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BRICHKIII, A.V.. professor, doktor; Z.*kKW, G.Ye., kFndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.; GURACH, A.N., inzhener; CAUL&KOV. P.O., inzhener; SINDMV. P.R., inzhaner; "WNNNUN~ -WWWWOW Manually operated thermoborer with a single nozzle burner. Mekh.trud. rab. 11 no.1:15-16 A '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Chlen-korrespondent Adademii nw* KazSSR (for Brichkin) (Boring machinery) ~~anri fe7h or C-11~'trict;.ve element. 'nketcnR3 (mill of* o n of' Ilinin,- of ic inst. Ts) c0: jos Ure A BRICHKIN, A.V.; SINISYEV. P.R.; GENBACH, A.N. Xffect of the thermal gas flow on the face of a borehole during thermal piercing. Trudy Alt. GHNII AN Kazakh. SSR no.7.-82-101 158. (MIRA 12:7) (Boring) (Thermodynamics) BRICHKIII, k.V., prof.: SINDAYAV, P.I., inzh. Distance between burner and borehole fuce and its influence on the rate of the--.ial piercing. Izv.vys.i1cheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.11:74-86 '58. (MIRL 12:8) 1. Kazanskiy gornometallurgicheakiy institut, chlen-korrespondent All KazSSA (for Brichkin). 2. AltavBkly institut All KazSSR (for Sindoyev). (Boring) 14 r? UT H(C R Sinde,-;,ev, P.R. TITLE: Conditions for Thermal Dr.'llin,- and Constructional Elements of the Torch (Rezhim t-ermiches'-oz-o bureniya I - ~ j ',~on_-truktivn,;yo clementy -orelli) 1-7 TODI'AL: Ves~-nik Akademii naLi`~ I,7,azr_C,.hs'.o,.r .3311,r U C_ PP 50 - 63 (U03R) ABSTRACT: This article ex-amines the optimum conditions for successful thermal drilling .,ihich does not only de- pend on the 1.,iorkin-- conditions of the torch (temper- ~~Lture, speed of -as cur-ent, pressure in the com- b-_~t also on the conditions of the bustion chamber) , drillin- orocess itself. Correct drillin,-- imDlies keeping the torch at an -~decuLte moving speed for -s, maintaining the n conditions and t pes of roc'X. [,-I ve ~ distance betveen the torch and the borehole face and the diameter of t- h -- borehole, .-.,hich derends on the above-mentioned distance and dr-LilLn-,, speed. Card 1/3 The author's thermal drillinl~- e~--:,,eriments carried O-Vl 7 V/5 i. t ion:~ f or T, Drill inf., :-jn,.Ii I.',-,n.-.-, Torch out on rocks of the Kounradsl. iy rudnik (Kounrads'~iy 'z.'ine) h~,ve laid r-reat stress on the distance of the torch end from the surface of the borehole face. It has been determined that a chanr-e of distance, under 0 otherwise eaual conditions, also change the drilling speed and t~e bore hole diam,:.,ter. In other words, M.Antainin-- an optimum distance between face and torch is indispensable for intensive drillinrr. In the first section of the article, the author considers the functional dependence of the distance between torch and face. ITC concludes that bore hole dia- meter and distance between face and torch depend on the dynamic indices of the -as current and the desi:-n of the burner and nozzles. Ex-oeriments con- U firr."Ied the theoretical conSiderations! A comparison between experimental and theoretical data showed onl,., slicht devial-io-no. 2o establish the distance between face and torch and t',le bore hole di_,neter, therefore, the theoretical 'premises can be fully utilized. The author further deals, with t"-e, influence Card 2/3 of zerlain types of shock -.-.raves on rock demolition Conditions for Therm~J, Drillinr, and' Eler-ento of the Torch and wi th the f orm of t~ie 1-o:-c" --s b-ffle. He sum- marizes his st.--temen+-s follo,-S: 1) Succe2sful thermal drilling is onl,~,~ po~,--:]'Lble, if a supersonic hif.h-te.