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SIMSON. Ivan losifovich; KALYSM. V.V.. dotsent, k-ard.takhn.nauk, retsonzent; KCROZOV, N.A.. dotsont, Imnd.tekhn.nauk, red.; CHFAS, M.A.. red.izd-va; SHCMUIRINA, L.T., [Safety engineering in woodvorking] Tekbn4ke bezopasnouti pri makhanicheakol obrabotke dreveniny. lzd.2., parer. i dop. Koalcva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 166 p. (KIM 14:1) (Woodvorking machinery-Safety appliances) SIMSOV, I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Safety appliances on woodworking machinery. Okh.truda i sots. strakh. no-1:73-74 Ja -60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Loningradskiy institut okhrahy truda Tseaovusnogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov. (Woodworking machinery-Safety appliances) SI1061i, I. Increasing industrial safety in utilizing production areas in na-hiner7 manufacturing. Sots. trud 5 no.6:65-68 Je 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Ioningrad Economic Region-Machinery indis try--Safety measures) SIMSON, I.I. Improved standard safety guardme Der.prom. 9 no.2:13-14 F 16o. (KIRL 13:6) (Woodworking machinery-Safety appliances) S11IS01" I.I. Automatic feed systems for all-purpose woodworking machinery. Deroprom. 10 no.10:29-30 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Woodworking machiner7) (Automatic control) Sit-0011, I L . itaroMy nauchnyy sotrudnik Automatic feed mechanism for woodworking machinery. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 5 no.1:27 Ja 162. (!-aRA 15:2) 1. Leningradskiy institut okhrany truda. (Wood,working machinery) SMSONI I.I, Automatic feed mechanisms for universal woodworking machines. Mashino:;troitell no.12:34-35 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) SIMSON, I-[., inzh. Automation of woodworking equipment. M-,kh.1 avtom.proizv. 17 no.11:8-11 N 163. (MIRA 17:4) sill!SONY 1. 1. Mechanization of the feed of miillini7 machines. Der. prom. 13 no.2: 25-28 F 164. OURA 17-3) S.U.ISONTI 1.1,, inzh. Reversing feed mechanisms for wood-cutting machines. Mekh. i av,om. proizv. 19 no.5:28-31 MY '65. (yllfut 18:11) SaISCN, T.P. [deceased]; GOFDGVA, T.N. S.S. Korsakov Is personality in the light of some docments from the clinic's archives. Trudy 1-90 34:36-48 164. (MMA 18:1-1) smmt.. T4 F. --DICIASED 1962--- -- co 161 /7 mouOlm a" Irc SIMSON.1-104'. Rotary attachment for optical dividing heads. Izm,tekh,=*2:73 Mr-AP 156. (Dividing engine) (KUU 9:7) ye.jt. CentralizaLiQn of testing laboratories in enterprises. lzm.tekh. noAI--:Q-61 D '(1. OaR~. Ij:1) (Testing laboratorip-~) Z.; Doparturiant oi' Pharmacology., institute J., =2~) 0, -IoS-6r-raUUai;e Training (Katoara Parriacie UDL), Prarue; o- - cia tit u-Ge of Nat-urai j-ruL;z (\ryzl-.ur.-.Iy Ustav Prirodniea in tric Content of Furocoumarins Durin'-7 tile Vegeta- uj ;~`Lon, Pei-iod of Pastinaca Sativa L. Subsp. Disativa Briq.11 Farmacie, Vol 16, No 1, Jan 67, pp 22-28 fl-thorol six,--i'mary -odified7: A two ycar study c . in furocour,.arin content duri~iz tao ver-etation LI u L Pori iz doccribed. The hiC~iost content f oiuid in green od #I - (I . 11 -', f I, r Ui and in the flowers (0.90,/-J). The content's in the G -111 lee'vez., 'ocond-ry stenz, and roots deercaso in this order. -ent in t*ac ,;,-,ole pl-n' occu.-o -.-, tho j .11jost overa'll cort U h ,,rjr'od o' of the 'Lruit. Ih-- conposition of t,.e counar- ~n-- ch n z d-urin-7 the ve,-,o'u---.'Ui- nporiod. Bercraptene is the -.,:7 1a! cozr..)o-nent -.:i~u-h -o-otozonsitizing activitY. 3 Figures, Ta',-'-les,I '..i7estern, 9 Czec'- 5 0 .1 Russian, 3 East German, 1 Hun- e 1, 0 ro'Ler nee. (Manulscript received 21 Dee '5)- VAGAUNESCU, G.; SIM, C. Complicated staphylococcal septicemia with multiple tegumental gangrene of tho extremities, Miar,-,Malogia (Bucur) o no,JW~,_ Ja-F 161. Anatomic and clinical aspects ot' staphylococe-il septicemia with slow ~~volut.icn. Ibid.t26 1. Clinica 1 medicala Cluj si Catedra de anatomie patologica Cluj. Jr SUCIU,I.; SIKJ,G.; SIMPIACRAKU,li.; ORHA.,I. The antistreptolysin 0 titer (ASIO) in rheumatism and other diiseases. Probl. ter.,Bwur. 10 no-3:51-62 159. (ANUSTRVTOLYS IN, blood) (RHIUKATISM,blood) (STRILDTOCOCCAL INMTIONS,blood) (ANDOCARDITIS.BACTERIAL, blood) .),;mt3 his to chamical a.-A L I Or- h eMl('-,q 1C" -3 of experimental hepatoma genaiis the rat. 31,;idii ierc r.ioi s. zool 16 nn. 2:145-151. 164. 