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30829 S/038/61/025/006/004/004 B112/B108 AUTHOR: Sinay, Ya. G. TITLE: Dynamical systems with a countably multiple Lebesgue spectrum. I PERIODICAL: Akadimiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya seriya Matematicheskaya, v. 25, no. 6, 1961, 899 - 924 TEXT: The author shows that certain geometric properties of the motion of a dynamical system imply a countably multiple Lebesgue spectrum of the system, similarly to the case of a discrete spectrum. The method used is based on the concepts of K-automorphism and Klflow. K- autCNKWph.',ams have been studied by V. A. Rokhlin (Izvestiya Ak. nauk SSSR, seriya matem., 25 (1961), 499 - 530). The author adopted some of Rokhlin's results for a dynamical system with continuous time. A measurable flow ISt] which is given in a Lebesgue space M is said to be a K-flow if there exists a measurable partition disp M with the following properties: t ti 00 - t 0 mod 0 for t >tl. Ii. mod 0. 111. % .-ymod(X I* S Card 02 r, slo3#'612702 5/006/004/004 Dynamical systems with a ... B112/B108 . . k is an arbiftary measurable partition of M, c- is the partition of R1 into its single points, and -Yis the trivial vartition pi] . A meastarable flow S is a group of automorphi~-r~- of M d:-),ndjn,- on one parameter t ~ d and satisfying the following conilition: For each measurable subset ACM, V~ the set of all pairs (x, t) with S tx(-A is meastirable in Y_x(t). Conditions for the existence of a countably multiple Lebesgue COMDonent in the spec- trum of a special flow are derived. Genoral properties of a K-flow and of its spectrum are studied. Kolmoporov A. IN. (Do!:Indy Ak. nauk SSSR, 119, 0. 5 (1958), 861 - 865.), Plpsj:e- *.- T. (T)W~ I id -73, 1' N y .; Ic . n,,I, I k S S.'; R I '_ to. 4 (1939), 527 - 330., ?5, Na 7 10, ) , -tnd t,v i I f ani.1 I. !'. :_%nJ Forpin S. V. (Uopekhi matem. nauk, 7, no. 1 (1952), 118 - 137.) are re- ferred to. There are -14 references: 19 Sovi,:t and 5 non-Soviet. Th~_, two most recent references to English-languare publications read as follows: Ambrose W. and Kakutani S., Structure and continuity of measurable flows, Duke Math. J., 9, No. 1 (1942), 25 - 4); Halmos P.. On automorphisms of compact groups, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 49, No. 8 0943), 619 - 624. SUBMITTED: April 25, 1960 Card 2/2 MESHAli'll, L.D. (Moskva): SINAY, Ya.G. (Moskva) Stability of the stationary solution to a system of equations of the laminar flow of an incompressible viscous liquid. PrIkI. mat, i rnekh. 25 no.6.-1140-1143 N-D '61. (MIRA 14:12) (Laminar flow) (Differential equations, Partial) ououlo~ ~70 ROKHLIN, V.A.; SINAY, Ya.G. ~onjtzruction and propertie3 of irwariant measurable divisiona. DokJ. AN SSSR 14.1 no-5:1038-1041 D 161. (MIRA IJ,:121 1. Moskovskly goaudarstvennyy universitet im. X,.V. Lomorwso-,;a. Predstavleno akademilom t,.N. Kolmogorov~m. (Transformations (Mathematier' (DifAferential invariants) SrNAY, Ya. G. "Application of sme probabilistic ideas to ergodic theory and to classical dynamical systems" To be presented at 6he IMU International Congress of Mathematicians 1962 - Stockholm, Swedenp 15-22 Aug 62 Moscow State University CI 1 lYC222 a.G., Y C~n 14mill theorems for stationary processes -E:-,10:)!",'Ab- 'i'eurlya w?ro.yalnostey i y,~ye primeneni-,,t, v-7, no. 2, 196)2, 21 7 - 2, 1 J 'X,2 - v-, s t r i nI y 3t i o nary p ro ce s s oo 4 t .4 co th e re corrr-~.,;pon(ls a o.yotem oC closed e-algebras /1M52 which are uenqrated al b,,, the random variablr;,~s 5(t) for s Z t-cs Assuzme that g(t) is err-oaic 2 the condition A To every ;;' 0 there exists at(6 )> 0, an integer n( n and gets Aaf Al ..... .~n 3o that. CO Ai(I i" j U, Ai is the space of al I realizations i=0 of S(t). 3) A i 0,1,...,n Card C n i,-, i t o r e -m 3 f 0 r ... 05 Q/GC7/GC2/CG4/GG5 C1 1 1YC222 P (A 1< supl P(Fjf)F2 /Aj) - P(rl/Ai)p( 2/AJ taken over r-jew and r Let 00 2 00 M 0 iAnd D_ M(~')2 i--7 denotecli as a process with mixing, if for arbi-,rary mensurable a 'Poo sets F, and and f or t -- P , ', r- 0 --:p 0 t 1 2 1)P( r-2)) and (t) The followin- theore-ma arp proved ',h -1 nrocess ../ith -i 5(t) which satisfes the eor,:m 1 -f for xin, cr,ndition A it holds DA) VOW for T4oo , then there exists a fl.inction A(--) slic*1-1 t Y, a tfor the validity of the relation exp (- uli/2) du [IMP < x VW-(T) T --co Pard 2/ 4 -~t;214210-- 7/OC7/;-,;~ /C0 5 far ... 7,1,, 1 V. V , C 11 1/C222 -oo 4 x -4 cc, condition is sufficient : to ever.,, I t t t,ints I;(,C- ) ~nd T' ouch that for '17> T(,6 h o I d s Dr (4) ROW < e. (io) -heurc,m 11C procer33 satisfies condition A and the '-indberg condi tion (10) then for every c> 0 ;,(,--)/A(T)--jP c TIP co Th.eoren If t) oI,#-,-y3 the central limit thporem, then C I im, inf DT(S > 0 T-P 00 A( T) tl,.c theorems thora Afoilows the possibility of constructing 2-e-M;lar stationary -,rorpfsus .h do no' satisfy condi"on A: and a fortiori the st:,ona7 -%ixLn~- :cndition of Roseriblatt ( Ref. 1s A central limit Card 3/4 On limit for . . . ~/052/1")2/0()7,'C)02/0(;4/00:~: cl..1/0222 tjic,.ore,m and a s-ronc mixin,,,, condtion, Proc. Nat. ::ci h ~ ~- I I .-. . -. a liuss process, the spectral densi:, cat "fic-,. rela'ion % A j I im cr> 0 , 0 < A-7o rAl f I does not ~mtis-fy the A-condi~ion. , the author investigates the applicability of the Pois3on linlit Finally. theoren. 'N,ovr-mbcr 10, 1GO'O Uard 4/14 5/020/62/144/004/001/024 B172/B112 AUTHORS Arnolld, V. I., and.Sin4j,,.....Y&._G._.. T IT I.-'- Z Ztrall disturbances of the automorphism of a torus P_"AIODIGAL: Akade;aiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 4, 1962, 695-696 TEXT: A twodimensional torus T 2 is considered, represented as a unit square of the (x,,x2 )-plane with pairwise identified sides. An auto- 2 morphism A -of T is a mapping x--PAx a x where A, -Ila ij 11, det A - t1, aij integral, x i aijxj (mod 1), i - 1,2. Certain properties of A are emphasized. and the following mappings are considereds x ->A,x - Ax + EB(x) (B(x) - (b (xl'x2)' b2(x,'x2)); bi are three times continuously differentiable functions having the period 1 with respect to x, and x 2; ~, is a small parameter).It is shown that (1) ifE is sufficiently small, Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/004/'001/024 Small aisturbances of the ... B172/B112 A, also has the above properties; (2) an ergodic automorphism is structur- 2: ally stable (that is,with sufficiently small E) a homeomorphism x+---~y exists so that .Y(A e, x) - Ay(x). Two further theorems contain generalizations for the n-dimensional case. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im. 14. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRLSEfFibDs January 20, 1962, by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTr~Ds January 17, 1962 Card 2/2 ARATO, M.; K01140GOROV, A.N., akademik; SIKAY, Ya.G._ Evaluation of the parameters of a complex stationary Gaussian type Markav process. Dokl. All SSSR 146 no.4:747-750 0 162# (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Markov processes) Weak isomorphism of transforvations having an invariant measure. Dokl. AN SSSR U7 no.41.797-M D(162, KIRA 1621) 1. Predstavlono akademikom A. N. Kelsofforovyn. (Transformations(Matheratics)) (Invariants) SINAY, Ya.G., (Moskva) Spectral measures of hiirher orders of ergodic stationary processes, Teor. veroiat. i ee prim. 8 no.4:461-470 163. (AURA 17:1) ARNOLID, V.I.; KIRILLOV, A.A.; SINAT, Ya.G. Dynamic systems and representations of groups at the Stockholm Mathematical Congress. