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" " Ca.. of F-li~ctrc Y 1' -1, 'C', of A :7~o,!.orF f or mov it-oll de-.ric-s of Iyd ra . I ! c str c ~~r =s ~'. Moscow, !"~70- pp alltl T,,tt- -A-r M s~:ow Cr,],~r of -71.nln Po-.i,.r .0 n - ins 2"," copf -,3 KI., No Ir-I , I SINATSKIT, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; YEZIOUZIT, R.Te., red.; TJETONOY, G.Te., to kkin . red. -- . - [Start regulating resistances for electric motors of cranes] Fuskoreguliruiushchie soprotivloniis dlie kranovykh elektro- dvigatelei. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 19 p. (Kranovoe alektrooborudovenis, no.5). (MIRA 13:8) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Zlectric motors-Starting devices) I_-I*I KALINM, Vladimir Sergeyevich; FA7M, Goorgiy Ookarovich; SINATSKIT. M.N., red.; SMDI, S.T.,; BORUROV. K.I.. [Hoisting electromagnets] Gruzopodlemnye elektromagnity. Moskva, Goo.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 31 P. (KIM 14:1) (Hoisting machinery) (Blectromognets) IVAhOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; KOZffUSHKEVICH, Vladimir Georgiyevich; SIMAYSKIYs. MAL. red.; B01010Y, N.I., EDirect current motors for crane hoists; regulations on installotion. maintenance, and repair] Kranovye elektro- dvigateli postoiannogo toka; rukovodetvo po ustano7ke. ukhodu i remontu. Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo, 1960. 62 p. (Kranovoe alaktrooboradovanie, no.41ro (MIRA 13:7) (Electric cranes) (Electric motors. Dirset current) BREYTHR, Mikhnil Yefimovich; KRICHEVSKIY, Aron Somuilovich;; BORUNOV. N.I., (A.c. and d.c. brake electromagnets] Tormoznye elekiromggnity pootolannogo i poremennogo toka. Koskva, Gos.energ.Isd-vo, 1960. 63 p. (Kranovoe elektrooborudovanie, no.7). (mIRA 14:2) (Cranes. derricks, etc.-Brakas) (Ilectromgnets) SINATSKIT, P.M., Inzh. All-Union conference on electric crane Installations. Blektri- chestvo no,3:91-92 )Ir 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Electric crane*--Congresses) :jELE!.'IKIY, G.I.; J,,ETTIR, IM.Ye.; IVANOV, V.!-*.; ILUMB!, V.S.; KOZEUS'DIVIC", V.S.; FET,,AYGVSKIY, V.,,-!.; RABINOVICI!, A.A.; RU."'ILSKIY, I.A.; SJQNAY-SYJY, Y.E.; IMLE.", G.O.; KHOROSHILKIL, L.L.; KOVAR, P.A., red.; BULIDYA',"EV, N.A.) tekhn. red. LElectrical ec,uipment of cranes-I Elektricheskoe oborudova- nie hranov. Moskva, Gosenergoizd!;.t, 1963. 399 p. (I.'T 'A JE:12) 1. Kollektiv inzhenerov moskovrkoco zavoda ffDinu.o" imeni S.'. Kirova (for all exopt Komar, L_~Ulldyayev). (Cranes, derricks, etc.-Electric equiFrer-t) SPIAYSKII, N.A., inzlj.; IMERKULOV, A.G., inzh.; SH-111MYSKAYAP M.S., kand. nauk Results of a roentgenographic analysis of power fu-31 ashes. Teploenergetika 11 no.12:65 D 164 NIRA 18:2) 1. Khimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirokogo otdelfmiya AN SSSR. 7(6) Al'T H:-', ~~ S Rovinsskiy' B. w". , Sinanysi-iY, V. SOV/~2-24-1 I - TITLE: Preparittion of tf~_eil7lot of the Crvo'al Lattice" by the :.Iethod of Continuous Reistration (Polucheniye dii.~rramm kri,;t%1liches- koy reshetkill Ti-~to(lom nepreryvnoy re.~i~;tratsii) v PERIODICAL: Zuvodskaya Laboratoriya, l')1)8, Vol 24, 11r 11, pp 1367 - 1370 W;310 ABSTRACT: In contr,,Lst to the usual -nethod, by which the defor-iation of the samplea. t~--kes place ~.tepwise and with each chan,-e of the loao the saariple is X-r-,,' red, t-.e method repo.-ted here emplo,-s continuous X-rayinc on a movin,:~ film. The correnpondin,; defornin-1, load io recorded si.-.,.ultaneously %.nd attom,,,tically on tiie X-ray T',.e film hol_~Ier rtit;-, its fil.-_l is turned by tvio SD, -2 synchronous motors. The :-,''eel case with the film _older is attacned to t'~,e columno )f' tie XK -12A machine, to which the X-ray tube is al-co conveyed (Di-,-..jrari, Fig-are). 'N`.en a BSn tube 's us-ad Card 1/3 an e.~pacure time of .-bout one h~)ur Preparation of the ,!,)t "Loarl-Defor--vLtion o,-f tl-~e j Crystal L-fl tico" ~Y t`:e of Cont in7~- t Corres pond i ngly, the velocity at- which t,-.e fJ lm turns and the velocity of deformation be re.-ulated to this pcriod. From an X-ray picture if a finely gr:tnulzited, cylindricfil mm) 11r- aluminum samplc~ which had 'been di~,,tle:--Jed 0,%a ,-nd of layers of lines (511)(533) in the a~so.-:,--.ion of the KCL radiation of cop-per it is -pparent that on the two sy-nmetrical fields of the X-ray plate the K CL 4:~nd Kaj doublet for-is two curves ahich can be divided into four parts. The first section corresponis to the condition of the load, the second to the elastic distension, the third to the transition of the de- formation into the plastic region, and the fourth part to ;the decomposition of the sariple. In thi,.; last section the lattiQe narnmeter ~-,hows :,. jreriter valize M-an in t!-'0 irit4al ~onJition, which paints to u residual defor-i%tion of invc-rce sign. A:non,- the ndvantcl~-ez of the method described is the pos~-ibility to cbz;er%,e .7ingle Card 2/3 cryst~.;lss by X-ra.-.:irii; coursely cry3tallire sammpl,~s. -,,i-on o- al Lattice" by the :~etlhqd of Con!, There -.*c 5 fijures and sovi c t A S,, 0 1.-t t,,,, t~L ch i n o v e d e n i y --L s E Tj I J:-'o ut e f or Llac.