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Sbern. "I n c I k I Ln -v c,.', la t y v:z e c. b e Ur. er `arl -j raze ;.j a ,a bf n e o T Ck ~VeClOldC I Cir. J.'l-'*'ll-,.f~;"'- S.IVANOVIC, Teodor, Dr., (Sarajevo) Practice nf pneumothorix. Mad. arh., Sarajevo 10 no.4:65-74 July-Aug 56. (PNMNOTHORAX, ARTI-nCIAL technics (Ser)) SIVANYI, Jozsef Some questions of the eccn)my of building reconstructions. Epites szemle 7 no.11:348-353 164. 1. Head, OrUanization Office, Construction Tndustry Enterprises of the Capital City Council, Budapest. USSR/MedicIne - Blood TranEfusion. Feb 5 Tuberculosis "Blood. Transfusion in Treatmen~ of' Tuberculosis," K. M,. Sivash, Moscov Oblast Sci-Res Tuberculo~;JLs Inst Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 17, No 2, pp 29-`-')1 Blood tran-cfusi:on does not -pro(iuce exacerbation of the tuberculous process, but, on the contrary,. a.:ts favorably on the organism. Direct indicationz for blood transfusion are pulmonary hemptlys,-s and 247230 hemorrhage. Blood. tramsfusion. is beneficial 'when patients are prepd, for a surgical operation in casee of tuberculosis of bones and Joints and -suberculosi-c of the lungs. 247,i3c SIVASH. K.M. Alectric chain saw for sawing of bones. Ortop., travm. i protes. no.6:60-61 N-D '55. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Iz kostno-khirurgichaskogo otdeleniya (zav. - dotseat K.Te. Pokotilov) Moskovskago oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskago tuberkuleznogo instituta (dir. - B.A.Gboonokov) (BONES, surg. electrically operated chain saw) Name: S WASH., K. M. Dissertation: On the methodology of osteosynthesis in resection of the knee joint in connection with tuberculosis. (A experimental study) Degree: Cand Med Sci First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst imeni I. M. Sechenov Be0emw Date, Place: 1956? Moscow Source: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 47, 1956 Sivash,, K. M. "Clinical experimental results of the application of osteosynthesis.* Novye khirurgicheskie apiDaraty i instrumenty i opy-t ikh primeneniya, No. 2, 00, P. 40 /7s-s- ~~SIVASH, X.M. KOCILITKOV, V.S. ; SMSTROVA, A.Ya. .- 3lectrotreDhine for otorhinolaryngological surger7a Mad.-Drom. 13 no.?:59-6o Ji 159. (MIU 12:10) 1. Vseso~nzznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentall- no7 khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (OTORHINOIARMIGOLOGY) SIVASH, Konstantin 14itrofanovich [Now method for resection of the knee joint] Novyi matod rezektsii kolenno.-o austava. MOBkva, 98d-12, 1960. 83 P. 0 (KIEKB--MMGBRY) (MIRA 13:9) SIVASH, Konstantin Mitrofanovich, kand. med. nauk; KOIUIM, M.B., red.; - BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekkn. red. to (Osteoarticular tuberculosis; prevention and tr4stment] Kostno-sustavnoi tuberkules; profilaktika i lechenie. Moskva, Nedgiz, 1961. 65 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Bmas-TUMCUMSIS) GRITSWI, Yuriy Yakovlevich- SIVASH K M. red.; FOGOSKIIIA, M.V.,, tekhn. red. [Tantalum mechanical suture in stomach resections] Tanta- lovyi mekhanicheskii shov pri rezektsiiakh zheludka. Moskva, Ned 1z, 1961. 78 p. (MIRA 15:4) fST%L4CH-SURGERY) (SUTURES) (TANTALUI-THERAPEUTIC USE) SKOBLIN, Aleksey Petrovich; MOSIKIN, Vladimir Yalcovlovialli-S-1VI-IS-11,1 K 1' red.; MYEVA, N.K., tekhn. red. [Care of accident and orthopedic patients] Ukhod za travma- tologicheskimi i ortopedicheskimi bollrymi. YLoskva 'Med 1z, 1961. 90 p ~Orth-*,pedic nursing) (Traumatism) (MIRA 15:71 AVDRUSHKO, Iladezhda Semerovna; _,~IVASHI K.-M., red.; POGOSKINA, M.V., tekhn. red. [Orthopedic prevention and treatment of the deformities of the supporting and locomotor apparatus at different periods in poliomyelitis] Ortopedicheskaia profilaktika i lechenie deforra- tsli oporno-dvigatellnogo apparata v razlichnye periody zabole- vaniia poliomielitom. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 137 p. (MIRA 15:2) (POLIOMYELITIS) NOVACIEVOY Nik-c-lay Petrovich, prof.; SIVASH, K.M., red.; SUCHILO, Y,K., teldui. red. (Principles of orthopedics and traumatology] Onnovy ortopedii i travmatologii. Moskva., Medgiz., 1961. 279 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. CILlon-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Novachenko). (ORTHOPEDIA) (WOUNDS) FEDOROV, S.F., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;. SIVASH,-xoM.,,--o-tarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KULAGMA, V.N.p inzhener Splints from a thermoplastic material. Ortop.,travm.i protez. uo,?:56-57 161. (KIRA 14&8) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledavatellskogo instituta eksperimentalluoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov (dir-. - H.G. Avan'M). (SPLINTS (SURGERY)) (PLASTICS) -- - SIVASH., K.M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BYKOVA, G.P., starshiy inzhener New and modernized instruments for spinal surgery. Ortop., travm. i Protez. 22 no.4:60-64 AP 161. (MIRA 24:11) 1. 