1. Chair of Biology, itute, C-111J. 2. ',,~rresponding Member of the Jumanian A,ad--my ~fov Preda). RUMANIA CHIRICUTA, I., Dr.; MDORUTIU, Cornelia, Dr.; SIMU, Go, Dr.,, and MULEA, Rodica, Biologist 11" Modification of the Reticulo -Endo thelial System in Burn Shock" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965. pp 183-187 Abstract: Studies in rats in burn shock injected with dye to determine the adequacy of the reticulo-endothelial system at various times following the burn, Early intensification of the system is followed by total exhaustion of function in 48 hours or so. Causes are discussed: central nervous system, endocrine systcm; overload by dOCOMP03od protein. plasma protein loss. This and other rat studies by authors indicated that the central nervous system and endocrine glands are the first to become exhausted, the raticulo-orAothelial system follows. I ~;IIVAGHTA, L; 1'OP;,,'SCUf VI-1 SiMU, Gh., :tOGOUNY 1. ;tL-Corieration of the gastric inucosa find diminution of hydrocliloric acid.-pepsin 3ecrotion following resection of the gastric. rrucoun nembran,~-. Rwmanian H Rev. no.1:12&-127 Ja-?,~- 161. 1. Tho LaWt-atory of Experimental Surg,!ry of the Oncological Institute 0 in Cluj. Head of the laboratory: Dr. I. Chiricuta. (STOMACH phy8iology) (mucous r~E~wwi.:S physioloCy) KIRIKUTSE, I. (Chiricuta, I.); POFSSKU, V. (Popescu, V.); .3D-,'U, G.; ROGGZAIIJI I. Regeneration of the aucaus membrane of the stomach and decreased secretion after partial excision of the mucosa. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.11:115-118 N 161. (MIR;L 15:3) 1. Iz Instituta onkologii, Kluzh, Rumynskaya Varodnaya Respublika. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom. UIN SSSR A.V. Lebedinskim. (ST014ACII--SECRETIONS) (MUCOUS ':EMBRAIE) I I , - I' '- , _ ' . 7: '1 -. I . '~ .; r. . . - . , . ; . ) , G ~ p 'j I I! j. I * 0, Ir I:- -, -~Lwt,3n acid-ta55 '~Tibhlanc~- &nd U.-I-3 maliE-ramcy cf su.-gically removed tumours. Noopla3ma (Bratisl.) 11 nc,.4:4~r-432 161~.. 1. Oncologic institute, Cloi.,:, Ro,-;,manta. CHIRICUTA,I.; PAPILIAN,C.;.SINU,G.; ROGOZAN,I. Capillary ppmeability in burns.(Note) 1, Alteratims of tin ground substance in experimenta-1 shock induced by burns. Rumanian med. rev. 7 no.4:3-8 O-D'63 ST-1;, T.; ' . Z (Aso Jatia I-ow tuo organize gmups of 3tudents. p. 19. ARI i 11 F.WRIET. c Voluntara Fentru Sprijinira Apararii Fatr1ei) Pucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 3, ~'hr. 1956 So. East Eurcpean n'ccessiuns LIA Vol. 5, No. 9 'September, 1956 ti-he "a 1,a INati-mal Par~." Pr,-h,a Vol. 1;,, No- 3, 1959. -AT), f,C, Vol. P, lin, .hon'III.- of Fa-,.t 5,,rorein Accersions (FJ~ e;-,tember 1 )Ii n,71 P. ~z s 1, "ied. IONE'SKUP 1"'. [lorlu.;C11, M.J; SEJU, M. Interrelation between the head of th~., pancreas and *.~,e other orgaris of the abdo:.unal cavity. Arkh. anat. , gist. br. 42 no.3:72-75 Mr 1 ~2. CMI NA 15: 5 1. -Kafedra opisatel'noy i topograficheskoy unatomi Kluzlis"ogo mediko- farmatsevticheskogo instituta, lbmyniyu. Adres avtorovR.N.R.Kluzh, Miko, 3 Kluzhskiy mediko-farmatsevticheskly institut. (PAJIM-AS) (vlSC;l,,:-A) . 1 ~ 7--- .1 Y red. JASH,EIIAS, "'.. ; ~ILI. IS, V, . SL ' , :: ; j.71AS, ' ., [Iteglonally adopted varieties of agricultural cultures in the Lithuanian S.S.R.] Lietuvos 751, ra.-onuotos zemes ukio kulturu veisles. Vilnius, '~alstybine politines ir mokslines literPturo.9 leirlykla, 1961. 55 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Lithuania--Field crops--Varieties) NESMEYANOV, A.N.; PMVALOVA, E.G.; GGIANNYA, R.V.; NIKITI11A, T.V.; SIMUKOVA NIA. - - Diarnaption of the ferrocene nucleus br hydroGenation and treatmeat with halides. Izv.AJ1 SSSR Otd.khim.nauk n@.6:739-741 Je 156. (ULRA 9:9) 1.Moskovskiy gosudarstvenry7 universitat imeni M.Lemoneseva. (Iron dicyclopentadienyl) &I-Pu Mx I t-ra i -rr 3 in' dl et-,If 22 Nauk S.S.R., Wl~j. P-~inl 'k,",uk 1,~,-,"e AD T ;L it 't I:!,, -ifig L-i. ~,wrld g.i vo from 0A mule jc:~ne, rcat'...ed i l errcuenc, Cl to 1,6 oil j rom EtWO, its dOwl)"Henr deriv., Ill. ~~22, ii-il ri (e j4, c I SlUlillirly, 17", 4, ph~m),J~vrrvce,v, i,,j. H7-7 5' j~ !-,. ~ A; A~uir v)Hd,-dtcOmP- -0'2-3'-(frvrrl CHC4); 5vartirg 1*-,it- - -- - 0 i b h h - - W. - Te3 i~ t w t V C- d, T~ COY e. ~117 --- --- - 70 Irdtlal I --.- r-4a 1,.q. El( 411, 0;t U-LLillIC; U E, klxi 10~ C)r,-, ri,: C=roun6s) NES,I.WAhUV, &.N., akad.; PERRV.-~WVA, N.G.; SINUKOVA., N.A.; SHRIBIOLi, Tu. N. ; -&~WOVA, M. D. Formation of the 1,2,3-ozadiazine ring In the reaction of 1,11-diacetylferrocone with aryldiazonium ~:ompounds. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.4:851-854 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy univeraltot iconi H.V.Lomonosova. (Oxadiazine) (Yerrocene) (Dia-zonium compounds) 1273 Y700 2,Z09, 041 89402 S/062/61/000/001/007/0!6 B'Ol/B220 AUTHORS: Perevalova, E. G. , '.~~imu ~~ Nikit'na, T. V., Reshetov, P. D, and Nesmeyanov; A, N~ TI TL E: Interaction between ferrccene derivatives and aryl diazonia PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii na-jk SSSR. Otdelenl-ye khimiche3kikh nauk, no. 1, 1961; 77-83 TEXT: The authors have shown in Refs, -3 that ferrc~cene reacts with aryl diazonia to form aryl ferrocenes. The present paper deals with the arylation of p-tclyl, methyl, ethy- ferrocene. as well as acyl and carboxy ferrocenes. 1*1 wa3 possible 'o arylate p-tolyl ferrocene by means of p-tolyl diazonium and this .-es,.i1te-1 In ~he forma-.ion of hetero- annular di-(P-tolyl) ferrocen-9: p--CH"'C H N Ci C H FeC H C H CH -p 3 6 4 2 Fe" C H C' H CH - p) The yield 5 5 5 4 6 4 3 11 5 4 6 4 3 2 amounted to only 9% -f the cne; t~--S 13 attrib"ited to the poor stability of the cation of '.his Pea~--:1,:,n between phenyl Card 1/ 3 r'9402 Interaction between ferr-;Sene S'/062/61/000/0-0"/007/0!6 diazonium and methyl ferrocene res,~-ted .r, a mixture of phenylated methyl ferrocenes from which it was possible tD is~...ate ~he helueroannular methyl- phenyl ferrocene in a poor yield, C,H N X C5H5FeC 5H4CH5 a 5 2 , CH3C5H4Fec5H4C6H5' The ethy'- ferrocene reacted similarly (20% yield). fieteroannular diprop,~4~ny,*, dibutyryll, and di- benzoyl ferrocene reacted with p nitro-,pheny'. diazonium in the so-me way as observed in the case of d.ace-yl ferrocone, The bond between the iron andthe cyclopentadieny! ring was split, and derivatives of 1~2,3-oxa-diazine were formed, Resinificatior took place in the reaction between p-nitro-phenyl dlazon'-um and the d-~methy-' es-:er of ferrozene dicarboxylic acid, It was proved possible -.v --solate chromatographically a reduced amount of p-nitro-phenyl-d--carbomethoxy ferrocene, but the ferrocene ring was destructed at the same t1me appearance of iron ions). Monosubstituted ferrocenes, such as accetyl ferrocene and carbomethoxy ferrocene, react with p-nitro-phenyl d,-azcr,:um 1--ke ferrocene, but with a lower yield of arylation products, Mor.~)a"Ietyl ferrocene formed both homoannular and heteroannular p-nltr~~jheny: a.--c-tcferrocene: Card 2/ 3 69402 Interaction between ferrocene ... S/062/61/000/001/007/016 BjOj/B22O C5 H5FeC5 R4COCH3 P-NO2C6 H4 N2Cl CH 3COC5H4Fec 5H4C6H4NO 2-P + C5H5 FeC5H3(COCH3)C 6H4No 2- p. The methyl ester of ferrocene carboxylic acid reacts to form heteroannular p-nitro-phenyl carbomethoxy ferrocene (yield 7%). The presence or absence of the non-substituted cyclopenta- dienyl ring was always established spectroscopically. The free mono- and dicarboxylic acids of ferrocene as well as their sodium salts together with ~-nitro-phenyl diazonium gave mixtures from which the arylation products could not be isolated. L. V. Yershova and M. Kristynyuk assisted in the experiments. There are 14 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1959 Card 3/3 KOCHTK,'-~V, N.K.; BUDCVSKIY, E.]~; SIMUKOVA, N.A. Chemical method for the specific splitting of ribonucleic acid. Biokhimiia 27 no.3:519-525 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Laboratory of Carbohydrates and Nucleotides, Institute for Chemistry of Natural Products, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (NUCLEIC ACIDS) KOGHETKOV, N.K.; BUDOVSKIY, E.I.; SIMKOVA, N.A. Pr-lmar-y Btructure of RNA. Interaction of RNA vi th O-Oethyl- hydroxylamine. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3:597-6W N 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iaboratoriya uglevodov i nukleotidov Instituta khimli prirodnykh noyedineniy AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kochetkov). i~A 17 i *. 1 1. . . . -4 .. . .1 ~ , , - . . .. . - 1. 1 1 -~. I . . - I I , .- -t ~ r ~ - . .; I 1 .1 . : -- -Ki'l v Ifj em I K , c-, GAPFERN, G.',.,. ll::F.~ I a 'a lkn 0 r - ~91 p. i c r lf,rJ'S,SU, Dimitru [bimiloacu, V-] (DjAarest Proupoctu ror Ow fixparminn of railrowt tranuportkitirill irl Rtrianim, Pooplolo Ropublic. Zvml.flor.trimop. 41 no. 8: 8o-86 Ag 159. (MIRA, 12:1.21) 1. flinistr transporta i sVazi HurZrnsko7 Narodnoy Reapubliki. (li,wiania-Railroads) ji'm ",fu, Dumitru [~*Aaulescu, D.] (Bukharest) Upswing in the railroad transportation of the R=anian People's Republic. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.12:5-9 D 161. WIRA 15:1) 1. Ministr transporta, i evyazi Rumynskoy Narednoy Respubliki. (Rumania--Railroads) dr -r. z;t*l e,~,,,rrminlcation3 dlirlrg '.nn jr a rs or g I c rtlgimel ~ ST ei Teh Buc ~,-r of' rq rispnr t lr, ccmim I r- at. ions. V?'Ll- I ~-:R ITT, ~. . ; ` 1111 , T I e an a; C N)CAN , C . I 1 11 1 , - Physical and cheMical properties of chemical means for plant protection. Pt. 3. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no. 5: 257-260 My 164. 1. Institute of Chemical Research, Bucharest., Section of Phytopharmaceutical Products. lints. t" ! ' -/Gultlw Si i fr r in j')u7 Will 1,.)--cu-S--iru N., Dr:,:-hicJ i 7L v),, r i ~~ .q t u ic, n s rnV nn o v ii -ot Str lr.~;j l 1 r 1- L,, li 532 , . - io; f . Tli,- 11~ C ii i-.. 21 ; c ,rc ~A -tr i '. droll. 7 1 Tji, ; 19 2.1, 1To 5, Or i.! IV,) , l ,r.. -3 1)k,~ ;t sauct t-i su. 1A L,,,vrin Turz-.L:L cliltu- --tions. r --,uriii mt W- in -nski, 's t1-'z'- -tr 1-o1 O'l )'xic i v., .s ie.r .-,hi7, Tll~ Luvrill U 3-38 -1 7 11--nts. Tcchnic-~-]. -.1-.n Oil -,n.- - S w4- -. r 21,-, c. r. n t ;~b!7 J(;ur ri(-,f Zhrr-73j~. 1. 9 --~Tc) 1--j 10"',q 7 ;; 1~ str dn is ch~~ract,:~rizc,(~ by th~.; s,7cc,,2 of its -tu-t- ti '-'n (~.;irticuj,irly with to si, _L;:x .-Ccurlul7tion), it's r-~A-tivr~ly hi.-h rc;- sist-uicc, its rl-.s:-cnsivcnas. to -fortilil:crs. it is not rcsi -stniit 'c) ccrcosrorirtsis. Th-Ls rtr,~In co.lbip.(-;s h-i,,:h yi~A,-L; -,,-.ith hi--h su- :-r cun'-,,-ntsr it -ivos th~ L,--,s' su,:~r Mrwst-o In tli,-; 1,.,~~stern )!,rt ul- Tli,:~ Cir-1-1 Tur- z-ii str2in is rori"-t~int ti corcos-,--Or4.,-,sis, is f-Arl,v, In ri,,cnini-j ua,' r,---.q'Liiro-- r.--latively ~~z,,Dunts of rolsturo. Tt n.-*,-l--rllS to e. r1 - sc)--.Tin,,, 7 X`i~-,r- its yi,,Ll- is sionific:-~ntl.,, incr~,-sal. Li thr- nc:,r- t h --. rn :- -,.r -1. ef -h~-.- c,)untry, thr-~ "a, C. Ij th, ht.--hc~st su:-,-.,.r Dr~t- r 1 2/3 -1-rfts. Tr-clinic-~l Oil -n,'L Lbs J,,-,ur Zhvr-'~icl,, IFO 15, 19589 63300 is on Dm-;Stii - -.t ions ).- th,.; :;tr,-.ins unJor con,'itions lahich c-irriud out ii,, 1950-1955 in th, v~,.rious sug,-ir I)c,.)t zon(-,s c--;' thc, F, T. Orl"VE"UY 3/3 139 YM4U'YANENKO, G.A.j SIMIYL174, G.G.; BAYBAROVA, Ye.ya. Electrodeposition of copper from sulfuric acid solutions at high current densities. Ukr. khIm. zhur. 29 no 4:404-408 163. ~MIRA l6t6) 1. Anepropetrovskly osudarBtvennyy universitet. Nopper plating) G.A.; BAYWd,~UIA, Ye.Ya.; SIYjLIN, G.G. Cathodic deposition o.~' zinc and lead at high currant denzities. Ukr. khim.zhur. 29 no.5:515-518 163. (MM 16:9) 1. Dnepropetrovsk-iy gosudarstvennyy universitat. y :.:! "Y-. , Y "'N' ::!Kt." , "; . ,, . ; ~ . !" T ~ 1 '. ,.~ ,-, . , i . (:aui,--s f,,r th,~ f,~r7j~ - ic., c 11" :~r-rne I e, - ~;e --~- -,-I , ~- I - ~ -, -at hr.! e Et h-igh current cjvn-,-' ties. Vck,'. A' 5."5R 158 0 164. 11 .0 A A (MIP-A M10) 1. Eno prope tmvr, i,..'-y gcsidarstvt:nnyy uriive-F-Itpt.. cred.-tav I, enc akademi- kom A.N.FrumkilLYM. nir, if ;;7.Nti. C. G,. Ari I 'A" 11 .4 ,C- , C. 1,~ Of t2OPJ-07 e' -i~-S,Ilfate sclUt n- Of ',1kr, khIm. zh,-r. 31 584 - jjJ7 165. ~.V R.A 1,8;7) Y~ I.A. . ~ IM!''d-IN ~ (-j. ',. klnM.i',i:i ),` ' ltill! '2-*~' 0, 1i,;. Zhur. :" z. -'q "Ir I -a, IA., it -1. (M4"I'A 18:8" t *11 I "nen . I . E ropetrovskly i ov ud ar s t vrrny y tin', v -- - -. -. * - - ~- !; ~l k~ - , , 1, "N: T 0 ; ~ ~ ~ , ~; I W~: i N, (, ~(J. C :- ~- 1 1, 1 !~g rzqir 11 c i-~tjrly of ni,-;eel -cAeps3 i t: ~ n ~,i' , ' wh ~.-rt?nr. duniqlt.!,~ss. FlekLrollchlmlin I N le-9 I.P:11) , : 11, , -p:,opotrovrkly goaulArstvpnnyy ijnlvo~rsitr-t, . ; .1~, ra t -,fl, f-, f, 1.: 1 . Z-hur .'I 17 3'? ,5 i-h 18:8) gl-.~,,.Ad-JT6t.7ePr-YNI un YPTELly"'.1lip'll-IM)l G.A.; SIMULIN, G.G. Electrodecos-i-.1on of copper from thiosulfate solutions of cuprow oxide. Ukr.khim.zhul-. 