-inc Scic-:,,'cqAS U32Sl,) 3 3 24(61) NILE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov"~2335 Akademiya nauk SSSR Nekotoryye problemy prochnosti tverdogo tela; sbc,--nik statey (Some Problems in the Strength of Solids; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959- 386 P. Ell tz allp Inaert-d. 21000 copies printed- Ed. of Publishing Houma: V. I. Averlyanov; Tech. Ed.: R. S. --,-Ievzner; Editorial Board: A.F. loffe, Aoademician; G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician; S. N. Zhurkov, Corvespond!,ng Yem")er, USSR AcadeaW of; Z. P. Konstantinov,, Cozax-spcading Memb,-r, USSR Academy of Scienees; F. F. VitymnY Doctor of Physical aril Methematical Science,3, P-zofesso:7 (R!sp. Ed. ); L. A. Glikm%nl Doctor of Technioal &:ience;F, Professor; N. A. Zliatin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Spiences; V. A. Steppxov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ya-B. Fridmex., Doctor of Technical Scien,!es, Prcfessor; B. S. loffe, Candidate of Te chnical Science s (Deput ty Re qp - Ed. ). PURPOSE: This book is intended f-r constmnuction engineers, technologists, physic- ists and other peer3ons intere-it-ed In the strevgth cf materials. COVERAGE: This cal-lection of articles was compiled by the Otdeleniye fiziko- matematicheskikh naulk AN SSSR(Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) and the Fitiko4ciftlcheskiy institut, AN SSSR (Institxt& of Applied Physics., ~Gard 1/10 Some Problems in the Strength (Cont.) SOV,2385 Rovinskly, B. M., and V~.M. SinqL~ (Institut viashinovedeniya AN USSR S., Moskva (Institute of Mec&~=cal Engineering, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow). Investigation of Individual Grain Deformation in a Polycrystal- line Body During Simple 5!nsion 49 K.1yavin, O.V., and B. I. Smirnov (Fiztko-tekhnicheskiy institu7; AN SSSR g. Leningrad - Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad). Study of the Width of X-ray Lines of Nickel Deformed at 4.20K 56 Gindin, I.A., B.G. Lazarev, Ya.D. Starodubov, and V.I. Khotkevich (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR-Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukr. SSR, Eharlkov). Low-temperature Polymorphism of Metals 61 Zhurkov., S.N., and E.Ye. Thmashevskiy (Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Ieningrad). Time Dependency of Strength Under Different Load Conditions 68 Card 3/10 Some Problems in the Strength (Cont.) SOVj2385 Bokshteyn, S.Z., T.I. Gudkova, A.A. Zhukhovitskiy, and S.T. Kishkin. Influence of Stresses and Deformation on the Process of Diffusion 76 Pines, B.Ya., and A.F. Sirenko (Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Gor1kogo, g. Kharlkov State University imeni Gorldv, Khar1kov). Diffusion Creep of Cermet Specimens Pressed From Powdered Iron 87 Pyutkina., V.I., and E.S. Yakovleva (Institut fiziki metallov UFAN SSSR~ . Sverdlovsk-Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Sverdlovsk). Influence of Aluminum and Copper on the Deformation of Nickel 93 Kontorova, T.A. (Institut popuprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad-Semi- conductor Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad). Relationship Between the Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics of Crystals Garber, R.I., and I.I. Soloshenko (Gosudarstveanyy pedagogicheakiy institut Imeni G.S. Skovorody, Kharlkov-State Pedagogical Institute imeni G.S. Skovorda, Kharlkov). Stiengthening of Rock Salt Crystals by Re- peated Reverse Bendin, 105 card 4/io Some Problems in the Strength (Cont. ) SOV/2385 Gaydukov, M.G., and V.A. Pavlov (Institute for Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Sverdlovsk). Some Aspects of Street Relaxation in Bronze KMtZ_l ill Tsobkallo, S.O., and Z.A. Vashchenko (Polytechnic Institute imni M.I. Kalinin, Leningrad). Increasing the Elastic Limit and Decreasing the Elastic Aftereffect During Cold Hardening and Tempering of Speing Aluminum Bronze BrA7 U8 Glikman, L.A.., and N.N. Kolgatin Wi po pererabotke nefti i polucheniyu lskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva, g. Leningrad-Scientific Research Insti- tute for Petroleum Refining and Production of Synthetic Liquid FVels, Leningrad). Nature of the Physical Yield Point of Steel 130 Moroz, L.S., and Yu.D. Khesin. Investigation of the Hydrogen Embrittle- ment of Two-Phase Titanium Alloys 140 Potak., Ya.M., and O.P. Breslavtseva. Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel and the Influence of Mechanical Tlesting Conditions on Its Occurrence 152 Card 5/10 Some Problems in the Strength (Cont. ) SOV/2385 Sokolkov, Ye.N., V.D. Sadovskiy, and S.N. Petrova (Institute for Net&1 Physics, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Sverdlovsk) Structure of Austenite Grain Boundaries and the Temper Brittleness of Structuml Steel 165 Ageyev, N.V., and V.A. Trapeznikov (Institut metallurgii AN SS3R, g. Moskva - Metallurgical Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Mbscow). In- fluence of the Degree of Purity on Cold Brittleness and Other ?roperties of Chromium 172 Markov, V.G., P.O. Pashkov, and Ye.D. Teplova. Cold Ekrdening of Pear- litic Steel With an External Iayer of Austenitic Steel Alloy 179 Sakharov, P.S. (Industriallnyy institut imeni Kuybyshevs, g. Kuybyshev - Industrial Institute imeni Kuybyshev, Kuybyshev). Effect of the Cooling Fate and Some Other Factors on Rupture Strength of Chromium-Aluminum Steel 187 Shevandin, Ye.M. (deceased), I.A. Fazov, and A.V. Yefimov. Influence of the Scale Factor During Plastic Deformation and Rupture of Steels of Varying Strength 194 card 6/1o Some Problems in the Strength (Cont.) sov/2385 Vitman, F.F., and V.A. Stepanov (institute of Applied Physics, Acad~W of Sciences., USSR, Leningrad). Influence of DeformatJon F4te cn the De- formation Resistance of Metals at Impact Speeds of 10~- 10~7misec 207 Zlatin, N.A. (Institute of Applied Physics., Academy of ScienceB, USSRp Leningrad) Role of Compressibility in the Dynamic Deformation of Plastic Bodies 222 Konstantinov, V.N., and Ye.l. Timofeyev. Influence of a High DeforuAtion Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Alloy Type V-95 After Varying Degrees of Aging 230 Uzhik, G.V., and Yu.Ya. Voloshenk -Klimovitskiy (Institute of Mechanical Engineering.. Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow.) Resistance to Initial Plastic Deformation During Impact Stress Under Low-temperature Conditions 238 Glikman, L.A., and V.P. Tekht. Physical Nature of Metal Fatigue . 246 Kudryavtsev, I.V., and N.M. Savvins, (TsNIITMA$h - Central Scientific Fle- search Institute of Technology and Machinery). Fatigue Strength of large 256 Plates Card 7/10 Some Problems in the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2385 Ratner, S.I., N.V. Kadobnova, and Ye.A. Petrov. Effect of Size of Tlest Piece on its Strength Under Repeated Stresses 268 Se-rensen"S.V. Accumulation of Fatigue Damage in Iron With Glcbular Graphite Daring Reverse Bending 273 Drozdovskiy, B.A., and Ya.B. Fridman. Sensitivity of Metals to Cmcks 280 Zilova, T.K., N.I. Petrukhina, and Ya. B. Fridman. Kinetics of Deform- ation. and Rapture Processes in Connection With the Reserve of 321astic Energy 297 Likhachev, Yu.I. (Industrial Institute imeni Kuybyshev, Kuybyshev). Determination of the Rapture Strength of a Plastically Deformed Metal 312 Volkov, S.D. (Umllskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirov&, g. Sverdlovsk- Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S.M. Kirov, S-ierdlovsk). Principles of the Statistical Theory of Strength 325 Card 8/10 Sow Problems in the Strength (Cont. ) SOV/12385 Burmakina, O.P., and F.S. Savitskiy (Sverdlovskiy filial VNII metrologii imeni Mendeleyeva-A.11-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology imeni Mendeleyev, Sverdlovsk Branch). Mechanical Properties of Tempered Steel Under Biaxial Tiension 334 Vitnan, F.F., S.N. Zhurkov, B.Ya. Levin, and V.P. Pukh (Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad). Problem of In- creasing the Strength of Glass 34o Stepanov, V.A., and L.G. Khodakova (Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad). Measuring Residual Stresses in Tempered Glasses by the Mechanical Method 348 Indenbom, V.L. (Institut kristallografii AN SSSR, g. Moskvvp-Crystal- lography Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscov). Some Findings on the Destruction of Bodies Under the Action of Internal Stresses 357 Kuzlmin, Ye.A., and V.P. Pukh (Institute of Applied Physics, AcadeaW of Sciencesl USSR, Leningrad). Rate of Development of Brittleness Cracks in Glass and Rosin 367 Card 9,j0 Some Problems in the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2385 Regel', V. R., and G.V.-Berezhkova (Crystallography Tnstitute, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow). Effect of the Type of Stressed State on Flow-Curve Parameters of Some Plastics 375 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TK/fal Card 10/10 10-15-59 SII~AYSKIYI V. M., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into residual oriented micro-stresses and their effect on mechanical properties of metals." Moscow, 1960. 15 PP; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Machine Practices); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 159) i9 8~00 82624 s/18o/6o/ooo/oo4/o19/O27 E193/9483 AUTHORS: Lyuttsau, V.G. and Sinayskiy, V.M. (Mosr-OW) TITLE% The Effect of Oriented Microstresse 5 Jon the Relaxation Stabilitj N L Of Alum.inium Under Repeate IL,!o~~adin Ilq A PERIODICALz Izvestiya Akademii nauk, SSSR, Otdeleritye tek?l1notcheakikh nauk., Metallurgiya i toplivo, 19607 No.4, pp-120-123 TEXTs In one series of the experiments reported in the present paper, specimens of aluminium grade AVOOO (annealed in vacuum at 2000 C for 90 min and consisting of grains of average size approximately 0-05 mm) were loaded in the elastic range., held under load at a constant strain for 200 h to allow relaxation to take place, unloaded and held in this condition for some time, after which the loading-relaxation-unloading cycle was repeated several times. From the data on the variation of the cross.- section of the specimens (whose total initial elongation during the entire course of tests remained constant), relaxation curves for the elastic deformation in the direction of the applied load were constructed; these are reproduced in Fig.l. Th-t- second series of experiments was identical except that the pro:ess of relaxation was studied by accurate determination of the variation Card 1/2 82624 s/l8o/6o/ooo/oo4/ol9/027 E193/9483 The Effect of Oriented Microstresses on the Relaxation Stability of Aluminium Under Repeated Loading of the lattice parameters by the X-ray back-reflection techniques the relaxation curves based on these dataare reproduced in Fig.2. It was inferred from the results obtained that during relaxation of macrostresses elementary slips, taking place in the crystallites, produce plastically deformed micro-volumes. Interaction between the elastically and plastically deformed micro-volumes leads to the formation of oriented micro-stresses, the existence of which is easily revealed by X-ray examination. On unloading, partial relaxation of the microstresses, revealed by a decrease in