/62/001/000/022/033 EG28/Sk85 automatic feedin- apparatus is described and also the reginie used ~j for feediil,- the dogs Layka, Belka and Strellca during their space flights. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 2/2 S/865/62/002/000/025/042 D405/0301 AIMIURS Kotovskaya, A.R., LobashItov, S.I., S-impura, S.F., Suvorov, P.N. and Rhlebnikov, G.F. TITLE: Effect of prolonged transverse accelerations on human organism SOU-Xz: Problemy Isosmicheskov biolo"ii. v. 2. Ed. by 11. Sish- Iqlan and V. Yazdovskiy. Moscow, Izd-vo Ali SSSR, 1962;1- 238-245 The investi"at:;on had the followiny main objects: to study the effect of prolonged trc-zv~.,rse accelerations on the principal physiological fwactions of the organism; to determine the limits 0.- e-aduraacc of acceleration; the selection of the optimal ao--ition of the human body during acceleration; the develoxmcnt of methods of training and selection for astronauts. 'Exoerimental meth-,~ od; A grou-) of specially selected hial-thy persons aged 25-30 was ! subjected to centifuge tests. The rasponse to accelerations of 7, 9, 10 a-ad 12 g was investigated. Th-. indicators of the following Card 1/3 S/365/62/002/000/02.5/042 Effect of prolonged ... D405/D301 basic physiological functions -uere racorded: clec rocardiograms; arterial prcsnure; pulse and respiration rate; lung ventilation and ffas exchange; electroencephalogra-is; clectromyograaa of thorax and peritoneal muscles; the duration of the latent period of motor response to light signals; the pene'Urability of cutaneous capillar- ies. Results: The subjects could sustain accelerations of 7-12 g for a period of 3 minuteG to 30 seconds respectively. The e:zzternal resi)iration undcnient marhed changes; -the subjects ex-pericinced dif- ficultics, in ')rcathing. The number of cardial contractions increased. The arterial nrcssure also increascd. biome rcgular changes in the bioclectric activity of the brain u-cre noted; these change,-, can be divided into 3 main stages. The latent period of responGe to light C3 signals increased to 0.3-0.9 seconds. The acuity of sight decreased in the majority of subjects by 20-307j. Me bioelectric activity of the investigated muscles increased. All these physiological changes reverted to normal 3-5 minutes after the acceleration ceased. iin analysis of the obtained material showed that the changes in the phy,'-iological functions are irithin tolerable limits, being determined by the magnitude and duration of the overload. Cutaneous hemorrhaHes Card 2/3 Effect of prolonged .'J/365/62/002/000/025/042 D405/001 were obscx-,tcd in most of the nubjectn after the acceleration ceased. The optimal -,3onition of the body wan found to be a 100 inclination of the back of the chair with respect to the horizontal. The ax-pcrL- ments made it possible to divide ihe subjects into 3 groups with re-' gard to endurance: those with high endurance, satisfactory endur- , ance, and low endurance. The obtained results were used in develop-' ing a special training prorrm for the astronauts Yu. A. Gagarin an4 9 G.S. Titov. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 3/3 k v)_-J ~i"Jj L)yluD 1 ACC NR. At6 6 SOURCE CODE: jAU711OR: Kotovskaya. A. R.: V"illyev, P, Ve; Lapin, Be Aet Sirq)ura, So Fe; IShakhlamov, V. A.; Arteml;r;ya, H. I ORG: none TITII,;: Effect of transverse accelerations on the organism of female monkeys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdolenlye biologicheskikh nauk, Problerq kosmicheakoy biologii, V* 4, 1965, 32-2-332 TOPIC TAGS,. cardiovascular system, experiment animal, biologic acceleration effect. biologic respiration, space pbyoiology, histology, biologic reproduction# space biologic experiment ABSTMCT: Tests were conducted on 16 half-grown monkeys,' 5 m.%ndrill and 11 rhesus. Exposure to 12 G centrifugation (varying durations) took place during the following sex tycles: proliferation, secretion, deqquamation, and ovulation. Acceleration took place on a centrifuge with an arm radius of 7. 25 m in a chest-back position. The behavior of the animals was .monitored by TV, and cardiovascular and respiratory activity were used as criteria for the resistance of animals to acceleration. A photograph shows the position of a rmnkey fixed in the chair of the centrifuge. Table I shows the effect of acceleration on cardiovascular and respiratory' activity. AC~-NRT, -TT60W66 Table 1. Changes in pulse rate and respiration rate in monkeys exposed to 12 G (mean for 14 animals) Physiologi-caT-- Before During After function Pulse rate 152 fill; 190 161 Respiration 2, rate The EKGfs of animals exposed to acceleration revealed sinus tacbyeardiat shortened T-P intervals, and ventricular and atrioventrimOar extrasYstole- Cardiac activity in general returned to normal 10-20 min atter centa-ifugation. It was found that the endurance of female monkeys to 12 G rangad from 1 to 4.5 min. A histological ana3,vsi of the ovaries of monkeys examined 10 min, 1 hr, 24 hr, and 72 hr after termination a acceleration revealed the following deviations from norral: Proliferation phase: Weakly pronounced depolymerization of acid mucopolysaccharides in the medulla and separate cortical sections of the ovaries, as-vzell as in the uterus, Ovulation: After one, and aspeciallY 3 days after the termination of the experimnt, all ovarian tissues were found to be full of erythrocytes; The areas around the venules were plasmorrhagi6 and locally havorrhagic'q Acid mucopolysaccharide depolymarization was intense. Searetory phazat Two monkeys showed prerature menstruation and L AT6003866 ACC NR, hernarrhaging'in the endometrium when examined 10 min after termination. This was attributed to the deleterious effects of acceleration. Examination of an animal 24 hr later revealed individual small hemorrhages in the cortical ovarian tissue. Some erythrocytes were observed along the vascular walls. Mtider-ate depolymerization of acid muc opolysac ch arid es was evident. Desquqmat4ve,phtsq. A macro- and microscopic examination of the ovariel-,FnIlopPan lubhs, and uterus revealed the same changes as occurred during the proliferation phase. It was apparent that acceleration had its greatest deleterious effect during ovulation and its minimum effect during proliferation. The observed deviations probably reflected neuroendocrine processes associated with stress reactions to acceleration. The long-term effects of accel- eration were not evident one month after acceleration, demonstrating th.e ability of.the ovaries to regenerate after variotis injuries.,"Orige- art* hasi 5 figures and 2 tables. fAM MESS: 4091-jF SUB CODE: 06 / SUB~ DATE: none / ORIG FGF: 004 / OTH REFt 006 i4283-66 F_XCC NR, AT6003867 SOURCE CODE: UR/2_865/6/64/000/05~j/~02 AUTHOR: Kotovsk&u, A. R.; Kakurin. L. I.; Konnova. 11. 