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SIIJDA9 1,P,, kani. tek-hn, nauk, dctsent L?.-;gs and sfficJen~y diagrams of a.,:-. p~,wer LTenEntssicn linea, Elektrichea-c;vo no.1:71-72 ja 16-,. (MIRA 17;6) SI DA P. (Nov ~---rkassk) U , 1 Calci,ILnr..-'Lon of transit tuned e1p-,-tric pc.,.er transmission lines. Izv. ;V,,' 135SR.Energ. i tr4nsp. Ja-F 165. (MIRA 1824) MA Kr., c-,,- an -IF3 nil aa h i ng he c av a .9 ar ~i -3 v na n ~-,a 5 !% c nc vl L ty K: ak o r az -i "d oo n,, '.11,V: prof SIUDA, Stanislawa Morphology of %t:e adrenal cortex of Sorex aransua Linnahus, 1758 during th-j life cycle. Acta theriolog 8 no.1/16rI15- 124 164. 1. Department of Histology and Embryology of the School of Med'-:!iniu, Bialystok. SIUDAJ, Wojciech, Dr. (Poznan) Legal character of stevedoring agreements and award contracts of arbitration decisions. Tech gosp morska 13 no.10:296-297 0 163. SRIDA, ',.Iojciech, dr. Liability of port tally and supervision enterprises. Tech gosp morska 14 no.2:40-42 F 164. SIUDA, Wojciech, dr. Responsibility of the shipyard for ship repairs. Tech gosp morska 14 no.lOt295-297 0 164. 1. School of Economics, Poznan. RATAJCZYY, Florianj SIUDA, Zdzislaw Sintering of bifocal eyeglasses. Szklo 13 no.30"O Yx 162. L64916-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5019626 PO/0034/65/000/007/0309/0313 621.317-621.315.592 AUTHOR: Sluda Zbigniew (kaster angLneer) TITLE: Electrical design of rectifier-type meters using Polish semiconductor diodes SOURCE: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, no. 7, 1965, 309-313, TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, volt meter design,, millivolt meter design, micro- ampere meter design.. rectifier circuit ABSTRACT: The paper discusses rectifier circuits shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure for use in rectifier-type meters and employing germanium diodes. The advantages Of using such dioded for this application are enumerated. Such diodes are going into produe-i tion in the Zaklad "Tewa!l ("Tewall Plant). The circuits and the factors determining the i temperature -error of rectifier-type meters are discussed,, and a formula for the tempera-~' ture error due to the variation of the diode forward resistance with temperature is de- rived. A simple method of compensating the temperature error due to the variation Of diode characteristics with temperature Is shown. The temperature error due to the varia-1 pre tion of the diode feedback resistance with temperature is also considered. The paper sents some results of measuring the following parameters of some Polish germanium point-contact diodes: static voltage-current characteristic, dynamic forward-current re 1 Card 1/3 L 64916-65 -ACCESSION NR: AP5019626 01 sistance vs current variation of the dynamic forward-current resistance for a tempora- ture change of 100, variation of voltage-current characteristic with temperature from -20*C to +40*C. On the baBis,of the experimental ~tnd theoretical results circuits were developed for rectifier-type meters for current, range from 150,dA to 600 mA and volt s ag ranges from 1. 5 v to 600 v. Schematics of the meters are shown. The meters were fabricated and 36 meters were tested for temperature error; the measurement results are shown in a table. Their temperature error was small enough and all meters have passed the Polish standard requirements. For volt metern the mmdmum frequency error did not exceed 1. 5% and for millivolt meters and microampere meters it did not exceed 2. 0%. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 5 tables and 18 formulaB. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL:, 01 SUB CODE:, EC NO REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 002 Card 2/3 DUDKOWSKI, Leazek; SIUDAK, Adam Three cases of lung paragonimiasie. GruzlIca 25 no-1: 57-62 Jan 57. 1. Z D21eCIeCegO Osrodka Prowentoryjno-Sanatoryjnego w Rabee Dyrektor; dr. M. Milewski. Adres: Rabka-Zdroj. (PARAGONIMUS, infect. lungs (POI)) (LUNG DISXASBS, case reports paragonimus infect. (Pol)) M"DA!", f Journal of the Science of Raid-g-r-U1Wj=,ift=aV the common read (Phr4rmiks in r the min. supr content needed = Food and Agriculture for lactic fermentation (gas, PH 4MUring ensaw. Both April 1954 "Ided silage of goW q- a, r, structure, freedom iau"(07 t i iti f lti f l ti i b dd I l 1 o ffes o ac sms j. u n a cu c Organ a ). ym Agriculture and Horticulture. oved the sitap ft"m rMil grawas but had no beneficial slightly 1% t t f h d R d b r en , effect Cm t rom t e ree . e@ Vann were no - y livestock. either green or as hiy. but - readily Consumed Al A. G. PotLmw. 'Zar nr :c, ar Ar- sm' ':C7 1-cl cr Lc"- L. , Or'3 ; r- s mentat ~. - ftcsfifirr;ft on ! 4 -4 ' lesn ri-qin. Prace nauk roln L 'e School of 'cq.1 lvlood TechroloFlY Of' Dcpartmenl. Agricultilre, Poznan; Ile-A. [prof, -irl '13tanislaw Prosir.Al. 89145 q, -T 3 -;-V P/015/60/000/012/002/002 I t;-;t I A0 Ao76/Ao26 AUMORS: Nowak, Lutoslaw; Siudyka, Stanislaw TITLE: Infrared Radiation Absorbing Glass PERIODICAL: Szk1o I Ceramika, 196o, No. 12, PP. 361 - 364 TEXT. As a result of the increasing demand (about 100,000 m2 annually) for automobile windshields made of,glass which absorbs infrared radiation, the Centralm Laboratorium Przemyslu Szklarskiego (Central Laboratory,of the Glass Industry) be- gan laboratory and industrial tests connected with production t.echnology of 6-mm thick glass absorbing about 70% of infrared radiation in the range of from 0.7 to 3:0/.k. The research was divided into a) laboratory tests, b) melting on small in- dustrial scale in the Huta Szkla "Jaslo" (Glass Plant "Jaslo") and c) melting on industrial scale in the ZSL "Walbrzych". Laboratory investigations were made on glass melted in a laboratory furnace, and Its absorption properties were testedwith a Zeiss spectrophotometer in the range of from 0.7 to 3-0/W. A normal d-c "Nitra" lamp was used as infrared radiation source and the monochronomator was equipped with saline prism making possible the measurement of infrared radiation up to 17/A The test results revealed that the glass produced by the ZSL "Walbrzych" plant has Card 1/2 TUSZPTSKI, Waclaw; SIUDYKA, Stanislaw Quality control of kourcault glass. Szk1o 13 no.1:10-17 Ja 162. POL),ND - ~,~I,_JS,LAnipl~~Chair of Special Aini-,:-al Breeding ZWOLINSKI, Jerzy and SIUDZL,'tI-I (Katedra Szcze-olowej 1101~V-ii Zwi0rz-7,)Tad (Kierownik) Pof Dr Steian 0 ALZXANDROWIC:~; and Department of 11orso Breeding (Zaklad flodowli Koni,) Head docent De Jc'rzy 2'.1,10LINSVI'l, AgriculLural University (IISR,) Poznan. "Time of Day at Which Foaling Occurs." Lublin, Nedycyna Waterynaryina, Vol 21, 'NIo 10, Oct 65; pp 614-616. AbsLr--C:t I%'Enc,lish sumtmary modiziled]: Scudy to verify the truth of the old popular belief that mares always give birth to their foals during the most inconvenient time of the night - analysis of 1007 cases during a per;Dd of 9 months secms to confirm it: over 75% were born at night. This is attributed to neuropsycholo,-.ical influences, ability of pregnant mare to postpone onset of parturition until the stable is relatively quiet. Four Polish I German ref. imi-66 EWT(1) ACC NRt AP6006833 SntiRcE CODE: UR/0181/66/0081002/01;75/0477 AUTHOR: Kovalevskaya, G. G.; Nasledov, D. N.; Siukayev, N. V.; Slobodchikov, S. V. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe,ANSSSR, Leningrad (F1z1ko-tekhn1che--:~ skiy institut, AN SSSR); North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute Im. K. L. -,-Khetasturova.-Ordzhonikidze (Severo-osetinskiy Gosudarstvennyy pedagagicheskly in TITLE: Spectral photosensitivity in n-type InP SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 475-477 TOPIC TAGS: photosensitivity, photoconductivity, Impurity center ABSTRACT* Results are given of an investigation of the spectral distribution of Rhotocanductivity of InP n-type specimens with carrier concentrations from 1016 to ,-.,1015 cm-3 at 80 and 296K. Deeply located photoactive impurity centers with energies of 0.33 and 0.14 ev and an impurity level with an energy of 0.04 ev were found in the forbidden zone. The spectral distribution of natural photoconductivity measured at 80K Fhowed the width of the forbidden zone determined from X1/2 to be E G = 1.41 ev. The peak of photosensitivity corresponded to X = 0.90-0.91 u. The natural photore- sponse had a smaller value than the impurity photosensitivity, No correlation was found between the electron concentration and the location of the peak within the in- terval n - 1016_1018 cm-3. Measurements performed at 296K showed that Al 2 for the peak of impurity photoconductivity corresponds to 1.21 ev. The width of t~e forbidden ~dl / 2 ACC"~-" N-- AP6006833 zone at room temperature was EG - 1.35 ev. The presence of minority carrier traps and the strong effect of the capture of nonequilibrium current carriers with the aid of traps on the lifetime of electrons and holes were evident. The lifetime evaluated by means of photoconductivity was of the order of 10-6 sec and the rate of surface recombination was 104-2 x 103 cm-sec-1 and depends on the surface treatment. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [JA] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Aug65/ ORIG RkF: 001/ OTH REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 n8t S/126/6i/012/005/021/028 E040/E435 AUTHORS-,,- Starodubov, *K,F,,, Babich', V.K., Siukhin, A.F., Gasik, L.10 TITLE~~ Changes in plasticity of cold--drawn wire during its annealing in the temperature range of 300 to 600"c PERIODICAL- Fj.zika metallov i metallovedeni-ye., v,,12,. no.,5 1961, 765-768 TEXT:: Changes in plasticity properties of St 50 steel were investigated at the Dnepropety-ovskiy Metallurgical Institute by determining the relative elongation and reduction in cross-section area of -wacuum-annealed specimens held for 1; 5, M 15 and 30 min at temperatures in the range of 300 to 600'C, After annealing, the specimens were examined by X-.rays (interference lines from (110) and (220) planes), Tests were also made on cold-worked specimens at 61.6 and 87.5% defoxination, Relative elongation was found to increase with increasing temperature of annealing, with a maximum of 6 to 7% corresponding to annealing tempsratures within the range of 300 to 350'C, A further in--reasa of the annealing temperature (up to 550'C) and spee~,imen holding for Card 1/ 3 S/126/61/012/005/021/028 Changes in plastici-ty of cold- E040/E435 periods of I to 60 min has no effect on the relati-e elongation whose value remains constant for a given degree of -old-working- When the specimen deformation was increased -from 61-6 to 87,5910 the relative elongations dropped by an appro-ximately constant value in comparison with those given by non deformed specimens Identical values of the relative elongation of specimens subjected to the two degrees of deformation were -abta:z.ned after annealing at 6oo"c., On tile. other hand,, values of the rsdu:;tion in specimen r_xoss-seCtion area da-op 5harply with increasing degree of deformation- The -_ur-we of reduction in area vs annealing temperature passe5 through a minimum ~-crresponding to 450 to 550'C. depend-Lng on the duration of spe:Amen holding at a given temperatura- This is explained as being due ro diffusion prosesses. which reduce the permissible diastortion of the crystal lattice and result in a reduction of strength- A significant wpakening of the ba:.kground intensity in X-ray diagrams is regarded as confirming the abo-,re conclusions, It is postulated that the cbserved reduction in the plastIcity of steel during i.s rhe :onsequenc,: of a breakdcvn of th,~ g1rain and block Card 2/3 S/126/61/012/005/021/028 Changes in plasticity Of cold- E04O/E435 boundaries caused, in its turn, by their penetration by dislocations and also by a non-uniform distribution of the dislocations in the sub-grains volume (polygonization). The increase in plasticity of the steel observed at temperatures exceeding 5000C is ascribed to the onset of recrystallization, G,V.Kurdyumov and L.I,Lysak are mentioned in connection with their contributions in this field, There are 5 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED,, January 29, 1961 Card 3/3 2 j', 2 2~,' 5/1118/62/000/001/013/013 E073/E535 HORS AUTI Starodubov, K.F., Gull, Yu.P. and TITLE,: Apnlication of induction heating for producing high strength tubes with a clean surface PLIZIODICAL. Ivvestiya vys.shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya inetallurgiya, no.1, 1962, 16g-170 The authors carried out experim.ents for the purpose of producing tubes,with high mechanical properties and a surface free from peeling-off ineans of induction heating (67 kc/5), applying a special cooling regime. The tubes, made of the steel (10sp) were )10 mm in diameter, 360 mm long, the wall thickness was 1.5 mm and the heating speed was 600OC/sec. The heat treatment consisted of heating to 10000C, quenching with water,by ineans of a special tangential sprayer with slot openings,down to 700-6000C and then in air. This heat trea.tment ensured decomposi- tion of the austenite in the range of pearlitic transformation. As a result of these experiments, tubes with a clean surface and high mechanical and technological properties were obtained. The microstructure of the weld and of the near-weld zone did not Card 1/2 -X '.ISIU,.-YAK0VJ, Dridtriy Yakovlevich, prof., doktor teI-in. nauk; ROSTOVTSEV Gennadiy Nikolayevich; NFUSTRUYEV, Aleksandr ,Ueksandrovich; STARODUBOV, K.F., doktor Lekhn. naukv prof.. akademik, ret--enzent; SOKOLOV, K.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; DOLZH2-NKOV, I.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; SHTEPENKC, V.Z., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KRAVTSOV, A.F., kand. tekhn. naukp dots.j i-etsenzent; FILITSER, G.A., dots., retsenzent; SILICH, A.N., assistent, st. prepodav., retsenzent; 31UKHII,',, A.F.P. ilt --etsenzent; SAVEL'YEV, L.P., assistent, re Miz [Equipment, mechanization and automation of heat-treating plants] Oborudovanie, mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia v terr,icheskikh tsekhakh. 14oskva, Metallurgiia,, 1-964. 467 P. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Akadei,Iiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Starodutov). STARODUBOV, K.F., akademik;,BABICH, V.K.; SIUKHIN, A.F. t'Siukh-;-n-O.F.j y Natwe of processes occurring during the quenching of hardened low-carbon steel. Dop. AN URSR no. 12il'J90-1593 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut-. 2. AN UkrSSR (for Starodubov). on w~ertes of haidened .ocr.4---~rarbop StE=I. lz-,-.v,, Ucheb.zav.; i:lrerr-met. 8 rio.6:137-139 (MIRA 18:8) ins-tut. 22267 5/109/61/006/005/014/027 D201/D303 AUTHORS: Siulina, G.A., Feshchenko, G.A. (Deceased) TITLE: Spin levels of Fe3+ ion in corundum PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektrdfika, Y. 6, no. 5, 1961, 806 - 814 TEXTs Good understanding of the electron paramagnetic resonance of the Fe3+ ion in corundum is of great importance in designing para- magnetic amplifiers since, because of small distances between the spin doublet, a small or even no magnetic field, permits the reali- zation of paramagnetic amplifier in the centimetric frequency rang as stated in T,,S. and A.M, -P-rnknorov (Ref. 1: ZhETTp 1959, 36, 91jj aaid J E. King, ana d.#. Terhune (Ref. 2s J. App- Phys. 1959, 30, 1844~. For an arbitrary orientation of axes of the magnetic field and of the trigonal axis, the Fe3+ ions form two magnetic non-equivalent systems according to L.S. Korniyenko and A.M. Prokhorov (Ref. 3: ZhETT, 1957, 33, 805) and G.S. Bogle and Card 1/7 "Viog/61/006/005/014/027 Spin levels of ... D201/D'1303 H.F. Symmons (Ref. 4s Proc. Phys. Soc. 1959, 73, 531) each produc- ing its own system of lines of various intensities. The richness of this spectrum permits a good s-tdy of cross-relaxation phenomena in a paramagnetic amplifier. The original work ol analysis of the pa- ramagnetic resonance of the Fe3+ ion in A12 03 was carried out by L.S. Korniyenko and A.M. Prokhorov (Ref. 3: Op.cit.), who showed that the observed spectrum of the electron par-amagnetic resonance can be explained by the spin-Hamiltonian as proposed by B Bleaney and R.S. Trenam (Ref. '6; Proc. Roy. Soc., A., 1954, 223, ;); they also measured its constants at room temperatures. The evaluation of Eigen-values and of wave functions for parallel orientation was done by V.M. Vinakurov, M.M. Zaripov and N.R. Yafayev (Ref. 7: ZhE TT, 1959, 37, 312). In the present article the authorSevaluate the numerical values of the levels of energy for an arbitrary orienta- tion of the magnetic field with respect to-the trigonal axis in the planes, for which all ions are magnetically equivalent. Numerical results are compiled as tables and graphs which permit determina- Card 2/7 '1~1 OY61/006/00 5/0 14'/027 Spin levels of ... I D201 "303 tion of the value of the magnetic field, the ozientation.of the crystal and the wave length of-the subsidiary z-adiation. This par- mits design of a paramagnetic ampli-ler for a given frequency band and evaluation of the probabilities f transition for the main and the subsidiary radiation. The of spin levels of the Fe3+ ion in corundi~m is described by the spin-Hamiltonian of the form &4 + . + ~4 - I &'4 S(S (3 S2+3 S - 1)] T 2 + + D S (S + 1)] +F [353~ -30 S (S + 1) ~z :3 180 + 25 P, -6 S (S + 1)+ 3 St (S + A where S the efActive s~pin S ~z operators of the' 2 X Y spin projection on the axes of the co-ordinate systems, for which z-axis coincides with the trigdnal axis of symmetry of the crystall field; Lg, operators of thL- spin projections in the cubic Card 3/7 22267 S/109/61/006/005/014/027 Spin levels of ... D201/P303 system; vector of the external magneti6 field; g coefficient of spectroscopic displacement; 2 - Bohr magneton; D, F - constants of the.elec*tric crystal fields of the trigonal symmetry of the 2nd and 4th order respectively; a - constant of the electric field-of cubic symmetry. The matrides of the spin-Hamiltonian (11 have been evaluated in the case when the diagonal operators are V? 3ze Usihg the three dimensional.rotation matrix with 9 =,125'51619 2250t 0, it can be shown that in S. representation the energy matrix has the form of + it sin ao -ic U 0 Cos a + (3) Lf 5: h s I n cc + b +h sin C900 0 2 3 Cos Ct 2 Card 4/7 1 Spin levels of ... 