the residual strain of the specimens, takes place. On reloading, the presence of oriented microstresses results in the relaxation of macrostresses proceeding at a slower rate., i.e. in a decrease of the magnitude of kl. Acknowledgments are made to Professor B.M.Rovinskiy for directing the work. There are 3 figures ~~_ndli_FleferenceA 2 Soviet and 2 EnglLah. SUBMITTEDt December 1., 1959 Card 2/2 24547 it gzoo Z 11 S/179/61/000/002/015/017 E073/E535 AUTHORSt Rovinskiy, B.M. and Sinayakiy, V.M. (Moscow) TITLE: The relation between oriented micro-stresses and residual irreversible deformation in metals PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdoloniyo tekhnichaskikh nauk, Mekhanika i m&shinostroyeniye, 1961, No.2, pp.146-147 TEXT: The results are described of experimental investigation of the residual deformation ofthelattico, and consequently of the oriented micro-stresses, on the magnitude of residual irreversible deformation of specimens made of steel 45 in pure compression and tension. After machining, the specimens were annealed in a vacuum furnace at 7800C and then deformed by means of the test machine VH-1AA (IM-12A). One series of specimens was subjected to pure compression, the other to pure tension. The rate of deformation was 2 mm/min. The residual deformation of the lattice was measured by X-ray diffraction and is shown graphically as a function of the residual irreversible deformation of the specimens. The residual deformation of the lattice is taken as a measure of the Card 1/2 24547 The relation between oriented S/179/61/000/002/015/017 9073/9535 oriented micro-stresses; it shows a maximum value at about 19 residual (plastic) deformation of the specimens. On further increase of the plastic deformation of the specimens, the residual deformation of the lattice falls continuously. The oriented micro-stresses are therefore at a maximum at plastic deformations of about 1%. Therefore, plastic deformations approaching 1% should be avoided if oriented micro-stresses have an adverse effect. There are 1 figure and 6 referenceal 3 Soviet and 3 non- Soviet. ASSOCIATIONa Institut mashinovedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Science of Machines. Academy of Science. USSR) SUBMITTEDt December 9, 1960 Card 2/2 10 1401) 28271 S/179/61/000/003/014/oi6 E073/E535 AUTHORS, Gal'perin, M.Ya., Rovinskiy, B.M. and Sinayakiy, V.M. (Moscow) TITLE. On the influence of preliminary tensile plastic deformation on the fatigue strength of steel PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye teklini- cheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No-3, pp.161-162 TEXT: Most authors mention only an increase in the fatigue strength as a result of increasing work hardening produced by applying tension, N. 1. Chernyak (Ref,l: "Fatigue strength of preliminarily stretched steel". Symposium Tr. In-ta stroitel'noy mekhaniki AN UkrSSR, 1953) found that a small amount of plastic deformation by tension does not increase but lowers the fatigue of steel. For CP = 1.0-2.13% a minimum fatigu; strength in reached, then the fatigue strength increases and for C = 12% it reaches a value corresponding to that of undeformed steel. The work described in thin paper was carried out for the purpose of Card I/$ , 2 ~Q rj 7 11 On the influence of preliminary S/179/61/000/003/014/016 E073/E535 determi.ning the relation between the magnitude of oriented residual microstresses occurring during plastic deformation in tension and the drop in the fatigue Limit, Medium carbon steel, Steel 115, of 25 mm diameter was used in the tests, the mechanical chara,.teristics of which were as follows,- 2, 1 kg/mm2 (5.s T 39.8 kg/mm CT B :66.C 2 b5 ~- 22.2%, 4.89%, ak ~ 9.1 k.Wcm HB = 152 Several batches of specimens, 12 in each batch... were produced. The shape of the specimens was such that the same specimens could be used,without further machining,frK the fatigue tests. The gauge length was 226 mm, the 20 mm long central section of which had a diameter of 8 mm, Fig.l. After machining to the desired size and surface quality the specimens were annealed in vacuo at 7800C for two hours and then allowed to cool together with the furnace., Following that, they were stretched at a rate of 2 mm/min within a range of 0 to 10%.. For the gauge length the Card 2/5 2 8 ~'- 7 1 On the influence of preliminary ... S/179/61/000/003/014/016 E073/E535 error iii mitasurLng the length did not exceed 0,03%. The fatigue tests were carried out with a loading frequency of 3000/min for a total duration of 107 cycles. Prior to the fatigue tests, the oriented microstresses were determined by X-ray methods; two X-ray diffraction patterns were taken from the same spot, one bei'cre and one after loading. The obtained results are plotted in Fig.2 and it can be seen that the maximum drop in the fatigue strength was achieved in the range of preliminary deformations of I to 2%, which is in good agreement with the results obtained by Chernyak (curve 3). The deviation between his results and the result3 Of the authors of this paper (curve 1) is attributed to the fact that Chernyak did not anneal his specimens after machining. Fig.2 also given the relatiog between the magnitude of the oriented microstresaes (I (kg/mm ) and the magnitude of preliminary deformation (curve 2Y, It can be seen that this curve has a minimum approximately for the same range of plastic deformation ag was observed for curve 1, The curves 1 and 2 show similarity for small plastic deformation:~ the influence of work hardening starts to manifest itself at 2% which leads Card 3/5 X 2 On the iniluene of preliminary S/179/61/000/003/014/oi6 E073/E535 to an inc.rease in the fatigue strength. The obtained results confirm the assumption of the dezisive role of residual oriented inicrosiresses on the fatigue strength, This is in good agreement with data published earlier by the authors (Ref.6.