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Yc. ~i r c 1;i th vani y 1l'!,; !I T n-,~ tar T SKRYNNlKOVA, G.N.; VATVEYYKVA, N.I. Developing a method for the coulometric determination of phenols in oils. Trudy VNIIT no.12:218-229 163. (MIRA 18:11) USbft/Soil Science - General Problems. J-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 51 1958, 20021 Author Inst Title Skrynnikova, I.I. Scientific Research in the Field of Swamp Soil Reclama- tion in the German Democratic Republic. Orig Pub : Pochvovedeniye, 1957, No 6, 115-116 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 W-OF-W-4v W-OVEF-11vill'-w-w-w- Its- MAN it M 11 1). ~4.0 1 714 WfIrli. R. IN : X 1; V 1) R Is it L' At OR 6, j? tj 11 It p it 0 Al _j rr _1A AA eipedwalal study of soll Solutions o( loterit pod- -00 toQ~ wits in the MOSCOMP Volition And their role in the processes of still formation. L N. Skr)nnik,jva. . A. A. "00 VMV4orefor (Iledni'vy) I"ll, 299-~ill-'Mqr .,d -1l1-4 L' strongly poolsoliz"I so-li was obtaincii by niran,, oil A prm. followed by replacement wit halc. inall.12vililoleot were obtained over the pc~rirxli of fitly -Nomolloer 19 15, April-Novembocr 19143, and April-May 1947. Tile I)II 00 of the soln. showi the lowest value in tile A. layer with an increase in the underlying horizoni. The orit. mmter cuntent of the A. layer soln. may reach a 01 to 00 vilue. At times it may lie M-15 time4 fe%*. 'Me tnveqt '00 J. value, 0.0111-03AIP21"O, is fixind ill [lie VATI. Af the .1, '00 and It h.toriumps. The, highent cmvi. I, I ... pul i,t tit, A. 00 (.over. the Itsw"t III flit .41 h,orivin. rhe 4,',e t.-nf oil, loillows (lie mid. Tho: '411, content fluctirates. reAchine A high of 50-M ms. It. in tile A.. and dro,pl,ing to imi in 0 the lower regions. although at titnes evert there the N11. content goes up to W-29 rug-11. of sciln. The Fe content vartirs frown 10 to 21, and at times to W mg. A. in the A, and from xcro to 2 tit 3 Ing. /L In the tonderlying horlions- lation between the Fe and ". -rg. or There I,, 11,11"r ('01T 11 matter. The Si0i content lluctu3t" ff'"I 1119~/ ~ 4`11110 in the As to 3-15 m9.11. in tile underti,ing horio)"A I)ata are also Presented On tile CaO, I'rt()J, "I'd S'()' -all cf)ntcnt of the litter, xt,nind. and river wjw. and tile ..Go relation of these data to thrise on vul 4011). 1% COffel2te' 1. S. jnffe ollI W 4 S L NFTALLURCKAL LITERATLOE CLA$IIPICATICh 5 AV 00 Ali f P 19 iP IP IF Noif Sit 111F )(1111 ItMHIOII 1 14 x I it ow 0 .1 6 1 W 00 0 4 00 a 0 0:0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 01 : t1 : * , * , , 46 0 0 0 - -a 000 * IN 6 SKRYNNIXOrA, I. N. 25038. SKRYNNIKOVA, 1. N. Yubileynoy Dni, Posvyai;hchennyye Pamyati V. V. Dokuchayeva. (1846-1946). Trudy Yubileynoy Sessil., Posvyashch. Stoletiyu So Dnya Rozbdeniya Dokuchayeva. M.-L., 1949, 6. 676-79 SO: Letopis' No. 33, 1949 c, le, An experimental stuJy of the dynamics of the chemical composition of sod-Fround waters in the sonot of podsoliza- tion. I ~ S. Skryumkova. Trudy Packwaxotis Inst. int. I'. R. 33, 1117-213(lWO).- The %lit-ly t-overed a perioll of 2 wasons oil a hytiralogic pro. rift, Nt.trtilljr at a wrlWruin"l hish point anti coding ill a livat bog, The boil, rel)rrsutest variell from a so4-liotlitol. tt,Fw,-tivr ~nil varieti~. The delith, of tube ptovinent "'Fill from 'it), 0s. 110). all(I 111) Ill :1111) col. were 1~ikrn trice ;& month, from Aliril to Dttrinfirr Analy~ "t-rc lit Ac for IICO,-. p1l. Ci. SiOl. Also,. FrOL, And -wit. org. m-Mys, felitts Pictottletric ~11,, and comilarvi with the i-ompil. of the water in the brook orijiumij.1 in the bog. 'I'lle ilsvembled It-, talites jitul graphs, chart the n3ove- Filinit fit vilt4 from the highest pollit, flown the slope'and into vhrjw.,t-Wg. An outstanding clejr-cut feature of the Amity- - i, the prev.denct: of Ct in the waters. being higher during th'f.dl~a,ow I it the bog the water table at the I)ejt 1--Y~~ h~s i lower coness. of,-alts than the layrr deeper ill the 100file. indk4ting thA there is no mixing of the w~ttT- .t v.1riolls levels in the profile. j S. lofft, DOSKAM, A.G.; SKRYNNIKOVA, I.H. Joint scientific meeting of the learned councils of the Ins,."Ltute of Geography and the Institute of Soils,of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.. devoted to tha 50th anniversary of the death of Y.V.Dokuchaev. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.geog. no-2:88-90 Mr,-Ap '54. (KLRA ?:5) (I)okuchaev, Vasil VaSil'OTich, 1846-1903) USSR/miscellaneous - Biography Card .1/1 . Autbor t Skrynnikovap 1. K. Title t Vasilly Vasilevich Dokuchaev., 50th Anniversary of Big Death Periodical Veat, AN SSSR) Ed, 2) 3.18-129) Feb/19~4 Abstract A biography of the Russian scientist and agriculturist, V. V. I)okuchaev,. is presented on the occasion'of the 50th anniversary of~hio death., ~-- According to the article V. 7o Dokuchaev was the founder of the Depart- ment of Soil Survey. Institution Submitted SKRYNNIUWA, I. N'. , IW)E, A. A., and AFANA-331YEVA, Ye. A. 115tudy of GontemForary Processes in Soils," a Ta;~er presented at the 6th International Soil Science Congress, Paris, 28 Aug to 8 Sept 56 In Library Branch ji5 rf, SKRY-NNIKOVA. I.N. Scientific and research work in the field of swamp reclamation in the German Democratic Republic. Pochvovedenie no.6:114-116 Je 157. (Germany, East-Reclamation of land) (MLRA 10:9) SrRTNNIKOVA, I.N. Present-day soil formation processes in the southern part of the forest zone [with summary, in Englishl.Pochvovedenie no.4:1-13 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Fochvennyy institut im. V.V. Dolruchayeva AN SS.9R. (Soil formation) SIMYM,fIKOVA, I.N. . Effect of' Qgulated water relations in cliltivated peat-bogs on soil formation processes [with summar7 in English]. Poch- vovedenie no-1:30-39 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Pochveiuiyy Institut imeni V.V. Dol-ruchayeva All SSSR. (Poat soils) (Drainage) ,; 1~.!iy jjj~ v A , i . Fi. "Fruchtbarkeit und BodenDrozesse der MoielAien." report submitted for the 7th Intl. Cong. of Moorland Research Franksko-V-i T.agnne/ Franzensbad-Pra~ae, 15-19 Sep 60. __S_K.-PKKOVA. Irina Nikolayevna HODE, A.A., prof., otv. red., ANTSELOVICH, M.Ye., red. izd--.7a; GbLUB!, ~,P_ telklm.. red. [Soil processes in cultivated peat lands; as exemplified by the cultivated ashy peat soils in the Yakhroma RIver Valley] Poch- vennye protsessy v okul2turennykh torfianykh pochvakh5 na. pri- mere issledovanii okul2tarennrykh rmogozolI7rykh torfianykh pochv doliny r. lAkhromy. Moskva. Izd--.-7o Akad.nauk SSSR, 196-1. 2J+6 p. (MIRA 15! 1' ! (Yakhroma Valley---Peat soils) KAURICIHEV, !.S.~ 1"ORAROVA, N.A., SKRYTIN-IKOVA, SHILUV,~., Ye,!. '.~,thod~: fc., studying tlo, chevu~al -ompositica of tKe liquid I - L. - phave of soil (soil solutirin). no.6:35-,1;/ Je '63. (1-4,IPA 1617) SKf?YNNIKC)VA, I.N. Glatisification of virgin bog and improved peat soils in the U.S.-'-'.R. Pochvov~denie no.5:14-26 My 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni Dokuchayeva, Moskva. MINASHINA, N.G~; ARTNINI-KOVAI-I-A. Problems of sc"I im-provement at the 8th Infernational Corigre--s of Soil Scientists in Bucharest. Pochvovedenie nc,5c~9&!Cl MY 165- WIRA 18:5) MMYIINIKOVA, N.P. Focperiments with voles. Eat. v shkole no.4:90-91 Jl-Ag '54. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Uchitelinitea Sokolovskoy aredney shkoly Sokolovakogo rayo- na Severo-Kazakhotanskoy oblasti. (Field mice) N-" SJGIYI-INIKOVL, T.D. (Leningrad) Pr P - Unusual. case of abdominal actinomycosis. Vrach. delo no-3;295 Mr 157 (MLRk 10:5) 1. Kafedra goepital'noy terapit (nachal'uik-chlen-korr. AW-1 SSSR, prof. N.S. MoIchanov) Voyenno-meditsinakoy AJcademii im. Kirova. (ACTINOMYCOSIS) (ABDOHI;N--DISEAS!:S) SKRYNNIKOVA T.D. Clinical aspects of pneumonia.-, and the comparative effectiveness of their treatment with antibicterial preparations. Sov. red. 25 no.2:3-11 F 162. (1-aRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapii No.1 Voyen-no-med-itsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova (nachallnik - deystvitellgTy chIen AMN SSSR prof. N,S. Molchanov). (AIUIBIOTICS) (SULFANILAMIDES) (PICLIsIONIA) W, n IT Ma IIII1.0 .6c :, Ag, SEH Hid r. z a 'nSKI 7 n e n S,~ e V T 1 L7 u tcr-~ ic D e v c e r n~ r.F IlLne Pipes t i v t om. a t c'; ie skaya u s t a r 1; y D t-,V, p p, VV; C., 1 4 Ce of scre-~riing ma- i n e s, o;in b,2 ty 0 f, J ntr ~,:irts of the scre.~~r boxes. Tiie Vc-ros~i'.Iuvg=j. n! %n~~ ;-.enii Parkhonnenko tho n-al 1-s~i'u-e measured n e a c tu a I s t r e s s in V:I;___ S I C. F-, sheets by "he tl~s)Metr` c M, e j s e t r e E7, -.,? s ;.-,~-re relacively slight ~o I servut` crs h-- s-- wr ho-:e,.rcr, - kg/ Cm 0 : -1 1 ., t'nat `rs,~i~e o~' the 1 va ue s cf requirements =st be increased for s~,,,b,4oc-, to d,yrar:ac loads, operatinS urder di-'-- icul t ti c-s Collective of designers and of t`,c- abcve ramed Plant de- s_'Ioned a model of a- '(,. %-~ev~- I- t h ~- w e I d Ji. - g o f s e ni oes . This model, is s n r. P i j u r -2 1 c- r~ n s il s t, S- o f r g, h e a d , rn o v _1 n g --,c; rnii fe bars r' a turn- -e I'd 4_r~ beam ~.nd -a e:~-t ica i t s 7 e c a I s c re*., serves to :7~ G r a T~ e -3 n f, e a , a c c ~ r d i n g t o Ca-rd 1/2 h,3 h e :;e` d-' ng material 23 .,i n A,_7 t t P L) P v i c e 1,4 of Screen---G 2--c-li-ke lli__ wn s, low c--rl),Dn and trie we"Idinp process .,,as carr,ied or rjj- Ln uiamcter -urAer AN- 48 ,Ut 4 t ~, . li I -. or C fl - -ert Jrtenb' ty of' 350 0 u ;plyJnE a c~irj ~'00 a~p a' a we d r. g rate of 2c_` to zij m, nn,6 r -he strength u o t' t h e s e se a Ims i s 7 t c) r Iii a t of manua' ly %veld- ed seams. C omr a r e d vi i th a n iz a I vi e I i n F this automatic me- Ts and rai 'hod imnroves the cuzalit:., cf ses "abor e~fi- c i e :- c -v t c, 2 t i r. e s e n r a eu__~e S o% :'3 C C 7 T 1. o r o s c v r a d s k I* zavcd ir.:,2-i_ '~I.rk`iomenlvc "'Ie Vcrcsnilov- -r,- -lant im~:!n-_" A V I I I A E Lib--;ry of f'ongre.,is ,'ard 212 -Weldirg-Automatio C 1. Pipes _q 67705 0 SOV/125-60-2-8/21 AUTHORS: Moshenskiy, Yu.A. and Skrynskiy, N.N. I D- ' ' 11 tAq h !"