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~ i - - - ftllvlml~
~ 5-
G.N.; KIRIC=IKO, N.Ya.; AGABABIYAN, E.M.; OZ11,1111NA, Ye.I.;
GALYNSKrf, V.T.; SKRYIM, V.U.; GLYAZE.-,-,, L.S., red.;
RYABOVA, Ye.A., red.; GERASII.'.OVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red.
[Planning national consumption in the 'I.S.S.R.; current
problems] Planirovanie narodnogo pot-4 bleniian v SST,; sov-
remennye problemy. Pod red. V,F.Irlaie-_~ i F.!,,.Krylova. Mo-
11 1964.
rAva. Izd-vo "Fkonor,,,ika, 131. P. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatel'ski, ekonoinicheskiy institut.
SKRYLINIK, A., kapitan 3-go ranga
Creati,ve work and routintsm. Komm,,Vooruzh.Si-I 1 no.7:,75-77
Ap 163, (IMIll 14: 8)
(Russia-Aimy-Political activity)
SKTILI~:IF, A., kapitan 3 ranga
The :ir.;, lovc--- Lho Aronr and hurdly. Voen, znan.. )7 no.11:13-14
I (-"I -, (MIRA 14: 11 )
SKRYLINIK,, A., kapitan 3-go rariga
The humanity of Soviet servicemen and their friendly cooperation.
Kom.Vooruzh.Si-1 2 no.12:69-76 Je 162. (HEU 15:8)
(Russia-Armed forces)
SKRYLINIK, A.,- kapitan 2-go ranga
Moral standards and the need for regulations. Kom. Vooruzh.
Sil 3 no.18:311-41 S 163. (MJT-A 16: 10)
(Military discipline) (Cormunist ethics)
SKI-1-YLINIK, A., kapitan 2-go rang&
Feeling of the elbow. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no-4:83-86
F 165. (MIFA 18:5)
SM',VNIK, Aleksandr Iosifovich; Ti(EFILOV, N.F., red.
[114orals and the discipline of the solf-Jerl !;.,-av,-tven-
tioL;tl i distsiplina voina. 1.1,ookvi~, Voenizdat, 1961,. 95 p.
(MIRA 17:12)
. :. V j - J~ ,
- , .''. .- ~ I I
I , c., -~ ~~Ir- ;, - - -a nj, ~ mz! ~ -~ ei' , r ' n of the Ilim River.
~ i tne bavl
. - -" Fj* , 'j~ -~ I V - r, t 39 7 164.
, : f -o ~ _- . , U 0 - 1 -4
~Z: t ~ . . I - !-:- . n 1. j , (MmA 18:10)
USSR/ Cult i-vat ed Plant5 - Potatjes. Vcj~etables. Mel,)its. m
Abs J-)ur Rof 7~wr 11~, 12, 1958, 5)3607
;,utIn ) r Skryl'nik, 0.1.
List All-Unioli Academy of AE;ricolt%iral Sciences
Title The Effective:iess )f L-)c.-&l 2f *d-E Dacterial
Fertilizer Under Potaties.
Ori-- Pub DAI- VASMIL, 1957, N) 8, 24-27
Abstract On the basis 3f eata -)f the Scientific Research Institute
-ie additixi -)f 100 fertilizer (6 ki
PDtat3 Grwin~;) ti
D ft',-e -.~,-Aher cmlture per I t:):,) to 30 t/ha ~Df the
eral c-)rr,,))st br,jadcast un the liCht sandy loam, of
M,)skivskaya Oblast', had. i.) 1):jsitive effect j22 th~ pAatj
yield. A separate apj)licatiji, of 30 t/-IIa jf c-)r-3p,)st% by
broadcastin--~ ccmd local plecement ~)f 600 kr,-/h-- of AbM
consiO.erably b-,Dsteft the yield. -- V.V. PrDk~,,shev
C, rd 1/1
on C) S
;r1i Orj of' Leni n of* Ac;t (I Agf, ;f-i
-11-!Jrd(;n SCi 1 nst, of Lmcr~i I
;oxi)axxr ;ci~~n(!O 1;')
- 96
J Ot, .y
--z C.
ga 71 rt.
S V) A ic
r a t i o -i
.z:: ~3Lorvd f or
.1Zi j-Ac I. 1'~ s e n m.-a s
tbesc. ?"ft!i
- #' . -0- 11 u
~1~; ZI no t
t wi L it sa n t~.'
r the P-a -1~a' I-C el r~ in t n a t; Jy o 'L t!
i.i'~ t"resa
L ..1 q i j of
SKRYLINIKOV, S.P., inzhoner.
Increasing productivity of the KROK-3 belt-press. Nov.tvkh. i
pered.op. v stroi. 19 no.3:17-18 Mr '57- (MIaA 10:4)
(Kharkov--Brickmaking machinery)
Some results of the study of the total scour:Lng of the
Vakhsh River bed. Vop. gidr. no,13tI29-139 w63
(141RA 17 s8)
GVIRTS, j:.V, ; I'll,TYLOV A L,1`7~ ; KTJZ I IMNA, L, 1,, 3 BELYRYINA, Mo.;
, -.-I - ":
. ,, I I -J .
i' .. ti -AIAM-1, G.A., re
[EL, 5, EII-6~ EO-P a-rid ED-L diane opo-xy resins gencrall
informanion] Dianrj~qe epoksidnye stwi,- mar,-,k EP-5, M-6,
ED-P, ED--[.; obshf~hle svedenila. Leningrad, Pt."'. 1965.
li~ P. (NIIIZA 1877)
L 52N6-65
IBMITTED t. coDsi--,, oc..,m r:
-000 OTHER
A 2/2
AUTHORS: ~k~;glwt Molotkov, R. V_ Gonor, E., S.j
ka~a7ls_kaya, .., Gvirts, E. M.