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2:189-196 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16%8) (Mathematics--Congresses) SINAY, Ya.G. A "physical" system with positive "entropy." Vest. Mosk. un. Ser.l: Mat., mekh. 18 nc.5:6-12 S-0 163. (MIRA 16s10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uAiversitet, kafedra teoril veroyatnostey. SINAY, Ya.G. Sr,r,v- z,,.1.7,.qrks on -ne spectra! propertiec e~:' F-rg,)~-tc jynamic Systems. U~p. mat. n,,i,,lk 18 no.5:41-51, .;--o 10. (MIRA 16:12) ""INAYP Ya.G. Subotantiation of th~- ergod'ic for a dymmic system Ln statistical mechar-ics. Dokl. All SSSR 153 no.6:1261-1264 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. S171AY3, Ya.G. (Moskva) Weak -i--o:norc~his- of trarofonmtiarij wlth an ir.,v,.rian* 1.-eas-ure. w Mut. sbor. 63 no.1:23-42 ja 164. Omoilu ",!.3) AUTHOR BAYUKOV, YU. D., SINAYEV A.N., TYAPKIN A.A. PA - 2699 TITLE Experimental Cam arisen the Energy Spectra of J-Quanta resulting from the Decay of Neutral Pions (which were created by 660 M*V-Protona on Carbon- and Lead-Nuclei). srayneniye energeticheskikh spektrov (Eksperimentall-noye a kvant*v at raspada n - mezon*v, abrazeyannykh na yadrakh ugleroda i svintsa protenami s energiyey 660 MeV, Russian.) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32, Nr 2, PP 365 - 386 (USSR)- Received: 5/1957 Reviewed: 6/1957 ABSTRACT For a more exact comparison of '?-quanta created on light and heavy nuclei the authors carried'out relative measurements of the j- quanta within the various domains of the spectra f fluxe L d above. menti:n: The angle of observat art in the direction of motion of the 1 . Measurements were carried out by means protons amoun ted to 0 of a magnetic double spectrometer with 12 channels. The targets consisting of lead and graphite fitted into the vacuum chamber of the accelerator were exchanged every minute. At low energies of d- quanta ( E < 70 MeV) a difference is i n carbon and lead. This dif- noticed on the I -quauta eMated ferenoe is connected apparently with the modification of the angular distribution of the neutral pions. CARD 1/2 SOV/120-58-6-4/32 AUTHORS; Bayulkov., Yu.. D, Kozodayev. M.. S,... JAarkov, A, A. Sinayev., A. 11., Tyapkin. A., A. TITIL4,':' A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer, 1, Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-Spectrometer (Mnogokanal:nyy parnyy gamma-spektrometr, I. Raschet osnovnykh kharakt-eri-- stik-gamma-.spektrometra) PERIODICALt Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 6, pp 27-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In a pair y-spectrometer the energy of the quanta is de- termined by measuring the total energy of the components of the electron-p.-~!3i.tron paIr 'Lo-Lra-~d in a thin converter, The first 2-clia-nnE.J. paii, spect-rf:meter was built by Dzhelepov (Ref..-). Lat-:~r spectrometers built on this principle wers widely used in meaBuzing the spactra of hard y-rays (Refs.2 -to 8), The electron and the -positron leaving the c-onverter were deflected by a magnetic. field in different directions and for certain values cf their energy they enter ionisation counters connecte-a in coincidence, For a given intensity of the magneti,:~ field and a fix~-,d position of the counters, such a spectrometer -will record a fraction of the pairs produced by y-rays in a given energy range. In a simple 2--zhannel. Card 1/6 spectrometer in which one channel recrrds the electrons and 60VI 1r'_-'0- 58 -6-11/32 A Multichannel Pair y-spec-crometer . I - Calculation of the Main Characteristi,-,s of th-_~ y-spectrcmeter the other the Poeitrons, an increase in the accuracy of measurement is aesociated with a marked decrease in the efficiency, Goo(! energ7f vesolution and high efficien_~-f :?-n only be mi~lta-.ecu&jy ai~~hjp-~-ed in a -multi. -1har-ne 1 spertrr MO Ler 1ji ~j op-i-ttromete:7 th- efficiency msj be i.,.,C.e%JLed by a factcl- 'Io;z-.s of resolution'. wllo.-8 n are and, uosit-an (-.ount-rs, I-- Ach a ape--'::, ~7,ere_- ~.ae_-37 W~-3r-79ls ma-;- ')91 at the same tima, A meters hafe 6 axid 8)~ The q,_P_' lip a-F:UT,2.r1(7 of a by i t a e f I; - i 9 C- C, r.- multichannel ~,,fstpm -Lt; is i~_ecessa;~,- to rakce inuc characteristics for the various pairs of channels of the spectrum, In this connection, a discussion is given iu the present paper of the dependence of the efficiency and spe~:- tral sensitivity of the separate pairs of channels on varicus 2/6 '0V /12 10 .1 / '0-58-_-4/]152 A Multichannel Fair y-spectrometer. 1. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer parameters of the spectrometer: 1) Spectral sensitivity: the basic diagram of a y-spectro- meter considered in this paper Is shown in Fig.1, in which the meanings of the symbols employed are indicated, In view of the finite width of the counters, the spectrometer records y-quanta in a certain energy interval from E y min to Ey max -' The corresponding spectral sensitivity curve is theD shoym in Fig,2a and is of triangular form with a dis- persion given by 1/6 t2/ (r r 2 where is the width of a c 2) c counter and r 1 and r2 are the distances from the con- verter to the centres of the counters, respectively. The effect of the width of the converter upon the spectral sensitivity is examined and it is shown that a converter of a finite width introduces a spread into the spectral line in the high energy region of y-quanta. As the angle (p between the direction of motion of the y-quanta and the Card 3/6 straight line connecting the centre of the converter with SJV/ 1_2 0- 58-6-4/32 A Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer the counter increases, the spread of the spectral line de- creases, At cp = 900 the width of the spectral sensitivity curve is independent of the converter width. The effect. o_f the converter width gives a distribution of the form sh,.Am in Fig.2b,, which has a dispersion given by: 4 4 2 tjctg (P a2 _2___2__ The effe~,t of multin7.c- 18oril-2 scattering in tne sonverter is estimated and exprec-F.~.;'j- are derived for this effect also. Finally, an est4_2,a~- given for the radiation loss experienced by the electron- positron pair on traversing the converter. 2) Efficiency; in this section the Bethe-Heitler expression for the probability of formation of a pair by a y-quantum cf Card 4/6 -'OV/ 1'~O- 56- 6 -JI / 32 A Iultichannel Pair y-spectromotcr,. I. Calculation of tile Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer energy E is used (Ref,13) with a modification described b~ Bethe Yet al in Ref.,22,, 3 Multichannel system: in a multichannel specitrometer the electrons and positrons formed by y-quanta of a given energy are recorded by a number of combinations c-f pairs of counters,, The electronic circuit of such a spectrometer Bh6uld record coincidences between pulses from each electron counter with pulses from any positron counter. Thus, any combination of one electr6n counter and one positron counter is, in fact, a 2-cha.nnel speotr~7jmeter. For a given geometry a spectrometer containing r, channels re~~orda y-quanta in n-I energy in- tervals of different mean energy,, In practice, one seeks to find the form of the spectrum and the absolute intensity in dne of the energy intervals, To find the form of the spec-- trum it is sifficient to know the relative efficiency of recording for the different energy intervals, and this is given by Eq,(10), In order to obtain the absolute intensity in one of the ener&y intervals it is necessary to know the total absolute eCficiency of recording of y-quanta in one of the ener~;y intervals, This problem is not treated. Card 5/6 "JV/120-58-6-1i/32 A: Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I, Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer V~ V, hlel'nikov is thanked for carrying out a number of calculations, There a-re 2 figaires and 22 references-, of which 4 are Soviet, I German, 1 Soviet translat-3d from English and the rest are English, ASSOCIATION: Oblyedinennyv in~itl-ttt ya.b-.rnvkh issledovariiy (United In3ti-"'1.kt-.