/ ti f C TITLE: .. e efec t Electrodes for Patch Ielding as o ngs of 1140KhL'Idand '140GL"IciSteels PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, Nr 2, pp 72-74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains information on two new electrode "MIS-l" and "MS-2", used for patching the shrin- grades , kage and gas holes in gear blank castings. The author's plant uses the '140KhL" and "40GL" steel grades for 450 to 1000-mm diameter gears. Up to now, "UONI-13/55" electrodes were used, which produced metal of too low strength, with pores. The new electrodes have proved fully satisfactory, and there have been no complaints from customers during the two years of use. The rod of the electrodes is of "Sv-08A" steel. The composition of the coating for the two types of electrodes, in weight %, is: Ll~ Card 1/3 67705 SOV/125-60-2-8/21 Electrodes for Patch Jelding the Defects of Castings of 1140KhL" and "40GLII Steels Card 2/3 Components IthIS-111 "IAS-211 Marble 46.0 47.0 Fluorspar 23.0 24.0 Ferrochrome "Khr4","Khr6" 2.0 - Ferromanganese, medium-carbon 4.5 5.0 Ferrosilicon "Si45 It 0.5 1.0 Ferrotitanium "Til" 16.0 16.0 Nickel in powder 6.0 5-0 'Aluminum 2.0 2.0 Water glass 30.0 30.0 67705 SOV/125-60-2-8/21 Electrodes for Patch 4elding the Defects of Castings of "40KhL" and "40GL" Steels There are 3 tables and 2 photographs. ASSOCIATION: Luganskiy zavod im. Parkhomenko (Lugansk Plant imeni Parkhomenko) SUBMITTED: October 13, 1959 PK Card 3/3 SYaYNSKIY, N.T. (Kremenchug, prospelt Lenina, d.32/44. k7.96) PontoDerative nylmonnny qtelent.nais. Rov.khir.nrk-h. no.2:41-45 Mr-A-p 158 WRA 11:6) (LUNGS-COMAPSM) SKRYNSKIY, N.T., podpolkorvnik med.sluzhby Treatment of severe burns. Nov.khir.arkh. no.5:110-111 S-0 fig. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Voyanno gospitall No.612 liyevskogo voyennogo okruga. (BURNS AND SGALDS) SKRYNSKIY-.-N-T-- - - -------- Abdominal purpura of S-,hoenlein-Heuoch with phenomena of relative inteatinal obstruction. Test.khir. 83 no.12:88-89 D 159 NIRA 13:5) 1. Iz 'KhIrurgicheskogo otdeleuiya N-skogo voyennogo gospitalya. (FURPURA complications) (INTESTIM CBSTRUCTION etiology) UTHOR: _S&1RYPCHENKO,S.N., SHASTUN,6.1. 121-8-15/22 D __19EI-ning" Gear Racks. -(Prisposobleniye ' d ITLEs evice for iya obrabotki'zubahatykh reyeks) PERIODICAL: Stanki i Iastrument, 1957, Vol. 28, 1'r 6, pp. 37-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the "Korsun - Shevchenkoll machine factory a device for the slotting of rack-teeth on a slotting machine was worked out and introduced in production. An illustration shows this device. It consists of a cast-iron case mounted on the slotting machine in which in a dovetail-6uide a steel ruler moves with a rigid- ly fixed model rack (modulus and lenCth correspond to that to be worked). On the slotting-machine 3pindle on the thorn a cog- wheel is mou4jted which is coupled with the model rack. The ad- justment of the slotting machine is carried out in dependence on the number of teeth of the cogwheel. The workpiece is fixed to the ruler by means of the castin '-s. Slotting is carried out by means of a tappet in one stroke all through. For the passage of the ruler a rectangular opening is provided in the supporting frame of the slotting machine. Card 1/2 IlLnuio~-l OC Of ~7orfis. Pt. 1. ans of re-ulation and 1 t~! i, i ri ol r, i r) c ra u r szenic -,0) Itland --m-r: et., 7-,i, 'ent r a 11 i],.' Vol.,Znc. SKRYPIN, I.Z., inzh. Use of transistors in equipment manufactured by the "Transsviazl" plant. Avtom. )telem. i sviaz' 5 no.11:19-21 N' '61. (YJRA 14:11) (Railroads--Electronic equipment) SKRYPRI, I.Z. inzh. (Ydiar'kov) 2 Crossings signaling in sect-~ons with high-speed traffic. Zhel. dor.transp. 45 n0.10;51-54 0163. (MIRA 16:11) SKRYPIN, V.A., lcund.ned.nauk, podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhbY Causes, mechaniems, and prevention of high altitude eyncope. Voen.-mad.zhur. no.6:27-32 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (SYNCOP"S high altitude syncope, causes. mechanisms & prev, (RU13)) (AI" UDH, inj. eff. same) 3 -4 -"/177/60/000/00-1/001/001 B025/BO66 AUTHO;t 3kry-pjn,.._V, A.1 Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical service, Candidate of Medical Sciencas TITLE: Role of Carbon Dioxide in Oxygen Starvation of the Organism PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 19060, No, 1, pp. 65-71 TEXT: After a brief survey of the data published by B. F. Verigo, V. V. Streltsov, I. R. Petrov, G. Ye. Vladimirov, A. P. Apollonov, and V. G. Mirolyubov the author gave a review of his paper from 1945 where he reported that the tolerance of altitude (6000-9000 m) for man is con- siderably improved, if 6-7% (45-53 mm 119) of carbon dioxide are added to atmospheric air. When studying the pathogenesis of the so-called altitude sickness and collapse due to high altitudes the author observed that these conditions are not only due to hypoxemia owing to oxygen deficiency in the inhaled air, but also to hypocapnia, i.e., the deficiency of free carbon dioxide in 'the blood. On hyperventilation of the lungs (50-80 1/min) the test persons frequently lost consciousness, although the oxygen partial