0 it fk ic 0 Card 5/7 22267 3/109/61/006/005/014/027 D201/D303 8 9b 3h sin ct 0 ic h sin a + 7 + I h Cos a 1 2 3 8 + 2b .0 -Thsina [- -1 )r2- hsin ct 0 3 h COS ct 0 0 Y2- h sin ot 2+ b - h sin a 3 h cos a 10-b ic 0 h sin a 0 0 2 h cos 3) 22267 S/109/61/006/005/014/027 Spin levels of ... D201/D303 ga a - J~ are dimensionless quanti- where h H, b c 5 D D 3 D ties. The Eigen-values are the roots of the secular equation On, 0, (4) where F_ It can be shown that these roots are real numbers. The D authors have numerically evaluated in Eq. (4) in the internal cc = 0 - goo, h = 0 - 5.9 in steps Ah = 0.1, Lcc= 50. The behavior of energy levels with the changing magnetic field is graphically repre- sented for a = 00, 3009 600 and 900 respectively. The qppendix gives the values of energy of. spin levels E,. of the Fe-'*'- ion in corundum for eight orientations of the exte nal magnetic field rela- tive to the trigonal axis of the crystal (cx = 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 900) in steps''*,6h = 0.2 (LH = 364.5 oersted). It has to be pointed out that in calcul~-fto-ns,_the value Card 6/7 221010Y961/006/005/014/027 D Spin levels of D201 D303 6~j a - + 22 = 3.1104 has to be added to matrices (3). The authors 64 D 12 express their gratitude to A.M. Prokhorov and L.,S. Korniyenko for their interest and help. There are figures, an appendix with ta- bulated numerical results, and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publicati- ons read as follows: J.E. King, R.W. Terhune, J. Aip. 1 Phys., 1959 30, 1844; G.S. Bogle, H.F. Symmons, Proc. Phys. Soc., 1959, 73, 531; N. Bloembergen, S. Shapiro, P.S. Persham, J.0. Artman, Phys. Rev., 1959, 114, 445; B. Bleaney, R.S. Trenam, Proc. Roy. Soc., A., 1954, 223, 1. SUBMITTED& March 29, 1960 Card 7/7 SIULLI, I.; SIULLI, S.; FISCHER,J. --- On the extrapolation of the experimental scattering amplitude to the spectral function region. Dubna, Obnedinennyi in-t iadernykh isal. 1961. 7 p. (No subject heading) SIULLI, I.;, SIU4L , S.; FISCHER,J. On the extrapolation of the experimental scattering amplitude to the spectral function region. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh, issI. 1961. 7 p. (No subject heading) ACC NRt AP6009909 SOURCE CODE: UR/0613/66/000/004/0106/0106 INVENTOR: Gorshkov, A. F.; Kirpichnikov, V. M.; Siunov, M. N., ORG: none TITLE: Buffer memory circuit~.~ Class 42, No. 179095 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966, 106 TOPIC TAGS: computer component, buffer memory, stora~ge device, magnetic core storage computer memory ABSTRACT: The Author Certificate introduces a ferrite-core buffer memory utilizing rig. 1. Buffer menory circuit I - Horizontal- recording buses; 2 - generators for selection of horizontal buses; 3 - vertical write buses; 4 - generators for selection of vertical buses; 5 - generators for diagonal read buses; 6 - amplifiers; 7 - recording units. Carq L 20414-66 ACC NR'. AP6009909 square matrices. Matrix configuration is shown in Fig. 1. Orig. art. has: I figure. (DWI SUB -,~.;ODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 22jun64/ ATD PRESS:,qvZ-,2- Card 2/2 L 8 6-66 EWT (1) ACC NRt AP6019229 V) SOURC3 CODE: UR/0144/66/000/002/0150/0154 P AUTHOR: Siunov, I,. N. L ORG: None TITL2: Geometry of closed slots in short-circuited rotor of induction motor SOURCE: IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no* 2, 1966, 150-154 TOrIC TAGS: electric motor, electric power equipment /A101-8 induction motor 46 ABSTRACT: The author presents a selection of formulas and curves needed for determining the dimensions of closed slots in the rotor of induction motor. The formulas and curves are selected from four Soviet and German sources mentioned as references at the end of the article. The optimal dimensions are chosen from a series of various versions calculated by using experimental curves and empirical data. The method of calculation is based on calculating the magnetic permeance of closed slot for various steels and slot sizes. An example of calculation is presented for a 75 kw, 380 v, 740 rpm induction motor of A101-8 type. UDC: 621.313.33 + 621.3. L 38446-66 ACC NR, AP6019229 The versions for semi-closed and closed slots are presented and the results of calculations are compared. Then, the optimal size is select ed as shown in a cross-section of the slot. The proposed method of calculation can be applied to the design of Induction motors in accord- ance with the GOST specifications. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 3 formulas. SUB COM: 09/ SUIN DATE: 12June65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 ---'i &\CC NRt Mff~-51f-- (N) ~OURCZ CODE: UR/0146/66/009/002/0074/0076 AUTHOR: Kirpichnikov, V. M.; Gorshkov, A. F.; Siunov, X. N. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. M. Kirov.(Urallskiy politakhnichaskiy institut) TITLE: Model of high-speed 'recorder unit using flash lamps' SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniyes v. 9, no. 2, 1966, 74-78 TOPIC TAGS: computer, digital computer'. computer component ABSTRACT: An experimental'recorder uniO- Intended for receiving alphanumerical information from digital computer is described; the infornation can be recorded on a photo film or a xerox paper. A step register logically converts information and makes up the lines on the film which enhances the speed of operation. A principal circuit of the*recorder unit is briefly explained. IFK-120 flash lamps operating with a very low duty factor help in transmitting characters to the photo film- writing' density, 2000 lines pcr m. The writing rate of the new experimental ~idt is clai&ea to exceed that of the regular "Ural-2" computer by 11 times; it can be varied within 1-13200 lines per min. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUB111 DATE: 23Feb65 / ORIG REF; 004 Card 1/1 .vlr UDC: 681.142.5 STONOV, N. 5. Welding, Ilectric Tranoformers "Anal~mia of Characteristics of Welding Transformwe" .9 Prof N. S. Siunov, Dr Tech Scl, Ural Industrial Inst, 21 pp "VestL Zlektro-Pram~ No 1 Presents simple graphic method to study characterls- ties of velding transformers. System based on the principle of comparative units, vith forziulae and graphs. PAOT41 SIUNOV, N. S. PROP PA 1qA9T39 Voldiag, Arc VeWmg - Xquipmt 'Selection of Iquipont for Voldlag by Uree-Pbses, A-76," Prof I. S. Sivinor, Dr Toch fti, liml Polytoch Imat, 5 Pp "Artogesmoye Delo" So 10 - raroe-Phass, am welding Is more oacumical than sinSIO-ph&NO.- DIScusses we of 91ftle-phaso veld- ing trwmf re, special thre*-Nbmw rognutm velAing traneformers and thm-phum welding trans- formrs vith separate regulaton. ImIudes 15 diagmas, mm - -- ----I 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 :A, .,f of a 11 A )of 0 14 4 1 k 4 1 0 T 0 K IL( U 00 0 0 0 v 1!11 loll $40.0 0~0- it Most Uff'4111 low 00 Ili Wi-Id .hie t-h'kf! cnjj% (I" 1.0., lWl,IdIllvl, Mar. 1, thV :11-v". "h"t' 111"'Y 00. f., g 'us 'I" . - KT(( ill! K(Eff at -11 An I S it ill 0 4 *90OW69000000004110, 0 0:000000000000000004, 0 r 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 St 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T-W _10 0 * 0 0 0 000000 0 1-00 ill-go ':7 00 -00 foo 40 '09 VID t:* 0 t1oo woo ii-O 4-7-431" a"; 600000 H C\j USM/Electricity )kr 49 Motors, Electric Rotors "The Problem of Efficient Designing of Large Low- Speed Electric Motors," Prof N. S. Siunov, Dr Tech Sol, Ural Polytech Inst, 2 pp "]Mektrichestvo" No 3 Recommends more critical approach in construction of electric motors. Refers to two types of motor rotors Changes in re- ~or for type DA-170, motor now In use at the "Ural elektroapparat" Factory, made possible a decrease 15 - 20 % in weight of rotor. By reducing db 38/49r21 USSR/Electricity (Contd) Nar 49 veight of rotor and stator of motor, decreaee in coat and weight is possible. Gives two Illustrations of rotors, and cost table of stator of motor rA-213. 38/49T21 USN/Metals - Welding Aug ~O "Equipment for Welding With Three-Phase Arc," Prof N. S. Siunov, Dr Tech Sci, Ural Polytech Inst "Aytogen Delo" No 8, pp 12-15 Since 1949, Sverdlovsk Electromech Plant has manufactured apparatus for manual welding with 3-phase arc. Equipment of 3-ST type consists of 3-phase transformer, welding current regula- tor, magnetic contactor, and special electrode holder. Describes equipment and characteris- tics of 3-phase welding installation. Method 167T68 US&R/Aetals - Welding (Contd) Aug 50 simplifies welder's operations, sharply in- creases productivity, and reduces electric power consumption 20-25%. do 167T68 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ray -1953. Unclassified. 1. --'Y' n. "'. ; "'A ", i" - "". 3'"'N' D . IN . 2. "IM)SR (6(-"0) 4. -'4'lectric 'Iclidng ,u'ators for welding with a three-:,!