1.; ~S. F.; Grishina. I* So ORG: none 2, 141 TITIE: Effect of prolonged bypokinosia on human re5istanci to' accelerations SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdolordye biologicheskikh nauk, Problemy kosmicheskoy biologiij Ve 4, 1965, 333-342 TOPIC TAGS: bypokinesia, acceleration, human physiology, cardiovascular systext space chamber test, space pbysiology, man, biologic-acceleration effect ABSTRACT: 1%e effects of various durations of hypokinesia'on''the resistance of 5 male subjects to centrifugation were studied. The duration of force was chest-spine' in a temi-prone position (25' from horizontal). Each subject was given a 30-40-sec 4-G trial run followed by two 7- 8-G runs. The same procedure was followed after hypokinesia. The duration of hypo- kine.sia was 3 days for 2 men and 20 days for- 3 men. The basic indices of human resistance to acceleration after hypokinesta were changes in maximum endurance time and the degree of changes In .basic physiological reactions. Subjective illusions were also considered. Some results of the tests are shown In Tables 1-3. Card 1/4 L 14283-66 ACC NR: AT-603967 Table 1. Changes in some human physiological reactions to 7-G trans- verse accelerations before and after ') flays of hypo!rinesis (irean) F~ubjcct A 5ubj-,ict -Til Indices of phyni- Origi. Before After Ori."i- Before After ological. functions nal hypoki- hypoki- nal hypoki- hypoki- value nesia nesia value negia nesia Pulse rate/min - P'o 132 1110 Pq 130 lh I Resp. rate/min 14 27 )~4 17 11-102 Lung venti3ntion, liters/m.1n -7.7 13.4 111.5 r: 13.0 17. 0 02 consumption, C M 3 /m in -,30 175 C;00 260 Y30 450 Latent period of motor reaction response, see 0.3 O.5F, o. 4 c/ --o0 o. 44'1 74 0.94--a76 0.43 0.7.3 0.07 Visual acuity 1.0 0'..5 0.9 o.9 r).6 o.6 In general, 3-day hypokinesia did not noticeably alter plVsiological reactions to 7-G centifugation; thc; duration of endurance was 4 zdn. The reaction of subjects to acceleratioA following a 20-day period of hypokinesia is shown in Tables 2 and 3. 2/4 L- U28).1-66 FACC N~Ri Table 2. Mange In endurance time to 7-G centrifugation after 0 deZrs of hypolinesi a 2 2 Subject %ia::i-nrr =Jurance time . -I r-.?fore hyp 1-inesia I hypol-,ines! a A 4 ttn 46 see 4-,In 50 see p 4 min 30 sec 4soc C 5 min Osea Table 3. Chsnge in visual acuity during 7-C centrifugation tefore ani after 20 days of hypokinesia Orl-gl-Z-Vf7rual ncul ty Subject nal durin. e - rifugation - , - - I I re YZ Tl~ffo Aur V- value 'Pokinesia I pok nesia A 1. O.z 0. 1; B 0 1 0 Blacked out C 0: 9 0:7 Plached out Card 314 kC__C_NR_-___AT6003867 After a 20-day period of hypokinesia, subjects were pale, irritable, .nervous, and tense, although they were able to withstand 4 G for 30 sec without difficulty. It took longer 5-10 min. ) for cardiovascular and .respiratory indices to return to normal following 20 days of hypokinesia ,and 7-C runs than during control runs (1-3 min). Flypokinesia did not alter'motor reactions or peripheral blood indices in response to centrifu- gation. Petechine were more commonly encountered and more pronounced due to acceleration after 20 days of hypokinesia. These hemorrhagic syndromes persisted for 2- 3 days after centrifugation. In conjunction with these effects, there was a tendency for small vessels to become more brittle after bedrest (positive endotrelial Syndrome). In general, it was observed that d 20-day period of hypokinesia lowered human endurance to acceleration, whereas a 3-day period did not have this effect. The individual response to the experiment was pronounced (see Tables 2 and 3). It was concluded that proloneed restriction of motor activity and decreased hydrostatic pressure of the blood am the main patho- genic factors determining lowered human tole ance to acceleration@ Orig. arta.has: 5 figures and 3 tables. SS: 4091 F fAM PRO LJ SUB CODE: 06 / ~SUBM DATEt none / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF; 006 L 25972-66 FSS-2/E-;vr (1) /EEC (k) --2/'Z,'.iA (d) SCT-n TT/E_;D/GW ACe -NR-AP6015410 SOURCE CODE: UR/0216/66/000/003/0337/0345 AUTROR: Kotovskaya, A. R.; Yeshanov, N. Kh.; Vartbaronov, R. A ; Simpura,_S. F, ORG: none TITLE: Physiological reactions of cosmonauts under the influence of acceleration during the Voskhod-1 flight Z_ \,d" SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 3, 1966, 337-345 TOPIC TAGS: space flight, physiological change, cardiovascular system, electro- cardiogram, weightlessness effect, acceleration effect ABSTRACT: PhysiolQgical data from the Voskhod-l flight were compared with preflight centrifuge data for all three cosmonauts. Comparison of laboratory pulse rates with pulse rates recorded during the prelaunch period showed higher prelaunch values for cosmonauts Koirarov and Yegorov, but a lower value for Feaktistov. After launch, pulse and respiration rates continued to climb, reaching maximum values in the first 20-30 sec of flight, though acceleration forces at this point were small. During centrifuge tests the height of the T spike of electrocardiograms decreased with Increased acceleration; however, the T spike decreased independent of changes in the magnitude of acceleration for all cosmonauts during spaceflight. Furthermore, recovery of Lhe original T spLke value during insertion Into orbit occurred later than iti centrifuge tests. This is apparently caused by a slower recovery process by Cord 1/2 - UDC: 612.2:612.3:629.195 L 25972-66 ACC NRs AP6015410 the myucardium during spaceflight. Physiological shifts observed during spaceflight were similar in pattern to shifts noted during centrifuge tests, except that the degree of shifts in spaceflight was somewhat higher. This is probably due to greater emotional stress during spaceflight. I'he dynamics of pbyslotogical changes during the reentry stage of the Vo3khod-l flight showed considerable individual flucLuations, caused by changes in the reactivity of the organism more ns a result of the preceding weightlessness than of emotional stress. The effect of weightless- ness on the ability of the organism to endure subsequent accelerations Is of great interest and can be studied further by comparing spaceflight data with centrifuge data. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 7 figures. [is] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 0071 ATD PRESSW-j~F 7- Card 2/2 I I I I i X- i RUN;'t"'IA Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-13d Application& Part 2& - Ceramics., Glass, Binders, Concretes, - Binders, Concretes and Other Silicate Building Materials. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. Khimiya, No 4, 1958, 12098. Author V. Simpliceanu. Inst Not given Title Influence of Cement Dosage on Some Properties of Concrete. Orig Pub Ind. constructii1or si mater, constr,p 1957, No 3, 166 - 170. Abstract Various cement dosage was used for the preparation of the concrete mixture: from the permissible minimum to a paste of pure cement. The degree of the maximum utilization of cement was obtained on the basis of the received data. Aepancvskra hora CY,11RAITA PF-.nC:)Y. ccharanu pri.rody) Vol . 11, no. 5, .3tate Ieservaticn. n, (Ministerstvc kulturv Fraha. June 1956. Statni pece c LG Vol. 1~ i'llo. 10 Cct. !956 Sillir 1-4-- - - -,-. Botanical literatuxe concerning the Highland of Central Lohemia. P. 103 Praj,,ue. Narodni a- userm. GAZOI~.-6; FREWDOVED17i . Praha. ir l,"5, r1o. 1.9 1956 6ourc-: I-Lij - '.',,L. ~. 10 Oct. 1?51: .1 1 OIFIT) , I ;I A rare natural ,hen,)mer..,)l in Ceske Strelohori. p. 'r,. (Ochrana Prirfjd*,r, Vol. 12, No. -, Par 1q57, Prah3, CzechoslovaklO Monthly List of East Eul'OT3ean Aceft3sions (LEAL) LG, Vol. 6, Ne. 8. Aug 1957, Uncl. -5 D~R, J. The I'Vrsicek" State Natural Reservation p. 172 (Orcrana Prirody) Vol. 12, No. 6, Aug. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: ~:CM141,y TNT)FY OF EAST EURCPKAN ACCESSION'S (EFAI) IC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 SIMR, J. Present problem of heat insulation materials for investment construction from the viewpoint of their production. Stavivo 42 no. 3:87 Mr 164. 1. State Planning Commission, Prague. SINSA, Jan, MUDr (Prala) Now rqMlatlon orthodonlo apparatus. Frakt. sub. lok. 2 no.6: 121-130 1954. (ORIMODMICS, apparatus and instruments,) SIKSA, Jan. MLTDr Neasuring of electrical currents in metal prosthesis in the mouth. Cook. stonat. no.1:13-23 Fab 55. 