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December 31, 1967
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SKUBNEVSKIY* A-~:l*, KosTYUKOV, Ya.Kh., professor, doktor tekimichiiskikh nauk,
redaktor; DONSKOY, Ya., redaktor; L&DM Yu-, tekhnichealciy redaktor.
[At high speeds] Ma vysokikh skorostiakh. Pod red. 1A.Kh.Kostilak-ova.
[Kharikov] Kharlkovskoe knizhno-gazetnoe izd-vo, 1953. 79 P.
(KLRA 3.2)
1. Nachallaik eksperimentallnogo taekha Kharlkovskogo velozavoda
(for Skubnevskiy).
K ~j 6 N E VS K 1 01 - I ~
~=,ODY SKOROSTNGY OERABOTKI (Some Methods used in Speed Metal-Cutting). In
kkademiya Nauk SSSR. Peredovoy opyt novatorov mashinostroyeniya (Progressive
Experience of Leading Men in the Machine-Building Industry) 1954. N_rt 1:
Skorostnyye metody mekhanicheskoy obrabotki metallov (High-Speed Methods in
MachininF of Metals), p, 141-145.
The author is a leading turner at the Khar1kov Bicycle Plant, where "hundreds
of machine-tools" have been adapted to high-speed operation, He describes his
work at turning and screw-cutting lathes, the hard-alloy cutters, and the
recessing -tools and chasers he employs in various operations. He has designed
a new head-stock for milling cutters for left and right hand threadings of any
pitcht He tells about his methods in machining different parts and making
production records of 350 to 450% of the required norms. A school to disseminate
his methods of speed metal-cutting has been organized at the plant. Five drawings
and 1 table.
ENDRYU, E. (Andrew, N.H.], ; POMERANTSBV,N.M.,[ translator], ;,~KUBUR,
-...N.,Etransl-qtor1, ; LAZUKIN, Y.N., red.; TWSNDI. I.L.. red.
Y~e I
SOKOWYA, T., t ekhn. red.
[Nuclear magnetic resonance] lAder7i magnitnyi razoaans. Moskva.
Izd-vo inastr. lit-ry, 19574 299 p. Translated rrom the English].
(MIRA 11:11)
Ouclear moments)
Keeping cattle without ntanchions on the "Piatigorskii"
Collective farm. Zhivotnovods'U-vo 21 no-3:13-18 Mr '59.
(MIRA 12:4)
1. Glavrqy %notokhnik Pyatigorskogo molochnogo sovkhoza Stavropol'-
skogo kraya.
(Stavropol Territory--Dalrying)
Invatiatiou of ROM* I
V. Y.-Koullai
ram.. 1
O)i, Is- A4
11 , 11, :
1% oya . . ;.-,
iN J-4 the attuoturn 14 -pirs ,i.
d 1000"CL Uoth bja~i
0 t thm pro) 6~
"'d Ow. Ing, it undargoe
d iho.
p Oy an At. ;is-
solubiUtyln the ~O:ph"O, [a
markadly Whef thm,~, li jh~ --ic
6j%tFP'9 WO mUlt be wtd,- Intristi.
fma; rma au a we
>4000* 0 _'T6
valitageous. to,!: j6u: ht t~jjip..
)iitlo itAa tium
~_uiech. prof 166 &;~p, iii b~,reauded
SHAMAYEV, Tu.~(., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; LISITSYN, G.F., kand.tekhn.
nauk; MILINIKOV, Z.A., inzh.; OVCHINITIKOV, V.M., inzh.
SEUGHARrv, V.V-, kand.tekhn.nauk; TITOV, D.G., inzh.
Developing and testing the mel~hod of automatic object adjuBtmerlt
of the width of t he line on the screen for elec tron-beam tubes.
Trudy MEI no.27:267-280 158. (KRA 13:4)
(Cathode ra7 tubes)
SKUCIiAY!-,VA, Ye.D.; VAKM~All, I.S.
Use of medica.1 gymnastics in inferior paraplegia. M-ed. sestra 21 no-5:
48-5~ My 162. (MIRA J-5 :5)
1. 1z otdeleniya lechebnoy fizkulltury bollnitsy imeni S.P.Bovkina,
Ell" I r- Wll!-
E. -- 11" e ',14rdcal aspects of t~.e Acute 1-1 se of Rheulaa-
tism in "'hildren." first ;`:oscow U-r(ier of Lenin !.L'cdical -Ln.-;t imeni 1. 4".
sechenov. LO:.3cow) 1956. (Disseration For the Degree 04' ,~axididate in "edical
So: Knizlinay-a iEtooisl, 1170. 115 iq:~6, no 10' 114
Preso with a 630-ton lower drive. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. I no .12:
43-44 D '59. (141RA 13: 4)
(Power presseo)
S/ 182/~ 1/000/'002/008/009
7-,Jk. , Fej,:rkevich, V.F.
proizvod-c',vo, no. 2, 1961, 43 - 44
The Voronezhskiy zav-Ld tyazhelykh mekhanicheskiy pressov (Voronezh
Heavy Me-,han-L.-:a-'I Fres--~- has prcdac--d a "K38y' 2,500 ton double-crank single-
Il~ has designed by SKB-10 for the c,-l -s ping of large ob-
a-,'on pres.F. - d tam
I-ng w~Drk ani ii in-tended for rianking, bending, piercing, sharing and embossing
ccera-,~,.-~nF. Six hydro-pneuma-.c -hcls+ers wish a t:,tal of 500 -,on clamping stress
make i. ~,ffe- sba'low extrusion as well. The wide fronT is open,
.7 !-.e plazei and rem-,ved along the entire front, while the press can
and w--.rk rr,-,,
al-~--: b-e emplcy~d m-al-A-~cZP~'= cperat-'cna. The essential technical data are
.h-*- Ra-.ed pre-s.~.~rz~ - 2,500 tons; slide ~~Iock travel - 500 mm; num-
c-r of slid. block s-r--ke--z 8 p.minul~e, max'-mum spaces betwean the slide block
in and '.,he 1,250 mm; die aj:ace adjustment range - 500
r I 5CO M-11 - - 7,500
.rmi- ~pa~:e br~-,weer ~illarl tab-le len-th (tr~'ween pi-liars)
MIM i.a,.,-~ w--i--.h 2 000 rpn, mal-ri drive - 125 kw- -ver-all dimensions in plane
Card 1/ 2
A 1-Ln-"rjae sh-e--3.-.amoing pre.~.S A161/Ai~,3
-,-Ipw - 10 ',Yjo x 3,6C0 mm, maximum he-~gh,, over floor - 8,800 mm3 total height -
!2,6C0 mm., weler - 530 41:n. Tine frame :is di-smo,'Lntable; The table, pillara
az:.-I -'-r~~Ss haad ar,~- we24-e-d from '30 to 160 mm '.hic-k sheets t-7 the electr6-slag
welilng pr.),~eis. Th,:~ we-'gh, ::.f the largest all-welded parts is. aross head 86
t:ns, Zlide 60 "a-rle 95 The e~cen:;ri~-gsar drive is actuared t a
kw '.hr--igh beir; and gear All drive- gears are enclosed
*,hE, -.--rDsshead. The high-Sp~~-d (herringbone) transmission Is in a closed oil
wh'--'~ -,,ne le.4-apeed are 1uhr-':--,atej by pojirling. Clu-,;~n and brake are
ho-i c-f the t;vo---Jisk type, with pneumatic control., and rigid17 inter-
lhiz hea-- 7,rarE~Ier frorr. he frl.-tion surfa2es is rapid ftr the disks
a r h. c a-!-, i -~ c, la 1 w ~-,od-DwZ -~.h& flywher-.1 . The. pre3s ha~i two
k-1 r
...d~~ of *J-e silde 1,,!,:.-k - rigid ani apring-mounted ones, removing
-he w: 4: tfle m---irlent. of tha- Starting upward. Oil
~k frc.m -,5~e t,.i;; d,,-e a..