-:aSe am, Prof. N.S. Syunov, TD.A. 7. Contactless reg L Arnamastsev, Avtog.delo 24 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APHIIIL 1953, Uncl. SIYWQY-.IL3..,Profossor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; URMANOV, R.N., 0~~k=nat tekhnichet3kikh nauk. Basic relationships in a three-phase welding arc. Zlektrichestvo no.2:18-21 F55. (MLRA 8:2) 1. Uraltskiy politekhnichoskiy institut im. Kirova. (Electric welding) S )0 U V) At. S USSR/ EnEjn~_crin...; - *4'clding apporatus Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 3/8 Authors I Siunrv, N. S., Axzamastsev, D. A. Title R* rrinciplt,s of desiLninj; of control apparatus f,,!,,- mz_,nu,-A -,.,eldir4; with a three-phase arc Periodical I Avtom. svor. F/l, 25-)S, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract I The design, asrembly and operation of the 729ST control apparatus for manual weldinL Of metal with a three-pha2e arc. are described. Formules are given for calculatin.- phate con'rol units and impedance coils. Eight USSR references (194:31-1953). Illustrations, diaprams; drawings. In~-titl:tion The Ural S. M. Kirov Polytechnicol Instititu Submitted July 25, 1951~ SIUNOV, H.S.; URMANOV, R.N. Three-phase are welding with nomelting electrodes. Avtom. evar. 8 no.6:49-53 X-D 155. (PT.2', 916) l.Urallskiy politekhnichookiy institut imeni S.K.Kirova. (Ilectric welding) doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; SLRGEYET, M.A., �_X U kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Selection of principal parameters of machimes for condenser butt welding. Svar.proizv. ne.12:4-6 D 155. (MLRA 9:2) l.Urallskiy politakhnicheakiy institut iment S.M.Kirova. (Blectric welding) AID F - 4516 Subject USSR/Engineering-Welding Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 2/13 Authors Siunov, N. S. and V. P. Sivtsov Title Monophase Welding Transformer Combined with D-C Saturable Reactor. Periodical Svar. proizv., 2, 4-6, F 1956 Abstract A description of combination of a single-phase welding transformer with a d-c controllable reactor designed by the Ural Polytechnic Institute Is presented by the authors with results of the test given in detail. Five graphs, 2 photos and 2 drawings. Institution : Ural Polytechnical Institute Submitted : No date . SIUDDY, N.S., doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk; SIRGEM, N.A., kandidat nauk. Heat processep In condenser discharge butt welding. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.62:4-11 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Blectric welding) ---I. SIITPI,-R." doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professori KIJBRAKOV, L.N., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. A "double" electrical transmission for mochfLnical power. Blektrichostye no.2:71-74 7 157. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. lirova. (Blectric power diattibution) AUTHORs Siunovo N.S. Profe8ecr, Doctor of Technical Science 3-5-17/38 TITLEa To Educate on Concrete Matters (Vospityvat' na konkretnykh delakh) PERIODICALs pp 49-53 (USSR) Vestnik v-rsshay ~,ikoly, 1.957,Nrc ABSTRACTj The author reDorts on the educational work of the Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni Kirov, Certain teachers of so- cial science did not immediately understand their mission and sometimes were evasive in answering questions. Due to this '4- he institute was subjected to a severe criticism from the party, This year a reorganization of the educational work took p1a,_,P,, At Dresent~ for instance, many special chairs prooeed with large-scale projects during the courses. Generally practical experience helps the students. The author states that systematio excursions to industrial works are an important educational factor. New methods of instruction resulted from ,he possibility of teaching directly at the plants. The Komsomol organizations also tell the students to co-operate with industrial workers. The Komsomol members of the Faculty of Metallurgy concluded an agreement of co-opera- tion with the Komsomol members of the metallurgical works of Card 1/2 Verkh-Isetsk. More than 200 students, in particular of the SITNOV, N.; SIIJTSOV, V. "Combined one-phase welding transformer with choking coil for saturation. Tr. from the Russian." P.17 (Ratsionalizatsiia, Vol. 7. no. 3, Mar. 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 SIUNOV, B.S.; URKANOV, R.N. Analysis of schematic diagrams of three-phase arc welding with single-phase adjustable chokes. Avtom.evar. 10 no.4:1-14 JI-Ag '57. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Urallskiy politakhnichoskly institut imeni S.K.Kirove. (Ilectric welding) Excitation of a Synchronous _Yotor of 'N'ormal Construction SCV/1105-,98-8-0/21 'dith the Application of Mechanical Rectifiers winding intlie stator. The circuit diajram is described. Sub- sequently the operation of the transformer in a circuit with the three-w-indinG adjustable transformer is investigated. It is shown, that a sufficient resistance of the brush contact, a sm-all equivalent inductivity of the transformer equipment and an accurately determined position of the brush holder must 'he o-uaranteed in order to ensure a satisfactory per- formance of the mechanical rectifier. In connection with the experimental investigation of the synchronous motor with a mechanical rectifier its performance was examined at a con- tinuous and at a sudden change of load. The numerous results showed a satisfactory commutation of current in the whole range of motor load, The motor operates stably and with a practically spark-free commutation at a sudden change of load from zero to 701fo of nominal load. As a summary it is stated ': The excitation of synenronous motors of normal design of small and medium power can be performed by means of a mechanical rectifier. The rectifier is connected to the output side of a three-phase transformer with three windings and a controllable Card 2/3 magnetic shunts 2) The circuit described guarantees an auto- Excitation of a Synchronous Motor of Normal Construction SOV/105-58-8-9/21 With the Application of ';'echanical Rectifiers matic increase of exciter current with an increase of load in thelmotor- 3) The commutation of the mechanical rectifier is satisfactory at a slow as well as at a sudden chanCe of load. There are 7 figures and 3 references,a]2 of which are Soviet~ ASSOCIATION- Urallskiy politeklinicheskiy ietitut im. Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni Kirov) SUBIMITTED: March 4, 1958 1. Electric wtors--Design 2. Motor generators--Application 3. Electric pircuits-Test results 4. Transformers--Performance Card 3/3 Sov/133/58-9-10/29 AUTHORS:3iunov 1-1 S (Dr.Tech.Sciencetl-lrofessor), Rezin, LI. G. Science), lGioli-1-ov, A. I. (Candidate Tech. Sciences, Docent), Osykhovskiy, I. G. (Candidate Tech.Sciences Senior Lectl=er) ' TITLE: The Choice of Some Parameters of the Electro-Ma-2)netic otirrer for an Are Furnace (Vybor nekotorykh parametrov dugovo--o statora elektromagnitnogo peremeshivatelya zhidkoy stali PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958, Nr 9, pp 802-806 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After a brief outline of the principle of operation of an electro-ma-netic stirrer and advantages in its use (based 0 kD on Western literature) the authors consider the problem of choice of some of its main parameters for a given velocity 0 of movement of metal on the bottom of a furnace. The followin- parai-iieters are considered: nwifber of poles of the C. stator arc, len-,-bh of Statov's arc, air -ap are, frequency of the current, len-th of the core. Theoretical considera- tions were tested on a model using mercury at room tempera- ture (Fig-5). Good a-reement between the calculated and actual velocities of the movement of the metal was obtained. T-,.z.,o desiSns of electro-magnetic stirrers developed by the nard 112 sov/133/58-9-10/29 The Choice of Some Raramebers of the Blectro-1,1a,-netic Stirrer for an Arc Furnace electrotechnical and electrometallur-ical department of 0 the Urals Polytechnical Institute in cooperation with the v.,,or,',-,s UAZ, TJZTII and VIZ will be soon introduced into the indu3trj. There are 5 fi,-)ures. AII'DOICIATIOBI: Ural'S'riy -)oliteklinicheskiy institut (Urals Polytech- nical Insti~ute~ Card 2/2 SOV-125-58-10-6/12 U-" Siunov, N.S. d SerCeycv, _.-'HLE-. The OriCin of the Arc in Butt Conden3er 'iNelding (0 voznik- novenii dugi pri stykovoy koridensatornoy svarke) PERIODICALi Avtomaticheskaya svarka; 19589 Nr 10, up 55 - 59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The origin of the arc in butt condenser welding is analyzed. On the basis of existing data it is concluded that the major factor of the arc origin is the melting of micrcprotrusiors on the c.,nds of the parts to be welded, and vapor formation of the metal. If there are such vapors in the interelec- trode gap, the development of the discharge can be explained on the basis of the thermo-electronic theory of the arc. Stability of the arc depends mainly on the transitional contact resistance. A formula is recommended to calculate the melting coeeficient which determines the quantity of Card 112 the arc heat consumed by burning-out and evaporation of The Cri.