1. Vyskw=y ustav stomatol.. redital doe. XUDr Jarmil Kostlan. (DINTAL IPROSTFISIS metal, galvanic currents & electrolysis in, measuring) (SUCTRICITY galvanic currents in metal dental prooth., measuring) SIMSA, Jnn,.MUDr,,, Phthisiostonatology. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.15-16:356-357 20 Aug 55. 1. Vyzkumny ustav tuberkulosy. Praha 8--Bulovka, reditel doc. 4nr. Rudolf Irivinka). NOUTH, diseases tuberc, role of dental care in prev.) (MMISTRT dent. care, role in prev. of tuberc. of mouth) .1 a n Given Names Cowntx7: Czechoslovakia Academic Degreessl.ID Affiliations /not given/ 3ources Pr*ffus, Frakticke ZubnI Lokarstvi,Vol IX, No 5, June 1961, pp 140-144. Datas "Orthodontic Treatments By Simple Means-" Gra 941643 R/009/62/000/010/002/002 D272/D303 AUTHOR: Sim?a, Itauriciu, Engineer TITLZ: I:ethod of calculating roll ganging for blade milling 1'1,RIODICj'-,L: Ectalurgia si Construc~ia de 1-jagini, no. 10, 1962, 917-930~ T:Z'%T: Data are presented on the characteristics of the hot pd cold rolls employed. The calculation of the number of passes - in two versions: simple and double milling, owi~Lg to the relative ases - is. xamined, considering the advantages of each in different c, c establishment of the shape of the rolls and the dimensioning cali- berG, and of their dimensions. Wing to the asymmetrical shape of the blades, no rules are given concerning the positioning of the shaping calibers on the rolls for the last rolling passes, but some indicative data are presented. The methods used for calculation of the polar coordinates of the profiles in the various stages, as well as the respective cartesian coordinates, are exiffnined, and some numerical examples are given. There are 31 figures. Card 1/2 SLM-SA, V. "Organizational rules of the telecommunication and telemechanization center of the Ceske Budeljovice pc-wer distribution plant." ENERGETIKA, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 3, March 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), Library of Congress., Vol. HS No. 8., August 1959 Unclassified ' "j., , "r. k-ew' sys~~-, oi' t~l--~rr,-ateriivz. p. 348. ELLKTF~ Cfi'EU*. !'I 1K. (':inisterstvo tezkeho strojirenst-vi) Praha, Czechoz;Iovakia. Vol. !/,, no. 11, Nov. 1959. '!ontnly list of --fist Europerm iccassions (Ea7) LC, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1c-60. Uncl. AM! NRt Ap6ol2805 SOURCE CODE:- ff-0030/66/014/002/0485/0490; V AUTHOR: Simsa, Z.; Zalesskij, A. V.; ZE----P K# ORG: (Simsa; Zavetal Institute of Solid State Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sojenges P~ague; Lzalesskij In8titute or Grystallography, Acadeniy of Sciences SSSR, Moscow TITLE: i~lectrical PPbperties of single crystals of hexagonal ferrites with the-7-structure SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 14, no. 2, 1966, 485-49o -20PIC TA"IS: electric property, single crystal, hexagonal ferritep Lerrite, resistivity, tempIrature dependence, thermoelectric measuremen 't!~STRACT: Single cr-ystaA of a hexagonal ferrite of composition BaFe 18027 with the W-structure are founu to have anisotropic electricali conductivity, which is believed to be an Intrinsic property of the ma- terial. From the temperature dependence of electric resistivity, and from thermoelectric measurements, It is concluded that electron hopping between Fe2l' and Fe3+ ions plays a prominent role in the conduction process. The possible origin.of the anisotropy in conductivity is discussed in relation to specific features of the W-structure. The 1> Card 23o69 ~2 4,-7 74) J I& 3g~ AUTHOR; iimAa, Zdene'k - - - ---------- TITLED Quantum Efficiency Effect in Germanium Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 E073/E335 of the Internal Photo-electric PERIODICAL; Ceskoslovensky Elasopis pro fysiku, 1961, No. 2, pp. 126 - 132 TEXT* This article gives a summary of diploma work presented at the Mathematics-Physics Department of Charles University, Prague, in 1959-1960. Measurement of the spectral characteristics of the quantum efficiency of the internal photo-electric effect I (i.e. the number of electron-hole pairs which form as a result of absorption of 1 photon) in the range of low photon energies is of great importance for the theoretical investigation of the phenomena which occur in semiconductors as a result of electromagnetic radiations. Study of the temperature dependence of n can elucidate the influence of thermal oscillations of the lattice on these phenomena, Experimental study of n is difficult, particu- larly owing to the'errors in measuring the reflection Card 1/6 23069 Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 Quantum Efficiency .... E073/E335 coefficient, the spectral characteristic of which depends greatly on the surface quality of the specimens, Goucher (Ref. 2) and Alferov (Ref, 3) together with others (Refs. 4, 5) found that for germanium Tl is practically constant; equalling approximately 1 for a wavelength shorter than the absorption boundary of germanium, whilst for higher energies of the incident radiation 71 is proportional to the energy of the adsorbed quanta; the inverse value of the proportionality constant is 2.5 eV according to Drahokoupil and MalkovskA (Ref, 4) and 2.94 eV according to McKay and McAffee (Ref. 5), Thus, it was anticipated that a change in the character of the spectral cbpendence n will occur in the neighbourhood of these energies. This was first experi- mentally confirmed by Koc (Ref. 6) in measurements in the range 0.3 - 2.0 11, who found that from the infrared absorption boundary up to the photon energy E I = 2.15 eV , the value of f n will differ only little from unity but for higher E, f values n will increase linearly with the photon energy, the proportionality constant being 2,5 CV, Card 2/6 23069 Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 Quantum Efficiency EO?3/E335 Vavilov and Bricyn (Ref. 7) found a similar dependence but the change in the spectral characteristic occurred for 9~ = 2.9 eV, The differences in the measured F values are attributed to the different measurements of the reflection coefficients, Vavilov and Bricyn measured the reflection of the light by means of a spherical photmeter whichvw coated with a thick magnesium oxide layer, enabling measurement of scattered reflected light, whilst Koc measured the reflec- tion on a germanium mirror whicb was made from material similar to that of the specimens. At ihe temperatures 293, 343 and 0 393 K Koc did not detect any shift in the position of the point where the spectral characteristic changes. In this paper, a method of simultaneous measurement of the reflection coefficient and of the relative quantum efficiency TIO in the visible range and in the temperature range 119 - 296 K is described. The method is based on utilising the photovoltaic effect on p-n junctions of germanium photo diodes developed by Dr. Z, Trousil at the Institute of Technical Physics. The test rig is shown in Fig. 1. A high pressure mercury Card 3/6 Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 nuantum Efficiency E073/E335 discharge tube HBO 200, combined with a Halle double mono- chromator with glass flint prismswas used as.a source of mono- chromatic light, About one-third of the output energy was reflected by means of a non-absorbing plane-parallel glass plate P with a semitransparent layer of Ti02 onto a photo diode D. . which was calibrated by means of a Hilger-Schwarz thermocouple, connected to a narrow-band tube voltmeter. The correction necessary for the fluctuations in the brightness of the discharge tube was determined b7 means of the diode D.I. The se--ond part of the energy passed 4,hrough the semitransparent plate P and hit the diode D 2 by means of which I was measured; the reflected energy was recorded by means of the diode D 3 " The photo-electric current flowing through the diodes D.; D 2 and D 3 was measured by three galvanometers Of a sensitivity of 10- A/scale division. During temperature- dependence measurements, the diode D 2 was placed into a Card 4/6 J06) Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 Quantum Efficiency E073/E335 cryostat which enabled continuous variation of the temperature between -154 OC and room temperature. The photo diodes DI, D2 and D 3 were made of type n-Ge single crystals with a specific resistance of approximately 15J)./cm pro uced by the Czochralski method in the direction of the axis ?