1z Fauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov Wir. - M.G. Ananlyev). (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS ARD APPARATUS) - SIVASH,, K..M.; LFBELEVA, N.S. Fixation of the spine witn acrylic disks. Trudy NIIEKHAI no-5:209- 215 161. (PM 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnoy khirurgi- cheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (SPINE-SURGERY) (PLASTICS IN MEDICINE) BAZILEVSKAYA, Zoya Vasillyevna, prof.; SIVASH, K.M., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S.,, tekhn. red.; BAID-BAq N,,F,--. tekhn. red. [Closed injur-ies of the spine]Zala-Aye pov-.ezbdeniia pozvo- nochnika. Moskva, vledgiz,, 1962. 110 p. (MIRA 15:8) (SPnT,-,',IOTJNDS AND DIIJOIES) KORZH, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; SIVASH, K.M., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. - [Heterotopic traumatic ossifications] Geterotopicheskle trav- maticheside ossifikatsil. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 267 p. (miRA 16:9) (TRAUMATISM) (OSSIFICATION) UTBEGINA, Zoya Petrovna; SIVASH, K.M., red. fPrevention and treatment of deformation of the feet fol- lowing poliomyelitisl Profilaktika i lechenie deforratsii stop posle poliomielita. Moskva, Medaiz, 1963. 180 p. (MIRA 17:12) SNASHP F-M. ~ st a r-~ri i wia-iinly so'~rivlnJ I V F d~29 kv.~C,~ Stable osteo3.-,-itl,-,esls and it,5 role --r; txn-.:: an-,or- travm. i prot-cz. 24' 5:20-2~ MY 16--. 1 F.-I 1. Iz Jnstitutla. eksperi-mentalIncy i. ~nsttnimenLov (dir.- M.G. Ani,nlyev,". DENISOVA, A.A. (Moskva, V-95, Pyatnitskaya ul., d.76, kv.30); SIVASH, K~M. Mechanical characteristics of normal bones and metal fixations for osteoeynthesis; experimental svud7, Or'Lop.) trav:a. i protez. 25 no.6:63-64 Je f64. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i Instrumentov (dir. - M.G. knanlyev). NOVACALF1,40), Nikolay l'otruvich; SLUSH, K.M., rod. " .1 [Orthoperlics and trawiatology] Ortoped,lin J trnw.aLologiia 2. lzci., Ispr. i dop. Moskva, Meditsina, 196". 281 p. (M I RA 18: 4) RUSEV, M.K., inzh.-,--SI.VASli, M.S., inzIl. Electric cantact machining of grooves. Mashincistroenle no.3,2 76-77 My-Je 165. OaFA 18~6) ACC NRsAP6035710' SO-ORCE CODE:- 606/obo/ol~/16676/0-6101 INVEW20rx: Sivash, N. Ye. ,:ORG: none TITLE: Method of separating Leptospira strains from common microflora. Class 30, No. 186639 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, noo 19, 1966, 70 TOPIC TAGS: leptospira, microbiolol-,,y, medical laboratory instrument ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of saparating Leptospira from common micraflora. To simplify the process, the Impure Leptospira culture Is placed In one of two connected veasela. The other is filled with sterile nutrient medium. The motile Leptospira actively UDC-619:616--o93;576.8.o93.387 ACC NR,AP6035716 penetrate the vessei containing the nutrient medium, and its contents ore removed after several days at 28-30*C. This material Is then subjected to,microscopic study and In cultured. To prevent Infiltration by common microfloca, 'to the vessel holding the nutrient sodium, the veautl in filled and Its contents later removed with the vessels 4a- [WA-50; CBE NO- 141 suB com o6/ SUBM DATE: 22jul65 SLEPCHENKO r Dmitriy Tarasovich [Slipchenko, D.T. 1; SIVASHWKO T 1. [Byva- sbenko,T.I.1, otv. red.; GAVRIIDV, V.M. LHaVrylbv ,V-.M-j-i-red,; (Helicopters in the national economy] Vertolloty v narodnomu hos- podarstvi. Kyivo 1961. 46 p. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrennia, poli- tychnykh i naukovykh zT-,nt Ukrainatkoi RSR. ~Ser. 7 no-3) I WRA 14:8) (Ukraine-Helicopters) SIVASHINSKIY, Izrai-11 Khaintovich; UGAROVA, N.A.,, red. [Elementary functions and grajph4; theory and problems with solutions] Elementarnye funktsii i grafiki; teoriia i zadachi s resheniiami. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 242 p. (V,IRA 18:7) (s%oupoid "evA) (sjoqli) Wil YRIM) *851 W ZE-10l'ou ZI *doo3t *Mojd ,.UOj4'34jAnj, - - ,(p,aj2uju9,j) Olqzu1-3~4" XINSMITSUIS SLIVKKR, Isay Semenovich; SIVASHINSKII.-JR-1 ;-& iseyevich; ZYJAV. Hoisey Vasilly,evich; S0S~Mff".YIr.".'"r6daktor; iffiViDIVA. L.A.. tekhniche- okiy redaktor [Organizing the procurement of waste products] Organizateita zagotowki vtorichnogo syrfia. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo Ministeretva tekstillaoi promyshl. SSSR, 1956. 125 p. (MLRA 9:8) (Salvage (Waste, etc.)) '~ I *,j ~ - ' : 7.11- 11 , j.T , " f ' 11 ii - .1 . Vi Ucul ture New method for vollinizing grapes in hybridization. Vin. SSSF. 12 no. 3, 1912. Monthly 112~~ af Russian Accessions. Library cf Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. NOVIK07, M.P.; SIVAY, A.7.; TROSHEV, A.I.; YERUKH114OVIGH, TS.M., ZU- DAKIN, I.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Installation of airplane engines; tools] Montazh aviatsionnykh dvigatelei; montazhnye prisposobleniia. Moskva, Oborongizglavnaia redaktatia aviatsionnoi lit-ry, 1947. 267 P. (MIRA 8:2) (Airplanes-Baginss) -;Ivl j al. 2 f'- SIVAY, A.V.; KARTAYOV, S.A., raclalctor; MIMICH. I., tekhnicheskiy ---~?vftktor [Album for equipping lathes and turret lathes] Kiev, Gos. Isd-vo, tekhnicheskoi lit-ry USSR, 1952. 