I iE u3a,-' f ~r all asar transmi-i-.s~oxis, rod ends, and worm
,f --nil .1 es, bolsters, and
ad,JuE:tmen'~ Sy:,*,,e-,T, axed gre;.iie for guid
tearingiz~. Bo, '"r. syitems ar,~ cerllral and atit:)matfs. Four s-.ationary
rane-s and one por4atl";z- panel are provided for in view of the Pre-=s size.
1111~-.--r- -are ) f1g7-xe--. n--ite, Essen-~'-ally full
ACCESSION NR: AP4038808 S/0128/64/000/005/00WO016
AUTHORS: Kurdyumov,'A. V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Skuchilov, A. I.
(Engineor); Gorokhov, V. P. (Engineer); Kofman, L. M.
TITLE: Purification of A14g-6 alloy from oxide films by fIltration through grain
SOURCE: Liteynoye proi-zvods-tvo, no. 5, 1964, 14-16
TOPIC TAGS: grain filter, filtration, aluminum alloy, alloy AMg 6, oxide film,
scab forrimtion, aluminum titanium alloy, aluminum manganese alloy, carnallito flux,j
gas contont, Dardoll Gudchanko mothod, alloy AK6, alloy D16
ADST,'Vk~;-L': Tho offoctivonass of grain filters (with different chemical composi-
4~4 ons) in frooing aluminum alloys Mg-6, AK6, and D16 of various nonmetallic
inclusions (gases, slags, and oxide films) was studied oxporimentally. Aluminum
A:,,,r,-6 was filtered in a device shown In Fig. 1 of the Enclosures. Here: 1- mixer;
2- siphon; 3- intermediate container; 4- filter; 5- casting, bac; 6- automatic regu-
lator of matal level in crystallizer; 7- crystallizer; 8- ingot. Two filter types
were testod: 1) magnesite grains(8-10 mm); 2) calcium fluoride and magnesium
A'luorido grains. The filtration material was cleaned by compressed air, heated to
Card 1/5
500-600kl, and pourod into "lie filter box of the casting device. The metal passed
through those filtors boCoro ontoring, the crystallizer, In the process of metal
Pouring the malt samples wore collected for chemical analysis. chair gas content
was dotlerrainod by the Dardell-riudchonko method. The results showed that filtering
of the alloys produced a considerable purification. Accordin.- to the diaGram shown
;n Fii~. 2 of tho Enrloauros the ingots filtered through the maGnesite grains
(curve 2) Md ono half as many impurities, and thoso filtered through the fluoride
grains (c-urvo 3) had one third as many impuritias as tho norifiltored samples
(curve 1). Dark inclusions of magnesium oxide and spinol were practically absent.
Gas concentration in ingots showed in a direct relation to the degree of thair
pollution (seo Fig. 3 of the Enclosures), Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 9 figures.'
DATE ACQt 05Jun64
ENCL: 03.
Card 2/5
NO REF SOV: 004-
OTHER: 000,
Fig.' #1.
Card 3/5
Distance from the top of the ingot
Fig. #2
Card 4/5
a. ""I
0. 475
47J /,0 425 4S 1.7S ZU. 47SNm~~
Fig. #3
Card 515
-ROSUER, Tadeusz; PINTOWSKA, Z.; SKUGI1-1Sr-1I-,-S-
Influence of impurities in vinyl acetate on the average degree of
polymerization of polyvinyl alcohol. Polimer7 6 no.12:391-395 '61.
1. Politechnika Szczecinska, Wydzial Chemiczny, Katedra Wlokien
Sztucznych. 2. Czlonek Rady Programowej miesiecznika "Polimery" (for
; _ , ,! , , ~j . I ~, , , , -.- i - ~'j %'t, .%' . - -.K ~! I .. ~ ~ .~. .
,., . -- , . ; G H ;J. -. . . ;
- I , -~t (-,---ncn ~e~ts. Zav. lab.
'L,. . lt,~r: ~ 1. ~;- - -. ites:ndn~7 .. I- (:~f -
3(~ n,. . I - 12 ~U- : "' ~ 1164. IFIA
I.. InstLtut o!3novn(,;,t khirrit.
Ways of obtaining better service from passenger elevators.
Gor. khoz. Mosk. 30 no.2:13-17 IF ?56. (MLRA 9:6)
An,&R', Ye., inzh.
Safety engineering in assembling large-block houses. Stroitel
no.9:29 5 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(Precast concrete conatruction-Safety measures)
Late results of triangular dilatation of the inferior puncta
lacrimalis and activation of the superior lacrimal canal. Vest.
oft. 74 no.2:35-38 161. (MIRA 14:4)
c r L'I cc fir ail
C,,r sp
in uerwe r F. I,,,
9-. zt:v
fp,(! r i.,! i
USSR / Husman and iLni-mal Morphology. Ner'.OU3 System. S-2
Periphural Nervous System.
kbs Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64814.
Au-'~hor Skuda
Inst ~--S.,iolensk 11-1adic-1 Instituto.
Title Conccrning the Accelerating Effect of a Novocaine
Block on thG Rogc-neration of the Peripheral Nervc.
Orig Pub: Tr. O_mo'j.,~nskoco mod. in-ta, 1~1'7 6,
.ib5tract: In adult rabbits the tibial portion of the right
sciatic n-jrve was sectioned at the hip ono cm
above the bifurcation. Beginning with the third
day aft-or the operation, triple bilateral perin-
al,hritic novocnaino blocks (ENTE) made in 15
anifaals: tho Ringer-Lock solution was introduced
into the perinaphritic cellular tissue of five
animals,-oight qni~nls were left intact after
Card 1/2
. I nict- I-led scj. or nm-,ocaino b'col-r,
C) n 1.n. I.;- s prrressr.-s In 2-n ri-.-i77e". PT)
inst. (-fj" 17(,,
SM10WIAK, J., Dipl. Ing.; SODAS, Davorin [translator]
Means for the -transmission of heat, and their application
in industries. Kemija u industriji 11 no.2:47-49 162.
