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SKRZYPCZAK,J. --- ------- Remarks on work in forest nurseries. p.23 ]LAS POLSKI. (Ministerstwo Lesnicri oraz Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-TEchiczne Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnietwa i Urzewnictwa) Warszawa, Poland Vol.29, n0.4. Apr. 1955 Monthly list of East EurApean Accessions (HEAU LC, Vol.9, no.2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. SKRZYPCZAK, J. SKW,YPCZAKy J. Autumn soving of pine seeds. p. 25 W.S.). We use transferat1e fences in forests. p. 26. (T.). Let us learn while taking care of the district nurseries. p. 27 Vol. 29, no. 10 Oct. 1955 LAS K-LSKI AGRICULTURE Poland So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 KOZAK, Jozef; SKWARGZ, Andrzej; SKRZYPCZAK, Jozef Osteochondrosis deformans tibiae (tibia vara). Chir.narz. ruchu 2L~ no.4:325-330 '59. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej AM. w Lublinie Kierownik: doc. dr :3.Piqtlcowski. (TIBIA dis) KAPUSCINSKI, Witold Juliusz; KRUDYSZ, Jan; SKRZYPCZAK,.Ka-zimierz Ocular complication in methy.1 alcohol intoxication. -Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.14:511-516 2 Ap 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ocznej AM we Wroclawiu; kierownik: prof. dr W. J. Kapuscinski i z Oddzialu Ocznego Okregowego Szpitala Wojskowego we Wroclawiu; ordynator: lek. med. K. Skrzypezak. (AWOHOL METHYL toxicol) (EYE dis) SKRZYPCZhK, Kazimlerz Edmind A cane of Stevens-Johnson 97ndrome. Folski tygod.lek. 14 no-50:2188-2190 D 159. 1. Z Oddzlalu Chorob Oczu Bzpitala Wojekowego we Wrocleviu. (BRYTIUM WMIRIFORKE case reports) h", Is of oph U :;I ~ m u p. u,,nerai practiuloner~ Wiai~ Ai; "ddz. Oz:nrie-o Szu,-tala (OrdynaLor: K.E. Skrzypczak). SKRZYPCZAK., Kazimierz E.; LIPNICKI, Bogdan B. Attempted treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye with typhoid endotoxin. Klin. oczna 33 no.3/4:339-344 163. 1. Z Oddzialu Ocznego Szpitala Wojskowego i Laboratorium Sanitarnego we Wroclawiu. (TYPHOID-PARATYPHOID VACCINES) (VACCINE THERAPY) (ENDOTOXINS) (OPHTHALMOLOGY) SKFZYF~Z-.Aj K -a - I m, i er z FLmun d lnfect!~Dn of the cor-nea ~,iith Ba..-;!!-L.-14 PT-:~Y811&us- P01- t7g. lek. I na.26:992-994 -42 J06" 19 j. Z 0-~ZrlegO 8%Qitala ~.,-e Urroclwdllu; ordy- J- - nator: dr. mrA. K.E. 'Skrzyp~--Zak. Bmum. S~Uate as, ca,rrier of coil I Atid sts Woos r~qn, Wl~dzkjjVrz. J. and Fuep all, s r ~ -Wols~ lici. " u 0' Imidska( mv. mnaii,--pbland). I&MER33%U-1-- .tlVMGeiiAin'sarnmary).-BaSO4 is inactive in HA de- compn. or in the oxidAtion of HCOOH with HsOt. It can: be activated by. the mixt. Cu ++ + Cot+ if pptd. at 080.-' 4V-1111- :Attenipts to activate BaSO4 pptd. at 20* we-re unsuccess- Jul. A qtial. discussion is given. A. Kreglewskj-.~ -b c, r k o1,-, s k JL T z IT C Z a k O'd a Coirn a -.~5 VE StUC',Y CC rt a w Mate r! a! -9 a c- 5-7 5 NO ~he ';.ncilgenous e v L, at ilc- r d e cf of tne _~_--iw m-te, frcl tne. sta~rdpolint of is PC-.".rited C'Ut that, r va lue on r a w rr, a a I s c on ;,e-~ c; p -re LoSe Zp_ S t ge ti% I c ohoi- infu- Zs -1, mn,2; )%_a ve a 1'i ig'ne r bi e r- L--,r-c x -.hlan isi :-a-,ticipa-tco frn_r" calcl;lat* c7 s, and this Is -Indicative of the 4 r:les pa:3r Irto aqueous _a-t +ha, nct all o v a .