-in of the ,rc in Butt Condenser ";e1ding SOV-125-58-10-6/12 the metal. An equation is given to determine the speed of the movement of the welding devicels movable head which ensures the stability of the arc. There are 4 oscillograma, 1. circuit diagram and 5 Soviet references. ASS"';CIA-PIGN: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni 3.Al. Kirov) 3UBMITTEDi May 108,. 1956 1. Electric arcs--Theory 2. Electric arcs--Stability 3. Arc welding--Equipmeent 4. Mathematics Card 212 SOV/3-58-11-2/36 AUTHORs Siunov, N.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, In- stituts Director TITLEt Use the Extensive Possibilities of a multi_ department Vuz (Ispollzovat- bol'shiye vozmozhnosti mnogofakulltetnogo vuza) PERIODICALt Veetnik vysshey shkoly, 1958. Nr 11, pp 7 - 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the post-war years, the number of higher educational institutions in the eastern districts of the USSR has rapid- ly increased. There are in Sverdlovsk alone 11 higher schools (including the Ural Polytechnical Institute with 20,000 stu- dents). Professor 'A.G. Chilikin fRef 2_7 was right in asserting that the demands raised by industry in respect to higher school graduates have considerably changed. Soviet industry now requires a specialist of versatile education With a thorough theoretical and good practical training. The vuzes, however, while supplying the students with gufficient theoretical knowledge, do not ensure the required practical training, thus compelling the young engineer to complete his education at places of production. The admit- tanas of studenta with a record of practical experience radically changes the situation. In 1957, the Ural Poly- flarg 1/3 technical Institute had 70 % secondary school graduates in .SOV/3-58-11-2/38 Use the Extensive Possibilities of a Walti -department Vuz the Ist course against 36 i7" in 1958, The most rational type of school for training engineers, according to V.P. Yelutin, Minister of Higher Education, is a large multi-faculty vuz where favorable conditions are created for an outstanding scientific personnel capable of conducting important scien- tific work and of ensuring a high standard of training. The Ural Polytechnical Institute with 10 day-time faculties and over 9,500 students, 3 evening faculties with 1,700 students and 3 correspondence faculties with over 8,700 persons, is one of the most flexible types of educational institutes, ensuring a connection between theoretical education and practical experience. This combined type of a polytechnical vuz is considered by many other vuzes as the most rational one, where students of the junior courses study by correspon- Card 2/3 dence, combining work with study, while at the senior courses SOV/3-58-11-2/38 Use the Extensive Possibilities of a *jIti-department Vuz they join the day-time faculties. The total ti-me of study at the institute must not exceed 6-years, There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.111'. Kirova (Urals N Polytechnical Institute imeni S-;"'!. Kirov) Card 313 ANTIPOV, M.F., aspirant; SIUNOV, N.S., doktor tekhn. nauk prof. Calculating the parameters of a combined stator for asynchronous motors. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no-90:35-43 158. (MIRA 13:2) (Ilectric motors, Induction) SYLTNOV, N.S., doktor tekhn. nauk prof.; TARASOV, N.M., aspirant Investigation of synchronous motors of low and medium power with excitation from the semiconductor rectifiers. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.90:78-90 '58. (MIRA 13:2) (Electric motors, Synchronous) 1-2-101 0(5) JT'.,~ _H OR S 1u.1 0v En ine 2r T I "- L E 3yn~.,hroncuzc A.'otor With Semi-Conductor Rectifier Excitation (Sinkhronny,y dvi.-late-11 9 vczbLzh,.'eniyem ot ,-)olul)rovodnikovykh vypryarziteley) PERIODIC~-,L: TIr 2, ri~ 40-43 (USFR) AT~S'I'RACT: r2he choi--e cf the cirevit for the excitation of synchronous ~intors i,- of dec~,qiv& ii,--ortancefor their viorking 'Foa: ofearlifica'-on of the excitation cir- of synchronous motol-s by semicanducto-- rectifiers it is uuitabla to employ special transformer installations. These ensure Iae aiotor oneration with a leading current at all ratin:~s~ In this case the anthors used a three-phase 3 wind- in,- tran2forrier for feeding the exciter circuits of synchronous mo'cxs. The transformer was re,,r;ulated by an adjustable magnetic ~-~,hl7nt or at increaSed power by means of a reactor in the cur- rent circuit of the prinary windin----. It is shown that the oarameters of V~e proposed connection must be determined com- cencing with nc-load operation and the nominal motor rating. C-Ard 1/3 The Leiven explanations were testel by ext-eriments. The inves- SO-V/ I ol~-5')-2- I o/25 ~11T-0110UC t,,ompoiln C, the s.vnCl ~, - d L!otors with an excitation ~Jven herb siiomd a sz:r-ies of T_,,cjsitive ~.leciiliarities: r ho-se notors 'have -practi ;ally a constant cos (p within a v,i,le rnnje of load variation. "he el-.citation scheme permits -e to bo easily acCom-od-ated to the operational condi- to increase the -.-)attless out-jut at little loads. 2) '211& motor,- 61J~.,,pf~.,,-e ~,,f a romarkable static and dinamic over- ioa!] The motors with rated load on the shaft c-achr,:~no-js oileration even at a considerable decrease of tIv- %,olta-e. Therefore it is no' necessary to force com- mo-ors with reference to voltace. At a line-voltage re- i: c 1. c n,'L-,e metors tike up nore wattless nover. 4) At full-load I`A,~ mctorq come tip to their rated speed. 5) 'Shen de- the air -al, can be kept considerably sualler tlllar. in the case of motors with separate exciters where the air -a-p -is determine-! by the motor stability. The dimensions of t~~e air m.-List in tlie case of compound Liotors be determined., b,y the -udi:u3sible losses an,,' the mechanical reliability as 'the sta),ility -s -,,ranted 'by the excItation system. 6).Phe motors can operate at impuise a,.-,,] pulsating load. "-'here are 7 fissures, Card 21,~ tahle :_-~~J 3 So-vie" refer,~nces- 'I A C, L *?/< "q spVJ144-59-6-Y15 AUTHORS: Siunov., N.S~ -Doctovof Technical Sclences, Pro essor, iovy ~5;, ~.V., Aspirant TITLE. The Influence of Additional Capacitance on Current Cotimiutation PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 34 - 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A very brief review is given of recent work on the physical processes of the final stage of current commutation in machines. The process is explained with reference to the diagram in Figure 1. The short-circuit time T in the diagram generally differs from the actual time of the electro-magnetic transient commutation process, so that there is a residual current L 0 at the instant when contact is broken. Previous authors have noted the influence of the coil capacitance on the commutation current, its effect being to reduce the probability of sparking. Since the natural capacitance of a coil is very small, Tur, in an article in Elektrichestvo, 1956, Nr 11, described the effects of including an additional capacitance ten Cardi/6 times as great as the natural capacitance. sov/144-59-6-5/15 TLie Influence of Additional Capacitance on Current Commutation In order to study the influence of such additional capacitance, the authors built a rig, the schematic circuit diagram of which is given in Figure 2. The parallel circuits of the machine are represented by tw-j generators and the portion undergoing commutation by an inductance and resistance in series shunted by a capacitance. A cominutator is provided and as it rotates the section investigated is periodically shorted. The inductance and resistance were given values typical of ail ordinary machine but the added capacitance was lo-14 -~LF. This i4 much greater than typical normal values of 9 x 10 IiF but was necessary in order to reveal the influence of capacitance on commutation. The equipment was used to plot curves of sparking threshold and of permissible sparking zones both with and without capacitance. The curves shown in Figure 3 represent the threshold of sparking taken with the natural capacitance of 2 x 10-4 IiF and with an additional capacitan ce of 10 IiF. Card2/6 It will be seen that the addition of capacitance displaces SOV/144-59-6-5/15 The Infiuence of Additional Capacitance on Current Commutation the curve of sparking threshold in such a way that the cotmnutating properties are Improved and, in addition, the zone of permissible sparking is extended. Equations (1) and (2) are the main differential equations of the final stage of conLnutation; they are solvgd in an appendix, where it is shown that when C =L/r the commutation process is aperiodic. If the ohmic resistance of the section is constant the capacitance at which the aperiodic process cotimiences depends on the section inductance, as indicated