-)erature r,as current cap--ble of producing 511~ck_ w~-.'v'ess io ap_',liedi i~f7 aB[;le of incide8ce at the bore hole face must be ~1/0 ', at least 75) 4-1) The rotation a-n,-Ie o~ the peripheral nozzies sh.--ill not exceed 10- 15 - 5) Thi~~ burner must be equipped viith n C3s baffle, which is suitable in form and ensures a maximum life o-oan for the torch. L~) The distance between the end of the torch and the bore hole face io of Great practical i.-Ilportance for the intensity of drilling-,. 5) 1.7ainta-inin- the distance within optimum limits requires the deve- lopment of a special auto-atic control device at an industrial thermal driilin~- plant. There are 10 fiCures, G tables and 11 references, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 Enc-lish. Card 3/3 BRICFKIN, A.V.; - SINDEYEV_,__F.,.R,.; GENBACH, A.N. Form of the gas screen of a jet device for thermal boring. Trudy Alt. GHNII All Kazakh. SSR 10:10-115 161# (MIRA 14:9) (Boring--Equipment and supplies) SINDEYEV, P.R.; FEOFANOV, V.A. Automating jet piercing. Trudy Alt, G!.21II Mi Kazakh. SSR 15:115-122 163. (MIRA 17:3) SINDEYEV, P.R.; SYUNDYUKOV, U.M. Some characteristics of the designing of torches for manual jet piercing. Trudy Alt. GI-21II AN Kazakh. SSR 15:123-137 163. (MIRA 17:3) - ~ , , 1 1 -t I . ~ 1 I '. "'' .. . . , - . 7 , .. Ii . .,. 11 1 . . -~ I I LEVSHINq Vladimir Arturovich; FIL014MO-BORODICH, M.M.v doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., retsenzent; VOSTROKNUTOV, S.P., doktor tekhn.naukq prof., retsenzent;.=ETEV, V,A*j prof.9 retsenzent; SOKOLOV, V.I., doktor tekhn.~--~--,,-P-~-o-f.-t-r-a"t6senzenti- MINAYEVA, T.M.P red.; SHAPENKOVA, T.A., [Strength of materials) Soprotivleuie materialov. Moskva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry RSFSRq 1961. 1+75 p. (MIU 14:6) (Strength of materials) GUJSIIKOVI Georgiy Sergeyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; BEZUKEOV, N.I., zasl. deyntell nauki i tekhniki RSF5R, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent- SIEDZY of., red.; KOZLOV, A.P., red. izd-va; UV A, A.F., tekhn. red.; DEMMIA, N.F.t tekhn. red. [Engineering methods for strength and rigidity analysis; vith the use of noments of high ordersiInzhenernye metody raschetov na prochnnst' i zhestkost'; s prireneniem iroventov vysokikh po- riadkov. lzd.2.,, peror. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 354 P. NITRA 15:9) (Strength of materials) GLIJ,I,IIKL)V , G~S. 31111)KYU , V.A. [ci~4coaned); BE2'MIOV , N. I.. n6 tor t.~,khm.'riabk. Prof.. za-il. de,.,atell nauki i tf:k~inikl RSF.11~, retsenzent, KOFILENE, V.F.., proll.; v7TAYEVA, G.I., red. in tho streng-th of materials) Voskva, Vysshaia smkola, 194'~; 57C? p. Z)IND-ETEVA, E.11, iverperal period in women with increased blood loas during labor, Sov. mod. 25 no.4:48-152 Ap 162- (INIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry akushorstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. K.N. Zhmakin) I MookovskcCo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. (LIBOR , CC,14PLICATED) (FUERPIRIM-1) qVi....-I IN ACC Nki ~023071 S-- U; 10 00"_Z. W0191/66/000/004/000/0064 Au_; Sindq Ostikov, AX. S.; Droyzen, V. Y.. OiiG; none TITL,:-,s Anticoriasion properties of polyethalcne coatings with mineral fillers FoU.1,CE: Plasticheskiyo massy, no. 4,, 19~6, '03-64 coating, corrosion Inhibitort filler, quartz, 71PIC TAGS: polyethylene, A ASSTiRACT. The authors havc investir-ated tio cf4'cc*v of mars-halite, quartz, fc1dqp!.