TITLE: Polyglycidyl Cyanurates as Heat-resistant Epcxy Re-Tins
PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 10, PP, 13-14
TEXT: The authors based on the U~S- Patpnt No,, 2,809,942 to synthesize
an epoxy resin from cyanuric acid and epichloro hydrin ()1~(ET6-Resin))_.
[Abstracterls Note: The synthesis is not describedj, Number of epoxy
groups (29-32%), content of inorganically bound chlorine (.0-04-0.06%), and
content of organically bound chlorine (5--6%) were determined. ETs resin
was polymerized either with -maleic anhydride or phthalic anhydride. Its
thermomechanical propertl~~,s wexe examined and compared with those of
)A-6(ED-6) resin (F- than resin). A better heat resistance /up to
-170-1'''50C) and a 3maller dielectricity los.~ were established at high
temperatures, as compared with ED-6- There are 2 figures and 3 non-Soviet
Card 1/1
Automatic cast-iron weight control upit in the chargim'! boxes
of a casting machine. Avtom. i prib. no. 1:11-18 if '(- 164.
(MIRA 17 : 15)
ACCESSION NR: AP4020320 5/0302/64100010011005810059--.-----1
AUTHOR: Guoyatinskly, L. I.; Skry*nchanko, Do As
TITLE: Device for shaping square-pulse voltages out of slow-varying voltages
SOURCE: Avtomatika i priborostroyeniye, no. 1, 1964, 58-59
TOPIC TAGS: voltage shaper, square wave khaper, automatic cast Iron pouring.
metallurgical plant automation
ABSTRACT: Electronic relays, Sch-mitt's triggers, and other threshold marking I
devices cannot operate correctly if the rate-of-change of the input voltage is
4 v/sec or higher; in addition, their operating -thre s hold stability Is inadequate.
A new semiconductor device, described in the article, was developed for
automatic cast-iroxx pouring purposes. The input-voltage rate -of -change is
determined by the speed of the conveyer carrying cast -iron-filled molds. The
new device consists of a threshold unit and a trigger uait. The threshold unit is
Card 112
designed with two single-shot multivibrators fed through D809 stabilivolts. It is
claimed that the device showed a stable operation with a -5 +58C temperature
allurgical, Plant im. Dzerzhinskiy-
4ange. It was introduced at the Met.
Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
Card 2/2
SKRYNC I, PVIKO, ;"!~ 1" . ,, :511UM! UIV,- K..r'- , k and, t ek~uri. nau"i, ~ TER ES I I TN , N. F.
Antomntl- con~r-)'- of r:;a-,t---ron ladling with a +A-am,,-ng mac~*nirie.
Art. 'A pnil. no.41,5-:7 c-ij 164 (1-fiRA
SHM-11LOVI Kirill Andr,eyedch, kand. tekhn. nauk;,SI9iYNCIU2;KO,
Emitriy Anatol lyevich, inzh.; IMOGGILICMIKC, I.nzh.:
[Autornating the pouring of pig iron in blas't'. furnace
plants] Avtomatizatsiia razlivIki chuguna v domenrqkh tse-
khakh. Kiev, Tekhnikaj 1965. 106 p. (MIRA !E-3)
SKMICIF:2-20, M,P. , Im-nd. med. nauk.
'11-Nei'fd-tumor of an accessory third kidney. Khirurgiia, Moskva 34 no.11:
11P,121 N 158- (UM 12: 1)
1. 1z 1-hirurgicheskolo otdeleniva (zav. M.P. Skrynchenko) Voronezhskogo
oblnr,tnogo onkologicheskolro dispansera (glavnyy vrach T.P. Bulgakova).
(KIDNEYS, abnorm.
ncaessory third kidney with mixed tumor (Rua))
SKRYLINIK, A., kapitan 3-go ranga,
We should strictly adhere to the ethical principles of the
builders of communism. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 3 no.24j65-71 D 162.
(MM 15d2)
(Communist ethics)
Calculation of silting of supported headraces of h7droelectrie
pover stations. Vop. gidr. no.13&87-104 163 WIRA 1788)
L 24691-66 Wr'1v1)/'q-1P(W TJPW JD
SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/019/0073/
ACC R-. Aii~61~~80 31
INVENTORsPothyak, L. A.; Slu-5mchenko, Yu. Me
ORG: none
TITLE: Die steel., Class C 22c; 40b, 39 sup, oo-j! ~-l ~2~
SOURCE: Byulleten~' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakovg no. 19, 1965g 73
TOPIC TAGS: tool steel, chemical composition
ABSTRACT: A die steel with increased toug,1 eels is proposed which has the
following chemical composition (in %): 0.8-1.0 C, 0.2-O.h. Sig 0-3-0-5 Mn.,
2.0-2.5 Cr, 1-9-2-3 W, 0.8-1-5 Mo, 0.6-1-5 V, 0-03 Sj 043 P. [JPRSj
SUB CODE:. 1-1, 07 SUBM DATE: none
Card '1/1 FW UDCs 669.1h.018.2qh
"T~rarsovarial transmission of Spirocheta of Tick Typhus in the Tick Oruithodorus
Papillipes," V. sb. "Epidemicl-zarazi'Ml ekspeditsii v Irane J- -Darazitol."
issledovaniya 194C, Moscow-Le-ningrad pp. 255-64.