-- SKRZYPCZAKOWA,_Lutoslawa Flavonoids in the herb Solidago virgaurea L. II. Separation and identification of further flavanol derivatives. Acta pol. pharm. 19 no.6:481-1.90 162. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakognozji Akademii Medycznej v Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. B. Borkowski. (IMRBS) (GLYCOSIDES) (BIOFIAVONOIDS) BORKOWSKI) BogU31aw; SKRZYPCZAKOWA, Lutoslawa Polyphenolic compounds in herbs of the species Solida(;o L. Acta pol. P.-larra. 19 no.6:491-495 162. 1. Z ZakJadu Farmakognozji Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr B. Borkowski. (HEIMS) (RUTIN) (BlOFLAVONOIDS) (CHLOROGIENIC ACID) (GLYCOSIDES) BOBER, Stanislaw; DAWIDOWICZ, Aleksander; DABROWA; Romuald; IWANSKA, Jardna; KRUZE, Dariusz; SKRZYPCZYK,- Ewa Studies on the level of free amino acids in the blood serum in patients with diabetes with the use of the method of paper column chromatography. Pol. arch. mad. wewnet. 32 no.8:879-889 162. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznycii Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego w Warszawie Kierownik Katedry i Klinikiii prof. dr med. S. Bober. (DIABETES MKLLITUS) (AMINO ACIDS) (BLOOD CHINICAL ANALYSIS) SOSNOWSKI, Karol; S07'LPCZfNSK-4-t4ANIKUtiSl~il, Alina r-ij, the prc*o'c lek. 18 ., im of 'uberc,11osio In preir I I nancy. W"ad. no.19:1519-1522 1 0 1 ~", 5 . 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy AM we Wroclawiu (p.o. Kierv~mik-.- dr. med. K. Sosnows"A) j z Sanatorium Frzociwgruzliczego w Rosclszowie (Dyrektor! lek. med. A. ivtajchrzak). ROJ;--K, Wiktor, irgr itiz.; i'A.STERNY, Lvr-h, inz.; MAELYANSKL, Krzys--tof, inz.; SKPI',"fi-EK, Andrzej, mf,,r Inz. The TSI-GIG Telephone installa'Acr, fc.- o-rew- c-o-mrm,ni'r;aticn !n the pit sh,-St. Prozgl gorn 20 no.3. SuplAtiment. Biul glow inst gorn i4 no.3:9-10 164. SKRZYPEK) Cz. Cement made from slag. Przegl -tecbn no.5:6 31 Ja If2. SKRZYFEK Cz. .New techniques in the underground works in mines. Przeill techn n0.8:3 21 F~ 162. )- llf-~w 1:1 undervre-und:, Frzr-P] techr, rr, -11:" F SKRZYPEEK, Czeslaw First in Polish foundries. Przegl techn no.10:15 162. 1, Korespondent tygodnika "Przeglad Techniczny". SKR2,YPEK, Cz. ,' . I---- I -Iq,. "Bipromet," a designer of large investments; an interview ,.,ith Mieczyslaw Limanowski, chief engineer of the office. Frzegi tecr~n no. 280 15 J1 162. SKRZYIEK, Gzeslaw The 7-ininc- machins iniLstry on t'.c roidl to irtersive develoD ert. - . - - - F- . Frzeg! techn no.3G:7. Jl 162. ,% RZYPEK, Czeslaw A lnri/,) o7iJbition Qr tA3chnoloIg And rationall zd Lion in SllomiA. j fIrzeg]. techn no.31:2 5 Ag 162. SKRUPEK. Czeolaw t Growing importance of metal p(rrder; intenriew with fdr ina.] Waclaw Cegielski, head of the Office of Powder Metallurgy, Induatrial Institute of Nonferrous Metals in Gliwice. Przegl techn 84. no.5.5 3 F 16-3. --;KRZYPEK, G:~f, ~ I a'T :I : - i . -- x~ -, 7 - - - - 6.~. n c . , I J~; e ',~; -.- - -- 1 , "' L," tla ~ - - " -: " "J.- P~ - - I- , - ,!-. 22 DIC""". SKRZYIEK.V Cz. Am experimentall laboratory for mird~ engineering. Przegl techn 84 no.34-.7 25 Ag 163. . . -1 . . - SWZYPEK9 F. Why the village cooperative at Wielowies leads in purchasing and contracting, P- 5- (ROLKIK SPOLDZIELC.A, Warszawa, Vol. 8. no. 2, Jan. 1955.