pressure in the alveolar air was much higher than normal (125-130 mm Hg). Card 1/4 Role of Carbon Dioxide in Oxygen Starvation S/177/60/000/001/001/001 of the Organism B023/Bo66 The noxious effect of hypocapnia was found to occur if the CO 2-Pressure in the alveolar air drops below 20 mm Hgq and the CO2 content in the blood below 35 per cent by volume. Examinations in 1950 revealed that on oxygen inhalation under excess pressure thq partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveolar air in an altitude of 15,000 m dropped nearly to the critical limit (20 mm Hg). Under these conditions the partial pressure of oxygen is very close to the critical limit which lies at 30 mm H9. When studying the composition of the alveolar air in altitudes of 13,000 and 15,000 m, it was found that the CO 2 partial pressure in the test persons in 15,000 m altitude was 20-26 mm Hg, and the oxygen partial pressure 37-43 mm Hg. The decrease of the CO 2 partial pressure below 20 mm Hg and of the oxygen partial pressure below 40 in the alveolar air led to de- terioration of the health of the test persons with subsequent uncon- sciousness. The author concludes from this fact that oxygen apparatus which are used in 15,000 m and higher, have not only to guarantee the oxygen supply for the organism, but also the level of the C02'partial pressure (> 20 mra Hg) in the alveolar air. Fig. 1 shows a pneumogram of Card 2/4 Role ol Cazton Dioxide lin Oxyg~-!-_ 3/~' 17 7,/6o/ooo//oo i //oo i I/oo 1 of the Organism 3023,'Bo66 the respiratory rhythm with considerable lack of oxygen (7~'o). Fig. 2 gives a pneumogram from which it may be seen distinctly that an addition of car- bon dioxide to the air under simultaneous oxygen deficiency stimulates respiration and prevents apnoea. The author further dealt with the problem which effect is exerted by the CO 2- addition to the oxygen on the human (it, 1949) 17 PC"--)'1:- _)rganlam in aILLtudei3 of moro than 12,000 m. Ileexamined who were subjected to 98 ascents in 13,500-14,500 m in the altitude chamher, Having reached a certain altitude, the chamber was adapted to Carbogen in- halation. The test persons inhaled oxygen with carbon dioxide, with a par- tial pressure of the latter of 30-38 mm Hg. All experiments were negative. The test personsfelt better on respiration of pure oxygen than On C02-addl- tion. After 3-5 minutes the tests had to be stopped. The functions of the organism were disturbed to such a degree that the stay in these altitudes and with this respiration became unbearable. The test results Ure given in the Table P. 70. Fig. 3 shows a writing of the test person under the con- ditions described. This unexpected phenomenon is explained by the author by the vigorous decrease of the entire barometric pressure and considerable oxygen deficiency of the mixture inhaled. The amoun. of carbor, dioxide added to the oxygen in great altitudes deprives thc mixture inhaled of Card 3/4 Role of' Carbon Dioxide in Oxygen Starvation S/17-1/60/000/001/001/001 of the Organism B023/Bo66 part of the oxygen, 'Ilhen adding `02to atmocpheric air in medium altitudes the distribution occurred mainly at the exDense of nitrogen and only to 1/5 of oxygen. The functional disorders in these altitudes are due, accord- ing to the author's opinion, to E. considerable increase of pulmonary ventilation which effects a quicker equilibration of the gases betikeen the organism and the external medium, This causes a loss of the oxygen reserve in the organism. There are 3 figures and I t_-ble. SUBMITTED: May 1`959 Card 4/4 SKRYPIN.p V.A., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, --- ---- --- -9iffrUftcance of carbon dioxide in anoxia. Voen.-med. zhur. no. 1:65-71 ja t61. (MIRA 14:2) (ANOXEMIA) (CARMN DIOXIDE) GF-DWISKIY, I.K. ' inzh.; KUPRIYANOV, V.M.; VAGINA, I.K.; LESHCHENKO, P.S., inzb.; SKRYPIIINA, T.R. "Astral' 'washing powder. Masl.-zhir.prom. 23 no.2;4,r,-46 F ,62. (~aRA 15:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh zhirozamenitele.v i movushchikh sredstv (for Getmanskiy'i Kupriyanov, Vagina). 2. Shebekinskiy kombinat sinteticheskikh zhirnykh kislot i zhirnvkh spirtov (for Leshchenko, Skrypina). (Shebekina-ldashing powders) SKRYFKA GAL' FERD,, V,, red.; 1,1ILYAN, N., tekhn. red. - - - - ~~j [The guardians of law and order] Na. strazhe obshchestvennogo poriadka., Kishinevy Kartia moldoveniaske., 1962 42 r. 41IRA 15: 6) (Kishinev--Railroads--Employees) (Au:~dliary police) SY, R71 H. f, Y 1. ti. "T;'!,~- Apprartncc. of -i-conomically Vallialli., G.,,Liracti~ri..tic2 Jri Locfjl Yariol,dt:!L~ ci' I-, "."idtivatc.6 Undier 'Iraric-u~, C;-,I~d i-.-r Sci; I-,],.arlkov, 1953. (11.(Zhidol, 1;70 7, Delc 54) Survey of Scientific and Teclir. -' cal Di, Jertationo L-Jefended at LL;-~'L iiE.i~e,r Lducationa2 in-titutiors (12') SC - SAm. I;o. 556, 24 Jun 555 'n s~ --ced ro inr,j P.,A '18-8) trawisT orta. Tit o rc c, LITVINENKO, V.; SKRYPKA, K.; TURCHIN, I.; SKVORTSOVA, A.; BOYKO, A.; VDOVIN, P'. Noncontractual relations between the wholesale and retail trade. Sov. torg. 36 no.1:33-37 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Direktor Bogodukhovskogo smeshtorga (for Litvinenko). 