U$SR/Med-IcIne - Infectious Diseases 11 Jun 51
Ciiaracteristics of Ornithodorus
Ti--k~, --'arriera of Relapsing Fever," Acad Ye. V.
~A. N. Skrynnik., Mil Med Acad imeni
'D-ok A;1 SSSR" Vol LXVIII, No 5, pp 1069-1072
Durir,E, 2r- ,
~, " ~r, collection of live Ornithodo-
rus transmit relapsing fever has
been lt- contains specimens from
Middl-~- A;ia, ;he Caucasus, Iran, America., and
Afr a. of ticks from this collec-
tion. that persistencc of foci
USSR./Medl:inc- - Irfectious Diseases 11 Jun 51
re" , -
ar-ztnG fevf-r is due to following causes.
life- of the ticks (20-25 yr) and reten-
iion by -,hem, of the spirachaetes; (2) transovar-
lal of spirochaetes by females to
the capacity*of the ticks to go
wi,-ho---:~ --food for .1-ong periods. These 3 condi-
tions %;er- foiind "o apply to 0. papillipes, car-
rierz nf Sp , sogdianum. 0. papillipes survive
fcr IC :;-,7 without food and still retain capacity
t-c inf-~- Pxpt-', animals and to multiply. 0. ver-
wit-hout food for 3 yr, 0. tarta- -~cz Yr.,, 0. canestrinii for 6 yr, and
0. for 8 yr,
P&VLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akiidemik; SKRYNIiIK, A.N.
Experimental analysis of the significalice of various phases of transforma-
tion of Ornithodorus -pa-pillAnes in tvie transmls%ion of the apirr,chetes of
relapsing fever. Paraz.sbur. 14:47-55 '52. (XLRA 6:6)
I.Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademlya ijaeni S.M.Kirova. (Relapsin& fever)
(Ornithodonis )
-~ ~f.. I %
Role of different species of Ornithodorns ticks in the transmission of
fspirochetes of relapsing favor. Zool.zhur. 33 no.2:319-322 Mr- 134.
(MIMA 7:5
1. lafedra obshchey biologii i para2itologii im. akadamii Ye.N.Pavlovskogo
(Nachallnik - general-laytenant meditsinskoy sluzhby skadenik TO.N.Pav-
lovBkiy) Voyenno-Kediteinuko7 akademii im. B.H.Kirova.
(Ticks as carriers of disease) (Typhus fever)
r, -.,/, . t ., ; . , !,~- zj, ki
,., ~t.- x, v kJ KI ,
On the biology of Ornithodorus papillipes ticks. Dokl. AN SSSR.
III no.6:1403-1405 D 256. (MLRA 10:3)
1. Vo3renno-meditsinska3ra Akademiya im. S.M. Kirova.
PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik; SKRYNNIK- A.m.
Hffect of ultraviolet rays on the ticks Ornithodorus papillipas,
transmitters of the relapsing fever [with summary in Inglishl.
Zool. zhur. 36 no.11:1673-1682 N 157. (MLRA 10.-11)
1. Kafedra obahchey biologli i parazitologii Toyenno-meditainakoy
ordena, Tenine. akademii im. S.M. Kirov& (leningrad).
(Ultraviolet rays--Phyaiological effect)
(Ticks as carriers of disease)
Study of ticks transmitting spirochetes in Transcaucasia [with
summary in English]. Paraz. abor. 16:5-9 '58. (MIRA 12:3)
1.Kafedra obahchey biologii i parazitologii im. akad. Te.N.
Favlovskogo Voyenno-meditsinsko7 ordena lenina akademii im.
S.M. Kirova i Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR.
(Ticks as carriers of disease)
SK-ff NNIK, A. N.
'Irlomparative Dita on the Biolog
y of Certain Species of Ticks of the
Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and DDiseases with Natural
,qieservoirs, .-2-Z9 October 1959, Vol. II, Eublishint; House of Academy of
Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959.
AUTHOR: Skrynnik, A. N. SOV/120-1 2 7-1- 6,1r/6 5
1ITLE: The Habitats of the Ticks Ornithodorus nereensis Pavl., and
Their Infection by Spirochaeta Nesta obitaniya i zarazhennost'
spirokhetami kleshchey Ornithodorus aereensis Pavl.)
I-EILIODICAL; Doklady Akademii naulk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 1, pp 230-232
ABSTPLACT: When the tick mentioned in the title was discovered (Ref 1), it
was also proved that it can transmit Spirochaeta - the excitants
of the tick relapsing fewer. This tick has hitherto been knoxn
only in the Kara-Kalinskiy re6ion of Turkmeniya. When the author
(together with 1. K. Teravsk�y and V. P. Skvortsov) Collected
approximately 5000 Ixodes- and Argas ticks in the mentioned
region, 0. nereensis was found in 9 eaves of turtles and
rodents only. Among the 466 ticks of this species a part Yas
infected with Spirochaeta. Some ticks of this species lived as
!on-- as 5 years in the laboratory. They could not be infected by
Spirochaeta from 0. papillipes. Other attempts to infect 7 other
Ornithodorus-species rith Spirochaeta from 0. nereensis failed
as well. Thus 0. nereensis transmits a special species
carfz 1/4 characteristic only for it 7rith which it can be easily infected.
The Habitats of t1he Ticks Ornithodorus nereensis Pavl., SOV/20-127-1-6A/651
and '2heir Infection by Spirochaeta
After a thorough special study the Spirochaeta was recognized
as an independent spooies and called Spirochaeta (Borrelin.)
noreen.-iis qp. n. (Ref 4). In the autumn 1950, 260 caves nour
the 1t`ere settlement wero examined and in 20/1a, Ornithodorus ticks
found. They were, hovever, only 0. tartakovskiy, the
rolatioa of which to the turtles also found here vras already
previously known. The biotopes of 0. nereensis viere found to
be peculiar: in common caves they were found only twice(:,iG 1).