- fcr SUBMITTED: December 27, 191'5'i'~ Card 6/6 JOV/120-58-6-5/32 AUTHORS:Bayukov, Yu. D,,., Kozodayev, M. S., blarkov, A. A.-Sinayev, A,N., Tyapkin, A. A. TITLE: A blulticharnel Fair y-Spectrometer. Il. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer (Mnogokanallnyy parnyy gamma-spek- trometr. II. Opisaniye dvenadtsatikanallnogo spektrometra) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 6, pp 30-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Application of a multichannel pair spectrometer in synchro- cyclotron work presents a number of specific requirements as far as counters of the ionising particles and the electronic system of the spectrometer are concerned. Since the beam intensity is high and consists of short pulses of 200 to 300 lis each at a repetition frequency of 40 to 80 pulses per sec, it follows that the apparatus must be very fast. It is desirable that the input blocks should have resolving times not greater than 1 ps. The large background intensity in synchro-cyclotron work means that it is always necessary to use a special selection system which records only electron- positron pairs. For this reason, in the spectrometer each component of a pair should be recorded by a number of counters in coincidence with sufficiently low resolving time, The Card 1/7 present paper describes a 12-channel y-spectrometer which has sov/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Sp6ctrometer been used over a number of years in studying the spe-,tra of hard y-rays and neutral W-meson decays (Refs.2-6). The first variant of the spectrometer was built in 1949. In 1951 and 1954 the spectrometer was modified to improve its .ha-rac- teristics, The spectrometer described here satisfies 20IL- pletely the above requirements and is based on the deS-'-sn calculations given in the previous paper (Ref,l) in issue, 1) Magnetic s;Estem and geometry of the instrument. The magnetic field is produced by an SP-56 electroma~~-.~.'-' Fig,l shows the disposition of the counters for two C~ demountable pole pieces. The -ap between the poles i.-- and the maximum f ieid in the gap is 16 000 oers c-eJ, I electromagnet current is stabilised to 0.1%. In studies of ray s e tra in the energy region 20 to 200 MeV, 2(p = 1800 ;ig.lb5 and in the energy region 100 to 450 MeV, 2T = 90' 1 (Fig,la). In the former case semi-circular focussing of Card 217 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer electrons and positrons was used, and this led to increased efficiency (Ref.1) because it was possible to use wider and thicker converters. For y-quqnta in the energy range 450- 600 MeV, 2(p = 900 but the counters were at a larger distance from the converter. Copper converters were used (0.1. 0.3 and 0.5 mm, depending on the energy). 2) Resolving power and efficiency. Fig.7-s-hows curves of the total spectral sensitivity for the 7th energy interval for various values of Eyo and thick- nesses T k of the copper converters. Qhese curves are based on the theoretical data given in the previous paper and are obtained by a statistical combination of the partial distri- butions due to a) width of the counters, b) width of the con- verter, c) multiple scattering and d) radiation. As can be seen, the form of the total spectral sensitivity curve is Very nearly triangular, which means tha-, the total spectral sensitivity is governed mainly by the width of the channels ~, (see Fig.1 of previous paper, p 24, -.his issue). Card 3/7 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer 3) Counters and selection system. The counters used were proportional counters having a cylindrical stainless steel cathode. 10 am in diameter and a molybdenum filament 0.1 mm in diameter. They were filled with (CH2(OCH 3)2 ) at a pressure of 160 to 200 mm. The working voltage was 1600 to 2000 V. Thp counters have an effective dead time not ex- ceeding 10-1 see. The efficiency of the counters for par- ticles with relativistic ionisation reaches 98% in a ccin- cidence scheme with a resolving time of 5 x 1o-7 see. Vae delay of the pulses due to drift of electrons through the counter gas is less than 10-7. The counters zive el;~_,trf_ cal pulses with amplitudes between 10-4 and 1 V. The !-;rqe difference in the amplitudes requires the use of amplifi~-,r.s having a wide dynamic range and an amplification of a few thousands. 6-fold coincidences were used and the number of random coincidences in each 6-fold channel was 0.02 pulses per see. The number of electron-positron pairs recorded per Card 4/7 60V/120-58-06-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description X a 12-channel Spectrometer see depended on the efficiency of the spectrometer with respect to the y-quanta in the measured energy interval and the form of the spectrum and was in the range 0.1 to 10 pairs per sec. 4) Electronic scheme. A block diagram of the electronic part of the spectrometer is shown in Fig-3. The left-hand portion of this diagram shows 6 co-ordinate counters of the electron series (a 1 - a.), 6 co-ordinate counters of the positron series (B 1 - B6) and 4 selection counters WS All) B' and 17"). Each of these counters in practice consists of a group of counters whose filaments are connected. A recorded electron or positron should pass through 3 counters (I co-ordinate and 2 selection counters). A pair is recorded if a 6-fold coincidence takes place, Negative-going pulses from each counter are ampli- fied by a corresponding amplifier-converter (Fig.4). These amplifiers have a rise time of 2 x 10-4 sec. Pulses from all the 16 amplifier-converters are applied to the main block which is at a distance of 1.5 m from the amplifier-converters Card 5/7 (Fig.5). Pulses from the selection counters are applied to a 6OV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II, Description of a 12-ebannel Spectrometer 4-fold coincidence scheme while pulses from the co-ordinate counters are applied to mixers and in addition through delay lines to a hodoscopic, system consisting of 2-fold coincidence circuits and output uhivibrators. The pulse at the output of a mixer appears in the presence of a pulse in at least one of the co-ordinaue counters of a given series, Pulses from both the mixers and also from the 4-fold coincidene-a scheme are applied to a 3-fold coincidence scheme which prodiiGas the final output pulse. It follows that the latter pulse appears when a 6-fold coincidence takes place,i.e.when a parti(~le -ers in passes through at least one of the co-ordinate count the electron series, througli one of the co-ordinate coujDers of the positron series, and all the coun~,ers of the selection system, T~e resolving time of the above coincidence schemes is 5 X 10- . 