234 p. (NLRA 7-8) (Isthes) VOROBIYEV, S.A., dotsent, kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; SIVAY, A.V., dotsent, redaktor. *%nip IffitZ ~_-gr-we M.'*' [Checking metal-cutting machinery for accuracy] Proverka wtallo- rezhushchikh stankov na. tochnost'. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit.1 sudostrolt. lit-ry [Ukr. otd-niel 1953. 85 P. (MIaA 7:3) (Machine toolB) DOBROVOLISKIY, Viktor Afanaslyevich. ERLIXH. lazarl Boris ovich; _SIVAY. A.V.. dotsent, retsenzent; GOKUS. V.B.. kandidat tekhnicheskiA nauk, redaktor; LZUTA. V.1., inzhener, redaktor izdatellstva: MMENSKIT, Ya.Y., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Basic principles in the design of modern machinevy) 0snovnye printsipy konstruirovaniia sovremennykh mashin. Kiev, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 107 P. (MIRA 9:11) (Kachiner7--Design) SKRY?IIIK, Ivan Pavlovich; CHERTOK, Bbris Yefimovich; YANKINA, Y.T., dots., kand.'takhn. nauk, retsenze-ata; SIVAY, A.V., dots., red.; SOROKk, M.S., red. izd-7a. [Technology of metals! Tekbmologiia metallov. Kiev, Gba. nanchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit--,7, 1958. 350 P. (MIRA 11:7) (metals) KIRI)MfKO, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich; LUTSU, Vladimir Iosifovich; PISKORSKIY. Georgiy Avgustinovich; LSVITSKIY, K.Ya., knnd.tekhn.nauk., reteenzent; SITAY, A.V., dotsent, red.; S M YUK, T.K., inzh., red. .- -- -1-- " - ~ ~ , 1-1 - (Cold stamping] Kholodnaia shtampovka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostr.lit-ry, 1959. 165 P. (NIERA 12:10) (Sheet-metal work) (Drawing (Metalwork)) KOZHE:VIJIKOV. Vasiliy Yakovlevich; K.SR12HUK. Ivqn Gavrilovich; KHUDTAKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; GIRSH, I.I., kend.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SWAT, A.Y., dotaent, red.; RIKBERG, D.B., red. (Horizontal forging mochinery; working principle, design details and operation] Gorizontallno-kovochnye mashiny; ustroistvo. elementy rascheta i obaluzhivanie. Moskva, izd-.vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1960. 236 p. (HIRA 13:11) (Forgine machinery) �IVA'Y,-,kl,g-k:~gy_Vladimirovich. Prinimali uchastiye: SAPMOV, S.I., Inzh.; Sawovi--it-.V-.,-I-i-nz-h--.-;,-,GOLC)VNYAY,, L.F., red.; KHOMUiOVSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Technological principles of the production and working of metals) Tekhnologicheskie osnovy proizvodstva i obrabotki metallorv. Kiev. Izd-vo Kievskogo univ., 1961. 251 P. (141RA .14'.12) (Metallurgy) (Metalwork) SIVAUL I.P. SIVAYEV, I.P. (g.Gorlkiy); MALAVAN, S.M. (g.Gorlkiy) Potentialities of the Gorkiy Economic Region for a better .organization of freight transportation. Zhel.dor.tramp. 43 no.8;13-17 Ag 161. (I-IMA 14s8) 1. Nachallnik gruzovoy sluzhby GorIkovskoy dorogi (for Sivayev). 2. Nachallnik otdela planirovaniya perevozok gruzovoy sluzhby GorIkovskogo ekonomicheskogo rayona (for Malakyan). (G6rk-iy Province-Freight and freightage) SIVAYEV, Ivan Platonovich; 1~0!tf)VOY, N.Ye., re~i. -.- ... [Freight transpoi-lation 41r, an econom-ic regionil Fe~e- vozkl gruzov v okonomicheskom rayone. Moskva, Trans- porto 1.905. 101. P. (MIRA 18:12) ROLDONASOV, L.I.; SIVAYEVA~ O.T., red. (Climate of Western Siberia] Klimat Zapadnoi Sibiri. Novosibirsk, Novosibgiz, 1947 56 Pf (MIRA 15:1) iSiberiap Western-Climate) MUZIKRAVICY Tijana, dr.;__q~q~EY,_Jovan, dr. Comparative studies on the resistance of Mycobact. tuberculosis with direct and indirect methods. Glas. hig. inst. 10 no.3/4:9-15 JI-D '61. 1. Institut za tuberkulozu APV - Sremaka Kamenics, Direktor: Prof. Dr. Stevan Goldman. (MYCOBACTERM TUBERCULOSIS pharmacol) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS pharmacol) MUZARAVIC, T.; SIVCHV, J.; LOVODIC, B. Rifocin and kanamycin sensitivity of wild strains of staphylo- cocci. Higijena 16 no. 2t113-115 1 64. SKVARIK, V.P., inzh.; SIVCHENKO, N.A., inzh. Analyzing errors in sizes of shoo lasts made of glued wood. Izv. v7B.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.1:84-89 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheoldy inatitut legkoy promyshlennesti. (Shoe manufacture) PISKORSHY, Georgiy Avgustovich; SIVCfMIKO, Lina Andreyev-na; CHEREDFICHENKOI Ya.F., in-ETF.-, retsenzent;-TMI-trtltfffff+h4,-D.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., red.; RIKBE--'G, D.B., red.; GORI-10 STAY POL I SKILYA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Hydraulic and pneui,-.atic dievices of r,-achinery in light industry; design Emd construction] Gidravlicheskie I pnevmaticheskie ustroi- stva rashin legkoi promysh-lennosti; konstraktsiia i raschet.. No- skva, Nashgiz, 1962. 212 p. (~MU 15*6) (Machinery-Hydraulic driving) (Machinery-Pneumatic dviving) PISKORSKIY, Georgiy Avgustinovichp kand. toklin. nauk; SIVQIIF~I KD ~~ An'me-vra,-~nzh.; FOGORELO"', Ye.G... 'Ln.-h., retsenzent [Shoe machinery with hydraulic drive] Obuvnye mashirly E gidroprivodom. Kiev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1963. 