It is known from the publications that they live under stones
in eaves (Refs 1, 2). Since such caves are, however, rarely
found, the author was first hardly able to discover 0. nereensis.
n-,it later he became aware of narrow and apparently not deep
L; under the stones. After also heavy stones had been
displaced, sometimes only a shallow cavity with loose cop-tents
lod to a deep cave (Fig 2).
was fu-.ind Thich, however,
0. nereensis could be found here together with wood lice. This
pro-es a certain de.-rce of humidity. Other Argas ticks do not
occur toCether with wood lice. Sometimes green toads sat in the
caves. Most of the ticks were also found here. The author
Carl 2/4 assun-~s -chat Unis is an analoty- to the tick- and toad find in
The Habitats of the Ticks Ornithodorus nereensis Pavl., SOV/20-127-1-64/65
and Their Infection by Spirochaeta
Azerbaydzhan (Ref 6). In the last m-entioned caves, sinele
Ixodes ticks (Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus) were also fou-nd.
During the investigation of the caves, 0. nereensis which
attached themselves by suction to the hands, had sometimes to
be removed; nevertheless they attack men less actively than
other tick-specie3. In the described habitat a distinctly
marked affinity of the individual Ornithodorus species to
various biotopes was observed. Apparently the microclimate and
the infestation of various animal species leads to a strict
division of the tick species according to habitats of a c.-3rtain
type. Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) and mice were used
lor infection as experimental animals with high reactivity.
Card 3/4
The Habitats of the Ticks Ornithodorus nereensis Pavl., SOV/20.;.127-1-64/65
and Their Infection by Spirochaeta
They were as lonG as one month infested by Spirochaeta. In
~;uinea pigs and rabbits (Refs 3, 4) the infestation by
Spirochaeta was not so considerable. There are 2 figures,
1 table, and 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIA2ION.- Voyenno-meditsinskaya akademiya im. S. 1.1. Kirova
(Academy of Military Medicine imer-i S. 'I!. Kirov)
PRESE-It-TED: March 21, 101.119, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician
SUID 1, 11 T T E DMarch 12, 1959
Card .1/4
17(2, ',) SOV/20-128-4-64/65
AUTHORS: Pavlovski.T, Ye. N., Academician, Skrynnik, A. N.
TITLE: Laboratory Observations on Ornithodorus Hermsi Wheeler, 1935
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 1289 Nr 49 pp a63-a64
ABSTRACT: The species mentioned in the title is known to occur only
in the USA. It lives there in the Western States (Refs 1, 4, 5)
in altitudes between 1500 and 3300 M above sea level. In all
its stages of metamorphosis it is able to transmit spirochaeta
of a special-species (Table 2). The three male and eight
female animals that arrived in the authors' laboratory in
February 1947, soon started reproduction. Within 11 years
4 generations developed. They lived on Guinea-pigs and mice.
They sucked duriixg every season and generally were full with-
in 30-40 minutes (grown-up animals sometimes within 1.5-2
hours). Some of the 0. hermai bred 10 years ago, are alive
and still go on reproducing. 3uch a long life hitherto has
not been known. The time of starvation for grown-ups also
proved longer than 7 months (according to Ref 3). Unfed
larvae died after 3-4 months, nymphs of the first stage
Card 1/3 died at 260 after 5-7 monthG and at 15-180 after almost one
Laboratory Observations on Ornithodorus llermsi Wheeler, 1935
year. Nymphs of the third stage and grown-upB aurviyed a
starvation period of 3 years. Hungry females and those which
never in their lives have been fed, are still capable of
producing descendants fit for life. A dependence of reproduc-
tion on the season could 'not be observed. Contrary to American
publications 2 stages of larvae with 6 legs "ere not observed.
Table 1 shows the period between feeding and skinning. A
comparison Js given with other Ornithodorus species observed
in the laboratory with regard to their development. At 260
the development of 0. hermai takes 56-93 days from the be-
ginning of oviposition to the development of imagoes from
nymphs of the second stage, and 73-156 days in the third
nymph stage, 156-258 days in case of a fourth nymph stage.
At room temperature the nymph stage may last for 7 years
when the feeding intervals are long. Spirochaeta of 5 other
species of ticks are not transmitted by 0. hermsi. There
are 2 tables and 5 references~
Card 213
Laboratory Observations on Ornithodorus flermsi Wheeler, 1935
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshchey biologii i parazitologii Voyenno-meditsinskoy
Akademii im. S. M. Kirova
(Chair of General Biology and Parasitology of the Military
Academy of Medicine imEni S. M. Kirov)
SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959
Card 3/3
PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik,-S-KRYNNIK. A.H.
Comparative data on the biolog7 of some species of ticks of
the genus Ornithodorus. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no -3:734-736
J1 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Voyenno-meditsinakaya akademiya imeni S.M.Kirova.
SKRY11111K, A.11.
Biolog7 of the tick Argas reflexus (Fabricius, 1794). Dokl.AU
SSSR 134 no.4:991-992 0 160. (maA 13-.9)
1. Voyenno-meditainskaya akademiya im. S.M. Kirova. Predstavleno
akad. Ye.N. Pavlovskim.
(Ticks) (Famattes-Birds)
PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik; SKRr.PIIK, A.N.