- Izv,AN SSSH. OCN, Mekhanika i mashinostro-feni-ye, 1961, No.2) on the relation between oriented microstresses and the residual plastic deformation, However, i-t is net t9 yet possible to propose a simple mechanical model of the phenomenon since the magnitude of the oriented microstresses is much greater than the drop in tht. fatigue jimit. There are 2 fi7ures and 6 Soviet referen-,es, ASSOCIATWN'~ Insvitut mashinovedenlya AN .15SSR (Institute of Ma:htne Science AS USSR) SUBMITTFD. January !8,. 1961 Card 4/5 S/179/62/000/003/010/015 E191/E435 AUTHORS: Rovinskiy, B.M.,_,Sinayskiy, V.M. (Moscow) TITLE: On the effect of the rate of deformation on the magnitude of the residual oriented microstresses PERIODICAL: Akadeniya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, no.3, 1962, 159-16o TEXT: The magnitude of oriented microstresses has been previously related to the equivalent yield stress under reversed loading. Oriented microstresses have been shown to be mainly responsible for the reduction of the fatigue strength due to even a small prior plastic deformation. Standard cylindrical 0.45% carbon steel test pieces, provided with precisely machined longitudinal flat lands, to facilitate X-ray investigation, were examined. Carefully conducted tests in tonsilo testing machines covered a range of plastic deformation between 1.2 and 1.5'/~ and a range of rates of deformation up to 30 mm/min. The magnitude or oriented microst-resses increases several times within this range of speeds. To avoid oriented microstresses, which always have an adverse Card 1/2 On the effect of the rate ... S/179/62/000/003/010/015 E191/E435 effect, minimum rates of deformation and materials with the least non-uniformity of structure should be used. There is I figure. SUBMITTED: February 16, 1962 v.-1 Card 2/2 SINAYSKIY, V.M. (Moskva); ROVINSKIY, B.M. (Moskva) Residual stresses occuring during metal grinding. Izv.AN SSSR.- Otd.tekh.nauk.MPkhJ mashinostr. no-3:142-145 YV-Je 163. (KIRA 16t8) (Strains and stresses) (Grinding and polishing) L 04-29U~67---- Z41444I P(t)z,?rI IJPW JD--.- ACC-NTj 1 SOURCE COLE: UR/0126/66/021/006/0c)29/0"4 8949 ~K) AUTHORSt Rovinskiy, B. M.; Sinayskiy,, V. M.; Gallperin,, M. Ts. ORG: NII for Machine Design (NII mashinovedeniya) TITLE: Inv~stigation of the stability of defects arising in metals due to =t&1 fatizue I SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 6, 19660 929-934 TOPIC TAGSi aluminum metallurgy, copper, x ray diffraction study, x ray acatteringp metal crystal JWSTRACT:,jhe stability of fatigue defects in metals was studied on both aluminup'l-11 and -gmei7 specimens. The study supplements the results of an earlier investigation by B. 14. Rovinskiy and V. G. Lyutsau (FMM, 1961, 12, 305). The work wa3 carried out by measuring the change in x-ray scatterN4y the metal specimens in the fa- tigued and relaxed state. The effect of aginglon the plasticity and durability of cyclically deformed copper was also studied. The experimental data obtained in this part of the investigation were treated after the method of N. N. Davidenkov and G. T. Nazarenko (ZhTF, 1953, 23, 741). The experimental results are presented graphically (see Fig. 1). It was found that the intensity of scattered x-rays is notably dependent on deformation of the crystal lattice (caused by the cyclical deformations) and on aging (connected with the relaxation of the deformed crystal C rd 1/2 UDC: 09.43:539.292 - - - , - .. - I -.-11----T-' 1 7 ACC NR: A116018949 5 . 50 125 430 73 /00 z2V Fig. 1. Integral intensity of the Debye Stan line (400) of cyclically deformed copper as a function of aging period. Solid 120 dots represent the relative scattered 2 intensity for the specimens in the initial 80, 7 2 state. 1 - 10 cycles C- 10 kg/mm VO I Max 0 JO /00 150 200 2, 0 300'. 6 Time ho)irs 2 - 10 Cycles a-max = 16 kg/mm2; aging i temperature - BOG. lattice). The authors conclude that the vacancy and micropore defects heal with time, provided that the latter are smaller than X (critical), that vacancies are precipitated on pores and cracks in excess of X (critical), and that a general coagulation of micropores smaller than X (critical) takes place in the aged specimens. Orig. art. hass 4 graphs. SUB COLE- l1/ SUBM DATEt 02Jul65/ ORIG REFS 0051 OTH REFS 002 2/2 ACC Al'100363.5 SOUiV'JE CODE: UR/OJ6O/67/OW/Wi/00q0/OIOI AUTH016: Rabotnov, Yu. N. (Moscow); Sinayskiy, V. M. (Moscow); Stopanychov, Yo. 1. (xoscow) ORG: none TITLE:. A study of kinetics of the disintegration process of glass-reinforced plastic SOUCE: Mashinovodoniye, no. 1. 