2. Uprav#dyushchiy LIvovskoy bazoy "Ukroptgalantereyall (for Skrypka)a 3. Glavnyy tovaroved Krymskoy ba-,y "Ukroptt(Astil'torga" (for Turchin). 4. Upravlyayushchaya Krymskoy bazoy "Ukroptgalantereill (for Skvortsova). 5. Glavnyy tovaroved Krymskoy bazoy "Ukroptgalajiterei"' (for Bq'yko). 6. Upravlyayushchiy respublikaxisoy bazoy "Moldgalantereya" (for Vdovin). (Ukraine Commerce) SKRYPKA, K. (LIv-ov-) Let's imprrove the bonus system for wholesale trade workers. Sov. torg, 36 no.8s2G-21 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1, Upraviyayushchiy bazoy Ukroptgalantereya. SK?YPK.I,,, K~S. Provide tne chiLL-en with att~ractive quality clothing. Shvein.- prom. no.3-.13-15 My-Ja 162. (MIRA 15-6) (Lvov Province-Children's clothing) SKRYPKA,-,X.A.; VLASYUK, P.A., diyanyy chlen. Dynamics of grovth of the fruit of v&termalons used for fodder. Dop.AN URSR no-3:202-208 151. (HLRA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nank Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Vlasyuk). 2. Ukrayinalka n.-d. stantsiya vynohrad&rstva ta oevoyennya piskiv. Khersonalks. oblast', m. Tayurapinalk (for Skrypka). (Melous) 7 . -- I - Pf-,rnrL-- nr npr nn-1 nintect.4 nF eart), sYrtgrms in ~turert-mzi. on Fi-A +chborqd stPti Olls - r - 253. ( PP`f7T_,'-) TTT,-7-- ~-T , jj~ I .-1 1 ,~T - .( ,June rol,nd) -r: ". nlitl-11v T,;--f o' Flxrnr,-~-m (-EAr,,, Dr, V-1. -3, Yn. T", Dec. 1r'54, Unf-I . ~krvpko Z. No Mains- -;;~~y bezszynow 4,1000.1110- jy*~a, No. 2, 1055, pp. 8 Advantages of no-% rating cond.1tions of div dejaHs concerning such as: H-System with, tam with cross connec I It-system with cross cc Walon line side, the and the asymmetric he i6i2s for distributing s Vng capacity of such vartous systems to vary SKRYPKO, 2. SKRYPKO, Z. Selection of eqnkoment for direct eurrent installations In electric- power plants. p. 292 Vol. 32, no. ? JulY 1956 -1 S01 R"F: Fast European Accessions List ( Voi. 6 I'llo. 4 April 1957 .- - - , N"), - ", , Concerning the economic side of the 5election of voltage for proper use in steam electric-power plants. o. 114 (I'dnister3tWO GOrnictwa i knergetyki oraz 3towarzyszenie rlektrvkow Polskich) H.Aom., eoland. Vol. 13, no. h, Apr 1.959 Lonthly List of Fast European Accessions (E:U~I) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959. 1 ncl. N I 'M:VLIPI.1M . . , IN Agriculture & Plant ak. An-Jral Tndustry First steps in socialist reorganization of agriculture durin.g the years between 1918 and 1920. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress April I - 1951 Uncl. SKRYPNEV' ?I.P. [The indestructible union of the laboring class and the peasantry is a basis for the strength of a socialist state] Neruahimyi soiuz rabochegc klassa s krestlianstvom - oanova kreposti. sotsialistiche- skogo gosudarstva. Leningrad, 1954. 31 P. (MLRA 8.1) (Labor and laboring classes)(Peasantry) ~3996_66 Eiff m A ACC NR1 AP5022943 UR/0201/65/000/002/0053/005~ AUTHOR: Kana-.ralaw, Yd. R..; Skrypnichenka, A.. L.- TITLE: Changes in the.mechanical propertiep of D16T alloy under the action of ultrasonic vibrgtims~- SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya fizika-tekhnichnykh navuk, no. 2, 1965, 53-58 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, aluminum alloy, alloy mechanical property, ultrasonic irradi- ation, alloy.ultrasonic irradiation, irradiation effect/D16T alloy ABSTRACT: Parts of rocket and jet engines are subjected to transsonic and ultra- sonic vibrations. The following experiments were undertaken to detqrm;~ne the effect of such vibrations on the mechanical properties of aluminum alloyspil4ecimens of D16T [U. S. 20241 aluminum alloy, heat-treated, i.e., solution in-nealed, quenched, and naturally aged,or annealed at 370C for 5 hr and furnace cooled, were subjected tc tensile tests at 20-350C with simultaneous application of ultrasound at a frequenlp of 20 kc and an amplitude of up to 0.012 mm. Ultrasound was found to decrease the strength characteristics of D16T alloy at all test temperatures, regardless of the previous heat treatment. For example, at room~-temperature and an ultrasound amplituce- of 0.012 mm, the tensile strength, elongation, and reduction in area of heat-treated alloy decreased 16 (from 53 to 44.5 kg/mm2),90.5, and 63%, respectively. In Annealec alloy irradiated-with ultrasound With an amplitude of Q.,006 mm, the corresponding decreases were 13.5, 50, and 18%. In the heat-treatedNiloy at elevated temperature the decrease in ten.sile strength varied from 11 to 40%,in-eldngation from Card 1/2 L 3996-66 ACC NR: AP5022943 and in reduction of area from 10 517.,depending on temperature. Ultrasouind lowers to the stress required to achieve a definite deformation; the magnitude of the decrease depends linearly on the vibration amplitude. The mechanical properties of D16T alloy under the effect of ultrasound de teriorated more rapidly-as.the ~vibration amplitude was increased. Orig. art, has: 3 - figures and 2, tables [?IS ASSOCIATON: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE,-~ NO REF SOV: 005 OMER: 004. ATb PRESS: Ccird 212 SHAPIRO, D.D., SKRYPNI=lX,, V.G. Injuries to the skin caused by lubricants used in making glass fibres. Gig. i san. 23 no-8:76-77 Ag '58 .