Brief results of the work of the laboratory of ticks. Zool.
zhur. 42 no.4-.500-505 163, (KERA 16:7)
1. Kirov Medical Military Academy, Leningrad.
(Soviet Central Asia-Ticks as carriers of disease)
(Transca*asia-Ticks as carriers of disease)
USIX, G.Ye. [Usyk, H.E.]; SKRYINNIK, A.P. (Skry-nnyk, O.P.]
Effect of moisture and temperature on the physiolvgical processes in
seedlings and on the yield of tomatoes. Ukr. bat. zhur. 22 no.2124-27
165. (MIRA 18t4)
1. Kqmenets-Podollskiy sellskokhozywfstvennyy institut.
KAZAqKOV, AM., starshiy agronom--VOLCHENKO, V.V.-, SKRYIINIK, F.N.
p - ------
Seminars and conferences. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.1:
59-60 Ja 63. (NIRA 16:5)
1. Direktor Moskovskoy oblastnoy stantsii zashchity rasteniy (for
Skrynnik) .
(Plants, Protection of-Congresses)
We are mechanizing plant protection. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i
bol. 7 no.9:4-5 S t62. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Nachallnik Moskovskoy oblastnoy stantail zashchity rasteniy
(for Skrynnik). 2. Glavnyy agronom Moskovskoy oblastnoy stantsii
zashchity rasteniy (for Galenovich).
(Moscow Province-&p)mying and dusting in agriculture)
masthesia during strumactomy in patients vith thyrotoxicosis and
euthyroid, goiter. Vast. khir. 93 no.9tlO&-108-S 164. (KMA 1814)
1. Iz gospita.11noy khirurgichaskor kliniki meditainskago fakulltpta
(zav. - dotsent A.V.Fedinate) Uahgm-odakogm-universitets, i oblastnoy
klinicheskoy bollnitay (glavW vrach - G.D.Skrynnik).
Use of bydrolytic lignin in the manufacture of plastics.
GidrolizA lesokhim.prom. 13 no-3:14-16 160.
(MIRA 13:7)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-
spirtovoy promyshlennosti.
(Lignin) (Plastics)
Zfficiency of the SKEM-3 beet combine in harvesting irrigated
beets. Sellkhozmashina no.10:21-22 0155. MRA 8:12)
(Beets-Harvestirg) (Combinea (Agricultural machinery))
;3 t r! - Lil 3 if or oaz
tj -j
673i~_-Iy v
-~o t
A fcj
1- :L
j 1,~.
In automotive. -,;n-".3. -vt
45 nr).,9:.)9-21 S, 'r~1,5. 1Fr-)
1: r v-, In t f, u L
r A r, s T- "a
s F..p YT I, -, I Y, , -.,, . 1, -
';*. ~~, e o~ jZZ"OW t0 ri r, !, ", r) r -. s
V -+ u I ~, -,,
-i,-jriu-:-ar L* I Hace ous reservoJrs. Gaz. 1,DI-OM. 8
4 r~, I -L - / Ij !:; - 7 ~ . 1-1 )
Irmovatore help drillers. Nef t. 1. gaz. prorn, nc.iicb-2 161..
SFV-DAKh--iATOV, G.S~;J~t]~TK, V.K.; TAB~L.D--YEV, R.D.,
kand. ell-on. nauk, otv. red.
[',]age systern on the coll~3ctive beet far-ms of Kir-hizisTan;
-Lsing the exwrple olIthe "Krasnyi OktiabrIll Collective
Farm of Sakuluk District] Sistem oplaty truda v svek.1-o-
seWjhchikh kolichiczakh Firgizii; m pvirere kolkhoza IlKrasnyi
ok-tiabrill sokulilsk--go i,aiona. Frunze, Izi-vo "Ilim," 1964.
92 p. (MIRA 18.1)
AUTHOR: __Skrynnik, V.I. Engineer SOV/1-1-2-59-3-16/42
TITLE: Tii~i-c-a-1--7r--6du-c--YI-on Lines for I-11a.-hining Cylindrical Double
Rimmed Gears (Tipovyye stanochnyye linii dlya obrabotki
tsilindricheskikh djukhventsovykh zubehatykh koles)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya~ 1959,, Nr 3, pp 52-56 (ussR)
ABSTRACT: The layout of a typical production line producing double
rimmed gears or pinions for cars and tractors, from 80 to
41+0 mm maximum diameter and 2 to 7 mm module, of the types
illustrated in Fig 1, is shown in Fig 2. This line has a
capacity of 100 to 1W thousand gears per annum of 120 to
200 mm maximum diameter. The line is divided into fou-r
sections: 1, for machining the blank befoie gear cutting;
21 for gear cutting; ', for heat treatmenti and 4, for
finishing operations after heat treatment. The blanks
are usually forged, and the centre holes are either drilled
or punched. The first machines, in section 1 of the line,
illustrated in Figs 4 and 5 are vertical -turning and
reaming lathes with pneumatic chu--~ks. These perform the
operations shown in Figs 3a and 3b. Cylindri--al and flat
faces are machined simultaneously. A single pass
Card 1/3 vertical breaching operation follows the spline cut in
Typical Production Lines for Machining Cylindrical Double Rimmed
Gears the central opening, using machines shown in Fig 6.