-,r#. ,'dinbasa, talciza, and mica filiers~,Iuscd to iz.)rove tho strength characteristics and Iril-idity of Wlyethyleno coatino's in corrasive'-mcdja uncipr ab ative conditions. Coat- r nf_-s of P-4004 T polyethylene with 0.94 jjen,3'density, 0.6 d10 min. fusion Index, :0.08,'k, ash content, and 25 filler, 400-500,U thick, wera sprayed on 60 mm long# 115 _=s diameter cylindrical steel spocimens. The specimens were tested In 10% NaClp i 2/11V H S? and 4'/10 NaOH solutions at 20, 40, 60, and 80G. The life of tho coatings was 2 41 .deterin,aned by measuring the electrical roristance with the aid of a teraoluzz-otor 'MIX-4 I A (see Tablo). The corroiive troatment was ropeatcd every week, For 7 hr. the Ispecimcns were hold at 80C, the rost of tho, timo at room temperature. The life, of coat_~ I Angs decreased as the temperature was increased.(Figure 1). An increase in the life of L OF)")12-67 I ACC NR, ;,P6023071 iTable 1. The effect of mineral fillers on the service life of polyethelents coatinds Service 1110 01 a n . in weoks at 800 no fillerl marshalite quartz feldspar diabasel talcum mica 2- 4: 8 21 20 7 3 6 days,_ ;10'r 'NaCl: 1 day !~2~10: 6 days 7 21 20 8 21 12 3 '1 4` N-OMIT-1-d-ay ~ f- ii;1-1-3; 3 days 6 9 9 7 1 8 5- 9 ;pH=10: 3 days J Icoatings can be attributed to the stress-relieving effect of the fillers. Frillerre- iinforced coatings, nowover,, underCp spot corrosion due to hydrophobic and hydrophi34c _qjl'nmd the filler. Hance, studies are being conducted as idifferencoa in the pplyq~yle~, 'to the effect of imparting hydrophobic properties to mineral fillers on the properties ~of polyethylene coatings. Orig. art. has: 3 fig. and I table. L-Card 2/3 Acc NRi - ----------------- 2 \X.L - polyethylene + 25/" quartz 20 i0 60 60 9-Igure I* Life-temperature depandonce in 10~NaCl for 1 days PH=10 for 6 days !,SUB GODEt 11,13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFs 002 Card 313 SINDRYNYA. N.D. Geochoulcal Indicatioa of the presence of pyrite deposits. Dokl. AN SM 104 no.1:114 S 055. (KU 9:2) lAmboratorlys ulneralegil I gookbialt reld,kik'h elmentev -, AbAmll nauk SSSR.Prodstawlana akadmlkm D.I.Shcherbake"u. (Pyrites) SINDIMA, N.D. Materials on the geochemistry of selenium. Tru4 Insti min. , 9,9okhim. i kriotallokhim. red. elem. no.1:7-13 '57. XUA 11:6) (Selenium) SINDEYEVA, Nine Dmitriyevna (Ihstl*u" offlUineralogy, Geolhemistry) and Cryat 8~11h emistry of Rare ElementsAAced. Sci. USSR) for Doe of Gcole MineentagUnt Sciowee& on the basis of dissertation defended 10 Dec 58 in Council of Ain TnsU*wk~&-of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy,and Geo hernis-try Ctd. Scl. USSRv entitledt "IfIneralogy, Types of Deposits9V rincipal 46tw~$ of the Geo* hemistry of Selenium and Tellurium." (ELMSSO USSR, 2-61, 31) 410 AUTHOR: jindeyeva, N,D- 11-58-5-7/16 T-LTLE: Selenium and Tellurium in Deposits of Different Genetic Types (Selen i tellur v mestorozhdeniyukh razlichnykh ge- neticheskikh tipov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, Nr 5, pp 78-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the main geochemical peculiarities of selenium and tellurium is their duality, which places these elements on the boundary line of normal and scattered elements. A large part of the atoms of selenium are scattered in the deposits of sulfur, because of the similarity of their chemical properties. Other parts of these atom.s form in- dependent minerals, especially atoms of tellurium, because of their dissimilarity to sulphur, Both these elements are extracted mainly from copper and pyritic deposits in quan- tities sufficient for industrial needs. The author de- scribes and classifies genetic types of deposits containing these elements. Minerals which include selenium and tel- lurium were formed in all stages of ore-forming processes from the magmatic to the exogenous stages. On