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sivxov, I.I. Chronic gastritim. gastric ulcer, and gastric polypi as precancerous conditions. Tarap. arkh. 26 no.6:23-33 N-D t54. (MM 8:2) 1. Iz falculgtetskoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (dir. deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.N.Vinogradov) I Koskovskogo ordena Lenine. meditain- skogo instituta. (STOMACH, neoplasms, polypi, malignant degen.) (POLYPI, stomach, malignant dogen.) (PIPPIC ULCXR. pathology, malignant degen. of stomach) (GASTRITIS, pathology, malignant degen.) (STOMACH, neoplasms, malignant degan. of gastritis, peptic ulcer & polypi) SIVKOV, I.I.,kandidat meditainskikh nauk; SARMINSKAYA, M.I. Case of isolated gastric lymphogranulomtosis. Terap. arkh. 27 no.6: 69-71 155. (KURA 9:2) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevtichaskay kliniki (dir. daystvitellnyy chlen AMU SSM prof. V.N. Vinogradov) i Moskovskogo ordens Lenins, meditainskogo inatituta. (HODGKIN'S DISBASN, stomach) (STOKACH, neoplanas, Hodgkin's din.) SIVIOV, I.I., kandidat meditainskikh nauk Diagnosis of gastric cancer. Terap.arkh.28 no.4:68-73 156. (KM& 9:9) 1. 1z fakulltetskay terapevtichookoy kliniki (dir.-daystwitelIvy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.N.Viaogradov) I Moskovskogo ordena JAnina meditsinakogo instituta iment. I.M.Sechenova. (STCHACH, neoplasms diag., gastroscopy with x-ray) (CASTROSCOPY, in various die. cancer of stomach, with x-ray) POPOV. V.G.-, I&PORENT, M.I.; SKWMSV. A.B.; KURAVIYEV. H.V.; LOW YASTRICBTSOVA, N.L. Cardiac catheterization in acquired heart diseases. Terap.arkh. 29 no.3:37-51 Mr 157. (MIRA 10:8) I, Iz fakul'tetskoy terapevticheskov kliniki (sir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN &iSR prof. V.S.Vinogradov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinekago inBtituts imeni I.M.Sechenova (CATWARIZATION. CARDIAC, In acquired heart die. (Rua)) SIVIOV. I.L. Triachanthin therapy in bronchial asthma and hypertension. Terep arkh. 20 no.7:83-85 Jl '58 (MIRA 11:8; 1. Is kliniki fakulltetskoy terapii Wir, - deystvitel'Vy chlen ANN SSSR prof. Y.N. Vinogradov) I-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo instituts imeni I.K. Sechenova. (ASTHKA, therapy. trachanthin (Ras)) (HYPF,RTXKSION. therapy, same (Rua)) (MUSCLE RPJAXAOS. ther. use, trachanthin in asthma & hypertension (Run)) SIVKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; VOLGAREVA, N.P., red.; BOGACiMVA, Z.I. [Importance of gastroscopy in the diagnosis of stomach cancer] Znachenie gastroskcpii v diagr-ostike raka zhaludka. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo med.lit-ry. 1959. 105 p. (MIRA 13:7) (SrOKAGH--CANCER) (GASTROSCOPT) I VINOGRADOV, V.N.; Geroy Sotkalisticheskogo Truda, zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof.;_ SIVKOV, LL-, Indications for mitral commissurotomy. 31 no.4:3-17 AP '59. , (MIRA 14:5) 1. Deyatvitollnyy chlen A14N SSSR (for Vinogradov). (MITRAL VALVE-SURGERY) SMETNEV, A.S.; SITKOV, I.I. (kaeous composition of the blood obtained from the coronary sinus during cardiac catheterization in patiente with mitral stenosis. Terap.arkh. 31 no.12:63-71 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltstakoy terapit (zav. - deyetvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.N. Vinogradow) I Moskovskogo ordena. Lenina medi- tsinskogo instituta Iment I.M. Bechenova. (MITHAL STINOSIS diag.) (HRART CATHS M IZATION) mAKoLK114, V.I.; SIVKOV, Ij,; YASrREBTSOVA, N.L. Relaticn of vec+.