Final machining and correction is made in a vertical
lathe which incorporates a ram which exerts considerable
axial pressure on the component to remove distortion
created by the broaching operation. Gear hobbing
machines (Fig 7) are better adapted to line production
than other types of gear cutting machine, but for special
gears slotting machines may be employed. Several
different types of gear cutting machine may be found in
the second section, and for rounding the ends of the
teeth, a sequence of up to 4 mal,hines may be required
(Fig 8). The gears are de-burrad using special mills.
and are washed before gear shaving operations are carried
out, using machines shown in Fig 9 which operate wi-th a
diagonal feed. Heat treatment, Section 3, involves
cementation, quench, followed by tempering and a second
quench and then final low-temperature annealing. In the
final section the splines and gear teeth are given final
machining. Operations vary a3cording to whether the
Card 2/3 gears are surface hardened or hardened in depth. A
sizing broach may be used for splined openings which have
Typical Production Lines for Machining Cylindrical Double Rimmed
been surface hardened by high frequency methods, but
internal grinding is required for gears which have been
through hardened. The gears are "run-in" on special
machines to remove burrs and roughness from the tooth
surface. The gears are then washed before being
inspected, which is carried out by meshing the gears
with special master test gears. Inspection during the
course of manufacture is carried cut on a percentage of
samples. Future machines are envisaged which will
enable 100/1 inspection by automatic methods.
There are 9 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are
Card 3/3 C~
Soviet and 3 English.
SKRYIIIIIK, _V.1f., inzh.
Arrangement of automatic machine-tool lines. 14ekh.i avtom.
proizv. 14 no-1:9-13 Ja '60. (14IRA 130)
(Machine tools) (Automtion)
L&RYNNIK,-_Y.N, inzh.
Galculating economic parameters of readjusted automatic machine
tool lines. Vest.mash. 40 no-10:76-81 0160. (MIRA 13:10)
(Machinery, Automatic) (Industrial uanagament)
red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F.., tekhn. red.
[Automation of gear-machining processes in capit.-Ilist
countries; survey] Avtomatizatsiia protsessa izgotovleniia
zubchatykh koles v kapitalisticheskikh stranakh; obzor. Moskva,
1961. 39 p. (IMA 15:71
1. Moscow. TSentral'My institut nauchno-takhnichaskoy informa-
tsii mashinostroyeniya.
(Gear cutting) (Automation)
SKRYNEIK, Vladimir Nikitovich; SOTNIKOV, Ya.l., ved. red.;
FO1.U-'.Ov' M.P., red.
[Design of automatic lines consistirg of machine-tcol urLits;
survey of foreign engineering] Proektirovanie avtomaticheskikh
linii iz agregatnykh stankov; obzor zarubezhnoi tekhniki. Mo-
skva, TSentr. in-t tekhniko-ekon. infomatsii, 1962. 98 p.
(,MIRA 17:7)
zed par ts B` .~!G -t-,-kh- ~- "In,, J f, f~c,
f c: rn 17 4
1,111 IU 17 6)
S j' J,, -y ' ~ 7 1 K ., 11 . 11 . ,inz h .
-~ -4 cr. I - - 'on lile. M-ekh. i
~! - i c-, n a I d , ,, c" an autcmatic orodiuctL I- A
u (KI RA 18 : 3 )
19 nr..2,,42-45 F 165.
SKRY','-:I!K, inz'r,..
Det-e-mining ~he tine needed for observinp the opera-~ion of an
automatic line in stuaying its productivity. Vest.mashinostr.
1 T
4~ no.11:39-42 1 165. (MIRA 18:12)
USSR/Chemistry - Inorganic Analysis. Sep/Oct 51
"Brief Communication: Employment of Nicotine
Thiocyaaate Reagent'in Inorganic Analysis,"
S. Ye. Burkat, Ye. -1, Skrynnik, S. S. Yaro-
slavskaya, Vinnitsa jed Inst
"Zhur Analit Khim" Vol VI, No 5, PP 325-327
Shows nicotine in presence of ammonium thia-
cyanate forms characteristic c~yst ppts with
cations Cu+f~ Cd*t, Co"+, Ni"'. Fe++, Mnf+1
Zn+* and can be used for microchem detection
of Ist 5 of these ions. Microchem reactions
of different cations are quite sensitive and
yield crystals of characteristic shapes and
Device for studying the positive ionization of vapors of'
alkali metals and their salts on the surface of single-cryetal
emitters. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 10 no.5.-16L-169 S-0 t65.
(MIFA lgtl)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monokristallov,
Kharikov. Submitted August 7, 1964.
'Ss , A.S . "".8, ; SILZUS~L-CV) S. il. SHU-MID II. G. res7)-lt3 of the acceleration -f fill-ing and dis~~harg- opentio
on tue Tuarze tank farm:,. Transp. i :hran. iofti i nel~,epr no.9:Z-'20
16z,. (!.=, a17. 10
1. Krasnodarskiy politeldmicheskiy irintitut i Tuapsinakaya perevalo.-
clinaya noPtebaza.
ly X HO lop V a 1, R pin 0
A A- z
A ~11
A. 1. Xalinowski and 1. A....SkryAnlkow- PhYs- Z*its- d- 3"J"unlonIo $-
of Ji~ 3. pp. 299-293. 1935. In Gqrmon.~- Jhla authors used & similar s3perinental 00s
J!; to that described previously (a*@ Abntract 217i, 1930 bidt for the present exper-
iments explosive mixture: of Cla and Ka were selecQ because they react to-
gather so readay. In . case Gas an explosion obnow although control ox--
poriments usinc uv. light gave positive results. The authors em"ast that to
.11 bring about an explosion the concentration of electrons must be such that the
0001 number of ions produced by then Is the saw as thnt present In the flame. Thl
ji is t"Lclally possible by usin g stronepr tubes with Current density of
6 lo-
IV atilt arat sic *I[ Kan ICU
'010 a Is el 0 f 0a4 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a
0 a 0 0 0 0:0 a 0 o 0 a 0 le a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
on-& t a IM an 0- 1- -Irom
W A I U 4"
of 0'o 600940699*09*00*999
0 0 *is 0 4 a a o 0 0 a Is 0 4 In 0 o In 0 0 *
V 1 XIX,
So. U
DTJGANOV, G.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TKACBE14KO, K.T.; FILETICH, A.F.;
_ Y&JKI.A. .. gorn.inzh.; ROtMISKIY, L.P.; CHERNIKOV, G.F. ;
Improved methods and instruments for air depresstire readings.