pages 80 - Card 1/3 81, the author presents a detailed table of the classification 11-58-5-7/16 Selenium and Tellurium in Deposits of Different Genetic Types of all known deposits of these elements in the world. She divides them in three main groups: Magmatic deposits; Volcanogenous deposits; Hydrothermal deposits and Exo- genous deposits. The largest reserves of selenium are associated with the liquation type of magmatic deposits. The largest reserves of tellurium, together with selenium, are connected with the post-magmatic, mainly pyritic and cupri-molybdic, deposits. Many other post-magmatic de- posits also include selenium and tellurium, and therefore can be used for the extraction of these elements. In the sulfide deposits, the chalcopyrites have the highest con- tent of aelenium, which is also found in pyr"-tes and molyb- denites. In lead and zinc deposits, the tel:urium is found mainly in the galenites. The largest part of' the deposits containing the two elements is connected with acid or semi- acid granitoids, but the largest deposits are usually con- nected with the basic intrusives. There is 1 table and 11 references, 3 of whi,-.h are Soviet, Card 2/3 4 American, 3 German and 1 Belgian. 11-58-5-7/16 3elenium and Tellurium in Deposits of Different Genetic Types A-J.:UCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallografii redkikh elementov AN SSSR,Wioscow (Institute of Mineralogy, Geo- chemistry and of Crystallography of Rare Elements, Mo3cow) SUBMITTED: 2 January 1958 ' AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Ore-Deposits 2. Tellurium 3. Seleni= AUTNUFS: Sindeyeva, N. D. , lCurbanova, 11. Z. Soil 2o- 120 -2-36163 TITLE: On the Clarku of Seleniun in Some Rocks of the USSR ( 0 klarke solena v nekotoryl:h 0ornykh porodakh SSSR) PEK,JDICAL: Dohiady Akadei3ii niuk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 12o, Nr 2, P2. 353 - 355 (USLA) ABSTRACT: There are no works specially devoted to the distribution of selenium in the rocks of the earth's crust. The data of difl-'erent authors for the selenium clark are given in table 1. They may be subdivided into 2 eroups: 1) Quantities obtained by the ana- lysis of concrete nntuzral objects; 2) Quantities obtained by the comparison of actual data with data of earlier investigations, 0* mere mathematical computations. In 1955-1957 the authors performed a work with the aim to determine the distribution of seleniun in different tyl-v-es of rock in the USSR. The averaL-,e va- lues obtained in this connection (table 2) for the time being do not yet permit anLr ot~Lte::ient that the clark-contents in rocks of dif-'arent basicity are highly dif-fercnt from each oVer. At the same tine a certain accumulation of selenium in certain reCions, e.,-,. the reL;ion of tla~,Ida-n, becones evident. Pro:,. the Cz:.rd 1/2 analyses of table 2 t*,-.c conclusions may be drayni that selenium On t',Ic Clarks of Selenium in Some Rocks of the USSR SOV/2o- 12o-2-36163 in contained in acid, basic and alkaline rocks in larjer amounts than was reported in earlier investi&-~tions (References 1,13). The authors' analyses yielded 1,5.1o-5%, on the averaj~e -%--11,4.1o-5% . At the end data on the distribution of selenium in the world (References 9,11,12) are -iven. In the P-ibaltika 0 3 schist samples showed contenl','s of froM 3-1o-5 to Soo-4;fa (table 2). All those data not yet sufficient for drawing concluoiona on the celonitim contents in cedimeLtary rocks of the USSR. There are 3 tabloo and 13 references, 6 of rhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inctitut mineralogii, geokhimii i krictallokhimii rcd!:ikh ele- me.ntov Akaderiii nauk SSSR ( Institute for Ilineralo:;y, Geoche- mintry and Crystal Chet-,iitry of Rare Elements,AS USSR) PRESENTED: Uarch 3, 1958, by D. I. Shcherbakov, Member, Acidemy of Sciences, USSR SUr ~171TTED: February 26, 1950 Card 2/2 hj_411EYN_VA, Nina Dmitriyevna; BEUS, A.A., doktor geol.