(MIRA 11:9) 1. Ix Ukrainskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy. (SKIN-DISEASES) S'Ki~ZPNICZENKO, D.F. (Kijow) Pneumonectom,r in bronchiectasis. Polski przegl, chir. 33 nc.7/9.: 1029-1033 ,61. (BROZICHLMASIS surg) (PAU1.110"IECTOMY) SKRYPNIK, A. New and efficient equipment 'Cor ."nass production. Mias-in---. 3,3S:R 34 no.3:19-20 '63. (MIRA. 16:?) K 1. Leningradskiy ordena Trudovogo rasnogo Znameni myasokombinat imeni S.H.Kirova. DUSHUTIN, Yu.; KORCHAGIN, V.P kand. tekhn. nauk; PAPE, E.; SKRYPNIK A Y---VT-USHENKC, I.; OVSIYJ9 i. Exchange of experiences. Mias. ind, SSSR 34 no.5:1+2-47 '63. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Volgogradskiy ulfasokombinat (for Dushutin). 2. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy instLtut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy praWsh- lennosti (for Korchagin). 3. Semipalatinskiy nyasokombinat (for Pape). 4. Leningradskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo ZrLqmeni my-asolcombinat im. S.M. Kirova (for Skrypnik). 5. Taganrogskiy myasokombinat (for Yevtushenko). 6. Vinnitskiy myasokombinat (for Ovsiy). 38lh3- SKRYPNIKI A. Pellmennaya mashina SUB-Z. (Avtomat sistemy A. V. Skry-pnika, D. N. Usika i N. A. Bogacheva). I-Vas. industrdya SSSR, 1949, No. 6, s.-55-58 I . '^~ ",I" ~- -17 INI 1~ , "I . -TM! , 'A~ . 2. -V'S'A (600) 4. Oils and Fats 7. Continous assembl-line nrocessin;~ of raw fat in thin lkyers. Mips. ind. S SR 2~- no- ~- 1952. -P 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. 1. SKRYPNIK, A.: LAPSHIN, A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Packing Houses 7. Machanization and automatization in the meat industry. Mias. Ind. SSSR, 23 no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. 1`3!MYP'1VTIK, A. SKW[MIK, A., laureat Stalinskoy premiL. The type of line production recommended for prod-action of Moscow chops'.' Mias. Ind. SSSR. 25 no-3:14-15 154. (YT-RA 7:7) 1. Leningradskiy myasokombinat. (Leningrad--Packing houses) (Packing houses-Zeningrad) V. - SKRYPNIK, A., laureat Stalinskoy premii. Improved techniques of sausage Kiss. Ind. 'SSSR. 25 no.3:27-29 1. Leningradekly wyasokombinat. (meat) (sausages) and meat dumpling production. 154. (MMA 7:7) SKRrPHIK, A., laureat Stalinskoy premli. Improved technique of mixing sausage filler. Mias.ind.SSSR. 25 no.4:17-20 154. (KLRk 7:8) 1. Leningradskiy myasokombinat. (sausages) SKRYPNIK, A., laureat Stalinskoy premi. Sanitary care of food products machinery. Itias.ind.SSSR 26 no.2:10-11 155. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Leningradakir myasokombinat. (Meat industry-Sanitation) SFMYPNIK,A., laureat Stalinskoy oremii A line of contiyuouB meat dumpling production. MiaB. ind. SSSR 26 no.3:16-17 55. (MIRA 8:9) I. Leningradskiy myasokombinat (Leningrad-Heat industry) SKRYPNIK,A., laureat Stn.linskoy premii . iu omatic mRchine for pqcking meAt dumplings. Mins.iad.SSSR z6 no.4:32-33 155. (MIRA 8:10) 1. LeningrAdakiy myqsokombimt (Packing houses--Equipment qnd supplies) SKRYPKK, A.V. NFret instruments for the meat industry. Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.2:12-13 F 157. (MIRA 120) 1. Nachallnik eksperimentallnoy masterskoy Leningradskogo tekbno- logicbeskogo instituta kholodil'noypromyshleanosti. (Meat industry) (Electronic instruments) UnIIIN, A.; SKRYPNIK, A. - . 4dromechanical installation for extracting bone fats. Mias. ind. SSSR 28 no.3:14-16 157. OWU 10:6) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheekiy institut kholodilinoy pro- Mrshlennosti (for Lapabin). 2. Ioningradakiy myannoy kombinat (for Skrvpnik). (Oils and fats) (Bone products) SKRYPNIK, A. Waym of reducing lomses of edible fats. Mias. ind. SSSR 29 no.5!16-18 158. Mut 11:10) 1. Lpningradmkiy m7asolcombinat. (Oilm and fats, 'Adible) SXRMIIK, A. Rapid curing of sausage meat. Mias. ind. SSSR 29 no.6:16-18 '58. (MIRA 11;12) l.Leningradskir myasokombinat. (sausages) (Facking houses--Equipment and supplies) TAPSHIII, A., kand.toklin.nauk; LIBERIWI, S. , kand.takhn.nauk; SKRYPNIK, A. Experience in operating the "GIU-2000" assembly and tastirc the "Leningrad" assembly. Mias.ind-SSSR 30 no.2:12-15 159. (IAIRh 13:4) (Leningrad--Rendering apparatus) SKRYPNIK Plant for the extraction of fat from tubular bones. Mies. ind. SSSR. 30 no.4:9-10 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.leningradskiy Mrasokombinat. (Oils and fate, 19dible) (Meat indi3Btr3r--Zquipment and supplies) FALEYEV, Georgiy Anatollyevich; VORMEOVAI-v.Vot inzh.-tekbnolog; SIMP- NlKt A.V., inzh., Laureat St "alinBkoy premiip reteenzent; BACNET, V&P*9 inzh,g retsenzent; SOROKOVOY, A.V., inx1jj retsenzent; VOZ- DRINA, V.A., red.j SOKOLOVA, I.A.9 I (Equipment for meat enterpriabs) Oborud6vanie predpriiatii miasnoi promyshlennosti. Mdskva, Pishchopromizdatt 1961. 428 p. (Meat industry-Equipment and supplies) (MIRA 14:9) MMIUK.1 A. Sppara'LAian qf meat from. bones by pressing. Mias..imd.SSSR 32 no.20-9 r 161. ?