31 no.5:478-480 169, ~MIRA 18:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted SepL. 25, 1963. -'Ways for the Complete Utilization of Gaseous SIML11-11Y) tle Nitrogen Industry," by N. A. Sim-olin, KhimiclieskBya Naukn i Proushlennost', Vol 1, No 6-, Pu b1 is lied Feb 57)) pp 648-653. The advantages of using natural and petroleum gases rather than coke as raw material for the production of ammonta are reviewed. As far as catalytic processes for the conversion of gaseous hydrocarbons to hydrojen are concerned, reference is made to the preceding article by A. G. Leybush ("The Production of Hydrogen and of Synthcsis Gas by the Catalytic Con- version of Hydrocarbon Gases," Khinicheskaya Nauka i Promyshlennost', Vol 1, No 6, Nov/Dec 1956, pp 638-646). The noncatalytic.. high-temperature conversion of methane with oxygen (including the explosicn conversion, which may be used for generation of power) is duscussed on the basis of data.that originated at the State Institute of the Nitrogen Irdustry. A flow sheet of the high-temperature conversion of methane with carbon mon- oxide at a pressure of 35 atmospheres is given. It is pointed out that when gaseous hydrocarbons rich in methane are used as raw material, the simultaneous production of acetylene and of synthesis gas suitable for the production of ammonia or of methanol will present great advantages, and that the best method for the conversion of methane to acetylene at large plants producing Ammonia and other nitrogen compounds is the me*thod of oxidative pyrolysis (i. e., oxidation of methane to acetylene). The reasons "or preferring oxidative pyrolysis to other methods for the production of acetylene are given and this method is described in some detail. The production scheme of a lgrge plant which is now being constructed and which will produce acetylene and ammonia from natural gas of the Stavropol' field is outlined. L I t%l) /V A At this plant natural gas will be converted to acetylene and to syn- thesis gas for ammonia and for methanol. The acetylene will serve as crude material for the production of acetone, acetaldehyde, ethyl alcohol., acetic acid ', and vinyl acetate. The ammonia will be converted to urea and to nitric acid. ':he nitric acid will be used in the production of phosphoric acid fertilizcrs from apntite. Ammonium ritrate and hydro- cyanic ncid will be al_,ic, produced, the lntter by t!;e oxidation of methane and ammonia. The production scherie to be used at plants for the conversion of natural gas-carbon monoxide m%_xtures is also described with the statement that work preparatory to designin6 a plant of this type is being done by the Institute of the flitregen Industry jointly with the Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Machine Building. At this plant carbon dioxide will be eliminated from the converted gas by washing with monoetbanolamine. The synthesis gas for the ammonia production will be washed with liquid nitrogen to eliminate carbcn rnonoxide and methane. As a result of the use of new technological processes and of thei-, uutomatization, the cost of the acetylene produced will be 40% lower than that of acetylene produced from calcium carbide. The cost of the ammonia will be 60-T0% lower than that of ammonia produced at plants using coke for the generation of gas and 2% lower than the cost of ammonia produced at plants which do not convert natural gas to by-product acetylene. At the conclusion of the article the separation of petroleum 6as into methane, ethane, and propane is discussed, methanu beinG converted into acetylene and synthesis gas as discussed above, and propane, after conver- sion to propene, being used for the production o.~* a number of substances,- Including izopropyl benzene. According to the production schemc, which is shown, ethane, after being converted to ethylene, leads to a number of prod- ucts, including ethyl benzene, polyethylene, and ethylene glycol. An al- ternative scheme for the conversion of petroleu:n gases by oxidation (with- out prior separation), combined with the produ-.tion of a.,maonia and of nitric acid, is also shown. A bibliography :--onsisting of three USSR references is appended to the article. (C) M - 13 71v Hit- 33 L 3 Zi Sig it z Y1 TH-13m. Hij -135 -:jig 91 2~3 1 -ma i 1 4 H H, , -5 fi a SIXULI11, II.A. .- -.1 -- -- - -----------A Ways of lowering construction costs of nitrogen Industry enter- prises. Prom.stroi- 37 no.3:6-1) Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy prom hlennosti. (Nitrogen industries) (Building-Ratimateer S/063/60/005/001/004/009 AUTHORS Slaralin, N, A., Afanasyev, A. N. T','TLE, The U2e of Coke Gas for Cnemical Processing PERIOD17ALt Zhurnal vsc-soTj.-nogo khimicheskogo ocLshchestva Im, D, 1. Mendeleyeva, 1960, Vol. 5, No, 1, pp~ 78-911, TSC-!,, Tne ourcut 3 of roke gas In the USSR will Increase from 20.7 bIllion m 3 in 1�-,,B -'o '~ billion m in 196r-. The content of hydrogen in the gas Is mos*. 