-Mineral.naUk,; SIMKW, S.M., red.izd-va; M'MIN, I.F., [Mineralogy, types of deposits, and basic geochemical charac- teristics of selenium and tellurium] Kineralogiia, tipy mesto- rozhdanii i oanovuye cherty gookhimii selena i tellura. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1959. 254 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Selenium) (Tellurium) 3(M),5(2,4) AUTHORSt Sindeyeva, 11. D., GQdov1ko7, A. A. SOV/20-127-2-55/70 ____ TITLEt On the Isonio-phisir, Between Sulph-ur and Tellurium in Galenite PERIODICAL: DokladLr Akademii nauk SSSR, 19"), 'T-11 '127, Nr 2, PP4311-434 (USSR) ABSTRACTs so S~ and Te are in the VI'h group of the porLodic system of elements and are chemical analogs. In naturi- they are c-Dnnectted by mont-typical hyperCenic processe,3 and eccur in the samq deposits. They are arranged 4-ri an iscrio:rphous series in geochemical papers (Ref S 4 6,2,4). Th,3 isomorphism of S and Se is undoubted, that cf S and Te, is, however, unolear. The possibility of an isomorphous substitution of the elements 'As known to be to a considerable extent caused by the size of the ionft-Vatomic-, or covalent radii. The sulphides are to a considerable extent covalent compounds. Selenides and telluridee to a still greater extent. The authors wanted to examine experimentally the boundaries of the isomorphous substitutions between S and Te. For this purpose PbS (galenite) and PbTe (altaite) were chosen as compounds of ene an(~ the same Card 1/.:-. I structural type (NaCI) which have also the same type of On the Isomorphism Between Sulphur and SOV,120-127-2-55/70 Tellurium in Galenite chemical bond and further analogies. They wer,-. produced pyrosynthetically from elements (in stoichiomstric quantities). Table I shows the lattice parameters and the microhardness in the series of these compounds. The tellurium quantity which penetrated into the galenite lattice was conviderably shortened with the reduction of the altaite concentration to 5% (the parameters were much lose changed). The parameters were not chan&ed at an altaite content of 2 and 0.25'~. This proves the limitedness of the S- and Te-isomorphism. Considerable excess concentrations of To are necessary foz its occurrence* A solid solution is produced here since the microhardness increases with risine content of PbTe in the sample. By a galenite synthesis in the presence of a considerable tellurium excess a mixture was produced consisting on the whole of galenit-and tellurium Pig 4); it had a chnracteristic structure. The galen�te parameter was, however, not changed. Card 2/3 On the Isomorphism Between SulpLur and BOV/'20-127-2-55/70 Tellurium in Galenite The formation of a small altaite quantity in the mixture which cannot be dete"Iined by the phase analysis may be caused by ar. jn3onside-rable s-,,.lrhur loss in the opening of the soldered experime-atal cmptle. It could not be prov.,?d thit selenium Plays the role of a mediat)r when tellurium peaetrates into the Calenite 1%ttice. There, are 4 fiGures, 3 tables, and 5 reforenc-es, 4 of whichare Scvlet. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogiiq geolchim.