-Izv. DGI 31:58-68 158. (RIMA 11:7)
(Mine ventilation)
BE'RG, S.L., polkovnik; VOROBIYEV, V.I., kapitan pervogo ranga; GILIBO,
G.14... kapitan pervogo ranga; ANAl"CHEEKO, A.A.; BALAKSHINA,
3AN1'1IKOV1 B.S., kapitm vtorogo ranga; BAKTTINA, G.F.; BME-iTITAM,
N.V.; BUDY"'MA, 1;'.Ya.; VOHOWYEV, V.I., kapitan pervogo ranga;
GASES, I.P.; GI11BYSH, N.S.; GLADETI, D.F., polkovnik; GOL011,00VA, L.G.,
kand. ist. nauk; GOLUIEVA, Z.D., kand. filol. nauk; GONCHA.',OVA, A.I.;
kand. ist. nauk; FUR.
L.F.; GLADD, D.F., po.Ucovnik; LAEEITSKIY, Ye.F.p pod-
pollcovnik; LEJEDEV, S.M., lcapita~ pervogo ranga; ORDYNSKIY, Ii.I.,
kapitan pervogo ranga; NADVODSKIY, V.Ye., podpolkovnik; DE1,1111-1, L.A.,
inzh.-kontr-acbr.iral, glav. red.; Mbl-KIN, N.S., polkovnik, zarn. otv.
red.; LEVCHENKO, G.I., adniiral, red.; BAMMIA, G.F., tekhn. red.
(Eaval atlas] Morskoi atlas. n.p. Izd. Glavnogo Shtaba Voenno-
Mor k 0 Flota . Vol.3. [Faval history] Voenno-istoricheskii.
1 OfT
Ft. ext for the maps] Opisanija k kartam. 1959. 1942 p.
(MIUA 15:5)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo obororW.
(Na-val history)
AM;O-.,~S. Lotvinov, G.j-, , Pucovkin, fi.I. and Skryr,~~kov
R. G.
TITLE; The daily aurorai intensity variation and the
C: -variation
PERIGEI~,AL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v.2, no.5, 1962, 855-860
M_XT: --lectrophotometric measurements carried out in 1961 and 1962
.L -
of the -Aritt:6rai sky luTiAnance in the 3500 to 6000 R spectral inter-
va-I (maxim-um. sensitivity at about 4000 R) show that the auroral
intensity has an extenced maximum spreading from 16 to 24 hrs GMT,
with its peak near the local mianight. There are also inaications
L7 er- GWT) and moi~ning (03 to 04 IVYT) max-L-
of ootii evening (16 to Z
The. a i1 V-riatior, of the horizontal component of magnetic
a L V
uisturbance h calculated according to the premises of the dynamo
"ieory from known daily ~,ariations of auroral. intensity, and of
ionospaeric Aina velocity, agrees with the observed KH. The
Card 112
T'he daily a-aroral inte,-,sJLtj- . . . 1040-/1240-
autilor confims, N. Lssuirption (Ralf-121: N-Fukushima.
j--Tacult-i 'ci. "Okyo U,-,4v., 1'534, no.8, 293) that the S -v~rJation
4 P
i-- tilie --verageu pro v ol im~eEUlar disturbances and maf,:-retic
bays. There are 5 fiLur-~Is-
T G 111; :
A S' S 0 C I A TPuiyarny,,/ ,.-eofizicKesliy institut Al'ollskoSo filliala
AN SSSRI (.Pol~~-r Geopnysical Institute of the Yola
Division AS' USSR)
SUBY.ITT:I-:D: D,,,ay 7, 1962
Card 212
Skrynnikov, R. G.
Short-periodical variations-in intensity of auroral light
PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizrii I aeronomiya, v. 2, no. 6, 1962, lo8o - lo83
TFXT: The author describes the results of observations of variations
in integrated light flux of auroras in the frequency'range from 0.25 to 0.01
cps. The observations were conducted at the Station Lovozero (T= 67 0591 N,
5005'E) from September 1c,,61 to March 1962 by the scientific workers of the,
Polar Geophysical Institute and the Department of-Physics of Earth of the LGU
with an electrophotometer with a photomultiplier .(D 3Y-19 M (FEU-19M) . These VY
instruments recorded .5hort-periodical and long-periodical variationj In the.