5) Method of measurement and treatment of results, Fig.7 shows the experimental arrangement, In tris figure 1 is the proton trajectory, 2 is the target, 3 is the synchro- cyclotron chamber, 4 is a concrete wall, 5 is a collimator, Card 6/7 "OV/L20-58-6-5/32 0 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer 6 is a diaphragm, is a clearing magnet which removes electrons and positrons from the beam, 8 is an additional screen, 9 is the convertor and 10 is -he spectrometer electro magnet. Fig.8 shows a typical result obtained for the energy spectrum of y-quanta from neut:val V-meson decays. The mesons were produced by 660 MeV protons at a carbon target. The spectra are measured at an angle of 180-00 to the direct- ion of motion of the protons. G.P.Zorin, B.A.Krasnovidov,L. A.Fadeyev and G.N.Stepanov are thanked for their assistance. There are 8 figures, 4 tables and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iss"ledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1957. Card 7/7 SINAYEV, A. "Multichannel Systems used in Synchrocyclotron Experiments with High Energy Particles" Joint Institute -T Nuclear Reseach, Dubna, USSR report submitted for the IAEA conf. on Nuclear Electronics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 15-20 May 1--,,61 V,,K., red.; VLASOVA, I:.A, , toklin. red. -Ioctr~,nic systern.-, of ni,~'tichar-n~l nuclear ocrticle spcctro- etc--s!'- " i --1o?trorm-ye sistei- immogolmnalf-*-kh opektroretrov chastits, Va.-O-va, Gosatonizdat, 1962. 9/# p. (MYLA 15:10) (Spectrometer) S/12o/62/00o/oWoll/029 E140/9435 AUTHOR: Sinayev, A.N. TITLE: Utilization of the time interval between successive input pulses for do-ta-regeneration in CRT memories PLRIODICAL:~ Pribory i tekhnika, eksperiment;t, no.6, 1962, 67-69 TEXT: In multi-channel pulse analysors using cathode-ray-tubs memories, the time required for data regeneration can be an V1 appreciable-fraction of the total operating time. The author suggests se;veral programs permitting this time to be interleaved with new data introduction. The various methods are distinguished by the complexit'y of the logical circuiiry associated with the memory and the maximum rate at which new data can be accepted. ASSOCIATION,: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh inaledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: FebruarY 7, 1962 Card 1/1 31NAYEV, A.N. Symposium on nuclear radio electronics held by memoer countries of the United institute of Nuclear Research. Atom.energ. 16 no. 4:379-380 Ap 164. (MLU 17:5) .L 62?7-65 EWTW/EPA(v)-2/EWA(m)-v2 Pab-24/ft-10 IJP W /tw, -'M /3Sv/ AFWL/ASD(a)-5/F.SD(dp)/ESD(c)/ESD(gi)/RM(t) ACCESSION NR: AR4039896 S/0058/64/000/'004/AO37/AO37 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz., Abs. 4A354 AUTHOR: SinLayevj A. N. TITLE: Use of storage tubes in multichannel systems Intended for syn hrocyclotron research 17 CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekbn. konferentsii po vadern. radioelektronike. T. 2. Ch. 1. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 87-106 -TOPIC TAGS: storage tube memory, pulse analyzer, multichannel pulse recorder, radiation detector, synchrocyclotron TRANSLATION: Block diagrams are presented for the following; a storage-tube memory unit, a distribution unit of a multidimensional (pulse-height and time) analyzer, and a distribution unit for a multichannel system. A detailed analysis of the operation of these Card 1/2 L 6927-65 ACCESSION NR: AR4039896 circuits is presented. The storage-tube memory unit is adapted to operate in the pulsed mode (to work with the OIYaI synchrocyclotron, with pulse duration 500 psec and repetition frequency 100 cps). The pulses enter the memory unit immediately upon arrival, and the pause time is allotted for establishment of the information. The distribu- tion block of the multidimensional analyzer has 256 channels (16 time channeis, each containing 16 pulse-height channels). The ratio of the number of time and amplitude channels can be varied. Selec- tion of time channels is with the aid of a time-amplitude converter. The minimum width of the time channel is 1 psec. The distribution block for the multichannel system is intended to register pulses from an installation having a large number of radiation detectors. Cases of time superposition of pulses from two or sevetal detectors are not registered. 11. Vishnevskiy. SUB CODE: DP# NP EMCLs 00 Card 2/2 L ACC NRt ~t r 6 n 3770 SOURCE' CODE: AUTTIOR: Prokoflyev,. Yu. P. ; Scmcnov,.__q,_.Ki~. Sinayev, A. N. FroloY, N. S. TITLE: Simple single-channel amplitude analyzer for the registration of rare events SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7A258 REF SOURCE: Tr. 6-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po yadern. radioclektron. 166C -170 T. 3. Ch. 1. M. , A , 158 TOPIC TAGS: amplitude analyzer, potentiometer, pulse analyzer, pulse amplitude/ EPP-09 recording potentiometer ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of an amplitude analyzer, similar to the one described in the work of Birulev ct a]. (rtZhFiz, 1964, 2A162), where the recordingl EPP-09 potentiometer is used as the amplitude analyzer. When the pulse comes to the analyzer input, the carriage of the recording potentiometer travels a distance proportional to the pulse amplitude, and then returns. The dead time and the number of the analyzer channels are determined by the characteristics of the recor Card 1/2 _L 09463-67 i ACC NRt ARG033770 ing potentiometer. The number of channels can be brought to 127. Tile pulses at I the analyzer input must be positive with an amplitude ranging from 0. 3 to 6 v and a duration of 1 to 1. 5 /4 see. The instrument works dependably in a temperature range of 0-40C. The integral nonlinearity is less than 0. 5 percent. The analyzer is fed with a +8 and -8 v voltage, with a ^-,,,0. I-percent time and tetnpera-~ I ture instability, and weighs 0. 3 kg. All the analyzer circuits are assembled on i semiconductors. A description is given of the block diagram and the operation of all the parts of the instrument. The analyzer is designed for the registration of small events. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 14, 20/ Card L 36958-65 f,;WT(l)/EWA(h) Peb AP5007033 B/012o/65/OCO/001/009510099 AUTHOP: Sinayev, A. N.; Ts'ao, Kuo-cheng TITLE: General-purpose distribution unit for a two-variable analyzer SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnlka eksperimenta, no. 1. 1965, 95-99 TOPIC TAGS, pulse analyzer, pulse analysis ABSTRACT: Designed with conventional logic elements, flip-flop circuits, triggers,~' etc., the new two-variable distribution unit is intended for the simultaneous measure- ment of pulse-height spectra received from two detectors, pulse height-height analy- sis, time-height analysis, and conventional time analysis. The minimum width of the time channel is 0.2 usec, of the pulse-height channel, O.!j v; dead time is 1 usec per channel; differential nonlinearity is 2.5%. The'd4.stribution unit is used In conjunction with a 256-channel storage-tube analyzer for enperiments on the OIYal; synchrocyclotron and also for experiments with a continuous radiation source. A block diagram of the distribution unit is presented and briefl'y described. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [031 ! ASSOCIATION, Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh Issledovaniy (Z'oint Nuclear Research i1natitute Card 1/'2 L 36958 -65 !ACCESSION NR: AP5007033 ISUBMITTED: 30Dec63 NO REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ECJNP OTHER: 000 ATD PPMS: 3224 ,[Card 2/2 .~.. Ya. 111-Union fc)razt of lle-=t- ;V; Ksra.?h. SSR 20 no.5~;61-63 My 164 (MIRA 18:1) V7 rni Cl inir'il ,net kwi -,n f-r r,,7!-r-~- f'Q Jim :SINAYKO, G. SAVITSKAYA, YE. P., SHTROV, l. I., YATSnM!SMYA, ~L ~., BILIBIN, A. F. and BOCKAROVA, T. V. "Concerning the Question of the Possibility of a Prolonged Carrying of Prowazklls Ricketsiosis." (paper read at an unidentified scientific conference held by the Institute during the first half of 1955.1 Proceedings of Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gameleys 1954-56. Typhus Division, Krontovskays, M. K., head., Inst. Epidem hnd Microbiol im. Gemaleya AMS USSR. so: sum 1186, 11 Jan 57. YATSIMIRSK.AYA-KRONTOVSKAYA, M.K.; BILIBIN. AJ.: BOCHAROVA. T.V.; SINAYIO, G.A.; SAVITSKATA, Ye.P.; SHATROT, I.I. Possibility of prolonged carrying of Rickettsia prowazokii. Zhur. mikrobiol.apid. immun. 