_1111 and cut into circular discs with a base diameter of 2 cm and a thickness of 0,6 min, Using indium diffusion by means of a method developed at the OTF p-n junctions were obtained for about one-third of the specimens.. A strip of "callux" was glued onto the top; this did not affect the electrical properties but it acted as an antireflection layer. The measured reflectivity was in good agreement with the theoretically calculated value for a thick antireflection layer by means of a formula proposed by Vas~lc'ek (Ref. 10). Fig. 3 shows the 11 pectral dependence of therelative quantum efficiency measured at 23 0C, whereby the value measured for E r = 2,15 eV is taken as 1. Measurement of the temperature dependence of the reflection coefficient showed Card 5/6 23069 Quantum Efficiency Z/037/61/000/002/001/003 E073/E335 that between 119 and 296 0K the spectral characteristic does not change, Fig. 4 shows the temperature dependence of Tj measured for F f = 2.27, 2.85 and 3.07 eV, the values obtained for E f = 150~ 180 and 215 eV did not change with temperature and are not included in the graph. There nre 4 figures and 19 references; 8 Czech and 11 non-Czech, ASSOCIATIONg Ustav technick~ fysiky CSAV, Praha (Institute of Technical Physics, tSAV, Prague) SUBMITTED? August 12; 1960 Card 6/6 SR,:SA, Z.; IZAVETA, K. Note on the elrctric conductivity of ferrites at low tempera- tures. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 13 no. 6: 471-473 163. 1. Ustav fyziky peynych latek, Ceskoslovensks, akademie ved, Praha. ~_.a&i8-66 ACC NRi Ar6OlO696 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0037/65/000/005/0438/0453 AUTHOR: Simsat Zdenek ORG: Institute of Solid State Physics, CSAV, Prague (Ustav fysiky pevnych latek CSAV TITLE: Distribution of cations in spln,~Is SOURCE: Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fy~ no. 5, ?Qt,5, 438-453 TOPIC TAGS: cation, crystal structure, ;nnic cryrJ.,ril, ion di9tribution, F~lectron shell, valance band ABSTRACT: The main experimental methods are described for' determining the distribution of cations in binary spincls. On the basis of several models, the rules are derived for predicting the distribution. 7be purely ion model gives good results for spinels that have only cations vith filled electron shells, while for cations witn partially filled valence bands it is neces- sary to take into consideration the stabilization in the crystal field. A combination of the tvo methods yields the conclusion that the distribution -of cations in spinels can be predicted on the basis of the preferential ener- gy Pj which is characteristic of the individual cations. The author thanks Dr. S. Krupick for valuable comments and discussions. Orig. art. has: 5 figures# 3 formulas, and 6 tables. (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 20, 07 SUBM DATE: 3lKar64 ORIG REF: OD1 OTH REFs 028 SOV REF: 001 cWd l/i 7 2-C L L R 4 L 4 P CM~4* Iiin looloctork prAnt of Wisps under the actiom of N. I Gviii,m awl A M Nw4a)4 Kotknrwol.,* 1'rosr,414h, 1931, A i . : N,,. L1. L" 4, -'Me ohIrct aa, its, t~aclpol. Ih.v i.k.- l4sor in leather uladei the inflmit-A tile hifing listing. The alfitimin m,4%. M Ili, -11jigrn tv,A% -00 I- flnVCrttd ffOM ILCII0 to tile T014 11,1113 and OW 1411111 1 ma y exist in two isomers: the a, whii h may Im 4.lairud 0 1,y the tranowitkici of the unstable It f"*" the N. and Itu 4, whkh utfliars the unstable If 4 the odpa-tit C. 11--th , : , ?wb have &MIC functilas. "is evivisins Ole hanialkin .4 the eW f(wm Innim the nutml Ili I., bwni, w hwh mum I~ accompanird Ivy an fncfftw In the aridity ,I the libluAr ""Pa., S. V., hy a shift of the ifivirlire. giritnt in the dirtrtum ,f arid. It was &%mmed that the Wm.nYaIw,,n of th. 00 1. ptid, tirsid in the rr4logm Imom the krio to thr, n..1 fiww 1,41r% ptiur unoirt the lnfltvt~ of trylwin. 'I fir zoo Uvri, 4 2 hitle, rtm-4ioling td altwwl pure CIALANtit. Ma. goo girinind to powdsi. Petris. were made of th.. ssi.h, 40 40 rxiint o( the unlimed powder and of the tw1wilvir aftit 0 04 1 Irraimtnt with trypoin, onixits and Writer At goo 00 z ind If*. For the tonvive. ImAnt was ortertrif a i,inwri of 4; 00 11 insis at which the ev"Ient nf the Ca in Mlaxrn is lowro. 00 # The i4or6c. twint nf evillagi n changed undi f tile inflisf,rit t- 400 o0 I It tryp%iri In the acid din, tion flown 0'. 4 414 'V- 0,. :1 7 so .,!"I Under the inlRtwfwr Of I,rr4wm In P,, 3 1 '1 ' - " 1. nd six upon th! dt3r&tkm of failing. A A 11-I"finti, AV we 0 tie* 00 tie 0 *0 free too Iv J a a If n It If if of O~000000000000000000000 a ro;~;oooooooooooooooooo iz4o*oooooeooooooooeo*00000004*00000*000000oooo,]A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 o o 6 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 f v 00 :0 DetiltuWatim of took &cW is ~evfteclla, A. Stm%&Av^. Vemnsk jtssi~ -00 Ain~~s PTom f'orrv l9n, 71,10 :.1, melt Ml, 1, XK4 Adst I cr al a ft%ln ~ .00 : ,j !',X,, cc n"kit tt 1, 11 No a NIM14 1. [wr I It. I J% tv rat 111 4 F11,111161 N1411111WIl BOA 0 A414 40 1 N khlnt)* duntwow unial lite ml c0ope stay# whiSr thxle the v4ta III & va""m -00 00 Into A cc. 1% NellAl, Add 1. starch anct -Ikl Nall(AN I,- lh~ .1t,tilutr. ofkl mrsef, .06 thr lOwfate,l bmilfile withilill XV rhem it'll N I X 1145 - tits lActiverld A. It 00 ..go 00 00 00 00 00 !Eel -00 96 0 wee 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 00 000 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 00 0 e 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 v 41 0 a 4 w T a 41 9 41 0 0 4 0 a 9 111 111 0 St 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0[0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 vo a a & . . ; . I I , , I I . 1, ;14 .!~ .34-1 .1 1; 1. . . w " . ~ . L L I L Il I C L a 0 w . I JU Of ft P6W-bmt 01111111111CU A. A. -00 44-1fast 1'944.: -Ser. K,,4n 19ij. No. :13-'; Ck-- 7emic- IM- 11- -1071); cf. C. A. 20,au.-M. TIK addirt. of cultum of WISC "I bsctefu 0elked the aPfwarsneeofPulrvfattmminibelavininicii,lutw~ La,tt, 09 A,W elect. t1w %anw Actiml, so Os zoo 00 00 r 00 00 zoo 00 00 00 1 0 0 ~ tt 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 9 4111 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 L 1 6 A L I P I e kL A: 0 1 The 11"UNSiii of 1110it"aw"" lot *a 11""Woutim G( fog W.bwb drembee. A M. Simshms of pk _ rs"trai. 