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. CL, Jan. 1955, Uncl . SKRZYPBK,Jan Bleeding gastric and duodenal ulcer in childhood. Polski przegl. chir. 32 no.5:421-424 my '60. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskioj Akademii Med.-cmej w Bytomiu, Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Trawinski. (PEPTIC UICER HEMMUW1 in inf. & child) PRECHT,Zbigniew; SKItZYPSK,Jan Tumors of the je.junum and ileum. Polski przegi. chir. 32 -n0-5: 433-440 My 16o. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej Akademil Medycznej w Bytoniu; Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Trawinski. (IU'UM Reopl. ) (JEJUNUM neopl. ) SKHZYPEK., Jan Early complication following goiter surgery. Pol. przegl. zhir. 34 no.8i8O3-810 162. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl. AM w Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. dr M. Trawinski. (GOITER) (TiffMIDECTOMY) SIUMPEK, Jan Treatment of postoperative crisis with the aid of exchange blood transfusion. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.9:883-885 162, 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl, AM w Bytomiu Kierownik. prof. dr 1-1. Trawinski, (SUMMY OPERATIVE') (rKXCHA:--GF, TRUMFUSION) SKRZYPEK, Jan; STROZYK, Teresa; STADNIK, Julian Progressive gangrene of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Pol. przegl, chir. 31+ no.10:1031-1034 162. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl. PN w By-tomiu.Yierownik: prof. dr M. Travrinaki. (GANGRENE) (SK IN) SKRZYPEK, Jozef.,-prof. Problems, organization and achievements of the Polish Press History Center, 1958-1961. Review Pol Academy 7 no-3:53-55 Jl-S 162. 1. Director of the Polish Press History Center, Warsaw, "Palac Kultury i Nauki." SKRZITEK, Jopef, prof, I - - ~ -- --- --- Problems, organization, achievements of the Cffice for the History (f the Polish Press, 1958-1961. Nauka polska 10 no.4:57-59 162. 1. Kierownik Pracowni Dziejov CzasopismienniciiVa Polskiego, Warszawa, Palac Kultury i Nauki. SKRZYPEK, Karol, Wr., inz. An -analysis of the economic efficienay of capital investment in the lig'at of experiences mde in the Bipromet Projecting Bureau of the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry. Rudy i metale 6 no.6:281-285 Je 161. SKRZYPEK...-Y,arol m-. - Y , :r. Metliodical difficulties of an analysis of the econan,ical e Ticiency of investments. Rudy i metale 7 no.1:20'-20, 162. POLAND Inorganic Chemistry, Complex Compounds. C Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 6o424, Author : Antoni Basinski, Mieczyslaw Skrzypek. Inst : - Title : Reaction Course in MnS04 + L14(Fe(CN System. Orig Pub: Roczn. chem., 1957, 31, No 2, 463-469. Abstract: Two series of experiments were carried out: l/ with a constant content of MnS04 (I) and variable amounts of lithium ferrocyanide (II), and with a constant content of II and variable amounts of ~. It was found that if the ratio (Mn~+] : [Fe(CN64-1 (00 in the solution was reater than 2.8., the same ratio in the precipitate has the approximately Card 1/2 SIT T. Dielectric Drying of Foundry Cares. uiclowe suizente