27 no.7:33-39 Jy 156. (MLRA 9--q) 1. Iz Institute apidemiologii L mikroblologii iment Gamalet ANN SSSR, Kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney i kafedry epidemiologii 2-ge Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni Stalin&. (RICKATTSIA PROWAZAKII prolonged carriage in animals & men) AKANIY.-r:V. V.A., TKACM, P.G., POPM, A.L., SEMOV, Ye.P. SIIIA.Yp,~-G.Ae, LITVAK, YCNq Experiences in th- urevention of Botkin's disense with gnoma gloublins Yop.virus 3 no.3:183-185 KY-Je 158 .(MIRA 11:7) 1. Institut virusologii imeni. ANN SSSR. Koakva i Snnitarn4-epidemiolo- gichookaya stnntaiya lishinevn. (EMPATITISO nUPECTIOUS, prevention & control gamma globulin (Run)) (GAMMA GWBULIN, thernpentic use in Drev. of infect. hepntitis (Rus)) SWATKOj G.All ANANIYEV, V.A. Results of clinical-spidemialogical and laboratory study of foci of infectious hepatitis for early diagnosis. Bov.zdray. 17 no-Ils 43 N158 (MIRA 11:10'r 1, Iz Instituta virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo (dIr,- prof. P, He Nosyekov) AIG SSSR. (RVATITIS, IN"TTIOUS, in Inf. & child; aliss' mAnifest. & laboratory ding. (fts)) rid- .41 1. .1111.d ..F_ '421. 1-1.0, .1 ... q P" it P4.3 IV 1 I1 _ 1 ! __ 21 17 : % _ , . rw . . , d T P., I*Iaz w ; -grl wl -.1 10.1 1jrr s-,-4 !~% %_. I 1 I ~ - (p. rslrxog 3u.*.jd-v all .1 ..Is 1 p j u1 Pull Oq 1 1 II ... ; 0:T14 lit P" zp.?.T..p .14 ! --po mis -% -N-g , M" : -6-K Iq P" A.. .0t ... A 11, :7- Is IP V..tw3n J. tjjvd. .4 a 1137. aq1 r Vill r.ri.jr -...d.d Zr T-u cp.1.1..rldx 11" : u '. is, .44 (0) LI SERGEYEV, N.Y., prof.; SINAYKO. G.A., Significance of a method for determining aldolase activity in the diagnosis of Botkin's disease. 23 no.9:46-51 S 159. (MM 13:1) 1. 1z kliniki (zav. - prof. N.V. Sergeyev) Instituta virusologit Imeni D.I. Tvanovskogo (dlr. - prof. P.N. Kosyakov) AMN SSSR na base klinlehe- skoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy Ro.2 (glavnyy vrach A.M. Pylltsova). (HEPATITIS, INMTIOUS blood) (ALCOLAS1 blood) SINAYKO, G.A., kand. ned. nank; GORBITWVA, T.I., kand. ,d. nauk Clinical aspects and laboratory diagnosis of latent and anicteric form of Botkin's disease in children. Pediatriia 37 no.5:56-62 Yq 159 (HIHA 12:8) 1. 1z kliniki (zav. - prof. 11.V. Sergeyev) Inatituta virizoologii irdeal D. I. Ivanovqkogo AXII SSSR (dir. - prof. P.N. Kosyakov) i na baze gorodskoy klinicheakoy boll rLitay No. 2 (glavnyy vrach A.M. Pyll toova). (WATITIS, INFACTIOUIS. in inf. -% child clin- nflPects & laboratory diag. of latent & anicteric forms (Ibam)) SERGEYEV, N.V., prof. [deceased]; SIWAYKO, G.A., (Moskm) Change in glutamic-oxalic transminase activity in Botkin's di- sease imder other conditionse Report Nol. 39 no.3: 35-40 Mr 161, (MIRA 14t5) lo Iz kliniki (zav. - prof. N.V. Bergeyev (deceased]) Instituta virusologii imeni D*I. Ivana7skogo AMR SSSR (dir. PON. Roayakov) na baze Gorodskoy klinich k infektsionnoy bolfnitay No.2 eall (glavnyy vrach A.M. Pylltoaral. (WATITIS., INFECTIOUS) (TRANSAMINASE) ,SINAYK.0, G.A.,) SHAUGIL.DYAN, IA, Determination of glutamic-axalic transaminase activity in Botkin's disease in children, Pediatriia no.5-.18-23 161. (MIRA 1433) 1. Iz kliniki (zav. - prof. LV. Sergeyev) Institute. viruso- logii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. P*N. Kboyakov) na baze Gorodskoy infektsionnoy klinicheskoy bol2nitsy No.2 (glavnyy vrach A.Me Pylltsova). (IMPATITIS, IMCTIOUS) (TRANSAMBIASE) L 69QQ:65 EWT(1)/WA(b) Fa-4 JK ACCESSION NR: AP4039589 AUTHOR: Barinskly, T. F.; Ananlyevs V. S/0016A4/000/006/0120/0125 A.; Sinaykoy G. A, TITLE: Serological investigation of virus strains isolated from epidemic hepatitis patients 'SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologiip apidemiologii I immunoblologlip no. ';,6p 19649 120-125 TAGS: hepatitis (Botkints disease)p isolated hepatitis virus strain# virus strains and 158-krp serological Investigations serums K3 neutralization reactions complement fixation reaction# virus neutralizing antibodyt virus specificityp hepatitis convalescence period,, serum titration ABSTRACT: Twelve virus strains were isolated from the blood and faces or epidemic hepatitis patients and an ivm=e serum was developed for each strain by immmizing rats with virus suspensions, The neutralization and complement fixation reactions of the 12 sarums:~ ,showed that 10 of the 12 virus strains were similar in biological and properties, Two of these similar virus strains (K3 and Card 1/3 L 6800-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4039589 158-Hr) were used for seroreaction investigations of sorums prepared from epidemic hepatitis patients In different convalesisent stages, For complement fixation reactionsp the serums were dilitted with five parts of a physiologicail solution (Pli 7-0) and heated at 660C for 30 min. For neutralization reactiones serums were taken .rem patients with serious hepatitis cases (aldolaso level of 30 to 40 units or more# transaminase level of 100 units or more* clinical symptoms and enzyme levels not restored by 4th to 5th week of jaundloa) and from patients with light hepatitis cases (aldolase level of less th= 30 unitsp transaminase level of less than 100 units# clinical symptoms and enzyme levels restored by 4th to 5th week of jaundice), FindAngs, show that the titers of virus neutralizing and complem3nt fixing antibodies are low in sera of patients with epidemic hapatitis, Antibodies for the investigated virus strains were generally found in the sera of patients during the fourth month of convalescence or later, Virus neutralizing antibodies were found more often In sera of natiente with serious hepatitis cases. In many cases# antibodies for the virus strains under investigation were also found in donor sera and sera from patients with different acute Infectious diseases, Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of irivestigating Card 2/3- L 680C-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4039589 virus specificity by serological reactions and the need fu? developing virus reasarch in this direction, Orig. art* hist tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut virusologii im. Ivanakogo AHN SSSR (Virusology 1natitute AHN SSSR) SUBMITTED: O2Aug62 RNCL: 00 SUB COD19t L8 NR REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 Card 3/3- i in 1,~Jl I IIII(I In imeni SINAYKO, G.A.; VAKTORLS, Yo.A.; GURIAMOVA, T.L. Late results of Botkin's disease following ccrticosteroid therapy. Sov. med. 28 no.8:106-111 Ag 165. (MJRA 18:9) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel (nau,.hnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.F.Bilibin,- zav. - dotsent Ye.S.Ketilt-dze) Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanov- skogo (dir. - prof. V.,',I.Zhdanov) ANN SS:~R na baze 82-y M:)skovskoV gorodskoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bolInItsy (glavnyy -rrach - kLIlid. 