3 .1 - important for T-he ~-hemical industry, because It, is used for the synthesis of ammonlla,* The s--illfur compcund5 con~alned in the gas car, be prozes-ged o obtain elemental sulfur or suifurl: acid. The cost of ammonia Wthesized from coke gas is --,ompared to that proauced from natural gas. The-z-3 are two methods of producing ammonia from coke ga*. ,he :onverSion of methanelcort-ained In the'Sas ard 4-he mc-thod redu & low-,~emperature separatlon of the gas. T,:h,-: atte'r the cost of ammonia by 10-12% and reduces the capital Lrivestment. 7ne, relative caj:ltal Investments per 1 t of ammonia art-L nearly the same for -cke gas and na~tural gas as raw mai-e-rial, if the ammonia plant c-nn ccopera-.s with me-1311urs!~al works in decomDc51,wion of air, into 0 and N, otherwize they are higher, In. the ca.~:e of ihe 70nr!~--sior of gas c ammor!a without pressure tl-.e cosl~ is Card 112 T-ne Use or Cok~- Gas for, Ctiemic~i! s/06V6o/oo5/ooi/w4/ooq the same as for ammonia produced from coke gas, In the case of cooperation with the metallurgical LriduzLry the cost decreases by 8-10%. in the present Seven- Year Plan the production of ammonia from coke gas will be Insreased by 2,5 times. Many installations will be erected in the USSR for the product'On of acetylene from natural gas by the method of thermal oxidation pyrolysis. in many regions, e. g., coke gas is used as raw material ba5e. In this case hydrogen is used as heat source. Due to its high calorific value, it decomposes methane -faster than the combustion of natural gas does. Less oxyger. is needed, therefore, in the conversion of methane to acetylene and the yield of the latter is considerably higher, 'IThe asetylene cost is at least 10% lower than in the case of natural gas as raw material.. The production of methanol from coke gas is more expensive than that from natural gas. The production of ethyleneAfrom coke gas by the method of low-temperature sceparation is 3-5 times cheaper than that from oil refinery gases or gas from the pyrolysis of kerosene. The difference is alse great in the production of dishlaroethanelfrom coke gas ethylene or from gas of kerosene pyrolysis. There are 8 table_~_and 3 references7 i Scivlet and 2 English. Card 2/2 S/064/60/000/008/001/008 B02O/BO6O AUTHORr A. TITLE: Technical Progress and the Economic Situation of the Nitrogen Industry PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennostt, 1960, No. 6, pp. 1-5 TEXTt The chief trend observable in the nitrogen industry for the forth- coming years is a change in the use of raw materials. Solid fuels are to be replaced by natural gas, accompanying gases of petroleum output, and residual gases in the acetylene production from natural gas. By the end of the Seven-year Plan, the exploitation of gaseous raw materials will rise from 35.3 to 86~, whereby productlon costs will be reduced by 50%, specific capital investments by 20 - 25%, and working productivity will be increased considerably. At the same timet it is expected that better con- ditions can be brought about in the way of overall automation, and that working conditions in the first phases'of the process can be improved appreciably. The geographic position of the nitrogen industry will also undergo radical shifts, and the production of nitrogen fertilizers will Card 1/3 Technical Progress and the Economic Situation S/064/60/000/008/ool/oo8 of the Nitrogen Industry B0201BO60 be brought closer to the places of consumption. In this wayo transportation costs are expected to have dropped by 35% by the end of the Seven-year Plan. Urea is to be preferred to ammonium nitrate to reduce costs per unit weight of nitrogen In fertilizers, the latter having to be preferably used in the liquid form. The economy of the nitrogen industry is to be further promoted by combining it with other industrial branches as to the exploitation of waste gases rich in hydrogen yielded mainly by petroleum refineries, coke-processing and metalworking industries. Table 1 shows the dependence of technical-economic factors in the urea production on the capacity of a plant. The utilization of high-efficiency processes and units offers other possibilities of increasing the economy of procesBees This is made possible by the use of high pr6asures and.temperatures, the intensified application of catalytic processes, as well as an increase of the activity of catalysts and the use of facilities accelerating the substance and heat exchange. The technical and economic factors of dif- ferent systems for the nitric acid production are indicated in Table 2. Practical examples are