~,,(MML 1W) 1..L-eningrad-skiy myasokombinat. (Mat industry-Equi=ent and supplies) GCIWATOV,, V.; LIBERMAN, S.; POZHARISKAYA, L.; SAFONOV, S.; SKRYPNIK., A. Continuous action apparatus for drying steamed bones. Mias.ind. SSSR 33 no.2:18-20 t62. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Gorbatov,, Libe an.J. Pozhariskaya). 2. Leningradskiy myasokombinat (for Skrypnik). (Drying apparatus) O*at industry--By-products) ACC NR# AP6035917 OURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0163/0163 INVENTOR: Bogdanov, S. A.; Kaloyav, A. V.; Makeyev, A. D.; Shipilevokiy. G. B.; J.Lonoaijrev,__K.__1~;. Simonov, L.' P.; Soshnikov, A. A.; Kalinovskiy, N. F.; Vaynahteyn, L. A.; Pann, L. A.; Kudel'okiy, V. A.; Skrypnik, I. A. .......... .. ORG: none TITLE; Device for automatic control of a wheeled vehicle. Class 45, No. 187433 (announced by the State Union Scientific Research Tractor Institute (Gosudarstvennyy yuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy traktornyy institut); Khar'kov Tractor Plant 60 (Khar'kovnki. ~-z-Vtornyy zavod)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, piromyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 163 TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machinery, oll automatic contr tractor/ 7~ k,_ -L~4~ ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for the automatic control Of a wheeled vehicle, which includes a duplicating feeler, a feeler-deflec- tion transducer, an electric gate valve, and a hydraulic steering-gear amplifier. To simplify the changeover to and from automatic control, it is equipped with a three- way cock with a hanele. The cock's input is connected to a pump, one of its outputs Is connected to a distributing hydraulic amplifier, and its second output Is connected I ~,4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 875 Skrypnik, Ivan Pavlovich., and Chertok., Boris Yefimovich Tekhnologiya metallov (Metals and Processes) Kiev, Mashgiz, 1958. 350 P. 50,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Yarkina, V. T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed - Sivay A.V,, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: Soroka, M.S,; Chl;f Ed. tUkranian Division., Mashgiz): Serdyuk, V.K,., Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is designed to increase the skills of workers in machine-building plants. COVERAGE; The book presents basic information on the properties of' metals and alloys. Testing methods are described and evaluated. Pat-ticular attention is pak1d to problems of mechanization and automation of metal-workIng processes, No persona-Uties are mentioned. There are 23 references, all Soviet. C ard 1~~- CHMTOK, Boris Yefimovich; TUIAv F.A. , inzh. f retsenzent; CHEMAK9 V,A. p inzb.p retsenzent; S)MPNIK9 I.P.g inzh.p red.; ONISHCHENKO, N.?.t red.; GORNOSTAYFOLIS~l--K.S-.-,-tikEH.- red. [Laboratory work on the technology of metals] Laboratorriye raboty po tekbnologii metallov. Moskvaj Goo. nauchno-tekhn. iad-vo ma- shinostroit. lit-ryl 1961. 181 p. (MIM 2417) (Metallurgy--Laboratory manuals) SKRYWIK, Iv~~PavloNich;_ DASHEValY, I.I., inzh., retsenzent; .. -CHI-87YAKdVk, L.G.J. inzh., red.; GOr-CIOSTAYFOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Guide on safety measures for turners] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopasnosti dlia tokarei. Moskva.. Mashgiz, 1962. 34 P. (MIRA 15 - 6) (Turning-Safety measures) SKRYPNIK, F. Working area. Grazhd.av. 19 no.9:18 S 162. (KRA 16:1) 1. Starshiy inzhener-inspektor po bezopasnosti poletov territo- riallnogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo ve2dushnogo flota. (Aeronautics, Commercial--Safety measures) SKRYPNIK,, M.I. I Comparative evaluation of methods for helmintho.logical studies. Lab.delo 6 no.60-10 X-D .160. (MIRA 13:11) (WORM . INTESTINAL AND PARMITIC) z 4. L 08-746-67 L-T01 (i)A ACC NR: AP6034528 'SOURCE CO-D-E-:----UR/0016/66/OOOYOIO/0141/0142 AUTHOR: Koval'skayn, A. I.; Skrypnik, M. 1. ORG: Krasnodar Regional Sanitary-Evidemiological Station (Krasnodar-~ sr"aya krayevaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheakaya stants y~) TITLE: Experimental use of the Vi hemagglutination reaction as a method of identifying typhoidlcarriers V SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. no. 10,i 1966, 141-142 TOPIC TAGS : -i.