1. -Iz inzenjerskog odjela AP tvornice Farbenfabriken
Bayer AG Leverkusen (for Szymkowiak). 2. "Chemcolor,"
Zagreb (for Skudas).
Makrolon. Kem ind 12 no.4:238-240 Ap 163.
1. Brodogradiliste, Split.
SKUDIN, Yu., int3truktor
Instructors receive certificates from the State Motor Vehicle
Inspection. Za rul. 17 no.6:8-9 Je 159. (MIRA 12-10)
l.Moskovskiy oblastnoy komitet Dobrovollnogo obahchostva sodeyatviya
armii, aviateii i flotu.
(Moscow Province--Automobile drivers)
0 00 U,
1# tg 11
A f, r P. K S I
Ic 11 W 11 $4 13 is
Ddarzalution Of Cholesterol In Wit dialyzate In
0. L. Sivadina (1st. Med. lust., Moscogy),
Vtiiiodd: 1947, No. a, 21-7.--The nor-
-trat at cho"te" in the sun Is 0. 1".35 m8.%.
In PsOriML:1, tbc Content 6 0.0"A3 ins.-O in the Istalthy
rKrti*a!g Of the skin, and as much as 0.40 mg.7,p in regious
immediately adjacent to the lesions. In the areas of the
actual Itsions the cholesterol level falls in the progreWre
stage of the ailment to below 0.17 mg.%, while during the
stationary stage it rim to OA4--;.49 mg.%. The detns.
werr made by dialysis Into glass bell jars fixed to the sur.
face of the Ala bycelfuloid dope. EtrOwasthe"vent,
-and the txposure was 3 min. DlwJ cholesterol was not
appreciably C td; it approached the upper limit oi
normAl (140 ttri
nc, or above). Artificial dermatitis (not
specified) also was atsocti. with a rLe of cholesteral in tb.
A"ted Skin areas. G. M. Kosolapoff
4) 41 44a
. . I
ZO 0
=0 0
A S a k A .11 Al L LPr K AL k iTr vAY 6*t ct &~swjcA T)rjx tie 0
j': 1". WOO
r -
'S,SV ot to to 19 N 14 K It Is it or a tr I[ N ft 1 !14
0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0
0* 0 0 0 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 Sio
. -1 Z. -
Propt~rties of phosphinic 8c-ld Fart 1:
phosphonates. 4hur. ob. kh-im,. 35 no-4:123-7-28 A z 1 r"';~
(MMA 18: 5)
lynam I c aof romatode fauna under c:---nd--I-.0-f- -,Z, t-e
Lithuanian S.S.R. Zoo!. zhur. 43 no.9:12-94-1303 't-1.
('XIRA 17: 11),
-nstltut zoolog-ii i parazitologii AN Litovskay SSR, Villnyus,
TRZZEBIATOWSKIq Wlodzinderz.- SKUDURSKI,, Frzysztof..--
Thermal dissociation of barium carbonate. Rocz chemii 36 no.9:1279-
1292 162.
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Technology,
Wroclaw,, and Department of Structural Research, Institute of
Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Scienceso Wroclaw.
.jo(jzjmjOrz; SKUDLARSKI, Krzysz,Lof
Tharmal decomposition of barium carbonate in the presence of
quartz. Rocz chemii 36 no.10114Z7-1439t62
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry.. Institute of Technology,
Wroclaw, and Department of Struatural. Research, Institute of'
Physical Ghemistry.9 Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclav.
USSR/Cultiva-,-.~Id Pli~zt.-t. Po-"toes. Veget,~3Cbles. 1"Ielons
Abs Jour Biol., Dio 1, !958, tio i617
Author 0. r.. mm~~-.%Ya
Inst !-.
Title Acc-imi,-Iation of Pigment arad Gr-3-W+ in Onion Plant,,3 112.d,,ar
Luminesc~~-,-. Lamp Irrad-la4;ion Under Covered Soil
Orig Pub UeY. zap. Brerstsk. gos. I)eL. it-t- 1956, is*ue 1.. 51-01
Abstract Pla"-L accrua-c-lation of d--j weig~-,-t, chlorophyLl and carot-in
-z:,.der various conditions of si.-Tiamentary irradia";ion, haS!
beer. s+;---ZUsd at Brest ImstitutL- on five varieties of onio-YI3.
Ga th-3 Strigunovskiy varie-,,,j it, wr-s shown that the greatest
acc,.milation, of pigments and increase of dry mass is observed
di-ring supplementary irradiation during the dark hours of the
lay, (9 ho---.-,7s per day.). By rai~img the irradiation from 2500
-~o 10;000 1,2x, in different varie-lies the accumulation of
ct:1aropk-r1l and earo-~Un increased up to 10.037 and 0,559 g for
1 kg off r;reen dry mass resspectuflely. 11he most sensitive var-
iE;ties t~o linnineecent irradiation appear to be the Bessonovskiy.,
and Arzaymsskiy. Around the clock irradiation of
Card I.P. t1he o-nfor-- shows positive results.
Daylight fluorescent lamps and the forcing of green vegetables in
winter. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel-otd.VEO no.1-72-77 159. (MM 14:4)
(Fluorseent, lamps) . (Forcing (Plants))
(Vegetable gardening)
Raising cummiber seedlings with additional artificiall light.
Sbor. nwu(-;h, rab., Bel, otd. VBO no.3:21&-221 '-61, (%MIR-~ 14:12)
(Plants, Effect of light on)
Changes in the 'Safety, regulations 6onceraing use of electric
equipment in industrial plants." Promonerg. 12 n0-9:7-8 S '57.
(MIRA 10:10)
(Electric engineering--Safety, measures)
ZY]ORTOV. G.K., inzh.;
Indirect method for checking the installations of high-voltage
d.c. cutouts. Prom.energ. 15 no.6:19-20 Je 16o. 04IRA 13:7)
1. Energosbyt Chelyabenrgo (for Zykunov). 2. Chelyabinskugoll
(for Skudnov).
(Electric circuit breakers)
Dete-mining the true deformation in the neck of a specimen
in tensile tests. Zav. lab. 30 no.9;1123-1126 164.
(MIRA lgt3)
1. Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Zhdanova.
L 01796-66 E79T(m 130 (w) IEWA (d)/T/3f P (t)/I~i-P (k)13MTP (z) 17,41,c
ACCESSION NR: AP5021498 UR/0370/65/000/004/0117/0125
AUTHOR: Skudnov, V. A. -_(.Qorlkiy); Sokolov, L. D. (Gor'kiy)
TITLE: Ductility pressure working of metals
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 4, 1965, 117-125
TOPIC TAGS: metalwork', 9. 1 tic deformation, ductility
ABSTRACT: The deform i ity of a number of materials was studied, using tensile
tests, open swaging, deformation in punches, rolling and stamping. The purpose of
the work was to determine the effect of the stressed state on maximum ductility.