'Vessch.41110,10"jel. INS$. X,-jkerrmMA Pr~.' son. No, 017. U; Cbso.. zAwr. Ion. 11. t4tt, ih 14,10 and NWA IMA to u 2r W. S.An's - to -tl ifit l =Z e ow j" of ..d wrtr .16d ; -1 in the ptrWlu'r W In pr" SIDW 1 t th A t It ip jw%~ WW%Utr, 4111 bpi to 11% = (.w .00 : '00 0 00 :0 :.00 0 W. 4-4 00000060000000000 1000000000000000000000& 10 41 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 0a0 0 0 0 a 16 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 m 4 0 4 4 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 6 . " d " a - U I a I N, ~ I Y I AA N I.X M I A : Acid dimmill fairmeaftlive 11111,116041 01 bldfOlYLUIA P-e o Z tammaimig dimmilm. A. INI. S'Uu"&Yu. I I 7"stairal it -- Vat tanoing with phic m. n.'rtalmlog huh linvimits, tannid" ffsmi rottruts the 11,41- W ifir 4m diffutwen III pier cit. LAIIIIIII.1 IS pfe-141,11, Jib I., III. [Arge ".bit. j Mete tAU1111.1- 11 tile Wet, .11. ..1 lite tn#4~ is (lot in the presence- ml eArImhydrul- sit tit, -06 taninto insol then a tict-fraw J the- Anit. id -ml,ined 'Ad-hir.liale. idemlil Iva.1 I's a 'I'viesed. .4 lilt '11, a lln~ 11114. lite 1.01.1 .4 tile Ldn"In "Ith In..% ;vq lee ,I Ill.- 114tillt- tit oil reitil of .4 1.-111 1.-, with miculm, mul It. I.% dr.dysi- 4 pine, v%t. tannids-i wA% umirftal-ii %lilt 0 IICI tit varvilall op.. vvm-m.. as well As Willi lee ul the a- And it-type dilm-usithlo. i1v efft. 1 .4 t h, hydrAirme, Was -Ttainird bv the ine-n*ee 1-1 IT- j00 rt-diti-ing sugar. white chmill- I" tile diffit,im- jsf.q,v- it" let the Cit. were trillf-St by tin- Illfittrot"Wt M 1.4of lilt.) the few hide. It was f-mind that Ow imA. of pinir clit. timarikk viontains tarlp-hydrAtc, lee all% h are split led tbrough the hsdrtil~sis with dil 110. i h o '00 , mipt-, t A im:It-fate hydrolysis with lICI &4 twit le Th'. 8 ..( the tanni'" pf-It 411 pilec . t d .It I- Inic v4 hen the sogwr is trimpvt it toy It ion-eitAtfilil A. A. 1h.htfingli else S L Ed I*LLUPGKAL LiflO4111elf CL-tSNP-C-1IC- '300 It: in ' goo 0 f A I Art t 1 0 W 0 Ad 1 g 31 I j ad 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o : : : : : : : : : : : ova to : 0 0 : 9 0 6 At 0 0 0 3 0 e 0 o t. .11 : , . . . I " 4 is It x , -, ~j " i, A It 14 4 A 40 A a L A- A__f Ill A- I It 00 4T 'i. 00 00 Ir go 00 so go 00 00 go go fl f*mf*14bf* Method 4 hydrulyinsli Five ex~. & ~1, NnjA%)% is-ts,ij 144sil-Al Ndawh 4-dAlmuld I t k-,bwm-, I-,,, Vat tannium all,, little "Al- -0111`il --MIA1111419 Wrh lin-w-litio tann.d- -'I'f a Ill" limit. The I'M diffimhon A pirre ell, 10111111dr. Is jik is- th, lmlrww~ nw& .4 11 Ill.. 1,1, is.. life l1..4 1, 414W to. thi, ptirfts". A In 141111h, lit-4 thm a dn-terine A Ow dmt A 1111141111 I-'J1I tllA IhVn*W.4 fill, 84-4 Ill, I'hq Imod 4 thi- Wiftnt bill% Ill,- 4 rill, Imfun ,I an "ter .,r a altiv~I.. NMI I. I." 11VA1,08ed with 'Wol. Al"I I- it., mss IM I It. I'S -IsAvok if 14ni- r,t. tallni(Im, %4. 1.16-1.11A.11 ttaf, 110 OA veft;12 P1, Cl-lhlib.. A. 10,11 At With ultim uf lbr a. a P-lype Slu'Atilidir.. I'll.- r(IC.1 i.1 tit, hIrduttilvaim Allow sta-virtairwd be the ..( ff.. reducing vullar. while efulnipl- tit thir didtl-m pt.4.-t tim Id the eirt. a.-w t.91'.1 by it'. -.1 ic.A.-C int.- the 14. It.k It I.."A rival Ill. f11411. .4 little fit his-b age talc 14 tht-ligh %I- with .1,1 JILI mudrrate hydirwylis with IICI .11.1 mot illiptuvir thr ddhwAon of the tannidrs piewnt in jAnt: i,tt. The "me is trur when the 011SLOF is IfIflov"I by it tillentatiuw A, V IL-fillillith ".,0, 4111 ...... is v Z' '3 'Lit- 43 0 IN it 4 a 0 0 0 0 n 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 .00 .00 .00 0 bp 0 A 0 too 0 0 6411, u Is T 1 : v 1 IT ca ay a n i I , ~.n a c a V 9 4 A L a . 0 go a I I two PC 5'". 1 oil is 000 Wiffmi ivwuniiiiat v I oil 0 oor 009 0 ~ set 1 00 0 0 002 ' 01 I1XU 14 P A k 8 Sso 0 0 . fl!un 11"91 U! -AIUAYU-1 INNA7, !I J 1 ip Ni for p,AitmwALII. - _ - 60 2 'J.'O?.k4 0 -IIPIJU t Us) AAIJPA~Uf j,.%1 ~q _L -Mqwl!m 00 0* Ali .-s-a pram.-di" -tsmvw jqt pus q-4 so On "-I I%r It Of It. I.. A. ..I 1 1.01 00 94116491jun -so *0 ^1,11 P1211,4 .0. .1101JU3 P, NUMSILbophir a 0 q.L ti-61 -!I- IV.$ -f -O.N *PoqPjf qo%^Nk* wo,,j j.&,,Aj 'Im/ -?al- raptp- 11-9,V 'Pawkj --A-Mmu; 00 00-1 sper"ns MRAPPRM J~ pw OAng~Po PEI". 00 mWoomdami a9 on vMMM =jjg$M p OU 90-1 00 00 00 60- 00 s0- 00 96- --I-- 1 J. 1 - - - "" 00 - 1r fv " " ft I I I p 1 4 j if v r y w 1 % 0 n a A 11 a.&: " S~ h $1 0 6 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s I f , to 0 j 0 0 0 as 414111111111 410 9 44k;#14 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 4- - 0 -0 -4 AV# -1 -9 --& I , 00000:6 6060000000000601 ! - IAL -A _& - _W ~ ~ -& -IM, - - - - - 00 0 0009*000000960,09000 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 000 000000060009000000:00 as its* v a 0 0 0 6 6 0 SIG-06-60 -09g,996 as$ 09* a 0 0 . I . . 4 " x it 14 .11 4 -" .1 11 k 11 L 1~ N 1, it w p 0 6 '6A m 4 R L I P. r 4 4 1 v T t 1 46 b -00 Soltvnin4 of 11194110ilig 290nts Nun,Uva kit" : h, t :11 1 1: U. V,,Il jfjr,tjj,C, I,- XT,,UIA Alld 0 tt-l .1 0 a,. 00 No 0 00 .00 00 90 00 too " keg %i o " ~ c, " ~, " 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; A 0000*00 4 000000*00000000-000*0000000000000-co000 - IS 4 111$ 11 1.104 all W L L--1 G-- AL - A - A -L 50t 1,9 T AA L. 7- A " 0 po' It IfElt. 41frACII) AhD FJ9a&1#TATIV1; H=OLTUS OV FINS T4JIXG UCRACT. A*JA1q-;1)MhBP.L-(j~vv~t* T"Utr. woushlooll -00 looledov. Inat leak. frem-P 1931s go- 1p 9),oo4oduation *00 of the not. wt. by removal of surar by mans of HCI lee or fermentation does vot Improve On ditfinion of the *90 teas In pine extraots Cho obs. *00 0 0 qwO i too 0 .9 F~ 5100 lies All It ollAiLi-voilt4i LITINOW111 (t4$%WKATON lose ..7 do, it, - - ' 0 u aa AM I I a P* ft ro 1014 Kam* man llama" I IF qp OW -IR 04, Ir v 11 v u M Is b v 0 0 a ffr~- --wvWT--; am use I a a I 't,.- I I 1 0 &.0 J%v "PINS ~.[Ifvt , , --- 00 go A, 0 ads---- I SAVA, JIOML YMM61WWRIPLION ashilk lift M $WOO. way *oiln be dW6,01ims a& Tbr oil o: -41 tow SIT -- ----- view 46.6,49 dot 4616610.4 #isi-si dwipf; too a.a 0 1 it a 9 T i u a -AW 19 a see 066669006 00000060040*0000000000, -0 000 see - I - - - - - At 4 -loo - - - - - 4 1 0 is it is w it '6 -1 be It $4 b a v It w At At a Is u Is IT a of at it v it F It 4 4 f At j to I , I , AA IV a A . * 0 , , -! ~e Utilitatloo of want* product$ of potato starch factoIries (or ateteaw-bidyl Alcohol ftrm*nt&tiQft A-AUN""" ifm Max. TI.M. 11"(111 And Itr "NAlAwd I,v ff""f,tdf-f1 W a mt,- I ' t'sphit-q lit"It Iftswo mamb ratn. ill 1. ", .,im Iti. Imuto juice. tw in the effilicut 114) trom -shins the 1-121011skm The w*41-11,0-ri. Mir 4tIIIYOSGO"Urtv ',N*. but milm~ as an A, tiva"It 1"mirnfafl.,11 ill Aceirwrat. It. C. A. see 4*,* ~ 1A* ties I C', Qp je 'C T lie 51c, 'elt- moo A I SS L 4 .01ALtURGICA1, W1414TWON CLA&SOICATMO a I- lee I0T - MIN I - -swi--.0 --- - 4,1001 .,. 'p.. get SIA411 do aft- All - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- f . --I -T 'T- if V A" 00 Ax IV 0 to All to a 49 111 a It a is. a -1 ar 0 0 a 6 al AS "D a 1 3 0 0 7 IP f 0 0 0 0 0 'W -0--s- !1 11 A is a a 0 b A ff 0 it 1. It It a b V It III a $I u 41 a a A A L 1 6 M j 4 Y V, A I I A4 0 Q UP it *at A go V-,rmmIt, )n --f r4st-, in the ptirification of nak , i 00 ' 0' "P, Watil'. J.".44 Anil 0% " .%I IW Ify-jr-, 1. t, I tit, yru%i cautiong IrrinersiAtinim with file wills. 4 COS I, COO I ff"W1 of in- f)Vlly the tep". 4 c1h jis. wa. 'j, .1vi-d III "'I'lisita with -sit eil-- The lannits ..Pitl~nl 4 (lit. elif I% not chansird by Arlin d C(_N 14~4u- 4 #f1, SOD* '11.1dirrAlilir lowering in the cimitent of the illwvPtannist 9Ar Anil all trwfa-Attr in the ripn(enl! 4 (hr invrrt %upr tit 1 AA 11-11114HIMIN M11104114171. it j4 Atim4mril IhAf a% it rormilt tit -roe j III 11irtilAtli"I I lit It 91 1110ARWIl All V11. Wit 11 f4IIIIIII'l 111111-frill 2 " frimit th.