in Table 1. It is shown that the values of current in the capacitance, current in the section, voltage in the section and rate of voltage-restoratlon are primarily functions of the current in the capacitance at the instant ,;-rhen the brush breaks circuit, which is taken as the initial time. If the process is periodic the current and voltage in the section each consist of two components: one is constant and tile other is periodic and diminishes exponentially. Card3/6 sov/144-59-6-5/15 T.he Influe-ice of Additional Capacitance on Current Commutation By increasing the capacitance the frequency of the ,eriodic component is decrased. In actual machines the natural capacitance of the commutator and section is always much smaller than the values given in Table 1, uhilst the values of inductance and resistance are similar; thus, a damp*d periodic process is always present in actual machines. An oscillograni of the section voltage taken on the 4 experimental rig with the natural capacitance of 10 jiF is given in Figure 4. It will be seen that in this case t1te variable component of the voltage becomes a peak. An oscillogram of the current in the section in the presence of additional capacitance is given in Figure 5 and if the current curve is compared with one constructed from Eq (13) of the appendix it will be seen that the agreement is good. Correspondingly, the oscillo~Zram of Figure 6 and Eq (14) of the appendix relate to section voltage and are in good agreement. Certain differences between conditions in actual machine Card4/6 cot-,imutators and in the rig are briefly explained with sov/144-59-6-5/15 The Influence of Additional Capacitance on Current Commutation reference to the sketch in Figure 7. It is shown that there is a certain voltage U I at which the contacts can break without arcizig, even though there is a consid- erable current before the circuit is interrupted. Comniutation can be improved by reducing the voltage; in general, this is only possible by reducing the constant component by the use of interpoles or by reducing the amplitude of the varying component by increasing the capacitance. In the limiting case, when the capacitance is sufficient to make the process aperiodic, the amplitude of the section over-voltage is equal to the constant component and if this is made equal to the voltage U 1 no sparking will occur, whatever the value of current int errupt ed. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. Card 5/6 SOV/144-59-6-5/15 T.I'ie Influence of Additional Capacitance on Current-Commutation ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin, Urallskiy poll- tekliniclieskiy institut (Dept-. of Electrical Machines, Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1959 Card 6/6 SOV/110-59-7-9/19 AJJTHOR: _-Siunov, N.S.~ Professor, 'DoCtEr of,ftabnlrAl Sciewes TITLE: (Zavod i vtuz) A P2=t PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti9l9599Nr 79PP 3~-Ia (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Uralelektroapparat works operates in close collaboration with the Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov. Many students of the MuLtit%te are at the works, and many of the works' staff lecture at the ImUtate. The Zutitmte is doing research for the works, especially on the reduction in size of oil circuit- breakers. D=ents. I.I. Ponomarevq R.L. Malkin&. and A.A. Oatul have developed a method of designing and ellipsoidal cylindrical tanks and have shown that the rating of oil circuit-breakers can be increased without using thicker tank walls by making use of the plastic properties of the materials. I.V. Tarlinskiy and A.N. Kosukhinj have also done theoretical and experimental work on this problem. It has been demonstrated that breaker ratings can be increased without increasing size. At present, R.L. Malkina, V.V. Kolobov, L.L. Ghemerinakiy Card .1/3 and A.N. Kosukhin are working on the calculation of dynamic loading of circuit-breaker tanks and their A 12mt, and a " VM 80v/110-59-7-9/19 foundations which is a neglected problem of practical Interest. Engineers from the works, including V.k. Yiditskiyg G.L. Chetchuyev, T.Ya. Buben, B.I. Rader, are also participating in practical and theoretical research work. There is already a need for circuit- breakers with a rupturing capacity of 25.million kVA at 500 W. Because the requisite short-circuit testing facilities are very expensive, Dnter 49 tWWw1esLSi1AmWW NJ, Akod:Ls is investigating artificial testing circuits. The works is at present completing the construction of a short- circuit testing station using these methods9 which will give ratings of 5 to 10 million VA. By further development it is expected to obtain equivalent ratings of 30 to 40 million kVA from a short-circuit testing laboratory with a normal rating of 5 million VA. Assistance has also been given to the works in the design of are-suppression devices for oil circuit-breakers. A recurrent-surge cathode ray oscillograph with electro- magnetip shutter has been devised for the study of Card 2/3 transient processes in rectifiers and high-voltage circuit-breakers. A good deal of work has been done A P.1ant and a VTUZ SOV/110-59-7-9/19 on the cooling of electrical machines under the guidance of Cand.Tech.Sci. D.S. Zhevakhov, and has resulted in the re-design of heat exchangers for rectifiers. Doctor of Techni- cal Sciences*, P.S. Mamykin, who works on the technology of silicates, has helped the works in the manufacture of ceramics. The works has collaborated in drafting the research plan of the Institute. The laboratories of the Uralelektroapparat works are soon to be extended and then further fruitful collaboration with the Ural Polytechnical Institute is to be expected. Card 3/3 There are no figures, no tables. SOV/1~4-59-9-3/15 AUTHORS: Siunov N.S.1 Professorl Dk..eech.Sci., and ' '~n~ Ksl~n o~ , ~u. Aspirant TITLE: The Influence of the Method of Connecting the Stator and Rotor Windings on the Operation of a Doubly-fed Motor PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, pp 15-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Despite their advantages, doubly-fed motors are not yet widely used, mainly because they will not run up to speed independently. They have also a tendency to hunt, but this can easily be overcome. Schematic circuit diagrams of such motors, both with series or parallel connection of Stator and rotor windings, are given in Fig 1 and circle diagrams are constructed in order to study their behaviour. To this end, expression (6) is derived and curves of mutual reactance as functions of magnetising -urrent are given in Fig 2. With the windings connected in series the properties of the circle diagram depend upon whether the transformation ratio from primary to secondary is unity or not. If it is unity the applied voltage is Card 115 divided equally between stator and rotor and the magnetic flux remains practically constant over the working range V SOV/144-59-9-3/15 The Influence of the Method of Connecting the Stator and Rotor Windings on the Operation of a Doubly-fed Motor though the saturation diminishes somewhat near maximum loads because of the voltage drop in the windings. The iron becomes saturated near the no-load point at which the circle diagram of current is distorted and passes from circle 1 to circle 2 of Fig 3. If the transformation ratio is not unity the magnetic flux is not constant because the magnetising current is not constant, and when the motor is running at full speed and load the stator voltage is greater than the supply voltage. Experimental curves of the increase in voltage on the windings as the load is increased with a transformation ratio of 0.345 are given in Fig 4. A circle diagram for the case when the transformation ratio is 0.345 is given in Fig 5. As the magnetising current rises and the mutual reactance drops, the current curve passes from circle 1 to circle 3. The maximum torque and the overload capacity are much lower than when the transformation ratio is unity. The case of parallel- connected windings is then considered. Eq (9) is derived Card 215 and it is found that when the transformation ratio is unity the current diagram is the same as for the series case* vl*l SOV/144-59-9-3/15 The Influence of the Method of Gonnecting the Stator and Rotor Windings on the Operation of a,Doubly-fed Motor When the transformation ratio is not unity the voltages applied to stator and rotor must be such that the volts per turn on both is the same, otherwise energy passes between stator and rotor by a transformer effect, which increases the losses and impairs the power factor. A circle diagram for the case when there is a different number of turns on the stator and rotor is given in Fig 6. Here the transformation ratio is 0.345, and although the performance is not so good as when the transformation ratio is unity, its deterioration is not so great as in the case of series connection. For purposes of comparison, data for doubly-fed motors with series and parallel connection and various