The average specific pressures for any of these methods of deformation are calcu-
lated from the formula p av= PIP, where P is the force on the metal in the direction,
of tool travel along the.main axis of deformation at the moment of destruction, P
is area of contact between metal and tool, perpendicular to the direction Of tool
travel. The results are tabulated and graphed. A linear relationship was found be',-
tween the maximum ductility expressed 'in the form of logarithmic deformation
e= log h0/hj and the stressed state n= p /ai vhere a.' is the true resistance to
Card 1/2
L 01796-66
deformation. The slopes of the lines vary for the various materials tested, whic
indicates that the effect of the stressed state on ductility varies. The authors
introduce the ductility criterion for metals ges-et as an index of this effect,
where el is the maximum ductility for n= I (i.e. under tension) and e2 is maxim
ductility under any other stre d t t conditions for n2> 1. The relation P
between the sFed sta~pe is closer for magnesium and Dural AK
ductil ty and stre han
it is for Dural D11and MAts9-2 ronZA This shows that this relationship becomes
weaker as the ductility of the metal increAses. Graphs are given for n(*). It is
shown that this function may be used for calculating maximum degrees of deformation.
in various pressure processes of metalworking for.practically any temperature and
speed conditions. Orig. arti has: 4 figures, 4 tables.
NO REF SOV: 005 OTHERi 000
C-ard 2/2
-"UDNUVA, ~ ---
Three cuses of unusual forms of ectopic -oregnancy. Akush. i
gin. 35 no-3:118-119 Kv-Je '59. (MIRA 12: 8)
1. Iz ginekologicheskogo otdelenlya (zav. - ,)rof.G.V.Edel'berg)
6-y gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollaitsy (glavnyy vrach li-S-Shevyakov),
ovarial & tubal, umisnal forms (Rus))
.'-'~c ~Vl.
, 1, . "~ .
'): ;- I . .
Coins, Ancient
Finds of I'kolkhidok" c :.-*Lns and, pithoi at the Nymph-aeum.
Vest. drev. ist. No. 21 1952.
9. Monti-a List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. OCLASSIFIED.
KUKSINq M.V., kand.sel'Bkokhoz.nauk;.SKUDITOVA, Ye.O.(Skudnovap IE.O.]
Selection of annual grasses and legumes to assure a continuous
supply of green fodder. Nauch. trudy UASHN 9:48-57 159. (MIRA 14:3)
(Grasses) (Legumes)
t IV .
AUTHORS: Hiraalovskaya, M.S., and 3kl-idnova, Ye.V. (Moscow)
TITLE: Reaction of Tellurium wit-R-A-1-u-m-i-n-i-u-m---,U~timonide (0
vzaimodeystvii tellura s antimonidom all.Fuminiya)
PERIODICAL: Izvesb'-iya akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheski-kh
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 10,59,Nr 2,pp 104-108 (USSR)
ABST1W-T: Aluminium antimonide, AlSb, is a potentially useful semi-
r-onductor material in the radio industry and for solar
batteries (Ref 1). Addition of tellurium im roves the
electrical properties of the material (Ref T The
authors outline available information in the systems
Al-Sb, Sb-Te and A!-Te and .-o on to desci-ibe
experiments. The materials were preplared from grade
AV-000 aluminium, grade SU-00 antimony purif-I'led by vacn~:au
distillation and containing Of ;-'-L-7 Al I Fe and Xg,
and tellurium melted from powue- and ',-Ace va::,,,-.,ur~L-'
distilied (containing traces c.- Si, M-, A:, ~,'u anz-1
Alloys were prepared by c-, 12 1 nT, a
corundum cm.,cibles when using a
furnace, respectively. The Di el-::S ~za~' a t 11' 01 'U,
for an hour; occasional c-' cc.:~ip~~siuion were
Card 1/3
carried out because of possible ',,-ac,---L-Jza'sion. Thermal
SuV/180- 5c) - 2- 18/34'
Reaction of Tellurium with Aluminium
analysis (with recording on a Kurnakov pyrometer),
microstructure-study and microhardness determination
(with a type PMT-3 machine) were the methods mainly use-`,
Tile equilibrium diagram for tflio system AI-Sb-Te is _zi-i,
in Fig 1. Figs 2a and 2b slaow tile micros tructures fc.,-,,
tile AlSb-Te; from these and microhardness determilila-
tions with various heat treab_,ients the authors assuwe~~_'.
the existence in the Al-Sb-Te system of some regions r'-f
solid solutions based on aluminiui-,i antililonide. To
elucidate phase equilibria in tI-le system the AlSb -
A12TO3 and AlSb - Sb2Te3 sections were studied.
Figs 2 v and -,,- show microstruc*5-1.1res for the first an~`k
Fig 3afor the second sectiong 1.1-ie corresponding
equilibrium (polythermal) dia-~,a- s being given in Fi-g-z
4 and To provide addi t4o nal I 'Ga the sect-ons
i ~ Uez. _L
Al2Te3 Sb2Te3 and Al2Te3 - Sb were studied, the
microstructures being shown in Figs 36 and ;v and 3g'
respectively, and the diagrams of Al2Te3
Card 2/3 Sb2Te in Fig 6. The authors conclude from their
resuNs that tellurium is not in equilibriiLm with
Reaction of Tellurium with Aluminium. Ant-imonide
aluminium antimonide. They have shown that'. Al1Sb-Al9Te3,
A12Te3-Sb2Te3 and A12Te3-Sb are the quasi-binary sections
of the system and have triangulated it accordingly. A
considerable region of solid solutions based on AlSb
exists on the AlSb_Al2Te section. It has been shown
that the solubility of A12Te3 and AlSb reaches
Card 3/3 40 atomic % Al2Te3 -
There are 6 figures, I table and 11 references, 7 of
which are Soviet and 4 English. (The firres include 2
SUBMITTED: April 21-ir, 1958 plates
'57 r'9 t00 sov/i8o-59-4-24/48
AUTHORS: _Mirgalovskaya, M.S. and Skudnova, Ye.V. (Moscow)
TITLE- Study of the Structure and Properties of Aluminium
Telluride _~,
PERIODICAL* Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdelenive tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 4, pp 148-152
+ 1 plate (USSR)
ABSTRACTz Aluminium telluride was prepared from zone refined
aluminium and tellurium melted together in stoichiometric
proportions at 10000C under argon in an induction or
resistance furnace. Fig 1 shows the microstructure,
Fig 2 shows a series of X-ray photographs of (a) A12Te3
in air, (b) pure Te, (c) A12Te3 in A. Calculations from
the lines obtained are given in Table 1. It is shown
that A12Te3 has a hexagonal structure with a ~ 4.07,
c = 6.93 and c/a = 1.69. From a comparison with Al2Se3
;of the Wurtzite
it is shown that A12Te3 has a latticel
type. Table 2 shows the properties of sulphides.
selenides and tellurides of aluminium. AlqTe is a
deficiency-type conductor with conductivity lR5 ohm-1cm-1.