- i4nniti-of tit, zoo . V A H-.1iffinak goo for Alm ILA 11TALL1,P(Mat LIT1114101 CLAWYKATIC" v-tv u -0 Is a it it It a 41 of 9 a 1 :14 Ali A It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0* 0 : :1: : : 0 lodimo,dwch test for Orientahm indicsition of dry mWid calrotent in g"W1, A M 14!jL44yj :t. N4 """.I ..its ..,I. I. U t I..IwI I ~. '."' s W '111 1.1 Illd 111 -1111 111 If h 1 oflksoIl 1) ~,' , hoo[V 1, -411 Ilk It futshort. 11 %-Aut' mv Itiol, with f1w. florq .41I.-T a Its-$ grit, %t,4k( v,,L-t; isti-to-or :N. ~41- %,,. t,.(.,.J,( m~l ..4- ."..I low -I,- list, '.~ "4.w it. I IN ~Sjd I..'r I. stood. I -'I ' . -4.1. '8%. 1.111. 0.- so f. 1 -4." 'Cls. Outs tumv Ishm, C. %I c .,# - 1. -~ 1 ,.=~ = = 1, .0.1-1. .33.- t=== i= S6.=dXctj" Of GaNLU &Mfg. C" I ;;- -ft~ cwtbods rm ON =r we slonaw -=-"a , OU the co=NWNW G. M. S.DLSKAYA, A. M. Milk - pasteurization Phosphatase method of control of pasteurization applied to sour cream) curds and cheese. Gig. i san. no.5, 1952, Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SIMSI[.Y.&, i.M. -BUUaGYL;4, F.Ye., iorofessor, zaveduyushchiy. 9 - Phosphatasp nethod for controlling thermal processing of meut products. Vop.pit. 12 no.3:61-65 My-Je '53. (MI-R-A 6:6) 1. Kafedra gigivany pitaniya Tsentrallnogo instituta usoversheastvovaniya vrachey (Moscow). (Meat--iinalyeia) ;DW.b4, Wi~sru .,-_9V ft wif"5~Fr a jjw-4, A ~iu '-uri t'l catl cn of Foods Pub 141-8/15 Autiio- Simskaya, A. M. Hygienic evaluation of the thermal treatment of duck eggs Pericdical VOP. Pit- 34-39, Jan/Feb 1955 Abstract Eggs from water fowl such as ducks are often infected with bacteria of the Salmonella group. Boiling the eggs for the proper length of time will dc- stroy the bacteria making them safe for comsumption. Three tables. Three relerences (two LISSR) Instituticn: Chair of Nutrition Hygiene (Head-Professor F. Ye. Budagyan) Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians SIMSKAYA, A-11- juation of methods for controllirif the pasteurizatiOn comparative evO (min 11:6) of milk products. Vop.pit- 17 no.3:78--83 MY-Je ry (, k?.av. - Drof. Y-YIDAU"tyan) , it, 1. 1Z VMI*(Id Iyony pltaniya atvovaniya vruchoYe MOB~v" TSentrallnogo institute uuoverchon (HIIA, prod.. pentourizationy mothod of contral (Rus)) SIRVUYA, A.M. Studies on enzyme regeneration in pqsteurized milk products. Von. nit. 18 no-3:83-87 14Y-Je '59. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny nitaniya (sav. - F.Te. Budagyan) Tsentrall- nor,o Instituta usovershenetvovaniya vrechey,'Ifoskva. (MIIK, enzyme regen. in nasteurized milk Drod. (Ruo)) (nzymm, regen. in njisteurized. milk prod. (.%a - . 1. 1 .1 - I ~ I .1. ..., . . j ---. ---.------- ---- ----y - I I I- I- I.. . I.. I - .. - . - - .- SIMSKIY, Alaksandr Mikhaylovich; KMATSKIY, N.P.. rmdaktor; SVIITIAYEVA. - tell etva; SHITS, V.P., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Stations for fighting forest fire@ by chemical means] loony@ pozhsrno- ichimicheakie stantsii. Moskva. Goolosbusizdat, 1956. 31 P. (MI2A 10:1) (Forest fires--Prevention and control) SIE.,;EM, Alokoanch, Viikh,%,~-Iovieh; Ci:EAVCTNH, M.G,, red.; I'SYCdOTIOVA, - -ed.i:-. '.L., tekhn. red. L. 13. 1 d-va; I'AILAKIIIIIA, N (Protection of forests against fires] Okhrp-a lesov ot pozh_--av. Moskv-., Goolesbunizdat, 1961. 49 p. (MLU 15: 7) (Forest fires-Prevention and control) Gf I attAl-TU, A -I- , G A.. ',';ARIJKYAII, S.M.- ; YIHOKOV, V.V.,' A 1,; A ~ M,. frjre,-,t(.rls v "111 .1 1 . FAI-I'MTK, A,V.~ PONOMAREVA, Ye.N.; SIMISKIY, trarma'] Spra7,;ochnik kolkhoznog.) leso- Lesnaia prortrjsh-'annost', 1965 424 (Vila 18:46 -D " P / -!~ (" ,v, /-; VMNER, N.; SIRSON, A. 3 D 50 marine engines of higher capacity. Nor. i rech.flot 14 no.10;23-25 0 154. (MLM 7:11) (Karin@ engines) SOV/ 124-58 -1-503 T ra-slation from: Referativnyy zhurnall Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 61 (USSR) AUTHORS: KUrits, A, A. Simson, A.. E. TITLE- How to Increase the Power of Compressior--.*gnition Engines (put; povvsheniya moshchnosti dvigateley s vosplamenenivem ot szhatiya) PERIODICAL; V sb. : Po%,ysheniye moshchnosti dvigateley s vosplameneniyern, ot szhatiya, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1954, pp 12 3 -1421 A13STRACT: The authors examine the limits of the rational use of various schemes of low-pressure turbosupercharging for compression -ignition engines in which the thermal stress and the maximum combustion pressure are nearly constant. The investigation is conducted for an exhaust--gas turbosupercharger system in which the backpressure in the exhaust pipe ahead of the turbine is either variable or constant. Utilizing a parabolic variation of the pressure of the gas in the exhaust manifold, corresponding to a linear variation of the flow velocity, the authors derive approximate equations for the determination of the effectiveness of the turbosupercharger. Formulas are also obtained for the mean indicator and effective pressures. The analysis of the results Of Card 1/1-1 various schemes of turboE-upercharging in four-- and two-strolce How to !rwrease the Power of Compression- ignitior~ Engines SOV.11-1-1 ~8 I Wi engiries reveals that the low range of turbosuperchdrging (up to 2 kg/cml) does riot req-jire any structural changes in modern engines and yet can accomplish a worth ,-vhile increase over their linsupercharged power, namelv, by about 100% in four - bfrol,e ungines and about 40CI/)o in two -stroke engir,e-. B~ D, Zaloga Gard 21/2 SOV '124 58-1 -504 Trarslation from: Referati,.nyy zhurral bvlekhar;ka 11~58 Nr I p 61 (USSR) AUTHOR: Simson, A. E._____ TITLE- What Are the Power Reserves in Compression ignition Eng~nes? (Is poll zovaniye rezervov moshchtiosti civigatelev s vosplamenen~vern ot szhatiya) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Povysheniye niushLhno-,1.' dvigateley !, vosplameneniyelli ot szhatiya. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1954 pp 143- 174 ABSTRACT: The author examines the possi!'.il~fv of ,,creasing the po%kler of compression- ignition engines by mearit~ ot tuO-,osupercharging and by lowering the inlet air temperati.,re all 1cw supercharger pressure- rise ratios, In his calculation he assumes !Jhat he pressure through out. the exhaust system is uniform at avy gi-en moment, The deter-- mination of the fundamental discharge--rate cceificients relative to the gas distribution organs and the speed ccleffic;ent.-3 of the flow-,wetted portion of the turbine is accomplished bv mear:i of an analysis of the indicator diagram. Experimental investigation.- or the increase of the power performed on a D50 eng;re ha-,e sl-.rwn the virtual co:rci Card 1/2 dence of experimental data and the results of calculations. Tests SOVI/114 58 1 504 What. Are the Power Reserves in Compres-4,C)r! .gn.,!.or. Engine-i ,-vith the Diesel --locomot;,,,e engine D50 ha,,e shown lha~ ii ar. et:ect,;~ e me*hod ci gas turbine supercharging w.ith ,ariablc exhau,' manifold backpressure ard a rat.or,ai a::r -intercooler system between the I.-;rf-,kno cwlc- and the engine intake are -.)sed the power of the engine may ke iricr,~--aied I-v ?Cqc w-th moderate .alues ot tht-- supercharger pressure (!