rdzent". Przeglqd Odlewnictwa. Vo. 7-8, ,Pojetnn r;: 2954, pp_20-224, 7 figs., 3 tabs. A review of -the hitherto prevalent methods of core drying, and, aspecification of the principles of drying, their merits. and demerits. ore drying The author confronts these with the dielectric process of c drying time. This process is described fn*full which appreciably curtails detail, the underlying principle, thermal,phennmena occurrtrig Insub- stance during drying, equipment for dIeI9ctrIc, core drying and the tech-. nologIcal and economic advant-iges of )Ih*~'syslcm being dealt with' In chronological order: The dielectric dryln4j~jbFess Is particularly suitable for (hermonctive resin-bonded cores. oil boh4jil Cnres do not lend them- s to dielectric drying. Experiments 6~~a lquarator cale are belnEr selvc -Yr pursued In Poland over this problem. It Is emphasl~ed that dielectric core ovens cannot supersede the ordin, iry type core oven,,being merely a valuable supplementary Itcrn of the equipment. -",. le-.T,r,;,-;t,.re in t:ie tec'~noloEy of - ressing the.~,-.o- reactive pL-~stic mat~,-rials. , . 83, Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1955, WIAWMOSCI ELECTROTECHNICZNE ` -- '-' 1. - , , ""i ,'~' - C-7-'-373IO,13, L-C, 'iOL. - , no. -~, -1 -- --,- - -, ;,r OT ~!. Unrl. Aept. 1955, 3 " - - I. ~ --,, I _- - E , "' . Te-avernture me.-s i"ements in vressinir rl,'i7,tic materials. V. 104 Vol. 15, no. 5. MAy 1955, 'VJITADGMCSCI ELFCTROTECffIlICZNE S-3:X-J,7T,HL'-,' LIST J:~ ..' ( E.,L), LC, TD1. 4, IN:). 9, je-It. IY55, Uncl. t 4 n J za c SKRZYPEK; T. Measuring the effectiveness of preliminary heating of plastic materials by the Taschig-Krabl method. PO 500 Vol* 31, no. 8. 'ugj 1955 PRZEGLAD EIEKTROTECHNICZffY Warszawa SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2 Feb. 19,C6 SKRZYFEK, T. "Plasticity of Thermosetting Materials as the Criterion of Choice of the Most Suitable Electro-thermal Method for Preheating of Moulding Powder," Frace Ins Elektrcl~echniki, Vol V, No 17/1956. SKRZYI-LK, T. Yugoslav National Conference on the industrial use of electrothermics and electro- chemistry. p- 2~--5 (',-Iiadomosci Elektrotechniczne) Vol. 17, no. 8, Aug. 1957, Warszuwa, Poland SO: MCNTHLY 1NDEY. OF iEAST EUROPEAN ACCESSICNS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 -SKFiZYPEK, T. Economy of electrothermic applications in the light of technical and economic indexes. p. 199. FRZEGIAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY. (Stowarzyszenie Elektrykow Polskich) Warszawa,, Poland, Vol- 35, no. 5, may 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 9, no. 1., Jan. 1960. Uncle SKRZYPEKj T. Present state of industrial electrothermics in Poland. p. 205. PRZEGLAD EIEKTROTECHNICZNY. (Stow2rzyszenie Elektrykow Folskich) Warszawa, Poland, Vol- 35, no. 51 May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 9, no. 1, jan. 1960. Uncl. SKRZYPEK, T. Notices of the Polish Committee for Electrothermicso p* 207~ PWLEGLAD EKTROTECHNICZNY. (Stowamyszenia Elektrykow Polskich) Warszawa., Poland, Vol. 35, no - 5, Mv 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFJJ) W, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960o Uncl* SKRZYPEK, T. Scientific session of the Polish Electrothermic Committee on the economics of electric heating in Poland. Ft. 2. P. 439- PRZEGUM ELEKTROTECH14ICZNY. (Stowarzyszenie Elektrykow Polskich) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 35, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl* SKRZYPEK, T., doc.,inz. "Automatic rrocesses in high frequency heating" by S. MIalzacher. Reviewed lby T. Skrzypek. Frzegl elektrotechn 3? no.6:267-263 t61. 