The temperature coefficient is 270 IiV/OC~ Fig 4 shows
Card 1/2 that the conductivity increases markedly at melting point,.,
Study of the Structure and Froperties of Aluminium Telluride
Fig 5 shows log conductivity against inverse temperature
for very pure materials. This shows it is an intrinsic
semiconductor.,,,4Unfortunately its instability in air makes
practical applications impossible., There are 5 figures,
2 tables and 8 ret'erences (1 Engtish, 2 German, 2 French
and 3 Soviet),
SUBMITTED: November 3. 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: blirgalovskaya, N. S. , Skudnova, Ye. V. SOVPE-4-5-2a/46
TITLE: Investigation of the Alloy of 'he Sy3tem A'Sb-A19 3
(Iseledovaniye splavov sistemy AlSb-.Al 2 Te3)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ne organic fie fikoy khimij., 1,959- Vol 4, Nr 5v
pp 1113-1120 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The solid solutiors in the system AlSb-Al 2Te3 were investigate(L
The alloy was produced from purest aluminum of the type
AV-OOVI and antimony of the type and, tellur-itung which
was produced. by double sublimation in a vaouvir. The alloy
was melted in a corundum crunible in an argon atmosphere.
The following investligattion3 of the alloys were carried out:
differential-thervial analysis, ground-section atructural
analy,sis, mic.7ohardness, radioanalysis, end investigation of
electric conluctivity, The phase diagram of the quasi-binary
section AlSb,.Al2Te3 ie shown by figure 1. The solidus line
in this sy~?tem was determined, By the mi,:rost:7uotural method
and by X.-ray arialyu.'s the 3olub--`J_iy -.)f A',Te3in
Card 1/3 AlSb was determineft. The reault.,- obtai-ned by m-j iuro structural
Investigation of the Alloy r_f SyZ--'EL A!St-.!_-'.)T----5 S1U7/.1'1,-'1---2a/46
analjq~.j show that ~;Ine allcy_~ )f the AlSb-Al 2 Te 3
~iave a phase stru,:~tura up -.:; `.5 2c, by weigh',, Al 2Te 3' In
a1lc,.,,s w th more by* ;;e:.P,~L~ A! .'e'.
1 4 inr,,~~:-crystalline
iiquf.dation The are shown by
-? 4 -'It Te
-3;~.n p 1 .? 5 w ',I V, a., 2 3
r 2 by w
have tw~ pha3so, By rf~d- )g7a- ... - - . 0
- L ph; _',nvc!9toatj.,.)n the character
of the I-r.,lid -o'i.uti:)VS WaS It WiLS found that,
with format-to-i of rhe sz-'-_~:_'n Te YL SbAl a
h e T, 1 e n t JL s -,,,r z s e a t- a het9rovalent
exzha_~_~-e pla Th-i the alloy Df the system
A!Sb--Al Ta Jncreases -.he ran&s of tha solid solution
2 3
with an in~:raase of Al 12 T~~3 --concentration,. Data are given by
figure 6. The ellectrical )f -,he ~,olid solutions
AlSb-,Al 2 Te 3 were investigated. Th-~, deperxd3rca of electric
condu3tivity on tempera-, al'.;_~y-, with 24 L% 'I), weight Al 2 Te 3
Card 2/3 was invest-1-gal-ed and is sLo*,,.,r, b~, f~.g-_-ro 7, Th.- dependence of
Investigation of the Allo~r of the System AlSb-A-12Te 5 SOV/76-4-r-2a/46
the thermal conductivity of the allay on the composition
of the system AlSb-A! 2Te3 was investigated and is shown by
figure 6. Alloys with more than 20 ~6' by weight Al2Te3 are
p-conductors. There are 8 figureF-,. 1 table, and `1 references,
6 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959
Card 3/3
UD. , I i, .. " -~~ ", I ~ r -- " I ~, ) !I I : I . I -
:.. - - ~ . - . . ,. . - ~:, - I." moscowl 1960, 36 PP, 150 cop
(Inst. of Metallurgy im A. A. Baykov, AS USSR) (KL, 43-6o, 119)
AUTHORS: .-Skudnova, Ye. V., Mirgalovskaya, M. S.
TITLE: The effective distribution coefficient of tellurium in
aluminum antimonide
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no. 11, 1962, 2568-2571
T-*-XTs Tellurium being one of the most important admixtures used in
preparing n-type aluminum antimonide, its effective distribution
coefficient in A13b, Keff (Te), was determined in the course of pulling
macrocry.-3talline rods by Czochralskils method.- This was done in two
aifferent "ays: (1) by colorimetric determination of the tellurium
concentration in the solid and liquid phases in mutual contact;
(2) by determining the variation in tellurium concentration along the'
pulled rod. The admixture of Te was 0.05 to 0.2~ by weight. Chemical
analysis showed that Te is in effect completely soluble in the melt and
does not volatilize. The pulled rods were uniform. Using method 1, K eff
was found to be 0.5 independently of the Te concentration. The basic
Card 1/2
The effective distribution coefficient... B101//B186
equation used ~n ;iiethod 2 reads c = Kc 0(1-g) , where c0 is the initial
concentration ai the a6mixture in the melt, c the concentration of the
admixture at a given instant when pulling, K the distribution coefficient,
and g the fraction of' the melt that has solidified; g = (1-M/M 0); MO is
the initial weight of the melt and 14 the weight of the residual melt.
0 "1
The slope of the straight line log(c/c 0 f[log(l-g)] gives Keff ~ 0.5
in agreement with method 1. The error amounts to 5-10-i'l. Since, however,
the cross sections Al 2Te 3- Sb and Al2Te 3 - Sb2Te3in the system A!- Sb -Te
are quasibinary ana since Te is not in equilibrium with AlSb, this value
of K,-,., can only conditionally be accepted as the distribution coefficient
of Te. A study of the ternary phase diagrams is deemed necessary for
judging the interaction between acmixtures and semiconductors. There are
3 figures and 2 tables. The English-language reference is: D, Hazelby,
i. L. P:irmee, J. Electrochem. Soc., 107, 144 (196o).
SUBI;;ITTE;D: January 11, 1962
Card 2/2
=.~ --- t- --- t Y
Distribution coefficient of zinc in indiwa antimonide. Zhuroneorg.ktdm.
8 no-3:685-688 Mr 163. (,,LTPA 16:4)
(Indium antimonides) (Zinc) (Crystallography)
ACCESSION NR: AP4012441 S/0078/64/009/002/0367/0371
AUTHOR: Skudnova, Ye. V.; Karaseva, T. P.; Mirgalovskaya, M. S.