1110d. ivink A.V.Yoromptn). FAFBER, N.A.; SINAYKO, G.A.; KOVREU, T.S.; MIDRO, O.S.; ANVREYEVA, N.A. Evaluation of tne the-.apeuti~; action of dioron in Botki~le- disease. Sov. med. 28 nu.10;127-131 0 165. (MIRI 1g;ll) 1. Klinicheskly ofAel (zav, dotsent Ye.S. Fetiladze, nauchryy rukovoditell - prof. A.F. Bilibin) Instituta virusologil Imeni Ivanovskoge (dir, prof. V.M. ZhIanov) AMN SSSR i Moskcvskaya grorodskaya klinicheskaya infekrslonnaya bollnitsa No.82 (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk A.V. Yeren,~an), Moskva. S1IiAtT,!XATA, Vera Alekseyevna; CHMMMA, Tu., red.; TROYANOTSEATA, N., [Rivers begia their flow as streams] Reki nachinaiutsia a rucheikov. Monkv3, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1959. 30 P. (MIRA 1):)) (Alcoholism) SINAYSY (XookvFi) ,U,Owj t ~ ~ - Industrinl excursion on the theme "OxidAtion and combustion of metals." Zhim. v shkole. no.2:59-65 Mr-Ap 118. (MIRA 11:3) (()Kidation) (C3mbustion) (&title) L 6448C%-65.-- E;J YF MIR!l ACCESSION NR.- AP5021281 Woo2o/65A63/005/115-1/1154 o-4 AUTHORS: Gubanov, E, F.; SInaynkiy, A, Gd,; Apukhtina, No P.; T2ZLellbaum B. Ya.4 q q - e1, ~ 55~~4r TITLE: On the crystallization and glass transition of poj5Tgterurettanajblock- copolymers 4 A SOURCE: All SSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 5, 1965# 1151-1154, and insert facing p. 1152 TOPIC TAGSI.- polyester, polyurethane, polymer, rosin, cryetallization, glass transition, block copolymer ABSTRAM The glass transition temperature, Tg, and the effect of crystallization! on the latter were determined for block-copolymors (-A-OCOIHOIHCOO-) 1-n (-D-0CO1J11WMCOO-) n,, where A is polyethyloner,,lycol adipate (I) or polydiethyleneglycola(lipate (II)" and B in [-W2H49C6H49C2"4OCOC4Y8CO-1 x- Three different Isomers of B were studied: para. meta, and ortho# designated in what follows as p-B. m-B, and o-D respectively. The glass transition Card 1/5 L 64480-65 ACCESSION ITR: AP5021281 temperature was determined after B. Ya. Teytellbaum and M. P. Dianov-(Vysokamolok. soyed., 3, 594, 1961). The experimental results are shoim graphica3ly in Figs. 1 2, and 3. It is concludod that crystallization procossoa influerce the glass transition tomporature of block-copolymors. Crystallization of comlionont with lowest Tg loworn the Tg of the block-copolymer. The latter component acts as an internal plasticizer in tho crystallization of the higher melting c(anponent of the block-copolymer. Orig. art. has: 3 graphs, /+ microphotographs: and 2 equa- tions. ASSOCIATION: Institut oreanicheskoy khimii, Akademii nauk SSSR Kawn' (~nstituta for Oraanic Chemistry, Acade~z of Sciences SSSR); Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- isoledovatellskiy ins ut sintotichoskogo knuchuka im. S. V. Lebedwa, Leningrad (All-Union Research Institute for Synthetic Rubber) SUBMETTED: 12Jan65 ENCL: 03 SJB COIE: 00 110 REF SOVt 005 OTRER: 001 Card 2/5 L 64480-65-. ACCESSIOH IM: AP5021281 x /00- f 0 C3 3 Card 3/5 EV(;WSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Therraomechanical curves for the copolymer aeries II - M - B.1 kr c 2 Steady load 16 " M 1- 0; 2- 30; 3- 60; 4- 80; 5- 100 mole% m - '3* Arrove indicate the onset of crystal- lization during beating* OU L~ I L 64480-65 ACCESSION NR.- AP5021281 ENCU)SURE: 02 0 e aromd block,.-., Fig. 2. Dependence of Tg an the copolymer composition in the series II m-B& 1- amorphous specimens; 2- specimens kept at room temperature for 6 months Card 4/5 ACCESSION IIR,. AP5021281 Fig. 3. Dopondonce of Tg on the copolymer composition in the af)ries I - m-B, 1- amorphous specimens; 2- specimens kept at room temparature for 6 months Card 5/5 ------------- EN=URS: 03 0 L 0WOR-(Y7 W I/ A ACC NRs AP6030103 SOIURCE CODE:-- uR/0421/66/ooo/004/0603/0008 AUTHOR; Sinayskiy. E. G. (Moscow); Shakhov, Ye. M. (Moscow) ,ORG: none .TITLE: Unsteady state diffusion of a magnetic field in a plasma cooled by solid walls SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti I gazat no* 4. 1966. 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: plasma diffusion, magnetic field, magnetohydrodynamics IABSTRACT: The aim of the work was an evaluation of tho role of beat conductivItL in Ithe diffusion process of a magnetic field in a plasma. The analysis starts with a solution of the linear problem in a cylindrical conductor without taking heat conductivity into account. The problem ir. solved by the method of integral relationships and by the method of the expansion of the unknown functions in a series; the second method serves to evaluate the accuracy of the first. There follows an analysis of the problem of the cooling of a plasma moving in a tube. An evaluation is !made of the maximum permissible time of processes where the cooling does not yet affect the plasma moving in the center of the tube. Finally, the article solves the problem of the diffusion of a magnetic field in a plasma cooled by walls. All the investigations were carried out on the assumption t1hat the processes are one ~dimensional, that Is, the diffusional and thermal layers are assumed to be Card 1 /2 L 06068-67 ACC NRs AP603OiO3 V sulk'ficiently thin with respect to the characteristic linear dimension of the plasma ,sheaf. The plasma is considerpd as a solid conductor with a conductivity C- and a heat conductivity coefficient calculated by the corresponding formulas for a completely Ionized gas. Strictly speaking, the method is valid only for thin thermal 1 land diffusional layers. Orig. art. has; 35 formulas and 2 figure-3. jSU3 CODE: 20/ SUBK DATE: 1OJan66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card .2"M 0 0 4 :4 41416 46-4:4zoota * i ~. n 3 'I& . V U m 0 0 Costrol dd the commall mommud"fore of synthetic rubber. 1, A. 7 . 21~ A ilrowth,141a of he S&Wl Aaawbik IWO, No. 11. 1 00 64 laking vol.splr% W xx~341* pf"llwis fmill the 1 "ludla Cnfact vrns. Fow refrinwts. A. 1 i.i L48 zoo 0 00 00 00 00 0 .1 Y.t -.6K &L Wt I &I Log Ct ASSIFK AllCk '00 9 t ft it (N 0 a 2 a 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 3013 Dlii~ d dbbWo dombob to Glifiliffin oft b pliiiiiiiiiiio d nob woomm m"Naft N' I%Odovkb Met (k. M. (I. mw. chrom- USSR. 194C on-4rM.-Tbe ouidation comill. A (ml of 0-�P.K.Cr.0, used .mdff otawdord cmd t am for as dot an Of the two com"ad) is dvornulm~4 for 4i4. 04. way,. ~. or butys &*coW. wther. and acrtaldvky&. very _ M^ comes. CW 60 noct an mosturo Ifflom 0 to 00%. TTw Val. of A is at all H.50. camps for ethyl ax4h" mW acetalmilehyda. but var-m characirr of cally fur the other mulob on. The cAmpn't as of cwts a b nary &M trmary multurn o denved from the valb. of A at d.ormnt mr*~trd lfqSOa Comas. It Tavocom e_.e USSR/Chemistry Corrosion FD-3361, Card 1/1 Pub. 50 - 9/20 Authors Sinayskiy, G. M., Smirnov, N. P., Raspopova, L. V., V-!stel', G. M., Y'ristlyan, M. A. Title The protection of heat exchangers from corrosion caused by water Periodical Khim. prom. No 7, 419-423, Oct-Nov 1955 Abstract Found that coating of heat exchanger tubes with bakelite reduced corrosion considerably and improved the heat transfer coefficient as compared with that of unprotected tubes that had corroded. Twelve references, all USSR, 4 since 1940. Two figures, 1 graph, 4 tables. Institution Submitted ,hUTHORS: Sinayski-y, G. M., Ratner, T. V., Lakarova, V. F., 79-11-4/56 uorin, ~Iu. A., ivanov, V. S., Alferova, L. V. TITLE: An Investigation of the Composition of the hydrocarborLs C6 - the By-Products of the Catalytic Synthesis of Divinyl krom Alcohol (Izucheniye sostava uglevodorodcrr C6 - pobochnykk. produktov katalis ticheskogo sinteza divinila iz spixta). FkRIODIC,KL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khii,,iii, 1957, Vol. 27) Nr 11, pp. 2927-2931 (USSR)- P.BSMACT: The investigation of ethyl alcohol in divinyl ov,-.r a catalyst reprew sents a complicated catalytic process which is azcompan-4ed by a conO siderable amount of side reactions. In spite of the informative pa- pers by S. V. Lebedev and Ya. A. Gorin in the field of the catalytic formation of the ccribined dienes (Crji2n-2) from alcohols, their bina- ry mixturesj and the vii-xtiires of the alcohols with aldehydes and ketones with regard to the by-prod-,icts, Ueir cc)mpositlon is by far not sufficiently investigated. of the irwuffici(,1y iuvusti&ated by-products obtained on rectification of hydrocarbons t~ie so-called hexylene-hexadiene fraction (boilinF, point 6n__9ooG) is the object of the authors? investigation. Cn further rectification the following Card 1/2 were obtained beside other by-products. 