1967v 98-101 C' /_ /1 -5 Y /~~ a e'e I TOP113 TAGS:Asolid kinetics, reinforced plastic, resin, tube, film, lons objective, phot-apparatus, polyester plastic, plastic deformation, performance test / No. 21 resin, PN-3 polyester, Zenit photoapparatus, Industar 22 leas objective,, BSV-2 radiation tube, RT-5 x-ray film ASSURACTi -Kinetics of the disintegration process of glass-reinforced plastics based on resin No. 21 and on ,--saturated polyester FS-3 (cold set) has been studied using Vransmitted light photography and absorption microroontgenography. The apecirzeas (30-m-a wide rectangular strips) were cut from a shoot (0.6 mm thick) prepared from a single layer of fiber. The first study, method, employing photoapparatus "Zonit" with objective "Industar 22,11 was used to investigate the development of cracks in the binder. The photographs were taken of specimens stretched at known load increments. X-ray diffraction study of the same specimen after removal of the load was conducted in the characteristic radiation of a copper anode at 8-9 kv issuing Card 1/2 UDC: 666.678.023 ACC NR, AP7003635 from, a BSV-2 tube, using domestic fine-grain x-ray fi.1m RT-5- It was established that, while increased load causes the appearance or a whole system of cracks (Mainly perpendicular to the direction of the stretching) the microstructure of the filler is hardly affected by stretching up to the point of actual destruction of the specimen. The specimens of the materials were obtainod from He YA. Ivanova (Leningrad). Orig. art. hass 3 figures. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATEs none BITTK~V~-H, R.V,; S.1qV2rLYv V.d. flat Xuanetak Basin seAns Rock pressure in abort wall mining if mines. Vop. gor. davi. no.7j52-65 '61. OffRA 18s7) Tnatitut gornogo dela AN SS.-;R In. A.A.Skoehinak go* BAYK(J'I, Miklvjil Aleksarolrovich; SDAYSMY, Pavlovich; PEREVOtZEV, Petrovich-,- VE-SKC-i"'P otv. red. [Experience in short face mining of medium LhIckness flat seams] Opyt razi-abotki pologlkh plastav !~rfkinel mo3h,~h- nosti korotkimi zaboiami. Moskva, ISen,r. takhn. informatsii ugollnoi promyshl., 1962. 78 P. SINAYUK, David Aronovich; GONIIQ4AN, M.Ye., retsenzent; GRACHEVA, A.V., red. [Ways to improve welted footwear; quality, material ex- penditure, and production methods] Puti sovershenstvova- niia rantovoi obuvi; kachestvo, materialoerkost', sposob proizvodstva. Moskva, Legakaia industriia, 1965. 179 P. (KIRA 18: 10) 1. Zamestitell direktora po nauctmoy raoote Latviyokogo kompleksnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta Gosu.- darstvennogo komiteta legkoy promyshlennosti pri Gosplane SSSR (for Gonikman). SIN.ATSKIT, V.P., inzh.; SHIROKOV, A.P., lazh. Using nnchor bolts in mines of the KuzneLsk ba64n. Bezop.truda v prom. I n0-10:7-8 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugolinyy institut. (KU2UStak Basin--Mine timbering) SINAY3KIY, V. P., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "A Study of the Possibility of Reinforcing the Foundation Layer in the Exploitation of the Thick Steep Formations in the Kuzbass," Moscow, 1960; 15 pages. (Academy of Sciences USSR. Institute of Mining); 150 copies; price not given. (KL, 22-6o, 139) BUTOVICH, R.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; BRAYTSEV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; BAYKOV, M.A.V kand.tekhn.nauk; PEREVERZFV, M.P., inzh.; SINAYSKIY, V.P., inzh. Using short working faces in medium-thick flat seams in the Kuznetsk Basin. Nauch. soob. IGD 17t64-71 162. (KRA 16:7) (Kuznetak Basin--Coal mines and mining) I .rill., YlIK-1 V, ye.s. Sume prope rtier, o, a sperdal opera tor wi th arAJI' ca! icns in '. 10. ;,, - theory of creep. IZV. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fi,.-r,,;at. nauk 17 r , 117-122 16~,. 0-11RA 18-3) 1. Dntprapetrovskiy gorny-, inotitut. L Ye. Y--- ~: I :' 1. ). %.; --kKATOVA, '-- ')-; 2. USSR (600) 4. 6hoe Industry 7. q,le of middlesole in shoen, Lep. prom-9 12, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian A .ccessions, Library of Congress, FlthrMU 1953. Unclassified- L 7017-66 ACC NR, AP5026786 SOURCE CODE: UR/0206/65/000/01.7/0071/0071 AUTHOR: Orlov, V. A.; Sinaiit, jit ORG: none TITLE: A protractor for measuring bevels. Class 42, No. 174372 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 71 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical measuring tool, angle measurement Instrument ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a protractor for measurilg bevels, especially for aircraft parts and shipbuilding equipment. The instrument contains a basic component with a reference plane and a sector scale, and also a rotating compo- nent with a vernier and a reference plane. The device is designed for ailtomatic alignment on the surface of the component being measured. A variable be-iel is mea- sured without resetting the protractor by fitting out the rotating componant with a spring which holds the instrument in the extreme position. The reference plane of tho rotating member is mounted on a rocker. UDC: 531.741 : 62 --- 432.2 SUB CODE: IE/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb64/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 Card 1/1 1, J L-.-,' USSR/General Biology Genetics B-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1958, No 9569 Author :Belik, V.F., Sincha, K.P. Inst :Not Gi van Title :Effect of Paternal Forms on Inherited Properties of Hybrid Melon Plants Orig Pub :Nauchn. tr. Bykovsk. bakhchevoy opytn. St., 1957, No 4, 125-133 Abstract :A number of cases are given in which, in crossing of different types of melons, the maternal line is followed. Among features inherited mainly from the maternal line these are indicated: length of vegetative period, relative content of solids in the fruitp degree of infection by fusariosis, Coloration of fruit rind, coloration of fruit meat and its consistencyo seed types. The same instances of the maternal line were noted also in squash hybridization. Card Vi SINCHMO, G.Z. Combining electric communication and radio reception facilities leads to raised labor productivity. Vast-eviazi 15 no.10:14-16 0 155. (MLRA 9:2) 1. Nachallnik LIvovskogo oblastnogo upravlenlya avyast. (Talecomminication) (Radio) SINCHMO, G.Z. .T d . Efficiency innovators' work in the communication enterprises of Ukraine. Vest. eviazi 16 no.12:26-27 D '56. (MI-RA 10:2) 1. Zamestitell ministra evyazi USSR. (Ukrain"--Telecommunication) SINCMKO, G.Z.