169 p. (MIAL 18 -.6) F JDA4W L 1402-66 '/'PA(s)-2/EWT(m)/EFF(c)/~,P (n)-2/T-2/a1P(t)/EWP(b)/ETC(m) - Till" !!C-CESSION 'NR:r) AT5022817 UR/3165/65/000/001/0120/0129 AUTHOR: Sivchenko, N. A. (Engineer); Vovk, G. P. (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLE: Cavitation in bumps of hydraulic systems !SOURCE. Ukraine. Ministeretvo vysshego i arednego spetsiallnogo obrazovani3ra. !Gidravlicheskiye mashiny i gidroprivod, no. 1, 1965. Issledovaniye gidravlicheskikb ustroystv i sistem (Investigation of hydraulic devices and systems), 120-129 TOPIC TAGS: cavitati..6hydraulic system, fluid pump, piston_pymp, ABSTRACT: The problem of cavitation in hydraulic-system pumps, particularly, the effect of dissolved'or dispersed air or gases in the fluid, is discussed, It is shown that the cavitation may be avoided when the pump inlet pressure is: QQ (V2 - V, + pg.' or pa hy > pf, P97 7~-T-. where Pin is the inlet pressure; yis the specific weight of the fluid;,9, true coni Card L 1402-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022817 sumption of the fluid; v, and v2, the fluid velocities at inlet and at the piston; F, the piston area; P,, the saturated vapor pressurelof the fluid; R, density of the fluid; h, the nlet head; pC, the inlet losses; and ptx, the tank pressure. However, this and other previously published equations do not account for the dis- solved air or gas in the fluid. To verify the theory, the cavitation problem was studied experimentally using a liiboratory hydraulic-system model with a piston-type 41 pump in which the cylinder was made'of a transparent material. The experiments were carried out at 16-TOC, with a piston displacement velocity of 0-T-2 m/min, and at various pressures. 'At a certain inlet pressure, an air-bubble cloud was observed at the suction. The cloud formation was due to the'liberation of dissolvedair, re-. sulting in k so called "pseudocavitation." The pressure at which this cavitation starts depends an the temperature and the fluid used, e.g., at 100C, for the AMG-10 and the "industrial 20" oils' it is equal to 13 and 3 mm Hg, respectively. The mini- mum time need6d to initiaie the cavitation was 0.01 sec. Additional experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the dissolved gas-on the separation of the fluid from the piston surface when a vacuum is created by closing the supply line. It is shown that at a given-temperature, the pressure at which the fluid separation occurs considerably exceeds the saturated vapor pressure of the fluid at the given temperature, e.g., -50 mid Hg. Orig, dA . hast., 6 figuree6 ,at 50C'the pressure was 43 CPS11 Card- 94*~__- L(~kjj~,10 muk; ; " I ?". . . [ syvcherlko, 14. Al. I jVCHi- NK(l f u'u, (,.P. [Vov~,, kliul. of' thr- (~IA. -Lion of the hyjrauli,~ of L - -:-! Machinery for the llght j_rldI_IStT-Y. J_th. prom. no.3-79-82 Jl~' ( L 18 :9) 165. , t4TFA SM;PENIKO, N.A,, inzil. Effect of some factors on the stability cf working f-_!,I--'ds rf hydraulic systems. Gidr. mash. i gidr. no.1:111-11~, 165. (MIFA 18:12) 1. Kiyevskiy t#-khnologicheskiy Institut IPLkoy promyshlemnosti, ACC NRI ATNoo,IA A) SOURCE CODE UR/ 0000 60'/000/000/0103/0107 AU111OB: Sivchenko, N. A. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Solubility of air bubbles in oil under compression SOURCE: Ukraine. Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya. Gidroprivod i gidropnevmoavtomatika (Hydraulic drive and hydropneumatic automation) no. 2. Kiev, Izd-vo Tekhnika, 1966, 103-107 TOPIC TAGS: gaseous substance, cavitation, hydraulic pumpi 4 C J dA'l (./-) 7_1 A.) r,- 01 L_ ABSTRACT: The presence of undissolved air bubbles in oil affects the oil's modulus of elasticity and decreases the efficiency of mechanisms in hydraulic systems. As theoretical studies on the effect of undissolved air bubbles on the modulus of elasticity of oil do not consider a presence of dissolved air due to the compression of the oil-air mixture, this so-called gaseous-cav-itation problem was experimentally investigated for a purnp's oil suction maice. Experiments carried out on MG-10 oil, at an initial 50C-temperature and with a 2.6% air content, revealed that at a minimum pressure of 20 n/cm2 relatively large air bubbles were distributed throughout the oil and at 10-15 n/cmZ the bubbles were transformed in to points, which at 30-hO n/cmz because hardly visible. According to conclusive statements, the possibility of the presence of dissolved air in the oil-air mixture at increased Card 1/2 ACC HR: Av(oo0-(.L6 pressure has to be considered in determining the modulus of elasticity of oil. A significant portion of the air dissolves within the first second under pressure, and the dissolving rate of air bubbles depends on their size, the oil's temperature and viscosity, and its degree of air saturation. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 13/. SUBM DNTE:' 29Jun66/ ORIG REF: 003/ 'OTH REF: 003 SOURCE CODE: Uli/0000/ 6 ~-,(io/00705/0-082-'~ ACC.NR:-AT7000713 (A) 6' /ooo AUTHOR: Sivchenko, N'. A. (Engineer); Vovk, G. P. (Candidate of tech- nical sciences)- ORG: n 0,11 e TITLE: Investigation of the cavitation and the breakaway of oil from pump pistons SOURCE: Ukraine. Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spets"allnogo obrazovaniya. Gidroprivod i gidropnevmoavtonatika (Hydraulic drive an'd hydroprieumatic automation), no. 2. Kiev, Izd-vo Tekhnika, 1966, 76-82 LS cavitation, hydraulic pump, engine oil pump, TOPIC Tt ABSTRACT: Th'-%ource and character of caviation e and the breakavay of fro= the piston of an NP-25 pump has been investigated using type 20 and AMG-10 industrial oils (of a regular type, and free of dissolved i a r) at temDeratures between 20-100C and at 2600-5000 rpr-A. It was thF6ttle valve , the oil in the.' I.found that with low resistance in 'he . .....fsuction main did not contain air bubbles, which began to appear with a certain drop in oil pressure. Tht number and size of bubbles increase with increased throttle-valve resistance. A sudden decrease in the ;:pumpls discharge was a result of the breakavay of oil from -.he piston; Card 1/2 ACC NRs AT7000713 oils of a low viscosity shoved more air bubbles. Curves show the. effects of the pump's discharge and of the oil breakavay on the pressure, ,at various rpm and on the appearance of bubbles, making it possible to Idetermind the required minimum oil pressure for normal operating eon- !ditions. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: /~-71.zou/sUBM DATE: 29jun66/ ORIG REF: 002 Card 2 /2 BULGARIA / General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U Comparative Oncology. Tumors of Man. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102716. Author : Kurdzhiyev, B.;.qivchev, S.; Kurtsev, D.; Pelova, N.; Bayev, B.; Dobrev, Ts. Inst : Sofia Advanced Medical Institute. Title : Carcinoma of the Lungs. Anatomical-Clinical Study of Material from the Pathological-Anatomical In- stitute. Orig Pub: Nauchni tr. Vissh. med. in-t, Sofiya, Klinich. Icatedri, 1955 (1957), 3, No 1, 159-194. Abstract: No abstract. END Card 1/1 #1226 80 KARDZHIYET,TJ.. SIVCHEV. S.. KRYSTEV. D.. PELOVA, K., B.AYLT,B., DOBRYV, TS. Clinicnl and anatomical chnrnateristins of hing cancer. Arkhopnto 18 no,.3:-5&61 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. 1z knfedry obahchey patologii i patologicheekoy anatomii (znv. - profq B. Nardzhyev) i knfedry gosiAtallnoy khirurgii (mv. prof. St.Dinitrov) Vysshego meditsinskogo institutR Imeni Vulko Clier7enkova. (LUNGS. neoplaoms arint. aupectn & stntint. (Rus)) KARDZHIYEV. B.(Bolgarlya, Sofiya), SIVGEEV, S. (Bolgariya, Sofiya) Primary hepatic cancer. Arkh.pat. 18 no.5:69-73 156. (KIRA 9:12) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey patologit i patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. B.Xardzhiyev) pri Vysshem meditsinskom institute imeni Vylko Chervenkova. (LIVER. neoplasms. primary cancers, hoop. statist. (Rua)) IVANOV, R.; SIVCHEV, S. Giant cell tumor of cervical vertebrae. klirurgiia, Sofla 10 no.10: 938-941 1957. 1. Iz klinikata po ortopedila i travmatologiia I Patologoanatomichniia institut pri VNI - Sofiia. (SPIU, neoplasms giant call tumor of cervical vertebrae) (GUNT CBLL TUMORS, case reports cervical vertebrae) GABRoVSKI, N.; TAIAKOV, A.; SIVOUEV, G. Case- of Pierra-MIr-le-Bamberger dineane. Suvrem. mod., Sofla 9 no-72 98-102 1958. 1. Iz Okoliiskata obedinena bolnitsa gr. Ikhtman (Gl. lekar: K. Georgiev) i Katedrata T)o -Datologoanatomiia pri VMI - Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. B. Kurdzhiev) (OSTESOARMOPATHY, KMERTROPHIC PUIROITARY, ense reports, (Bul)) BOZADZHINVA, B.; AVRAMOV, A.; SIVCHXV, S. A case of successfully operated ulcerative colitis. Suvrememeds, Sofia no.-11:93-99 '59. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna terapiia pri VMI - Sofiia. Zav. ka- tedrata: prof. A. Pukhlev. Katedrata po bolnichna k-hirurgiia pri VKI - Sof iia. Zav. katedrata: prof. Gt. Dimitrov. i Katedrata po patologichna anatomiia pri VNI - Sofiia. Zav. katedrata: prof. B. Kurdzhiev. (COLITIS UWARATIVB surg.) SIVCHEV, S. (Sofia) On the histomorphology of the atonic wounds. Izv biol med BAN 3 no.4:31-42 160. (EW 10:3) 1. Vissh meditsinski institut, Sofia Katedra po patologichna anatomiia (zav. Katedrata: prof. d-r B.Kurdzhiev) (WCUNDS) BOZADZHIEVA, E.; SIVCHEV, S. A case of pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism. Suvrem med.., Sofia no.4/5: 175-181 161. 1. Iz katedrata po -bolnicbna terapiia pri Visehiia meditainski inati- tut, Sofiya. (Rukovoditel na katedrata prof. Al. Pukhlev.) 2. In katedrats, po patalogoanatomiia pri Visshiia meditsinaki institut. (Rukovoditel na katedrata prof. B. Kurdzhiev.) (OSTEITIS FIBROSA case reports) SIVCHZV,-.S.; VELIZAROV, A.; PELOVA, N.; PETRINSKA, S.; UZUNOV, P.; TAKOV, R. VULKOV; IVO Pathomorphology, in the influenza epidemic of 1959. Suvrem wdo, Sofia no.7:61-67 161. 1. Katedra po patologichna anatomiia pri Visshiia meditsinoki institat, Sofia. Rukov, na katedrata prof. B. Kurdzhiev. (iNnuENZA pathol) RAMANOV, R.; SIVCHEV, S.; DOBREV, P. Experimental studies on some pathogenic problems in primary tuberculous infection in rabbits infected with tuberculous bacteria of the bovine type. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 40 no.1:101-128 161. 1. Pri sutrudnicheBtvoto na laborantkata Antoniya Baltadzhieva. (TUBERCULOSIS exper) :MR NxMM` M M NNW M 1 11 is at L ;I V .3 1# 1) 14, ? V ?