-ii J-1 Lristallokhiiaii rodkikh elementov (Ins*tituto of 11ineraloCj, Genchemistzry, and Crystal Chemistryof thc- Rare Elements) P11ESENTED: january 26, 1959, by N. V. Delov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 14, 1958 Card 3/3 D'YACHKOVA, I.B.; SII;DEYEVA) 11,D., otv. red.; SBILMR) V.A., otv, za vypusk. - (Isomorphism of minerals in the syster, Bi2s3- B12Se 3] Ob izo- morfime mineralov v sisteme B'2S3 - B'2S7e3, Moskv&, 1960. 10 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii., geokhimii i kristallo- khimii redkikh elementov. Mineralogiia, no.5) WRA 15:6) (Isomorphimn) SINDEYEVAY N. D. "Sc~me features of k1he geochemistry of selenium and tellurixtn" Paper submitted at the International Geological Congress XXI Session 1960 (Reports of Soviet Geologists) Problem No. 1, 15-24 Aug. 61 SINDFYFVA, N.D.; KULIKOVA, M.F. Rare elements In the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits. Trudy IMPY, no.10:268-290 163. (MIRA 17:5) in -~.-a i i a*..; *!'%.!- poten! !t i r. t 0 i-ft Y akut I a i in,derosro klcvorudnykh mesto- 1, F, ' z:-. -,r:) '%:nlika , 1961, . 250 A -i C Vi . f'L!C 11) -eleniurl. %nc tt,~Ilurium in t.J L., pper-ni c it el rical r,-- t,; 'jeckL- 7 11% i se -I ena !,a ~ lura v v (Af. ri-I-I 1 ke lev.,;kh rnest~rozhderi-~ iak h. !-'cjskva, lz~i- 110 1'. .t 17: 6) TANOVP A.P., S Formation of poison gases and dust during blasting operations in underground workings. Sbor.nauch.trud.Kirv.fil.'GD kN URSR no.1331-38 162. (MM 16:4) (Mine dusts) (Mine gases) (Blasting) SINDIC, 14iodrag; JMIGICp Marija S. Phlegmonous gastritis. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 89 no.4:485-489 Ap 16:1. 1. Patolosko-anatomski institut 14edicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Zivojin Ignjacev. Interna klinike A Medicinskog fakultata Univeriiteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Branislav Stanojevic. (GASTRITIS) DURIC, Duatux S.; KICIC, Jovan V.; SIVDIC, MIodragj STEEPANOVIC, Dmgomir A rase of subacute bacterial andocarditin simulating acute bacterial andocarditis. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 89 no.5:623w-628 My, 161. 1. Interna klinika A Medicinakog fakultata Univer2iteta u Beogradu. Upravnik! prof. dr Branislav Stanojevic. Institut za patolosku anatomiju Med. fakulteta Univerziteta u Beograda. Upravnik, prof. dr Zivojln Ignjacev. (ENDOCARDITIS SUBACUTE BAC=AL diag) BOZINOVIC, Ljub-Lca; S11101C, Mlodrag; MORIC-PETROVIG, Slavka Tetral,~gy of Fallot with residual endovascuUtaie and endo- ~-ardltts in a case of mongolism. Srpoki arb. eelok. lek. 91 no.5,.1511-516 My 763. interns. klinika B Medic-iniskog fakulteta Univemiteta u Beogradu Upravnlk~, prof. dr Radivoje Berovic Ntolosko-anatomaki ~nslltut Medicinskog fakulteta Universitsta u Beogradu Upravnika prof. dr Zivojin Ignjal-%v Neuropeihijatrija)m k3inika Medicinakog fakuiteta Univerzfteta u Beogradu Upravniki prof. dr Uron 'Tekic. (MONGOLISM) (TETRALOGY OF FALLOT) (ENDOCARDITIS) (PULMONARY EMBOLISM) (GANGRENE) SINDIC, Miodrag; BABIC, Dusan Isolated metastases of breast cancer to the th7roid gland. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 89 no.lltl353-1356 N 161. 1. Interns. klinika A Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr BraniBlav Stanojevic Patolooko-Amtomaki institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Zivojin Ignjacev. (BREAST NEOPLASMS compl) (ADRENAL GLAND neopl) S SIRDIJA, IVIAn, ing. (Zagreb) Theoretical fundarnentaln and the aprlication r-' t,;rbo-drills In the U.S.S.R. Nafta Jug 12 no.10:268-2/79 0 61, 1. Poglovno udruzenje Vafta", Zagreb, SINDIJA, Ivan, inz. Theoretical foundations and application of turbodrills in the U.S.S.R. Application of turbodrill in the Tuymazy region, Bashkir Autonomous S. S. R. Jkfta Jug 12 no.11/12:310-320 N-D 161. 