-,p to I ~i~ 14~5 -,,V-*Iio ut r.,~sing the exhaust. gas temperatures and with a t,.Aai'~ o g,i-or~ pressure. The -spectt:c fuel consumption is redticed fat the ~anlC !MlCator fuel co-sump tion) and an amount of heat cs:ient;aI'jv ~-qudl 'o lu-, :t, the ccoling w.1ter -,s saved. while at the abo-e- irdicated degree c- -,-c red5k- in pcw4:-r the maximum com btjst-~on temperature is somewhat dec reasec. tal,o,il 80(: en fFc,,-.,gh the excesi air coefficient remain,; the same. B, D Zaloga Card 21? SIMSON, A.E., kandidat tekhnicheaklkh nauk; GRINSBERG, F.G., inzhoner. Increasing the power of engines by cooling the air charge. Inergo- mashinostroenie no.11:13-17 N '56. (XLRA 9:12) (Diesel engines) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) S1^60N. A.E., knrid.tekhn.nFiuk; NASYROV. R.A., knnd.tekhn.nauk; SKRIPFrS, N.Y., nzhener; FAVOROV, Yu.L., aspirant. Dynnmic characteristics of two-cycle diesel engines with diverging pistons. Vest.TSNII MPS 16 no.6:39-44 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Khnrlkovskiy teplovozostroitellnyy znvod im. V.A.Malysheva, Vsesoyuznyy nquchno-issledovatellskiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo tranflDorta i Khnrlkovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports im. S.M.Kirovn. (Diesel locomotives) PHASE I BOOK KXPLOITATION 861 _Allfred ZdUgrd)vIch,, Candidate of Technical Sciences Gazoturbinnyy nadduv dizeley (Qja-~Turbine SuperchargiAg of Diesels) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 194 P. 3,500 copies printed. Reviewer: Nigmatulin, I.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: Shatilov, A.I.,, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: BasentayanY A.A.; Tech. Ed.: El;kind, V.D.; Managing Ed. for literature on general technical and transport machine building (Kashgiz): Ponomareva, K.A., Engineer. PURPOSEt This back.IB intenoed for engineers,, designers., researchers and students specializing in the field of internal combustion engines. COVERAGE: The book presents various aspects of the theory, design, and experimental investigation of constant and variable pressure gas-turbine superchargers for two- and four-stroke-cycle diesel engines. A detailed procedure for obtaining indicator diagrams Card 1/5 Gas-Turbine Supercharging of Diesels 861 of various processes and the basic data and measuring techniques used In experimental investigation are presented. The book * contains schematic drawings and photogmphs of various Soviet and foreign gas-turbine superchargers and tables and graphs of experimental data. No personalities are mentioned. There are 62 references, 44 of which are Soviet, 7 English, and 11 Gerann. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Theory and Design of Gas-Turbine Superchargers for Diesel Engines 7 1. Gas-turbine supercharging as the basic method of increasing diesel power-output 7 2. Two basU types of gas-turbine superchargers 9 3. Theory and design of a gas-turbine supercharger with constant pressure in exhaust manifold 14 Car4 2/ 5 Gas-Turbine Sup9rcharging of Diesels 861 4. Theory and design of a supercharger with variable pressure and gas reaction-turbine 24 5. Calculation of the process in a gas-turbine supercharger during supercritical exhaust period 34 6. Calculation of the process in a gas-turbine supercharger during suberitIcal exhaust period 40 7. Calculation of the process in a gas-turbine supercharger during scavenging period 44 8. Material balance as a method of checking the design of gas-turbine superchargers and determination of air consumption 49 9. Design of a supercharger gaB-turbine for variable exhaust-manifold pressure 52 10. Approximate method of designing gas-turbine super- chargers with variable exhaust-manifold pressure 66 11. Simplified method of designing gas-turbine supercharg- ers 71 Card 3/5 Gas-Turbine Superchargning of Diesels 861 Ch. II. Techniques of Experimental Investigation of Gas- Turbine Superchargers 74 12. Basic data and measuring techniques used In experimental investigation of gas-turbine super- chargers 74 13. Method of determining indicator diagram for a diesel engine during supercritical exhaust period 84 14. Method of determining indicator diagram for a diesel engine during subcritical exhaustand suction period 95 15. Method of determining indicator diagram for the exhaust manifold 105 Ch. III. Analysis of Basic Elements of a Gas-Turbine Supercharger 117 16. Analysis of the supercharger gae-turbine 117 17. Exhaust manifolds of diesel engines with gas- turbine superchargers 149 Card 4/5 Gas-Turbine Supercharging of Diesels 861 18. Selection of the gas distribution system of diesel engines with gas-turbine superchargers 1V 19. Special features of supercharger compressor design 1 2 20. Cooling of the compresses air 166 21* Gas-turbine supercharging of two-stroke-cycle diesel engInes 177 Appendix 189 Bibliography 191 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress GO./ksv 11-18-58 Card 5/5 GURIVICH, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; SINSON, A.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRINSBUG, F.G., iuzh. - Operational system of the M diesel locomotive engine. Teat. TMI MPS 17 no.4:36-39 Je 158. (Diesel locomotives) wik n:6) Alin! V-j *sj S. Ilia '13 ii I" 1 't 2 'v. g ..511 vil v i je 0"43, v a oil tail! .. S11-CO11, ~,.E. kand. toHin. STIUIUNGF,, B.N., inzh.; SIIQ',IiKO, H.P nauk; GRINSBERG, F.G., inzh. Technical characteristics of tre new 9DI00 diesel qngine. Elak.i tepl.tiapu 3 no.7:7-10 JI 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Diesel engines) GUREUCH, A.N., kand.takhn.nauk; S114SON, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; GRINSBERG, F.G., inzh. Effect of temperattire and air pressure on the performuce of a diesel motor. Ilek.i tepl-tiage 3 no-10:39-40 0 '59- (MIRK 13:2) (Diesel engines) STRUNGN, B.H.,Inzh.; SIIIINKO. H.P.,Inzh.; SjmSoN, A.x.,krLnd.tekhn.nsuk Testing the nev 9DJOO high-duty diesel engine. ftergomashino- stroenie 5 no.1:42-44 JS '59. (MaA 12:2) (Diesel engines--Testing) SIMSQI,_ A.E.; SINAHKO,'H.P.; KALYAROV. Y.M.; SMjuHGx, B.Ii.; SRHOKLINOV, It GHIIJSBSIIO. F.G.; PIRIN, I.V., kand.teldui.nauk. reteenzent; BAUSUTSYAli, A.A.. inzh.. red.; UVAROVA, A.F.,; GORDBY]sVA, L.P., (Testing D 100-type locomotive and marine diesel enginasj Ispy- taniia teplovoznykh i audovykh dizelei tipa DIOO. Moskva. Goa. niincfwo-te;dw..izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, ig6o. 263 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Marine diesel engines--Testing) (Diesel locomotives--Testing) YODOLA&WIENKO, V.V,, dotseat, kaud-tekhn.nauk, SIMSUN, L&, kand6tekhia. nauk. Special features of gas turbine supercharging in sIx-cylinder motors. Inergomashincetroanie 6 no.4t47-48 Ap 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Diesel engines-Superchargers) ITMI-ITCH, A.N. , kELnd. tek~n.naulr. STNEITKO. N.P. , 1nzh. . SIMSON. AeEv t kand. tel:hn. nank .. - I - , ---I- - ~ , - rnproving the rerformance of idline MOO diesel loccmotives. Vest.TSITII iWS-W'nM.2':20-A T-66. (MIRA 13:6) (Diesel locomotives) IMTS, A.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; SINSOIT, A.Z., inzh.; GRIOBW, F.G., inzh, Characteristics of D50 engines. Trudy KHIIT no.35:118-137 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Diesel engines) S/262/62/000/0 15/0071/011 1007/1207 AUTHORS: Grinsberg, F. G., Pesotskiy, Yu. A. and Simson, A. E. 