- X I L U At It At V AD P 4 0 L L I o f. I F. Ar 0, 1 j# y I T I &A 08 CC CV it 4 V I j _j, The effect of fodder oa the q"Lity of bides, 0, S. >it,tbik. Kozheremn-1111-mirmayu Ppom. 17. No. ta. 12, 9 Chimiar & t"Ju3trie 41.752.-A gctim-us tAtiIIII INAII IIIC 41tiAlitV Mid OV Yield 411 Itide air YkMtlg -AIVVI I-' *'YI-- I IJV~C sit) %A llligt'l AIC -J~k Ully 11111k,'- AIIIC if% t:OIjIj)dfjMalI Willi AtfUlt k9lljIlj;jj4 Wlji4'jj JJAVV (V.IJW(j agmWitiff. A IAmiavxi -CaAt a tart 00 so :,! zoo 0 00 roil coo 00 :Zoo 00 If ago 00 go a L A tTALL,P~KALI, Littla-Ttftf CLAI%#f'C-T'C- 00 3 . ..... loo C: - ' 1 r -- 1 a " toilt ii-Y 1 , , A ", " " 1, at u , . a 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 $1 4 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 00*00000000000040000*00000004000*000000000 STVCHP', B."- Sivchik, 1B.'a'l. "The morphogenesis of the skull of Kirgiz (Ka--akh) cattle and their kybirds", Poklady (Mo~-k. s-kh. akad, im. Timiryazeva), Issue 8, 190, (In index: 190), P. 183-8h. S:I'. U-1111, P, Ally 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal 'nykh Statey, No. 20, 190) SPICIn' i3. S. - CIIAUL':, T~. Ya. Heath;:ir Nutritive value of heather. Kom. baza 3 no. 9, 1952. Monthly List of FMssain AccessLons, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. USSR/Fam "U-1ir.,zls - Large Horned Cattle. Q.1-2 Abs Jour : Rcf Zhur - Biol., No 13, 1958, 83336 Author : Sivehik, B.S. Inct : Latvian Academy of Agricult-ure. Title : Experimental Feedings of Daity Cattle with Corn Silage. Orig PtfD : Tr. Latv. s.-kh. akad., 1957, vyp. 6, 187-197 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 SIVGHIKJ, B.S.; KAIFIN, A.I.; ABOLINA, S.Ya.; RAURMOV, A.I. I.ted Latvian cattle] Buryi latviiskii skot. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 197 p. (IIII ,u 19: 1) S/147/62/000/002/011/020 I A.7 0-00 E201/E135 AUTHOR: Sivehikov-L-A.Ye TITLE: Equilibrium equations of static deflection and free vibration of a cantilevered plate of non-parallel plan geometry PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, 1962, 86-94 Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no.2, TEXT: A non-parallel plate is represented by a trapezoidal one . The solution of the problem is sought by using the Lagrange equation 61-1 6(3 - A) (2) where: potential energy of deflected plate;' A - external work done by the static forces. For a trapezoidal plate, and A are given by: Card l/ 3 s/i47/62/000/002/011/020 Equilibrium equations Of static ... E201/E135 1 b 2 (Y.) b I D(x,y) ((1 + U2)254w2 - 4(1 + u2 )US3N (w + T3 2 yy xy. 0 bl(y) + psw ) w + 2(U2 +-~I ) s 2X2w xx,yy + 42+ 1 520 y xy (U L2 (w2 + 2psw w + 252 w2 xy XY y y - 4USO + psw, w + x4 w2 dx-dy,, xy y xx XIC I a b2(y) n ri A b? p (X, Y) w dxdy IjI bi(y) (7) (8) Card 2/ 3 Equilibrium equations of static ... S/147/62/000/002/011/020 E201/E135 r'e Py; 0 = tan To - tan Ti. w h e 8 Px); u = tan T0 % X = ?/b. The deflection function is given by: N w = Y 0 + xyl + xril Yms (9) m=2 where Ym = Ym(y) unknown functions satisfying build-in conditions at y 0. of Eq.(9) are The solution can be simplified if only two terms considered. This simplification is baseO on the.assumption that the deformation of the cross-section is small in comparison with YO and xYl. There is 1 figure. SUBMITTED; April 28, 1961 Card 3/3 - SIVCHIKOV, B,Ye-, Variational method for calculating static bending and natural vibrations of a cantilever plate having a beveled bottom section. IzV.Vys.ucheb.zav.; av.tekh. 5 no.3.-102-110 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Blastic plates and shells) 15(2) 5 r,,"117 2 -~- ~)- 4 - 912 1 IJU '_ 1, i CS Vizir, V. A., Sivchikova, _~% G., Safonova, V. Z, , Sen' , Z, F. TI 2LE: On the Prodz~ction of Porcelain and Faience Prcd-cts by Means of the Method of Pressing (Izgotovieniye farforovykh i fayansovykh izdeliy sposobom pressovaniya) ,ZTIC,DICAL: Ste'zlo i keramika, 19c' S ~ ~L f, _J.), '.'r 4, pp 31 - 74 (US; E) A!3~;'_!".ACT: Nauchno-issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya Upravleniya farfcro- fayansovoy i stekoltnoy promyshlennosti Kiyevskoao sovnar- U khoza (The Snientific Research Laboratory of the Administra- tion of Vie Porcelain-Crockery- ard Glass Industry of the Kiyov Sovnarkhoz carried out experiments for testirl.- the production possibilities of flat products by means of the method of pressinLr~ from semi-dry fine-ceramic masses. Due to this method the production processes were con- siderably reduced. In the course of the experiments the opti- mum humidity and granulation of ti-le press masses as well as the conditions of pressin,- and burning were determined. In table I the compositions of the test masses are given and Card 1/2 in table 2 the bindinE; or.