- GERCHIKOV, Ye.Ya.; SBRGBYNVg I-V-, inzh. Provide model telephone and telegraph communication between cities for the National Economy Councils (SoYnarkhoz). Test. eviazi 17 no.11:17-18 W 157. (MIR& 10:12) 1. Zamestitell ministra evyazi USSR (for Sinchenko). 2. Nachallnik irpravlenlya elektrosv7a21 I radlofikatell Ministerstva sv"zi USSR (for Gerchikov). 3. Arkhangel'skoye oblastnoye upravleniye sryazi (for, Sergeyev). (Telephone) (Telegraph) SINGRANKO, G.Z. tl~iuige of efficiency innovators I work In communication enterprisee of the Ukraine. Test. eviazi 17 no.12.,23-24 D 157. (NM 10:12) 1. Zamestitell ministra, evyazi USSR. (Ukraine--Telecommunication) SIIICIIMIKO, G.Z. Pinohenko, H;ZJ Ifew developments in the technology of communication. Nauka i zh7ttia 8 no-5:6-10 My '58. (MI-U 13:4) 1. Zamestitell ministra evyazi USSR. (Radio relay systems) (Coaxial cables) I-M .11, --1 5/32 At.j,2T70R: Sinchonko, G.Z..,, DeDuty L'inister of Co=unications C.-t=13,17, ~an=an ;,SR The of jo,.aLiunication Workcrs arid Ilational- of Llic Ulr.rainc F."' I --LI 0 D I C.LVestnih, ov-ja-zi: 1959, ITr 5~ I)p 2c) - 30 (UOS;iZ) A B S-2 R T in 1953, the co=unication ,--orkers of the Ukraine -ubi.-Atted 11.313) imp-lovemont su,"Gestions (t,ic)se suCr-estions which were not processed in 1`57 are included in this fiGure) and 0677 sur-gestions viere ac,,epted, of v,,Iiich 8755 su-;--estions found practi- cal a-,-,-T)11cation. The Ukrainian 1,Tinistry of Communi- cations is oresently,-.-.,orkin,~~ on a plan of technical trainjIL', Subjects for -c omi.-.unic at ions employees. The txainin~,, i3 to be conuluctod -Ln lar-e techni- cal %-,rorksHop equipped vilth all tyT)es of conmimica- tion equin"Icn" The author cites a number of - -L U. a r-1 pies of otu--estions made: 1) telephione booths vith ~~1-2 -132 The ~']x-cricn-ce ".3r:L-ninication ':.,orkers a,-,--.d Rationalizers of the Uhrai ne automatic Lelephones .-,-ere introd',.iced at, Yalt;a: 2) T,"* a- automat -,-as de-i6ned for n Kiyev ii - sellia- ne,.-,,spa-pcr:' 3)'-a portable device for measuring the attenuation of wire broadcast lines; III-) a transis- torized underL-,round c-able locator and a trancistori- Z(J-d broadca *r-t relay burancaitter .Ath an output t,',:s at 1,7) volts. The au"hor T)oints out aa tliat I he ra~A=aliz.-,,tion -,-iork is still on a lo-.., at -a nu-ibe.~' 0-7 ro.,=Lziii ca tion entorDrises of the Uk.-aiaian of "orl:.-iUnications, Ap-propriate jacasures aill be taken to improve t.-,c rationalization 1.-.-or.- at enter-rises. There is 1 photoFraph. ~'ard 212 8111(my'liKO, (".z. (Sinchooko, 11.Z.] Telecomcninication in the sevenvqear plan. Nauka i zhyttlit n0-7:12-15 JI '59. (14IRA 12:11) 1. Zamestitelf ministra ovyazi USSR. (Telecommunication) SIECHEM, G.Z. Use of reinforced concrete on Ukzainian co=unication lines. Vest. eviazi 20 no.4:23-25 An 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Zamestitell ministra avyazi USSR. (Ukraine-Blectric Hnes--Poles) (Ukraine-ReInforced concrete construction) SINCHENKO, G.Z. Mechanization of the Ukrainian postal enterprises. Vest. sviazi 21 no-4:24-26 AP 161. (HIRA 14:6) 1. Ministr svyazi USSR. (Tjl=aine-Postal service) SINGHENKO, 0. [Sinchenko, 11-J With a speed of light. Nauka L zhyttia 11 no.2:1-3 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Minstr svyazi USSR. (Communication) SINCHMOP G. Z. Regional agricultural administration centers should be provided with good telecommunication services. Vest. eviazi 22 no.9: 16-17 3 162, (MIRA 2519) 1. Ministr avyazi UkrSSR. (Telephone) AUTHORS: Kukhtin, V. A.9 Kamay, Gillm, 20-3-24/59 Sinchenko. L. A. TITLE: Telomerization of Metacrylic Acid With Trialkylphosphites (Telomerizatsiya metakrilovoy kisloty s trialkilfoofitami). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 3, PP- 505-508 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: The first two mentioned authors proved that (ref. 1) trial- kylphosphites under the action a, 0-unsaturated aldehydes and acids can be subjected to a regrouping according to Azbuzov. The authors continued research in this line and stated that on certain conditions not one but several molecules of metaorylic acid can be combined with one molecule of trialkylphosphite, so that reaction in this case becomes telomerization. The reaction takes place without catalyst and at room temperature; triethylphosphite must be carefully purified (with sodium) and must have been subjected to fractioned distillation. The amount of the telomer how- ever, also in this case is very small. Therefore a suitable catalyst had to be found. Benzoylperoxide proved to be the best catalyst. Depending on the quantitative ratio between Card 1/3 initial component and catalyst telomers of different mean Telomerization of Metacrylic Acid With Trialkylphosphites 20-71-24/59 molecular weight were formed. All telomers are white powders rithout significant melting point. They can be softened and carbonized when heated. When heated the telomers are soluble in methanol and acetic acid. The experimental results are collected in table 1. 