TITLE: Investigation of the In-Sb-Zn system
SOURCE: Zhurnal neorg. khim. v. 9, no. 2, 1964, 367-371
TOPIC TAGS: indium antimony'zinc system, system phase diagram., indium
antir-ionide, zinc antimonide, zinc sub 3 antimony
sub 2, zinc sub 4 antimony sub 3, indium antimonide zinc solution
ABS-RACT: The InSb-Zn, InSb-Zn3Sb2, InSb-Zn4Sb3.,and In--'b-ZnSb sections
of the In-Sb-Zn system were subjected to thermal and microscopic analysis.
The InSb-Zn3Sb2 section was found to be a quasibinary section of the eutectic
type. The other sections are not quasibinary. In the Zn-InSb
system the two components are in equilibrium only in the solid state. The
InSb phase is in equilibrium with all phases of the system. At 280C, solubility
of Zn in InSb is 0. 2 wt. 16 (0. 72 at. To), of Zn3Sb2, 0. 6 wt. %6 (0. 33 rn~ol. To), and
'Card 1/ 3
I of ZnSb, 0. 6 wt. 76 (0. 78 mol. 76). The relatively small area , of ternary solid
solutions based on InSb is explained by the differences in the cr stalline
structures of the InSb solvent and the Zn, ZnSb, and Zn3Sb2. A diagram, (Fig. 1
of the Enclosure).of the posibions of the fields of primary"crystallizath-In'in the
In-Sb-Zn systeLm shrjws 7 phases: In, Zn, -InSb, Zn~Sb2, Zn4Sb3,and.ZnSb. No
ternary phase was founO. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, I fable.,and 2formulas.
SUBiMTTED: 2lJan63
C.rd 2/3
ATD PRESS: 3066-
ENCL: 01
OTHER: 004
70 30
/0 W. JO it? 105h
wt 9kSb
Fig. 1. Fields of primary crystallization of phases in the In-Sb-Zn system
Card 313
L 06574-6-7- IJP(c) JD
ACC NRi AP6029015 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/008/141b
AUTHOR: Abrikosov, N. Kh.; Skudnova, Ye. V.; Poretskaya, L. V.; Pavlova, N. G. le~
ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov (Institut meta _1~ urgii)
71TLE: Investigation of the quarternary system eIn-Sb-Cd-Sn in order to determine the
phase equilibria at the InSb-CdSnSb2 cross section
':SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 8, 1966, 1416-142U
TOPIC TAGS: phase diagram, phase structure, phase equilibrium, phase analysis, indium,1
i 4
;antimony, cadmium
ABSTRACT: The object of the study was to determine the phase equilibria at the cross
isection of the In-Sb-Cd-Sn system which involves InSb and an alloy composed of 50 mol
:CdSb and 50 mol % SnSb. The composition of this alloy corresponds to CdSnSb2, a non-
!existent compound. The samples for the study were prepared by fusing mixtures of pure
onents in evacuated quartz ampo es at 700-8000C. Depending on specific composi-
comp ~A
:tion, the alloy samples were homo4qized by holding for at least 2000 hrs at 450, 400,
1320, or 3000C. The phase diagram6 are presented for all binary and ternary systems in-
Icluded in the In-Sb-Cd-Sn system. The results of the microstructure analysis and micro
;hardness for all systems investigated are tabulated. The InSb-(CdSnSbz) and the CdSb-:
I-SnSb cross sections were found to be non-quasibinary. The CdSb-SnSb al.loy was found'."I'l
Lc-rd 1/2 UDC: 546.682t546.86t546.811+546.48
L 06574-67
ACC NR. AP6029815
to be composed of two independent O-Iphases: Sn-Sb and CdSb(Cd4Sbs). The analysis of
the InSb-(CdSnSbz) cross section showed that at 3000C there exists an equilibrium amool
InSb, $-phase, 81-phase, and CdSb(Cd4Sbj). This cross section was found also to Oon+.*-~,'
tain less than 1 mol % CdSnSbz. Orig. art. has: 1-1 figures, 3 tables. v
SUB CODE:tI,20/ SUBM DATE: OlFeb66/ ORIG nF: 004/ OTH MF: 006
SKUDiNTYY . B.N., nauchn. red.
-Le ~
(Checking of radio measuring instruments; co!3 ctJon of
in3tructions and methodological pointers] Poverka radio-
izmeritelInykh pri'mrov; sbornik instruktsii i metodiche-
skikh ukazanii. Moskva, lzd-vo Standartov, 1965. 750 P.
(MIRA 18:10)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Go.:darstvennyy komitet stan-
dartov, mer I ivrieritellrVkh priborov.
Specification of the characteristics of the M7,-1 (IM-6) tran-
sistor low-power meter. Izm. tekh. no.3:51-52 Mr 165. (MIRA 18$5)
OT, 1~ -11A, .1 . C~ .
Si."JDA~'., .1. .. -- "Th-.3! Tensile Strength of Concrete." --dn hi.-her Educa-
tion Latvian St~itc U, .-,,iEa, 1956. (Dissertation for Der-ree of
Canlidate ol' Techn*ical S7ci.-mces)
30: i,.ni:,hna a Letocis' 'io '', October 1-56
USSR/Solid State Physics - Mechanical Properties of Crystals E-10
and Polycrystalline Compounds.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 11928
Author : Skkudira, ~A.M.
Title Long-Term Strength of Elastically-Viscous Bodies.
Orig Pub Vopr. dinamiki i dinam. prochnosti. Vyp. 4. Riga, AN Latv.
SSR, 1956, 5-19
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
USSE/Chemica 1 Teclnology- Chemi.~~l P--,,--duct-= ard. th=ir AppLisatiaL. J-12
Glass. Ce_~aniics. Con-siru,'--tion Material,;-
Abs Jour: Referat Zh--Kh., No 8, 1957, 2778_';~'
Author A.
_A__a ~-d~
Tust Academy of -Of LaLvian SSR.
Title Lasting Ter-sile StreWh c-f Ccnci-~~t~a-
Orig Pab: in symposium: Dz~zlede-wamiya ~,etonu i z1he'lezot-etor-u. Vvp. 1,
Riga, AN Latv. SSR, 19%;, 6i-76.
Abstract: The funda.-_~-ntai eTjations 1567. lasting stren,0~11_, ~)f concrIete
derived using rheoloqj-~ m_-tj:5:_s are diEcu~i'-ed. A special install -
tion vorkLlng cu th~= levv~~r p-inc_,ipie was used fir -rhe determination
of the :r~beologic, factor sz-1 tensile -strength of concrete. Con-
crete specimen6 were lcad--d a-ad ualcaded at various speed o~ were
loaded with a constant. iveigj%t. The deformatioas were measured by
ind_ic;ator_-; with fivefr:,Id ma,=Lfication anna by ter-someters. The
zheolog,_c factor ~,;as compated by the of concrete creeping
Card 111f. ..12.6..
USSR/CheinJr-a-L Technology. Chemical Products and their Application. J-12
Glass. Ceramics. Coa,5tructi(~n Materials.