0 SKRZYPEK, T.,--doc. Coordination-of scientific rese&rch activities ir. Poland in the field of electrothermy. Przegl elektrotechn 37 no.12:517-5120 161. SKRZYFEK, T., doc. 'Electrothermics at the Technological Conference in Prague. Przeg]. elektrotechn 33 no.2:83-84 162. SKICZYM I. T. 1, doe, Cooperation between tbB o-.-Lentifir i--Eear-h in2tit'lites a--rL fh~~ elprt.rothermir; industry in Poland. P2,zeF! .. 1, ri--8,35~,-357 Ag '~ 62. SKRZYPEK, T.-,-Idocent "Heating device of high frequencr. Reviewed by T. Skrzypek. Przeg! elektrotechn 38 no-4:180 Ap 162. MAZUTil M., prof. dr; SKRZYPEK, T., doc. Conference of the Executive Committee of the Lnternational Union -~ r Elec'roheat in Paris. Przegl elextrotechn '16 no.12:529-531 ~o U D 162. SKRZYPEK, T., doe, First Conferende of the 27th Technical Committee of Industrial Electrothermics of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Przegl elektrotechn 39 no.2.95-96 F 763. SKRZYPExp T.9 doc- Amanded he-aterg; trends of change I :7~ Prz,-:,-! eleIr-urotachn 3q 40%-411 0 3. Ifformativo T.. j! electi-ical engineering, held In Ljal-i' /12 LJ 3 z o c. riz, Reports frorn an :,.z traordi nary Ileetirift, of' lie-iegates of the International Union for E'lectroheat and a Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International I;nion for Electro- heat. 1rzegl clektrotechn 1,0 no. 2: Supplement: Elektrotermia 7 no. 1: 115-116 F 164. 1. Se.-kretarz Naukowy Polskiego lektroterniii, ~-Iarszawa. SKRZYPEK.. Tadcus:,, Inz., - , , I, -:-ie : - En Analys -J i of Lhe needs of 31upb.41, za t:. :,,-, -unt -. 1 --'- - L C-f the developing electric heating industr,y ir, Pciand. Przag'L elek"rotechn 40 no.10-Suppl.-PleRtroterrnia '7 no.5--,45"-,460 0 '6Z . 1. Institute of Elactrical Engineerlng, War3a-a. -,,-v -;-v , 'r o ; ~ 7. -- ~ - --o' , 0' ~: -7~ " ". -11 - :, .1 ~ - 4 1 - - - Re7lev Of r ZI C- g." 52S D ' - SKRZYPEK, T., doom Meeting of the Steering Committee and Ordinary Meeting of Delegateg of the Iftternational Union for Electroheat, Athenn, April 1964. Rrzegl 61ektrotechn 41 no.4--159-160 Ap 165. SKRZYPP"SKA, Flzbieta, GORAMKI, Roman ~!ational Conferonce, Exhibition and Show on the application of poly-ester resins. Polimery 7 'no.l:,ri-31 '62. Inz. F ri -13,3 1' n g J r Rildy i mt-~lale nf-,. '69 MISE-K, Piotr) ragr inz.; 3KRZYPII-SIJ, kntoni, inbr iiiz.; VdiifiCG, Jerzy, mg-I inz. Laboratory Ort UL(j us-,f'u_jnos,,j o4f various mr-iterlais for edi-es of drii' bits. ';afta 21 ilo,l:-~'-13 L H'z~rkuw (for `,usek -nd SI rz~rpLaski) E-ininu anci t--tallur& 2. ctcolc.-ic (for , t j(J)7~yJj,,jsj"l , '_,ycf'lIUll - i . al,ch - tit -n or r/J5 med. wewnet. 35 -,Q- i.;c.