-anic additions. The dc-_~ree of Un the Prodiction of Porcelain and Zaience Products by tiO/7 '-59--l-9, 1 "ear. s of the method of Pressine compression in dependence of the amount of the pressure applied and humidity of the pressing powder is represented in figure 1. The dependence of the breaking stren-th on the specific pressui-e arid tl.,e humldity of the mass for driod samples is represented in fi,,1,uro 2 and for burnt :3am,,jlos in fiCure 3. The quality and strength of the products iihich. were propared by the method of pressin;7- do not differ from those produced by plastic Vormation (Table 3). In fig-are 4 plates are shown which were pruduced by the mothod of pressing- The experiments shorted that it is possible to produce flat household appliances by near's of the method of pressing from ceramic povider masses with a humidity 2of 8 to 12~ a-rid a specific pressure of 450 to 550 kG/cm . There are 4 figures and -7 tables. Card 2,12 15(2) AUTHORS: Sivchikova, M, G., Dayn, ?. L. SOV/72-59-7-8/19 TITLE: Glazes for Faience T_-'ree From Boron and lead (Bezbornyye bessvintsovyye glazuri dlya fayansa) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, fir 7, pp 22-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Yu. G. Sbteynberg and L. V. Romanchuk (GIKI) elaborated a boron- strontium-glaze free from lead for faience with a burning temperature of from 1040 to 1200 0 which was introduced beside others in the Konakovo Faience Works imeni Kalinin& and in the Budyansk.iy Fai*voe Norks in the Ukraine. The same authors work at a glaze free from boron with a burning temperature of from 1100 to 12500 by using zinc oxide and lithium compounds as melt, 1. Kalzing and F. Viveger used fluorides and zinc oxide for this"purpose. The authors of this paper used fluorides, zinc oxide, strontium compounds and titanium dioxide as boron substitute. As initial material of their investigations of glazes free from boron and lead yeliseyevskiy pegmatite, quartz, prosyanovskiy kaolin, belgorodskiy chalk, dolomite, zinc oxide, strontium carbonate, titanium dioxide and fluorides were used. The chemical composition of the materials is given in table 1. Card 1/2 As basis they took the boron-strontium-faience glaze being used in Glazes for Faience Free From Boron ard Lead SOV/72-59-7-8/19 the works of the UkrSSR and the molecular formula of them is given, The layer was fritted at a temperature of from 1300 to 13200 in the electric laboratory furnace. The compositions of the frits are given in tables2 and 3. The quality of the glazes may be seen from table 4. In the figure the thermal expansion of the ceramic bodies of some types of glazes is represented. The glaze hardness was determined by means of the apparatus EMT-3. The chemical stability of the frits and glazes was determined according to the method of the Glass Institute. The orystallizability of the glazes was investigated by means of the polythermal method in a gradient furnace whereby the study of L. M. Blyumen is mentioned. The microstructure of the glazes was investigated by means of ground sections by chief engineer 0. P. Armak (Footnote 1). Conclusions. On the basis of fluorine compounds glazes free from boron and lead were obtained. Their quality was found not to be inferior to boron glazes'iOr faience. The molecular formula of these glazes is given. The new glazes are tested under operational conditions and can be recommended for glazing faience household products. There are I figure and 4 tables. Card Z/2 SIVCHIKOVA, M. G., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the properties of faience glazes in dependence on their quantitative content of boric anhydride and its substituted forms." Kiev, 1960. 15 pp; (Min- istry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst); 160 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, 134) s/o8l/61/000/022/044/076 B110/B101 AUTHOR: Sivchikova, M. G. TITLE: FaTence glazes free from boron and lead PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1961, 306, abstract 22K269 (Stroit. keramika. Inform.-tekhn. sb,, no. 1(5), 1964 157-165) TEXT: Investigations resulted in obtaining boron-free falence glazes which were not inferior in quality toboron-containing ones. Compositions of these glazes are determined by the molecular formulas with the following contents of components: SiO 2 - 2-33-2.82, 0.21-0.26; Al203 - 0.27-0-33; Ngo 0.006-0.05o6; CaO - 0.446-0.480; Sro - m86-o.09% ZnO = 0-152-0.171; Na 20 0-174-0.221; K 20 - 0.054-0-058- [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 SENI Z.P.; P- .1 IVCIIIKOVA M.G.; LJJCIIKA, M.Kh.; BELYAKOVA, I.N.; YARX~K, .; DAYV, F.L. Possibility of lowering the temperature of porcelain firing and of its replacement in drying urder high temperatures. Stek.i ker. 19 no.9:21-24 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Porcelain) 1 rPLtfi((- T. F. L e LIS 4 Uje of from rare earLhs and rart:~ _ar a the .-IAnufa--ture of E`IaE,3 an-i ceramic article-. proin. 1 .1 M, RA 17:5) ni). 