Abs Jour: Referat Zb.-Kh., No 8, 1957, 27782
under constant load. The results of experiment,3 were compaired
with theoretical curves of lasting strength. Basin-g or, the two-
phase structure of concrete andsimilarly to the mechanical mo-
del,, it may be assumed that the strength of concrete is deter-
mined by its elastic phase. The limit of the lasting tensile
strength of concrete increases with its aging and is 0.75 of its
short duration tensile stz-ength aft-er 14 days and 0.9 thereof
after 200 days.
Card 2/2 -127-
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 210 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Skudra, A.M.
TITLE: 1_-f~e Long-term Cracking Resistance of Centrally Tensioned Reinforced-
concrete Elements (Dlitet'naya treshchinousto,rchivost' tsentral'no
rastyanutykh zhelezobetonnykh elementov)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Issled. po betonu i zhelezobetonu. Nr 2. Riga, AN LatvSSR,
1957, pp 145-149
ABSTRACT: The author considers the concrete as an elastic-viscous substance;
a model is used in which the effect of the reinforcement is accounted
for. The determination of the strain of the concrete, E (t), leads
to a linear differential equation. An equation is set up for the long-
term cracking resistance of the concrete, and a methodology is pro-
vided for the determination of the rheological coefficients entering
into that equation. The theoretical deductions are confirmed experi-
mentally. A comparison is made between the cracking resistance as
obtained by the author's formula, that given by the standards, and
those obtained by other authors.
Card 1/1 M, M. Kholmyanskiy
SOV/124 58 2 ?46i-'
Trar-Qlation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 1058 Nr 2, p 125 (USSR
AUTHOR: Skudra, A. M,
T"TLE- The Tensile Stress -rupture Behavior of Concrete (Dlitel'rava
prochnost' betona na rastyazheniye)
PERIODICAL: V sb, : Issledovaniya po betonu i zhelezobetonu. Nr 1, Riga.
AN LatvSSR, 1956, pp 61 76
ABSTRACT: Fundamental equations are obtained for the .5tress-rupture behav
ior of concrete. The equations comprise the rheological coeHic' -erts
of the concrete (the instantaneous elastic constant the long term
elastic constant, and the relxation time). which depend o- the age
of the concrete at the moment of load application Tht experime-al,
determination of these coefficients and the tens'le strength of the
concrete are shown. Following are the conclusions made on the
basis of the test results: L The strength oi a concrete is deter
mined by the strength of its elastic phase. 2. The tensile stress
rupture limit of concrete increases with the age of a cericrete; at the
age of 14 days it amounts to 0,75 of the short term tensile sf.rengllh,
Card 1/1 at the age of 200 days it has grown to 0.9. M M. Manu~van
GRINBERG, G.[Grinbergs, G.] (Riga); SKUDRA, A.(Riga)
Optimm vibromixing conditions of asphalt concrete. Vestis Latv ak
no.9:61-66 '60. (EZAI 10:9)
1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Institut stroitelistva I arkhitektury.
(Asphalt concrete)
Vibromizing of asphalt-coacrete rAxes. Avt.dor. 22 [i.e.231
no.9:15-16 5 160. (MIR& 13-9)
(Asphalt concrete) (Mixing machinery)
KUNNOS, Georgiy Yanovich; SKUDRA, Allbert Martynovich; VENGRANOVIGI, A.,
red.; PILADZE, fe-., tekhn. red.
[Theory and practice of vibration mixing of concrete) Tooriia i
praktika vibrosmeshivaniia betonnykh smesei. Riga, Izd--vo Akad.
nauk Latviiskoi SSRJ, 1962. 215 p. (mia 16:4)
(Vibrated concrete)
S "' , , A.:~f
L I.
of a vi-sco-clactic 'lo,,-!,.- i..!i--h visco-c-lastic r:?i_-LforcOmczits"
Fle~ort rresented at the 2nd ~M-Union Congress on T'7coretical and I-plied
Mechanics, Moscow 29 jan - 5 Felb 64.
n Lr.,,-
K,7a. n,,:
""j T 'o'
and scoliosis irt chJ 1d rert. Crt-op.,
p ro no.*112~74--?6 ri 'b5.
i A n tA L o t,ti t,:, a-l!~l ti) 1 oF I I I clrtxjfled i 1, . ~Ad -v
tu t t rwnra to I oF 1 1 A o r to,
r u n s d 1!
iihm-, July 30, 196~.
~%ethu--16 of f)rr-fabrira~dn,-, elec'r`e iristall---itions clurin.- thIp congtruc-lon of
'i ~ I - - 11
thv~ c)" CuIture and in ',Taraaw.
oland), 'Y*ol.
on t! i I y I ndex c f ',, -r-, t e -3 i on (17,F.Al ) LC Vol. 7, n'.). 5. lQ5F
ii. Ya. -- "Patnolo;,ico-~lor;i!i,).Ioric~il Changes of the Stomach and Intestines
of Horses That Dropped From Colic." Latvian Agriculturai Acaderm In Latvian
y, 19514-
(Dissertation for tne Degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences)
.): izvestiya Ak. Nauk Latviyskoj SSRI No. 9, Sept., 1955
Studying the process of continuous distilling-off of highly
volatile substances in the production of plasticizers from
dibutylphthalate and dioetylphthalate. Plast.massy no.3:64-
67 164. (MIRA 17:3)
Lill A U S (-,,V , AI
-'.K= Tt- NBERG S~ h
t(- foi-maldehyde on oxide catalysts.
Q-111RA 18:4)
I t F 165.
"cr's --* IDa". f ar
cto rhi nol a njn,~TI- -1c iri c -I ir-;-, 7-1:
'u1,11 juni
(Precistojnik: `rf,f. dr. Jarko
- ----- - - - I
Specialized waste utilization plart. Miai.ird.S.S.S.R. 3.3
no.6vlO-12 162. (MIRA '16gl)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu prdpriyatiy
myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Zherdev). 2. Rostovskiy sovet
narodnogo khozyaystva. (for Skuflin).
(Rostov Province-Meat industry-By-products)
1 7
Obs~ic'.-,.estva '--- =t--estvo-s--rtat--el-.:Iey
e- . -L - . -I.- Ll~
,,e i-,-u Erirody~di Pyesursov Vorony zhskoy oblasti. 5-yLLU ye t-ye n
Po isslyedonalri-m i osvol n e
o-7A Yp-styestvois-)-Itat,-.,-el,,,ev ?ri Voron,,,,ezh-k. Gos. Un-t,,,e.,T %TlJ, 1949, s-rl-,l
7.f T,7~'j 17,1 T'/
(Polif-rafich.'resi-aya ---'romyshl,,ennoztl - sm. U:~',2)
Yl. Obrhchi,,,e Votcrosy. Ekonomika Promyslilyen--iost'
Ts,-7eloy... Istori-ra T,,,erl,.nik3-
SO: Letor)is' 'I"o-40
(i,!V-r, ;:.-1 7 i_ t rev (t,-.bnrjr!:je) V
v- ar r.,l 1 ? 4 5,-'7 -
ii .1 In, K
r. n "Kh 7t-tey, Vol. 45, Moslvn, 104,
"Data on the Study of the Breeding Places of Tabanidae in the Vicinity of Voronezh,"
Zool. Zhur., 28, No. 6, 1949. Mbr., Chair Intevertebrate Zoology. Voronezh State
Univ., -cl9tP9-.