1. Poslovno udruzenje "Nafta,O Zagreb. SINDIV, ..t-. -, , ,revention nnd control of diphthqriA. Higijena, Beogr. 9 no.1.81-85 1957. 11, Central Institute of rtrgione. Zagreb. (DPHIHERIA, prev. & control Oser)) 1 ' (, T G -Tdrtii SlIEDIKI, ",,nton, in.-.. ,,'U',!IN. , Ab, J, -eetirir of the Permaingnt 0 ' '~ ~ - (.nal `er;~.-ration of Goometem', an,i on Geoup-Sy in Eofia, August 22-29, 1`64-Geod list 18 no.10/12:285-20,5 0--D 164. W44PKI T SINDIR, 1. Yugoslavia (430) General - Serials The legislation of Stefan Dusam in Grbalj and Pastrovici. p.349. Srpska akademija nauka. GLASNIK. Beograd. (Quarterly bulletin contain- ing abstracts of transactions and proceedings of the Serbian Academy(f Sciences). Vol. 1, no*! 3. 1949. East Eurmean Accessions List, ibrar7 of Congress, Vol 1, no 13, Novembe~ 1952. UTICLASSIFIED S'IRDIJAY Ivan, inz, Boring oil gas wells with electric boring machines in the U.S.S*R. Nafta Jug 13 nc.4/5:92-99 Ap-My 162. 1, Poslovno udruzenje ONafta*v Zagreb. fr AlliMU1, I.I.L., red.; VASILIYEV, A.I..., red.; MENKO, G.I., red.; SINDILEVIGH, L.M., red, (Reading machines; papers presented at the conference on the proces- sing of information, machine translation, and automatic reading] Chitaiuchchie ustroistva; sbornik dokladov na Konferentaii po ob- rabotke informatsil, mashinnonu perevodu i avtoiraticheskomu chte- nilu teksta. Noskva, 15)62. 186 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy infor=atsii. (Reading machines) L .33.6-45-6-5 Po-Oq-Og4WPk-4 TOO) 'ACCESSIM IM, AP5007475 0/0206/65/000/000=7/0091 MMORS& Baking Be 8.1 Oryamov, L._r.1 Vissonammele Lol Khxm4tsovj To I Le-No Phahegoleve Lo-P*- 'A 0 21WQG.'d2P iTITLEt Radametaut orAysoltir go= dgZjaga JWS 42t Xd* M1,35 SOMCS# Pyulleten' isobrotaniy I tovirwAdi Snakovo no- 41 1965# ,TOP IC TAGSt pinched cardt'storses device CTs This Author Certificate Meento a samiconstent calax1tr memory devicm ,punched car4se To Increase the reliability of this device with %ftlixation at' . standard punched cardag the devicat ocusists of a plate with tmbx in ** form of 1grooves filled with conducting liquid or solid-liquld alloy (matt ftg* I an +A* 'Enclosure) a' Ping coated with *14otrimlir Jamdating vamigh Was V=qv& bolts Ithe punched cards laormation and am Inwood JA tho (M&MUffe Uquid, lorie. art. bass i S=MlOff t no" SUMMM - 20N*v6j Ric 1 01 SCM OMNI [C.Srd M1 000 1 000 afi I In zl~ SINDILEVICH, L.M. Second All-Union Conference on Autqmatic Processing of Informaticn. NTI no.8:8-9 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl Otdela mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii informatsionnykh rabot Vsesoyuznogo institute nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po koordinatsii nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot i AN SSSR. BIRMAN, N.Ya.; S_INDILEVICH, L.M. Determining weight coefficients in the correlation method of written character recognition. RrI no.1:23-24 16,*. (MIRA 17:3) FISEIEV, A.E., -SIN-IDINI-I-Al Lowur Devonian deposits in the southwestern part of the halba Itange. Dokl. All SLSR 141 no.6:1435-143? li '61. (MIRA li~-.lz) 1. Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoye Ceologicheskoye upravleniye. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.Ilalivkinym. (halba Range--GpoloF^y, Stratigraphic) li7--h-4-700r, rr an s I at ion f rum: Refe ra';X,,nyy zhurna I, Meta I I urgiy a, i9~;8 N~ 4 ,, 100' ! USSR) AUTHOR: Sindin, V. G. T ITL E: Experiences in the Operation of the Section Mills of the Mag,~,,- torgorsk Metallurgical Kombinat (Opyt. raboty sortovykii Magn;togorskogo rnehdlurgiches~ogo kombiritta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Niuchno-tel