finally given along with results so far achieved. Mention is made of GIAP (Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti = State Institute of the Nitrogen Industry), the Opytne-konstruktorskoys Card 2/3 Technic,l Progress l.,,;e Econcmic S~i tu-.Iui,~~n S/ 0-- 4/6 0/ 000/ 00,V 00 1 / 00 6 of tale Nitro,-en Industry 30201B060 byuro avtomatiki (TestinF and Design Office for Automation), and the Stalinogorskiy khimicheskiy kombinat (Stalinogorsk Chemical Kombinat). There are 2 tables. v Card 3/3 SINULIN, M.A. Technological progress and the economics of the nitrogen Industry& Rhim.prom. no-8:619423 D 160. (KRA 13:12) (Nitrogen) I I - :16 . ~ .. .;. ,~ ~. - '. ( I * ~ .. I C ( . " * t,~ -,! -, " . _ . I _/ 11.r, /" III , 1. 1 . I - , I I . ,, I I , I ~ - . , ;,,.! i) (."I,"- ) , L SirlU1,111, t4A. More cons -',-on to te ~,,iver, to the dezelopment of tne product;~on (,L' mixeld furtiilzers, Khim. prom. no.5,331-336 Ky ', ~ 3. NIP,' 16: 6) SIKILIN, N.A. Set higher stArdards in the development cf the nitrogen industry. Khim.prom. no.1:8-13 JA 164. 49RA 17:2) 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-issledovatel'sTay I proyektnyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sinteza. AK134OV, V.M.; KLYACHKO-GURVICH, A.L,; RUBINSHTEYN, A.M.; SIMULINP YU.N.; SLINKIN, A.A.; SDUNA, R.T. Study of catalysts for A-onia synthesis with different degrees of reduction. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.12:2208- 2210 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut organichesko3r khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. the rn, - i:4 J I MIMJ! I , Yu,N, ; LAC H! 'it 11! ,; FOV, '~'. S. ; Z.N. ; Fly Ar, I IF,I 4 1., A. L, Change in the sppcif;,~ af:tivlty of an -iron catalyst for armion-la synthesis as dependent on `.;e degree of reduction. Kin. i kat. 4 no.6t933 N-D 10. (XIRA 17:1) I. Gosudarstvenrlyy inttltut azotnoy promyshlennosti, KONYUK110VA, I.N.j LAGAIINOV, S.S.; SIMULB, Yu.N.; TORCK'HESHNIKOV, N.S. Distribution of promoters on the surface of thn Iron (-catalyst of &m7onia synthesis as dependent on the degree of its regeneration. Trudy MKI'M no.44tl55-158 164. (MIRA 18i1) ~.ev- I r, ~-~c u r,-.: -.I All r0 SIMULIS., P. Some Immunological and biological studies on the clarification of rheumatic processes during the interparoxysmal stage. Sveik. apsaug. 6:3-8 S 064. 1. Tarybu Socialistiniu Respubliku Sajungos Yedicinos mokslu akademija, Lietuvos eksperimentines medicinos institutas. , Contrilhiition of Snvipt surgeons to the development of Filatov flap. 'Bratisi. lqk. listY 35 no.ii:668-672 1955. 1. Z Kliniky plantlekej chirurgie 11 Mr. S. Demjen. (SKIN TRAINSPLAWATIOTI, Filatov flap. develop. LMK v Bratislave, predn. doc. in Ritesta, review.) OHM, S.- SIMUN, L.; DOIRML, B. Snbnttini's oneration. iozhl. chir. 38 no.4:275-280 Apr 59. 1. Z Kliniky t)lastickej a rekonstrukcnej chirurgle IJIX v BratisInve, prednoota doe. dr. Stefan Demjen. Adresa autorov: Bratislava, Partizanska ul. 1. (LIM, ourg. plastic, SabattWs technic (Cz)) SIMUN., L. Complications in plastic surgery with round pedicle flapa. Bratisi. Lek. Listy 2 no.11:651-659 161. 1. Z Kliniky plastickej chirurgie Lek. fak. Univ. Komensksho v Bratislave, prednosta doe. MUDr. S. Demjen. (SURGERY PLASTIC compl) S M N, L. Elastic fibers in free cutaneous autografts. Bratial. lek. list3r 41 no.8:465-471 161. 1. Z Kliniky plastickej chirurgie Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, prednosta doe. MUDr. S. Demjen. (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) SIMIR L. History of free skin tranuplantation. Bmttol. lek. listy 41 no.9: 553-561 161. 1. Z Kliniky plastickej a rekonstrukcnej chirurgie Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, prednosta doe. M."ON-S. Demjen. (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION hist) SZIGETI,, S.; SIMUN, L. Experiences with the use of skin transplantation in recurrent abdominal hermias. Bratisl. lek, listy 4-1 no.10:596-598 161. 1. Z Kliniky plastickej chirurgie lekarskej fakulty Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, prednosta doe. MUDr. S. Demjen. (SKIN TRANSPIANTATION) (IMRM surgery) a S IMU N , L. On epithelial cysts of deep skin autografts. Bratisl. lek. listy. 42 no.2374-81 162. 1. Z Kliniky plastickej chirurgie Lek. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratialave, prednosta doc. MUDr. S. Demjen. (SKIN TRANSFUNTATION exper) (CYSTS exper) SZIGETI, S.; SIMUN, L. F-xperience with the use of dermal graft3 in recurrent abdominal hernia. Acta chir. plast. 