1, 3'tJLPiI4" K. V.
2. 1, S S R ( 660 )
azewin- flies
.L, -_- - -
flies, relict: s i-;,:. (D;ptera, T;ibanidae).
-c oulberal stage. 7ool. znur. 31, 55 ')2.
9. Mont~hly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january 1953. Unclassified.
am' IN, K.V.
Zoology of the door fly Ghrysope relictus Xg, Diptera Tabanidas.
Report 2: Zoology of egg laying. Zool.zhur.33 no.6:1289-1292
N-D '54. (MIU 8-.2)
1. Kafedra zoologii Voronezhakogo gosudarstvennogo univermi-
V~' ", ", ,
Zoological activities in the Rilmanian People's Republic. Zool.
zhur. 34 no.4:943-947 Jl-A,.g '55. (WRA 8:9)
UssR/ZooparAsitology. Acarida and Insects as Disease Vectors- G
Abs Jour I Ref Znur - Biologaya, No 22; 195,0, No 99617
Author : Skuflin, KiV;
Inst : So-cieiy'o-ffiattikalists, University of Vo
Title : Notes on the ~brphology of Eggs and Oviposition of Some
Species of Gadflies (Tabanidae) of Voronezhskaya Oblast.
Orig Pub Byul.0-va yestestvoispyt.pri Voronazhak. unte,1956,10,57-63
Abstract Results cf studies of morphological characteristics of
eggs and oviposition of Cusops relictus, Ch.caecutiens,
Crusozona pluvla2ls, Chr.hispanica, Tabanus confinic,
Tfulvi cornis, T.autumnalis,, T.tropicus, and
T.solstitialis are presented; a definition table of ovi-
position and original pictures are given.--ViV.Shevchenko.
* ronezh.
Card 1/1
red., IVANOV, V.A., red.; SKUFIIN. 1J., red.; SF-EMYA-K.M,
I.Ya., red.; VOROTNIKOVA, R-.V'.,red-; BEPIRGARDT,.N.Ye.,
tekhn. red.
[Our region; articles and seketches on the nature of the
native region]Nash krai; sbornik statei i ocherkov o pri-
rode rodnogo kraia. Voronezh, Voronezhakoe knizhnoe izd-
vo,1962. 48 p. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Vserosslyskoye obshchestvo sodeystviya okhrane prirody.
Voronezhskoye otdeleniye.
(Voronezh Province-Natural resources)
Life forms and landscape-determined ecological types of
horseflies (Diptera, Tabanidae). Zool. zhur. 42 n0-4:574-580
163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. State University of Voronezh.
(Horseflies) (Zoology-Ecology)
Gubkin, S. I., and q~~ ~, " Studies of the Residual Stresses in
Alloy 51S and Pure Aluminum Deformed in Forging." WDxks--QX - rder
-&ha-All IbajQ-n-Q_
of Lenip-Sgieat-if-ic-ResepL In~stiture Miteri -
~ch Vol II,
"Nonferrous Alloys: 2. Technology of Nonferrous Alloys," Oborongiz, 1949.
TISSR/Solid State Fhysics Structure of Deformab-Le Mattrials E-8
Abs Jour Ref Zhux - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 1o66
Author Gorelik, S.S., Gracheva, Yu.V,,, Forne-yev, N.O., Skugarev,
I.G., Spektor, E.N.
Title Relaxation and Recrystallization of Single-Phase and
Aging Alloys With a Nickel Base.
Orig Pub Sb. Mosk. in-t stalil 1957, 36, 103-130
Abstract An investigation was made of the influence of the content
of chromium from one to 20% on the temperature of the staA
of recrystallization of nichrome. Iz bras established that,
compared with nickel ' nichrome has a considerable higher -
recrystallization temperature. It was found that introdu-
cing into the nichrome alternately boron, molybdenum, and
tungsten while retaining the single-phas-?.~ nature of the al-
loy, has little effect on the temperature of the start of
recrystallization of the nichrome, but shifts the
Card 1/4
e of DefOrmabl, M&terial- E-8
-13SSR/Solid State Physics - Structur o66
Abs JOur Ref Zhur- Fizikay-xo 1, 1958, 1
;tallization up-,rt,,rd
temperature Of the end of rtcrYg ements that cause. aging
Introducing into the achroMe el in the rec1:,Ys.tajlizai;ion
leads to a considerable increase effect b,-~ing exhibited by
ure with the strongest num, titanium, alum'-
temperat,ng) into the nichromit- aluxi P~us molybde-
introduc us titanium,
titanium, alumix'M PI molybdenum P_U5 tungsten.
nium Plus titanium Plus rystal-
num, aluminum Plus -art of rec
temPer&tureLlof the st egrce of de--
A dependence Of the Oys on the d
of the investigated a- s most pronounce
lization tablished. It depend . In single-
n has been e nichroine
formatio e deEWee of deformation foIr -with tungsten)
cily on th ichrome base 5alloyed
,joys with a n is somewhat less
phMse a pendtnce art
molybdenum) and boron, this dt s the te,,erature of st
pronounCe'd, and in aging alloy d s1i0_,-t1y Vith increasing
Of recrystallization is reduce -,, investigated alloys'
degree of deformation- In allytit,, Ni + 13~ Cr, the
with the exception of tbe 'q"0
card 2/4
physics - Structure of DefOrma6ble Materials- v,-8
-USSR/Solid state __ I loqa. 1o66
Obrabotka splavov davleniyem; sbornik statey (Pressure Treatment of
Alloys; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. l41 p.
4,500 copies printed.
Eds.: (Title page): Korneyev, N.I., Doctor of Techn-Joal Soiences,
Professor, and S~~k~ Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Docent; Ed. (Inside Book): Samokhodskiy, A.I.., Engineer: Ed.of
Publishing House: Morozova, P.B.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.;
Managing Ed.: Zaymovskaya, A.S., Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineers, techn-icans, and
research workers in scientific research institutes. It may also
be used by design engineers and other personnel intere3ted In the
shaping and working of various metals and alloys.
COVERAGE: This collection of arti-Iles deals with modern me-4hods of
forming nickel alloys, structural steels, heat resistant alloys,
titanium alloys, and also aluminum and magnesium alloys. A descrip-
tion is given of the methods of measuring resistance of the3e
metals to deformation. It is stated that during the last years
great emphasis has been put in the USSR and abroad on production
Card 1/4