transformation ratios are given in Table 1. The data apply to a motor type AK-52-4 which, under induction-motur conditions, has a rated output of 4.5 kW and a power factor of 0.83. In an induction motor7 power is supplied only to the stator and the rotor carries only Card 3/5 the power loss, whilst in the doubly-fed motor power is applied both to the stator and to the rotor. Since the rotor is fully utilised in the latter case, the power t,// SOV/lLP+-59-9-3/15 The Influence of the Method of Connecting the Stator and Rotor Windings on the Operation of a Doubly-fed Motor output is double that of an induction motor with the same rated current. The magnetising current of the doubly-fed motor is also less because the resultant magnetic field is created by the turns of both stator and rotor and so the poVor factor is greater, being about 0.98. Iron losses In the doubly-fed motor are double what they would be in an induction motor but since the other losses remain the same and the output is doubled) the efficiency is greater. To confirm the above statements, tests were made on motors for speeds of 2000, 3000 and 6000 rpm with various transformation ratios. Curves of current, active and reactive power, efficiency and power factor as functions of useful output on the motor shaft are given in Fig 7, for machines of the same size as a wound-rotor induction motor of '+.5 kW. The tests confirm that the motor has a good performance and that the power output is doubled at the rated current of 30 IL. Points obtained from the circle diagram are given in Fig 7 and show good Card 4/5 agreement with the test results. It is concluded that V", SOV/1~4-59-9-3/15 The Influence of the Method of Connecting the Stator and Rotor Windings on the Operation of a Doubly-fed Motor doubly-fed motors should be speeds of 6000 rpm. There are 7 figures, 1 table 2 are Soviet and 1 German. particularly useful for and 3 references, of which ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin, Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chair of Electrical Card 5/5 Machines, Urals Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1959 S/144/60/000/01/010/019 AUTHORS. Paylinin, VIM., Aspirant; and SjUanys N~~&'~,'Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head-o-f-Me-Chair TITLE; The Properties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer PKRICIDD~CAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedena'-y) Blektromekhanika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 84-92 (USSR) ABSTR.'---, In recent years considerable attention has been paid to the development of single-machine frequency-changers in order to reduce the weight and dimensions of the equipment. However, the complexity of the electro- magnetic processes in these machines and the inadequate- understanding of their properties have hindered their widespread introduction. The present article gives some results of an investigation of a machine of this kind converting from 50 to 200 c/s, the machine being in effect an induction motor and a synchronous alternator with a common magnetic system. The stator slots of the machine contain two three-phase windings without mutual Card inductance. The first (1), corresponding to the motor, 1/8 has an appropriate number of poles, and the other (4) corresponding to the alternator, has a different number B194/9155 The Pro,)erties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer of poles. The rotor carries a squirrel-cage winding (2) and an alternator field winding (3) with an appropriate number of poles. The alternator field winding is energised through slip-rings from a rectifier (5) supplied from a voltage-stabilising device. The winding (1) is connected to a 50 c/s supply and by reaction with the rotor winding (2) drives the rotor. The complete circuit arrangement is shown in Fig 1. When the alternator is loaded, interaction between its windings (3) and (4) sets up a retarding or generator torque which reacts directly on the driving or motor torque, so that no surplus torque appears at the machine shaft. The process of power conversion is illustrated by the energy liagram of Fig 2. The influence of the one machine on the parameters and characteristics of the other when both have a common magnetic circuit is described by reference ~.o an experimental frequency-changer typejU ~-built at the Kamensk-Urallsk Blectro-Mechanical Works by, 1daptation of an induction motor type MR-53-4.1, TWO further experimental machines have also been built and 3/14V60/000/01/010/019 9194/K 55 The Properties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer tested with identical results. The most important data of the frequency-changer type OPCh-3 are given in Table 1. Calculated values of motor and alternator induction and of total induction are given in Table 2. Load tests showed that the temperature rise of the windings was within the limits permitted by the standard GOST 183-55. The temperature rise by resistance was 51 OC for the stator winding and 39 OC for the field winding. The external characteristics of the alternator with the voltage stabiliser in operation at unity and 0.75 power factors are plotted in Fig 3. Oscillogram charts of transient processes in the frequency-changer are seen in Fig 4. Here, chart 1 corresponds to starting U'-he motor at full supply voltage with the stabilising ievice connected to the alternator. Chart 2 corresponds to a sudden three-phase short-circuit of the stabilised 'ilternator. Corresponding oscillograms with the voltage stabiliser disconnected and constant current excitation 3/8 are given in chart 3. The oscillogram charts 4 and correspond to the sudden removal of full resistive and C "I i I'l -T-/60/000/01/010/019 S19413155 The Properties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer rated load with the voltage stabiliser in use. It will be seen that the transient processes in a high-frequency alternator built in a common magnetic circuit with a motor, do not differ from those for normal alternators excited by semiconductor rectifiers. Analysis of oscillograms of steady-state and transient conditions with various degrees of saturation of the magnetic circuit indicate that under all conditions the combined machine behaves like the alternator and motor in a two- machine set. The motor currents and e.m.f.'s do not contain harmonics of the alternator frequency and its e.m.f. curve does not contain harmonics of the power frequency. Both current and voltage wave-shapes are satisfactory. Fig 5 gives oscillograms of phase- voltages and currents of the motor and alternator parts of the frequency changer on no-load and at rated load. The tooth harmonics occurring in the phase-voltage of the alternator can easily be prevented by a more suitable choice of winding pitch or by skewing the slots. The presence in a single core of two magnetic fields 0 S/144/60/000/01/010/019 B19VE155 The Properties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer with different pole pitches gives rise to a number of effects associated with changes in permeability when the steel is magnetised simultaneously by fluxes of the different frequencies. This point is briefly discussed, and a formula is given for the change in reluctance of the magnetic circuit of one part of the machine due to the presence of the field of the other. The increases in reluctance of the magnetic circuit with increase in alternator flux and motor flux are plotted in Figs 6 and 7 respectively, both for different levels of saturation. Analysis of these figures and of the data given in Table 2 shows that the increase does not exceed 1.25 provided that the sum of the generator and motor induction in each section of the magnetic circuit does not exceed the normal values of induction for ordinary machines. The leakage reactance of the one part of the machine is little affected by the presence of the field of the other. The iron losses in the combined machine may be greater than the sum of the losses with separate magnetisation2 as is illustrated by the graph plotted in Fig 8 for various 6/144/60/000/01/010/019 BigVE155 The Pro:)erties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer values of generator and motor field. This graph and the data given in Table 2, and test results from other examples of frequency-changer, indicate that the iron- loss increase does not exceed 1.25 provided that the total induction of the alternator and motor in other parts of the magnetic circuit does not exceed normal values of induction for ordinary electrical machines. Operating characteristics of an experimental frequency- changer type OPCh-3 are plotted in Fig 9; the rated load efficiency of the set is 71%, allowing for field losses. The maximum efficiency of 72% is achieved at three- L/ quarters rated load. At rated load the power factor is 0.92. The efficiency and power factor remain quite high down to half load. The performance of the experimental frequency-changer may be assessed by comparing it with a two-machine frequency-changer set using an induction motor type KU-72, Kith a rigle-machine synchronous frequency- changer type PSCh-5.