0-1) 163. (1 Q-ovs of - . i , ll~ on tw quzditative character- of 1 '0 111", Leh. pro'.',. no-3:310-33 Jl-' ("I RA 17: 10 by SIVCHIKOVA, M.G. [Syvohykova, M.H.), kand. tekhn. nauk; DAYN, F.L.; GULAY, O.S. [Hulal, O.S.] Imoroving the quality of maialica goods. Leh. prom. no.1:21-22 Ja-Mr t65- (MIRA 18:4) SIVCHIFCVA, M.G. [Syvchyko,ia, M.11j, kand. teklin. naiik; KRIVC NOSOVA, N.T. fKryv,jnosova, N.T.1; SARKISOV,G.G. (Sarkisov, H.H.]; SYCFEVSKAYA, M.I. _[,Syclhevsfka, M.I.] Ways to eliminate the "col(I crack" in faience. Leh. prom.. ro.1:68- 69 Ja-Mr '65. (MIRA 18:4) S I -~iii ill IL -if tlie ~fla'za c6ati'lF on 1:orc(,Iain 1,e i- 'PI-Om' (11,11FA 19: 1) lio.i.:22-127 0-1) t65. _51~GIIIKOVAF M.G. (Syvchykova, H.U.], kand.tekhn.nauk; DAYN, F.L.; KAGANOVAP 1.V. [Kahanova, I.V.) Color glazes for the decoration of fine stoneware. Leh.prom. no.lz60-63 Ja-Mr 164. (MIRA 192-1) YUGO;;LiC,111~ / Cheinical Toclinol.ogy. jirtA.ficial and Synthetic Fiber3. kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1958, 75869. A- Author sivat-:-, Inst :-ITO--t given. Title : Fibers from Cellulose Triacetate. Orig Pub: Teksti1na ind., 1956, 4, No. 10, 358-359. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 country Chsical Produou and 216ir CateSory g & ChM- Treatant of lext. AppliestAGM WUj 41081 Abs. jour R. 2h. - Mn. a 3,959 X%tGrisU' Author sivek J. Institut. ~Ojt r ~Ji e n~ Disinfection of Fabrics servation and T ItlO The Pre' or i~7~ Pub. Abstract Card: na Ind, 5, No 3-4, 103-10? (1957) Tekstil see the characteristics Of fungi The author discus abrics made of cellulose and-bacteria which attack f fibers as well as -preservation methods and disin- n be used. Jrjoisture, (90-10% fectants which ca e growth of of the weight of the fabrics) faVors th favorable conditions are a tem- the fungi; other aria and 4.5- perature of 25-30er pH (7-8.5 for bact es and fin- 7.0 for fungi)l and traces of impuriti ishing agents. The degree of resistance of the fibers to fungi depends On the degree of crystal- lization and on the orientation of the fibers. most resistant, followed by nat- Raftie fibers are fibers, and ural cotton fibers, mercerized cotton j~ _L 41 V _'L E! Q L, ~j ry Ch..j cal, A,,l,,,tj"ecbnO1OE7' Ch*01cal Products and Their Mg. __ poing & Chas. Tre&tment or T J')Ul- R' ZhG -Khlm-., NO- 11p 1959 Wteriala. ext. Author 41o81 in3ti.tut. Title Orir~ Pub. Abstract applications. All of the last-enumerated agents contain more or less complex derivatives of phenole and creiols. Z. Bobyr "aard: 3/3 YUGOQSLAVI,'~ / Chonical Technology. Dyeing and Ch-zanical H Treatment of Textiles. .bs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22) 1958) ?5994. Author Z:lv a kJ inst Not given. Title The Treatment of Textiles to ImDart Fire- Resistance. Orig Pub: Tekstil, 1957, 6, No.5, 410-414. i.bstract: Y, review publication. A critical analysis on thL-. advantages and shortcomings of existing matc-rials, their cheraicalr:corapositi-on, and methods of their applications are given. Card 1/1 17' m41 JOUR. ,E)t-01, uf c&rbt. Tiic & 3 ii. 514-517 (1959) T-aksLi 1na 1,1d, 61 pj 13, a- 'bliograp* listing i t b b i A r;~vf -4 U V.V.., yAKOVLEV, A.G. SIVEL',KIN9 2 aring regions Problem conceming the electric power Supply of the oil be of the Tatar A.S~S.R. Trudy Kazan.fil.AN SSSR.Ser.energ.i vod.khoz. no.2-.109-110 161. (~MiA 15-3) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Electric power distribution) S1VXNX0. Fe.dor fj~-=mUlikjWdidat maditsinskikh nauk; ZARKEVICE, N.Y., ---I.-- ~ re -daktor; GITSMYN. A.D.,takhrodaktor [Special method 8 in X-rar examination of bones and joints affected by tuberculosis] Osobennosti metodiki rentgonologicheBkogo iseledovaniis kostei i sustavov u bollnykh kostno-sustavnym tubarkulazom.. Kiev, Gos. mad. izd-vo USSR, 1956. 53 p. (mLRA 10:4) (BONES-TURARCULOSIS) (RADIOGRAPHY) I !kh nql~ I, ~71'1.u ~-Mrlw the an,--ral reptrin. Ortop.traym. i orc'.ez. 78 no.3- 31-35 MY-Je '57. (MLFA IC.-9) 1. Iz rentgonolopicheske-n, otdolentys (zav. - kandidat moditsiankikh nauk Y,F.Sivenko) Ukrair-sk-ogo nauc!,no-Inm1edovet~Iskrgc inigtituta tuberkuleze Im. F-Yo. YarcvsV-(.,Po (dir. - dotsent A.,-.Mamoeat) (6ACRuGOGCYG.9AL R~,GJON. fistulas surz.) ZJWAMDZI. Georgiy ArluLdyevich; GBATSIANSKIT, V.P.; SIVIEKO, F,F, [X-ray diagnosis of tuberculosis In the bones &ad JoWml Rent- genodiagnostika kostao-sustavnogo tuberimleva. lordagmd, Keftla. 1958. 331 P. (NI" 1129) (30IMS-TUBUGUMIS) (JOINTS-STIRMWSIS) (DIONOSIS. ROIOSCOPIC) SIVENKO, F.F.; KUTSENOK, Ta.B. Topical X-ray diagnosis of tuberculous foci in the body of the ileum and its significance for the clinic. Ortop. travm. i protez. 21 no. 10:40-45 160. (MT-RA 14:1) (ILEM-TUBERCI]LOSIS) SIVFNKO, F. F. , starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik (Kiyev, 11 1, Novos tro-i If, I I nrty!,. u 1. d.29, kv.2:;KRIVOSHEY, N.F. Unique complication of hematogenic osteomyelitis of the bones forming the hip joint. Ortop., travm. I protez. 25 no.9:63-65 S 164. 'MIRA 18:4) 1. 1z Ukrainskollo instituta tuberkuleza i gritdnoy khirurgril imeni fan(vskogo (dir. - dotsent A.S.Mamolat). 131VENIKO, F.F., star.-My naij-hny-y sot-rudnik (Kiyov 110, Novostroite-linaya u1. kv ,2~; STEPANSKAYA, O.R., kand. Pied. nauk Patholo.7ical deformation of the anterior arig-les cf the vertebra--. Ortop., travrn. i protez. 26 no.4:19-22 Arp ls'5. (1-URA 18t12) 1. Tz k,.injki kcstno-mlstavnogo tuberl-,Lleza (rdRmodi%ell - prof. B.S.Kutsenok) Ukrainskogo instiLuta tuberkuleza i grurinoy khirurElll imeni F.G.Yanovskcgo (dir. - A.S.Mwrnolant).