'T IT LE: Selecting the proper exhaust stsyem for gas-turbine supercharged two-stroke engines PERIODICAL Referativrivy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 42. Silovyve ustanovki, no. 15, 1962, 56, abstract 42.15.318 (Tr. Khar'kovsk. politekhn. in-ta. Khar*kovsk. z-d transp. mashinostrt., no. 32, 1961, 149-163) TEXT. The two-stroke diesel engine consumes a great quantity of air which, for proper scavenging, should be fed at increased pressure while the counter-pressure in the ahaust manifold not increase essentially. This can be achieved with turbine superchargers by the maximum use of kinetic energy of exhaust gases. In this connection, pulse supercharging systems have found widc acccptance. Of particular intercst is an exhaust system which recovers the kinetic energy of exhaust gases after their passage through thcoutictparts, by dividing the gases in streams of different velocity levels. This isachievLd by mountinga baffle at acertain height (if the outlet ports in the exhaust manifold; the exhaust gases, passing through the two channels so formed, are a recirculated to the turbine whose blades are shaped to suit these particular flow conditions. Calculations carried out %%ith the 911100 (913100) dicscl engine showed the possibility of increasing the turbine poN&er by a factor of 1.6 or more and minimizing fuel consumption frorr 162 to 150 g/HP hr (Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 S!20, 62!000;0W0 12;016 10071207 AUTHORS: Vodolazhchenko. V. V., Simson, A. E. and Verner, N. D. TITLE: Investigations on the gas-turbine supercharging system in four-strokes engines PERIODICAL: Rcferativnyy zhurnal. otdel'nvy vypusk. 42. Silovyye ustanovki. no. 14. 1962. 54. abstract 42.14.323 (Tr. Khar'kovsk. in-ta inzh. zg.-d. tranip.. no. 43. 1961. 29-38) TEXT: Results are reported of investigations on exhaust systems with a single. common exhaust-manifold and with supercharging by means of the kinetic energy of exhaust gases. The system described was used in 2- and 4- stroke engines and ensures increase in turbine power by 20",' as compared with reaction turbines: '0 it may be applied to all types of internal combustion engines and requires the installation of a single turbine only regardless the cylinder number and dimension of the engines involved. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 KURITS, Aleksandr Ariyevich; VODOLAMCIMC), Vitaliy Vasillyevich; GRINSBERGY Filipp Grigorlyevich; .-.OZEZ;BLIT, Gennadiy Borisovich; SIMS0111, Allfred Eduardovich; NAYDENKG, O.A... kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; HALOVOMY, V.V., inzh.j retsenzent; VOLKOVICH, G.F., retsenzent; ZAKHA:iENKO, B.A.1, kand. teklin. nauk, nauchn. red.; NIKITINA, R.D., red.; SlIRSHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Dieoel engines on ships with electric propulsion] Dizeli na oudakh s elcktrodvizheniem. (ByA.A.Kurito i dr. Leningrad, SudpromgIz, 1963. 276 p. (MIRI 17: 1) S K i OLE'Ll"IK, V.I.9 in&~. jU-"n 7 idlLng 'D D50 diesel engines Elek. f the 147 ae 16s2) (KIRA engines) 52983-65 EPA/EWP(f)/EPF(p),-2/EPR/r-2/EpA.Cbb)-2 paa_~4/ -4 ACCESSIM, MR AN5005253 BOOK EXPWITATICK Out A.'11 L.. Us-turbine supercharger for diesel engines (0azoturbilm nadduv dlze)Ar)p 2d edej, revop Moscowj, Isd-w wKeshinostroyaniyell., 1;r, 246 p. 411a biblios Errata slip insertedo 18800 co;Ies printed. TOPM TAGSt diesel engines, &M-tq~ supercharger J PMPOSH AND COVEFLAGEs This book presents problem in the theorys calculations and experimental inirestigatlon, or system of gas-turbine supercharging of two and four-cycle dieselsj, and analyzes the character designs of modern gas- turbine superohargers* The book Is Intended for englusers# dealgnerss researchers,, and graduate students speciall Ing In Internal combust1w sagInese TANA OF COVr= (abridged)t Introduction 5 Cho I* Theorr and calculation of gas-turbine supercharger or diesels 7 Cho no Method of expe bwaW Investigation of a gas-turbine supercharger 85 Cho Me AnsInds of the basic elements of a gas-turbbw super hargor system. 144 C-d 2/2 L 52985-65 0 Ammiam at m5oo5253 AppeOft m 0001 M SuEmniml , OTMO OW No mw sovi 039 L cwj 2/2 FOVI 11" A. , inzil. i YI-X -j, K LY1 in z ii~' Si,,!SC,I; A.L. kand. tekhn. nauk.; Studying the working process of the SMD-IF diesel engine with turbocharger. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.8:"--8 Ag 164. (IIURA 17: 11) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po dvigatelyam (for Didenko). 2. Kharlkovskiy 'nstitut inzhenerov zhelemodoroz.hnogo transporta imeni S.M. Kirova ~for Klarchenko). GEIML~-,R, L.Ye.i SIMSON, G.G. Characteristics of the mechanization of lumbering operationa in the mountain regions of the Carpathians. B=.i der.prom. no.1:16-18 Ja-Mr 162, (MIRA 15:5) 1. Trust "Zakarpatles" (Carpathian Mountain region-Lumbering) - , - - , ,a ._: . SIMSON, I.I. LLiard devices on woodworking machinery; album of blueprints] Ogra- ditallnye ustroistva k derevoobrabatywaiushchis stankam; allbou ra- bochikh charteshei. (Moskva] I~rofizdat, 1953. 97 P- (MLU ?'-7) (Woodworking machinery -Safety appliances) 1 . 3II-3ou, 1. 1. 2. U53R (6G0) 4. Lathes - jafety Appliances 7. Safety devices fcr lathes. Der. i lesokhim. prom. 2, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified. SIMSON, I.I.. starshiy nauchnyy aotrudnik. Safety appliances for circular sawing machines. Der.i lesokhim.pron. 2 no. 7:3-6 J1 153. ()ffjA 6:5) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut oxhrany truds, Vaesoyumno- go tsentrallnogo sovets. profsoyuzov. (Saws--Safety appliances) 123-1-716 Translation from: Referatlvry'y Zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, P. 109 (USSR) AUTHOR: Simson, 1. 1. TITLE: Safety Features In Design of Woodworking Machines (Elementy tekhniki bezopasnosti v konstruktsiyakh derevoobrabatyvayushchikh stankov) PERIODICAL: Trudy Nauxhhoy Sessii. Vaesoyuznogo n.-i. Instituta Okhrany truda. 1954 (1955), Nr 2, pp. 11-22 ABSTRACT: The requirements of safety rules applying to the design of the basic parts of woodworking machines are presented in detall. Eight photographs are included. M.F.M. Card 1/1 simso.n. 1. 1. : SIDOROCHKIN, S.S., Inzhnner, reteenzent ; SHMIOV, I-I -. -"InWit, kandidat telchnie-hnskikh nnuk, rmdqkt,-r, SOKOWYA, L.V., tekhnlc~eekiy re4aktor [Safety measures in mechanical woodworking] TekhnIka be.-opannosti pri mekbanichoskol obmbotke drevesiny. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrait. lit-ry, 1955. 170 p. (XLRA ~:7) (Woodworking machinery--Safety appliances) SIMSON, Ivan Iosifovich; NOVOZHILOV, V.I., retsenzent; FAUSTOV, V.A., retsenzent; :MVLFDOV, V.N., red.; SIDEL'IIIKOVA, L.A., red. izd-va; REYZKAN, Te.Ya., (Safety engineering and fire prevention techniques at sawmills and woodworking enterprises] Tekhnika bezopasnosti i protivo- pozharnaia takhnika na lesopillnykh i derevoobrabstyvaiushchikh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Goelesbumizdat. 1958. 316 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Woodworking industries-Safety measures) NIKITIN, Gentiadiy Mikheylovich; GUSEV, M.N., kand.tekhn.nsuk, dote.j retsenzent; VINOGRADOV, I.M., inzh., retsonzent; VOLKOV, Yu.N., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik, retsenzent; SIHSQII,_;a_, retsen7.ent; KRUXOVSKIT. V.A., red.; VOLCHOK, K.M., tekin~.r. [Safety enginefiririg and fire prevention in transportation by water] Tokhnike bezooasnosti.i protivopozharnsis takhnilm na vodnou transports. Is3ningrad. Izd-vo gRechnoi transport,g Leningr. otd.- nie. 1958. 416 p. (NIU 11:5) Ohips--Fires and fire prevention) (Safet7 engineering) fi 1 %00 11, 1.1.. inzh. Removabln autonatic feeloro. Der.prom. 7 no.9:9-11 S 158. (Mlu 11:11) 1. Vansoyuznyy nauchno-isslndovntellakly inatitut okhraLy tnida Vsqr,.. noyiiznogo teentrallnogn sovota prnfE;oyiizrv. (Woodworklag mchinery-Attarhnents) SIMSCIN, Ivan loolfovlclx;,PQ~~ISKAYA. M.N., red.; ZRIADRINA, K.D., LSafety engineering in the woodworking industries] Okhrana truda v derevoobrabatyvaiushchem proizvodstve. Monkva, Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1959. 108 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Wacdwarking industrias--Safety masures)