4 no-42329-331 162. 1. Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Medical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) Director: Doe. S. Demjen M.D. (NEIMIA) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION~ Sl:lqjijfL.; 1;.tOZ;:j'O:, M. Effect of okin transplantation on the toxemic atfatr~ in 0mr- mal burns. Rozlil. chir. 43 no.5:334-336 My'64 1. Klinika plastickci chirurgie Lokarskoj fakulty UK (Un--- versity Komerskeho) v Bratislave; prednosta: Frof. dr. S. Demje.n. -.- I i 111 ,T I - 1~ . "A"RITA-'geC tZ 1--,-imary treatment of the flexor tendons of th', u I L 'Irl"i and fizigcrs. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 ro.1:41-49 15 Ji 165). 1. iliirilka p2UStICkej chirurgie Lek. fak. Univerzity Komensk-eho v Bratislave (veduci prof. dr. S. Demjen). STUCITLIK: Svat.; SIMUNM. Ant. Some questions of forensic psychiatry in the light of the nev penal code. Cook. psychiat. 53 no.3:157-162 NRY 57. 1. Psychiatricke odd. KURZ v Pardubicich a Krajoka prokuratura v Hradet, Kralove. (PSYCHIATRY, logisl4tion In Czech. (Cs)) SIMUNEKI Bohuglav, inz. Our present In-line aircraft on W es and the outlook for their dmmlopment. Zpravodzj VZIYJ no.6sl5-18 161. ST"I'V"", !" . Adapting to tropical conditions, p ill, v-')ETOVA-,T TEM411KA (1,1inisterstvo " I - - str'ojerenstvi) Praha$ Vol. 3. 1110.L, Apr. 1955 S~MICF: East --aropean Accessions List (a,-AL) Library of Congress# Vol. 1,;, No. 12p December 1955) SIMIRIEK,9 Frantisek Perfect insulated pliers for electric wires. Elektrotecbni 17 rD.4:115 Ap f62. 1. Zavody prumyslove automatizaco,, Praha. 7 3*11-1. T 1: i I V . Experimpnts with dustless drilling ccribined with exhaustion in the Fribram ore mines. p. -~. Givd:,$ V')I - 5, No. I , Jan 1957, Praha, Czechnslov;,kia) SO- Monthly List -of Fast T--ur--)n-qn AcceFsions (EE-1) Lc, Vo. 6. No. 3, Aug 11057. Uncl. " if-, , rjf~ in the P--,.,-rar ore !,ines. 1. -o. 273. -1 1 -7)-! Ur I -j i .; . 7,)l . r, . .1 , Mj;- erah,i , ~;z,~ch',)-,' '4 11 I -~ : I! v .,,, .-,t, )r - ast )re;m -)n!7 , . 6. :io. 12 . Dec 1957. Lncl- -in the ram ore mines. Czpchoslov Fraha, a .01 -,,o. q, Seyt. 1957, JAN. 195P S11,11,EK, !U!~slav- Manual double-spot welder type DP 35 Aro in Sheet rAtp-li indu3try. Zvaranie 11 no.3:83-85 Mr 162. 1. Kovo-Finis, n.p., Lodec and o"azavou. SUIU111-7"'Ir., Miloslav Powder cutting of the 18/8 type austenitic steel. Zvaranie 11 no 9~:269- 270 S 162., 1. Kovo-Finis, Ledec nad SeLzavou. S/137/63/000/001/011/019 A006/A101 AUTHOR; gim~ne%,_.Miloglav TITLE: Cutting 18/8 type austenitic steels with a mixture of steel and cast-iron powder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1963, 40 - 41, abstract 1B240 ("Wranie", 1962, v. 11, no. 9, 269 - 270, Czech; summaries in Russian, German and English) TECT: At the KOVO-Finis (CSSR) Plant crushed cast-iron with 2 - 3,15 C is supplied to steel powder in the 02- cutting process. 7his improves the powder supply from the bin to the cutter. Cutting was performed with a R3-2 cutter and a PT-1 torch. Simultaneously with the use of the new powder mixture the cutting machine was perfectioned. A high-sensitive medicinal reduction valve vras employed and the cutting torch was mounted on a special holder, permitting mechanization of the cutting process. The cast-iron powder is added to the steel powder in a 1 : 5 proportion. Air pressure of powder supply is 0.2 atm. The cutting quality is good; the gap width after cutting is 4 mm with 20 mm Card 1/2 S/137/63/000/001/011/019 Cutting 18/8 type austenitic steels with ... A006/A101 thick sheets. The out edges are carburized to 0.3 - 0.5 mm depth. The slag is easily removed. Even in case of piece work, the new techniques yielded - 12,000 crommyearly savings as compared to mechanical cutting. 1. Vrbenskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2,/2 SII,IUIII,,K, Miroalav Low-voltage dynamos as current source for C02 sh'elded we'd"19- Zvaranie 11 no.11:307-308 11 162. 1. KOVO-FINIS, Ledec nad Sazavou. - SIMUNU: 14iloslav Argon~-ahielded welding of difficult-ta-veld brass. Zvaranie 12 no.5.-136-137 My .163. 1. Kovo.-Finis, Ledes nad Sazavou. SIMUPEK, MiJoslay Mechanization of raanugl oxigen cutting of pipes. Zvaranie 12 no.91265-267 S163. 1. Kovo-Firis, ladec nad Samavou. SIMUNEK, Miloslav Automatic resistance wleding pliers ARO 510. Zvaranie 13 no. 4: 116-117 Ap 164. 1. Kovo-Finis National Enterprise, Ledoc nad Sazavou.