1) heKadiene-1,3. 2) 3- An investigation of the Composition of the Eydrocarbor.5 C - the 79,11-4/56 By-Products of the Catalytic Synthesis of Divinyl from .40hcl. methylpentadiene 1,3. 3) cyclohexadiene-1,3. 1hus the presence of the combined dienes. 1) hexadiene-1. 3. 2) 3_4rethylpentadiene- 1,3 and 3) cyclohexadiene-I.,3 was determined in the he.Vlene-hexam diene fraction of the hydrocarbons, the by-products of the catalytic synthesis of divinyl from alcohol according to Lebedev, and the way of their formation was partially suggested. There are 1? references, 9 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: The Laboratory of the Factory SK and the Leningrad State University (Laboratoriya zavoda SK i Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet). SU13MITI'ED: November 23, 1956. AVAILABLE'. Library of Congress. 1. Divinyl-Synthesis 2. Diene syntheses 3. Ethanol-Catalysis 4. Hydrocarbons-Analysis Card 2/2 AUTHORSt Nepyshnevskiy, TITLEt Production of Hydrocarbons PERIODICAL; Khimicheskaya V, M., Sinayakiy, G, X. 3/064 59/000/08/06/021 B I I 5YB017 Fo~~m_Polystrens by Means of Unsaturated Low-boiling promyahlennost", 1959, Nr 8, pp 672-674 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the investigation made by A, A. Berlin (Ref 1) was the development of a technological process for the production of foam polystyrene as an insulating and building material for radio engineering without using pressure. At present, two main processes are known for the production of foam polystyrene. In the first method foam formers which decompose at increased temperatures (e.g* dinitrile of azodiisobutyric acid and ammonium carbonate) are used, and in the second method (Refs 1,2) polystyrene is saturated with gases or easily volatile solvents. Polystyrene saturated with these products is foamed in perforated molds by heating to 1000. The applicability of the fractions C J;uC5 and G6 of stable gasoline as 11 aturation substances and of var a methods for the production of polystyrene saturated with saturated easily volatile hydrocarbons is investlgated~ The method of saturating emulsified polystyrene Card 1/2 with butane proved to be the most convenient. Emulsified poly- 3~1131 S/ 13 67 AUTHORS; Litvin, Yu.A.; Nepyshnejkiy, V.M.; Sinayskiy, G,M. TITLE; Viscosity change of the reacting mass in isoprene p~_lymerization PERIODICAL~ Kauchuk I rezina, no. 2, 1962, 1 - 4 TEXT; Results of an investigation on the viscosity change of the react- ing mass during Isoprene rubber synthesis are submitted. The change is studied with respect to the duration of polymerization, pcJymer content, isoprene supply conditions and temperature. The isoprene polymerizaticn was carried out in 3- liter autoclaves made of lXgTlBH (1Kh9Tl8N) steel, with anchor type mixers. The molecular weight of the polymer was determined according to the viscosimetric met-hod and cal,ulated from the formula; M = 5 + 1.162 h, where h Is the cha- racteristic viscosity. The PB-2 (RV-2) rotational viscosimeter was used fcr :_~ntlnuous measurement of the viscosity. The visccsity of the HH-6 (P14-6) ca- librating liquid was measured with a Kepler rheov1scosimeter Experiments showed that one of the main factors determining the abs-alute viscosity of the reacting mass Is the concentration of the mcn,-.-rier. The absolute viscosity does noi exceed 30 - 40 poise and colncAdes with the visccsities of solutions In the -ard 1/2 3h131 S/1 33/62/ YO Vjs_,_-sj,,y -nange 7:f the rea~_-ting mass in .... A051/A126 Same ~cncntratlcns ?f natural rubber and stabilized synthetl- is,prene rubbeer, with a po 'ymer content in the reacting mass of up t_- 6 - 17% by weight. Wlt~, further c:)ncentrallon of the polymer, the v1s--,-,:)s1ty :,f the reacting mass sharply ln:reases, reaching values exceeding 1,000 poise at 20% by weight. Tl-he concen- tratic-n dependence 3f the viscosity cf the synthetic isoprene and natural rubter soluti=s is the same within the range of up tr. 20%. For c=centrations ~f the synthetic iszyprene rubber solutions in n-heptane of 10, 15 and 20%, the visL:s,l- ~y in ~he temperature interval -5 - + 450C decreases ty a factor of 2 - ?~3- There are 7 figures and 3 references; I Scviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bl:~c. The reference tc the most recent English-language publication reads as follows,~ C.T. Win-hester, Natsyn Pilot Plant Ind. a. Eng, Chem 51, no. ?, 97 (L959). ASSO - :A-! I')N Vcronezhskly filial vsessyuznogo nauc.-M,--issledcvate1~skogc, Insti- tuta sintetirhesk,-)go kauchul-a (Vo)ronezh Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute cf Synthetic Rutter) ar h, r, m 10, IS. C. X9 a i i 9 N 2"o. *a T r". EKES[ E15is IXIALYIJKP B.N.; STITAYSKIY, G.V. Sheet thickness control during rolling with special relay charactcriatic and retuni unit. Prokat. proizv. no.2:51-61 160. (MIRA IJ,:11) (Rolling(Metalwork)) (Automatic control) (Thickness measu-rement) -Sl','IAYSKIY, G.V, Elect,rom,agnetic coupling for connecting a selsyn to a machine. Prokat. proizv. no.2:92-94 160. OMA 14-11) (Rolling mills) (Remote control) BU1AYEV, V.G.; SINAYSYM, G.V. Imprwring the chara cteels tics of,the E-2.~3111 comr-and-t7pe "flying" micrometer, Prokat. px*izvo no.2:95-102 160. (141RA 14 - U) O'hickness measurement) (Rolling (Metalwork) ) DRALYTJK. SINIMMY, G.V. Selsyn-type tuxming angle transducer, Prokat. proizv. no.2-.103- 110 16C-. (kIAA 3-4: 1-1) (Rolling(Metalwork)) (Transducers) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5817 Dralyiik, Boris Natilljovich, and German Vladimirovich Sinayskiy Regulyator tolshchiny polosy na nepreryvnorn stane kholodnoy prokatki (Strip Gage Controller on the Continuous Cold-Reduction Mill) Sverdlovsk, Metallurg- izda', 1961. 76 p. 3150 copies printed. Reviewer: S. A. Vorobl yev; Ed. of Publishing House: M. M. Syrchina; Tech. Ed. - Ye. D. Turkina. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel concerned with the automatic control of manufacturing processes. CO-VERAGE: Problems involved in building up a control system for the gaging of strip on a continuous cold-reduction mill are discussed. The constructional elements of a gage controller on the entry side of a continuous high-speed mill are examined in detail, and the performance of this controller during mill Card '1 5 C -ape Controller (Cont. ) SOV/5817 operation is analyzed. Engineers Yu. A. Mishin, L. G. Vinogradov9and S- i. Vinogradova participated in this investigation. B. N. Dralyuk wrote Ch. 1, 2, and 6; G. V. Sinayskiy wrote Ch. 3, 4, and 5, and made all the diagrams. The evaluation of the oscillogr~ms used in Ch. 6 was made by S. ~. Vinogradova. The authors thank the reviewers S. A. Vorob' yev and f. N. Pechorina. There are 28 references: 16 Soviet, and 12 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch I Principles of Building Up a Strip-Thickn,2ss Control System Orl .11 ContinUOLIS Cold-Reduction Mill 5 1. Alternatives of building up the whole contr)l system all over the mill 5 Card 2/ 5 -CtrIc t A4 Z'tctr`c 1, - - - - Dzrivt ~--, !lllivlt!