auroral light flux within the wavelength range from 3,500 to 6,000 A with a
sensitivity maximum at about 4,000 A. The ouservations substantiate the classi-
fication of auroras by types of light. flux, proposed by Yu. A. Nadubovich (This
journal, v. 1, no. 4, i961,"521). Several types of short-periodical variations
of auroral light flux, differing sharply from each other,.were discovered:
S/203/62/002/006/00 20
Card 1/2
Short-periodical variations in... AOO1/A1O1
1) variation!-, which are analogous to sip-type variations of the Magnetic field
in period, shape and spectrum; 2) variations analogous to pc 0 magnetic vAria-
tions. In auroras with sharply changing light flux va:riations were discovered
which are analogous to magnetic variations of the "zu~" type; these varlatlonq
are named splashes. Auroras with smoothly varying, l1ght flux are similar to
microbays with gradual commencement, Variations nirialogous to sip-type magnetic
variations occur most often. Periods and amplitudes of all these variations are
presented, as well as shapes of auroras in which they are observed. However, no
correlation between auroral shape and types of light flux variations has been
established. There are 8 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Polyarnyy geofizicheskiy Institut Kol'skogo filiala AN SSSR
(Polar Geophysical Institute of the Kol'skiy Branch of the AS USSR);
Leningradskiy gosudarstveaW universitet, Kafedra fiziki Zemli
(Leningrad State U-iversity, Department of Physics of Earth)
SUBMITTED: May 7, 1962
Card 2/2
A'UTHORS: Loginov, G. A., Pudovkin, 1M. I., Skrynnikov, R. G.
TITLE: Variations of intensity of aurora polariB and geomagnetic
PERIODICAL: Geomagrietizm i aeronomiya, v. 3, no. 1, 1963, 59 -.62
TEXT: The relationships between the fluctuations of intensity of
aurora polaris and the geomagnetic disturbances were jointly investigated
by the Polyarnyy geofizicheskiy institut (Polar Geophysical Institute)
and the Kafedra fiziki zemli LGU (Department of Physics of the Earth,
T(,U ) at Lovozero Geophysical Observatory.(,,p= 670581 N, A-= 350051 E).
The integral intensity of aurora polaris was recorded with a 1800 photo-
meter, while the fluctuations of the geomagnetic field were recorded
over Fanzelau Station. Mlagnetic field fluctuations of an amplitude of
roughly 3y and periods of 1.5 minutes could be.established. Not only
bay-type variations of the intensity of aurora poiaris, but also stronger,
irregular disturbances of an intensity lasting up to 1-5 min are accom-
Card 1/2
Variations of intensity of &urora polaris ..... A061/A126
panied by-variations of the..4_to~a6metic field. 7P6'riodic fluctuations of
the intensity of aurora polaris (period 1.5 min),-accompanied by periodic
fluctuations of the geomagn6tic field, were indisputably established. A'
proportionality exists betweenQ I (I bein.g tile intensity of aurora pola-
ris) and ~H (H being the i;e6dabrnetic fi61d streiigth). The proportionali-
ty factor depends on the dui-ation of the flt~ctuations. As the duration
of the fluctuations of auro;a polaris decreasesi the geomagnetic field
fluctuation alsodecreases noticeably. The bay-type f1fictuations and the
irregular oscillations of intiensity are-explained by variations of ioni-
zation in the upper atmosphere, There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Polyarnyy geofizicheskiy institut1ol'skogo Filials, AN SSSR
(Polar Geophysical Institute'of the' Koll Branch AS USSR)
SUBI.ITTTED-. MlaY 7, 1962
Card 2/2
ACCESSiON NR! AT4035384 S?0000/64/000/000/0029/0038
AUTHOR: Skry*nnikov, R. G.
TITLE: The relationship between short-period pulsations of the earth's,
electromagnetic field and variations in auroral luminosity
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Kol'skly f 111al. Polyarny*y geoflzlchaskly Institut. ls3le-t_
dovaniye geofizictieskikh yavleniy elektromagnitnogo komp!eksa v vy*sokikh shirotakh
(investigating geophysical phenomena of the electromagnetic complex at
latitudes). Moscow, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964, 29-38
. . I
TOPIC TAGS: terrestrial magnetism, aurora, upper atmosphere, ge,-)magnetism,
geomagnetic pulsation
ABSTRACT-. The diurnal variation in the short-period pulsations of the clectro-
magnetic field coincides for the most part with the daily variation in auraral
intensity and the frequency of occurrence of visible auroral forms, h the
first somewhat precedes the second. Short-period pulsations are associ6-;:il. to
approximately the same degree with all auroral forms, although midnic,ht :-Iurt-
period pulsations apparently correlan better with rayed and homogeneous forms and
predawn pulsations correlate better wich homogeneous, pulsating and diffuse forms.
On the whole, rayed forms of mean intensity appear to be more weakly related to
elect-omagnetic disturbances than the others, With a ce,;sation of auroras in the
morning hours the short-period pulsations do not disappear completely. A com-
paril-on of Lhe di'urnal variation of intensity bursts in auroras and the diurnal
V.1riat ion of 5hor(-per;od PUISaLionS ('JPP) on distorbed days leads to the
~~' I C
I owi nq conc I tts I on5. Coinlidence of thu maxima of both phenomena, indicates that
Midniqh'~ maximum of SPP of the elecLromagnetic field is associetted with
Guroras ,.j;Lh rapid variation of luminosity, An evening maximum of the frequency
o~7 occurrence of bursts results in no significant increase of SPP of the electro-
magnatic ~icld. SP? of the electromagnetic field also continue after the
oisappearance o' DUr5tS in the predawn hours, that Is, are encountered mostly In
pul'sating, diffuse and homogeneous auroras. Changes in aUroral intensity of the
m1crobay -1-ype vi~~h a duration of 3-10 minutes are accompanied by corresponding
Variations of tne magnetic field. it is concluded that SPP of the Sip type with
a period of L-10 seconds, P. bursts and microbay5 are associated with sjmilar
var;ations o~- aurorai luminosity. Auroras in turn are associated with the in-
:ectl~on of corpuscular streams into the upper atmosphere and are caused bnphysi-
cal processes In the ionosphere at heights of 100-150 I