-isl~otrego Szpitala Cl..or,b 1,:-.4netVzr,,yc'I! dr. med. A. Czapiewski). R,e j onowego SKR UP I N OXA-nLULZ Naticnal conference on "Properties and Application of Epoxy Re3ins in Industry.n Polimery tworz wielk 7 no.91339-341 ,62. MARIKOWSKI, Stanislaw, doe, dr inz.; YPINSKI, Arttoni, m-r inz. Analysis of forces affecting the edge of the core bit during rotary drilling. ITpfta Pol 19 no.4:85-89 Ap 163. 1. Akademia Gorniazo-Ilutnicza, Kra-kow. MARKOWSKI Stanislaw, prof. dr inz.~ RUSEK9 Piotr, mgr inz.; .9 SKRZYPINSKI, Antoni, mgr inL. Wearing analysis of the grinding wheel. Mechanik 37 no.4:202-205 164. 1. School of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow. . "I 5 E". 1,11 17-", 'Ki,~0 . "Hopi to maintain th- vi(--!!,[ of the i~' rszalskowska District Housing Project.11 .1 p. 2o6. (:,IAT----R.:-ALY DIDDOWLAINE, Vol. no. 7. Julj 1)5,3, Warszawa, Poland) SO: 14-inthly LiS-, of E~a:rzt European AccessLons, L. C.y Vol. 3, No* 5, May 19~4, Uncl. BIENIA'ZZ, Ki-zysztof, mgr; SKRZYSZOWSKI, Ryszard, mgr Dactylogyrosis in carp fry. Acta hydrobiol 4 no.3A:385-391 162. 1. Katedra k,..-bactwa, Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, Krakow, Plac Wolnosci 8 (for Bleniarz). 2. Fanstwowe Gospodarstwo Rybackie, Adolfin, poczta Oswiecim (for Skrzyszowski). "I SKRZYVIAN, Anna Discontinuous control s7atems with nonlinear impulairg devices. Automatyka Gliwice no a:11-7-123 161. 1. Zaklad Teorii Regulacji, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice. SKRMAN, Anna Ficardis method as extended to diffeilen-ce eouat.ionb and its application in the analysis of pulse repeating control systems. Archiw automat 8 no.l-.67-77 163. ,SMIVAMi--S-r-[b'krzywan. S.1, doktor. ~.L % -.. - Problems of accounting in peoples's Poland. Bukhg.uchat 16:50-54 '57. NLRA 10-2) (Poland--.Accounting) SKRZYWAN, Stanislaw, prof. dr Cost accounting as a tool for management and control. Przegl tachn 84 no.16.-1,3 21 Ap 163. - ACCESSION NR AM40"12512 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Vel 'g-as, 53'.; 'Mlakulya, Edvard; Skshidlevskiy., S. Glider flights (Perelety* na planere), ,,oscow,, DOSAAF, 1963.. 145 P. illuE.- Irarnslation from the Polish by YU. Sneshk-o. TOPIC TAGS: glider, soaring, glider aerodynamics, meteorology, navigation PURPOSE kNiD COVERAGE- The authors of ',~he 'cook are famous Polish gliaerists. For ex--mrole., Edvard 11-11a'"lya has set nine national and international records, in 1960 Cana 14-1 second in the VIII International Soaring Contests in Cologne,, and has been w,qarded '"rice the FAI gold medal with diamonds. The book is written in simple language and is intended for readers with secondary school mathematics. In order -o understand the material, it is necessary to kncw the basic theory of glider acrodyna,-,ucs and meteorology. TABIS OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Ch. I. Preliminary into=Lation on the preparation and execution of a flight 3 C'~. H. Selecting the fligltvee-me in glider soaring 23 Ch. III. Navigation in glider soaring 71 Ccrd 1/2 0 ACCESSION NR *,4032512 Ch. ILV. Soaring tactics in a glider - - 104 SUB CODE: AI dmm 000 SUBMITTED: OlMar63 DATE ACQ: 20Apr64 NR REF SOVt 000 Carcl 2/2 N15 741.4 .s62 Peredovyye I.."etrx:y Uralotuki 1--etallov Rezanlyev. (A~dv,-~nce-. L*.-e'Lhoas of '-etals V Cuttin,,) Sl-orrilk Po CUmenu Opytor. -.avo