1 diagram of the telomerization based on earlier works is given (ref. 1), although also another structure of the telomer is possible, It was not investigated here. In order to prove the diagram sugge3ted anequimolar mixture of triethylphosphite and metacrylia acid was stored at room temperature until triethylphosphite had disappeared completely. In this an intermediate product of the regrouping according to Arbuzov which corresponds to the first stage of reaction was suggested. Only then a 4-fold excess of metacrylic acid plus catalyst was added. An intensive formation of telomers with a good yield set in immediately. This result proves: 1.- The formation of an intermediate product, and 2.- The probability of the telomerization mechanism suCgested. Unexplained, however, remains the part of the catalyst as well as that of the mechanism of its influence on telomerization. With the Card 2/3 increasing concentration of metacrylic acid the mean molecular Telomerization of Metacrylic Acid With Trialkylphosphiten 20-3-24/59 weight of the telomer increases. This is also the case with the increasing concentration of benzoylperoxide. The capability of the intermediate product to enter telomerization makes possible the assumption that the binding P-0 is of ion character. From this is deduced a presumable scheme of the structure of this intermediate product. There are 2 references, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Yafta!. Chealml and Teebbologleal Imtitute laWILL S..M. KLro-v .. (K&Zan;kiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. S. M. Kirova, . rAlLatDr,of the Scientific Research Institute for Cinema and Photography (Kazanskiy filial Nauohno-iseledovatellskogo kinofotoinatituta). PRESENTED: November 13, 1957, by B. A. Arbuzov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 28, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AJT11~1101~..' Kukhtin. 7- A , Gillm Kamay, SOV/79-29-?-72i'71 Sinchenko, L. A~j Orekhova, K, TITLE. Affiliation of the Complete Esters of Phosphorous Acid and Phos~hinic Acids to ConjutTated Syctems (Prisoyerlinenjye pol- nykh efirov fosforistoy i fosfinistykh kislot ksopry;_:zhennym sistenam)_ VII. Telomerization of the Methacrylic 'Icid ',',ith Triaalkyl llhos;)hitea (VII. Telomeri-.-.atsiya metakrilovoy kis- loty 0 trialkilfonfitami) I'ERIODICAL: Zhurnal obrhchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29. 'Tr 2, pi.~ 510-'115 (USSi ABSTRACT~ In continuation of the common reaction of c~,P-unsaturated acids and alkyl halides with trialkyl phosphites (Refs 1,2, the authors intended to find the catalyst most suitable for telo- meri-ation.. to determine tho factorn which exercise confluence upon thiz; reaction and to determine the structure of the telomeri; obtained, They found that carefully purifiec-.- tri- ethyl phosphite c:~n telomerize Tith methacrylic acic~ also with- , - ta out a c., lyst. Tc-inperature does not matter in this connection,. The yield is sinall in this case (Table 1, Experiment 13). However, if a methacrylic acid is used for a while that is Card 1/3 not statilizel with hydroquinone, the reaction takes place in Affiliation of the Complete Esters of Phosphorous SOV.'79-29-2-32/71 Acid and Phosphinic Acido to ConjL.-ated Systems, VII. Telo:71eriizatior of the Methacrylic Acid 71ith Trialkyl Phos:,~hites a very violent manner under intense selfheF...ting and rith a high yield of telomers (Table 1, Experiment 12)~ The trialkyl phosphite that is purified only by separat 'ion throul;h dis- tillation does not telomerize with a methacrylic acid that Vas liberated from t'ne inhibitor immediately before the experiment. It was interestin.,7 to know the way in which this telcmerization would take olace in the presence of triethyl amine ard sodium methylate tested by R, 1M.. Connel and 11. 7,'. Coover (Ref 3) as catalysts Yet only small yi.?lds were offered ly these experi- ment2 (Table 1, Exueriments 1,2),, Also the application of alkyl iod.1des for telomerization did not quite meet expectations Penzoyl hydro.-en peroxide turned out to be the most favour- able catalyst for telomerization- In de-.~endence oil the molar ratio of' the initial components, on the c,~~ncentration of the cataly:3t an,.- the phosphite radical telomers with var:.ou.9 averaje molecular wei,-hts ,,;ere obtained in this telorrierization (Table 1), Accordin to previous an.-I th.:? present results it may be assumed thZit the above-mentioned telonez`zation takes Card 21P place according to th,_- scherie mentioned in conc-lusion Affiliation of the Comj.,lete Esters of Phosphorous SOV/79-29-2-32/71, Acid and Phosphinic Acids to Conjugated Systemc. 711. Telomerization of the ~.Iethacrylic Acid With Trialkyl Phoophites Thus, the structure of' telomer-, resultinj from the telone.-i- zation of methacrylic acid with trialkyl phosphiteE was investi.-ated and a scheme of re,,iction was sug-estEd in ad- dition. There are 2 tables an,,! 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologichesO, then there ~_xists a set PC E (the measure of which is arbitrarily l-'ttle different from mes E) so that on it for h--*O it converges uniformly fh(x)-Wx) Let f h(x) have the property IS if lim sup co,fh(x) - 0 (here 6"Vh(x) is the h-po o< x< 1 ,rariation of fh(x) as a function of x in the point (x,h)), Theorem 2i Let f h(x) be defined in the square O< x