-- a typhoid fever, diaGnostic medicine. diag- I nostic method, Vi hemagglutination reaction, typhoid carrier, carrie-r I state CoA)-rPot- ABSTRACT: The Vi hemagglutination reaction was found effective in the diagnosis of typhoid carriers. Twelve hundred and thirty persons were examined and titers from known carriers were compared with those from carriers identified in the survey. Of the persons tested, 4.3% were identified as carriers. [W.A. 50) 1 SUB CODE; 06/ SUBM DATE: 17Jan66 Cord 1/ 1bc UDC: 616.927-008.97-077.34 ABILAMOV. M.A.; ALIVERDIZAIE, K.S.; AMIROY, YO.M.; ARENSON. R.1.; ARSHKIYEV, S.I.; B.AGDASAROV, R.M.; BAGDASAROT, G.A., BAWKYANTS, A.A.; DANIYB- LTAN, G.N.; D2RAFAROV, A.A.; KA211K, A.S.; K1QdHHMIT, M.M.; KONIU- KHOV, S.I.; KRASNOBATEV, A.Y., K-URKOVSKIY, A.I.; LALAZAROV, G.S.; LARIONOV, Ye.P.; LISFENGARTEN, M.Te.; LIVSHITS, B.L.; LISIKTAN, K.A.; LOGINOVSKIT, V.I.; LTMIKOVSKIT, P.S.; MO&CHANOY, G.V.; MAY- DELIHM, N.M.; OKHONIKO, S.K.; ROMANDCHIN, V.A.; ROSIN, I.I.; RU- STAMOV, E.M.; SARKISOV, R.T.; SOBOLEV, N.I.; TARA- TUTA, R.N.; TVOROGOTA, L.M.; TER-GRIGORYAN, A.I.; USACHEV, V.I.; FA'TN. B.P.; CHICHBROV, L.G.; SHAPIRO, Z.L.; SHEVCHUX, Tu.I.; TSUDIK, A..A.; ABUGOV, P.M.. red.; MARTTNOVA, M.P., vedushchiy red.; DANIY]j- LYAK, A.Aa; TROFIMOV. A.V., [Oil field equipment; in six volumes] Neftianoe oboradovnnie; shesti tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.3. [Petroleum production equipment] Obo- rudovanie i instrument dlia dobychi nefti. 1960. 183 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Oil fields-Equipment and supplies) Skryprik, S. ISeredi-io-Buda) SrV-107-58-'-33/53 TME: -'IeT)lac-in,,F -tne"Ele c tro-LZ/ tic Condensers in the "Rekord" Te- lpvision 3ot (Zamena elektrolitichaskikh koniensatorov v televizore "Rekard") Radio, I-,151r3, ~r '3, 33 S R K;TR,XT: The ar-ticle gives details for re,,:lacinp the germanium diodes and el-ectrol,--tic condensers of the filter when they become worn out. Vie condersers ma,-,,~ be replaced by two others taker, from, the voltage Ioubler if the set now works on 2'Ci v -11ains. '.7hen replacing the diodes, it is advisable to aid two additionil ones and shunt them rith a 39 Y ohm reqi-stance. 1. Television receivers-Maintenance Card 1/1 SKRYPNIK, S.G. Using SAM-600 diesel units. Energ.biul. no.12:17-22 D 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Oil well drilling-Equipment and supplies)(Diesel engines) SOYPNIK, Stepan Grigor'yevich; DUBROYINA, N.D.. vedushchiy red.; MUKIIINA, B.A.. (Industrial method for drilling rig construction; calculations, assembly, and use of large-block foundational Industriallnyi motod'stroitellstva burovykh; raschei, montazh i ekspluntataiia oonovanii pod krupnve MAL Hoskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 254 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Oil well drilling rigs) SKRYPHIKI S. I., PAVLOVICH, W. V. and TEMATSKAYA, 14. K. (Kiev technoiogical Institute Ti.-ght industry) "Investigations of dynamics of coo-ling of synthetic fite-'r in process of _11ts production" Report presented at the Section on Feat and I-lass Transfer, Scientific Session, Coi-mcill of Acad. Sci - Ukr SSR on High Temperature Physics, Kiev, 2-4 Apr 1963. Reported in 'R?p.1.ofizika Vysokikh temperatur, No. 2, Sep-Oct 1963, P. 321, JPRS 24,651. -Lg nay 1964. AFANAStM, A.P.; ANUCHIN, V.G.; VnIOGMGV, K.V.; GARANINA, M.I.I.; GILEROVICH, M.M.; DUBROVSKJY, Ye.P.; YEVSTIGNEYEV, A.A.; IOKHVIN, M.R.; KAI&KOV, P.M.; KRENGELI, I.TS.; LOSE77, I.G.; MAYEVSKIY, F.M.; MAZELI, S.I.; MIZHMITSKIY, G.S.; NOVIKOV, M.I.; NAZARtM, ON.; PGRELKINA, I.A.; RAZUMOV, V.S.; R02MIBIYUM, I.M.; SEROV, B.F.; SKURIIKI.I.I.; SALIVIN, Ye.S.; SMOTRINA, V.P.; TEIEPNEVA, N.S.; FMf-CH-AKOV, N.I.; KHRAMONOVA, Ye.L.; U14DREVIGH, G.S.; URITIYEV; P.P.; SHILOV, A.A.; SHIXKCV, A.P.; KIRIlLOV, L.M., red.; MARKOCH, M.G.,, [Regulations on the construction of minicipal telephone network lines) Pravila po stroitel'stvu. lineirqkh sooruzhenii gorodskikh telefom-qkh setei. 2.izd. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 511 P- (MIRA 15:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo svyazi. Glavnoye upravleniye kapitallnogo stroitellstva. (Telephone lines) SKRYPNIK, V. Scientific and technical cooperation of the U.S.S.R. with socialist countries. Vneah. torg. 30 no.2:9-14 160. (JURA 13:2) (Technical assistance) SkTlly-:~N I K I V. G. I Pb.v wl c I r- n 'qliac-Crarel Tr,-ct qr2 Its Age Chpnges. " Thesis for degree of CanO. Medical Sci. Sub 20 Jjli 49, -lecond Moscow Stpte 11 ..edicpl Inzt imeni 1. V. Stplin. L Su-LTpry 82, 18 Dee ~2, Dis.sertat2ons Prusented for Degrees in Science and Engineering in Moscgw in 15~ta. From Vec~ern-yaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 1949. . SKRYPNIK, V.G. (Moskvaq 6-5a Koz-huich vskaya., Z9b, kv. 10) Universal device with changeable appliances for macro and microscopic work aud per stratum documentation of material. Arkh anate gist i embrP 38 no. 6:84-88 Je 160,, (HnIL 13:12) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. D.A. Zhdanov) I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, imeni I.M. Sechenova, (ANATOMY---STUDY AND TEACHING) SKRYPNIK~_,'V.G. - Form and stmcture of the triceps surae of age-induced and f~inctional changea. no. 6:152 N-D 160. muscle of man in the light Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 (MIRA 14:2) (TRICEPS SURAE MUSCIS) I .. - I . I -K ,T; N, I ~.', V.: .. 4~ I!, ~- - A, ~;. ~ - , I nzhoxior. )alayed w"vice. tapl.tiaga ni).E.-26 I') '. (, - .-u" n: 81 1 . . oro - rivolz~,.'-aya d, f7a. I .- and SKRYPHIK, V.M., inzhener (Saratov) Supplying power to the excitation winding of the main generator from a storage battery. Elek.i tepl.tiaga no.9:26-28 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Diesel locomotives)