~: of A. Dr'v,! for'mz,~ l'-c;-- 'it Dr. I. I. Ntrov, Cand Ttc't Jcl, hca; of rllc,ir of A11-7~lniun Power ~"-g ~orr Inst, V. 1. PetrL)v, Cand iet~;h 1;cij T-f'h Dr. 11- B. 'jtiltr, Cand Ton-ch 3zi, 3r Sci t;ollabor,itur (T2;l.'l:Ll), S)inay3kly, ~;hi,~f En-r, Factovf Llernl Kirov Ye. A. ronvisr..; of --uluip-n~A b~,ck. k.kt',nQ-, did no. *n!A ~Aii`-: craae i%ctor, eithtr in J." irl Aill of i~i;j c.-Lculaticn,~ (iLo-t of vitre erroneous) were f r'?, r- t i :L:1.~ U S~,- .-!2de LL!~ in- Ck SINAYSKIY, M.M.; YZZZRSKIY, M.Ye.; redakto:~ SEHEICIA. reduktor, VOLKOVA, Ye., tel-hnicheskiy redaktor. [Controllers for alternating current electric motor cranes; manual on the choice of controllers, their installation an-' maintenance] Kontrollery dlia kranovykh elektrodvigatelal peremenaogo toka; ru- kovodstvo po vyboru kontrollerov, montashu i ukhodu sa nimi. Mo- skva, Goo. izd-vo vodnogo transporta. 1954. 127 P. (KLRA 8:1) (Blectric cranes) (Ilectric controllers) SIN A..T,s F I mOY2HVS' S.M.. redaktor: IARIONOV, Me., t. -;eAK 0 n c es i;7r or [Blectric drive for gatin In hydraulic apparatus] Blektrichankii privod zatvorov gidromoorathenil. Moskva, Go@. anarg. isd-vo. 1956. 198 p. (HLRA 10:1) (Gates. FTdraulic) bIVAYSXIY, M.M., inzhener. Using motors with two-wav feed for driving hydraulic gates. Alsktri- chestvo no.5:5-9 My '56. (MLHA 9:8) 1. Zavod "Dinaso' iment Kirov&. (Electric driving) SINAYSKIY, M.M., inzhener. , Heating of asynchronous motors during short and intermittent runs. Vent.alektreprom. 27 no-1:50-55 Ja 156. (MIRA 9:6) 1.Zavod "Dinamo" imeni S.M.Kirova. (Mactric motors, Induction) KOMAR, Harinn Anatollyerna; SINATSKJY, M.N., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., [Principles of electric drive and control equipmenj 0snovy elektroprivoda i apparatura upravlenita. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1957. 350 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Electric drivinr) (Electric controllers) 105-9-31/32 AUTHORSt Uspenskiy, B.S., Dotsent, Krichevskiy, A.S., Engineer, Berlin, I.A., Engineer TITLE: Review of the Book by M.M.Sinayakiy "Blectric&l Drive of Stop Sluices for Waterworks"(Bibliografiyas M.M.S_tnayakiy "Elektricheskiy privod zatvorov gidrosooruzheniy") PERIODICAL: Blektriche3tvo, 1957, Nr 9, pp. 91-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Published by Gosener8-oizdat, 200 pages, price Roubles 6,75- Sinayskiy is a leading specialist in this domain. Most of the stop sluices in the USSR were built under his supervision. The book consists of XIII chapters, it is short and precisely written; formulation is distinct and clear. 1. Chapters General evaluation of the peculiarities of electrical drive. 2. Chapters Determination of the load of electromotors. 3. Chapter: Mechanical properties. 4. Chapters General methods for the construction of the natural and rheostat characteristics of three-phase motors. 5. Chapters Thermal calculations of electromotors. 6. Chapters Characteristic schemes of the power circuits and the basic nodes of control powez circuit schemes. 7- Chapter: Methods for the determination of the amount of start- ing- and regulation resistances and of the silection of normal resistance cases according to computation data. 8. Chapters Card 1/2 Electrical safety devices. 9. Chapters Basic technical data on SUIATSKIY, M.H., inzh. Electric drive for hydroelectric equipment. Test. elaktroprom. 28 no.11:76-77 N '57. (MIRA 10:1?) 1. Zavod "Dinaso." (Blectric drive) (Hydraulic machinery) BATAWV, Nikolay Hikhaylovich; BHUY, Balentin Antonovich-, XM, Aleksandr Borisovich; RABINOVICH. Aron Abramovich-, SIHATSKIT. Y-ikhail Mikhaylovich; IVANOV. VJI., red.; VOROYIN, I.P., [Electric motors for cranea and motallurgical plants; theor7, construction, use] Kranovo-metallurgicheakie elektrodvigatell; tooriia. konstruktsits. primenenie. Pod obshchei red. A.A.Rabino- vichs. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 168 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Alectric motors) 1054-3-4/31 AUTHOR& Sinayskiy, M. M. TITLEs The Effect of voltage Fluctuations on the Operation of an Al- ternating Current Crane Motor ( Vliyaniye kolobaniy naprya- zheniya na rabotu kranovogo dvigatelya peremennogo toka) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 3t PP- 19- 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here it is tried to give a technical reasoning for the selec- tion of the admissible voltage fluctuation limitB in the feeding of crane motors, beginning with the analysis of their voltage dependence of mechanical and thermal charac- teristice. The analysis is applied here to the motors of the series MT, can, however, also be used for other in- &fction-l"'motors with other quantitative conditions. The of- fect of the voltage fluctuation on the following motor operation characteristics is investigateds 1) The adjusted - rotation speed at given load; 2) The maxim- moment; 3) The energy losues, and therefore also on the heating of the mo- tor. Comprisingly, the following is saids In planning driv- Card 1/2 e9 with crane motors one should not formally stick to the 1: r)-58-3-4/31 The Effect of Voltage Fluctuations on the Operation of an Alternutin'; Current Crane Motor amount of the admissible voltage flucuation of + 5 5P4 of the nominal value. In many cases the taking into account of the concrete working conditions in the motor admits the exten- sion of these limits and the relieving of the power supply at the cost of a greater voltage drop. In special the limi- tation of the voltage diop is not determined by the motor, but by the steering device in normal cranes mhere in the selection of the motor the heat conservation is the deci- oive element, whereas the pull-out torque is not exploit- ed by far. Under all circumstances the voltage drop is not to surpass 15 % in the case of a possible maximum circuit load, since otherwise an exact operation of the steering device is not guaranteed. There are 4 figure3. ASSOCIATIONs Zavod "Dinamoll im. Kirova ("Dinamo" Works imeni Kirov) SUBMITTED: June 22, 1957 Car42/2 RUBIKSKIY, Ivan Aleksandrovich~,SINAYSKIY, M.K., red.; BORITOV, N.I., - Ellectromagnetic alternating current contactors for cranes: manual for installation. regulation, and maintenance] Kranovve alektromagnitnyo kontaktory peramennogo toka: rukovodstvo po ustanovke. regulirovaniiu i ukhodu. Koskva, Goe.energ.isd-vo, 1959. 23 p. (Kranovoe elektrooborudovanie, n0.3) (MIRA 12:11) (Slectric contactors) (Cranes, derricks. atc.) SINAYaIY, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; TIMOKHINA. V.I., red.; VORONIN. K.P., [Controls for alternating current electric motors in crones; manual for installation, maintenance, and repair] Kontrollery dlia kranovykh elektrodvigatelei peremennogo toka; rAovodstvo po ustanovke, ukhodu i remontu. Moskva, Gos. energ.izd-vo. 1959. 48 p. (Kranovoe elektrooborudovanie, no.2) (MIRA 12:11) (Electric controllers) (Cranes. derricks, etc.) PXTRAKOVSKIY, VIktor Kikluiylovich; SINAYEKIY. M.N., red.; BCRUMOV, N.I.. - [Alternating current electric crane motors; manual on installation, maintenance. and repair] Kranovye eleirtro- dvigateli peremennogo toka; rukovodstvo po ustanovim, ukhodu i remontu. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo. 1959. 64 p. (Kranovoe elaktrooborudovanis, no.1) (MIRA 12:6) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Ilectric motors, Alternating current) SIIIATSKIY, 14., Jnzj,,. I ,law drive s7stems for tower craras uzm d in Construction. '!~- af,-~ I. Moak. 2 no.7:6-9 J1 159. (IJIRA 127:1---~) (Cranes, derricks, e.c.-vlectric-