~nll three have an induction motor component of Me -same speed (3000 r.p.m.), frequency S/14V60/000/01/010/019 B19VE155 The Properties and Efficiency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer (50 c/s) and voltage (220/380 V). The principal data of the machines are given in Table 3. It will be seen that the experimental machine has the highest efficiency and power factor and smallest weight per unit output. There was also economy in steel of 30% and in copper of 4.5% as compared with a machine type FSCh- 2, It should be pointed out that the design of the exper mental frequency-changers OPCh-3 was not ideal, being limited by the slot geometry of the stampings of induction motor type MR-53-4. The following students participated in the design of these frequency-changerst A.V. Dvornikovj Yu.K. Cherepanov2 B.G. Balter, S.I. Kazakova, and Yu.K. Rad'ionov. The calr-Ulntions demonstrated that the performance of the new machine as compared with a two- :aachine set improves with increase in output. The economy of material becomes 30 - 60%. The efficiency of the new machine is equal to or somewhat higher than that of a two-machine set, and the power factor is higher. The motor and alternator reactances of the new machine are 7/8 of normal value and it is appreciably smaller than a S/144/60/000/01/010/019 919VE155 Eff4 The Properties and Lciency of a Single-Machine Frequency-Changer two-machine set. It has two windings in a single slot, a disadvantage which it shares with multi-speed motors. On the basis of the investigations carried out the new type of frequency-changer is recommended for industrial use. The machine, partially dismantled7 is depicted in Fig 10. There are 10 figures, 3 tables and 7 references of which 5 are Soviet and 2 German. ASSOCIA'HON: Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin, Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chair of Electrical Machineryq Ural Polytechnical Institute) _'S;D: july 16, 1959 88170 s/i44/6o/ooo/oio/oo7/0l0 El94/E:315-5 AUTHORSz Ajun~'g-Al q., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vf"riien-f-a-l Head, Gavrilov, B.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences,, Senior Lecturer and Kovylov, B.V., Assistant TITLE-- The Influence of Capacitance on the operation of a Mechanical Rectifier PERIODICAL~ Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1960, No. 10, PP. 93 - 97 TEXT~, Current commutation by a mechanical rectifier in the field circuit of a synchronous motor may be improved by shunting the rectifier brushes by ohmic resistance. However such resistances lower the efficiency of the rectifier. Better and more efficient commutation may be obtained by using additional capacitances instead of the shunt resistances. In view of the previous article by some of the present authors~ published in this journal, 1959, No. 6, the operation of mechanical rectifiers is now considered and the conditions necessary to obtain sparkless commutation are established. Card 1/5 88170 s/i44/60/000/010/007/010 E194/E355 The Influence of Capacitance on the operation of a Mechanical Rectifier Fig. L shows a circuit of a single--phase mechanical two--plate re:tifier with supply transformer. The differential equation for the concluding stage of commutation is given and analysis of its solution makes it possible to establish a physical picture of the processes during current zommutation, Near the point where the voltage of the supply to the rectifier passes through zero there is a certain current when the transformer and load circuit are interrupted. As both transformer and load have appreciable inductance, a charging current passes into the capacitor, Later the capacitance disc~harges, partially through the transformer winding and partially through the load, The process of discharge may be periodic or aperiodic. Since the natural ^-apacitance of the transformer is small, c.onsiderable over-voltages are set up in the process of current switching, their peak values reach 200 -- 230 V. These over- voltages can cause severe sparking at the brushes, As the Card 2/5 88i70 S/144/6o/ooo/olO/007/010 E1-94/E3Ir-I- The lrifluen~e of Capar itanse on the Operation of a Mechanical Re ~:. t ~ fi e r capac-2.tance is increased the over.-voltage is reduced, and the duration of the -.oncluding stage of commutation extends be,:ause the frequen--y of voltage restoration falls, Restoration of the voltage fcllows a sinusoidal law- The amplitude is exponentially damped and is superimposed on the sinusoidal supply voltage. As the capacitance is increased tc a value of 4 L/r 2 . the periodic law of voltage restoration becomes aperiod-ic, so improving the electromagnetic conditions of current c.ommutation, The rectifier ceases to spark over a wide range of change of load, All this is illustra,ed by the oscillograms of Fig. 2. Operation' of' a three-phase me~~hanical rectifier is then considered, The principles af this machine have been des,~.Yibed elsewhere and are not enumerated, here, The influence of capan-i-tan-e on the --urrent commutation of a three~phase meihanisal re--ti-fler was studied with the circuit Card 3/~ 88170 s/i44/O'o/ooo/oio/oo7/olo Eiq4/EI5-5 The Inf luenr.e of Capa,~ itance on the Operat icn of a Mechanical Reztifier shown schematically in Fig,, 3~ The tests were made with purely res-Istive and also with mixed inductive loads, This se-cc,nd type of load is the most difficult to provide for and se the results given below relate to it~ Fig~ 4 shows oscillograms of rectified voltage and !current (a) with a pF and ~b) with a resistance of 3.3 ohm .apa~itance cf 1 036 and no -.apai~itance, It will be seen that the over-voltage peaks typical of mechani-al rei:tifiers without shunt resistances are absent from both these curves, When shunt resistance is used there i,s an apprec:iable fall in the efficien-cy of the rectifier, whereas with shunt c_apacitancs the efficiency is 97%. Fig,, 5 shows oscillograms of re,::tified current and voltage (a) with shunt ~ apa,;: i tan-- e and '~'b) with shunt resistance. The rectification coeffi:~ient is 10 - 1 '5% highe-r with c;apa,_itante :han with resist-anr-e,, The article concludes with Card 4/5 88170 s/144/60/000/010/007/010 E194/E355 The Influence of Capacitance on the Operation of a Mechanical Rectifier instructions for adjusting the rectifier to secure optimum operating conditions. There are 5 figures and I* Soviet references. ASSOCIATION'S Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin Urallskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of Electrical Machines, Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED; January 20, 196o Card 5/5 S/144/60/000/03/006/017 E194/E455 AUTHORS: Siunov, N.S.g Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, HIIR-d-01-t-ff-e-Chair for Electrical Machinery and Kovylov, B.V., Aspirant, Chair for Electrical Machinery TITLEz Practical Adjustment of Current Cotwiiutation PERIODICAL.tIzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elekt.romekhanika, 1960, Nr 3, PP 71-74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An editorial note states that the method was developed simultaneously by of the Novocherkassk t e Previous work has shown that commutation of motors may be improved by connecting capacitors either between individual commutator bars or between the main brush and an auxiliary brush located behind its trailing edge. The second of these methods is more convenient because it does not involve mounting capacitors on the armature but it is somewhat less effective. The tests described were made on a d,c, motor of 6,8 kW4 220 Vj 1000 rpm, An oscillogram of the commutation voltage is given in Fig 2 Card 1/3 and shows that after the brush has opened the short- S/144/60/000/03/008/017 E194/E455 Practical Adjustment of Current Commutation circuit on the section, the voltage across the section is restored on a rapidly damped curve, in az~~ordance with the theoretical conclusions of an article published by the author in Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 6. These overvoltage peaks can vary over a wide range. A graph of the ovevvoltage amplitude as a function of the capacitance connected for the motor under test is plotted in Fig 3 and it will be seen that the curve is asymptotic. The first ten microfarads of capacitance notably reduce the overvoltage: thereafter considerable increase in capacitance causes relatively small further decrease. It was found that on introducing capacitance into the auxiliary brush circuit, the zone of sparkless operation is extended by 20 to 25% and is limited by sparking at the auxiliary brush. A graph of the amplitude of overvoltage as a function of interpole boost is plotted in Fig 4 and shows that up to a point, interpole boost reduces the overvoltage amplitude. Beyond this point the overvoltage increases again, Card 2/3 though it is now of opposite sign, as will be seen from